,51orgs : & .01)ovi. FRESH ARRIVAL OF English and . American. Hardware. Cheaper than can be rlind this side of the /101 HE subscriber' having. just returned front the Eastern cities with afull and . Mine. borne assortment °fell kind's of HARDWARE of the very best makers and %tell selected, is now opening at the Cheap Haillware Stand in North flahover street, next door to Scott' n Ho tel, formerly kept by Henry Glass, where he would invite all that are in want or good and cheap Hardware to give him -a call and see and eatisly yourself of the truth, as we,are determ ined to selltat a very small advance. Small profits - and quick - sales' are the order of the day. To Builders, Carpenters and Others. A full stock of White% mineral and Japaned Knobs, locks and latches, of every description price and, quality, hinges and screws, window sash and shutter springs, struit•neeked and barrelled Bolts, of every kind, trill!, cross cut and circular •Saws, hand, panel, ripping and back Saws, bright, black and blue augurs; o the very best makers, Chisels, broad,pointing hand and chopping Axes, of difi'eront makers hatchets, planes and plane bits, steel and irqn -giquaras, files and rasps, nails, brads and spikes. of all sizes and warranted of the best quality. To Saddlers and Coach .Makers, Oar - stock consists of a complete assortment of articles in your line of business, saddlery tools, brass, silver and Japaned mounting; carriage trimmings, broad pasteing and seaming laces and fringes, plain and figured canvass, of cloth, top lining cloth and serge lining of yari ous kinds, white, red, blue and black patent - leather Dashers, -silver and brass plate, Deer rosate,,hubs t vo'a, tic springs, iron axles malleable castings, &c. To Cabinet and Shoe Makers, A full stock Of slide kit and findings, boot me coccus, French kid, straits, morocco and lining and binding skins, lasts, tacks; pegs, hammers pinchers and. French morocco. kit of every de scription, superior copal varnish; Japan and black varnish-'mahogany - and - maple Vaneers, moulding, beading; resets, glass, mineral and 'mahogany knobs of every size and style. • To Illacksmiths, Farmers and Others: 10 tot of assorted bar iron, v arranted to be . of the best quality. A splendid assortment of bar and rolled iron, hammered, horse shoe, scollop, plough, broad, an narrow tire, rolled, horseshoe bar, band, round and square iron, cast, shear, spring, English and A merican blister steel, Eng. lish — Wagon - boxes, - Carriage - bexea . in setts, an vils, vices, files, rasps. horse shoe nails, &c. • To liousekicpers. • A beautiful assortment of cheap fancy goods, such as waiters, trays,. plain and fancy knives and. forkarbutcher -knives and steels, brittania lamps, brass candle sticks, Brittannia and silver table and tea spoons, plated butter knives, pre, serving kettles, smoothing irons , iron and tin ned tea and oval boilers, iron frying and bread pans, washboards, tubs, churns, buckets, iron pots, wash kettles, and stew paps, &c. To Gunsmiths, Marksmen and Others. _ Rifle .and Gun Barrels, tone action, plug, nipple and back action Gun Locks, gun mount• ing and gun breech cocks, sheet brass and German silyer ornaments, &c, To Painters: A fresh lot of Wetherill'a pure and extra White Lead, oil and turpentine, yorniShes, Jo. pan, white and red lead, yellow find Green paint,'ground in oil, whiting, yellow ochre, &c. To Blasters and JVm•ksnten. A good assortment of double refined powder rock powder of extra quality, safety-fuse, shot, flints and bar lead, ropes of all• kinds, for threshing machines and -well diggers, and a 'thousand other articles too numerous to insert, hil we- ask-is to.grive us cn - 11, and we are con , fident you will find n good 'assortment of Hard• ware and cheaper than can be found In any other House this side of the'east. Give us a 11.ndwrire Stand formerly kept by Lewis Har lan, in North Hanover street, next dopr to Scott's Hotel, formerly kept by Henry Glass.. novG - JACOB SENER FO_ TEC IZOLVDAYS Splendid Fancy Goods, Elegant Gift Books, &c. &c. " NV. HAVERSTICK has just received from , the city and is now opening a-splen did display of FANCY GOODS, suitable for •the approaching' HOlydny Season, to which ho dosirbs to cell inn attention of his friends and the public His assortment in this line cannot be surpassed in novelty and elegance, and both - .. hi-quality and price of the articles, can. not fail to please purchasers., It would beint' possible to enumerate hie 110LIDAY FANCY GOODS; which comprise every variety of fancy articles of tho most novel styles and exquisite finish, such as —Ladirie-Fancy-Baskets, Fancy Work Bokes, with sewing, inetrunets Terracotta Work (a recent noveltyd Paper Macho Goods, and trays,' Fancy ivory,. pearl and shell card cases, ',Tort Mon nines, of everYi_variety, • Gold pens and pencils, **- Fancy paper m weights, - Papetere, with a largo variety of ladies fancy stationery, Motto seals and wafers, Silk and bead purses, j Ladies' riding whips, elegantly finished, • Ladies' fine cutlery, 1 - Perfume baskets and bags, . Brushes of every kind for the toilet, Roussel's perfumes of the various" kinds, Musical instruinents, of all kinds and mitt! prices, together with an innumerable variety o nriieles elegantly finished and suitable for ho lyday presents, to which he invites special at --tention. • ,Also, an extensive and elegant collection-of HOLIDAY' GIFT BOOKS,' comprising the various English and Ainerhirin ANNUALS for 1851, richly embellished and illustrated POETICAL WORK B, with 'CI 11-LD R-EWS—P-ICT-GR-lAL-13 - ,0 0 K-S-, - 1 foe thildren of all agne,' than whichinothing can bo more appropriate or pleasing as holiday -gifts. His assortmentof . School Books and School Stationery is oleo complete, and com prises every thing used in- Colleges and the Schools. He also desires to call the particular attention of Families to his elegant display of LAMPS . , GIRAND °LES, &c. • from the extensive establishments of Cornelius. Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor, Chamber and Study Immiis; for burning - either :lard, sperm or etlia-- real oil, together with 'Flower Vases, Fancy Screens, &c. His assortment in this line is un equalled in the borough. Also, ---FRUPPS.-FANC-Y—CONFECTIOAR-Yr- NUTS--TRESERVED FRUITS, &c. ' • ° in every variety and at all prices, all of which aro pure and fresh, such as can bo confidently recommended to his friends and the little folks. His stock embraces everything in the line of • Fry Goods, with many other artidles useful to hottsolceopers,whieh the public are especially inited to call and see during the holidays.— Remember the Old .Stand, nearly opposite the .Bank on North Hanover street. deckt.' S W. HAVERSTICK. arnESZIL anoominst A NEW supply orfresh Coffees, White . and , Brown Sugars, Spices of all kinds, ground and utiground, with all-the other varieties of a Gro• ceryiStore, including also a new supply of Jen k;zz's No. 1 Quake lof ' • FINE GREEN & BLACK TEAS, ' in metallic packs of quarter, half and pound Packages from 50 to 51,50 per pound,,as oleo n the bulls.. All just opened and for sole n t the store of (m 123 J W EBY. Patent Starch Polish, VIOR giving a beautiful gloss to Linens, blue. V line, Collars, ,Btc., and prevents dust from eticßing'to Linens, &c.• It contains nothing injurious. Just received by, disci] G W ,lIIT NE R. BOOTS & SHOES JUST received a large aasortment of Men Women and Childreire Boots and-Shoes, Wil. •Dcitthln 'Soled Buskins and Jenny Lind Shodecivhich I can soil very cheap.. • 10ct23 N-,W WOODS, Ag't:, ._ . . . . - . SALIN - ~, SACKS;, OF SALT 'steels/log, and 25 for aide cheap at the warn house of ' . 1 octfr, , -, W B MURRAY, Ag't. ' i4lt. A. svinutzt., • 8 Markt! gtre!t, near the Pridgi, `11:&11.RISBUit:G: -riEALER•IDVTI NNE , n , ,s . .urAlaioiToM"; &A m. t rom 0 moat co obratad Las ter .. anufaatoriee. IKTFurnishod at Minutia:aut.., a.priceo ; 44. :(mars-3m . • . • Ampirican.oll. • JUST rolelvoil Amfiriolin Oil. F ,, r ' A. C. FETTER, • - 148 Nopliffanoy, Ztoro , Br, ZolloP• , Ektfinsive-Oabinet .Ware, , ltoono;. wiEft...f.B.:SIBILEY, successor tolitm. C; Gibson, CABINET-MAKER & Ebr- D IittTAKER.,. North lihniciver street, Carlisle, would respectfully inform the citizens of 'Carlisle and-the public th'at he pow hos.on • hind a large assortment of new and elegant FURNlTURE,consisting in part .ot Soles, - •Wardrobes, Card and other Tahles, .13 amens, Bedsteads, plain , and tansy Sewing Stands, &c, manufactured of the best. materials and quality warranted. Also a gene ral assortment of Chairs at %he lowest pri cesL— Venitian Blinds, mado to order and repairing promptiy attended to, '11:7 - 1.1OFFINS made to order at the shortest notice. and having a spier'. (ha Hearse he will attend funerals in town or country. Ke'liont forget the old stand of Wtn. C. Gibson, in .DlM•th ILmo'ver street, a few doors north of Glass's Hotel. - . Sept 4-ly. It. 13. SMILEY, 4: 4 ,0 us Canner of Hanover and Loopier sts., Carlisle. rin HE undersigned has always on hand a large 'stock of superior Cabinet .Ware, in all the dilfeient styles, which he is prepared .to sell at the lowest prices. lie invites attention partic ularly to the Patent .Vprinz-Bottom Bedstead, it most useful article, which entirely obSiates all objections. The dottom calf. be attached to old Bedsteads. They have giirmi entire satisfac tion to all who have them in use. (KY - COFFINS Made to order at th`o 'shortest notice. JACOB FETTER Carlisle, Jan'y. 22, 1851.—1 v. Extensive Furniture Rooms TA NIES R.WEA.VER, would respectfully call the attention of House Keepers and the public to his extensive -stock of ELEGANT FURNITURE. including Sofas, Wardrobes, Comm, ,Tila ,they Tables. pressing and plain Bureaus and every oth , r article in Illg branPli of business. Also, now on hand the largest as sortment of CIIAIRS in Carlisle, at-the lowest prices. K2 - Coffins made at the shortest notice and a Flcarso provided for funerals. He solic its a call at his establishment . on North Hano ver street, near Glass's HOTE'L. W. 8.-Fur Muir° hired out by the month or year. March 20,- 1850.-1 y • r.ivarixEms Emaronrtrav • r t nllE subscriber would respectfully invite .It. the attention of farmers to his assortment of PLO WS, nnw manufee; lured near Craighead's Mill in South Middleton township,_ four miles south of Carlisle. My assortment consists of Withroveis, Stuckey's and Ball's patterns. The Castings will all he ground. I will also make GRAIN CRADLES. of the most im proved patterns. All orders directed to Wm. L. Craighead. Carlisle, will ,be attended to with promptness, and Plows or Cradles deliV , ered in any part of the county free of charge. \VM. L. CRAIGHEAD, Propt,r. DAVID STUCKEY, Mamdacer Feb.l9 6m A spLmiNnixo s,TOCIT. I Ir LIE undersigned respectfully informs his 41 1 -. friends, and the !public generally, that he has just returned from 'Philadelphia, having ;•„- , purchased the moat - ;s< 4 2_ lensire, 'as *ell as the •• 8 3 cheapest assortment of 7 5 4 1 5, 0 WatcheS, - Jewelry, &c., ever nroughtfro Carlisle. Ms stocit eon slots in part of ' Gold and Silver Patent Lever-Watches, Gbid and Sliver detatched do. ' do. Gold and Silver Lepine Watches. -- in - short 'every variety of-Watches at-all pricesi- Gold Guard and.ViiLt Chains. Medallions, Watch Keys, EafkriiTs Finger Riligs,Breast Pins, Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold and Silver pens SW — eases eiiir'Bralielets grearvariety. A splendid article of Gold, Sliver, German ..s.Silver, arid Bleed Steel SPEC TACLES, whictrare unsurpass• oil in on p,lity by any other aiticlo west of Phil adelphia, and which can he sold-at least 20 Fee cent cheaper thlin in any other establishment in Ma country„ Also a largo lot of SILVER-ViTARE, comprising Table--and -Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, Srlt Spoons, Fruit Knives; Thimbles, &c. -Also, Card Cases, Porte Monnaies, Port Folios, Ladies Writing Desks, with great variety of other fancy articles unnecessary to .rnention. A large lot of CLOCKS, assorted patterns, whirls will be sold low, and warranted to be good. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired, Ho invites all to call and examine his stock, assured that none can fail to be Suited in qual ity, quantity and PRICE., His articles are cash purchases, consequently ,'-ho can afford to sell lower than the'same articles can be purchased elsewhere. Call at the old stand, a few doors -west of-Burl:holder's hotel. January 15, 1851—ly T. CONLYN. China and Crockery Ware. Slone_Ware, -...- such as Dishes, Blares, Tea Sets, covered ad uncovered dishes, bowls, toilet and cho ',her sets, pitchers, &c., together with a lot o Blue Liverpool Ware,' all all of the latest style sad shapes, also, all the various articles of the best common • While and Edge'd Ware. The assortment includes a few plain While and Gold Band China Tea Sets, of the best quality and style, and also all the necessary articles of the best Granite, Stone ..and Blue Liverpool Ware suitable for any sized Dinner or Tea Sets, • as may be wanted, together with a variety of Glass Ware, including a fine assortment of /tar and Table Tumblers, _ dishes, footed and other bowls, gobleti,`wine glasses, lemonades; lamps, &c. The prices for all of which are fixed at the_ lowest cash prices. We invite our friends who are in Want —ol_articlea_m_eurline_to_give_us_a_c_a/L mars J W Eli Y.- A Voice from the « Burnt District:, Blonyerls Candy Factory Rebuilt. THE subscriber would respectfully aiinounee to his friends and the publicgenerally, that his Factory which was destroyed by the late fire, has been rebuilt, and he is now prepared to furnish _them with . -CflOiGE ANDtESi manufactured of the best material, which he will sell wholesale or retail at the old stand - in North Hanover street, a few doors north of the Valls, where he has just opened a general assortment of 4• FRUITS AND NUTS, • consisting of Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs, Almonds, English Walnuts, Cocoa Nuts, Pea Nuts, Sm. HO would also call attention to his large assortment of TOYS AND FANCY •GOODS, _ consisting of toys of Glass„Wooddi Gum and China, of endless varieties. , In connection with the above, he has on hand a prime lot of FRESH GROCERIES, consislint , 'of Sugars, Coffees, Tone, Molasses, Spices% trackers, Matches, Blacking, &c.— Also, a prima lot of CIGARS,_.of the, hest brands. • The subscriber retain; his sincere thanks to a generous 'public for the patronage bestowed andlimpes by a desire.tci pleass'to me rit a continuance of the same. He would also return thanks to the Firemen and Citizens for their efforts to save his property on the night of the late conflagration Carlisle, apt P. MONYIIR. ron SEVERAL two story BRICK HOUSES i , v on the north bast corner of the,publie tesquare in the row knowb as "Harper's 1 Row.". For terms, Ar.c.,inquito 'of the subscriber. tin -lit vo3I - ROB"F. IRVIN E./.. ~. Sack flannels,• - • JUST received n general assortment or Col, ored Flgonole for !Adieu Sacks, to wit—Bladtz Gray, Slue, Red. - Gieen, - Pink and Cluingta ble. 'Also, White .Woolen and Cotton Man ia great variety. G AV RITNER. nrrart. THAT Large Two'l Story 110IJSE on the . corndr of Main and Pitt streets, and oPposite the Rail Road Depot . 0)1• 111 - 1 ~. This - house, is . large and roomy , n - and having every convenience, la well suited for a boarding house: Possession given 'immediately. • For terms, which.aro reasonablo, enquire at the promisee. vtrazirwrixel • , , • THE eubearritierle in,!:vverat of , quantity of BLACIC OAK HARK4for•whialtho will pay, $3',50 per cord forth° beat quality. • • may? . JACOJs E DRUGS F , '; 7 DRUGS I::,:i_,,DßtfG9l.;': • e . s rrh Sprin g ' I Supply HAVE just reeeiveja• fresh iatecli of Med icines, ,Paints; Glass, Oil, &c., which having been' purehaaeti With great care at the best city housed; I can confidently' recomriiimd to Families, .Physicians, Country Merchants and Dealers, as being fresh and pure. Herbsand Extinetb, Spices,ground and whole Essences, Petfumery, &c. -Irarratilect Genuine.. -STUFFS. Log and Cam Woods, Oil Vitriol Copperas, Lac Dye; PAINTS. Wetherill -&-Brother's- Pure - Lendi - Chroma Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Jersey Window Gloss, Linseed Oil, Turpen tine; Copal - nth - coach - Varnish, and ilea - Lead. All of which will be sold at the very lowest market price, Also,a fresh and ',splendid as sortment of 5 FANCY GOODS, FRUITS,II Confectionary, and innumerable other articles calculated for use and ornament, all of wLich are offered at the lowest cash prices, at the cheap Drug Book and Fancy Store of the sub scriber on North Hanover street. S. W. HAVERSTICK. May 22,' 1850. Piktent Mediein'm, Fine hfimi craft. Instruments, Pure Essen': Oils Cod Liver . Oil D YL Indigoes, llladders, Sumac Alum, Eli I 4 All: dif, OWENS &. 3EVECILARES, Recently from Philadelphia: ESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of n Carlisle and its vicinity, that they have now at their Marble Yard . in South Hanover, street, a few doors_ south ofihe Court House, and nearly opposite A &,W Bontz's Store, an elegant stock of pure A.IIPRIC.IN WHITE JIMRBLE, and are preparectto execute iffitrelfastlifitslieli style - .11[07tUnletaS, Tombs, Gray; Stones at all pyives, Jflanlles, Dopr and IVindoto Stso, 4c,' L L together with every other article in their lino, and promise that in fineness of finish, chaste ness ,of design add quality of 111nrble," their work shall not besurpasscd by any other estab lishment. • They are also the authorized agents of Mr Robert Wood, of Philadelphia. and will fur- , nish from his-manufactory . all varieties of IRON RAILING for the enclosing of Grave lots and all other purposes r at-the shortest notice_and.at. Phihtdelphia prices. They will also finish or manufacture all kinds Of Building Work, such' as Sills, Steps and Platforms, Sic., at the short est notice and on the most reasonable terms. Ilaving.had great experience, and -heing.ere ployed in the best shops of Philadelphia, they are therefore enabled to manufacture the most fashionable work, and., , respectfully ask a share of the patronage of Carlisle and the surrounding country. [Carlisle, nov6 18501 WILT+ liras s urrma THOUSANDS of bottles of the AMERI CAN COMPOUND have been sold dur ing tjje past year, and was never known to full of curing, in a few days, of a certain deli cate disease, Seminal weakness and all diseases of the Urinary organs. Persons afflicted using this pleasant and popular remedy, need fear no exposure, us it leaves DO odor on tho breath, requires no restrictions in die: •or business— contains n..) Mercury or noxious drugs injurious to the system,.and is adapted to every age, sex, or eondition.. It is also the best remedy known for Fluor Alba's or. ‘Vbites, (femple complaints) with which thousands stiffer, without the know ledge of u remedy. This celebrafed remedy has long been used iii private practice ail phy skier' and wall, unerring success, radically min curing—ninetye of-the- inindred—cases , in a. few dais. Around each bottle ary j plain and full directions. CAUTION4Ask ler the AM ERICA N' COMPOUND, and purchase only of the Agents Price $1 per battle. Fur sale by S. ELLIOTT Carlisle; J. Wyeth, Harrisburg; R. Williams Columbia: by A. Miller, Lancaster; E. Morris La Co:, York. • (January, 15, 1,11§.1. REIVZOVILM STOVE WAREROOMS AND TIN MAN unteronv. rirtflEsubseribeeeikOno'to inform their friends la. and tile public that they have removed their TIN,'COPPER AND 'SHEET IRON MANUFACTORY,' to the room nearly oppo site their old stand on North Hanover street and..may now be bound in their new and com modious manufactory on the West side of the said street, a few doors above -Loather street, where they will continuo to keep on hand a lull assortment or every kind of Tin, Copper and SheotAiron Woe:. • which may be needed by housekeepers and others. Their articles urn manufactured by themselves, of the best materials, and in point of - finish and durability cannot be - surpassed.— They will also manufacture and repair at the shortest notice all kinds of Distilling ilfiparcaus. They will promptly attend to the laying of TIN ROOFING andsHOUSE SPOUTING' in town and country, and on the most 'reuserm. ble terms. Every branch of their business will be carefully attended to with the utmost promptness. , They also keep constantly on hand a large variety of COAL AND WOOD STOVES, comprising every variety of plain ten-plate STO VES, ologant wood and coal. air-tight, PARLOR STOVES, of , the latest. styles, COOKING STOVES of the newest and most improved inventions, tt'variuus prices, which cannot fail to please every taste. They re spectfully solicit an examination by the public of their large and varied nssortmentt of stoves. Thankful to ihe public for favors khcretofore extended, and being, determined to relax no exertions to give satisfaction to their custom. ors they hope to merit a continuance of pa , trawl ' IgrThe highest cas old Copper and Pewter._ MORRIS & HERSHEY, 'Carlfale, March 19, 1851—ly price wi Fresh Arrival of Hardware. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST.... rgAVING just returned from New York & Philadelphia with the best and Cheapest Stock of HARD WA REX U TLERY U ILD IN G MATERIALS, PAINTS, , &c., ever brought to Carlisle, I would respectfully request dealers and consumers' and all others to give me a call and see whether they cannot got more and better goods forrhe same money than at any other place in town. My stock of Locke, Latches, Balm, Hinges, Screws, Nails, Spikes, .Glass, Paints, &c.,-is complete and very cheap. Carpenters' Tools, I have a splendid assert. mem: Also,'Cabinet Maker's Tools and Ma• tubas ' viz :•-z‘Vaneers,Mahogany, Mineral and Glass Bureatiqc.nobs and Varnish. . • _ SNDDLERS & COACH MAILERS, cnn have everything in their line cheaper that ever. FOR SELOEMAKEIIS, I have a Britt rats stock of Morocco and Lining Skins; Bindings, Pegs, Thread and Wax, and d `Superb assortment of Shoemakers Tools. 'I haveMso a complete assortment of Ball's Lasts, made in Harrisburg, whielt con be 'had at no other place in town, and at Ball's Prices. To gether with an assortment_ of all kinds of Ham mered and Rolled Iron and Steel. Of House keeping Articles, I have Knives. Forks, Spoons; Waiters; Snuffers and Trays,Tabs, Buckets, &c. . WALL PAP ER - I have the , largesi, Handsomest and Cheapest 'Assortment in •town. And to all who want Good and Cheap' HARD WARE, I would say come and soo for yourselves. . oct3l:i - , •: 7 P LYNE. TYIIIDIMILL4LS & PAILBSOLS. , SELLING OFF CHEAP. r" [SAVING decided to . quit the • business, I Cl propose to mill my stock at very low pd. cos. Tt embraces the newest find most desira ble styled.• You are invited to call Mid exam. ino.. WM. H. RICHARDSON, mr26.2m ' No 104 Market. er. Philada. • To „Milliners.' 40 . •JU S T received another' lot , of Bonne' Frames of tho latest style: Also, Bonnet silket Silk and Satin 'Linings of various colors. • dooll• . • WvIIITNRR. . • . .. AFULR assortment of ROPES Jtiet.reeeiv o Lithe Subscriber. , Also, Glass Tubes. fd iling Rods for talc Omni ,bl' I 4 •• an 2 s ' • . ' II. smcfON . o;itv Ztolikill cutq.. . • FIRST PREslfillit Gbrand and Square . Pl4*oo. .141,78/02. , .1111.513atiMi ' I .'44s.'iig,e'inrcrB...li r ob:' , 4: 6 ; 8, 9 and l t Eutaw ' :Seredießalitinore, .• • le{IVO. FOKTES, from 6 to 7 octaves, in .11. • - in Itosewood;Mahogany and Walnut cases 01 various Oyles; with and without iron frames; combining all . the improvements requisite to a superior instrument. . • K..& G. have received from the Maryland Institute thofirst -premium_ for their Pianos, in three successive years, 11548, 1849, 1850. They have alio been honored with numerous teitimo nials,from all 'tba most celebrated .artiste who have used their instruments. ' Pianos from their establishment have been used at the concerts os Lind, Hem Hohnstocli, .13ishop,,'Laborde, Knoop, and other eminent- perfortifcrs. They guarante&durabillty far five years, under good taro.-and .4UL-replace others all which may notgivesansfaction, if applieation.be mode within six Months after delivery. - Theit:---Uanufactory-being-conducted-on -the most extensive scale enables .them to turnish instruments at the very lowest prices, whole sale and retail. Constantly on hand, A. P. Hughes' Melodeons/ranging from $95 to $2OO, for which they are solo agents for this city. January2l2-18M.lyj fi 7.11 Perfumery, Fancy Soap & Paper Box . raduieurapvtausr. Afarket street, below Second, Philadelphia. - • ?grit LEGG & CROM PT ON, Manufacturers VC/ .of Perfumery. Fancy Soaps and Fancy Paper Boxes; respectfully call the attention of the Druggists and. Dealers:in _Carlisle and the Cumberlarid Valley. to their extensive stock of Goods, comprising .Perlumery; Fancy Soaps, Powders for the complexion, Toilet, &c. &c of every variety. Also, a full and complete as 'sortment of Fancy Paper Boxes, of every de scription, large or-small; round or square; made• to order at the shortest notice. . . ial - Don't forget the place, 98 'Market street, Philadelphia. All orders will moot with prompt nttention._ • • • janls • .• PIANE FORTE . WAREROOMS, No, 171 CIUESNLIT STREeiI,PHIL.RD'A LD-STAND,-Liccupietl-pr—mona_than. one.third of a mann/ bg G. • THE ,undersigned „undersigned would 'Most respectfully announce to the public that he is AGENT for mote than twenty of too most gPM 7 'Wn . ..S celebrated manufacturers of B OS -1 TON, NEW YORK, PHILA DELPHIA, and elsewhere' and s constantly receiving from them PIANOS' o -the -richest-and, most-varied-sty les, , oLsuperior. tone, and of the most superb finish, of 6. 61; 61, ~! , , a nn y and 7 Octris, which are warranted equal manufactured d either in this country or in Europe. Just-receivedialso,-alurilier supply of Church and Parlor:. Organs, of beautiful patterns and fine tones: ‘: His WAREROOM is constantly supplied with a choice selection of SERAPIIINES and MELODEONS, from-the oldest and most ex tensive manulactories in the United States; a mong which is a new style of REED ORGAN having Carhart'S patent improvements, with gilt pipes in front, and case elegantly carved, - and- highly ornamental. - • • Tuning and Ilepa.ring-- , Sig: Salvador La Grasse, a distinguished Piano Forte Manufactu rer, and Organ Builder, will attend to all orders. siept4,'66_ OSCAR ' C B CARTER. PERIVIVIERY DEPOT. DON'T be deceived. Country Merehanis and Dealers who want good and cheap PE' FUMEHY and FANCY SOAPS should call upon JOHN I` CLEGG, Poluster and Chemist, 48 afarket,St., helot; 2d, Pleitadelzshia. wh o_has _co netant I y n d _PERF_DAI and .FANCY SOAPS of every description, Powders, Hair Oils, Ox Marrows, Colognß, Hair Dyes, &c., &c.` i , --100,000-persons-have-readii-mradvertisement in the Public Ledger, hundreds of whom have called and been convineedsof the advantage of purchasing direct from The manafacturer, Agency for Ferran's Circassian Hair Oil, Curling Fluid, &c.• ' Orders from any part of the United Sttites will he promptly attended to. 2_ aug4'so;l y JOHN T CI,EGG. 'ELONO . SII 7 ' IS' NVEMAII.-,. Light 1 Light" I Zig* I! - • Pine Oll'amphine & Medal Fluid, dIF IrCiinowtedged superiority and purity, 4.7 manufactured and for 'Sale at the lowest Wholesale -prices, by DAVIS.- & - HATC H," at the old established 6:and of the late Benja min P. Davis, CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY, where orders by mail or other w isn'nre solicited, and prompt attention given. The voice of the public for 'fifteen years, nni the award of a Silver Medal, and complimentary notice by - the' Franitliti 7nititiito"nlfreci npetitor"s,' ts ufficient evidence of the excellence of our Oil. Olcohol, Pitch, Turpentine, Rosin, and Spir its-of Titrifilitine, for sale Wholesale and Tte tail, nt the loweat_prices. roct3o JUL.& .Id. Rowe, nurANDFACTUREILS and wholesale deal. Dr, ersinBR.OOMS,BASKETSand WOOD WARS, have removed to the large store lately occupied by Messrs. Sellers & Da• vir where they have opened an extensive stock of Eastern and City made BROOMS and V OOD WARE, which they are now selling Lt the lowest manufacturers prices. full assortment of Bristles, Brushes, Olat Cordage, ege.. constantly on hand No North hird Street, 3 doors below Race. -- Ph dolphin. 1.07,' 5 0 P. Steani Iron Railing.! PAEORE:& GALLAGHER, Corner ofßidge Road and Broad Sired, WOULD call the attention of purchasers to V4-•-their-elegant-assor4ateht-of—/grought and Cast Iron Railing for CEMETERIES, • BALCONIES, j • VERANDAS, Railing for Eburcheit, Public and Private Buildings, Public Squares, &c., together with all kinds of Plain and Ornamental Iron Work. Moro' & Gallagherls .Book of ORIGINAL DESIGNS, containing the beat selection o designs that has ever been issued, will he sent to any persbn who play wish to make• a select lion. ' . : . 1teb19.51 mx L.. S. GORDON, PRODUCE, CO - ANUS:SION — A - AD - FOR WARDING MERCHANT,I - • N 0.78 Woth !WBuont, D ltlmoro. THE .'undersigned, Agent for the Pennsylvania and Ohio Line, being cen trally. Icicatod on the Baltiniore and_ Susque hanna Railroad, _has made arrangemonts for transacting t 1. • General Produce Com:olden • Buillitess, connecti • - •FORWARDING BUSINESS, and reapectfully . solicite consignments of Whis• key; Flour, Gram, and Country Produce gene rally. Respectfully, L S GORDON. Baltimore, April 2-3mfss'. • N. B. Orders for,Groceries, Salt, &c., will be promptly imputed. ' - • • REFERENCES. • Mears. John Sullivan & Sons, W. Starr &„ SonsiThamas J. Carson &Co., John .M'Cul legh & & Wilson,David•Hays & Co., Duvall, Keighler br. Dorsey, Miller and Mayhew . , Turnbull, Dall & Slade, Robert Garrett he Sons, James Georgejaltimore. Messrs. R._Cranglo f .@ Co., Wheeling, Va. • Mosare. Clark & Thaw, H Graff, Pittsburg. -Mr. J. W. Kerr, Harrisburg. g • James Cowden, Esq.; Columbia.,- , Messrs. Mtiihollan & Ray, Blairsville. • Meeks: P. A ISr S Small, York. • ' • 'Messrs. Samna Steel & Co., Lewis & Butler Philadelphia. SOCII/XSEIX, &. CO., ' • 'ELOUN , AND- PRODUCE- COMMISION MERCHANTS; • 305 Battfirioro Bt., opvcsito Eutaw flouso, 13ALT . 1610itE . . . : EVOTetheir whole attention to the sale . Flour, brain and Si.eilo, Whiekeli neo n, ' ard, Butter; !fool; Dried . Fruit, Ede., Ede. 'on the 'most reasonable' torine. Purposing soon to remove where they will have the tem of Rail Road track connecting - with the Susquehanna ' Road, 'they • now , respoctfully colleit. Consign mehtioior that - road, and will thetneelvaa pay drayage on Ml:ideal° their Warehouee, when received in Joni of a lqrgo oqf load or more at ,a time . . .O'.:REPE4ENCES.'.I"'•';' , ,TiI Meow's. Day v itteleprt d i Co. .?- Rai -'.- timoro. Ml.. John D. .arly, .... Mr...Upton.y ashabsuoll; Cliarttberab4Tg. : ip'3.4Tp4 ..'.... s . I-- • • ~..---------- r. • .. . ,--, 2 - psuranq The United States Life Insurame :Annuity and Tiust Company. • h artss Perpetual—Ocpital .. 7 -•azh • • - Sysh 77g. , • • eonstimt, unsolicited application for L Life InsurMice, gives the lutist akundatit and - gratifying proof that the. public mind is deeply impressed with the 'snot importance of this subject.: The great' object, however,' of Insurance should be, sopty, otherwise tho,wole motive to insure :may be disappointed. - Too much care cannot be practised in the selection of anolliee with which to effect the contract.— The choice sliduld be regulated not by present' and constant large inducements,- as- this i is cer. tainly . incompatible with futhre beneits. The premiuttisiin life are calculated for the/Mare, if present anti prospective benefits therefore are given, the result ultimately, must terminate in litigation, disappointment and ruin. The object aimed at by this institution is stability and per • _pettrity. The rates of premium have been care. fully prepared, with reference to fluctuations.— The cash system of payments has also'heen adopted. Unpajd - premium notes constitute-to part of the assets of dais company, and every contingency being fortified.with an ample cap• ital, security stamps tile whole system. Tina feature, paramount to all other considerations, comihends the company to public favor. EX. planetary pamphlets. flanks. application papers information, and every facility will be cheerfully furnished the public by Mr. E. BEATTY, who has been dilly appointed agent of this Company for Cumberland county. Dr. II HINKLEY has alSo been appointed Medical Examiner. Dirrctors.—Stephen R. Crawford, Ambrose W 'Thompson, Benjamin W Tingley, Jacob L Florence, William M Godwin-, Paul B.Goddard Laivrence Johnson, Georg() Mllenry, James Devereux, Jrwlin L Linton. , President.—Stephen R._ Crawford. Vice- PiTeillent.—Ambrose W. Thompson. , ' Secretary EV Tecasitrer„—Charles G Imlay. ' .Iclaary.—Manuel Eyre. _ Commet & attorney.,—,Thomas Balch. '.4l:dicat Examiners. Paul,B Goddard, M.D. William Pepper, M. D. faug7 I y zivswasiwcii. THE Allen and East Pennsborough Mnival Fire insurance Company or Cumberland county ncorporated by an net of Assenibly, is now hilly organised, and in operation under the manage ment-of-the foliowing - commissioners;vitT - Win It Gorges, Michael Cock in, `Melehoir Brenneman, Christian Siayman, Simon Oyster, Jacob II Coover, Lewis flyer, Henry - Logan, Benjamin II Musser, Jacob Kirk, Samuel Powell, Joseph Wickersham. -The rates of insurance ere as low and faiora bl a as tiny Company of the kind l i ttle State.— Persons wishing to become members are invited to make application to the sgenfs of the compa -ny,-who - are-willing-to-wait-upon-thorn-at-any time. JACOB SHELLY, President ENRY LOGAN, Vice President. LEWIS FIVER, Secretary Ahem%Er, Treasurer. 0c07'49. AGENTS Cumberland roonty.—Rtidolph Martin, New Cumberland, C B Herman, Kingstown, Henry Zearing, Shiremanstown, Robert Moore and Charles Bell, Carlisle. Isaac Kinsey, Mdchata. icsburg. Dr. J. Aid, Cburchtown. York county.—John Sherrick, Lisburn, John Bair man, gillsburg, Peter Wolford, Franklin John Smith, Esq.. Washington, W S Picking, Dover, Daniel Raffimsberger, J W Craft. Harrisburg.—llonser & Loan - inn. Members iof the _company having policies'a boo' to expire ran have t bent renewed by mak ing application to any of the agents. „,,/”. N, . P.,_°v(vitn.,2'sVEls,,EsLr, n t , A -.. —By menus of the pocket P? , A \ T. Esculapins, or, Every one 4 4,,,, - i 0 his on il Physician! Twen -4-NI t ,T,„ _ ly-fonrth vailioll V4(114111- W' . Mit VS - ,1 wards of a hundred engra i ;! .. im :• , l'ing'S, 6110 . iving - prit'llte Elk °A, . ~ h . ' / cases in every altar and -- a\, 1 . , ---lor m —ntui—mniformntintir '2- ~,,,,, 4„„,— , ' of the generative system. , 74 , T= ,- BY NV M.Y(BJNG, M.D. The time liiiS now ar rived, that persons suffering from scril!et disease need no more become the VIOTIM or QuAaaterot as by the prescription, eontaineilln lids book any one may core himself, without hindrance to 1.m.. siness, or the knowledge of the most Mtimate friend. and with one tenth the usual expense. In addition to. the general routine of private disease &fully ekplains the cause of manhood's earl) tin cline. wtth observations on marringe—besider nanny other derangements which it would not by proper-to enumerate in, the publielwitits • ttlt - Any liersoli sending 7..wENTY-FIVE cenTa, enclosed to in letter, will receive one copy of this book. by mail, or five collies mill he sent for one duller. _Address. "BR. NV. YOUNG ,No. 152 SPRUCE Street, PI I ILADLE.PIIIA" Post•paid. j-DR. YOUNG can be consolied on any of the Diseases prescribed in his different publioa ions, at his (Slices, lld SPRUCE. street, every day between 9 and 3 o'clock, (Sundays excgited May 1, I s3O. SUPERIOR FRESH GROCERIES Call and See before Purchasing elsewhere ! YENLIE subicribcr is just receiving and oarin g_ illg Grocery and Queensware Store in West Main street, Car- lisle, a very larf4a assortment of all the arti eleS in his line of business. - - - Rio .Cofleo from 12 to .14 cents per pound, .for good to a strictly prime article., Also, Brown Sugars of the best quality, from 7 to 9 cents per pound, Lovering's best erubbcd and pulverized Sugars from It) to 12 1.2 cents per pound, N. O. Sugar 'House "nd S)ruil -Molas ses of all grades from 32 to ti‘di per gallon.— Allo t a supply of fresh ground SPICES.of all kinds, warranted pure. SOAPS, Fancy, Cas• tile, Rozin and Country Soaps, Chocolate, put. ierized Sawmills, Indigo, Mould and Dipped Candles, Common and Winter Strained Whale Oils. Also, a supply of fresh Hominy, cheese from the best Dairies always on hand', Fancy sewing, traveling, clothes and market Baskets, together with a general assortment of Chew ing end smoking Tobaccos ' Spanish and half. Spanish Cigars, Common do., ropes, twines, and Brushes of all kinds. CEDAR W A R ekeepers, and there-expecting—somrda_embark_dm rhe_same_ business, pleased-all and examine my stock'of Wash tubs, Wash Rubbers, Churns, Cedar Buckets, fancy, painted and varnished Buckets, Brooms, &c., &c. • GLASS AND QUErNSWARE.—TIie subscriber fins just added to his , altendy large stock n number of white Granite, Gold Figur ed, Blue, Marble, Flowing Blue and Mulber. ry Tea Sets, of 48 pieces, Aldo. Plates and Dishes, Tumblers, Preserve Dishes, Syrup Bottles, &c. of every description and price so that he will be able to meet - the - wants - rind means of all in the community who may favor hum with a call. mars J D HALBERT. Caution to the Public. a~fIERE A l l O B ri r fa A nf L ac E ture C d " b; BREINIG, PRONEFIELD Br. CO., No. 187 Xorth Third Street, Philadelphia, has ac quired for itself a wonderful celebrity for, its many valuable medicinal qualities, and as an agent to incline() the amount of Fat, Milk and Butter in the' perfectly healthy animal; and whereas its immense popularity amongst the Farmers and Dairymen, wherever it has been introduced, has induced several persons to get ,up an imitation of our PA'I".PLE POWDER, and have taken the same language almost word for word, as we have in our small bills, and put on : AVe therefore Caution till persons, Storekeepers, Farmers and Diiitymep against the deception Outs practiced by design ing men. The Proprietors have investigated this sub, ject years, during a long residence in the country, and de now'cluillenge _the world to . produce anything:',equal to. their CATTLE PO W DER. They want the public to bear in 'mind that their powder is their's alone, I:Mist ing not of a German, ner any other foreign or igin. 'rimy wish its Quality plot its name) to be the source, of its value. It has already a character (although of but iabcititi Five years standing) which onalites ILA° stand upon its own merits. • - Several orders have-bee'p..tent to this city fin Cattle Powder, which have.Nbeen filled by send ing an article got up in Trnitaiion of our &wit'. We therefore say•again, Storekeepers ; Parm• ors and Dairymen do not buy a pound unless you look for the name of Breinig, Frottelield. writteii signature. on the end of each pack,- do not allow yourself-to be deceived,"the LIFC and HEALTH of year cattle depend upon this Caution, as well as your interest.•;-• Look but—" Vigilance is the price of security.'', BREINIG,'PRONEFIELD.Sr. CO. 187...Neth Third Street, Philat/n. 30ap3t MOORS! DOORS! miens! 'ryillOSE- desiring vary good nocncs will please call at my Drug, Book and Fancy Store, Main street, Carlisle. I am making preparations for,the Trade Sales in New York, and hhpiil sail the - stock on hand at unusually low uticaa if called for within a few days. The works now on .hand comprise sonic it the very beat extant. mar T M'RAWL INS. A RNOLDS wiitiuk fluid, a very su a- .oserinr la tor Endo Ot HITOBARD Apeo4lt - tc:o. COUGH REMEDF., ~ . . . ' , -: • ATZ ' ' 1:1 . , • _ .• • Z ~1 11 ..:-.. ------ jt ', el, • - „..,... • - N:,,,...„...,,,,,,,,.;, ..._.. ,• w ~„ , „a.. :_ .., ~, . _ „,,, -..:,,,,._•.„ ,•,_ 0 •_.111i,-1--!!1 -,;--- -;:.-- CHERRY PECTORAL: For the Cure of COUGRS, COLDS, HOA.RSENESS, RUCH- . CHIT'S, CROUP, ASTH MA, VITECOOPING-COUGH: AND CONSUIVEPTION. In offering to thecommanity this Justly cele brated remedy' for diseasas of the throat and kungg, it is not our wish to trifle with the ilive on-health of-themfWeted; — frankly - to hcylie. fore •Ileingthe opinions ofdistin- nished men and some of the evidences of Ito succeed, from which they can judge for themselves. NVe sincerely pledge 0111 selves to moo e 110 wild :55501110119 or false at:dements of its efficacy, lOW will we hold out any hope suffering humanity which facts will not warrant. - Ninny proofs are hove given, and we solicit au infinity from the piddle into all we publish , feel ing assured they will find them perfectly reliable and the medicine worthy their best confidence, and patronage. .‘" FROM BENJ. SILLIM AN. M. D., L. L. D. E. , re Professor of Chemistry, Mineraology,&e., Yale College,,Membe• of the Lit.; Hist., Med. l'll.lo. and Scion. Societies of America 11011 Europe. "1 diem the. CHERRY - PECTORAL an ad mirable composition from some of the best at.. iclei in he Materia Medico, add a very an' ire remedy' for the class of diseases it is intend-, ed to cure." New I laren, Ct., Nor. 1, 1849., . "Prof. CLEVELAND, of Bowdoin Writes—" l have witnessed the elYecta of, your 'CIIERRY PECTORAL' in my own family and that of my friends, and et gives'me satisfaction tor state , tn its favor dint no medicine I have ever known has proved- so eminently successful of curing diseases of the throat and lungs." s • REV. DR. OSGOOD Writer—" That he considers•CDEßßY PEC TORAL' the best metheine for Pulmonary-:act:- fleas ever given to the public," and states that "Ids daughter being obliged to keep the room four months with a severe settled cough, aocom _ panied by raising of blood,ni g ht sweats, and the attendant symptoms of consumption, commenned the use of the 'CIIERRY PECTORAL' and had completely recovered." BEAR TIIE PATIENT Dr. Ayer—Dear Sir: For two years I was afflicted with a very severe coughoccompanied of "blood and profuse nigla - sweats.— By the. advice of my attending. physician' I' was induced to use your I'IIERRY PECTORAL, mid continued to do no till I considered myself cured, and ascribe the eflict to your preparation, JAMES -RANDALL,. . _ .-- Ilninn'en 'as. Springfield, Nov. '27.1848. This day appeared the above named James Randall, and i"ronounced the above statement' trae_in every respect. ' LORENZO NORTON, Justice. / TIE REAIEDY TIL \ T CURES. Poiret-is:l', Ale„1 an. 10,1847. ^ Dr. yer ; I have' been long Mil:feted with Asthm which grew yearly worse 'Mill-toot au, tumn, 1 Wrought on a couili which confined - Me in - my chamber, and began to assume the alarm ing s mptoms of consumption. I had tried the best (trice and the lidst medicine to nopurpose, until I used your CHERRY PECTORAL. which has cured me, and )on may well believe me.— Cratelid ly yours. _ • If there is nny value in the judgment of the wise, who speak- from experience, here is a med. i eine worthy of the public eonfidenee. =I AYli ES , CHEDII ST, LOWELL =M! _ Sold by -Dr. Rawlins, S. A...fltilibard.&.Th'•S. Elliott, thArlisle: Dr. I a Day, Nlechaniesintrg; J 11. Herron, C. &.1. 13. Altielt Ship• pensluirg; and druggists genCirdilr. DR. IMIEILMR'S Celebrated Family Medicines. It concerns every one, Cholera can be cured Dr. Keeler's Sarsaparilla Panacea. For the removal and permanent cure of al Diseases tubing from 'an impure state of the Blood and habit - of body. The All-wise Creator has implanted in all organized bodies an innate disposition to self meservation. lire vital powers possass the properi',o4resistipg the influence of external causes, but us the IBLOOD•ts the common par, bultim from which all parts of living matte derives its- rennvarmg - elements, - and - emisiguent- - ly, upon Which ine life of organized beings de, pond, it is probable that in cases of accident; or where artificial means have been employed In deprive it Of an essential property, the vital effects ol_ the whole system will be directed to - ward restoring - -t Fr 'it -- tbut - pritrfesry, -- lii - all- eon F.lliutional aim lieriidttary ....fleet...ins, this fluid has llildergOr.o some primary alteration, which is the cause of the sreeta I disease, or which es _aentially_contiinuted.to..its_production...Resto ration to health can only be obtained by a re moval of the inorbilic cause through the tiled': urn - of the eirculatioo, and Dr. Krelor's Saran !with., is the tonal powerful modifier of agent effecting this flu d known. See pamphlets filacliiiModlown, N. J., June 6; 848. Dr. Keeler—Deui Sir: I am entirely out of Panacea. I was called upon day before yesterday for half a dozen. Your meclieine is becoming, very popular where I:have infrodueed it, and I think the fliers it 'roused the more pop ular it will get. Respectfully youra, W6l. PARHAM, M. D. details, cereificates, &c. 1 .43ee circus &c. Price $1 per bottle, largo size, G bot tles $5 DR. KEELER'S BOUGH SYRUP. Among- all the remedies boforo tho pnhlio this stands pre-eminent in incipient consump tion, Ilroncliitia, catarrhs, Coughs, Hoarseness, Wpooping Cough, Pleurisy, Asthma, Spitting of /flood, and for_alLaffect Mns-of-the-pulmona Organs occasioned by cold. Too much praise cannot be bestowed upon this remedy, and the proprietor urges every one afflicted with any of the above complaints to secure it at once. It is warranted to cure or no pay. Price only 50 . cents. DR. KEELER'S _CORDIAL AND CARAII7 BEM! Every family whether rich ur poor, who val nee health and all its blessings,ehould have this invaluable remedy et hand. --It Is infinitely - the best remedy hnown for - Diarrlicea, Dysentery, -Cholera Alorbus, Cholera' Infantum, Cholic, Flatulency, griping pains, cramp, etc., and for all-diseases-of-the stomac hl and bowels caused by Teething. The numeraus testimonials from Physicians.and ethers unsolicited has given it a reputatiun us firm as adamant. Mg .- Price. 25 centa•per bottle. ' DR. ICEELER'S VERSIIFUGE-SYRUP. This remedy is pleasant to the taste, harm• less to the patient and all powerful in removing all. kinds of wends from the body, It is with out doubt, the cheapest and best worm destroy ing medicine before the public, and will ifad. ministered according to directions, remove them within five or six hours after taken. The dose is mind!, and each bottle contains twice as much as similar remedies. Price only 25 cents per bottle. . - - DR. KEELER'S LIVER•AND SANATIVE ME Although not recommended as o'"eure nil." yet they era the mildest and best remedy to re. move •Constipatinn, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Ili!. ;Gumless, Neryousnesn, Foul Stomach - , Rend; - ache, Indigestion,ete.Mice other purgative medicines they leave the bowelsalways relaxed and consequently are the proper -medicine for for females and persons leading aaolitdry Price 2.5 emits. DR. ICEELEIR'3 REIBUMATIC LOTION. justly celebrated external application for Pains Orate Cilest, Neuralgia, Headache, Spr'na Bruises, Tic Doloirpux, Swellings of thecioints, Rheumatism, 'Gout, sciatica and for all disor ders wherein a acilatiVe and rubefacient reme dy is applicable, Price twenty-five cents per bottle. All. of dm shove _celebrated and extensively used mediemes, are propn•red sold ado And Ralail, at 294NAIZKE'r STREET, Philadelphia. • For Bulb by • S. 'ELLIOTT, t ; A, Ge, Miller, Di eh ingot); •Mesero. Sh lupus burg. 3. E'Spo.ll,r, bluchuniabitrg. M. Hillier, Shiantrinnatown, and In every. lown throughout the county and Siete. Ciauriory 14, Ihsl CITTRA 7 IT, OF MAONESIA:--- , An ogroo• ' I I,J able and mild refrigerpbt,,.and laxativa, •or gala 14 HUBBARD. „rronro6 • FIREI ffic VITAMER VP•061". • ir3 LAICWS Fire and Water Prool YAINT, •wideh haq *err do eitonsively used for. the Met six years with rho. utmost „sucrose on t hir'roole of Houses, Fteamlidate, aco.; not a 4 ingle instance is known where it has -tailed.-- tt or sale by (10121, tsf Price Reduced ! VAUGHN'S trrHoNTßlptc ?MIT= Large Bottles—Oitly One Dollar. rho Rroprictor of the Groat :American Remedy " V/I , orne VEOZTADLE LIT110?1TRIPTIO Mtyrona," induced by de . argent solicitations of his Agents, throughout the Unite' Elates and Canada, has now . •Iladtlead the Price of Ms popular and - well known - article; rthd from this tittle seneofortli, ho will put up but one %tan only,— hie enee Pottle.: —tho retail price will he ONE DOLLAR. Tho goblin may rest wormed that the character oitho Medi rine, its strength, and curative proportiel wit ILEM4II. monAligieD, and the came care will bestowed in pie heretufom. As thii medicine, under its reduced prico, will be purchase _oy.thoso vim have not hitherto made themselves acqudrite with its virtues, tbc proprietor would beg lb iutimotF that hi article is not to be.s.c.;l with the vast amount of "Remcdie of the day ;" it elaißmjer itself a . grouter healing power, i siJ diseases, than any other' preparation now before th world I and has sustainea •tself for eight years by its impede medical virtue., and, until this reduction, commanded doubt he price of any other article en thi. line. NOTICE PARTICULARLY, this article acts with treat bon rut Power and certainty, upon the • • • Blood ) Liver, Kidneys, Lunge, and all other organs, upon the proper Wien of which lila an zenith depend. This medicine has a justly high repute is a remedy for Dropsy and Gravel, tad all dimsos of that nature. It may be relied opms who die intelligent physician him abandoned his patient,—and fa— Imo distressing diseases, more especially D00r..., the props Nor would canicetly and honeetly recommend it. At unseat price it is cosily obtained by all, and the trial will pros the article to be the Cheapest Medicine in the Worldi 1:27" Please ask for pamphlet.7.the agents give them away they contain over iiixteen pegs of receipt., (in addition to fir medical matter) valuable for household purposes, and wilts will save many dollar. per year to practical housekeepers. These receipt. are introduced to make the book of grile value, aside from he character as an advertising inediurn ft ' the medicine, the testimony in favor of which, in the form letters free. all pert. of the country, nifty Ica relied upon. CvT " Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptio Mixture " —th Great American Remedy, now, for min in quart bottles at t each, small bottles at 60 rite each. No small blades will h luued after the present stock Is dieposetfor. lirincipal Office, Buffalo, N. Y., 207 Main Street, G. C. VAUGHN. SoldWholcAla and Reiail by OLCOTT McKESSON / C0.,127 Maiden Lane, 'New York City. N. B.—All lathe.. (excepting from agents and deplete wit them ho transnets badness) most be post paid, or no attentir ul be given to them. 9 NV Ilaverstla, Carlisle, - J C & C 13 Alticic, Skippensburg, Rased Ee'Diee„Dickinson, J I. Spahr, Mechani"squrg, A II Zager, Kingstoixn. O Valuable School Books, t b uBLI SHED BY TBOMA S,COMTETR WAITE be C0.,253 MARKET sTit LET, vri ApE Ll'll IA , and for sale by all the (took sellers in the Uniled Slides: Ml RAI ELL 'S PRIMA RY G PIOGR A PPIY, An easy istrodustion to the stay of Geogra phy, designed for Wren,. and completely il lustrated' by 120 engravings and 14 colo re d maps.• MITCHELL'S INTERMEDIATE .GEOGIIA The text, the exercises the - illustrations, told the forty beautiful nialis are printed together in one :mart° voluthe. MITCHELL'S SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY & ATLAS, system of modern Geography, conwriting"lA Beset iptiosr of the present State of the world sod its-five great divisions. Embellished_ sill: mi mes ous en,raviugs and illustrated by an excel lent Alias containing 28 liandsolPG and net:Ur:llC colored loops. This series 'of Geography by S. lugnslns Mitchell Ims ,heen tchnlly or partly introduced. into_the public and private _schools .. of nll die pridtipal cities mid towns of the Uni ted States ; and alter a fall and fair trial of its merits in these schools, it has received an almost nnicecsnh.recmm~tenda[ion.--.. .. - • J. D. PjIELPS -- NIITCIIELL'S ANCIENT GEOGUATIIY &r. ATLAS An ancient, classical anti sacred Geography, embellished with engravings - of remarkable events, views Of noel rut cities, etc., mulaccom pasted by ancient . jkllns containing 12 beautiful colonel maps. 7lr..si MITCIIELL'S ATLAS OF OUI'LINE MAPS Mitchell's Biblical and Sablmill tichool Geog raphy, with Alaps and embellishments. .ditch ell's I{ey to the study of Maps. and Carroll's I{ey io NI itchell's Geography, are excellent and popular books, mid are becoming very eiten sively' used in the hest schools of our conn!/ y. G ItEENE'S FIRST LESsON IN ( U/011,1AR, Lased upon the construction and unitlysis or sentences; designed as tta introduction to the "Altai) si a." - G tiEnN EN ANALYSIS—' treat se on tile strues tune of the English language, •w ill) i Ilustra tient and . exercises nil:t 1)(01 to' Ille - tlEe or - scliOuls, by Samuel F-1 Green, A. M., l'l incipal of the Phelps Grainloal School, Boston. These books II ,ve already in the short time they lane been published I nt/tamed a very ,x -tensive ch•culntion, h.. 1 Mg been introdmaal 11,10 .I.lnt_imblic..scltools-of.Boston,--Ballinoore ; -Pit tS , iing, Cittentintni, St. 1.111115, ViCnston.g. and Other cities ;lad town 3, and recointnendol by those who have ti leo thmn ;a their schools ; lie without question tile best Emtlish fdrammars in exisimme. WAN'S SCIIOOI, 1:1',A1)1LIt 'S. PtilltAfY .5cllOOL PE:Aloha—Nil ISt is imettdra for keg' town s It .eimtaies a lesson upo t each of the clenteut:n•l SOMAS or the Inn wine The Primary, School - Reader:pal t enuuins eNel . ei•eS Connect ion in easy I collit.g l'rimnry Reader, part :hi, is it dg...41 for the first, class in Primary. Schools, mid the ILmest clams iii Grammar Schools, 11F. 61lA31mAn Scuooc IZ F..tibEr., is designed for the inindlo class in Cr:mini:a. ;school s,and eoninins exercises ill 111 . 1 . 1111guli in connection with reading lessqns THE D/STIIICT SCIIOOI. It EADEa, is design for the .I.g.test 'classes in pull,: nod pelt sic schools. It contains exercises in articulation, pauses, and inflections be the voice with such rules and suggesstions as are deemed useful. 'Ton INSTRUCTIVE READEE ; 01. a Course o itentlitig on Natural History; Science and Lite rature designed lbr schools. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers