Tili:Pnics of CURL.---The dinners' Journal," of Saturt*,.• estimates that tit° • supply of cool Aye year will , bc, by the be ginning of•lil'ocombOr stx hundred • tbousand tons over the supply cifleist yeltr. The iieficieney is w , only; 83,788. tons behind-Ua-sm.. •• 'last • ea . :. Atis ovi- dent from these figures that if purchasers will postpone laying in their supplies'fOrs, - month or so', there must be:a fall in 'prices and they will be able to.thwarttho space. lators: who, have undertaken 'to maintain the extortionate rates. We notice that In some quarters it is proposed, by way,Of re tallatindon the coal monopolists, to Open the country to foreign coal, and it is not at all iniprobabloAhat dongrese may be called to consider whether the coal .duty may not safely be entirely' abolished. i 6 is certain that'persistence - in . tliecoiirse - of extortion hitherto pursued, Will lead to re taliation :of some sort on the part of the public. ' =CI LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE FOR Au ausT.—Whon'the 'publication of this mag azine Wig 'commenced; one object was to, . make it be"to Philadelphia what Harper'B is to Now York. It Is prospering well but the - distinctive characteristics of . the' two cities lam to be indelibly imprinted on their respective productions. The August number contains the continuation of An. thony Trollope's new novel, "The 'Vicar of Bullhampton ;" a novel by an anony mous author; entitled "Beyond the Break ers," and "Magdalena," a translation of a German 'novelette; articles on Joseph Jefferson the comedian ; the "Manifest Des tiny of the United.States,'l_ "An Adven ture in the Snow;"' the ozporlence of an army officer in being "snowed up" for four days ohs railroad train in a Vermont • Winter, with a woman's article on the dif tjculty of establishing. an exact proportion between "Parlor 'and Kitchen," and two poems—" Heroes" and "The Old Story". —make up-a very readable number: ECLIPSE.—An eclipse expedi- . lion, under the auspices of the govern -7 pent ; was organized in Philadelphia, con sisting of fifteen gentlemen, vie: Prof. -11...MonTox, Ph. D., Franklin Institute; Prof. A. M. MAIEER, Ph. D., Lehigh University; Prof. C. .1 0 - ilirmEs,• Ph. D., Dickimion College, and twelve others. Through the kindness of MIL •SCOTT, of the Peninlylvania _Railroad, luxurious transportation in a special car, to their destination at Burlington, lowa, and its vicinity, was furnished the party and in struments ; "and they arrived at their sev eral points of observation last Vednesday —one section of the party at Burling ton, another at Ottumwa, and another at Mt. Pleasant. From the Ottumwa Daily Courier, of the 6th inst., we :mike the foring ex t`ract: Together 'with Maj. I' LON, S, B. EvArrs, Esq., E. FAWCETT,Esq., specially detailed by the . New York Ilerald to writeth up )oc tps , and 11iaj. AMILIOIq, we drove out to the grounds selected -by the scientific gentlemen' to make their observations of the eclipse tomorrow. The place-.chosen is a high and beautiful one this side of lawyer BRADLEY'S house, which they have very appropriately named' "Observatory Hill," - a - natlfir which is like ly to adhoro to it permanently and make it historical. From this point a Bile sweep of the horizon is had South, East and Vi'ese, while the lapdscape is its fine as any thing that efin be- seen in the State.; We found the !follOwing party on the ground, with their insfruments,,ready to take the eclipse in all its stages of obscu ration, providing the weather is only clear enough to let them and us see it: Prof. , CHAS. P. kIMES, Carlisle, Pa. Joux O. Buows, Esq., Philada. Pa.. J. ZENTiIAYER, 'Philitcla. Pa. E. MoEitLY Philada. Pa. W. J. Bexss., Buffalo, N. Y. This ,party has the grand Equatorial Telescope Of the Gettysburg College, Pa., having a six, inch aperture and 8k feet foal length, to be used for photographic purposes. The time of exposure of the plates is registered by means of. an electri cal chronograph. The experiments to bo made will be highly important td,.the cause of science, and it is earnestly hoped that the people in their curiosty will avoid crowding up around near the observatory, which will materially interfere with the operations. Mayor FULTON has detailed a strong force, who will be on the ground by times tomorrow. Though the weathei has been for several dayi decidedly unfavorable and discourag ing, yot,on Saturday it Was all that could bo desired, and .the results of the observa tions were quite successful. The following telegram, furnished by Prof. Himus,'.we copy , from the Now York Tribune OTTUMWA, lowa, Aug. 7, 1869 The day has been everything that could ba desired for observation. The clouds of the Morning Were succeeded. by a perfect `,ly clear sky. At noon,,witb a try wind and no haze, iProf. , Ampc.A.Nnzz, chair man of the National Academy-of Sciencei, pronounces the eclipse the finest of . the three totals he has.ebserved. His party, including Gem HAISTEMY, were finely ' posted for observation, and, in, addition to the usual astronomical observations, in vestigated the heat of the'ebrona by means of the - therme-olectric pile, without posi tive results. • 'rho rest, however, which this observation gave the eye, enabled him to ascertain that the color of, the red prom inences is accidental. The section'of Pkof. Monvow'epbotoeraphio , party at this place have bad splendid success. Thirty-four excellent, 'accuratel3kinied photographs were obtained. Some very near the con- meta, and three very superior ones of,the ,corona and red prominences. The photo graphic section at Burhngton report a very decided success, and made forty-live good photographs, with time of impros .mll recorded chronographically (fivOur ing totality contaets,) and verv,valuable spectroacopio observations and. rneasurn-. moots mado4 The section qt . M.t.'Pleaaant, wore favo - ro Vdts thirty-six negatives:" Last Sabbath soma of the'gentlemen of the soientific corps - were ,engaged in malt ing other kind of impressions, as the fol idwing notice from tho', Qiiumwa Courier would indiCate:--4 There will .be a ()hit-, dren's Union"SOrvree at the Proabyterian 'church,, next. Sabbath 'aftermoon, at' half peat three o'clock., Addresees. will bo'de- Otos?ct 'byTrbgStliplieri Aloinnder; Prof. 0, I:4lrices. and Gan. N. N. Halsted of tho'AstronoMical, party now in our city.". Tho observations and illuatrations.takon by other; partins,• ,e)sowhereil vioAiri. the belt, f ;totality, were erdieentlysuccestiful. DAirtiitotis ClcttlkeitFArr,a. 7 --Tlie now ton,dollar , eounterfeit.greettbackaare;. it said,intisentedin'adch•giMaqMitation of the' janurnVon'es that' iirclOiOtene.t, ox porta can hardly detect-the - difforento.. , ly e thOliublin,eatibe;expecteds,to do ao, or. b9wlt is altogether just.te.reak6 bonp ; flde acceptor in such--a case the' loner. . Noy_ tlitit the fflndinviniana sienn. tUreq iiat! , ltuiti F te4,:.- it t . 0 . 1 -, itia4 44 p3, : fg,i,9lo3 9g ovorr ?. cairj,t, 97 tartuf qq l, l .ro a simoial paper for .. .tbio‘,purposa, 9:10:0039 . 8r sloe : #l.if o ab 'pat side'. POOOl pia id &be' ma 4 a'faloayi n These oiinntartedta are !oe only a loss to the , Treasury; put a constant souien 'of annbYanaq' and 'distirast; tq 'Tan, InThuainatko.'„Lpilha a;rY poriarmnant• looli to it and doe tea aOnia.iktnotry.,, • Annutil AOld ,4he Pnir; ".Ginunds ottio 17.)oplbezland C ; ol!inty:A.Ml- v;Oulturnl, 130olot , 7.• , , , , . On papn:dski*nguil.t4.4th xpetv ' B o o , e itinents on the frotruli. Are ' "s," • ", Byot4ot ortbelocilv,, • • `.; dOieb, July 211,4 t. • 1— i ;. STAMPI3.7-Though -we have-for so - q ,time beonliying under the i•nle' of slamSl ' the question is 'ono of ovory day Aski g, cklloy, much'of a 'stanip does this iegnir 7' , The following ornbrenesolwo : 'thinki the Iniest general ' use of tiielps as `liiiOicil. to. ninnufneturers hna..peitioulnr . elftSses of .usiness:that'payaspecia tax no px and, evidences.at-debt, Jive cents on , anch. til.oo •if aai.sioo - 11VO"cents'• oven sloo,'flve cent§ on each $lOO or part thereof. All receipts — 4r any amount without ihait, oierl's2o twe cents ;. if under $2O, nothing; iffiliecks of any amount two cents. All deeds and deeds' of trust, flfty,.cents on , each $5OO iii value of the properti 'con veyed or the amount secured; when deed of trust is fully stamped, the note Secured. need not be; hilt. they should. be endorsed to show the reason why. Mort: .gage bonds need not be stamped if, stamps: are affixed to the mortgage. All appraise: ments,, estates, or- estrays, Jive cents on' each sheet, or,piece of min Affidavits. 'of ,every description, are exempt from Stamp duty. Acknowledgments to deeds, etc.,• are,. also exempt. pontracts and agreements, five cents for 'each:skeet. or piece of paper, except - for rents ; When for rent, fifty cents for each $BOO of rector es's.; if over $3OO fifty cents lot; each ad: ditional $2OO, or fractional part 'thereof in excess , of WM. Any person interested can affix and candel stamps. I=l SOCIAL HOP.—On Thursday even. • log of last week it was our good forturie to bo present at a grand social hop, given by the ladies of' Mount .Holly Springs. If the.faiionesisucceed.na"well undertakingvas they did in this one, they have in contemplation a joyo . us future. The lads and lasses tripped gayly on the "light fantastic too," until a late hour, and every-,, thing passed off as merrily as a Marring° bell. M' SAthUEL) G. Grvnr, tnadter of cerefrio,niel, acquitted himself to- the,satis facticdi of all present. The Carlisle String 'Band was in attendance, and discoursed Most elequent music. Mr. W. MuLr,m, ,v hose rdriutation is known far and wide as r d.'''first ! -class landlord, was untiring .in his efforqs to nuke the entire party enjoy themselves. In conclusion, we must not fail to give a word of encouragement to our friend ' `OTTy." He is a good .whole. , smiled 'fellow, the life of the ball room, a •mirth-pro . volting companion, and his brilliant efforts. to please had the desired' effect. The party left Holly fully sat,' isfied that the night had been agreeably if not peolitably spent. Should there bo an other party given among those hills, our noble countenance s will be viSiblo there.. CONSTITU'iION BITTERS are pleas ant to the smell and taste, will remove impurities from the body, and give health and vigor to the frame. - Dhrungements of the stomach hathirige - rsr and sources of insanity. Prom an ob : ._ - Strife thin "diecilder, aMMliini - eiTon of the sympathetic and other nerves follows. Gunglionitis, &0., and the function's of die brain are deranged and impaired. be riingement of the cerebrum Will also pro-- duce diseases of the lungs, heart, skin and kidneys. It is Consequent upon the same cause that thousands .die,orobolera, and billions_ fevers, and::that insatiate, baneful. dispelie; phtbisiq Or . conshroptiOn. The stomach is antA4ortint Organ in the economy, for upon . ittieueeese . we depend for all the advantages to be derived from the exhibitions of internal medicines. Its healthy fui - Mtions are of stoping moment to every - mortal, — as it - constitutes the sOurce and - fountain of life, wkiciwis nu tritious. NO - organ possesses such power in modifying every part - of the system none . such remarkable sympathies LAMP l lir\N ere is - "' shod dy in glass as well as woollen fabrics. Con. turners of kerosene aro sometimes almost discouraged, so frequently do chimneys break,. without any , apparent cause, ren dering the cost of chimneys equal to that of oil. Cheapness being the, order of the de, great miiny .of the manufacturers mike chimneys front silieate of lime instead of lead. The initiated may tell the differ ent kinds of glass by ringing theist ; ,The vibrations of the lead glass have 'clear, ringing, Doll-like sound, pessessing the re quisite strength to withstand expansion and contraction, as well as the general pres Sure by use and will outlast a half a dozen of the lime glass chinineys. Fifteen c'ents'invested in ono of the lead chimneys is money well spent, even though it injure the " trade " the cheaper kind: Stick a a pin thfri . e and remember it, • IMMEI List of unclaimed letters remaining in the Post Office at Carlisle, Pa. for the week ending August 11„th s , 1889. A---Androws, Fannie B- Baer, Mrs. Lucy; Brown, Mrs. M.; Boblits, Miss Ann. C—Carbaugh, Miss A. B. ; Comstock, Mrs. Wm.,11,; Craton, Miss Anna; Carter, Mrs. F. A, ; Creo, Miss Alien A. D—hillcr, Miss Ann N. ;.Doglits, Mrs. lda ;Daugherty, ,flies' Kate. G—Giirdner, Mrs. Catharine; Givier, Miss Rinnie • - ' ! . „ ./1-1144, Miss Mary. " li—Kelly; Mrs. Caddie S; Kerr, David; Kerman, John F. F. .1 —LAwler, Patrick ; .Low, David ; Longsdorf, W. 11. ; Lost,' Jacob ; Light, Miss Annie, (2.) M—Minich,.Peter ; Minicb, Franklin ; Murray, ° - N—Ndwacher, Wm.; Newman, Daniel; Neff, Rebecca, Miss (3.) D—Orris, Mrs. Elizabeth. Q—Qturi, Miss Sarah E. T. R—Reisinger, Bradford J.; Rhule, Jno.; Room, Albert; Richabaugh,-Sdmuel G.; Richards, James R; Richards, Mrs. M. E. S—Selimohl, John; Smolinkar, Andreas Bernardus; Steigleman, Stenner, Sallie C. ~ T° Trite, B. W—Wa3tzol, W. L Z—Zeiglor, D. M. :1119LD FOR POSTAGE. B,—Stowart, Dr: . W. r 9.. NQwburg, A. • K.. B.IIEEM, P. M THE WHITE. )113unB.— Very few _persona; know the value . of , the,_Whlte• House , toshis country. We do not mean, ,by- fish the palace at Washington, but Eho White painted . 4Welling 'Wherever it rrig, be.- White paint not only proventS: froni rotting, but by ~forming n hard coating, preVents soft wooefrom giving out its or; pinks deisq, to the 'atmosphere, and ,doring the alr.unhoalth?..' Country physi , , cianahave observed•that there is twice as mach fever typhOid'and the tide, in anjiriint-, ed houses as in those tO/siah! are' properly Oroteeted4 White paint fa of more real im portance, than all the curpekastnd mirrors in the ivory:' Those_, who Would obtain an article of the4iebi fitiahtj should apply meX, m ght.4 Go., Twenky-hooond and. Bacastreets,,,Philadolpliia, Pennsyls/ania;:* This firm spaehilitY in Permin;ant , `Orian Green-and, Japan -Dryer,-- , which they guaranaiss ho very superior, qual an d cheap l o'r be manufactured elsovflere:'-MalrfinAt , facture -a- chemically -pure- bnibonate, of, Loath and!insport ,every coneeiyaldngraciO and finaitty of ,Lentkand,Zinc,,P_aints; 001-, Ors die., at thsyery , lowest prices. Kra ,-wbenewecintlea'tho' whitest of ••tvhite•load, and' kok.n,ight - adopted:li: f4i, 60 . is iO3 4 thefr oolobratod brand 'off fOrd; :whiiefrlead paint,,whose manufacture tO tholi Oinks •ft l yro'Otillf Dealion• - pa;tids iritortipted sand for pike, oirolare. . • • . . 7 REWARD.—Tho undersigried •having tbeen!i!ebbpd 'uf 'SERA' i Medritain, on the eightli'c:f n list, will, wiibout quesitions, 'pay sixty dbllars for the roturo or,discoyerrefithe , ~1 , Same ; I' - thirty dollars for • 'Gluier . t.no a ' latch . or chain. The watch is a gold,, sun log ase,• sm.(' over,. M. J. Tobias, Liverpool. The chain is Very An& tgA, straigh;t idund wire, links, from ..three-fourths of an inch ;to art inch in length, and the links arc attached, the one; immediately Within the oilier. thO above reward, will bmpaid eithAr. try my. sqlf or by W. D. A. Naugle, who wi tead4 "Won tify either B. Kr.grrEn, 'rrinE BEST:—Tonics have of late years gained rapidly In publicestimationendare -far more gen'ortily employed by flist.clas!physlqau thad,Vhey once mere. The , ',reason For thigh, that it 1.11 generally eetablished feet that wholesome tonics used In nnie.atlon daily fur years, do not ltfge — tliblevirtueneithei do they injure thetsys. , Rum. They At in tact like air and exerelse,: and not as "medicines," in WO -ale latended solely for attack', of !lineal,. The 111170111 , 111:VCIPLE8, WIN , daily thos'e of vegetable origin, all possess the common property of atimulating the appetite, strengthening the nervous`, systeer; and of Imparting ettength ' Monier, gonerally Motive benefit from them even more than men, their system betas . more liable to debility and exhaustion. We have again and again in our experience seen the good effects of tonics where the ayes had amen. di/a and the cheeks pale, and the entire frame alleged every Indication of 'exhaustion, nervous suffering and debility. The beta established bitter. before the Am orlcan public aro beyond quottion those of Dr. Stcevor, and. this is equivalent to declaring that they aro the b st; Since " aMoug the scores of really excellent , blttere now current, rt poor article has no cheap of whiltSlVSE._7ll.o_ Moat_lanorant.person_can_ tell at once by its effects, almost :rem a .Ingle dose, ihrther anj bitters .are good or bad. Those of Strever have been sold for thirty years, are 'com posed of sixteen of tun safest roots and herbs of a well-khown tonic virtue, so skillfully selected and compounded with regard to thole mutual effects, that it may be doubted whether anj more ,Perfect fore) of this modinine con be made. . Thousands of persone ere •xposod to or afflicted with fever and ague, billions ague or othor results of malaria. Lot them remember thus those hitters are. admirable In such cases, alt for dlarrhEra and cholera morbus;er any ordinary derangement of the stomenh. Try them and,ba Retailed that . they should be'in the stores of every family, and the trunk of every herein!. It in ..favorable feature in the advertlaement of the proprietors of Dr. &rev erb'a Tonle-herb yittern, that no clahns are audio that they will cure every 111 that flesh is heir to The NC enkast intellect can hardly be imposed upon when told that this or that rem dy will remove every form of diseane in every attiniand yet wo tan not take up the majority of journal. 'without 'amstunfering an advertisement declaring that this or that medicine Is a nostrum which le is perfect apothecary's shop, a whole college of physicians In itellf rendering all other cures winless. What in laimed for Dr: Stee 'lmes Ilitters in at mply that they will act as a good tonic, and are capable of doing as much good no a preparation of hitter priselple . ran. They will not 'een] ineurnale diseases, bat the, will often prevent a curtain elan of disorder, from be coming furor:' le The prefereacea tad certificates Issued in their favor are all trutfund honent, and of tl: roe there ore hued. nits. Froznthu oditorlal oalumun o' Fornety'B Phibide' Froth the Medical Profgasion ._._..__.___._.____..._L4 kekeThe,.....1u15.25,11(113,_ Co.o n the . 22,1 lust, would say that I have used Dr. St.evel'e Tonic Herb hitters eel analvely lu my-prae Hee during several years past. 1 do not hesitate to say that I bare found it to pesos: remarnkalweffl cony in s lases of Dyspepsla,lndlgee Lion, Love of pte vane Energy, no well as Fever and Ague, Diarthoca Headache and other.d [senate Troceedi ng imm a die ordered stomach ; and especially one it proved of in estimable value lu general debility of the system when other tonic ruedlciMes have failed to proddco the desired effect. Though reluctant to appear •e recommending any particular advertised mediclile, n t6OllO of duty to the pulflie and the medical faculty : Neill -wit allow me to withhold my testimony to the merits of the Bitters Jo question. • Yours, respectfully, T. 11. PARKER, M. D. ICRYDER C 0.,. lisnlfacturers aad Sale Proprietor., ltl ItORTIL 3rd STREET', PHILADELPHIA. MOLD EVEDYNYTIVRAL 32.3-DEAFNESS, -- .Di,INDNESff - and. CATARRH treated with the utmost HUMBS. by 3. itlA 1. CB, M. D., nud Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear (his speciality) in the Medical College of l'eransylvanto, 12 years experince, (formerly of Leyden, Holland.) No. boa Aron Street, Ellie. Testimonials can ho soon at his alike. Thu medical faculty are incited - to ac company their patients, as ho has nwserrets in hls practice. Aruautal eyes inserted nithoupsdrir; Nd charge for examination. lUJuiy (ably DIED BROCK.—On the lel. inst., Mr. William Brock, in the, mall year or Hs age. Si A 1? K E 8 I=l CekrllBle, Anginal. is, 1869 Fatally F10ur.... Suporilno du.... WHITE W1I) AT 111.3.) 111 E MC OATS, (nuw).... CLOVBIIbEED.. rEN Pit Y.SE FLA XSEHD iSARLEY EXM General Produce Market. CIAOIe, July •20th, DO. • Corr4o.,feci Weekly by Wi //kin Washtnood 8UT111.5. 20BACON 81.1.013L011125, 8008, • 20 BACON BIDES,OU GAIT, .4' 10 WRITE BEANS 3 15 - . TA LLow, iIi , ARED PEA CHB,: 25 SVAP.• ~ O UNPAIIMIY I.IAMIES 10 W 03K8AI, 35 p 311313 AT1 , 1118: y 25 BACON !lAMB lB RAP • • ' 3 ,SPECIAL YOTICE W3l. BLAIR & SON. wholosilo and relll,denlors In ORO CIitUFS, QUI:B:1911'AM; ,CEDAR \ AND WILLOW WARE,„'SALt, FISH AND OILS. Car• ISel e, , PeniVa.` 19Aug G 9: • WIRR ItAl LING, ;VIRG' GUARDS, for Store Fronts, Asylums, &c. Iron Bedsteads, Wire Web. , blngsfr!i'lNznd poultry yards, Drell' and — lron "wire cloth 5 es, Fenders, Screen', for coal., oreso sand, &e., Ileavy Crihiped Cloth fur efsrlv arrestors . Landeme Wire lot', Windows ke„ `Paper, Idakent Wll'es, Din atnei, tal Wire .Work*. Dvery' tlot'i'Py addressing the manufaetar'ers, W.A.f,lllllt' & SOVS! No II No: th Sixth street ,Philadelphia. • 121'0 00,1. , • • • .• • . friend•who has travelid •In o.rmany; re-, ports the following, insidont„ fop 41doii havoucheil Dor 'the summer, Dr, J. 9. eOhie Weeks at br'esden, in 'conference with the chembite: of Central liirope,' where helvrialierelderite the In' venter of the worlib•ronowned 'medicines that hair hit narea,iind_ccinelderod ono of the imericaii co While riding, ono dey, his open carriage 'fell in alai the cortegoOf tllO K Mg ot,Easony, on drkee'from'thei •The Decies imam Leconte the chief attraction, end received the milted at- tentlon etas people, ado were even, more, demon- Igrative in their c'ou'rtesies to him than to the King ,whoin.,they see so constantly , ling John, eliseniing this: virappeij his 'Military dank' arounQ him and reclined upon hie seat, •while'otir great ism OFican ' ; iiedlettle men-did. the „honore for the royal retinue,- grecteitaly t bowing, hat tn . houtt.,ost on every side, until 'wehricli roadie kulide liccrullon to this oldmonarch'ir people/. • , ,„ , SPECIAL NOTiCE: Wo,nro now dolly recolvingfroso Lots of press. °wogs of °Very. n 416... Illrlitod",nnci Fig Weed White Plgaeer ~White. Quilts, fl3losor, Ilandko6hiefs, 'cad Mr other 'reneonible: good)ewhicknro will iviatint. toast! eh'enpor' nay othei'Voalarinthe county to which we ash the attention of.buyors botoro purchasing..' 'A:largsrlot of PArasolief nil kinds. ) 4eir . light Button 'llontwAll clue, Munlinsi Prlnte,:' An. pt riaSuced prices to BUIL ,11111 tluisb., • • , 18June 69 The SAOBIFAOLLAD , , , I , COIII3 OF 'YUCATAN. BIN erg ilpeConded tretn r ,tVelitiathint Itrtgiiies'nf Benthern MaxioNatid Jain retato, come the of •Ithlelf Etegeneyand 'tirosoOtt gri'ira of th'ei !woeObit:T. Ayer ploy, a, minall areni , of thorn In. iooEl ~ Provided wtlh ' nurrQ* itinnteiq of rope And a' we tor, , they Artt;t 2 egdy,, for, the' 'fo'regi, ,where the wild banana, furl:dating 'tliigm took luta thlek-longedtierni their only ehilltar: thotemlio fled thenigelygg i:gjuvenatOd by thin pro. Set, kpoir,govr.uttteh'thei. aro Indebted to the toll 'of„theiiii humble labicrereopiti dig health for thong Ruda orDr:. l Aiiirla,:tiiiiSitiii?iftjtpi thiti i 46 _ _ r TO REMOVE! ) PATOIIIO, FRE:1111;ES and s,Tairkfrar 14,1(iitrireir litoTa, ir +tit]) Bdid by all third' Om TO. COMAE PTIV.IIIS. . .:Th•Advortleir, hndag. 119,11,4;Ijorebta pitaltif In a few weeke, by a very simple remedy, after hlif 14e anftet4q:keit , eial'inare 'V0 , 1,4644 , 1 are. WOO to make • kwn Vella ...' no tellOw•ataerere 3ne Nit*: I cur 0. • • . ITo /11 1!.110,; Almd li:ibPii'fithq crliithitte or a,org4ediuh iL di re , „ I ptejittrltiOind tialtig 'the imMe whlchglitt "Iylll EMI a SURE CURE FOR CONStIIitIqIOErAVAIA: ERON01111 , 18;. etc: ,The o 1 jest, tit.the advertleer li le' to ben'Olt the alllictcl mitt eptefia r llifertniitfori c:cilic'elve; ..v!Ofieble /11;1' be holm eiery remtpy, es it still cost them itothlutt en d , n "blaming. - - -; -hull. wishing the preseriplidn will Tame ItEIcFDWARD A. WILSON, AMR County Npir Tot*. 111ny7.69.1y: E#*:lnp yotrFEE gontlenwin who suffered for years from Nirvana effects of 'Decay,- and kill the effects of youthfn' indiscretion; will kir the Salta of auffor g hutannity, , send free to ail need it, the roc , pt 'for .niaking the simple ,reinedy hr which he al TeClWilrliiiffeilirei — Wraliiiitaliiiiii yliy ' the id , Ma= - 'or'i . expstienc6 &in do so by addressing IR. htfect I) confidence, ." . ------- JoErN D. CO EilV - , ------ No. 4'2 Cedar St,' ow York. :IT ay 7.139-1 y Special to the Ladies We aro now selling out at greatly.reduced prices, all kill& of Summer good such ' 164, Grouatßuts ' Eon:m.llos, EngllebEarages, Lawn's, Pamßea, Par atom CLintsee etc. ,Now is'tho time to secure gr at -baron!. as w are dritermlnod to close out our stock at un)versally low rates. ' L'lllDlpEf_a MILLER. 'AIar•DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, and OATARRII } anted with the utmost enceess by .1: Il11:A0n If. D. and Professor of Diem-ter of the,,Eye and Bar in the edical CoUegi of .Penasyloania,l2-years experience ..(formorly_Of_heydim,_4olland,)llo:_Bos,--Afah_l3t, Phila. Tesilmonlaln can be nein at tale 'office. Thu medical faculty are Invited to accompany their pa tientlys he has no secrete In his practice. Artificial eynalliserted withon t pain. Nn charge for OXAMi nation. • BRANDRETH'S PILLS. .They remora all bad accumulations from the bowels, and purify and Invigorate the systam. All whose health Is not perfect owe It to themeelees to talrn a few doses of Brandroth's Pills, because the seeds of decay ore constantly eradicated y their use, and the principle of life confirmed, thus giving a vigor of hotly andmnYil to a period when we have 'been used to see the filtering step and the enfeebled! intellect. General l'aez, the distinguished liberator et Pe• nezuele, says he ha. Used th• m as his only mod! eine for thirty yours, with the moat natinfaatory soltx. For Coati von cm, Amapala, and a Fanny `Medicine they are nuricelled. Daniel I. Rooney, Esq., Astor House, New York sured by Droodroth's Melo( Dyspepsia_ emit:log[lyr 'nese, when all outer means used bad tailed. • rentlemani 'Those father died of aringumptlon at ••".n years, en. also attacked, when about by the disease. Ile bad cough, night sweats, and general debility. - Doctor, recommended cod liver oil but h. waned away At last he determined to llrnudroth'e Pills. In two menthe they have made 'him n sound man. taug Ito GRANT AND PROSPERITY, In vines revives under the new regime. Other than genornl moven have, however, given a teenien• lou.iinipetotis to the vale of Christadora's Lxcelsior Hair Dye. , -- dlhe.chowlate.bavereome.otrt:in - :two_leading erten tlfie jonrnale agnlust the lead end sulphur poisons for the head (for that In their proper denlgnatlon,) with which Ito conutry le Infested, while Dr.Chll tdo;the'flrsfinitlytleal chernlet In Ainerlca; anneal s.es to the world that Ohrlinadorcio Hair Dye is Utterly Poisonless. and that he lie knows•it to be to, because le p,. atm lyzedit. CIIRISTADORO'S as a tiressing, acts like a charm on the Hair after D7cins. Try It. eAun The Greatest Discovery of the Age THIS IS ADMITTBD TO FACT BY TUB Thou nods who are now using Dr. Tobias' Celebrat e-I Venetian Liniment. It has boon introduced sineo F477and uo ono once trying it is eier without it .It will posithely cur° the under-mentioned com. plaints, if used as directed Chronic Rheumatism, •Sory Throat, Timis,.he, Toothache, Sprains, Bruise., Old !ores, Swellings, Slmmuito Rites, and pains in the Beck, Chest or Limps. Also taken Interoallyfor Cholera, Diarrhms. -Dysentery, Croup, Collo, Sea .Sickness, Spasms, Ar Ic le perfectly harmless to take Internally. (See oath accompanying eaohbottle.) It bee never fail ed to cure every case of Warrlnes. Dysentery, and Comp, If used when first taken. Always have a bottl • In the house in r cad I u on, and you will never rogr4 It. Mee, Fifty Cents and Ono Dollar. 201 d by the Druggists andstoroke era t ut tho United Dopot. 10 Part Placa, brow York. ,=-15AilA FOR , BLACK WORMS AND PIMPLISS ON TIM U Face, sti CONODANZ AND PINPLA RDUNDT, prepared only by-Dt.II. O. Perri, ID Bond St., Nen . York. Sold everywhere. The &side • supplied by -Wholesele-51edfc.ne Balers. 9.. pH! 3,51 . • JACOB Sonaerr—Dear Sir: I bate been afflicted for the lalit. ten rare with the Rheumatism and Gout. Your hitters was recommended to me. I have used it, and I am glad to ea; It has effected a perfect.oure 1n a,very abort time. Therefore 1.,. re. commead. 1t to rill paraenti afflicted with the same discaier I consider it the beet Cure in use for any dimmer, the human body le subjected to. 60 4 00 6 00 .1 40 _1 30 0 The Brooklyn pie I nvorartre Company of Nosy York ltisirie to melte 'nrrangemonts 'elllt an experience.' .If, Insurance Agent for Franklin and Cumberland coupes. All conanonlentions amnia be address.' to SHELDON it FLOYD, Deli. Agents, July 16-21. 637 . Cilostnat St., Philadelphia, Pa. to • 1 .-- BOO; 00 teet,c( dry pis° board! ftor hale o.lelp now lis'YOTir time, imildere. at the cheat:yard 4;t Drolly 00. A. 11. BLAIR.. BUY. CIICAP FOR 'CA:lll.—Three per cent. 44 Juctlon 011 . . 11 coal ofhalf.lon and over, delivered In to ‘ iiii4Grthe each, .No allowance alien a charge le made at -, A.ll, nLAIR , s. - . timer 133 60,000 best No. 1 Paler for Gale low at tne yard of •. 11. ALM. • ,irotir 69 • , NEW : ADVERTISEMENTS. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Lott ertt of Athol nitara tinta Clllll , tostconentus annex°, On OmAtilt° of Ittniinlll Natehor, Into 01 tho of ettrliclo, dee'd, having boon granted .to ,tho under. t.ignod; 'MI portions Indebted to mild eittitte' TaitkO payment. and those having claims will present thorn for. met Ilenutit to 13Au6 Ot. A DAINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. tl ESTATE' ON ,IVII,J,TAhf BROOK, DerNi • Letters of administration on 4ho estate of Willibee. lafe'of the Borough'of Uarlle e , dee'd.; hhvidg been granted to the undersigned; all.poriinsiudebt ,ed to said estate nro hereby notified to make payment, 'end those having claim present then, properly nu ' iltentlied•to, lt, 11UldRIC11...rtihrer. 13.1q1 !i;ll3,,lVest Main - 8t..0 1 (;ttlh`D `,~. :~ Ofliee 0. V.. 11. P. 00., • Carli.le litignat 'I I, I 80. I 'fake notico that at a mooting of oho Directors of ho Cumberland Valley Mutusl l i - otoo , lon Company fflarliele, Pa , hold on - the -2D th•day of ',filly, A.! 04 1809, the folkoiring'proceotiloga rererhak.vir.: •:, . • Witimaae, tho losses of thin company by Ore ni haVe. excoeded the receipts of the rino to.a conslderablo amount, Thereforepn' motion the ,nu'paelitllllollV ofl Pius ,i)Or rent...be noes belonging to - this corn- PRIV. and In fore& on the' - first - day-of Juno-Wt. Unanimously ngreed to,' ' • • Arrzar—JOllN T. OTLERN, Be&ty. I3Aug at FOR. ,L AL I "I r, - I — r RealdOnco dltunto - ori gout{. flaboier Carllnle, nearly oppoalto learly'a Rotel owned by Janina; tante: Tho let contains 'lO6 &min. front 'mining back 210 fest, and baking 70 font In bib • deb nt'tho roar..,Tlnybulldlngn.are • nearly now.and ;In baeollont ardor, oomprlalng a commodious 1190-K,Olty,IlltIOKI!SONTLIIIILDINCI, jefth a largo Two Story Brick Beek Building attach ed contelning all the nwvlerw•dmproiremence gee and water. Tho Ideation of this property le ouo of tho.tnerit eligible, In town,,atwl ,will ao dielioi/c1 inf OA firiorablO Orilla.' Fol. terme end fur 'liispartlOnlare enquire of ' ' A. L. SSONSLRk'' Real Rotate Agent. O. OClTtant RIM =VALUABLE FARt,: ATI VA 11 DALE. • Situate on tho,potith-elde of the Irdlow Dreeckee• creek In tdourod•toWrlltip;!,nhont rttio East of AhV ". I. `" C9 l dOining, 70 Antes, All cl g areit AV.:dalt 2AP whlall hrb • coverail.alth good tim ber. Tho Improvenninte ore oinnuiellone two.atdd ' 111. USE, .Nvlth onntrontent bpi hull im 19 Largo DANK DARN wttb Wagon Shed rind' Dorn. Cribs attached. A choice Apple Orehmil in "good bearing order, tegother with Yeathreg.l'etiii, Cherries and In abinidnoce and an excellent Inc lover- OWI I 6 itritylVeforatiliddmici,. , Tho land is a high state, el' i•nliiration, under good fence rind the. lm. _ prePtet t onfitliAn gaol m4er,', Tlialpeat,l9ol ajdealra! ulikafoolotaftabar a eauralit bed beam,. Xf,nolpoltkarpriattc [tale; befeie ttle•12011 , 0Ii7 sots Sepkatabordloatilio, farm wl:l .bandlieratliat Rao, Onithnt day:, .Persons; 'bedroom of the ,prondlits,tnny ogll tipon'Ooo.l4.-Ltidinbiat mill. In Monroe towneilly, , v!..' • •. •. :Dar loco:Onto. apply U. ..• . • , • . ..v... L. A. EIDONEIGNItit,.,... 13Aug 00 . Real Ratatritteat. $61,500. 0000 .. _ We beg leave to tilizstanke that vre have accepted the agencyoltht Kansas Pacific Railway Company Por the gate of Its . - - . • New /3017.6)A Per cent. Thirty Years Gold Loan freo from Tax This loan amounts to ta fir ,°° ?* • First Afortgdie ana Sinktni Bcnicts, • ceeurod, upon the 'estensiori of the Railway' 'from near Sheridan. in Katl3Bll.' to DenVer, Colorado, a distance of 237 *llea M which 12 miles ere comph ted. end the rest la under construction. 'Vie ,also a Mortgage upon Roiling Stock and 'Franchise of his &stolen Railway, besides now running through thu state of, Kano,' E. DE YOUNO,Phpedelphla And in successful op era'? ionfor 437 mites west of the Mirsouri River, and earning already °•lough to moot all of Its expenses and existing ob ligations, besides. More than the interest on the new Loan In addition to this the Bonds are also secured by a find mortgage of the extending In alternate sections on either elite of the tract, franc the 8114th mite pact in liencucto Denver. The proeeede of the sale of those lands are to he in cost ed by the Trustees in tne 7 per cent Bonds them • salvo. op to I2U or in U. 9.ll:nde, ,4s z Slnki;vg Fund for the Retient- The 'ends embrace 1303110 of the tines: portions of the msantliceut Territory of Colorado., luohnling cial•fielil:smt pinery. The company else holds 414 ari asset another tract ofo . . , 77iive: Alillions qr . :dares' in the: State -, of Kansas. . . . . fulti,alililigh liat.pledieti Al ~socurityefor this loan, thou,' teen's:4ol. ndtlfi largely to the Compatty'a Nvellltti eta' credit. •We tatunate the ,•• • • •• C. I'. lIUMICCIE, Adn00:1. T. O. 26,{Vost Efnih Carlißla The Bozitip :YEARS. '4'9 BUN, o,z• - • ) / frala MAY i,'1869, aud will pay SevqnPer-Cent.,,lnteiest in Gtoidi aemt•unnuully' on Mig . kand "thurCopp!itti: _ r • Tho prlnclpnl of Oho Loon+ lo ludo joßtroble , fa GOLD, In tbo i city of New York t ,but os•h. ooupoo • • at eptlonfbf the holder, rlllo'ut notice, at Vice fel.. louring rates : • . _ • • :Oil 31,000 Ilendhl Mar l'otirs3s (gold) each billYeat .• " ; London . , • , 1 ;," Frankfort, 67 Pi 80 nazi:, l'boAgenk of the Lean, before accepting Alle.tniat had the crardition. of the Road, en al the emmtry , Ahralughoshich It rune, carefully 'esamlned.." The) , aredhoppy to . gire the Leaman emphatie endorsement k1,U1.5 , CLASS IN VESTMENT,: In .e..ye‘iiiasio4' Lies.• :-."; • Aldivies ;#4ll We'6ol4 Pit the ;resenni ; ht' t '__ . •• .01:1/. and atiorined InterostQbdth ' 1 • . • II 'in 'Currency: • .L..'Sur !tlke Agent's reserving the rlght•to.idvanoo:thd Me" lo th, Mona well n newel honde,i/111alf iionii.totproohdfd heArle of Ohl ;tiled prolliablp ihventinonts'lh ;the, wnrYint. • • . GoldnnlGoveromhotahowitlehtaheo io 111,YRnhuV, all thOli., market vsluo;,*ithont ,chmlo l,l o o hl l .- • •r. !phurat h , • with; l iwo ; di,ing . full"lnfornbatlonn. eeot ; • -. I)ABNRY MORGAN, Nti,. 58,..*xduing0. Mice; Y.. ' Err:, co„ RONA, ,N.`Y; ;18Aug 119.30; 'f • • ' - IL Mies molilsasuro to . csrtify that Mr. flohestei . , MirsFir Orstmst I. opinion Is.ptsroly, ,*egetaMe 'll its hinstltatlmi, .and etdsliost tionlo,c boltig liSresleas kilts chantstiTisna sot Whig ssalpili.4l sUptuletit. NEW- AD V_A'ATISEMENTS ÜBLIC SALV ,On Saturday, September 2Zth., .18139: % h o a r i irgtagl A p a , Ma r d i . " 7 . llZ:t rbllifialo, on the promises on the above day, the 011 owing described Real ,Estate.:, A tract of Linea Ettrftortfiltrr— o49thilng,l,4n4.creet bounded pn the North by the. 'Plno ;14601,,0ri , lattill'oF Noah a'oclesj, , qupad on the Bait -by the Pine Giove road The im— provements, are Two-story FRAME • 110E86, la Bummer Boum), a Log B irn with wagon abed. attach 'oil, and other outbuildings.. • No. R. A tract of Mountain Lel in,rame, , /Volts 6f clenr j II broti stein, of criltlasitionrbonndeit 61i - the Neeth'hy tho 'Pine Brow, unit. onikon'thq East by_ lands pr John Wire: man' nd others . . No.d..A tract of idocinairt Land.. covered with timber, odJoining thif above,' and mntaieing•abont 12 Acres. The eeveralvtracbi wilt ho sold separately or all together; to calf pnriihmers. • - • ; • Fate to commence at Spring Mills farm fain ,o'clock A. M when terms will ho niadtrknown by"" • %.110Adt:COCKLEY, • 13oug Att'y in fact for heirs of hobt. Lind. DUB LIO: SALE' OP VALUABLE On Tuesday;. 4eptember,l4l7i, 1869. Tho subecriber will Offer at Public Sole, on the .prominies situate in Middlesex township, COmberland - county, about 2% mlleacExst of - Catllale;bitte. en the' tuinpiko and Poor lobes road, (end adjoining lands i_f___Jtictib _Rutz, Jesee...Ruhl,_J,hu_Cilatlfelter—and ndrow Hortn) tbo following valuable Real Estate, viz: A tract of landcontaining 80Acreasnd110 Perches, strict moesurei having thereon proofed a dottille Tiro. story WEATIIERBOARDED DWELLING 11011811, with Wash House, Caniage hones, Rog Pen, and 'all necessary outboildlege A - La.go Stone RANK DARN. with Corn Crib, Wagon Shed and florae Power Shed. The Lotort Sp tag flews through the flint of tho barn yard. . Ther is also is never-failing Spring of Fr.elt Water ri-es a fow paces from the house Thetii is a Ono Apple Orchard attached to tho estate. wits, a value: , ble ,collection of grafted Peach, ellerry and Pear Trees. and a fine arbor 61, - Tesbolla Grapes The land le of the best quality of I imostono in the county, and under a ugh Mato of cultivation Thn fencing Mtn g od condition; nearly all poet and rail Salo to commence at I. o'clock, P. 11I.;of Bald day, when attendance will be given and terms made known Ey 13Aug te . DAVID 1113 Ti. ÜBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE ESTATE. On, Thursday, September 23d, 109. Will be sold at Public Sale. on the premises" .•ild ate In Penn tarp., Cumberland, Co., about two miles 'Soon-west of Centreville and six miles South of Newville, t.n the Pine Rend. The following &Nerd.- ed real estate. the property of the late Samuel Lonc , ,er 1. The MANSION. FARM consisting 01 122 Acres and 120 Perthes of fired class land affront 6 Acres of which ere cover d with excellent timber The linproveumniea o trlarge BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, good Mob Ilouae, good Bank Bern, 72 by b 2 feet, Wagon Shed, Carriage linear, Corn Cllbs - Bog Pen and all necessary outbuildincs A never failing well of Water near the door, and a Cistern at home and barn. A yoUng Ombunt in gotsd bearing order - - No. 2. A tract Of land consisting of 28 Acres and 120 Perches on which M.. improvements are n (I .l,t" BATHER 111/AM/kr/MOUSE, -good, liarnciWagori Shed, Carriage House, Coin Cribs and other, .necee sary oril-buddings t There Ii also txjtood SAW Bug, on thin piopeity. the Yelloir Breech - Cs 'Creeli tuns through this property The tract will be divided and sold In two parts or together to snit purchasers No 3 Consists of a tric tof goad land covered with excellent Chestnut, Oak and Pine timber, adjoins the Mansion Pattirnrid 'contains 11 Acres. No 4 Also adJoine the Mansion P.m and consists or - 5 Acres and 70 Pcraho• of first claes,wood Land. No $ AdjelLok No' 4 'and :root:nine 4 Acres null 120 Perches. It Is ihe belt oFtlenber 'No. 0 Adjoins trio abort, traqt, of a eimihv ,quality of tlmbor and contains 5 Acres and 90 Pirchea. No 7 Also toljolos No. 5 arid contnime6 Acres and 01 Perches, Timber oz./lent. .No, ff, pea a short Slat/Ince from the above tract.: Thera are 16 Aorta of the beet Wood Laud. N 0.9. Li mountain Land situate of a mile from the Mansion Farm.. It is covered Isi:h good young Chestnut. It contains 12 Acres and 102 Perch.. ~ No. 10 Adjoins thy...above tract 'and has 12 - Acres and 61 Perches No 11 Adjoins No. 10 and mutates 11 Mr.; stet 107 Perches -- - No. 12 Adjoins above Bunt. Thorn are ho it 12 Ac , es j and 120 Perches. " Any information respecting the above. property can be had by calling on M.atin Long who reniden on the prepieen or by:addropaing Biro at_Welnut bottfon. Pa. • • MARTIN LONG " CONRAD LONG, SAMUEL LONG, Jr., - - • JACOB LONG Atrys for babe of Samuel Lodg Fr: A4—Lancaster Examiner pi:anise copy and send bill to tide office. Bang 00-to A PACIFIC' RAILWAY , cz) 1 O. •::).ct. ll Government Land. Grant of Three _Million Acres, . flan of the Bono4 Value of the Company's property, covered -by this - mortgage .at .$23.000.06 net,' while. ;he `.Loan is Merelyl6,soo:ooo. .. . . . , . Payable in Frankfort, London.or• - -,,---4, -L , -Nesr.L.York.: , . :. .,, .' iv4p •?yß'~s~~M~lys • COLOR WORKS If= We rasurifuclut a a thumlially Pure 9AItO6I4ATJA OF LEAD. - Altio~•3(soufnatittore.rrerov - . 1 and ',mien In ligre:tas and giant In of Jad ZINO PAINTS; COLORS, &c. Snle.llannfactun re of celebrated Prim/m . 6a SVICIAN - ORRRN. - with more Brillinney, Shade .of Color, liody and lOurabllit.r;4lf* - 1111l wthrOreedin tho market. ' .f.. Alecr - ,l4o,Manufnelurera, of EfeK. CO; eefeirra, tool JAPAN 'DRYER, very thin, light In natal., free of rudiment, and very strong. Donlan; also ;nlllla, irurpob t tit e;'l'a entailer, Win dew Mess. Brushes, A:0 &e. . Prices low, and al goods warranted as represent ad. 11le31 ,, TIGHT & CO., pinlifacturere, Impaitara, and 'Whole/min Dealers. \ k \ TWENTY-SECOND AND M M CC B, ... _ PHILADELPHIA Alir-\ end for PRICE LIST. • 13Aug 13t. ~...._ . _ gZ=ZE By.yithie of sundry writs of Vanditioni Exponaa and Loeari 'Faciaa, - ismed - ont - etthe Coutrof Cou mon Pleas. of Cuntberlnd county, and to me di !Toted, I will expme to Public Sale. at the Court [IOU.. in the borough Of Carliile, on Friday, Au. gust 20, 10130,at 10 o'clock, 514 the following de, ecribid'real este.; to wit: A lot of ground situate In Shiremanstown; Lower Allen township, Cumberland county, pa., bounded on the ',North by Main street, on the East by John Stoner's heirs, on the South by- [leery 'Lear and ou the West by Charles %nig ner. contain. log one acre, more or 1.13, haring theron erected a bereft tory Log and Plastered Dwelling-house; stable, blacksmith shop, wood shop and other outbuild ings. Seised and taken in execution an the proper ty of Christian Stoner. Also, a lot of ground situate In the Borough , at New•llle. Cumberland county, Pa., bounded on the N, rah by Main street, on the' n Easi. by. Methodist church lot, .nth. South by , urt Alley,- arid ou the West by Isaae • Yr‘mire, containing.7o feet front by -180 feet In depth; there or less, (being lot No. 07.) and 10 feet In breadth of lot N. 60 In the general plan,of said borough, having thereon erected a two ,story leg house, weatherhaarded, with back build ing and frame ,bop attached, brick wash-honse, and el tern, and other improvements. Seized and taken In exechtlen ae the property of J. le,' Ferree. Also,. b act of land situate In Middlereii town ship, Cumberland county, Pa., (known, as the Car- Bele Springs property,) contain Mg twenty-six Acres morn or lore, and bounded as Ibilows :—On the East and South by land of David Coruman, on the West s hy land of Mittel:li Ilenwood, James Clark apd Michael DiDer, and On tho North by land Of Bon). Haat, having thereon erected a large two story Immo' house, flame barn, ten-pin alley, bath houses, arid - ether flat -bowies. Alio, all tint certain tract of land situated in the iforeeald township - of Middiesix, CuMberland coon- IT by lands of Hobert Clark's heirs, Wm.• tiunwood and others containing 17 Acres and 40 • fo.chee, be the same more or less. Seized and . ken in execution ac the property of 10' WoWoode nd Caroline A. • Woods, hie wife, and Wm. G. Thompson, terre - tenant. Also, all that Certain building located on a lot or piea, of ground situated in Shiremanstown, Lower Allen township, Cumberland county, .adjoining Jonathan Delsloy on the E at, on the South by Second or Green street, en the West by on alloy, and on the North- by an alley, being a frame and plastered house, twenty font in front,:and twenty sly feet deep, with a back building-attached: the main building being two-stories high, and the kitch en one story did a-halt high. Seized and taken in execution an the property of Samuel Sir roman. Aloe, all flint one-god a-half story frame mos. Fuego nod tenement,. situated on the south side of (4,11 street. in the borough of Alechanic.burg, Cumberland county," containing fimrteett feet four lecher; In trout on Gruen street, and filorteen feet flue inches in depth, bounded on the East ,y lot of Joseph Ready, On the South by an alley..on the West by lut. of Jarob Doman ' and am the_North by Orel. n street.. :sized and tali. in execution at the prop erty of Jacob Evans. Also, a two story lime dwelling house with /I one -1,10;a7 bark building, the main house being 24, feet front by it leet deyli, and the back building being ten fee.' square; being located on a lot or piece of Around situated on Ulu east aide 01 );ores street,-in the borough 01 Mechanicsburg. hounded and do- Scribed 101 l ewe tee South by George 'Shil l:lower, on the East by an alley, ..the - North by Samuel ntembatigh, and en the Rest by York St. ricFri - blieliTtiliiitit - kFitli3 root aeon. ../lelzed and ta!ien in executtcn an the prop erty bt JAI° btipubaugh, owner, So. Alts, all that telo.storied brick balding, with brick kitchen or back building thereto attached, fo rted on a lot or piece of around in Carlisle, Cuin• hertand county, bounded and deacrib d as foi -1 I.le, 05 ,--Opa the Weak by_ kaat .street, on the I,blortti by Chas. Shapley, an Abe Swale by Joseph L. Sterner, sod el the butt by Joseph L Sterner; She treat building being about 15 loot in trout on Laid beet street, and about 20 feet in depth, and the back.huilting being about - it feet in leitith,and Shout I 6 :cot i , n depth, and being the building farthest mouth on said lot. Also, all that certain trro-storied brick kitcheii or back. buildiew thereto attached located on a lot Oe piers of grOunci,ls Ounaberland county; ye.. bounded And described as followsi vie :.... 2 1)n the' West by East street, rod the North by t has. Shop. ley, on tho-ticeath by ib:St,ruer, and on the East ,by,Jos. Lc Sterner, the front building toting etrdilt . i loot front on said East street, and abont 26 feet in nepth,kod tics backhoilding about 9 feet i' width, and about lb feet in depth, and being the building adjoining-the building. farthest south on laid lot on ctig.porth. Alan, all that certain twastorled - brick _with brick kitchen or,back - building thereto-at tached, located on a lot or Piece of ground In Car lisle, tlutuberrd county, Pa., bounded and de. ecribed ne lotto re, ',tit—tin the Went by Kart street, on the North Y . Ches. Shapley, ou tho South by erernerptud on the East by - .liisenit - Star , ner, the front building being about 15 teat in front on eald Kriel street, and about 26 feet In depth; and the ~ abk braiding being o feetin width and about 16 :cot in dkpth, and being the buildlng uojoining the bull Wag fartheet north on cold lot on the month. brined and taken In execution es the property of John Darr and Ann Mary Dell . , owner..ac, and to be spill by me. dud. C. 111031P:ON, Sheriff. thsrlfre Office, Carlisle, July 20, 1439. CIMPITIoNti --Un all Rattle of $5OO or over, $ 00 will hs reginrea to be paid when the property is stricken off, stud $2O ou all sales wither $3OO. 30July to F R ES H FRESH, GROCERIES.! I=l CHEAP STORE, = And why aro they always fresh ? Because we eta a great amount of thew, end sell thorn low. Theyo foto,..tural our stock often, and consequently• our gdoda mhet beireah.. Yen wilt dud overything yea wish id tho way of ' . GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, OLASSW ARE, WILLOW and CEDAR WARD, . . STONE and . . a CROCKERY WARE . . Choice hams Dried Ma, - . . • Buloglna., - Beef, Tonga., • Biscuits and Crackers or every description. Pickled. Spiced and . , Fresh Oysters Sardines, I. _ English Pickles, Lemon Syrups, he., rod no and to • • r NOI'I 0 N 8 • Itjii,Mieless to mention them, come and coo for yolir Mr.; and 'parents if It don't suit you to come, send y our children, .114 they • will bu dealt with: the mune; ,• rare re if you] were" hero yonreel f. ALL KINDS e'? COVNTRY.,.P.R,OD:U:C'E . . • • !oken in oxchango for good; or well GEO. B. HOFFAIAN'S . SONS ' Sb. RS EAST POMFRET STIEFET;' • August 6419. , Csimumv, PA Ithertce. —llaving'„trintreete4 eolith.° InteraFt In the grocery butiltioss to my SOW, those Indebted to moor° requested to Fettle itlth them, during my ah em. In hnp.thet.,.! (MO. A, 11OFFIVIAN: lEEE= . . . . . hr printing thol;iri tdttio Poor 110tte with LW 0 COMP Of palht.,,4ol.ftlitlO apklt i, W•ta,last painted, will two reettlieWhyt-thtt Dirhoetu'rlik pi -Until Septum , tor latb, 18141. • 401 IN PALM. • r t . 11 • . 1 ; r•lli4/OWAGNER', 119Ju'ly.11C . Directors- N1J : 114..; , •20. Atestouran,b.: .g.eepers, ; 114:11 VOR T:•-tTliesnlefedld .11wi alcd,Retta : milt 'id 'the' bailment. oft ..tper - Brlate' }lance; 'nett" • doingla • *mid toi el 13 el No 4pylleints will be , rev tieleed , except from competent and •Wopeusible 1114. 'lnquire at the olllee of the hotel. I 111.1une tr' • •, • "• ' • Ord). 7 .11ENTZ•.' SALE S OR • A•Prirlit l elteelifinAe l eliOalo• r tin c iidutliVelMYter St., :Carlisle, nearly oppoelto Early'e 119t4, u wned •by 4 0 1 1 .' 0 containe KT for tin front run,: , uing back 210 reqt, mid bolug7o,foet In broluith at the • rear. Thelinilainge ere ',early new : and in okeollont ; eider, comprislngo commodlonc • • TIVO-lITORI I, lcopm - Buir,Dipm, . rat, th e irlinpiprold Ei I ustxMl•• nal'writ Thli ;location 'or 'Ude ptopertylk due. of thliniold eligible' In the : town. 60.41111 bti'itito:. poecd Offiti ratoitible•tiinut." 14W termi mid; , furtlier• 'particulars enquire of •"•`.• • • • ' " • . RPONl2l.ltit; '" • • o '•-" , • l••••' ; 7 . ' 11 NOTlOgo • .)1 1 !) • once is h`oreuy given, that ' aitelection will bolteld on 111onde, September oth, Mg', between the hours et 10 A. kr , and 4 1.,.11 , at the office at the Company corliele,- for he ptirpoto or °blotto g 1 8 1 1) ,IiP4igril .49 • terra froxi.the 'stunting yeit'.':•. : 4 11 ), •Il lily order of the Thiard, ' ; Aug. 0-ot. • JOHN.T. GIKII.E.I,I3ec'y. • . 1.k.. . i ~,, I 6iii...,,,, ini f i.c.noi r, .... • , Ai., or e.P.O p.i....nta 9 ... .-. • • ..,:t 1,.rr0~: ; sel4ate'Agetiti &wilt r, Conveynneeilneur ''', e. ono anCOlalm Agent. Oaten T 4 ll InAttreat Noir Oentre•6gnare:"' IVET ADVERTISEMENTS. ::t1 (I' , • •,. ? U '6 trG S, FBY • 'beak riabilelied - 14-lIIJRD,& Itot TO, 446.1 i roe me street, N. Y., wlll be 'sent. by tilerti; postage prepaid, orireeelpt.of the advertised pries& 1. Blt' EMER. Life, letters and Post& umoue Works of Fredrlka Brasier. Edited by her elster;Charlotte Bremer. Translated from the Swa dish by Freda Ttfilow. ' In one volume, crown Bvo. - :'Cloth; 82. • , "We .have voted so much froth !Ids charming volume that we have' no, mom for further quota .tlons, put it is a book to be road."—Examiner, Lon- • 2. 7IIE OPEN' POLAR SEA. Pop editl on, By Imes I. Hayes, M. with nine illustratloife on wood, and 'fillip. 1 volume, Post' Bvo..- Flue pditlon,embelllebed with six full page Illustrationi, drawn by Dsrley, White: ensi others,: . from Dr. Ilayeensketches; throe full page charts; tirenty.sight vignettes - end fine portrait of the author, - engraved ow steel. 1 volume, Bvo. Price 0,76; half mlf , • "Want; we - have soldnfLisi - Itltym book will, trust, send many tenders to itsyntes. The Doctor's "heroism - biremiirkibleTandlio - Well - deserves to - be brscketsd with the tote Dr. Bane in Arctic honors," --London Alhenceum. • • 3. SKETCHES ABROAD WITH I'C6l AND PBNCIL .By Folio 0. o.'Darley, With 16 full-paged and 74 smalls, Illustrations on wood A now edition with three additional vignettes, and printed on toned paper. In I volume 4to. Price in cloth, PAO; cloth gilt, $4; morocco, $8 “Undobtedly,. Mr. Dailey to the bent draughts. man in the United Staten; and judging him by what he hoe here done, he- can. have no 'stipmfor , anywhere. - ills &gigue arti engraved by accomplish , Lwhits In the beet style el art , and taking thew, or with bin own entirely natural' end anat. ed olh description of what he , Caw abroad, we know' of no similar production which we should be - will. log to recommend FOUE111180FVOdly."—BOSLOO COUrier' 4. OLD,' ENGLAND; Its 'Scenery,. Art and People: By Tomos M..floppin. Professor. in Yale College. 1 volume, 113 mo. Price $2. ' ' , Thin• book has the advantage of concisely and emphatic-4v pointing out many comparatively neg lected-objects of into est and - sources ofinformatlon and pleasure. 'Old England' la just tifik book, for the departing Irk - Valor to put la 'his pocket to Ai- . fresh his memory end make suggestivo Ids tour.— Borten Transcript:; 6. ITALIAN JOURNEYS.' • By William D. Howells, author of “Venotian Life." 1 volume, crown Bvo. Price $2. "There is oo writer of travola in- our day so rim• plo. sincere, enjoyable and . profitable ''—Brooklyn 6. VENITIAN LIFE Including CoMmerclai, Social. Historical and Artistic Notice of the Place.. By William D Howells. 1 volume, crown Sin, Price, extra cloth, $2. "It le • Venice directly presented to the ha inesination, steeped in itsown peculiar atmosphere, -so-that we see what the writer sees, shore his tuna_ tions, aro made the companion of his walks, rather ipon the reader of his pages."—Boston Daily' Tram gsripf. • 1.. REMINISCENCES. OF EURO PEAN TRAVEL. By Andrea- P. Peabody, D. D., LL D.,. Preacher to Elatvard University. Price - "On art. architecture, laws, metro ors and society. his criticisms ale discriminating. kindly and often original; and' tho•volume contains more informa tion, teas spite and mote soli_ sense, than many of far greater sloe and pretonsion."—Saturcidy Perrino, London. 8: HOMESPUN ; or, 'Five and Twen ty Years Ago By Thomas. Lackland. 1 volume, 10mo Price r sl,7 s ._ . tilemo•pun ; or. Vivo and Twenty Years Ago which we have before noticed brielly r is a book, which we cannot praise too highly DIN de scrip• inns have that strong Serer of the soil that we none,. In the opening spring; and that refreshes us more than-the most costly foreign odors. "Front Silken Simarcand nr spicy Lebanon.'" 9. TWO TITOI;SAND- MILES- ON 11011.SERACEC' 'Santa' Fe 9nrl Rnrki , A Summer Tour through Kansaa.sNebroka, Colorado and New onrhd I volume, luo~ en CrOWII Oro Price $2. • '-ale Is ,a good traveler. and, combining the rile- I -cleaned idled of a Student with--the training of an I army officer, - is well (mantled to r give atV; opinion upon what he observes. His mode - of traveling has i furnished-him with excellent opportunities for care ful observation and With grunt variety of adventure in the prairle."—Seandord, Nets Bedford, Man. " 10. TETE HAND-BOOK FOR .-, 2,IOTURRS; .A Huldet in the Care of Young Obit. • does. By Edwa dB. Pirker, AL D.- A new ad/- non. In one volume, 12mo. Cloth 111Y60. "Thu volcano answers authorilively - all the pieta 1 1 Lions which moiheri are cintidually asking, and removestlie painfed doubts.with.which they are eon. tinually troubled. It is indeed of such groat one. - noel value, - and mete so genoral - a wantrthat - there would seem -to be no reason-why. it should not be moldered a necessity In ovory. family."—Boston 1 Dasly Tranieripl. 11. WOMAN. IN PRISON. By Oar. wino u. Woods.' In 1 volumi, - 113mo. C10th,81,25 - Mrs Woodbi record of the life of A Matron In a - Slate Prison, to unadorned fact. . ' .12. THE DIARY OF A MILLINER. hells Olin-(Caroline 11 .Woods). In 1 volume litmo. Cloth, 51.25. "A smart milliner could toll many A fine 'story. A 'smart milliner In 'Belle Otis,' and that to just whit she duos. Her nalativo has-311 . th° vivacity andrpiquaney -which- belong -to wonren,---Now—it sends a keen °heft, and then follows a salty of ex. qulolte humor—Albany Express. • 43. ESSAYS ON ART. By Free d, Turns Palgrave, late Yellow of Exeter College. Oxford. 1 volume, ]limo, redOloth, guilt tope. Price 51,75. "Mr. Pelgrave's canons at artlre eminently oath. °lie, tree from any tend.), cy to sonsat onalism ; and, though his examples are confined' chiefly to the cur rent emanations of British culture, his motives aro general, hls reasoning broad, and' his style ofespree• aim is such - as carries the weight of authority."— Boston Past. 14. THE ART. IDEA; Sculpture. Painting and Architecture in America. By_Jamos Jack sou JarTes. • 1 volumo,Diam. cloth. Priciat,7s - "The roorm, deserves tbe careful study of Intel. Mont amatou re of art; and, whato4r„differoncos of opinion It may call forth, He details will be found of rare Interest and full of instructive suagestlorin." —Neal YorkTribunc. A. L.-SP ON' SLER.' S COL UMN • FOR RENT.—A, Store Room and Cellar, on Wv.t. Street, between Pomfret qnd and Spath Street, in the . Borough of Carlisle, nicely fitted up with Shelving, Drawre and Conn ter. Well suited fora Grocery Store, nod In a good 'edition. Apply to A. L. 6PON3LEIL Real Estate Agunt :inn an FOR RENT.—A large two-story' Brick DWELIANG HOUS U, with n cornmo. dluua Bock Bulbllng wlth• full Lot of Ground and StabPog In the ether, suiaitted on Hest street be• tweon Slain and Louther 'trouts Cnrilale, late thu teshlenre of Joseph 1311romn, - tlee'd. Apply to . A. L. SPONSLIdt, Roil Estate Agent. VALUABLE FARM in Perry Co, AT,PISIVATIS SALE, Situate t o Carroll township, 9 miles north of Carlisle, 4 mile, north of Carlisle Springs and 11 miles west of Duncannon, adjoining tondo of .7: Shooter, Nancy Cline nod others containing 1211 ACRES; now Owned by Levi Leeds, 90 notes of which are clettrl4l, In - a blab state of cultivation and'under good fence and Lb, residue covered With tbrivieg.tiniber, A never 7 hillii.g stream of water rune through the faint and plant} ine Iliac within' 2 miles. The improvements ore. two-story- Lop tt,Wr xther boarded limn., Large Barn and Spring House with excellent Water, Mr.ltoor liouga and Church at. a eun•onlent!dlstato.n. Ann], to A. In BPONSLEII, Heal Estate Agent EMEI VAI BLE PR! VAI RE'Bl V ! A ':DE'lle . E Volt fiA . . Bltuakii do South. Hanover . iitreet, Carlisle,' now owned itud occupied Wasbnfood, 'late" the -propetty at Benedict Law. The lot trents.ea over st., 00 feet, and eatends back the gime width 210 feet' to an alley. TVe Improvements area large twcottoiy PItAMB ROUSE; with Verandah In front, coultdolog Double Parinis, Hall, Chamber, Dining room and Kitchen ou lowerlloor and sit Chatabere and liativroom on the' 2nd story.: Goa and water Inure been introduced. There is it large Stable and Canino House at, the loot of the •lot. The lot Is well studded ,withorustuopta. treue end shrubbery,. bebldea Belt oral most every deicriptfo'n and Orapes of the most choice eduction In spundance. Enquire of.. sroNsoni, Beal ,Estate Agent.. IGHL4c,,pIPROYED CAW" - •"' blvr.r , • It noted no 1114DAilg•dotINTY AttitIVATN SALE,' Situated on the Mamma Oreak a miles' from ilonovor on the high rood, and - oh the Railroad lending from Pow, or to Liltleelowii, „adjoining, h t, was thruway hnown as the tiltlemillat prpVert,y,tontaining , ' 171 Aires of Limestone Lend, , _cleared bkelbout 30 Acres, 'wllloh are coffered vkith heavy White Oak Timber. . .-•••• . . . , the Imprqvutnents ara extuuelie, ntid ecinstat t vla TWO STORY.' Itßrag. IttANSXON ROITSR;:, . 60 loot to liagth.'and 46 In breathi''cOnteltilnis a Hall and, Eleven , iLarge Rooms,. all nearly 'papered sod paintediz !piazza running along the 'entire *hut, add colliir under.lhe whole' boisise,' and en excellent well of water near the kitchen'door. The out buildings belonging to the above consist Of a lerFe4teriage 110uae, Wood anitgeal Rouse, Slog' Pen, Back Smoke Mime, - Poultry House, Week House,. all now except the latter, ,The, garden la biro and .highly , cultivated, contelning hot bode with gland( sash. Tho grourida aroud d the house are adorned with shrubbery .lind s ted ded with nianjoehoice fruit and oruambaltal trees, adjoining which lea fine apple oichard, nex t LARG. BANIC.I3ARDI'.;',; ,dearly new 00 feet 60 .wlth Wagon Jibed and' 'Corn Crib attached, and it never falling Nell., et Water In the it4rniard, A.-NEW • U 0 by '..d feet conttiming siren room', the out buildings to item. , condoling of Walsh. /louse, Balm aven, libg Pan, dttf a Pump atthe dootan d einellent gaidoM., t,. • ' • This PropertSt prinknito atiprdor advantages, the itt'eatkin beletreligibln and •tb'd land 'of• the, best quallty, of limestone, woll watered and the' Cattle, lievingnecess to water from' every field, a great portion Of the land bee Amen, retently,'lllmeds the' fences In good condition' and ill the corn ground did part of thoinate around ploufed for.tho,corn log t There - la d' Griot' entidt,' aled •13elitiOl'rftaid fit the kullalage, • • I.Thentoienly haring been recently pluenssed by, ,' , lkgentlinstan•from•ealtimore •whe -after ' iittitig'it ,Up'ftt,gogat'eapenoe Ia nOW..deoliout of ridurnink ttt the cith•wlllte tlisposod affil( ho tultintilitlostr •ffiyirre, and upon reeeemable term', Enquire .iitt • , Iteei)Estate Agent, Carlisle, ?it; 4 ;77 I.,EGAL NOTICES. MU VOTlOE.—Letters of Adminietta. it!hltaoej°bnl2;;iidi:,as=iipilv:Lngro ;,ttnil 7. teOlbbi to whom all perNoue wlll mate-Ilailnante dee be estate and ail claims:wipe I: 4 ,kine Ot J.II, LECHEY., MEE given ,I `,ttce is hereby": Atist atelja ' ANTei Detinalt Dank w H reek° iyc' pI Catlbtlt: pie next Legislature of Pennsylvania folktba re anal of Its charter nitholtirmaent title and ea t Juno 16th, 1869. •`• $ - --.— J. P. 11ASSLI3R, 'Cashier.:" 9July 60 em IUXECUTORIS NOTlOE.—Letters. I t elltaMent6l7'oll,ilie Estalogr David itelkos,' deceased, Into of West Pynnsborff township having been Issued to tho subscriber, residing in said town ship. Notice is hereby given to all persons Indebt ed to the entato of said decedent to make Immediate payment, and to all persons baying cialms against It to present them for hettlement: °- FRANCE'S 11EIK ES, Executrix. SOJuly OE D ROT II ONOTA RTS ' NO C IIOE. Natice.ls.hereby given to all persona inter eet;id, that the following trnat abccittnta bare' been filedin'the Protbonotary'r °Med for examination, and will 100 presented to the Court of Common Plow; of Cumberland County for confirmation on Weduesday, the 25th day of Angurt, 1869, viz:" !the-first and final account of-J, 13.-lloyarrcom— mitten of, Catharine &broil. a lunatic, • _ . • . . 2. Tha.first and Y nal account ofJoh n Hillery nom mitten of Nancy Brown ayroll, a lunatic. 21july 4t PROLAXATION Wirtßin,A.S, the -Hon.- JAMES H. GRAHAM, President Judge of the senora]. .Courts of Common Picas of' the counties 'of Cuniber• land, Perry, and Juniata, and Justice oftho several ,Courts ofOyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliv ery in said countlosond Hons. Thos. P. Blair and Hugh Stuart, Jpdgekof thoCourtspf Oyer and Tomtit. .net and jairDelfnery for 'the trial of all capital end, other offenders. In 'ho said county of Co mberlan by their 'precept tr directed, dated 21st April. IBM have orderou the Court of-Oyer and Terminer, 'and General Jail delivery to bo holden at Carlisle. :on the 4th Monday of August, 1809, being the 23rd day, at 10 o'clock lb thd forenobn. • ' • NOTICB is herobY given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace. and Conelablosef the said county °feu& borland that they aro by the said precepts COMMELMI - to he then and there in their proper pernons, with their rolle;records;and - inquisitlons examinations, and allof hogremitnbrances, to dothosethiriga "blob to Choir Aftleeis. apliortaki.to be done, and • all • those that are bound by- rocognisancos, to prosecute against the, prisoners that are orthen shell be in the Jall of said county, are to be there to prosecute. them as shell be Just. ' JOS. Q. THOMPSON, , • Sheriff. July 23, EGISTER'S NOTICE.--Notice RA ) is hereby given to all peraorce Interested, lhat,tho followlog . eccounts have been filed In this office by the accou n tante therein named, for examl• notion, nod will be presented to the Orphans' Court of Cumberland County, for confirmation iy t pd allowance, on , Tuesuay August 17th, A, D., lgrp • I. The first and final account 'of W Illinm Fought, • executur•of David Fought, late of Silver Spring township, &dd. 2. AiTount of John :klator, adm'r., of Glary, his wife who was the daughter of , Doorge Brunizer, lato of Silver Boeing township, ,ler'd. 11. The first and final account of John Bowman, executor of the last will and testament of Mary Mlden, late of West Pennshoro' two., dee'd. 4. The first and final account of Dr. Satu'l ‘lyers, tuler.o.of the estits of Dayld Myers, Into of Frank ford township. deed. 5. Tbo first and final account of Mary A.' Hair, adrninistratrix of John 'flair, tote of Middlesex to'''. dee% \ .„:" . O. Firs and flnel account. of David KillbellTer, adol'r o'll Ileoryliiilheiffer. dec`d. 7. The first aidd final ace , uqt of John Goodyear, Jacob Goodyear, Samuel Goodyear and Benjamin Goodyear, executors of the las, will and tostaznent of Jacob Goodyear, deed. R. First and Rini account of Daniel itockender for, adru'r., do bonds mar eine testammto annexe of Daniel Bender, late of Allen township, dee'd. 9. Account of Samuel 'M. Wherry, guarduan of .1. Robbins, Wm. Lloyd Anna M..T. Smith, minor ehKdren and heirs of Samuel Smith, late of Hope. well township, dead. _ 10 The account of Peres W. Quigley, °aeontor of - Peres Howard, 11.. First and final account di:pile:dm Coro mob, odin'r., of Mrs. Catharine Gillelen„late of thebor --ough,ol-0011.44.1.---,.- 12. The first and final account of J." A. Kaufman, executor of the last will and testament of Isaac Kaufnian, late of South Middleton twp., deed. 13. Tho first and final account of Jacob W. llam slier' executor of the laid will sod testament of J. P. Illumershine, deed. 14. First and final account of John Fosciaught and Wm. Y. Boyd, executors of James Boyd, late of Newton township. 15..Second.andilnal. account of lames B. Brown, executor of the estate of Jam C. Brown, deed. 10. The account of John C. Dunlap, gtfardian of Geo, 0. Matter, a minor chlldrd. Wm. M. Matoer, doe as nettled by John 0. Sax:on_one of adm're,, of John C. Dunlap, now deed. 17. The atjardlatuthip 'account of Sam'l Okaham, doc'd., was guardian of Samuel A. Shellaberger minor son of Jacob Shollsbergsr, deed., seta led by James 11. Graben]. bsecub r of said deed. . . 18. First and final acerunt of George (mover, ad ministrator of Elizabeth Its'tomb, lato of Sliver Sprinztownsbip, 19. first AEA 13nai account of Benjamin Neielop; ache', ,ol" rather Vandeisol," late of Monroe Iwp., dec'd 20. The account of Rupert Fahrun hick, executor of t briatlan Softener, late of the borough - of Carl late 21. First and final account of George M. Rupp, executor of Peter Barnhart, deed. • 22. first and final account of H. M. Cocklin,adirer. of A. J. Cockliri, dec'd.' 2a. First and lanai account of John K. A. Hernial], adnainistror of Elizabeth Herman, latirof Monroe _township, 24. First and final account nildiehisl Baleahnover, administrator oldieorge Baltahoover, lota of Silver Spring township, Seed a 25. First and final account of Jahn S. Boyer, guardian of Jennki and Mary S. Dellett, alnor children ofJ. S. Dellott, deed. , 26. First and final account of David Eberly, guar dian of Esther Mart.ler, minor child of Rudolph If earteler, deed. 127. First and final affront% of David Beaver, adm'r of George Beaver, deed. 28. Blot and final a.mnunt r of William B. al'Ouns, administrator and isaballa Duncan adtuln istratrix of.Wllllam G. Duncan, deed. 20. The account of bonjainin Nelsley, guardian o Mary Plough a minor child of John 1'101101,1%W of Dickinson township, doed. . - 30. The Famed — aid final a a - cnutit of•Jooeph Elngiser and Andrew Singleer, admistrator of Geo. daed. 31. Tho first account 9,, Benjamin Seitz, adner., of J. J. Bowers, lite of the borough of Newville, dec'd. 32. Account of William C Brandt, administrator of Jacob Goodyear, late of Monroe township, deed, 33. First end link] account of Williani M. 31eant, guardian ofJamima and John Piper, minor children ofJohn and Nancy Piper, dec'd. 34. The first account of John A. McKeehan, execu tor of James J. Heaton, late of West Pennsboro' town_ ebip,;deo'd. , . . 35. First and final guardianship .account of :John Dunbar, deceased, who wan guardian of John It. Herman, minor son of Christian Herman,. nettled by Jas. A. Du o bar, administrator of said deceased. 30. Becona and final account of Samuel Spangler and. Benjamin Boyer. executorn of Ithillp Spangler, debeosed. 37. First and Baal account of John Paul . , itchier., of Nancy Ann Bennet, Into of Mourn,' top., deed. 28 That and final account of Catharine Dashore, adminiat [affix of David Bash ore, deed. MI Account of lionjamin Goodyear, a dministrator of Samuel Ramp, dec'tj. 40. The account of John . S. Kenai& and Stephan Conttnimm, adminiatrators of John D. Kenesty. deold 41. lite account of J. W.l'ltty, executor of James Hoffer, deed:, late of cadt.i, 43. Tlin account of John C. Dunlap, inns deceased tru. tee under the will. of D. It I,llnlt, deceased. of Mrs aarah A Inner, sloe , deceased, as settled by John (I. Saxton and•Jarnes 111.1talaton, admi nhitrn• tore of the mid Dunlap, deed. 43. Plait and final account of Jacolt Enamhiger. administrator of Darld Wan. deed. • • 44. Igist and linal account oft. Morrison, aclucluis trutor trJano Olen, clec'cl. •, 45. /Inland final account of L. It. Bauder; who', of .1.1. J . Bender, dMc'Ll. 46'.'acaoun t Y. Sadler, administrator of II Id. Johnson, aced. 47. 'rho account of Robert Lambe4ton, administa lot do bonus non coin itatomento annex° of IV!Illom Llonwoud, Into of 311.1,110N0x tmrnship.- .1. 11011511.1.151E1t. 17.1u1Y . - Register. • • • • • A CCOUNT OF: S. •W, EBY, Treas ,--i urar of the heard' of hrheol Directors of the borough of Corti+, for the ,reboot 3,tottr entling.flrot Monday of Jupp,11.14."; t DR. ...Recce:pe4. ME baltinca In handc of Trninu• u rer at aufiunl ebttlumont, $`2202 GO To amouut 'of school tax dupllpte 180, 1,1163 46 July 11; toaltltti) 48+880010u, . 642 a Auguit 3, to hiau, ' 1000 00 Novem6er27 ,, . • 2600 00 To receipts for tuition non roe. anholnra, r 118 35 !!" , 1 ,• Lci ,$1892T 20 Juno 1,, 60; 'to ..out °torpid '- 1 Treasurer, 17 62 $18544 '92 • , EMIEW Dy teething!' ealirlei toreehool" year, .. ' ' ' 8210 , 17 py east of new nehool_ billttling, out .. i house, &e,' • i1953 75 Ty ropalre,Witroltuto, ,itte.. ,' . • ' , 457 07 ry prlntlog,' 'etialOtiOeh 'thi;iiiithioi. • , • eteetilint - nome nOll4ll InetiVlntal ti.t; p'ente; ' • :'~ - ~„ _ . . ... - . 05 tf t ord i ell i eg w a ° l*o Stumm:ire audrentj , 474 50 lly latereitonludthidne!ix tu3et•Ju!ls . ' j 1 • 100?, 7• 'Clash expenditures, . . . • $17401' BO Xly abatement to tex payers, 2.980 12 Byoxoneretleus allowed C2,llector, , 201 88 •.. ' ' gees tifiredloution,H• ~ .. --' , 297,33 1 1800 June, 1, by 'balance esszpald and dui . • ' Tresurer, , " - $l7 GS iarte 1„1$011, -Andebtattnese orlishool, • • : DOtiett • • •. ' ll 7/ 00 00 I t‘'; t ( 04 . 1181001011131 certify tliat I hum •xamined the aceolust•of J. W. Dby, Treasurer, es Above s tated fbr the taboo! Year ending fleet 'MondAy'of 'June' 1889; and the youehore, ato.,•Accompattylug the same, and fled It oorreet as,there mit for,thialtd• that thatele a bat. Aries overpaid by•sind due' tir the sald'lr•ossurer as of lstJune MU, amounting to the aunt of- mvreis. , tP!'idMiafii 8 94,04 DUDA' A•RD v ,• • \ • '" ' Pitionciof Secretary. July.‘2oitt64, Hloeticidl ItAgirt tend, dapreved, and ordered to be entered upon the minutes of the Board and published !Atha paPein of the District. By the Mork , i :' • 0 P . '0 July.3t. „ p VOretarie. i I N,N, .0.17 S "T.O . 24.,A D'E v.. ~ z [BOOTS 'AN.ll;g!slit)..to..-.::1 J:.X49,13t c.. 44,111 A,4 , .. `All 'thy i - LILLPINGL iriLlf.ol on tutpuior nada ,to niiiasurC Vrlbislixed LOSV'TIOURRar.".AiI s IIIus • tillted , Pclqq•l4o4 . pilth Inotrklotlopo.for, silt nkt0g , .r .. ..., ,meht '#en4'ob:ro,6lPL ?..r,"FtteteDuei,.ll:llTT, •. tlOothtl*tk!, fst;',,.abrfit Chestnut 9. 6 , 0 11( 64 .7. • • , • 'r. [IWO' ACRE Pier AT PRIVATE :'Ol•ALE.—Ther subserli;erbifors'itt.pri via; 'gild° thapjaluabin ilouso nrio Lob of groandiltuntdd hr (Aiwa Pickinson, on the Turnpike leiding from • 'ori ide to lithipoonsboreancl ntljoto log tondo Henry . Pool and ago. G. Davidson, hnilles 'Went of 'Cnr-, Hole, containing TWO %CI:NS. Th., hopnrrenienta Two-story ,IVt;OR,Ii tillOittila, 11011811, In with brick; (1000 S , All, excel lent , conFivting of Appl..s. Peach. and Ch..rrlo,, Nor torn ut and nth!! pArticolam. u p ply (ho prenirkex., • JOIIN POUIX. 30July 4t . • ORE BANK FOR SALIf; - -A rich deposit of the best ituallty Ilerioatlte Oro, ~fielding 50 per cent. entoprlslog about 1N ACRES, loeated in Monroe townehlp, about 2 tulles irou, rho .iron Works of C. W. & B. V. Ahl, on the tenth side of the Yellow Breeches creel, There is a stream of water running through-the tract 'sufficient tort washing the orb and furnishing water power be sides. A portion of tho Lank is under n lease and will bp sold Willed. thereto. The lislanre to unto- Cumbered. . Patrons dealrlous of vleiring the I.lauk.inay call upon .Goorgo W. I.oldlcli, at "Luldlc.h's roll'," for mally known no Brlckor'a mlll, towurllla,, ()umbel land county, or upon EOM 'XELTTOR'S SALE OF VAL H GABLE ILEA EBTAT.H. FRID A I',_ &Timber Will bb sold et public sale, at the residenc• of the lets Oeorgellonver. deed., in Fre nkford town. ship. Cumberland county, the following hoot •Es.. tate, to wit: J. I'. EItINDLIt, l'tothonotary. 1. Thr afrosion Farm of Oeorge firmer, deed„ altuatod shout one-half lulls south-west of tits Brick c hutch In said township, containing about, 117 Artt ES of gond slate and gravel land, in a high state hr ,uiti.tion. rho Improvements ern a /110- atory AMR 11017311 with a pump of nerer.fail. log water at the door, a Frame Bank Earn with a well of water in the yard for stock: purposes, also, other convenient outbuildings all In a good otato, repair, There Is also nn this far n an Orchard'dl , choirs Fruit 'frees, consisting of Apples, Plums, Poaches, Cherries, kr.. and goo grapes. Thin land hue been limed and id nuder good tense, a largo part post tutu rally There is about 15 Acres of Timber Land on the Arta. 2. Also, about 24 Acres of Inuntalu Litod, urolt timbered' with Chestnut and other wood. This tract lire about two 12) tattoo 'treat of Bioserville, in the same township and bill betrdd In parcels or together as may bast suit purchasers. Parsons wishing to look at theso properties before day of sale can do so by calling upon — Samuel. Mohler, upon the farm or upon the executor, Sale to commence at 11 o'clock, on raid day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by • , SAMUEL DILLP,R, Bxecutorof gee. Monver, dec'd. 20 July is VALUABLE TOWN pROPE.II- ,TY .AT PRIVATE BALE. The subscribe. offers at Private Bale, oho roust and LOT OF 011.0UND,.nnw oocupled by him, and also the adjoining' vacant lot. The. house is 27 by -60 fent, two-and sutler(' stories high, marine dine roerbu boulder thu kitelten, and has In It all the modern Improvements and conveniences to l'wo ',lntroit's Stoves. In Range, but and cold Water : Bath Tubs. Water Ciceuts. pert:mount N 9,11 Strode, end Oar thrt ughbut the hours. with npronorirteß, tures. c •Tou Lot bus a front of 37 feet ti inch* and extends .to- Liberty nil ty,, the rano depthl ns the house lot, hes ru It 0 Cistern, Fluolov noose, and matt Stehle. Both lots are tilled with shelve Phrubberry, Fruit and mum into' Trees. Tile properties will ho sold together or separately as purchasers may desire.. Terms liberal. =Jul tall LEIMUISL TODD. IJUBLIC SALE of Valuable Real ESTATE, On Saturday, August_l4,_lB69 ,Tho suitscrilier milli offer at 'Public Palo. on. the premises iltented in Monron touirishlo, euroberi Ind runty,nn the York road and the r ad leading from Bolling Springs, nleint mllOB,lOl (.rehuruhtor to end about 5 miles Eni.t of I 'nrilslc , the following do. an-Wed Vitriol lu Real Estate. vie A Tract of Land containing . 19 ACRES, haying thereon oreeteil a TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE, and n Two-story 1.00 ['BUBB. ' attache - 6 thereto Ago n4nrgu RANK BARN, good 'Well of w ATER tit the do, ut the Rouse. An excellent YOUNG °BOMAR°, with_rt variety Of Choleo Fruit. Tho laud•lcn good qunlity of Litue,toue and under. a BEgh state or cultivation. ,Salo to ' 611111111,11. at 2 o'clock, P. M., o void day, iittendanee will - be given and terms - made known by nIAIIGSII STIA DA RR, 23j illy. 4t Administratrix. IETALTJABLE HOTEL Property Al' PRIVATE SALE,OR EXCIIANO FOR A FARM The subsoriber offers at private sale the well known hotel stand in Nowvilla,Pa., known as the • LOGAN AGITTSE. The• lot (upon which the Hotel stands) contiOnss7 by 180 filet, and In addition thereto spill be sold an excellent 0 AHD EN con tal n lug 65 by 180 feet. The house is large and substantially built of stone containing E sleeping apartments, good Bat-room Dining-room, Parlor,Kltchen and,all modet•nconven honour. A good Well of Water at the door; . EXCELLENT STAJILING for forty horses,. Ice base, Wood lio'use, Smoke (louse and all necessary out-buildings. The Logan ilouee Is widely and favorably known and is largely patronized. It hashdon quite raeuntly renovated and repaired throughout. - Terms to suit the purchaser. For further pertleitlars, apply to the embeeelliet,to, o kis abeenee to Peter A. Ahl, at Noe,'lle, Pa., MEM 'VALUABLE - -REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. The subser.her wishing to. relinqulrdah farming, off- rq at Myatt Bale two Valuable LIMESTONE FARMS. situated In Monroe townOlip between the York road nod the toad leading to Boiliot Springs, a abort mile from Churchtown and Iby miles -fruit Boils no F pri a go. No 1 Contains about 76 ACRHS : more or or leer, of excellent Limestone land in,,a high stato of cul tivation Thu improvements are a emd two-story Vann Homo with Wash Hues., an t other outbuild ings. Alsn, an excellent new Tenant (louse and a hirze Bank linen with wagon sheds, corn crlini and other necessary outbuildings. 4" This firm has two splendid' sprlngsor running water from which every told might rntlly.he sup pllel. These springs feechtwo splendid trent ponds. Th- re le also a cos,' Orchard of choice Fruit, such as Apples, Pears Nachos. Cherries, dm. No. 2 Contains about 10 ACRES of awoeltent Limestone Laud In first-rate order. The improve ments are a double two-story WE kTHERIIOAnDED HOUSE, with kitchen, hate house, ,ke. A frame Barn recently repaired, with wagon shed, corn cribs and other out holdings attached An excellent Apple Orchard with a large - quantity of Cherries and other choice trults around the build ings. Good well of water ancla largo cistern at the, Home. If desirable a tract of woodland foraull. placo io offered. Persons nishing to ♦tow these properties anti do so by calling on' the subscriber residing on the road leadin.T, front Churehtown to Boiling Springs shoot one mile East of the haler place, or uonn , Wm. Lutz living dose by. JOUN LUTZ. MIA in; th tf EXRC I3 R , T 3 I .2 I :S ,B ALE OP - VAL.: On Tuesday, Septenibin• 21st, .1869. The subscriber, executor of the not will and tes tament of Jacob parkin) ides, deed., will colt on the premises on tile above day at pa .Ile sale, the fe',..f lowing valuable Real .Estate sitnatcd in South Middlet m tol'enslilp, Cumberland Scanty, 'on the York load, about 5 tulles South of earlbdo, within Inn yards of Oho Poulli alountain Itailr,a.l cud about i of a mile Bast of iho Baltlinoro turnpike. N... I Is n gooALIMBSTWaI 1 / 4 1:11 coutainlint 86 Acres and 110 Porches. neat measurement, of first. cpuillty LlmosionALand; under a lAA state of rul tivation. The improvements on this tract consist of a huge Tao story Steno house. Wiish Manse) Smoke house, Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn - Crib, Ac. A good Apple Orchard Is upon this tract, fences in`go d ropair, a largo part post and rail. A good well of water near the house.. No. 2 enntelna 28 A erne not 20 Perches of good Oottom land, having erected thereon two Ono Story and a halt plaoterrd /LOUR., too story rolling A 111.; with -eater elan l einuvn to ibi s m o n. NO. 3 contelon twenty-fora .wren And ninety eon perehee ov the vary best quality of limestone land, three Beres of which aro covered with a good Quality of Chet., These tracts wllL be offered singly or together so may b e nt suit purchaser. „ There will also lin sold at the same time and place too tracts of Mountain land, the one containing tWOI3O FLlVitn scree and 102 perches, through whirl, the Baltimn.e turnpike passes, about one mile south of Mount !lolly; the Second. tract containli - lour acre's and elghty'two perelMs: and Is situated about mile, East or ths'nerr brick Paper Mill: Both thesi tracts sac wed covered with young and ill riv ing chestupt and all other klntLel timber, modal ly the latter tract or four elves which . lo one of the very finest places ortlmber land In the Mouth Mons thu ground being etrinoth and easily _amend eta. Auy person wishing to ' 4low either of those prop 6ities- prolong to the day of sate - ran do no by yell ing upon J, 11, Plank, residing on the farm. Vale to commence at 10 u'elock on 'said day when tenons will be entitle known and attendance given by BAMUF.I., LA - LIAM, Sr. ter. Of Jacob Burkholder, deed, *3. Volunteer, - LIIIIC.IIIt4r EXAllliliti . Idechaniels; burg Journal please copy. , ug6-t • MIN VLUABLE LIME STONE FARM AT F.XIICUTOR'N SALE. - Friday, Sep. ; 24, at 11 o'clock, ..-11 • Will be Fold at Public lobo on tho prOmlstis thet valuable lA, en In' •IVent - Pennaborrntelt teritusitio, 'Cumberland county, bolted on llos South aid of the ' Conortoguinot crook, sdJoininty field, biting the . ' ttlaindon Farm of the late Danftwoin Loplienockor - 4 ,lhis form' s ons 184 hams and 40 porches, 'c;t* , which there I About nix acres. of Thither land.' The remainder of Ito tract to, all clear; well formed, mostly true and rail had board find In a 111411 , state of This farm le welllinowit audit, one of the Woat productive farms In the' comity,, and Is within one half miles,' Good'ilape gills And about '1 mile from Cumberland Vahibl tiAllrohd. Tho improodments area Largo' Twn Story Brick • 'Mansion Mum, a uover of, cantor, lame cave very saleable for domestic purposes nod e elotern.• ILartio" Stone Bank Rork, Corn Crlit,`Ctirrfage Mutsu •'•, WaggouEthod and other oaq liuildleige istgoottome, sitlonl, . , TM:II,A. aloha lilpring of Water, paarAho house atilt" bare. , I , , •,Tiottp Ins largo and valuable orobard,,of About eight ucnn , ofcholco frult,,q , wit." opplit„, post's, This farm In convenlaut Ikureliee ' and 'aolMO)e; el 'lota every reopeet - e - eloolndemtdeetronle ' Porsonit .ittloblnit to • ~ ,thir triton John' X.; tomgdnocker•On - thrt,traloes, terms wlll'holtiade known Mt s hell i i t'f x is &by.. - • , • , ,101124,Z, 'Ott 11 ittlithilt; 84totyr kiktat;pk, 1 Of Ilebjernlapmgen'eelter;'4 o e9.::;- -- Commodore Porter, /Wetiii ! ,Fir Voluopmn and Lapoaotken MOM $18644 02 VECTION .1i0..- , .... - ..,...•_;::-, ~ -,, ,- , A Oernale.3l43,l l 4eg Aid',l44ean ,"4Legoeation '', ;—"--$ etroele hereby glYea ant thte annual . 41eothiriot L ' oinespi of 111..0011141e . Staldliett and. ,okli, .60.97C1A• ,: tloil'to Sirfe f0K1110. 151813144 11',3 , elm* eflll, be .baldon ~e - Heturdsy..the 4111, :clef of Iftptember,,lfOtl, At the', 4,,,, A,kidtiatlon Obenabet In toe 'Couit' lioneo',ln „Poe.- '- • boro' of Ca Al llelty.betwoon :the borne , end: 15, ..-, :" ... 4 , .. ~. • • ci..p.u'ufani ' Aug, 6.4 El REAL ESTATE; it. L. d PONSUiIt; Real Eatato gent, CArlisle 17/A, 186') =
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers