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Ca tuastrllenstbo Is published Weekly on a' largo o' • ' :sheet contalning tiienty eight columns, and furnished to subscribers at $1.50 if paid strictly 10 advance • - $1 75 if paid within the year; or 82 Id ell cases when payment is delayed until niter the exphottle of the year. No •übscriptions received tbr a lose peCied than six months, and none diseontinued until nil arreareges •• are paid, unless at the option of n Ile publisher... Papers sent to wubscribers living nut. -of Cumberland county _ust.bu_paltifor. VII nee ,_OOllO ey , ap ed by some reip.nlitible poles living CinulThrland coun ty.:'Those terms wld .be rigidly titi.Nit to in all , cases. . . •,, • , —p-DVFRTIS is PI6NTS; -- • Advertisements will be cluirged . $l.OO psi square of twelve lilies for I hYoo losertlous. alit 2recents for each Aulinentierit Insertion. All rolvertluenients ni less thllll . • twelve linen considered Os it Plll2ll'll, Aelcertisemrolls Inserted belbre Marriages and deaths - E rents pe,llab for first insertrion..aini I cents per line --for subsequent Insertions/ tioutnitinlestions 00 sub• judo of 11014400 M Interte.t. wit. eltarv.ed 5 cents per line'. The Proprietor will but be respond . tlo hl tini daffes sir errors in advcrti,enients, Obituary notbom or ,3lnrrla 4 es not excuollug biu lines, oil, be • lnsitirted wlthourebarge. JOB Plil NTANG .- • • •. the Nellsle Harald .1011 PIC !till NO ONTICH is the lars,ctt and mast ,:romplotoestabilehment in timenunty. Tiiroa . good Presmos. and a_gqneral variety of material moiled for plain una•raficy work, id tery.iciiid • ennhit us to di.lon erinti•ig at the oh wtest notice Melt 0:1 the .11104 t reaeanable tarnio. l'ershis - hi want of BUN, }Slants or anything in the Jobbing hood It to their interoht to give us a call, Evuej variety or thanks ennetautl ron hand, . aeiter . af nub -Coca( 3itfutiOntiofi, U' S. CIOVEItti MEM' Pritaldent , --J imrs l'regldeitt—Joirt U. ii ! tEcKe : Nninae, s,..•r4tAry - 1 4 4.tratAry 6( Sedet..try-pl War—Jims It. FI.OTD. Sueretnri Y. -rod llnster 1111,ANN. Att.lrliey t:olivral—Jtati.ms S. , - Clijof J ustleo of..tho 11..TANKK, MEMO= . , . .. (Juvertmr—.lAmi:s POLLOCK. - . . ' Socrotary of Stato—A:viminv -11. - COMIN. ---- ' survuyur Ciputtrut—.l.wot..-VavrJß,-- ..' Audit, 1,-; 011 c l'il I —.lO H N Pl./WE. ; . ' TrettKlKOK-111:Nlil . S II LUK AW. , .111dgei4 - uf tlia Supreme Court— , E. Latch, .1. M. Ala:. ' OTIOSO. W. B. LOUItIV., q.. W. Wolpw.situ, .1, C. liNox. cousyy liFFicEits l'rehWent Judge-11mi. Jnoirs IF Oralmm. . , Ass ,riato J udges—llon. 3lielsaul Cualin, Enamel, W....clbuir, ..01,trid , Attfirlicy bin. J..;:11.,tr0r, Pr.,thottolt.try Ditiliel K. Noel!, li..,o..mracr 5..0..—./..lit. M.. lilt.; • Begister= - Ibr ilVkillo e. . I/1,411 ::1101 . iir- , ,, h1004 /:00111311: 1).11:Uty, J. liatning. County Treasure Adam.f.lemounnn. CmmOr 311tchall 31gelifilan. County Conimissionen,=-UtorAu 31. Ornbam. William. flentiorB m, Androw.lierr. -Clerk 4p-.L'ommio , loners, klb.bael Who,: . Direct , oh of the . Poon—Ge •ro Brimll n John C. Brown, Sam unl Trltt. 6uperlotuodont of 'l'uor think Lobach. BOItOUi; II OF FILIEUS Chief Burgess— Bolirrt Ire inr Jr. Assibtinit iturgess—tieorge 'Beira Conn, Parker' (President) John Gut. ili.(ll;Jetnes Guilin, sr., Fran third - nor. :amine) MS, tile, .Peter Sliniyia r t•zanuel ti taxi'', J. U. Halbert, Jueoli Deux. ,•• Cidrirt: to Uquilell.-:—Win. Wett,el. ' - Ci(ostahles—Jelin. Bpitr, Iligh Constatilti; Robert It'urd Countable. . • ' CiIVRCIIL•S FirstProsbyterlan Nrllliwnst angla of fell tre Ito v. Om Ivay .0. 11' In , 01 . 00 du Imlay Morning lit 11 u'clock,"A. :Ind 7 u'elt.ek I'. 31. Second Presbyterian ell ureli,Jrnor of Son, th a allover and Putt rut nt eats. hoc. 74r .radls, Pastor. Services commoncu at llo'clock, A. M., Mill 7 o'clork . St. John's Church, (Prot. I.pkeopal) northeast angle of C•nl4eo a I i Ira. diii• J• 1,41, 11. .Irif'SN, Ices ut and 3 o'clock. P. English LuThenant ourcn; , ” and Lout Our streetni. Kev: Fry, Ptistir." 15nrvicu9 at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7 o'chmk P. )1. , llurantu llef.noned Church, „Loather, between Han. , over and Pitt stceetny Rev, A: 11. Kremer. Pastor.— ' &lyric. at 11.1!,4 .clock A. Al, am.P;.;l.:nelocit I. Authodint r...lllorch, (dent charge) corner ot Mahn nud PM Streets. Rev. It. D. Ch.snibers, Pastor. Sun leen at 11 u clot A. M. nod 0 1 ,4o'el.'ek I'. N. .de.hualst 1 . .. t linen void churl'-) liov• Thom. Dauguerty, Pastor. Services In' Cullty,o (Lapel, at 11 o'clo..1: A. and 1 o'clock, P...)1. Item in CriLllnlie Church. lout nen,' East htrimt. Rev. J linen Barrett, Nestor,, bervlcen on 11'e And Sun- I day, i each month. tler.nau /an t herau Church con n - Pounfr.nt nrd Redford streets, Wev. I. P. :%aschold, Pastor. ',w.f., xt IoV, hen changes In the shorn fire tiecel.sury the proper persons are requested to sr tify us. • DICKINSON CoLLEC;E Rev Charles Proildout, and Pol.anor 'of Monil :1( Junco. Roo. 'ratan M. .It.hnadn. Proll•Boor of Phpunuphy and ugll,ll I.lteraturo. Janos iP, 3:arsh.All, Professor of A , elent Languages. 106 11.• l'i.t.ny, l'rolodur of 3lnthotna.n.o. • Wllllato U. U IL on, Profespr ol_NaLund Stlenco and Cur sir ut;•he'V usouni. ' . .... . .i.e....koder r..clwin, Itrofebsor of llobrew mid Modern rxii4:lltl,zeb. - •'",-. . Salllol D. 11111mon, Principle - 01Mo Urntoninr 1 4 eLoi.l. "James I', Mursludl. Aendsutot In a, Grammar titilool, übmtv or t3eli ow, Di it Ecl otw Andrew Itialr. Pro.klokt. 11. Fait., P. Qulstcy, Corumu rt. J. 17 , )1111utos, J, Ilauint...ll..t.e4 , oinry..tuevit W.. LIT, Titiasurer, ..1,4111 :Thur. 1l unacugrr. 11crt ttt tho lnt Sloudity of curb Altrutli ut uceitluu Hall.. , CORITTATIONS. Canine Derosir 11ANK.—r7eediluot Diehard rarher, Ileettain Cier/c,J-11.111 1 10/:.-K.-U-MII. • ••• • relinau,(l. AV; Lued, Wire:tors, Millard l arhor,Jelin Zug Stuaart, 'Mavis Paxton, D. C. Woodwind, total t Aleore, Juliu ;.anuerti ' on !Leary Logan, `natant,' I% hero . " -- - -- ,tlumiirArtmelim.r.ltAiL ROAD. COMMA:. v.--1 resident. ('reds lot Watts ; teeretary and 'Treasurer, Lils, awl U. %Wu; Superiniundent; M.P. N. Lull. I assenger trains twice' n day. Landward leavlug Carlisle at 0.3 u o'clkek .A. A. stud 0,10 O'elrek k. Al. 'two trams every day Westseard, leaving Carl6lis ut 1.0,011 u'eluclt tura 2.2 u 11. 31, •-•••••-• 01111.1[11M. GAM Ave W.W.11 CahirsNr.—Presideut, Fred , erKk Watts; Secrelary, Lemuel 'rood; Treacurer, 11 tu. ',ll. De iLoin; Directors, M. Watts, Richard rather, Leu,u. el Todd, It la. Al. Matron (Jr. W. IV. halo, I , ,caukliu .aardner. floury Wass nod-D.lh Biddle.. - Cumin niAno VALLY:r liANK.—Prosidunt, Jobn S. Pier roll; Cashier, 11. A. Stun,e , iin 'jailor, Jes. LL Hoffer.— ' Winch:re Jam 0. H.errett. Pin. Ker, NOOK& Braun. nom, Ith:ban' .)Volids, Jelin C. Dunlap, Lott. V. eterretl, ' 11. A. ;education, and Cuoido Jobe Dunlap. BOCIETIEB ' Cumber Mild Etat Lodgo No, 197, A, X. 31. meats at Motion Mill •ou Vow and . uud ith Tuesdays of ovary '7llou.ls. St. J dans 1, st.,:e No 2139 A. Y. N. Nests ad Thurs. _... -- 11.3 y °Teach tdoutls;"st 3.lcirlop 11011. — Curllslo Lodge No 91 1. 0. of U. 'N. -Meats Monday srsodug, at Trouts LulldlUg., \-- - " ". UNION FIRE CONPANi, 011GA.NIZEI) 1789: -• . • PRESENT . 0F1 , 10.E118. FIuZIDENT—.E. COWMAN.. • • ViciPaiwr.—ba..MUMOVFNZEL; SE. • - • - bogarrAitir—ALE 41 X..IAVIAti.' KONYMIt:' • ' SOurjlay In MILO!, June, kieptemtar, RATES OF POSTAGE. '• IZOotode on all letters Grotto lielltionei weight, or. len.: der. route per pajd. .except ,to or Oregon, %Wet; la le ewes prepaid. : ' A co , Postage ou tho. 'llirlicr—withtn• thi Couutt 'fire,. Ilitbtrithodtoto43 runts pbryonr:. Tonny poi of tho 111Liilt Anton 2n ntn " Ponningo Ull all truss papowt tiottona ounciin Itr wolght, 1 coot prrnpnid "or two cents uhitrikl, 'Adchrittcd laws to lie charged With Zhu. cost "of ntivortinlogi. • ' • , , -. • "-' '• " . R Therels sleep In all Minis! - • On still ni g hts, Throe Is rt holding of o tuillicht wings: , .--- The purple lioneithees In gloonty woods, , The speckled butterflies, and tiny broods -4 ~ - In dizzy poplar heights! - The wild wood rose is diimmli N'whon*blush Rises front Sentand darkness t. , . Its cheek, Touching the crimson to deeper Into? . . . Its parkettlins weuld.seent ns It entail [Tunic, ^ . And tell Irhat dreams of fautasle_and love , , Bearded its eyelids with a sllvur dew! Would 'net there . led metalled toll a tale '.• - Could they, hut brealc, - some mild mid summer night, Their l!LISINI Of rllesier,.aud dellrleus. leap Into melodiou s : , utterar coP Whip knows 'What soniliro gllrm,s.wlint visions of dolight, Flit through tholr bruins lu tho dim world of Wen? filtiep I Tho bountiful old world Propped tip with rainbows out of 14)111ce and limo Thu Eldorado Vanc3's ibiry Tho dreamy Palestine Thought! , talttisll!tOun 2 ivlwre the soul cony lie_ bort in Elysian; 4 , Lille.the nnlslc moan Of rune itineirthlyrrivor faintly caught, Peopir like the u hloper,itn6z of angels blown Xolian burp wings! And 'We cluing° Into b rosining Fr•inetli lug that In iwt 1., Princess of dreinis and vide!) memories; Falitastle steep! Ono rrhu Is uederu lilt his tiresome day Minna thee a a - Jill that Ice would lute thee keep A captive' in thy inystical.domain, '3lling-ir lid Puck-1.11360i mid,t lie grotoinuntrain That du inhabit 1141,111er, Tye bianight ha - mortal shapes, mid hrlin, ,- to 11 I. Pk.) 4t.:1(1411 Steel, lotus leaves and popites nu toy breast! . The sleepy buds rout the iolOylluodlaudshrought . • The flowers of Lethe! Uhen ivlth 0 vlimlesa Touched %Oh all s lore liken Inn sing IVrst— The Castle of r here'the feet of Tlit;ught; - tolitel:;tlegttheir ottn shadi;ws lull Like MI !envoi. and 3et lq.ot rlako a sound • , In All the corridors!' •. The bell sloi pa ru its tongue • kdrovi'sy - zhiirinur limits Into the Air • Mks fliht , old,wil I erynbere. • he conk's asleep, and tin di enndilg, cows! And s.O here I.ivlttiul l les hen e hung rear. 4 Ilr. hr gn Wes roll And deep: - The 1..1y-wre:lthed hninds , lo K 114.811.8: 'jut I, In chilling twilight stand Walt On the portrpllls nt illy restievit . e, Vs/wiling, 6, see the golden door of dreams 1 urn on the 1106014. as hinges of n sleep! i„ "Tll.lll GOOD THAT MEN DO, .I.IVEki Thie is a limb, which has been attested by 1110 experience of fill sged, Iran the creation of_the hhdd, uAtil Ilie'present tittie. , The sn ored Scriptures, the eldest adthentie record, abound illustrations f this truth. Life is (tit, life is enrui.st,'ltaul ihvolves sOlenin al must fearful responsibilities. • • , " It Is cot alllife to live, • . Nor all of death to The good that ELICLI do, livre ;titer them As the little rill, _winding its way through the gi•assy meadows, et first unnoticed nod -unknown i -but --gradually e blening- and -dt:ep ening an it pilehe,, fertilizing Old beautifying et efy it - is lost iii •tl.O beundlet, reran— ea is it with Moral influence. It may he n little thing at field, but Ito effect in 1/01111.firtql aid Inthott,t e ifs eimitity. It is not the mighty end pow trial meth, alone, whtree 1.11. re Are tioUt, handed doWn to porter ity, but often lit the humblest paths of life do , we 'find Attar hearted .one, who- forgetting self, end living only to . bless his rncq, dies, nod" leaves behind Inlll . n Incs which shell endure through titue;and the unending ages of etc rnity. Neither does the power of doing good dept nd at on , the'length.of tin a we epend ou cortt, fur es a eel t.dn'writer fine heauti isllll' !Mid: ela, : ;ul:i et:nut timo Vs hemt throLp.. Who tbil.he the or Ilett—nctii the test." )Ve' hose nmurr — 'xiiopfes t 6 prove that the gond that nun do Hits l itter them, t. 0.1 none nuns lllu ttioue than our,own peat and glo rious )Vaehington: Ilies%life of pure morality,. Christian virtue, nod, txulted ptriatiens, erted an• it titteoCe PT good Ono, the world alathor sleeps in death, centiLue to spread until tittle. shall he 110 - more Follow him front I oyhootl, and ob set sie - Ille - defelopment 'of Noise - virtuee:Which afterwards 1111110, him the admiration of the e iing_the_altureme la_o Le av e and pleasure, be devoted hip life to the good of his countiy, counting no sacrifice too great, so that her 'lbw ty norlAntlepeodencle plight be secured. Compare his .11. e with that of -Na po'con. What a contrail! The latter labile ing..for ihe . applawso of wan, trampling undo footth - e — tights• cod privileges of his fellow, and succeeded in placing his name high inihe annals of fame, but the !florets lie wore were of no earthly nature, stained with blood; said the'teare of widows and orphans. Nun turn to the immortuf Washington.. To him the ap. plume - of the multitude • wws ii "tin empty sound. Ho aimed higher titan this. His loft tiest 'Ambition was to bleskhie race,`and gain the 'approval of Heaven, and hie reward is a - crown i f vievee,falling glory, In, the better. hack upon the early history of our 'country-In her struggla for - freedom. A dark cloud rested everywhere, even !lope bad almoil .yet. amid atilhe gloom . and: despondency -ar6und there men doodaring that, •" America •shaldbe'free,..' with- unblanched cheek, and hand as' firm as in their .baepittet moments placetheir ' natime to t.hat able Deolaration'oflnderpend-:, race which:shall over he the culinieritiOn.of the world, althaugb it high) be :thatrin„godbiOg they' Were ,islguing their own deathwarrant.. !tot, they triumphed, and while, the Artterhinii people have a heart -to feel, 01111 the, nettles of Anatins;Jeffersoniand others be fondly Atired: . • .rPT TIME are deed , . that da nat Otis away, " And names Elistt But tilt) Lords or (lre,iithin are: not . the, only 'exn prove Alin!' tile atniorinf ii:c!‘ noir , - El 4,__papml o'rt TnE, CASTI.R. OR SLEEP 11; =1 I= MP CARLISLE, 'PA., I , .1857. I sex, and gee if , their greatness is not consplau iOUS their goodnesit ,It is true that wo7 coon's might is gentleness, her strength is de. veloped in her affections, and.lter,rnest nppro: ✓ priate.spbere is game DAS there 010 exerts: an influence which moulds 'the youthful mind, '1 and instile'principles which , long after pm:tie r/fed mother has gone to her reword, animate' the heart of Ver son,prompting -him to nobli deeds, and proMoting bird to places of the higheete Oust. among his fellows: ',Thus we . see the - asedeown'hy affection, yields an ok,un- • demi haricot. .While wevesere the memory ' of The 'Father of his Cautitry,7 haw Sweetly falls upon the beelike strains of distant m u sic the onme,of ".Mary; the Mailiar of Washing ton." File two nra'inseparably confiCated as , the iminutilde Mien of cause and. effect. Who can estimate the amount ofjniluenee exerted upon the world by the circulation of good books, the faithful transcript of the thor's mind." how have we been strength ened by the pure and liifty writings of Hannah Moore, clothing morality and. religion in such an purnotien garb, that ma involuntarily make hereentiments our : own.,andifeel that thenffev.7 ings of grateful hearts is the prontleet tribute' to her memory. , We :Light enumerate many others, such as Mrs. Hemline...and kindred spirits, iT hose Bisect strains of 'poesy have Hosted down to us, soothing:the weary. heart, and appiaring an angel of mercy to the .do. Spending one of earth, but. it is' unnecessary. Their - record ice, high, and , their natues are fondly cherished as household The good they Lave done, AyOki aJtir - In recording Aire noble ileeda_of - women, 'what Mime more dereiving to be remembered limn that of Grace Dorlingl Ater noble, celf furgetful'ucse in 'the hour ot.grottiest peril, has, . furitlired — a ihetite for ffistorian . and Poet, stud will continue to do so,,Whilti.tneitiory tains her place in the mind 'of mem' When the night was darkest, and .the tempest - the most fearful, and when to have braved the perils: of that stornik passage, would • have -been a - triomph for, the stoutest heart and strongest frame--whist moat weaMy when vie thinli that', pile - was accomplished; mainly through the stiength:of n fepiale prompt-,. ail by the 54,11 . 1111, otegushings of sympathy, -Irons her own loving heart. flaie we need of I'urtitt4 proof 7 t- See the rl misSiouttry as he bids- adieu to the endear .tnetris of home, to the friends - of his yobili, and bents to India's sultry clime, to the lalts of ten,•• - the . slory of the Cross.. tullow him to he arriveS'a "stranger in a strange land," yet be falters not in Ms glorious enter prise, autd the st.t.ry of salvation falling from Alia lips, 01611 r -the heartirbf iliase who for the first time,-Dear of.the - woudrous plan . -of re-' demption. True, ho may "full at his post...' and,tind a grave in that filet:tut - laud, fur from -- his loved once, yet hie -life of tlevodop hu'd,not been in vain. His is • I Quo of the few; the immortal namea, That acre not bare to Mo.". Ile hue cola hid broad µpoll the Watero, and 8111111 gather it alter many da,ro Too itdiu7 once he exerted for p.(0,1,11401 continue to incteuse ud lime rulle,_on, the. opiiit of that gnFpel which 'be proclaimed to: them. b 11411 spread. end widen 'until all natione: own no power, until hied_ of the ern shall tie.. glad, und tbu w tdeuress bil.Sli b19:15Ilt as the ruse." Ilia reward 81101 be great, and in owl . . lire ••=3:;:nds of re.lcemed. spirits, converted from fientliiminb darkness to the light ut ebrir: shall call lain blessed. • We might multiply instrues to attest this great froth, but it is untiecessitry. It is one that eppenle to our bearts end conscieitces, arousing our dorm:tut energies, and uttS.lting us betM'r rind happier. Let us contemplation ever stimulate us to renewed diligence iu every good word And work. "Liman of groat mon, all remind un, 'A °may mu6u t.ur Ifs And ',lupin tang, leave telllnd us, ' Fout prlulk iu thu 1.14,4 uf Fnntprints, that perbni.s anal her. . Fai,ing Ll:Cfi Mithenen main, Soma imlorn and sblpwrrkrd Iroilier i booing. may take Luau \Let us them, Lo up and dshig, %%Ith a heart h.r.nuy, tate, Still achieving. Lill Nmpuimg, — l.caru to hd.,nr,--111n1 to unit. " WINO, June .2,5441557. THE BRIGHT SIDB lioomy hypochoodiracs end sad men"-in blu e d, with ritaistelied ej es nod long 'nioes, tell us that this Ivor d is a dreary wilderness. We are requested by misanthropes to consid er life a forlorn roe s :ion, 'dusty and toil -some, the travellers weary and sailed, and the • journey-having-udike-terntious4r-oll.; genet, with drooping fiuery ; a gilded • of mocking mirth. and hollow j yo; n battle fierce : ittl trusting; a couNtant etrug,4le, anti ()ailment overthrow., liaiure has 'no beauty for them., ,:Titerrr . is no-melody in the murmur trlicoTilirilira4f freshness and beauty in the trees and fl-rweria ; no rapture_ in the tong of the bird: Earth is nn-arid and sterile des-, ert, and her fair places leprous iii th,eir eight. Their souls are dead to the niggle' measures the _Poet, the speaking inspirations of the tteuiPtor."nntl•the growing tracery of the ter. Music finds no echo in'the empty ottani herder their hearts. - They, accord no welcome to the ouketretched baud of generobi friend. ship.- * . Wropped iu cloud, of gloOm, distrust, and discontent, they -saline 'awaythelr teturo: Every,new instance of man's depra• city or the world's. ingrAtitude_is seized upon b y such creatures as a fresh- endorsement of their. pet theory, that,fhis_itra .I . hey anild,a throng of . mental bugbears and . vampyree. The mere chance of a collet, with a tail of-fire, jostling "Ati pldbet in Its mad carver fills:them with 'con .ster'ilatipp; Their boots. never Aym fly nor . iheir''Orne, stop growing, They are :pitied.; • ably behind tinigroo, till -occasions. They tire!, sure to be caught in no ruin with no•umbrelfa anti the pocket-book in the lidoltatoc, a girt • "triebt Aflgnite: 7beralWOlitiPPehed'Ais, ovalklag when a mad dog or.lt - ronifbull, Is ca reering through- the streets. _Their' buttons • are. always burrting; and their . ' eellars . ,Per- Yertiely stabil 'flora When they ought to stand' I up: r ~Tliey,.nero elnitte:Atithoutautting their meal comfort never occurs tjtiftent,'LTltalrrfoli 'rebitinne ; :atrver . t6eitfpeur!,tel`ttioUs ern alwiiya ,sly?. log.; Their - ettia,ls - the . . TEM VALPLatia_AESIGLIE -_~ Site is sitting close 'beside...MS: in the old' arm-oh air, mate to my own-,-t46nritest,lrUe itearted friend of own Meek-eyed Ruth. Years ao L per tenk ij go, that meinoryseesiiisse years as far-off pictures, indiatinstly and dreamy Years ago, my..noth'whispered to me in the purple twilight of a mid-Ammer !Whither thou guest; i will go"—and'trukt4ly hae, the promise been kept., , • ' Sometimes, wbou-the-wide borne low, and 'minis glow blood-red in - :broad, .opeu chimney, I take her withered hand in mine,. and with !meted_ voicei.of those bu, tied days, and of the buried deradi'whodrCiced with tit in the boy-day of youth, 'Voices at lent, Imams - Pulsate/is, and eyes'Ooso. Ruth -flood I are gladly looking forword„to the _hour when _- 'see the.--bacrr-of- dear- do: mirilaroties,TWiond tho - goldedlateri of _the city “Beautiful." . We skall go soon, iJi soon, Jock," soya the, tranquil nntl- I tinnier" hopefolly, " Very soon." , Thep-she strikes the sWe'et old melody of Summer," and tjuslOnes of our old trembling itoices .ring through the quiet room, like the echoes of a far sway song, sung, bye group of fufma known and • loved in the • ' lii the warm 5111.11 mer nights avo sit. each by . thn ather;on.the yarandali - that, chum .nda , a view of the-hedvini ■ea, and the whit . e-aniled ships that glido'hither and thilbeiT with their gre.t-winga. . Life darlike"the - biilowy -- oixot;"._ I - soy - to . ' the Mild face and the dim eyes, orered with . countless rich and glorious, laden. with'wealth and bead.. ty of other hands; others idle and here with gaping eCIIIIIB and tattered_ sails. They. float serenely on the bate depths, tossed, unlitirmed, by the • fickle ninds, while the wilily-Wed . ones, freighted with the hope of loving frianda, go down even In the soft sunlight and the lightest of breezes. Yonder go two fairy sails, side by side,.like old cempanions, happi, • if the winds do not drive them asunder. So we, rocked by the hilleiva, wafted by prosperous brcezEs, hove kept' closely togetiMr, till our,„ barks, have grown almost unmenworthy. • . .1 • The pilot will come to us, Juok, - ere niatiy hinons,' says the old-wife, oheeerully, and •thook Goethsi Ife hos suffered" to tient-out 80-nearly in the service of wherlebgoocratid true:. • ' ' I tkank lltm , also, deep in my heart of Jimerte, that, 11.0 gave me. the unappropriated loveliness otßuth Seymour. 16 •L. golden 'elands of mauheraa "de. „ that we together began the 'er4irlY revel of life, and• have kept undying . 4120 immortal, amid amid mrality, the purer hive 041181 Mini and . _ . . sow. though age hoe - sown a eilveryhitrvest among the silvery nuel-witade wrin kles where eime smile played he peep to etuilo among dimples, she i• still dear - ko in the-first years of married beautiful—etill thy -Nition--DTTiolue.-1-love-her- for-the-memory . of what she hen been to me through the devi nun pathway of oiroling claye—flir the- friely igiven truot, the ..perfect oengdonee, the un tutteke4,qlAltlientie of love and faith. Dear old wife I • • , We can now talk fearlesslt•of.,tye poverty • days. Days, When we ate split:Mei, riiiddited spaiingiy, thir.t the noble 'children Gad gaie us, might climb over the rugged heights more easily, ' •15re shall yet reap bountifully, Jauk,' said Ruth, and 1 hollered Ler. • Have we not reaped n plentiful barren'? tubert bleases hid gray haired parent', every day fur the edu cation be_ won by their aelf denial—cur Robert the orutur and the staieemitu.' . Then the proud enille ereeps , over the wrie• kied_cliteli, end lighti up the failing eye. and As I rend slowly autl carefully, /•ille borta:ng words of the young: politician, .Ruth sorties cloSely to my side nod eirals gems brtneen qty .oett, hur finit• topping the floor no 1 .0[144;9( applauding: crowds Arai eagerly exalted inttliitudes.,B ine times a tear shdes+wn the thou cheek, a tont of gratitude that all our • ciferiti: .were .not in vain. . „ There in Paul, too, the nrtiet.nnd poet _—be. I - cored - by - ilaret!tile - aifiliFeaL - cliii'mtme, last sitteiner, wit b tho odor of . lotitelo, etu wl • him, -here to the t ld.hometteuti, Kith its gabies and tug orchards, come to blend, ju unfeding onl ors, upon the canvites,• the bout Conic., a?td . ultiteued heir of Ruth nut bless •thiC huy. How the tud wife gezed4rtbe pictured couple, with their weighoflo,o3ol . .leir r itlas nod their fading. eyes. . Paihrijii,SfiWr•iew beckau:itl oaer•Alie porpte htiyoi the Vaein who. deuced warily, in many aiait4lchert Youth: ,fired.their hearts kith. beppidreatne,‘. the bends i.f ; girls end boys; th,it his f t ii'ye i qe been I.roketi;.. sew ;bent gaitiored again in fes • gal mirth, a rosy train' with:snikliug ; lips. and Icagbing voices. Perhaps,too,: ebe'looked „ forwerd'orer the while seu;io that .orowd of • forme waiting • mong the brietticsalled glory for us, tbetr:uontrudeit , • We shall renew a youthifliktb eter 1` nal,' I said tiortl7,.ao sher.l4lted. away froth. the canvass, !,13y-and-by,W. shell quaff from that fountain forwhlatt,roopt fiel ! eon bought,- ani.eought In va in,--.sthati)tfpAOUtlht , • up . ,to :be rather . ; tinit: our, greiviti4ol, has made , our obildrea what they aru.!' , .&:;eutt smite, floated over the pale ,wern-fucO k 4! . En° l went bow ohe woulklault,4srsofisr, . -. For c4raoillU .910 city,- the • 09r',.burtylug pity of Now :x prk, I. thiuk : Auth he. a .warmer bar bead, than (or 1 . 40 Ilut.'crsu our daughter—the durk . o.uliodlBar..34-:uthogie Koine with 40 . .whook ebOdieu ; shoUt: cud clog übout \our 409 F. eV97 ht ) !ir:ln the day ha. the 4e9, eyrupatliy, th4 . !:}tayup" bursa in plcutie!'ishenrk.: • q!piug,' to me;l bat 1 know, elo knows boat AP yr iktAt.,f. 4er I When. be of bt40108", talking P4r ,,611 7rr 1 9 1,1 • 04, B,r,tili'l ki 13 1) 5 4, 11 1 , (4t1t1 -1 1 1 0ii,f' 1,16 0kit .016 ,fu)l,uf kpmk, pu ! ope, 604 geltrt get' e. MY OLD. DIF1;00 1. Irr PIMAX a hundred oth,er things all tit once—when:he reads at'rowning hrow,- the list of fail ures litriong the merchatite,, pitying this, con--' ilemninethat7:rwhen - he • tears' open business letters and runs them . through in ! a 'tivink-- alwayshurried, alWays hurrying, Loan - seethe-mother's eyes watching every careless • rtioveraeet, with a * sad, sweet bympathy. •' them- 7 •why ? • i • Sometimes, when Itobertbringebis beantl ful young wife 'hone s 7 and ' , Paul dallies with • the - pinta of his adored bride,•had here in his lap; ; when Sarah sits down otithelootpool by . her hoelAnd and laughingly tumbles the brain of her firat-born--somatimes, rsay. when Gra ham helps to make up the family party,. And chatters et" the Markets, of •polities,; of the fine arts and of the faPm,, lluive . seen silent tear: fall from the quiet eyes of Ruth, atilt all -this • hu'rry and Worry of berboy was a mask. Per-- hops it is Ruib told once . of a fair young.ba iug whoee - ibul. was twined with ,the sourof Graham. How the 'changing _yearn carried her away to sleep in - r, green grave, nod left the boy *alone.. - Maybe, memory is goading hiutto.hisincessant action, -- this - constant la- , boi' Who knows? We all have a name writ - ten somewhere among the records of-the heart, dearer thattnlll other names beshie-.:. a . nein that biingillwithlt either pure enjoyMent or• bitter, bitter yearning's.- • . • . . • It must•be eo - with Graham, for I have seen him stand, silent oe the frozen snow, fur hours, leaning over the bannister's and gazing -on a' simple picture hung in.the hall, with the name of i',ltiommood"WritteriunderneitliitL.Atose - of and yetthe world knew only as , much other beauty es had ripened unAer flfr leen •sumnier's suns. She - was iny atill'it - tairer,face, never bloomed out on the bleak - winter - nitnii - Niiir - Biteniwit I was .not•sufferedto usea long, for God all her, and the simple plotur_o_andttn. ohl-man's memery- - -nre-al remain Of ber now. Perhaps, I only any per haps. the rare vision HMI stools through Gut hrie: allent boars, aneeven glides between Jim an I the rustling ledger, - bore the manic of Roaaitiond it else did; or if my- couple's face bears a faint-likeness to his 'lost one,' r won- • der not that the boy loves to linger on the stair', and, inteli the. eastern red rublighteteal , in .end elo'w • sudilenly all over the- bright, beaming '•conntenntice, ' How sad and how strange that so mane of our best ,belov'ed memories are scented with the 'perfume of cy .presa and. of shrouds. • . Ruth says ',The reason of this-is hecauee - 4110/1, memories would lose their sweetness, • had we the power of making them oft-recur ring. --Those welove go borne to their Father, - when we remember only-what is beautiful of them—years of, loo; life, might Sob them of aihnt makes uiclierieh their atemoryno fond ..• ;„, now their beauty Will remain unfatied er2, , ,,sli . ,the long lope: of jot unlepeing ate' , nity-,-.aud no ;min on, their puri,y can make O's love them less.' She has whispered the same words' to Graham In the twilight': pur ple hush, and he has gone birek to his city home more cheerfully ; ah I I'll dare to say he brupgitzba dowli memory's long' gallery with less regret as his eye drinks in• the beauty • of hinheautiful He thinks of the change less years beyond the narrow sea, and of the changeless fornilratching beside its banks for him; -- fiedine - often - olosed the - day - book and ledger. I doubt not, with the 'unuttered wish that he might step acres: that narrow sea as easily as be con cross the busy 'streets. Ruth and I have a whole trooper lovely and mnohloved grand-children, Who she persists' •• in Willing, and whom persist in bringing IMF tis . they should he brought up. Truly enough, ipi rig rogues are always hunting • kny',,large pockets hir..e.zeettneats and stray the with which td - bely myywite sometimes tells me I am spoilitteibit, whole trbop, instead of herself. But children, are children, and I have too green a memory not to know that plume eta candles are so sweet to small Dear chit-_ drea,they are all lutnpa of pure gold, and cunning inlet the artisan's hand be that can • mould the pure gold aright. Paul's young • -wife, with her azure eyes and amber curls, lo'oks for too young and frail to guide the stoUtyoungalerwhose !money black oyes. are! for till the world the exact counterpart ,orhia old grandpa': _ .. Who theu,'llke Until and I, den feed email ' lips mid dandle hahy limbs ? What though her • hands have grown tineteadY and.weak, who ape [old the tiny form in, a drpwey robe like my I •dear old wife ? Ah, me f ~ how we ore abut -1 flog out slowly and more slowly this feeble lop of life'. By-and hY :the flickering light will fall, and of us—bits of poor worn clay— ltfill'ho-borne-hrour-chtldren-wittr-tesre-amd--- lamentations to the>, vault yonder' On:the hilt overloaking -the sea. , Overlooking the seal'. Aye, even us wo. now in life are onlooking Apt( teinte ata.with thepuirple atone mid the . fur twilight akirtlug it forever: Den* old it lfe,'' - ItOW pittiewety.welloillmwileathe. , mmmingaof 4 , l- ! toaseligerfrontlowderwhorel• ozemiatiek i . to, pulEdown the.rumpleit.ketehief, p) straight en'thc•witite looks or.,gresp , 1i1613 . , firmly ... thi; -, , staid oane'; for 'angele will .teltdater tous, lend' .: give to. these feehle•linibe a newness of life end: toimortolity of youth ! lYill oar _okiltlren fop' low too S. . „ NO VS FOR TNOWOETOI: . , On the' Morniug.of the meteoric shower' in; '113311 Old Peyron Roberts, , ,...who intended ma.: king an early start to his work,, got up irt : the midst of the dispfni.. Ou italocto ble he sew with niontentent -the 'sky lighted' up' with the tellinginetore, laud he -concluded .nt onoe the world was,ou tire, and that, the day „. ,oi judgment hod come., , . , Ito stood fora mUnient getting to epiehleee. terroriat-thceoeuet , ontl - themitith -, cliall — of r--- hOrrer sprung put of, the,dopf,into„the-, . ,right in the midst ofthefolling•Sters,.andlere in hia efforta,to dodge ,t,hem be catidnoneedi 'aerie's of ground tumblin g that Would hare diine honor to.,a rope damier., , ,His wifofittingaws: , , honed jn the Meantime, end:seeing' eidßey.tOrt jumping and shipping abiiut thn ylrd; -.called out to. hientO know' what ja the 0411)0,W sense the wilt Aide i t uttbitri'dotteing' rifultd . without" hie clothes Vat Peyton heard tiot;...thejudg.H ment,.end tong beolr moment he would hate to` settle, - made him -,hsedless of all; terrebtriot thinge, rod 'hie, wife by thiii time bitoorniUg alarmed at hie behitilor, sprang Out Ottnid Rll4 • running to `the door, shrieking. at Lilo' top of , her lunge— , • „ Peitori, Leny'Peyten, what do you nitton;:' jtimpiog about out that.? Coutniti,ond'plit - yeur ' troweers on . ; . ; , -Old Peyton„ whose fears hud,noor orerPotr ered suer/trod no he „fell pravtl iug . on ihiciartli.:7 7 . •Titiwsers, - -Nsgyi o.tr.orfieli wbeti tOe'lclite4.s'flie.l' .~ lIRVRAL. WINIC.CUP. " Pledge with wide—pledge with wine," cried the yodel( and thoughtless iferitey Wood. " Pledge with wine,'''ritit through the brilliant The beautiful bride grow pale-the decisive t'houir had oome. She pressed her white bends tegertteri' and leaves'of her bridal wreath :rambled on her pure,b'row; ber . hreath came quicker and her.heart_beat.'wilder, 7 ".".Yes, Marion ilty aside your aornplea for this.onoe," said , the Judge, in low tones going towards his daughter; " the, company expect it. Dp, not tro , serionslyiritidnge upon the rdles , of etiquette ; in your own 'home act as you please, but in mine, for once, please me." Every eye was turned towards the bridal pair. Marion's principles were well known. Henry bad been a ceirviviediat,liut of late"his friend!! entistect. the ohengeln his manner; the difference in his habits-74'd to-night they watched him to see, as they sneeringly said, if ho — was _tied dein to a worton'e opinion - se BOOM • • . . • rPouring . hrimming beaker, .tkey Weld it with - Tempting smiles toWardsl , Marion. •She thoOgh :mere compOsed, end , not, as •smiting beck, she gi . 4;6Aly,kocepted the crystal, tempter,. en Taisodlt to her lips. .But scarcely hod . she done so,' , when ovary hand was arrested by her piercing exclamation of 'oil! how terrible." . "What . is it?" oricd, ono end all, thronging together, for she had alertly carried the glass (o_nrini".length,.nud fizedlfregarding''it as though It were some hideous object.' . She ansWered, •while an inspires 114 ht shone frlm her :dark eves, "wait, and I will tell you." h see," elie s lowly_ Telt.", - 147one v iewaled'tinger at.the sparkling liquid; a - eight that:beggars all deioriptioo, and yet will .paint it if lean. •It is a lonely, 'epat.,;• tall-mountains-'around; ti - riser runs through and bright flowers grow to thewater'a edge . :.. There 'le a thick warm Inlet, that the ' sun Seeks vainly to picroe. Trees lofty and beautiful, wave to the, airy motion of the bird's; but there. a group of indium-gather: they - Alit to and fro with Semething like sorrow upon 'their dark brows. And in their midst is a manly form,-but hiet cheek hovr death!: his eyes wild with the fltfuTfire of fever. One friend. stands beside him—nay I. should-aay kneels i for see, ho le ,pillowing that poor head upon hie treat.d. " - Geidus - trrnins—oh ! the high. holy•look4 ing brow! Why abohld:death mark it, and he so young f Look! he throws back the damp curls I See hint clasp his hands I hear the thril• liog shrieki for life l mark.bow he clutches at the form of his companion imploring-to-to/- saved. Oh! liver him call piteously his fa titer's name ; see him twine 'his Gagers toge.: titer an be forlie sister—his only sus:. ter—the twin , Wit soul—wenpleg'ioz hum in his distant native land. • - A. Bee!" excleimed, while. the bridal part} , altratik beck, the untested wine trem bling in their faltering grasp, and the Judge fell, ,overpowered,, upon his sent—... see his Mimi are lilted' to heaven; he prays, how wildly, for mercyl hot fe'ver rushes through his' veins The friend . beeide binds weeping; ewe stricken, the dark men move ,wey, and leavikAh_o living and dhe dying to _ ether."- • There was a Minh In the' principal parlor, aroken by what only seemed a amothered soh rum .some .muttly bosom . ; The bride stood et upright with quivering lip, and tears steal .ng to the outward edge of her eyelashes. der beautiful arm had lutstite tension; and the clans with its troubled red waves, cause slowly .owards the range of her vision. She spoke tgaiu—every lip was mute. Her voice was feint yet distinct' she still fteed , dier tor. rowing glance upon the Wine-cup. ' is-craning now; tee great white moon , in coming up,ettut.ligrheame lie / ge'ntly on his forehead. He moves ru - itl-444,, , !yes are set in their sockets; dim are their plerliht,74tlenees; in rain his friend whispers the name alit; ie. then and slater; death is there. Death and uo soft hand, no gentle voice' to bless and soothe him:. Hie, bead sinks baCkl one coo vuleive fl budder—he is dead." ' • A gron van through the'asseMbly, so vivlu dercription, eo unearthly her look, eo Inspired, her manner, that what elle described. seented - ti eTually_tt .ave taken place then and there. They flitived also that the frridegreoin hid hislace in his hands and was weeping. 1/eail !" she repeated nein, licr_llP_qui,... !tiring,. faster, and her voice more and-more broken, "and flier, they scoop him a grave, and 'there without a' Edmond, they lay him 'infra:in-that- datnp,-reekitig--earth,---The-only- 1 eon of a proud 'father; the only*ldelieed • bro ther of a fond sister. And he Bleeps today 'in that distant country; with no !tone to Mark the' spot. 'There, he lies--rny father's son -=-' •My . ,Oßl3,4llo.brittherl.ll..viatint to tills ieally phiaiuther•,'P she ezolaitaed, turning peg , ilealy, - while the tenie'reisted'dOWn;lier''hitcii- • 'tiful'abeelts,' 4 fitthrt;,•Aidlltiriait it , now Y" • The forin ,'Judge IfitSl with' agony :He raided not head,' but in a smothered voice be faltereiu.." no, no, no, my • child, lii God'e Mime no." • • ' , Sber, lifted the t ,glittering goldet,,and letting it suddenly fall to the .floor,' it was. deched,lb . thotimind pieee6. Many i . tearful -`eke watched her movement; and, instantengonsty every wine glass was traitsferred.to,tim may blo table on which it had been prepared. ,Then as elle looked .on the fragments -ol,orysti . sl, ebe:eirrie theernisoy„sayiug, "lot no frlend hereafter veo loves me tempt the to peril 'My soul for, wins ;. Not firmir ere the ibakmYreselve,,k4fiehafig me, never.totetiob or'tasto , that terrible_ pool- I eon.. ~ bare given My lniod Watelted.aiee'etilirtttherilylng,orixt' in that lase4ofehm, haer;•aud - barled•thelhihr %renderer there ;AY the , iiver: in the detitt.' et gold, 11111,1 trust, too; sinstain'inis in. tbitt berm,. Wilhy . eariet t „my • i3ie-glistening , eyes, his Pad; sweet 1011141 was beton:mister, ; - Tbe"Judge left: the 1'60'44_ 1 and yvhen'Sr' iMur.,after retarne4 and: with a mere subdued .manner took part th, tbs. teti; tertaitiment of the bridal no a could fail'to, read .that he tOo,hod detnein 0d.,t2 Wish • ilia intialS , , once r • Jboso', who 'Nero .preeent• - .0 :thet:vredding nertir-forget - tbe.impreettion•thnejseletunlk - • • uteLtt. On eiith, : to niau thire Is but one Ills heart raniore—tds aoul 31 ‘. 1;19: 1 1 . ' , . ,Though myriads nit before hiaviekr; . There is but one to whom h'a's trno= That one can /way tins too ind4ko 0.0 Can make him 4raio the cup of 7os, Can give idle joy orfilist his Weil And that :one's . paine Is simplyWife!' nyna a world Is ophirid, d world by all bOlorodjaieordd,,,,, Who have the .nee to kninfits worth, Aticrepurn the panda Joys otxtb,i ' Poi that full heart In her dear tneell--r. • ' If rightly prisetl 7 -aternel rest Is not with blissful sweet' ne'ee ' rino,' .- Thau that pure beart—:nleetek wlfel • • , For the benefit of yhe Indio, to whoth . : column _is epitoially devoted,'•We,iptnirt this week filadsin De Capin's description ;int pie; but we• apprehend a• very useful- contrri'l vanoe, called a eklrt suspendtir..-Weltive doubt it will tend to the health and comfort • of -the -wearers ;ae-the : - , d .. aseription is very_, dti;f tin, pinin . that any , one. may 'foga, we are .auxione to give .it a 'dr...., °elation. • • • Stranger, you oat .>ooic the eradin,- yoUr wife le reading this article; and:alter. wards you Oil) have a chance to, amuse your!' pelf 'with the news And polities, irkiph you, will find in another part of the .papor. = gn. HERALD !. - The - petticoat isnipender, then; is methyl; • linen, confine, or any light material, de the woofer may 'desire.. It - iti - ,about,,.five 'inches wide, and must be fastened Nib° corbel, end . and- - -mnet-.alwaye - fit , Ftheme lower pArt, and, by.doing so,' carry tile whole - of thil bands and strings which usually - com- - press and enlarge _ the waist entirely eyer, the hip's. It will in this case form:a:lasi of pup. port to the, whole of the 'imibirol'othiag,. and• 'distribute the weight - on the parts best adapted' to-bearit. The hook, whiPhl invented some .years ago, and vihich - his now come . into such general use, .was intended to accomplish - this end; and to some extent it has done no; ' as strings wore heceeiary, the . object was but partially ecoompilehtd„. 'They' are, however,; no longer necessary with the peifitiont- sue- .pender; for, by 'sewing three rows of buttons • intodtobe - pettioosts ari buttoned on in tiers one over the other, and ore thus kaolin their . _ . _ . • proper position. . , . . advantage at this contrlvance trill be at once perieved, by att vitiVrheve paid the least ettention to\ the art`ef dreesing,colts _to . avoid injuring - the 'body Ny any; undue , prem. .cure—upint 'the, thorax and ohdomen, and 'by ' those also who 'tea to display - the grace and elegance of the female figure, and preserve the beautiful, undulating lines 'of thi Weise; for, by toakidg the anti& gradual as is done• .by the petticoat suspender,-ille waist' has the. ' appearance of being entail without, that out... ling to.which it is usual subjected,: This I take' to be a . matter of greet- importenoe to . those ladiei 'appear slender,' if-pro= perly constructed-it will also do away with the '' necessity for 'crinoline drest-improvert,lor hoops, .and, by throwing--the. underclothing properly off the hips, ' tie, ample erten to the. lower parte of the garments, and accomplish '. ,every-purp6se-tor -which - theiw articles --were-- nvented. ' My original intention - was to register the article, and to reserve to myself the excluelvt. right to mibufacture it. Upon second thougbtd, however, 1 abandoned the idea .of makinge t monopoly of. a Wimple ,and useful article at dress,.whioh has been adopted by every lady,' that , bas, seen it. 1 liapeall-who 'have !iliac, this have fully.understood my'descriptlon ; they have done to, they are at ,perfeat iiberty 4 to make the article either for themselves or. others. The only thing that I ask' is tbs those who Adopt it, will, in justice,:give me.. the credit, of the invention." • •, MI , ItAlllll,lio , 811 L .VSAWAI,x.„—It 68e13113:. the{ z; it'oUsekeepers'etho'wieti thole soap end water, as the:couttrotr preetfinv le;;' do net knpw,wbat the,y.see about. - The , pea?, peletor of one of the oldest : eider ' ee~g6lgli motile in*:illis'•olfffif: housekeepers ruin thole sifir,er to soapsuds_; look pewter. Newer put a portiele. of soap eibeut,Tene nil' it wlll oilgitibi !nitre.- Artien.l) wants Relish loke.a pleeelf:lgoffileit)ttotlluAlS rUbtlibittd:.: • - • -" , lanTb`p:tithei) .**l 464 414 4.'" little B°P9,4!IPY taste , tentuOia we, music of-L . 106%0 upon wwom ohildeniattilii•*4l litetlihti &inane, it: , Pttiftt4b94 -, (1 1 4. 91 0.W.Pbca4 1 ..c4 - no ,! t y 4 me t PYL,7 0 1 .1 . 4 . 1 , 1 4 CAI cte.itasritid ettotokt . 2;'lii knelt (Ara , bet! win. hor, hitt heMi' fig ID oft tAtt, rtioidit rard, J,ivtac.cd ' (eV:4 - 114 . ' I rgy the - .1,m 1 / 4 11np - po - 01;0 keliP hibi) - 01 Ort , ktiretellt.o3 -adz Ifiugtitei tr4nV rith",140,4 fir34olo .T.ll` EINEM WM NO. 43'. TUE ME =Mil
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers