1 J -T!JlJ 3LE35IXG3 Oi' GuVEKX.UK.NTLIlLE THE DEWS OF DK.lTtJ, SU01I.3 BE riSTUirilTED ALIKE ll-O.V THE HIGH A.ND UIB LOW, THE EKK AM) HIE I'OOE. m mm, EBEM1G, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 18-53. vol. i so. a T i: it 3i s : The DEMOCRAT & SENTINEL is published every Friday morning, in Eben&burg, Cambria county,. I'a.r at .151 50 per annum, if jaiJ in advance, if not $2 will be charge!. ADVERTISEMENTS will be conspicuously iuser- i ted at the following rutes, viz : 1 square 3 insertions :l 00 Every subsequent insertion. 25 1 square 3 months 3 H) 4 4 44 J yCur ; J column 1 yew 0 HO .... .i g - Business Cards with 1 copy of the JJejiiocrut 4 Sculinel per year 5 00 , Letters must be post pni'J to secure attention. ?clctt Jottnj. TIIK KEC'OI-LEtTIOX. BT SHELLEi Wc wandered to tlic j ine forest. That skirts the ocean tu.iin. The lightest wind was in iu i.esr, The tempest in its home. T'hc whispering waves were hah" asleep, The clouds were gone to pl.iy. .And on the borom o! the el-ej, The smile of heaven Ijy ; I: seemed as if the l.our were one i-'etit from beyond the skies, "Which scattered from above the sun A light o! paradise. Wc paused amid the pines lh.it stood. The giants of '.he waste, Tortured iy Morris to shaped as mile As (Serpents inteilaeed. And soothed by every azure breath, That under heaven is blow n. To harmonies ami hues beneath, As tender as its own : -Now all the tree tops l.iy asleep. J.ike green waves on the ;ej, As i-tiil as in The silent deep The ocean woods inav he Ilr.Y calm it was! the r-ie r.ce ilttfre by sneli a chain w.is boui.d. That even tlie busy wood-pecker Made stiller Lv her sound 'I he nn ioiaLle quie'ues. The breath ol peace we liiew With its soft niado nor !es '1 he c:i!n) that rou:.;l r.s pew. 'J heie seemed fro:;! the remotest tc.it Oi the wide mountain waste To the so't flowers bei ejtii oui ieer, A mag'c circle trr;.-vi, A .-p.rit iuU-nu.-eJ anciid A thrill:! g LVi I lite. T mMtie:i!arv ;:. C it l-t.itd Our r:ei liatiireV strite: Ami stilt 1 n.lt the .--. it re uf i'h- n::- circle there Wr.s i.l.e tU.i form, thu liik-.l with L-vr 1 he "is r.'.til'ihere. . ttial Lu 'l' r ti.e iu.ii.-t Loi g'u. I ach fd i::id as tv.erc- .1 l:'.tr Gul.e-d in a v. 01 Id Le low; A iiriiiameiit ot put p! hsfct. Which in darU eartii lay Jke t,oi;::o:C:- t...m trie der.iu o: nt:' .'hi. A.'id purer than H".' iiiy' la niiich tie2 lovely :'oiet grew, As in tae upper air. More peii'ectboih in stiaiie aru! hue, Than any spreading ihre. There lay the glade and neighboring lawn, And through the dark green wxj, "Ihe white tun twinklirg like the dawn Out of a speckled cloud, tweet cv. s, which iu eur vorid alive t'an ueief well be teen. Were iuiaired by the '.Mi'ers Ioe t f that lair forest preen Ai d all was interfused beneath With an Klysian glow, An atuiOfphere without a bream, A totter day below. Like one be loved, the seen h id leut To the dark water's bread Its every leaf and lineament With more than truth expressed. Until tin envious wind crept by, Like an unwelcome thought, V inch tvom the mind too lai'.hful eve Ulots tine dear image out. -;iks anb jrhefclus. From the Utica Observer. THE SURRENDER OF BURGOYNE. BV AN' KYK V. ITXKSS. We recently had the pleasure of perusing a let ter written by the venerable Samuel Cody, of Vernon Centre, in this County, now iu his nuuUj third vear, in which he describes many of the in cidents connected with the surrender of Bur- j ciaents conneceeu wn. " . , goyne, on the 17th of October 1,77, of which he , an eye-witness Tmtj-J rcgular ' plain as print" and the lines so com pact that sixty-two are written upon a page r ,-1 SIXlriu.e.. - . o letterpar. Con rss had ordered the ; ies in the Continental regiments, to be , by drafts, "but," says the venerable , - - 1 common deficieucie made up by draft patriot: My father said ho would take ne pia.e oi , nno nri T'cTuMild that of another. 1 his was IU the spring of 1777 and our term of service was to expire on the 10th of January, 1778. We were placed in Captain Keep's Company, Col. Shep herd's Regiment and Gen. Glover's Brigade. Wo marched to Claverack, on the Hudson, where we endured the greatest sufferings from disease, want of provisions, clothing, &c. We soon learn- j .i v. r: fiplinvlcr vrus retrentmr lwforc the LH limb v.. v. . .. j n ... . i i i .i ;,.:...i o't !.., nr Saratoga. The Indians nick- ! WU. ouiujiv. m , ed off our sentries at nignt, onugreae aissausiac-; tion existed until General Gates took command, ; . ji? , instilled into our soldiers. I Tr rations became ample and good, with a gill j our rauous oe. j, j ..-r v..a u--ilI now tro back and i n more retreating." "Amen," I he do with bin? Is the poor, dear general a meet J the sprout goin' to fight U Arabs? Or did 1 get tho ca-!MeT!l,h,rStiUJer- I Ll and old Lbin after the t'other boss broke sireamianu mti uk told them by our fortification tncy coma come no further. Here they were strongly fortified, but must have known they were in a bad situa tion. I suppose they thought of Bennington, and that the Green Mountain boys would be at thir tacks. Sexn they ohos to risk a buttle, and attacked the right wing of our army. This was 'a bloody half day until elark at night, and our forces lay on the ground ready for the event of the morning. The British returned to their quar ters, rested awhile, and then attacked again on the same ground. Here, as in the former en gagement, Arnold had centra and of the lighting forces. He did rot lack skill or courage in this battle, and would ' gii-e the i I his due.' The enemy fell back, and we took some prisoners and several pieces of artillery. We lay upon our arms that night, and were so near the British that we could hcar the Hessians relieve their guards. A great nuise Was kept up in their camp all night. At daylight we matched for their camp, but when v got where they were, they were not there, execjt wounded, sick and doctors to attend them, w h e they were quartcr cS. in large tents. We pursuVl the main lxdy, passing dead horses, the wrechof wagons and other things burned on their rc-tat, and came up with them at Saratoga Creek, vjiere they had planted their artillery. They complimented os with balls and shells tor perhaps two fmrs, with out benefit to themselves or detriment us, ex cept to one poor fellow, who was killel. We were under a steep hill, and I saw the bahand shells pass over us, but we lay as easy and qct as chickens under a hen's wings. We fortitit. I a tint on tne opposueMuc e. iu, i.e.wV nigb as that occupieu uy tue i.m.s.i, am. i.e- quently went to drive parties from ine creeh., where they came for water, as it w as scarce m their camp. I As we were aboUt to open our fire, a Hag of j truce arrived, attended by six very tall, richly iresstameu, wttn very mu capmc iops which w ere, 1 juelged, seven feet high. An ar- mistice of three davs, with a view to surrender, , was asKea. eixwuic uuusi uiui m oui mniv, with the best clothes we could procure, and with caps so high we had to look twice to see their tons.lwere selected to meet the flag. Terms of! i 7 surrender were finally concluded. Our brigade was ordered to march down the liill and parade cn the road leading .South, with Jill the music of the brigade in the centre, playing "Yankee Doodle.' We were but jnst paraded when the British Gen- tral, officers and staff, met close bv where I stood iu the ranks, au.l so near that i" could luar all i that was said. An Amcricnn oflioer sid ; "Gen. j Curgoyne -(Jen Gates.', Your stzv'titt. sir." Your servant , sir,' passed around. Gen. Bur- ;rvne saia, 1 r.rougti t;ie mtsioriune 01 w ar, "jcii r ' 'It is.ot though ,! ' , Oei.. Km g tie, ie- I the B.itish trotps iu I Gates, 1 am your prisenei' any misconduct of yours plied Gates. Then came the Bntjsh trocj columns, as rich! v elressea. clean ana suzai-ie men 1 as ever I saw. I saw not a smile 011 the face ef A1r.etics.113 or British. Xext came the Hessians and how shall I descrilK- the most miserable, lilthy, ill looking beings I ever saw in human form. But the fag end was the wemen, I sup j.omj. Many of them led horses, upon the bucks of which were thrown large oblong bags sew ed up at the ends. These bags contained provision, blankets, clothing utensils, &c, and in many ca ses were the heads of children sticking up above Ihehov.ses' backs?., through holes in the bags. Our orders were to maintain a respectable si- lence, but this last w as too much ! One ventu red a supprcsstel laugh his neighbor look the dise ase in a more violent form, nr.'il in a few mo ments the whole American lines w ere convulsed with the most uproarous laughter, and all at tin expense of the poor Hessians, their we-meii, chil elren and equipage. "As soen as they had all passed, we marched south a few miles and halted for the night, but by sunrise the next morningVc were 011 our way to Albany, ami marching all day and night, the next morning found us upon the cast of the river opposite Albany, where the bat e ground was an easy bed for a short time. The reason of this forced march was that the enemy were ascending the river to join F.urgoyne, but hearing ot his ele feat, they returned to New York. In a few days we we nt down the river several miles in sloops landed on the west side crossed the Jerseys joined Washington in Pennsylvania, (the British being in possession of Philadelphia,) mid arrived ! at Yallev Force in the latter part oJ I 'ecemoer, . ' 1777. Soiuctimc previously we h'A lost our tents, cooking utensils, ic, and s we did not , , kncllJcd our flour ii a knapsack' - - u oHn hot embiwe had a.,- One of my mess nau a smau copper ie iv.vi.--, - . .. - . 1- .1 .'n u-lii..l T 1 r .1- , i . . . .. . . i . t . . heslorc. made bush tats, ana atter- ' dui,!)g thc - Jn lJC n -t on coverel with snow, but I not suffer much from cold Mv term of enlistment on expired, and I ! was discharged ?00 inilesiroin home, without ! money, as Government J"d none to jay us. ! Washington sent an officer to draw rations from ! the country stores cn tlr route. After a nar i row rscapc" from drownitf in crossing the North i River, in twelve days C arrived at our homes , in Connecticut." . !m , i ' . A Jl . Mrs. Partington Fa, u is a great many me - , . , . , . . , , l.n nishiii in h;s cabinet: he must want to set elown prety often, pcor man. But .-.LI i Mt 1 i .1. ,1 .1 lllO Willi LOSS IJLifAitU 71 I! VI w nat on ui i.i ---- -- - Did he ride him to tb Texico wars, hke General arm uu iieu" "" "" Tavlor did old WheJ- J. V.1AA ca tu North Ca'lina to d ss any how, for they do some of theitserablest looking beasts that ever you seed nd that Camel, too what does down, the ti he fit the Texicans. My hus band had an d hoss Dobbin I do wonder now if that thar's fe someone! And they do say he keeps all oheni animals in a cabinet ! Mar ty on us, wha quar cabinet that must be !" Piedmont H'g- . The Autumn and its Lessons. Gross Insult to Our Flag ! All that is earthly must fade. This annual The last intelligence from Peru records a seri lesson, taught by the falling Vaf, the withering ous disturbance that occurred at the Chinch Isl frost, the silence which pervade the air, and the j ands, between a large number of masters of A v. reck and decay of vegetation as each returning j merican vessels and the Commandante of the Isl Autumn assumes her reign. AnolW Autumn j and. It appears that two seamen, belonging to is upon us now. The tassels of theeoru are dead the American ship Defiance, wet e arrested by and the husks of the standing have lo.-t their j the police and confined on board the guard ship green. Flower stocks that but a few short Hecks ! for shooting a jielican. The captain of the Deh hince stood green and growing, bearing prouily i auce upon learning the fact, repaired totheguard up their wealth and Moral beauty, now slant j ship and asked the lieutenant in command what stark and dead. The first intimatiou of appreach- Jwas the tine imposed, and was informed it was a ing dissolution rests upon all vegetation, yet amid .AiIa-. Tuts amount no i.iauca, aa iouvsieja these scenes, the friuts of atitumn are spread up- j the release of the men. The ciniinatieLirite rcfa on every siele. Apples lx-nd from the 1aw. nuts ! std to release them. wait on the trees for the loosing lingers of the frost, wagons go making home with homely roots, the graneries are already filled, and soon houed and garnered, the product of the vear will awi.tt the gialeful use of man and animal. All that is earthly must fade. We all do i lrpn tluir arrival on Utard the guard ship, the fade as the leaf." Man has his Spring, his Sum- I commandante treated them with the greatest rude mer, his Autumn, and his Winter. Some leaves ' an'l ordered the troops on deck, with load wait not for the frost and fall early, but we who 1 ed muskets and fixed bayonets, and then pre grow crisp and dry with age, and we who grow , sumptuously ordered the captains comprising the golden and glorious in the frosts of time, liiust all j deputation into their own boats. This orde-r they alike follow them to the earth. There are worm proceeded to o!ey, but whilst in the act of get etrteu fruits and blasted corn ears in the fields of ting in their boats, the guards rushed upon them i,1lnan; ty, as in the fields of vegetation. The -Vfgoel cue., only can find a place in the Morehou ; , , v.. tlsiIllilIiai1 The lesson of the au- , ,.,., , .. , ., v. j m ..-vn. unit juu.'-Lia.to tut; nun: suv ! jf'-tvf the eW of humau life. TiKyt;lr ;s iJLit a hollow farce without fruit as ,llC ,rTit. , A In,,,,,,, lif,. ! if tmn in which;vS stvI1 uo ,Vuit, U-tiavs a perversion of i soul that iUtligilt make an angel weep, as the , angels ItK)lv tuTt-n mrfni tin- worhl mm- tl nv fin,? n,Taces v.hich t;t .. . i... T chaj ac'ers well tnc.,i ,nlt ail(l cleati from all iiii- pu,ity, true witlotvli:iing un t;it. sloro houses, ana seeus oi an imm.-iiu i;fc 14.rfc.y.edt and ready to be ut; foil led in 1 li0e cverla.-t;n: u here aimels walk uti ! : '"''''s are w ude:H. Tie Talk cf Anthers. Ha.lstt's remark, tint authors were id"in ?miu " " ' tuI" 11 w I owers, seem to Me abundantly verified by Uv says : " Autho.s ought to be reai, aIItl llot iKflui ana as tei actors, tnty couia nej .vjwali tracciies in the drawing-room, and their Yjf- w-as likely to becomcdv and farce at a seeo.i ii:in.i 'i-i,,. "ograMiy efhtters, in a.gre.t measure, opinion j-some of the .rcatcs . , crlaltsl names i:t English and French hteraturc. men I who Lave filled books with an eloquence .r.d truth that uefv obli ueiy oouvi..!!, were mere mutes before ' their fellow men. 'J hcv had "olden inarofs. which in the privacy of home, they could convert into j No, Jones said he couldn't afford it." coin 1 .caring an impress that would insure uni- j My dear, innocent Abagail. Mr. Jones versal currency ; but they could not, on the sinkes his forty-nine cigars a day, as usual, spur of the moment, produce the farthings cur- ; dc.'t he V rent in the market place. Descartes, the famous 1 'Yes." mathematician and philosopher ; Lnfohtainl-, eel- j " Weil, he plays billiards, and takes his sher ebrated for his witty fables; and Bulfon, the : ryand hock, and alL that sort o thing down great rutturalist, were all singularly deficient in j ton, don't he?" the powers of conversation. Mammntcl, the nov- I ' 1 suppose so." elist, was so dull in society, that his frier, d said ? Well put that and that together? Just so of him, after an interview: "I must go and j Stith told me ' couldn't afford it.' I didn't road his talcs, to recompense ltyself for the wea- j dilute the point. It was too much trouble. I riness of hearing him." As to Conieille, the , ju-: smiled sweetly at him, as if I didn't know greatest eltunatist 0fF1-.1r.ee, he was completely it 'as a humbug, but I very quietly went to my lost in society so absent and embarrassed, that I bojdoir, and despatched a note to that jewel rl he wrote of himself .1 witty eoupet, importing that h'.w:'s intelligible but throujh the mouth of anolrT Wit on paper seems to be something widely different fiom that play of tords'in con versation, w hich, whilst it sparklfc, dies; for Charles II., the wittiest monarch tht ever sat ! on the English throne, was so charm.! with the humor cf " HudJ.rass," that he caui.,1 himself I to ! introduced, in tho character of o .;r.i!.l o . 4 ..1.,. 1, 1 ., . j'l I I UIV I gentleman, to Butler, its author be witty king fer.ml the author a very dull t-oipanion aim was cl opinion with many others, hat so stupid a fellow could never have written a clever a book. Salad for the Soli turn. ,, . . , T , . , bles in the reign cf Charles I, a country gnl . - , ' J i to London in search of a place as a servant uiJ ! ' : but not succeeding, she hired herself to cirr : i I out beer from a warehouse, aud was one ofthe called tub-women. The brewer observing a goj j Gt'.M Akaiuc. In Morocco, about the middle fooking girl in this low ocoupation, took her in ; of Novemlier, that is, after a rainy season, wliich his family as a servant, and after a short . tLm,' begins in July,; a gummy juice exudes snontane- i married her. Ho died while she was yet a youii'ou.-Iv from the trunk aud principal brandies of ! woman, and left her tho bulk of his fortune. The business of brewing dropped, aud Mr. Hide was . the furrow down Avhich it runs, either in t at the depot, anxiously and faithfully w atchmg . the use ot tne oass-vioi in cnurcu " " recotiimendcd to the young woman as a skillful ' vermicular (or worm) shape, or commonly as- ! for his master. For e ighteen long months he has overhauled by the congregation. The first Bun Iawycr, to arrange her husband's all'airs. Iliele fjim of vitl t, about j not failed to he on the ground. He examines cv- ! day af cr it was brought into use, he announced who was afterwards Fail of Clarendon findin" tho widow's fortune considerable, married her. By this marriage, there was no other issue than a daughter, who was afterwards the wife of James the II., and mother of Mary and Anne, Queens ofFngland. Prf.cocitt. The Tyler, Texas, Telegraph, o tne lutn, says : - gooa aettt nas teen said oi late about the precocity of American youth; but' nQ,rjcious. During the whole time of harvest, of j all that we have seen of them is completely out- ;, ;0urnev au.l nf this fuir. the M,.,,s of the de- i stripped by a Mexican boy' of San Antonio. He attempted to give in lus vote at the late dec - tion, but from his yonthful appearance his vote' was challenged, and it was proven on oath that he was but thirteen ye ars of age. The Lcelger savs that he has a wife, and a child one vear old. and for the sake of gratifying curiosity, the editor of that paper was led to consult a physician on the subiect. and was assured that this ' lv" cotdd not have been exceeding 11 years at the time of his marriage." . . i 1 tC7A Yankee has invented a machine which will churn, pound clothes, and pump water, and when complete will milk the cow; get tea and whip the cliildren. Wives will be abolished alto- gether. after this! . - .1 ' Xlie American captains then held a public j meeting, remonstrating against such arbitrary i proctcdings, and ajpointed a deputation of tw'en- ! 'y f"e of their number to wait upon the eom- m.'tnjante and inform him of their proceedings. J with their bayonets, and several of them trere se ; riously injured. The captain of the Defiance w:u ; supposed to be mortally wounded. The outrage has been represented to the United ; States Government at Washington by theMinis I tcr residing at Lima. Mr. Quimbcy (Adam i Co's messenger from Australia) id the bearer el the Ministers dispatch Iti speaking of the difficulty w iih the crew of j the Defiance, at Chincha, the Aspinwull Conner, ! of the 23rd ult., says : ''Sometime after the first j diili eulty. the Defiance, when going to sea, gave a j salute to the other American vessels, was fined 1 therefor, artel paid the fine to the fiiccr who boar ; de-d her, telling the latter, however, that he might j collect for another salute in a few moments. The ! Peruvian mandate was enraged at the discharge . 01 ine sccona gun, went on ixaru me ucuance '. with three armed boats crews, a- d aftrr a severe ) ' fcicounter, seized he caq ain, bound him and j ; thvw him into their boa's, severely injuring him, j A Peruvian officer and ercw then took the I)e- j j tfiance to Calloa, the cap'aiu being re ained in con- J I laieiuciii. .nr. iay, 1 m tt sa'ts .iiius er 10 ; Lima, for hwi'hchar'cred the Br P S Naval Co's if xsoirvia, ana wen ,0 1 ,e cnuicnar I VCi,,a c" He has sen dispatches to the goyeruujcu-.....u-g u.tiwlL f 1 I s eamcr Bolivia, and went to the Chinchar to in- homc What Mrs. Smith Said. 1 " Saint Aatha . not been out cf the cil v this i uomoi- a coctor. that I should be taken violent- lvjll alwut the time Sr.ith came home to dinner, ad shouldn't probabl- recover till after a trip to j 5'0-atoga or Niagara, .--r some of those quiet places. ! Veil, he is as keer a briar, and when Smith cime home and sr for hi in. he found me in a i sjitc of Joeeordai exhaustion, in the hands cf ! try maid Libbv fof..li. mi- t-.h.si. n-iso : ...J , , . .v. .. , '-Vfc'C..lj l C.V&t -;'IW 1IIUOV 1114 I s L V 1. i II , V- 1 f air.' Of coutse T objected ; declared I never; aoulel be moved ; was quite entirely run elown, ic. Doctor said ho wouldn't answer for the j tonsequences, and finally, to olIige Mr. Smith, I ; I rfivo ill llnt..rcinnil ? "Vlt bi n r lit. A i littlo ill- . plomacy. Always use the check rein, my dear j if jou want to start Jones off in anv directnn. ,- , . . , " . , . . Men are a little contrary, that's all. They'd be- , .. ' ,, , r .1 - perfect treasures, every mothers son of them, if . , - . is T, it was not for that. Fa iny I era. . . .the acacia tree. In about iif.ecn din's, it thick- j 'he size of a pigeon's egg, cf different colors, as :l 1 , i.i . t?. , . 41' bev belomr to the white or red cum tree. About he middle of December, the Moors encamp on ' e lx.rdei'S of the foreot, aud the liar est last six cks. I The gum is picked in very hu ge sacksof leath- , and brought on the backs of bullocks and ca ds to certain jiorts, where - it is sold to the . re.,.nch and rmrlUh meivhants. Gum is hiirhlv i:ve ainjct entire! v u.x.u it : and experience i iias proved that fcix ounces of gum are sufficient j - .,. ti, nirt r.c. twt v.Cur hours. I - I "The new postage enveloj.es do not appear to wect with favor in Texas, if wc judge by the fol- ,lowin notice of them' which wc fiad in tllC Col" rado Tribune : "Aneytatc the rag ou tne Duan We Ve secn Vm' ght three cents worth of Vm and .got cheated ; and we can say we don't think jnvuch of the artistic skill of Mr. Ncsbitt. The paper is A. No. 1 poor, and ranges from mudy (white to several other colors not prismatic, and .the stamp is an impression from a piece of wood engraved with an oyster knife. That's our kmrreiou." Eread and Eutter. Bread and butter is a theme, however homely, on which a volume might 1 written. Althought the appetite may tire of other-tliings, on tliis substantial ground it makes a. stand. It must be trained fo the liking of a far-fetched cookery, while the taste acquired at so much pains departs suddenly. Civiliy.ed men enjoy one kind of foexl, and catrnibesls another. Soin- are very simple in theirhabits, and like of Cyrus, at the courtly table to his grandfather, wonder at the multitude of dishes. But 110 man, Christian or heathen, quarrels with his bread and butter. It is acceptable the year round, onl tlio t ante univer sal, and never palls. You cannot cat it to sur feit or ever return to it with disgust. If it in a bad quality, that dies not destroy your affection. You blame the baker, but stick to the bread. I Goad brea and buttrr in the fuiimer time are peculiarly didieious. the very stafl'oOife. Wh-n the llonr is the finest wheat, the yeast of a buoy ant nature, and the loaf, with its crust proper! v baked, has whiteness of snow and lightness of a sponge ; when the butter has thefiavor of fresh grass and the color of new-minted gold, eat to your he-art's content, and desire nothing else. When yon have come in at the nooa-tide hour, wearied with your expedition to the inountain tep. your walk hi tne wecds your Miil en the lake, or our botanizing on the n. endows; when you have lalxnt-d faithfully iu the garek-n, reotingout the weeds from the cucumbers, green peas, sweet corn and cauliflowers which arc to grace your table, contracting a sharp apj elite from the smell of the mould; when you have riurncd with wood cock fioin the swamp, or iuve been -a fishing," and then the golden butter and fresh bread are set before you. garnished, perhaps, with a well elressed lettuce, or a few short-top scarlet radish es, each crackling and brittle as glass well may you disdain the aid ofceoks for is a feast which an anchoriote might not refuse, and which an epicure might envy. Ki.ickctlH:!.er. ZZf" The following dialogue once occurred in I an editors snnctiitn m i-ngiana, ii UiStm- gui.-heel telitor was in his study. A long, thin, and ghostly gentleman was announced. With au asthmatic voice, but in a tene of civility ; (for otherwise the e ditor would liavc trMisfixe him with a fiery iaragiaph.) the stranger said ; 'Sir. your journal of yesterday contained false iuformatif n." Impossible, tir ; but tell me to what you al lude." 'You said that Mr. M. had been, tried." Condemned." 'Very true." Ibm-." j -Most true." "Now, sir, 1 am tite 'Impossible.' 'email himself. ' a fact : and now I hope you '1 assure von i' is w in eouirautet wnat you nave aiiecsgea. 'Bv no means, sir." '-How i v ha; do vot . mean ? You are del an- god." 'I may be, sir ; but 1 will not do it." 'I will complain to a mngi-eaatc." "As you plca-e : but I never retract. The most that I can do for you is to announce that the rope broke and that you arc now in perfect health. 1 have my principles, sir ; I never de ceive."' JR0Krx JjAnhs. .inlcdgte. 110, that nas ; !. , t Ml 11 nad uoUlir two at lie .me in i-uis, ana nas j heard of a b-oken hank, has not felt anxious un- ; lil ascertaine-el that the little hoard is not ' loi l'-V the failure of the institution ( Reheard a good story of a fellow who related his expert- once m til' matter when tiie Xahant Bank faileHl "As soon as 1 heard of it," savs he, "mv heart lumr.ttl ruim up inio mv mouui. xo, uunu (t,l I, s po.e 1 ye go, any L:!-, on that e e bank ? I m a pincr, t,t s a fact. o you m I on cct and put &r home as fast a.s m v lo-s would carry inc run all the way. Set when I got there I looked i aud fj5ln'1 1 liad'l ot. an.v bills on thal 1,ank nor ami oi.icr . the discc'ver-. He felt somewhat easier upon j J.vstixct. There is at Saratoga Springs, a fine Newfoundland dog, that for the last year and a ; hnlf litis watched the ayproacli and departure of i the railway cars from that j lace. The annual , was accitlently left at Saratogo axut eighteen months ago. and since that time net a tram has I departed iM.r one arrived, but this devoted dog is j erv stranger minutely, but makes acquaintance , with no one. . Nobody know s w here he eats, J sleeps, or anvthini further about hhn thaa that , he Las not found his wanier yt-t. lJ" ,' , . . .. ,u Green ... the habtt, sometimes, f , r'Tar- drawingi-;on a barrel ofsermons.bequea'.hed h.iu bv his father, who was also a minister. I pern j one occasion he got hold of a sernion,hy mistake, which the old gentleman had once preached to the Siae Prison convicts. It opened well, and the congregation was becoming deely interested, when all at once the parson surprised them with j the informatie.n, that " had it nett been for the i Cicrr. etlO V or UlC UO Cl nor,e ery one; oi mou void have been hung a Ions time ogo. " i r 4Y Sue Had Him Tuebe. In his U-cture lately, at Bost6n, Dr. Boy n ton related, wistung to explain to a little girl the manner in which the lobster casts its shell, when it has outgrown it, said : "What do you do when you have outgrown your clothes ? You throw them aside do'nt "O, no," replied the little one, "u-clct out the .' tucls!" ge of The Doctor confessed sh had th advanta him there. How a Coat was Identified. In a Justice's Court, in this city, a case was recently decided in a novel way. A coat was in dispute, and the evidence was direct and positive for both claimants ; the parties were Irish ond full of grit, " ready to spend all they had rather than to give up beat." The alfoir had been care fully examined, and the court was in a " quan dary ."not knowing w ho had the best claim 011 the garment. However, a moment before his Honor was to sum np the evidence, PatrickPowi er, one of the claimants, made the following pro position Ujr.ictU.iug the affair. Said Patrick : " Tinierthy Maguiie, now you nay that eoat bt-loiigs to yourself intirely. I say it is my own. Now mind ye, Timothy, that both iv us will take thq coat an' look it all over, an' the man that finds his name on it shall be the owner." " Done," said Timothy. " An' yell slick to the bargain ?" said Pat rick. " To lie sure," answered Timothy, and yes rejoined counsel on both sides. ' Thin hxk at it," said Patrick, as he passed the coat into the hands of Timothy, who vainly searched every part of it for his name, and pas- sed it to Patrick, bcastingly saying, "an now let us se e if you can be findin' the likes of your own name on the garmef.t." 'Ye '11 stick to the 'grecment," said Patrick, eagerly grasping the coat. Ijon the h.'nor ov a man," replied Timo thy. ' Thin hould on a bit," sail Patrick, as ha drew his knife and opened a corner in the collar of his coat, taking therefrom two very fcmall peas, exclaiming as he held them in Ins hand There do you see that ?" " Y'is, but what iv that," said Timothy. " A divil a dale it has to do w id it it's mo name to lie sure ita lor Patrick, and pea for Powers, be Jabers !" He tiot the coat, he did. Boston Bee. Dung for another man's Wife. Mr. resides in Henry street. His wife, who is an eco nomical body, had sent a costly silk gown to a French dyer. The dyer himself brought the dress hemic, and unlucky as it happened, met the hus band of the laely at the d.ior. 'Is Madaiu within i" asked the Frenchman. The husband, w ho is of a jealous disposition, re plied: -And suppose the is, wLatdj you want with ! her V ! '"I'm dying for her, sare." 1 "You dying for my wife get out of my houso, j you scoundrel !" and he Lad just raised his foot j to kick the honest mechanic in the street, as tho j lady made her appearance, and set the matter to : riirhts. 1 j HI7A stroke of wit, accompanied by a delicacy , f inIlU. was iavid off bv a ladr. who was en- gaged shortly to be married. The intended bridegroom, perceiving her talking for a com-iJ-erable time, and w iih much apparent pleasure, to another gentleman, said to her " I will be revenged of your fidelity, and show the letters which you have written to me." " Eo," said the lady, " I have nothing to blush for, except the dikecTIOX." 2Z7" " I have brought you this bill until I am sick and tired of it," said a collector to a debtor, upon whom he had called at least forty times. 'You are, eh ?" coolly replied tho debtor. Yes, I am 1" was the response. "Well then, you had better not present it again. There will be two of us pleased if you do not ; for to tell the truth, I Y.i sick and tired of seeing j that identical bill myself. j gp-Lord Byron's tfrst rhyme Was written in 1 , - . a .....v. - MTOl rr in rAA woman who bad 1 . , - , , . . ,. ... , .,,,,1, .f .e. I nis uiuu.va. V"' , . , tQ Swin : . c . , , iii t t;u -5 viv.- w--. - And when she does die, which I hope will b , f n She firmly believes she will go to the .Moon, -Julius, why didn't you oblong your stay at the Springs ?" " Kase, Mr. S.iow, th y charge too much." How ao, Julius ?" Wy, de landlord charged dij colored individ ual w id itealiu' de fcpoons." 7 A country clergyman, being opposed to the psalm as loitow s . m pi - y now fiddle and sing the 'jUX JW, SCCOaa pan. ouort icUc !'' I "Did vou eve r see a forte V asked a city gent of a lady from 'he coun ry, at one of Maretrek'a a Vo . 5',, xx,l h , indoiCri. , ' . T . . , . . , r.rA, . raoie air, i iuu v imj-u.vj- y It is estimated that not less than four mil lions of dollars have been spent by Southerner this summer in sight-seeing and dissipation at tha I Norll4, r p- X tv. ni ion. LLc sitrini; t flowers, breaks thro ,e ,....,. around at last : and tho near which seeks but fe.r another heart to make it hap kllV UlVOt iivwm O m py, will never seek in vain- .. r.r i ;..n. Jackson's "Tak j Lut whoa the time for action time to deliberate, but j comes, stop thinking. m KtH.p llXl at least three paces distant fiom ' yo who bates bread, music, and the laugh of a ir rii w as a iuau. v child. tt Yoimir folks tell what ther do ; old one ' what they hare done : and fools, what th7 will 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers