THE HERALD. .CA_I3I,ISLE, P,ENN'A. J. M. VVillace J; M.,WeAley, SDITOR9• AND 113.01911EITORS Volume LX 11. FOR PRESIDENT, GENERATAI. B. GRANT R-TiIPt7IILIC.A.N STATJ3 T/CIET YOU ,GEN. 30TIN F. 31AETRA.IsiFT, f IifOXTGOM.F.27I - CCM-VT.I, . 8171.1,EME JUDOI.C. LION. ULYSSES IaTICIJR, OP BRADFORD CO U 1171% AUDITOR GENERAL.. GEN. 41ARRISON ALLEN, OF IV.4REEN co bavry: FOR CONGRESBMENer LARGE. Gen. Harry White, of Indiana. Gen, Lemuel Todd, of Cumberland DELEGATES AT-LARGE TO TUE CONSTITI3 TIONA.L CONVENTION. Wm. M. Meredith, Philadelphia ; J. Gillingham Fell, Philadelphia ; Gen. Harry White, Indiana ; Gen: Wm. Lilly, Carbon ; Linn Bartholomew, Schuylkill ; N: 3PCallister, Centre ; William H. Armstrong, Lycoming ; William Davis, Monroe ; James L. Reynolds, Lancaster ; Samuel E, Dimmick, Wayne ; Goo. V. Lawrence, Washington ; David N. White, Allegheny ; W. R. Ainey, Lehigh ; John 11. Walker, Erie. M'CLURE'S VINDICATION. SEVERAL Philadelphia papers which contributed to the election of Co!. A. K. McClure, having called him to account for his opposition to Gen. Grant, after announcing himself., as a Republican during his canvass, that gentleman has seen' tit to justify himself in a long letter to the Philadelphia Bulletin. He admits his promise made previously to the election " to obey the' , -urelT:known sentiments of the Republicans of OM district on the Presidency," and his supplemental assurance that no folly of any one could make him faithless to it. He pallihtes his neW departure °nth° groinul that President Grant was the head and front of the hostility to this election. Whether or rot this were the case, we do not pretend to determine at this dis tance, nor do we care to raise the question how far the administration would be justified in using:the party influence to defeat a candidate who opposed the regular nomination, who announced himself as hostile to the Presi dent, an who at the same time didn't ecru o tirasrlho - Repiiblican voters ' 'to support him on the ground that he was a Republican in whom. there was no guile. Wo have an interest, however, in a part of Col. McClure:,s letter, which We here copy. Referring to his contest, he says : " While a few of us were laboring day and night, after the election,. to prepare the ovidenbe of fraud in form for the con sideration of the -Senate, the command came from the President that there must be no investigation, and there was not a' plunderer about the State Rouse dens who did not Plume himself because the edict of power had gene mrt'h to eoetain the fraudulent return awarded against the people. The Republican Senators ' rushed into caucus, under the lash of the ' administration, and personally impor tuned and driven by officials direct from the throne, to devise how not to allow in quiry into what they know to be deliber ate fraud upon the better citizens of Philadelphia. A few Republican Sena tors meant to do right, but thy were un willing to incur the wrath of power until there was no hope of investigatidn by II obedient° to caucus. For' two weeks the appliances of the administration were successful, and only when three bravo men declared, with the Democrats, that they would at once vote tmselect a com mittee, under the constitutional powers of the:Senate, without regard to Iftw; wasan act allowed to pass authorizing a committee. But for the manly action of Messrs. Col. Davis, Strang and Billing felt, the repeating, ballot stuffing, false counting, poutiry and rioting of the Fourth district, would have been strengthened let fresh triumphs over people of Philadelphia, by the positive protection given them by the President of the United States.. The patietin ap preciated the state of the case, pending the struggle with favor at Harrisburg,- when it gave the bold and able leader, notifying the Prokident that " Hands • Off" was • a neeeseity if he woeld pre' serve the confidence of tho Republicans of this city. I beg you to re-peruse that ' faithful admonition." • Col. McClure is a member of the State •Onato. lle' is the peer of the other gentlemen who compose that body, as far as Senatorial rights and fair•dcaling is, concerned, and ho is no more, It may accord with his ideas of justice and • courtesy toward the sixteen who sit with • him on the Republican side or the Chamber, , to speak of their action after the fashion of an irresponsible news paper reporter, but oven after the read ing of this extraordinary statement over - —ads own signature, we doubt whether any . of-his associates could even be provoked into doing him any similar injustice.' They at least would make their charge's • whore they might be met on equal grounds. The writer ,of this article hi 'yeasona-, lily well informed on tilt, doings of the Republicans in the Senate, and ' ofr his own persoutil knowledge proposes to traverse the assertions of the Senator from the Fourth district. With the ox- copßon of the gentleman who hold the • certille - ritifi of election from the Nurth district,.no Senator oil the 'Republican , I side ever entertained fora moment the idea that investigation could or should be denied. It was never spoken of in caucus, nor wore theo'n any appliances whatever Stu the admin., • nitration, or. .elsewhere,' brought to bear to bring about such' a' result. When the petition of the contestant was , presented, an examination of the act of 1839 showed that by plain and positive • limitation there could be no eon . lest Andor Abo_lawns_dt stood.. ' , was the deliberate opinion-o£ overylio- • publican 'lawyer, in- the -Senate, see - pal of whom at loust„haVo, spent Mifiloient years : in the practice of their ,profession to enable them to comprehend the force 'or a POBitiVO limitation statute, ,The caucus agreed to refer the' question to the committee of the Gen eral Judicia4, as to th&oonstruction of ' the act, That committcolroported that the provisions of the act of 1889 forbade a contest being entertained and at the - same time submitted a hilt providing a remedy end authorizing the selection of a ' committee in a manner that commended • • the judgment of overy fair than In the, Stop. This was most persist. - ontly opposed -by the contestant, and nil whom hO could control, It wolf finally defeated. The Senator from' Lancaster immedi ately prepared ampler bill, which • pro. vided for the selection of a committee by the limited vote,.Mid the lot—com bined. This the opposed by the con testant, who" wished,. however, to make arrangement by whicltlhe_'same.result could ho reached surreptitiously by means of drawing, under the act 0f1.830. Both the bill 'reported by the committee, 'and 'the Billiugfelt bill WOW ' voted for by all the hepublscan Senators and; opposed by the contestant and it was not until it was found that the Republi cans were immovable in their opposition to the drawing of - a committee iu any way which would riot insure the greatest fafiness possibk; to each claimant for scat that the'contestant hiMself agreed to use his h T illitoiree to have the Billingfelt bill made to apply to his special case. This is sum e history of the con test as it tools ace. _Those wlio know of it onlyAon fro comments of partizan . papers, or of those who were deluding themselves with' the notion that they wore following some magnifi cent reform may have Some interest in \knowing that even at 11arrislitirg men occasionally het un. der'the guide .of judgment and con science, at the risk of present cen sure. No committee could have been d'r'awn under the act 'of 1830, without Jistegardiug, the plain words of the sta tute. The Republicans determined they would disregard no law. They pro posed a remedy at once. lts form was 'objected to. They removed these objections, and presented another bill, to which even partisan ingenuity could urge no objection. When it was known that they would not yield this entirely fair and equitable , selection of a committee, either on the howlings of, newspaper or the entreaties of the contestant, the plan proposed by the Republicans was adopted on the motion of a Democrat, and with the concurrence of every mem ' her of the Senate.' This the contestant could have had at any time after the r presentation of his petition ; ho could have had nothing else had he re sisted until the end of his term. What ever of delay there was iu the draw- ing of a committee 'is duo t 6 the' Senator from theFeurth District and those who acted with him. The charge that the national administration delayed his admission, or that the Republican ' Senators were constrained by caucus to refuse a contest, does author no credit. No. 17 THE HARMONIOUS . DEMOCRACY. Lately the Democratic papers have made themselves jelly over the apparent divisions in the ranks of the Republi cans. The) , assume that the people' will believe that their ranks contain no discordant chin:lents, if they keep up a constant howl over our divisions. But they are approachyig a crisis in which they will meet •more Oftenhie& than have yet befallen us. At no time in history had the Democ racy more to fear from the action of as own conveyfoas -- thim_At7present. Last year the progressives/ (that is 'rather a paradox when ap lied to Demo crats), handled the is • and invented the new departurt c, he , • bi 4 was that their campaign • . hindered by dissensions, and thar,tl ey were over whelmingly defeated. Now the • ques tion which is arising to trouble them, is: - whether, they shall maintain their own organization, or whether they shall make theit• party play tail for the reformers' kite. The latter is the policy of the gentlemen Who`de the brain work or the party, but It aitict salt the chaps who hew the wood and draw the water. They must have . pure Democracy or nothing. As ant•exponent of the views of this element of thoparty, the Belle fonte Bratelonan thus breaks ground : "We are sapiently told by self-consti tuted oracles, that the slate is made— and that it cannot be broken. The fiat has gone forth that at least the bead of the ticket made at Columbus must be accepted by the discontented Republi cans at Cincinnati, and by the Democ racy in Convention assembled, and that Judge David Davis must by the standard bearer in opposition to Grant in the ttim• pending crisis." They tell us that the nomination of Joel Parker for Vice President, is not so unalterable but that it may be Changed. Sonic other man may be nominated at' Cincinnati, and that may again be changed by the Demo cratic Convention. It is intimated that Curtin, "our Andy," may lie substituted for Parker, :Ind that he is now on his Way honie • from the Imperial Court, where lie has, been living in lordly splem dor•for three years ' for the purpose of aiding Greeley aunt others to lead the -ranks of -the so-called Liberal Republi cans and Reformers. ." Whatever leadms National, State. and Local may do, we claim to have suf licielit acquaintance with the honest masses of the .Demoeratic party to say that they are not quite befuddled enough to swallow any such bait. Thu Radical thieves who ate in, suit.them nv well'ins the Radical thieves that are out. Why not 'better? There is some hope that those who are at the crib will be come glutted, but if Wu.drivo them away and' make room for the hungry horde now growling outside, they will devour all that is left. • . "There is no Democracy without Demo cratic principles and Democratic men. "And then well Reformers 1 John %V Forney,_Aleck--WClltue—stop,. that's enough at home ! but abroad, Josiah L. Grimm!, of lowa, who helped old John Brown steal the horses and provisions,: to gather the tome with which ho made war on the Government ; John A.,. Lo gan, of Illinois, a politicalArimniCr and plunderet ,of the worst sort;,. and the same class of men iii every Stage. This they. call Labor , Reform and rpolitical Reform and Liberal Barbell/ 1 / 3 m, and .pimOy ask the great battle-scarred and war-worn ranks of Democracy, to bow down and worship their golden calf. ' "Nary bow.! . "On with the battle "Where are o.ll;Weasters..;?., • , "What arc they. waiting fir? " Already the Round of conflict is ring ing in our ears, while not a bugle note has sounded from the 'headquarters Of the Democratic camp; oven for roll-call. Aro those who should take the initiative —thOse whom the Democratic people, have appointed to load them,.. waiting until Alm programnie above sot forth, is sufficiently Consummated; expecting tliat they can cajole 'or coerce tho party into submission If, they aro, wo ply Coll ,thorn' it oht of tho (firoethail It , cannot be done. Tho Democratic party win have a Democratic watch Word and Democratic leaders."„ SOME alarm has been given to the . I.lepublicans.of.the.Stp.te, by the appear anee of the name of William R. Arm strong, to the call of the ""roforreers" for the Cincinnati' Convention. The impression was made at once that this was nom William H. Armstrong, Of Williamsport, lately a member of Con-. gross from that diatrict, and one of the ablest men in the State.. Mr. Armstrong is °Win a letter e ,in which ho denies havieg,slgned the call, and speaks of the movement in its right terms. We Inote . the following from his letter . • "To, prevent all mistakes, so far as am concerned, I deistic' to state that have nut signed any such call; and have, no 'sympathy whatever iu tho movement, which4.regard as ono of disorganization and _hostile to the Republican party, when principles and policy I most cor,. - diallyapprove."S - The Mr. Armstrong who signed the paPer,, may be if Republican or a Demo.. mat, for anything that is known of him hi the politicalworld. LET US HAVE PEACE • Ws confess to vonOdoniblfiannoyanee at the course pursued 43y Some Of our Ropubljean..'exclianges. 'They, Have hoisted the entire - ticket nominated; by the late .State Convention,, but at the ~ seine time have &non : need withvehe mence certain of the candidate . We entirely fail to appreciate the' wi domof this course.. The only valid reason fOr supporting a nomination, is that the per son named is qualified. for the discharge of the duties of the office for which he is named, and that is the only reason which the people will enderse..... Wo believethat all the candidates nominated at, Harris burg aro well qualified for their positions. We aro sure timir electioq will redelind . to the benefit and lionor'of the Common wealth, and fur these reasons we pro pose to ask all,gobd citizens to support them. .. We have iecollection of any State tielccit since the 'Republican party came into existence which was compo sed, of gentlemen, who at the" time of their nomination had received -so many evi dences of the favor and codfidenco of their fellow-citizens as the present-ticket. Gen. Hartrauft - has been twice •befofe the people for a most reeponsible Stale office. lie has been twice triumphantly elected,' and his administration of 74b public) album received the almost unani mous endorsement of the Legislature in the vote which continued him in office_ until his successor should lie elected. Before ho becomes Governor ho will have had almost soveli years of continuous ' service in - the , most import ant bureau of the Executive branch of the Government. Neither of his Imme diate predecessors began their terms with as - much training. Gov. Curtin served ,but- a term as Secretary of State, and was without other public ex perience, and yet we asked the people to support bins as Sully qualified for the position. No man in the Common wealth ever regretted the choice of Andrew G. Curtin. Governor Geary, without any previous official connection with the public affairs of the State, was t. en on the strength of his personal character and brilliant war record, and we have had an administration of six years under him Whielrhas been marked by wisdom, care and fidelity to' the best interests of- the Commonwealth. In what respect had, either of these gentlemen the advantage over General Haar:left when placed first before the people? They were both gentlemen of iii k high ._ ckata ter ; so is Gen. Eartrauft. They wer iiehoice of the convention of their pa ty , it is not pretended that Hartrault is not fairly nominated. They had not been twice honored by being the choice of this great State for one of its most important aides. GEC. HART- ItAl;i , T has heed thus honored. In the face of all this, it is a little absurd to say that he is not as fairly entitled to an unqualified support any man_who noir over— re ceivcd his first nomination frOm our' party., That he was not the first choice of every Rekublican its .the State has nothing to do With his merits. Ile was not ours certainly, but wo feel that we should stultify ourselves if -we failed to admit that he is fully qualified in all re spects for his great office, or that he had not - in a very marked degree received substantial endorsements from the whole people as to his worth and ability. The same is true to a largo extent of the whole ticket. Judgerercur's ability, and , the wisdom of his nomination 'is &needed by all. (ion Allen has, ror five years, represented an important and in telligent constituency in the State Legis lature, and received his nomination for his present position just as he left his place in the Senate. It would ho ab oard to say that this continued confi dence in the mall arose from anythidg else than an appreciation of his, merit. The Congressmen at largo, Messrs. Todd and White aura by no means untried men, nor aro their ability and worth' ever called in question, except by their politi cal Opponents, before conventions and elections. , But to return 'to. the subject., We hope we may hear of no more q ualified. support of the ticket. It should either be elected or defeated; 'and this question should be determined by its political and personal merit. When a journal arivo. mites a ticket, we presume it, does so be. cause it desires its success, The worst obstacle which can be throwb in its way is support under protest. Let this lie 025 - andoMds-by alktame Republican henceforth, The ticket needs no apolo gies and , leserves no abuse. Let. all who desire the good of Alio State give it hea-ty and iniqnalified support. MONTGOMERY is in favor SJf di Cimeilthati movement. Su 'is James A . &eve', of Citinden, Now Jersey. ' " They will, doubtless, coutribute greatly to autl; such norninations, and atunittno such principles as will greatly purify the inanity morals of politics. Axxiax.o.T_Jourseax,..of_Teuntioc!e, who once attracted HOMO attention as Presi dent: is anxious to Jo to the -Liu ted States Secate. We pro not informed whether this is 'in the Interest of " ro form." or not. CURK.NT.TOPICS —The enormous proportions of the, lumber trade of Canada are indicated by Um-fact that,the Ottawa Valley pro , vided the past Si:118011 1,9 O t O 019, 000 feet of sawed hoards, and the., St. Lawrence Valley 225,000 , 000 feet 'of sawed floats, and ,150,000,000 of sawed boards. folio wing is an approximate estimate of the whole, production of pig iron in the world In .1871, in tons of 2,- 000 'pounds. Great Britain, 6,500,000 tons ,• United States, 1,012,000 tone; Prance, 1,310,000 tons ; Germany Zoll verein, 1,250,000 ; Belgium, 816,000 tons; Austria, 450;000 tons; . Norway and- Sweden 280,000 tons; Russia, 330,006 tons ; Italy, 72,000 tons.; Spain, 72,0Q0 other countries„ 200,009 tons • total IJ, 315,000 315,000 tons. It will bo Observed that- Great Britain produces about. ono-half of the pig iron made in the yorld. - Hall, -of 11proseritatives, tit Washington, was densely crowded on Tuesday evening, of the 'occasion of :OM 'Mora() illotrn:ial Meeting.' Speaker' Ilhdual.resided, assisted, by Vice Prost dela Colfax. Among those prosentware tho President of the United States, his 'Cabinet, the; Soprano Court Judges,' .and the Govornori of the States v either . in person: or by 'Proxy. 'After a . I'o4 introductory remarks hy Spenkof Blaine; appropriato resolutions were road, and Speeches were i rriado be, Senator` Patter-, son and gopOsoutativis Wood, t3arfibld• and 'Cox. " - Cyruti LW Field iefid grams from London, Bombay, Batavia, Singapore and ' 'Reis Kong, and the Speaker, annOunced the'reCeipt of tele.' grams roin Boston, Neiv Yorb, Montleal; St. Paul, St. Lonis, hod. a very largo 'number of other cities and 'Owns on this continent. After addressee by ReprosentativeS Voorhees and Banks', the meeting closed-with'benddiotion by the Rev. Dr. Butler. '• " VOICE 'OP T. 711 1. REPUBLICAN . PRESAV • • - The Welt, chestoi,lWlog ecorel Kays: The Con vention Imving adne JtCwOrk Its members, returned haute, end the (mmllllllo for 1872 In Ihnmsylvania lien broil; I.lnr,stenclertl,hoarnrawyei mon who. heefo:hutid - tried and int. tbund .wanting - the plat r.rtn on which they nun nontinatell em . hodles the prinellbg of,tho nukjurityuf the pool - do n or the Unto, yet there- la much work ahead before 'the nOmina done um paseed Into elections, but that they will be. fully mtilled, wo entortitin no-donbt. ,Tho record of tho party', the elate of the country and of the, Com m. onw mlth today, end the abundant promise of then Tatum-, enure:Ace popular judgment nud consequent actten: The Lewieburg Minniele eaya: Ofir State - delta, is now before the people ro.d It Gammen on As a party colopeeed of eutonetent teen to etnnd •by lt,• null' go e It an huniern.n majority at the October arneral flarf ranft watroor, of the tint of the I\ey.t..tio'4 .fly no the . n loan when thy Utetet WYY Inn .;auger of belog overth oven, and Ira telitili,4l4il owl) the /net roe stir. rendered. Ito therefor. Inns richly earfoll the lain. ru,x welch /11 - 0 Om., I to bin , /aced upon bit brew, Loton give him on m.o. rtusui Salvo nod, Gran , in pew, am 1,11 BB doting iityr • ,Tho II Fr, ..1'..?5.1 enpf: Ilepoldicant. Stale 7 nvett'ion W 1 Wit ii•aembled t (Jim Inborn yeti erday- phiced - in- et-to Ilan Itord-th , ot-thitt must arid will C 0101111.1.1 their to tier fs•VOrablO considera tion of the Olthro Nepal 11.00 party. The standard hearer, General John F. llartranil. ,ran 0 pullout mil At tn, the tempie or calumny not miry to ton courtiryl, twlllistanding, and will rth , e n tOwilr of xrron,gtL in' the coining comp!' go. .funnel" the 101 r arlthllloll ' t hit oppe. ileitis Inge agaliirt lila' In that he in not stump speaker. but to that On alOnvOr that If Ito ran't talk he call and dui ho wiTleini the Republicans of P• tins , lisnl, 1601 et r'r next 1ic , 0.• 1,4 , Ill° sane un het,d tb' wthant blot PaOnAylVanin Itegliocoljo victory tiver the Old Stollo brid,io at Antooltiii Ti..' Philadelphia moot says; For flenerlil fart. ta• ft no have nothing bat praise. Ile wan a gallant soldier, and has burn, n faithful (aker. No is It , Ilnn 101 l Republican and will make iCgootl Governor, Thy Philadelphia /iulictin soya lie Inut., - Just pushed through the filo of otli, of the most ...nolo', and malignant 1,0001 10 tipan his peraon and offi cial (diameter, niol theta in not left even the unroll of smelt,' upon his garments, Governor Geary and bin boob 11000 p4e,m,oi him With a rei:klese deter mination to 'keep} , birn,and they havo onlYhroken their own teeth On fhb fib that toot too well too ,pored to yield to their asplults. It is nut of these trials Quit:General liortranft comes before tho poo. pie 118 the' standard bearer of Cho Republican party. Lie has alb Um rauvontfign of &recent, and most searching inveatigotion of his official career, which has remittal In lila perfect vindication front nary clump, which Gm Evaue-Paine•Oeory core a j ar:item brought against him: The Philadelphia /kid Wn yesterday on nounced that General John F. Ilartranit would ho nominated for ..floverni,r. IN was so nominated upOn the first ballot. Tim friondli his opponent. AS'. W. Ketcham. for he was praoticallY his only rival, endeavored to stay Ilia tide of General -Met roof's poPularlty, butlt was 11110 trying to maho ropes out of land. We hare 1p the lost week given fully the life and enumerated the virtues sod OM tins of our candidate. We can add nothing ' Mar that can morn strongly express our enforcement of his fitness for the Wilco to which L 0 will ho elected. That ho will be chosen by a largo majority thoro can be no doubt; w:th nothing against him that the Democratic natty can urge 119 a reason for big 11010111, the possibility of titlecess for the candidate of that party is nut to ho thought, of. _ The Rhiludelphhi Z'orth 1 l mcrican 'says: 'Thu' nomination is ono eminently fit to bo rondo. The Backs eminty Intellgente, says: Tho ran , didatos chosen by the Repitbitcan Conventlon for 'the State offices to be filled at the next October' election, if not exactly what all Republicans pre ferred, will give general satisfaction, The three gentlemen who have boon selected to hoed the ticket are widely and favorably knnwn and intro all had great experience In pnblle bifelinent., Their repot:Mous are good And pore, noel the rulers of the State may safely rely upon them fur a faithful and intelt.geut discharge of their official duties, Tho Armstrong Republican says: The ticket nominated at Harrisburg on tt edisettiiity lest, will receive 'the snppnrt of the entire Republican party of the Stuns. The friends of other c‘ndulates for bond alien were dissatisfied, which seas to be ex ported, boa the donated candidates and all promise to give the ticket a hearty support. The ticket la a good boo and Will be triumphantly elected in October The candidates are tried and tine itoptile thews and well worthy the tupport of the party, • Th. L,.eronde Guardian tat) We pledge to the I whole ticket one earnest support and ere Lonfitiont it will Le trllltlifillontly elected. The eesporr Timess tye: This bet rag the tone of the canvas, it was thutight discreet to plane a soldier ut the head of ths Pennsylvania State ticket. W hatever may be °acrid Itarlranft's , civil record, Ills eilltar) career stands unit in bril -1 Haut light, As It soldier, ho was patriotic, brave and alde. Considering rho itoalilicatioad which it teas thought politic rho candid Ate for Governor should possess,Oomital ilartrauft woe Undoubtedly the strongest name in the State, And lio whit Con sequently barked by the weightiest political influ ence in Pouusylritnia. 'I he York Republican says: As n soldier ho was brave; as a patriot he was unflinching in his Jere- Hon to hie con ots . f_Lafutadlion_aaorol_hr,4,,,,,.b",„.l I true to t to trusts confided to his charge, and in all respects he tins bean a true Republican And an honest man. s As he stood by. the people in the dark hoar of our country'e need, and"unfalteringly marched on cc hero duty celled, no will that tame generous peo ple, whose servant and reprerentatly,o he is,. nobly end gallantly sustain him by their votes, In the pending canvass. General Hartman has never yet met defeat, and wo predict that he will be triumph antly elected at the coming election The Sunbury Gazette says: The nominee for Orivarnor, (hen. lisrtratift, Ix wall known to the pee• plo orthe State ax a bravo and distinguished soldier, cello rendered the countfy service at a time cotton It most needed it, and who line since - performed hin duty well Inn civil capacity. There le no reason why he should not receive the entire vote of the Ito pablican party of Penno>lunnia. The.tqinbury Aniirican says: Oen. Hartmaft le wail known in every part of the' State. As a Mili tary man his record is most brilliant. A blare. able and succosful commander, faithful In the dis charge of all the duties entrusted to him. Nor le Li. accord on civil Illtlnns n amen nlntlnl In .aa, de gree lees unexeeptamsble, As Auditor O choral he discharged his s official duties-with tha.etrictest fidelity to the Intoi este of the State. With such a brilliaut record, in both military and al , 11 life, he Is serial,. of a triumphant o ectiou, The Pittsburgh Dispatch says: The record made by (letterer Hartronft during the war, end lice capacity shown by him in civil life, will be positive element. In the campaign. Of these,we have not the space to speak particiCarly at the present. It well known that he made for hitneelf a brilliant record during the - war, and that he is loved and honored by the old soldiers in the dervlce Tole element vcas larigy represented In the con. 'motion, and control] , in a great degree, the nominal lon. Hence on . It come as though tho party were celled no to honor, not namely (Moral Hart rant. alone, but the tervEnt wishes of the soldiers who taught with . him nguinet tee rebellion, and who aro I.cattered throughout the State at citizens. Such a concession will he worthy the nepuldicen party. It bas thought It worth its while to I n r soldiers who bad bat o slender following anion the ;Attire . ) . ; now the call Is to (loner ono in in use elevation ihoinates of soldiers take pride. The Hollidaysburg Reflisler onus: The great mill- Wry fame of Generat 'limit, the honesty of bin aduttulatration, and the flan military rorord of amoral Hartman, along With Activity and a go, d tango, Will .carry tin narely through the room go Thu people will alwasa prefer the patriotic midi• mica or the Union 'Republican party to tn. an of .1 pal t y that aided tho rohoir in that]. err, Via to do. strum the f.ln.on 1 . • The platform Is One of the best. ever p wail olga ted by a State Conventiona-ono upon which every coal parlot. every good tariff 111101 ; evur, god Grant men, ran, man n—and upon - too prioelp'•ca there adopted the party must be successful. . R. av for , thu light f Up, guoros, and nt thin, I Williamsport Garrite 8113 . 14; Oentonl Manna is tried Anti trio Mend of those great mrlociples o hick coat eo much blood and to mll,llBl. Ile hms bean triumphantly acted hot e— r Its can Itn nut be again f Vitals the rialy light in which R.. iddicann should v leer tho monition. If thee fall 1. ptbey surrendor to tho enemy, who 110 W Monde ioallv. to strike tiro groat pony down, It in out. ly on dirsenslons that the Dem...ate hope to ride lute power, Tim,cooaequencra of dufunt would 'be most dinantrous, pt. great Industries world ley paralysed, the price and glory of our own country gone,nur credit an a tiotbqt hanirytt abroad and tlio Lout c n nn., wra t h, sgeb, bd mottle' Is any Repalloan wilting to aid In bringing anitt alai a foam( Mate of affairs I No. Thou bakto on, Your armor for tho conflict, unfurl ;be old flag again nod march focienTil to victory, - , -TtaiSimipphtisbarg Nunn ouuve : Our modems will no doubt rend with feelino of pride and amnia.) grail. ti e ,ttou 11,0 hitch Igrne e announcing tho neat.. nation of Genoa] John P. Gartman Repub• lion candidate for Ouveronr. by the ()curium., which tat ,at Itarrl.burg on tVedn'ealay. Amonu all the mid , outs for that high honur—good ma and true-rain_waalbo. rumunot.greatest Mute men the Con),eritlOn rallied nn the one man whom, as the Lender of the party coming cone lost, victory woe oortnin. . The Greenv:lle A IVIIS ;_ Although we did not favor his nomination, no d' boll°vn the people of Meteor county-would havo boon better satisfied if another catidlilate'lind boon nominated, atilt; wa are not of 'bo boltiug class. Rather let us profit by the bitter 'strife 'Which has oilman' thri nonittlatlog C./LIMIER; null I=lllolll,o. Silo work before VA may rennin, much onorgyand we will shortly. find . our brothron of time opposition party Outing, and. por- Ms. to some off et; Ittlibidt from tho Republican Journals which opposed Gen. flartraft in the re.' coot canvass.. Thu opposition will all centre to tliii Evans item. When tlw Democracy shall-commenco to montifucturo thmulur•ollt of this, tut ahem re. Lactater that dfr. Wadoca nod other Domoaratic Senators, who r wOro on thif Investigating Coin:a toe signed a teport fully exonoratmg Oen. Iturtrooft from all comp] city In the affair.' Thu Tilbsvlllo %Praia says: Our standad bearer •in this State auroral ilarintuft, le a man honor. and eateented by all who know 111 m. Ito reacaubleS General Grant - In simplicity of character, aver•e. from ail prolunsion, and to strnightforgard laments; of purpose. Ilartrauft, Ilk° Orant,-*lll represont to the people the great and holy eaueo of litdou and Liberty, of anceessful War mid a more triumphant Pea.; and Pennsylvania will bo untrue to the inemorieo of aettyaburg, lf she does not crown both with victory. .Tiny aro unused to defeat. - , The Pittsburg Mat plodgos Alloghony county for eight thousand majority. It ffitYll: Tho• opposition, In which le included the Ind° , pettdupt pre., aro endeavoring to cruato the im pression that alai harmony itoesnot exist 'in the 11...pnbiloan 'ranks over the nand outlaw' of udit• e. day. Now, thin la not true. Thera is. of. COM-80, .1101100 dissatisfaction, a, there was in 1803 in this city whim Curtin was ro nominated, and etraoge to any the dissatisfaction then do now combs from the name peoplo, although the tumour° of 'dlopiensure is lees at presoak. It will ontiroly 4foopprar an the campaigu proarossee, and-Allegheny county will -d o its duty so nobly as In' Octobor, INT, when it gave CortIoletrly•11,000 Tho Miners' Journal says: The Philtulolphia I Peres does not seem to like the action and nada lion of the recent State Convention. Tboy ought not, to find much fault with ft ad Om wormiere soeined to be frotarPhiladelphia and Pittsburgh and, Atcourse, It to hardly'to ao eipacted that they will got up vary good tlrkeli. Tills, however, Is nu' oat caption', on tno; ticket is a 'tory good ouo, and a rely strominno, In our. estimation. Wo had our pro %Owens, but the 'militiaman nominated nro wo,l dis tributed odor the State, And WO doubt-very numb ,whother n stronger ticket could ha fotinod oven if Immo of llio candidates wero changed. ' • , Tao Ileadlog,Dirpolch Have: In civil GPO, an Ib • tutiltary,.lio has shown hitiftf fully competent to discharge the responsible tenets reposed ill Mel. ifs has,ablllty and patriotism, le 'Mail of honor 'end probity, and has deserved the high recognition accorded lOW by tho great party of ,which bole an honored membur. Ills official record Is free fro;in blemish , nod low mon aro 0101'0 worthy' of private, esteem Or mono desarvitmg of publiehouor. We look upon blot aa one, whom all honost mon can ,Coot their ballots fur, and whom all patriots will eheove folly support. WMltach a candidata victory Is ami no Norrird Wll //Mali says: The nomination of GeneyergatratifVfor °overrun , is eatlitlallaaleallY 'radii:gait over tho eau. , The Volta is candod to ye non ovocitoct one, and will rally the full otrangtla pith° nutria October. The • 'Pittsburg yoga says Oar judgment is, that as the ailre work of the Harrisburg, Convotie tion'cOlatell to bo carefully scrutinised, It will mime' inentritsolf pons the hap to the cordial approbation of Republicans thronghtiot the State. It fen ram Liking that wino mistakes aro not made, and emits an 'VW vete - made at:tliie, rill AbitiKe :oconeidorcil. he, at the average of 'State 'Pourentlons. Tho footing , propelled at one 'hero thatthh"' imnomination of siovcinoi editin was a tt+take, yet it proved all right. Thegoert old Nora.' American' says , : The RePub: Heim VoriventiorNi rt s In .numbers and cbaractor worthy of the State' and. party, and though roPro• uniting differenk`porsonal Interests and shades of opinion, was determined from the fattest to &whet edadidates who would atrongthen,• the party, and preauut thorn with ouch a platform as would insets victory. He (Flattened%) neither noeds Introduction nor commendation to swum the indorsumobt of tho Convention at thalmi:la of the people. • Grant and Itartranft embody the preforuncea, and reprisent the 'Morons of Pennsylvania Republicans. Both hero been clod, and thoir &election is not Igor& ...tinily made. There will ho work before the nomina tions are passed Into eleutions; but that they will bo. and that the deliberiviOns of the, Convention will be fully retitled, we enterl•ain nolloubt. Tho record of this party, therstate °trine country and-of t lio Commonwealth to•day. and the abundant prom leo of-the future, guarantee tho popuffirJudgment mid consequent action.' Thu Erie Dispatch sayitr,..tflor heartlly.indorslng 'tilt ticket and referring to General Ilartranft's tory r rorq tho Dirpatcli says: Who 'bitterest fro of 51Niqpi teust_admit_thathe-performed the duties of his office (Auditor General) with scru• puleue fidelity; nod that during his entire term of novice not a suspicion of fraud, or oven of Irregu larity, hits been ultispered against him. , Ho elands to-day lieforu the people of tido 'Commonwoalth a, very 111011e1 or official intvgrity, efficiency and faith- Minces. We may search in vain the records of ally Slate, or of any. country, for a brighter exempla of ngtcbJ parity. The /Hair °Glumly Radical says: The platform laid down is composed of semonable timber, and the Candidates nominated are worthy of the solid vote or the party. General Ilartrenft's nomination Was determined upon by the masses long before the meeting of the Convention, and the Convention had Merely to formally proclaim him their standard bearer. Tho Hooch Chunk Gazette, Scranton Republican, Harrisburg Telegraph, Columbia Spy m 0,1111,16. burg State JUIII7IIIe °odors° thu ticket. 'Wu ba,o not spas° to quote Omit. special, dispatch from Washing top;giving an account of an interview between General Baits and the Secre tary of the S tate in relation tothe claims for indirect damages, states* that General-ganks was assured by Sccr'e:tary Fish that the President and Cabinet aro a unit iu support of tho position taken by the State Department in the Alabama case as presented, to the Genova 'arbitra-• tors, and that there is no possibility of qur government receding from its just demands. At the Cabinet meeting yes terday, Secretary Fish communicated the fact of the conforrence between General Banks and himself and the above,received the unqualified assent of the President and Cabindt. Home and . County Items. TIIICIP.SDAY, APRIL 25, 1872 PLENTY—Eggs. • SCAllet—Butter. MODERATINO—Tho weather. POLICE items are unusually scarce MRS. JULIA Fours. (colored), residing on Chapel alley, has shown us a curiously formed pgg. FOR a glass of sparkling , soda water, go to Havetstick's North or South Hanover streets, or to Burk's, on West Mainntreet. As election for 7 directors of thmPeo plo's Fire Insurance company of Penn sylvania, will be held at the office of- the company in this place on Mondayikay Troll- Carlisle Club wilt give a grand Nay ball in Good-Will Hall, on Wednes day evening next, the first proximo. The Chambersburg string band will fur nish the music. ATEEEMB. GARDNER & CO., took formal possession of the new car shop on Mon, day last. The firm , have orders for about 100 cars, on,hand, and aro nego tiating for Other orders. • Stuoman.—On Saturday last, Mr. John Young, the gentlomanly clerk at, the "Bentz House," in cutting open a lemon, discovered au. orange within. The outside presented all the appear ances' of a ,lemon, but within was a highly.flavored orange. Queer how strange. Wonx on . the .proposed extension to .414.1 tho rirdt::,Pr,o4 ta •ian church is being nusheillMirkd • ndly, Mr,„James M. CORI, off••MOut adletun township, is superintending tli job. •" Tint heavy. thunder on Tuesday of last week brought the snakes from their 'holes."—roluneeer. Correct. Wo have noticed that the Cops have been rushing around quite lively during the past ten days. Par ticularly the aspirants for 'county offices at the _approaching Fall election. Rneese's HALL was filled with a large and brilliant audience on Saturday even ing last, in attendance at the concert given by Prof. Johnson and sister, and S. S. Taggart for the'"hone`tit of the Young Metes Christian Association, The entertainment was very tine, and with the exception of one or two pieces rendered by Miss Johnson, consisted of sacred music. A New TRIAL. QICANTED.-I.3nder the special act of the late Legislature, passed 16e twenty-eighth day of March, on Saturday last. 1101;. Samuel Hepburn I and 'Samuel Hepburn, jr., esq., argued before Jimlge Juukle, . Dr. Schteppe's plea for a new trial, and the Court granted the same. It lacks but ono month of three years since the Doctor was tried and convicted of the murder of Miss Maria M. Steinue:cke. The trial will take place in AuguSt hext,' • PERSONAL.—Rev. S. L. Bowman, D. D., late a Professor of Ditikinson Col lege, was on a visit to this place during the past week. He delivered a sermon in Emory Chapel tin Sabbath last. Mn. Thos. BAntn, of 800 Broadway, New 'York, is sojourning in our town for a few days. Dn. Thor. Nevv, of Harrisburg, paid us a visit on Monday last, MIL FRANK 11108T11.1RIt, of the 7'imes, eiv 'Bloomfield, Perry county, paidant ry visit yesfelday„afternoon NEw STOUR Irdom.—lwpassing along, North Hanover street,' a few days since, we naked that our friend Will A. Hunt= rich, the enterprising green grocery morohaet, has removed to the room lately occupied by Mr. William Railing, on the corner of Hanover and Louther streets. Mr. litutiVieli .was obliged to make HMI change' as the apartments formerly occupied, 'by him were entirely too small for his rapidly growing busi ness,- lie has recently made large addi tions to his stock, and is now better prepared than over to'snfigreen groceries of all kinds 'cheaper titan the cheapest." Give him a call. LAB Og YAM/ 1,1". —Mr. George Ger, Meyer, a . German in the employ of Dos ler & Brother, residing on College street extended, is the.fortunato possessor of fothalo rabbit, that gave birth to 8dV671- teen little "bunnies," at ono time. This • may seem like exaggeration, and; no doubt, our Weiber quill.drlvers will be ready to proumince it "..prepester, one, &c.," but wo will say that what "We see wo believe." The -mother is just one year old, this being her second litter, having had a:At sometime since. The "bunnies" are all .colors and Many of our eitizons have Visited Mr. G'a, and witnessed this largo famtli. They4tre,of the Pronol7 species, Where is Barnum? Certainly his mueouaiwi ll not be ; coinple, , te without them. Ho binfic"'VElrippy - and" why' not have'a FaMily." PftEBERVE Tun, l3intis.,--lioW that the fine weather Is coining and the birds are beginning to band - and Wake the groves vocal with their morning contorts, it is. , well to warn the boys and •otinira 'who are so cruel its to rob nests and shoot the parentbirds, that the law has provlddd a sovere penalty for such wanton cruelty. The law says, 4, No person shall at any time `trhp,. - or expose for r eale - ,;or hav i c in his possession after,theliamp is killed, any.e. night hawk, phippowill, finch, thrush,' lark, sparrow, wren, 'martin, swalloW, woodpecker, dove, bobolink, robin or starling, many other Insecitiver , otia bird, or rob the. nest .of any: Wild birds whatever, under a penalty of five dollars for each bird' to .killett. trapped or exposed far sale, and for 'chichi nest robbed Or•destroyeti." • Nmv:Onitme at market Tnifarmers aro busyplowing. *Oun paper has been unavoidably ,de layed this week. „ Icn cream and soda water were in de mand during the past week. ' Gmumx making and •whito, 'washing are iu demand. ' • .. This is "good weather for ellapman to make pictures, • trrmuiix-t,"engineer,at Gunl ner :Co:s.; Machine Works, narrowly, esaped a serious adcident on Saturday afternoon last,. while - eleaningthe'inine. Tnr. crops show a decided imnrove moot of kite, although we occasionally hear a "croaker" speak of the "rust," " frozen out," 45e. Tins is good weather for Chapman to make pictures. EARLY morning markets will "com mence on Wednesday morning next, the first proximo. Town and country people will note thisoind act accordingly. SEVERAL of the "sports" were sport ing their white vests on Sabbath last. Crowding the season. Tins is good weather for Chapman to *make putnres. Ti. present is a good time to sub scribe for the HERALD. Subscriptions talon at all seasons of the year, and in all kinds of weather.. AN Ofectiou for PreSident — and five managers of the Garlislo Gas and Water company; will bo held in tho Arbitration Chamber, at the Court llouse, On Mon:- day, May 13. • Tim weather has grown sildenly, cooler, so much so that stoves and overcoats are in demand. Ice of con siderable thickness was formed on Tuesday morning. BEFORE pnyaliasing goods of any des eriptiot, conshlt our advertising col umot, and platronize those merchants that invite you to visit them. WILL the ministers of our borough please hand us notices of marriages and deaths which occur and at which cere monies they oflichtte ? We desire to publish notices of all such occurrences, but, as we have repeatedly said, we can not find time to ascertain names, ages, Wo publish these DOtiedB free. ITEw AND ELEGANT GOOI).%—WO would call attention to Mr. Thos— A. Harper's advertisement which appears among the new things of the week. Mr. H. is a live business man, and under stands a judicious use orprintor's ink. Go and see his immense stock of dry goods for Spring and Summer wear. POPULAR Hoosx.—To those of our citizens who may visit_ Philadelphia, wo would recommend the "Girard House," Henry W. Kanaga, proprietor. Mr. K. is a native of Cumberland county, and has had 'natty years experience in the hotel business. This popular house is centrally located, and is second to none - 6£ Brotherly L • DELEGIATBS ELECTED.—At a meeting of Typographical Union No, 101, hold at Columbian Lhw College, Washing ton,. D: C., an election for fielegates to the nationitil convention, td be held at Richmond in Juno, resulted as follows : James M. A. Spottswood, Government printing office ; Samuel E. Culverwell, Patriot office ; William J. Bennett, Chronicle offic—. PIIRINO the past week - the" - county Commissioners have had a nuisance on North Bedford street, in the shape of a dangerous well, attended to. Bight ! ?ts'Spring with all its charms - is upon us, could not the Commissioners with propriety have the Court House , square cleared up and re-modeled ? Its pres ent condition is a disgrace to the bor ough. What say you, aontlornen ? DEFENDANTS TO - TESTIFY IN THEIR OWN BEHALF!—The. act which enables defendants in certain criminal cases to testify in their own behalf, has been 'Signed by the Governor. It provides that in the trial of all indictments, eons ,plaints and other proceedings against persons charged with commission of crimes or offenses not above the grads, of misdemeanor, in any court ofrecord of criminal -jurisdiction, 04, person so charged shall, at his own request, but not otherwise, deemed a competent wit_ ness, but his neglect of refusal to testify shall not create-any presumption again him nor shall any Et:rennin , 1,0 in.,•10 • I upon such neglector refusal by counsel during the trial of 'the caso4,providett that this act shall not extend to the trial of any persorqur an indictment for potjury or forgery. COURT.PROCEEDI N 08.-80 and meek.— James Starr vs. John -Sheri'el.:. Tress pass quaro olansarn fregit. This notion nias brought to recover daninges from defendant for building horse sixteen and ono-half inches across the dividing - lino between the lots of the plaintiff and de fendant in the yillage of Lisburn. Ver dict• of $25 for plaintiff. Hepburn, sr., and .jr., for plaintiff. Hurruich and Ritner for defendant. Phi vs. .T .Pague. Appeal from dyeltet of G. W. Criswell, a Justieo of the I. 3 oriee, in East Penns_ born' township. This natio' was brought to recover damages for apples whi had been shipped by plaintiff to daunt - ant. Defendant alleged defeat in ap ples. Apples wore returned by defetak ant to .the Cumberland Valley R. 11. depot at Shippensburg. It Was held that the return was a reeisiim of con tract. Vurdiet for defondant. Sadler for- plaintiff, M'Clore and Penrose for 'defendant. - • Daniel Rupp, William Sadler, Willbun Lambert add Thos. Bergner, for use of said Rupp and Sadler, vs. John Teal— Covenant. .This adtion was brought to recover contribution . for expenses in curred in tho manufacture - of a patent mill bush. The mill bush bad been patiinted by thO defendant, and plaintiffs entered into an agreement Avail him, to engage in the manufacture of the same with••tho understanding that any 'loss sustained on .account of tho worthless nes.4-` .af the; mill biudi should. bo made good 'td the plaintiffs. Verdict for pytiti.' tiffslor $804,81 ; three-flfths of the_mitiro 'loss. ' Farmers' and Mechanics'-Bank of 'Shipponsburg, es David Lefdver. As kimpsit. This *action was brought to recover from defendant amount .of an ovordiaft by Gilson EhnithA Cp., at said Bank oh verbal pioiniso of David Lefev er to pay the same.' Verdict for plain tiff f0r , 513006.80, and rule onterod by court to. show cause why same should 'not be for defee'dant, moa obstatste yore_ ditto. Virrn. H. and Jno.' B. Miller r and lirCuno for plaintiff, Sadler and Todd for defendant. ' " Robert E. Burns, Bdword r. Carpen ter, doing ; buslnoss &tar tin; firm of ? Peterson Srarpantar, vs Clamant Grove. Action-roplnvlyfor 'sowing inaohinps ra. tatned by_defsndnot for board of pfain tiffisligont. Yoidiet ~ for "plaintiffs for $B5. Sharpe and Penrose for plaintiffs ' , anitiror for difondsipt.a.jrau„4,o,. POEMS on Spring, are all the rage. Al-1 roost every exchange we take -up has-,a piece of poetry - on Ibis subject: 'SEE Jacob LiVingston's_card, sale tobacco and cigar "dealer, No. 27, North Hanover street. POces as (low as iii the Eastern cities, nnon.,-- - Several a our exchanges d iii‘ noticing Mr. M'Curtey's adrolision to .the .Bar of Cuinherlabd county,' =at - the .Lato _Court,bave porverted..the gentle man's name to "McCiirdy." FM:MD.-A pocket book containinga small amount of Money was found .on Tuesday last,. _The owner can obtain the same by calling at THIS °Pylon and prdving property. .. • . WE . would direct attention; to the ad vertiseinent of Mr. Isaac Livingston, No, 29 North Hanover street, merchant tailor andgclothicr, which appears in another column . . „. jf you wish to obtain good suit' ofrelothes, and a perfect fit, at a reasonable pride for cash, give him a call. JAiiiEs P. NEFF, on West Mairistreet, has just returned from flie'city with a large and handsome assortment of the latest styles neckties, bows, scarfs, &e. Paper collars and cuffs in endless variety. Tobacco and cigars of the best brands. " Dolly Varden" bows a spe cialty. A WAGON loaded with bay, and drawn by four horses, narrowly escaped upset- . ting on Main street, on Tuesday noon, about tbO time the freight train arrives. The " upset" was only averted by the united efforts of several men ; but the load finally ,capsized on Church alley, to the great amusement of the school boys. eommo.--I'. T. Barnum's Celebrated -Museum and Menagerie will exhibit in this place on Saturday, May 11. This is, without exception, tho largest corn binaticn travelling in this country, and we have no doubt that our citizens will turn Out'en masse to see it: The street parade takes place at 9 h. in., and the three performances cominence at, ten, one and seven - o'clock. See extracts from Barnum'slife'on first page of this issue. TnE monthly meeting of the Carlisle District Sabbath School Institute will be held in Emory church, next Tuesday evening, exercises commencing at 'T o'clock. The programme as announced at previous meeting, will be followed. As this will be the last meeting held a fore the County Convention called for twenty-first and twenty-second of May, in Carlisle, tbe.attendnnce of all ipeer csted in the Sabbath school cause is re quested. . . TRPAT.—On Saturday afternoon last, Mrs. Cameron, residing on West Pom fret street, presented us with a bounti ful supply of delicious vanilla ice cream. To say that we were greatly surprised, world not give expression to our feelings—WO were almost overcome, . certainly makes elegant ice cream., We return thanks for the same. 1 Persons wishing to obtain this article during the "heated terra" should visit I her estliblishment. - leE.—Mr. A. 11. Blair announces through our advertising columns this week; that he is prepared to furnish pure Laurel ice to those of our citizens who wish to obtain tide• delectable arti cle, it rea.:sonablo prices. Orders for the same may be left, at the upper and lower yaWs. MR. GEORGE. WErzitt is also prepared to furnish ice to persons desiring it. Ile has not forgotten the typos this season, as Sam makes his ' appearance every morning with a 11116 chunk. "Actions speak louder than words." Thanks. AT a meeting'of the Gem/ Will Hose Company held its their hall, on April 11, 1872, the following officers were elected for one 3 e,ar : PresidentC. P. Hunirich ; Vice President—J. M. Wallace; Treasurer— J.. W. Ogi SeCretary—J. L. Neloy. Trustees—C. P. Humrich, J. S. Zug, ,\lr. P. Sadler, S. Wetzel, jr., and C. Hnighter. • Directors-Ist Jos. Ay. Ogilby ;.2tl 11. Crab . ; W. L. Spottswood ; ith Jas. Eakins; .ifit CIIVIS. Spottswood. Emtinvers—Chief S. R. Clardy ; .Assistant, IN'tn. Thompson ; 9d Assist attt„T. Blair; ad Assistant, Geo. r';cintchman. • Firemen—Chief, W. .3f. Ogilby ; Ist Assistant, .T. E. Steel ; 2(1 Assistant, .las. Rhoads ; 3(1 Assistant, C. Noble Plugstnon Chief, Jacob Cart; Ist Assistant, Hebert Hannon ; 2d Assist. ant !Teary Crab ; 3 , 1 Assistant, James Eakins. (IRANI) Coxennv.—The Inembers of the Mechanicsburg Musical Association, composed of ladies and gentlemen• of splendid musical talent, contemplate giying a grand "Old Folks Cobcort," in Franklin nail, on next Saturday even ing, April 27. This Musical ' Society wive an entertainment of this kind early, in the wintdr, and the manner in which it was received by the delighted andi r 'me, has induced them 'to repeat the entOrtidtiment. The programme . ' will, consist of vocal and i nserument al music, embracing snits of the songs of the days of " Auld I,ii - n11; Sync," while the members will be dressed in Old Folks -et)littune„,or style of dress worn ' timo' ago." The conceit is for the benefit of the Li !nary Association recently organized. The committee of arrangements, Messrs,. W. L. Gorges, C. IL Titzel and E. C. 'Gardner, cettainly deserve great credit for their efforts' to render this an enjoy, able entertaii»ment. „Tickets:ss cents; reserved seats .it) cents. . "I DON'T READ THE NEWSPAPERB."— It is nothing nociunnune for a. hombastio ignoramus, whose character is expressed by the press, to pnblicly annonnce that he does •not read this or tleht" paper., This • *witirering, 'scathing announce ment is Made by the ignorant pretender with the oxpeetation thatspeedy anni hilation will result to the journal thus slighted. But every intelligent man of this day reads the newspapers of his locality. if they Mom with reflections personally to • himself, it matters not. He "leads - theme—Ho—read 5..--the—papers " to - see what mean thing they will next got off," and it is very foolish for' him to deny it, Horace Greeley hits the nail on the head when he says : ' "It is, strange how closely some soon read the 'papery. •We never say 'anything that anybody don't like but wo soon hear it. If, however, once in a while welmOon to say a good thing, we never bear of that—nobpdy seems to notice it. , We may pay'some man , a hundred compli . meets aud,givo him a dozeu miffs, and ho takes it'as a tribute to his greatness, and noyer thinks it demi him any good. But If We happen to say'anything this man don't like, or something that imag ines' is tiViiillootien du 'his 'cltratiter, see how quick he flares up Mad•gets excited about it. An our evils are duly ; charged: to a, but ~ , ko'novor, apparontlyy got any credit for what good ivo do, • ' .- , , ELDER ALEXARDEIL WILEY Will no. liver a special sermon on the " Ordi_ mince of Christinn Baptism" in the Bethel (Ohura. of God) I'm :Sabbath_ morning,'April All are invited. Tiny. A. D. Ilmmturs.—The many friends of this gentleman in this' coin inanity will be gratified tmlearn that he has been promoted to the Presidency of the Miami University: President Hep burn has long been regarded as a learned - Mid able divine, and in his - present re sponsible position he will, doubtless, win now honors. The -following acliount r Of his election is taken fronrtlie OideinnW Gazette : . I,ld "The called meeting of 'the Board of :Trustees ofMiami University was held in the Library Room to-day. -The elec tive system of instruction, as - indicated in the circular of Acting President Hep burn, was adopted after cdrzsiderable dis cussion. Prof. A, L. Coleman, nf the University of Virginia,—was elected to the vacant chair of Greek and Latin literature, and by a unanimous vote of the board Prof. Audrow D. Hepburn was elected Presi dent of the University. The action of the hoard. was received with great satisfaction by the students, and in the evening Hui young men tend ered the President elect a complimentary screoade. President Hepburn acknowl lodged the 'courtesy in some well chosen remarks, while Hon. Samuel F. Hunt, Rev. Dr. Thomas, and John W. "Herron, of Cincinnati, responded for the Trustees, the members ,of the board '. were then escorted to the depot in abody by the students, where congratuletory speeches were made by John M Colonel Thomas Moore, and Judge McClung." f ANN ouNcEmENTs. F ,ICT S WUttTlt KNOWING. t_W — No. 1. Whero to buy good goods -„ "No..'•«. Where to find the latest ;•,i novelties of the season. ,FI"No. 3. In fans, parasols, umbrellas, corsets, buskles, skirts, hosiery, gloves, chignons, switches and fancy jewelry, our stock is com plete. %g - NO. 4. Como to our house for - all your trimmings, notions and fancy gkrods if you wish to save money. J. H. WOLF, No. 18 North Hanover street. A LARGE sTocK of dry lumber, placed in 'the yards . before rise in prices, for sale at low ligures. Lath, shingles, pickets, &c., always on band. Call at upper or lower yards. A. 11. BLAIR. Xiapi2tf '4•••••• Fon rose and poach water flavoring extracts of all kinds, rtruskreme, tomato and walnut ketchup, htiglish pickles, pftpler sauce, salad oil, sardines, celery, salad, &c , call at Noffman's, No. 44 and 88 East Pomfret street. '25:11)72 Fort ladies' and gents' summer cloth ing, go to " Womes. GooD pickles in brat or vin't.gar at Green's store. - CANNED tomatoes, peaches,, Winslow corn; pine apple and, oysters, selling very low at Hoffman's, Nos. 44 and 89 East Pomfret street: No person should ,ever complain of lame back, neuralgia, or even suffer any pain when they can obtain that popular medicine, Pain Cure Oil. Those that use it eaduot 'help recommending it to their suffering friends. Foss queensware, glassware, wood and willoW ware, stone and earthen ware, call at Heffmati'S, No 4 44- and 88 East Pomfret street. ,QuemisWare a specialty. A PINE lot of limoeburners, pea and nut coal on hand. Pilees reduoel. Call at upper or lower yards. ' . H. BLAIR Soar received and prepared to furnish in any quantity. Barns, beef, bologna, either whole or by the pound by J. L. MELD] & Co. Poet Dreer's Garden Seeds, go to Hoff man's, No. 8S East Pomfret street. 25apT2 BLATCIILEY'S CUCUMIIER WOOD PUMP Is TIIII l3Ewr—For sale by the hardware trade, dealers in agricultural implements, ikc. If lherele no agent in your toWn, send for descriptive circular. 0. G. Blatchley, 5013 Commerce street, Philadelphia. 25ap72'3m WE have heard recently or sdveral severe eases of spinal disease cured by Johnson's Anodyne liniment; ono ease of a man forty-live years old, who had nut done a day's work for four years. The back should first be washed then rubbed with a coarse towel. Apply the Lihiment cold, and rub in well with the hand. I.oult and feed constantly on hand a Tatman's, No. 44 East Pomfret street. PURE LAUREL ICE. The subscriber having secured a largo mock of the best quality ice, free ft:om snow and all impurities, off of mountain streams, is now prepared to deliver it to customers at low rates. Orders loft ,at either of the coal -offices will—receive prompb.wtterition. A. LL BLAIR. 9111114/itf--1- .1, Tac " DoUar "Reward Soap" waslles he finest lace without injury,' and mil lers all articles as clear nod,. bright as .1 Jr:ICKF I EI 4 l MACKEREL l Having secured my stock of mackerel last fall att‘low figures, ."1 fun now pre pared to offer the same at prices that will defy competition. Those in -want of GOOD MACKEREL. Will do well, by calling at Hoffmantii, 'll6s'; 44 fitid 88 East Pomfret street, and learn pricds be fore' purChaaing elsewhere. As Lam confident for quality rind price, there is nothing in town to be compared with them. i 25ap72 THE SECUE'r OV CAVTIVATION.—Foa tures of Grecian' monk; n well turned neck and beautifully rounded arms, aro no doubt very nice things to have and ladies who POssess • these charms have reason• to be thankful to Mother Nature ; ypt, after all, the most captivating of womanly charms is a pure fresh and Ind auy lady may secure by tieing GAomi'slll.4oNoLlA 11.A.wr, the standard beautifying preparation of the Present ago. It differs from all ordinary cos metics in three most essential. particu lars,innsmuch;aS it contains no injuri ot; ingredients, does noe l- contract or shrivel the skin as all the .astringent " blooms,7 "lotions," and," powdors" eventually do, but produces a lasting lovliness by Int l 3 wing o health of the •skin. Under , s paratiOnAhe texture of the , opiderrnis begonias fluor, and the surfaco soft as velvet and smooth:as Featbros cannot bo changed but complexion can; and it quite cor r tam that a lady with no other charms than a fl'esh and rosy complexion,, will attract more admiration in company than her 'neighbor with 4 olassio faro but a allow skin. - 18ap721tctly. WM. BLAIR & SON offer • to the trade at wholesale,, •300 packages of fat inackerel atioiv prices. Also,_ afulLvariety of:store supplies...l- • " HoxisEmari," arid others who 'pre tend to . know, say that the following directions had bettor bo observed -in using Sheridan's, Ctivalry Condition Powders: Give a horse a tablespoonful every night for a week ; the same every -other-night -for,4. or_ o:nights ; the same for a mulch cow, and twice as much for an ox. The addition of a little fine salt will be an advantage. • C.Apponnu and Rilprie wines at Han-. nays liquor store, 41 South Hanover !Arent. . . CsaTo i ttri—a substitute for Castor Qil -a vegetable preparation contirliehig . neither Minerals, Morphine nor Alcohol. It is - pleasantto take; does not nauseate, and operates when all ; other remedies failed. Dr. ,Pitcher has experimented fifteen years in producing a preparation more efficient than Castor Oil, witbout its horrid taste. The Castoria 'regulates the system ; cures constipation, stomach ache; croup and flatulency, and kills worms. It does not distress or gripe. , By its quieting, soothing effectl-It pro duces natural sleep, and is partiOularly adapted to crying and teething - children. . We desire physicians to test this article, and' will forward three bottles 9ratis to the address of any one so au thenticated. Insist that your druggists - order it for yr.. It costs but. 50 cents, and one .bottle will save many doctor's bills. , J. B. Rose'it Co., 53 Broadway, N. Y.l ap7'24t , . NO .I'I,OE The undersigned Unread respect fully inform the' citizens of and surrotinding country, that he sail attends to. the repair ing of watches and jewelry, in all its varionS branches.' -1 , 11 - 031 AS CONLYN, Next door to Farmers' Bunk, East Main Street, Carlisle, Pa PATENT GATE At Dinlcle's Machine Shop, in this place, can be seen one of the best practi cal Farm Gates ever invented. It does not require any hinges. It opens two ways. It never rides in "the mud, and gan be raised to swing cleitr over snow drifts and 'other obstructions that are not over twenty-four inches high. It is offered for sale to all who 'need gates at/ the following low prices. For each farm right, $2.00 ; for edch township right, $20.00 ; for each casnty right, $150.00. . Gates made to order of any size or style desirett , and satisfaction guaran teed in all cases. Will exchange terri- • tory for a good horse. Call on or ad- . dress Cutts. F. DiNKLE. Also, 1 Wilson and 1 Wilcox & Gibbs Sewing Machines for sale cheap. 2no7ltf. OWEN'S MARBLE WORKS Are removed from West Main street to No. 73 South' Hanover street, 'where anything attainable at a 13rst-class mar ble yard may be bad. Marble and mar bleized mantels, and encaustic' tile a specialty. Having a hea - Vy and carefully selected stock on hand, I will sell it at rates which cannot be undersold, or ex celled in workmanship. 4ap72:lm RICHARD OWEN. CASH NOTICE I On and after the first of April next, I intend to do a CABII business with all my customers. By employing none but the best workmen and using the best leather in the market, 1 would respect fully solicit a share of the publid patron age. A.riqD YBERT, Boot and Shoo Dealer, N0..4 East Main street, Carlisle, Pa.." 28inliT2tf. You fanners who want a good price •for produce, go down to 111cloy's now storo THE largest assortment of wall papers in the county, at Frysinger & Co's car pet store. GREAT INDUCEMENTS The undersigned would inspectfu 1/y announce that he will sell at private sale, his .splendid •Circulating Library : The library now numbers SSQ volumes, and the best of judges pronounce it the finest selection they hai , i3 ever seen in a circulating library. Call at No. 11 West N. IliatisvESS Maiu'streot 14nali72tf PERSTICRON lIORSg Prince Imperial, will stand at the Old Government stables, in the City of Harrisburg, from April:, 1, to July 1, 1872. Terms $l3. W COLDER, • Harrisburg, 21m11721m BALL carpets with borders, English tapestry, Brussels, oil cloths, &e., -&e., at Frysinger & Co's. carpet store. WiNnow shades, window'shades, of every variety, at Frysiigi3r & C'o's. car pet store. Crrorcd cracker dust and Pearce's °roam crackers Always on hand at Mir loy & Co. .4VarrE seed onions, cabbage, .beets, urnips, onions ado., at , W 'arm IC WABITINO or calcimining promptly attended to. All "orders left at No. G 3 North West street, corner of Locust alley, will be attended to by 7111022 in CITARLES W. CONN. .310:3NT HOLLY, CL/MDDR LAND CDDNTY, PA. This is to certify that when•l was foreman of tho Leroy Iron Oro' Bank, Wm. Oinklo told me the extent of the bank. I had a drift made and found it just* ho represented. Also, at,another place where I lotted Silver and Lead, he found theeStact phico, and told me what . wee them without me showing him the place; , Jotus O'll'Etta... the location of mineral veins or de posits and their leiVdth and 'breadth can now be deterinined for a certainty. Call on or address Dttlxtm, Carlisle, Pa. Henry Rohrer, Rippon P. 0. Jefferson County, West Va. 22fe72tf I==l - $1,900. This amount-la-wan I mortgage on'April 1,187 x, for one year, or longer. Intereet3 per cent. 6eear ity undOubted. Call at True °PI ten. ' 221eb72tf . • ' . _ . Coginni.le mule into switches, clirg 7 none, curia, frizotts y ) 40., at Madame Rotos. . . . — DON'T :B. HUMBUGGFD I bid buy the best stoves that Novo ever boon in : the 'market, and pronounced en by all who have Blom in use, the Ameri can Base Burner and linen r e'' tadioht Fire Place Heater, and thdcabi-', net Bang() with hot • closet. Call at W Fridley's stove store . or, .ilanover street, and eoo the emboss_ variety pt stove s. WANTED I • 42,000 :or $3,000 wAntod for ono, or Moro yonre. 'Applir to C.'nHob; 11 14mh723m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers