New 'l4.ortlisentents. . _ 331ac.itsmith's*Oa' 2000 bushela blacksmith's coal, a euperi article, receiving and for sale by • ° W B AITJ RR Alt Agt.. Ilimeburners Coal. ISo inns liykens Valley nut cool for buininp Nile receiving and by_ NV B mulutAy, Att. UPHOLSTERING. THE subscribers would respectfully inform the public that they.haVe commenced the bu siness of Upholstering, in all its branches, at their shop, on Louther street, near Leonard's corner, whore they are prepared to manufacture to order all kinds or mArrnAssr.,, such at the newly patented Spin!! Spring Jifuttrass, 'Curled hair Mattresses, ltuelo Retis,.oc., all of which ato Made in the best,style, and at very 16w prices. The public - are becoming-aware efi invigoratingllellealth ful nod influencemr" these in preference to feathers, and the experience of eminent vAysicians in cities and elsewhere, u niversally recommends them as the beet to tie used by persons in health as Well as the infirm and invalids. Principals of Colleges, Acetic , Mies, and Hotel well as families. M.° respectfully-invited to givo,us a call, 0:7-SADDLING in all its, various branched carried on in the same shop. May_ 28,'5L . 'TIZZAiID Sa SHELLY. OrphatiV Cogrt Sale. py virtue of ay Order of the Orphans' Court LP of Centre, county, will, be exposed to pub licsale on Thursday, the rfOth day of Juno, A. D., 1851, at the Court House, in the borough ' of 13c11efdnte, Centre county, the' undivided four-filthsof a certain tract of land adjoining the borough of Bellefonte. containing 29 ACRES and perches, upon which is erected n large F UNDRY,MACHINE SHOP,Warchouse, a Two Story Stone House, a ßarn, and three Frame D w elling Houses, said property being well known es' ,HA'RRIS'S'IVIILL ritopER TV. A largeSik: GRIST 'ANp •MER CH ANT MILL, was erected' on the premises, which was recen t) 'destroyed - by fire, the walls of which tire stailding,:,nnd deemed sufficient to rebuild on: The water Power is ample for six run of stone all the year, being chiefly spring water, and not affected with ice or drought.— The tocatlon is very eligible for country custom or merchant work, being witliin a quarter of a mile of tho head of Bald Eagle canal, which. with the State Canals afford is • navigation to Philadelphia and Baltlneart. The Foundry is well located-and capable of doing a largo a mount ofbusiness.- . . -- Persons desiring a property well adapted to milling and manufacturing will do well to at ) lend the sale. TERMS or-SALE.—One third of the purchase money to be paid in hand at the .confirmation ct the sale, and the balance in two equal payments with interest,eteared by bond and mortgage. BOND VA I. EN TIN E, Guardian dill° minor children of J. D. -- Herrie, deceased. .. B.—lt is understood that the remaining one fifth will be exposed to sale ut the same • time and plafeT - BelleTente, May 28, 1851,-0. Books and Music GALL at 'Rawlins' next door to the P O, and you can buy Batiks and Musfc at I . Fss than city prices. (May 28.'51. Turquoise, Alabaster, and other Fancy ILamps,—Lamp Mats, and ppper, shades, just received, next door to to the Pb. [May a spurzrnrn STOCIL T" undersignetk‘thspectfully informs his 'ft ends and ills !publicgenerally-, that he !i, ~..... ./„. .- . has just returned - from e.l .. „...,.., , ~.......... Philadelphia, ha vi n g , purchased the most ex. „,-• "7 : " ' 't ' a •: 1 -' , •-:: : tensiire, as well as the z1:- - :'i•".t . :: cheapesgassortment of *,-. s: o "7. ,1 7/ez , : - Watches, Jewelry, : "" , - , ---' . : - 7;-; , : e:.,- . &c., ever brought:to Carlisle. His stock con sists in part of 4,4401 ..._O4- Gold and Silver Patent Lever lfidehia., Glad and Silver delatched do. do. Geld and Silver Lepinc Watches. in sh.,rt every variety of Watches at all prices, Gold Guard and l'airt Chains. Medal lions, Watch Keys, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Breast Pins, Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold.atl Silver .. , ens and .......scs'and Bracelets in great variety. A splendid article of Gold, Silvitr, Gorman Silver, and Illued Steel SP TACLES, which are unsurpess. , oil in (pun-city by any other r.rticlo• West of Phil suleiphia, and which can be sold at least '2O ro- - cent cheaper than in any•other establishment: an the chantey. Also a large lot of SILVER-WARM, 01 . onmprqPdg Table and Tea Spoons, Butler &c.sq, C,ard Cases. Porte Mo»naies, Port Folios; Ladies 'Ladies ,Wilting Desks, with a great variety.,nfl other fancy articles unnecessary. to montiola.. A largo lot of CLUCKS, assorted patterns;'whiehwill-be - sold lowratitiasnrrant ed - to be gOod: ' 4 1.,`,q, Ickes, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired, no l liii,vilefral) to call and examine his stock., assured. that none can rail to be suited in qua!• ity, quantity and amnia. His articles arc cash purchases, consequently, he can afford to sell lower than the same articles cab bo purchase , / elsewhere. Call at the old stand, a few doors west of Burkholder's Hotel. • January 15, 1851-ly T. CONLYN Chineand-G' rockery Ware. IV/cite Granite Stone Ware, such as Dishes, flares, Ten Sets, covered ad uncovered dishes, bowls, toilet and cha ,her sets, pitchers. &e.., together with a lot o Blue Liverpool Wiwe, all of the latest style and shapes, also, all the various articles of the hest common While and Edged Ware. , d o The assortment includes a few plain IPidle and Gold Band China Tea" Sets, .of the best quality pod style, and also all the necessary articles er the best Granite, Stone and Blue Liverpool Ware suitable for any sized Dinner or Tea Sets no may be wanted, together with a variety of Glass Waihe, including a fine" assortmentof ' '''' Bar and Table Tumblers, dishes,. fooled end other bowls, goblets, wine i glaSsos, lemonades, lamps, 6r.e. The prices -- -. --- - -- - tor-all-oi—which-are—fixelLotAm_leivest cash ' prices, ,We inyite our friends who are in W an t / of maples to our line to give us a call. 5 niwr ~ . , . v 3 W EBY. A Voice from the c , Burut Diottlet.), Monyer's Candy Factory Rebuilt, TnE subscriber would respectfully announce to hie friends and the public generally, that his Factory which was destroyed by the lute fire,, has been rebuilt, and hu is now Prepared to furnish them with CHOICE CANDIES, manufactured of the hest Material, which ho will sell wholesale or retail at the old stand in North Hanover street, a few dears north of the bank, where he has just opened a ooneral assortment of FRUITS AND NUTS, consisting of Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, iFigs, , Almonds, English Walnuts, Cocoa Num . ,- Pea . • &a.. Ha Would also call attention to his • large assortment of •• . TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, ' - conSiating..ortoys at. Glees; W4pd;" Gum and China, of endless ,varieties. ' In Connection - with the above, lie Lae on band a prima lot of FRESEI.GROCERIESc consisting of Sugars, Coffees, Tees, Molasses,, Spices, Crackers, Matches, „Blacking, &c. Alas, a prime- lot of CIGARS, of the kV broads. "sst The subscriber returns his sinterwthaiiks to a generous public for the patronago bestowed on him, and.lsopes by a dessro to pleaso to me rit a continuance of the same. Ho would also return Heaths to the Firemen. end Citizens for • thoit. °Fops to save Isis pro arty on the night of the late conflagration • Caclisko, P. ape.I4IONYER; • . Sack Mamiels, • 0 JUST received a general 'assortment of Col, ored.Flannols for Ladioe' Sacks, to evil—Bloc k Gray, Blue, Red. Green, Pihk and Changed , ble, AlsooVitite IVoeden and Cotton Flan ' in great variety, ', 0 W UFFIstElt. . .• • lion. 'RENT. ,Tlllt,l' Largo Two` Story nousp on the . corner of Main and Pitt streets, ~, , t-f-'l.- and opnosito the Rail Rood Depot .v . ,..,11 El , This-house is lar g o and reality m,,,: ' . '.. and havin g every convenience, ta ..„,,',..,:,..„,...,-- well suited for ..a hoardi ng house. y o sse e sion g iven immediatellif'. Aiv i . terms , which aro reasonable, inniaire nt the promise% Iliay 7 Ntro arttoemcnto. FOR Sams. A.valuable LAW LlBltAltYpbeitonging to Judge Brandebury,.and consisting of most of the Pennsylvania Reports and a number of oth er standard Law. Works, will be sold very low to any person purchasing the lot: The books eon brneeen and the prices ascertained by call ing at the office of W. M. PEN ROSE, Esq., in Main Street', Carlisle. . • .Dr. GEORGE Z. BRETZ,' WILL perform al operations upon the . ✓ teeth that may be re required for their preservation. Artificial ,teeth inserted, from a single toOth to an entire set, on the most scientific principles. Diseases of the mouth and irregularities carefully treated. Of fice at the residento_of hie brother, on th , Pitt Street, Carlisle. itonnets: lionnets: Mrs. M. NEFF has opened a Splendid as sortment of Sining-and_Fancy._lllllllnery, tier stock consists of Straw and Fancy bilk ßonnets, Children's Hats, Ladies Dress 'cps, and nn assortment of Fancy Goods, embracing in part, Ribbons, Crape Shawls, - Flowers. ' Parasols, Borate[ Caps, Corsells Collars, Dress Silks, Combs, Capes, . Curls, _ , flairnraid S s, e • v e e . s, Bonnets altered inlthe neatest and most fash. ionable manner. Please call and examine my [tnY7] M. NEFF. BOOTS AND SHOES. TUE . subscriber has just received a large kr a f ilibmi. supply of BOOTS .& SEOEb, for Spring and Summer Wear, which makes .his assortment very complete. It comprises Gentlemen's French Calf Skin and Morocco Boots, Congress Gaiters, Jack son Boats, Men's, Boys' and Youths' Enam elled Congress Boots, Calf Skin, Goat and K ip. Brogans; Morocco Boots, Slippers, &'4ll— Ladies' AlisSas and Children's Gaiters, Buskins, 'lies and Slipperti. Every effort wilt be made 'to please the citizens of town and country, who are respectfully solicited to con tinue their patronage. Carlisle, may? GRAIN WANTED ! WHEAT, RYE, • C ORN AND OATS purchased by the undersigned, and the highest market price paid in Cash. Also, good Family Flour and Mill Feed of different kinds for sale on reasonable terms. Apply at the Farmer's Mill (formerly Good Hopo,)_ West rennshorough township, Cumberland county. may7-2mpd . MARSHALL JAMES. MUSIC! " 0, it came o'er my car like the sweet South, That breathes upon rr hank of violets, Stealing and giving odor. , Several hundred pieces just received from Lee &' Walker's, and sold at city prices. A liberal discount made to those who buy by the gamily. Call at RA.WLL.NS' next doer to the P. 0. [may? BOONS. 'Come let Inc make a sunny rerthry Around thee Of thought and beauty. Hero are books—' A fine assortmcntjust received—Historical, Poetical and Religious, at RAWLINS', Main - st. Carlisle. Arrarygensents aro made by which Sabbath Schools can be furnished at_Puhlishers prices. The Universal Refrigerator The subscriber would invite the citizens to examine the Universal Refrigerator with Wa ter Filter attached, which may be soon at his residence, now in operation, and can be fur nished at city prices, thereby saving'freight, May G W 11/TNER. Adams Zr. Co's. Express. business community and public gene— rally arc informed that the preprictore have made arrangements for a DAILY EX PRESS LINE over:the Cumberland Valley Rail Read. All tootle delivered at the office in Philadelphia er liaititnare before 10 o'clock at night, will reach Carlisle by the morning W A CAR:OTHERS. A'gt ME ORTILOAN'S COURT SALE. PURSUANT to an order of the Orphans' Court of Berke county. will be, sold at Public 'V endue on MONDAY; the`'9l.)i day of Suite, A. D.,,'*.1111, ut the house of Isaac Liymgwood, in Amity township, said county, it bbilig part - of the premises to be sold, - A cer tain messuage, tenement and tract of land, sititate in Said township and county, bounded by lands of Jacob Kline, Charles Griesmoyer, Reading and Perkiomen Turnpike, Hannah Boyer, Samuel Wetzel, unit the river Sally). -kill,.....containing:',74f,..A„CßES, including the space taken up by tint RTilioad. The improve=, mments are a two story stone. D WEL LING HOUSE, and two Tenant Hou ses, Spring House, over a never-failing raten -- Also, a prrino-of-water-nes» the door, a stune Barn,,and other out-build ings, Apple Orchard, and other fruit trees. Also, a tract of CLEARED LAND, situate in said Amity township, and county a foresaid, bounded, by lands of Abraham and Charles Goblin, Jacob Hartranft, Catharine Cleaver,':wife of Ilionins Rudy, Samuel Weit zel, and Rending and PerkiOmon Turnpike, and Charles Greisinoycr, containing 71 ACRES awl , 1 tf4 PERCHES. Also, a tract ol WOOD• LAND, situate in Amity township, said oonai, ty, bounded by lands of George Dangler, R. I3oyer, Samuel Ache, and land of Moses Yo cum, dee'd., Cathurino Rally, now the wifo of Thomas Rudy, and Jacob Hartranft, contain:. ing Seven Acres and Five Also, another tract of" WOODLAND, tannic in same township and county, bounded by lands of Samuel Ache, Henry Boyer, Catha rine. Cleaver, wife of Thomas Rady, Jacob Geiger, Jeremiah Hine, and land of said Mo ses 'Yocum ' deed., containing .FOURTEEN ACRES sad THIRTY PERCHES. ' Also, one outer tract.of WOODLAND situated in Earl township, said - county;lMiltid.. ed on the north by lands of Henry Arms on the east by land late of Jacob Weaver, and on the, south, and west by lands late of Dayid. Ludwig, Containing TEN ACRES and twenty dour Perches. Also, ono other inlet of WOODLAND situate in same township - and county, bounded by lands of Samuel Francis, George and Jacob Kline, and Abraham P. Ludwig, containing TWO ACRES and thirty•one perches, • Arsii:Tirie - Tith — ortract of WOODLAND situate in Union township, said county, bound ed by lands of Henry Nupp and others .contain. -ina-TEN-ACRES. Late the property of Mores Yocum, dec'd. Salo to commence at II o clock - in the fore. noon, when attondanee,will be givoh and terms Made known by JOHN YOCUM, ALIM'T. order of the Court, Wit. W. Diem., Cl'k. Wading, May 7 is TIAST NOTP.E. ALt-Persons indebted to the estate of Ilen;. ry.Churah, dce'd., rare requested to call on the subscriber at the oilice N of Church, Leo & Feethan, Lumber Merchants, in New Cutn berland and nettle the sauna without delay, as a further indulgence cannot be given R R CUURCII,_ rnay7d 19. OA'RX). • To the Litdiesl--WM NITWIT= tvoltld respectfully inform the Ladies that ho has fitted up dm moth recently occupied by Miss flitsey Ifernan, next door to the old stand aria LADIES SllOl3 STORK EXCLPSIVEL Where they will find a well ucleetettatisorttnont of guitere, buskins, tics, allppers; front the hest manufactories in- Xbiladelphia, and also o t his own make, to which !holr attention is invit -Ca lisle, may 7 Bonnets and Ribbons. W B hiwo just receiycd third supply of those atriLtl , 13 ONE 'ETS t j• 13914NEY RIBBONS to ; whielt we invite the otten - rion of thbf insx 7 A & W BENTZ. SONISTZTS J JUST received Anew, supply of ihe latest f tvto of yin ' • • A. C FETTER. Pure Older' Vinegar. if UST received a fresh barrel of PUN" Cide Vinegar, of superior quality, and wo r a nto free front adidteraliuri nov6 G W pit N ER; Chibiten‘s . -StAielkings; A FULL assortment of Whito' and Mixed storino Mae of all slam] for Children.— Also, Ladies !Soso in great Nariety just opened by G W lIITNER. OF Goode, Wares and Morchondize. ' Also millers; Distillers, Lunaber. Men, dre., within the County of Cumberland,. return° , an d classified, in accordant.° with the severs acts of Assonabli, es rellowtyriz J W. - Eby Joseph D Halbert Samuel Elliott Charles Ogilby George W Hamer A.& W Bentz Daniel Eckels, liquors John Faller • -do J . & D Rhoads W B Murray . S W Haversuck, liquors Robert Snodgrass S A Hubbard Thomas Conlyn Henry Saxton- Jacob Rlicom John limner, liquors Peter Monyer John P Ly n° Jacob Wolf Jacob Senor Jacob Leiby, liquor% C. luboll, Ag't.,liquors George Folundliquors S.lll. Hoover T H Skiles • J W Rawlins Wm hi Porter Arnold & Levi Arnold & Livingston David Martin - John Keen N W Woot 6 c Ag't. Haller & Conner Lewis Steiner S Breit 3 L Sterner John N Armatrong John Gillen, liquors Philip Messeremith William L Sellers A C Fetter Henry Glass John B Perry - • Henry Snider • • „ John Ernost, liquors Shippenstntrg Robert Snotlarase Edward Scholl John Gish C F Kunkle igy,tp S Kunkle 3 John Stumbaugh Philip Koontz Peter S Arts, Agt. Joseph P Nevin & Co. NV D E Hays JC&CB A,ltick I Samuel Siterh, liquors S 1) Wonderlich eob P line •'- WM lif PORTER 'mob ague, liquors John Fuiwiler, Agt 4 Bricker & Miller Arnold & Co. Stambaugh Si MCK 0880 n Jacob B umbargei Dickinson. Andrew GZei Russel & Dice ll L Deelinen x, Newcomer & Kurtz Thomas Stough Wm Barr, Agt. Hunter Herron • Jamison Hannon, liquors T McCandlish Jacob Swoyer Williams & Brother S W Sharp John Dillor, jr. John Coylo Gebrge Loiby John Reod Jacob Simmons Glover & Co. Prankford. 143 Lackey & iquors Co., dalaanidsburg. 1 ;liaison tr. Co., liquor,' Simon Arnold, liquors Ephriiim Zug Reigle Aztg „t floury Leas Ira Day F Spahr Swiler & Emminger Webber & Swisher - Mot(ism Zechariah & Co. George Singiser - ; South'Xiiitileton A W Lerclich Rider & IVeakley S N Diven /Lynne?? Wiabrry & Rhoads, Snider & Mr. Wiley Joseplt Smith kyle & Piper•, West Pennsborough & So Donaldson & Green! Thomas Greason ' C Renningee J W D Gilliland - - - -Southampton, John W Clover, liquors Jacob Holliubougher t..z. Co. North Middleton. Samuel Barr ti)iatr Light J W Fesler G & W H Eel:les f= Henry RuppAgi John Kutz East rennsborough Jacob Roninger, liquors ' Adam Eslinger Joseph 0 Banks Finisher & Eslicnbour Bigler; McKinley 4.,Wilt lluramcll & Kerr Nem Cumberland. Tames K Doak, lignere John G Miller do Adam Beckley Masser, James & Co. Church,Teernan & Co. Valentine, Penman & Co. , Charles Oyster Upper Allen. A L Cathcart Matthias 1/itner, liquors Lower Allen Isanc Barton, liquors Jacob Epley' & Co Sams F Lutz Strcck & Brandt NI & S Morrott Stesse & Gesseumen S trotliday Silver Spring Thomas B Bryson • John Shot:filer • Hoot() H Bucher John.liarlurcher East Pennaborough Jacob Itoldertnan John Hock ' 'Upper Allen James Williams Jacob Coovor ,Goorge Lorne J L Boyea • C Eberly Biome & Urich William 11Tocho : Branaman & Fitting • A - John Snavely - South Middleton Jacob Simnel. A dm,r, David Pog lesong John Prosser John A All C W Ahl David Bonjamin Giblet North Middleton, Wm 51 . Ifenderfein k Son II 10 - 00 IVM M Ilantleteon (cave mills) 14 700 navid Hoover . 14 7 0 temlningee & llengy . , 12 12 50 Dickinson. A. 11 Darn*, John Moarc (Guskr) Fratrkford. et 14 '7 tO SouMamplon. Peter Cramer," • Sliippensottifi Township Nevin% noire • • 14 7 00 Jacob Mosel - ,7 00 Wirt Pannaborough, Sher & Samoa Isaac Shollabarger William 1) Philips Peter Faun'. • Jolla Laughlin' Jacob Shollabarger • flopewell, John Ijays: Sacob Rampt • Nctoto'n Eithast Atarkwara hriatian Au •,tlt~celtafOUL- -- 4 - 4T4r3 .4 4 Class. $- Carlisle B 14 1 1 El NOlin rail 11 13 t:11 14 IVewuille Silver Spring 13 ,13 14 Newton 1 11 - anip len 14 14 14 " 11 13 13 Monroe Mille. Carlisle Uffil -7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 DE Lower Allen 19 7 00 14 7 00 12. 12"50 ti _lO 00 1411111 7 no ° 13 000 34 IN 00 Monroe. 13 ' 101, 4 7 00 13 10 00 13 10 OJ 13 10 00, 'l3 .1 0 . 00 13 10 00 1 3 1U 00 14 7 03 13 10 00 13 10 00 14 7'oo )4 • 7 CO , 7 00 13 0" 00 14 .7 00 70011 '7 PO 14 L• 7 00 Distillers. Cartiste... • Edward Showers Ginhoff, Agt.l.lollo Upper. Allen. Wm trafiness' Heirs • g 9 431 0 John Bowman _ 9 0- . - Vora Nidcfgetotr. Win M Hendeison '2 : South Middleton.. , Robert Given . 7 20-0 John Al Good, Agt. ""4 .30 500 Monroe. • - M O. Reltzhoover ft: 12 .50 CW&PA Ahl 411111 12 ~50 ,Southamptom • Marthirooyer 5 00 Hopewell. RobertliQuigliy • • ef,.* - 9 •' 800 Jacob Au imei 10 •,5 Ramp & Grove, , 'lO 6 00 10 00 10.00 7 00 20 00 10 00 12 50 10 50 10 50 7 00 7 00 10 5D 7 OD William Alovmdor Wi Bunitz Beer, Oyster and Eating, Houses. Jacob Low Joseph Markle sKM' Charles Butler ' Philip Ditrich Retailers of Patent MedleittesaM Arcutvil " 5 LIR 7 00 Win.lirtitton - , Rol Pennthor:2ugh Joseph 0. Banks Stesso & Geseemen Ova Allen A. L Cathcart Elijah Switzer Mr. Mitchel! Mat= . . CUMBERLAND COI'INTY; Big I do hereby certify that the foregoing, is a correct list "of the Dealers'in MOrehandite, Pa tent Medicines, dec., in Billuhaillind county as_ returned to me by Jefferson Worthingten, F r N e M n r d c c n la ti s l s e i fie A p u r n a d is e e r r t.h e AI persons feting, to Diatillcries, Breweries, Patent eines, Eating Houses, 4r.e. and all :*34erchante, and others, returned and classified as - above, are notified to call and take out'their respecthe %lenses without delay. . . • • WM M PO RTOR, County 'Treasurer. 7 00 7 00 10 50 may? PORTZIWS Patent Graduating Tielyer'e 10 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 THE - undersigned, after considerable ex pense and_e*periment, has succeeded in produ eing a TWYERE for Blacksmith's-Borges, which, wherever it has been tried, has proved itself superior to anything of the kind ever be. fore invented. It has advantages 'which no other Twyere possesses. • let, The blast can be regulated effectivilly so as to suit any kind of work: ,211. The, blast can be kept clear at ail times without the use of a poker, or without breaking ;1/d 'shaking the two, thus enabling the smilh likoz.sleart clear heat. 3d. By actual experiment it saves one-third of tho Fuel, whilo the - work can be deiNnliffnewilt faster. 4th. The blast ie . re niloved eight or nine inches from the back which is a great advantage to the smith, doing crooked or diflicnit work. sth. It is not liable to get out of order and will last many years. The following Certificates selected from ma ny in the possession of the Patentee, will show that it has given complete satisfaction, and also its great - superiority over all others. 10 00 1 . 000 7 00 1.5 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 7.00 7 00 7 00 10 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 SO 00 7 OU 7 00 7 00 7 00 • 7 00 7 00 7 00 Carlisle, April 28th, 1851,--This is to certify , that I have in my tire one of Porter'a Twyeres, and for the short tine that I have - iried it I can say that I can do more work by one—third than I could do with the old Twyorc. Of all the different Twyeres ehat I liave ever tried, I can say that Porter's is the beet, on account of the facilities of the valves. . . Carl April .19111, 1851.—This id to certify that the rwyote..M.n * Aret D Por• ter; nd rlind thut it is - a most ma:el - fent ankle, fur I have tried several Twyeres,hut this is far sulmricu any that I have eVer s6fla used, for it hems quicker and more regular, and-with it I can do ono-third more work in the same time. II therefore; recommend its, use to all who stand in nee6f such an ankle. JNO. N. \GLANDING, CoaOhamith. 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10'00 7 oe 7 00 7 00 This is to certify that I have put in my forge one of Porter's Patent Graduating Twyers and it is the Lest that I have' ever seen; and sustains all the erailited — for: .inrer-.ofh-sr. Twyeres. I would not fake twenty dollars and do without it. 10 00 - 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 A 13 ZEIGLER, S..Aliddleton. Peistonswishirtg-to.oxataine.tliaabor_o_twyero can do sp by calling on the undersigned at Win M Porter's, Carlisle. Rights for counties or States are offered for sale. Early attention is requested. (•7 tny3 ROB'T .13 PORTER. Jo co 700 7 00 7 00 Rubbard's Fimale School.. /WE second quarter of the Female School, under the direction of J. W. Hubbard, will commence on MONDAY, May 12th.— All the branches of a thorough English Edu cation will be taught. Also, the Latin, Greclt, rind French Languages. ,• Tuition; for the Eng lish Branches, from $7 to $9 per quarter. An. elect Languages and French 83 extra. Scho• lora can commence at any time intermediate between the beginning and close of aach quar ter. by paying for time of attendance only :nap J. •W. HUB B AR.D. 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 50 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 10 50 10 50 7 00 10 00 10:00 10 00 10 00 TEA! T.E.a I TEA! , - ATEST ARRIVAL ,FROM MENA !—The '• I - lovers of 400,1 . TEA can 'he 41 t supplied withJenkin's dt Go'e ! T vri.An. - Superior Green and — Black ciris Teas, either loose or Put up " -"" in fourth, half or pound mo tallic packs to suit.purchasere at prices ranging front 50 cents up to GI per pound. by calling at tho store of "mr.s] J. D. "[ALPERT. 12 50 15 00 10 50 7 00 7 00 IPr vv- I.&_kv, -_4srag 7 00 7 00 10 00 tHAVE received from Mr. Lindreih, my 'Spring supply of FRESH GAIL DE SEEDS, winch aro'Waryanted genuine. mar 26 S. ELLIOTT. 70,0 7.00 GARDEN SEEDS. 7 00 7 00 pRESR GARDEN SSEDS; ott'lleVest quality,.from tho celebrated establishments of Risley & Co., New York,,and • D. Land- reth Philadelphia, all of which aro. warranted fresit,"just received and for 800 at the' Cheap Drug and Book Store of • tur2G St W. lIA.VERSTICK.". eiOD . LIV,EI2. 011,.—An ,oxcellent article ,1 11 /.1 for sato by mar% S'XIIAV your. • "ViME to the:fire: 4 . ; ) •-/ .0.08 . 9f the sub= fithibet, -tn , Silver Spring- tp, Dumber • co,ur!ex, on the klintleppir* 7th - of April unit., a RED fCO W, with a w.tise ;face. Her is somewhat knocked, down. She has no other' marks. The owner iiireedested to coma fot:Ward; - proyo pr . OpertY . i pay charges, and taAc'her awayror she, will lie disposed of as the law directs. • 23ap4tpd WILDIAif cutocrattr,' • • JUST reeehted a fresh lot et GILOCERIELS Which win be sold very low at the old: cheap Store, East Main Street, apt MOOTS & SZEOII , ., kM now opening my 'Springsto& of La 1. dies and Gentlaments" Boots and' Shoes.— AIOo. a large lot of Boys Moos and elfildron'ti Shoes. PA - 11 'of the nowost boat nnttlity, and beet 6f all very cheap. apt. • • ' C. •OGILIIY. NOTXCE. • . L Tiff E ,aahseriber, Assignee .of. Daniel. Hook, •of Lemr Altaq township, CumherlanAl 'county, , i hnreby not dies .all persona ' having claimangapin said ostat4' to liand tholn in with out delay, order that the canto. maybe set. mayzpillt 00 t9.' :8 00 7. 20, OD ,Brewere. • Carll74. In 600 9 8 ,00 - Carlisle. B 5 Q; It 5 Shippensbure 8 5i 00 4 . 5; Monroe 4 5 00, 4 5 00 parbste 4 5 .00 4 5 00 4.' • .5. 00 ------ RANG-A-ND—SD C T IEIIEN G!! EVER'? BODY should embrace this op- JJ to buy CLOTHING for Men, Youth and Boys, at such' prices as. have never. yet been known to this porongh, at STEINMIL'S CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT, West Main et, next door to Burkholder's Embracing a choice of the best, most tlesira. the and fasitiowablo CASHiVIERETT COATS; HABIT CLOTH do. LINEN DRILLING do. • TWEEDS, dt..c., Together with a groat variety of English, French and American CLOTHS and Summer Fabrics, adapted -to tho wants of Men and Bovs, both for Drees and Business Garments. Particular core has been taken to procure the new stylo SUMAC :ER — COATS; PANTALOONS, VESTS, &c. . To which ho would invite special attention.— FURNISH ING GOO 1) S, consisting of Shirts, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, &c,, all of which are Offered at the lowest possible cash prices, and us Cheap as any other Clothing 'Store in the Union. Parents mho desire Boys Clothing, are cartica,tly invited to examine tho stock. Country a ore keepers can be accom. Imodatod_at_veryi.ory_tates for cash. ' ['Gap SPRIAW - GOODS! AT THE CHEAP STORE. 1 1 V Ca havo lurg 3 4 ' 2 e t e x t t u o r n i s u :v a o " a o s i e n or t t l iTie c a t yofw CLOTHS, GAM:HERBS t s• YESTINGS, Linen and cotton pittitaloon stuffs, for men and boys weep, tweads, black Bummer clothe, Kem tueky jeans, &c., cheaper than ever. . . DRESS 009,75, Maus. de Laines 4000 gds Chintzes,. Barege de Laines, ' betted Swings, Lawns, • . Plain Biasses, Gingham, '. Plain._ daconels, Amebas, . ' Barred do. SilitF'dlgines, ' :: Bombazines, Colored ' 8arr a n, 4•0 1 ..6 . 0., 3:c. • B ONNETB, A good assortment, front 50 .conta to $2;50 Paint Lear, Leghorn and' Rough and Ready Hata, &e. lIUI~BARD. MUSLIN.% PICKINGS, CHECKS, liilnu and cotton diapers, nank - cone, and an cx cellont stock of Xuslins, that cant. bo beat for eheapnesa, Edgings, Insertings, Gloves, Ho. siery, Suspenders, and a largo lot of :I;',A,RdsOLS. which ho eold cheap : GROCERIF.S; SPICES, TE4S; dcc. , which 'will be sold at lower prices than the sante can Wbought here or elsewhere. (gal • 'THE subscriber has on hand a large and well selected assortment cif MUSIC of all consisting of Songs, 'Marches, Waltiee Polkas, - &c., also instructions for Plano anti other instrainente. "BerlinPa Method" for piano, "Maus Method for the Violin; tk,c, and a supply of Violin and Guitar Strings, of first rate quality at city prices. ' Having made-an 'arrandemcntWith .art Int portifirand publishing house in Philadelphia, he wilt be constantly supplied with'new Minim 'and able toyurnish anything in that litiwat short -notice and upon_reasonable 4 teems, Music Teachers will fund it for their interest to cell 'and examine for themselves at the corner of Pitt and High streets, eiiposito the Mansion' House . _JmI9I :S. A. BUBBARD.• 0. OKLBY , .. ' ;A•gonortil otiborimonf of white mid oSiored LinenDrillings for 'Mon Mil Boy's wear, just revival by. (May 21.".)1). G W HITNER. ..., C. raIERLY Stow Sr, 0,1)opp. I.lfi , ;f-P4+ , 4•V>1.c.; , -4 , 14 Fresh Drugs, aliredicinealifeoi,nry±..klarl,PY , MOM subscribe); him just roceivcd ShisElptibg 1-. supply of DRUGS, .A 1 .EI3III4ES" AND CIIEMICALS,, anion'which On 'be" found every article usod b , Y PhysiciansAn 'their ,pre scriptions, to the, putting up of vihiohille will give,part inutile attention. Also, . Paints; 011 s, Dye kuffs,..)Perfumery, Soups, &o.; and a Variety of Fancy articles too num crone id mention, together witli a superior lot of TOBACCO AND CIGARS of various. brands, all of which, having purchased in per son, upon thd most favorable terms, lie will guarantee as being of the best quality, and is willing to 'sell, not exactly at City Prices, yet for very mail advance for CASH. He would respectfully invite the attention of Physicians, Country Merchants. and Pedlars, to whom be will make a liberal deduction.— Opposite , the Rail Roiid Depot, corner of Pitt and - High - streets, - Carlisle, Pa, mead • 8 A HUBBARD. LATEST ARRIVAL OF SPRING & Strit&IVEZIR GOODS, • At the Cheap Store, 148 North ilanover at. rir it NG returned from Philadelphia with a .4.11. selected assortment of Spring and Sum— mer Goods, 1 woultliospocifully invite all per sons who wish to purchase now goods to call and examine my stock, as I Din determined to sell at• small profits. Among - thent may be found LADLES' DRESS GOODS,' Such Such as Silk Tissues, Silk Lustres, Foulard Silks, plain and figured De Laines, Berko; Bongo do•Laines, Lawns, Ginghamsand Cali coes. ' BONNETS,' •-•• • A large assoriment of Bonnets, - all qualitiei and orate newest styles. Also, Bonnet Ribbons Kid Gloves and Parasols. - . ' _ _ _ - CLOTHS, CASSIABRES VBS T/NGS, Tweeds, Jane, Ganibroone, ..VaVet. Cordes' Slue Brflle, &c. Also, Muslins, Tiekings - Ta. We Diaper, Linen Table Cloths, Chhckso/9 siery, kr • GROCERIES, Coffee, Molasses, Green end Black Teaaand Spices. 'Butter, Eggs, Rage end Soap,- - and all kinds of Country Produce taken at market prices, in exchange for goods. • ap9— A 0 FETTER. For the Benefit of the Mlle. THE subscribers lake this method of inform ing their old customers and the public generally. that they have removed their;extenseve CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT, one door north of their old stand, to the room formerly occupied V S A Coyle, in North Hanover street, Carlisle, *heti, they have ad ded to their stock an extensive assortment of -SPRING ,j' sultmEß CLOTHING. They keep constantiy on hand a full assortment of every kind of clothing either for dress or la bour. Their stock,conststs in part of fine cloth Dross and Frock-Coats,- Cassimere_Pants, Silk and Satip Vests; and- also coats of Raffinate Tweed, Croton Cloth, Coshenerett,' Linen, tk.c. Mid .o full assortment of pants for summer wear and to their assortment of clothing there is scarcely an end, embracing almost every varie ty, of pattern, make and price; they also -keep constantly on hand an excellent assortment of goods for , ,GEXTLEMEN'S WEAR, which they are prepared to make up' to order at short notice. They also keep constantly on hand an assortment of Leather and Hair trunks valises, carpet bags, umbrellas,' hats and Caps, suspenders, dress and under shirts, bosoms and collars, fancy and plain silk neck and pocket handkerchiefs, and lots of notions to numerous to mention, WO invite you to give_us a call and examine for yourselves, as we have the stock and - are prepared to sell lb suit customers. They would just mention that they have noeity clothing, but that their, garmentsare all made in Carlisle.under.their own supervision. • 9ap3m asPARNOLD.,& LIVINGSTON. BoNramiTs e moNrirmmis TIM snbseriber is itist receWing a Itirgennd varied assortment of Straw &innate, of all de scriptions. Also, 100 Bolts Sonnet Ribbons, - tho cheapest - ever offered in Carlisle. Call soon or you will tmiss bargains. in Cannot Rib bons. 'LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, We aro noiv op6iiim; a,very choke. lot of La dies and Gentlemen's Linen Cambric Mind kerchiefs, at various prices, cideidedly the cheapest lot of handkerchiefs wo have over of fered to the public. Ladies do not miss them. IRISH LINENS, Jr.c. We ace 'just receiving a large lot. Irish Linens from the best Blcachories,and at low prlces-- AIRO, 13arnsley Slicetings, Pillow case Linens and Moslins, Nvith a general assortment ofLi nen Pant Stuffs. 'NEW STYLE DRESS TRIMMINGS Just received the new style Quilted Rib bons for Trimming Lrdies Dresses. Also, now afyle Buttons ot various kinds for Ladies theses BMEIZEIM .J.usroponed.a general _sminlPolir or Slop anti Colored Silks and Bongo de Loins, witli other dress goods. . =Mmm=l A & IV RENTZ 144510 I'4 Linen Zlolling. Stotts • Sz, Sbopo. Z EW • SPRING *OO2O. THE subecribar has just opened's 'general assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, suitable to".the'season, 'among which may be found a most splendid assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. such as /Wage Do Laines. Bareges, Poplins, Silk Tissues, French and Scotch - Lawns, Plain and dotted Swiss Muslins, Stik and Linen Lee. tree, Gingham, Engliith Chintzes, assortment of Bonnet Ribbons, - Lace Gloves and Mite, Kid, and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hand kerchiefs in great variety, Lined and Plain Par asols, Wide Silk TrimmiegLaces, Worsted La ces, Ribbon -Dress Trimmings, Bonnet Cnpq and Puffins, with a general assortment of Mil— linery Goods. 31May 21,'51.. G. W. HITNER. .N. B. An experienced salesman wanted im. mediate ly.. =IV/ GOODS! NEW (loons! THEmost extensive assortment of t SP.R4Bd GOODS ever brought to Carl*, now opening and offering by the subscriber on the most ac commodating terms and uncommonly cheap.— Among the, lot will ho found a most splendid assortmcnrof LADIES, DRESS ,GOODS, such as Dhotis and Foulard Silks, Silk and Li. nen Poplines, Bare„ ..5 De Laines, Fig'd Slug, Lawns, Sarages , Tissues. Marcelines, Mil liantine,.&e. BONNETS, An 'immense etoek . 6i. - Ilbanets, all qualities and prices. Alsai - Bonnet Ribbons and Flow -'6rs in great variety and very beautiful. ' CARPETINGS & MATTINGS, A full assortment of all kinds Carpeting and Innings. White and colored CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, Some new and elegant French Cloths and Cassinierea at reduced .prices. .11,Iust; t inCt Chefk. Baggirtga7 - &c. A ne public are _invited to call and examine this largo and ,are stock of new goods, and they will certainly he suitdd with the goods and prices. Recollect the old stand East Mom at., Carlisle. • fap23 C. OGILLIY. R111V1037.11111 Vilely Grocery Store. THE subscriber having removed his Grocery Establishinent, on South Hanover .4 . al , , .1; street, to the lingo building nendy I'3L '• opposite his old staud desires to pal ok''' the attention of the public to the ittk, -'' perior stock of FILLS!" ' GROCER IBS which ho has jikopened, and which. he 'will sell on the most ccomtnedattng terms.— The arrangement of his new Establishment will be found of the most complete character, and his assorttnent - comprises every Article that can be found in a 's Perfect Family Grocery, such as sugars, coffee, teas, spices, hams, dried beef, cheese, shad, mackerel, herrings dried fruit, soaps; &c., together with an elegant m sortment o China and Crockery Ware of eve ry style mid quality, queensware, brooms, brushes, baskets, and on endless .vatiety of or si ticks which it is impossible to 'enume M . e For cheapness and excellence his artio s can not be surpassed A call. from the p blic is therefore respectfully solicited mitrs C. INEOFF. NEW GOODS at the OREM' STORE. I.IIIELE undersigned informs his friends and numerous customers, that he has just re turned .from Philadelphia, with re large and carefully selected "assortment-of NEW SPRINGGOODS,- - purchased-at the lowest prices, which he is de termined to sell at small profits. , SUPERIOR CLOTHS, at from 75 cents to- $6 a yard; Cassinieres, Cassinets and Vostings.-et various prices. DRESS GOODS, - - such as Delaines, Bgrege de Laines, a splendid assortment of Silks, Calleoes,Ginglianis, ClPks Table Diapers, Tickings, Mullins, Bonnets, lists, &c. BOOTS AND SHOES, . A good assortment of Mess s, Women - and Children's Boots turd Shoes, of. superior qual ity anti,very • cheap. Also. Boy's and Men's Cloth Caps, Palm Hats and a large assortment of Bonnets. • GROCERIES, 'such as•tStigar, Coffee, fikolasees,Wenkin's celebrated TEAS. Constantly on ,hand .the best quality of Carpet Chain. Tho subscriber respectfully asks all who wish bargains, to give him q call, at his stand oppifslte WM. Leonard's North Hanover st.— Butter, Eggs, Rags, Sown-, and Dried Fruit, taken at market prices. mar 26 N W WO ODS,Agt. EXTENSIVE • LUMBER die COAL WARD. /VIM eubscriber would respectfully inform --11--his_cecteteeke andthcpublic .enerally that ho still continues tin; LIJAIDER - XND "QOM 13 U NL N ESS, and tharhaving lately purchased in addition to his former business facilities, the largi an Coal Y rd te,3r57 - 6 - 4feutrred - kry tfr ffeary-W-rightre.prasste the well known Lumber and Coal Yard of the subscriber, situate along the Rail Road and College Lane, he, is now more Cully prepared to enlarge his business. lie has at tinstime and is keeping constantly on hand a wall selected dawns-lent of SEASONED LUMBER, of all kinds, sorts, and sizes. Likewise the different hinds o! FAMILY COAL. such as stove goal of the different kinds, Lime burners and Blacksmith's Coal, of the best quality.— A 1 of which sell unusually low for Cash. Ho will also keep constantly on hand PLASTER. ,SALI:, FISH, &c. _- With all the different articles - generally found in a well stored Warehouse. Ho will also at all times buy PRODUCE and FLOUR, for w,ldellio will pay the highest eerrent prices. Being very thankful fur past. favors, would most anxiously solicit a conttnuation of at .Icast a reasonable share of public patronage. marl 9 SA lIPL, 31.. HOOVER. . CH CAPZI zuva fiiih - gcriller - having-just - returned-from the. East, tams to the public a more am pie and, complete assortment of goods in his line, thati ever previously offered, nod respect-' fully soncitir dealers and others to give him a call, when he will show their goods at aston ishingly law nrires, To Builders, Co)poiler3 and Ohm. His sock co uprises p full assortment of Locks and Latches of every description, Hin ges and Screws, Window:S . l,rings and Bolts of various kinds, Window Glass, Putty, Paints Of all colot'ai Oils, 'Turpentine; etc., '&o. Also, Mill, Cross-cut and Circular Saws, Ilarid Pafinel, "Pippin.' and Back Saws, Augurs, Oki sale' -Broad, -Had rind Cliopping_Axos, Hatch._ ets, Planes and Plano. Bills, Steel and Iron Squares, Files and Rasps, Haiti, Brads and Spikes orall sizes. To Sadlers and Coach Makers. A complete assortment of Saddlery Tools, Silver, Brass and Japanod mounting, Carriage trimtnings, Broad pasting and seaming Lace, plain and figured Canvass, DraO'Cloths, nett, Serge and Bucram, Mriss and Dear Ilair patent an enamelled Loather, Lamps and "Da. tillers. Also, ilubbs; Follows anal Spokes, Sliptic springs, Iron Axles, MallabloCastings, &a. To Cabinet and Shoe Makers My stock emtraces a complete assortment of goods in . your line. Morossos, lining and binding Shtna, Lasts, Thread, Pegs by the barrel or smaller quantity, Tools of every dc. rieription,'&s. Curled lair, flair Cloth, Var nish, Mahogany and Maple Vitt - leers, Mould. ings and Rosetta; Sota Springs, Glues, Mnhog any,.Mineral and Vaneered Knobs al,all To Blacksmiths, Farmers, and others, who may be in want If good Iron. 110 offers a full assortment of Hammered, Horan Shoe, Scollop, Plough, broad Mid, nar row Tiro Iron. Also, Bolted Ilore Shoe Bar; Band, 'Round, Square, Tire, Hoop and Shoot Iron, Nail .Rods, Russia Shoot Iron, Caet, - Slienr, Spring and Blister Steel, English and American. Wagon and .Carriage Roes,Anvils; Vices, Files and 'Rasps, Horse Shoo Nails, &e. . Tu Hou s ekeepers and !hose about entering Me' „Va. trimonial Stale, "---777—' • ,I*ould invite attention to my benirliful as sortment of Itaitat's and Trays, plain - auPGo• fide style, knives, and forks - , .Butcher Knives, m Scissors and Shenrs, Brittans, Gorman Silver, and Silver Plate, Table and' Tea Spoons, Brass and Emerald Presorving Kettles, gmodth. Irons, liollow.ware, Tul.4; Duckett?, chants; Sce. Paints and Dye Stnirs,.Fire and Water Woof Paint, oct3o HENRY SAXTON Brushes 1 Brushes ! A groat.variety of thesoliseful articles is fered•for eald;•consiating of Whitewash, Sworn! Serubbing,'Paintore, loth,. Shaving, Hair, Tooth and Ntul, , Flash and Gran/111g Br/idles in great variety, all of which aro of/the best qua ° ty and will be sold at the lomat prices Juno 6.. . 8 ELLIOTT City 2thutrispncnte, EDWIN L. PANZER. ' OLTVER a. E . 4.RICEIG. E. Na.,;".B3LIMOR' & CO. S, E, CORNER OF CALVERt St. LOMBARD VS, ' . BALTIMORE:. . • - BALERS in 'I in Plates; American, Eng= n lish, and Rusin Sheet Iron; Boiler and Flue Irons Hoop and Rod Iron; Iron Wire; Tinnea Copper: Zinc; Sacker; Pig and Bar - Lead; Lead Pipe; Sheet Lead; Block and Brir Tint, Braes /Wiles; Tinner's Tools and Ma .chineq Sitive•Trimminge; American Rivets, all ems, Tinned and Black; &c:.i March 26, Great Bargains IN WA.TCRES,..JEWELRYS Tim undersigned, mtedding to remove .to their new more an a few weeks, and wishing to reduce their present/stock', to. make room for new. Goods. have determined toed/ ojj, for cosh, their large stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY, MILITAR Y. and 'FANCY GOODS, (a con— siderable portion of which hi of this Spring's importation,) at greatly reduced price's. Many, of-the Goods will be eoM without regard to cost and-purehasers.mair_rely_on getting bargains at . wholesale or mai). CAN GELD, BROTHER & Co No. 227 Baltimore street, corner of Charles et: Bolt. 23a p2rn CLOTIZZNCII SITGOLESALE & RETAIL AT THE Pniladolphia Wardrobe,.. Southeast Comer,. Market ez•Stakth Streets. H . R. IVICNEILLE Re. Co., invite the .atten thin of Wholesale and Retail buyers to their extensive and complete 'stock of Spring 'and Summer CLO'FIIING, comprising every variety of etylo that can be produced. Our aim is to please and accommodate nil, and in order -to do this, we manufacture Clothing at almost every price. - Selling FOR CASH ONLY enableb us to offer Clothing at a very trifling advance. Our motto-is Small Profits and Quick Soles. We are confident that an r" , .." ^II that 'IS tICCOSSSIIY to 13 X11011121W110r"J . , Z is . • • ' confirm what tire say, and secure your custom. marl9-3na New and Popular School Book. riONIPRERENSIVE. SUMMARY of U— IJ PIURSAL,..}ns•TOItY, together with a BIOGRHPHY of DISTING U !SUE D . PERSONS; to _which is appended_an of lloathan Mythology, Natural Philosophy, General Astronomy and Physiology. Adopted in the Public Schools of Phtladolphta.. • E. S. J( ES. & CC, Publishers, S W Cornet of Fourth and Race ate. Mclean' y Teachers and School Committees addressing • letters to us poft paid, will be furnished with copies for examinatton. ItY'A full anortment;of ,Books and Station cry for sale at the Lowest Prices. Harrisburg Steam Wood Turning and Scroll Sawing Shop. WOOD TURNING in till its brancheiOn -city etyle and at city prices. -Every variety of Cabinet and' Carpenter work either on tand or turned to order. Bed Posts, „ Tab Pegs, Minting Posts, Balustrcs, Neuyell Posts, Wagon Hubs, &setts Patterns, Columns, Slat taut Quarter Afoultlings,.Ronnd or Octagon Chisel Handles, 8,-c. .• This ahopis in STRAWBERRY ALLEY. near Third Street, and:ns we intend to please all our customers who want good work done, tt is hoped' the trnile will give us a call. Ten^ ,Pine and Ten—Pin- Balis made to order or ro f turned. • W. 0. HICKOK Harrisbuig, Apra• 3Qth, _ NOVELTY IRON . WORKS, THIS Establishment has just commencer) operation, and is prepared to ananufneture— Steam Engines and• Boilers, Blowing Cylinders and Hot Mast Pipes, Retorts, Lamp Posts. ns and Water Pipes, Car Wheels and Axles, Castings,Grist-and- Saw. Milt Castings', Horse Power, Threshing Machines, Plough Castings, Cast Iron Fronts for Houses, Cust Cruising and Railing, Patterns and Blaek, smith's work made to order. \ • 3.1 i JONES. Harrisburg, Pa. npe'slo-2mpil , • • sArETV PIYSZI; FOR BLASTING ROCKS! ORDERS for the above article, adciressel to to the undersigned at their Manufitetory hear Meehanicaburg, Cumberland county, Pa., will meet with prompt attention, and be filled' at the lowest cash. prices. GEO: V. COOVER, PETER GINGRICH', 2 3aplypd Notiito. Town Property For Sale., TILE subscriber offers for, tale the HO UST: A.N.O-I,oll.situate_on.AVeatotreeL adjoining the residence of Wm.-S, Cobeati andlll.r. Feffer, in the Do- Iroughuif Carlisle. The lot is 30 ----.4feecil.kiront -and 121faot deep run. Meg te-amalley. Tice — house is a eittreientlai---- froiniiiiiiilding. one eters , and n half high, and in good order. are a number of choice fruit-trees on the lot, and , the property pos. assure the right to the use of a pump nearly opposite the house. For further particulars apply to far 2 l F. GARDNER. sag a . To be Sold at Private See, ALL that certain HOUSE AND LOT situate in the Borough of CatWe, bounded on the east by a lot of John Ilifncre, on the north , by a lot of Rev. John , Ulrich, on the • . %,574. West by n lot of Jacob Weaver, , and on the South. by North Street; illy;:•; containing 160 feet in front, and 2•ID feet in depth. Having therei' e rected a twO.story double STOWE HOUSE,. with a one and a half story. KITCHEN, attach.. cd thereto. An indisputable title will ,be given by the owner. . • , apt - MARGARETTA. C: STURM. Valuable Real Estate. For Sale.' • vim stiblicritier will seU arprirare - sahrth - * following Real Estate, the•property of the dow and heirs of the late Dr. IlloGookry, deed, to wit: All thosetwalull LOTS of GROUND . , situate on the !teeth side of Maim stroet,in the borough of Carlisle e a and numbered in the general. ; 1 / 4 ..4.1 I= 1 plat)" of said,. borough Nos. 2;3 • and 221, having thereon erected a .double brick DWELLING HOUSE, with back buildings and a brick stable. There ins • very superior gardon.on the, proniises, contain- • ng the choicest kinds of frutt and shrubbery.— lA, perfect title, clear of allincumbrances will be given to the purchaser. Persons wishing • to buy can kern ther—terms yak by applies? tion to. 1Y M BIDDLE, • Attorney. in fact for the widow and heirs. rony7.3t Estate of Jacob &Faust, dee% NO TICE is hereby given that Letters Vet, tamentary on the estato of 4ttcob ,S. Faust Into of the borough of Carlisle, deed., have been granted to the subscriber, residing in the same place., AR persons indebted to said es tate are required to come forward and, make immediate payment, and those having elalma to present Olen for settlement to IGati LENORA FAUST, Executrix. Estate of Eliza 1.33.w50m deeld. NroTlcii is hereby given that Lettere of 111. Administration on 'the Estate of Eliza Lawson, late of Cumberland county dee'd, hsvo boon the subscriber residing in South Middleton township. All persons ut debtod to said estate are requested to make* int. mediate payiltent, and those having dahlia IR preseiwthout duly authenticated for settlement. tGAIGL WAI. SMITH, Adm'r. • AS:SSESSIVXXINT. • EMBERS of the Align and Eastpennsbo., • Inrough Mutual,Fife Insurance Company; a io,l i oroby notilled,• that the Boind of Mana gers, have °Hint& an Ousessnient of FOUR PER CENT on tilt the premium notes duo the c ompany, omtlip eleventh day of March, 1851, to be paid previous to the 10th day . of Juno note, to the Trensureror Receiver. As . .the Treasurer intends ralling . on the members, personalty, before tliatAimeot would- advi-- -- sable to bo •• LEWIS llYER..Serretaa7... '''•- NUCHART. COCICLIN, l'reaStiret4 Itlarch 26, 1851. er Gazette end Republican, York—Union 111111 Telegraph, Harrisburg-copy to amount $2.. Z;TOTICII, Deposite,Etank,"E, May 6, 1851, , 5 TIIP BourtrXbirectore of this.filStitution, have thiwiley declared it dividend ot TIIREF.I • :CEN't'. for the lust six months on the Capitol-Snack paid in; Which will he paid - to the • stockholders or their legal rotireientinivos on or atter the 19th inst. , • may7', Wi4f iyxmgrasm, Caal r.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers