11.1GAT71.'ir, PaOPRh z : gf it exu , r ,~rßiis R ITfivoti.ole.putlLlNATioN.•. • Tbc oAlll6.l: lliai4LD is ptldiStiod eu largo shoety cbi o'l4 isAtiiipit.4 acid iuruishlr4 tu'sutrt . Bribers at, tee rate of $.1.150 p:dd.iitrielly In iithapicili• $1.7,5 11 paid the • Pier ;or $2 nil 'ensue • ?aynieut "br delayed - oath - after. the' expiration-et-the . .-your.'s iriJseriptip93 , received rut 'l-perlo4 .l / 1 4 1 1 six inpntps. , a eitaime` :1111t-11 all arkenvalesi are paid, unions OpLit)ll iiiibirgiraT` .lll l loll3 7l Jonc-lir'supse-rlbios er must be paid fin' in 114r-ince, or the ---4y-'HO L ingrosivai'sibbo-porooliAi t will be: rigidly adhcretip • . AIioVEIVVISIMEN.T.S , "`....!. , • Adiroktbannonts aril. ha ,elfargqcl 'sl.oo,'por. sguaro o, tisratvo 1,12r0t, iniiortlous, dial 25 punts : llST ooch f!ufmoquent fusortioliPt All.advortisoulonts of 10s6"thaff LLvolvs lines cauothlerod as'a tquare. , Tim folloWitiSrutep, Will be' clitingw.F.aa , Quarterly, Half tairly and Yeatly• . ' • ' .". 3 '3lont ' Moppts.'.l2 . Months. ',aquaro, (12 lint") $3.60 $5,00. !p.m() OA& 8.00 -12.00 ti.oo • .12.00 1.0.01 F-7 , :'20.00 30.00,', ; :1. 2100- , 46;00 • ' .015 ..,e • /qtrortiseliwnts - inserted tufc — ViSlitrriugx., 41 avide f ra 18,1 11 — 8 oots • npar I.lirst. insurtlsl7 - , for'Rabse , i U t ik.. , i.tfiros. Coat antuleatiolis 'en aithjects of Ibnitod or ilolieblutil lutenist be e)alrgell Oath poi 71 no. l'no liroprltor a* bo rcriponsiblo ages for.erioeB in advertisements. (lhltuary - nutl&)s'aot "exeeodiug Lieu linog;' itie,erted t Without ebarge: • • T1:f40.; The. C.vtkr.c lismum . JOB PRINTING QrtICE is the largest and most conliileio et talillsLnioilt lu the county: Arqe . god Presscs,•Mul• a general vitrlOy umtviial suited tin , Plain and Fancy ,work of efery likid:en:l l 4. l B us,to do Job Printing.at the, shortest notiedand on the most rca.‘onmide terms. Persons in }Sant of Bilis. Blanks or 'uny!thing in the 'Jobbing lino, will find it their in terest to 41ro us a Call.. ,Every variety of .40.Nli:cou stalitily (01 hand. , ••• /Air All'lnturs on business must, be post-paid td se cure attm?tion. „ , friterti(& tocaf 3nlatmation. EME!EI VB/EININEZNT---Z PiAsldent—FßANin.lN MRCS. • ' • iLT:Pre,,idil.4—,(lo E. Aicutsb t N.. Ficriltni7 of ;:..t.at,e—\V74. 14.;311.11.0T. • -- ecretary of lut,ocioi'-It9III.II.T.3ICCI , ELLAND. SLTotary of l'll::bzurf--3,01:s (4;1)1111E. Secretary c. War- 7 .1):171:iltON DAVI& S.,crotars C..l)oulaN; `•' --- Post CAMI'I:I3.I.. • Attorney litslloml-1!. \LIM C • l,S111:4i, • Chief Justieitpf Uultu4 States—lc. B. 7..oc!rr sT, Al,i' dOVIaICUIMMC. Goreritor••-tAmr-i l'omova. .. •• ' ' ' . ,• • Socrut 4 o' 0 1 ;:dltto—A,unctAV G. CURTIN. .' SUrVeyvy Uoi.tel . M.—.J: 1 . . MI tIV LL!. Auditor . 0 oilatZTl--..E.. IaNKS. ' - . ' . Tru:ISUIt:I--.11.,:5UY '6. 3.Ii.GR Tl.. . JtUl.4l:•ti ..4. CO : 4 111.1'01110 o ,, da--}.l. LUTTIP. J. S. BLI.CII, W. B. LOWIIIC, ti. '11 . . - •11 OODV"..A.It)), 4: C. ii.Aol'. ' ===l vkricEas. reestamic JAHLS 011/1.11A31.- M53063te lgos-1.14u. Joha Jtupp, Nainuel {Spud DPArkt At Lutiley—W::\Ftlearer. ell. , Itecord,•r, regg. • j;.e,.tibtn. 7 ,—‘lliliain 1.) tie. . ' '.• .i ~,. ....1.4 . ;ir i.:.llc.itt —dae.lli I,kisvpiiin; • Thiputy, •17tIlICS ilia .• , . , .- • • , •• ~ County Tvo:oui;er•- , --.A - Ltamt....WlECllll4ll, • • • l'.::fliontpson., • • " . County a.; u.i,,noners..,•••Juines•Arninicong,. ticanz. 51. Oranaln, 11 illnru 31. Ilurntin'son. Llrrk tv Conuni 'siofier.sll,4l.o•l'll • ' InrcetyiA ot 6L i .i. , ,kUrrtOorge ,SbeafTer, Georlq Erin Ale, Jain C. SUpiwintundont of }'our • Lion,, loralin Loi.urli. ~ • , ; , . 23 Dr..6tia-1:1 . quief J'Fix rgc- AaLatsluo.:6 I. Atiistaat: ct;ou • • ' •Tow 11 counoil—.4., C. 11 owl - 11;1rd; (I'reddegt) - 'rhos: 1112 Iliittito; :Michael "zili h ry ' lolcouta, , • • • " " CoustablesH4abit'll.pabt, Cot:4:o,lo'z itobei.t lefgetutiwy, rito cIiUAO:UMS. . . • • • . , Plrst Presby tcrinn rorthwest..stgle of Contr.:l 8 (par°. Re - :. ItuNn.‘V 11130, iluer.or.-mseryinas o •D x 4. • B,inaay ' inarl.ing• at 11 o'clock, A. Al., and 7 o'clo • • Second Prenhyterian Church, corner of South llstuoyer mid Ponifr(l, t.trecte. Piodor, •coatimenco us, 11 o'clock", A. Al., uud 7 olclock, P. X.' • • ' St. Johns Church, (Prot. •Fsidsic,ml.l) Inn theast angle of Centro.nolUAr.o. • Itor. J. 1.004 it...311/teS, (lector. Services at 11 A.A., and :t o'clock, P. Al. . Lu Is oat Is Church, _beam" hitt wenn' Main and Loutssur—sstre4ts-__.d.u.r._...J.Athat_Pay,Pitswr.. herv/ces at Al., :Ind 7 o'clock, QUM rleforosolUsurch, Loather, between Hanoi•er awl Pitt strectss. il.eV. A. ii. 111tEnt.it, Puetor; at 1034 o'clossis; ANAL, and t.,lssLi Al. . 11ctss9dlit (% . t such. (swot Charge) corner . of Alain and Pitt Arooln. !tor'. Jon A. Al.' l511:q PaNtor.' Service!: at 11 o'clock,'A. Al., and t(To'clock, P. Al. ' , - Aleth,lisc 1;. Cha. - co, (second Charge) Row. Tilolfl9 D.R.lll,ll.aLhe r .l.lnsturl- Colkge/ illtPel;: 1 4 it o'clAck, A. a, and i o'cloox P. Al. I Munn. Ca 01,1 ic Ch arch: Pomfret; 'near Erik street.— JANII:s Bute - rat', Pnettsr. nervices on the 21a1 Sun day of each month. • • - 1 lornaa ' Lutn . orau Church; earner.; of Pomfret and Bedford stroots.: INll9allidd, Pastor: aorvice at +{Pheh eheeges in the aboyenrettocassary the pro pet persona arc reuttelded to pottfy, us. e 1• •-•• DIIMELIISON , CoLUEGt• • - • • thlrles Colling;.iinoidont and. Professor - of Moral Sclqucc, _1 • Kw. ermany, p neon, Professor of Philosophy and . -Jainos.W_Nlaratiatt, Priif*orof ,Anilont I,,engunges. - . Itttv. Otis ll.Tiffiday,•Prolessor, of 3lathentatics.- ' • William C.' hem,-Lecturer on Natural Selotiou and Curator in' the Museum. _ , - 440and,ur .echear,, Prothssor- Of.llehrow. and. --MOdorn Leinguaktes. , • lienjatuin brhegast, Tutor'in Letignagos...:. Samuel P. ilillman,i'rincipal of the tirammar School Itiilliahi •A. Snively,•Assistantt the Ordinal:Air shoo. ==2 COAPORATiONs. th;rosur :11/06..Presldunt, Itichard Parket; Cashier, Win. )1. lint:tem; Clerks, J. P. Hassler, N. O. klussidinan. Directors, ' Itlnhardi Parker, J,htr Zug, 1140 Stuart, Th0111:0 Paxttni, It. G. Wuodward, Rnhert 1101.4, Sainuot )11.1vrry:' VALLEY ItOAD,COMPANY.-I`reildellke - Froticfrick \Vutts; Secretary and Treasurer, Rdward . 111. Biddle; Supori etendant; Smith. l'assenger twito:a day, Castoinrd, A aiiring Carlisle at 10.25,0'c10ck; A 41.. and 3.17-e'elocic,PTwo,trains every day West ward; e:lsing Carlisle' at . 033'o'cluelc,A. dud 2.11; CARLISLE O.ta AND WATER COMPANY. PiegidetlL -NtO(U orlchlVatts• Sucre ary,.tu Lodel. „Todd;. Treasurer, I,l'.in .111.1lootoulibirecior, F. IVutt•F;, 'Richard Parker, Lew nal :Todd, Vinn4d: , iluetuin; W. Dalo,iFraillAlu Gard, 'per, Llpury (Russ and 11'.. CnitatairAsu cuslklur, A; ifiturgonwi Tailor, Jos. Dlroptiors, Job n - S. Starrett, - Wni.'itie, Dhilehoir Drell rin; wan, Ittchard Winds ; John C. Dunlax; 11. A. Stdrgeon, and Captaln,lplin Dunlap. • otc.xitlat'AGEN • i'oigtage on alj lotfors of ,one•hali ounce ivolght•or andei,3.4iontfipro.poid, (except to Collfiirnis ond.Or..km; • v,hich JOO cows pro:paid?) PoOtagb on "Tar TlEn,tttV—within ttio Connty, rnzi. Withtn rho , StXte,l3 cents pot yOar. -TO any 'part of tho VRltod StglipAi 26 l. ooll 4. l!Pstztgo pn.RU transient pipers antler 3 ounceti JR ,weJght, J. ,eont- prc;lntid, or' 2 cents -,tinpofit -Ativerthied-totters'to-bo-elntrigott-Witli-tho:obst-' '•adritirtisitig. • • BBC- I) JOB-PRINTING NEATLY AND PEOMPLY.EN.ECIETED. liERATAY,:-JOIC OFTIOR. . . . , . .. . - b 2 . . .- 'Or. ~ .. .. ~ b . .>...,..,. 1 .. .W; ~14,...'.6.,t, ,,, , , C',44 , t' •!:''' '4.4;et'' 4 . , . . :.1..' . ~ .t:' 1! ,, r ,Ji.---, ,, •- , -, • . :- 4.• •,.(.ii..)".(' . i , . ... ,! , : i f.:: 1 . • J 4 ; .. • . • ''? ' ''. ..•.'. . ..-- -r• . 0 2‘. , VQL.IAYI. 'll;it[,h.: - ,' : ':' . i:..:ii,:i'gi ., :,ll rrliu WAlt , . The' Sack Aug of laviyitiv:ce. Tlie.Mfssoluri,Dernoo:{Lt_ qb fi 111410 he follow: ing Ner;y•ititOefith!g,baututivb of-the 134dItiuk . 'of Lawre:poq,. of which n. few.pa:(tioubtfa,bove bieen . given nsjeo(iiv6.ll by tolegrapb. ,•. A little Cefbrq'suuise on Wednesday morn- • 1:11ay.21,' a hody of arinekruieh - with.U/11.- Aed States musket§ and cannon, itprearel,uptin the hill,. about three-fourths of, a mile south -osst from-Ilie-townrof -Lawre o nce, _.Additional farces contiqued ld'arrive . 4tor FCV ern! hours from the di rectical of IscoMpton, and also from 'Franklin. Between 8 and 9 u'elock,'• part of the troops moved ifown to - tee north, by -Gov. liobinsoirahouse, to a• hfllcithmediately.oVer- . looking the town A ti - ut 11 o'cl'oelyttrited . Sfittos Deputy Marshal W.• Fain' (three wecksfrom Georgia,) with u posse of eight mew; cave- in.t.o,,,L , iwrenee. They were. re-: : reetAVed at"-t.ie'Eldridge, The_ garstial first sufamoned- several promi• nent•oit4i-hs to nid his posSa, and then pro ceeded to arrest Judge Smith and Col. De;tzlor on a charge oLnigh ti;enkM. Jut wn sitting in the reading . ..llmm of the hotel, 1aK1,411011 informed .that the.Mar shut Winheil to seC Ichuerfely went into und-intiittitteilliinisell to die iir ; rest. 1). 41 4; t he tio proceedings tliere was no stir or exPitentept iu the town, and not more than livrtity ..pr, thirty men wersiabout the The:Murshid'untl - his took ti,in :nor st the Initel;:ufter which tMlonel. Edridge went - with his:dwelt. and conveyed the Prison. ers and al - ink:of the posse td the cutup.. 'the ;V.:it:Ohs' flow dismissed his'entire-pettse and-ShorillJontisitinnetliately&urninpned then . / J . ltfci. then• cpiliwenceil'the' 6,ceates — di , s. graceful to 'humanity, ..destructive to 1 klalthkS, 'anti the endof which God only .1c About. 1 o'clock,l', M.;;Jones role.intu_oll.76j, with a t‘isse-oftwenty five mouifteil Men, 4111 7 : ed with naisliMs and • - talytniets, ,Ttic-Y ceeded to thefloteli and Joh.es *ea :.1 - ot:.,tleh: 'ntlet oy. c'He came le the dtior. JoneS ) Sb3ted 116 had several times been resisted in that rdade —attempts liadf,;eeninade to r ossassitnit liitu he tio:W *deckled lima: "deter: tattle i te t exl;ettte, lid-lest ocl- ft - 6w," 'said 110,!-1 derstatd of -- y o the•teostprotninent• map In the'place, tender of all, the cannon and Sharpe!s rifles that you have, and'l give- 'yoit five minutes: to decide'whether you' w ill give them np," tithing out his watch, and noting the time. : The tiMieral lventru - p to the committee room and returned in it few Olives, and replied hat: the Cliation:3would ls - e—gvea.up ;- but that there _were*ne Sliarne's' rifles in the place ex-, :cept such us 'werei,private property, and that those 04)41314W be euer'endered. Jones seemed to be, of opinion.. that. they had rifle's which were not priVate property, and requested him to stack all they had in the street, find said that track as could: be proyed to be private property vvonld be returned. By this time the', whole posse,,variously estitilated at , ;roman/ to 800 men, Were rnarching'down the hill, and cumin g into town on the south side. The cannon. (four pieces) were prOdncedand carried thrikigh rho street. Ono 'was a brass YI x. tindeF, ipe,other,slittis,popgpl!qi,,,oo4, marl could carry comfortably on his should efs.' No rifles were 'delivered up. Jones now told. Colonel llilridgeovho *occupied the hotel _ nn_d_ow netl_t e_ftirn u hat t_ be .destroyed ; that he was' acting-strictly. mt..: der orders. - The 'Grand Jury at . Lecompton had declaredthe hotel and presses at-lotwrence a•tittisance, and ordered him to - destroy-them. lie, would:give Colonel Ehfridge an opportunity to remove big furniture, and.. fur that purpose he might have until - Elo'clotik. ~. It witS. then t 3.1. Colonel -Eldridge replied. tli k atillti furniture cotta net,. be removed in less time than half a day, -- nuddesired a longer time; .J' one's refused. "Then," Said. -Eld ridge.' "-give Me -timetcc. retrieve ; that:is:all ark.'!.* -A part of the , furnitnre was afterword retrieved' by the posse as plunder, but mo:t of it Was-burned wlllt the house, jiy this tithe the.",low stud - lfrdee" mob was pour- tug into the streets, and the residents, teen, women -nod ohildren,,sought.shelter 'tithe ad-. joining Woods. • . • The first properiy."diitti6;iil i ivas the press of The KatiSati - Pree State, 'Whielt 'was throWri iu crerything_:yertaining the,oflice, the,,e'sehanges,'paper,:a",(l a. liti,ge•Atilka.tity,of miscellaneouti ,houlcs, were. throwp into` the etreet i , mutilated and ihiStry' . The 'llag'of tlio lone Star ("'South Caro lina and4Bwithern. , Rights") . liras' hoisted first upon the houso of U. W. liroWn, of The Herald bfVreedotii, and afterWaril'upon'the Brown's 13rek.s' 'aud . everything iti the 'office. shivered, the, seine, fate:: a the .other, : atid, a :wit , Cron load (4 be2lp und,p cre,was trampled iu, the - street.' • Johri'picurnitied in' the' minenceniont that no tpri.vate property 'should , destroyed. •But . houses: were ,.. broken open a d of-what.: ever •suited,,thel.',fancy,,of ~ - I,,opfEs ! i belts or liars were no securt , • Windows s t ud doors - Were ` , lirtiken - Open nil '-destroyed, and Money and' valuables•tO alarge aniontit miss': . At was currently reported ; and lmen- . -,tratliuted,-thartitBooo, ,chieflyrin-mosieyi''Wero lost fro one house,', , , '.About 'sn'clock,,,threo . 'carmen were placed itrtito•street, , ,twelvetlor fifteen rods east of-the hotel; and some thirty.shots were fired, shat...l leringrtliorwnit:aonsiderwply;*nqinving:a4oT- Mini AVEMNESDAY; .JUNE 4., 18",56., gether too slow a method of destruction tor tliefte`illnwirta---tireter`!--rnen.;-,---The3,;=-then-scti fire toile buthnifg . in`diffe'reet pieties.; crul 'pub - euveral kCgs and smoke the 'wliole building wrisin ti;blaze. tic? walk' trolxibh;(l 'lint' fell, and' the ''slieih.s . iintt ye:ll.of 'the moll proclaimed iluitritit»pli and order' in Lawrence'. • „ • ~ . . • {l'b.ile the hotel wri4 .bOnirig,ll.o : house of, tivice - on — fire.. The floor.] ivite burneir.Throngli. The fire was finally ex- anguished bysnme . young men of :Lavirenco. The mob thekl.abned to shoot themObut _they were not deterred., house:hail burned, several othermituSt ''eertninlY have been de troyed, runt there would . have•heen danger of burning neiirly tall' the. totin.--, inaUy"of the mob V,eye'bent on ,destroying ,every house in ale place, and, Fli'ddelles Wer4'Jtiade urging -the destructfon of the 'whole' toWitv -:Atehison,- it is sfitid,-hdyised moderation,': Colonel Jackson, of (i eergja , ivith inntivu tiers; were opposed to the burning of the hotel A tender hearted man' fr"oni Missouri, who had. come out to ex- sbeltVrriint . the sight of the destruction of . prlperty of its 'nocent, unotfeniling uien, to JW_fiinid tliein to be.. nit.- mob begsis Hour be fore sansei; rind at seritioWn most of them bail' Left the town_ A few,,evereolir by excitement or stupilled by liquor,- lay iueenstble in the street. "They were unharmed by tile people of Lawrlinee. - • . • . erenipgrnor . Rabiwtett. house vira's set on tire and bur - tied to the - t.frounit Antt 'thup ended; for that day. the - • eiteeutiot i : of the7".lew".iti Lawrenee: _ . The . winnen mid ,I ehildren of- T.wrotice. slept tlnt night either betienCh the friendly Bliel ingA.l* trees along the Inuits of the lisn,ns, or . huddled ttigether in. 8611111 houses or qhhins on. . „, . the ottishifts (Tflit:,:t.o . ‘'v- il. -. •• •, . D , SILIMIIT ZON . Vs. —Vile appearance- . of tills _ . notorious imlividual at the'lmad of thd Mob .which bunted three . 'or.four bouse.s - inthe town of La Wieilei..;, I;ll.l"c:timed ihe death.of two per-. sinis awn-ell :i:l.a. psnero . i.obery ;I:tftt:fillag . .„ hasiLvihtleSS'Surprised . 'some_ of our reader's who are not fathiliar with. the starets .. of Kan: I sas_iiin.difgence'.. It was repearcill - T - stated in this Sr Louis papers, in I`ettersrind.telegraph ic-desO`bches.fr,.im. the Ai iison - and -String• -....,..-O . felLiw'iyiti4... - that - joilea ha rOetved a . hall in the spine', -paralving,-his - tl "ner.--extremities : ~ and put his lifo • in' Imminent . danger: . • Dow any man in 'such a situation . could recover .. • , Wiltretitly to meant a horse atni lead, an at tacit•upon...it oily, is'strange enough; and the Burgeon who. performed this . wonderful, cure deserves to be known, Let us thett.state that his naine is Dr. Stringfellow, and that he is the brother of the 'notorious Gen. B' F.String fellow. After the: alledged•rshooting, JOllOB Was taken to a uiin a hotel, where he, was put under tile care of thitiyetnarklible Apctor. -Through the latter anode did all the intelligence of the condition of Jones come, and the pathetic tales-of his Weeping wife, and iris-desparate—situntion—were--all-of---own coinage. • 'd-lie M et is now evident ti me ies never wes . slidi at, all ! • The Miele thing as got pp to excite public odiuni against the pe - ple.of Lawrenee. This juggle served itsdpur pest for "n — tithe. and the • newspapers Which take the Missonli side in the Maness question . 'io . re' illibitiVilitliriligtia tit-a - file-res:ROOCI lie outlaws of Lawrence. The Washingten Union, the official 'Organ of the national, administra tion, was among those. . Yet now when this ir,imeJtines is-foremost of a timid; in - commit ting rapine and murder,: the Union is not at all astonished at his extraordinary recovery. 1 Ittfact,,the Union, does not. even mention his I reappearance - and doings in its cilitoriai notice of the matter ; bait endeavoCalo make people believe that the - D. S. -11larSial did every thing.—Norili American. .. ... - - ' . . , Tna SLAVERY Drscussiox.—The protracted 'discussion in the DreWchool 'General 4,9SPM bIy n t New* York on the .subject of slavery,. has terminated, though without any practical result-aside-from the-deoision-te'piint both the majority (which was ndoptedjandlninoirity re ports relative to:the constitutiOnah -power - of the assembly over the tr . übjebt more particular- IY as regards the . dicipline of slaveholdora and slaveholding churche. , The, majority report eirgues•that as of 1850 , (leaded that the holding of our foio,y,l.in bondage, under certain oircurnstances, is, an offence, the assembly lies a right according to the rules of discipline, to nee an' aOrisort power to re- prove seeli offence.when properly, brought 4e.' fore ,i,t,by complaint or oth,envise. , !plat , the assembly has no jtniatory power, but simply adritiory, and authoritiVo Poiver. The'for-• tiler being to reconiend reformation'; • the latter to be ,oicercieed only In, the Incliner, prescribed in the constitotion i .viz: .by reference,, nppeal. or. complaint: - • • 1 4 4 Q .:: 430101.181011 ' of • • police, has redimed 'the prices of broridstuffs so tiri\ aerially' as to catiim heavy losses. to some *of thi3•SpeculatoreY Who had 'been' ecauniniating Wabash river,' ',diem they 'bed been •'giving ferty•to forty tbreer oeiit per bushel - for, corn, it is now dewnto ?hi conts c With, an immense , 'stook on baud; ittaalmost a moral certainty, --(lisifirraust'xo-16Weic • - - .4 ..!.''..f .1 , i J.,t ? 0 111111" :•:, • . _ ' ''. : . ~2 ' • A ~ • , . t •A • Oil s . s, - ,', ; _'. I " ' ~1. ...,:: • . . - , ... . . . . . . . ______......._ -",,,,, Vt 7,.. , C171 , =ESP • NM= NI sTATBM NP O MR: S NER. Tlie , !louse Comml.tts.epf,luvestigutloll wait , 311.1 7 :18Uiiiiier gm,. rd, to, „ the assault, and,Was also ernes-examined., lv:is Unable to sit up . i duripg the. visit of, the, •Committee, but did soh short time afterwards fie is still.very .wealc,and,-14s.physiOiaps onun ~sel him pot to move out .of ths,hotse, for. it: week. The following is tbe . itatement• of Mr.,, ''Sumner made under oath:. ; f, • . , •• Irfitternled - the'Se - neleas usual on Thursday,. the 22d Of May, arid after some formal busi ness r inetringe was received froin the Mouse of RePreSentaiiyes, announcing the death of a• •memberof that body from Missouri. TOI tow dby - n - e et - triOtte - te.;t,he deceased -- ficni Mir: Geyer; of MiSSOtfri-, - -,Wheir; recording to iistme and out:of,,i'e!p6a 101irhe memory 0 0 the deaeased. oar motion of Mr. Geyer, the .3 ! . natoindjattrned. -•- liieiead • • .of '.leaving the Chamber with the, rest, on the nilioarnincut, I • continued'in. my sent, occupied with' my pen. While thus in- tent, in order to -be in season' for the Mitil 'Which was stain to . Close. twits approached by servral person's . who desired to.converse with, site, but I answered them, promptly and, briefly; excusing myself 'for the'. reason pat I'was ejlleh.Ce - ghge(i. When the last of.theSo per sons *ft me. I 4rew my aria chair Close to ray 'inaLivith arty legs under, the desk, eon tinned writing: My„ - attention at this time was it entirely ()main - Treat all other (Meats that. although -them must s havebeen -many , ; persons in the sentt'tft, I saw tohf. , hy• thus intent, with my Ilead- bent over my w.ri • A l 4_l Virt9 n permit who rip-, proachedilte front of my nesk,so entirely imobscried,lhnt I vi•lis: not aware orltis pre tierce Until nly name was _prolionneed. As I looked up, with my pen in hantr, - I SW . a "snll • Man• with whose -countenance I was not fami:- list--; standing directly - . over me; anti at the same' time' I caugh t " theSC . w9rits,::" .biive read your 4 sneecli . tWice over,. carefully it' is p libel on - South, Carolina,' and Mt: Butler; - 3i•rito is a relative of mine.'! Whi!e: these words were still passim; from his lips, lie,cmatnence4 a succession of blows with ti hmayy-cii nirliare Henri, liy - thee fiv . 3!'of 'loljch 1 stunned os - .to lose. my sight: . I no longcr,saw,irty assailant, nor any Terson.lFebject in the room, : _)Vhtit,l ti terwards was done almoSt tinc,iniseinusly. act imr:untier•the-inetinetti of self defence, -with my iMad 'already bent.downi. I rose from my :setir; - wrt'irealting-my desk,-whichi_Was screwed, to the floor, and thempressitig forwards, while, toy assailant continued his blow's. I have n s ti. other consciousness until I found myself ten feet,ferwor.d in front of mY,drek, lying On z thi floor of the Senate,. ,with toy- bleeding ead su p ported on the knee of a gentleman whieul soon recognized, by voice and manner; tis Mr'.. Morgan of New York. • - Other pelsons there were about me; - offering me friend *_ ,ssistauce," but I did not recognizej " any of th -• Oth finking were. at a distance eoking on and offering no assistance, of whom I ri c .14 , nized only Mr. 'Dangles. 'of Illinois, Mr, - Tootiibs, erGeorgia. MO . r th - cnti - difrklmo !1 assailant standing between them. I was helped 1 from the floor and conducted into-the lobby of the - Senate, where I waS placed. alma it. tyro. Of th,,se who helped .ni,e here I baverro recol lection. "A's I entered the lobby, I recognized . Mr, ,Slniell. AC Lonisda na..who,..retreated— but 'I recognized no one elSe Mitil . l To ( ii. "friendly° . grasp of the hand, which seethed to come'from Mr. -Cantpbell,.of. Ohio. . .1, have a vague impression that Mr. liright, the' President of the Senate, spoke tome while : Pwas on the floor of the Senate or in the lobby. I make this statement:in enswer.to the inter-' !watery of the committee, , and offer itas pre senting completely all my recollections of the assault and of the attending circumstances, whether immediately--before or iminediately, after. I desire to add that besides the words which I have given es uttered by . my nssailanti LhaVe an indistinct `recollection' of ,the words - ..., old man," but these were so enveloped, in. _the Mist_ which... ensitedi_from_. the ..fl re. t_ bew, that I am not sure Whether they were utty,red .or not. , -. - • .- • • • • On erosi-examination, Mr. Sumner stated ; that he was enttrely yithout arms of arty Jtit.l, and 'that Ito had no notice or warning* any lan, directorintlirect," of this assault.. • In answer to another question, Mr.. §timner ,repliett_that what he.had said of Mr. Butler was striotly responsive to : Mr.Butler's speeches necording to the usages of liarliarcentaryik: SOMZETi. ASsAtrra- - --11lr. Brooks, of S: C.; bits been : burned it) , effigy at Catubildo, Miles Tbe . Conneetieut legislature has adoi,t. ed resolutions. callipgfer thO,expuisiop., of.llr, IL roan-the House of Represen,tativgs„ , Itt the. . iHri'ssaehutieits Haase 'Of Itepreeatativesori the: Mth resoltition' was irktrodlicettliv: 2 strutting the' Adjutant.Grenertil ;of the State furnish eaek of their knators and Reliteseuta tiveS In Congress two of Colt's si4 barrel re . ^ iittiper Drother,ihe great'bok „ , era in New York, are.about to comMeime the' publication of a' pictorial weekli'neiiipaper which they purpose_ makimi. the _best 'and cheapest in'the worm.`. With their`. inimease - capital, int:thence, and faoilities, .they no doubt, be able to give it au immediate circa-, lotion or many thousands. , They hare it in their_pener_ki , t.; ' , 'Wscffrattletk:'litir'2B:=lnn'tllo' 7 l3enitei r .;l l St, ' Pearce, from the Select Comritittee. to investx- gate the•faelsattending,tlin'cntitssnult•op ee i .Mr. Sumner, , reported that precedents are ....., . . • .•, .. . only.to / be tonnoi • in t he ation of thh"Rouse. of Representatives, t the kenatemever linvial been called I on4st-pronounce-judgment-in-p-eimi---'-'7 i - t . ' ' 11. a - ''' ' t h e . ar case.::!Abe Co mt. ee,o t . e . 14 .. clonal u- • sion that; althotigh:theinuintilt WO a v i olation'. • 71 - tircr - prlviletes of. r . Serii e,los-rratrritiritr— _their jat•indiction, and -the _offence cnn only he • :.-, I punished:by tholJetni , eitit which Mr:•.B . roelcs . , ' 'is a mg tuber . ; , ,This conclusion. the report con. , •inues, is,in : strict confOrtnitywith parliament-;.. try lap' artd,the'reeruireMents.of the Constitu , ..• - -.ton; therefortl,";the 'CoMmitteir recommend ho Sennte to make ccimpliiitit tti . the , libuise.L*-' With.this.report,:the . .Committee submit tire! , . . 4oltktion. that snid report be,necepted • by.: ~the . -. . te - ,Tand - S - copy of the-snide;-wifts , tlie-ee-; ' ....iiitipailying-iirituinViti;- , lie:transinitted . to-' . -the --- A•e_itise:ofAtepresitilatiV es. ."..• L.Th el resolution was adopted, ',llr: Tootnbs;dif (leorgia. alone. ;voting_.agoinst it: Mr: llason.,.,speke itt .04 - ,. let - lee - of the'Presidene's veto of,the Mississippi Impreveinerit Bill. Adjo s urtied:' " • , ' • " House. , :-"Bills were introduced giringlands .; . to-A4nties,ota• Nebraska and ,liansas for tall.-.... roans; pedin4the public lands to.'s!ates?-'til 2 - ., '•• which they ile; l :fiir the repeal of theset ilitit , i , „ .'. blishingthetourt of Claims: to graritiitriillteit'; acres•o_fdand toLouisilara for railroads/14V; . ed---0.2. to 58. Adjourned. - ~, . •••• ... . WAsIIINGTOS,,May 29.-"L-SrArr.--The bins' :- ' from' the House granting,,publicaan s to Wis- ‘ COEIATI, Alabama; Lonisitirlii"and.idichigan,lit, aid in_he_ tconstruction_ of : certain....railionds__:. . thereinovere - -severally - taken up and' passed.- .. A messag - e was: received fretrithe President of. • , .- - .- .. - the United Srtaes, informing Congress that lie rind ' ceased: to hold intercourse with Mr; . ' _. • . Crampton, the 'Minister Plenipotentiary trine Great Britian, and in - calling attention to this - fact; be, has deemed proper to lay before. them the considerations of: p u Idle 'duty • that. led.. to- ' the osteirtton o this •important' measure. and he'accordingly- iransmits,,the ' cerrespondente on the subject, the most important of which is the - last despatch of Mr_ Marcy th.Slr. Thillas. 11lithtljlio 27th intitant...c Mr. Marcy says that ~-. 1 the President haseureftilly Considered the note - ~ of Lord cinr'oldeii to Mr. Dallas'. of" the3oth ..,A..April, relative•to the , enlistment titiestien, and. .has • directed him to • present his views thereon,•for the purpose of having cein..: :niunicated to the BritiSh government' The . - President is much gratified by the . etincilintory • ~' spirit of 'Lord Clarendon's.nofe, and by the : - ti esiro; Wit 'eh lie e 4 p res s CST tO - lidjust:exist ing - 7 -- .; i !lieu Iti es, and preserve• and strengthen. tbe_ friendly ,relations between the two. govern - , . • 'Bents.. The disclaimer of any intention to violate the law - s - of the United States, and the • • expression of regret that contrary to the-in- - --, tendon and direction of the British govern-- l ostit - tbere has heen , such infringement, 'n. i ,-..,, snit ;Tictory to the TreihTent, and -the meth . complaint;•so ter as reSpects her Majesty's go , • • vernment, is:thus removed. But tlie President': __ extremely regrets that be.catinot concur with . , lAird'' Clarendon in *the opinion ;that Mr, irampton And the British Consuls - at New York, Philadelphia end Cinciptiati,,are.notifft , ilicated in the proce,edirigs. Itegardingthese i - .rhor - linve - no - connection - with this government, to lins.n,6thing to askialier Nlnjest-'4i overn- '' ~ .. , .nertl; but in'the cuss of the individuals - . ~ jotted,. he„detems it. proper that - their relatione • .- --Nith this-governmentshould cease. In taking - . :his step,. however, he does net,..t . itend to make . Lily interruption . iii the 'diplomatic relations,. ietWeen the United States and Great Britain, :mt,.on the.nontrary, is desirous of having the two countries upon., 4. friendly footing. • Mr. Crampton'ii withdrawal . 1,11.15 asked expressly • on the grounds of his connection with the en- . . • .istment, which had rendered bim an nose etitable Representative of Her Britanic Ma,' jests near tkis government, and for the same .. reason the, withdrawal of these Consuls' was .ikewise recittesteil: These effieers are all, ns this go'verrinient still believes,..lmplicated in . L vioiuiian of the laws of the United States, , • contrary to the reiterated instructions of their own government. • This complicity did not rest - solely-on the testimony 'of 'Strobel and Hertz, - nLi t u pon otiginat-let tees- feeta - Ili Ir.' Ct amptotr- --- - *Lila 'others. •• , . ' . . , 1 : rs, ME MEE 4D :The despiiteh then proceeds to detail at length the evidence tigainst.these officers.. The message, and -dociithenta were referred to the C muiitteu on. son, Cass, Toombs and others spoke upon the sohjet; The former compliinented Mr. Marcy For the ability of his reply to Lord Clarendon. Mr. Cass•thought, there would be no.pretext for war in'the matter. Mr, Toombs was op- • posed to the dismissal of Mr. Crampton... He thought our gpverTmerl had committed an • error. 2ifr.'flutler' thought if Mr. Crampton was to - be dismissed at all it - should have been done in the outset,- Adjourned till Monday. of_ . Ohio, front _the-, 2z_ Select Coinmittee, said he„ had been unani mously instructed to ask the Muse to adopt a resolution that the Select Cortunittee, appoint ed under t h e reiaJkition 0f.2 the 21instant, toi investigate the 'natter, of, the alleged; assault on Mr. Sumner by' Mr. "'Brooks. may. present their repOrt or Teports; with 'the journal of their proceedings at any time when the House is in session, which aliallthereupon be laid on the Speaker's table and printed. The resolit. . lion .Waft unanimously adopit . .d.. Mr Grow, _ fromthe Cominittee'on'Tertitories. reported ” hill for" the.-admissibn . of • Kansas, with- the Free State, Constitution.. A,meszage wekre-, ceive4,from the President; announeiag the dis miisal of ItiM. Criropton,•whicli was read arid- • referred.: L A nurabpr .ptiiriet6 bills passed, •_, and the House tutourned.tillgonday.. • Uortnone are continually at the Atlantic porta from' England on board o f the packet•shipa,, England awl Vialea ap. to: pear to [onion 0 the 01 , uton fiat:nits. -Seven hundred of them riceut-'• • ly-srrived Ott-Boston 011 board: - of ono The EngliahAtormot come fromit itv e •prov. cial.tlistriot itch ignorance and parathion prevat . • , • ' • •, DRocAlizn.-4110 fet. varly Senator , ti Cdfigeakfr!lat conneedent, nd Postnatuiter Gpnerat liner PreVident Van . Buren, died at "Tim Havid, - on, Ssturde,i, in, ---eixty-muttovir _ • ...,, t CONGRESS. I
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