CV LI !tl I? fct 3 fl 3 TilK UI.ESSI.VG3 OF GOVKKXMENT, LIKE T11H DEWS OSr HEAVEN', SHOULD BE PISTK lUCTlCD AL1SK fl'O.V TnE 1!J(JII AND THE LOW, T11K 1UCII AND Ti!K 1'UOU. NEW SERIES. EBEXSBIM, FRIDAY, OETOBKU 7, 1853. VOL. 1 XO. 6. I ' H T 12 U 31 S : The DEMOCRAT &, SENTINEL is published every Friday morning, in Kbensburg, Cumbria county", ra.,jit$l 50 per annum, if juid in advance, if not $2 will be charged. ADVERTISEMENTS will be conspicuously inser ted at tiie following rates, viz : 1 square G insertion $1 00 Every subsequent insertiou 20 1 square 3 months 3 00 " " 6 " 5 00 44 " 1 year 8 00 44 column 1 year 30 00 44 18 00 Business Cards with 1 copy of the Democrat 5 Sentintl per year 5 00 Letters nmt be post pnid to secure Attention. ;Htct Jjottrg. SONG OF TIIE SHIRT. JIT TUOMAS HOOD. With fingers weary and worn, With eyelids heavy and icd. A womau sat in miwomenly lags, riving her needle and thread. Stitch ! stitch ! stitch ! In poverty, hunger, and dirt, And still with a voice of dolorous pitch, the bang the ' Song of the Shirt!"' 41 Work ! work ! work ! While the cock i crowing aloof! And work! work! work! Till the stars f-hine through the roof! It e oh ! to be a slave, Ak.r.g with the bai barons Turk, Where woman has never a foul to save; If this id Christian's work. ! Work! work! woik ! Till the brain Lefrins to Fwim ; Work ! work ! work ! Till the eyes are heavy and d.m ! Sean;, and gu.-set, and band, Band, and gusset, and team, Till over the buttons I fall asleep. And sew them ou in a ! Oh! Men, with sifters dear! Oh ! Men. with mothers and wivca ! It is not linen you're wearing out, But human creatures" lives'. Stitch! stitch! stitch! In poverty, hunger, and dirt, Sewing at once, with a double thread, A throud, as well as z thirt. 1 But why do I talk of f'er.'h ? ! That phantom of grisly bone ; j I hardly fear his terrible shape, j It seems jo like my own. It Fftms so like my own. ! Pccau"e of the fasts t keep, J O ! that bread fhuuld be fo .'. -v.r, i And rVsk ami blood .-.o che-np ! I Work! work! work! j My ljbor never fhigs;.. j An.l what are its wages a bed of straw i A crust of bread and r;igs That shattered too'.'- and this naked floor A table a broken chair And a wall so blank ; my shadow I thank, For sometimes falling there! Vork! work! work! From weary chime to chime, Work ! work ! work ! As prisoners work fir crime ! Band, and gusset, and team, Sam, and gusset, and band, Till the heart is sick, the brain benumbed. As well as the wean- hand. Y"ork ! work ! work ! In the dull December light! And w ork ! work ! work ! When the weather is warm and bright While underneath the caies The brooding swallows cling, As if to show me their sunny backs, And twit me w ith the Spring. Oh ! but to breathe the breatii Of the cowslip and primrose sweet, With vhe sky above my head, And the frrass beneath my feet ; For only one short hour, To feel as I med to feel. Before I knew the woes of want. And the walk th?.t cost a meal ! Oh ! but for or.e short hour! A respite, however brief; INTo blessed leisure for Love or Hope, But only time for Grief! A little weeping would ease my heart ; But in their briny be I My tears must stop, for every drnp Hinders my needle and thread.'' With fingers wearv and worn, With eyelids heavy and red, A woman sat in unwomanly rags-, Plying her needle and thread. Stjtch' stitch! stitch! In poverty, hunger, and dirt, And still with a voice of dolorous pitch. (Would that its tone could reach the Rich!) f-he sang this 41 Song of the- Shirt !"' Salts anb lictdjcs. From the American Union THE KISSES SCSAGGS ! A BOARDI.NO HOISE SKETCH. BT CARL CANTAB. CHAPTER I- The Misses Scraggs were ladies of a very un certain age. Letitia called herself twenty-three, and Sophronia twenty-two, but if there is any truth in figures, not to say faces, theirs indicated that both were on the shady side of thirty. Their fatherwas a xrofessional man, dependent for support upon the income elerived from his profession. His wife had long been dead and his family consisted only of the two young ladies I Lave mentioned. "When he died, which happened at the time my story commences, the Misses Scraggs. having nothing left in the w ay cf prop erty but the house in which they were Urn and had 6ince resided, were forced to look out for Bonie occupation that would supply them with daily bread. Before going farther let me givea brief descrip tion of the Misses Scraggs as they appeared when Ec&ted in the afternoon in the old fashioned sitting-room, waiting for visitors. Personally they did not belie their names. They were without doubt Scraggy. Pinched features and a pursed up mouth, a long neck and perpendicular form, wore the chief characteristic4 of the twain. A to t cm per they wore most certainly not entitled to the epithets 44 gentle" or 44 dovelike." I think I would sooner compare them to .the thincsue an imal said to be an especial favorite with 44 old maids. " "With such a galaxy of attractions it may seem passing strange to the thoughtful nadcr that they were still loft to pine away in single bless - cdness 41 un gathered roses upon the ancestral tree," as Holmes styles it. I'ndcuhttdly they would have changed their situation in life long before the date of my narrative if they led hod a chance ; a reason which I presume will Le con sidered sufficient by the majority ef my re aders. This, I dare say, notw ithstanding each of the la dies was in the habit of elropping mysterious I hints about their sacrificing their own happiness I for the sake of remaining at home to cheer the j declining years of their pa". I I believe I have sufficiently dolincateel the char ! actors of the two Misses Scraggs, who in every respect, mind, features, and elispo.-itie n wire as like as two peas. The luncral rites had been duly performed. ami j the Misses Scraggs made their appearance in j mourning elresses e;f black bombazine, to .-how how deeply they we-re afi'ecttdby their late loss. But it woukl net do to let sorrow 44 like a worm in the bud prey on their elamask cheeks." AVorldly thoughts force-el their entrance, and they were obliged to consider what was to be dene. ' Have you formed any plans for the future, i Lctitia V asked her younger sister one e vening. j ,4 We must find some employment." ! 44 1 don't know," said Lctitia shaking her ; head. 44 There isn't much for women to do. We j might do sewing, but we should have to work ! all the time, and not make a living at that." j 41 l eaching ?" suggesteel Scphionia. 44 I wouldn't elo it for any money," said the other resolutely. 44 1 don't like children ami f never elid. I wouldn't have the brats in the house, tramping over the carpets and running round the house making racket enough to raise , the neighborhood." i 44 Well, t he-re's one other thing we can do , take boarelc-rs." ' Boarders ? AVeil, yes, I don't know but we might lo that. There's something in it worth considering. In the first place it's more respect able, and wouldn't require us to work so hard, and again " 44 What, sister ?" inquired Se phvr.ia. seeing that she hcsitateel. 'Why I was going to say il.i.t is ycu kr.o.v, now tlit ris'.htv'K .?. it v.v.ildat be -o il'.-a-g ret able to us to get married new. ar.el it we should have any single gentlemen be aiders they might projose, yoM know." 4That's true," answered Sophronia, her fa-e lighting up. I didn't think of that : 1 ul as we are. as you say. left alone in 'the world tl c is 1..,,... .inr ir.nfiTi 1, w-i. thool.l rf-fo-i r.tVr-r. i ir T, , TV V V 7 - h. o ! IIow shall wc let it be known that we i.-n to . ! take boarders : 44 o, aetvenise iy an mean.-, wet pe u uuu mn., j ana l u uraw up an auverttsemeui now , to. u,ue-, no time to ue lost j riling matei-als were procured, and Miss . Letitia seated herself to the task. ot being j used to writing it tooK. iicrsf it.c un.e. IIow will this do ?" she asked at length, at the same time reading the following. . - , , , 44 Bo.tBPBKS.-A few boarders can be ccom- modaled at the dwelling Louse cf the late Dr. . Scraggs. The situation is pleasant and central, j and every effort will l made- to please such as i eiioosc 10 aiau ir.eiiisciic-ci .in-ciia.i-e ,-i , curing a pleasant boarding-place. Address Mis- ses Letitia and Sophronia Scraggs by mailoroth- i erwise.' ' 44 That will do capitally. O l. take., jou, .-! ferred." 44 Very good," said Letilia emphatically I'll elo it." Anelit was done aceorelingly, and the adver tisement insertcel 44 till forbidden" in a suitable newspaper. For the result cf this plan, we must refer the reader to a conversation which took place between the sister?, two months after wards. ! CHAPTER II. . ; 44 Well, sister," .said the younger, 44 1 think our plan has succeeded very well. c ve got ' . 1 1 . . :nJ.i,Vnrr n rrr.r-i i 1".T" r T mill ?liclfi Ji)X LUiU.nil'1 S, I I IV tUVAlil X atlHUlii"" y j two single gentlemen and two ladies. 44 Yes, so we have, and theonlv improvements I could sngeest is tliat they might all he single lf.-mm-t ' 44 But then, sister-la ! I can't help shudder- ing at the idea if that was the case and two or ( three of them should happen to Jail in love wun j one of us, something dreadful might happen." ; 44 To be sure, but we couldn't help that, you : know." ' j We shall here take the liberty to mention the ; namcsof the Misses Scraggs' Uiarders. There were Mr. and Mrs. Pomeroy, the latter an mva- lid, the former wealthy and therefore unconnect- , cd with any business. Miss Susan Tarbell, a young lady of twenty-five, who was embarked in , the dress-making line, and Miss Mary Baven- i port, a young lady three or four years younger, w ho having no relations, and being obliged to board somewhere, thought she could do no Utter tlian Uctnue an inmate oi me .Misses istr.igg s , establishment. i i The gentlemen deserve mention in a separate " So do I, audi for one should like to out-gen-paragraph. Captain Fitz Gibbins, an oQicer on C1'id them." half-pay, who was by no means averse to narrate j " How 1 ' the 44 incidents by flood and liekl," through' 44 Bj' monopolizing the attention of thc gcntle whickhis miktary experience had led him, w as j nien', and making them bite their lips with vexa flanked on the other side of the table by Mr. An- ; tion." drew Farrington, a clerk with a good salary, in a lare mercantile establishment. Such wag tlJC boarding establishment of the, isses Scraggs. We may now pursue the con- versation. 44 1 think," said Lctitia, 44 that I shall st-t'ray cap for Captain Fitz Gibbins." 44 And I for Mr. Farrington." 44 1 think, Letilia, that thc Captain is alrca'Iy struck with you." j 44 "What makes you think so ?" was the eager j inquiry. !m 14 I noticed when he passed the salt to you at i inj the jealousy of the Misses Scraggs as thev elinncr, to-day, he winked at you." j anticipated. They were quite furious, and liw.'o 44AVinkedat me':"'' said the indignant spin- ; the less so, because the fear of losing their board -ster. j JvVbliircdthiiu to conceal thc-:r-r,uiuin Xlt;r ' AVell, no. I dein't mean w inked cast an ex- i fury vai brought to a climax when the twogen- nri'SSive L'lance. j ------ c -- 44 Yes," said Lctitia, mollified by this t iew of the case ; 44 that may have been l-, and T, for my part thought I heard Mr. Fanington sigh, j and direct- aftei wards he looked at you." I 44 You don't say so," said Sophronia in a stale j of gratified excitement, gently rubbing her hands, " you don't say so. Wouldn't it be funny, j though, Lctitia, if they shouhl marry us ?" i 44 1 don't see anything funny about it. I think i it would be pcrfcoily pror and natural," said the more sedate elder spinster. Thus matters nrocceeed. le t i: itiiiMit iiiieiieiiuii , i-i-i ... it tlie two spinsters exhibited their partiality on 1 1 - all occasions for the favoreel suitors those r.t least which they hoped would prove such. Lcti tia took parlk-ular care to help Caj.t. Fitz fiibbins first, and to the best the table afforded, while j Sophronia attended quite as promptly to the i wants of Mr. Farrington. liuleid.I am e f opin ion i:it I .i nsl r.l flu. 1... .- ;.!,...,( ! . ', r ,. , , . . - . iniui-uiui- many luue meet :cs wljcIi oiherwise i wouid never have sj-prartd cn the table. IIow are yen getting cn, Lctitia?'' inquired hcr your.gcr sister ore day. Has Capt Fitz Gibbins proposed j et V 44 Certainly not. No man of after so short an acquaintance. i dtlioacy would i But be a.-ked if! him sonic even- ' ! ! I wouldn't no tothe ih(.r-tre v, v ! big.''' (f colirse vr, i 44 Of course I didn't. Whv should I ?" : 4 I thought you didn't aj.prcve of theaties." j Xo more I don't. But il wouldn't be fair to j con.ti inn a thing wit ncut seeing it." sn;d Lett da, with an extraordinary assLmMieu of liberal- 1 1 y. 4 4 Jiow are vuu getting along V " r2r. Farringti-n asked me whether I ever at tendid concerts. I fold him I did win never I ccuid obtain an escort. lie looked a little confu sed, and the: j aid if I :o no ooi,,..- would go with me s me e venin r. I tedd him I should be delighted to go." 44 Well, that looks favorable. But, Sopbf mi.i there s one thing I m uneasy about T.I ;..l- .1... : m. ...inn. ..iv , 1 ''ill1 nin 1 ftl-r.. .l 1 . . . . . , . r. - "I'ani 1.1,1. v.- iiiiiigvuier too nonce oi Susan larlii-11. The rvert. conceited minx-. 1. ....... i i t i . . , "...! ; T a Stra,1 K,n'1 I of taste." i 44 XoVv you've mem ioned it Letilia, I'll tell j you what i have thought. It seems to me that i .nary iiavenport is uomg all she can to attract J the notice of Mr. Farrington. She's a good fir hussey, and if it wasn't for losing three j dollars a week be-arel, I'd tell her so. I should trmiK she'd be n.-hamcd of ht-rsf-lf." j Tl i ney iu aruui creatures hoth et them. 1 knew it the first moment T s.l . vet; nn tht.m " I , . turned Miss Letitia, 44 and! hope the gentlemen j w ill have more sense than to take any nolice of j 'cm. Well, they say it takes all sort of people j to make a world, ami I expect it's the same with I a rcartinsr At am- into if T find tU-m playing e li'any of their nstful tricks, I'll settle j ! n. Sec if I don't Any one who had seen Miss Letitia Scraggs' 1 ccuiuenance at that moment would not eloubt I Pit H.1..I In't itlrfiltl fliii," t.i.t uu.n ut'! that she would keep her word to the letter. It j S.e gentlemen pre- , was expressive of the most determined resotu- j 1 tion. ; Sus'..a Tarbell and Mary Dave:iH-.rt roomea to- j gctJu-r. They had been confidential friends pro- j v.o,ls to their meeting at the Misses Scraggs' es-! tabbshment. and, as such, were want toeommu- ni.-iimil,,.;. p,..i; . i. i ., V.T- ; ' iiuvM-iTyini-atnen,i(T. lo.t i n r m c sucii ridiculous creatures , as the Misses Scraggs ?" asked the former, as ; they sat together about "a week after their cn- trance as boarders. 44 In the first place they are l'crfect. scarecrow s, and yet 1 verily believe "they expect to entrap Capt. Fitz Gibbins and Mr. Far- rmglon into a dtchritio'i." ....j-i-... iinu.iue i.tnuii'1. j "You don't say so," saiii her iricn-1, 41 that j would ineked be thc height oi" absurdity. But what makes you think .o ? 0, straws show which ,i. -,.i i.i,,-0 i "U llieir Mill f lfi I StiBl'L S n iif wrnl.l.lui rfMi-ium; i lit- . t v looks and pointed attentions to the two gentle- men arc not meant f .r nothing, I assure you." I n j thought they looked unusually silly j whenever they looked at them, but I 'didn't think it meant anything." I " Trust me for that, my elcar. T'm a little eilder 1 than you, and have seen considerably more of the : vvorhl. If you want further proof, elon't you re- member that Miss Lctitia ottered the Captain the , thirii slice of p;e at supper to-mght, w hile w e , didn't have the oiler ef more than one ?" es, I do remember it. j 44 And that isn't all. Every day they are help- i cd first anJ to the nicest, parts, w hile we have to j wait till afterwards. Act that I think they arc to blame at all the gentlemen, I mean on the ; tontrary j nice them, hut 1 eto think the Misses . Scraggs arc making fools of thcmse-lvcs." . I'll set my I 44 1 deciare, that's a good idea cap for Capt. Fitz Gibbins." " And I for Mr. Farrington. Lord, how the ' old maids will squirm. They 11 look cross enough. 1 Jiavc no doubt, to turn cream sour if they ever supplied us with any, but there's no danger alxut their sky-blue milk it isn't strong enough to turn sour." The young ladies at once commenced opera- j tions, by looking as fascinating as pessible at the ! table, and exerting themselves to be social and goo-b humored. Their plan succeeded in arous- ! - j crs to the opera, wilhout even inviting the Mis- ses .Scraggs. UJ.U'Jr.K III. ,,vi f . . , "vlien Oreck meets Greek, then couiei the tu-' of war."' "We have thus intrfHlueed to the ren.T.i s at- Kntion two sets of combatants, on one side Mis tes Lctitia and Sophre.nia Scraggs on the other the two boarders : both re-.-elvtd in victory. The Mi-ses Scraggs did n't venture to exhibit their tniuity nptnly. Xt vertheless, theyen- . -i , ....... . ii 1 1 v ' i iu i-aiu uu a nu i ii.iiis ii a i s. r or instance, . y . . , , , ." ' 4llO Tll.'lit' I f .fii .iili- i-.,,f 1 -.1. ...,..1. 'i.Jti '".ij I'l-t. ll.lll U.-l 11111.11 M HI" ;;:ng as usual into Miss Tti bell's cup e f tea, i 44 I'll thank you fur the sugar," remarked that Ldy after tipping her tea and hnding it qiute un sat isfacten-y, " 1 lo n't approve of bitters, for my lut." I thought," said Lttitia, in a te ne of alfect ed sotiiuss, but which, nevcrthe1. was tremulous With fillV I thought that vou coiisjidcred vour- i self sweet enough wiib.out any additional sweet- emng. ; 44 So she is," said the Captain with gallantry, ! p. speech which he ce rtainly would not have made ' il he had known what a concealed storm it gave i rise to in the tranquil bosom of Miss Scraggs, 1 which certainly was not diininshcd by Miss Tar- ; bell's reply. 44 If that is the rule, scire folks weiuld have to j spend a fortune, and not sreeeten themselves af- 1 n ! 44 That's a fact," said Mr. Farrington, laugh- j ing, for he poor man; elid n't know that this shot ! was aimed at any one in particular. 44 La," said Sopre-nia, 44 how w itty we all art-to-night !"' 44 You do ye.ur.-elf inju.-'.iee, my dear Mi-s Scraggs," said Mary, sarcastically 4 I'm sure no one will bring such a charge agAuist 44 lie ! he ! he 1" hmghe.l S.phronia, scoiniullv, i 44 H. it U .,T t .I v .i .- a word again. Miss Davcnpe.rt is so fitny. I ! i. : . , r. , . .. . auust- $ ou eo i f caceuij, ge ntlemen, turning to- ! wards them, 44 nobody is safe in presence of such ; CXl.ei lcnci-.I -lioti- " all. T believe, well versed in the i- v.r ,,,; r . , -, , 111 - UftC cf o upid s artn. cry. said the Caj.tani, with. Ids usual gallantry. The Mioses Sera s smiic.l , fur here was a com- l.limcnt in which lh v cc.,.1.1 share 44 Bcaily, Captain," said Letitia, simpering, you are really too haul upon us 44 By no means," said Mr. ranin-to-, foliowin- his frie nds suit, 44 T'l! wagor there is n't a present but has i. ..rc d n ,!,i--(n li.n,- " Tl. llif..-,, c . , , ' .j-ei..-- u en- ieiv muuji graiiiic.l. They tried to look as if they would like todeny the charge, liut could n't consistently with truth while the lady boarders appropriated the whole compliment to "than selves, thinkin- that the Vis- t It craggs were only included out of courtesy. So the tea-table storm bkw over after "-ill. It was about a month after ll-,i nwiimii,., that Miss Lot it hi S.-r:-. ;,, n '. .i.. door iboim-ht J-,,tul , t -r '. t....t.....l.a..ani,iiiiuiii , Curiosity being from time immemorial a foible i of the female sex, Miss S:raggs could not for her I tjf., ct, .,,,,; i., i;, AVliat was her co:i.-ten:atioa when she found I it was Capt. Fitz Gibbins h.-hling a conversation 1 with Miss TarUH. Tl,,-, w,,,. I..u- ..." ' riositv shamed I.,,i,i,'s ben,-;,,,. .i .'i.i. "i ' . " " tJ.e toil . ing v ords. i 44 Dear .Susan, bow- I nm hi vr.r l,.v '10m the first moment I si, iw you I loved you." , 44 But," sahl St; an rather mischievously, ; lucre was a time wnen l liiought you were held , i captive by the charms of our oldest hostess, the 1. n . j " . . , r , . . . anuaoie anu attractive JA-lllia. I .Miss Scraggs hear the reply, 'Bvtilia. Sc Miss Scraggs leaned forward more anxiously to j Ntitiggs I I Wou' l as soon marry a 1 ; , - i ! hvena. as sueli a ceiuinound of stitl'vicmit v " i r;., ,..,r.,.. .him 1.-1.-) lu.nni auiin ati wiiniicran- . 1 ...."1 : i "He's a regular demble-distilkil villain, and ; she's a hussey. (), the jade !"' i With this Uncvoicnt e.xpressie.n, Miss Letiua ! kft the house, thinkintr a short walk micht cool I her levered brow and "soften down tho into,, si v of her fe-e-lings. When she returned, her si,te"r asked her facetiously. 44 How dots the dear Captain do. Letitia ?" 44 Bo n't mention the villian's name to me again He's gone and proposed to that minx, S sau Tarbell. I heard him."'' 44 It is n't jxissible I" ejaculated her sister, in surprise. 44 Well he must have a ipiecr taste." 44 And there's another tiling I can tell you." "kVv"hat is it ? Tell me ejuick. t met Mr. Farriugtou and Miss Davcnpcrt walking together. I pretended net to know them tillthey spoke, and then said, 'O ! is it you. I did n t expect to see jon here. TV ell I am sur- prised.' " 44 IIow did they look?" 44 They blusked and said it was a fine evening." Letitia with a kintl of savage deligkt, for mis- cry loves company, watcked the darkening brow of her younger sister. 1 But Sophronia was destined to have her fee- . lings Trouuded yet more severely. Mary Iavoni,ort nf .-rod the-i com -.- t-; : desirous to say something, hut not knowing how ,' to begin. 44 You've had a pleas-cut walk, hnv'n't vou ?" said Sophronia oru.-tily. 44 Exceedingly. The evuiimr is very Uauti ful." ' Von went ahem ! a'"iie, I suppose ?"' 4' No : Mr. 1 airingti.-u accompanied jih ." 44 Very polite in him." 44 Yes, I suppose so." " I suppose you will ba going out every eve ning now." 44 Jf it rrms very naritT rtor.t ttrink-t liHii.: "il T.- r,..-.;,,.,.,. . . . . i ' " - i"civ.u v an gii man i a ire-, ill inai case." I Weil, if he chooses to go to that trouble I -it ,...t .t;.. . l i .. r ..i . , , .. .,... I , 1 . -. . ...ji i.-.: i.iii t linn ii a if. Jii.-ai. ) ' mi'"S iiave e hanged since 1 w as a "ii I thft i . ' I eertam. it tvn ti'l .r,.i.-;.t,....l r. . J ini'-s have changed since w as n "h I lbn! ' certain. It was n't considered jroj:r at ih.'t ! - . j.IVJ.., nv .., .... r.. .... .. ... ' -l,,"IK ,ian T l n'ic I d-: n't know how i might have been tweu- tye.r thirty y. arspgo, b it it is consider- 1 qvite ' ll w.-s n.H.nduy; bm ., moral jiiidui-lit LroodeJ I-'I'4'' -.e-w." . over the .-.,u! of the w atche-r. Faith sLh! in the 44 B. you n.eau (-. -..y. "said Miss Letitia, 1 smi.-hme: but the mourner sat beneath the sha sharply, ' that it is l v. en'y or thirty year' since l4"'v "'the funeral tret-, I was a girl?" ' 1 -Oh, wastcandde.,.Ta!iojlof,,t0W.ha.t "Pe-lly, Mi-s Low suddenly you take thoU be likened? to the desert when the me up. I did n't say so, did 1 ?" : wild simoon l,ath swept :t; ,,ili, in heaps the 44 Miss Davenport," said that lady, wrought 1 s,ain, beiit.ttli burning sands which the arid sun u? lr pha-ant r.ith- excitement, 4-1 .-hall be ! Scorches an-w each duy, and the fiery moats edliged t you and your friend. Miss Tarbell. if; scatJie I he throat that brcatla-K the-.n, till event by you would procure another b. in-ding pine- after ' lia ; ' vt' 1 velh-r, the patient citic!. fi-i tortured this week. 1 did not ii.un-.j, in the first place, to ! renting rcekh.-s ? To the iK-rpclua! swell of the' take lady-Uardors, ami vxpe-rienec lias a -suivd ! v-"- '"" clcss depths of the oee an, w hich the eye me that it will be best to abide by my first inteii- ; oJ ' -''Ji'"'"" alone- can mea.-ure ? or to the un rion. j e..Tnpichen-h-, um-tasing rmans. heard only 44 That is just what I was going u -ay to you," 111 inte:ii!iaab!eftjr.-sts, wliose heavy darkness the was the i;:u;....,d reply ; 44 abe ut having. I mean. ' 1 -'is fhuns; wi'hin whose tangled jungles As Mr. Farrington and 1 are intending to be ' '-fS'sts e.f prey make their lone lairs and shiny married Saturday ;:i: I I believe Capt. Fitz'.ib- j 'I'"1"-" bind and thrive among the unsunned bins and Sian inW-nd to he united at thes-une : 'kes and rank moist herbage? time we shall both ke-cp house, and I here-fore j "J-'fe scons tome a monster, with eyes of lire shall terminate -ur 1 aid at that lime." i fierce claws and b: i.-tling Lair. I strive to keen Bo you menu to say that vou and Mr. Far- rir.gton are to be married ?" 44 ("--rtninly ; is there any objection ?" 44 Of course not: ve.ii will I to well macb .1 and we slia'l be glad to get rid of you. If you I could accomodate v oi.rself t.l-ewhere before, it! would be aVclicf " j When tin- spinsters were left to t lie msclvt-s, the i stoi'-al Lctitia j-acttl the rexsiu with long strides i an.1 cmpres.-ed Iipj. Her more sensitive sister : Vjulot Int.. t... o. 1'onioc :iloo!..-c,phre,ma. j or my part 'Bent I a fool. Scohronia. a'""-vs lhoght Capt. 1 nz ( ubbms w a, a ra.-cal , .enu now I know it. I shan't break my heart for him. '" Nor I for Mr. F.trriiigion," said Sophronia j.ri-uing up spirit; "twouM n t marry a (...-I. and if he had nt U-i.ii one he would n't have mar- rieil that homely, ill natured. sun k up minx." 44 That's right ; theit's plenty more better than either." " At the suppo -table, the Misses Scraggs talk.-d very fast and laughed very loud, by way of show- ing their i:ncoiieei .1. The Mi crags have r.n'iv kcj.t a In house for ten years. Their adt crti.-e-mont s! ill icads, 44 Single gentle nun pit fered :" but, strange to say, t hey are still unmarried, and likely to ri- main so fjr the sjiace- of their natural lives. So truit is, in the words o( (inv. '..1' u..i:.y a is; e.f pcrc.-t ray t 'ihe il.rik i nf::.'.'-r;.e-l c.ive-s of .-re; c. ice..e. bear : Full a fV . r is !..;n to hhi-h unseen. rt air." ...!.- .1 : , . . . r ;sJ' .1 i urn.;, wui , ii.iun.ei ui I. nil fmd. devoted and scrupuh us father, was sent to i a fashionable lHarding-s-hcol. where she Ucame ! :.iin.,.,i,...f..,1,-,ii, ,.-.,,.! lady, who icje ieed in o-ic of ihos'c- pe rversions of masculine names, for which some ladies have a wnt r.,.,!.,., : in oth-r word Lor ,.i.- r.WilMtn n,l -1,. vi.s i.,,,,,,:,,,,!, t,.....,!'!' ,n"St. U'lwar'1 o u.gMd or to in.provo ' " " among the girls as 44 Dicky." Writing to her fith.v lboiiew- vomer rrl v nt l bi fV.shioT-.i.l.b. school assured him that she was so l,aPpy,l,ad for her room-mate "sweet little Diedey II ." . ... i . 1.1 . , 4 iitiHut and niunuer : e xciaime.i u:e old gen- . j tie-man. 44 Is this a specimen of the morality of I your ihsimoiihimc .KMnimir-si h'ku.-.. wincnua - his carriage he starte d imme.naetly for the acad- ! em v, anel on his arrival, asked to he show n into i .... his daughter's room, where he found her silling .. -. . ..n- .-.H'cct ionntcW- in the Ian e.t anot hi t- voiuit !. ." .... A . . ,4- ia.1V. 1 ne am-e-i liniate trin iumiiii ioiwar.ito i . . t r . t .1 : ic m very fiowninglv exclaim, d- ' I " Where is that rascal ?" 44 VCho. papa." 4- That Dickv vou wide about. Yho is vour I i,i-mit ?" ' " j 44 Why, there she is," exclaimed the innocent dams 1. "throw ing her arms around the innocent i cause of so nmch anguish. The ha.-t v old gen - j tleman w as perfectly disgusted with himse lf, and nl-o wiih the .-onf.-unded bad tasteof civinggirls ioy A Knotty Law CasV.. The following was stated by a Professor at Paris : A gentleman dying, made hi.-, will, in which he provided, that if his wife, shortly to be confined, j should nave a I toy, nc would take two thirds oi i the property and his mother the remainder : but i if it was a girl, then the mother was to have two '. thirds and thc daughter eine third Now it hap pened that a boy and a girl w ere Urn the Pro fessor enquired how the propcrtj' w as to U divi ded according to the wish ef thc Testator, lie called up one of thc pupils and asked gravely Sir what w as the intention of the Testator ?" "Sir," answered thc students : 44 his intcntioii w as plainly to have ou-y one cliild." ro-.n the American Vition. LigLts and Shadows. uv lm;i.y r- Esur.uxi:a. t A w .v-v, u!n travellir stopped by the waters of ( the Jl tpiy Valley, and sat down to weep; long . she w e t and oi'?. , The- gk nnui.g ;i,y,;t darted and glided through , the rippling water. The ori-.h- sang sweet to its ! thee-ypress tree that drooped, dippins I i,s l14-11-!' nt b.,u-l, h, the pellucid fountain. ; Sun-bin- and shn low, sorrow and gladness, i " -re- 1 1., re, mingling and combining like the mal I h tible v.'th the harder ti , . . - : , - u,Mt Fazd ful' "' speak able love and 1 i"uv!i rcundimmed, though they had Ban loe-.-unng oi many hngbf hots; the bllghtin? e,f ! ""!" herbud.-e-firMiii.-e. the wr..,.V rr i-. bte. i ... . a noble . in sa t . t.ii-ne in hi r d-s .Titf.m ""'''" '.'"Hal Wautr had settled upon .-.i row- h.ih- m its e.vjiivssjon e.f aefjuaintauce wit h grief. i 'iV' biccn.-e e-f .-w ee L-.-mcI'ing , burning be- . i.m.xi me- ...i.. tin- uire tlragon form, wreathing I J-";'- 'a:i of many l.;u-s around it while the flow' ! trs U! ' f:oathign;its from the glowing censer be;- -i . , guile n.c with a of warmth and brightness. Son,, times I my toil jf!K -i jt y, ortho ro ses dii -out ar.d ihe wilher," and there the stern shai.e stands, glaring upon me in all its unwelcome reality ; 1 would fain shroud my face . m the tvret iii-iit.-, of the grave, rather than me-tt j T!"' zb'-yi - w ere w ooing the water-lilies, at her feet : (he b -uitiful water-lilies their j brown coat-f.M,d ab.ut their pure white haves, j peeping so modestly from their pontic shelter j the amber l'C-ta's sofilv H.h ino- ; .!,, i-... . J r. j-, iin-.IUUIIlu ; ! "" "4l,L " ils no siia.iou- on the TovVe'i q. Tl. 1 , ., j niourner stoe.pcd with a glance of pleasure toward 11,0 " bite U.-om. d lilies ; and gentle Faith who j ,iil 4 -''" aside v. .-itching: murmured iu her own j swtet i oice. J " Cu"'i L: the lilies of the field, how they grow, i 1101 mil!'(ri1" i? I'in. Therefjie if .'"' ' " l,!-' P"a--s oi l he held w hich to-day is, and to mom -w is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you i O yeof little faith." Arise from the shad-ny ..f the cv,,r';-s hiurtts ' :. ,i ... . i .-i . .i . . ... 1 ht faith be your guide, and hei.c shall illumino : your paili itie weary tiat eller eiiunk deep of the water3 of the liarr-y .i:iev. and ili.nnr1.-'ii.t. light fall em wave and L'v-onn. she km li i. received horn the hands of Faith a new hr. ptisr? ; ' the soft dew s e.f (iods U-iH-fiecnec outsw-oot the stain and soil gathered from ih h:stv M. 1.. ! ai s of life. 11,,!,, .(,,..v,..i i Tl... .t.,,l,. .- i ...i. ' .. 'i-'inniM i.ii.o it a l , IJUl jey COllleln with ihe mcrnmg." Faith kept not her vigil in vain. . 1 ! .,11, tlTio-c 1 e n -v " ''K!C raanccom" ' .11.. ' - ' ' " tocitiWn i r" ' '" ? U fe'W'J-VS ,,nu thoSC ,!"'tn wL tne tm.i is ami manners, nhenv! l.n-.- ri. ktal.,. J . w IIU our railroads, or sltamUnts. machined I shot is. an 1 oibei f:i.-fi.ri.u ? r,i-; i..-. ... i v , tlllltI,rj,. As u,n,y a, ...,; (u tl ; ,i.,; ,.,,,..,,,. ... i , "c,f .i. i . i 1 - " " ...v.. -. to aim others, it .. j.i.-t s j wi-h a man who is Unevo- Jent ; thc more he gh e s. the more bo tools bk- j ii- , . c . -. t , . , sl.lll-. e'lor.llTIl.V?nilM"i.fvin m , nA in CV(.rvnlin ' u.t thc ,,, fVlVlm i . i, ,.,, , . , . ,. ' . ne tlionghts, he come stale. Keen all hiTir in i ,:,, n-i .... , ., i it iieii tie.iiii comes, nc should lind us i . . ... anng a me.uiitam rather than Rmkmj" in a mire ; lu-ea,-ting a w hirlpeiol than sneaking from ! A C""plc.f young men in Cincinnati, seek mg .or objects to gratify their curiosity, strolled to the museum. Having viewed the sni-cmion ! arrange-d in the difil-rt-iit it-oms, they seated thein- . Sth -ai,ii vnt vred into conversation. Sudden ; a U ' ranc a,!l "'c manager called out I ' I'h-ase walk up stairs to the iufl-rnal regions Ah! that's a new idea," said one of the : lranus' 1 always thought that the mlerual re- gioiis w ere below. 44 The reason o-f it ,' said the other, 44 is very ! l'biiu ; thc devil has the ascendency in this city." D.u Fast, there' re-sides a certain M. D. I W .,,. 11Knt (,m v;s slulli-R,.; b V) ryoxK knocking at his door. pitT S011!C uv.jlri. j jn jie went to the window ! ami asy "Who's there?" 4 Friend.' 'What do yeu want?' 4 Want to stay here all night.' Stay thei-e, then.' w as thc benevolent reply. y--- My dear fellow," said Beau Hickman to a waiter in a hotel, " I have respect for flies ; j inde-ed I may say I am fond of flies but I like to have them and my milk in seperate glasses, they mix so much better when you hav control of i" e-.hent
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