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FOR THE -.PROPRIETOR [ i NOTICE ' TO' 'S CH OO L • : - HIH ECT- Ll— 'a llB l ND- L EA F IIiRB—L- Ilitexaminstoo.olfrtlel'ubllc'3chools . 1 wilidif bold as follows v I • - • ' - .. I Mechanicsburg, August . 0 ' at 1 1 o'climlcy I'. dl. , " South il . . o. ' The Cantata AIERALD is published weekly on a large, , . Willi Lon, • .7, - 9t "' A; d l,'„ sheet' sheet containing twenty eight' columns, and furnlslutd ! . , !softball iddietbn, ff 8, 9 tt '• • ff . . , AU subscribers nt 451.60 If paid strictly' ha advance ; . I .f.hipiensburg Euro'," 10, 1• " .p,..91. ' :$1.75 if paid within the year; or 821'u all cases wheal . Ff . vutintulpton, .7 11, 10 1 ":" t A.,111..• .payment is delayed ' -until after the explratio 1 14 . the ...IVlPPlffutbn.rg t , y. p. " 12, .1 0 , , p;AL year. No subscriptions received for at less period than I ,,mwvills, , . " 13, 1 ~." v•• six ,months, and none discontinued. until all armor:lgo.; ~...NVl4 t olf, . v • 10; '' 9 " ' A. 8L nro . paid, unless at the option of ihe publisher. Papers, 1114pewelll ' .. , " 17, , 1 " Y. 91. sent to suliseellsm. living - out - of Cumberland county Matti, • vt. 18, .1 . r. , ~ most ho paid for In advance.. ov the payment assumed r . rankford. • . , . o i % ~ . .„ by mane re:Monsible person living in Cumberland coml. !`,..t P oool ofort's t. " .20, D ..." "ty--Tivese-terms-will-be-rigldly-- adhered to. in sal "tek R 0 4 7 0, • " '2l, 9. •,,. '• • . • t ! ,, ,, ..- I,fitlfor Opting., ,•• " 29, 9.. 0, • II • • '''' I 'Alen roe, " '24, 9• lt of' • . -..- 1 Upper Allen, " 23.• 10... " ".' lAIWOr Allen, ' " - 2a, , 1 " , 'l'. M. • liarnialen.• " 27, 1 I' . "•• ..,.,,_.,.., Elist-Pefinsburo; 'l 28, 10 -" A. m.„47-1" . • N. Cumberland, "' 31, l'• " P'lll ~...,, • - t - . ; The Directors irlll appefht thevplaces of meeiltilr4nd furnish everything rmtufsite•for the purpose of conduct.: leg thefexaminhtion..",:.y .., . Thetexanllnations W.. ill bei•liblic, and th ' a.ens a invited Di 'attend. .o.* DANIEL Se '' c re ~. U/ILLY. July 2•/...1857-4t.) ' - I.!' Co Sup't. ore°m. 8c h els. . U . l( AVI(.I.JAM M. 'PORTER. TERMS OF PUI2I.AATION ADVERTISEMENTS, • . Advartisomants will be. charged $l.OO per, square of twelve lines for three Insertions, and 25 cents fur each subsequtht loseVlion. All advertisements of less than twelve Ilm , s considered Si n solve. Advertismininls Inserted before Merriam:Bmnd deaths S rents per line for first insertion, and 4 cents pur lion. , for subsequent losertions. Communications on sub. acts of limited 'or individual Interest will bo charged Il e per The Proprietor willot-be resnsl Ile In damages for errors in advertisinu —n thts, Obi tuary notices or dtprriages not exceeding flee lines, will be liisMfed wilhqutebargo. -- • . JOB PRINTING Thn Carlisle herald .1011 PAINTING OFFICII 1e the largest and most xemplete establishment In the county. Three good Presses. and a general , variefy of material suited fur plain and Fancy "cork of every kind enables us to thi Joh Printing at the shortest notice and wi the mist reasonable terms, Persons in -want of hills, Blanks or anything In the Jobbing line, will tim! it to their interest to givens a call, Every variety uf Blanks constantly uu hand. .fieiteraf tuna Coca. 3itformation OVERN ProSident—JAMES Vico President—dues U, Ilitecer.vertlat, • Sorretary of State —Lien. L, WlB CAeJ. • Secretory of Interior—JAl:ell THOMPSON. Secretary OrTrunxury—lttArzu. COWL Secretary of War—JOHN St.oTe. Secretary .of -Navy —ls Ami ToUCKY. Pwit SEi4or . Attornoy it S. litAcK. Chief Justice of the tlelte.t States—lt-.16 TA.NIIV. , GOVERNMENT. • Cloverlior—JAnne PoLt.ocK. Eiecretary of Stato—Anutuw CV. CURTIN, • Surveyor I.luiterul--JAlint Fur, Jo, Auditor lioneral—Jour Royce. , , • Truuntrer—llttsnY S. Mocouc. _j u d ge , o f tho Supruwu o,lllt—E. Lewis, 3. 31. Ann tiTitusu, W. 11. I.um WV, U NV, WoUnwahu,J, C. litior. COUNTY OFPICIatS ' President Judie—lton..tames 11. Graham: Associate J uttga—l lon.. M lehaul Uocklln, Bamue Woodbure, _ . • Lletriet Attorney Wm. J. 'Shearer,: - - • ' P'rethouotary Daniel K. Noon, . Recorder &r,. , r.1e1m 51. G r egg. • ° Register—William Lytle. . . Mgt' ehoriff—Jacub Bowman: Deputy, J. Hemming - Comity Treasure Adam Sumemau. - ..•. Coroner Mitchell McClellan. • County ComMissioner6-I.leorge M. Orahmif, William 11. liendernon, Andrew Kerr. Clerk to Cumudemioners, 311rhael Wise. Direct.frx of tho Poor—flomgo Brindle, John 0 Brown; Samuel Tritt. Superintendent of Poor • noun Lobaeh. • BO 11C, Chief Burgess— Robert artine Jr. r•. • Assistant burgess--tloorgu Hondo'. C'nuntll-4. R. Pairket (President) John Out -slunk Janice Call 'sr., Franklin Outdoor, &mind lila tin, Peter Illon)air, Namuul Wiitkul, .1. D. halbert, Jute buoy. Clark to CouncilL-Wto. 11. NVettai. Constables-301in • Sutler, 111.511 Constable t- Bobo:. Met:nano), Hard Constable. CHURCHES First Presbyterian ( Much, Northwest angle of Coln try Square. Ilev. Conway P.. Wing faster.—Sore lees ever. au inlay 31ornIng at 11 o'clock, A. 31., nod? o'clock _ Sealed Presbyterian Chervil, corner Sbutlrrnno*.r nod Pont rut at outs. Ituv. \lr Pastor, Services commence at I biciock, A. 31., nod 7 o'clock I'. 31. St, John's tob oral, (Prot. I..phcoval) northeast angle of Contra :Square. dec. J.tuab 16..IlarsS, Hector, at 11 o'clock A. NI., and 3 o'clock, P. 31: • English Latina:lu Church, Bedford between. 31Mo and &man . Wept.. Wev. Jacob Piy, Pastor: Services at II del ock A. 31., and 7 o'clock I'. 31. (term:to Reformed Llturelt, tmutber, betwoon otor-a ad-Pitt - At eats.--lieu,-A, 11, Kremer, looter.—. gorvicesni , to;,1 o'clock A. 31, and nl.s'o'clocit P. Si. 314.1tudist.n. Vlturch, (first charge) vortler of Muhl and Pitt Streets. Rev. 11. uluttubeirs, Penna. .Survlces at A-.31.-altd-O.t.Celock-P_ _ 3luthoillst rl. Church ,seeond citerge.) Rev. Thomas fhtugherty,Tastt;r. - Services In College Chapel, at 11 o'clock. A. M. tont 4 o'clock, P. 31. Roman Catholic Church. Pomfret over East street. Rev. James Barrett, Pastor. Services on tl e Std Sun• day of each xnuoth, liertimil Lutheran Church via usr of Pomfret and lledlord streets. Rev. I. P. Naschold, Pastor., ,Sot vice rant lu~l .7. .tiorr When changes In the above are necessary the proper pursullx ore requested to n. , tify us. DICKINSO2. COLLEGE. Rec. Charles Collins, Pros Wont nod PrUossor of )(coal :Muni, • . Hoe. ii rem. )1. .11,huson, Professor of Philosophy nod Loglich Literolure. Jaiiios IV, Marshall, Professor Of •Ancluot• languages. nor. Otis It. fl'-Loy, Professor of Mathumaticb. . ••• William C. 11'M. on, Professor of Natural ticieuco nod :water of the Musunia. ' ' Aloxander ahem, Professor of Hebrew and Modern I.:aligutigue. • o • Samuel D. 111111111ln. Principle of t ho Grammar School, I', Marshall. Asslstnot in the Grammar School. BOARD OF SCI.IOOL'iiIRECTORS . . . . A/itireir Blair, Presltiout, 11. Saxton, I'. ()Ailey, E. Corimiam .1. (4, Mllliams, J. Hamilton, Secretotry,Janou W. Eby, Tr/Ammer, John Spliar, Alexamiger. blot:con the lat. Slunday IA cac.h Month at S o'clock A. 31. at Ed , ucailuillitili• - • .•r, - - ~ CORp()ItAfIONS Cantata DPrOSIT H E.—President Rickard ranker, Cashier. Wm. M. Beam; Clerks, J. I', tiamleri:N. C. Al us 'whiten, C. IV. heed, Directors, Elehard Paiker,John Zug Stumm, Thomas Paxton, H. C. tVoodward. Hobert Moore,. Joke eandurson, Henry Logan, Samuel Wberry, cum MM. IND VALI. RUAIrtoDIPANY:—Pre.I.IIIMIL, Fred°. Lek Watts: , secretary and Treasurer., Edward Al. Elddlo t Superintendent, O. N. Lull. Passenger trains twice a day. Eastward loth% Carlisle at dim o'rdoek. A; 'M. and 0,10 , o'clock Y. 31. Two trains, every iye'a ward, io.tving-equgo .atr 141,0Q,R'clock,a,•*...ya 2:24 1 , , Al. CUMULI: a. 19 ANo WATza - Comtwor.—Prosideut, Fred- Odd/ Watts; Socrotary, Lentuot Todd; Wroasurar, Wan. 31. neutan; Dirosturs, F. Waal,' Richard l'arkor, t.omu ul 11 tn. H. Instant Dr. W. W. halo, Franklin Ilardnor, Usury Giusti:lnd U. M, Diddle. . ''''''' Tohu Ce3/11CULAMD'VAILLY tott; Carldor, 11. A. Sturgeon; !rektor, Joe. C. 1 / 01 Tor. - Directors John S. Sterrett, IVIn. her, Aleliholr Drone.. man, Richard Wriods, Jrhn C. Dunlop, ROA. C. Sterrett, Sturgeon, and Captain John Dunlap. 89C1ETIE8 Cinnberliind Etnt Lodge No. 107 A. Y. M. tneots at Noll on tho 2nd andlt9 Tuesdeyo of °Very tat. Jphgw Yri daoNo 200 11:: Y. M. • Moots Thnno " day'of riabh'idonth:ot' •• - 4 Carlisle Lodge No9l L Cr, or O.' Y. Moots Monday 'evoniug,:at Trouts bulldlug. TINION TIRE COMPANIii ,PRESENT OPSIOERS. . FrtiSinksy—E. EOUNMAN. ' ' Tice Paner.-SAMI/EL WETZEL, Si:. Bileuer.tll,-.:41,14EX. U. EW NO. TitEAtrunt.a="PETElC EONYER'. Moot tiro Snit - March, Jufte,''Septbori • nATEs OF POSTAGE . , , •r ; 2 iOsts'itt lettc4 of ono Half ounce wi4,11 of utia der, e3nts inwpaid, ,oxco 'to Callfortila ,or thmekni wblch lEll).,t.pu.sln,opAld. s ":" -; e-ort:tos'ou tin tlio cotpity t i Within-tkto State 13 no at a.pOr yogr, ;I:oanY tutrt,..o l ;tbe go,stago on all. tranino'citionfo . Ander:l ouncet kg wolititir cont - Drintgd ,Pr.t4o,omts XLlOlutd;. Ad v i , F PN.4o4` 4 l , P?'"? of attrorp4ont. -" . , „, 22 A' it 1 , 1 d-11 le. 8, —DUCAL& Anutatur largo assort mont Jutstlpatt e ,OPe ‘. . 14 astoutSbluklY Prieee. 4; AS OGIPTIr 3.lem-ittintrtisemtitti ---- (4V 4,1) .INI 1611 — A',A, PO.t - Elll U JVI. , I'l XS 0' FaIiVES:- --- Y 1 Lel / AM KNABE, senior pro - '-e r . of the late firm. of Knabo, amble A - Co. ' continue .11 Al nuentufact ore and sale - of ORA N D AND SlitiA It E Pi'.:NIEFOItTES, tinder ,the name of 111 LLIAM KNAlliret CO., et the old , stand, N05..1, 3.'5. and. I North Eutaw strret, opposite 1 the Eutaw Muse. Ilitltiiporo. Than kf trUfer thowirftenelve patronage received by the late firm furthelast, fifteen- years, I - respectfully beg ichre to•lnform the public, that,shice thedeath Of one of my part ours, Mr: !Levy limbic, by which the part nership. tons-dlaolvedi , I have purchased tile entire largo stock of :Unfinished Planes, leather, and. other prepared materials belonging to the into firm. 1 shall therefore continue the business nt the old stal doe above. and ail! endeavor not only to sustain - the well established repartatlon . of the late firm, but to excel all former efforts lu porflicting the, Piano- Norte. tire - tire - of -- of - timintolkm?l - am - manufw turfy; Pianos tufa now nnd much improired. smile.— The first Instrument Iltdsberraccordtruatolhu_new_de._ sig., 'irri. - 4 - iliVosit - cd - itithillWirl the Maryland I nsti• tutu, held October; 1855,- at Wid6h IttoOk the highest honors"of the Institution, having been awarded the ollohl Medal Premium." Over the unusual competition of fourteen Pianos, exhibited-by some of the best' ma kers of lieWtoufWevr York and Italtiiherer" Attire - Annual - IndUktrtahNlthlbizieris, 11810 in Oc tober, 1855,eand October, 1858,-by, the Mechanics' Insti tute of Richmond, Virginia, mysl'inrioairere also award- , ad the ilighebt Premiums.. • _. • . ' . ' ... Again, at the into - lfdr , i'l t hee — Maryland Institute, held Aletober, 1850, after a most.tkintottxh s and' en un usually protracted investigation of the merits of the eighteen._ Instruments on exhibition, from the most celebnOed rectories of Baltimore, Now -York and Bos ton. my PLUM were agein awarded the highest honors of the I mint talon, they having received the -Gold )(Mar Certificate," AU honor Ora). .adjgdged to articles of such superionmerit ns to defy-compotilica ftr.:ol - 0 .. sureessie et years. . ',..C; "1".- - . Also, at . the Third Exklblllen of the' Metropolitan Mechanic's Institute. held in Washington; L. C. Ifierch 1d57, they -were mice. moreotrarded the highest hon. ark With regard to the qnalltleli of my pianos, I ronflb dontly refer to the' testimonlnln Lam. o:latently te• relying frotn Proleisors and Amato-mit. sienking,for tionosairec /IMP rthurn, of the high appreciation In wlvith my Instruments nil; aPwhyn held, nod ablrh ran Minuets at tiny .Wareruoins. And thin Is the bent end most reliable ;MUMMA .1 can offer to custbmers. Apar trout my own knowledge Of the Instruments, flint In purchasing at my establishment.. they are guaranteed thwpossassion of n Plnno, equal, If hot,”imj9r,.to Any nindS.ln this country • . •.. • All Pianos built at my Fartery have full Iron Frnmen l being so constructed as to secure- great additional strongtlyir it bout effecting the roar, and therefore will stand to any climate. Pianos made to order, of any kind of wood, and with any style of 11111011 that may Ist desired. The greatest care Is bestorted upon my . work, and the selection of the host materials; and every Instrument 'turned out of my factory:can therefore Ib fully Will• ranted an possessing All the qualities. requisite for a good Maim. All Instruments ohny ninnufact omen) rlso guaran- teed for, toe years from the day of sale Partleu!ne agitation In pall lo the selection of in• strumunta for distant orders, and a ourmram. or .11; ellANUEgrni.ted nt nue lime within• six months from the day of sale, should such I nstriummt not 'give entire set isfnetton. tig_Wner.r.sst.e Dr,ILCIIS will line it to their advnu ago to give men ^all before purchasing OJECAT hero. %fp...Constantly on hand n tic assortment of SIELI DEONS,of the best. conkers, Sit mires from 44.5 to glut with single and double reeds—and also with doub key bands cud stops, well adupted.for the use of ems churches., PIANOS exchanged, hired, or tuned. Miiiii2l WM. IcNA Tlo following testimonials front two of the 11164 end. -nottf—Pianimir the:srurld, , vill.ShoW_Low_my lustru melds are appreciated by lino u greet. Performers, who have bed opportunities fir testing the best Planes of Europa mid Amet h : • 31a. W. toe, Baltimore: llov Sir: I bare grant pleasuro in certifyin4. l that I have tried your F, guar° I banns. and find them equal. It not superior to tuly in this country. Among their great dh,t4nguisit them, In tho ereness of tone, Inn, agreeable ned even touch, and volume . of tone. : Wishing you all the Stlefilill Stal KO highly de serve,_ very truly lth:nor°, Dec. 33, lan. Tif.t Ha: To Whl,.lsnabe : Permit silo to exprcsn you herewith ro) sincere thanks Ire the superb Brand and Square Piano which you have loaned tae, and which I have per formell at my coney, tn. I cannot hit congrntulate yet up, , u the immense progreafand improvements you con condi:l:ally make on your Pianos. which, - In wy ruin. ion, rank among the very lg this country. With hearty wishes fur r onerous -and prosperity, which you richly deserve' by your On terptlne, energy and activity. I remain youre. very truly , . July 15, MAURICE STRAKOSCII. c i iumBEHLAND . VALLEY INSIT TUTEl.—English, German, French and Classical Se fool fur Young ladies nod a outiomon. Mechnuicaburg, Pa.—This favorably kurfarti Boarding Fchedi, conducted by ten well qpnlified insfrucfors. vanmeatel a its sent sefellon on Monday July 27. Pupils attending this In. stitution will ho prepared for thy 'practical duties of life—will ho fitted ter any class in College. ,- ' Special at tention will'hu given to the education of Teachers.— Tema, very moderato And reasonable. , - ' . Parents, guardians and others. whiting particulars, will address . I.• P. RUPP'Ai 11. COYI.II, . Proprietors. ' ' - ' Rey. T._o. 'APPLE. 1 . 1t4 Principal. A 11D1TOIt'S NOTICE.--In the mat: lA_ ter of the k:ohtio ofJacoh Reitz:lateof the town. ship of West l'onnsborough, doc'd. • The under Mined. ,liroolittod Auditor by the Orphnns'• COAT t, of Cumber.' land county, hi dlstributp enunitt the logsfoes, the bob nitro, ns shown by the n nerount of the Exocutors of the said decodoot, settled And confirmed by thu neid cocci. will meet tho dct isemolegotoes - unti - All - 4ther - fartl4ii inteiesled, tor the purposes or his appolutinunt, on Fri. dray_ filo Ith tiny of A tyust. 1857..tt 10 o'clock, A. 111. et Ills office, in thelkough of Cit - rllsle, of irlileliinooilfig they will }dense fake notice. • . July 8, 1857. [3t FAHSTEIt I = Follow citizens :: Du Through the eneneet relleitntion of Mends, I 'ofi" for, myeoll:nan enuilidntotor,llie-orPoe or IiWISTUR, of Cumbevinlid.boinify.'oillAjurt 1.6 the deelsi-n of the Union County Convention, nod reepertfully enlloit the I towneld e, PrPlWer t doo;Arr.fg.V.74ti g i ':::d4 , l7:4°.e.tod,t. illw ehargo the sludge of thn °Mee with fidelity.iud. Iwpt r, tlnlity.. • " Dllvl y TIAUST: Sliephordetown,luly 8, 1857: [tf. y „ . )1 U ,E Sl, nI.U,LEsI i•Lolte lot at /.7 ,rof , again' NES i tY io & fo ll r lt4 r a D . p v :: 444, lentucky whllr.are now es ported daily, and can be aeon 'at . their itrtl at Chun: Malta. Wks. south east of Carlisle Nrcbasol s aro requested to claming the,siock,aa tbcy flinftlii , iitilmitinttti boinfuhl."lf sliberlor; to any . -that: Lave over been brought to this market. • , July - • ' ' . York Gazette And Fr.iderlck FAAndtier, publledi timon, and Rana 1411 to thia arks for erdleeVou., ' L bir . CtELF OUItEn!-=-=A no TO THE .A! •' 'Sil TEDI Otervqui ithorders, - Iletid and Blind Affertione, Thai; 1,0 pent Courumptlon, h Spirits, Incapacity to Study or: /tabor; Preniature,lixintuation and .Physical:Peeny.oh 'the System, - Lows of 31emety, InkilitestiOn; Sea nal - Debt' ilty am( rihvoluntery Ends/done, l'ifen,'Dtaealme of the lilduoyeanul °mine therewith rottnectach whether mulling from imprildence Qe otherwise.—are luyatinicly and ritimmently cured 'by , famous RAD CAL ATOR., the' full , - uattleulner of , without :arty ,unprofossional encrpey, will be aratis.,to - any address on retelpt in' stamped envelope drapery directed.' i•' • • • • 4- The auccesaftil Omaha of the lant.ten yeate have Proved,t r it lihmeAly to hq the tiILY IiCTU Air CUItE mittint Or, the abOve con plainte, and itto deviriptlon of t It le Riven In plate hinnuer, that eveky one:. is on. It " : .•: ~.Y CURE lIIMSEaItiCaIi9SFOLIY.A,4) i . IITV'kX.SLIa' paid, till AS..I.".OIIITANII.' . roat 46a6, NewAfoph.City. 13ENN$YINAtsl, • ~41.1414.17 --- 0:)04 irf.;lllt any liisintebien: tlutY , APPollAitit • Agentiti" thit•Peini4lvitobt Bible , obletyi -. Tans Cumterl•WWlkbS9, Is now onCagadlm;tbutt im• porrtanttp•l4 ~..}Uqat/ktp•Are to visit .es . ory, fatally, to ; theOPlptY.'aell.audnitetrlbnin Bibles and TeatamoutP.: anttr,•••lnkilitatltift•',.T , ,t,ajp.PAiik - !ciliAtriic•rriltig&V l liar opera : thine: ,tt entittnetid- Ulna Cud cause . to.the'peeilekad Cumberland o:minty. • • Atut NEE, . D. 0.1143111EN5.:. .i.:;;PAUGILEATXt. PaMat --- , cop:) , the folloUing poticiil article, frian the On cfnuati C , minerchil, so that; our-readers Sully; apeo preclaie the itnswar, written fOr thellerald, by a, lady of,,BaltiMore- 4 -,irhom, we'are happy to introduce, as a - regular contributor. . , • Tily,Homivs monk. MY 110 DIE. This Is the saddest briur, , . .• Thhti tvo s . rSf•kitiiirn7 -- ,,.. ' And yet a spell of untold bliss,. 'Around joy . he'art is thrown; sad to think Ont.!, mother, mit go away" from th-Se, ti tint blest to think so true a heart •Is plighted unto me, • • '• .. Thy.home•nro my haul; mother. • . part ur is no'Tr, - • , • And-then I lefi r ro its sacred haunts, , . • . • Another home to cheer; • t vEarly affection speaks, mother, , fain would bid me stay, stronier Is, the.voice_44.oro,_ . That's calling me away. . . • . • I life no more for coif, motho,.. • • -• Per holy' is thc.vofr, • • Ascended from my lipS to Ilearon, And2.)19144 n ne now, . . net !Kier, mother, - Kiiowfanglit . * I,of pain— • He looks to mu IiPPI!!" S 0. • • Nor shall he look In saki. ; St' • _ But ohlf I should fall, mother!. . There's nothing-loft w-me- 7 A Joyous blank, far woratalmn death,' ' Must all nix • futaire:be 1 _ Ohl many hopearind-fears,,mother,------ , --- Within my bosom swell. As now I leave My youthful home, • And say'to'thco, farewell I SI ..____....Z - ne-Loon—hefora-Lgo r tnether • I fain•would ask of thee, . • Thy blessing and good wlll,,inother, Qh • 1 pray bestow on me. "Oft will 1-thlnk of thee, mother; - When cares oppress my heart! Hole patiently thotylldst endure, Tltl:tolls for me in part, Thy words Miro rondo me sad, daughter, - • kor they Imio loudted ml heirt, And thoughts of thee, my st.sent one, lin o ro londo.tho teardeap start. . I know twnihnottfor'llum, dauglfm, To Fitylo anguish of that hour to mu • • No huumn tonguts eon top.. I feel that thou hest Leon, daughter, 61111i411111 in toy way, And elmered.my weary hours by.sodies, no thi , moonlit my. . And now I think sometimes, daughter„ .Thou Vast not really gour, Ad off.' canto), for then to collie,' Irtrait thy favere song. -- -- _-- And whesh evouingllge ' , daughter, 7, gallWr round the harm th, As we the joys of home repeat, , Or light the torch of mirth; I Mt to hear thy voice. daughter, wont Enjoin the Amin. And then I miss then fro:li the group, 'And then 1 Ilst in vain. For . thou haq found n home daughter, A twine and Ilredde, With him, utie mule from Walnut land To claim the., for. his la Ide. Mr home no inure is thine. daughter, But, th o ugh we dwell apou t, -- Than last-ti Faro allding place, • thy MOTHEICLI HEART. • " Lirewiti not ho all day, daughter, -For night.ehatlewetane to nll,, And shnhreints hide among the' eloutio, And rain drops often fall. ^ - 11nierhen - theldnrnarditifill, diihghter, • And the t•ky is overeant, Look up hllllll the threatening gloetn, , " ' And brarelv bide the net. • . . et hope and lore control, daughter, • And L1.c.0 a It ever find The angry clouds, so dark and drear, — yeru all with bllverllned, to silent then, and calm, daughter, . Anal tho Ilia of life, • And - be to blot, wht !oven time well, , • A faithful, loylw; wild. I freely grant the boon," daughter, !eh thou debt ask of too, - - - - That wheresee"er thy lot ho case ' My blessing is with theo. - • „My prayer. rn otter up, daughter, into, ever npread • eholeest gifts nroued tiny path, • :•Ills unereles O'er thy bend. ' • That thou teny'sVhappy ho, daughter, ' With lby heart's treasure, And luny our homes again he ONX, In the brigilt land artist. • Mumnout, Md. •' TTlTftldT Iltor. [l4out Petorann's llost;ilno.] ARISTOCRACY:. Billywps com ing home, Bply her henree joy.-411AGrny . nomothetl once more the nor nets of therdrondy emootir rag cnrpet, darted once istorn.thi r duetless table, nod then teith n look infinite entisfnettqa, took her gear in, e ohiidncy corner koi• UiHy wan • cooling borne. Tiro long rainirtha oho }Wend, 'and then it seemed• to her the• _ blazing-fire would beer another atiok, so to the shed went Mrs. Orny —her wood pile woe minty, and earned with: ihaatileeblo oid, hands, but—Billy. witocoming Peor.Billy.! 614 mothers home • should look oletty,aad bright and cheery to. the boy,-. it• he ; did miss the polished city furniture. Thed Bridle overran the vrinkitaiirthe good 'old-lady'a face, ancLehuthaught'oftho supper ' ' u stpro ;' sorted upon' porcelain;- spiced tidy oondimento it - might , not: but:theie triere4he tiweet coke and the niniton-ohopihat'' Billy lied rebelled' when' n boyi - and- for' 'the : cow( t •or poor, will tint hi er that 'therole but onWaVek iu the Ilia moiller." - • —• • Me:4.1 . 644,'5h00 k' p cushion 'or ont1"0/a3 setiiiig hor'etill;" viv I.ltat' ho'table=oToih o"pp'uaite pee just a grate awry; uurolleciher•l4lliitioi,!lll4 _ T ebumed tier _- Wee .iliat a sound '! ' Though outy ; Calf itpy„ let nu i her suck ntid tub as lasi ee lien old feat. diid 'ibitght 4 ~ • uot.' ttatt. , stopped ? Its bands did . • rma =I CARLISLE; PA. , WEDNESADY STAY- 29, 1857. pojtrq. For-tbo-llernld.--- THE 11.10THEIVS REPLY; DV WINNIE IVI>TIIROP ral/EIT - 6 ER& It amanita No younger -are osuld'intae heard its , tiqk 'outside througit the paneled rorii, lb* ,sw,eet.o 4 koe , - Was' the supPer-rettlty so tempting 'td look • upotr? Could she think - , of`no improvement? Mrs 9i'wY :OPtinid'!thti: oupboard;, dOor t :and' gaffed, with. dosing eyes 'upon the viet*whieli should . tough dear Billy's lips; no- conshissene 'ever studied his pictured' Adonis Or cliqpntrahelf site-the -riet o g-ii °ugh', tho-un (Milked chop, the three , pickles, the °moth ico_of-butter,-the-sorep-or-uheese, • it:filled cup—most preciati4 of them • 1111!—; the pinch' of powdered herb, !With that Mous dusty-green hue, that make?? It known to lovers of genuine' tea. •• that for me, mother?' , Bless my heart, Billy I host couldyoit hive come, and I lase :watched and waited this hour past? But never mind, glad „to see yournii i ritertu• eirtti the rocking chair. and rest, and take your Mint.' • ' Seeing tat you. ore seventy-One, years OW anti I w teretity : One,'.re'd better.rireerse that arrangement down; Why, moth er; how hanutoglook I A dear old soul aren't you • s y •• • • A happy old soul she as 'as' she . .wateked • imirtor,:and marked how' , spruce nod Manly he had grown .; nett yet how he'had all the old familiar ways, and .„ramembered nil the old places about the hones t--hung !fielia4• over , coat upon his peg, mind took hitt . chair . ter a neanit bin corner otthe:Wezteir Er SEEM • 1 declare how good to ba _ lunne,ugnia. bow clean and nice ilia - hero, how the tables shine; liow natural that border di tulips looks le floor; nridtbe rag aorpet--h ow retnetpbor Cutting up .tjtg olutits for it—thqt pink - 816po wiip.poo;r little Annitsie blib . y•Oloiac thin't sigh mother, X ree's .tbrgblittea boy tO' tepee it portly from jou,' ; • - • Billy, you printed to moko.my oar. pet - Min - dome; end 'APPie wears better ger e p_ta_ . ti .to Fittbeep !tome- I woo only thinking bow ebb would enjoy tbie. arouu lL uigbt—yutir first. return.' • _ :Mu be She does enjoy it. Who can tell 1 If reboulti be culled übeve, du you aupposeyd f irget my cdtbnoilint:! Hut we wont be ito- . ,Ilento to-night. Look 1. Ibis purple bifipe wee made flute the first sey.wit!steoet I ever bed: Didn't 1141 proud to weiti. it 'when it' was -uow—and ehouttliet-I be sibetzed:-Or-euch--n gaudy , thing,now „Then • the - .tripe next it !oohs brach, but hi the day dine butthi.- greenr-buw yell I xeinetnbelA. .Thet'o:the-re-. minder of pa's old .military' pante—after I bad wortk.them a year or two, : cut down.' So kheyeung man ran on seir<tng whatever. tapi r ei:eeemed to pleat, diin good old -lad," There,pilly; cow . , vpperils.rth - tty, And 'Os IS chop,HY. Mot Billy, 44)10 you re• elegiber how you used to like aweel-cakes here they are, fuel these are • pickles, Billy,' • , 1 declare, I haven% seen such o bouniitul slipper /ATM(' I went Awn) , from home; how good The chop smells!! : ' Yes, and do taste one of the cokes, Billy, hey ore light at; puff . ..bolls.' 'All in good time, •osn't 'eat too tiny hinge nt once. nether, to chnnge the nub 'eel, quiet yolt think that now I'm of age, you ainniet twenty-two—William souncla,bettei bark Billy Liever calted you SYilliam ; er ue.er did, and little. Annie:, donr - attl wouldn't know her brother by thnt name. Bu Wiliftiiit you shall bo, if you wish; I promise not to mill you any ?ther name ; now eat your hopper Billy.' • FTe finished. Come lot us (dear the tkble together; and then you Alban see bow you like the things Eve brought from the Federal MI What, more presents, when' you sent the flannel hardly ameek ego?' You wouldn't call filmic] a. pri.sant ! 'st Anibouy,'l've broken A saucer! But never wind: I remembered some of your plutee were homily cracked, nod no thertViv whole now too ilk in my trunk.'-, The „trunk, 'yule . opened. and • Mrs • Gray united nud sighed by turns, to think Billy [rut spent a:good third of his; income •in homely hut, nseful gills for ; her; potent foot warmers pstent fist-irons; patent kettlep, r7 they Were enough. to keep Abe old Indy. end'.inter ested nntitrler aon should' return again: • ' On the morrow,llleetir Willienr-Orny-'wee gone. .At porting hp gave, once more. the of ,eu- repented injunction-connorningitie.lntor `But whet difference'can it make in my let 'lure nobody -hears me, Billy; end I like tk. opke of the word.' ' 'Dosete,t only one . he r them You know how-proudl am of Siturbat . loome' hand, and your gnodaeusible-ratleotionai„ouppose then went a friend • that would, read my letter,. dometitneer, • - • • • •' • The lady looked through her spectacles sharply enough to tweak them. Billy blushed, and bade his 'nether farewell. , Another aged, woinau sits by her fireside nt work; her, mind astir with pleattar7i auticipa 7 . toms bite far ditlerent,iptes from ; those of Mrs. (irny. Alt, what ,attange oontrastei-. whak ridicule shades of :seen.by the fat • fifrtifti eye which looks down from 'shove! kik:6 'for instanee, the' aged'; the) roofs trotn , a btrutired -.home,- and .listeti-:for stoic foottiteptliook' fcir- withered 'Ttirttis ; sotntc of , oti'shall find in the housohnlitabalr of :state ituebtoubd^. abed( -br. °bruiting• honer. someiatraball Arid colateht: ed loth ormubs - that:tail from their ehildrea''e tables,— slighted 'and only tolerated inAlle home retract sit alone by cheerless. 'fireidet.;; ith. the .Book ick ha th 4 gitin 80'4feet:to 46 many cheerless .bearts , ;- soitie4tiek^ to 'forget their age - decking• forthis ; Mille for otheist , tbe rauftneed:ract be:titled, above their 'gray heads stretches only:'the starred roof et heaven, -add the'book of butawn love; toward! which.theirttuagrY.pyint;dor4F, top desolate etre ef tf ,•• ' It was eatietthllit,Milr499T, i .roomiiiiiii i i i ii i i ii i iii i i 1/9t! the ~ on to seta ,carget : refieeitti4a warm 0?!. , Was 'opoited-•-tint.bY;Sged Itaits,alid girl:aPpettred! ' Otig l rtiatu r .r n iti,,,VlßAlM.WAgi c ; whatikdear soul I atm letting- ins gad about the streets.' - ' , • •. vitt s the Aillniel'e .. n6me;) dfdn',Cyou think to buy BOIDe more spangles? I need a full hundretl beim they erg: But:lsn't it 'a lovely' dress„iand.shen't mho some limb; ache . whenit's worn ; and'elian't I care as Much ae these steel spangles for their oohing toot', That's,right, Joey, donVfall in hive. I iintyeu to choose a busliand . with putdyes wide open. Try, your. shill on these .young Men, - atnEwherr - 111r: - IyriglireatitisTartorwivrd, you'll. be bright enough to oaieh.him. I setany - heirtMpon a greVrato - matcli:for - you, child.' • • • - • . ' Yes, an elegant man, with, beantiful,blaek eyes and - whiskers, and Ho welt-dressed, andel) tall l' .plousensoVl've seen footmen answering that desoription. Look out for ',elegant manners, Joey, pot elegant eye's; look out for family, not height of stagier (done ; lOdk out tot-a:mu to pay for, clothes—not merely to see if his tailor has dressed - him well.';' "That reniindOne, grandpa—bOw °vv. ,eprtie .you to ,tithe a tairk to board,? Doh Jaye * young bir.pray, that baelher s upper room, ie nothing but wiener. fle hoe very good•look ing baggage !bough ; I,peeped over the baluez WO when theeaaehman brought it up ataire.' • •, It's agin my-rule, - -to be More, to take any . boarders but the rust. To tell the truth; I was so pleaded with .thls °youn mtn- 7 4 he's 'pry pretty spoken—that,l premised the room ti;- foreevor asklpg what his trade might be. Be tdder, be•lsn't one of common ; he's' what they eall'a merchlint mo more spangles Jo e all this'tfaiti- the old lady had been sewing busily. I ,There,don't work too steadily, dont put your ayes out, grandma; be hack in half a minute.; I hisard a carriage stop, and. per. lipps Ws Mr, Gray. run and watch' for his entrance--We so droll, the idea of our bdarding a tailor!' - Nadame Snolliug was a person of more odu cation-than 7 polisti, more manner 'than ere - 'gam... Possessing a little tot:lune, she still preferred the 'cares of her present lirJ,liceom periled as they were, she knew by a .darger • chance in the inntrimonitd mat•kei for Joey, her-adopted child. Her character. p'ree . enting teat frequent coiribinutiOn of shrewdness, and simplicity, saw through Madarn - e and humored•her:- • But Joey's "chance" was none the - less for the good old lady's. absurdities. - Joey was fair and sprightly, with the bloom of -.seven .teee-ou her cheeks, and the mischief of zeren teen in her behavior:. - 'lVllV:ffitot rise, and graceful if nut elegant, merry, corjuettish, and .careless of all,the _world, Joey,was—standing farbrite amid Madame Snelling's respectable boarders. —*Why, gratirlmn,;:lie islet' tame, after all I and such a clean °twin and such a still dick ey, ho must have como fresh Went the laun dress.' ' A 'cOry good looking young moo.' cull him handemno. What eyes Irm nail how much dignity, and how 'Soli hi) di4ti- 'Joey, Mr. Grey le a tailor.' nei_erfenr_mn I thought all tuilurs were lame. D•nt't you . know old Bolger, down to tha Vrkeyard , thut Mary said walked with a crutch ?' .• !• Yen ; you little Itotinuune; but two club. footed men don't, make theirwhole class lame. And besides, I tell you . ..Alr. Gray in a merchant tailor.' • • _your fath . -- A - Tiiitik — cri - turo pass - a — Jney went t - O• her fumy, planted daggers qr spangles iu her suit or? diverts ; and the spangled dress had Grown shabby with use, Wiles Joey sat in the upper ohambCr, one day conversing--if it must be told—with her grandmother's waiting-maid, Deb. I found it, Miff& Joey, just where he hod hid& nit under hie pillow, See 1' You did! now that's a joke, when for all . • •. my coaxing ho wouldn't let me read o word,- but-of course I shall not meddle with his ter, ley -it in the drnwer: and by-the•wny; Dab; grandma needs you in her room below.' .Yes, Mice, eton• us ever picked up these Debby departed muttering, wonder if She tnken me now for xi foci, wonder . if I went catch her spoiling out that • letter , jet. . Joey sat . watching the elm, whose - young Waves told 'that spriniTalr come;. yes, oven iato_the.p . aved-courta 61:the-eity. 2 --. : 1-suppose- Will Gray sits here,' she mused, 'and thinks of his mother's cottage; deer old hidy, I stimuli! like to see her. But what can that letter contain, besides the usudl advice 1 She can't have heard of his foncy _for my humble self! Ha, ha, perhaps she oltjecis tome, per haps I tun not worthy of his worship, tlie mer. oinint tailor:! It could be no other cause that .made hilt so shy about the letter ;• and 'if his ' mother has presumed to criticise me, why 1 lotie a tight to improve by her crltloltirn, sure! . !Yes, 4sereit is ;,how well she writes,. how . neatly Atte letter la folded—'llaiir Billy'-I.e . never would let me tend Alnit first line, how itv't:eetritis in the dear oltl la;ly I Pre kilt a mind tto fall io 14%;(twith the boy ; if only-for 'his mother'stake'; or rather, :I'sliettid heih half a . !mind, if poor ' Will' wordn't Hiller. Joey's ince redderied,vil her oyes rah over :06' mother's:letter igOt Liocei'veti—: T •to: t ; ,her bis senses tiitigr , '''iqq!q.f'o9-7.'grPlidulav poor,•einiple, 2161; ,- Icmi!OUt; afier all, its 'true'e'ol7o4 .WhO.rirO We'Vthat• we stioVl4 outer 'at P tbie tll laliitod hr eon o litr note ' jie w, • • .worthy, of , .looy , . , Why iljd .the ntohleO'e We grew:recittox iiYheee eyes god, followed ,hor .owu • across: the letter title , Vitto dared to clasp' 11Oriyeub• .111 fig lietoyoboth,et: . 4i); ttio new board . z., ~,Wit.tonakes,,yod,trinuhlo;doey 3tli;'was ad dishonortihlS'i'o droitin 'you - worn nt '''• •• ,* ; < TOB tailor the, dishonor.. all, ,lay in dotet4ion 1 , .'.0a my' shoulder's lei' It reel( 'oily roo 'Alltr.pise.:‘!.eAtAy..434o , l.osA wittmoo4; hie (r0n15, - .blit sad, a ooqueitiiiii"ittistriir hte His, but his grioyed loek'dlteolted Lori ME No . ono knew . it except Bit*, who ran ..00king tbrougb tholeyholeLind Joey'n eelf, .• who Toyed her lover better for.the Ineekneee— i:hui . tenrs come into the young tailor'n eyes : ..Ltleeerye_this . 'This trifle.' and she put her little hand in his, why Jakeit;_likw_Lobtuse—yott...nre—...ol_ course I'll be your .vvife, .of course knowing you for a good son, .auil a true gentietnan,and .1 lover besides;. I think niYeelf more blest, than . Ilion if 'you lacked tlieiialinix traits; and Gould boast the — tiatne of &nator or rrosideot.. 0 . 14 cU - el that such is giddy girl as I can notiir ,alwais,dengreed. The engagement east. the old. lady's serious illness; but that peer, she satisfied herself and her:friends- with proola mini that—after all Joey hod nia s kied a mer. chant tallo;. - • • . . ' 'This eitraiit,'''frOm a reminiscence concern— ing a:series : of trtird'e'ra oo!umitted some years 'ilgee.in France, devehips 'a rare instance of presende of mind in women. We will prem'ise ' that the murderer woe known by the flu:aqui'', in scale previou's brawl or scene of murder, , he hail lost Hine fingers from on eT of . 1161 hands. • There lived on the . o9tskirte- of :I)epPe . 'widow lady, by the name of Beaumauriee..44o . had no family, but with one servant girl, lived in a 'very retired mat:Ter. Tlte cottage in titioh,ehe reeited woe • eitualed 'about 'bait ti • mile from the city—a little off frorwthe ; read, 111.tdatne 13enunuturice bad•been the wife:of au t flitter of the Guitrds.. , Site --was- an extra ,-ilitati,y womint.in every - piirtionlikeildit es, pecially so inresp'eot to a certatn•entlness of character sho postiesred, in the millet of dna - ger, which together with 'a 'logo amount 'of moral courage,. made her a very notable porn, son. :The recent murders tole, peril:10;1os impreeiibn on.het7l mind, :than upon any 'one else in Dieppe; althoughtfiwaanuturally sup,' posed the recited situuthittin which 00 lived, would have caused her to'he ctierti . fearful. II About 10 o'.elook:ou the nightoitho 30th of April r just ton days after:the cituvders in the' ltde Grenard, Madame Beautnnurioe went up into her bedrocia).'" She was sufferifig !from a nervous headache. ShelelLvery sleepy,' and seated ,herself... The Jump was Oleo:lid. otiltt cliest,of droverti - beltind her. Opposite to her was a...toilet tatdcy with a oloth on I,t, 'reaching' to the floor. She had already coinMencid, ta-' king tiff her clothes, when happening , to .00k. around Iter,elte saw something that for a mct , moat chilled her blood 'was the shadow of a man's band on the floor. Thultand'hed only three fingers ! , ..- . !nimbi wan there—in her' hoist—under the toilet,tuble. She mndonot the least motlpu or sign, but reflected two or three minutes es' to the best course to be purified. . '• ' , -She diiined what to do, and advahatag te, the door called the aorrant maid. ; -; ; 01',,Mary 1" exolatraecl site, when the girl entered the' room. Yatt ' kltLw ' whore, Matisieur Ilerikarg lives 1" " Yea, I%.tlanie." ' • , linve'ta pils - 5:000 frnnas away very air. : iy to the morning; ThO , Lnot eti ori!'011-jiitli now . You!iiill'hU*O ; to kiii,4,4*taid:l hoese'nuct'liet the_money , 6; • write you a note r biBlk l iti liver liiin,'ntt 'ho wilt givo,yotf ban ;Billy: to the ntoet_ut.". ", - . - ghe - iiiote no fellows • • .. • 'Bi - ONAnp. enesiu of the I ltuo' deo 'Mikis 104 the '!faiii 1s iii uonle geudorcuon,noittako ,before 41,7" capes =II And vtiliont enteringinttcAny extlatintld4 • with' her: hervnnt, diOntnlied ,4 . 0 op,fra • etyand., "Slx.9,thn,p,trintktrnlen t tud,ltersOf pudi Yes. he eat .ith:tlietpoin - witli thit't tlet: . `ttle tltblo foiretlivholetotir; Site tett there Chiol - antltdo'leOed. l `• .OW, of the blind obtft wererhrilieiti; wui'derer,did;;nos,ipSrltmimy,ettethptt6 tfeiiaig frpitt. a &ago of eepeeihuelit',4:/i'L n !ro 14.;;: Fu tlue.thee the geadnrillai artiVilig , AitoPthib 7 ' ileee-11•eyenu14, , iriaemliiteated4- I pist i •oh - o - weyjr, withoet,A.,eloieht!etrugtitte.J.,,a Illiwit'l', ado thitiAltbtfoltiat ?i e tinsiff Bing prOo to .tlia . gaitit watt ,found, and in duo. time lan wan guillotined. '• • • MIIS 0123 can I cter'be?'., TGe 'eyes were averted muoliotinraotei.,' so much en4riY, gootinee!o, I think you can iittiiiitlitilthOst Any . lot y6u olioaeel.-; • 7 ., :• •• 1 , a . :e ' e A nt h i ' Fr r 4 e t Y ; l l w ev!e n l deJ y i e t tl y 7tiep E ; j o ic u v r e , .h i e ll ;: s te u c u b e if the'ywerp inada pr. playtkinp.! . 16 6'1444 liwiiy,—lro isv ail ffliie collar Jooked. ..• !Anil' wiitiOn:e like beet tionietireee no 'pre tend-to-soorirbeeeuse-iile-not-oure;'---- 'Better etrlte forlt,•entrnakett ! That's-not rey-tay,':-I'ot a -spoiled —chilli and expect, to be buniored. by.'prOvidetoe. . don't know how to strive; sometimes think it is bettor for women to wait, in these mat ters.' What ~ ‘ Love;toe'instanee., It , a man loves me, bore I stand roadyio give tiank: answora , to frank questions. If ho ognnivo and oiperi meet and hint, why he's. gaine Joe co- , Perh,ape.4e ilara'notepenls., 11inyoektion may iet3 uClijEttit - tialik - 4uostiviis ap- pent hitn,dare, who woul4.l!iii.! Jooy, what's the need-of oirOum)o *ion.? You know that I Iota: .you, j. know that you know 'But, ~Yillie=yodr Mother's letter.', ''But JOoy--yo or .g ran dm - Mimes. plans.' Two negattvee make an silirmative; grittn marians-say.' I ennnot endure to be lantalleeTany lo). g9r.-L.Deni Yooy, will you be my wifF7. ,10 if you.nuet, but- 'No no.' ritm — grateTiirroi. your frankness. SiE!s Ilencefcirth I rill:l:liver acitioy -!Thera tiere two negative/I.' In this last,ayinion Josy and: Mill Snelling PRESENCE OF MIND RISLENf: BEAUDIAUAICE.H'., nr) !'Tcr:F•!`: MEM akte pgarlnteut. aleepi upri my heart' . • Was the first to win • SiM Wli6llidemitiport my brewit ' Ever reignd _ .• Bhe'vrito lttneeeoft llpe, • •—• their warmest She whirreata .• ___*eelathelr.etotwatiresalog. •Othenlayq,thau . thelewhall,pru!:: that inay_be Olhee hours shall'greefuli r • • Hour. that may be weary:, .•• Still this heart shall be thy their!" Still title breiet than be thy pillow ' thesellpa shall meet thlrureft its blllow zneeteth billow.. Slcep, then, on my happy heart, • . • '.. ' •'blnee thyloie bath won 11,-,• Dream, emit, on My loyal brixisti • Noun but ,thou' haat donp It; , . • . ••''' And when ego our bloom shall cluing°, ... .' i'lltlrlts'wl - try Weather, '': ••, , Illay, - wo,ln theneltinumglave -, • , . . . • ,•,....., ' Sloop and droamltogethon ;. • - • • • ; . :Correnipondwnt: atli e e xembst oreomitei4s.' • .- THE• FAqiii[ONSai ..:-. „,....• - Pants July 2, 113F.' 'Graaf enrd'ie beetiiired r biPitrishrit ladies on ;he toilette fatyled inahriee) Whiohla r rivOin 10" be eu • tlyleorning at the - chileauf,' and ia'S' loularly n at the. fashiOnable..watering-plinies;• Where the whole :company assemble between. . , ,010 .,... _Land-F-onki_around-,1 hoi-varions-aptilfgtf,T-- to drink tie water. Those ropes are general: ly of nankeen, jet:tenet, quiltinglind 01113,146 V muslin. • WheliTThey 'are made' Of a' 'mixed' woolen - tiaalie, , hiack and white, the jacket and * . _ s leai r en . ere - bordered - with - grsendeep - --'hinor - cherry or maroon Bilk, Our fashionablet:lia.. • gereAnlanaPait.4 ilac .. e Volflomp 7 has • prittt: (Need r twTo 'very bcecimming patterns for malit y,' , ce;,- iit • thin. muello.l The skirt 'of one has" two muslin festooned flounces; the jacket it' trimmed with a festooned flounce and binceno,!-- the sleeves are tight to the elhow, and „them ' kaiak with two', &Anima; there is • a row' 'of email buttons on the top of-each slpove..,Thit.l_._ second has the • skirt embroidered in crotchet, sinits, • and trimmed with three Bounces, ter . initiated by , a broad hem, in which a light ila -loribbon-hfriaiikl.=-Tliqiiireet Is trimmed to` - match the - ,:shirt; the sleeves consist . of-two' - p.iffs, end twnhenimed hint, in which ribboti ,is rue; the -' braoss are in thesaretratyle._With this is worn " a graceful little scarf mantle of the anise Muelin, ornamented with a Bonnet: of half a yet.'L in depth, and.faatened in front ' with a large id' lei bow and long endi. • . • - • ( k Madam Pell bits,also; tvvarlety of antral- • inglittlefichus, etyleti a. /a •Watleau, Illainin. an, a lg:Tiriitl, 4lnioineite, •prelon, a /a, .Pay '1 sanue&c.; to be worn with low-necked Armes , either oftilk Or apoplin,:for.slinner.andiTenlng-- aoitume. ?duality', orgnndies,jamitet, gauss; grenadiini, silk; mashies, and barege are the • materiais , pow in demand. Light summer' 'fancy silks are fashiourni with, two skirts, the upper one:exceedingly full having nine witAtur - ' mid' trimmed up, the aides with - quadrifl• ~ es of_black velvet- . :At the edge Of the upitii , •, skirt there is a deep fringe. Per light diem ' * es the .boilies are dften fashioned around, high, and gathered. The sleeves arts'exoett- dingly--Wide-at-hOteomrtometireetr-tritnmett— with frills, at. othera„ in. the Venetian form.. • • They- are ornamented with laney , lnittetie apt: ' braids'. • ~~ . • ,A necessary part of the toilette for the prem , enetlep, pump rooms,ball-_rooms; andtbeattea,. of the springs, id a Milan 11;toon::"EilticheifI4 tho_ , wriatuVjingen.hy-oonlnit;itig some refreshing botanic°. This ornenzent ia'% , inibspeneable during the warm.weather,..: These'liliconanre eumetiincs of ,Stwrea chiuov , but notliing con' , be mUro,beautifuliiitui those sold hY'' ,t) , 11a Cdr:.l64 . Galvie'do: jralo! Pulais "big al—of cut crystal; painted Mousiiet line'percolaiuei of graceful and flintasiic foram. Whe-putaMer hunneta . nre very: sloping ' bi- • hick the top 'of ,the crown i$ either 'round , ot r tthti of Ono piece. They come forivat9, the.Zldry Stuart style in front, and are; loft)„ Hilt! 'tiarrote at; the - cheeke., - The - Louie xy bonnet is maileOf pmirl, white orrip3' d'Orlent, edged with .n bread,' sherry-colored' Bilk ? rib • bon on the front, the auvtaiti,:and behind 160-'' orowq.. .asrosa . the heed ism taring , - of,whlte -ribbon, with ohoico boquete,,and edged' !lOC, ~7 cherry Celine, the ends hahging down on one, aide. ' • , Calidionlitn . hill took, place" in • Lindcah hist week and priiva great !wearies; the , of the tiekets having realized a t la rk o toe two Scotch ; Charity. eatabliehmeuto s tOir, which the inte •4 annually, tnpoated, . _ Highland goadrllie, by tile Patronesses, f ed the bnli. All ll o fair.dames who trwatuitled it wereatified 'tit' 'dresses 'of whito.:tailetki f over glabb elegontly .trin*l; new iihperlill iertdi Atoff trimmings' Steltiatifs:''. young b9.Y:Were.tbe scarf' of!ber 011111 oally draped . on.the !corsage. Ibo Ohtlett(eft, , ..3. all wore the Highland (meow: ,After this .qua,kirille WI been danced,.-task of .Tlke Eleininikr enkr,eti, the roomy #41,,, %kir 'repe6selniiiiives,i4 tbe PAleinebi'ltkrb tbje., • all tirtql u ' figuiest' . by ' slreeviit, trimMest with' Wrertitti'of reiffoiniitik ii Witekr , yette ortmittente4 with -the .111'1110 - 7 gyur Alle:shewldorl ! yap. derklAt_____ crape.. petticoats oveir,pulek trimmed nrltlin_p,rofusion of different kinds:ef t fruit, tglrbig,ti rate're iptertyclued thor bllii ..4er,wue flt!eppl64o be.reprsikented. bythyste d pettieolky•Orisfiltniskusb,,trimmed teifll4B,Yllo..bitul 'being et tidslesi 'llklitheifieu and Wittis - : 141 fee l 11:Ater'appe9rect pettleonts eilr, y . ve'r iiiiiooVoi'gclain triMined ' Withwa. ter Wiwi, boritl •tirtiarikenting tin; ge'utlitann , vaii in' full! unifortn;;-airi'4itin-... , wore bitliellootive badge, consisting:of Werttitel.ni ‘ " kuttinisvoTtlugsl.u.branch cthollr, an, er „ °4;9,1 4 .. 8 1H 0 w,P B 11? last. pre clr t noing bncatne i g o f t"ll4-..re 4 ;11.,-" ((Oct . li4;;.9 , 3 V IAIIWVaing with an4t. .of t a t i d oonqipilligktble last iituadrilletiere iibltehoot4 l ' Pet ikg"...ktiiiCiVer kid corsage bf blue . inif b!Psh bAir 6e, ''"l-YVY., 4, 1 1 1FN 4 k1 1 'irP9), ,, ?a,!.‘ ,1 ,t. 1 4 roses and pea Fi e, tp.3. 7 t103 7 ,,, i t 9 k iLt girls " oP't~'e palcdotiidu Asylum sere niirohed through the ball ebent, Iteadekl, by tbeir_mfd fuse pipers, and preoedellhy the' Duke of =EI ME clench, awl other govertiora of the . ~.~, NO. 417:. .THE WIPE. MEI ritiM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers