IMISCELZA.IVEOUS. GREAT CLOSIITG!OUT SALE. pun ENTIRE STOCK OF SUM MER GOODS to alos u d out In thirty da m poeslble. Tim greatest - BARGAINS ever offered in Carlisle - are non' to lie glien bj ue fir the next thirty days. We era determine/lb dose out OUR ENTIRE STOOK OF SUMMER GOODS We will keep no account of what goods cost. They must all Be sold without reserve. DEDUCTIONS AND DISCOUNTS . . am the order of the day. .Wo hove a complete aa• lortment of all kinds of goode yo t, at euth wonder fully low prices ne to ardonleh the moat experienced buyers. REDUCED S 6 00 Moth ter 9 00 Oeseimere, 85 Alpacoe, 76 do 60 Japaneee Mlxturea, 60 Granito Poplins' 90 Punkin do 50 Beet Ortand 40 do Good Lawne, 15 00 Lace Shawle, 10 00 do Good do • SILK COATS AT RALF THEIR COST, Bummer Shawls for sl 00 il 00 Hoop Skirts, 1 00 Carpets, 011 Cloths, Blinds, &e., Twenty-flys per cent. lower than tho lowest. . Domestics of all hinds exceedingly law We will glee you more value for.your money, under any and all circumstances, than can be had elsewhere. Caltearly and examine our goods. Mee our prices, and be convinced of the fact. W. 0. BAWYZR. &. Q 0 6000 ponoda of wool wanted, for which wo pay theslllghoe6 market price. Ju11,69. ' SOMETHING NEW ! $l,OOO Every Month I $lOO In Every Town I Prof. Hewites English Art of Paint ing and Drawing Oil. Paintings. -. liy this simple, yet wonderful art, any lady or gentleman.,lor may boy or girl 12 'years old, can paint and dra w a life-like picture of thomselyes or any of the family, or of any ges.eral or statesman, or scenery, In two hour's time. $72 wan mode In one day by an agent at histcholl , Ind., teaching it: another agent made $OOO mono week teaching it.. The best thing In the world to make money fast and honorably. It surpasses the Grecian or Orien tal paintinge In beauty, durability and simplicity; whilst those require some talent, this doe. not. Any person can both execute it and teach It. Now Is the , time to begin. Get ready and pm-ate at you, own home, in Towns, Scheele, Districts, Sr. You can tench It In classes or IndiVidually, and make $l.OOO. Here is en equal chance for both noses. .s.. Read recommeneations : "Globe Hotel, Agnate, Ga. Your Instruction. for Landscape Paintings Apparatus, &c., are at hand, and have given, perfect satisfaction. Miss Assn Di Mmes. Thos. L'henoweth, traveling teleher, - stiye it take. Ilk. wilrbfire wherever introduced, he baring made $l.OOO at Bethany College. Va., teaching it. skworth of chemlcale, including paints, empire the for drawing, Ac., will paint and draw 100 oil 'palatine, Or It will teach Isod scholars. I shall ex tend the time a few days to those desiring to learn this novenfrt. I receive on an average 1000 ordere a week. All send letters recommending It, many of which cannot be inserted in an advertisement. To the neat 6.000 applicante twill send, free of charae, one year's atibhcriptlon to Unmet t'a, Comic and Literary Monthly" ono of the nc i ateat and spiciest, as well as interesting family. newspapers published in this country. This does not include any who have already sent, nor any that may lead after the number la tilled. Therefore apply in time.. Satisfaction guaranteed. For full end complete In• atructions for painting end apparatus, inclose and remit $1 to - . Pao,. O. W: HEWITT, Box 126, Alliance, Stark Co., Ohio 16July 2m MILLER & BOWERS' HARDWARE S 01? E, 26 NORTH HANOVER-STREET, CARLISLE, PA. WE would respectfully call the atten tion of tho public to our recently roplonlah• ell STOOK OF HARDWARE making It non , ono of the largost In Cumberland Valley and consisting In part of HAMMERED AND ROLLED • • 12, BIIRDON'S HORSE. SIES, NOR WAY RODS, BLACKSMITHS', W AGO bl IC ERR'. COAOII MA KERS' AND CAR ENTER TOOLS, BUILDING MATERIAL Saddlery, Paints, Qits, Isbinot Makers, llndmrtakers, and Coach rdakorp MATE RI,AL Shovoilß, Fork., Rakes, &c. Repalra for McCOILMIOK'S REAPER constantly on band.. Wo Aire constantly Lt 'receipt of geode direct from* thernanufacturers And nra nblo to fur. nigh country merchants at Philadelphia and nay York prices. 46TOOODS dellvored to all parte of tho'totrn free of charge. Wilcox & Gibbs' SE - WIN G- -1111A,CillleE; — We have enured the &getter of • the - Wilcox & Gibbs' Sewing Machine, a little Smelly arrange.. went no one seems 'willing - at° do without after having seen one in operation. The Wilcox & Gibbs'. is a Single Thread Machine and claims superiority over All Double Thread Ma chines In the fallowing particular,. .1t is simpler and lees Diablo to .get out of repair. ' It is cheaper. It runs with less noise. It runs easier. It runs faster It han the beet device for preVenting the wheel from running backward. It requires loss mechani se! skill to operate it. It requires lees time and imatruction. to learn to use it. It 14 the moat cartels and reliable q) Its operations. Its' noodle H straight and lees labia- to be broken than a curved ono The needle Is secured in its place by I an ingeniously patented device which renders it self adjusting so that neither skill nor experience are required in arranging it. It sows directly from the spool thus doing away with.the tedious operation of rewinding the thread for adjustment in the shuttia. It mahout the Wilcox & Gibbs' of "twisted loop stitch," a Stitch original with this machine and made by no other, the ,cam in more - elastic and stronger then the Lock Stich. The cram Is the most even and beautiful, the seem is always self-' fastened than avoiding a rem-Bible feed. Its ten sion le more simple anti more easily adjuated, it is mere speedily changed from ono kind of work to another, It does beautiful embroidery , it has the best hemmer, It has the beet Oiler ' It has the beet braider, it bee the best belt. The Wilcox & Gliobe has been in the market for a little more light yearei during which time upwards ofeixty thousand Pare been,made and sold, a number-by .fifty percent, larger. than were sold of any Double Thread Ma , shine in' the ensue nulniber, of Its earliest' yearn Such eneeens is suMeient to Warrant - the sale of this Machinc wherever it has en Agency without the - doubling evideoce of testimonlaleinf which there are to till up the columns !wile. land. These Machines are on. exhibition- At our efore, No. 10, North Hanover etreet,Datllele, where they may,be Axamlnedf and they will take great -pleasure in Li lime-aingwnything relating to it. eetlhlly &0,, wan 4 DOwartsi - . ' 1 1-.9.13. North Malone- St., Cirlisle, Pg. , on FIZH MI I SSISQUOI - Vo4W - " . .•taaLT ent4ii Ninon 'and Boraulous.. • Calm 666 Itiliort. L. I; Mildlo6l 80ebni7,..1 1116696aei11i of Phyiddiwns Iu olrouhr, inint'tree r •ox aindlostion to.. .• •.• • ••" ' . onAp 4.-punovt. aim•rei Avid. O. Im o ma rail 11,6 Triti York. 4,441.• DRY DOODS,'&c LL r. 6 , MD. I N To 'close out all lands of ft, SUMMER GOODS, $5 09 1 25 DM CENTRAL HO USE lb to 20 10 00 00 860 to '5 5 00 ZIWOOSSIS cr.C)C:o<fie; Will be sold at a GREAT SACRIFICE. LOWER THAN EVER LACE POINTS, SUN UMBRELLAS, SUMMER` CASSIMERES, SUMMER CLOTHS I - ,.... , , *orything In the Ilnil of 81311131.116 STOCK will bo sold .from this date rogirdless of sost to Woks room lb{ PALL 000Dil NOW IS THE TIME FOR 33 a le a• Et , COME ONE AND ALL I LEIDIC Fl & MILLER. THE MOST- SUCCESSFUL WIN LIFE INSURANCE COMFY OF THE WORLD,' THE NATIONAL , LIFE,INSURANCE COMPANY, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. CHARTILYED IT gencrAL •Of OF 00III3RItili. Cash Capital - - $ 1,000,000 BRANT/ MIMI, PHILADELPHIA CLARENCE 11. CLARK, Philadelphia, President. JAY COOKE, Philadelphia, Chairman Flamm and Ealeutlye Committee. _ . , HENRY D. COOKE, Wmhington Vlea-Pimident. B.SIERPON W. PERT, Philadelphia. Evcratary and • Actuary. FRANCIS O. MITA, K. D., Ohliadialphis, Medical Director. ' This Company Jutted, In dm Mak 'EBY MONTHS Of It.. .mistime*, 6,39 -F,'OLIOIES; $15,142;800. This Positsay offers Its RoUoJ Older. PERFECT ,SECURITY • by it liCash irtid up C 411,1 of Ooe Million Doliars, and' suareatees't o the Insured, by its Low Rates of Premium, Large Dividends in Advanoo, Ora Itoverstomirj; Divid gad at 'too per enint.,ll lY RETURN: PREMIUM PLAN. GENERAL AGENTS 2 IL W, CLARK t 00,,Dankere;1 o. MS South Third Street, Philader Isk general Agents for Diana' /TlOll and Southern ear Jeremy. 'D. S. Roam, Manager. W. 11 IRWIN, Harrisburg, Agent; C. H. HEPBHRN Agent at Carlisle lleep 68 .7 1 y , • . . The Great 'Pacific 4lroad is finished I • FIRST MORTGAGE ,DONDE UNION & CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD,S., , DOtIGHT AND SOLD: • Bankers and Dealer 1; in Government& No. - 40 South Third Street, prucepithenu. • ion% GAS FIXTURET KEROBE . NE LAMPS, 4 , great variety; of New dtylea. MERIDIAN DURNZR. Bata t and; fiat In the lOW;bet:. • It ideas \ the Mild illyrket see Ranter *lseltiv • jON.ES I t CO., '`' w°ll(4 °" ll ‘l , tea' ,td 1 al n 000 0 702 lA**. IMMO oYafj In ab a. MlLlPaskiabl, 1869. * 1) 400 44. - E) C AT THE LACE SHAWLS, PARASOLS; OP TUB OPPICZuIS. INSURING L' 7 :o7i§O . Ei,lsllv2btrs: .![F .. F" WANT." SEE TAB most perfect PARLOR STOVE eyer,edered to e public; !dap luta • • • . • t W L B.T ' itiuttirt tir: ;bort , . Store and see the .GREAT AMERICAN BASE BURNER In operittoei 7 . 1 t. Ida goirpetnal Burner . Sod pulse Radiator, as well di a perfect Ventilatcrof the room and Is Warranted to consume less 'coal than any ether Stove of the • same • else, ever offend to the public, requiring but one ordinary mettle of mall frost mice In•twonVollight • home, being perfectly Simple in all Ito working , haslet a simple glide •tst. regulate the Ore for keeping at eight, one kindllfig of fire bound all that Is required during the winter , No, gm. uo slag er cinder,. Pq 0 Eq 14 131 CY 0 ° n ,% M E. 4 at 0 0 j g P. . REPT;EN c'E B. John Paul, Amen Miller. ' Dr. S. B. Kieffer, Isaac Porter , David Miller, 0. Delaney, D. Hoffer,- D Hallam, D. Kim, Cal. Williamson Mrs. Ringnalt,- Prof. ntsymno, A. Penniman, Dr. Irvin, Johnson Moore, .7.T. Rippe), D. Willem C. Inhoff, A, Coorer, . J. l'homoson,• J. Burkholder, Capt. Brindle, Mrs. Gordon, ' . IT. Gorgae, Williamson Bros. B. Stouffer, H. Shieffer, Turner, J. Stouffer, W. McLaughlin. Homer, . A. Leidlgh. P. Mumma, Geo. Parenbanghl F. Eigantrits, - Mrs. Wonderliele, Abner Miller, IJ. P. Hassler,. Major lisle, . And others. - Get the best COOK STOVKin the Market, . Excelsior Penn or, Morning Light In addition to the above Stove FRIDLUY keeps .en hood a full supply of the best Cook, Parlorand Office Stover. _ Tin And Sheet. Iron work of kinds on hand, "and Spouting, Rooting And Jobbing. of all Made done at short notice, and of the beet material, Fruit Cane, and Jere of the most Approved patents, and in oonelneloo the best Portable and Brick tot 3F l 'i i r.a ans ass ever offered to the public.- For referencei will on be. George Neldlgh, . I Henry . Saxton, P. C. Fleming, Mrs. Gordon, Prof. Wilms, F. Gardner,. P. Watts, J. D. I eldigh, A. L. Pponeler, I J. Bader, And ethers. •limar 15P ly NEW BUSINESS,. NEW FURNITURE: • 1 " • ,IF! 4'N", .7r ime t• • . • -1 ,* •• rIIRNITITR'E BUSINES. • The ,rebserlber having tilted' the satire b uninese alto his ow. band., will continue to eitrvy it on la all. Its various branches, at the old staid, south net corner of Hanover and Louther gb eats. He desires to announce to the publid that he has now on hand and is - constantly, nolutheturing and_purchaeing from the best eastern manufeeturent,. the latest end bast styles and pattermo of TURD of all neallties. Ills stock of intulygoado work, consists In part of MAHOGANY SUITS. WALNUT SUE is, CHESTNUT SUITS, FLORAL D. B. STANDS, , TEAPOTS, DRESSING BUREAUS, of all styles and prices. Tete a Totes, Sofas, Lounges, Cottage Trundles, Cot tage, Panel, Japanese, and Jenny Lind Bedsteads, Cottage Bureaus, Marble Top 'Mimi and Stand., Washstands, of all varieties, ChM rs of el) kinds, SW fed Furniture In suits or In pieces constantly on head. Mirrors of all styles and Dric.. HOMEMADE WORK, Buda as Wide Boards,Bureaus, Bedstead., Safes. Barre. to rtes, Chairs in etts, 'lockers of all discriptions, &e., made by competent workmen from the vEry best material and at reasonable prices. 011A.B LES IiIIIAPLBY. 0. L. LIALBRRT, Salesman. 19feb-d9 Sm. MILLINERY. A Thlay of Beauty is a Joy Forever. The subecrlber respectfully Informs the Ladle. of Carlisle and •lelolty that Fite hoe lecelyed from the Eastern Mee the latent SPRING AND BUMMER STY LII2I, and is DOW prepared to execute all orders with neatness aid dispatch.__ _ BONNETS, HATS, OAPS, &0., made and repaired at the 'shortest colic., and ,at reasonable prices. Ribbons, Loon, and Artificial P10w... o , way• •• hand • MARGARETTA STURM, 4May 1.08. No. b, East High bt J. BERTBiI ,Y; BROTHERS, Forwarding (CI Commission' illerchants (Heriderson'a old stand Attha bond of MAIN STREET, Our Hale, Pa. The highest market prleeerlli Le paid, for Flour, Brain and produce of all kinds. Coal of all kinds, embracing LVEBES VALLEY, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, ' LAWBERRY, as, As Liam;banters' and Blacksmiths' Coal constantly of male. [OO under corer, and dolivered dry to any part, of the. town.. Also, all kinds of Lumbar on hand. . . . . .1. LIEHTEM A 1111015 ITapr 641 L. STER.N c E•R'S IVERY AND SALE STABLE. Between ktanover and Bedford Streeta, to nor of the Cormao 11011114. 'CARLISLE YENN'A, 1311•111 i fitted up the Stable with New earflaps Li., I am prepared to fund& firsbalu a turn-out, at-mama/ibis ratem—Ptultet taken le_and frotketia 20oor de•kr. *TQV E S, TIN, SHEET IRON WAllig, AND PUMPS. " ha undersigned, having ,returnad „from the Eas tent Oltlea With ti large aseortßent of , T VES AND.''NVAR.ES, Inn ally keittla a first class eitabilehment, are pre:. furnish the eltisens of Carlisle and nor minding-country, with rbehist Cook Btores In the market, consisting of the -- DIMWIT 011HAV;. GAB BURNER, and others, which they will guarantee to bake and rout 'better and With lee fuel, than any other doves lu tblemarkot. Their stock of PARLOR and WIVE BTOVJAS are not eurpassed" this aide al the eitlei for beauty, durability and *apnoea. STATIONARY AND PORTATILD RANGES,' - 'end HEATERS en band, warrautad to glee! general. satisfaction' with the recommendations of number' of poroong who herre tut m nee: • Their stock of Tip and Bheetyron Want le largo, end suited to the wont. of all houiekcopere, or those contemplating the lame, at watts which defy competition. They have added_ to their. business. a large end well ticketed assortment WELL: AND CISTERN PUMPS, which they ara prepared to put up at the attottest notice. Spouting' and Roofing doneyt the shortest notles.• Jobblngand midst a dontOclth neatness and despatoh: . WkTgal. oodlogns, . , of all qualities constantly on hand. •AU are re , welted to call and axanaloo their nook at •No. 68, NORTH HANOVER ST., eAIItIBLM, where thi;rwlll be Pleased fOsolinella all and show their stock, and rondos all sailstaellon desired. , 11IIINEBBITHI .lts 11.11 PR. . - N 0.48, North honorer Street, Ilullslis ; 'AI 11109:': • .. " " •. M AABLD YARD. • T 0141113, lIMADESTON:IIB, Mantles Dodr sills,, on' hootind toads to or4or flotitlO boor 'trot. Oirlielo, ;ilwr,tioteitar (ILE 1.)0811.'11to toe pluoe to' go synod flvicottlclgar,l4l)Vadn lthoquee 11At D oi j finklitz 1/61114 • Y'=~rzso.~z~A~~~r;~~ TOOK litrt s D • 64 - SODS MEN: . . 10, RIM PgBLICI. • I harsjust returilidfroiridißait with ray Spring Stook,andos tasual,l am selling Goods Alletle,chlip. firths." any either Dry Goods' Botts.. lea town. dot think it necessary to occupy a column of news, paper to kespi, taptuyteputatio.• for setllig , oheap Hoods, nor do I wish to roiort to olap.trap to gull the public. All I ask of them Is to coltand °tondo. for themselves, and if riotkitlifled with the price.. not to Idly. Romember the stand No. 82 North Hanover street, next door to Dr:Rloffer4r, tad Mlle; ler & Rowers Hardware Store.. • W2l. A. 1111118, 15 S. I will al nothing about my third and fourth greed opoirings. 9aprll-27.. HATS 401113. . ' . Do you want I lite* Hat or Cap I. ..1 CSI T P^ K "" ,3 Z+ 14 !1 CD, Cr do*' r■n to will on 6.T. C A I. N•. 2v, , Mni• t/troit When L....• Ike' mmtinvo•mt of H A:T.I AND NAPS evor brought to Ctirlielr.:. Ile taker great pleasiure to Inviting his, old fr loodde And thditomers, mid all new no., to his rphodid stork Just recoiled from Niw _York:A.ld ronnistirr_in part.ollhie S]T4 AND CASSIMERE FIATS, Besides - an endless variety of hate and Caps of th latest style, all of which ho will sell at the - Lowes Cash Prises. Also ' Ids oirn manufacture of Elate a' . wais on hand, and flats Maniefactured to Order • Ile hits the best arrangement for coloring Hats sod all 'Ands of Wool. Goods, Overcoats, Ire., at the shortest notice (ac hp colors scary week) .d on the moat reasonable tonne. Also, a flue lot of choke brands of - TOBACCO AND CIGARS Always; on band. lie desires to call the attention of persons who hove • • COUNTRY FURS ' To sell, us he pays the F . lees for the /EMS, Give blue • call, at the abOvo number, his old stand as he feels eontdent of glaing•antlre settee& Con. ' • Julyl4 •" - BENTZ - HOUSE." (Pornierly Carman Boma.) a No. 17 AND 10 EAST MAIN ST.,, PENN'tO 'The undersigned haying purchased and entirely refitted, and furnished anew throughout with that class furniture, thin well-known and old established Betel. solicits the custom of the community and fray.dling public. Ile Is well prepared to ftirnieh lirsordoe accommodations to all who desire to make n !fool th d'lr Home or pleasant temporary abode. The custom from the surrounding country. is re epee, sollrited• Courteous and attentive Her• r nut.. or engaged at thin OEO, 7. BRNTZ, Prorp'. , N. B. A first-clans Llvery,ir .ronnewted with the Hotel the management of Mr.708.,L. C'RRNER BRO. 30april 694 y. ESTABLISHED IN 1851 JACOB HARLEY, JIWELER, Invites], to patron. and the public generally, to Ms New Store, No. 1320 CHESTNUT Stn PHILADELPHIA, where they will And a large nod null selected clock of DIAMONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER and PLATED WAItE, at Moderate Priam N. B.—WATCHES and JEWELRY earefully re. toothed. JEWELRY and SILVER WARE of all lands made to - order. HIJUIy Ont. U. S. HOTEL, Opposite_ Pa. R. R., & Reading Depot HA ItftISBURG, PA. W. It. lIMMINGER dc CO Proprietors 2oet. 88-Iy. N CONSEQUENCE OF THE dlextetrous lirr. which' In Janlury la.t destroy ed their ston.artd its centente„ J. E. CALDWELL Sz CO. J W fill. ER S; nave - had rondo especially to Moir order rn Europ and In America, an entirely New Stock of. Choice Goode Wpiel are now*epened and ready kr examination 'VERY BINE tARIS MANTLE CLOCKS, (Every movement with the new Improvements) NEW SIDE ORNAMENTS TO HATCH, • Bo tirely uelv BRONZES, GROUPS & FIGURES GORIL4M MANUFW CO'S FINE ELECTRO WARES. BEST STERLING SILVER WARE, New d 0144011 ,, WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c., &o, ♦ very WI areortmeet at very MODERATE PRICES For the preeout. et 819 CHESTNUT STREET 13feb 18 N. Hanover Street,' No. 18 NEW YORK BRANCH lIRADQUARTERS'kOR BARGAINS VVe would Melee the special attention of, the elt• Irene of Carlinie,And Cumberland county. to, our well eelected stock' of lioltiory, -- flioree,-Notioner Whitd Goode, Linen and Fancy Goods all of which we are determined in run OfT itiOniibing, low prime. Gire cm so early call and Judge for yo•ireelves. M. BANIDERONR, No. 18 N. ilanorer fitreet;f3ipe's 11011, 21mayfint • • , CHARLES WILLIAMS, HEATING AND VENTILATING WAREHQ USE. No, 1182 and 1184 Market Street, NODLII COOS, - The tiblden'Sagle FURNACE. ' on entirely now heater. it Is construct. led as to once commend Itself te general favor, belied. o combination of wrought and caet.lron. I dle very simple In conetructloo r perfectly airtight; ielvaleaning, having no pipes or MUMS to be taken out and cleaned. It , ls so arranged with upright dues at to produce largermoudt of hest fow the some weight of:coal ,ir ny furnscenow, , In Use. The 'liygrometlc cOndition of the air ea pro duced by my new arrange:M.lot of exaporatlun *111• at once demonstrate that It Is the • HOT .AIR FURNACE that will produce a parPogy healtbv atmorpheie, am now making Aro nines of Portant', and tour Put' Maim' nry. - • It A • G . 1% 6 • , . . . . . • Epeeist attention is also called to my NEW DOL. DEN EAGLE, ,CDOHINO RANGES, RS 4.feel. sutured , there Is nothing In, nee that can compere writh,then as regal* their durability, economy and . ,rtli'olitneY, with a largo :aasortment of Lod Down, ,Oratem, lire Place /Murex. Registers nd Ventilators, Bend for, illuntrated circular. , . 11Juns, Odra.. - , , . THE MARY 11411.3T1y9TE, CARLISLE, PENN'A, Boirdilig - School ,GIALS.; Tha ninth 'atinnal aawbn.wlll Wilt!, so W 114111 1 ,1611, ;• lint*Mbar lot.' Yor.otroulnni artho. infortizstion *ldioms -• zaavitrr...,2 , 'cri 120 4 24 .1k ' ' a R - EMOVAL PHICADELPHIA GOODS. 1 1)itY 660D51 AS"p : ff.E SUIT TIME 'AND StASON' i k I r AT TEM" , NEW AND CIitAP.CASH . STOitt OF THOMAS, A.HARPER, PONNINt 011'HANOVEtt AND POWWILIET . Who fa now preparod to exhibit an olegint aid weD assorted Stook of ,DRY" , GOODS,'," At j excealOFily low prices! Barg 1110 in , • ~44,4 B,' • • • ; of all rciers inn elves. The ohnnp est Stook in ton a. ' ! , FLANNEILS. •Idn nod Twllled,'4ll oolors. • Plaid • • - riome.thoto owd a tlojtort..lolo of Weiolk FlannOlo. SHAWLST SHAWLS ! Long and Square, Pa 1110.7 and Thibot Ladies! Cloakinie, Velveteens, old Mixed, IVitter Pro O f. and Ileavy Hewer;. Marlion VeYta,.Ehlrti and, Drawer., for Ladlaa' 311sioe,114p'a and Boys' weir. A full hoe of ' J • Clothe . and 4,,assimeros FANCY. DRESS GOODS • „ In new and hlob Desige■ ' Monybf the above goods ceiling off of at greatly CORSETS! CO,R6E,TSI Prat, h Wove, tillp Gore, and' the eelebiated Ideekel Corsets. Ladre'a Cuff• and Collar', Itomatttehed Tu eked aud Erubrohlered Ilaudkerchteri. - SPECIALINDUCEhiENTS TO CASH PURCHASERS THOMAS A. HARPER, Oar. of ilguovor and Pomfrot Btg EETEM SPRING 1867 BARGAINS XOW °Milli° 131 DOMESTIC* GOODS DRUB GOODS, OABBIMEREB, CBAT/NBTS, LEWIS • WHITE GOODS, . DRESS TRIMMINGS, . . . # ZYPURRS . itIDEIONS,. ~ NOTIONS, AO AT , ' - RING'S NEW STORE, No. 66 WENT MAIN 81•11111 T, °operate Ma Mattel - on House, rinat to Pont Office Carlini° • 118TABL36IIED 1851 REYNOLDS & SON, -N. le. CQRN4R 1.321 AND FlLliglitr STREET. PHILADELPHIA, PA., Pole 111anufuturera of the Celebrated WROUGHT.IRON, AIR.TIGHT, Gas-Consuming Heater WITH PATENT DUST SORRRN, GHAT& BAR RESTS. a.d WROUGHT-IRON '' RADIATOR Theo Heateragitro made of Heavy 'Wrought.lna!, well rivited toguthgr, the only sure prevention against the escape of Gas ur post. They are easily managed, without any dampers: - The Patent Ra diator avoids the ion and annoyance of drums, and Ia permanewly attached ter the Beater. This is the most dm-able, !ample, euconomical and popular Heating Apparatus ever offered for sale. They are all 64arantowl. ctithuria RANOES for Mites and Families, ' • PORTABLE HEATH 11, • LATROBE HEATERS, LOW DOWN ORATES, SLATE MANTELS, REGISTERS and VENTILATORS, . We are also nianufacturinwa . . - NEM PLAT•TUP LIEATING.RANGE We- Pend for ocr Illustrated Pamphlet. aprlt 23,69-Iy. , • PLUMBING, GAS AND STEAM PITTING. • • GRORGIII ft, ROOTS respeetfully Informs the *Mune of Carlini* and vicinity, that be nontinues to carry on the above business In all Ita various branches, In the bseement of Itheem's lull, ,In Church alley, where orders will be tLankfully re: solved and promptly executed. Orders left at the .flerafd Mee WIII receive 'prompb-at - atte tl, ntion:, 010. It. YOOTE,'. 19fe A ''GRE 4 .l' REMEDY. /OR TIM CURB Olf . . ; THROAT A D LUNG DISEASES. Dr. Wishart's , hie Tree Tar Cordial. :11, lath.' vital Orlnelpla of the Place Tian, Obtained hj, a peculiar proem in the dial illation of tar, by, whieh Ito higher! modicel propertlea are retained. It to the only safeguard and yedable remedy which hal ever Jaen prepared from the Jules of the Pine Tree. • • • • It Invigorates ther , digestive owing and restores the It atrergthens, the debilitated system,r, • , It Purifies and enriches the blood, and ...ruble trim, the system the corruption- which scrofula breeda.on the,tunge. • • • Its boating principle ectuupott the imitated ear. &ea cf the lunge and throat, penetrating to • ch. disftesedpart, relieving pain and: subduinfri dn• thi.ti on. It ix the result of 'ear. of etudY' and experiment and is ogarad tuthe afflicted, .with the positive as a wanes of its power to Cure the following disuses if dhe patient! , has not too long delayed a' mortld the means of • Consumption of lungs, Cough,..Bore Throat' and. Breast, lirenchille, Liver. Complaint, Illind,rand Bleeding Plies, Asthma, Whooping , Cough, Dipthe. We are often eked WhY' , .aire'.tiot 'Other , reatedles In the market for Conaumption, Cough., Colds and . other Pulmonary' affectionir equal .to -Dr:. L. Q. Wisherffs Pine Tree Tar Cordial'. We answer— ' let, cures, not by stopping eough , but by loosen. Pingd twistingre nature to throw off the Unhealthy matt r collectod about 'the ',throat and bronchial tubes, causing irritation and cough. • 2d. Most Throat and Lung Remedies are' emu. timed of anodynes which allay the tough for ' while, bug byrthelreonstrlnglng effectli,rthe rlibres become hardened, and Mt unhealthy fluids ,00agu• lute and are retained In•the system, cooling disown beyond the control ofwurmostaminent physician& Bd. The Pine 'Tree Tar Cordial, with its aesistants: are Preferable) because they remove the canso , ofir , eltation Of the mucoile Inembranerabd •brobehrel tubes. Miele , the lung &tract and tinder off, the uu. healthyeecretions stffhpatiollid Mobil; thatiaclett.' titicady meklosetbe CumrperTect.' " r • • •Dr. IVishart has On hikeffiellunidhcii'atict thousands of c ertificate.; frotn Alen - and..•;lthimitif of' ungr:stforyabot character .wha were. oboe phoptlesay owns ttp •ki die, but throittih 'tho Drothffetibiqf God' were, completely restored to he'll"' by. MA Pin; Tree Tar arrant. 4, Physician In &Wetmore who mu km rgonsulted by 'mall, fi ts rif,chdr4o' Price:Alf Pine Trel.Tar.Cordial 11,60 per bottle, PIT p r om doe. Bent' lb•Q. o.' 411sh i alt e rl; ;i f o irt r i l i c litr d e d e En" hit's. • Job.' P'riutii neatly executed - 'mrsCEILT / 7.A':iitPol7s. SPRING GOODS:— ' Ira havabst Oaturned from the city tfitb • vory largo spa sphiodlO arsortment of aelsonsblo goods, whit's We ate Bolling of rapidly tt Lowm ppione rg+BUTII! -I,olyzez. oar itoek of ; • ' • .1)1t:E 'S S 9, 00 D S . to vory full 4p4 complete; the style]; ure smuitorp We;Alty• otolmidld. CASIIMEXES, CELAIDOES, ALPACAS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, RIBBONS TRIMMINGS, - - • PICKINGS " musErNs, • • • -BRAWLS, • BLANKETS, _ _FLANNEL all irado, HANDK'S CLOTHS; . 04§13IMERES, Beans, Cloth:Made., and the largest stock of small wares and TI InimlNts lo l.ho OARPOS; OIL, CLOTHS, MATTINGS, , RIN3B.' BLINDS, 'CARPET CHAIN of Cotton, Linen and Wool, beet makle. Our CARPETS are coneldered by Judges to bo the cheapest outelde of the great 'cities, Tb stock' cif goods Is very large. well 'warted, and will be Sold off at reduced price.. It Is not necesaary to fill a column .In.exaggeratlon of oar stock; but we Invite all to, call And eve for them .selvelt, which we thlnk_mliliatlsfy them that ble la the plaCorto buy for profit to themselves. Oect 08 • BENTZ * CEI FI AD E n a i, (I,I:2 II NG TO ORDER rSAACI . LIVINGSTON, NO: 22," NORTH HANOVER ST Invite theittteuMen of my old customers tind tho public at - larva tarry Large and brilliant Stock of AIM ItIBIt GOODS for Moo, Youth.' sod Boys' wear. My Custom J./apartment comprises the finest - and 'most aulcct of Cloths and t asalmers, whits. my leanly made, Clothing Is carefully and most tastefully pollen up. I cannot and will not be 'andersold. . . ISAAC LIVINGSTON, . • No. 22, North ilaneter.St., Carlisle.. N. D. Still .elllnK the Florence Sewing Machines rawly 119 BOWER'S 00141P . LE•TE 'MANURE, HENRY BOWER, Obamist, I= •upar-Yliosphaty la Lime Ammonia dr, Potash WARRANT. MEC TROI4 ADULTERATION Thin manure contens 811 the element. to, pro, uce large crop. ccl oil kind., .d la highly recom• tended by oil Who tine It, oho by dlatingulehed ..nemista who LAVO, by analysis, teelealt. qualitlea Packed i n Dage of •100 lb.. each DIXON,SJIARPLES & . 00.. AGENTS, 39 South Water k 40 .South Delaware Avenue, =I 180 WILLIAM REYNOLDS, . 79 South Street, And bltere r throutontth;fsunt For fu a n onryower,l i ra. 12feb 694 y. NATIVRE'B GREAT RESTORER. SCHETZ'S BITTER S y ORDIAL nem medical preparation ix now offered to the lpublic as a reliable substitute for the many worth ess compounds which now flood the market. It is purely vegetablOOmpoised of various herbs, gath ered from - the great atorehouses at nature, and zelseted. - with the ID most care. It is not ' recom. mended as a Coat ALL, but by its direct and tarylufluenee upon the Heart, Livoe Kidney., Lunge, Stomach end Bowelsedt acts both as a pre. yentive'nod cure for many of the diseases to which those organs aro subject. It is a' 'reliable Family Medieloe and' can be -taken .by either infant or ,adalt with the same beneficial results. It in- a certain prompt and speedy remedy for DIARRHEA, DYS ENTERY, EID %V BLOOM PLAINT; DYSPEPSIA, LOWNESSOP PAINYINGS, SICKHEAD ACIIItoke. For CIIII.LaandFEVERS of all kinds, it is far better and safer than quinine, without any of its pernicious, effects. It._ creates an %pia, tile, proves a powerful digester of food, and will counteract the effects of liquor In a few minutes. PBY,PARBD lIY JACOD SOH BETZ Sole Proprieior, N. W. Car : Plitn and since Bta., Phtlad'a, Pa, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 20nov 68-Iy. a p ao m • REMOVAL. • • • ~ 4 vV • • i`O•YA CLARK & BIDDLE, JEWELERS & SILVERSMITHS. Having too:loved from 712 Chestnut Street, TO THEIR NEW BUILDING}. 112 , 4 • CITESTN UT ST., .. PHILADELPHIA. Are opening a large and new assortment of Dia mood and other Soo Seweiry, American and Swiss Watches; 'Noellib Sterling Sliver Ware, Gorham Electro-plated Were, illantetGlocka, 4, be. • 18 Jane 13947 HERRING'S VALTHNT OIIAMPION PIHR AIM BURGLAR PROOF F E • .( With Dry Awarded the Prise Medals at World's Fair, London, Ardrld'a Pair, Now York, Expo,ltlon , _ . • , ,!Tema*, Par • FARREL, HERRING & • 629 it)HESTNUT STREET. rf v o Ohm; mathews,r 2 / 1 114. Ueo. W. Myers.. ' Herring, Farrel,- Sr. Sherman, H. York Herring dc ghieno. Herring, Farrel, & Co., Nci - w. (Moo. Nora than 30.000 HERRING'S BABES have bee* Int; iitT ."iiic."; ,six.'nentnure hay! peeled through accidental Ores, preserving their contents In Mine Instances a hare many others tatted lacono RANG earls of our own and.,other makers having ptyin . !Acolvdidinyiirt poylor'tbe Improied Herr Ratent Chomplon, for tali, at low prltoo., Mune 09.1 y ' her:e' 'how on . beta, kt hid Clerrliti , oPaatory; 71; Coroer s eoetheigt.Pltt etreote, 1 0AARA4q.E3,;'' '" .•• , • AGONSi .P . 1 3 ., 4i.T4 D . : W. 0 :I'f,• arid: 7 eteriihtni '.. ble11;;•;:o; .hend or Wide to OoPt." •He u 4 deter/shied k itetevp the beet work turatd put to *lds nation of thakeentry. , Nothing bee.*.the retry , beet obeli, goo! toto. bullies or_ ear rheree otitis mensfasture. • ; • litovbtrljarr9Ari,HproluPll7 Might* fey 1869;:,: 8 ,Y",!!"F•!,!,•."869: NEW GOOD'S. Silks; Gransilnes,Organdytawas,Plquet, Japans's. Rados!lon In prices of all hilllng Goods on hand. I will close out the balance of my Spring OtOck at coat to make room for New Fall Good,. Bargain, in all EMMI DOMESTIC GOODS. Bargains Id go Fiery, Glover, White Goode, he. A Splendid 'Corded Pique' at 40c, Corded Pique, one zai l dtelda, t 6oo., Mania Heavy Half Hose, - 12 Ladle. 11;.ge atl2}6o, Hem Stitched eit - lfiln'd 1234 e, Bloodied Manna of 12 c. All kinds of SUMMER PANTS STUFF at prices that dory cinn petition. &Nil assortment of Shawl°, Parapla t Sun Umbrella°, Hoop Skirts Corsoto, ke., alwayn on hand CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, From the Lowest Wade to the Finest French Hering elwayx token the lead In this branch of the buslness,.l" would spy I im.better prepared this senion thin ever, to meet the wishes of all desiring a good artirle, or a vary fair bargain „SUITS MADE. TO ORDER, at for abertent notice by a 6rat.41.1. LOG, MOURNING CO DDS BLACK AND WHITE MIXTURES, CIIAPE.VBILS AND DOLLARS I= BLACK THIBti" SHAWLS, Square end long, slut, a full nsßortmout ti Runorill Goods, for vrtich orders *III b- promptly and satla• actorally tiled TABLE LINENS, TAME CLOTHS, NAPKIN'S, TOWELS, LINEL , ,, -MASSAILLES, BALTIMORE ; MD t4ISSES, TARLETONS, CA?..IBRICS, Se. REMEMBER THE PLACE, Ae lam detormlued not to be underepld in let*, thing In our lino. All I tok Is and Inspection of our Now Stock just opened. I can oonllnee you that my goods are •heap. L.T. GREENFIELD No'. 4. East Hain Street, July 2, 18817 Fr 3 . 0 c`it. w` t , C!/, 5 . '4 l 66 •=t' CEP. hy CAPi ••./ P C '1 A. it Furniture of all varieties aid b tyles M Foreign and Domani le manufactare, from the thmet rosewood and Mahogany to the lowest prieed;mapie and pine =a Ohamber, Kitchen and °Mee Embracing every article used by House and Hotel keeper!, Of p e most approved and fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture in setts reception and Camp Chairs. 11l attraeser, Gilt frames, pictures, ire., kn. Air-Particular attention given as usual to funerals orders from town and country, Wonted to promptly and on moderate terms, SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO THE SELECTION OF WALL PAPER. marqh2l. 04 'Se 'BANKERS, 4b • N 0.35 SOUTH THIRD STREET PHILADELPHIA.,.. *NEM; R PENTS, FO • 'S l o t , ' PENNSYLVANIA A l Nco tOW• '(;), 24 ZRAT • NEVI S •• - xv< d o • OF THE sr\ . • )01.00 011 . ofa H E .`"feEdi -- ;UNITED STATES OFAMERICK The NATIONAL LINN / 3 / 1 11THAN011 COMPANY ko term:dation chartered by Act of Congress, ay proved July SAMS, with • OMR CAPITAL, $1,000,000, PULL PAID. Liberal terms offered to Aireota and flolltdtors, wbct, moll:tilted to apply I cum °Mee. bested particulars tob eh ad o appllmil ton at our ofd•e. in 'the immoral story of our nankin Rouse, Share Circulars aretfTmnpl o ttieta, fully dew:Ming the Mmuitairm offertr4l . utrian i keh tate . • . A , . xi, nada. EL:S. Ruisel,.Allartager. C. H HEP BURN, Cashier let National Bank, 'Agent for 'Carlisle, Pa. • CARLISLE ACADEMY; , d. W..:ISIcKEEHAN, A. 8., ,Principal.. An Englieh and Classical School for young men and boys will be opened Peptemlor 6th, In Bents' building South lienover street. Pupils instruotsd .lor Foglia), Cliesico, Mothli- Inatiwt Natural Science, Pennuenehip. *c. - • Number of pultdie limited to twenty-floe. ' . For perticulars get a cireularAt Pipor'i book atom, Cr addreea, , ' 0. H. MOKEEIIAN, . 80July Pm Carliels, Pa. • °SEER MILLER of Carib& • . Sodom Cumberland county, woe cured of ILES and GRAVEL of 17 years standing. by the nee of 6 bottles of Dr. Campbells Pain Destroyer And' 2 boxes of hie Liver gni.. MIDDLETOWN. Dauphin CO.. Di. Campbell :—f let you know that I ; was plagued with Fever and Agin, for ten year.. I mold not gat cured, I at Met comi. to , Hart lebnrg,;l beard of your vrondenui magic Pain Destroyervaid - your maple Liver PIM I bought 4 tattles and bones and, they..oured me in one month. _. . • MICHAEL OMINEY. • Dr. Campbell will sell to all drogglits and dell.' are. Price 60 rents or $4 per OA or 'by the 34 groan $2l. Each demi la.put up In nice paper nowee with "his Moms And signature on the sides. Liver Pills $2 per doze_ . an 121 . gross $lO 60.' We Lozenges $2 per dosem - Kgroge $10.60 per desert. - • • • ' All lettera'aboultl be.tadd to • DR. OgISIPDDLL; ' .0111eit No. 180 Third street, •• ' • "between Chestnut And Mulberry, • , , • - ; •: : Harrisburg; Pa. fold,bY all brugiptiliad Dealere averywhca. tor /ale by ILIA DROTRCHEI &alas 'in Drugs, Medicines. *e. • • , , • • • - IPuoaCIP •• • The Carlist. r IA Fat ad 7 terti4%r serlions:iatt Dow* DitY GOODS. Poplins. GRAIN BAGS, B OMBAZINES, PIQIIIIIB, QUILTS, SPREADS, MAINSODKS, = DIX! slang 6154 y ' 7 R. 411; ItOADA§ CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAIL- CHANGE OF •HOURSI Ott and after Monday, September l4th,lB6B,Pauen- Iger Trains Aral run daily as knows (Sundays excep ted) : . r • W E S Alt p: • AC001111011171011 1:1 NAI* legit,' Harrisburg • 0,00 M: Mechanicsburg 8,83, Carlisle. 9,10, Newville 0,46. Bhitt.pensburg 10,19, Ohamber u bnrg 10,46, Greencas tie 11,14 ars iving et Hagerstown 11,42 A. M: TRAMMIL A leave. thirriAblll3l 1,10 P. M., Meehan. (album 2,02, Carlisle 2,54, Neavilla 8,10, Bhippena burg 8,40, Obamhereburg 4,20 Orceocastle,446, surly. lag at Hagerstown 6,25 P. EXPAIIIS Taans'. , leaves Harrisburg 4,15 ,P...M . Mecbanicsburg 4,47, Catlisie 6,17, Newvilla 6;60, Shippeusburg 6,17, arriving at Ohambernburg at 6,45 P. M. A Mixan Tutu leaves ahambersburr 8,06-A. M., Greencaatie 9,25, arriving at Hagerstown 10,101. M . -EASTWARD: 4000111.1SODATION TanlN !VMS .Charobereburg 4,45 A. M., Shlppensburg 6,14, Nowvlllo 6.45, Carlisle 6,- 18, Mechanicsburg 0,47, arriving sit Iltirrlsburg 7,16 , Man Timm leaves Hagerstown 8,00 A. 81., Orion castle 8,35; Chamberaburg 0,10, shippensburs 9,40, Nbwville 10,14, Carnal° 10.50, Illschanicsburg 11,24, arriving at Harrisburg 11,55 A. 51, SIMMS TRAIN leavesliageratcwu 11,65 A. M. Oreencastle 12.23, Chamborsburg 1,00, Bhippensburg 1,82, Newville 2,05, Carlisle 2 45, Mechanicsburg 3,12, arriving at Harrisburg 9,44 P. M. A MusD Tamil leaves-liagoratown 8,05, P.- M. Greencvatle 4,12, arriving tit Ohamborsburg 6,05 P.M. Oa-Making close connections at Harrisburg with trains to and from Philadaipbia, New York,.Balti. more, Washington and Pittsburg. SUPERINTENDENT . II OFFICE,I EliN. LULL." Cbambersburg, Pa., May 8, 1868. J &zee. .. . 16maY:68. A ' • READING RAIL ROAD SUMMMR ARRANGEMENT. lit'ONDif I, APRIL 27, 1869. GREAT TRUNK LINE PROM THE North and NorthlYeat for Philadelphni, Now York, Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Shamokin, Lebanon, Allentown', Mtton, Ephrata, MU, Lancaster, Col. amble, Trains leave Harrisburg for New York as follower At. 2.95, 5.20, 8.10.'A. 51.2.25, n00n,,2.00 and 10,66 P. 141., connecting with -o shallat Trains on the Peringylvanla Bail Road, and arrirlog at Now York at, 9.45. A. 51.. 11.45 Noon, 8,50, 0.45 , 0,20 P. 52., nod &DO. 111., respectfully Sleeping Cars accost.. paning, 5.20 2.35, A. IC, and 10.66, P. M.., trains without change. Leave Harrisburg fur-Reading, Pottsville, qua, Mluereville. Ashland, Shamokin, Pine Grove. Allentown and Philadelphia,nt 8.10, A. IL, and 2.00, end 4.10, P. IL, stopping at Lebanon and prlncinali Way Stations; the 4.10, P. M. train making' ceitineer. Lions for Philadelphia and • Columbia only: Pot , Pottsville, Schuylkill Haves and Auburn via Echuyl. kill, and Susquehanna Itallroid; leave Ilarrlehurg. 330 P. M. Returning: Loavo New York at 9.0 D, A. M., 12.00, Noon and 0.05 and 8.00 P. 11.; Philadel• phis at 815 A. M. and 3.30 P. M.; Sleeping care accompaulog the 0.00, A. M. and 5.55, and 8.00 P. M., trains fawn New York, without change. Way Paseenger Train leaves Philadelphia 7.30, A. •conuecting with elmllnr 'train on East Penn sylvania Railroad, tat unlink from Reading at 6.30 P, M., stopping at all Stations; lea., Pottsville at 7 30, and 8.45 A. M. and 2.45. - P. 61 , Shamokin it 6.23 10.35 A. M-. Ashland 700 A.. 01 12.30 • noon, Tam aqua et 8.30. A. M. 2.20 I'. 51., for Philadelphia and New York. Leave Pottsville via Scpsuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road at 7.00 A. M. 1111,111errlAburg, c 111.30 A. M. for Pine Giove and Tremont. Reading Accommodation Train: 'Leaves Reading, at 740, A. M., returning leaves Philadelptd• at 5.15 P.M. • .... Pottstown AccomModation Train; 'Leaves Potts. town at 6.25. A. M. returning leaves Philadelphia at 4:80j;1 0 ."51. Columbia Rail Road Trains leaye Reading 7,00, A. M., and 0.15, P. M. far Ephrata, I.ol.lz,l.‘ncruiter, Columbia. Ac. Porkiomen Rail Road Trains leave Perkiomen Junc tion 5t.9.00 A. M. and O.OOT. M. Returning Leave likippack at 8.15 A. M., and 1.00 P. M., connecting with similar trains on Reading Rail Road. • On Sundays: Leave Now York at 8.00, P. M.' Philadelphia 9,00, A. id., and 3.15; P. M., the 8,00. A. 11. Train running only to Reading; Pottsville 8.00., A. M.. Earrieburg 6,20 A. M. 4.10 and 10.65, P 111., and Reading nt 12.56, midnight 2.54 and 7.15 for Ilairisburg, at 12.56 ancP.7.os, A. M. for Now Yorl• and at 9.40 A. M. and 4.25 P. M. for Philad elphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excur sion Tickets, loandfrom all poluts,ntroducedrstes. Baggage chocked through; 100 pounds allowed each Passenger. 'd. A. NICO LLS, Goa SOip't. 7may69. • Wheeler&Wilson's CI 0 SEWING. MACHINES! At the grsqt Exposition, Paris, 1887 Awarded the 'Highest Premiums over 82 .Competitors. THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT THE BALE OF THIS WORLD - RENOWNED • 31ACIIINE ARE 100.000 GREATER THAN ANY OTHER. THE GRAND TRIAL- Daily UPC Throughout the world, were ONLY TAIII untie primp Moor, sod FRIPERIORITT whirl the race• The Wheeler & Wilson stands triumphantly the Champion And Loader over all others by the 'el - eta of the pei.ple. - We claim no merits that we cannot sustain by living and reliable wittmsses. We stand Upon our own Rlst woavn, without declaiming against other companies. - We - claim to have Improvement. for sewing that we-know cannot be excelled, and in many points that no other company dare compete with. No other company can ehow so many ma chines that have been -in dally use for the length of time as we can. For the proof of this, look at the numbers that are on each mac h ine The Wheel er and W ilson Sewing 51 achine is the Rich Man's Host Friona, and the l'ocit Womaii's Trust and Con, forterer, for uo other company can sell on as liberal and easy terms as we. The poor ;roman can get-her:qt . a 117 - , chine, and afterwards way for it. No Machine ispaidfor until parties are fully • Constant.use only inereases • the worth , of,our. M1E.431:4C1-11,1V1IME5 Several ladles in Carlisle who .have used our ma. chines from six to twelve y ears, say "They consider them bettor in every point than when new, and there is not a garment worn in the family, from light artiwise to heavy as Beaver cloth, that they hate not made." One lady says "I have - Sowed for three years and never broke a needle"'We cao furnish names and residancee of responsible parties who can sustain all we claim. ' The unsigned are a Jew of-many. who have tbo Wheeler and Wilsdn Sewing Machines,' iv Carlisle, and length of time they have been In eonstaut use. Mrs. J. B. Haversack, • 14 years "_,'J. Rheem, 12 ." " ' CoVilend'erson; 12 " Rev. Dr. Wing,' • • 11" . Rev. Sterrett, - 8 " • " - Peebles, , • 9 " Miss Caroline Ege l .5 " .. " C. Herman, (31 - Ottroe - twp 9 ..-" " Sterrett, (Dickinson twp. 3 itaunotions given free of tharge. and kingdom; cheerfully shown tripli who call at Mrs. Williams' Millinery Store, N0.'20 North panover Street; Car- Bele, Pa. Prices and etyles to snit say customer. Machines delivered to all points in Cumberland and adjoining counties free of , ex t r a charge. PETERSON Sr, 13ARPENTER, , Gen. agte 121 MARKET STREET MAIMITSIPIRG. _ J ' . M. & L. H. FULMER, the only, authOrized Agents in ' e 10fdar 89-1 1806: , NEW . GOQpS 11309.• I am now opening the elteapeat wort:tient - of SPRING AND BUMMED 000 Db blnught teCarilila since the'war. Owing to the great ,decilos In prices during thti last few eveoke;•l em now enabled to ot ter., peat inducements, to task huyertois the enttrii stack has been puichaied ateipe present low pried , .All the beet Calicoes at - 12p • .Good DoLainea at 16, 18, 20 a 26 • lihelino at 7, 1002 do '2 • ,•D .kt 11 88 • G 0 O.D : • All the NEW STYLE DAMS 000D8 fir LONA in. greatyerley entylety cheep.. :TICKINGE . 3, • CHECKS &a; VERT LOW Cloths, .Cassineros, Tweeds, Oott‘nades, , 40, Mr. every deem Iptlou nu commonly' low, Toble Linens, 6pklns, Towels, Piques Macmillan, lqd Breads, Naltmooks, Bwhaes, Cambria, perms, Massif° Quilts, ac., at the Very lowest notch. ' . )10i31.tRY ~ ,Sc GLOVE§ ingreat vaiietyi . 1111 — • 0 . FINING C00D5 .... . Wool I eLaluea, bap. 'Nellei,Zialleb •Oralfe,• meek Tbybet 151:1v0111 and a full „aesoetmel4 44,Msic nand ,• ~ • 40 • lily' Agatha doe, of abeam not purcialed'.7llibla the last thirty ilaye i till be Ocaud utikeeaerdiese of •Look but for bUraai oie !he, , beg Nab -Biota, West Mal* litraati•nearly.:44oo ..tbe dbaot: l4 • VUMI.OU4., •••• _ • • • PATENT , Ayerl3 HAIR VIGOR;; :,-.' For restoring , Gray Hair to , 48 natural Vitality and Color, ; . • . .A-dressing 2 whlelt is— at onee'sgreerible,' thy;. and. effectual -for preserving , hair. Faded or gray hair. is aeon restored to its ori'ai: nal scar ioith the 'him and freshness of • youth. Thin hair is ,thickened, falling' hair, checked, and' baldness , often, s pbthing can' I . let : !l o i r : :, ii' t i h i e d; iitr t ' h a e c re . the. follicles nre•dostreyad, or. the glands . atrophied and decayed.. But such as , re main 'pan he saVeafor usefulness by. this application. Instead of hair with a pasty sediment, keep it clap, and vigorous. Ita occasional • use ; will prevent thblir from turning, ,gfay, , or falling ofl 7 and consequently, ppevent baldneas. Freo from, those ilelere - rions substances which make some preparations dangerous and injuriods to the hair, the ViEpt can only, benefit but not harm it. If wanted Merely for a HAIR . D R S .N G., nothing else can he found so- desirable. Containing neither oil or dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a-rich glossy lustre arid and a grateful perfume. Prepared by. Dr. J. C.- Ayer, & Co., PRACTICAL ANT) ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS, LOWELL MASS , PRIOB $l.OO. 30oct 138-1 y Ayer''s Cathartic--Pills. For an the Tairrocos of a Laxoti're&las 4 1 ' i i - H Y©.l-41 :::: ____..... Perhaps noes• medi eine_in_am_unlyersolry— 'l6ll requtred . bk evei•ybod• as a cathartic,. nor was .ever any before to nal versally - adopted lots • nto In every country and amono all clown, an • this - solid but efilci , ant purgatl•e Pifir - lb. ..,nhvloon reason' is that - 'lt Is a more reliable .ha - far more effectual Tame. dy than , an.) miler. Tifonowho have tried It, knot . , • that It cures:their neighbors and friends, and aq knot that what; it does once If doh always—that it savor folio through, any fault or neglect of Itt composition: Wo have thousands upon thousands of cortllic,des of their remarkable auras of tho following.camplaints, but such auras aro known in Ovary neighborhood, and we need not ,publfsh thorn'. Adapted to ell ages and conditions In all ' climates; containing neither ' minima' or any doleterlous dto, they may - bo takon - with safety by anybody. Thai, sugar coating pro erase' them - ever fresh and makes them.pleasan t to take t .while heingnurely vegetable no harm can arise from their unold any quantity. Thoy opecn'e by their povierful Influence on the Intel nal. viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it Into healthy nal^ a—remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the -body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, vrherovor they exist, such dorangeumuts an are tho drat origin of disease. ~1111 note directions are given In the wrapper on the boa for the following complaint; which - the. Pills rapidly cure : For Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Liatlersnasa, Languor and Lois of Appotite, thoy should be. taken moderato y to stimulate the stomarh and —restoreita healthy toile and It ct i en. For Liver Complaint and Ito 'orlon. symptom., Bilious—headache, Sick Eleadaehe, Jaundice or Green Sickness, Bilious Colic and . Bilious' Fever., they should be judiciously taken for each' case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstruc tions Which cause It — Far - Dysentery b - r Diarrhoea, but one mild dose le generally rntinlyed. For Rheum/Mem, Gout, Gravel, Palpitation 'of the Heart, Pain in the Bide. Hackand Loins, they should be continuously taken, as required, to change the diseased , action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. For B,rppey end Dropsical fiwullinge they should hi tidal indergrintid frequent to' peocinee the effect of a drastic purge. • For Suppresidon a large dole should be taken as It produces the desired- a Rect.hy sympathy. .As's Dinure Pill, take One or two Pills to pre , mole•rtion and roll eve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels intodAltiry action, restores' the' appetite, and Invigorates the system. hence It le otteu advantageous where uo serious deringement ex ists., _Ono_ who_ feels tolerably_ well, often finds that-a twee of three Pills make .111m:feel uneldeely better, trim their chancing and ronorathiu effedt on the digestire apparatus. . .. DR. J. C. A TER re CO„ Piactical Chemist, LO WELL. MASS., V & A. . flaverstick Broth - ere, Agents .fo DAVID STROHM, ..,* • IV. D. SPONSLF.II, JOHN W. 43TROHAS NEW and POPULAR BOOT, SIIOE, TRUNK AND HAT STORE, N 0.13, South Hanover Street, Carlisle a for door, South of luhoff's corner. . WE hbvejuit opeadd the lerireet slid beet stoek et BOOTS nod SIiOES ever offered in Carlisle and continue almobt daily to receive eiteh .goods la our line as everybinly wants. Our stook consists kinds and varieties Si Woman', Misses and Child's strong Leather Shoes, Woman's Misses' and Child's Lantlag Gaiters. Women's Clove Kid Turkey ajd French Memo: . Mon's and Boy's Calf, Buff and Kip Boots. Men'a and Boy's tall' and Buff Congress Gaiter . Men's and Boy's lasting Gaiters and Brogans. Men's and Boy's Calf and Buff , Oxford Tie.; Guns Sandals, Buskins and .Overshoes. Men's and WOmen's 'Oosit'Welt and Carpet Slipper Men's, Boy's and •Chiltrs 'Fur and Saxony nat.,. Trunks or alt sizes and prices' Travelling Bags, Sateheln and Valises, ta`eEkar with a pilots lot of GOODS whichwwwill sal/ to snit the times. QUICK.DALDS AND MMALL. P.NOVD2IS Otlb 5.104'T0. , Therefore In !analog nor gird It hi !Minded mt. is paironal Invitation to all. la look - thiough oar ate& without feeling Order obli— gatloon to buy miler, stilted do quality Rod prima ' We shall aiwaya try to deed with every *nein a etraightfnmetritronn•er, nod give every .eitatonter a full °qui retract for hie money. We hope all will avail themselvee of their lest, apportualty3e • and sedan. , essiteau * srowstizto OA pril (Wly , 1869 . . •1_869 HTARDWARE• 4ENRY S-AXTO N , NCK. , EAS.T HIGH SVREBT, Carßalt, Pa. ' Wholesale end ISAIAH . dealer In Hardware, Irani; tool, Nalle, Building Material', 'Paints,. 011eit Globe de. . . , Finost quality of American and English roast. and Table Cutlery. livery description of Toole adopted far all lair cban kid Trades of the most eelelirated mama, and warranted In *Tory Instance. —Gyineo l lstolannd-Amninultlen. - . 1.! .111 P S • • . lo- einy depth. warratted to eve Wiesen= • • • , IllAting Powder,. • 1111Pgaid' . e • - • • - - - Pr 7 l tltZ l it;at. l • FARM 'BELLS, itowp, — 14,EURIS, GRAM DAOd; &tAc.,at, '- • • •••• • • Bui/ders ?active entKeriate ;to • ',finest' advantage both. I to 3o p e n oe c p e t e r: 4 . 31,1VI:'' WE ARE SOLE A9ENTS VOA , ' THE (},REAP FUBL ECO,NOMiKrig adept EX(11t1,8101t myerr9=z - adepted for dnern ind - Weloel oirreelves. eonlimtenllol',/604460. 'elir zombi el', .llP4lsmwt • Orders by 'man remora ; yrfompt, aWelipa e goods, -deliiired to townfree ' . . Parties Indebted to , m dm' 1868' wM please be prompt to thetr paymeot, and all to whom we are Indqbted—wllll please. preeitit 'their thr' settlement ; ! • ni st oir z 81an 68. . . M H 00%.1)... HOW RESTORED.- Dubllibodi a' noir o LILL Dryo4lvarwell9: Oeletuatod • )118.0y on the rddicul cure (without . :thOulalqe)drhp'uurtirouritirda. or BM* • Wrakiiutilpuoluittxt.l Seminal :louder -, IX- 7 POTENCY, MCI3OII arid Physical Inouturelty Irdpedt muutn =Margo, etc.; alto Clortsournotrk Emmet' „• and Fttu,'lrlttord by 4,l l . y riduiphoo oy,, ECTOOI'OE. . . I:l3:Oripee, in sealed entel e pe, bray cents. • ‘ c ' The solobleted author, lo thhoUdrolrable sash clearly 4uvpnitiatenfrotola thirty pude' sudiesidul Practice, that the alatudug..conepgueor9 of welt ',bu g s may be radically cured ntithout the ,darnter., eueuse'of internal mediciee'enthiknire;',pelidlnil onta mode of tore ',nonce simple, certchi,, ~ e did, s ' hotted, by tueene'of tOblelsevery'lliffdrer; to mist- - tor stbet dendition, turbo, ,mpya 'lure .itowar. cheaply, prlititely, hod , Lecture should be In 0104130 of story". Youth and evrry.matVin,,the,land...-;' , • . Dent tinder Hod, Ih'a , plain etvietnine,t,ci ad 7 ad. 'dtaapor(poid, ea receipt of: Mx- cute, ,Ps t*O di •lr.o, Dr. Dithervell's “Iterrlsoo du, price 25 Cam.. 4 1 .dd,rss the "Publbtesell. " " • 011 5a1."4,, Doirsry. 100 f - bet. 1;4 4,eBt.' II ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers