Ml TOE BLESSINGS OF GOVERNMENT, LIKK THE IJEW3 OP HEAVEN', SHOULD EE DISTRIBUTED ALIKE 17PON .TITE HIGII AND THE LOW, THE RICTI AND THE FOOR. W SEMES. EDEXSBIRC, FRiDIV, OCTOBER 28, 1853. VOL. I NO. 9. mj nit- Jl'ii'llJI'JV JV 1 1 Jv ita it in iu AeV 7 -1 m i i fi" J I Jk-- TEB3ISS . Tbe DEMOCRAT & SKNTINLb is published every - : rida Srr-np' in Ebensb"rS' co,,nt Fa., (it ?1 BO per unntim, if paid in adi-ance, if not $2 Trill be charged. ' iADYERTISr.MKNTS will be conspicuously iuscr- tod at the following rntes, vlx ; 1 squre 3 insertions tivery subsequent insertion 1 square 3 months I tt .1 ' 44 1 ycr.r ' J column 1 T(:r SI 00 2r S 00 5 00 8 00 f.O 00 18 00 I i ' business Cards with i cepv of the Democrat Sen tit J per year 5 CO Letters must be post puM to secure attention. Select octri. Bl'UY ME IN TUE JIORXISO. B X MRS. IIILE. Bury me in the morning. riio'Ltr ; Oh! let me Live the hght Of one bright day on my grave, mother, yea leave me alone with night ; Alone in the niht of the grive, mother Tis a thoucht of terrible fear! And you will be brie alone, mother, And stnrs v,l! be shining here, bury me in the morn, mother, And let me have the lii?ht Of one bright day cn my grave, mother, Ere I ftm alcne with night. You teli of the Saviour's love. mcLcr I fcrl it in my heart; Eut. oh! from t'ui beautiful v.orl L mother, :Tis hnrtl for the younj to part! Forever to part, vhen here, n.o'her, The soul is fain to May, Tor ihc graie is deep and daik, mother, And heaven peenib far a-.v.iy. Then burv m in the more, n.o'her, And let n e h?.ve the light .Ofcr.e biigut day on my grave, mo'her, T.;e I am alrr.e v.i'h the night. Xeerunchip my hand, mother, Till it falls av.'cy frcm thine Let me hold the pledge of thy love, mother, Till I feel the love divine: The love divine Oh! look mother Above, ita beams I sec ; And tLeie nn angel s face, mother, Is smiling down on me ! So bury me in the morn, mother. W Len iunbenma flood the nicy Tor I;u i the gate of Life, mother, Ar.d leads tc llt.Lt rn h:r.h WOfUl'S rtlGIITS. it riciiAun roe. Tis vcrrar."s holy, blccied right, To watch beside the bed, (i iuiancy, throughout .hc night Of darhmss "round it rpre;id"7 To rcothe in accents soft and mild, Vhcr.e"cr it may complain ; To breathe a prayer aboe her child, That God may heal again. Tis'r holy, b!csc-J ri,!it, To pnr.i ti e t.'.ey.s. ol you'h. And r he J the influence of her m'.ht On innocence and you'ii '. To pnit'.e, to cour.fth aiid Le.rier.d. To comfort rj.d to rheer; li. joy to sr;ilo, in gritl to UnJ A eymputhisin tc ir. 'Tin's l.o'y, hlerrcd nghf. To rttiii hcod s life, To le n fclace : m! r.''.;;:ht Ar fcr.d snd iaitbtu! vi.'t ; With 1 i:n to her Maker' praie, With him to Ler.d l.rr knee: Tr.revchout the cverlastirc days. To The', Ore..! Cod, to Thtc ! Tin wrman'i holy, blesrcd rignt, To give to faltering ae, Ti c me of both her vo-'ce a.nd sijiht. To read 'he iscicd Trgc. Cn vbicb. in glowing charr.cters, 1 l.c vhiie the rtns fhe rcsdr, The g'orioup privilege is her5, Of ser.tle though: and deeds. 'Tie' liolv, lle-rtcj lir'at. 1 c v Li'pcr '- lcaec ! tc Mdl ! ' herc arcry tempests ;hll arTrigh, Or threaten man with ill ; J7er right to love him from hi birth. To weep above his sod ; To be, the while b tread the earth. Co-worker ui' Cod! A SOCIAL ESFERIEIEHT. A recent number rf the Leader contains a letter from America, by the penis al of which -have been cxeccdiiigly interest nnj wc ma,y add, deeply impres. jt relates to the ssscci- ation of Fo ' ( -a Jtr;cy, and concludes ! ": Jn ;orr c oVervations upon social morals in the United Sts'.es generally. The letter will repay an attentive perusal : I spent some five months at the North Amcri- Twn.t,-rv. and entered sufficiently into its , industries and social arrangements to acquire an j social thscase, and the social want thereby indi ,intimate knowledge of its 'workings. Looked at j cated, may well 1 failures. They have been, from a Fouricrist point of view, it is a complete j they are, they will be. It is upon this rock that failure. In its attempted organization cf labour, the North American Phalanstery has split; the there is not yet after a strenuous and pcrsevc- j same will shatter the Raritan Bay Unic-n, with ring attempt of ten years' duration thc first ! all its business-like management and practical glimpse of any thing like "-attractive industry." i talents. The Moelem Times Reform alone at I never saw any set of people go about their , tempts to grapple with this master euflieulty, work in a more uninterested, or in a more slip- and it docs it in the way at nonce manly and phi sbod manner, than the members of the North A- Iosophical of boldly guaranteeing to woman her merican Thalanx, with, of course, some few ex- j natural right and highest duty, that of supreme ceptions. A company of New-York mechanics, sovereignly in her own legitimate domain that house-builders, for example, present an appear-e,f the affections. auce of infinitely greater animation. A want of profemnd sincerity is, I believe, the In regard to social relations, you find precisely ; essential cause of these associationist failures. the wme evils as elsewhere, with a considerable Commencing by an attempted expurgation of the intensification in several respects. The j-oung immoral portions of Fourier's doctrines, the move people are, in general, intensely unhappy. Edu- -; meut only drew upon itself a double suspicion ; Ution can hardly be said to exist, and there ; the imagination supplied the untranslated portions icCTUS to be ft studious avoidance of all inculca- j of Fourier s works, while the attempt at couceal tionef Fourier's doctrines, the major portion of meut became an ineffaceable impeachment both hich are absolutely proscribed. j pon the manliness and integrity of the entire On the other hand, it would be difficult to ex- cause. The incipient vice propagated itself thro derate the bright side of the picture ; and it is all the subsequent stages ; and the most striking tS which is the first to strike the attention of feature in the history of all these associations ,7r7nU The cr-raniration of dorr.cstic ic- 1 down to th incM rnts f my five months stay at J dustry, although very imperfect, has accomplish- j ed all that the most sanguine social reformers hove anticipated in this direction. So far from the prognostications of the political economists as to the universal level of misery )eing accom pliihed, it is proved practically that the miseries of poverty are purely artificial. Tor five mon hs I lived 'with my family at a public table spread with necessaries, and even many luxuries, supe oi to those enjoyed by the average of the middle classes in England, at yet and prices within the means of the mechanic, and even of the agricul tural labourer. Moreover, the spacious and even elegant dining-hall of the association was, many a time during the winter months, converted into j a ball and assembly -room, w here, at a cost with- j in the means of the poorest, entertainments were j enjoyed, such as in real, significant beauty, I i have seldom f-iun surpassed. I The f j'.lowcr.s of Charles Fourier, who are in ; this country very numerous, seem to be chiefly ; of two classes those who regard the failure of j this attempt and its forty defunct predecessors : as owing to their Luiittrial poverty, and tho.-e I who attribute it to the inherent vices of the or ! gaiiization. Far;ts are entirely on the side of the j latter. Both regard the assumption of the name ; rf " Phalanstery1' ly this little association with ! ficlings akin to indignation, and certainly not ! without reason ; for the general course of life at i the -Coiih American Phalanstery is a miserable ' caricature of the fairy -like conceptions of the ; mat?rirJit rouritri'.es ; while the more rational j social leformcrs may well be irritated at the pub- lie odium brought on reform in general by the ' absurdities and inconsistencies practised in its . name. - - ! The intelligent portion of social reformers are nearly all looking in the direction of " Modern j Times." The identity of this movement with J the Phalanstery of Charles Fourier, in the most essential principles, is ljeginningto be recognised i by the most advanced social reformers here. The essential conditions of associative industry, as ! conceived of by Fourier, cither exist, or may be J reasonably expected to grow up spontaneously, ; in the " i'.quitable Village." The orgauizatie.n of i domestic industry, and the various economics 1 which constitute the very staple of the previous j reformatory attempts, will here be based on their j natural perhaps only possible foundation ; ; while, in regard to the social relations, this move ment has advantages which must inevitably give it the predominance over ell narrower schemes. The fact is, that in this country it is just here where the r. al difficult y lies. In the United States, generally .labour is well paid abunelantlr ! paid. Although I have never visited the Scuth j ern States, I am well satisfied that even mclu j ding them, there is no country in the world where J the men and women who actually do the hard work of society receive fr their own ci nsumption so ! i large r.n amount of its produce. And, further, : i in no country in the world eb those into whose ! hands society commits the charge of its vast mas ses of accumulated wealth, employ those masses more fjr the- grneral welfare and progress of hu manity. They arc satisfied with that which ex ists ; they will not hear of any other. From time to time effecting practical ameliorations, many ' of which contain, too, the germs of grand ulteri- or develcpements, they feel tliemsr-Ivcs already J the most highly-favoured people in the world, and fiaCtcr themselves, not without goed reason, that I they cannot better serve humanity than by seiz- ing every occasion for extending the area over ! which Coats proudly the banner of the s'.ars and I stripes emblem of freedom, industry and ph-n- The field, then, of industrial organization, is al ! most closed against the reformer. But turn your : glance towards social relations, and the picture j w ill be very different. This is in reality the dark j side of American life. I have been here now over two years, and I kuow strangers cannot pene 'tratesofar. I do not hesita'e to s-ay that no I w here in the world is there so wide-sprcaddomes-! tic unhappiness as here in the United Stales of : America, especially among the more wea-lthv classes. True, I judge mainly frcra wl;;vt I know ! of the great cities, not being aco tainted, pcrson- ally with the country h the great States of the ! T est. Tkt more rnr-nd sv-rniitoms. however. are n unline-il to an- locality. The Women's Rights Conventions are attended as well in Ohio a.i in any Eastern States. And they are not the only symptom ; spirit-rapping itself is, I am well assured from what I have seen, indicative of so cial disease, especially in relation to the domestic circle. Social reforms, then, which limit themselves to industrial organization, and studiously ignore the existence of thedeepest and most wide-spread the North American Phalanstery, is the want of manly sincerity in the leading men. But the vice is general throughout American society. It seems to me a natural consequence of the too-much prolonged attempt to believe in the incredible," succeeded by a public profes sion of what the mind is ultimately compelled to recognise as " inconsistent with known facts." The decay of real religious faith, indeed, is, I am convinced, at the bottom of much of the social misery existing in this country. The people have lost their old faiths, and with them the ba sis of their moral sentiments, and have found no new ones. Hence the general decay of the moral sentiment ; for it is Mrs. Grundy alone w1k keeps society together here ! The moral senti ment is low indeed : an unbridled selfishness rules i - over all. Personal interest is, in these days, coming to be regarded and not in this country alone as the sole motive worthy of a rational man. I am well assured that a man who pre tended to be actuated by any other, would be distrusted throughout all commercial circles. Is it any wonder, then, that woman suffers ? woman, our moral providence? With the moral sentiments the human affections fall to a dis count ; and Women's Rights Conventions are naturally the order of the day. If the Modern Times Reform did nothing but utter its protest against the rampant selfishness which disdains all considerations but that of individual interests material interests, too it would merit cur sympathy, and prove itself something far other than the mere-ly disorganizing influence for which Henry James has mistaken it. II. E. Education in Russia Very little is known in this country of the habits, feelings, and state of civilization of the Russians. We are accustomed to consider them a benighted nation of slaves, inhabiting a coun try into which the schoolmaster has not yet pene trated; but the following statistical details, drawn from reliable sources, may perhaps give our readers a different Impression, or at least enable them to form some idea of the actual state of publie instruction in the ciupire of the Czar. There are appertaining to the depart me-ut of the Minister of Public Instruction : G universi ties, 1 normal school, 3 lyCeums, 77 gymnasia, 433 district school, l.CGS town schools and 592 private schools ; in all 2,810 establishments for education, under the care of 5.04 teachers, and containing 11S,327 students. This is in Russia proper. Russian Poland has, besides, 1,539 schools cf various kinds, frerrmritrd by P4.584 students, 183 of which are private institutions ; and in the Caucasus are no less than 5 schools, S of which are private, with 237 teachers and 3.302 stuelents. i here are 21 theoloncal seminaries, nclongmg ; to the Greek church, with 72 teachers and 1.2G1 students ; 14 of the Armenian doctrine, with 45 teachers and 72S students ; 8 teachers and GG0 students in the Lutheran establishment ; and 11 Mohammedan schools, 7 of which are of the Shute order and 4 of the Sanniic persuasion, instructing in all 5SG studrats. There are 27 military colleges, all of which are under the elirection of the heir apparent, the Grand Duke Ciesar Alexander. They are supcr intentleel by 8G5 professors, and are frequented by 8,000 stuelents. In addition there are ten naval schools, with 3.920 students under the charge of 337 teachers. The Minister of the Finances has S5 schools belonging to his department. He employs 4G1 teachers and instructs 9,779 students. The foundations of the Empress Mary are 40 in numWr 30 schools for girls, with Go'J tuto resses and 5.S77 pupils, and 10 for boys, with 80 masters and 1,938 pupils. There are two schools of civil engineering, with S5 professors and 416 students ; three lawr scheols. six institutions under the direction ot the lecre- i cry eii State, with 9G profi-ssors and 993 student. These are all, probaply, intended to fit 3'oung men for official life. We must not forget an in stitution devoted to tlse teaching of the oriental languages, with SO professors and 207 students. There are 2G agricultural schools, with 124 teachers and 1,591 students; and 2,096 village schools in the domain of the crown, employing 2,783 teachers, and giving instruction to 14,064 males and 4,843 females. , Thus, it appears that in Russia 257,597 young persons are receiving insirucuon 01 some waa, ' . from ! 11 iTT Innnhorc f tbB rl t of nno teacher to 17 1-2 pupibs a very favorable proportion to . . m. , - t. . Wlin vo pruiesburs auuuvi Miiueuis, aim nine i . . , , . ,, . . . .. . . 1 . printed reciir-sts to their passengers to 4 use tl -. i no r i rfil ... v . j ti f schools appertaining to tne l oat "lcc Depart . , , , . , , i4 . , - -"-- j , 'e s,tteons :nd mvt the floor, and not to put u inenf . With 'Jd l"ricnr nnd r".1 1,.r.c nn.t . . - . . ... . . 1 4,4 '"""' "" I their fet iimn the seats: so long as we snail con the student, ine popuiauon oi rvussia proper i may he set down afSout 55,000,000, so tLtjday. But the prince would have sooner died of only one individual in 220 receives the benefits of j hunger thn sutler a point of etiquette to! trs- instruction. This is a small proportion com pared aire with thc United States, where, occording to the last census repeirt, 4,000,000 of youth, at the rate of one in every five free persons, arc receiving instruction from 115,000 teachersin nearly 100, 000 schools and colleges. Nevertheless, 250,000 well-educated young persons, disperseel each year in the different quarters of that huge empire, cannot fail to gradually leave there mark upon the national character, in good time. We know more about the quantity than the quality of these schools, as Russian publicists have seldom anything to say on the subject ; but it is generally admitted that thc military institutions are of the highest order. The agri cultural school of the imperial demain is said to be admirably managed, and is under the imme diate supervision of Nicholas. 250 peasants are thoroughly instructed in theoretical and practical cultivation, and are then sent to model farms in various parts of the country, to 6et a reforming example to the neighborhood- The tuition lasts ! four yearn , and is divided into three periods. In the first year, the boys arc taught reading writing arithemetic and surveying. In the second gram mar, mathematics, and the elements of agricul ture ; and durijig the third and fourth, agricul ture ; practically as well as theoretically, and mechanics. Besides these branches, they are in structed in trades which mar I useful to the farmer, such as tailoring, shoe making, cabinet making, cooperage, blacksmiths, and carpenter's work, and in the construction of agricultural ma chines. A foundry, brickyard, a pottery, tan yard, a candle and soap factory, and a windmill are attached jo the school. It is not required that each sttnnt shall pursue all these branches. The teachers are to judge of the aptitude of each pupil, and to direct him accordingly but every - xpected one upon leaving the establishment is expec to possess a thorough acquaintance with the gen- cral principles and practice ef agriculture, and a comoetent knowledge of the collateral branches. At th" last exposition of the agricultural pro ducts of RussU, at St. Petersburg' the various objects sent in by this school excited great atten- tion. The leathers, in particular, were of so fine j a qulity that they were selcctcel for exhibition in the World's Fair of London in 1851 Public instrtjrtion was commenced in Russia as fir back as in the early part of the 17th century4 but it was noi until the time of Peter the Great that it began Vo take thf shape and direction it has since assumed. In 1724, he founded the Aca f Sciences atSt Petersburg ;hc had alrcdy estab lished the first naval school Inl755 the Empress Elizabeth founeled the University of Moscow, the oldest in Ruia, and inl757 the Academy of Arts. Catharine 12 founded the college of Moscow in 17G3, the college of St- Petersburg in 1772 ; and in 1783, the Russian Academy, which now forms the sectnd division of the Academy ofScie-n-ccs. Paul established, in 1799, the Academy of sur gery and Melicine. In 1802, Alexander created t he office of Minister or Public instruction, ani mateel by a dtsire to raise the moral level of his people. In 1804, he founded an Engineer's school and two unaersities that fKasaw and Char kow and continued, until the end of his reign, to give great attention to the subject of education. mongothcrfoundations which thc Russians owe ! to him are the school for the Daaf and Dumb, tho Orphan Asybm of Gatschina, and the College cf Mid wives. , Under the 2ar Nicholas, public eduueation in Russia has taken a new start and a new direction, and primary schools, under government supervis- ; t t . , .. . . 1 ions, nave w;n esuousneu inrougnoui iuecm-j pire. Ar.-U. Juvt Posit American Manners. Bishop Potter, a man who ha s done great scr- t th;Si (ll0 (w0 gentlemen burst into a loud vice in the cause of education in this country, in a j iaugh, and seemed to 'consider it as vastly amu recent aeldrtss speaks of American manners in sing. the loiiowing language : I 44 1 am a little afraid that a great many people j in this country are rather prone to unelcrvaluc this part cf cducttion. Certainly we have no admi ration for any tiling finical or affected in manners. Wcelon't wait the manners of a village dancing school. But genuine good breeding, gentle man ners, ease, moelesly, and propriety of bearing, we do exceedingly value. When shall we. cease to be elescribed as a spit ting nation ? as a lounging people ? When shall we cease to le known by our slovenly speech, by our practice of sating with our feet higher than mir head. During an excursion of several months in Eu rope last year, I met hundreds of English at home and on tic Continent, in every sort of situ ation. I nevcj saw one spit. I cannot remem bcr that I ever raw one, however fatigued, loung ing or sitting in an unbecoming manner. .So long as the State shall feel itself obliged to I provielc 'spittoons' for its legislative halls ; so long as the directors of our railroads shall find oc casion to at'.ich to the inside of their carriages, le tinuc to fill Oir enversatten and our political harrangues vith the slang of the fish market, let us not be surprised or angry if foreigners some times make tie-mselve'S witty at our expense. Anel, in tin meantime, let all those who arc en trusted with i the care of the young, use their ut most efforts f correct these national barbarisms, and to form the manners of the rising generation, after a moVel more elevated and refined." t- . 1 nnA if a wMmn. Aiwln'nn prince wh wasvety hungry, that he remained " - 4 n... i i i;,, Koi-fincf. sev couiu not ioulu anui v...s ...,.., the officei in rank was absent in the country, ! trnl.' not. 1k at bis nost in less than half a trCSSCa. Mario Antoinette, Queen of Franc, is said to'St a severe cold one day. while waitinc ... ... to have ai uneler ganr.cnt put on, the lady in waiting being at the time absent, and the next ladv not iarins to infringe the law of etiquette, lilllY 1IJ1 JUllU ill Hill iuv " I ' which rendered the pleasing office of dressing thc Queen thc exclusive privilege of the first lady cf the bed-cltamber. ' -A pedlar calling on an elderly la- Up to Him. dy, thc other day, to dispose of some goods, in his conversation inquired if she could tell him of j any road that no pedlar ever travelled. 44 Yes," j said she, 44 1 know of one, and only one, which no pedlar has ever traveled, (the pedlars counten ance brightened) and that's the road to Heaven !" 7" 44 De congregashun vil plesh to sing the von tousimd ant two'th psalm," said a Dutch parson, as he gave out the morning hymn. 44 There are not &o maav in the. book leKjOaiTfld. the choriflter; " 44 Vel dm pleckto sirg so my as tare ba" Who was the Gentlerran ? " Please, sir, don't push ko." It was in endeavoring J) penetrate the dense crowd that nearly fille-d the entrance, and block ed up the doorway, one of our popular lec tures, that this exclamation mot my attention. It proceeded from a little girl of net more than ten years, who hemmed by the wall on one side, and the crowd on the other, was vainly endeav oring to extricate herself. The person addressed paid no attention to the entreaty of the little ono, but pushed on towards the door. 44 1xk he-re, bir," said a man whosecoarse ap parel, sturdy frame, and toil embrowned hands j contracted strongly with tbede-licatejy gloved fin j j gerS) curling locks and expensive broadcloth of j the firmer. 44 Look here-, sir. vou 're a iamininir thai little pal's bonnet all tew smash. Vith them elbows cfvourn." gruffly replied the individ- j 44 Can't help that ual addressed : 44 1 look to N'o. One." j Vou (ake cne of Vo. Gne do TO ? Wall i ,?. . v i, . t. t w,i;,.,t . r - tryman, and with the.-e words, he took the little girl in his arms, and placing his broad shoulders against the slight form of the lat'er, he pushed him through the crowd, clown the stei'S, landing him with somewhat mere La'c than dignity, in ! the street be-tow. j Thc young gctlesnan picked himself up, but j rather intimidated by the stout fist of the sfran- ger, and rather abashed by t lie laughter of the j crowd, concluded it was alxmt time fur him to go home. In polite: society the former would lie courted and admired, and the latter overlooked and des pised ; 44 who was thc gentleman V On a raw and blustering day last winter, a young gill, with a basket on her arm, entered one of our stores. After making a few purchases, she turne-d to leave. Two gentlemen steod in thc doorway, whose appearance indicated that they thought themselves something, whose soft, sleek coats and delicate hands were apparently of about the same quality as their brains. As they made not the slightest movement as &he approached, the young girl hesitated a Kio mint, but seeing no other way, siie pouiejy re quested them to stand aside. Tliey lazily moved a fsw inches, allowing her barely room to pass, giving her, as slie did so, a broad stare, that bwught the color to her check, f.nd the fire to her eve. Ir. pav her fxt I slipped, and in endeavoring to srve i errelf, her basket felt, and the wind scattered its contents in every direction. "Lot mo assist you," e.-je-Iaimcd a pleasant voice, and a lad about sixteen, whose hand show ed that they were acejs'.omed to lab-jr, and who.-e .-. li i i ... :..:..,,, .i ,i. was the child of poverty, sprang forward, and j gathering up the articles, presented the basket j with a bow and a smile that would have graced a drawing room. 44 W ho was the gentleman ?" Boys, you are all ambitions to become gentle men. That is all very natural, but remember, that neither your own nor your parints' position in life, your tailor, your boot-black, or your bar ber can make you ene. Thc true gentleman is the same everywhere ; not only at the social par ty or ball, but iu the noi.-y mill, the busy shop, the crowded assembly, at home or in the street ; never e.ppressing the eak or ridiculing the un fortunate; respectful and attentive to his supeii ors ; pleasant and affable to his equals; careful and tender of the feelings of those whom he may ccmsider beneath hi in. Nassau Tel. Nathaniel Hawtherue on Woman's Rights. Pspise woman? No! She is the most ad mirable handiwork ef God, in her true place and character. Her place is at man's side. Her of fice, that of the sympathiser ; the unreserved, un questioning Uliever; the recogniziiion, w ithheld in every other manner, but given iu pity, through woman's heart, lest man should utterly lose faun in himself ; the echo oftiod's own voice, pronoun- All the separate action j emir, ii ." of woman is, and ever has been, and always shall be, false, foolish, vain, destructive e.f her own best and holiest qualities, void of every good effect, and i ,,.1 ,.,-t i-p ff intolerable mischiefs! Man is a 1 .rott-l. viUUnut woman ; but woman is a mons- ,. r,,micior without man in lw.rta lmannarv monster uuiouiiuu .. - - " - , i - . j e .. - I l.,1 as her acknow legaa principal . - " ; once a in other whom I loved, were there any pos- . ,. , c,j sible l- , chscn. ZotZZt i ... ... ; they have missed woman's hneor because nature maue imm . i .i a rcaav neuner mini er i woman ! if there were a chance of their tttainmg j the end which these pitticoated monstrosities j have in view, I would call upon my own sex to I ' ' - ; use its physical force, that unmistakable evidence - 0f sovereignty, to scourge them back wi;luntneir proper bounds ! But it will not be needful. The 1 heart of true womanhood Knows ue.-c w t . &ccks lo 8lray beyond it ! ! ... i ;t, i - Our Opinion. I have found, 6ays Addison, that the men who are really the most fond of the ladies, who cherish for them thc highest respect. are seldom the most popular with the sex. ieu of great assurance, w hose tongues are highly hung, who make words supply the place of ideas, and place compliment in the room of sentiment, are there favorites. A due respect for waa leads to re&pectMioa. towards tiemaaO. f recpect is '. ef fettreat is yjrayg trrraeei.-ir Worthy cf a Yankee. A Jersey Tavern keeper who had become more celebrated for the length of his bills than for the abundance of his table, met w ith one as sSirj aa himself on one occason. A Yankee happening to pass through that barbarous region, stopped at this min's hotel and ordered dinner. When fee came to pay the bill he was astonished to find it a retched out to the round 6urn of six dollars. This rather startled the Yankee, and he demand e-d to know what he had eaten, that such a bill should be charged. The landlord replied, 44 the bill will show you.' 0"n consulting it he found e oral kinds of wines and extras. " dl, look here ! I didn't have non of yonr wines there w as none of that 'ere steuT brought on for me, and I won't pay the bill !" ; " ''"i xvf" never wait for orders here we know i our business, replied the landlord. 44 The wine was on the table, and you could drink it or not, tnal was FOKr business, not ours." The ankee saw there was no use in quarrel ling about the matter, with a broken heart he paid the bill. Three months after that our East- orn friend again made his appearance at the hotef and called for dinner. When he sat down to the table he laid a twenty dollar bill at the side of his plate end ortlered all the delicacies he could tui,lk of a1, thc wi,ics ,ie 00111(1 stomach. Whihr eating his dinner he called the attentive tie IaRdlord to the bill as to whether it was genuino or no1' ino 'ncuore. looked at it replied that it was and handed it back. As sexn as the Yankee had finished he put the money in lus pocket, walked cut of thc house mid jumped into hi a wagon. 4'llellcwl" said the. landlord, 44 you've not paid your bill !' 4'It,s your own fault," said thc Yankee, "I never wait to have a bill presented to m the rr.cnty laid on the table aid ygv could have ta ken it or not just as you told me about the wiat three months ago j esterday." The landlord swor a few as the Yankee's bom spattered the mud up the road. Prevalence op Baldness. From somecaus er other, baldness seems to befall much younger men than it did thirty or forty years ago. A very observant Latter informed us a f-hort time since, that he imagined much of it was owing to the common use Of wearing silk Labs, which, from their impermeability to the air, keep the bead at a much higher temperature than the old btaver structures, which, he also informed us. went out principally because we had used up all the beavers- in the Hudsin liny Company's terri tories. The adoption of silk hats has, however. given them time, it seems, to replenish the breed. This fact affords a singular instance of the influ ence of fashion upon the animals of a remote con tinent. It would le more singular still if the silk hat theory of baldness has any truth in it, as it would then turn out that we were sacrifi cing our own natural nap in order that the bea ver may recover his. Without endorsing the cI'ativo opinion of our hatter, we may, wo believe, state it as a well known circumstance, that soldiers in helmetted regiments are oftner bald than any other of our heroic defenders. Q'tar'er'y Jlcritir. QricK Repartee. Gov. Morris had ahighre peet fr Bihop Meore, a roan noted not only for the purity of his character, but also for the retir ing modesty of his disposition, and for the general favor in w hich he was held. As the story ran a dinner was given by romo one of Gov. Morris' friends, when lie was about departing for Europe. Bishop Moore and his wife were of the party . Among othar things that passed in conversation, Mr. Morris ssid that he had . made his will in prospect of going abroad ; and turning to Bjshop Moore, said to him : 44 My Rev. friend, I have beque-athe-d to you my whole Rteick of impudence." Biihop Moore replied : 44 Sir, you are not only very kind, but very generous : 3-ou have left to me by far the largest portion of your estate." Mrs. Moore immediately added ; "'My dtar, 3-ou have come into possession of your inheritance remarkably soon." Mahria;e. When youth w eds youth for love, it is beautiful : when vouth weds acre for moner. u i(( monstrous and onl y hftlC) misery, criminal ity come from it. Of those 44 thrice sodden fools" who marry their grandfatliers and grandmothers, old Thomas Fuller says, with equal trutfc and wit : 44 They that marry ancient people merely in expectation bury tbm, ling tb tnselv in hopes some one may come and cut the halter." KZr"' During your travels in Canada, Mr. SIo- . - . x i , cum, did you meet witn anyming u.a arrest-oa i . a.Lirntion " rested my attention, I ty sheriff. He not only ar- ut my person, and march- i i . i 1 : .1 s.,,.tr it1 Tnr -T-nc- , .tr.T: 1 on a valler i"B ittv .... j doi; A Note on Noses It was Napoleon who 6aid, Strancc as it may appear, when 1 want; any , a . , j good work done, I choose a maji, provided U, educalioa has been suitable, w ith a long nosc.Uis breathing is bold and free, and in brain, as weU as his lungs and heart, cool ana clear. In my observations of men, I have almost invariably found a long nose and head go toother. C7-The following is the address of a letter re-, oently put into the Post office at Springfield 44 This wanfs too go too Pat O neal he usid too lyre in West field but heese after being gora to Soutbwio now but ha will ba in westfield sex week for af" 2 -ad ha will pay for itt." y r oldauihor says: "God aaddpetor w a adore Jiist on the brisk cf dj-r ae. beSsre-Thftdacfier paat. aa Ewnltetl God li tzsxscz, ai tiA doeac tghiiedr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers