WE EEO .-:, ,_•,,!i % , pi,,. i, filt. ....,,:,:OliliCt H . 1 13• • • ' b , MA".O. )$.. #AiiKdoN;:titu..tny.t.prun, A PA. ' will effectually cure t 1 ' . LIVEIL''COMPLAIN'r, DY.SPBP.Ri 11.• Chronic or Norvous Debility,' Diseasee or t 10 . Kidne3• l;, ~ • and all diseases ,arising from ri disordered • ' • ' • Liver or Stu Mach. ' • • • . 714, - ' . • , • • ConS.tipation, • •• •• • ' • • Inward tiles, Full- • • .• ' ; '•• ne••;; or Moodie the Head, --4chatyet'-thowLuuucha 7 111. coa, Ilearthern, Disgust for. Fo e. • Full ness or Weight ou•the 'Stomas:it, ,• ,;, • 1 . Sour Bructations:Sluising or Vlutteri ng 0,4,1 10 int of (,6c Stomach. Swimming Qr . , ,••• . tread.;-Ilurriediinsi 1 . Fluttering at; the li,eart; Chocking Oreulfoca-}: ting Smisatlons•rrlien in a lying posture, Dimness , ~.ex_Vasionjaas gf websliefore• the Sight. Sev_eiv; and dull pain In the ead , D , elicieney - Of , • 'Perspiration, VelliuMM H Sl4 of the'Skiii aridoZ Eyes., Pain iu the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs. Sudden - Flushes of • Butt, Buraiing iu the ••• . • • ••• constaikt Imagininga, of ;.. and'greet llo' • ' pressbm • yr • . - SpiritS. The proooetpr.ln;cullyitg tho ettenth - 4h ffirr_tho,.puhlt e to this preparatioti, duns so with fl fooling of the utmost -eotatidetteu in its yirt wee tuitl thlopttieion t the discuses roe which it IS. reeoulittooded. • . • ~„ It is no new and 'untried article, but one, of a ten years' trial: before tits :American pe_ple, and its reputation and Ful 1 e is unrivalled by any sititil/r preparations extait,,i2The tostiniony its faVor given by - ,the most - prominent and well- known and individuals in all , parits.Of Vie country , . DIiIIi,ANAIIIIIDN'Tg OF TIM LIVER AND SrIIIACII: ; Are Wilrecs Vrolll tUtior - der or ohrstrnetitin, a m s' arbld aetion'of the sympathetic and other nerve _f , t ilows, - and. the f unctions. of, the bealn Ore impaired and deranged: derangentouttbere will alvo produce diseas es of the heart, skin, lungs.and kidneys. It is otiing stn the same .eause that thousands die with Cholera. Dilious . or Yellow Fe'ver, and that most baneful disease, Censumptien. The gelteral, want of success in treating diseases of the 'liver and go:Mich, has' not-been a delieleney of patholo gical knowledge of their fanctionil—but 'of a suiablo compound that would act upon the disease nod all the try uikathetie affections. That has bon gained in these I:3IWN : and - they can be used by pursius-,with the most delicate stomach I.4tdriTurfeet safety—a:4ol(v at po,tiano debilitate the patient, hut give strength and 'lncrease :the nervuusenergy.-- -They taut betaken at all '.close.; anti under all eiretunstances. No erilihary expo sure will prtivent them having a' valutary infect, and uo Intreffect can result from an-over dose. ' •1. n orsavare-iii-tlin-inku of this-reniedy, and taso it ,strial - Y aocni•ding . to directions. it will Miro the.fitregoing.dtp3ases In e vary instance t• it' iiut beyond ',the p M ower of odicine; it has caused- many epjoy •the . blestdrig of renewed health, and in many dt!sperato artd uhamphluil osos, a intrfact aufi:nJ[u,l corn. • • ADA:I.NIND IN, WE: And fueling the 14:1,11a cif nileWejgbing.lteailly upon them ..willi all its attendant, ills, will find in the use of the Bitters en Llixer that will instil new life into their veins; restore,....lnvasuru the enerky and ,trril,ir - Of more youthful days ;Addl,' up thidr sirenrrhen forms. and give health and - happiness to• their renialning • it is a.welfostablished.fact, that fully nne)talf tif the. !Semite portion of dur population. nro seldom In the en joyment of good he liii; - iil'lo use. their eXpression "never feel well." They - are langifid,.doVoid of aThen erAy, uatre'neiy nervous, 41144 hate 1110 appOtitii. - To this class these' Bitters' are especially re , .e.,ntittondiml. 'their pcoullar Conte and invigorating properties render them invaluable in such eases. Pore-ms visiting ilistriefs fiarrasSed annually with Pt:VI:IVAN!) At; E, or ANY ifr:VISIZ OF A lmifAuCa ;;;.•ruit't.t, will lind that he the - timely use of Cole - ,}l. two betties, they will tint linens_e - instauctetalte Cie dis :ease, as the Raters u ill renovate and strengthen the system, and 'carry the Idle oil in its natural •idunilet.--s• /Creyent lon is better than care: . • Tlll.ll' AO: ENrticeby. VEOE:CAD - LC 'And free from Stituuhint, and -all. injurious ingredients; are pleannut iu taste•and snruil, Mild in Abair operatidn, will expel all morbid .secretlens from the holy, give bloom to the, pallid chug: : and health • and ylgor t,i the frame. • Price is cents per • isittle. Prinehial Office. NO. :hi Aral/ street, . sold by Druggists, and 'Storekeepers in, every • town and willugein the United. States and Caimans, and by all Druggists in Carlisle. ' • Olay 1150. ' A , HUINIAN LIFE SAVED! . Dowel;Mc,lch., Mar. 11, 1S G. A. 11110 DES, Egli.: Dear Sir, As 1 took' your medi cine to sell op consignment, • ni) ; cure no pay,' I take pleasure in Stating its effects as rinirted'to eie by three brothers •itio-liVe in this place, and Dielir,testituony ISA :fair specimen of all I have received. ' W. S. CONKLIN told use I lath taken mine bottles of Christie's Ague Ila !sem, suit _contiunally run' down while using it until my uni...asl liver were congested to that degree that blood ..liseliarged from my mouth _ andliOlV.slB. 811 that, all thetqlit it impossible dienni to _live through another chill: 'fife docile stun did all they • coubi.tio ine,.but thought I must die. Nutbing did inc any good' until I got _Rhodos' Fever end Ague Cure, whiell'at once rellesmi the of the distress and nausea at my stomach and pain iu My head and •bowels; and pro. deiced a permanent cure in a short time." . • it-AirtklNKLlN•saye- 0 h aitibeen , taki g medicine. ,of es.agoed ducter,as we have Moor codnty, and taken iffy quantity orquinine and specifics without any good -results, bleu 25th efAugust.te 11th_of_Deceinlier. Dut rviralug how nicely it operated on my brother, 1 got a -bottle of 11.110Dn'S'''F.KVIlat AND ADDY; 'Oil Kg, which' effected a permanent cure by 'using; two-thirds of a bottle ; M. Conklin was not here, -but - both-tlin other brothers say his case was the' same lot 11. M's.- 1.5014 s theuiedicine to both the same day, and the curdwas as epoodylrein the same small quautitye, - iihd I might so : specify. Yours with reppect. . „ A ' • ' The above speak, for iteelf. 'lllo4l‘l- proof as it IS, It is of no better toner than the - vast number of ,like cortitb, cites I have already published, and the etil,gr(Ater. 'amount that is eontlnuallY pouirlint lu Wine. One thing more. bait year I had odic stun to Caution .the ~Pubiletti.these wirds—; _ -.• .•._ • nutice,oue firm who has taken one (if _my ge - neral. Circulars, substituted the name- of 'their nostrum for. Joy medicine; and then with brazen "Impitdenee' ;Ml pamphlet with themielaittatioti,'Fliet: the proptle, ' .ter of any other medicine say as Rauch, if ' L--Now I take.pleasurelii...salhig,thitt the Caution_ refer red to *Alb saute k‘' Dr. 'Cliristle'S :Ague' Delman"' that hi in the 'above certificate. There - are several other industrious people who are plying-toap their pelsonfini -trash all that I inthlish labnut thy' Faver'atid:AgueCure,'or!Aiatidete to Malaria; xcept the :;tlertilleates • of Cures, and of the-celebrated :ehetelet.Dr. James 11,, Chilton, of ; New Y,ork, lei fitibr of its perfectly itAItAILDSSI3 at. 'tacha to every bottler Theie4l.ll-ialwaytrai:i44 tingttisti ivy medicine front-imitation's: JAB:- A. .U.llOl/.0, Divrteter,."; . , . • Proildenee; It: 1.. .For sale by W. 4L. KELSO, and Druggists generally.' . May 6 1856-3 m, IMPORTANT TO:' FEMALES !' Dli. D11.14.' fifth° re ''-scilti of along and extensive praPtioe;' they are *nod in their: °iteration, and; er.„4aln/ of restoring _ ' nature toils' "red*Panel. tiery instance ha, ve these PiliS Pro' ameeessfaL They . invariably open ,tlioso obitrucDops Yenialeti are liable; And ;brini tutturei lute' ItS • proper.chintiel; whereby health :hi restored ahttheiale and deathly countenance changed to a healthy ene, lellnitie can Indoy good heiltD'unlesa she is,regular; and an obstruction tidies plaos„ . -whother front es :velum; cold,or any , other ranee, the general health (nil, suotibitely begins to decline, and the want of such are,nt eddi has been the cause of Ito nianyoolisumptlons amo younfemales.'To ladies whose health' wail not rerinit• otin.litcrosse_ef their Faxeil4..tinaclolliemillygo,ra 3 ,1 4 .4 uable as they mill prevent, PregnaneY ,-,- 'lneadiche, pain in the side, palpitation - of the heart, lota thing of food, and di turbed sleep-do most- alwayt; arise !rota afro interruption of nature; and 4 iihatever that is thesase, the pills will Invariably remedyall Merl. evils. 4.10 r are the less efficacious' in the cure or Lencerrhai, t l Whltes."..' Those pilliihnuld new ' couunonly called the • er be takete during pregnancy, as they would' be sure to , cause asniscarriage. Warranted purely .Vegetable, and free front anything iniurions tont) or. health. - Put bind stcplicft directfons accompany each hex. . , , These pills urc put tip In vinare• fiat boxes."persons residing where there is no agency ceialdiEheci, by curio. sing One Dollar in a letter, pri. , paid, to Dr. C; L Cuer.s.D. $1.04 - .N0::2117 - 011ceeker streeti - New-York, ratrbare - ttheifr • • sent to their respectiveaddresslve by =AIL ==iMMEMEI ' • iiiiii IB!=111111=3 ME !f: .. ~. - Lat. ~ Our.,.uncl pa:got:ye lowlng . card. 5t is part) .nitortant7ltiVr-Silemio-ki ii.svi.tt.t.us to 'prevail% " • ' "i '( i being. , and %Lionel ,the lying, boasts, 'Ago promises, and, spurious mead:4l64oo,aq the dead lohtt,:urtknown) .- of - 11Lid - Natife - c2iiieks, of.whoin iltere are, more in dclpliid thaWalSowluire,lairtiusn'illf the clamantly laws of the State.' . Cltizons.knoW and avoid the tWiinty - dollaril ;worth 7 01'.. nyig,orat,lng Cordlr Adthout '6lfeet- 11 h:icing 'heels Llee - FiTo7l, rtiPreaarited itutl., exaggerate - 11. ititeouuls :of t'olf r Eliterot DiseaSes ...and - .their •Consisititirce'li, ~adyertliemontsillooks,, , &e l 4nd - Inislott •hy ft cbipts and wrong advice' 'containtid pui to increase salllerlugs ,and atain i . ltlid frighten t thinkinp,;,!the more-ihistly-to:mitori large tees; -wore : evidentAxiing-sold-fur-less-thati cost_ of_pi and adviiifising)—ltarlifg'paltitlve to ono hunch jars . to Foreign and Native Qinteks r. . lIT.CtIOUVIMING auffilrod taiich and.' long—tliough the ti es omit- be rtiridled - , - .noi,tha money recovered and were defrauded of, you can lie cured. h had, long standing or afflicting your rase . ; by Di, Ito wiS,.). betimes; 'Delays-aro daug(iroto(," _ "lime isAlotiey.t Tittle saved - is - 310111T earn • - • •YtiUNU NIEN Singlo, married, or 'contemplating inorriogr. front SolfAbuse. or Its consequence, or,'Stelferii any other ratises, defects, .or datsises, mid 1,. hatover their dlsonsca w situations, unty.ltoi rely and confide (:( Dr. Leldy's skill ' ounces coin iuodatinus, if reit aired...with kind and' etllcii Londoner, at Ds. LEIDY'S I'ItIYATE.IIOSPITA I. . TILUTII IS 3IIUIITY AND ONE Plf()I1SA ND , DDLI:AItS is waged thd fullnirfug-tanticitlfOreantriftlietialTu • No. 114 Nqrth FOURTH • Sti.eet,, , alm.vo Race, _1E11e:only rekulai_',llhYttician yesiding_in Pi ti phia, Uradnate of. the niversitrof Penneyiv; 1833, '(twenty-tive yeitrs) miclitshmly :engaged treatment of Secrot or Delicate 1 tiset... , s 'of both S'elf-Abitse. and its, ctinsepten6A; 01..-nic and lnability; - NM veusues, ; I 11mgal:it:Ries and other diseases or situations of. Females; and wide!, he will cure in less 'time. and - hys restiaintouere . effectually, than any ether, under forfeit of• s _ .ONE.THOUSAND DOM;ARS. • ' Dr. LEER Y has, utore . ,ptitients. anti 'pares thedt too, titan all advertising; Docloqt, so called on Miterwige; lu Philadclphill'eontlAned, and proudly, refers to fades-. roes slid - respe6table' Physicians, many of whom roost' it hint in- critical • eases,. and respectable Citizynti, !der chants and liotell'imprietord,..ds to,his known skill, r 0. . ,• puta Lion and unparalleled success. • . AtISTANY PATIENTS , • tan have -necessary. advicettitti-ttieditinti -- r,int - llietn - hy' mall Or otherwise, to any part of the United States, gi OM; d descrinth,h octiteir 'cases (encloidn„. , a reason able fee) by letter to Dm N. IL , No. 114 North FOURTH Street, alinve'llaeu. Au;: ngtl:s,-I.Bfai LET -US - . REASON' TOGETH ER: . . - IVALOWAV'S PILLS. ; , • - r' A It SIC-K-? It has been the lot of the human race to be ATeigbed down by disease and .sitlloring; -- II01.1.011"A are specially salapted to the relief t,f the IVRAK, tho NER VOUS, Ole HELHIATi:, and the 1 Nil UM, of all' climes, ages: seam and constitutions. ifrofessew Hollo way personally ‘ suptointernis the manufacture or Ws medicines in the United States. and offers than to a 'free t hd enliglitcned . people, s, the best remedy the *odd: ever saw- feit the retuantal of disease. • . . • . • tur.ss 'Pitts :rularst vin•iwOop.' These famous Ps are eicpce.ssly on it emtes on the stomitcl4ilfe liver, the kidneys, the' lungs, the skin,' and the bafels, correcting any derangement in' their functiens, purifying the blood, the very fountain clif, and thus curing disease in all its forms, 'DYSPEPSIA AISFD iiIVEIt—COMPLAINTE, Nearly half tho human race have taken It ha.slotetti proved in all parts of the world, that no thiug . has been Oland equal to them iti caseo of disorders of tho livirr;'dystiepsla, 11.6(1 stoturteh coMplaluts gene-, Iraly. They soon give a healthy time to these orgauc, however much &rouged, and when 'all other means hate dlo 1.• ' . . , inilitLlTY. .11.1. WEALTH. Many of •the most despotic liovertimenis havo.opened their Ctlstocu llouseAto this Introduction of that they,may become tile Medicine of the • 1J1:64M5.- I,tiarned Colleges admit, that , this medicine is the.best remedy over knowit,Mr persons of delicate, or where the .system hashing* Imp: deed, as its invigorating propertiesl novcr lull to_alford. relief. No' Female, young' or old, siniuld be, without this celebiated Medicine. It cormets and :regulates the •monthly courses et all Toriods acting In many ewes like a eharui, , ,,lt. is also the :beat and safest moilbaue that can be giyen to Children of ill ages, and-for any' complaint; conSeiluentlY tiudy should •be with- 110L1.0iVAY'S,PILLS ARAI THE BEST REUEDY KNOWN TIIZ ,WORLD roll' THE iNinowiNci DISE . If. E 8: Astlitnec. ,- - • ; Debility Bowel Ccouplaluta Fever and Aguo "kindi • ' Cougha - .q ?FornallelOota. , Stolle and Gravel Secotdary - . .„ Chest OlsenS „ as headaches , 'tows Costiveness indigean • , Inward "Weakness ' DyspepSia. _ 7.1V0r Complaints D.irri.vas Intlarnouttion ' .bown'ss Of Spirits Diropsy, , , • ...Venereal abet:lons Piles . Mao Sold 'at tite'Manufaetories of Professor IfoLuewtz "S6-Maidaill'.iind; Neitlriwk; and 244 St'rand,-Lond,in,li,y .all.:,.reipectablo bruggistEi• andi .Dealeys of. • Medicine _tin•ong#out.t.lte.iluited,Statas, and tixe eivilized, world, in boxes, at 25 cents, 0234 cents, and sl'eac s. 4.l3 ,4 l'Tlidre is a eon'shierable saVing** 'taking the larger sizes. ; • . N, 11.41/Irections.for the guidanoe of patients ln every disorder are' ffikeal'to . pitch - - .A...,g01r-A.Q. Li: C UNC • C. L. belling, of Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county; Pa., announces to those afflicted with TriurNra, Wens. Cancers,' Poly pus,`Liipus,'Meles or Marks,,,Scr..4. µig4.Kinies Evil and ali:dientaes, that have, been usually freatedivith Cduatic Or Knife, he can remove them With !out cUtting;:lahroing or pain; neither Chlorohrrns:or Ether is administered to, the.patient. It le ; no matter ed what Pert ot bo'ili!they `raisV . +he' can remove them .with , perfect , . safety, and xi remarkably shori ,Die Mineral CA YVE9tsiblePoisohls appflediand pc money required until p ripe' is perfectML., , Prolapsus Uteri; -Female' ' Crimple' rits',' Chronic; time real and all other diseases treated with positive enema Full partierilare eau beotealiid biaddressing in dile, , Psti3OP3 or' lie«nn ea with Iloard . on reasonable terms. ; ) , ,Micharricebireg, the , Preittiest: andiscalthY . towns.in, this or ,any other ritate. It is 8. miles from ififrriabiarg,7on' the Othishenan'd Road, and.accessible accessible &OM fall Parts, of the Odom - ,Xtorlkoctor will "Visit cases in any part of the Stain when,derdredff7 • ipa,Kind reader if you knout any afflicted fellow eras. tun), delay not to tell them of this treatment* • .' . -s olE"s - kts:Z . pirtra MINCER , tiIO3 , IAS, No. 20 South - Second' Street,, Philadelphia, Importer, Idaunkteturer, and Dealer In' • - DRUGS, MEDICINES, CUEMICALS, ACIDS, ' Dye Stnits,-Palets, Colors:White Lead, French and American. White Zinc,Window Ohm, (Haas Ware, Pap. il i s hef4, Brushes, Instruments, Ground Spices, Whole Spices', and all tither articles usually kept by Druggists, Including Dora:, Indigo. Olney Air otdertiOly malt or otherwise,' promptly attended to. Country. merchants arainelted-to andexamlue our stocicbeforo &rehash* elsewhere, . sent' -to-arty-of-theAcharyesor-ralhowl_statbms.. , _Ptices_Vow and Goods Warranted. • [March 20, • '• 't ( dtv , .,';" , :41 Cita* - mean - - ES • -• • • 151Klabelptpa , = . :The State Savings Fond Is attracting tiejtoslta front all elriases of the coininunity, in every section of the ri tot end 'country. All hums ofzioney returned on demand. Deposits Totwarded by 'mall to the order Of the Treasu rer, will receive every necessary (Menthol. .. .. • ; fiat.: 11.,1LART. .' - . • President. •• . ' . . - CRADLES L IMLAY', . ."Feb.:2o, .15513--llin:•' , •, • • - ' •Treakirer. Powder ProoeLock,widli were ser . trutu auf whrs Fair, lA/11(1011, 1i , b1,• and o at the" World's New' rk. 1S 3 atC l nl. The eitreteri• I proprietors t . dfi r:l4de of, itt,ove. r t t;il ual led 'faces no !its: Tho feputit don of Aloi iwine'-ilerril.'s Safe" Is work' I* and fio; Lht loot dfdrieee ire the niereitelile routintunity .cony to tboir_Nnvln.psit,itot tire proof - qualities. — More hto 14000 of these :into- have been netu4ll.3' sold; 411 nrcrr. vortinnie/nn-itay . n.--pass - ed-tririntpiud. dly,:t.hrtutti /cadent:ll fires. The , p 11141,,. uSsnreci all enfes] nattutartured by the subscribers are not' only gual,an ,,elid tote fully equal, but iu .tnany respects:m/1u su,pe for To -these which liak - e -been so severely tried by lire. few...3vill tering. their son:lees in tin burping of the "Tribune establishment." Note Vert/. and .at the (bent Strawberry street, itt,' the largo . tire last July, opposite 'the (lintikt liousb; and .still more 'recently in the Fire at 'Fifth and Chesnut. stn., in the.city ol ht which_ptere. Wes came rot th_ the ac kithwiedged. Ottkurie's,, , when ' many ether securities I ailed. ' • • FAitli ' • 7" . beets R.4Fn AND 11 156 L9 , 217.-NAKERS, • 84 lII,NLT Street. Philndelphia. • Chilled lion Fares, with Powitt;r Proof Lochs; menu• (sawed expressly fir Batiks, lirphers, Jewellers, and others requiring security frinu rogues. hank Vaults., Doors, ,t.rn.hand and made to order. All Om most ;celebrated Locks for sale at ntanufact um-se-prides. tioeand hn,nd “.dares," "tWainlytdibra'.' and, 'lron Chitatn" of other nthers. have bin tAaan In part . p a y. moot for !tarring's . Halo tutlf " apt* ECSE SAYING;. FUN!), .0 Chartered by the ,qato 'of Pennsylvania lu 1.655 ' ..OFFICE;' 65 WALNUT hTitERT One door above Second litreet, Philadelphia, Receives Deposits in sums of Due Dollar and upwards from all classes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of live per rent peeanniim. 'Moneys paid lack on demand. .04r.Ofilce opeu daily -from o'clock, and ea Monday and eOurday uutilith'clech in the evening. Phis InStitrition Will ho foUnd a convenient' and . nib plate of deposit for Namara and 2othem doing bualneaa• is 'Deposita are paid on demand without any previous notice bein.g.rnouired. • r • • • „ • , " AIVACIERS. Plmfuld.A. louder; -•- lion. Jo'b.ll:. Tyson, George James P. Perot . , Robert 31orris, • ' • John - McCasibas, Ethrtird, L Clark; Jacob Shoots, . Joseph. M, ~ • -John Rico, (;Joseph o.ltichard Sfotegnim, Bdward Trotter, — ' WillianiShippen;Jr. • Franklin Hawn,-: • is P. Jenkc , - • gager H. Pettit, • • , Preetilent—TßOKxaN EI LL. • 'MOISItIS:" • - . • ' • , ; 'Boareteiy—JA'3lM R. PHINOLF. ,t(3l.,Thncherter provides. that, no mapetgnr, 9flicer or agent shall, directly, or, 314.1rectl i y; bonny, any money frorn, the Society. ' )[3.III.LATiELPRIA EVANEV:.FIRE• W TEE . Aiitoov or ,theireitints, lawyorrw.florm9ret And , i?grars,, MINIMS Boolts,„Paniirs or otkor.-.*rilo ' /08?- to ;Prat-54'1195Q ants ot 1)1111'0EARS:• ' '';''• • " •• , pity and; Newell's (11obb's)11AN11,',LOOES.i 2 ; A 0 4 ,14 ) ,TheJ , j1)* pn ? ofcßaire,',Aplit preserved. litir bOcks, ,P4o . qtfl . , ttMring grpar Fire at Ilartte Buildings, ion s pure!lieSed orOLIVER EVANS; 01E. 2nd sr i pioj i e4tibttei ' ; 13ETZ •A,, ; ..L , • Li., ,;,,, )istnic*fo,it&NATtrt: EILTERS, "- EVANiy.rtkari Ventilated lietriketritorafor eciolinr ; kat., , pree e n d eg 7 e ee k itli,,butter, 'milk ' ', water, I arid all 'articles for milraiiirY...Purtl ns ' -‘1 : • ; WATER FiliTEß;s for purify in g brackish 'or muddy , water, whether affected' by:rains, limestone, other eauses; , tan •be tad. separate' or. ttj hed to the .iterrigeratrini-44t small xaantity of ie, h e m t e ,,k, in the warmest _weather. = . VORTAULE Sill:TEß' BATES, tort ' rise` sierm or cold.Watir: • ' ' WATER COOLTRE;for - 11otele,tilto nil D •• • .'STOEII TRUCKS, fer,moving tioxes, eg Am. . PEMP443;eORT!ng 4 0 1, Dru" • - • a, AWE. . • • Ro. 01 Sonth Seiiond 41. ( g d. belay Chesnut. liarclk,o; 113.50 77 1yi . : • litoblisbed In 1515.), • .1101-1 AIR' S -Ig: I 1/11,E55.1446.—Te _ srvfber has jog resort;; Mohair Head n res .. ses, Sairt Hoops, and a few Spring thaws (ibodr., Mardi Tl. - • GO. I.I.ITNEW EMI eMOIII2IME=M32 D a CAPPCM: $25000. i,.• ; y is recolTott oit: deposit_ dally:.•,_ tirmAmmint:doo d iQ eiitoied'in he ii.;;lkepoilt.'BoOk:and , Fi'v e ln to the' dtnr jj_priforrod, a eer_tifleilio:mll.l ' ct ttsis !arc:P.quid antnll f era" recoil' and the .1,;,i , t1l i on domund, without 'notice. aitrii:'iirthl :it • thif•Wito: 7 cif• FIVE `PER:luENT.j'ciwt- • ' Ihrday_nfAlopesit,:und aeasing . tourteen:..... pi ho, withdrawn(' of thelnoher'.' • ; ' ' ,loy•.or.Januitr,;•, each the interest it 1, pin to`tim,deriositer; •or added to ttio 11, 3; oly prefer.,, . '.•lopans hare' now tipWards.Cd• 3,600 dcptsitors ak , of Pliikdel '• • ulitrohalinformatiOn wIITIO givenVi'addiring XAHURER, .• t" DIRECIrOSS. • ' • ' crawfni.4.- W9l. IE . , Oodwin,.• cure Johrisah. Vice Pt: ft. anthittril; moan O. 'l'hozaison,. : „ • Gun. NcEloupy,,: , Anita _-Janioitihrcorlux, • . ) L'...ll(Trii! - e,,:" • • : -. l.(usti - EnaltiMi - •.!, — ' - ;Y SK •' ' ' Secretary Atli] Trbastifer, • 4:imactitAosa, '4:ellcr and Ipterpetor, , 12'55:=1y ••••• ' • • • •• • ' •• • • . .4EA E . T X CITE ME iNT! )trimiA . inNi)MAO/EONS . GYVE": JlASisil, IfASObitl - TEMPLE, - GLEE-N-(i-,1"-- loventh. Philadelphia. respectfully totemic the hat - heia-preparimbtot mike tbe.followlugi SPLENDID OFEEII. 'NTY Beardulaii 3 Oray A: Co.'s celebrated NOt3. , eENTv. C. IS. Fisk A Co.'s 1'RE31.11:31 31E1,0. DEONSI wlll be pliteed in the bands of a cotontittim of , gentlemen. tole , by them die:Minded wincing the, holders of my certklicates. , To each purchaser of my Poptifar 'Music, a certificate will Lc presented. iintltfifig.the holder to an Interest in ONE PIANO and ONE 31,E1,01t EON. to lie disposed ef by • •the Committee for the benefit of those liel,fing ee t ;tim -eates-when ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS" worth of Music "shall here been. Sold. so that caulk- person ittve,,tilm.Otie -1),,11:r will-not only receive In, and III), value of money paid. out, but will lit securer)_ secu to - nn interest, itt common with other certificate holders, n-kips above ills- •' Whitton, The sin:reeding dlstributioes , will -be con _thaw', subject, tp_the „saine_regula ion,mitil. tLq_Lt)__ yianort one) Melodeons are distributed. • - Particular attention Is invited to that future of this Fplan, which calls for a-disposal of the nest cum . ents when ont 000 certificates have been issued, thus avoiding the. yos:atinus delay - nail probablekilisaPpointment attend----- logecru dn,l rhemec note before i.he . sle - inay - be sejecteil ircle -MY entire comprises every Catalogue in tiro 'hilted States. Orders forwarded by, matt ti ill be faithfully pre liptly attended fp. • N. it.—Constantly on band A splendid assortment of pi a nos lentil the celebrated inantinietie les ot num: Orav A Co.: of Allianyi Chiekering A A.W. Ladd of„Iloston; it Monger, nod Pennell. k CO., of _ New York. Also. C. Fisk A -Co.'s Pienituni Melo deons, to be-hail at the loWest ntanulkeuturer's prices. I 'Read the following frerit Slush:al Ed tor.). ltoran)lAx,OßAL'.P. Cm's I . lPie Fonts.-11'e air su I,le:Wed MOW- rest rtlipelits made. by Lid fit7u that • e have determined to he hist! unicntal Porten - es, that Is. In rurilishing our. Subscribers and others with nur artiele that we ea,u...,retainimend and warrant. There Is always n difficulty attending the purchase of plants, bee:lose persoits cannot rely fully upon the retionimendie " Cons they receive from manufacturers, who are ested, of e()UrSp,- _the. f;c10.owl) ntuntikiettiro. Now, we are not inteeesiedrin the matter in :any'w'ay, exeept so fhe as to see - that those wheqatronize , -cur uttook" - shall be well served with the lis‘st,planos made. For a list of prices see corer, at.VlileireMOUll In Ave will send Pianos, warranted for ono year, the freight tw.be paid by the persona ordering'. We annex a letter re-' corral from a gentleman luVirginia, to whom we Sent one of theso rhinos:— ,t Esq.. 7 -Dmir Sir-,1. have great pleasure` to ur,hrifleflettidrig, the reeellit of the Platte rorte'w fifth you , were so good ;4 se Order ferlarwitirtlern Jr. (tray's., It,,was.dalayti4.fin; 601110 thub at Winchester; but fl am happk, 10 say thiti-it canto in eayellettt.iaindb tihe'deeldedly pleased the instrument. Thri rosewood (Wort' beautiful quality: the'ease le Plain • r (vm,Hke t it.the better for It); . the touch is very easy for a new instrument, and the tone Is firin.clear and sweet. haV'e ,tried Merin - dm It and spealr in thelkighebt terms elitm mellowness •and sweetness of tone. We deeply regret that we did not order the...littardiment:' we mmst.have it yet. ~• • • ':We ATV deeply fro . elteit to you for your noney in procuring fbr us so gruel an Instrument. lie pleased to reeeive.oer aeknewitslgmenta. _Your obt. servt..„ • der. 5,"55. it y .h - • WIVE-PEn, CENT.SKirtNI SAP ANY; nut stniet,'sonthwest terrier of:Thirrl'istreet'; . Philailel-; phis.. lirpo . lierated br,ths, State of Pennsylvania in • Five per cent. interest tar given,'kuni the 'money Is al ways paid back whenever It. is called for, without the necessity of nOtleillor I(o) 4 *qm-band- ;• People Who - barn large; minis pat their money in this" Saving Fund, on arcount bribe superior safety and teen vinienceit egoids, but any sufn, large or small, ix, re- ' , coved,: •,, , 1.. , ; ; . Mort. gages, Savinirititilliss a vety large anteutit of Hort. gages, Ground 'laud ither first! class;inFrsttnnOts for the security 6(Mom:item Tbe roles prevent any using 1 1 0 M,,, ThAtheineuty. Tirol'Onice Is open to receive' anti ipav money every ;day, prpra;ii verbal* le Abe; morning till Ledo*, In the{ evening, and on, Monday And Thursday evening, till 010e-4- •; ; ,;, • ? ; ; People who.have money to put in, ate invited to call at the, office (Or Anther infernantlen. • TENN Mr h. HYMN Ell,; l lProsident. non. SELMIDOIt, CO I'reskleatt. ; ; Wy. J. MUD, Secre7 ,,, &tuber ' ' ' ; • ; . , ri-- - SPRING,IfftLINEItY-GOOpS 4 :sTott A SONS, N 0.45, Smith Seteend --- 7 7 7, • • • ' Street, Philadelphia. ' world partknlar . ly call the attention et, bierrhalibi and Milliners to their large end handsome amortoreill at • - SPRING MII.d.RNIGLY GOODS; • . . • • afinit num • . • ountoNs, • VAICOY LACES, •. . "- FitANCII,AiNiXI•AMBRICAN FLOIrt.IIIS • . yid every/1A.14a apprrtalning to the Millinery trade. • n e s tove grois leaml ham Importer) el.prmsly for avit Spring t-klitz, and mnprievr the INet esa•rtment to be In the tity., . • [April - ,''i ,. '',- - ,l:ll:m_cftt - ti'Lr' ~ieriti~i~Bot~ure~= - i~`Oregon: ~-=~ . . Ethan Spikes still' eiiliattens.the publto - through the columns of the 'Poytland ' , (Oregon). Trapscript. But ahUitt...the' richne . t 'thing he' tins tigety: kdijiff Ts lifi:folloWiiie report ofnn astronomical lecture':' Mmtpn Erkrron :—lverhape jetterernry oint Of view our town i aint been so formed as she orter. While Pelly ticks 'and milling tary interest has been'carried furder perhaps than in any place on theirth; yet eicept in . my 'min ease, literatoor hasn't_ gone, beyond course hand writing 'and the 'single rule of three. Ferloeofy has been,quoted below pork; syenee :hasni• conipared, with 'Sydet!, string henna has been gewrally set,higher than stro nonty, and pumpl4ll6 Wire ahead of poetry.- -Islaowi banwsoeveT -- tite - tables bas turned fcit, - tOin side under. Syince is We've got a Lee see urn ! The cry of • Let tors is begun, the tree of 11 . 616ge' has sprouted' and, intellect biles over matter—that ,intelleCt, which luis been dermouSe is naow a sleepyn lion gittin away from Jordan. 'llls I . fust lecture of, the season was gin last night t byJatneSPeabOdy, wlfa'S bee bne quarter to r an neadernary. General 'subjeck-,Stronomt .e • ' Pertickeler.ditto—comics. I.hain't time.to gin you a digestive of the leoitir.— • • Jeines begun by obseryin that' of onybody supposed that the sturs-warnt• a heap bigger than. they looked, they were almighty behind, hiai 1. ltiy, says he,therlf that -little shiner Called Satan, says:h - e, don't look bigger than a, . tater„ mad yet• according to Ilerklys—who knows-the heavenly4xxlies Jist as easy as I know fether 7 tis somewhat bigger than the hull.county,of Oxtail I . And theleetlest •star , 'you can pick:aout - is - as - big - es - a - eart - wheel. - !lt this point Deacon Elderberry riz, , said this woe ,going tn fur, tWas •regular blasphemy,. contrary to scriptur,. and ngin common sense. Thett ho tUtkiiie init. and cleared;lust' , spittiii 77- aout his tobacker cud as - a testimony agin (116 doctrine. After spealiln of .the milk=way- - w►i~cti 'lie - 5 . .0A1 - W4.3 longer than tile Cumberland, or Ox- ford Cattami—and the' moon, whiCh the on learned consider to be green cheese, but which syence demen4trates to ho - a - jackern lantern en'a large scale—the lecterer proceeded .to the oUckeTer. 'nit of his' subjeelt--t • ' COMICS Ott. TIVAZII4 STAUS. . 1 ' Comics, says Jeinei—he says—Are. of fliro kinds,. the Tann 3 and Wild. - The fust-ones• is Wade of old , moons as niut fit for service, and Is.called . by the (medicated ihOoten stars, but wg of the school Ottil'em . inetres. lii-s"-ditUl rues led 'tlie skaker to feanarli tht t larnin is everything. -- The wild hind', • sdys Jeines, is a'different critter, beiti composed of kenehttions- matter, byfytion gases, oxside of cast iron, and salts of haimonia,_malces_it iiighla_sivage and on saran. They tusLoppeared about Peuteroli:. onty, or perhaps a litter later in the year Sin find was dirkivered pontaneously from Port. landOhserv'ators at Potopey's pillow in Hee ehy. ,They are pesky things,, says he, , guuu up •Wars, linericalies — mad - . - eartbitinike. Oneasy and reetless, travelin about faster than a rale rode, but never reschin any whaies 'in Pekfckler, ~ K inder luminated Petee fiChty oasariin; they are, ca'n't be depth - tiled on. Father Miller 'engaged one to a pertiolte larjob but it probably gOt tvattertarms somewhere else, *Ail that ere job remainS oil . thine t o this day. ' tiaow, saytJemes,. we comes . te consider their tails. - Them.says k , is raakilumeross... Talk about:the moon's wortderous tale. Why the ol: all these plaints in 'the criteria hea vings wouldn't maim one for a first,tata Qozaio; Longer than the liittgalstii . o 'paragraph, ear!' wider than the .sribi'ge pond, 44 1 streteies out over the univerS:ti lianepy in the willed ted ungrieity'ef- either, We've 'sweeping down among the idoagate . coneasitierS,' 'edtd ' agars" sorru upwards till lost in the great hylie,riett! Jelat* urea,a° U P b, g", perorstim ups; he , bail. to be carried ,hasser 4tt , leiheer,. This mortals, however, he was 1'43,f/ell as could be espOted, and if eenialeeeetice doesn't set .in, he'll be shoot in a 414 -or twO. ' GM , . 'A'srannoinp . ii..:L-Vltat the Wet thi etaVe On:Keats from self ***bee bodies,' is' proved both by its intensity and by direct experiirverns in polarisation; that..: time_ bodies are cam-- posed of matter like that of which Mir 513t1 ie oernposed; le shown byitis,,Oey* Uri ter 14w-of trtk_vikttiPur- 14 - : ” 440 4- *o*k-- by the ,binary eters, which revolve abont common centre of gravity **conformity with that laiel;- that many of• them, sit least, are bodice otimmense fmeibrevineed by the a- moant of light vrhloh; atsuoh,La vast distance, they sen d to. them , ar,. The planet' Sirius is asserted on the highest authority to emit "'as maid* light'as sixty three suns like oars, • El =I GE &lux Siam.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers