, tumtr.o3,. tpur uttu .• 7. * THE..Ottoiz's:loHa. 1857•H,A; journey, of .some,thresAhotistiudLmileti,,_:_within the; three weeks past, in Now York,' Missu- . . eh a usetts; Rhode Island, New .Tnrayiyenn. syrvaiiitir, DeFaware; Maryland, - Tirginis;- Ptioii. Indiana,. Illinois, ; Missouri and wa—foorteen States in all:--renables us' to give .our .readers the grateful aiSartm-..i no, that the crops of the present • year, ac ,• cording to the present promise,;,,will_ uuSurpassell. The hay. crop. is. , already . secure, .and there is hardly a more •int ; .- '''... portant crop than this; or one .of which . ' many' portions of the: country have...stoo4- in more need during some months past.,.. - • Immense quantiticinf Omit and.cern haie been Sowed in the, Great - V . 1664 if some angieven snuch 7of the' ; Winter; 'wheat has beep killed, the deficiency ' has_boen;_inany = titue_s_ntade_tiOn_the_L -_.sb_unronce Of extra -land 'planted.: . TI season has been everywhere a, . • Ward ono,and_even_Mote-backirerturt:__ the far 'Wok than in the East:. .In the western part:of Massachusetts'imd. New " York, considering the differences of lat. itude,. the crops are more' advanced than alinost any etlr.r portions of the coun try.' In Ohio, Indiana and Illinois,• the fields look us if there could ,be no failure or, famine 9 neither want nor suffering.' • Tho scarcity of tho . present, arising 'from -two eunsesuf speculation-and emigration Wrist, and which - has made •a city • like fit: 'Louis a place - to ' - export' - from - even ; Westward, is 1 , ,t 00i - 4mA:rely 'novel in .its kind, and which can , hardly. occur • - Thethousanas who - have gone_ Wdaufrom New England, the Middle... States,- andthe South, have: had 'to be supplied from sources entirely new, and, , . proince,.thereforp, is about as den•/at Cincinnati, .ChicagO, and Louis, as at Boston and ,New York.' • The year, of 1857 promise, we are" happy.. to say, to be a year of aboindance, ,- ;Farmers - will geldeoaitnand • - and revetchigh - prices,• but"'; • not the exorbitant. rates of the' present time. No greater bldssiug can befall the i.tzation . than good 'crops, and . Wo_ought to • 'pray devOufedly for such.a consummation. Do THE PROFITS OF kOitICE INURE VARY .11.111011 IN DIFFERENT YEARS.-=' Sometimes they do, biit - generally 'not in. 'the loth; run. . 11'hen, they . do .vary.—l.. When the farmer devotes nearly all Ilia strength to the growth of one staple, if that fails him . ho is a looter, andlhis profits.tlit your, , L -are cut off. If a finler._ mes,-wheat alone, or'rritit alone, it is evident that In bad seasons, 'his support is taken. away, or nearly So: - - 2: The saute result follows, in the same circumstances, when, though the 'crop itself,.is not cut off, its,. price is suddenly and greatly low Ced by. the fail tire of the demand, or by some other cause. - But is general, the profits of farming are about equal, one -year with another, foro. - very long tern] . of years, baCause, 1 •ay st aeon is un'averable to any .par ticular- crop; the same sit; on-is commor• ly favorable to.. some o th er crop which -may supply its plate. A. cool wet spring is unttvorable to corn, but it is good for grass. %2. If all crops should be very poor, the aggregate, though small, would cohnniand as high a price us h generous orop could. 3. In every - case where the . _profits of farming vary most, namely, in .! , stances first mentioned above, the profits ono year would compensate Por..the loses of another, so that a very fair average ave every two or three years., . lajerence. —I.. The good farmer, who cultivates a variety, of crops, need ,feel very little anxiety about the seasons; what he loses en one hand,. he gains on the other. 2. It is in general best to have ,tt variety, if one can ; it favors indepef - donee, and equalises one year- with an; other.—Vltio Farmer. GRATE SALE OF STOCIC..-The annual, sale of blooded stock by R. At Alexander, Esq., took place ut his farm in Woodford .' county, Ky., on, Weduesday, Juno• 3d. This sale brought together a larger col lection. of people than any previous <sale of that distinguished breeder, the crowd in attendance being eatimatetrat from a thousand-to fifteen hundred persons. Wo annex a summary , of., the—sake; Merely adding that thsre. iyerc • bidders present from nearly all 'the Western . and friun sever 4, of ,thzi SouthereM, ) Stateit, to which _much of the stook is destined • 30 Bulls sold for $0,790, averaging per head 6320,33 ; 30.Heif is sold fur 46,490,;averaging pdro head 8216,33 ; "making GO head of- Oitttie that sold - for • #16,280,2 an !wort*: of $271, -33. 3 --Bucks sold . -for-$'226,..-averagings7s,B3--1- - 4 - Ctitalold Twos - sold7for BM' averaging 825 75 ;1 Pigs sold for $7O, averaging 'lB- 75. Amount of sales $16,679:2 Bulls let one year .8830, averaging. 'pet bead $415. Total amount "of "sales arid lettings $l7, 590. Bull named sold forts72s, to. It. A Ibunphroys, . - • ..• TO .*OUT V , FAM/Dl!' ^- !, 11 .eY nre not to be routed by hille r snuff, ,nor phur. 'They riot in the 'highest teinie.: titure, and only sleep at -forty' `thigreis • bel Piezero. It rs - theirbidingplaCe Where, , they deposit their - ova and breed infinite Id . • gem is the,place to attack' them=-in the crevices and ,out of sight places, cor, nem, arid underside of perches, lind joints . of fixtures and wall. Islow p .! in their lair! Boiling /tot lime nVer by this bucketful, a few rounds:in quick succession; dashed upon perch and wall,- a Noeh'S flood; scrubbed in with a dorm bropini' arid You . have given them f SebastopOl do early in theiiPritig,,:inidstigamer; in-the` fall.-- &aid' wit/It-the lime.aildiAeovikkr iaying.boxes, setting place and chicken wove thoreugh... ly, and your pougrY:iiiirfreairisb.44.lor..• 00131 try Gentleinaii,L:, " " •• „. PREStRVATION ar'Eaas 18 tlikf custom of some good . bousoulvas'tO down ,eggs f wiim....,t.heY'Are 'plenty, a tune of searmt.y. • ; Dipping recommended,"afittinioking ta MAI. • 'Lay th i ern. yitll_:4l4 v *l4t.',i3nitt. down'Und..iffulidisturbed'-they-will -Ite ,, aar4 good fiat. f1d17,611&'' , 60 - Paoletlf , Nq'ri 104" thecut.;ii)al paOkage andhayelheit . t out . ae - vrantek' Tney:aliaya koOp"iiiittataii;,; 'tory:in thiti minx, ;until ttisly 7 i - eitolFtfo - ,tn;.• blei-Whpn'they arc soon OEM . tiittat R I N G' SPUNG • 050 - tintrlootitia alptliihr lttjuit - oAozl74 7 ofio o thelargest antl bast isattortmehta 'of Dry' Goodlaieeer brought.tolatrilAlm—Their stook.lianbeon selected-ea more 11'4'i:illegal cart (foto the boat bousoll 1111Treta York and Philadelphia, and every effort made to, obtain the latest and most flahlOhable stylos of 'dress. They, flat ter, tliosneolvoe they will be able to Ault every , yariety of taste ' at, prices no low or 116rn4 tniP o .9 , can I..Zught hero or hz the city; - Black 'Bakes° ltobos,, •,,rop los. Fumy Silk Atolve, Lawn aobes, ARontlno.' , . - 4 Foulard Graafian% Ihlyadoreßilks, ruiro Chall, ClinghamLawn. Moire Antique, , Ducal, '• r Bombazine. India, ..c, Crape de ElipagTo Alpado. ' Mourninf ,litwalyyn, All wool delano "A fall nieottmont of white dresZ iibods,NalsorSik line Victoria Lawns, •Figured,•BwkseVelrets for Mr. flesialthlteand-Blaok Crape Showinlitellaßehlhat, kiOile and Brocha Shawls, drc. Bonnets, Bonnet Satins, Illb. hone, Flowers. etc, C.ronation:Crurella and Crinolinil. Mcirts for Jedies ' Also, Collars, Underaleeves, Mend kerchiefs in great variety. r • - • • . . , • ' , Cloths, Casalmeraa, Drap Caallmorata, Suaitner Cori. altiores, Cottonades,Silk Drlerstilrbr, LWOW, liandkar. chfaf, &c. . • • DOI4EI3I'DI GOODS. - • '" ' Dleached - and ufabloarhed Liman and Cotton,Shetatibid, Table binons, Wolen ditto, PlataceCkaviae, Count'erpands,, Straw 'Mitt, Plats: Lobliiintallaises,Tlcklogs, Window Shithas of all kinds, Umbrellas, falitslitaktand nvery va riety of Dry Goods in common use. . 1 -• •,-• ' . - 1 . ' IVe have just lablin a largo stock of Tapestry, Ingrain, Imperial, bilxed'aitid -ltafg , Cairpot; 'Oil 'Cloths, Minting, Straw Matte, Ac.; at lowest prices. We respectfully in vite the public to•Mtil and examine ouretock befdre per chasing, t We.'have Iniught our assortment 'at suCh. ptices that we cannot be undersold.. • ;. • • , -Speclaraltontion paid to purchasing goods in , tliO City ' per order at shortest notice. , • '-• • • - • • Every-effort will be Mado-by tho firm to give satirfect , tlon'to those who trafty . .favoi them with a call: ••. • • , . . .. •.• • ' RENTZ A 'MOTU ER: . REPARIE IFl:itt. WINTER,! . '- • .• :-." ...----.."------ 'PAULO ' D pOOKING cTOVES. V he Cubscriterst.lifsoldntanalstliorth.llanoyer fit, Carlisle, the sign of the ' , lttamtnoth 'toff Coffee Pot,"- do lreq to call the-attontion of the public to•his largo is. irtanont_of STOVES, of Una newest and most fashiona bio styles, &In the, iikait Manufrictories in"the ~,,,,, country, and at all prices froms3.,to $l5. ' ~. _., Among his PARLOR. ACUABIDEIt STOVES .„ • _.„. are the Mirror Stove, tho Arctic, Revord, Star; :'r''_„ -., Persian, Union and Atni Air Tight, together ....ow+ •olth other patterns which lie has of all sises for parlors atechombors,and calculated for-burning either 'wood or coaUjAlso, the lEtna, Oiobo, Astor, Albany, Flabtoptand Daiptbrot MoPM6,l,lfortf, with other COOK :IRO STOVES, coinprittng„thq latebt Improvemqnts, hi kitchen stoves, and Infendoth for antler wood or coal.— Also, the Dining Room Cooking . Stoin—a new and ale gant•artirle, to which' he 'lnvites / tiro particular atten tion of famillar.`illlat cooking-40 , 0s range in price from $1 to - 2 - i, with thee M qtt amma complete...Also, to Nino Plato st , rex of variousdins and difforent'rict;s: . , . —Also, - ENA3IIIbLED - ANDIINNED - WARE fdr`Cook. ins Stoves, prrisa Kettles, Ac„.• Also, every article In the lino of-Tin and 'Copper Ward. The publii erg respect. fully iniritedlo call as he IS co - a:indent - with tale large stock, variety and cheapnes s ,of being able to glin on ; tiro satisfaction to ovary purchaser: Call and see. " . 0ct.211, - 1854. , ..- , . . "111. MORRIS , NEW FIEIC-AEW PAWS It: KNIOII Late of Philo , Ipbla, Piper hangings, House, 8 n, and.Decorlitiv , Painters, Imitators of-Wood and 31 .rile, challenge al alien; to compote with Meld in the .-arlous branches co the above Liminess. . . _ Having fitted up oui• ore foe P PE'S4 /• the exclusive sale of WALL ''A PERS, 110111) NI It`'. FIRE ,711%." Sc.,NDoly we respectfutiy jolle_tho public to an examination of our -stocky from - which we are-conlident.of giving entira. sa tisfaction to all who favour ua with a • eall. Our Lplods' having bean selected - with rare from the Brat manufac tures in Philadelphia, will 1M furnished at the lowest prices. All alders for Paper •Ilanging or Painting .proftiptly and personally attended to and executed in a workmanlike matinor." '3. W. PARIS, Practical Paper Hanger. . • • rPrKNlcllls'MactlealltnintiM - Stroll'illifter. South Hanover street, next door to Hannon's 'Hotel,. Carlisle, Pa. • • • • • April 8, , ' • - - .QA RP ETINGS.-J..S. DEPUY & SONS, Masonic Ilan, Chmthut Street, below Sth, P ladelphla. . . Would call the attention of the public to the large and varied assortment of . . CAltll.7B, 04., CLOTHS, MATTINGS,&., - • willch they are Falling Dory cheap for Cash or City Ae ieiTtances, wholesale and•retaii. • March 11; 1857. • CAPER JIANGING WAREHOUSE' ' . . , ..J. E. VANnETER, • S. l Corner SIXTH and ARCH Streets, PIIILADEL• PIIIA; offers fur sale n large alisertment of . - , WALL-PAPEES • nt prices ranging from Six Ciluta per place tpwardit, 0 choice patterns, comprising - - Cheap Satin Papers, Fire Decorative Papas, Finulloard Prints, . Fine Gold Papers, - - 1 - larders and 31ouldinga, Fine Satin Paper, Diablo Papers, - -Onk Papers, , AM- Now StylthrWindow Curtains. in great nriety.. Dealers supplied on most favorable terms. • March 4,1857. VE . S AWMI L L.—The under- IA 'Avail would inform the public that he fine 10. ratted a Saw AIM, thiltio miles from Mount Willy, ou the road to Laurel Porgo. and Is now prepared to saw I.ll.the various sizes of YELLOW PINE OAK and CHESTNUT TIMBER, which ore 'usually wanted. 110 Is also pre pared to saw and furnish Chestnut and Pine SHIN GLES to ordor. Also, PLASTERING LATHS. Thom desiring those articles aro requested to rood in tlwir orders. ' S: N. DIVEN. , Papertimn,Narch mos. MEW GROCERI.ES!- 1 -` "Jt-W, EBY. - A choice selection of Groceries of every variety, in. eluding Spices end:Teas have been added to our former - Assertment,alhoUrt which miry be had strictly prime - RIO, JAVA, LAGUYRA MOCHA COFFEE, together with a general assortment of BROWN & WRITE BUGAI.B, including Crushed, Granulated, Pulverized, and Clari fied Sugars. Also a lot of New Cheese, Ferreira, Corn S larch, Mustard, Chocolate, &c. Also Green and Black Teas; ot.lenkln'e select brand. Fur sale at the lowest prime at MARION HALL GEO CERT by Oct 21‘) • J. W. EBY. • F 11.1115.L1-G:ROCERIES!- AT S. C. ILUYETT'S Shad and Mackerel of different grades, At 1113YETVS. Salmon, Seale. Slah and White Flab, Codfish, Salt and Pickled Herring, At lIIIYETT'S Choose and Crackers can be had Dried Fruit, Fresorves and Jellies, Sugar Cur'ad Beat and llama, A huh supply of LIQUORS, Olio, White Load, kr, kr', sic jus. T RECEIVED; N0.1.-arinking Song, 25 2.—Oh lovely Paris! 25 3.—Alivsys Brno, 25 ' 4.—Olpsy Chorus. 25 6.—Oh Cherished Me mory, • 25 B.—ln light Whispers,2s Boaut 100 of Travinin, nr-_ rringod for Oa Piano, • .by J. A, adze., - Willie' Schotltsch, Polka, Mazurka, by James Dol. — lrtk - ,Wcb, . .. • 1 . • Camille Polka, - __ lloyol'a Baguet do Molodlee, Bambrula=-Danso'do Nekrail-470TTLICIIAL6., ' .. ' Pride Schottische,- r ' _Titre., Bella Polka.' • • • Irresistible Polka, ; ' . ' •Itubou PoIka+BITAAO, : ._ 11 mud Polka do Ceniert—Wattaos. - Inatruciloulliridis forViano, ltfolodebn, }lige, • --- VlolirwVioloncello, etc.; eta .• Mew ORDERED DAILY. • A liberal dlacount,wlll be mad° to Dtatzna and to TEAOILERR. M URIC mailed, free of expouso, to any part.o. tho country. BIIIitCHIII, TAYLOR & BMITII. ~ ITARDWAXE I -HARDWARE ALL A LARGE SPRING ARRIVAL AT JOAN P. LYNN & SONS craw? STORM • ' • The'puLlie are requested to , ealland examine orirstOok before plaiting their purchases. as we are ceiling, geode at, lthe Lowest Prigs,: we have every Mbar you may want In our liner and in'euelt . quantll len' thee aro can , supply all wild iony fever •tte with their, patrdnage. Carpenters: Cabinet attiliSra, Wapiti and Coach Makers,' 'PaintemiShoti , MakerSonideitilitithii, Farmers, Laborers, and the public generally, will find etall'and • complete • assortattuit oPtioodortortoilieVeroirti• at 'such Places as lilll bo sure to please aII„.TNY tB. • • • -' • • • • ‘JOHN , ELYNE FON; • 'Ne • rth,llaticree street, Carlini° El! ,v., 004.1 1 .-.1•00 -1'0..1%18 ' , u Ki*I3VA.CLEY' COAL, Broken,And rd-lereeried, preppaiosprossly.for fatrilly : ueelind kept o wes coven, 3,3 that etui turuph )t' am). eleiu doring,ihe :wintery tfeallthi: rhate :glee on.hnnd .tind for ado the LUKC Flhhlglit COAL &dm thimbles or Boyd, Romer Co., and titiA,UOKIN ,00A1, born, the :tutoen of Cook mu, Peal Co...ribrot - ibleb cobalt profits thr cash, iird dellti?r,i.o2uny. lutsibt the borougb. ' ' . nov. ; : . , W. B.{tUltßAV:' . _ _ N".'(100DS:-.-The subscriber htu3 ; knit Opened aVitelety Oftadlier Talusis,' , ll,o ha •,•:ong.and Spare Mussels, 4.0010E', Shawls, Blettgoes; Asahmpees,Alous de Latnes,,Gljughams, Calicoes, Mau. kids, ,tc.i't e t vhich itillteo;the • attention, of , the les. dies. " .* • OEO ' MTN= • • Carllsle 28. 1826 00'i'8 ; A.ND ;slElOES:.;..=:tinther, ;Targoqiiiortment . of Illen'e 9paiso end Fltio ittiotd: 13 ' d d n i ' e n s' ,l* W kei rmc° and lieb l3l44 7 , l l;l 4 uta ' 131h C b tore i b l tea d an a d n ' d .flu Ch tlet i l l o . Saki' a n iroklyire.prippe,,L ; !.. ~. ' -,.. • ..• i ... 0., ..... ''' toec t r :- FpD.lo'.. AND . ZikIYNERS ~..0II,;.L- - , ...1000-111tY FLINT HILES; 10R.Bble TANNER§: 0 For tall{ by .. i.;'... Ji. PAIMIta•ACO.:...-' , :.-; ' • . ,liiistrket 1344140.3110,blik!rb,11adeybla. . i pi,,,y,n,,...•._.,;...,:. l:n ,;;7,10tgi4 'Blur/ ANWOHNAhIkNTAL PAIINTRW , . ,, i , ~- ? !s'9trAINER.r.ANUGLAZIER.i, Att.Rlbeeotrustedtto..‘blmatra'wlll tweleywrxisowst. attotttlon,i W orris' , taiglve , entrM estlefiletkie • to*.the' onoloseri* and SS ,donmat atiOderate - prieoc * ;.R[o7e,b4d , „ ppaa•epertletderetteittlOn to Piper tionglegVandlllsekt .', , t.e.ter Signs. ' trdtatlonEorßrawoodtone.f.Grei .Bto,pb; envette,,. rhlo,o4ht.Walnutildahogany Mid Rosewood. Rtelnk Onarop..Merbllngltentles, oalelnlmr , o6ll.ldge4'de; • ‘rotleoßeinth4Cdone to the most Improved montiek• areF experienced workmen: •i Map ItrPinxiMptetreet , t , to the Second Presbyterbat Qh ;', 0.1.Z467.-314,1 , • - L. '... .r -- SR, Poll ItiDtMNlTY,Aiunist II ic 4 14 04tE INBV4VOPOlt%):::;,' - 9420,a4 1 14tiieki.--000 - Tafgtel' Chesnut street,, , ,' &mete by, tire; on PROP . EIIti oftiiert delieriptichi; lit . toini or Conutty, on'the moitVreguibeable tenue....4llo.lestigtiO.telidO.eltlistpersou'eilly,hrjiy totter . ; -will be Oromptlttittoileed te: • ' s • • - - BA'NOKETC;Pree't y ' • The subscriber le spirit tofilth eibove Cornietif Oerlisle end its y kinky, Al—l applicetions for insureuce either by mail er,:,isnyieMenM w. Wbe promptly atlonctia' to by_ ~; -- • A. h,sPO4 , ISLEIts - - :Beal Astato kgentuud•Scrlvener. • , . --jt; THE: Atir,tm Sing N. DANCE ,COAISANY, Air Ctuuluirland'ilimiitY,litCoriY: rattail...y*4p art bt Assembihis 'fully, organized, amt. In. operation Under, the malageniant" of the following' coiltrisilentirti;yiat • ;'• ••• • • • Daniel'. Bailey, William,D. Gorges; Jriciinoll . uocklin, Molcheir Brent omen, Christian Stayinar, John 0: Dun-, lap; .. Jrilali IL,Cooy,ar, Lewisllier,"llinky Lsigan, min.ll: • ii.UBSer', Jacob Josi3ph Wickersham, Atexittriet:Dathcart,, '. , • • . • • • •., The rats! of Maurine ° are as low and Sivorible AS any . CtimPary tho' h ind " the State. • Darlene:wishing to hesowe womb* tire ifiyltejto make ripplicatien to the. agatits of tile'. lonpany,: who are willing 'to • wait upon. them at anytime.. ' time... ntossAit,.rresiaqit., V.P.AiiiirimigAN,.yiee p r esident. . Sacreiati:, i1.1101.1..A.EL •CGOKEIN, TreaSuier. . • . .• 1 • • - AGENTS. ' "CLISIDEIItAND COLINTT.--411.dolph b cirliiiul;••o: 11. 11Mir ati; Kingitovrii; „Shiremanstown • Charles 8011, Carlisle.; Dr. J. Ahl ChurchtbwnGrollim, West Penneberough. .lamps DO'Doicel,'Erankforti; Mode (MGM, &loth Mid' -tiletonfgainual - Coovai, Iteii,hunln'Thiverstick; icsburg ; John,Sherrick,.LisburnpDavld Cooyor, Slum: .hertlstowsi., - - YORK. COlliNTYc s -John Bowman, Dillsburg; retail {Telford, Franklin John Smith,- Esq., Washington; 'W. • S'..Ficking,•Dover;_J.-W-Craft,-Paratlise • • ••• 11ARRISBUI10. , ---liouser Lachman. • . •' •• • limbers the coma' honing policies abOnt to ex Munn e have . • • . yndby-•-ti aklap applicator pay of the alntas. • -• • .• • CHRIMAS AND NEW , YEAR. The attire of the nabseriber In to receliic and the shelves the now supplltall with a•handsome selection of no and rl ch • . . . . • II • 0 lIIIV-A, and deconited fancy ware, such as. Inkstands. D ishets, Vases, Coffee cups, Jewell boxes, Toy Tea and 'Dinner setts; China 4611 s In twisty, and a variety of other articles all well suited for thii coming Itollldays. • GROCERIES AND SPICES • -In-every•tratlothirrult-and^of, bait quality-liiitro•just• boon added to our former stock. • Ntl; of rev flnekillillty In - email :sseks oleo on, band, - .CRANBERRIES, RAISINS, Currants, Citron nndAther goods ndapted to tbelmanon n vnrioty, constantly lit store, antf ftit sale by • • • • Chrl Isle. Decl(4-'5O. ' J. N. AItDWARE 1•"=.--HARDWARE - • JUL' JOHN P. LYNN & SON are now r eceivinge their Fall Stock of Hardware. which fa unusually &mg°, and In • connexion with their for mer heavy stock makes it one of the largest and,moat varied assortments over offered to this public. They have every thing that the Farmer, the Builder, the Blercharit, or the public, may want In their lines, and which they are selling nt the-very lowest prices. They solialta Call from:the public before making their pur chases as they feel confident they can offer Inducements that will rbwarddlia hwer,for the trouble.. • • . . . . _Fouling thankful to-tig - oneroun public flir their former liberal patronage, it continuanro of the same it 'solicited at our old Stand in North lianover Street, Carlisle. • ". • JOHN LYNN & SON. October 8,1850. . • . NIT 'TING AND PLUMTh = • e-underelgned-woulti-Informth tisenrof Ca, slo that ho has -made arrang monist I,,qns FiT'l NO and PLUMBING at Short r u tics, an - • " - ternisf lie has ehgaged tho.se vices of . ft , first rate hand from Philadelphia, and has Sup plied himself with an extonsive assortment of PINT UItES, which will unable hint to fill itli-ordors promptly All work will ho warranted,",llls stock of Ons Fixtures will ho found In thb room oxectty opposith his Tinning establishment on North HanoVor streot, whore ho luvites a call. • ' TINNING, SPOUTING, Ac,—lle is - also prepared to furnish, or make to order, every article of TIN WARE used by housekoopers and othors. Ito will also - attend to SPOUTING, HOUSE.-ROOFING, BELL BANGING, end PLUMBING. . - Thankful for thelpatronsge•with which he hanalready boon favored, he respectfully solicits a. tontinnance of the same. ' ' 'anilro*U', Juno 14, '64. - ROOTS AND SHOES.—A large and -iontplet • nnsorttnent of Foote tied Shoes of every ittylo mid frishlow. Ladles Ilho Morocco Slippern.lioots, Mutant, &c.; Misses and. Chtldrens- Mtn); Mon and -.Boys ditto. Jnet nicotined and now opening at the cheap store of ADDLt AND HAIMESS MAK IJ Tile subscriber continues to carry on the above husiness,,ip all its various branches, in Nnrth lien. over street, pull/de-two doors-North of Leonard's cornet whore he intends keeping on hand a general assortment In hit lino, consisting of all kinds of fashionable SAD ' MKS, - Brldios, Martingales, Girths, Circinglesand TIWNICS, \ traveling and, saddle -0,„,r 1 , bags. lie also num- t v, F ufactures the most i'mtv • i (Intlloo Also manufactures Harness, Bridles, Collars and Whips In all their varle• ties, and Confidently_ believes from the general approba tio.of his customers, that he makes the neatest and bent gears, in all their variety of breatii,illetlif Made in the country. Do 'also makes all kinds of Matrasses to order, via: Straw, Husk. Curled Hair and Sprlbg rasses. All the above articles will be made of the best material and workuuinship, and, with the utmost deal patch. GARIAN AND - FIELD SEEDS.-,- . A.largi) mortthont of new and genuine Flower, Field find Cordon Seeds, hi every variety, at wholesale said retail, embracing all the now end desirable kinds, carefully lint up hi papers for tho retail trade, or sup plied in bulk.: Chinese Sugar Cane, Bead, Japan, Pea.; .Ontrige, Water,. Melon, Re., Re. Also, a choice assort ment of fine - Flower Seedii2o varieties In ihney bakes; ter $l. Clean Clover, Timothy, Orchard Crass, Rye Grass, Herd Grass, fine lawn Crass Semi. &O. At' 111:1YETT'8 • • PASCHALL, MORRIS A CO., Agricultural implement and Seed' Store, N. E. corner 0 • 7th and Market titivate, Philadelphia. At pUYETT'S At lIUYETT'S MMIM QTOCK OF DItY 4'o D S FOR ►3SALg.—Tho subscriber having been advised to ab• stain from business of all kinds for n year or two in or. dor to recruit his health offers for sale his entire stook of Goods, Good Will, and rout of stme immediately. lie has revolved from the •elty a lot of Bluing Goods ynsistl tufo( ilarago and Chelli Robes,,ldous do. 'Amines. illos, Chintzes, Lawns, kr., In great variety, also r i nips and Trimmings of various kinds. For portion. r s enquire of [April 29.] GEO. WtiIITNER. At lIIJYETT'I3 =! =1 WIN1:101V .GLASS !-8 by 10, and MI other SiiO3 of Dankir, Monioe, and JallsodP, Window Glass, single and Doublo Thick and Muerlimn Plato, • Waving nn extensive stock. and daily receiving 1 •...,. quantities, we can furnish with the greatest pro nese and the •lowest wholemlo prices, the abort, nor brands of Window Glass. - ItIOUARDS & BROTIFFREI, ' ' . - • Manufacturers, S. W. - cor. Front and Arch streets. Philo 25 50 50 75 50 50 25 20 75 • - cICYTHES, SCYTHES !!I • ►U 100 doz. Grass and Grain . Sc'Phus, English and American, Silver stool and Stool Backs, of all the dif ferent makes, Also 70 doz. Scythe. Scathe, of all the - difteront - patterns—teguther-111th rakes, Ebaking,Gray -Grain nudAlanure turbo by I ho quantity, Just received at tho cheap Hardware store of 1%10.N "0 'O7. 17 4 1 ARMERS PREPARE IN TIME:- Jnot recolvtelA lento assortment of 'lay, `Me. voters, with ropes end pallet, all complete, abaft largo, lot of revolving tidy rind Grain rakes, Grain Cradles S c ythes and Seaside, rakes, forks shovelfs, Hoes &c. at the cheap hardware store of Siey% 20, VT. ~••. • . . • • iiif: v isa FETTER'S -- F.U.Rr . c 1.0 , b. NITIthE DOOMS. , : O,W - On . 'hahil. 'a Into aesortinent of nOW.'and fashionahlo FURNITURE and CHAIN 8 - talent and Mahogany Dressing Dureaus, with mar. his , lioas.,;D;bles, and,Washstands. • .. - • • Walnut What Not, and Wardrobes. .. • '-' Mahogany and-Walnut Tablowof all thee. , Frogcb Dedeteade , Mahogany and Plain Tahoe,l at all Inices. :._ Darbir and clutirsaind.llocking Chairs, with velvet or j .bnireinth seats and boobs.. • Mahogauy and Walnut Clutha with haircloth or cane 8 11;1111 . 1Cli - airs a on . kinds. call and soo this now and elegant assortment if, the ' : Furnituro Itoerns or the subscriber, corner of North Ha, !toyer and Louther at. Maiii..lBs7. EW BCiOKSlT6e;spbsOribers lave • just renolved thetfolloivlng NEW PutuoirroUsi;-; Thlnaa not mingraßyiknorin-p. 11. Wnfs,. • 25 AtherlewaridlurOpo-41tutoUsa1; , 1,26 The Antorlcans In Japan-Clan. Banat,'" " -125 MoosolarYlßOUTupliicarallif iilotoricol Itssais, " , 75' Me of COarbitte Ilionte-Goirtto, 2 i•ols. •' • 'l'so Bryant's Poems, Now, od., rloth'slß, . • • 160 A Iteport of the Boohilinis of tho.Bupninno Court , wf.ihn,l,lnJtnilßuttos. ano , ths.Oplnlbns of-' I h9tolgel r io 040 WeA.Scott moo, 60 Qtiacken se' I latory tho Nutted - Stator,. 100 Apploton'm Railway °lila*, foraday, • 25 Germany; Its .Univerelp”,,Tipology Apd D13,1109{2, , Bcidattg:r's titlitynd,Tll44-7, ILtnEMOtt.,. - ; Teithnimy blrup7...iffperotrapLir!,.. ikor, Life or Nit: t 4., rio LPrincrpl cleten . *—Allifrico Dfertitit,, Ihminltti byie4o,-Itrojt. ; 'I . 50, 'Arrtle'Taila WO vols. ~,5 • ; El po, - 6till*110015; TAYLO "• •-• -, 00.1)1BINED • • ILEA I.+ERS.,A.ND MOWEIJES ; - ttieifiaiiidiafure Igqiultbiall the ^4.ocont Improvements. .:"Vhey are; 'overran.: '•ted to:eat 11/ aeree of, grass or, grain, .in,a day, ne,srall matt Can be done With a soythear era , dte for into by :• ,•PASOALKLUBICIBIUS:ig Cgo, , ~ I_ltapbunent bad se?d storeetth and Market Street PlaA k :-; MONROE MORRIS CHARLES• OGILDY. approved B,.PATIISII 13V 6 t Y a SADDLES ever mood In thr country. and thol.) wiehind a hind Rome, durable and ploaerint Saddle will do well to call and sec thorn. Ito H. SAXTON." • •:ast Main Street QOM°. 11. SAXTON. East Mein Street CarSete JACOB .11Firtzu MEM • _Zusin - • 't.t , - O,. W . T . 4If•VAG.I3e4F.'=9U.M=, 1040f4 G - Ec • eif • "ot-hiV Act' u QmgOtiattAtiititokonLatiblaSourt.o • orno 1. 1 co. a,. sin, treet, CaAlelg, 44r oi bo : PromPtlY 194 - _, , -; •• 's'l3 7 '65 : -14:P-si iat.. V...i IC1; :Attorneyat taw . i- • , 1- 4 ,, t oomecoli,-Nornivu l zeritreet,nfrl:Ogre4 ep l A ll°tei. "e iiu.z '!" Dtru t iei griMll promptly cdto- . . •tdi t ' 1 1:0lia; la+ B . , , ,;KlF f EN,Eit,Clffice}in:North 1 • novor stnioitivWdOora thorn :Weigil ko-rapbori i a toroVlNfici.hoiirk; moniparticulorly from 7 to II o clock, l lt,:- DI., # .lO troy ll .tl to.7., o 'clod t i P: 'AI: ~. •: ',, Ir. OFFIC.P.-LF,hIUIII4; -TODD linViesturied prnctlco of the Law. Oil. In ,Clon ro:l3,junyei west 'Mina noin , 4l6:kiretj'resbltpriiin Api11.8,11857. , ‘.. ,'• ' ' • • . . . pooToR• B. ZIEG1 4 1511..-office • and Rea'donee rant thiln'Striet,tbird o'r elow Market Mouse.—Ciplain-towntiOd county promptly ;attendOd. - .' ; I ; PrP4let.Tatt. 2 ” 1856 , . • • • • • -••• . . DR:EC:LOOMS Banat Helmer street, 'rliter, next clooi to thel'ost OBlca • . • - • be absent front. Carlisle:. tfie Jost ten days o f m cji moth, . .„ , , t fAug.:l. , 7 :7 , ' '.- ' - - R. • GORE S.'SF.A! p .fiii i .„-, ii _„,„. 111011 T, DtINTIRT, from the 801, , , , more Colleqd dfs Dental Surgery.. ; 'log& o m en ni tho 1'04,109060t Iris motMir,'E,oot Louthot 'street, Oro° doSteStelow Bedford. lielerenee- , -Dr. Limo 'Z.Brotz ' " ' • ' blarch 19, Idsr,tf. . . Xllp sT-ti S- SA NT Y4;116 - . ATrOIiNEY AT LAW. • • , with Jitdeirilinibuin . ,` on Enat Main street .- bushman iiitrusiedla lila care-will-kw prtnaptly attend- May 20 , 141. • . . Eimbro•PAlimign,• Ohio. • W. K. Pounsylvarila. - L. Coax, ' Rhode blend. NYD 1,13 R, • IvI'FARLAND, AND S COOK, Bnnhere and Dealeia In Real 'Estate; ',, . ,:. : , •'''' MINNEAPOLIK • • '• •• . . : • AfinnesolarTerritory Juno', 1F57.-li. • si-rIDOOTOWA - 11.11ISTR0 . Fine rernov , . od hln Mato Centre Yquare west of llie.rourt tonne ;-where ho - may be consulted ntany hour oflhe day Or night. Dr. A. hashed thlity yearn experience in she pmfeSsion, the lost ten of'whlch have aeon dere. tedto the study' and practice ,of 'lleuireapathla clod. MaY Fo,?,b7am. ; • -- - • CRIVEM AND CON AYA N IJ 0101,—A. 1.. SEONSLEII. info Register of Cumber and co u nty , carefully attend to the trommetion all anal besinteis as may be entrusted to him, such as • the writing of Deeds/ Mortgages Contracts, &c. lieu 111 also - devote hie attention , o the procuring of Land'Wnr. rants, PenSions, be. on well .ns the purchase and sale of Real Estate, negotiations, of Manly ne. lia.ofllce on West High Street. formerly occupied, by W. ht. Doures t Esq, near the Methodist phyreh." .• RAI4: EA9.34_31.E.: _ ANOREXIA: FOE.' . M. JEFF THOMPSON K !V TIIOMI'SON, ' • Hain opened no,:tilllce at St:Joseph, Mo., for the pur.. chow and sale of Real Estate. buying and selling - Land ' Warrants, entering Land on Tinte;Ss rveying ping-Towns, Location - of and making Invest. .•'! menti for ned.snaldent_a„ .. pay_hig, f TwicusomiLcaLhush,---1 . earplittand - orfliononat ran Agency in '3llspouri, • Kansas, Knbrifska, and lowp, •- • ' • - AM-Office on Second Eireet, Neith of Ai - E. Beattie's! Banking House. . !: s AXTON% .-, HARD - Tv/ A A .. ~ BPRIN.G.AILEINA.L. ::. IMMENSE STOVE ON HARDWARE. - ' ; . . The .suboriher has.just, returned. from Iho Eastern itlos, and2prould'eall the !Atoll lion. of hla friends and ho publldgenendly to the large, and Wcll•seleeted oa7 sortmont of HARDWARE 'width ho bas how on hand; consisting-1W part of .BUILDI NO MATERIALS, ouches Nails. Setvls, Hinges, Bolts, Locks, Glass of. every do Ateriptloit Midnuality,such as Common, Wb Ito. polished-- American; French, Enamelled and Double thick -of nil slaw, Paints, 011 s, Varnishes, he., &c. TOOLS-Including Edge Tools of every . description - - Elaws,Phinea,Brate and Bills; Augers. Squares;Guages, 'Flies, Rasps. Hammers, Vices, Anvil, Screw 'Plates, Blacksmiths Bellows, A. 0., &v. Shoemakers and Saddlers Will find a la;ge assortment' . °ram& oheVery descriptien, together n ills Ladies' and Gentlemen.' Morocco 'fining, Binding, Daunt and Fronch Calf Skins, Shde Thread, Awls, Wax, Pegs. Usti, 'Harness Mounting, Collars, Olrthing, Whipstock; Deer, hair, Saddle Trees, &v., Ice. ,A leo, tench Atakora Tools and Trimmings of all kinds, such so Hubs, Bpokes, Felloes. Shafts, Bows, Floor Cloth, 'Canvass; Cloth, Damask, . F ripg, Lace, Moss„ Axles,' Spring Bats. Cabinet' Biafra Will. End a large assortment of Var. nishoo. Oak, Walnut, and Mahogany Veneers, Knobs of all, kinds and sixes, Mouldings, Rivets, Hair Cloth, Plush, Ctirled r r Clutir and Sofa Sponge, &c.• • . Housettrpe wfillalso fi nd a Fargo assortment of Knives and Fo s, Dratannia. Alhata and Silver Plated Tablo aid Tesiltoons, Candlesticks. Walters, Shovels, and Tongs, IrotWand Brass Kettles ' Pans, ,tc.,logether with Cedaniara of all kinds, such. as Tubs, Durbets, 0111161 S, &c , ' Agrieultund implements, embracing Plows ofall kinds, • cultivators. Hoes; Shovels, Rakes, Forks,•Chnins,A.c. IRON, a large atm k, comprising all. kinds in general use which I am selling at city wholesale prices. Remember the old stand, East Main stretd, _ 11. SAXTON. 'TO CARPENTERS, FARMERS • AND BUILDERS, I e aubserlbert would resectfully announce to tho public, that they are now prepared to furnish the fol lowing described articles of LUMBER: First, Common and -Paunel Clan; and Boards Cl all thinness : Com mon Boards and. Plan of \white pine; Hemlock Joke and Scantling.ofall sizes and lengths; White Pine and Yellow Vino Flooring, worked; all - kinds of Paling and Plastoring Lathe; Phut and Cyprua Shingle'a of all qua lities; Shingling. Lath . and !griping, .and Fencing . Boards '2O feet long. All timbers sawed to order, by leaving Of:lel:MN of all longthe and sizes, (pine, oak, or hemlock.) . Sash, Doors, Blinds And 'Mouldings ready fo'r use. Thu above will be furnished on the most pep imitable terms, and at tho shortest notice._ _ !O COALCONSUMEHS. _ We have constantly on band al ; 1 0 OA L kluds of .‘• I,lv FAMILY 'COAL, . _ euett es Lykens Talley, Short Mountain, Trovortem La- Coot Meuutaln, lark° Fiddler, Sunbury. Wilkcsbarre; and thd Bread Top for Blaeksmiths; all of which we will deliver to any part of the town us lew,uS it van Ire bought at any .yard In the town fur each or country produce. Coal all co-screened and delliered clean. By strict attention to business, wo hope to receive a liberal glare of public patronage: You wlll find our Yard in the eastern end of the Igo rough, opposite the ties Works. Our office hereafter will be Opt op posit° Ilente & Brothers store, In the-Mike now occupied by 'Squire Smith. All orders left et the office or at either of the eubsicribers' residences, on West' Pomfret greet, or at East greet, will be promptly at, tended to Silito3l a 110 F TER CAryslo, Jill(' 3, 1F57. • WHITE. HALL ACADEMY.- VV. THREE-MILES WEST OF IDIDEISBUDO, - Tho Twelfth Seselon of this Institution will commence on Iliondiy,The 8,1 of November. Parents and Guar: titans are requested to Inquire into its merits before sending thelesons or wards elsewhere. The location of the, Institution* is retired, pleasant and 'healthful, and' t(to course of instruction embraces the' ordintt ry and higher branches of an English Education, to-, gather with the Latin, Greet, French, and (Orman lan guages, and laical and instrumental musk,' Terms, hoarding, washlrig, and Tuition in the English branch es and vocal music'por session (21 weeks) *60,00. For circular containitg particulars address. , D. DENLINOEIL, ~,, Sen. , l7, 780¢.]._ • • Harrisburg, to •LIOURTIIi , 'ANNUAL .FAIR OF :THE BIT St l,lE6 LITERARY INSTITUTE, will's.) hold In LITERATty HALL : NUIVVILLE, PA, AIJUIUST, IEI2, 18, 14, 1867, • The lifenngers4voitld earnestly Vivito the ottontiOti of Farmers; Itleolonles, Artists and Ladies, and all oth .ers, to this oxhibitioill .Contributlone of °Very Mud; tendiag to further tbo development of Agriculture,liorti • culturu, atidlhetrts and Sciences. era respectfully so- Melted. lin elm o will its!metle ibr the exhibition r ot' euriktielce or ordinals, nod IQ addition - to this it ticket, as hefetofore, Will' be given to the a hibit. r, edmitting him Into the IteLL and.groilude at nll times wheunpon to thopublic. I '3'Xile Mill will Fie open fig the reception of goods on Thuisday, Augukt O. and on Tuesday, August 11, for the admission oilelsitors, -The Institute's Cornet - Vend , will by prosunt tbroughoUt the oxhibltiOn, de anti; kiln the lovortfof ocoe , t sounds. , • • Tao FL9ll.llffl DlATClrwill' come o Friday, the 13th; o'cio*, ‘ ltt a.fleida short distance f,om the Valli At 1 o`c.ik, ouTridey,stlicA rin nal Address will r. heal livered. The distribution of the property of the .Join stork Agsoilation.wM take place during Moll, grimy of the Nair. jar pill particulars, send for "List nf Premium*" Witicli'Will'be issued during the present . J. F. iticILLIVA / Jujy 1, ` 186 T Begri!try at itortixt,of Mpitsgera. oXSTATE KW. ; ATER E • DECiiMlElS—Notice is batik* given' that lalteise ta inlstratiowon the I:it:door Peter .Wbisler, deo'd. latoof township, Cumberilinct county, have boon tamed to tint undersigntsif residing in West Pennsboro' .township. 'MI poisons indebted to the wild Estate will mike payment,'sinCtlnnice'bitrlig' , cla t mii ageilinif it williProsent.thOlit forSetttement to. •I'. ,Juke OS, '57:—‘4.1,* i t Adm I n istrittor. '•• ' ' ' NOTIOEINdtitip, is• hopibygiyen,, oieeopple g ailowvaup q Made' le Abe next a tiro of Penneylvabla,'Nalter the charter of the Ilelo Deposilltank,'NeMed 'in lie iordugh or CardaM; Cumberland rotibtY; idea id - cionlet'ulpervitald bank the :rights and,privlleges eta-bank- of imue,andlo chaim • ." ltmname 40,th_dcarlIale Altk;ltelltdrobtio-ti.d capdarnf sold 'bank (vtlitchlkat,presetit'aMentylwe lhoneaud.'"dollorri`wlth the- prlyllege,of Increaelng tbo:.:*; mane nutlet Itelirreenekhinier OM, Hundred Ahe, ;„ said Dollareytnihree Hinulfed Tbotiaind Vonore -'" Rarlittio.-Jub , 4;185 1 1.: , 41iili" * " • % s ! : OQ ' ..--number of. $ 1 , 'iri n tea to ,COOtaes lite ee count °semi, N an agency that Laura the Idith:" , remegnaolt; If et' mature hge; TA-7 1,1401.4 and mtratotta,thefalltuntke twit:Leant{ h , teaChlag4tiorateg.or quy ,otberbtudnexa..: Atlmo,asto- OM n45b4464 ", 104.Uan. bilbissl4.),4nitioite'd:"' xiciiltiira~:.: ~~ .~. AGRICUTATOR4II4I4IIAIitt i NrO . ", —RENNOCK43- 7 ,iiiCtißMl/404"1414I.; daptod also foriaotring Oiiiiygl* jeddrtta, l s - i- 5; guano. KniuseeiThirtabbi'Vl er1 1 111i404)*44,, In tho marlcot;failifildWatettnt,Sfindmll.. _ ',. Muse Powor'aUhd.Tlifor 14*.Ii0iIIanatIC' -- ii: - • li t Sproador'o, Ihiqora Ela OFtrarfek°olFO s A d grlnj i l ' thu ti r e te-ti ett r i p o C SIPUdgp fi l i titierig:i th t el. ot ,° t:. for tho goo of tpn farmer 6 l' gapliuir r for, lido Whilot, do - '. 14 /04 .1 * 040 111 - 0 0 ; .- :: Aglenltiiiif ~;,i riiiihOuau4itmeink'gtoro, corner li and 31aikoL atreath - Phillidalghlii;?%7. , july.26, , pis. •' Nos.. 21 :and' 23 .gouth Sixth Street • 4 4 ': • • AGRICULTURAL WAR/RENT MANUTACTORT, Briidol. PA. .a ED a nothes (87(1 Acme) Illoomednle, near Bristol, Pa, - LOOK IlEitE 1 4 1- A It M . " E T R IIRESIIINO 3IACIHNESI "The nahscribers desire to inform t,rmere and public amorally lint they now haven', linnd and aro eonatant ly mantillieturing Thritsbing : Machines with .Plerpont's Patent Shakiic,yrblehttrit goneinilY'iicko9,w3VgedJ4 hN Vr the bestfartieleamo Also ir;vanet: or ClOvSr litillers,`Corn Shelling and :Hum 'Cutters. They, aloe attenn to the repairing of AgricultUral Maeh'nery. In .the best manner and on reasonable terms: • ,Manufne• tory on Earth Hannover Street, dirlietly opposito .'the residence of George Metzger, Esq. L • '_Augus t ..., ob— rri()' FARM US.--TheEle subscriber hap. 11 -just rat urned-from-the City-withune human ansortinents of Hardware over-brought WA'S Once. Ile has Just 'received 80 die. Mimes ivitll'a . nd• without pat; astenings, lien and Steel - beaks ranging iM:palin.lhaln. 14 Is $1 60. Also 300 pr straight and twit link [race from.oo to $125. Homo made traces ofnll kinds. •dno a lot of spread. fifth. breast; butt, carrying halter and log challis—alma a very largo 105,ofslej ' forks. epodes, hoes, taken. and in short everything' and any thing wantad by the sarinolu..-.„. lismember.the old stand East Stale St. Carlisle... • Starch 10 .'66. ' - H. SAXTON. , • . """: "•--7 - 1:2 ,21. i „ \\ r. I' . - ---- .:;:77::, I; - / _ f ,1 \tk . 7 . .13 A T i .F. N • TT YANNEE FEND CUERS,' mantnnt's ttiatll for' hDRICII et SARGENT, No. 410 Market street, rbllrldil Ti lf cutter is superior to any now In me, for strengtk .411rabllity, andidotplielty_of construction ;.it cutafast.:. or. and 1H the only self.sitritenlng Hay, Straw 'unlearn - Stalk Cutter near mode. It has iat•GNE STRAIGHT KNIFE, which any person can trend and set with ease; but in ordinary case, is ground in the tentkine. sands have already keen sold, and the demand is daily' litcrensing. •Id most roars an osamhiatlon isanikaent 'to convince armor its superiority. No one ofturAshost It - for any other. All sizes of the above oonstantly ort-hatid and !brat& by - • : ~••• . J; LYNE, ' 'Solo Agent for Cumberland county. ME al 1 RS & GARDENERS rip° F •lIIE LODI MANUFACTURING COMPANY °fro for onto 40,000 Iprrolo of thole' •i. NEW AND ..4,IIPIRAEOPPOUDRETTF, • (Manufactured trine. the itlitl&roilof _New_York__Otty,) In hits to snit Purchasers • - This artiele(greatly,lmpmved 'villain the last two -years) has boon In the market for eighteen years, and still defies competition,as a morn re to: corn or garden _y_o4o,le,i,. being, Klicaperintd,.more powerful_tharrany_ - otherotpd at the same (line free from disagreeable odor. Two barrels will manure nn acre of corn In the hill. will save twmthinis in labor, will wince It to tome UP quicker,' to gron. , .,faster, ripen earlier, and will bring a larger crop on - poor - grcund - thati any other fertiliser, end is aloe a preventative of the cut-worm; aloe, it does. ' not Injure the seed to be put In con.net with' It • • The b, M.Co. point to their long standing reputation, and the largo capital ($100,000) invested in their had. noes, es -a- guntuntre that the entitle they make Sind always be of suckquelity as N remand a Coady sale. - Price In Philadelphia m follows: One barrel to 5 bbls. • • - • - 900 • Five " to -, , 1 87% and nt the rate of $1 75 per barrel focapy q uantity over 10 barrels:. • - ' • •, - ' Air- A pamphlet °entwining every Information will be sent (free) to any one applying for the same. Orders are requested - ear!yin advance, to avoid disap pointment. Address, - PASCHALL_ iIIOIIRIBI k CO., Agents, CM% Marhot end 7th streets, Wb.lB, 1857-3 m. .; . AGRICULTURAL .I.IIIPLE .I.Z. *44lt mENTA. Ridging and Shi vol Plow* for Corn and Potatoes, Expanding Cultivators, with Sim.' Tooth or various patterns, Field and, Hanlon Harrows ' Hand -Plows, Revolving Horse Rakes,' patent Seythe Snails and' Scythes, English Lawn.- Scythes_with•rivetted lucks, Impeder Unloading Hay Forks, with rope and tackle comp ate, and all othor :Laides fur farm and garden. • PASCITALL'Ii RBIS & CO., 7th and 31arket Streets, Phila. OITA*/ !—A full supply of REESE'S k . . 4. ANIPULATFD GUANO, containing 45 to 50 per cent. Phosphate Lime, mid 8 per cent. Ammonia, manufactured from Columbian and Peruvian Guano, and contained In bagr of about 100 lbs. cecli, in store and for sale, in lots to suit purchasers, by RICHARDS & MILLER, 8010 Agents of Philadelphia. 92 SOUTH FRONT ST. l'ampllk, with full' particulars, at the office of this paper. , April 1,1g5L-Im. DLOUGHS, IN GREAT VARIET - V, L •consistin g of Prouty, Wiley, Makers, Peekskill, .Ida 1111, Subsoil, Poublo Michigan and Star 'loughs, with wrought shares. Also, Expand ing Cultivators, with Stool and lieversible Teeth, Field and Harden llanrows, Cast Iron Roller& Hoy, Straw, and' Fodder Cutters, with a largo assortment of Hortleultund Tool& - nt witokrisalo and ro tall. ' PASCHALL, MORRIS & CO. Itnplomont and Seed Store, 7th and Market, Phil. May 0,:1850.. 1? " Warranted fresh and genuine •;i',:4 GARDEN SEEDES, in every variety, at wholesale and retail. Assorted foxes put up eapeelaily for the country trade. Vine European and American Flower ',Riede... 20 helve ' , Minting in boxes fur sl,.wlth dlreCtions. Japan Pens, Sugar s Cane Seed, Tom Thumb Dwarf Peas, Orange Water Melon, Now Winningstads Cabbage seed. PASCHALL MORRIS & CO. • Implement and Seed Store ith,and Mnrket i nil. 17. 4 1 LY NETS, FEY NETS: 7 -'. 11 •,Tnet received, 100 pale Fly Nets, Linen, Cotton and Twine of all colors, quality and style; cheaper than over, st.the cheap Iferdwaro store of 11. SAXTON. East Mehl Street Carnet° Penn. May, 20, 1857 NEWVILLE DEPOSIT BANK.- . DitODILINTOItS. Ale ainder Davidson, • . James McCiandlish, George Item • John Wamtnner, • • William °mew, ' • 1. IC Randall, Mathew' II: floy ' d, - ' Abraptito Oroee, • . Atehoson Laughlin, If7QuiglisY, John Murals, Jr,, James McKeehan, ' Thomas Stough, • John P. Rhoads. Bank, doing business .In the name cf. Bo & Co.. is now proposed to' do a generalfiankix, Business with fidelity and dispotell. Money received en dopokit and paid 1 , ark eq dematm without notire. - . . On Speeial Deposits, Interest Is paid as fellows. From 2to 4 months, 3 per cent. per annum.; For 4. months and "upwards, 6 per cent. por•annum, Notes, Drafts, Checks .te., collected In any'.part of the United States. • Farmers, Merhanici, and all others desiring a safe depository for their money, will bear in mind limb the proprietors of this Bank are INIIIVIDUALLT UACLX, to the extent o(tholr several estates for ell the deposits und' other'obligatlons of ILEA, OBACEY A CO. . , Danking.llouse in Main street, Nowsille pa. noeshoursitorri . 9 ii,31„0 31'. M. .• • • • D.LiMOADe. NeW4lllo.'june 17, 1337.3 M.) Cishlee ÜBLIC . SALE c)F • PEAL'' ES::' TAIX=IIy virtue of n order of tlio'lliaOs`, ourtlar Cumberlind'elmoty to diceeted;,l.li sell at. Public Sale on the prembies, SATURDAY:4. a bila day of 'A ugust next, ell that DOUSE AND I.ol' OV OIIOUND sieurite'ln•Stoughstmin, lately owned oindrocC eupled by hire. Elisabeth Wilt, bounded On the rag' ;and South dad !knish Lindsay, on the north by, the turn 'plke, bi.on'tbe - vrest by —Reeder.. The house is a' two-story. Log ,Itonso with a kitchen attschud Aberetes, 'There-it also a leg Stable on the promises: - The terms °reale will he top .per cant. of the pu chase+ .inotiopwhen'the property- Is stricken down, and the re+ sidue on the let of April next when-a deed will be made and possession given—the purchaser to pay ell tapes as ,'biased ibr.11358 ;.• . Saluto cedurionee at .1. - Oolock;P. lif.ot said day.. • • • • REA, ii iE Sll UPPL Y OF ,DRU I , . , 'AND FANCY 000D5.4 - ' • '••• I havelnat received a fresh stork of BIEDICINES, • • • PAINTS, GLASS, 011.8, &e.„Which• having ,bsen solechil vvith.groet, care at. the' 6°K:houses -in' Phabotelbbia.• I can confldevitly recommend to .FAIIII,IES,-PIIYSIOIANS,' COUNTRY: NIIIICIIATIVIII IandDEALERS,,as being hest" end 'pure. • • --•• ' ;S, Prima; PAtent, Chen,lenla, InstniteOntS: :pure ease eclat die,' limbo and•Nxtravta; And whole, Essences, -.Porfunnet7. Cokl,lvevoll-.WeirlintBirgenntne. • 0 ' • , DYIATIJITtidIgOeS; Madderei : StlSeaMi!Sia4, 3 6,; , and CamAY4:olls. , [ oll Vitriol,...lfopp'eras;••• act-pge: , 4 Hontherbv thirCANI!!? Grote anti leelloir.,' paint ana , ,Vavaisli ilbcnSb e , TapekAino,PopAlandeo,lol. .Varnish,"and•lled Leas.' PAll.erivshlSh;:.7l)l:Ae;..rl4•Akt• linvvory hisfevl - nititivetinlo: , ..E., • •••% - •'4) ,,, ,:' , .jkl;in: II Nosh antb'sphindid• avinarnent,,or.F,Atl,g, i ,o9oDS, , Firnittii• Pon Sisliqnsfy,46loinnnivionlblci:, Other. .artiVictieslenfated'forrese`and.roanlept:all,4l,,whisS, 'are eirevsAnt.linflotitir'A•vipili Prtcos: at' the, cheap Urea, and Pangy,S., , re or An ;eel atteetiSlf , ••. , -!: 7 " " • • • " "• • • El • VERStOK: • 111)i1abc1p T u T itOY - 71i13;f : 11.14111.1)'.. 19IZt; LYNN 4 .-; '.;Tiiitc-n-Ainity.AxDocolt.latiottsuatury. 3Ubrlls. pprfactlun ,as Dyei•gindtho following.testi frord.tlipt °ranch! - Analitier Choi:diet. Professuk Routh; of iLlitint; wlll Mil) , confirm' what , thou-, lialuduLiiiiw OPICAL onibiispexty, • • ,•. Phil a phiiLlieb.l7thi •• '‘ BOlug acquaintedth the sUbstaiiaciiuompoi ,lng liurer'e Liquid 'lair D. 0,1 Am batleBod thoi by ' diroctiortbiiii - on - fogjta tweit will -not-injure the•lltdr alai:may mid 'durable' cohirto.the thilr.• •• •• • • •• •, • - • • • • JAMES 0. BOOTll,Analytic " . ' INKS, including Ilower'e.Fltild,. andljforneefullellble,Tnke,. aro too Weil 'known and ill ttodueed, to require any add itionaktistimony of their - chaferekin, The salmi have lbonr-Incrallslng niece their firstAntroduetionr-Oving4widenteythat---the-artiries truly possess that intrinclo - chimed at first for them by tin filaisufaCtarer. - - Ordone - addressed tri the 'filthaufactOei, No. 416 IfAbE strete, abut° No:;l.44,e'hiladelphia, will rereiva prompt attention by , • • . .JOSEPII.N;IIOTER, Manufacturer. C: I. I3USH'Et atr ttjkivt 15.:•Crits'e: lllnrkct St.; above Eighth, ' PHILADELPHIA. ONLY ONE BOTTLE OF DR S'ANDFORD liivigorator - or=iiver—Reme4y--- • Is required to carnally one troubled with Liver Com -I,lalntiti natio* the most devemte of eases, when the second . birttle will, with scarce 13 single failure, neaten thu Patient tolowilth and viers., lltiwish to call the attention of all to. thew that the Inilgorntor is compounded,by a physician who has used It in ills prim tire fur the past twenty yearn With a sucrose almost dulOns, nod that It is entirely vegetable, being 'com posed wholly.of gunis. ' . mime- idea of the strength of 'these gum may. be' formod.when. it lel nown - onir bottle of the-Invigorntor contalun aslnuch tangth ae 0110 hundred doses of Cep tomel without any of Ito deleterious effects. ' Ono bottle Is thwourbst thing known to carry away the bail taunts of mineral poison of any kind. ,' Only one boqle is needed to throw out of.tbe system the effects of medicine attar a !nag alekneas.• One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all yollowness ormunatund color from.the skin. One AOHO after eating Is SuMelent to relieve the sto mach and prevent the food from doing and scouring. Only ono dose take n before retiring preventanigbt mare.- One elono' talon at night loosens tnm bowels gantly and euets, (ostlvensea. • OtieSe_taken_aftereach-nteabwill-eute-Dyspepplek---- - Thne close of two tea-spoonsfull relieve .ajek Ilesdaelte. . The bottle taken for female obstruction removes the cause of the Owns°, and mattes a perfect cure, - !Ottly one dose immediately relieves_ Cholle. Coo doso often repeated is n sure .cure for - .Cholera Morlais, and a sure.pre;rentativebf Cholera, 0114311ns° token often will prevent the recurrence Of billions attacks, 'while_ It relieve all painful feelings. .tXipOno or ,NV . O &Sea taken nceasionall3 , Is cope of the best remedies for a. eel," ever known. Thom/ands of cakes of Intimation and , weakness of the lungs, have been cured by the Invigorator.. Ono dose taken it short time before eating gives vigor to the appetite and makes food digest well. One dose often repeated "cum Chronic Diarrhea, In its worst forms, while summtn and bowel Complaints }meld Mutest to the first dos - e, - One or two doses cures attacks caused by worms, while for worms in children, there Is no surer. safer and speedier iemedy in the.world, ns it tielehAnv• , There is no oxaggentelon in these Atntements, they lire Phan and sober facts, that we can give evicence to prove, while till mho use It sin giving their winnin:mei testimony in its fever. We wish all motto ere sick and' , detrilltitted to Ery this , remedy, and test it thoroughly, and any Avila are not twalefittod by its use we should like to bear from, an we have yet to hott from, the first person who hen used a bottle of Invlgofalor without receiving benefit, for there are such astofflshing medical. virtues In it, that all, mniattor bon , long they bate been affected; If their complaint 11111.11 from a deranged liver, Will he [Hulett-, ted If not entirely cured. A SANFORD & Co. Proprietor; 3.15 Ilreadway. Bow York: Foi tetchy S. ELIAOTT and P. W. lIAVEDSTICK; Carlisle, and by Druggists generally. March 2.V1857-3iii. • itMIRACLE OF .SCIENCR-Dr. L.'Kolling, of Mechanicsburg, Cumberland nounty; Pa., announces to those afflicted with Timm.' -Wens. Cancers. Polypus, Lupus, Moles or Marks, 80 ale. King's Evil and all diseases that have been usually -.treated with Caustic or Knife, he can remove them with. out cutting, burning or pain neither Chloroform or Ether Is administered to the patient. It is no matter on what part of the body. they may be, he can remove them with Perfect safety, and in a remarkably short limo. No Mineral of Vegetablepolson Is applied, and nr - money required "until a cure is perfected, • Prolapsus Uteri. Female Complaints. Chronici, Vane real and alfother diseases treated with positive onerous Full particulars can be obtained by addressing-in either English or Kerman ' post paid. Patients can be maim modvted with Iloard on reasonable terms. Mechanicsburg le one r, the' prettiest and healthy towns in this or any othei State. It-la 8 miles from IlArTlspg`rw, on the Cumberland Valley Rail Road, and acceseible from all parts of the Union. .The Doctor will visit. cases In any part of the Eta when peeked, • MICInd render if you know Any oftlicted felldw ere* Pure delay not to tell them of this treatment. • STAUFFEIt & ITAROY'S .A._.l . CHEAP \WITCHES ANI) JEWELRY ..--il .. I. 4 . Wholesale nndlielliii, at tho "Philadelphia 11ateb and Jetvoiry , Storo." No. 00 North Second street, orner of Quarry, Philadelphia, .. Gold Lever 11 - ladies, fullJetvolled, llifarat cases. . $28.00 . Gold Lenin°, 18 cantle, .• " 24 00 Silver Lever, full jewelled, 12 00 Sliver Lepine, Jewels, - 0 00 • . ' Superior Quattlers,. 7 00 Gold Spectncles, 7 00 Fine Silver do. •. .4 80 • • Gold Bracelot a,, • 3 00 . Ladles' Gold Pencils, . ' -Silver Tea Spoons, set, , 5 00 ' ' Gold Pens, with pencils And silveitholder, "1 00 Gold Finger Rings Watch Glasses, &c. All geode werrente4 to be whet they ore sold for. STAUFFER A_ HARLEY.._ ..... , , Surrey For of 0. Conrad. • • 4w-On handsome aold and Mier L were and Lapin , still lower than the aboye prlcre. , • )LENDS AND SHADES! E OF NEW STYLES. • I. J, WILLIAM?, N 0.12 North Sixth Street, 'hila.. dolphin. Illnnufacturer of VENITIAN BLINDS, VELVET AND GOLD BORDERED AND PAINTED SHADES. of BenutifuJ Designs, Buff, and nil other Colors of Ifolinnd used for Shades, Fixtures, Trimmings, &c., &c., Wholesale and Retail, at the Lowest Oneh Prices.. , • STORE SHADES painted to Order. D . , .1. W. thankful for past patronngs; respeettally Belts the public to ,all nod exmoine his now and large assorttneot,•beibre purelinidng elsewhere. March IS, DIST; FFHE • LARGEST'. CHAI AND •_L ' FUANITURALESiAIIyEIIISIENT IN • BALTI . SIOItE. • • a ; _ g y m .... ... • ...... • - 0 . • 4-JA! : - ).., Lt "': 1 . 1 .! !. )• : •:'; '_• '''. ' "' " t "' - 'l . • Na lo.ts .oay , Stree ~,Vtare.rogtie!, ~/vO-25 GaitStieeerie‘ar!Faiiiii,. - BA LiTI • -Wm:Rola kio al irla on band; or made to order,eve ry atyle . Of 'French' EVP,.A.T.ETES; In. Plry,,phdr, ; Cloths oillrimptello., ••• ,; • • ;,; ' Enoch Full In'Plush,' Hair, clotth.brltiocittblld: ' , • Vron s ch Stuff Curved' PARLOR eltAllgi, Inseta with Plush; llalr;OFTWOt0 11 r ' ''' • SOFAS;blench , blibegany, and , W aln ut Parlor 011A1119,,Ittlhdr, Cloth orPlush:. • '. ROCKNG CHAlRS—various designs , in Asir, Cloth • Stuff prinit,LtillNOtli large asaortment.alweiya or, anx.lpattern made or Coveredr with. m= node to order. -,- filllAMlltilt'AClT,s7,-in, Walnut,: Complete, from 4536 and liticktog de,4tha.largiat.iatioric - then(geoply7u.:l4o to.thp -. . 117 X 1 J,44 ktates,- ; .frona.llgu.do• .oliar,Ro44,o;ll4,an:ci Dl ol o , oPoilks,tiuglaki.Wia-; nut! opAlatiogouyi.wlth Cone*, W oody or btu ohdilleata 7 ;atritalsirtniiitit„embracl o g over RO:doson: ' ; 1, -kti.0411. - Baat pod OrPtaltB;and 1100.14INtli ; ;, eather'llpthollalrand Ilusk Ilfattreaseadtievers.vai, 1:•: Mao,' Itinds of UM and 1.144. - Frames-thr r i . 4 9 ° 1 44 - XPOsoa;•?ic.; -. i; Nurinliii'fi r titiet,' • , ' 'Near Fayorte-Strmiit,,,l a . 4 t 6 • LS . llnetit -ttr- b(:),I V oil AD or wp.ittow. iIiEMMA .. • . r. N 2a7i l en — T lL T — E . A N T s. N—D , — :: -.8 - -:-.• • •Y ' •::::,,-: Int.iffnit:iecasion, mummxtan9sl, BA., • I . "`5 !- • :1 ) . : 4 , '-'--"jEr n E n. T° m' ., aAi ;' ~.... - .., m . otractpally cure . , - • • . 'LIVER '-COMPLAINT,: DYSPEPSI4,'•SIAUNDWE, (throttle or Nerrottr-Delillltx, Diseases of the Kidneys And all dbmasesnrlsing fromn diSordered • • c- -- - ' ' ! __Liyeteetiltoutach.,•- • - ' .. -- 5 ------ r. -- ---- - Illitelt as • - - . • - • . .• " Constipation, ' • Inward Pllbs, Full. • .• .. '.; - • • .besefir Blood to the Hcadt -- Aclditref the Stomnch, Neu - sea,llearthurn, Dlegustforkood, -------. :Fullness or-Weight en the Stontneh; --: - • .' . ' , -,SourEructatlonft,Seniteliinking'orFlutteringz -- t-the-Pit-of-the•St cu viiiiinlng of . ' the Head, Hurried and D iffilt - Breathing - • . Fluttering nt the Heart, Chciaklng or suffeen , :- . 1 1Ing-tlensatione when in a lying postum_Dimneen ' • of - Vision, Dote of webs - beforellie Sight, Fever ' , 'Ad dull spainin the Head; Doficieney of 5 -Perspirntlon. Yellowness of the Skin and • - ' 'Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, .Chest, Limbs, , ate , Sudden' Flushes of ' ~.;:• - Heat, Burning In the. Flesh, • Constant Imhgininge of • Evil, and' groat be. ' - . • pression of • ' ' • • • . rits. The proprietor in ,ealllng Spi the attention of the nubile to thin preparation, dries so - witif a feelingof the utmost , . confidence in Its virtues and adaptatiOnle. theillseases• for which it is recommended; A . -- If le no new and. untried - article, but one that has - stood Mutest of a ten year.' trial before the American pal - 11001nd its reputation and sale is unrivalled by any, similar preparations extant, The testimony in its. - • - favolitiverf; • by AIM Moat peon:tit/eat slid, well known :Pilysictins Itild:lndividuals,tnellinstispfthe country Itlitn - Menitio': , •• : , t • .., DERANGEMENTS OF THE "LIVER AND STOMACH.. Are sources one - sanity. ,Front Wsorder or obstruetion, ' it Morbid baton, of the sympathetic and other nerves , follows. 41114 the futictions of the brain are Impaired tutd.l denting:o Lderangement-there wil imbinpreduCti diseas es of the heart, skin, lunge nful kidneys. It le owing to the same cause that thousands die with Cholera, Bilious or Yellow' Fever, ang that moat baneful disease,— Consumption. •• The general want of encores In treating disease:l of the liver and - stomach, has not been a deficiency of patholm glcal knowledge of their functions—Lo t t of a imitable. ' compound that would net upon the disease and all the . sympathetic-affections. That has boon gained In thee Bitters: and. they can, be used by persons with th /nest delicate stomach with perfeet safety—as they at' no time debilitate the patient, bat glee strength and Increase the nervous energy. They ran be taken at nil times, and under all circumstances, NO ordinary expo- • sure ,fm prevent them baying a salutary effect, and no had effect cab result from au over -dose. if patients will persevere M the use of this remedy, and use It strictly aCcording to directions, it 55 ill cure. the foregoing diseases in every Instance;•lf-not-totyceaff-, AhnpOweailf-m - edielne; - It bite roused many to enjoy the blessing of renewed hettith, and in many deseratep 'And abandoned cases, n.perfect and lidleal cure. - -, - pEiiiroSl3.AriiANcEn IN LIFE, • ' , And feeling the hand of Time weighing heavily upon ,them, with nil Its attendant - ills, will find 1,, the use of - the Bitters nu Ellxer'that wilt Instil new life into their veins; restore, In a 'measure the energy and ardor of more youWul days; build -up' their ebrunkin forms.. and give health and happiness, to their remaining fears . , -It is a well esdahlisited feet; that fully one:Leifer th female portion of our popubition are seldom in. the en oyment of geed health, or to use their own expression 55 never feel well." They are hnguld, devoid of all en ergy, extremely nervous, and have no appetite. To this.class Of invalids.. these Bitters are- especially re-. commended. Their peculiar tonic - and insigiorating properties render then: invaluable in such clues. Persoliw visiting, districts barrio:sea annually- with- FENER AND AGUE, or-ANY FEVER OF A BILIOUS , NATURE, will find that by the tinteti _nee of one or we bottles, they will not In one Instant: e take the die ease, as the Bitters will ronovntennd• n rengthen - the • -system, and carry the bile of in Its natural' rhannel:— : Prevention Is better than runt. • -And-fice TH EYII ARE ENTIREGY-VEDEV nd Ailiic n ' voCalcutiolle Stimulant, MI Ij - uritius Ingredients; ere pleasant in taste and emelt, mild in • their operntion, will expel nil morbid- secretions from - th e body, give blc,om to the pallid cheek, and-health and vigor to the frame, • • . _Price 75 cents peryittle. . . • Prinelpnl Office. N . On ARCH street, Phil'm Pa,- Sold by Druggists and Storekeepers in ,every town and' villege in the United Statowand Canedn and by all Druggists In Carlisle --- (May 15, 1857 • - 's PRILADELPIIIA ItIEDICAL HOUSE eta lls hed twenty two yearn' ago by DR. KINKELIN corner ol Third and Union Streets, Philade/phia,-Pa. - ENTY-TIVO YEARS' • Eiperiencd has rendered Dr. K. a most successful proc 'lltioner In the cure of all diseases of.a priva le - nature; manhood's debility, an an impediment to marriage;' nervous .and sexual in firailties,dlscases of the skin, and - thomarising from ablate of mercury. TAK PARTICULAR NGTICE. • Thorn is an evil E habit Runlet:mei Indulged lousy boys in solitude, ellen growing up with them to manhood: andWideln-if not rellirrited lo due time, not only begets serious obstacles to Matrimonial happiness, but -glues - rise to a series ofprotracted, InSidloue, and devastating 'affections: - Pew of those Who giro, way to.thls pernicious practice are aware of the consequences, until they fled the ner vous system th Ittered, fool stmtign and unaccountable. sontintions and vaguefears in the mind. (See pages 27, 21r, 29, of Dr. book on "Self Preservation." The Unfortunate than tiffected becomes feeble, unable to labor with twee/domed rigor, or to apply ids la mind to study; his atop is tardy and weak ; he Is dull, l energy than usual, rresolute, and engages even In his !Torts with lima If ho emancipate himself before the practice ,has done Its worst, and enter matrimony, his niarriagetts un m ls ufulond his sense tells him that this is caused by earlyb follies. Theseare 'conshierationstchkh should awaken the attention of all who are similarly situated PATIENTS AT A DISTANCE Can 'have (by stating their rase explicitly,, together with ail their symptoms, per letter, enclosing n remit tance) Dr. ll.'a medicine. approprinted-nocordingly. Forwarded to ally pat tof the United States, end • secure item DAMAGE and CURIOSITY, by mail or.ex. prem. - • - ... '' -READI YOUTII AND mmillooprn Self 'p A Vigorous Life or a AND Death, Eirilieltn Pr eservation—Only 25 cents. Letters containing that value In.fitampsovlllansure___ -a eopy-perreturn-aniall.— GRATIS I GRATIS! I GRATIS II I AFree GIFT to all • .NIBERY RELIEVED. • •" Nature's Guido," a new and popular work, full valuable advice and impr4itstre warning, alike calcula led to prevent years of misery and no thousands a lives, Is distrituted without charge, and forwarded by mall. prepaid, to an Post Office In 'the United States on receivingan order enclosing two, postage stamps. ALL, I t PAI...E.R 1V! ! Just received the largest and to varied assortment over opened in Carlisle. The public . are invited to call and make the aelectiSit from our mammoth-as.rtnient Our prices are the vary lowest. Al., a large variety of Window Blinds and lire Board Prints, at . • ' JOHN P. LYNE & SONS, th Hanover rlis. P. 8.-All Papers on hand Nor from last aeaso_n will behold _ _ IVLIV L B It YA B D.- Mr k - RONT ERT, 'HARRISSURG.e subscribers F offer for ST sa ß le a large and well i s Stock of DRY LUMBER,.SIIINGLES, at their Yard on Front St., above the Cotton Frettuy. Theiottronage of the public Is rospurtfully solicited. Feb. 20.11157.. JOSIAH EPUY Co. WALL PAPER AND WINDONS &C ISA 16 ItoTlith, No. 113 ?birth Second Street, below fa & ce, Philadelphia completed, their largo assortment of the above Gongs for Spring and Summer Trade; w orld respect fully invite tho..attoution of purchasers to the semc. Their stock for beauty, cheapnessand variety eannet• s be surPassed. They have constantly on hand.drery description of Gold and Painted Shades, Buff 11;;Ininde, and Shade • Fixtures.. Wall Papers, Curtains, Fire 'Board Prints, Borders. &e., all of which they offer at lower rattle thou . can be had at any other,.einablishmont-• tall and ex amine • • J. t.ISASCI6 & 111101111:11, ••, • 133 North Seeond Area, below EOM, Nara 4 1857.-6 mos. • , . WARBURTO&'S 'I3ON . /NI4IT • • TERIALS FIIEI3IIIIEO TRADE..... _..... - Jiht•recolved a full Supply ,of cheap, and desirable goods, the laste3t Paris fashion of our own importation, also from Auction' nd linporters, wlilth we offer touch below the usual prices. • • " • Tionnettlibbons, all 'widths. "Narselllnce. • (louse and Crape, do. Florence'. • 'Block Velvet, . do. 'English Crepes. Rath, • • , do. Aerephone do. Plalu French do. ;Glace Silks.• • ' - ' Donnet Pi•ult de owl • 'Parini an, white & col. Alblque, •••,. .11Se it - Illusions and Vete. " DlSek 'Roam and Qullllugs. 'lltlack.hoinbazines, • Crown Linings, • 011 Silks, oct.. act. P..inbrplderleseOlores, Mitts, and Lave Goode;'-';;. ; '. , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. : • • At 100% ,So,uth SECOND'Etreet;ffecond Dry Goods Stops below'Sprucii, PII.I.4ADELPIII4. . . , 3 ay, 00857.-3 mos, fl BF f: T.F,III,.L PE.OF FANCY! No* OPEN , Kniss 40LE 33. ; colgati.' A:nd be at 4114 Old Dead "Quarters in North 'llanover tarok', during the Christmas and New Year's •, feadvities, with one of lbe lorgestksiorttneuts of • Ever•••• - CIIOICE:CON,F.ECYIONAULPS . Ever offered 'ln'' this place, consisting in - part of Fine Candy 'Toya and 'Fruits, doily CaltesOlon Dons, Gum :,.Chcswilitto and 'Fruit' Drops, Rose, 'Vanilla.. and Burnt Alulonde, French' and, exploding Secrets' itc. Also all -the i ,commonvarleMes, • FRUITS AND' Wind of the • idtest,lmPortatlotts *itch as Oranges, Lemons, RalphusFlg l'ruens, Currants, Citron, eon and 'pane ' shelled Almondi Crein, Cocoa, and Ground • Nute. in connection with the above an extensive err ' sortment of . ' ' • •TOYS AND FANCY OC4M:4 of • every quality and pica, Consisting in part of Fine ' Max, ltld, china, or) lug and etbei'Dolls. Sewing and ',Card Baskets, Fancy. ,Ikixeis,,Flower "Vance, Motto Cups, Tegget•ts, Nadia, Brims, 0 uns,rrl ir.Plstols. A coordeons, Ilaimonicons, Trumpets. CliOgioif6n of hono..xnd•wnda, •- • 'lDorninoes; Lotto and ripen •gaineS, :fiance , Soaps, Moir • 'Oll4 and Port .Monales, te:i..We.hartr Also a Pne.lot of " FAMILY .• ippoons,,giotr aft putiertsed; ornahed.and ..• • , broWn dugaret, ref eierrgradi:Coiree, lii^lesses, Starch, am"' AS,Pii. , k•Telikiiktileoli,Dniter 11114 SugAr, Water ti - 4nAothir nuike4, . • The eulisitrititic s iirits AnOore flonike to.a goner. Pu.,Pilto4•V;t llo Inmaireherotniblotioatane ton hint, ••., 'and botioktlit,4,4 ipluAlgaec,,,tot,hterityrcorittnutince 'if the:nol' 4 J? - r ' 1 . .1110NYBR: 3 04 i/b10t' 7 ° 486'6 .• •••••.' St • tlitßy ;fs . , o.4thildiklioilo 1641100.6 A of•Corlisie. ' , Ma will t OnAbe .Pleno; G ujitar. and Melodeon', And also 1:104 - uot pupils In Vocal music. , BatiSfectory. refer ' ..enoew are offered, an to•htp to give siithilkot!oo. ,'• ltoshionce at Martin's Uutel. • ' ..• • • • 'Wtnits244B.s7.-,-Sinot." , mittin g tou t rea t i n ap" - J • - IX) Alebirinea. D
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers