I -iTZ us IB) fWt ft fAef- ftt . THE BLES.3IN-c;s OF COViatNMtaVT, LIKE THE DEIVS OF HSAVE.V, SHOULD BE DISTIUIiVtrEa ALIKE crOX man axd tidi low, the men axd thk poor. mmrnm, fbiosv, mmm 30, 1853. RL. 1 XO; 5. r-.'-. : ; - -t I : p r r. V 5. .1 .5- if Hi3 'k ; CI T K Si 31 S : The DEMOCRAT & SENTINEL is published every Friday induing', in ll'iensd-urg. Crtinhrbi cotmtv, M SI 50 per nimiini, if paid in aavar.:, 'if not 2 will be churccj. ADVERTISEMENTS win be conaplSuoiwly laser- c-u :m i:ic muowmg rates, viz; 1 s.-jmire ?. insertions Every subsequent insertion 1 square S months " " G " " " 1 V-.fi r " co'ar.m 1 ye.;r -V " . 3 Otj s oo SO 00 lii CO ltasmss Cards with 1 Corv cf ihrt Ti. -r.iarrtit tf. Letters must be post paid to secure n i t t i n . J?dfd Jjodrir. I'rm i.'ie A : II CMtCSCE ;iiV! J. '.'."Jl f"j Siow th midnight l.i;:r is tle-th'tig Through ihe uiiiitnd .-i-i-nt rouii; T here the d;, ing malueu htjgers, Stili, aii;id tho tl-.'cp'iiini; i'. r.ni ; Yet the jiale and j I -.eid Jl;iturcs Show t!ut h:e iahiiost o'( r. That Use grave v. iiJ tucn receive Le-.:.i.T0 ! On the h'jhra nc wcirv hor.-.ehvl.l. Vet a fire; sjltt t-a lies; For thf iivtht oil.ie i.5 ti-ii-.r; J'roin the liiUt ! cvu- ; AH the dee,! and h.-:vy lr'M:!:hu " Tliis thou l.aff.:t '...'. in -.L Vhtre r.o i: i-.v e'er rl" i'0j.ci; ;': c- L-.-: ?.fi;s: it I.e t:t : !i ih ?.!'.. I.. ; . All lhat .s Ji-..i .--ii.-.i: j r:.::, v. ;sv ; Thni o':r i.-mvr. .-u i . -: !rt j.rj;:rot., All f'.n'i m!-. rs-lv e:-ci v ? Can it he. t:. it ihc.u .-.i t v':.::r Far ;r.,iy ti c;.;:i-': in i:i.-re ? V.'VA thcu t'l.c:i us 1 - V.:.L sr.- Iron-. Ah' r.rtws.id v. ill be ti c ; rlr -T: ir:'? V.'Lea the :1 v. er: Kn :.- I s t i s 1 1 to ss thv :;-',; -f::Ce J fhall :e-i ;; hie is'v.tir. ! Yet i know it.ut :kon wo; ho,r (''er n.o . i :"..-;; n '-j.. M i::-n me i:.;r:J o:' i."..t.j I. .' t'-.ec L-.-e..-..r Ili.ch! 1 ' - nil.":--ir b: f ati.i r.'eit't irj-oo my i.'iCit d fc'ov,-: And I i-.r.o" tla.t i ca h i comim;. V. ::h it t!ii!e'ii 't.iit.r-s now, Li i 'hv ie er 'ri "Li i 'ni-r: i. -..:t - 0: l .t-t- ; "- .j cr f tCJ L&tt .i:i-2Z ilifklir.;. cv..- 1.; rnrrc : C&hl arnT ivcti the ro O'er !rh:i an i frth n! tr.:.st tVhc i c i.o sni r-j-.v e'er th.iM trac--No r.icr" ck'.d- u:-;-.-i h her re Th-u k .i Je-hf.i the C'.i ihe h-. lu.d? i;i ' hi - ;hs :- -!; i: ! ch'r: rr-. the v?.av.uzi:t:Z "o-trtxT. Yes. my l p5 to night .re'. en V.'ords I s.tid lh v ihor.'i ) u'-i f; c-.i"; ; Ar.d I wo'.rid I c :ct-.!! ti.en: V'ou'd I had no 1 -;.. s.- wf O. thul cue un.-va.v'e 1 n:.;tv.-.' '. Weie it miire 'o hee i-rti::. All the st;r::ctk ofits tci.-p.t.-.ticr. V.'i.uk! .o-.pard :o r.:c hi ain. i;-:r . it,- :i:,. c fit.v V: V.'h- t ir. tier In ra;. her,:: ; I am fcppv v hcu b'.r.'irle hint. V.'re'cheJ when we a:e ajtti:: 1 i :v-. I list, n To his f.rihei Al'.VLii Lnt.,': th.at I k!.o;:iu ; V- no. he rrt e;m n-.vrr Lcr 'hem II;.!:' ro rr.cn oa it vceld. A-.d I would r.'k e.-,r.Id not p:sir. li'ir.. Would r.nt foi- t: c woi-'.l e iierrd; I v. cukl h-we hitn know I lih I.iia As a urt):i::r. as a lr;t.r.ti ; Er.- I mcnt ti itc-rp r.ar eerct In my be..om ulwnes h:.k For I r.eeer meiut to tfll h.ni That I loved him -b.a I did. A TUBKH3E AED A DIVGEGF. A certain Caj.tair. M , a kale, good humor ed man, beloved hy all who knew him, and a certain Dr. K , one of the handsomest men alive, and a gentleman all ever, raet a few days in Trenton. It was daring the session of the Legislature, which, as everybody kne.w. is, when it happens, a great feature in Trtnteai life, and a pregnant item in the history e.f New Je rsey. Both the Captain and Doctor were borers mi-.V.-r members not for the benefit of their own ) 00Vctsl ut for the public, comprised within i the la-.i's of Cam den. which, as you know, is a ! ercatcitv located eppevke to ihe retired hamlet '. of rhiladcdphia. The Captain was " boring" for I Camden as the scat of government, coun house and iail, forthc great county cf Camden. The : two-., lwbirr for Lontr a Crming. being a ! .if,- ,Jp,i of a blacksmith shop and ' , v r . two frame houses, and located somewhere betw een the extreme limits of Camden Co., and the Atlantic ocean. In a wo.rd, the site of t'ae county Court House was a disputed ones! ion ihe citizens of Camden wanting it in Camden, the voters of Camden countv, just to spite the Camden rccple, wanted it in Long a-Coming. Althougli the night was dark, ar.d ra est of the Well, the Captain with his hearty honest face, eieniens of Smith's village had gcr.e to bed, Smi. h and the Doctor with his honest very handsome ll his lu'c wife put cn her bonnet, anel am: in face, came to Trenton as lobby members, to press arm they proceeded to the house of the clcrgy thc respective merits of Camden and Long-a- man of their church. Coming, upon the notice of the Legislature of i " What in conscience is the matter," enquired New Jen,ey. A week, two weeks, three weeks, the clergyman." a month passed, and yet the Legislature took no " The matter is, I want you to marry us two action, and Camden county was still without a - 'ght o.'T r-plied Smith." seat of government, court house or jail. " Mrry you ?" ejaculated the clergy m an ,w ith The Doctor grew quite impatient ; mooting the expanded fingers and awful eyes, "are you Captain one day, in one of the passages of the drunk or crazy P. Bing.ilarly peculiar Capitol of Xew Jersey, he, " I ain't crazy, and I wish I aas drunk," said said to hi g friend . Smith desperately ;" the fact is, brother Gccel- " You are? here for Cmden, I r Long-a-Com- win, that some scoundrels at Trenton, m.be- ing, ami here we have been for a mouth. Al! -w mo to ask, in the most delicate manner, why in the devil don't this Legislature take tome action in the matter, and let us go home ? Your busi ness is su'diring, snd my patients are dying-, ami yet we are dancing attendance on this curst d . f legislature. Why d-n t they the a.sTml.kd viidim of Jersey, say Camden, or Lontr-a-Ccm-in:, and let us .o home V The Cant, drew his youn friend into the re cess of a corridor, ami looked at him fiuterlv, with cue eye half shut, and his mouth fixul on a decided " pucker." The fuel is, It,' .said he, " veil are crcen. i -vri' yoti not aware tiiat tlissj ts a L'teat ccwnt i4. , ....... j th.-.t Xew Ju .-ey is a great Si ate, a Xiw J I W .it i'Sl is'a'ure the talhst kind out of "all V ! The Docier ecnilpstd that he was aware cf some of this points, but dark as to others : he i had .Vf-ir.e cone; p; ion oThow the 7-'''' '''"''' a '"'S animal with a html name, hrtow n tn eolo 1 feists, which had the whclc w( iid to ii!f. a A.w n:ii!ions of ycr.rs bt.fi.-re Adam, how the hhih- '-to uti-iviu, i.e was aiiont, vut .'trs v l.c-i-huicn -.t as an animal he had h.el.t d ai en all aides, but eo;dd not undt island. The Capt. took the Doctor .ood humcredlv by the r.rtn , and led lata into a ret in d i-Iace, where a l!';hted caniUe shone np.t.n the cot.nttnr.nee of a bottle cf oluiitu-agne made iu Nov. ark, l.v.t hi Li l' d ' Trance.' Over this hoi tie t!;e Captalti vrrcetdedto tive ihe Doctor icme idea ofJt:.-ey h .'.itshii ion ; if ctt -'.'".:Id have s! en the line Hon. an features of the Doc'or, aiul lite y :n face of the explain, a little rini.y, r. !! i"p:id by Lair whieii ".'" v.-onni nave nnien enjoytet the start tin . 1 1 , . ... .. I narrative uliicii felliV. m his Jip.s. ; " Albany is a great place," so the Capt.be an : ; " IIanlsbiirgi'5 atsotlu-r great p'a-e hgilateis ca.n bo had there in great quanliiks at leaser. a j bio prices, bU( Trenton is ii.e place.'' ' ' Fxpoiui i ;- s-aid the Doctor. Upon v.hi.-h : the Captain illustrated his ua by the feilt.wiuc r jiaiTutit e : ! i , One winter there came to 7.eotn two men ; j nstnu! .Sn.I.a and Jems, who had ! t ih of ih::u ' ! designs the hei -iite. Je hu-1 a bud ! wife, r.nd was in love vi'.h a ft ; i: y v. roan he i , wi.-hul to be .kvorced hem the had t -fe, so thai ! i he noi kt many ihe prttiy woman. v.l,. by the J l,7 was a wi.Vw. with black (yes, and such a ' ; bust ! Thutihre, Jcttt-s came to Trillion a r ft , eliverre. ! S mi ili had a good wife, i.h.-inp t a rditi.goed ' : i .. .- . ! .,..! . t. ....... ii i I '! -. fu, .-.iiu :i;e us liter t i iin ei.miren, ana j rtioT-.h e!il net want toot. .;irel, 1-ne ata o.,it j io g -t a e-uarter l-.r a turnj'tke, or pi.ttiti )a i, to -: esUi.d fix in Pie's ftun io Tfi-i-.-.n.'ti U-'.!-. I ell, th.'-y v. i?a tntse tiil'.'eunt errnmh. rr ::te to Trtii'm, and a'lelrtssed ike asscn.hkd wisdott) . i with the usual argument.. j ' lt: S't;ppfr;;. mainly cr,m pc-sed efoy.tki s,v i.h ; I a rich hack- g-c-r.nd of ster.k am! vcros,-.;). ' 2d: I.hjuors in great plenty fa ir. ",h rst y lipht- i n:ng," v Licit is a hind of loccmotive a! ft.Ii j speed, redu .-ed to liouid hapc to Mtv.a;!: eham- j r 1 egae. j To speak ia plain rrc. e, Jcncs, '.he divorce ! mar., cave a chcmpagr.e supper, and Jt'iuitli. the I i Turnpike man, f llowitl a champagne br.akfa.--t. j ; Under the mcllifYiug in Cm nee oi' which, the as- j sitnblcJ wi.-dom pastd l-oth the dlvoicc sn.l j : tttrnpike bills, ami Jvitt s ar.d ."mith a eery of; ! ta?h bill in pai ckrusnl in their pc rkets went re- I , joicing home, over miles of saml. arid thn imh the tribulation of many stage or ad; s. r-hnkh ; arr.ved at heme in the evening-, and as he sat d:vn in the arior, his pretty v. ihe be -ado hiir. ' how pretty she did look 1 and jive of her ohiidrin i a.!e p overhead, the other five siudvini tluir les sens in a corner of the room, he was induced to expat tale upon the good le-suit of his miss icn io i Trenton. ' " A turnjiikc-, my dear. I am one cf tkedi ; reel or?, and will be president : it will set us up !oee, we can send th.e childrm to boarding school. , rani live in style out of the toll. li-.-re is the t charier, honey." i " Let me see it." said the pretty wife, who was i one of the nicest wives, wiih i lutupne.-s ami goodness tlimpling all over her Cteo. let me se e it :" nnd she h.-ttnt.l over Srai.h's fhouUh r, pre-s-' slug her arm upon his own. a:; he looked t the parchment. But all at once S'.uith's visage grewloug. .Smith's wife's visage grew black. Smith was not profane, but now be ripped cut an awful caih : D n it, wife, these i .feyncl sfflvndtels t'l Trcn'on hare dxvnrcal s It was too true. The' parchment which he ht'H was of lllvo,vc whh t1ie nam of nii-h nd Smith's wife appe nrtd in frightfully legib'e letters. Mrs. Smith wiped her eye with the comer of hcr I,r(n- " W-''- a turn; d.e,' she raid cr.cl wiih the whedc ten of her children staring me in the face. I ain't your wife." " D n the pike, and the legislature, ortd r,n.l ." "Well, the fact is. that Smith, reduced to single bkitscdncss, and " enacted" into a strarger tc ltis 'vVU wife sworc tf'-'ribly. f nifeht. : vn wit' ; pone and divorced me from mv own she is the mother of cf nine children " Ten," ?aid Mrs. Smith, who was trying, " Here's a turnpike." i s Well, the g.d minister seeing the state-of the. . ' V -I'--'.em was uuiyrtneca from the rocket of the lugubrious SmithA niar- ried thim over straight way, and would ni take a fee ; the fact is, grave as be was, be was fyiug to be alone so that he could cive-.vent to asm. pre-eei laugn, wtucn wa3 si.akmg Inm ad er ; ami mith and .Vnath's wife went joyfully hW.t, 11 , i , , . . . . ! and kisr-td every ene cf their ten children, ffhe rv. . little Smiihs-neverk-tew that th.ir fa.Ler..di V ' inoL hi r 1 ,: id 1 .n n .. tl ..!.....! . V.. ! h ; 3 ' known to me, nnd at the ehad cf ni-v.li e -v..v. ti-Kel. It rtMsts e.yirtn.es cf tempera i ure. Ii: " Divorce is the word," cried Jones, playfully ' tlf winter of USl-f,2, on the 10th of Jarttia 1 atting her double chin. The fact is. Eliza. I'm : T, the nitrcnry sank 18 dig. Fh. Ixk.w zero at nd of that eorstd wen an, ami yon and I'll go ! I-ouiavIlk, and yc-t no l:arm was done to the and gel married to night. I know how to man- vines. cc those scoi-.ndnls at Tunlcn. A eI.En:p:,ti-ei Clipper or rjijiUji;:t d.d the business for tin m. Put on ycurbrr.net, and let us-go to the pix-aeh- tr's at once, iljarest." i lie v ..io iyvtio was among wkIows as p .ich- is are among apphs. j.ut cn her bonnet and teak lr? m m. "Just lock how hamk-rrno it is put on p:rch i!.ut?,' cried Jt r.ts, i hii p the ilw'imuv.t fivin his pocket and with tntieh rt:stlii.g spriadiiig the docum 'm out kifeito 1 t r. " lie re is the law y hidi says t hat Jacob Jones. n::d his wire Anna Carolina Jones sre two. Leok I at it !" uttirr he- g'ovtd h'ind on hi.s .d.nnh!r d.d hof.k at it. 'Oh dear.'" the said, with her rosebud tips, and sank back cn ike st '.'i. "h thunder and blaze.-; !" cried Joac-s, urd ank I i. -tele her, n.v i.ig the fa'rl parch::: e-v in las hand He re's lots cf Lr.j t ii.t ss p.trrl c!.;.n 1 agne p ne to ruin." ft was a hard .fse. Insitad of bein-'divo.-.-'l a:td at liberty to marry the whk.w, .Jacob j v.: wr.s tncoi trr.'cd into a turnj ike ctn rcny. utid y hieh l- adeit wo!e:ai:;h- rise d. eeith his broth- r dlncteirs, to construct a turnpike from Lha ling ton to liristoh .hen you refle-ct that liialington and Bm- tol are located just a mile apart, cn cpp.-sl!c Sielt s of the Delaware- rivi r : v,-..i at ... , -.:, ,.',... hopt'ic-.-ness c-f Jones' ctu-e. " It';; all the far.U or that d n turnpike who rave em t! eckut: - :;"e Prrper, or wr.s it a Lieakmsl "' ciltd Joins, in agony. " If htyM a chat tere-! me tr; !-e a " - o Te.iai iu IM!ev 1 might hr.e l.otr.e it, but the idea of making a tttrup'kc- f.-e ra lualingten to lh is. tol is ab.tcr h" "And you sink divorced 1" said Illiza, quite icarfbliy. No i" thand-.rtd Jonrs. cruhif-g his kr.il. e tween Iks knees, " rat ! what's wcrse, the hris laittrc's fldcia-nttl. and gone l-.c.me drunk raid won't be back to Trer.'en till r.e;t yearl" The mistake had ccurretl in 1 1. 1 last day of ihe session, whin h "haulers :.nd clerks were la- ,,;,'',i? under the thect -f a chr.nn ngne : upper, J' 2!ov.-..l by a. cl an j rent- breakfast. J'u ith'r. '-ame Ltvl been jut where J.jik-' tiajibt io have ,-s-tB' n-'J " x"- u-'-rr-n;" r.s the Latin joet hts l This is in substance, if not in words, the Can- tain s story. "Do you mean to say (hat thai is a fact V a4.ctl tirelb c'or. s-iti.-r.thingiii,, w hisketrs an.lgaz ing rouutl (he ie-a.-.i-r.-nt -box' in which I he y wetc scaad, ami fair. ay at th.e thre e oua: ters enip'.y bol do of c ham ur tt no. "This is a .'antple cf. Terscv lcr:.-!ra in," re- 1'lh.el the Capt. The Doc!, sal a 1 mg while in deep though:, absently jlayaig with thv cork ef the three fair'ths cxhtuusie.l bottle, r.nd at last sale!, in a calm, de tilled w ay "Long a Coming ami Camden ma- go to bia ses I This very nigh: I w ill rent sc ia lie besom of my f.ett.ily. The text Iraki starts at 5 o'clock, and 111 take it." Whether this story is true or not , v.c cannot say. 'but loth the captain and the 1'octoraie men of truth, anel the latter, one Lhak autumn Td'-bt wlw n vv wi-w. hot 1 A n-r M t ho t.hn-v at ihe very Je-i-se.vest of Jersey taverns, told the story to me by a brieht weed fire, and with ie shiccrc o.it.1 honcsct f:. Bk tt-TiFi i. Skkicm. It w as in the evening of a beautiful staamer day, that I stiay-td into the silent graveyard of our little village, w here I wit- ncssed r.u a fleeting cacumstar.ee, w hieh time or change can ne vt. etkacc from my memory. i As I wandered among the moss grown graves ar.d broken stones. I w as suehknly arrested by observing a little girl be fore me. whose actions unpirctived by her, I was watching. She was kneeling beside a little mour.d of earth covered with grass and flowers. Shortly aftr I had arrived there, she ceased the ccctijaticn in v. hieh she w r.s ergaced, and kneeling beside the to n.b w i: h upi aisid eye s to lanven, her fervent lit -s pound forth in ardent prayers, her feelings and aft'tcticnSi to her heaven- I y father. . liaising herself frcm htr jesitien, I saw her liantr a t arland cf flowers won the maible tomb stone, w rcttght into the words " My Father's Grave." These simple words, so eloquent cf fooling, ro full ofiboi.eba on.-ld nt T.nt no.l f -a. sn-'cSiLy to the spot. ! " . , TJr- Dr. Cox, speaking of persons who profess if,,!A,.a,t.,i c,nr,r,; -M.,-...t vr.lv- r.ro- fessine any. says they resemble Noah's carpeu- tcrs, whobuilt a ship in which other people were savrj, all rough th-y wt-re drowned therasolvo- ' V. h;CS. Wc Cnd in Putnam's II2a.:ra'td TTetl.ly Re- ! Cf.rd oftbr. ,.rlt v-.: . . -""w- v somc inter- esgihets about the wines of Ohio. , Ca'awba, a native of 1" -"-". 111 m lie iin.-oni w conty, in -rih ; Carolina, where it was discovered on !,,!,,v, of the Ca'awba river. Like the o:hfr native gnrjK-s of this country, the Ca'awba has a l.r.rj ! isl2 portion of the fmir 1.,.i"V iV-t .t ' r- "- li,v sweet an.i itavor- ' ' ' ' & 1 " " and the pulp. It appears (o !,.. f(.!l,-,l I,-,,-,,,.: -l-t vhat no foreign grape is snittd to wine vowing in -v v.i-t.v.jitt. . t-t, the Tiuud S:a'es. n,l 1 it," '-. "v.. i i . , - ... ' " ... . ""CWl v huh has be. n As all know, the ko:1 and fbno cf the rounJ j "K&r tme-nnati atx-part icu'arly lavcrabk tohe grewth of the vine. It ret;ii"u-t s six ytars 'o bring a vitteyarrl into full U tir'-v, al hour.li wi . ,--o'.s r 1 two yt s grow I: some wjnc n-a y be .;, d n two year-the r.tar.' ing. It is s'a'td ihra. the sweet juice of the Ca'r.wba vine- has a s-j.fif.c gravity cf 1 tOi'i, aad af tr hrrtan'a.t.ai (i '. L'T 0 'JC'G. The samT.l-s of the s.il! Ci awba wt: sent to the Agvie-ul. rialjock ly c f I'rari -e, hi-: : yr- hj 51- I- Ib-hfu--, Fixsident of the Ameri i can Vine Growers' A.-n -iati.rn. Then; or - la-rn ! ihem by Mr. Paym, puhh-ked in the Weston IIo;ii-! ttral Ik -, :k w. f May of ; his y a. srvs: ; ' 1 h..- A.acrlrau W'me r-amphs i art ico'ai I--re i eor-tn:.;:: .htr.-s, Ives f.-.r th ir m :.' . eh a- r, i a!,'l '';!' ahik'y to f::ra-h car'.: uie r.-id ami be j come ctT rve-c; nt. The Isab- ila win-.' gave f.i : dry re.-idue, dauble the mneit ity ofo.irbest nhi-e . .-j ..i.-..mg Mine, ii.i en st'.ia con a. i.s ami a hatf per cent, c fabr-i ho! raid ;i hat ec ven (,v.a:i ill cf iity ofs! -nr. . solid t (siehte. , 1 la: wiut s." '1 h-t re are i hiaraig tires . i cir.tia.i. The Kvapo: atd ;o d-yn - s i . kf rthuc times as i..'i :h as ou t: Ohio about rC.' acre-- in f.t.h (fv.hiu! lofi are hif.I by C'-U-aviraro rto ;uct is n. '.. :t; d ut :) 1 i gr.llons pt r rc. "ike rr.--::! p; i. e f the - ik i wine, as it is .!! hy ;!:c- g'r--.wtrs, it fron c I CG to-"2 the gall. -a. The whole crop this y. ar is ; orib t a ...t'f, ,.r,t, .t.:..t. ., . he athhd the erode tar'ar, the brandy k.:'iikd ' ' fh--nturaadtr of the p;e-s at: 1 !,:'; w.ne. a-. we 1! as the grr:;-c-s sola !r -h ai the market. la ixyars the prodm-- of wine will heat lea-t five ' " ' " 1 - " 1 " rt.ii'-terin-?t' of ihe large surface put rnde r vine-r year, st .jm hi ted by the pr s-nt h:gh price of wi ic. This y.;r fourhruscs in Cir.ehma ' i . hare p--; i arid, child'- he m the Ca'tavl a vine, over .".!' I (n 1 o l. s ef ' spaikbng wine, worth S 12 the eh rem Ihe ele- raindi f r the 0!:k) wines has iiei n Mich that the merchants Pave found i. imrossihle to kt e t the vin'r.ge s on h.and snhlciently 1-,-rg to permit ihem : h to obtain a suitable age. The sti'.k or d-y. and the s-a.kiing v ines are both procured from the tamo must or juice, the only etilTire ttce being, that w h-.a t he primary fir mt n a.ion is ot e r. at.l th.e dry er si ill wine is prcduecih a certain small qua?!' it r 4k-.".ar can dy is ad hd tub. aula f -e.--h fi rn.e tit. Ai'erthe celhcticn of a certain iptani.y -f si din.cn', the s salt ; the :-cc::-l f imentr. i n the Vewtr pe-r-iv. it s just so much wine to e caj e- as shall carry ii all out. The v. ty smah tk !;." ncy is sit;-p'id y ith st ill w itu-. and the bottle is then s'o-.d on its r-i-le in the vault, to eonirloie its f rmecr.ation. If the primary ferment takes plaoo upon the skins of ihe grapes, a higher color and a strluge n- ! cv is civen to the wine. ! i Mr. Rchf.is, fai'iing that the early vines of ' Ohio w ere very acid, a I h d to the soil of a cer tain vineyard rc'a-h salts : the w ha-of thai year's growth was ikund to be- of a superior ijitality. ' i less acid, ami to form a largely increased tpianti- . Ikopkc may not ; re -ent new truths, bat day ; ty of crtitn of tr!ar. i may rrodrt-'c t hi on. s in a new gaib. Be f:ec i F.nourh has leen sta'td to show that the ! tiou will enable ihem tod-.this. Ihav few men ' gi-evs eh of wine in America is likely to be come an ; of all that live ami br.vhea-e really capable of .industry of great Importance. It is already much ; iatp.a ting ir.fxn.ct'mii ami ins; ructi-.n. The grea'er in alue than was the growth of cotteni , riasoti ui obviotti.. it is not hi -cause the y have at the I. me of Jav s treat v. I-arsre districts m Indiana. Illim is. Kentucky. Missouri, and other St i; th; m and We .-re m States, w ill he found to ' have eepad eapabtiniis ef soil anel ckmu: e with ' the vicinity of our sister city. In 1S4M the lota! wine crop of this country was only l-"-! otfO pal- 1 a.-.l.amid ffj-cur vnoranee. Let t'os ! the ii: Ions. In 1-50 it was 221,2j'. gallons. The ' nc r.t of rrkc- .urn of deep, M-tiou. tbougbt so amount imported hist year w a G1 5ek('i."(i gallons, on amount which the United S.ates will be able to supply for its ow n consumption m 00 years, j even at the present rate of increase. ; Of the moral in'iuence of this cull me we hetve ; o room to speak. Gen. Saaiuel Cary.oi Ciu- cinnati, the Fat her Matthew of lite West, denoua- ces the use of Cataw la cn strong grounds. On' the other hand, the New York I'.xpress is of opia- ion tl:at the tniive rsol drinking e.f .oo; w ine u.i.ht ; do away w ith the ordinary and iaitmpiiaic- u-e ; t)f other and more alcoholic lioucrs, ar.d thereby ' the familiar fact that the ui.te groi.u'.-g recn-us ot Lurcpc ere vevwl.r.llc Jcr th-.if tn-q-.rotee, $:k a thing askdii-Ml driuiU.mcss irmg fhf.os. u.-t- hnou-n,) would have its, couiuirpr.rt on our tide ; of the waters. I ' CTT" Among the innumerable anecdotes of John ' Ilnmlolph, the following is not the worst : -A young aspirant for Congressional fame saw fit. in las n anhn speech, to give pioo i oi ms oem uess and it' otteiiee l.y a ior.g ai.u aousive eia upon the eccen. ric member ficia Virginia. At the eoaclusieu cf the young otaior's voli.mnic.iis address ihe hero of Roanoke a: ease, raid stretch- iisw.ii!lk'nriT!tnl nervous arm towards the seat of the complacent youth, w iih a half inquir- ing, half-coatciuptuous kck, thus replied: " Mr. Speak pr, i.-'ii)'s r'ie'.1 Girls iTOitlluis. Gill.-?. VOU W.Ult. ID oi f n nm;.,!- .1. 9 i .. '" - ' : ,u. what a natUral thir.s it is for Venn? 3-ulVs ' who Lave r. !.ankcrinS r the Werner sexl Itis a weakness that woman lia. n-irl fi.r r n ; sue is called th weaker sex. Will if you v. tint to get married. h;-.'t for con--i-nce s-r.ke act like f.'O.'s abci t i-. Dr::-t ro in-o a ti: of the nips eve ry time y u .sieahft an.1 a pair of whisker. Don't e tl:e idea into yovrhfr Is l! -a von mi:st put yonr.-i'lf in the n.-e.i ia uie way ot every youna- man in :hbcrl.ced. in vukr to sttnet w-.ie. f.-r the mi ;r,- r , . , . .u u.-ii iii-u uner uie- ineu inev w ia atier voa. Mark that. A l.u.-banJ ht.n'fris the-mo.-.t de'.t.r! nh'.e of all young ladles. She is fell of .March and puckers, .-he appears ridiculous in the ey s of every decent person. She- n.ay gtmrnl'y be found at meet'rg, coming in, of e"t!!-.-e. about tl.v h.sl nc, air. ays a' social par.it s. a:, I invariably take a f ont w at at concerts, r-hc !r;t.; to U- the be lie of ihe nlaee. .--vA tr-i-.ks si )- P o-rpiil! You are lifting your--. If :',r r.ti o.'.J .-a;. o.-t a s sure as t he Sab- sfh c n e in Si n.Iay. M, n v. ill fit v. in v.-;t ar.d i at'er yn. r-in -;ly because they love to d-. it, but i't y ! t.-e !:.. it.etc a of making you a ' v. tie th: n ihty ha re -7 c. i :. itt.'ng stti-itie-. If ! 1 v-as a y.t.ng ma-i I v.-o;.l-3 h: . no more t" d i wi'h sn.-h ft:uv thrn I M wi;h a niNl -rake : Xow. girls. Je. t Nelly give- ou a t : re of h- : a.b,.:e. ami she knows fo m expe : i.-r. -e- tb;f i. you praetiee ti you aland u f;ar cbanee ofei.ing 'ts; ' - ab'c h-tkau :s. h is ah we I! a;oi jh that yet; l-arn to flng'.r the phtt; work tv.ib oi iei-v, i stmly gratnumr, etc , Liu don't nigaet 1 t ire ..irj-lma, or yctt eh : r m thi r tea-J: v la w : m-.ke b.- ad and get a itual of vie rihpu! omegh f--r a k r;-. No . f a h -iisikecr e f's tktt k s : koi .Id ! i,. -'.i c e d. if yon Oo r.'-r i- arrv a weal hy bu-a e.n-i y n will ;.ed to kn w how 'o eh) sttch work , and if yi a do. it w ill he no dis a lvt-.n'acte- f -r y; n .o kit ke v: io over.- e a ser vant gi'l. a-d iiis-tuot her io da :1 1 -tkat-rs at yon wo;. Id ha-e th- ui d m-.-. !i :h. i,ext;ktcc d nT pretend to lw: wkr-' you are w' . Ahi .a ii i is the :uo a dv-p ca'k- e-fa c v-m ii -htm nt and will '-t.ly -..-:. o r -Ikk- j ,.- k to lai gh a. yo-:. No one b-it af.-.-lwid I....- car;, ht bvatfer ratio;: it htes a tryi.-tpr rent skin, ca ilv to be seen tktottgh. lih'-css plain, but ma'ly. Re-mt-itttl ir rk nt mt ki'-g gives a pal some. li--t.be caning, eitid loitly a.i ap;. r.f.i::ce. as a ma' at; l j-'.ain d'.a. All tlu- fiut.vntry a:i 1 ii.i-il work cf the drcsi:..akr and ndlllner, are uunec c-;try. If yea arc reaih har.J -or.ee. tlicy t!o not all ' N r :;e i ,ur luat-.ty o..e article, if you v.v h tm lv. don't c urt your f ice ar.d jewelry, but your cv. n o c.r sc. vi s. Finger rim;-- atrl f-dd. o.ls may t'.t ol..cka , bji tk.y add no.lkng to the value- e fa wih- :-.h young nic u know th:.:. Ifyo-u know lc-vr to talk, do it naturally, and dc r.ot be sodlstiiss'np'v o a; fo sreil all von say. If y ur ha'ri- s'raicht. don't pn! e--i the curling 'orgs to it abe prp!c: be be re yc: have i:;uo llo.d in your veins. If your mck i ; very b'ack , w e ar a lace collar, but th n't be so f ..-li-h as to e'.a-.b on j ainr, third.irg that jt ;.Ie are so .had cs iirt to see :.. atid if your eh' ek." are n" ro tlou'l a--; lv itt'-t saocers, f..r the d-c p-i-.n ill be detected at. d btcctne the gossip of .he- n.-'hb irhoo'l. Finally, pills, h'sttn to tie e-eemil ef 'to:- itt'.tht v-i, ami i their r.d.vice in e vt i-ytlrrg. Think less of ;h; hi. n than vou d ) of the U t. c of hie a ad ins e ad ef trying to catch, b-.. rats . s'rive to n:ake vours If worth be i act eau.eh. bv n. Did yen ever think? Tlore arc iren via-' si.-n-I their 1 ;.- wih.ea.t thk. bring e.r refic eiir.g. When they .-'peak, they utter th.e me rr.-t common i fiace ideas, vrhicli arc in everybody's mouth. ; No'hing r.t-w or siar'.Iing comer, from them. smalt minds, or etud oi ocm'ire I.e n.-ion. It js Ik? cause the-v do not hink. Tiler never s-. t tin : kre s d.v.vi to re ikut and me ha-.te Are von f 1 that ra.iabi r I Can yoa iatpart no in.-i roc i"ti . hy your voice or jeuT No wonder yoa f.li th;u the future-, like the past, may not be a Iku.k in your hi-lory. N- F -vvtRtr Cmxtiae-Tmu The 5-afIl.lk ! e ,, !r,es th" death of a Miss Mnrv Finch. ! ag. d -I?, e f Fa -ktngti!!. She had ior the la.-t six ; via"? lived :.'me. 9 ml a leg ef pork whkki she was knov.-n to have baight about fkitr years ago ' w as f.-ur. 1 in the ho isj at the time of he r death. ; Skekctrt seven cats, which she sometimes kck- ' d rp. in a rcom for many dais without f.oJ. j AI --hough she had sttfllcient rope rly she hr.d ; m.t allow ed hers. If ecu men ntcesstarles. r.nd htr tid was ltr.sttr.ed fr m want. Si v a; s t.go an ,(1.0 "... .. nt . i I '.Til Irit e'lio.nrtlii.virrn IV 'it r. r wo-.'d she- tr.he it v.ht n of.'.-rt d t- 5-er. I: is saa'ed that ab' .-i ten vt irsaro a dav tva; fixe d for being married, that the dress ar. i v. t 'hkrig cake were 2 rcvte'e.l, but (ho gaitka an ciisapj tiated hor, stud the cake si ill lcmsius in the bouse. :J L' try sch v.-l boy kuo.v s that a kite would ; k no' flv t-tile-s i ha I a string tying n dj.vn. Ii ; ; i.s just so ia litk. 1 Le nam w ho is ikd ek.w a oy half a V ?e bkeaahig roi-j cm-ibtli. Us, and their ' mother, will make a higher an.1 .-aror.-. r li ght -than tl.o ha :helr w 'no, having act hu.g to ktcp ; him steady, is always floundering in the muJ. - j Iiycu want to ascend in ti.e a, -e l" to. "rn".eV"ir. Huns-arian Anecdcto. i;;r:t:ga:i ci!c;:ie;cme::t between a Ilurcarian and ,d Austrian tro-p.f liht infantry, a Ilonved abh.d an Austrian ofik er it h a "bayonet snd s: mortally tvt.iin led him. Natural ftnerositr the II.M.car.an llonv -liio vn ..a I,;". proiiip;. d a.d to th.e tlx iny 1'uv. The oRlcei Mid to hitn wi.b r."" -iertio;i : Si .re a bnve k a favor of i tvt; von Kre natured f -my pockct- lv't : I will uk ; l ok you will f.n.1 a Taekisc ' out which my fraiXy will h cn, nts, with- , . V " rerrea rietiie d to utcrarv. l'n n -o tn t. a ti : . . i rackaee safilv to my fun.ily in Pihvue, lha.emia." "I will cetrry it to then, myself," answ-nd the ilonved. " Swiar it to me," said the Austrian. " S.r, I am a Hungarian ; I gaveyou my word " ree,po:.Ie,l ,!Jt. ip,,,.,- , 1-1 u fo'v ""u:saf.Tt--ards the -rounded mart o.l m the arms ef hi, g-tnereus foe, who, ..htr covera.g the b- dy with his own mantle, and put "nsr lLc hisnv.d, cro-siugihtm.took '''' i i5I ''' !"el intd his tr. n. The c mk -r p ni:d ,,a IpI:vdr.rnir,do "'Jf")f(s!t(l n fm-lotih v. hi. h w ns "' " ' 'as e: d no- tb-eoi "''a-stte our he ro ; he .-.-o -ne eeinn-a:..,.-g general, K'.ajU. but vn h-.ml no: g-rmt Iks ice.m-t. In the n ght ' "'"S tf 'heoanj.. aud in the course f a e.t'a-,., be- u av, Ikd f, r.r htnehed mih,.anj i " .i the ;a, erssEttb,- :no the l and of the i. p :y a.ki.-ed w :dvw of i he dec. as,d Austrian. re. ehrg at ikrguc. -t on af or, tor hero, the ITonve d. re oine d his r:;1 frUd h'i-M!f to the cap ain. who 1 ai kirn rt-,t ,d a-a b er:, r. A future court u a-..:,', e. mk :.-;.- , k'm -oho shot. Ihe tidier eH'm'y re .. bin:-. If ch's fa-t which cftme to hr- rr.:.r.C'.dly. II- put atcj hi,,. self fi, a .'t h. aud v.heii .he fu a; n.uskets wtic ttinuthat hi.-i b:-.ai. he e;,el.:kued " I phd:-d ny h-am! my word, and I was b ir.ud to keen lb In. 1 htt n n 1 io,., K, ,,V. f.-r lu man o ua ive ive Ian i, ii. .1 .sat ek-J, j icrecd by Lahr, '""A kt'le semi pr::.n. v.ho for the first time was nc. : : g soi: i .-.-r; f nligious instruction uo:n a !u. a'e fiend v. 1.. nt he was i.-i ing, found -"ire d tk:, i - i!V:-..d, r,T.i:d:i:g that Fttnday had .'ly-h-a g . 1 :d k- in it e.verauy o'l.er day. , A ' I:;.--., ty J n . f h:n up..n line ami p-cci -t up.' n p;x .-t p'. ," he was made to e mpveh' nd sen e '. what the sanctky ef the day. I'nftr i ra .j , i heavt ver, si.en af i r ht bt gr n to under-: and thi: gs, ! '" tniug from church 'her Fttne'ay, he noticed the 'at...k:nry sh. .,s os en. His r.e wly acquired ; 'uoral sense rcce i eel a te n ihk .-ho.:k. and 1:0 tn j 'i o a very onliode-x den. -u.-i.fi. n e.f the ince nv-Icn-c u potmtlt rs of s'n pi. s. "Put, "he ' wa t hh the drugs ists ,i-.- keep open cn Sun j tkays. so that the sick j.t opU- can ret moiteine." ' - Why ' do po'.pk- get sick on Sunday ?" Yes, ' :as' rco. :-r.-o-her day." "Well good people ekn't dit i S.-j: lay, do they ?" " Cer.ainly 1" Ih '.v o:.r. that be ? Does Ih avi n ke fp ope n cn ; St.n.lay?" It i-tn.cdkssto say that nil farther grave- conversation cn the svb'tct v.r.s in.r o-i j bio Motii;::;s Ik Ti'ia livery loa'hsome inmate of IVni: n ' lari.-s and S ate Prisons, was ot.ee n g. n le, ln Ulnsive and prattling child, : ...1 every criminal who has expiated bis crimes on the s -ahold fvr.s once pressed to a niotlitl'-t bteau. vn 1 drew- Ire m her bosom his life- giving not:: kkrr.i r.t. But immo ral !i aming, wrontr irt llutnces. and el ba-ing examples do their weak, f-ml irai.sfc.Tti. c nd-.aiing ill-prir.g to be ferocious men, they shock humanity hy the foulness of th' ir guilt and i.,or.s reus aadaeity of their ci in es. Yet how se!dan hasoin' cf those direful trau.-f rma.' ior.s bet n e.Te ctcd without the aid of strong drink. A:;ti-:': a ;- e f Hr.xiiY Clay. A gentleman on th-e other si le- its pe lttirs w as one day walking in the ga-dcii of the White- House at Wa-biiigton w i' h ll-.r.ry Ckyy. 'I hough I am a Demociat, Mr. Clav," fcjtid lie, "yet my .ift is a Clay whig:- 1 h'd bh ss the- lad-.t s I" said Mr. Clay. " Here ; :eiti ho, (llm-kinga w hie ro.-e at the- .-ame time,) P,vt' this to your wife fernte with my Ixst I tr gteras. Two thing- Mr. Clay well understood : one ve a.- human nature, the other was the influence o f won., n. Thrj n- : of him ihrce io'(., and one of the ni waj thf e f the Democratic husband ! ;'-"" An e-.t hange pa;cr says : AVe heard a ' 'ho sut smoking a cigar, with a face "'"5 ' "-''I-, rehearsuig the foUowmg : " A e.tste v ee iteo'. a comc wr li.e : A h "iin.e veer t'erlv to prair-C an.) a.'.a.ae , i ):: br i v I. .urn ujion my knee, To Ci'.v-'i.e- and c-iv :a:ic to rr.e ; je! l.':'; je- y t-t. :.! bide ye vet, Vc- h.ue km wh.it may ht-tiJe ye y; A homke v. e-e I -0.11c t U my lot. And 1 11 be-c. ....... wi' la.iingot." Wc take it thai he w as under the inspiration of calico. ZZT Ap.-ojy.-s of a late- ou di! that Lola Mesicz hassgain" con.u.iutd r..atrimcny." " t"ur Je'ar.,' who is a good el. al morv pnritar.ic-1 ihaa i" , Inc. 4 erja nates the J-hew mg i j igram . i a. i :" ei to -v j eei " y ! iy itfe.r. . . .'leV r :h." .ol :',.. T. i:..,tivc h- u h. pi .c- : . Le i i ' her ilk-a iiitirr.-'.e i -uc of the io tl jSmo reft. A lav ver went mto a barber's shop to prorure a wig. In taking the dinunslous of the la'.vv er's head the-toy tjco.Isiu.id: Why. how k.r.g your head is, eir." Yes,'' rvpkcdour w or.hy frieuj, " we lawyers miiit have long heads." The toy proceeded with - ' mu-ii -aye - ' - .; V, z.z& exclaimed, it is as Aui as it . i in: irstoa muziiwi-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers