'A VALnAELE Medical Book Contain- ing the Symptoms, Treatment, and description of Medicines, , to cure Ono Hundred di ff erent diseases. Sent, post paid, on receipt of 25 cents. Address, J., V. Harrold,_2Bo_NorthAth street,' Philadelphia: • - `2l.zikh,723m ' liEsl BEES!! ''For want of room, I will disposo.of number of first-rate stocks of bees, prin cipally Italian and Hybrids, in Lands troth's movable comb hives. Terms moderato. Apply to TIIEO. M. MOLTZ. West Fairview, Pa. .Owner of Langstroth's ox 'tended patent for Cumberland county 28m11728t* GRANT US your attention, and if you want dried canned, or green fruits, dried moats vegetables, American, sWeitzer or lim borker 'cheese, pickles, pure , cider vine gar, cocoanuts, mince moat, buckwhoa , or cornmeal, hominy, shaker corn,boucy, crackers, soap ) starch, cranberries, drill on W, A. Humrich. TO CHICKEN RAISERS The undersigned, devoting hie time exclusiv'ely to the breeding of choice fowls, is 'prepared to book orders for the folloWing varieties of eggs. During the past year I have made large addi tions tamy stock, having recently ob tained several Imported Light Br.alimas from P. Williams, Massachusetts. Most of my fowls drew premiurds at the late County Fair. All stock guaranteed to be 'thorough bred. Chickens and eggs can be obtained at. all times. The fol ' lowing is the prices fixed for the differ ent varieties or eggs: Dark Brahma, Premium, per doz. s2 Light Brahma.. Imported, ) 1 ‘ . 1 lloudart, Premium, (Bear(le and ,• • Muffled,) per doz. 2 Black Cochin, Premium, 1 j Gray Dorking, Bronze Turkey, JESSE B. 14. Lr man, ' No. 121 South Pitt street, 18ja72tf Carlisle, Pa SEED POTATOES. Early Rose, Goodrich, Peach Blocs, Prince Albert's always on hand and for sale. by W. A. Humrich. Nalv , 'and 66mplote stock of trunks, traveling bags, oil cloths, table and floor, cheap for cash at Ogilby's. BARGAINS EXTRAORDINARY At the Central dry goods store. The new firm is certainly creating a. very great excitement at the present time, by givdig all their customers extraordi nary bargains In all kinds of ladies', misses' and children's dross goods. Splendid shawls, the largest stock in the Valley. White goals , of all kinds, seam less kid gloves, dais and cassimeres, very cheap, suitable for men's and boys' wear,. dress trimmings, ladies' silk ties and boVM. We would advise every per son in want of a bargain to call at the t. ,old Central corner, as the new firm is determined to give bargains ,all the tinieln all kinds of goods. • , MILLEIt& BUTT6RFY. ExTRA bargaiub in ladies'.and child ren's shoes of all kinds ; entire new stock; Call and see them at.Ogilby's. Fon the cheapest pale of boots or shoes, in the Cumberland Valley, go down to Wm. B. Rico's now shoe store, On South Pitt street, formerly occupied by J. L.. Moloy as a grocery. Where ho does' at tho same place the best repairing for the least money of any man in town. Give him a call. . 18apint CARPET chain, carpet chain, at tho lowest prict; at Frysinger & Co's..earpot EEO SPECIAL NOTICES WHAT SPRING BRINGS WITII IT : ltmatrided from n medical standpoint,,Sprlng Is not the dolocl olds season described by vernal pools. On the contrary, IN )told of Intorinfttent fevers, 1e110.3 attacks, rhelleettle pales, diNerlleell of the. aturnach, nervoux complalnta, dud' pulmonary Wo omera, is almost ns largo as Its crop of )410k: snow drops and chorry blorrionr.. The lovlslblu needs of Innutnentble maladies riso with the morning and are scattered broadcast by tier varracm rex at their mephitic lunar-ere. , rvriarrir not the weak by rifttriro, ur those wrairargan volts m orgies hove boon over - tasked by mental or physirral . labor, unless. [bey _tom, a n d Invigorator their sys tems and them enable diem !t. ripe with the no hooltby !ohne:woo by which they elo lowrootoletl. Thu only . medicinal event by Si hick this object can be .171 ally mod safely acuituriliolard . Ix the great vogetar.lo renovant nud invlgurant, Sbortm•lt Bitters.' The operation of• this eqi:firatt•d epecilic is four fold. It strengthens tho tllgeetivo .organs, regulatea the secretions, Improves the con dition of tho blood, superliniutea a regular habit of body, and thereby Inipare such k vigor and elastic ity to tho etructurt l l es to render it capable of resisting tho action of tho poisonous dultterna, with which the spring it IMO/Till, Su is oh "wayn to some ostroot Impregnated here, then, la Is ready and certain meaue of tar:Aping the disordern preralent at this season, or (If they haye already fastened upon the gyetem) of sonqut•ring them speedily and thoroughly. Tho•llavor of a medicine le rot of much consequerica provided it dove its worjr.properly, but of Iloefoiter'e lithera it may ho fairly acid that thej• effect it cord withdit outraging lb.. patient's atom of test:, • IJe7 I ly 4. CARD TO THE 'LADIEECL DUPONCO'g' GOLDEN PERIODICAL PILLS, FOR FEMALES. INFALLIIILE IN CORRECTING IRREGULARI TIES, REMOVING OBSTRUCTIONS, OF TUE MONTGLY PERIODS, PROM, WHATEVER CAUSE, AND ALWAYS' . SUCCESSFUL 45 A PREVENTIVE. 'THEME IS NOT A LADY LIVING But what at some period of Her Life will nod the DUI'ONCO GOLDEN PILLS Jost the medicine oho Per Nervous nubility. ]touring down pales, rOlpilition of the Heart, Detained, .rregular or •)lm:dtruotlon, flush of Wood to tile. Dead, Dir.zinesS,'6.c , Ac. These are the on!) P11;11 ever known Gott will cure the Whites, (theywill num in c‘er) cane•) They never fail, and may he detruded .upon In every case where the monthly hove-jute hese' obstructed through cold or droease. DUPON CO'S GOLDEN PLIAS always Immediate relief belnit espladally prepared for marr.: , l I:.dL•e. A lady writes: •Ilupuueo's Golden Pills 1,.1 loved me In one sday, Winall4 Inreuveuluure . Ilko TIIILOENUINE - ' Is now put up In Lark° (White) Dozes containing 11611410 11111111lity of Pill+, and upon each ImX, you will find .the Repenue 'Stamp, printed frour,my Pri vate Die; upon welch Lengthwise of the Stamp you will find the worde DUPONOOI3 GOLDEN PERIOD.. 'UAL PILLS, In White Lettere r without thpt cons are petiole°. ind oxplicit diroctiona accompany end, box. Price $l.OO per Imx, six boxes $5OO, Bold by ono Druggist In every town, village, city and hamlet throughout tho Boltiin Cwlinlc, I!‘t , by q, A. linveraticic, DrUkrglat, No. 10 North ilitoo . ver St. Bold also by lirrigh A Musser, Mechanicsburg. Va. TC.l7b: • any _. _.. Altick, Shipponeburg.. '. - L 4 WEB I by needing hint $t to the Curl lola p•et aka,. coo hove PI tlio lin Hunt by mail to any part of (14 ' N c o o n u e n g h e .y riu f i r t ° l: il i t l i ele t trt , box Ia a i ryt, tot ' 1 . I •- ,' •8. D. 110W14, Solo •• Proprietor, Now York ' Ito7l-ly •• t 4.,... • • BE W,IBi . lliTnits wisdom will benefit you: be not always .urt. troliod by yotir incrodulity, 19ydrads have. cought roller from the horrors . of :Dyspepsia through tho medium brDniurtVa Airri-Drarorrio STOMACH Itrynne. Auld found it. Why should ;yOu suffer when this atiml. rablo stomachic has cured many similar oases 7 why do - .you doubt while othor bollovo and aro cured? Delay in this mattor is both dangeroue and unprofitabi o. Your health, happiness and business suffers; whilo constant neglect le frequently foll, wea by eoilous and bacon tr.:Attila° rmiultn. OESIUTIVIS BITESES . [lre ohiill,r nonfat In tho numerous tililloultiespattemling loth gantlets; SD BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIESTION,AO., SVhllO ior B.s , Wi and: Ana and other Meorders - prom:lo43g ,from Dfteexere, It la the only reliable proem/tire end remedy known. , • . . 24E100 NERVOUS DEBILITY Withitegleeny attendants, tow - eptrits, depression involuntary . endeelons, - boas of screen, opermatorrhaut, , loss of poWer, dizzy hood, lose of memory, and tbretitened impotence and hilbecility, find n MY' -oroign, cure In HUMPHREYS' --HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No. TWENTY-EIGHT. Composed of the most valuable mild and potent Curativos, they strike at once at the root of the mdttor tons op the system, arrest the diechargee, and Impart vigor and energy, life and vitality to the °Miro man, They •havo cured thousalids of MSC. Price $5 par pnekege of fivo boxes ai,d el forge $2 vial, which Is very Im portant in obstianto or old cares, or $1 per einglo Pox. fold by Druggists,, and • sent by mail on receipt of price. Address, HUMPHREYS' BPI: 7 _ CIFIC HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE CO, 562 Broad way, Now York. 2n0711y co F rn or m, :: , llo ,t tt! o, F t altl t o ,;n. by S. A. lblverstlck ti I=l A HANDS ME MOUSTACHE ! MOUSTACHE. PROF. ST. CROIX'S FRENCH WHISKERS. COMPOUND, Tho Great II AIR MOUSTACHE. GROWER, will produce a luxuriant ' WHISKERS.. MOUSTACHE ur - WHISKERS on the smoothest face. Pleasant to . Imo. font tinny addrees on receipt of Fifty Conte. 11. T. lIOND,,CIIEMIST, ENTEI and CHESTNUT Sb N. E, Cot. T 22feb721y JACOB LIVINGSTON, WHOLESALE TOBACCO AND GIG Al NO. 27 NORTH HANOVER STREET, CARLISLE, PA Prices as low as in PliiladolPhin or Baltimore. 25ap721y MARKETS CARLISLE PROVISION MARKET. Corrected Weekly by J. L. Notoy, corner of Pill znd Soita streets. ONE SQUARE WEST ON wm. BLAIR & SON CitrUsfe, 111.d.nesday, April 24, 1872. 81177E11.. ..... EGGS LA 111) TA ',Low BA CON If A 31S do .SII 0 CEDERS . do S 1 I) ES WHITE RI:VS PA RSL I 'EA CHES UNJ'A RED do DINED A PPL ES CHERRIES PITTED.. EZZEIEM o,vIO RAGS... ennulBl2; PRODUCE MARKET. CO3'lis7., 11 April 24, 1872..- - F.4MILY FLOUR „{2 - 70 SUPERFINE FLOUR 5 7) SUPERFINE RYE FLOUR 4 50 WHITE WHEAT 1 70 RED 117(EA 7' 1 70 R 75 CO /LT IV 02 TS 0 VERSEED 4 75 7'1,110 IS EED 3 110 FLA MED 1 110 I Yr=lb Philodri,bi, "North A Inerman.l PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. FLOUR, GRAIN AND SEEDS. • Plifkidelphict, April 23, 1072. EXTRA FA MILE FLOE!! Vi T ENTRA FLOUR 7 00 RIP 1.7.07'R 5 00 NEI!' ;TESTA 'I? A' 11 ED 1 8: , 771 1 90 NE 11711 TE /17/EA I ma) 195 RYE SF CORN 99 MI TS 57 CA 0 TEMSEED 1 o@loc per lb TIM° 711 INK ED 2 75 EL A XSEED 1 00 PHILADELPHIA CATTLE MARKET. • Monday, April 22 .72 `, BEEF CAT ft wore doll this week n d prices favor Los, or;. About 2,100 bead arrive( and sold at the Al•oonne Drove Yard at 73; ; ;aake fur. extra Pennsylvania and Western Steers; 667e.f0r fair to good do., and liaibb! o r 7 rit lb gross, for nensonion, as to, COWS and Calves wore in better onpiest nt figures: Sales of Springers at ;100;65, and fr Cows nt t'.. - 0.1g00._ itecnipts, 200 nein]. t -1111d18 w;ro In lively I Inotand, and the iocelpta light. Sales of choice at 'Mel Sir, Ildr to good at 8 1 3,193 th: end 6.111011 at F.q.dildi 50 la head and Lainha, which a rrien, with flora freedom, at sl(a,4 80 for common, and tier head for fair to choler. Its re 13 lion head 110110 were rat ILer dull, art , utl fr. in 00 50 for still, tip to $11.750e7 141,4 I rn fed. Receipts, 3:285 head. '/ [lopewle . d for thr 11E.. b 4 d. Redsreker Cb.] BALTIMORE LINE STOCK MARKET. Willielm'x Drove, Yard+, „Baltimore, Aid , Aeril 18,1872. CATTLE. The rorolptn for the week nmonnt to aboot 000 hold. Wed nendny's market opened ntoady at about j advance on gond grads•, while pnor and medium rinonln shout an loot week, sourly all sold out, cloned to-day without any Siringo. Extreme nmgr of prices won• from 4 to 7'F•. and moat mien weer tondo from 59:i . to '0,4 t lottda were Alpped to Now York /lOUS. Tito market eon tibuounhot Ins riot work tho my ply ropinlin4 the demand, and prieint un elurnged. Thom Is A night improvement in th. pro, ennt marrel, ,11.111 g 11. bolter fooling. W E. wcold :lotion not to for, oxpectlnrr an advance, n pruxpertn or,, only for Wo ,pate Corn /logo from 01 tnIN n ro ett, 55 00 to 5 40 growl, Nllll Ilog.r from 1..., tot.. , net . 00 ;41 mix. EEP. Sopyly light; linen, good, Wool gorep selling In m 7 to Or, Sheared Iron, Llf. to f..),1, for fair tin good, and 7.4 fur mfr. Lund.. are In demand nt front It 00 to $5 00 per howl no to quality. We' think there will he it do• dine, lot libPan•d Khoo', will soon arrive 11101, (runty ➢TARRIED 11089—V INCE.—IIy 'Rev. C P. Wing, on tho twouty- t 1111'4 instant, IWnpimin C. Ilin, of Chitin riotsburg, Fronk lin county, to Annie V lock, of Mount holly, Cuni lowland county, Po. DIED. II I LION—In Man/.bestor, Mnihn , 111/,/ Sarah 1111100, Innthor of G. W. 1111150 or I hi, plow, aged 1/5 years nod 10 month, GILMOILE.—In this Isrult,,ll, on Friday Isis after a l•rief s!his Ma•y Gilmore, 11:mgliter • thplutr Sir. ref, Glltal.', aged Ithou p t itSi • rs. -•-- • NE , TV TO-DAY. • JAMES M. WEAKLEY, A TTORNET-A T-L AII OFFICE, NO. 22 BOOTH umcov4R STREET MDM Us'!' RECEIVED— tJ LIPPENCOTI":4 PURE OLD RYE WHISKEY, ALL JIVE, itml CIIA MP %OVE, nt 23;11)721in J. T. JUNKIN'S. ikI)MINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Lettoo or ittlininiatratlon on the ax tutu of John Win ileeetixed, late of north Middle ton towtothip, hare leen 18Stlyti 11, the 'bight ter of Cumberland county to the embeerilier residing in mild tower hip. All porion iniliitited to Raid eiitate will ' Wei.° Mahe payment, and thole -ftrebttlit. them. dulyatothentleated te the 1111,11 reigned for payment. C. 11. MULLIN, 25ap7ii0t. A dill Inistratur. VDMINISTIiATOBIS NOTICE. I Lot,, ollichninist ration 011 the 0011100 or Am I; lutitir,•tlecmiett, Lao of thu borough of Phipps,. burg. I:01111[01.1mM county, bare lion,l•miell by th iteglnisr of l'itielierfaici county, to tlio shloscril e retailing lu lite borough of t lir tole. All 'Hinton. Indebted to stud, wittily will pleat, make , immeillat, payment, ant 'those hoeing vialuis sill proton them, pi openly authenticated fur sottlinomit, to NV. P. BADI,EIt, P' Administratur. ELECTION NOTICE.—An election _ for Prenhlent and live MAntgerx f the CArlisie this and Water Cmupury, will be) held tho thirteenth 01. y of 1872, between the hours of two sad fooro'cluck In the afternoon, in tlio Arbitration. Chow tor, ut the Courbllotuni.l'arl Pit JOILN 1179,0, 2.3ttp723t Superintondmit. Carlislo, Aprll 31,1873. • DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER stio,.—Noticu In hereby given that the p.r.herellll, exbti og between Jac. b Stool - roe nod 11, IL StrlcklPr, In the tnantlfactnru or.Ftrnw beanie, at 1110 Mlddlaavx MON, expired by Innltatlon un tbo flea day of March. 11172. All puttee having chapel agelort the firm. aro ?pomaded to 'reagent them nut (MCP, M,d thane owing the firm, to make payment to - 2.'inp7 . 23t* , 11. 11. STRICKLER. NOTICE.—Notico is hereby given that the PoopliVd Flro.inatiranco Company of Patholvoilitt; an Olootlon at tho unlco of tho Company. In tho h n•oogh of Carll,4o, on Monday, May 11, 1872, botiveon tho It nuns of In a. in , nod 4 p. m, for tho 'atrium of eluding moron directors, in a”corilanco with tin Into ainninlmont to tho chartor, 1,1160 . 1/11 for tho imattlin.; your. - -By-order-on holloarli. a 25np722t NOTICE.—Tito books of tbo tato John Faller. deretteed, will remain" opus Ht tho dtore fop aottletnont. All porsona Inttabled, will phatait make auttlointtt. as they min shortly ho •rlacod lu the bauda or nu attorney for r.olhetlon, JOHN I. FALLF3t. Admlnlotrator. OEM AGENT FIND LITERATURE, ART' AND SONG 1. the Geed aelling book over 61Tered. It 'coinbines . the humor of anecdote, the wisdom of loony, Iho Information orlilstory nod blogratilly, thu swot- LOB nu grandeur of pootrY: tho omelette cletriu of music, And 400 . . "Solid rotating for graver moments; pleasant plc 'taros to Illumi n e (inlet hours; and gents of song fur stlie andel circle." An Agent writes, " Fold 127 coplei tido nook. Will .11 SOU this month easily" Oar stetii twalenkni, canvassing doing' away with ob• feotlcis, to tbo busfoose.• Particulars free, A. Valuable present to every now Agent, INTERNATIONAL P11111,143111NG CO„ 03 and Ob LBEIITO ATILILET, NM YORK. , • 2041/720t. I , • ME . . . • • crib rl F 1 1 ), - 7='' •'6 Ifi il . ')P - RI) - 0 •eP 4,51 %0 'W ' ',` . 7 :orao i'l' ' e 6,) /2 ' . iiP li nq ' tj - 1 L MI N ti,; tl U, • ' ( A. t, Ls . 4-, -0) A CC, Vf• .:V. 4 _, • Has just opened for the inslieetion of Ids-Customers and Public,.oneof the &lest and choicest lots, of goods for Custom Trade over presented to this Public. Call and examine his goods and prices, and judge for yourself.- . NEVER ANY TROUBLE. TO SHOW gooDs. • EMI . , , • Portmanteaus, &c., and everything belonging to a Gent's furnishing and Traveler's department. 25ap721y L. J. .L SPRING- Black Silks, AlpaCas and Mohairs . 9 of superior lustre and durability, on Nvbiell I defy competition as to Qual2,6 (I'6l , Prices. mer_cylcnEtrtgarg - ,„- - .1-Er:›c:pacbes in great variety. Siiperior Stock of White Goods embracing all the novel, of the Season. CLOTHS Boyel-tvear 'a Specialty: CiDTTONAD,I7.-S AND FARMERS' DRIIILLS 4..2 00 to 2 bo 19g22 An examination is only neccessary to convince that for Variety, Quality, Hum. bility and Chettpuesi, our Stock is second to-none in town. -T. A. HARPER, South Hanover Street, CARLISLE. : .(6)u 25ap72 NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS The Treasurer of Tumberland manly will at•end for the parpre.e rerelykg State, County and 11111tI tiara lor the year 15711, an trquirol by Act of Amens Is. at till. 11 , 1111'W 111 and . Mourne—at Harsh's Hotel. Mayls and is.. Allen=at Culp 's Nord, May 17 and 15. Lower Allen—at Heck's Htel, Moo 70 and at Shmenanst. Wu, May 21 New Corn liCrlllllll—nt Whorley's Hotel, May 22 and 22 East Pennsborough—atlder's May 21 and nt Eli George's Hotel, May 26. Ilaroption—et A. L. Bricker's Hotel, May 27 and 2s. I.olvor Syring'—at Duty's hotel, May 29, and ht Grove's Hotel, New ICitptiou. May 10 Middlesex—at 311.1t1letes Schn.sl Muse, May 31 a❑d Juno 1.. Frenkferd—nt Illonerlllle June 3 'awl 4 1111111 n—it linenle's §chonl lieuFe, Juno and 0. Hopewell nod Newburg—et ‘l4nrirn lintel, June 7 end S. Soolthaniptca2-00 Bauglinmo's Hotel, Jul, 11 and 12 Ponn—sq.lyster's IToI 01, Junn.l3 alul 14 Dicklason—at Marta's Hotel Juno IT and 18. West Penal/ orop:h—at June 18, nod at Clasnell's Ilotel, June 20. Newton—at Stouglistown, lloodlet it's li t. 1. June 21, end at Mcßride's k fleeleary'.. flotol, June 22. Ilenveln•rger'n Hotel, June 24.und Shlpponsburg Borough and toivilshfil!,lit Mc Nulty'B Hotel, Juno 26 and 27. routh Mitldlotonnt Itupley'm Hotel, Jw o 28 soil ot Jlllll5 29: =ME=I Mechaulehburg-3t the Notional Hotel, July 3 end d. Car:WO—at tho CommlB:Annex's Office, July 6 and 6. On all county tuxes paid before August I, an abstenseht of 5 per cent will be allowed, and on all t • Xe 9 nupvid on August I, 5 per rent will linildtdded The remurer still is eels, taxes at his WS le until. the tint clay of &plod - her 'next, al -- wttich time nduplicates of nlbympaid taxes will be hotted to the Con/tables of the respective boroughs anti townships for no Section. Also, at the same time and place. merchants MO dealers can obta In Mcrearalle Liamx H of haunt y Treasurer , 2 , tp7^lf N EW JERSEY r OgEMICAL COM Super-phosphate. The NEW JERSEY CHEMICAL CO'IPANY hav ing put chased the Chemical Wm km km of Potts & itlett, ere ow manufacturing Ammoniated Super. Nonwhite of Lime lullrequa. lu quality eel con• d Non to the Ithseluo Super Phosphato. 6,emerly ntude by Potts & lilett, which has heretofore given . such general slisfaction We me now prepared to furn:olt consumers nod dealers with this above Super•yhosphete end shall ho glad to supply Chi?Md customers nod others. We ono bug to call your Attention to the - • " ORCHILLA CLIANO." Onatto we receive direct from the Ora Ilia Island w hare, rlc Imo b..en fit rly bled it Ix pro nounced ono of thin 1,04 nod cheapest forthlow• In the marlin: 25n1,72.1ut5pe723111 ' 'WHITE STAR LINE NEW YORK, CORK, AND LIVERPOOL ,1 NEW A FULL.PtIIVERED STEAMSIIIPS TILE SIX LARGEST IN TILE N ORLD. OCEANIC, ANTARCTIC, TLANTIC, BALTIC, 0•00111,,,tons burdon-3,000 h. p each. sailing from New York on SATURDAYS, from , I Norpool on THURSDAYS, and Cork Harbor tho (lay following. From tho White Star beck, Pnvonia Perry, Jersey City. ra,qragor nrconnuodallon3 (for all dunce) our! nllyd, combining , Safety, Speed and Comfort. Saloons, state-rooms, smoking-room, and Nag r. mils In mldtihip section, whim, luaq motion In felt. Surgeons and stolvardoeses accompany the•o 0114 , [11. era. cc ATES—Saloon, SO gold. Steerage, SO currency. T loco wlalclug to eend for triecula from 11, Old Country can flow Obtain Btu grag a prepaid certificates, SO currency. Paceengera booked to or from all parte of America, Parkl, Hamburg, Norway, Swudon, trot la, Ctitna, etc. Excursion Bekaa granted at lowest rules. • , Drafts from ,S.t upwards. Pot luspection of plans and other inf6rtnittion, PP O. to J. 11. SPARKS, Agout. .11u. 19 Broadway, alaw York, or to lEEE HO! HO ! ! FARMERS BE YOUR OWNIUDOES CAYUOA CIISEN 1110 W ER'AN Da REAPER, and nro know you will be Slababa It has a poi fect Eslf Rake, will pick - up; and dallxor all kinds of grain In good shape. We mean just what we ear. If you want a MOWER and e.ELP RAKING REAP ER, go to tho Cumberland Valley Wm shoos°, and 11)(11111111111116 CAYITQA CHIEF W TtIitANDON, it fora purcluisi ng Carlini°, Pa., Agent for Cumberland nail Adams countlew 2547210 t • I woAild niso.coll your ntiontlon to J. S. TIIOSIAS'S Combliked Iron'llouble 8110.1 Corn Now and Cultl• votor. It drum doable tho vinrk cf thu old Flown. Con be mood on a goorer for cocu ground. No`formur should ho without it. 25ap724t - List-of unelaiiiiml hitters remaining in tho postoillee at Carlisle, Pa., for the WEEK ENDING "APRIL 2,4, 1873:., LADIES' Mamma Lucinda 6 Mount, Amanda Common Marla " • Miller Mollie 0 }leiter Anna Italant dlttry , A Firestone Sarah t ogle Elizabeth Koffman Jennie Yarlote Sarah Housman Sarah , , GENTLEMEN'S LTBT. ' .. Latham Samuel J Jackson IlenJimln Carimnali Alie() Eamphor Ration I /IMO Petal Martlnlinmini l -A • ]:idol - Silo Woe H IC ' McCrea William • Blicknr Goo IV . °Aort] John • Gray Goorgo . Roadie Wiillom 011 Ila Mr - ' Shotron i'otor Harilson John Snorer Danlol Harrloon William Honry Snyder Henry Hainilimr J W - -Taylor Mr Galieli,B ito - Wilkina A J. • Johnion Al ' ' E. D. RHEEM, • •• . . Postmistress JOHN T. GREEN, Secrofitry "UXEC,I.JTOR'S . : NOTICE. -L - Letters tootomontury on the estate of Jaab litater o ' late of Hamden township, deceased, hare boon Is sued by the Register of 'Cumberland county, to tho subscriber. refdding 1 toad township. Alt peroono Indebted to no d setatb will please make Immediate payment, and those having claims to present them dtdY 4thouticated, to tho undotolgnod, for settle. merit. 26np726t THE undersigned having boon quail- A- Cud as aJustico of tho Primo, la now iirupriracl to attend to all buslucas entrusted to hint Oillco to Mr. Olvln's llulidingg nasr, thu Fanners' Lank, and rear oft rraabytorhin Church. Itustdenco 00 Westatniot 26alintf NO. 22. NORTH HANOVER STREET, MERCHANT' TAILOR Also a convict° stock of Drawers, IE3 N 1. OC at -oxtromelS , LQW PfiCol3, to which daily additions will ho-made, and POPULAR PRICES MAINTAINED. NEW TO-DAY. 0 HOWIE 1101111, Treasurer Cumber!aud County J v • I AMMONIATED YARNALL & TRIMBLE, SULK WHOLK,AI,Ii MIEN n 4. 147 South Front Street, Illit•UBLIC, A ,RLATIC Cur Hole, PR. MEM SAMUEL EBERLY; • Executor, F. 41. RENNEDIe AND Trunks, r • Valises, AND SUMMER NEW TO-DAY. R IBBONS, MILLINERY AND STRAW 000DS, 1E3'72. • A LSO White (3,,nds, Etiibl'oiilcrit Vic. ARMSTRONG, CATOR ' & CO. Irolportors, MannfactuferS and Jobbers Bonnet, Trimtning,Neek and SscL I{I6I.ODR, VELVET RIBBONS, NECK. TIES, Bonnet Silks, Satins. • Velvets and Crapes, FLOWERS. FRATIIER , . OR A NIENTd, • FS. S Straw Bonnets and !Adis: and Childre ßA n's ME Rats, hc, TM 5151 ED A ND I',I[IIISILD AND IN GONNECTI iU tVAREIWOMS GOODS, , LINENS, F.WI3ROIDERIESi Lsces, Nets, Cods. Setts. lln dlterellias, Veil log, • . Head Nets, Nos. 237 and 239 Baltimore streaL,Ballintore, Md. ,Titt.h.e goods aro ruanuftteturml by us itr bought! for rash' directly !rout this .Etiropean and American Mann Ihmtlirdret, embeacithg ull the latest novelties, unequalled In yhttlety 111141 , 1r.fifle. in any ntatket. 0. &kr' Shied with cat th, !hum] otatmt turd dfiipatch 250,72:1tn. Alarm Cash Drawer. ALARM GA Svi DRAWER TILL TAPPIR PREVENTED. EVERY DRAWER WARRANTED. EVERY MERCHANT ShOULD USE To EM, SOLD AT FAIRBANKS' SCALE WAREYOUSE FAIItGANKS & EWING, 715 CRESTNIIT STREET, 18ap723m Unclassified davertiNem'eri APR,,FITA , BLE BUS INESS - 1 ° ',MDT EQU %I, TO GAS, AT ON F-E'fl lITII THE Dtsl ! (Alarm! he exploded. So chimney or nark usrd MEN desiring a PR,/FIT Ull E lIIIKNESS, CAD lessire the EXCLUCI YE RIO 111' for the sale of DVOTT , PATENT CARBON OAS LIMIT DUIIN EPS AND OIL, for COEN nES or Sl't TES, WIRD fop information or roll on AI . It. HYOTT. No 114 South Second tree r , Phllsdelphia, Pa N. LI.—CHUIt 71IES furnished oath ell ANDEL. Ii IIS sod LAMPS of every deseriplion,'2h per cent cheaper than at any other establlthment In the country. linp723m A COMPLETE LINE OF ..I.INEY Ve Hots, for In nod m 1t.50r, 3 F ll oothors, R Otdo, Rib P. 1411.V11, SIN Velvoto„and votkoor, u , , colore, Out bias '7dre7l A. W. BENTZ A T A. W. BENTZ it CO'S is the ei nnlc l A..cn to buy tool lore goads: Heal DOclies Loco Collars, Itiotl Point [Ace l`oll.irs, Real Vitleuelenne Lace Col Ines. I aslant no. Lace Collars at prises, front ten canto nod upwards. heal and LmWl toil LIICU Lace"anil Lioon re ts, till pur,.haseil f r the holidays. A , W. I3ENTZ & CO., has the largos pluck of Is'ater-pro.lCloaking Vovotoen with Silk Finish. suct7l ARPETB CARPETSI CARPEtS C !IT. Great borgalbe In enrpets, dow , %rivet Ittigo nod Door Moto. 7E1,71 A.W.BENTZ et CO. •, DAVID SMlTll,"formorly• Justibo of tho Pea:.,, wou d nonter nco to tile numerous Mons throughout the county and r icinity, that Firoclal atr °ellen will tie given to tho collection and settlement of all chorus, took ftecouute, von dho notes, ac., oral to wri ring of deeall, mart/ages, Lunde .te, and also to tho 111111 rooting of Real Estate. Terms mreltratu. 0111.13 ln.tho Court nous°. .4apittam VOR PURE DRUGS, CIIEMICAtS, and Patent Medi-loon, g to J. 11. Ilararstlak N, 5 South lianor..r street. Also;a6landld asenrt meat of Toilet :wipe, Perfnmerks, nod Fancy Toilet Articles. • • I. H. .11A VF,RSTD No '5 South 11.4novt•retrolet,Carlfelo, 130ct.70 _ _ A T Feathers, Ribbons, an., just recuival d A. W. UENTZ h CO. 12oct7t "'UST regorved another extra supply of Cirrupuiior lirau.l of Black A Ipacra, rich. olio black t ac A. W. BBNITZ & CO. T B. J• NO 6 SOUTH HANOVER STREET, Denier in Drugs, Medicines, Lto JUST redeived another largo supply of Ploso benntlful &attache In clulVrolore, fa i r Ladles' nuila,..;t A. W. lIIdNTZ & CO. t‘ts - Cmoons 4 • FOR Ti l t F.OI.IDA Y 8 Vol vote, `-'4k Poplins, \ Wool l'opllon, Empro. rlolhr , Alpacas, Dulalnes, In 7t10.,71 A. W. BESTZ & t O. NEW FIRM—The undersigned bar lug , procursil the /Duro Hoorn formerly veto. pied by Devonney, No. 78 West Vain' street, and having remoddled and rellttod- it with au entire now stock of goods. beg leave fo inform the patrons of this, community and iho surrounding country, that they aro now ready to dispose of nil articles contained In a first :clime gri.ctry stony at the hiwest Coot! prices. Noose call and esamine our stock and satisfy yourselves. llap72lm• -INIIOI9 Its GOOD. . PROPOSALS.—ProposaIs Sr building a 8011001, lowneldp, at or near No. 6, known ae 0 Henn's, will bo received oviBaturday, tho twenty-in-venni cloy of Alm! HU, at d - O r alhpk:Lit Thudinin'e Hotel. 'Pori-Jr-if - 6f house nil NIL speclllcuthme, inquire of It 0. Lumberton, Ott.). W. JACillid, - I "'llap723t. docrotary. THE SENSEMAN SHOP IS 'SUP BLIND NVITH T,HB DRAT WORKMEN IN BACH BRANCH. WOOD WORK, 831ITIIINO, TRIMMING! and PAINTINO,dotio In the boat •manLur, Carriages 'iggles and spring wagons muds to order. Polntlug old work a areplalty. Call at A.2enee• man's dld stand and examino for yourselves. A. B. dIiERK No 2. llop72tf WE hays just Toceived 600 , yards of splendid . ernsh, at 14 cents per yard, of the cheap store of A. IV: BENTZ 4 CO. tilsepTl YOU 'can obtain Dya Stuffs,, made., and Fancy Artful.. at ..1; B. haver• stick's. • rbyelolane' preecrlptlous carefully coin. yoilialed at all time. B. HAVBRSTICK, N 0.6 Bouth Noooyer 'trod, corliale,ra 100d.70 . 1:00 FAFALL;SHAWLS,.Iatest igt. kcal A. W. DEN4*-A.0013.', REAIpVD I 1 DUCE & BUIEHOLDER, have now opon ono of the finest Stooks of now and desirable GoOda over shiSivn to the public. Their immense stock of iilitssGooDs comprises all the novelties of the Sea son. DOLLY VARDtN'S JAPANESE SILKS, MEND AND PUNK , 'MONA] R POPLINS WRITE GOODS in ever/ grade, among which can be found. E= and overything,in tho ivbito goods lino SHAWLS ! SHAWLS 1 1 MAY QUEEN, and all the different rnakes'of Shawls, which we have the reputation of selling cheaper than the cheapest. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES We offer a'special inducement to every one needing a SPRING SUIT, having a fine assortment, and having the best Tailors in town to make them up to order. Call and see the fine assortment of all icinds of DRY GOODS. We have added a full lino of TRIMMINGS .to suit Militias of DRESS GOODS. When you wish to examine a• Brio Stock of Goods, we .would urge you to. call at our store to ascertain our prices before you commit yourself. Wo will give every attention, and if not successful in selling oven -a small. bill, shall be glad for the call. New invoices of late styles added every week. Don't for p.pvi,Te7ll . •,;i‘F. 4 1: • , ;• • DUKE & BUIVK North Barmy'? ITS'i."l3ol•_,,• • •, Below Carlisle 1ti44,10344.. 18ap72 • FIRST IN SI-JASON.-- ni lE Old Firm have just returned from thu l ity with a vory large assortioutit of 30) 3L- 37 <G,- ac) co am, among which moz ha found alliklotis of DRESS GOODS, composed of Ou finest material of Silk, Woolen, Linen end Cotton manufacture t, Ice nssortwsne of enssimeros nol tl 4 rcutcli Casslmores for nulls. WO hart. tlio-best aslortment of BLACK SILKS tho country, and thoy dro cheaper thin can and °bmb. IT. A IRO, JAPANESE SILKS. JAPWSE STRII'Ri AND MOHAIRS; PLAID POP 1.1 N IMPERIAL 'quyrn, STRIPED SATINS. PRINCESS MIXTURES OXFORD SUITING'S, WAzll POPLINS; and a largo lot of BLACK ALPACAS. MOURNING GOODS all the most desirable and popular lands; such FRENCH hIhItINOES, .CABLIMEIth: ItEPS, TAAIIES, 'ALL WOOL DELAINEB, and everythlng el.o In thin lino, and at prices that make mime of oar competitors foul Indeed.- - Oar stock of Casslineres •Is largely replcolisli.,l vitt] . the laird styles of il-1 Cherjot Strip-II and ltibhed CAM 'mores, Dlagooel Coatings, Sic, A vtry }llium's,' Stock of • MILLINERY GOODS, Ribbons, pmes, Spring Rats and Sundowns, Crapes, lliis lons, Linings, all in largo variety of the latest styles. Also, 'fablo Lillolltl, Shootings, dto-; Hand, kerchiefs, Gloves, Hosiery, all kinds of Notioo.s, Trimmings, Sc., In great variety. -- Wu Intro thu pop ular styles of Dolly Varden, In various materishr ' In a word, wu 11.,vu the largest and finest (tdinitood by nll imblitstql minds,) ck of Dry Clouds lu the whole length of thi,Cumber. land Valley, Coot,. and sou us, and too know you will tl (hilt it was" Cloud or you to be hero." -, . A. If. & CO. 'unroll 3 t, 1870 44,72 Pain 012.6 Oil CARLISLE, PA PAIN CURE OIL, THREE IS 4 NOTIIINC/ LIKE IT FOR• 'AINS, SORES, WOUNDS AND, LAMENESS BUY .27 I TRY IT I FOR RHEUMATISM, , USE PAIN CURE OIL FOR NEURALGIA. ' USE PAIN,CUREI OIL FOR NEVER SORE. USEI PAIN CURE OIL. FOR CHOLERA MOREUS, USE PA,IN CURE OIL FOR SPRAINS, USE PAIN CURE OIL. FOR HEADACHE, USE PAIN CURE OIL. FOR BRUISES, , USE PAIN CURE OIL. FOB CORNS and BUNAONS, USE PAIN CURE OIL. Rim ANY SORE, USE PAIN CURE OIL. FOR ANT LAMENESS, USE PAIN CURE OIL. EVERY BOTTLE 10 WARRANTED, And 'wu cliallongo tho World to produce Ito equal. .• Used Externally and Internally for MAN AND BEAST. Aek for PAIN CURE OIL. Tako ro other, ft twe WARRANT IT TO CURB. Ti IB notarkllklarlug_praparatlon,-bnt-an-OlL,Anada from guru Togotablo 0110 Rorke, and Extrsate, nod Is clean and Bata to tine. Fuld by. all Drugglato and Dealers lu PIIICE, FIFTY .OkNTI3 ogi j uitE & EATON, Proprietors, ...... Ending, Bold In'6orlislo by .I.'II. Havorstiok, No. 6 South anovor stroot, .11.0,8. A. Haversack, No. 1Q North allover °trout, druggists. Slirob72ly Moth Proof Chest. THE IVI,QTH-PAtOPP CHEST CO, Of pliilatielphia, Pa. Incorpotated Auguet, 1871. hi ._. . ~ 1 S now nnuflusturing Jar-Tlght, Oedar•Lined Chests and Trunlie,.of rations bites, Paper Boe, for Lae, !late, Cope, Cuffs. Omits and wliy e Suite, of every deem iptiow ; lie nal • coketwo fully secured by.letters pri m tont of the U; 8., and are hollered to be among the most desirable of anything now soaking tile public favor; - Agente and Daniel'. wonted to litlro. duce thorn In every town In the U:13. ; to whom a liberal discount will les given. ' Address, JNO. Vir, FRAqOXI3, Soo'y, Id, I', 'O. Co., .. 430 Wailult Bt., Phila., Pa. • 28m1172Gt Dry Goods, 46:. MEI in all kinds of Goods IT= YOSEMITE STRIPES, LAWNS We have thii ROSALINI, FANCY AND STAPLE I==2= USE . . Sale of Unseated Lands QATIE OT UNSEATED ily virtue of a avarrant from under the band and seal of the Commissioners of Cumberland Con nty, andtonm directed, the. following trouts or lots of unseated land, situated in ' Cumberland county, Pa.. will ho sold nkpublie 'sale, at 10 o'cloc1( a, la., on Monday, the 10th day of Tune, A. D. 1872, at the'Court House, in Carlisle, county. aforesaid, or as much of each tract _as will defray the unpaid taxes and costs thereon- kiree. • Ownor& . Cfarlieje, IVeat Ward. Matcher, Margaret MEI A 6 11 100 24 Altl, D. V. and 0. Wi Albort, widow • Doceltor,Jacob . ; Bonn, John "; Bushey, J. Y. Donor, Joseph Atrough, Jacob Drown & DI teman, Daniel' Thief:non, WoOloy Droligh. John 't Bolen, John Diddle, E. N.. Craighead,Wllllatn Coniston, F. & Cood, -- Joioph Clapraddlo, David Childs, Jacob Cockley.,NOall Divan, S. N. Dixon, John Dull, J W. Davis, Rebecca Fishburn, John [!~1 tletiltant, John, heirs Gardner, John Glehn, Samuel , 0 rblitt, Gardner, am Gardner, Elias • / Gardner, Rebecca Hem miner, John • Hepburn, Samuel, sr. Httinmelbough, li. A. Harris, Samuel King, , Jacob Kurtz, Noah Keller John Keller, Henry Loony; AdaM Lenny, David P. I.Auch t Jelin Myers, Charles Myers, Cornelius Myers, Cyrus Minton, Niiholsa Marsden, Dr. D. Myers, !leery Myers, Juhn H. • Myers, Ezra Montort. lame • Myers, Amos C. McCreary. Wm. • Myers, ' , city Nottshiger, Jerry Newcotder, John Ross, Olbsdn Robert, Jacob Staismith, Peter Scobey, David , Sterner, John ' Sterner, Jos. L. Sinysor, Philip • ' Stuart, Hugh esti , Stuart, John Trestle, Adam Trine. John Trestle, J. B. 'Woods, N. IN. Wimman , Isaac Wulf, Jacob Yetis, Bunion Hannah I••ronkj'nrd. A 111, P. A. itONSIMID, Samuel Duo ter , Joint Duty, Joseph Curie k Grove, Forbes. A. Bole , ii nkenbinder, A. Griner, Jelin tit huittger, San, net K leer, George Kri nor, John Luckey & Bloser, Lon,naecicer, Benjamin Nailer, Barnett •' Ployer, Jacob Sto der, Henry 1 Washmood, George IV , 4,dhurn,.l. 51 LIM 11"pezveIt. Sharp. J. ,M 1) Arnold, Simnel, Fin ton Jllll.l McCune, C. Rice, Poter „ 'Crain, Dr. Joe. Egolf, John Ns in Cumberland. May, Joseph Penn. IVillisni Ileern•, Ellen Mille:III, DIU Id Englii, Jesse Grove. Michael and brothel Galbraith, Thonoui, heirs Gross), Jacob Kyle, John 4 Line, David 2.) /a 7a% 20 70 • 51111,, A. G. i•K Alinoey, Thos 8!1 Millar, Joseph 8 MeGlitughllrt, Win Puffer, Keller Benjamin 580 . .... Schoch& Bro., It '70 .. .;•,- Thrush, B. 41?9 ' . weaver, Charles r i 7pGlff i t.::, Woods, Capi Vier, I ......,41.:4.:.. a . • South dliddlelon. . !:., , ...4. , ,, , , , - , ✓ , 1. Albright, Jacob .:.1 . 1d.;. -.',, Bearderf, 800. W. •: 10 .'..-Si%.'i--- - • 'Ernest, Edward 4 1..,111 '- "„. r - ' - Gardner, Barney • 13 - --- 4,- " -- "7" , Orlest, Joel ... '... , 0' -- , Lerew, j)._helrs, 1 ... Leung, JrA I'. Lerow', D. P. Sheerer, Jacob Wonderly, D. noire, Wolford. John Wert, slary -.. West Pennsborough. 111eliernell, Henry 15 11dp42-t. Legal Notle6s ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate o Jacob Weitzel, Into of Sont't Middleton. town ship deconsed, line° been issued by the Register of Cunt bushed county, to the subscribers residing in Mid dlesez township. All persons indebted to said tstute will piesse make its modiste poyinent, nud thouo bet' log deigns lo present them. duly nutheeticated, to the undersigned for settlement. JOHN WEITZEL, ELIAS BRENNEMAN. 11 , 471ir duth..t rut ors cf./awl.) Neltzul, d'c'd ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, • 'etters ofhohnlnintri don on the i state of John Feller, bite of the borough of CurllBlP, deeonned, Love boon le•ued b, the It e,rieter of Cumberland county, to the note•erf , or, renfdlng In sold bor. o rk al . t . o .A . l l l . l, l er ‘ s s o n n „ tf to tfht.t.oo Laving ros.oltl! prenont thorn, dilly out hontleuted, to the under. elgood Jor nottlontent. JOHN I. FAI.LEII„ :Adpltulatrator Illip72ot R ra:l B on on ,lie er/ 11' Letters of N OTICE.stn of Margaret Yeoman, der:crowd, Into of Lower Allen lownshlp, Cumberland county, have been bunted by the Ileglethr of Cumberlanl counry to the sub. scriber residing at hew Cutuld,latid , Cumberland aunty, re. All persons indebted to said estate wirl plealo mute Immediate payment, and those Lifting claims will present them, properly annum ilcatim for Butt lenient. to OWEN JAMES, Adndolmtrator I=l ADAIINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Lottore of adnilnletraelon on the estate of Jan. McGuire, drceasod, ban of Savor Spring tosvolilp, hove born himied by (ho Iteghttor of Cumboriond county, to the oubevribur remitting In eahl All portion° Indobtod to ,ald °Ante will plea°° mho itntriodhito pnytnont, and (hope having claim td pro Font thorn, duly( authonriented, — to tho undor , elgned for sot (lumen t, BEM EXECUTORS' NOTICE. —Lettere tokonloolftry on the clout., of John Jacobs, Into of Aild4lloFos township. &conned, have b r o., issued by tho Itegbder of Comberlumi °minty. to William Jacobi, of • kljiring townehltr, and John Jacobs andSmoot)) Jacobs, of 111thihmok town bhlp. A ll porsone Indebted to Hald petal° will plumes mann ironi.lloto tmlniont. and tholoilmv3lig o minis to rreoont thug., duly nothen !Wad, to tho coder. .Igne,d s for settlemont. WILLIAM JACOIN, JOHN JACOB+, • SAMUEL JACOB+, Executors C 12121 • EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. —Letters L,4 ttottunontary on tho eat ito of Phoobo Paulin Into of tho borough of Carlisle, &Teased, have been Issued by tlio Register of Curnberlsiod county, to tho subscriber molding In Ito borough of Cordell). All pinsons Indebted to said entnto will please moko Itittnodlnto pnymoot, and Om, lowing elnhos Ip proscint them duly nuttioiltlcatod, to tho under. signed for isottlement W. /1 ALLEN, F zocittnr, or 10, W. S. SADLER, • Attorney. 4up7201.5• . NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plicatinnhas bran maim to tho Court of Com mon Picas of. Umberland county, for a chartor of Incorporation for " the' Church of Cod, at Shire. manatown," and that the Bald Charter Nl' II I ho granted at tho August term, 1872, by sold Court, unload taboo to toe contrary bo , PENROSE & VOULR, , A ltornoyn fur Petit loner o,' OEM ' , • Council 'lmber, Uar11811), April o; 1872 Wur.nees, Tim financial coed Non of tho borough _niXerlialtatstich_thet_i t—Arill_no_tArnrraut_thimot pondittuo of a ailla of money oulllolont to clean the eiroota and alleys at thin ti me; therefore be it Resolved, That the owners and occupiers of all property,fronting uq tho maradem hod etroote and alloys of thu. borough ho requehnd - icecloan and scrape do dirt and filth In front of their several promisee u pun beeps, to be removed by the order of the litrdtit Comtulttoo. Notico of • title resolution to' Lo given by the High Constablo. , Uk.ORGE E. SIINAPEIt, . Pree!dout of Connell: Atteett A. J. Werzca,-Elocrotary of Corporation. llap72lt O THE SCHOOL. DIRECTORS OP A. CUBIBERLAND COUNTY. Onnitssisti :—ln purauanoe of the forty.third soctlou tho Act or eighth of May, 1854, you•are harebyitotiliod to moot. to convention at the Court House, in CarWe, on the first 'ruosday In May, A, D. 1812, bolos Yid 'mouth day of the month; at 1' o'clock In tho ,aftornoon, and select, Mon 'lace , a Majority •of tho• whole number of directois mason!, ono parson of iltetary mat molentific aoquiromonto, and of alt 111 and exports once hi the art of teaching. an, County (MINIM. ti:dont ; for the throo encoooding yours j'Abturmine the amount of componaation for the same; and .cortify the result' to the Btato Buporiniondont, at Harrisburg, ad rodulrod •by the thirtpnintis and fottioth notions of odd Act. • . 'WILL A. LINDSAY Count Suportntondont of Cuntbarrand County, .t 1414laUtO . . READ! •• • - READ!! READ !I! Look to yoUil int - 40st Save your money I . 3:3y buying at no C 1) - 17 Y G. 00 -S—S TO ,s' E GEORGE BOBB Y otin ty Treasurer. • Tax•du .• .t . 4A: 0 • 65 - A,WT,Ea s% CORNER.PUBLIC SQUARE, CARLISLE PA. GRAN*. - --132C:":063.1. EMM 10 77 1 47 8 18 1 13 16 74 • Spring And. Suthmer • Ai l ; ) sis I Li K S. Elciant Black Silks, Colo . red Silks, Striped Silks, . . Blackind Colored Japanese Silks. We' have special drives in Black Silks. DRESS GOODS. All the latest styles , in endless varieties. Wash Poplins, ', '• Percales, .' Chintzes, &c. • WHITE GOODS. _ PiqueS; - Yosemite Stripes, Swiss Muslins, Victoria Lawns, - • EmbroiderieS, Laces, &c. • Shawls .1 : Shawls ! ! Shawls !! ! I have the cheapest and best assortment of Spring. and Summer Shawls in the . Town. • 40 12 2 58 - CLOTAS .11X1) CdSSMIERES. • - I have ft:choice selection of cloths and eassimeres fgilnion and boys, of French, English and American manufacture, purclulsed from the largest Cloth House in America, and will be sold at low figures. ' , Zoo will find our Stock of Muslim, Ginghams, 'Pickings, Calicoes, Stripes, Jeans, Cottonades complete and low in price. ..Six great and convincing reasont why you should buy from us : ~ 1. Wo have a resident buyer in the City to pick up bargains for us. • 2. Vre_buy for oash—we aro thus enabled to buy cheap and sell cheap. , 8. We havelio old goods' purchased at high , rices. ' 4. Our expenses aro low • . 5. Wo'do , not encumber ourselves with large quantities of goods to carry over from ono season to another, but keep our stock fresh by receiving now' oods daily, • • Q. Wo'roceivo a 'groat many :motion lots of goods, which wo can sell far below the regular rate's. 7,r , itil you Level examined our elegant Stock. , We want you to take a look, whether yOu wish AO buy nr not, as we are not afraid to have our Goods or Prioes compared with any house in the town. 1.81ep72 Cyr andsplay_.. Goods for Spring and Summer. 0 Of-J,.L4 _ALV: S 20 , 1 40- 47 WEST MAIN STREET. Now rereiVill ff front NEW TWIN' DELPII IA the largo.t and most complete 01 . /, lof s•ry rebels lu tho DR Y IIOOOS, NOTIONS, FANCY (10011 S, &r , &e t, ever off,. CA 111,151. E. DRESS GOODS.—lienutliul ItUtek owl Colored tII.NS. Brecilo,auti Thou Japanese SILKS, (tray Strips Fllllllll, SILKS. Light Weight I'ON,INS, • Wolly Vartlen JAPANESE, owl Dress Omsk in oil 00:0I H, PlAid brass Goods, Groat Variety. SPECIALTY —As usual, We oiler uneurpasEed Itinek'Alpacas 111111 3loltairs, also till . lots of some go .(1.1 at Special 80 - gains. Bost makes of Black Cloths and Gt..ssinieres, Fancy Crissinteres, Tweeds, I( rolneky .1011 S toil Cotton roit'ingt. and Pont Stuff- at Old Prici•s, at long' the Woolen and Cotten market (toe ad\ mired conniderable. AUCTION BAROA INS. ' White llldlte, Swing Shawls. Sun U 1101,11.18 /11111 Parasol. "Little Linenit, Towels and Tom ling, N 1110111,4, L:l11111 1111ti,11.1.. Plain Bildions, alLeolors, and widths extra wide for rashes, elegant shades Plain and Plaid, Ladles' Lino Handkerchiefs, Gent's Ilankortatiets. Ail tho above at Invent yucca om..r olTered in Citrlimto. et - .11:1 CI. DOMESTIC GOODS Piques lu Baal vvrioty, Striped Victoria Lawns, (tootromiy now-shim Sessu•L) Piaui BWI,B Vie Lao nm Nalltsonks; LIMIIIB, Plaid Nitinsooks, Menthol' and Brown Mwslins, Tfekings. Chot• .a..Siripml Shirting.. Olnglunne, Blue Drills and 'Denbo, full vial It :hosting, Bleached and Unldisiched All at prices to mm purchatotr. 2ro Packng. Calicoes, all New Stylus. lAelit and Dark, 11. 8,10, 121. FANCY GOODS AND NOTlONS—Ladies' New Styli, Silk 'Pies, Wove, lloshiry, L•wi. and Linen Collnot Under Sleeves, Cuirs,Spring Veiling, in Orettaillno, liersguß and figured Nett-, mei every article in.' first-class Notion llottss,•itt lowest prices DIII VES.—N ow Spring Colors lodine' Moves. only SI. Best tin button Kid, Called, SeallopoiL New 811.00., $1 (5 .1.3(11 m' all Linen Corded anal [bummed ilandkereltiors,l2 , ...• wn, th 25. Clark's 0. N. T., 210 yards, Spool Cottons, ill colors, ie. ,livof Spool Cotton., 2,0 yards, ollior• -1,. • Ite•it Skutt Braids, ti rents 11, and to mull (hoods at 0011,11 Y'S CASII STORE at Priers to suit the Dines lEM r 400 1 50 H. 'S• RITTER & SON , DRAPERS AND MERCHANT TAILORS, NO. 44 WEST MAIN STREET, CARLISLE: .Spring ?=, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS. We have just received a full assortment of Foreign and Domestic Cloths. Cassi meres and Vestings, embracing the latest novelties and the best manufacture, which we are desirous of exhibiting to the public. Our prices cannot be surpa •sed. "Suits made as low as TEN DOLLARS, with the guarantee 4f a perfect fit .1:2 Cassimeres by the yard at all prices,, from 65 cents up. A. full line,of GENTS' FURNISHING 0-00 S always on hand. SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER. Wo would respectfully solicit a call. • • ; We are the agents for the • Original Howe Sewing Machine, Improved. 1F 904 CHESTNUT ST., PHILA-DELPHIAI Have now ()polled the most gle g ant Variety of Now Carpptings e'er Notwithstanding the great advance, ' ALL THE NEW BRU9SELS SINGI.'4 AND DOUBLE HMIS ; C; E. B. ORNE are cloing out the balance of last'Season's Import Aim ml English 'BrOssels Carpets, at a heavy reduction in Price. Also an Invoice of French Axminster Carpets at i 12.50 per yard flap72m r ,EK*FFENE 1-31"c3ouuse .stricl" GRAIINILR,, GLAZIER, &c: • • Ur - Special attention raid to PAPER HA NG.ING.AA • CoMpetent workmen employed, and the VERY S -A:T Tt I :AL - that the market at - Fords used. • • olden from town and country will receive prompt attention. 28mar72-3m J. O. 8 kraria:, Administrator. Philadelphia! Spring 1872, FEN TON, THOMPSON a. Gl7 CHESTNUT STREET hive now In.Storo, and opening' daily, a large Stich, bought unduly diruct front Manufnetnr4H at • HOME AND ABROAD - - FOREIGN AND'' , DOMESTIC - . DRESS FABRICS, SILKS, SHAWLS and SOARES, WHITE goo.bs, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES AND 'LACES. ,lattlarticliag all the Novelties of the Bou,on, offered to.lhe Trade lay the Pleco or reel:age nt'illo lowest market iarleu. a • , . Zffsb72:llll • Lumber and Building :Material LUMBER 1' LUMBER II DANIEL KENDIG & 00., WHITE PINE AND HEMLUOK LUMBER, MINGLES, SIDING, IiLOOIIINN, DRIDGE,MOAT AND BUILDING.TIMBERS. AU Building Materials furnished to order at Mort notice. I ' Addre4s, MIDDLETOWN, Dauphin Co., Pa. DANIBL NINDjo, I V. C. 0001,DAU011 WE. D. lIHNED . JOILSON, "I' . ; WiLitll EgtiLlq 241n7217 A. IV. Bonfz al Company •- , e . , A A , . . •:. . „ • W. 13ENTZ & CO. linsjust ra- Myatt tk bandoomentoek of Black Volvoteens; !duo, a large lino of Table Moto In note opened; igloos rouging from AS to 06 coots law yard. Thu boot brand of black Alpacan eon' bo pure °honed lower and bettor from A. W. MINTZ n! C 0... Alpo, Tito !argent stock of Itabrollan, from tlio cboapent to the pout 1.13c0101n Cllnglutra."., • . 7etle7l . . : . DOMESTIC GOODS. ID 0 N'rr 13 IT -V- CARPETS! . e 1; (14 a re I J. F. & E. B. 0 R il9 E. Have determined to Offer their entire Stock at old prices TAPESTRY CARPETS, DEALERS IN BEABONIED AND lIANUrAOTURIMII or -OF D. A. SAWYER OGILBY'S, = CO., WE Mlscellat:eous: PURE AND •UNADUITEWATED PRIM CAN ALWAYS UN OBTAINCD AT J. I. HAVIIItnTICICS No. 6 801Itil Hanover Stunt, , Carnal°, Pa.' • N. IL—Preacrlptlona canton.) , and accurately compounded at all tlmec 16do71tf • ~ A W. BENIZ & CO . have just re calved another Invaded of bright slid rich colored bilk Poplins, &o, at A. IV. BENTZ 4 CO. A LARGE lot of Tliibot and Cash mere Black Moyle, double end mingle ' ' but received. et A. W. BENTZ & CO AN immense pile of remnants of tine onseimoroe, £O., very cheep at ,• • A. W. BEM, Z CO • AT A. W. 'BEraz e 'co. can Ud obtained the -largest assortment of zephyrs, nl! shrubs and enters, priers reduced to 20 chills per Ounce, Germantown tVoOI, WAtilen Stockings, Yana, Jewelry, and elms I notions of 011 kinds. . VARIETY of bed, oriallo and hoed A "Blitukuts, A. W. BENTZ & CO. • 80 . rough, • ..• A, „ NNuAL STATJ • tliont.of the boroligh f0r.111,11, otlililig,-„111nrelt 21, II372;1, F. It 11.1111'.1, itr6l:l PI A To amount received from .Tax W Crgithy,. former trearturer -• • tff.ll To interest received from Mrs. Tlero's' legacy To dividend received fem. Carlisle GIN & Water Co ' '••• 1,105 T. amount received . from Jon Alethiller, Street Commissioner, for iv rad nod stone sold 6.1 To 0100001 received front Carlisle Delweit Bank on note discounted I,f CO To mount received from Wm, - - settingourb and filling up sdle,vollo oil South street • 'Oa To amount received from A S Lyr', mar- - het muster • 185 To summit received from rent of tom bet ' stalls 1,51:3 To 0100000 recolvMl from .11011, S Lou', .iturgtht+, exhibition I Iconic To amount a coelved from .Josh u a Pagon, Collector for 1570, on accoui,t et hie duplicate ' To amount of/ duplicate of ben ough tax ICr tell 'remount aexonorut ions :dinned .0011 ee to is . . . To nrtioll t of etilleclor'il feesfeeson :3,083 12 ..... ..1 r..i 15 . . TO OM OM ton tstotitlitit; in . finial.i te, 2,95:1 70_11,211 .111 in To noi iit, recelVeil from C 11 Rinehart, ,collector • 7 Mel, Balanco doe and oVerfialil by treavrer... &V DISBURSEMENTS AND EXPENDITUItES Outstanding orders of previous y7trit ny amount paid Elba, linanaly, drool Cnut to "'l:o.r, ter 1870. and employe.. Cro that year .1. it McCartney, jr., cloth to conned Cumberland Fire Company, appropriation of 1870 Colon rite Company, appropriation of 181'0 Good Will COlopmly, appropriation of I'o7o 7101111 Lootll,l.adorn, c motor lo gratc yard lb John 1111111e.r. coM iI f, .1. Ito Wvar,,llipoctor of ElvoLloh, Saint C4lllllllllll, Orator of ma, 3aol, for l lair &Gal Broil a„for .Cri joh. Goa j oentvil 6141 P ere, polo 0 SPINir& , R Growg, - c.,1: to marker, .00,,,ajA proprlac con ,1, ; ,p,. limner, high coushilihi C 1' Ilinorivll,l4-I,lorney for cuumil PAYMENTS AND DISBURSEMENTS FOIL TB EM! Ily •I‘.ll r.i.111 - mC.Upot, .Compi...ll,t, I leu, (NA , rxrail trig Illy p John Nlt mork ou Arort, and gray, yard 1 + :1 1 / 1 1Y, WIll'i(11:1 cleaning ,pring.. vt:r Jo]. lin,. not I; on streets Inn E. Oliver 311 notch, Ivor': on qtrent, 71 John L.1.0y, Nl,,rlc 1.11 stroot4 73 Jas )lerarter, Nn.rl: on f.trroth IN Ntroot. . , 11411 . 1• W l'uttiell, , at lt , •11t 1;1::•4. B utri Co•toler,.g.i• 11,•0 and ..))1. NV.) 114 tpo, tl4/,' .11 . ; It )1142111 . 1 /11.3, nr 01grl,/.1 ,tall .1..1)1s ;4 Log.,pstrg pll., J I' 111111.110 I;.r4blg• 1i fl , , ql,lll . Mit•„111W1r0,, 4 lot t„ 1 .. IA )I,llli/1,111,, 11.1,1.111111 tlll I/111111 rairJ, strvt.t ggulgtor 1)8111 A I nuit rollg, 11,r mil, levA 1)1 11,.1 it Wm Corbett, clogning ~ Prg)g' god on 14:11.11.0 a, r i'Arli..l...zam A t 1111.,11 .1 Il for tt..trl..•t " ,1/11.1k, l•IVI . (.11,1w1. III:r 1,11 I Stott!, Itittli.l.oll, . . .1 \V.tr..lutut Ittotplitzlitot l'.tt li.lr Dvi.t.tot cttt ..11 111,14•... C:1:11al11• Partls, bon, iLtuh, II ~1111 i I ilig:l jr, piorvice+ .1, Ile! k oun. Elit .11/.11011 in;: pimp Nl'lll K 1.11.0 r, /21.• i It, I. 1.,11. 11,1 p orlin 4 bill , tt I.al nl no:111. g , onlitylog ..poto ll 11 . to It l'arkor. pr. I, non n A S IA no. Hort: to loarhot A S I,yoo, 11/r glasq John kabor,,r .1:13 in.; S II lloullknlthu's n korok2 - 11 rettmuror... \Vi,, stolo.r, work oil cr0...,11, .k Fithor;kt.ttiog hlrb for 412 n lll.t rand I 1•IMilillg rill t, • ltr I ' l., 1111411.040, coal „ 11, 00/k, .54 kpilli/I,.dromiring tn'. .loath: 11 Zoidor. I, stopping stoo. Wio . ,ll.Lt nIIA, for t urkit.t.t, Sr Slott/ Tromturor, on account of State lax Ana cust% A lieekor, curator In grave yard ins Mdear, ealary nn stleet tannalls Honer ES= T ) 1 To amount IVCCiN ed I om Jon W Oa LS fi.1.101 . treasurer... To amount rroolvc.l Ir. 111 Jo hitt:it 1.*:,,til colh•our lor 1`470, AI oi color of Auld: To mont u% to] from Cull nle i:0;;Ii Bald:, on not i , 11.-uutiot,tol t o I I;ounty Lox „5..,.,kl for 1171 ...7.;,11z7 7.1 Amount, ul esoneralion., =EI Coill1.1,1 . :0 jUCS Oil ,s . l,Zit,7 SU • 41, 2 I l'; Amount outelaollog.... 2.074 iii 42,255 i To amount rec,:i‘ed Irons C 11 Illuebort, collector for 11;71 Total [Lmount rtueired for bounty pur poses PAYMENTS ,MA])E OUT OF TEE BOUNTY 1$;1:1) AS I'OLLOWS, viz : . 0 11.1 ! Cal I Depo'nli lion., ;510 Oil :1,1 in Abram Clan,ly, hondN„ naint , rmt John :3 . 11111111, 11 I , olk ,n and int ,, rmt lb•h. I hmo•it Ibtoh, not,' • 4 , S 11 1i,1111./ ,1.11111, rommi,d,n, m 0 A111. , 11:1I In Iran •I Ti..131:1“ STA T 141 ENT OP T E I N 01: Rl' EDNESS OG THE EOROVGII. CAIII.O.A.E, ON MARCII on 147" I Ci 111 1, ... '.'ol MO , illi, 1.11.... Ctlt lisle bot , ligli loan, ptopet.. iVar....it Judgment 1.11.ur 1111 e I . ollplllB Oil Cu 1 1i,.. , 14 . rti4lt ILLI 1" 011thi3111111ig 11,1,, lii 1171)..... 0111 X 1111111 i4gordev 8 0i1' 71 .• • •• REM 111 1,104 shares Carlisle gas ii, wittar 4 i loan, par 1111111. . $..2., 11;0 ; 00 Lagar) .4 Mrs Tie iii la Go 00. 001stantling liortaigli tax 2,04.9 70 r, Nat, liar, lien . 20 iio . r...wigeri jilliglllellt 70 MI .e.:17,1 I 9 po I= STATEMII:NT OF BOUNTY INDEBTEDNESS Amount of homily hcadt, .lalmaty 1. 1573 A1..0,.‘rt of I. only Lome due I, IS? I Amonii: of ',minty ,Igilnary 1, 151.1 „ • ilaptueo in olll', ofTreal nror Oalstaniling, tax h.r 1,70. (vmlitont , 9 077 `..`r. Olubdalttlii.g lax lar Ibi I 1,1171 1(1 MEI Excvs , r of intlebtejlne.; (ho Auditory or flu, Itorowtlt of Curllsio do orally that Ito lutve extimittu•l thu tiouaoluir' (or. sough mid tv , uniy 14. 11. lionlil,•llort.ugh Vretotl err, togi, hot. uith vti11i•11.1, •t tuuterlo,l lfikr awl find a to t• duo said 'fituoutrer on tough urrouot of oighly•filiou dull 1,1 and lilts ' ono r uttY, awl - also, i 1 1,01111. 111111 . ille 1,1111 111111111 y 11 said Truttyto tw, of it, von hut tint! 1111 i thil 1111/1/1, urd (hills rent •,i 1 wt• Woo evsllre th (hr fore,olm; 01,?..1111•11i of thptimv:rial condition o '9 till lioronifit l• cut. tort to din tt pi or, our know it•d\r all:! ..Ih , r. .Iv,. 1111,S 0111' lauds tuba t‘rettlyouirt•fit • du) of Mot h! D. 1:172. IV, It. 1}•(101:1: JWIN 1. FAI/i.lll. ' .1 II 1111'11‘111, y • -4:11:7211 YacJJic Gir(tho. StLUBLE - PACIF.O gito.ANO. • • • AMES' IBUCE11; • , • '. . STANDARD IIIiAIIANTEED Bnrmrrn 111111 Delll,ll 111 . 0 111101 - 111 A 111:11, thin in Ilele +. contains - nil the maininito olvmnuo,r, n Perim . lizer that the all will ilineat, and while It fa It In Ile. teal., It In permanent In fin eneet. illero.Ml - 110M11111 111:11i -, 7 Southern nod Mich u h: Litton, in 11 1,1,1113 C1 . 111 . 1 . 111i, or lid Vll . llO. • H. EE SE .6., (70., tient.] Apenlv, 122 South Delaware Avenue l'hfladelph la._ 4WIVe call , the attention of 'l:oh:war grom s ein to thin (Inane. LIIIIMAL DISCOUNT TO DDALI:I2S. 20feb72.1m,41JuZi'm • Miscellaneous A GENT WANTBD,-IVo want an .t].:,:qa,tvot le not rellablo mon to mill I•. 111 aeliver Fruit riot Ornmental Ttyvt. nut geueihi Norxery Ntoolt In (II 1111111111j(li II lug roontleb. Tenni. ilberul, Applienntx will 001100 ntato age. and provioilo potion, end give reference. , 11. N. 11001s . Elt 11110., I I) 7 2 I F • OR BALE OR . RRNT.—A commo. oionl trwo•;3thry LW': Ikon, No, SS North Pitt ntrvot. Apply to Mri, 31, 1:. Leo.. •Htel,72lf T_TousE Fon SALE NO. 35 NEST LOUTOEII. STRAIT „.. J. 11, EEO P.ll 5r,..J4 r-, CBE CM 2 25 01 Eli MBE IST = lEEE ME 7:: 11} Ht 15 MEM =EI NM MEI MEM 1( 1 u 4 iio 1 I) 0) ' 0 .1 I . 0 E4Pfllhl • , f -6,1 U 00 iJO (11, 1 ',I (0 1...u1 17 =TIM ~,, , 1 I I =1 EMI lEEE MIIII IGNMEEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers