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Three .;good Crosses, and a.genoral variety. of inaterlal stilted Mr Plain and Fancy work of tivery kind, enables • .us to do Job .Printing at the ShortoSt notice mid on the •- iniNft, reasonable terms. Corsamfinwanf, Thug, pu n k j i • dity thing - in the jobbing line, will find it their W- I - terest to give us - a. 'Every- variety of BLANKS iron= ••:• stoutly on hand. • • • • letters on business milt: be' 'Kist-paid to se r'l.,eure attention, . _ ignergf .Cocal is. S. GOITZBIsT/YLELDVW. ' Presideut-4Fax,miar; Piiat ". n •, " \l've President—(de facto); LL.B.. ATCLIPOSI. Secretary of Stiite—NVNl.Ji.. L'RCI. of hoterlOt-IWIIERT NCOLELLAND..-. Seunetary n. of Treitsury7-JAncs (Wiliam. • • SecietarY 6r-Wur.. , -A:vftneArg . Secretary of;lslavy—JA. U. 'llemoN. Miviterntieneral--iJANzs CAMPBELL, Attorney lienoral=—UALtat - • Chief Justice of UniteJ,State;r:lt, 8.. Ta.:(tr GoArait i NUEDi r r; liciyernor-;-JAMI: PonocK: • ..., ...• , . titicratiry Of :-,!latir—ANDicLw U. CUILTI;:. .. . Surve.j , Ur Getioral-3. P. lits.twu.Y., .. Auditu - r Gimentl—E. BANKS.. ..., - - • . Vcali urer-11.t.1s WV 1...;'i11.k.‘11AW.. - . . . . Jtll.l,lj.s - Of aid SUN;OM° Court-1.. LEWIS, .T. S. IILACII . w. -- 13. LOWIL-11:01.-.11 , : - NVUO.UII.\II.I J.' C. KNo..x. ' a4)MiNi'l'lr_Or-e.to zits, Timstdontri utlgo--j fon -J A 7 llr.s_lt._blunikA - Associato . burn. Distria Attornuy—Wm. J. S'notirer. • VramonotAry7—imuio.l.ln. •'-'S • Lytle. ' - 1.11•411 OnortJ—Jaiou tmwanui; DoPutY*•• l4 ""S nor. . • County Treasurer—Adam SUllbenlall.• Confnur--Jusqin U. • r • County Cummissionurs.—Junms Armstrong, Qebrgc M. Uralum, 11 it Al.. LiulAtiOri,oll. Clerk Counnts- Eimer& elichaul kllete. llarontors to Lao .'Jor--tioorgo Stourtior, George Brio,. John C. /grown. thuperintondont Poor Joseph Lobacn. ••, • - ' . . . :. 01.10t7G- - .4. ovrztaius. t• Chief Ilurgu„ , s--Col. AIotOTILONU NOI/LF:. AStst:Mas isurdu --bantnul I.louhl, i I Couviit-rli. Nl"u4stivaril,, jo c ix.p. Thompson, tich.aui. bnt uutyjllunry "Liam llavid Stpu, A. A..Lirlo, 1 /Nl.h:halal Conita.bles--Jula. Spahr, High CoilitabloOrt hivearLuoy, IVard t;o4stat.o.s. oaUk lol3 -ES - First Presbyterian Church, uorthivest -0g41,01‘ antre Square.- lbw. AS,liilVeti' F. 11 lad, ranter.-.--arylcos every B,lloBy, poroiug at Ak o'clock, A. aud: Second Preibyterlau Church,corner of South`llaiip 4 ver and Poudret streets.. laa.o.L.; 3 lmste'r. -. Services -----kohimetic'e_ut_p_o'closki. A; John!, Church,,'kertn...ElascormyhdititMastangte-or Ceutre 6•lltire. lta3V. JACJII It. ,5a01:46, Auct,Or. sem ices ) at - 11 dettruk, 3ii r eakk, P. M. Euglisu Lutheran ()hatch, /Aldabra between Main and Leuttibr streets. ROC. adJdla Plakaqr: SerVirMai _ . -ac,ll clack, A. .11 , 4 and 7 e'unkM, e.; Harman itelOranal Church,- between Hanover and Pitt streets., ltev. A. ti. Awaits., Paster, Set vlees at 1.0;4 1 Werth:lt; A. Ni.,aud blutuotlist E.Church, (first outage) corifir — ofitluinand. - ritt, streets: Rev. Jolla Services/It; ________/I:e'cirick; A. M., and bjy o'clock, P. 11. • idetliodist IC,t-Clitireci,.(second Gliargo) Rev. Tuouss • DeatumuNv, Pastor. ma•vices iu C.illeguClutpelf at, 11 e'dlock' A. d b r iilock, P.' M. • Homan' Catholic t:h arch, Pomfret, near Haat 'ANAL-- Rev'. JAM/Ai .I.IAILItEir, fester. a:Cll . /COS on the :and Mall, • aftY. • . Hernial). Lutheran Church,..cornor of Ponifret and . BOdtbid.stteets, Nischold, Raster. service at hen change f‘jrW s In the above are necessary tho per-persons are reAuestect to notify us.' • • DlCiltlNSoil POZatIIGIII. , l'rosidout rrofossor of Atoral ISE ~ Befonco. . ' " ---- • Itov. .1.1 • otatk Bt. ,JOhusou Pro allot of Itilooopby • • ; aini•ROgii46 Otorature. 'N.c...., 4:unor: W. Mur6bill, Professoi• of Andont Languages. ~ ituv. Otiti 11.,T1tfany, rrofossur of Matbenuttics. 11111faui ''. IVilsoo, Professor' ou Naturd ficionee'and . . Cut. or of Ulu ..11.umoun. .. • , . . , • Aluxu4,kl r 6clonu,:.ilrofossor, of Ilobrovi - and. Modern . .itioujiuurli4bogast, Tutor in Lankuages.' L. , • . , • _ Soluuel•p. Mile - Prinoipal of the ilratmlioirZehool William A. Sul Innonuir'Schoo. co C MASA: Dirac'.. _- tchard Parker; Cashier, Wu'. M. Meted; elorke"-.1 : I'. llassler,' N. C. Musselmari: Diroctuns,, , lUchard Taker, John Zug, • nugh Stuart:Thomas Paxton, O. p. IVod„lveird, Robert' Idooro, John Sanderson, llonry 'Logan, SardnellYhd : ry. ountai.axoya tune lt.1" ltoan Coltratit,74 ) Went, irederick Wtittit• Secretary rani Treasurer,, Zdw M. Went, Otildhr, Seperiutendant, A. F. Smith. Passenger , " trice a day., Kiistward, 'caving Carlisle utlhAo'clook, ' • .k.' ?Valid '3.17 it'clocii, , R M. Tvlti tiallEl everyday West ' IMO, 03414 Carlisle 4.9.43 o'clock, A. 14. and 2.1,P.M, . ' ` ui‘aurstk Usleann`Watim eourxXr.' Prosident. Wed .:: *rick Wattw,: Secretary, ..Lemuel . Todd; TreaSurer, Wni • ' M. ',lacteal; „Directors, N. %Vat* Richard Parker, potupel Todd, Wui. M.I.I4otemPOCAV. W. MIN itrunklin Gard ner,'Llenry Mass and )1. hl4 Olddle. ~ ," •,,‘ - L ,' ,, euximuLiND Val•taar Itatut.-,Preiliterit, John' ' Ster rett; eingaio743 ll .4.lBllrgeeril Teller, Jos.: en cede.— Directors, Join S. Sterrett, Wm. Our, Idelehoir Ordain _ %luau, 10 4 / 2 - 4 4 - 4 Y 99 4,13 , Join A Onnl49 . T.4.tolit,C,SiVrrett, I L ~ ,k; sturgeon, andeuutaln Jkalap, lautilala, , , . , ;r, • t,' .!.! 1).: utiliON3l3 1 . Itl* VOSilli4o* '1.:.1‘ under; :l coots pinpaitl, ( . .ox(*pt to CalifOrnia and ors.4o;tii which is 10 cants,pro • __;paiii.) • . . 'Within. tits stato, l j coots poryear. To any part of tba United Statits,2o coots.' Postage on'all. ti a usla nt papiirg wa d o r 3. uunaas to weight“ coot pre-p‘ii,4 or It'vonts , • nripnid..AtiOarVsedle4,97l fl? yitlp.bn,Lanit . • .0' t upiditiOng.. ' Bc)(jic:„A.l'lli JOB ;PRINTINQ ;:.,144.41.0. 4 11 AND L PtioMPGY NXECtrilitt o ri7,1A,1118,,1t4iy0,4*-.101171IFFICE: WM • - , , ,3,12.% • - r- ' , • - . . % ~1., =BEE VOL. Vtrath Criroilut. INRIsx WAR N .014:00 Dave by - n - .friend with the 'following extract from, a 'letter 'to .a gentlemen in this place, giving akinteresting description of the state of nifairs.in Oregon Territory. Want of space cempels us' to be too-brief; -When.con sidering the' intetest: felt here by many who ha - ve acquaintances and .friends nit seat of .•_ _ . EMI —FonT . A)ja.Lts, Oregon Ter ; * * * * .. Col. Wright's command left(the .Dalletlon-the 29th of Jest mouth, with about four hundred fack . anittoda. As. iet:nothing• heti been, heard,from them,-but we are chilly - In expectation of news. 'Capt.. Patterson's . -companies of the 9th Dalin - try, Pipers-company_pf.Artillery„Dovids on ' s-aom• patty of Dragoons, 'and „Cap4'..ltttast,lVA com pany of the 41)1, ninitel - th Cu1.,8 command, and some eighty or a h(undred eniployees, So that ho has.a, tolerably gopd force.;—enough; think, to whip. all 'the Indians be will meet with. -They-have, taketiLthice7months'.. pro= l vis otis with them.. Gen. Wool made a flying visit. to thin pace prior to their departure;. and truly it was a flying trip. cCapt. Russell's arrangements fur going mat to the Tylie, with therbullans oti.the Reservation, was about the -only change the den.. Made. *.* * -* * On the night-of the 27th of April, .a large party of theArakienew Indians canto into Col. Cortieli' climp, on the. opposite - side - of - the -ri v er• fromye re, and ran. oil lilt their h ernes-- ibetit :150 and .n 11; or Mostly all, - fiiise . 'horsts. Lieut. If widson was sent Over-Wilk his dempany of -drtigeOns, ,- but the_ Indiana Tied too Much the and conse quent"); he accomplished nothing„. • On the 'day following; an order came - fr. - AT the Governor for the ,Volunteers to. he tttided, which they ft/4rd at, and now most of.them hove lett for their• homes. 8ut...C01._ Kelly is ,ortlerefl to hold. the Walla, _dotintry, with two companies; until the Raga tars come up on this sid@ to tahe poisescion and relieve them,.. 'Gne,colopatiy.of th'e Vol uuteera was to have rouitiineJ hero. and pro - - teeted the Males, hutthey deolar'edib'ald not, nvd Inam'e they Went.' .Many sons of this Burg are fearful of, an attaok y . All, hatte,mitne in from Fifteen Mile Creek, and' the, town.looksquitp .lively with tents and little felleiv - s, to say nothing of other, appendages 'thy Have c . ainong them. ' Great country this to be sure. . . 'An express reached ,here the other..day, , statingthat the Indiana made it,tlesnent upon Port IlWerietta (on-telatillah); and•earrital off' most' of the-VolUntee.r's '„horsea, thus putting - them afoot once more.!_ • I think they (the lo diansygot .about 120 or 150 . heal this pop. 'They also killed - ind,scrtiped - one - of_the_tu eti. on-guardinithe time. • , • .• I now think the'lnilieus.are•much ahead of the •Volunteera, as far as war goes - (in Volun• toer style). I mean, stealing, .of course. In foot, little. or, nothing _htts., been gained hTtlie _Volunteers; except to' inipoveristi 'the whole' nbithifirenitti try,' spite on tree t heavy-war debt for the U.. S. to fiat. * * * * **•*. GEN: JACKSON ON MR. BUCRANAN,—We finti in the IVCsliington correspOndetice of the N. Y. Evening Post, an,pnnecdote, which proves that Gen. :Itickso.n, who was a pretty good judge of humeri nature; fully understood and appreciated Mr. Buchtinan's 'character . as a political trimmer. -The *riter' says the 'tritth, of the following cattlie'proied by unquestion able-Ovidence: • • • "On the alibi before loavinenishville - to oliculiy the 'White „Ijouse,• Mr. Polly; intom• papy with Oen...Robert ArmstrOng , :,clilled• at, the Ilerniitage. to ; secure , coati'', advice • from the ald here as 40 the /selection of hie cabinet;. Jatikson.stroUgli. urged the President eleitt-tO give no pi/mein it to'ntiChanan; eilia:lailill4' not be relte.,i tiiiintiszt , It ed luttlietfeli. , ". that polk. haiV,altetuly ';determined - ; to= Insliti. that, very havitig prohattl3r, offered the situation to the of PeimaYlvarilti. Thltilait intineedlienefil • Armatiang '.•eubsts 4nerntl,f , to tell Jackson that he had given Polk ti yitther,hard rub. „tie Buchanan 'had, already been,selegted for Secret/ill of State, ".1 can't, help it,"itaid the'oldluian ; " I felt it'iiiy`ditty • warn. bitn"stebiet . Mr. Bnahanart, Whether ,it wits•agreealge arTiet. , ' Me. t• Polk , wilt !, kid rillehalNTA r. /altreljable/ WO , ~I k 4 0.7/,; 140 well, and ,P,olit will yet, admit the correct uess of My pre to . :It Vies" the beg :Omit eveillitde, by Mei Polk ti:r the - Aohl: hero ‘whenlibte unavailing, .remon 4 titranCquas (10,4vpred,,be, - ",t4lll . tew . I ,r . esiOettt, long,befure.tho ; :mitLot his timnvibtr,olat, yo ut ittr, .4ati oti 'to 'eel:VOW edge' lift 'vre Or ' tie ir 3ti g• ties; and in The diary •keiltil ht hi ' q daring I that period, may still ho,read a most em I Mk tteciuratjou /of Ws, dierast of , Al.r..l'B r uph sue - - ' t•., ,`...llia , ruixrmitto'orußuottAwAN ,,— Tho (111.) I)toocrati (John . , rootworth's papei . i) says the wittleritaticrokt .on Mr. .13uphd aati,g ,Dbugltui‘B yvo yritten-vby-Jadge;Dou'glatt.hirapelf, awl that a partlol , tho origittat thatpiseript or olio .of: the articles will soon bo Vlaood iuldr; D's. 110'utte. MEM .4 . '-- i : :: 1...1 . 111. - . t.t;: .. ...:f:.t . ,:i. ...i-1)::t , - .. i : - . .' , : ii . ',, i . 4.i-[ . :i1 . .. : C:i.i.lt"tlJ.,-.i,..:-,--:_i_::: IVEDNESDAY,:i J:UNEH:tB.; '.1.85.0: aUMM f E~.i. ~ r.y S; -,, , ,---z-0--',7-a--.4:2---:-4,--- , - •-j'i'- - 42 ,, - 1. I ; ...gm coiiGnEss; Washington, Jane * Tn resumed-his rennirkA front' yesiertl4 ; further'npology" for the attnnk of Brooke on Mr. Sumner.' he paid.: .Witetrihtf tura 'or Mnsenehunetto. say:. dot etitiemnn's . ae,t4aa cowardly, let Thom try him in any ivaY they ebanse!..•: . (4prilau.se.) Mr. Stuart said.thatlhe: peot)rieties and .-•. . • , amenities of the Senate , were too• Often M. turbed by applause,' and if the galleries co wont be occupied by gentlemen, they shduld be Closed:- - _ • . -•-. • •Tlln Chair inquired whether the Senator from Michigan moved that the gallerite be.oleofec) • Mr. Stewart -replied, that be did not. • Mr: Fessentim in justice to 'the ,galleries, said tho'n'ipfanse catitelrent the, floor qf • the Senate.% .. • ,- • Mr. Butler said he would • go . on In . such a wtty•as nobody, Would nplatui again. ,(Laugh- • ter.), M-r.. di roolts,apprpeli esi2:llr,l.__Sontver with noiother iMrpo-fe than. to 'disgrace him. NI r. Brooks iVI . B Oile34:„ th pjetit temPered 'i'e.l. lows he ever - „knew, tlaingli impetuous. no doubt, and quick 'at . resent Ment. -.Mr..§gm ner.redeived twOilesh wounds, and being rnth errivantlsome,;—tifbltiot-rxpose-bitaself ir• lt ~ !mg t been in the, aritly.4inti bad not gone into thitrarroy:` the nexti flay after the , fracas, he would have deserved to ,hetashiered,—(Laugh ter_). - .7.._____..:_. - . _ __________ _ .___ . . . Mr Butler thought, 'on. souse-accounts, it Fans fortunatelni was not here at the time, for he did riot know wh: . ti he Might have dene...- To' be sure it had been .thirty or luny 'years etncc he hill - been etignged„.'in - personal cony ilicts„and Kis hand' was out of practice.— (lottghter:) , But he did not .know but- he-. might have had: a fritifTit him. One thing he, ,had tui,douht oftutinely, - if be were n younger l -than-he won't] have-left4llr-Saninerju-a - rworso • indition than lie now IS: ' the New Englandl papers will now call this a Speciliien of Smith 1 ern violence and Southern ruffianism, but the .first ,Congressional tight:since the formation till of this' ~O vertiment took place between two New En;lantlinen; .M itthew - Lyon. and Rigor I -Grise 0 d That did not take place outside of .Use noose, hut - they fought with -hickory sticks,•Anit boxes Mid tongs all.overthe tiousel bfltepresentativei. (laughter), wbed it wittkin. session, Mit tthe lleinse did not torn them:Mit:l 't liey said lent theMboth'go, -they tire disgraCifdl enough already.. • (Laughter) • ,': -.- ; ,1"=...... J . 'Mr., Butler reviewed Mr. Sumner's epneelt ; I claimed that Ito bad convicted him (iir.-Sunt ner,) of procliiity-to error,- calumny einitnis repro:4llooot], and , thus , effecitlally turned the-guns whit:Wile-bud pointed at him. • ..- Mr. Wilson said.that he Jiad listened to Mr. Butler's spefMli with painful' emotions: Net inure than twenty days ago A Senator of a sovereign, State was strielten down on the floor; of the Senate for words spoken in.. debate.—' for more than three weeks that Senator . hadn heencontineti__to_bilLyoom, and onza fir. of pain and,atiguish.., The moral se itnent of t he country •had " been outraged ' sly 'out , raged by thienssault on thefreedontoteptiebb, on•the freedom of debate, end on a Senator.for words used` in debate. Intelligence of this trausAction is flyiiiiebrodd'over the" ciriliteA World, and.whereVer.'chriAtianity ' hai a .foot hold, and civilization glevis, , the fnetwillineet . 'the stern condemnation of niarrliind. the Sen• -ittor frtimellsouth Carolina, , (Mr. Butler,j lies spent 'three hours 'arid -a; half in "Vindication end apology for.an assault which was unpar'al. idled in the bistory,o,f, , tire • nation,: and- has cotinoented on the present condition . or. Mr. I Sumner in a manner ,tot exhikitingiverigbod taste.. Mr: Wilson , sitid lie:personitllY kilo* the comments to .be grossly: unjust . Ile knew shat-for three -weekejd.r. Aumilefr . _ had been compelled taike,ep his.beti'.on account of ,in juries and effects'of bloWs'inflieted on him by Mr..;Brooks.''.•'.' , I.: •,' • ' . ' • ' • .!- , ' •,, I" , Mr. Wilson, th elfcaused -to he rer dfl a • note froM.Dr..Lindsey, dated Juno .12th ,to the fol., lowing effect ; ~,,. . . - • , , . -,:,, •q., have bberilit attendanee On M. Sumner, as hiiiiltystOin,citi'aectiunt of injuries' reeeiV. ed, fietn.the.2Ttli day, Of_Mtiy.to. the present 4litte':',part. of,which period; ,ip consult4ien, viith. ' Drs Parry 'arid, Mirer. - 1• have visited, himAt feast Otioe'lidit3i - During thatlimb.Mr.. :Sunnier litti heiltiseetifinect• - to'- his- -roots; - and' for:th&greater time , to,his bed., - Neither nott; per since -Mr., Sumner same u nder - my charge,. has he'been in a condition to resume his-sent inilASinete.'" lqadiiice iti'hinile to go into the country and enjoy the ' , fresh- mile; Mid: not 'Attempt to enter ou his public duties ,forsoine tune to - ecune.. . , .. . 1.- - . ' • I ' Ali: Within ietiiiMirig, -- itaid that 'Mr,' Btit I I - . ler had tAkettloctuitiioute•lskily tO.Mir.llStitit. nor epithets— - - , ~II -„,. 1 Mr.- Bettler f. IDAllTllptil;it.-Upt, epithets,` ciitialniti; ' :.'' ' ' ' ' 1 M r . Wilson-Well, inithe Senator's criticisms; ite.iitted , overflsord whiale:a , fertilo 7iiriagibti Lion could invent, or strongpsssitn suggest...,. , 4,4 1 ,P At!!1 4 4T frouttaeoli,Camlirwhadttulten ftill enough Vengettee here fer.thespbechttnitiO, Y. Mr. Sumner and he,. A1 . i... Wilion..ldid 4 i.iiit lit;titlio' - '46pticihwte'4 , lf.'' '.-That is the' Way rliir:i fitattinei'st specchelieulib - :hare.'heioniCe, 2 kV 'o.lflgB4:' Ar...All4o.6l44;.ngtw.itltstind,, -tp r.p,t,lee,eApaial, Mr., SuMaer did Make. it. corrett,:qi6ation:friicu'lllo%Cotistittition:'ot (JilaJli'Cii,"'WhieW:iiht 4 tti'•' Anti; 'that ,thbugirSotittiMuralltin , „:WatiCitotninalli 111,:re -141.1.*1/2::,81k0bad;arletgoittlical Piatitres iti:, beg loottstitki . tipp, :11,e 2 ,.,0110rpcd .4.h0 - ,altie)rpiou W.I lii'S aeßeitirnA,lllittwoitleperil , hiti'lifelorinY ;Steta c'if the 47uhirti:ittitiSittillk 116 hi'd' And. *bait' ectiltiftee;tolrnte -jultraWcheeifully for 121111 ~ .•:'. .._ ~.if.„..i,.:.:,„,,,,.........: ...,... r ......•,. . . 0 0, ... .. ~..„.....t_. ... ~.•. ME . . rinytiyin to benefit SOS) Carolina. as lei-. the Commonwealth `of .Mtisstichtisettsi It Was ofshispOnntry,ond. the 'slaveholders .do compose one,,4nth p irt of,her , populatiortr lie was opposedto, the whole system of slavery of ineqUality,..it is a sovereign State , and pint Of his country. . It was true. and:, motel than true-that South Carolina wasinibecile: during theßevolutionitry war-, lie. tilledged-by•lrie-eol— leagne, Mr. - Sumner,: Hetceeld prove this by the correspondence of gentlemen from South. Carolina, Who .asked to be relieved from - their portion oftlife . burdens'beconse it .wasTneces titiry for the men to; stay at. home tOiteep the negros in order. As to Mr. „Bailer's remark that South Carolieit'sbed.hogsheads ' of blood where • Nlassnobusette . shed. only gallonsin •thateontest, it Was loose, abrurd and ridice". lous,and justified Mr. uinner: in, asserting that Mr. Butler Was loose in: his expressions and liable to error. Mr. Stunner- was not r$ the Senator from ,South Carolina.badosserted, the-aggressor, anti - Mr. Wilson proceeded to allow from years Butler's speech. delive - eed a 'bout-I'o.llr years age, that when Mr. Stinmer _ the 'rep_eal of the - Fugitive Slay . e Law:.Mr. Butler objected, and asked Mr. Sum - - • ner tauntingly if he wanted to make an ora%t. torital tlisplity. The remark wits designed to 'wound-the sensibilities of a uewmember, and to hrmg .on those whcradvicated liberty sneers nii I t , gl ter, riot th ot which—taunts.en. are • no.w., learning to regard with scorn. . Mr. ..Wilsen charged that Mr.. Butler was the__ aggressor... rind assailed. Mr. Sumner before the latter bud . l ittes.L.a•w i ettid Coale floor ,of the Senate. Idri.:Wilsoiquotet from Mr. Butler's speech es, since that period, showing that he, bad ap• plied to him such phrattes ita !plunging 'agita tor'—'theterical advoeittor—it seems to, me if 'he (Supiner).:Wished to-writelpoetry,te_w_ould_ R tigro to set for-. him'—'pseudo philanz -thr pyi—Jprofessions -- of-- philauthropy.,•of_ ado r ion more thou affection'—'tnachintry: vith . Northern fanattteisref etc. Noir.Mr. - Wt . thought-iMr.—Stitutoic —r-ightivihen.he F !said Mr. Butler., was one of 'the chiettaineof aectitmelstn„ at war : with the. feTatlantental -ideas whiell underlie our Democratic instith- 4 tines; and at ivarviith the reposeand harmony of the country. Mr. Butler, in his first speech . in reply to : Mr. Sumner, made five assauh.s.on Nlassachusetts, stating among_ other '.things,' that she. Was - geviinedbyo , siettly sensibility,' - meti negro State,' etc. Mi. Wilson defended ' L iltkaaeltusetta and the action of_ the-1 1 °04Se. . rliltsklFF-44.00.1V"-3' :o4 On ylric in cone iisinri'thai they . had' fiattlAnite s ' leneegb of this - asterted superiority, soilalOilir' *Mica': from Southern .sources.. The! South r chrl_not hold Over hitn,the plantation whip be , sheyld s p eak . his seotimen t a freely, , and more freelY, because hts' stricken. down for'ward's spOketriellehate', , and hecausetheremie.thoseuveho'clakm;the right to. • questionSenaters,for.ameds;spelep:in Optoitit, Mr. Butler said..hp:did not blame Mr Wit- . son for taking Ills Colleagtie'epOti ;"but when he Ila d_ gone* beet to -those . rild r eports,• prei; i o s • to Jim?, B3s4,,iti•tnatie hint Aligh ts what: he should be Sorry to, suppose to be trt*,natuely 7that - nierlified - vanttY;orising - frotir - formerton -- , flicts, liad - been the cause Millie MSC assault :of Mr. npOn himself and his Stltte: Mr. Sent -• ner did mot say. dint in, his Affidavit; but rath ec that what ha.utteiteiVae — rin, reply. to his (Mty, Butler's) speeches el this sessi on. Could not girback and recapitulate YitOse• . 01(1 . slireCltes rortborigemitior,- - -z siticlo-: 1- p;vootten,- - In commenting on the' iev,,lirtimmry !•orvice of South Carolina.. be ari:odMr„, how .many battles M'w•rocouseit had - fought iu• the - Revolution. '- • • "• • ' • _Mr. N 1 neon tlint they Were bot-few. - beetles° the enemy considered it safer to go to . South Carolina. [Laughter.) They:JlM - I:met them at Concord, Lexington,. BiMher's" Bill, • and on the .Heights of Dercliester, and would • have tint them elsewhere,•but tlte enarity - took good oitiro ,to',keep eat .of'...the'State:, The charge of Mr. Clay,_ that ,the Northern ...Sena-, 'tors fuwne . d .upon Southern Senators, "when permitted to make_their Wequaintatice • was language he bad no right to use. `•-•.- said that : the charge beiniti lierp• torero made , was just- 7 410t •Meri ,kow..the. Nerth'ittiultaanie hero and court the acqUain- - itinee of ?Stiutlierri_,Seiraters; did not ehargeWilsearlitith • such eteriduct, but . there were those_whelagtved - with Mr. Wilson. in,opittion,wbo did,so., , lie regarded it au,du plicity and 'hypeorllty; Unworthy 'of • a gentle man, and!nei-fitirailintled,bonest straight for; . warthman *mild be guilty. - of-suoit'conduct.• Mr. AvapB ..tl:o,9l4twinfsd Alke.tp9r, and . the • Senate then djourned till Mouda,y. rs, House.—No quorum, being Plsent, attad -jeurniiient. well Carried: • • • ...‘:Tien Panto, ,9s, pemtlanp.r.-:The; reception of Atr.Buelinunn i a ~neerdna* * 4!.l4 t44.,,p10re,-,i independent of :..iiie . DeepeetWeick press is not ' Otithubitistio,end in &till inatinaini,'rebeitfol ' id openly idectetred.: 'The. New Yerk?Posk;Ake*i °ld:Pe,liz9Prit.O.PeePg #(.4 1 :44. , city 'peii.l4 4 ; by: . the dia . o4gnifetted Vet:o,, ,14 „is ~ iptig : 0:11 . ,k, , ? 1 , . --=iiii2An4haelnitnstiOli 4f-Ltlisletisilietei-L4t4lli. Buchanan Which- we made eolne'enontbs einee7., , tend ,in which,re , .0,1 9 w0., t.1.1,6_13twriprit...9.. qf Illii:tUile'el: foi L i 'n4ininitien: 'w 'ill'ui'ledr-t0 .. • 1 'ellebbiefteetienthies illienoistee - *I& tienlede& IttecfVll.l7,R4blice - men °tour day ieWtts.senti.4 , Pea.; l3 ,Y IFi,:prqfigiktikas44*(..,(94w,era,al3o, 0-. itniiees.' Ire le in 'Ole : Can : ere! of ,ii.' circle . eir:' 'nnprineipled and restites nelieltiniqn4;" iikiniii vieitlet le hipiei deireetinf eelriespii‘ot 4 nYeliti.' - ,!Theie - iii itinnethitig—: We aupreke Vt.aooot,tl, r ol4_: 1', 4 ! 1-o :eikee,ioe:Alliqi -,l !'ll itiv nlT t ..t‘ l o.4l — '*fh•- t ° ll kyr:tiets,tel iiinc'titstt:inss drAiet.§;)n, aril fi e _. ' , ;selin'tS=tiilie piifseliso`nterit'iltAt,ll . A . ts •.:3!'tii: ' , Wiwi thus ecgeired. . . , „ , 1,.., , ,. ..,v; j ,.,,.„,; . . -LATER_FROId_MOPZ., The,steamer Ericsson reached - VeW,Yerk on, • , • Friday', at..noon, bringitig dates from Liverpool - • • to the 28th fohr days later.•' . . newsdknot 'Veryjinportant. • Lord Claret'. .- ' don lied•mtule.ajnicific speech tined the sub ject of, tlie.difficulties between Great Britain and the. United Stntes, 'stating that he •was ' quite .willing to meet Mr - Marcy half way, bn'---- could not consent to the recall of Mr. Cramp. ; • ton, The'SOnday - rdo:anion continues -to .be agitated in England.. Dr..pelmer, ihe'poison. • • er, had beenlound . guilty and sentenced to,. • • ' death.-..ne*-Russian loan is - spoken of. The I ,..f . talian question remains unsettled . The-Sipa. i•ish government is taking energetio . •nienkfiretr; , ,,,;CJ: againstAmtico..: .. : Itis - reported that the Pnpe. • • • -i--prorr , seirtiCongreisTatr.Rotiter - to - consider - the -- - ,q , ate of Italy.',....Brussia•has "have . 6, • -, Ttaval - station - onTtite - const ef-Atnorictv,-te pct. German emigrants. 'The Royal: Gdogra• • phicalßociety - cf London have awarded a gold • medal to Visite E.,. Kane. Denmark,' in at - ticipation of difficulties with the United State;, is putting.her fleet in effective.order. • ; ' ,tenet is to be rebuilt, • The Earl of Elgin made. a' Motion :in the' • . • :ilouse of Lords for'the despatches relative to , :the. troops ordered to Canada.. The Earl of • • .Clarendon in . reply to the speech-of - the Earl ••• - 4- of Elgin, said that Great Britain hadmadethe ,iimplest'ar;logy lir the United, States in, rein. , t ion - to. the-Recruiting _businesa, -but- - conse - nt to the recall, of Mr. Crampton. •That _ an offer 'lied been made to that government to refer the Central American question to arb:. . tratipn. but it-had not yet. been accepted. .• That Great Britain was animaterdby the most friendly fe.elings towards "the . United' States, and this would be admitted by 'them, That; notwithstanding this, language had been used i Cotigress,,which if used in Great Britain,. would - have ,beea-donoiniiiiited - as-'tentlittg-to -- . ----- .., -mtibroil.the4wo countries; and finally that lc.. al Lord Elgin had•stated, five tninetes!convcr,,,... - nation between Mr. arcyrilla VOW& "iiraild . ,like to - settle the business ; he • ly meet Mr.- Marcy.,midwayonthe • By the arrival ofthesteniner Arabia at.biew York on Friday eVening, we have dates ' from . Liverpool to the' 31st ult. • The English panels arc' filled with pence rejoicings; but meat . -- -I axle ty-i s -ftd t--i it, regard -to- th Americane _difli- -The iecognition of Walker's Nicar. • . agl.an .. .goverfiment• had caused much excite '• nit•nt.' It is rurnoratlAhat.L,LocalEigin_will sent as Plenipofentittry-to Washington, as the only chance of averting war. ;,The London-, Times thinks thu'dispute 7 has retielied rt crisis. • pant is fitting-out-a eimmereinl- intelligence-is ,The cotton. market ; has , receveied froth a: decline .recentlynotieed. ~,; • BM `IQ:42. The steamer Daniel Wedster, which arrivea at New Orleans on Vednesdatfrotn California: bringsr.exciting intelligence. --A.-most intense excitement has beenoecaibitied at. San Frau *co by a man named Casey shooting the edi• • ta.l:4oh,cAulictia,itithaptreet.' ,This occurred itti . the 14th whiln. Casey was arrested pat In , prisaif On tbc lath Mr. King died, aud,the whele city became a scene of excite , ,nzent.. • The old Vigilance Committ9inalleti.,a meeting, and placards of an intlarnmattry na tura-werelllsted up,. calling upon the citizens to take the law, in their own hands.. . . On Suaday, the 18th, nu orgonized,force of. 8000 citizens', divided into_divisions - and eorn.. panies, marched from the committee rooms _ -aud.took posse:lrina of the jail. - They took: , (rota, thence Casey and a gambler name:Moro, _the_uturdarer of Cel. ltichardson, and carried them to the ciimmittee rooms, where they re inaitied strongly , guarded', when the steatite sail d.the priboners, — it - itrimPpesed, would be hunk. The whole city ; wee draped mourning for Mr. lliug's death. Casey was formerly an inmate of the Sing Sing Peniten fiery, 'and kstatement to this effect in the Dui , - • _ letin occasioned the , difficuity. The Commit ' tee is fully orgifinfed throughout the State, •-ttettl-ere said-tolave $175,000 coatribuled to carry these measures into effeci. They have resolved to drive all the gamblers out of the ' State The psvceedinga of the Committee' of Vigi lance have been characterized' by the - Med , perfect order and propriety' throughout the e reams:tent., , The committee- have plenty ',of • arms and ammunition..-, The steamer GUorge Law, betted, fo r New , York; bas, ' nearly two indliotta in gold on board. • - • • • - ..° Dates from Nicaragon , ,state , that .4ene - int" Walker had removed _his'liettd•quaryrs to lc.. on. Some sickneell'shad occurred ,aussoug the troops. " Atl 'was inlet iivNicaragria.:_._ • • L .' . It is rumored.that a. revolution broke opt in . Costa Rica during ;heAnineinn , :4" by President Mora.' , The rovelelign is said to be headed by a influential fainity named Can- • tro. . Thiere-haa.been no falmigele at,Sa►n.-Francis co filon•the Atlantic ports. ni _ The ateashiPaeorpLaw;ToSinAepinatall, - 'arrived at New York on Fridayivetting.' 'with dates, front Aspinwall to June 4th,A and ,ftemt 'California 10 the ;tat ult",'ned nearly $1,0001'.„ 'OOO in gold. The nears trim :Catiforida - eon taints some of ttaPortaxitin. - The' Antexiff, eau State Connell had endorsed' the ftwassina. Ilona ot s Fillmere and DG*4 o , , il , The :Wttivii • moat in Sae Francine° in regard to the :der Jima King, editor of the Bientng leiity was intense and unpaiallelledZ' The` , Vigilance Commitheei:was ,seustaibedflair.the. community. C a ra and ,Casey, 444 A t ipxut tr icmaintin 'kw triktnnnt 4tey.tlavtic , jfinfris; t is.fitt sentence to' be hung:'_ - They w re re he eiteehted'bnithe drbytolln*lnt 114 w. oloitlititig;;.:.- The eioitemint "the,* .laMOnd„e 4 ll' throughoixt.the•State„,s4olo4Rol 4 if Men *ere reiteli,io hasten to th azipataaet the In 'l4 F'ur'ther War-Excitement. ;FROM CALIVOILNIA. coy. Lids's nartiun ,40f‘Aaviet.t-A, aftz -0";:r00e*10,1140 10 invitillOgt:tlE.,,All AttOs the eititins of alone, yn . 44lr a date, .91R4r 1 ;h 1,,, declines the reAeeet, ittid Oki w to my distaq , prario !beestif . to- relieve Wl.ol°l,lol' -,bfeiding„ time ' • ~.,'s'&-"Vii....i, , .'. . ;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers