Id x Jk. J . A. if) I TUB BLK33IXG3 OF GOVEHXMEXT, LliUi TOE UET3 OF HEAVEN", SUOCLI BE DI3TKIBCTED CPON" TUB HIGH 1VD THE LOW TDE RICII AXD THE POOK. NEW SERIES. EBENSBURG, FRIDAY, OCTOBER U, 1833. id A. A Ei 11 In It Ml 1 n 7 fa ' i 11 U I, ' TERMS: The DEMOCRAT & SENTINEL is published eYery Friday morning, in Ebensburg, Cambria couuty, Fa., at $1 50 per annum, if paid in advance, if not $2 will be charged. ADVERTISEMENTS will be conspicuously inscr- ted at the following rates, vu: " - 1 square 3 insertions - SI 00 Every suhsenuent insertion 1 square 3 months 3 00 5 00 1 year h o; 80 00 J column 1 year ' " " 18 UO iJU""la aru i copy oi ina vencra; i Senfind per ypar - 5 00 Letters must be post puM to secure attention v elect 11 off nr. 'tr-' " T2i3 OH Griat Mill. CI I. B STODDARD. The irist mill stnmls beside the stream, With bending roof an-1 leaning w:iil ; So old that when the w inds are The inilicr tremble-; let it lull; TSut moss and ivy never sere, Eedeck it o"er from year to vcar. The dam is stoop and weeded sreen. The g :ti:s are raised, th" wu'ers j-.-'.ar. And tread the old wheel's slippery ;:, The lowest rounti ;'o:evirii!Oie. 3Iethii.ks thy have a pound of ire, IkcautC they cannot climb it kiU-.T. From morn till niiit, in a'i;:n.n t. ::.". When yellow h:rt ests the p!a.i;:c, Up drive the farmers fu tiie ruiii. And luck anon; with loaded wji.:. j Tliey hrintc a heap of poldeu grain, Alii take it Lci!iie ia i.'.ca! agi.i. 1 i.e nr.ii u:i:e is cm Tut ru ! i z ri l!.e h Er.r! t'aik, v.c.-t i.c. r, You fee tie n:i!icr l;i! t;n ronul, And diiMy baub A irz the !. .r: And by thoMiut't, ar:l t! tv.ii thc j-p.-!3 The yellow" meal CviuSi pouring o.i'.. And all day lor.gihe w;r.r.v.rd ohafT Floats round it n the tnPry br- v c, Anil shineth like a tettinir swarrn t)f Kclden-wined and Li ped bee; ; Or sparks around a blacnimtii s 1 ar, When b'.Ilowi b!o ti.d I love my phviMut cj'i.iint o'.J ml", It "mind- njeoi'mv oijly pri:n : 'Tip cli.i.'ie;" I si.'i.;-: tii'.i. bar n.t so iU'ich A3 I am by iljj.iy ar. i limo; Jt wrecks aro mow ! i'uim year tn ye-.r. at aii uur. ! v, re aprwarZ I tr.i;d le.-M ;L it'ivia of life, 'l i e iiesj ' v current s'.vi e;,s al ! g. Lifting tho ll.i.Ml-ptt.-..-. of my heart. It turns ihemaii wheel o! toinr. A d crinds lhe rip-encd harve.-t, brcui I rorn o-it the loliter: liel-J oi' iifoiilit. (tub anb Slictrhrs Fiom .o A i Ii, 1 I TTTTf TIIE niLOlCKU'S WARD. ST OLIVER OPTIC. CHAPTER I. My God! r.ot a dollar left ! My poor pittance is all gone, and I have not a penny to pr.y this bill with," exclaimed Henry Standish, as he crushed un a bill for board, which his landlady Lad just handed hiin. Throwing himself into a chair, he covered his faco with his hands, and wept like a child. When the strong man weeps, the heart is in deed touched. The young man had been four weeks in Boston in search 'of employment. Ho was a native of a thriving town in thc northerly part of Vermont. Well educated and of good address, he was qualified for thc mercantile bu.-.i- j nC3s, and his thoughts had always been turned in that direction. For several years previous to his departure from home, he had been ' employed in a store ; but thc sphere was too narrow for his ambition. He longed ftr the excitement of the great metro- j polis, which he doubted not would furnish him a field co-extensive with his capacity and histie eircs. With only a small sum of money, for he doubt ed not that he could step immediately into some lucrative situation, he bade adTeu to thc cherish ed home of his childhood, and departed fur Bos- j ton- I Arrivcd there, he frjndhis prospects not half: 60 encouraging as he had expected. He had ap- j plied for several situations : but having neglect- J ed to bring with him testimonials of character, ' no one would employ hiia in : ity. Ifn n ; cnrelv rlisrr'acd nv il desirable capa- ,v.i . 4 and not until His 4 exhausted did he awaken to j scanty means were 4he full sense of his unfortunate position. I here . seemed to be no alternative before him . but to ac- j ecpt a situation in some menial capacity, a step j at which his pvide revolted. nis landlady had handed him her weekly bill j for board. It was only five dollars, but all his ; money was spent, and the consciousness of his misery went over him like a dark cloud. Retiring to his room, he vented his tad feelings in exclamations of bitter disappointment. now now, Standish ? What U the mailer" exclaimed his frienelly reoiii-mate, as he entered ; the apartment, and discovered the misery of the disappointed young man. Henry raised his head, and thrust forward the bill. " Fudge ! you are not makiiag all this fuss about that bill, are you V - I have not a dollar left." .... - " " Cheer up, man ; I will lend you a V," said bis kind hearted " chum," drawing his pocket book out, and taking therefrom a bank-bill. ' " ' Nay, nay, Joseph, I cannot takeU."" I know aot that I should ever be able lo repay you," r jli4WnrT, Vrttwdy. " Nonsense, Standish ; take it, -whether you ever pay me or not." j caulIot j , , 1 " 1 bunder, you must ! you wul learn how to borrow money one of these da vs." j Henry reluctantly look the bill. - J ! I have UCAS lor you a chance to get into ! business. j Then vou have seen Mr. Harding ?" said Henry, brightening tin. i I nave; he says he has something lor you to ; ao. lie wishes to see you, and promised to come here for tliat puqiosc.' " To come here ! " Yes ; an 1 it is time he were hero now," j j tlie otlmr, consulting his watch. Mr. Harding was a broker, to whom Henry had several times applied for employment, and : wba bfiil r-nMnrn i A 1 mo t r lmii i tin t b o i-ihikp I .. . ... . . ..... T.. ... . " i . . ..... . was in a fair way cf being accomplished. j A servant girl announced thc broker. " lie would come up, though I tried to ir.ake ; him s'op below," said thc girl, in a low to:se. '' Walk in, sir ; my apartment is but an hum- ! b!o one," said Henry, in confusion. ' " No apology, youp.jjinan ;you are not r.l'.tie," j returned the visitor, glancing at Henry's chum. Joseph retired to an adjoining room, which ; connected with I lie one occupied by himself, i " You want business, vour.g i:i:m?"' said the broker, lining the glance of his keen greyiye up- '. cn Henry ; " I d'j, sir; I have applied to you for a situr. ; lion. i " I do not want a clerk, but I have a service of j r.v.her a delicate nature, that I wish performed, j You are a good looking fellow, of eay address ui short' 1 Ii:ive sdecUHl 'nu from a thousand, on -:c0l;ntt! -v0li" prepossessing appearance." Henry was astonish, d r.t this singular speech i el lac ore::cr. ! " I '.;-iut I shall be able to suit vou," said he, j modestly. 1 ' Exactly so you will. Thc. service I require 1 is not a ilLr.greeabie task ; must young men i would be glad to do it without the liberal com ; pc'iK.atlou I propose to give you." ; Prav, w ha iv, w hat is the service " Before-1 state it, young, I wish you to undersf an 1 that all which passes between ii be kept inviolably secre t. In a word, 30a must swear to be silent, whether you ; rfonn the service or not." beggar, and 1 iiearj- nesitated ; but tic was a beggars are not so apt to hi skate more comfortable circumstances, j I promise." : "Promise swear'" I " I do." lfe-nrv hcs-ltatifl .o f as those 1:1 ; " If you arc false to your oath heart cut !" said tlic broker, iu I'll tcr.r ye ur a deep, fierce tcae. ' I won lei not betray your confidence, sir.' " listen to me, then, I am the guardian of a i ! young lady, who, by the terms of her father's ; j w ilt, loses her inheritance if she marries without ' ui e-oiiseiie uer estate comes ionic, inc iau oi t stocks has ruined hie ; I must redeem mvself. ! Do you understand V nry snrunK uaekn amazement at the cocl 1 w"a meu.r iia.aing pro posed to perpetrate; ; but liis'cui losity' was roused, and with as much ! ' ' c"!,ullC" as he could assume, he expressed his j perieoi compnuension 01 luc Droieer s position. ' Ycuarc well formed ; the women say you ' arc handsome," continued the broker, with a . sneer. .Nature has admirably adapted vou lo . execute my purpose; you must marry the girl." "Marry her!" exclaimed Henry, in utter amazement. Ay, marry her! She is worth a himdrcil thousand dollars ; I will give vou ten, when vou have made her your w ife." 1 I ' Will she consent to be my wife ?" : " Fool ! not unless you play your cards right, i But she -is romantic, sentimental reads novels ' by the wholesale. I will introduce you as Count : Fizzle, or something of that sort ; you must do the reft." Henry paused to consider. Thc idea of becom ing a parly to such a nefarious transaction, was repugnant to every manly lit !1: within him. But he had sworn an oath, whi. h sealed his lips so that he could not -expose the plot, even if he refuseel to be t-ngmred in " I will make the attempt," said he, afie- thorough consideration. . Good ; and as I sur-nose vou arc not flush change, here is a hundred dollars o i.t Vor.lSel. out with." Thc breker handed him the mouer J-; i . s-hoi,..; ,a.i,.-ciuce mm 10 - tlic lady. " That was a precious scheme!" exclaimed Joseph, as he re-e-ntcrtel thc room, You heard it V Mum, Standish ; I am not so nice about such things as some folks. I congratulate yen cn your good fortune, and when you come in possession, I hope j-ou won't forget old friends." ; " I certainly shall not," replied Henry, relaps inc into a rcvery. CHAPTER IL Mr. Harding aceompauktl Henry Siandih to the residence of his ward, and presented hiin as a highly esteemed young friend, for 'whom he claimed her special favor. " Your friends shall always be. welcome, uncle Olied," said she, taking the hand of Henry. Her uncle ! great heavens ! is it possible that man can plot the injury of his own flesh and blood! - Mr. Hardin! withdrew after a brief conveia-. tion, leaving Henry to win his w ay to the heart of the heiress. ' . ' . " There was that iu the eye of the young man which is irresistibly attractive to a young maiden. , H wa wfcU f;rmil, with a handsome fuce, a ma- j sical voice, and a winning manner. Amelia was strongly prepossessed in his favor from the first moment she saw him. - ' II enry, perceiving his advantage, followed it up with energy, and ere half the evening had passed a ay, had produced an impression on the heart of the maiden, which fairly opened the way for a conquest. But he could not but reproach himself for the part he had accept! , and though he felt that his intentions Were good, tne consciousness that he j appeared before the penile enl in an assumed I character, was anything but agreeable to Lis lof- j ty sentiment. Amelia was a beautiful girl, and II. my felt ; that to beloved by her, was to him the delishts 1 of paradise in the midst of the cold, ft owning ! i world. When lie departed, his htart to'd him ! t b f t-xn-n 1 bi lit 1.iJ m mi . s 1. . ! j . . . . . . , . iii.i jvnv tvyv iiAi iui ma ovi ii I happiness. i He had fceen her, and could not resist the dc- i sire to repeat his visit. He went airain : the cf- feet of the visit was irremediable. Mic blushed I I j in his absence she loved him ! j Henry continued his visits for several weeks ho had cont'es-id his love, and received a warm pressure of the hand, in r ply. " I have deceived you, Amelia." said Henry. his mi-i J made i:p to continue no longer the ciuel deception. " Deceived me. Henry," repeated t-he, fixing her large, liquid blue eyes anxious upon him. I have, eu arest ; 1 am a poor, worthless man a big PSaV' " Is that all ?you never told me yen w ere rich." j replied Amelia, ent;relv relieved to find the de- j ception was so harmless. In a lew words, Hetivy acknowledged tlic utter ; poverty and desri'uiion which had surrounded him. and gave her the history of his past life. " I am glad you arc not rich, Henry, said she artlessly, when he had finished his recital 'it is(' so romantie to marry a poor man, so noble an. her fair fonn and gem le heart .-.ostron-lyimpres-gent'e as yourself. 1 shall have the plia.-ure d sed w, that I was wok enough to use the ad enriching you now," and Amelia laughed gaily. ; vantage with which you had armed me. At an - Alas, dearest, I fear you shall not cvan havli other time I did e'xe the whole scheme r vour enai paasure, retimed Henry : and he narrai.l i thC" particulars cf Ins first ii;t ervie w wkh he uncle. j " Is it possible that uncle Obecl can be so wict el !" exclaimed she. with unaHectcd astoid J. j merit r - dear inc, how I pity him !" - f j " But, dear Amelia, we ma.,t j-art." f 1 " Tart f no." I " Your fortune w ill be sacrificed Let it go, then ; and I am heartily cbMgedto mv uncle Oix-el for making cl loice of so nolle, gallant and hands, me a prscn to txemte his purpose. " Think what you do, d ar Amelia. " I am saii.- !; d: my decision is nude. My 1 uncle sent you to play the part of a 1 llain : in the face of a strong temptation, vou hive done your duty, and behaved as a gallant knight. Think you I cannot appreciate your d otk n ? I love you, sir knight let the fortune go." " But I am a bcar." " Then let me be thc l ife of a beggar.' Henry folded heriu his arms, and imprinted a ! tender kiss upon her lips. " Xav. love, fortune shall redi-i m ns from n urv ; we shall yet be happy." I have it. and Henry s brow contracted with j the w eight of a big thought, which had suddenly invadcel his brain. ' Have Wh.-t, elear Ile-nry ?" CHAPTER III. On the fallowing day, Henry and Amelia left for New York for what purpose the imaginative reader can easily divine. The first intelligence that Mr. Hardin-' received - c - - of the marriage, he obtained from the newspaper. Hastily leaving the office, he ir.aele his way to the residence of thc heiress, which she occupied with a maiden aunt, as her companion and house- keeper. Tne happy couple were at home, and Mr. Harding was in high glee at thc success of hi? 1 In his calculating bnua. he commended j toe u.p.e-mui j . s:m.. auu e-i.eig;. v. 1.11 win.-f, lien- ; ry l;ad brought the transaction to its s ;ve dy ter niinaiiort. Mr. Ilai i:ng iora;d trie hr.rj..y briual r-ariv pieasauuy upvoun ine .iraw:tig-ro::n, rcaery to , in the drawing-room, ready to receive sucri coinpr. T11 n?-riT!,i-s inesl bi- v a., mt.-ht honor them. An- j-aved. arid as the servant 1 conducieel hi.n to the pre te oce of the wp.'tful girl, he contrived to work himself into a nrv tolera- - - - T Hit . " What eh cs all this to can, A:.."cira ed he, in loud, aullioritauve tones. xciami- : My husband, uncle Obod," said she. with charming naivete, as she rose and went through a mock presentation. " Your husband, indeed!" sneered the broker. 11 1 lnistuive lioi, 1 nai line uvea .-uanuiieu m this affair." " No, uncle, it was my auuir.' " I never was more confoumled in my life," continued Mr. Harding, evincing a will ftigneel surprise, " than when I read your marriage iu the papers."' "You will he in a moment, though," thought Jeseph Jones, Henry's " chum" at the boarding house, who either by acciekut or design, was a visitor at the same time. " You no need to have been surprised, uncle ; you know 1 am a wild,' willful girl.'' " You are aware of the' terms of your father's will?" - - "lam. " You have sacrificed vour fortune ; of course ybuaievcr cxpectfcd me W consent your union with a beggar."" - " " , ''You "ought not to have brought him here then, uncle." " What do you mn, jrirl ?' ffcthmg, uncle 01cd ; but you w,ll not be so into Vm promiscuously, w hen mv merchant! Pv Th. , , , to deprive me cf my inheritance ?" said ; caught me by the arm and sad "t on e B - V " M I'e at the Wo- AnuV. looking mischievously at him. I I'll be aed " - T if. V V i " ' C"nviIlt!011 New York, last " au I put it in your hands for this gentiei wimin'-folks imposed on"? iJiZtZ U'mW 7 7 man I3 run through? No: I will make over to I lers arc doin' and how hard the s ae ,ai' rl ,V . ' tWt'nt-r l,mTesum often thousand doOars. The provi, and pitchin'toget away fl t Do " i F.rZ "V kl0n-V thc " b- trictlr enforced." I cant ,;nd still a. a mile n,st and c '&U sl-,r i t w n-ai ' T D' U tS' V f far, o good: but, M, Harding, I shall so ? Look.'W. I, th,ir a al j claui 'the k sk'i.p . .f 1,. f.w it ...t. . .i ... " " " 1 r CI ll-e 1 1 i!i:i;'j. M e i.aex th riw1. ' 'uni, ea;u i; i . w i ''. I i t . v . -.... . . I . . . : - -. bae bee-u only a li lt'Der- i 'Kir! vou?" replied Henry, putting a bold face "VV I "' upoi y wliat right will i;ot claim it ?" asked the; oro " tQ r, Ciiapuated by the impudence of his J,' -is this lady's husband, of course." ivn,v terms of the wul."" suuxtct m., SifVou'.d not marry witiiout my consent. You di-1 consent !" I ! it is false !" .Ji. f Did you not actually engn e me to marry the la;v ?" The broker's cheek alcd, and his lip quiver- : ; f" No .'" thun.lend he. " It is a lie." t j" I have proof," sail Henry, quietly, j '"Mr. Harding staggered back, ovtnvhelmed by ; te coiiNeq'ienec of his villaay. I iv I heard thc whole of it ready to swear in i.i;rt,if netdlw." added Jo..h Jones. .d he;," added Joseph Jones. ker was frightened at the idea of a j j The b ; i,ii c. i Wc shall meet again '" said he, g'.anci;;- Jercelr at Ilenrr. f " Let us ho;,c that we m.-.v not meet in von ', r . .risen." ald Ih-nry, sterufy. The plan you pad formed, and uarra.ed to n.e, sir, was inia- Lous Ik-vend expression. if I had refused ho become vour confodertfe, another k. scrupulous it have engagtil in it, and h this had been .'acriiiied by vour rascnli; v. I came w iih the intention of exjosine all r but neice married me in mv own nrot characti r. and not as four 'eciwid friend.' If I have wronged her, Iod fortivc me :" " That was the hapj.iest day of my life when you brought Henry Standish to my presence, un cle," added Amelia, laughing heartily. The broker waited to hear no more. lie had overreached himself, and he ilared not even at tempt to revenge himself, cr puninh the violated oath, fn due time, he reluc'.n'.ly put Henry in pOsscss-OTi of Amelia s fortune, and t hf v are j:ow as happy as lovo and opuk nee can make them. Joseph Jones has received that V, with inter est, und neer has h3doccaion to regret that he befriended Henry in the hour f his ne-cd. Some oaths are better broken than kept. From the ? r ;..r. Ben Jcnsing's reEcrifticn cf aTraltz. When we got into the place, we found a gnat large room. As big as a mee tin house, lighted up with Kinashin" big lamps, coven el all over with ,.1, h:mr;ngs. The ladies looked as nice as little angels their faces as while as if tiny- dipped them into a flour barrel ; .such red cheeks I haint san i in all Sleepy Hollow: their arms all covered v iih gold bands, chains, and shiny beads: such lips . . ... ...... .......... . I r-t ..u, f 1 . , . .. I ' 1. L-If C inn .... ., ! over their eyes looucd liKc dnnouas: uieir ; wai.stsdrawn to thp size of a'nine stem rand made ! to look like they were undergoiu' a regular cut- ! tin-two operatie.n by tyin' a string tight round j 'em ; and the ir bosoms Oh. Lordy' all covered up ! in lares on-1 muslins, they rose then fell, then rose ' again, like Oh! I don't know what it was like, j exceptin' the breathiu' of a snowy white goos, j chucked in a tight bag. w ith its breast just out 1 Afte-r the gals and youngsters had walked round j round and ronid fora considerable spell the music struck up-and sich music ! It was a big horn ' and a little horne. a flute and a little flute, a big ! fiddle and a little fiddle, and such a souekin', j sriualin', ltellowiu', grontn', I never hurdbefore: ! it wa like all the rats, and pigs, and frogs in Chri-'cmk-m had concluded to snip together. They called it a German Porker, I spose it was 1 made bv some of the in Cincinnati Germans, in imitation rif the sepuealin' at a pork pack cry, and T irvcss it was a pretty rood imitation sn,m ib.- .imsi s! tin. .such a siteht! Thf ft Hers hist caught the r.als' right around ! . . . - .. ,u, u-:b one band, and tu!ic-d Vni smack i r.T-- ' " . 7 , T",ra ' .' - ,t.i..OIJJ., a ail'l Llitr ;u.s emus j ..-?... v.. .a . i i ,i ,..:.-.' tl,.-. fi.trs' sholders At this the pals' begun to sorter ! ' iutnn aud caper, like they 'V were a pom tomisli cm away: but the fellers jus. caught hold of the other hand ami held it cfT. and began to jump and caper j too'just llko ll,c a,s' , , , , ; I s won upon a stack of bibles you never seed signe. i lien; na.t ce-niv- iif wu t.."'- ! ht-ldlight in the arms of them fellers-thcy a rarein and jinnpin,' and puskiri' V:n backwards over the room, (as I thought tryin'io get away ixm them) 1 and the fellers holdin'on to em tighter anel tighter, the more the gals jumped ami capervd, the more . the fellers junud and cspe-red, and the tighter they sepneezed the gals, till at last I begun to think the thing was ing carried teo far for fun. I was a little green in these matters, and seein I lie u.irs ii y ui Ilai ai l ..j,, as I thought, and fellers holdin tighter and tighter, it was very natural I should take the part of the j gabs. So my dande r a risin higher and higher, j till I tought my biler would bust unless I let out steam. I bounced smack in to the middle of the ' U ..! 1 I.. 1 V ... .1 l, in tr.-.t o.i room. " Thunder and lightning ! everybody come here with shot gun, six shooters, and butcher- knives ! " bawled I, at the top of my vcice : " for I will be shot- if any - dad blasted, long bearded monkey-faced feller shell impose on gals that ar 'way wrV I am V and I just pa -'- to jdth antr of ! f( !!'r ' Yonder is fsinl her h-d has iatu-n on the bososu of thc monster !" I tell vou I was ahv, I flit like ! oomM ;ud;, into 'em l"-r,. When I looked into r.iv merebnnfa f.. t thought he would have busted. He la ft and la.'t land s(iuattd down half. -Why," savs he, j " Ben that is nothing but the ml war waltz they t arc.dancin'. and them gals aint trvin' to get away ' from them Icliers nu.. , , " ; , r only eanenn to make i thc fellers hold Vm tb, v like it. The vit-re the Kals caper, the tighter, kasc i they wish to Ijc suuee d. As to b'.yiu' their heai- on the fellers' bofoms, that's eiy common hi this city. Tiny expeet ho be marrii d some of these days, and ihey wai.t to lie accustoi!-.d to It so thev won t be a blihin' aiiu turninsi- i ale when tlieparsem tells the groom to salute the j b.'i'i--. " Tiiere is v. jlhiiiir like bong used to such j things." j " You may take mv hat." says I to "mv mer- ! chant, " I was tuck in that time." I tell you j though it isthefiit time I eer ecd the like j before. I have seen the Indian hug and the ! Congo dance, but I tell you this red war wabz! krv-ek-j the hat-crown out of every thing I ever j i Ai ter ! had g-H emt of; he way and e very 1 lung i ccii.iiienced goin' on a;.;;!i. the muic gfit faster' and faster wr.snnd st as turioi: a- a n.uin. the felh-rs north-west er ! The trrds 1 a: ed d tigh'er. and the 11. uic makers puffed out ablowin'. Then the gals and f ilers spun found like so man-tops run mad. The fillers ha;ed ba.-k and the gals ka;ud to Vm : the gals tine froeks sailed out and popped in the nir like sheets imi a eloze-ilnecf a wind;.-drty and the fellers coat tail stood nut so straight that an egg would not have roll, d e U" : their tiici s wire as tixed and seriotis as a sarmcnt. Anmud they went it makes me so dizzy to think et it. Pop went the coat-tails, crash went the music, and pitty-pat ty, rump durnple de thump went the feet of all. By ami by. a beutiftd a craft as ever you seed in the sha'M. of a woman. la incr close upon a lone j beanj.ole liyikin' felkr. ame sailin' at the rate of liiteen knots an hour dow n our way, whilst a fat elumpy weman and a httinji iKdile red. 11 f-eatin. sort of a filler, at the same sincd went -up the other. I seed there was tobesome biimpin, and. na'.ui ally triudilid for thc oonsi-qm-nce'S. Sure enoi;;jli a w hoili p, llay eaine t aether, and sl:t- dash the whole on "em fill flat in the middle of j - it- in lu Lil i . lamr-ir anir ni i.i- the floor carrying along with them everybody! Coekm-y -I 'ope you don't call them large siandin near 1 j h'vppb s : they ain't 'alf as we 'ave them at We.'" Such a misin r.p of things i. then took j lace -j Market Woman "Apples ! Them ain't ap haint ocurred be lore or since oM father Noah un- ph-s. Them is only huckleberries !" loaded his great Ark. There was legs and arms, white kids and pem llas. patent leather and satin gaiters. shcstrings and gartes. neck-ribons und j guard chains, false curls and whiskers, women' ' busthsa;; 1 poekethaiiikerchi fs.ll in a j.ile, the gals kite-hin and squaliu, and the fillet a g'lntiiig and apo'ogisin. " Oh. lordc !" savs I for I was considerably c. .t .., t.;i.. - 1 . I : . I i . V '..I ... I ut I . 1 n ,. , I 111... IIIU-IV. I !'.', .1... , n i,,.!. .1.,,. .1,..:. .;ii : uul 11,1 "t o.w...... r.i..i u.ui ...- .... these wimmiufelks get unmixed!" At this, such a laugh you ne ver heard, " Why, Col. Jonsing," says my merchant," that is not tin. it frequently happens, and is one of the advantages of the rid war waltz. If the gl-s aint karned how to mix with the world, how can they ever got along?" " I would rather have 'em all a little mixed," says I, " but that is too much of a good thing, However, let us leave for I seed enough of the sorry in that pile just now to satisfy me for a week : and at that we bid 'em good night and left, promi-in to go to the next one and take a few lessons 1:1 the e"Oiiiiuon i'olUer and siiouitsii dance. How I cameout, maybe I may tell you in another letter. Your friend, 1'i.s Jr.xsixr., of Skepy hollow. Tl.e Secret. loticcd," said Franklin, " a mechanic I J J'..-V, 5, at wi'ik on i.'iii my oin.c. a holi':e wlio :d- ways aopearel to be in a l.terrv humor, who had , p. -ir 1 ' ' , . , , . , , ' .... , ; chctrrui Joun.f.;!CC. Mw.ting him one ; Y &kcJ 1Jm l0 u.u me thc sccrct of hU ' constant honpv Mow of spirits. "No secret, doc- j ' . got one of the best of Wives, ail.l W lieu l. g-J innin- s:ie meets- mc uu a i . v l . . ,.e . . 1 .. smite ai.'I a ki'-s, an-1 then tea is sure to be rt ady, and r-he has elenc to many little things through the da-, to phase me, that I cannot find it in my heart to speak pn unkind worel to anybody." What an influence, then, hath woman over t lie heart of man. to soften it, and make it the foun tain of cheerful emotions ! Speak gently, then ; kii id grce i-n? after the te.ils of thc day are over, cost nothing, an 1 go far toward making home , ft' &nX "-""t- r7"If you ever marry," said a Roman Consul to his son, " let it be a woman who has judgment enough to superintend the getting of a meal of victuals, taste enough to dre s herself, pride , CKOngh to wash lxfcre breakfast, and sense enough j t0 jolei her tongue when she has nothing to say." : -- tTv" Rogues generally die poor. Every time they make a dollar by cheatirj. tier-fcT to I p4 t fefflir r In law. : ts j " Tl f.n.tile iiud Laj ben tiaajpled i cc-i'u : - ' 1 rr. 1 "I " As is this handfull f flowt-M, ho is the r.r. fi'tr. which is w-r.ed from the carder, r.f threphy." - - Mt.aa- Ii tuere a person in this assend.iv -i J , J VT V iicu it IliOUn-r : I expect not." The - 'V nil. itff'.UC If evil wrestle with ii7"' nehteouiiics must ' Good ag!t;n Who'll form a ring ?" ' Tlie bonds of the lave- must be loose t,fr! ' 1 i.e land is groanh.j.' with w ickedness." ( Jot the eholi Oive it a little gia p i-permin'.. Mr. IVosident. there is only one fjr in this tatc that s-andsup for the cause of ritht and pro-ri--, and that taj er is mine." " Three cheers f. r the old w hite coat !' " Woman is a great institution, ted houI4 have her ri-hts." -That s a fact, Let '3 hder '." As tins remark seemed to have a double mean ing, it put up a gent-ml lau-h. in the midst of Which we left. Snr York Dutchman. iker;'i.i:3. " I say. Bill, did you cvw tie ta- move by the aid of spirits from t he world " Jllr;t " No. am. but I raw a stool move, tud i'. came towards me with a jn-rlect rush." ' Vereyoii not a little frightened " " Yes. ImtT do(igi d it." " Who made it move Bill ?" " Vijy, my ow n sweetheart ! fche-'tljovved it at me because I made fun of the way she uts her hair up in ppcr." ' () get out. Bill r you are ignorant of the .ci-ene-e of knK-kers 1 mean spiritual doings." " Will, if you'd a l,ij there, youd a fffoueht there was lxth knocking and spirit in the move ment. CTTIhe NovemUr nululxrof Harjer's Maga zine .has a scene between a frvsh caught cock 11c v and a New York market woman.w hich is the 1-ost punchiana lor six months. The woman is starl ing with her hands under her apron looking as saucy as only a N.Yenk market woman can look. The cockney is iokinir the bhrccst i.umikin w-jth his rat 171 n the days ef patriarchs, a woman's con duct was the index of her heart. When, for example, the father of Kebekah asked her if she w ould go with the Servant of Isaac, she immedi ately, replied. "I will go." Had she been daughter of the nineteenth century, she would, 1 believe, have answered in this manner "Oh, t.l I t 1 1 w suaw . go w uu mm ny, jr. Isaac must oe - . sick. Jo with him ? Of course I won't." And then she would have gone with him. Not so Pooh as I Look. One da- as Judge Parsons was jugging along on horse-back over m desolate road, became upeiii alog hut, dirty, smo ky, and miserable. He siopjcd to contemplate the tert) evident poverty of the scene. A pexr, half starved fellow with uncomln-el hair, end un shaved lcard, thrust his he-ad through a square hole which served for a window, with " I say, Judge. I aint so poor as you think me to be, lor I don't own this 'ere land." TtT" " Father," said a little four yoar old bor, " I think you're a fool." " Why ."child V " Because you brought that baby here when mother was sick, rui J you have to get a wc-mra ' to " ' it r C7 The I'ios; on I'o.-t says that " a yonng man. a member oi'a-. ta;igt!;cal eht;rch." advertives in a New "Soik paper fir 1 Km"! " :- - r:- .j ..line i::.s e t.iistian exaiuj le would bv consid ered a comix lisa'.it.n.'' A lady vi ho had been married just three days, perceiving her busbar.. 1 enter, stole secretly behind him, and gave him a kiss; the husband w as angry, and said she had offended against decency. " Pardon me," said she, " I did not know it was vou." There is a man out we-st so confounded mean that he won't plough his own corn grouad, for fear the crowi will get some of the grub worms. CC" " John, what in the world put matrimony into your bead V " Well, the fact is, Jim, I wss getting short of shirts." oTT A mnn being a-ks why he talked to him self, candidly answered, " because I hke to ecc verse with a man offense." A QrEHY. Seime one aks what is cor ael harrowing than the peg in one's boots. iX7Swearing is like a racked coat, bect:i it is a very bad habit. yyTArzxd , a rtr-rrh -r.Srnd&hiptxy eery wth, tu !t mreat
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers