E== ~_:~. EMMMIMMiI El MMMMI EM _ Dr, Jan J..Nyers, RENIOVgD his Offtoe and dl` •li.tq ,o the 11111 SO II Ij.iimitig, his Drug Store )ti \Vest tlitgli sot et. !poll 1 D f' 4 11,-VDUATE of thelefrerson Medical 7 - A.,..1 c 4 ,1 o rrespectfully offers his profesiion it ACCVI4I:3 14..111 . 6 praczice of Aietli ewe, Surgery wid wife' y. ni the re..dence of hi. foini t , i n s, II t lover st rec.. dire my opp isite Morrets' Hotel nt I r , o 31 l'reabyterican eltUr.4l. ,no 7 '47 Dr, W. L. Oreigh, tS" Ince“». of 1),..J0hn Crergle, dcre riwg ) attea,l all Ntetlieal ealls in towilftir c t.l ttry, I.y DAV .or Nto.n . r, and swill give o I kr1:0 .1 to p oieats etrrasted in his cave. 0 it; ; n,t 13144; lijh street, opposite g ii• liv's I lior'N-1; 031, DJA3r Ad, Lippe, HOMOEOPATHIC Physician. OfAce M " to Al ti t .treat, in the house lorinerly octen nial by Dr". F. Ehiman. tip 9 ',lli D., I. - 0. Loomis .. . • WILL perform all -- 1 operatioes - upon •the . Teeth dint are regni• ro I fn. .ir preservation: suoluras Scaling. Pjling,. or will restore the loss of them., h! t i front n single tooth t . 1 fall sett. 0..7'0:112e on Pitt s:reet, n few dlirlsiath of. ilia Railroad Hotel. Dr. L. la rib- Jit Di! it iil.l days of every atom h. . Win. T. Agown, P'PO.;:•YGY AT LAW, will pmetice in ,11., sOveril Courts Of Cautio.rtatyl,coun ty. li io Ntiin stroot, nearly oppootie the co tory j.til, C J 11193 R. Smith, A , L` FORNEY AT LAW; Office . lvith -c-"- .111 air, Es(, in (7.rahatn's new "'Yr - isrri‘itu dill-14151444114u • -4nox.-31—!A1.-- - O'irs3n o..lYloore, TIORNEY Al' LAW. Office in A h: roe lately oe,tupied by Dr. Fewer, deceased. min - 31 '47' • 11. A. Lamboiton, TroaN EY AT LA; rlith:isbtirg Pn. " np ttb WRIC;TH r .& siaTor, DIPOII.T . :;Rs AND DEALERS . 1N FOR . EIG-N1 ac D OMESTLC "HARDWA RE, Miss, Paints. nye.Siulis, Oil, Iron, Sled, Nails invilo the attention of persons ivn.:t ing got) Is in their line, to the large asserttnent they have jest opened, and which they offer I,t the very lowest cash 'prices. feb23 •Dyeing i Li - ° Wadi% . tATIL I LI 1.).1 BLAIR., in Louther Street, " near the College, dyes Ladies and Gentle• men's apparrel. all colors, and warrants all work be satisfactory. Orders in his line rosi:Wally °licked. sep '2 'l6 John. P. Lyne, HOLE 4 iLE and Retail Dealer in Fart:lgo:4nd o,tinuszie Hardware, Paints, 0,1,11114 i, Al . : nigh, MO, at the old stund'in N. IL t -Lire it, artiste, has just received, from N .v Y 10.11)Itia a large addition to 11,4 fir tunr don't, to ,vltten the attention of buy -113 oul, ne he n ,is determined to sell ow ir th 1 -any other house intown. uprl9 • li7i;?,,rate's o..fi)e Removed. TILE of iltis sulrseriber, ti Justice of Ito Peace, 1114 noel, roam ved to the house adjoining the store of Mrs. \Moakley, in High street, Car, i opposite the ltuilroad Depot and ior , irt's lidtell. My residence being there, I will al w 1.13 . butiund.m. home, read y-iodttrund to ills I, 1iii111.43 of the 'l°4 addition do'the Of a ~I igistrate,. I will attend to.nll Itjtuls of NV eitin r, sash no Deed.," Morigagei, Bonds, Ili: \lards., Ar bides of Agreement, Notes &c, whi , i't will 113 etc rated in it neat manner mid ac cording t t the itt tit improved' form. :114 - , I) biddy occupied by :tie, in Mr. Bre it t u s outlding is ior rent, and possassiisti had bu m The rent is IoW and the locatial good. i•rd P 2,19 IS Et). P I.IOIIN PI It'll:ell Classic al Aolielny, (Foy:: All LF.9 WEi'C OF CARLISLE.) ik!-T 11 SES Sit° N'. 4 1 1.11 Fun :443.31qn will cottmence on MON A.'. 1) IY. Nw. oth, ISIS. The number of sic. nited, and they are carefully prepared, fir C 'Hoge, couching house, &c. &C. skit 160'1 Ri t o4llloo9 the pe33lhlhly of stu d t lii asiociating with the vicious or depravedt h tint re n Ile from town or village, though' eartill by State Rona or Cumberland Vallem With of whilh pass thronkh lands at, &Acl to the institution. TER . iirlirt4, tuition, - &c,'(par seal $5O 0 Loin or Greek t ' 5 0 I litritnental Music- 10 0 French or Gorinaq • 5 0 ittp i - forniOloci by ()Tit IC, 6" . • r.: - • • . . . , . iIiThSHLNGTON HOUSE, ' BARIUSI3I.IRG PA. 1 f 4 hat reeen4•undergol , ~.ikattokati ,akkaiac - Trid heen vunpikak. *ki.l l ,-rvikt ak, it N quality kr* ,41,‘th ,and others,, LIV ti vary d( ov,il{ft'st24o'ping , ..cargos aS'rata. „ • - TVI.; S D P49;l4.gpnty , t t9t•tini• • Aleut' um or , Tat •• • sitl)se rib eir ,line'apotied,s,he wn-Lijrni, tuft,- of.tWeit,streCC L and:„Loc no,now:hattand'Oill , liesp constant!. ,ateli''trld E arel.rAt 6' Oen rtm ant section'od . .FlN l R It N IC, . and- whet , - .kinda OP,V,hickhip n.411;8011; 1 qw .1, v.. era...2i. hi ehim et Odd i ,Tll 13 , r...delivered tity t itiqrl , ll , l ill; fist: coftiVli N.(l k 3 e , 4 ace' rale . • It o ' ,tifter. beach, tin'Ei LliE ELT --. Atilt .7011-una, ; °'°••• : cir 1,18 . •^ ' • N4,1V.4041Tr1P; • ) -01CX.441t4 • CM ii , r , N. -I ' 4.' "ritt.Qiiitovi Shirt' 1 :2 , . li, Si 1 520 1 t0(of , reakKbatliyAlfRAI -‘,. ',,. ..'.. 71 ' e l i " ":' '4o.,*kiwit2 l ; l qWTTN..;;"..: LR . •-' 'zi - • .. - 4)9l4rirPßY,;rpteltril. i f t ripyte - f l ii s ieevio r roirftii . , :.. 11 ;5 , ,apy41 . S , P.LTPH'; iii gsr. , T....... ri3 ,4 -- , : , wA,' , forwr.-,1. ...,,„, ~,..,, m .. ~. :.,: . i.r .. ,.,...„,: : .. ~. . N. , ,.17.. - .., , ;‘,.:..L.Y. ri .1 ,, "liA'e:.;'• . • • •-- , '•' ' % • tit'.,', ‘ , , t -, , ',`, I , •'',..-:, ME New DRUG AND FANCY STORE ! 7.32.Z,V/ELQUW' 13ESPECTFULLY invites the 'IA lion ur the public to his Drug . and 'Fancy Store, • n West Main street, Carlisle,,where he has just received a fresh nssiUtottint of Drugs Me dccines, FRfuntery,..dewelry and - Fahey (m u ds. . Amongst his extensive variety may be found all-the most • Approved Patent Medicines, Ail kinds of Sulfs, Dye Quinine,. Oplum, Castor and Sweet Oils • White Lead, Indigo, Spices, fresh ground. GI iss. Puny, Chloroform, stuinde! ors, !,amps, Wicks, Sperm Candles, having and Toilet Soups, Cologne. Hose, Lavender and Orange flower Water; Bears Oil, Ox Marrow and Hair=Dye, Nail. Tooth. Huir,•tind Shaving Brushes, • Fine ivory, Horn and Shell Combs, Finenrßings, Bracelets, and Breast Pins, Bead Bags Auld Purses, Porte Mosmairs, Silver Speetleles and Pencils, Gold Pens, Ink and Inksitinds, Fine Writ ng and Note Paper Envelopes,- Motto Wafers, Seals and Paper Weights, Mirrors and Fancy Roses, Musical and Surgical Instruments, - Fine Knives and Scissors, Carriage atid Riding Whips, Umbrellas. Canes, Clocks, Its, Sta.; o ,Country Physicians, Merchants; Pedlars d. !hers may hear something to their advantage by calling irr Ethereal and Pine Oil received fresh cv..ri , week. KiMedical aid* and advice gratis - to the . pool'. January 17. THE NIAGARA SHOWER-BATH. An entirely new Arftle for Shower-13a ' thing.•with warm or cold Water. KTTIFIS Bath took the premium at the Fair of the e'reiltlitt Institute, Philadelphia. OetoLer ' PAS, the oply Bath that ever took a pre 11110111 -----twiltatliasomie=ricLalso..toultalte—firaLp_telamm at the Fair ut the Maryland Institute, Novem her 13-11'. A great and irnpurtant improvement is made in tins S howtr- betli over all others, by tlirowiog the water immediately on the body, withom wetting the head, mulcts at' the will or pleasure or the tyatiter; but a greater point is gamed by being enabled to bathe w,th warm water, which no other Shower-Bath ib adapted to—and must of 14 the Bath can he medicated without injury to the hair, Many persons nutlet take a cold heth—their case is mot in this as they 'cab regulale the Idm peratureThl tire water to ' Ellln their wish;-.and eommence bathing at • any 'season, of the year without any unpleasant result. •Ledies can have the advantage of, bathing withotit wettinir the' head it covering the mlone, f The arrangements orb simple and diomplelA: and trot liable to get cud of order. The Bath can be•adjusted to suit any heights from a small child to the tallest person.. When the door is closed, the fixtures are hid and the outside ap pearance is that of a neat piece of furniture. They have received the approbation of soya r4l medical gentlemen—others arc requested to call and examine them. Manufactured by the Puzentee. E PH RAINI - LARRA BEE, 24 South Calrert street, Baltimore. BATIIIN.G.—Read what Artnstrong says: Do nut omit, ye who would health secure, 'rite daily fresh ablution, that shall clear ' The sluices of the skin; enough to keep The body sacred front undecent soil. Still to be pure, even if it did not conduce As much (as it does) to health, very greatly worth Your. deity mains; this adorns the rich; The WWII U 1 this is ;toyer y's,worst foe, With this external virtue, age maintains A dp...•nt grace: without it, youth and charms ..Inottry 3, 18.19.-I y. • GREAT NATIONAL EXHIBITION, FIR.OIIfiLIN HALL. elt No. SO, North Sixth Street PHILADELPHIA. FOR a short time only t—SIIERMAN - & I'o S PANORAMA OF 311. 0 . X IC 0— The „.•rcaicst Paititiug in the World, covering 19,000 feu( of cariVitss ! It shows in, the most periect manner the towns, cities, Itnouniains, rivers, nineties ' plantations, donisstic althea's, grain fields of Mexico, 11ABITS OF ME 511 - OXICANS, character and scenery of the country, together with the' movements.of The Army under Taylor, with their marches, canumumis, battles, larding of rivet's, trains of pack. mutes, and all the interesting scenery and incidents of the campaign, from Corpus t ihristi to Buena View; the whole laming the most amusing - and instructive exhibition over in the city. Tito sketches were taken from nature b'y .ono of Gen Taylor's Accra, and era correct as life; It was visited by over 100,000 parrions in Now York, (having been exhibited there lea several months itt succession,) among whom' wore the clergy, judges„and the most lushiena. : lila people - in the city. • - . Tickets 25 cants; Children-under 10; half price. Doors open . every night, ,until further notice, at 6;, o clock. Panorainia•coMmences moving atli precisely. An exillanatery Lee 1 tore is given at each exhibition. Afternoon 'ex. .hibitions 'at 3 o'clock. •• ' Cut this advartisetnent ottt and put.it your pocket, 'Remember the pIaci,.FRANKLIN-HALLI, 50 NORXII . SIXTU STBFfiTi NELWARCII •Ir January 17-3 t • ' . • • Great: Egonimisr.,in, Kindling' Vireo.. VintlE attention , of Country 'Merchants, !Pod: J. lore, end dealers . goribrally,le - respectfully , ro ri , compasinint.called ' :An artiele_muct needed and in demand from all ta ft rue n I ,one4o e , Cry ay-for mondial:, -It!: ie, neatly , dope up, in c huger', earth .con tai uiag.24. cakbekleto. , cake .tOlitichrentuirertinitil;ol ,which instantaneously contact.with, a lightedmich - ,will •ignite,charcotil;-,wood and Situp - intone coal, with one ildurth,the'prdinary,quentity Of.yvoOd :charcoal will kinaltolitrAnthracited,::,, f . linaDepot - ,40.;1,49,9ath fieeend.Sireet; cijertr: etryg r t"%rftt,plitalini lierreby'noilfbid•that•Le• tun,' niiiiiirnontiirY•bit.ibe )(int will'ond tostanne'ntibr - M,P4,040, 1 11. gP.I; FAR;S e• of ibc,B orou th • of Porit46 - ebantyloroCumberiand, Pennevlva: 'flity,;d6d'a . ,,, hang tide . der. been issued by thn • tAfglifor in and tid.idond xnanty I . b; . thecOubecrii lirtorvkhd retortion initho onrongh otzearlinle pfore. • iriMS';24.lll" persons having , claims or domande Obi ()atop"' bf anid:daedent,orii•requentod :do •firilikt known ; "wittiidjt , dollay: ,ond AbOOtr';indebted to. ronkp:lrWmodi:BtollnyniOnfto Ititliary , l7o.lB4p-fit4i • • • •• ••bvarit..;": v,o, t:"; '•• ••,• • ,• 0• r.o : tru•2n 2 , 4,1 E.,a , lti Yiii ‘1 . .414$ nprilar, Heldelkdecdotil 9 1' :frfrAtAt AlehttortrmentoinentortrOnl , trum!stnloool,ttkorl h XMriiii.kiPll.4*.4 l llY.Atr?lkYt. bi tn.`Cirdfited, iIcrAbOIIpRIZIPPF,I_O S 4 I 4 ,41;1 . * P i p i latpt,liord (Toquili pit morovn,sivim -vrroYmr!Pr l sloboo,o unKostnto: to 'make pappinionifreeiV, • "stoplonflospliqvitl.itclaime id, pressnijthem: • Fixopotor:i stlj tin upto/iliht7.4. 'A•• ; ••, • • , ..,.' ,, ,:' , 7. - i - '4 -, ;.;‘;'''' , •:..: . . -'67-',;4t,.*,'-7:-I:'i:'i:y?' UP air :i„ ~.„, C iPaalq 1 see a man, . 4 1 do not see his shabby dress—, " 1 pea hint in his manliness. " 1 see his aie-1 see his spade; 1 see a man that (lad has Made.' 11 such a matt before you stand; Cie film your heart—give hire yottr hand, Anti prairie your Maker for such men; Tipsy Make this old earth )stine 'I hate been sick a long time,' returr ei, the poor. wile iti a low voice., 'A very lung• time, but I am going now' • 'Will you die, Aloliy 2 4Crin nothing he done? I have abused you-have neglected you-I kow I have?' sobbed the man. "'Nothing, can be denefiew-reethioll.; Vie nearly over fel this world, but we won t Calk of the past but of the—' 'That's like you, Molly, you. never taunt me with my sills, you always lorgive, you- . 'I want to speak of our daughter,' interrup ted the wile, in a voice ,still more taint. 'I can. say but a lew words and let them be said to some - huitiose. I cannot deny but I've suffered, but let the past lie buried, I'll soon be at rest. What will, become of Nell when I am gone?' 'God only knows?' burst from the drunk ard's lips. ''l cannot think of it--I can only think of your wrongs-qt my own cruelty. I tell you, Molly, „if my' conscience would only forgive me, as readily as you do, f , would give this entire city, if it was mine to ` give?' A fit of severe coughing deferred for P 1317. • eral minutes the answer of the wife. Then 1 , she replied, but in a voice scarcely audible extending her band: 'Take my hand; it is the game you used to Ides with such fondues., take it, and, sit down by roe, and let me speak or Nellyr - 'My mother-oh ! my mother!' sobbed .• the child. The• husband knelt beside his wronged • wife, took both her th'n hands in his, and pressed them fervently to his bosom. -, 'I did not expect this!' tried the wife, in au altered voice. I ,knew your twilit was good-that runt only dude yen ill ; but '.l • 'thought not that you still loved me' thus.- , But hear me-' - e _Here her cough interrupted her. 'The ' drunkard thought she would expire withoht The drunkard turned himself iii his bed l' speakin g regain:- . Little • Nell clasped her, and yawned. • hands and prayed: ' , ' 'This wall.paperle m il ieus, too!" he con- - Recovering, a'' ,little, howifier, the wife tinned. 'Poly see how loose it Imps from ; continued, fixing i lier dying eyes 'on hue has the plaster all, in' strips .' By • Georee ! the "' b lin d' s l ace . • • i ~ • lime revealed view, and the loath, tool- - 'l've two requests to make. .In these my How funny r But that's, for effect, 1 'spose; dying moments, , you will grant . them, and I, the c anti ast---v artegated-ha! ha! It's Nell's shall ditrin pence r workt•but Nolrs cute?' ' 'I will ! By.all that is turfy, 1 will ! •• • Another yawe., • , • •ProOttre some :sale, kind liorne,for Nell,• 'Blaine it, the sum's up, 1 bleye? I feel where she may ,be edncuted and taught the 1 holier, dryi damned dry? Why dont Nell precepts.oh,Wistlom, and its•holy practice.-, come and • get my•boots?, AM why, they're , As tor yourselliiptem we me in thetie my tly• i on in'y feet now, already;' and how cursed i n g moments, that you wifflatlerum no moref !Duda y-they are.' S'hot's the , corporation's <that • you willrefetm and try to gam yew; fault-the l yillaint! I wish thek o hiel to clean true place in society !' . • ,<• .-• < , every eecsnt man's,boutie 'cause theyshould. 'lt shall,he,uty,youcilesire,,in both eases,; What right,. I shquld, like )4) knowi, have rl,sweane.' .. 1 col poratiens to leave• mud in the streets;, the I believe you and I die liapiw:' ' God has 1 Streets,of an,..ilinortic,ao city,, too? ,I. Wonder •` made`triilik ti d 'some'wh:tark, but 14•ille 'in the voice eiiiherty-:-lia! ha! it is a , land of : heed el ,allbrioureworld, mede,glad by Hie liberty, isn'(st, non? I , l all „ Whi,, j de9 l' sl e ll .I,everlestir,geritile!!,„ • „i ; .... ,-, - coiner Ne 1 •1 00!,.. , I , ' ;-, •,'' • ; * • >e : *- , * ',* *" a, , uursiber linae. ~, ' I *-- The driitiliartfeeelied the'stifl; ebb) hand I tspose the, gel's, tentlin' on h'er 'teolicir 1 1 'jot ° lde' dea'd"wile;•ii:Litlle - ,-Nell;.ltiobliitig - Wellies strankte eltedoe' l .llr- 1 / ; 66l ithitili• --- 0 , leaned ;uponlhie Arleastw-she. hailt a•- father It's hard pupporting',it NVo#l a p tsit's ,OW Be ,,once more, . ;, ~i ,,„ • . ~. ~,.; miner but I'm gen'rhue cargo 11 10 ,;'.11,1 1 ',l„ •Then in thapreseece,lif ,Vie'da' l /`lle . lll-' ) i -weep t l, yvouhln't.do,tho,,ihingl: pile main ; ' oryAbld 'atale ire the, cfrtinkdri. s Car.-=Sold-, `be kind to (hey oi,i(loislei'kex - -;•-until 111 ali I R USU.. ' m em o r y 7 , • ~., l it,it , , ‘Mly'kilid.:-,qtehis' , ptiterd:•:•rkiiiike itd•tteeli ' Z 1 i'lri•a princely mansion tlgtf r ,eltuftleAntlni pablo thirri lei' his - liiild;bll i • kitty •liiiii 'ninth libanks of the Hodson, fifteeit.yeareittgo,yliedil `het it Ild like' , td , olinneek 'lle'lit icen ;1111-11 ; - i • -' a lair , and' virtheaa maidend.l•FftlYiedt byihin• ti o , i ; a lly p l eg; o ouei. -- .inOUR,-he t ! pi 0n , ,,,.iis t - tTeiiiii,liiiilliatieted II 11110•0 Palle 'Jeoxiabe tor-jytelly.. - ftindorNalre - matherrl'weeldnir • apt: 1 eercurrantluestineet i.reßlitt iwap•iell' jed - super 1r,4-11,6; 7 11-slle, only kppfie,..Awmbla,mindeditiute4litteln.guyAhOpy., Av a il •ii, s h e opec e't e .., q'fftil'i-liedbletl-kittee e•Lel nowille is•hee'ol , ,l4',/' Li', If 144'0W:1,4 1, ~, 411(1'014 -Wrinkled', bdiff I.' , tWilinferet'slie:look .i 5, ,The :dr`trekarthitioaned-' l lMemcrYte?On l ' better? why don't she, lonk,ria,w,ellqs ; ,da? r. on f,: - .; .1 <." - ,/,.;?Ti1f , ..t0i 4.l i ,.eq u urci r iti`nie.. l l, Why, on l y , t iii p k,Lka ek m , am ...1,1,n the prink) , 1:1,, , A ' ° T ani) eingyl4°(lr''"lgivll4l)lsl , Why lerldlbettntiilltrzithe 4 rol;l47loY4lr l an,shelikivimel:4l4:itirq".rinieenwin,lpooed,anii:waspie4l 1 60 : 1 4 Jetlie,,Athair leajlirq, 1 eel•lee,,Nel-lee•ettit' PatighellteteawithtlievoWit,pligMedOlteldfell?&, .i.,.,rlo:l'lol6Allirallele?*'BY6lo''tiiisWered.;' 1 the firet,whisperinger;lhett*o l l l 4. l o 6 ": , t 14 61 1 4 •14 ( 1 ' 'i i ,P,P. i i iii.: , , , ,, 'F ' l l6o „,„ i Lt. n ,, ii 'az g irl __4 , °h_l t 4 v hri li: 41 1 153 r*.0 0 0( i fd li tOi ll14•; ; fr oi ll. Cat' ri '. 4& 4: 1 . ;;. • a l! , r . v ii P .; 06 1 36 ' ,_ -. 1 1: ~, " v .?' ye-y. q Tem Kid/ feed iff(lAttiftsti , l4'44l,;tV . l. , / , ':i . ,01 , 1 P. ;, ‘,v , 1 / I ' !t 4 1 1 '\ ifi ',,,,.' u v 1 41 € 1 ;'"iintr 11l e,a-.otiliaoilifil OW pkiepg,'`istitilllt4eiliturikt )., 11 -`- `,E. tvli. - at. ' [gOied be s 'eyint'ti6 k .1 erd:•' •,. • ." ,-4 "e?t,ii v g ge , 4ilti , t gjotio;iy i P E k.kti,t) v 1 ,• 1 ' ', 1 1?..4', 41 ,7. 1T her,5inPV, 0 d , .17:ircOgicA s t OPOOVlWnYttil th • qp"Y4 ..Inver 1' ,If , ,','T,': y,' '-`,--"- ''' ' j' I' , ' yo An ' , 'o ctiO ~•cent.tuted., elnn,rn I'V 31 'i iie- L lYo.lt i < ll ,,..ki 3 -)l'll•laik ' al6r, ' , Cdelh',Vik*l , 6,y 4 i , v, 0 1 114. Xilel v airl l 9 ll ,t hrljd 1 iv( I AL M " ' 11. 'r[leitiein (.. I 'sli l dniiiiilel•- 9 r l,4t69e.gid Id .irils _PE- helfil l , . ee : 1 04: 7 +.1, 0 ..., ty , T.,1 I ,y, Arl , tii. r , +2 . 44 q.,;tgitor LA; insa-wwmp t i - e ret ,featiteil '<thief 116 VoiliniV. 7 rik.li j 'A il ii? 1)( 11 ' 7 1 0 (3 4 1 1 35 0,11114 . f; d ' .1 . 'l'l3 l ' 10' • '° , 11 1 4 1" .' 4 ‘ :ilt* '1 40'04 OA 14 •ts .111 :YP 1014 ?el#101 19411 '; ' 0 14 'l`o6lliollfli'setr. tbsicio q k r Yamfd* x i.rifooltktto,iii4.ol , ol4 phioioiliomsktrA ai. i liiPhY,illerPo ' IHilid 1001 4 , ,„ ft' ',i:.4 '''.' '4 O lli'iVhs s llßl l oB7,phl Attympo e$ tt • , - ,,?O„tA ,litl i tt, rolliaetds l :Aidtlitql;io4 o l i i - A . I '' ' , l6 ,l_,lf 1 n gi, , YL.1 . 1 1 7 77 . 1 .;.m t •'5 ' H r t,', id „'' • d' II IttkVo .o .lll# . 4pWaYitilioiwlln Ohl ' i 11,44, ~ t (f..lr;r i i ,, .4litr • Mrrrr' i TTtil , ,! c ' N Plllih W''..'l/.' tr ' ''i' '!',.;'• 4 •t1e ,, , - .., ,,, —v4 ,- 4 - c.) i-4 -4 , 1 , 4. t t' ,/ • 4,17 1. I:77 t 4I) R O I 4IO4 •I t kVVYJ II TV 1. ' 4 . :,',''" 4' i. ;+..:.i' - ' '',,z ~,l 'Atfl''OP : 1 4."'`FtOk/ 4 4 4101 34' 1141 ;•' l l ''' ' ' g' ~ . ;v, r t. ',A ,: (- , ,,0 o,ckyi, .'..' :' l "P',4)<`:rq , ' - ' j . 1. f. l. , , '''''''' ' ' ~'A.V...:P`'', . ‘, A .AZ,1. , '',4 ., ',74, , ,( 4 '.W“i,3. ' '1 4 ; ', ' 1 01 ,, i Pt4'' ''' ',l 4''''.. '4'. - : ''. '':'',"'. .'l,, ~ ''' , :,q.' .. f,.._ ''' : ''' . l ~ .-. Fronr'Ned nnntlino'n Own.' The Drunkard and his Memory. BY THE VEILED *union. - * * * THE inebriate awoke. The fumes of liquor, the stains of debauch.), ry, the pains of excess were upon him.— Strehihing himgelt to lire full length on his mean bed, rubbed his encrusted face with both his scarred and filthy hands, pulling his eye-koaa with his trembling thumb and finger,' making a lazy awl to untwist his tangled and maned hair, ho looked lan guidly around the-room., Ile could not - see very dietintaly;things lookout curious in his view. The table was thrown over on .one side, the lamp was shattered iii fragments on the flour, chairs were broken, and thrown topsy-mr,vy. Ida! ha! how very ludicrous! There, Inn, were sundry flowers and' shrubs which the drunkard's daughter had reared - and guarded with geittle- care..-torn and trampled upon the Boor. Poor child ! she had procured Mein with difficulty; she had watched their unfolding with a strange thrill of delight; she had never neglected to water . thern When the soil became perched around their n;otS; they were fresh, glad ob jects amid her d..selate home. speak ingeoth tort timid hissing sorrows. Now they were torn, trampled ; and ruined. 'How very funny ,Nell's plantslook!' laugh ed the drunken'. wonder how she made 'em look so, odd? But Nell's cute, that phe is 1° • • IWd : 4 :1 '14.1i4.1 d • :'ij."2.7 ;17.410C.111 •ntg,. ma =NM= REM The Wife's Complaint. Wheb woman will, you Inil me, John, She renlly wiliolenend ou'l; Mid when she enye she.won't, eh l Johnt She won't.and there'll the end on' t. i know not why you think, John, liar wiltle so much stronger, Or:When she's once determined John, . Site will hold outlntich longer. You know your mind is fixed,lobn, "For To atop you, 'twere no easy, John, To stop Ningra's I'B scolded, tensed and begged, John, With tears. to atop your going; But 'do as light no talk, inittl, To atop the wind from blowing. 'Tin but a few years since, John. You sought me for your bride; ' Then for a weliht of gold. John, You'd not have . le ft m y ' slde. And now your lire In is horned, John, • Your heart is growing cold— You'll leave your wife, for what, l iohn, TO dig for paltry mild. • For days you scarce have eaten, you're growing pale 1111(i thin; • A nsi see your dress—your beird, John, It's n'weelt old on 1 our chin! Bee you where*e 1 will. Jolla, • You're a paper hi your hold— • You think. dream, rood of nought, Johh, But California (told. Weveseven lade children. John. Olives]lantd around nor Ifthiq With thriving trade and stout arm, John, To fill their mouths you're utile, - We've a smiling little cot, leo, John. Clustered 'round with trees and vines— lerme them all to dig, In California tutees. - You say you'll leave us all, John, • To Providence alone You'll 'trust to fill our Omni* John, Willi taco tl_wlie re Izolr • 13e It so, I'll teuit hint Icto-,-3olto, A nil turn any tears.io laughter: Who'll louva his wifo for gold, John, 14 not worth cryinFuner! ISIRE A 51AN 'Saizalasoania, -~yA~ ~ 2'21 4 .1(" , 0-3? . £'',i~PO ~ ~ .l e i :}Y =MEI Ell _- nest. He arose, and staggerinwalterhis child, reeled out of tile. room tanutterino :as he *ern:, • Vot ; 'Liow very strange—ltok;Very funny!' • * * * Here is a picture lor : you, rum•dealer, drunkard, citizen. It is a tunpll, low room, whose walls are - tatteriril and parched, black ened-and spotted. A small .stove, coveted with medicine•cuA rtaltii.se.ntred table, a single chair, minus the button.; .and a lied without the bedstead, sptend 7 upon the floor : constitutes the main fultrittqe el .the room.— Otrthis , bed lies.n. Aelatott.,wornati—.frided,. withered,ernacinted—a gryki.e . it of initialed pain and resignation burning in the eyes tind were - about to shu ) in dealli. The wretched dada boosts li37illy - covering - entrugh - t an, ewer the demands of decency . , myth less of corn lot t. Who placed that woman %there?. Ruin— glorious rum did it! 'Rum—riso worshipped and petted, such a delicious companion, such a lavorhe with kings and -their brave imita tors. Rum was thd rogue! wasn't it well done - 7 • Little Nell lineelle.tiesitle. the dying Ivo_ manotntl presses-her 'ett!itettited haml he nitliTe-173 tween ter own so t pa ins,,w a prayer in n low. voice. c c , The dinnlcard, the husband, the father stands betare tire bed, and looks of the pair. The first glanelf, lie east on hit dying wife sobered his knaggling thoughts and•as he now looks-on,th.e min his .vices have wn:inght-, his Wed eltillo, and he elasp.s• his 'hand's in agony. Molly,' said he, as the Agars began to start, '1 didn't know that you was so sick as this!' _ _ .....ip0':!;, ,. ..!,ip '..ll',i;:''',.-iii r.!,tur EBBE L ' l. 1 , 3 -.l` 1 , I (P. ' %.'+'ll; r lIME 51151 ,ziatiNiagallg:P7•N•74 4 sZr ~....-1 , 7 17757- 7 77% and'Oelly; all .".thetie''.afiltif..lniiiilt, shall`eay;'ho i',Wita!ainight) niiyeare g w ite;fulasp,ed: her, forth lat,,itie.mitnitgltt,hour, throughitie.ile:itirted'streets,t6'seire l lter '; Slith'' beaten,.ridieuled !pinned, and .siongered home with - an u, bleeding 'Eliot heart is now 1. throbs to pain no .rporel and its ernTriol Mgt here, v lhe :tiara icerekept•P •:' • • night closed but there was the Ord etill elmined in his agony there he pale. child, whose last hope had Miveit*iiid on the white spirit of her r; there n as the 11.NSHRLUbED LEAD mew., THE - WORLD AS IT IS, Amlimith.a , trader, sat at the door of his cottage; and-an unusual weight of despon dency preyed upon his mind. His circum snieces, to be suit), were nut so bad—he waS about us prosperous as his neighbors; but then, he thought, would he escape the end less round of care and vexittion, to which a , life of businers:expored hint; could he have time far repose, 'teadingi - and short, could he be independent at a thaukless and selfish woad, how happy would he be! He mused upon his thoughts Until the 'n4si serious agent,' who is supposed to, keep bfetlfre - temporahrtiairs of meni stood by his side. • • - • have seen.' said the strange visiter,Ake current_al..yout_thoughts,-and-that-yOn. long ICY wealth. Tell me by to-morrow what a mount you desint, and it shall be. yours V The speaker then vanished, and a thi ill el delight ran 'through the veins 1 1;iVoini But he i omediately bethougrhimsed older answer he should return his new acquain tance when he re-uppeixed. At Best, ltu if& . tienity was apparent; but as soon as he had taken up bis_pencil to make the mmessary ealeulations, he Mend that the question nopo Omailsw_ered-so.readily.asim.inut _ -- At liiyot Ito bet down $2OOO as blllll of his wishes. • -it will buy,' said ho, 'this little place, en able me to stockany sop, repair my Mimes, and buy me a yoke uI oxen-1 shall then be' nolependeni He mused on this awhile. • on-the other Mind,' he contmued;•l should. have to labor—sickinisk might reduce my business to disorder-, and bring lovely. will haver/MOW besideoliat niy in:crest ino ney'may be amply suflieient Mr my support. This ruin Was hardly liked on, however, "ere hro foresaw that it a ould be .wholly sufficient. It will pinch . on all sides,' said he.-el cnutd nut keep: a einriagt---.nor travel Mgt tureign countries, as 1 have ohen thought 1 eltould -like to do. Beside I should britabliged Jo live m u small - Way. It would allow me to be cuntented and lead an easy fire, to be sure, if I was satisfied, like'the brute, with mere ease and sullicieut to eat. Bull want something morethan this 1 want-to eajoy lite like a gerttleman. I will add—let me see—yes, twice as much 'tor a handsome country-seat alone, and ten times the amount in bank stock. Say about $250,000. This will be a capital fortune, and enable inn to gratify all my desires.' Just then a new idea.ehtered his head. 'Thou, even then,l shouid - find many rich er men in the country than myself.' He ponOred on this awhile. lv roused up all the jealdhsy ul his soul., He did nut care about ouisliiiiing them all in the splendor at his establishment and mode of flying; but he feint Mai the ability to du so would be ab solutely necessary to his happmess—and he was le mica laultched into a wide ucemi al calcuiations, whic`h mottled him finally to 10,- 000,000. With this he was perfectly sure at _being satisfied. ' - But he had no sooner come to this con clusion than a new idea struck him. flu had thoughl,ol traveling in foreign cpuntries —he would ineet eith..ine.. ril mituinicii:i -toritnitts in Europe, fie considered a mu- • iiieny,, and diem ad.de t l a cipher to the ten millions. - , Thie r sum of 8100,000,000 z would put me „obove.the leer of meeting a rival in pita. ,pf wealth.!:. . , . . ' ' liet he;suen !Mimi be was no neater 'Vs , - ' iiii , , datistiuti noW, than' lib was *ltti the:first sum ho named to himbolf. ICiirmelitedlibsu• lately necessary but he should itqt .only - be riclitooliati any other man in the, w_urEl . lr. that he sliould be able to . eihibligli Pidions ' el ltcOdOliitial cfiureltbs;-arl Flay the Sala- ; -ries cif .thimsteis atal . .missiiiinkries;and prl'ilt - bibles, Ift.t.„ (fol. )odor ; Smith ~wai it pious man) besideg laying manna ten, fifteen, ,or - tWeitty millions per year. - lii the itildra of the profamid . metillittiotis, ltawav t -l'i'bit the subject of fixing,' the opet . ' gum of . wtittlat he'should desire of liar lkind', vlsiter, the miaist„,er,-of tato suddenly , re-ap•' - . ...., - prortched. . . .. Jelin declared tilf!t , ' - lie i l ia 'riot "i;eti'liSent.' I 'able to fix the itt'eutse , fiiiiolluttl- liegged , -hisi- : 1 1 icteLL , ;;Asitet to•gitie:huo one:hOormoto,:mt . L -1 .t My 9. l ritit4.KO•ttjtqlOtttl' , ;.• vi.“l-3, 11 .5 . . 1 . 43 •11!Y?' -1 •1 .. ,g0. to rutOrti no niece. ':Zo o k, ioviihk { spud{ -.. .tiastiiit t4tiiiii th'6 l ,ilitesiiiifiWoillilsthou[, be content with die•Vreplth of Milt ai , ilie ,- WO*. Ofl ''' .41/eaiiittrer, l ,l4/ingageilf ,Os riecitqil,tp - iyji - titlei , it :PROCYPV I ?..ft I:I- tl• ti , iivf '.R It'i,... ” :1(1. - , :i(! 0,-,it i•I l'lte,fiio.so,noex Innl inst.prcipopneed ttiose , , , .('o:lrits,'',..adir:,,Ats . iii . iti ti'!ityt'' of 'ifi'lliStiiiik; . .., -4 14% ; Asillolite•Sertillfliivillie•-x-for ; lie'hAil 'been! • 'i,lionniiitg4.4a katiirtetl...matt,!! ',,- I6:V; : .i V , : 1 . .0 !: li).b.o . li7l6 .l l.iiii"Ci.erifii'Vfe'rit'ageodl fe'lli-litirillii'erllnt:spr ',nil endotetilve'thodriin , the f, '.' ;Atli oikst,,4,li*lnottninsciprifitc,hgrottknu !.?4 1 (. 7' tgli , W..1}16 1 - 'w-19M-04.1iPh i kti?),9141 c t id- '' llic c! .. Hil'hialgeltalithilti?nts .oaftein• (noun i',6niitiiiil i * . lif'fictterselfittt4ifiiilotliittgitothttleti4., 4 , ' ogtintit'i;no-much;iliniia io-kieli . his ;regrets', .; ~ Ititv,Oceiatitt jiisttini,shed,:irt.e.i.:4lo,,preoo.ri n ev4 ~ ,xopv4lbi g n :))140fetutmlijqqtlei 1 ~f i l • g ?‘Al. •? l , , ,,,:tu - Ow. - r..."h , 0g; f 1 'Anit*4e6. toy,Viiililiii fiiitiititi ilinEWitmi ..., Wlllo4linc:',liitf tipOn c rtitookfiattiouF•toebitiii,, ! , iliitsif•-l'iliii'ltiottliettelluirtll46.l9nying btilaie .of.Pqt4ll42.4llF l Pili,cAit; Vi l ki d A l .9o?. l Ft h •t i ftri - .P °lc t , 4^,t‘r t itli)polloto-the„,inklpit; 'apd o ;tn.. to 114;14. 1 7 11)kttiii0! , !Ellain4 livitY"' P iiiiiit h '.fiellifign , 7). sftitto'n,bll3.ailiffintAt iiiiiVni6 ll filizoottfortibly, i l •sipiispgqiiitl , ricitl4iii*DliptevolisiOmtl,lkoltiori . 0 , 100 .3 .0k - fk ie :rirjy lo akf ki N flp6r)it Orilli' 7 . teouetoot. ip arytoE i ant tho: . who congr i egai'u: . ttlitit*liiil, itiakeisigliilhnir Me ;iiiiiVitig MO 4lttill'fift - I . 4!kt.ti,aCtlebtiYtAboet 4 i4o,dtwbtldegt,tlt, :Aii#.j*ittit'atatijklifit;i4ng, l 9ltil 7) A 9 M 4 ' oa ?;'i _OjkV, SAN.§l l 4Of ikatYPtiallill'.4l9)lll;j 9 /i9MI ' You'reiir34..P,",tvis'f,t , olltni t erv, , spettimeoit . (t ! 4 ' Ao r ro, aimi:yo foi,hotd iffii'lfithirOliist s :bb j lil.titittiiitelisktitYltitiO4itinitkilttlikttffhititiit4 ifenithiartisooit4l4'eitePAYAtiio,lii#lloltAtb4::: t.9OOO,OIYRIIii'YIIc Y ,R;O4I9 . ;. ( pAOPINII3I/p.* ll 1 91R ifii o V. l .Vyl l t qpyiti(J i tr ,sitali ,*file ii - a 44 . OA' bt ilitlik 1 Tifth4t,•', iiibii3WSiltii 'ajikgeiln'illeilf,Pgestill+44.4o.;' , : - -' , 4' .. • . "'.' . :''f'•.;4i s tl2 : o 4l •"L' , iT' . l!))l,4fr.li L it:li,4lo6tiitt'W - 4i, ...!4ko. 1 . , • , : ,. ..',%-n1:•.;,„1,.,,,•..,-;,;',>=4-4:i,:',': ~.:•.;-•,-(;.,,1,"-:•;;11,14?.,iV.:';;;:aL,,,..5•yi3,a3it , Fd,F 1.l Aal MEN t. '14.f1.1 itt tying 'lRE.tici; T., ~ coldin the ' • sold. ITyllev,.ttyjder, rore ill bred; 'Almost. any other diStlese Kay: be hvimebtle'lf you please, Ills not by no means, As bad as Is seems - To be steadily. cleverly, nlsely ,Talk as you please.. In certain degrees; - Itreiirone likes, to fake his case.. Likes to'be tended and nicety felt, Pelted end walled be, ma to best " Ifni a cold in the Wendt • ' Your eyes nre red, • Your prior upper Ilp..te swelled and spread. - Your bend aches, your,gyes Stuart—you. Itil - un't a tbu't• That can comfort-or roase. Tim, or profit yoUnought, Who do you suppose: : ;, . Ever pitied a than for blowing hie onset .p:tri..ct from MoiMqv's History of pigland. OHLRAOTER OF JEFFREYS. The great seal. Was Ink iisGuillord's magic)" ily but it tn arketiliniligiiiiv was at the sante. lime -Offered 'lO him. .11 was deterinmed that another lawyer of more vigor nod au dacity should he called to agsist. in the ady ministration. 'Fite person selected wits Sir Gernge Jeffreys, Chief Justice of the Coon 01 Eintes 13ench. 'Ole depravity. of this Mull has passed inlit it proverb. Both the great English parties intve attacked his mem ory with cantinas violence., Tor the Whigs cons'nlereti-hint asllietritiost barbarons - etiel irty:atitl the Tories haunt it convenient In throw on lion the blanie of the crinies winch had sullied their nitirtiph. , A diligent and candid inquiry will show that - venue Irightlul :.tot ins :which have been told concerning him are false or exatqeritted; yet the dispassion. ate historian I.v . ill,be able to mate vary litile deduction Irani the vase mass ni inlarny wiili 'winch the inerpory 'of the waked judge ha,' been loaded. =#t art rn rant quick inri-Vigorous-part...ti but constootinnally Inane to insolence nut'l to the angry passions. When just einerging horn boy hood. Ire had risen into practice at tlie Old Bailey but, a bar where advocates have always used a license of tenoe un known in iVestminister Hall_ Iter'e during man years, his mile' business Was to exam, ice and cross-exitinine the mort hardiffierl miscreants ol 'a. great capital. Daily coot! leis with piostitutea-atirl %helves, called ant eini exercised his pa% err su efliecturay that he became the most -.consortium - bolly-,evsr !moan ut. his prolessiuri. All tenderness for the leelings id others, - ad stilt respect; air senso of the becoming, wane' obliterated froirrhis naiad.. He uiaqujred.. a. boundless command of rhetoric _which the vulgar` express, hatred ainlcontempi.., slot' dl toilletticiions, and vltupe - ridiVe epi , thets which composed his vocabulary could hardly.have been rivalled ut tfie fisli.market or the bear garden. His countenance and his voice must always have been unatniablei But these natural adviintages—lor such he seemed to have thought thorn—he. had •iin• proved to Such a degree that there were lew who, in his.paroxyams . gf rage, could see or hear him without emotion, Impudence and lemony sat upon his brow. The glare of his eyes had a lascination for the unhappy victim on whom they were Eix.ed;. yet his brow and eye were said to be less terrible than the sa vage line or his mouth. His yell of (My, as was said by one who often heard it, sounded like 'the thunder al the judgement .day..— These qualifications he carried', while still a young Wall, Built th e liar to the bench. Me earlybeelinie coolition sercelarit and then, recorder of London. 'As judge at the oily sessions he exhibited the same propensities which afterafirrd,,. in a higher post,. gaited t0r .4.14. for him an unenviable _Mid mint . Aireas tly nlight be'renutrked in. him 1 .most ,otli ,otis vice which is incident to hum nature, ii delight iii misery rueielir a :anint. " here was it. fiendish extiltatinii in the wty in • w hick he in ononneed sentence 'on •offea dors. Their weeph.gand imploring seemed i titil lute hi in voluptuously; turd. he loved. to- scare thorn into fits-by dilating with luxuriant am plait...anon on .all the tietails—of what ,they were to sullei.: - Thim, who', lie nutl itil op •Perttittity•• ol ' ortleriugan 'Unlucky adventu ress folie whipped at the-tub:l's tail, "ll'ing, Ittitiv,P. f h'e, eN'llillll Vxi•liorri,. ' I charge you,.to P' l ,V Pjullellilunticutititi to this lady L,J.:irourge, her • soun4l t , umfa f .. Scoarae . lief till the iiirma•in lie' llii W t i ! ' , See' that' ybd 'Wit rin , 'her •silioinclerq'thoroughly.t". •Fill wasshaidly less ,lncetiOns when tic pitsset klgerrol.,un ilittl wick Muggieton, the drunkenf t ailen,whOlaii-4 'tiled hiniselt u prophet. ''"litipudeini . ogueT', toareil , Jellreys, , Ithou.shalt.liave - Inn, , easyi, easy, easy , punisliment:LV„ Que'"Plul.fliAllisl; easy punishment ,Was,the.pillefl, in .)lf Melt,. the wietehed lunatic wits alairostSilkeil, - Witli' briCiOxits • ~Ity ilits"tirrielTiiiiiiiiree lifelrers• • ifriiy ri•-'lilid' .beei if , . hard eti ed/,'Aclirtlititr tern Per ,which:tyritiits)requinixolielrl:worsCirispfti-. ' lollc,,,okiti,ilifP;-I),EdF„proles4S ~v 0 'ot9 l- guYOMMP'it.I O.IIIO ,-et f !l o ;alion hiA i sell a noploheit*icadiimikill lolioittr; .edio be in a.higiberi..iiinter,...of exhilaration *(l00 -10 , 4 - re4q.;.i9 l ?§4 1c.'.,•, 1 , 1 , 13 .0413 , 119Pi 1 0:i 1110 1 .11)0.,Ny1 , 16:(6,0 auk ;.row,it aliv e , ant! '‘',fi'l•e'tß, 'lien ilibie 'tan !boViiei tiiiiiiiitc,!thaii'vhen:llie . liiiisetriieiliii l ity•stitilelibeialtleatlf,h , Baiiie4 anion Z Zig: lielhadigot o ell! thal , „ at e,cit y cottif: , giol,ll o l l 4oe-b4ilA tg'l4 4l .6 l 4 lo .re!lin.q,:* 1 • Or.ftwan4 Ills t01)49 0AI:is:loin . tii i fie uciuo 1 ' t hltiiiiie,' }r Itik i wtpi'liiidiiiibiliiiif lii'iii.s• 1 vottionwjuici'motiOt Oh tlittlfirtil '' *Oil lAilairi 1 ottii'Acintl,tlentl hide Ulan' ti,niliotl ogn dm:lnn o n no 3 i;lA nc r r . 9 . ,u4 l a ßA l MP k i t Y: , :p° l i t 's° l itl Y ll49ea r tAdin . ,A4sttrt3ctly ; ,,n,sver, r rontyriatt: - ,a, more' noandhlong service to his meanies than 'When (hßjo949, 4 ol4i'lliliPt."'ttOYiltikt-Tir r l4: tragnog,' soon Topt) n 'Won, in:itter , ithl 'Vide tardlevVityollit Jame'; Vut;Ayatr 'al tiiiiyis ~ gredaraik iviit,tomite n t4lla ie gnii,blciniqel, I.whono , ltiulioogrAntm4Yelw9iltit r akitib,Oß , . ltYri9 l " I ". s l)VOY o a! o 4cil 7 4 1uiliWVhro I, raii.4anf i % ni;iin 4s,no .learn mg, Ow n4ifst,l thrhil4fer'm . id- riiciA t'll%iitail 6 ii cp thto te9 carietl ,*treet-ivtiflent B." Work wnir, Wba`dotraphOlyoVerywhinli4:nnittaieuenriAit i 4) ilcllllittligitlCU9YMV 4 l. o 4l 4 WlPTollin,?r , ''i .0944 6 ,VPIIMilittmli . irMtr Pi - Ciiii 44 4 lid wiiic Ib. bkru Es ' hm in li p rot pi, Et it lie: is emplorultAilnatt i lltrAlTlVO'rilla a iiiii litall Iliilaweltiefaustsoopt;AlleiNit 0119 ucfs ` !.if , Old eiVcinieiiiioultliiiisithifir thitt81111,10611?i ietonA 4 orfnAkiiteltillitlintOokitilatiPigk;" fits logni=:zkrioWleher4llMeeti'; wan , merely) liihdi ifili4liiitilifikiWtiti ' , tiiit , , , fithutloiicrid nal oity ihighlkanknAtitilahnd itma4ktiofilrhkii.l jtit1y1904,401,1i10.11100 1 90 1 PijmIt 'Aitt. , p. ,Tiat4 o i titoPtiVixiivtl i ,lickl g i tir thateria. acteopLetpx, 4 o., 9 ~ . I:, ,1,,..t. tqiiikiiiiillAbcOlositatet,l4olt.ski l 4 6 -9) . lig 1 1 0 40 A 1 1;ilfitti,06,4 1 0100, OAFIrPOTP*: e_ittAcie.'ool4oll#l #(4V t16.4,99r.?, 'derilliiiiif ' sift ' tei coUrt }Yak omfali,4l, l tAkil 10 .1, 0 , 054 0 ' ~,.,,, , .), , , , .,,,9,, , ,,,,,,, . .,:;.,..", ,, , z ,;:..,7”'::::,:,,t;;,:-4,k,.- 10,t.A .7 ,;:::^g4ig,i.«. ,, ,4%'ffillitzitS6.2U;',4tiViV.k?1, 1 1 - ' ~ :',.'1,0.4 , BE - , ro' • 7". sx , „ r . r =ME ME .11 4.44. A tt • - alike • Irtioirwato-kliW ini-prithitiffEVAtidi dolenhaalsAnkiistintraudAtteriiikYs,iwitialusaj palatal fatr,VM,ittliiliorrtles inillellow/ 1 110. 1 111flk:Rld .(1 11 00.'..NittilopkwatirA tulips, nail lanifethl temoreficta,hemaajriere r , 13. younfr:nittipetiteratteggle,TiglpOtinfictlFf4 • Now thin he *peat' the head' al We xlies,t; ',WEI ‘ OI. .fess_iinleert 'tifit - lieiriblelSitideliint= • EVeti when he was, sober, , tifi'Vrolkiiiiklifittl safruileittly frightfill•;' bag • Sed.wris overclouded, stieittlalerl'lSS, the riligqlf &Evil* evinings.were People who saw his kottle - would' have sumo man,gross indeed; sofo"t ow merti- Mem, but staler constantly eurriitinded;•sienliaCkiscoiilaiis;,by • buip!opFystflecierl"fe r thaincist liart;:from a t not ig 'the v pettifoggers who honors film. These inentrititeieirafitt set. each . other top his 'entertiiiiiibiati, Hp joined in their ribald talk, sang'Citlehds with them. and when his head . grew hrlit i liiigKett and ktssed them in en ecafitey of,tlianken fondness. Rut, thotielt wind at firsta ' to soften Ifts heart.. the effect a few Boats , la. ter tvt s v e ry' different. He Oltenyetinne to the inhalant sent having .kept - the 'cout i t waiting long, and'vet-Natittid but '.Bair * Slept oil hi- dettattrli, his cheeks on his eyes staninglifte thosti iit.a - man Yam - - When he. was: iii ti isisinte; 1 - 11 , s preceding irght, kept7.oet of his Way, for the iccolleCtion of peittipail, taritymi tried his inalignity,.tied'he war, sn'rehi . takir evei y oppni tonity nt 'oierwhelnitiitg; with eNeeriaiott al 14. Nht the leak odious of. liis,rtinit* ot.littris peenliarities Vas the plenstore ~. bleb' he took irt Nati: heating nod: Troy-toying those ,wh oi p ; i n hi s foe of tritindlin•ietulerness, 4e,had eneont , eik eth to presorne on-.. his favor. . The •servtoes Mitch the government lied expectedyfriire khim meie' performed, not merely vithottt -flineithig*lut4.„.eage.r-1-yitt , triitinPhantl3i-r-:4-fier------- thil exploit w)as the Judicial tiviirder of Al gernon Sidney. What followed was: nipel• teeth artriopy. wt Ii lita'beeihiiitfg:'Respoota le Tories . lanttchledthe disgrace,vvhich the ti _barbatity uluLiudeeeucs of . . 'so' great Jung- 1, unitary br_nttglit, upon Zito at/tnitifitratiOn of jiirtice; hitt the excesses whietifikled'EniFi men with horror Were'lifles In the'aitebiii'df Jeril es, Jeffr v eys i therefore ; after the' Charles, otaniticil it seat: iri the .cabinet anti 'peerage.. honor was mark of- r . oy a l approbation for, since the jorlietal system of the real:it thati been, rerticidel,eo ra (Thiel Justice hail hep t rt art: of parliament, _ A Dtir,Al4- - nt. hiiiiitriii:L-The Berstian Chronotype gives . the folloyvins an'the . drentit of• an old• farninn knd been reading_in the papers . abrnit the Califor niar gold mines just before going to tied D 'l, Jeredialt Seratehgravel i hemp' at Ridges had a curls (111311:n, It was the eutisest I ev er. ditb hev. I've drembt afore now of fin .din eggs in the haymow, .gtoWitt mote and more, beans and har i ttle on 'em at last, and ttrempt soMetierei'til 'fladiro dollirs in old potstdown Boller, an&bitne , and by Pd find !ern. sor tmek. that .tireyl Wall in every thing, , ,but abore mlygokon 'tnn i .Ptl ; wake Bin thetittlreemit was . nothin ,to , red in .1 hri IldstingDally, 0120°04 : en rit Ineil Ginn& Mash' and oilieF,govinent. elia't ai•leis, and ,speshilly hi President 'Pokes messidg. - Rerun') them liokymeittii, — %tent tmsleep and dreippt that I was iwcal gouty myself, and. every body els& was there. . . They was all up to their knees in the wa tor, and washing out the yeller void, and Bann' it in menl:tmas• o,' mY' what a aigb t Hurt river Sa,tilitileiti 'tlll4 ! kOt ttlileS and mileg, &niters and meinberi' rd.' erlitgress, and doctors oh divinity, ibllPtiviierti of trio trys and rater, ilem was elmultin lip'•the mail I horn the Lamont, and slutkin iklit'lim , pans, , um! i'llokla 01 Au Pahl. I Men, pact ,wim mitt woe at it together, ther! l / 4 W , fte latliesi the fittestl ever Keel!, p`all' th eir peffiCoatetueir eti up, warlin Ittirl w agitln'the'goirlik.'' ‘ SPOs -, tholight tit4,tal , keielt dal,-'bilt.'l ba)kilate'it 'Dilly dofie eta iriet,h' Thefiflitangt , iiriet on lilt 'hal- wait rielretroligltnto' , like. anl IVikli igtilln•wa.ll for um, asa fluky 4ciussed; to, to • hitin, 7 - ahem was ail (et ittp,pri,tak) muck n f ,ilqualiiy, t lusts, as 11",ta sap .. Xebotly,,,a4p ,3 1 %;9'1 I till De abet; death. 0,,, , r , „,.,1, , , u i ,ti f yi .v ! tuiv was, ltie queresf thigg Vitas tnat when• T a•ity"atiollt,, liiiit r tVaPiinigin• riii/l f w ash iti Triftitilrrifiehi;iiiir EIP I -AtiNek -ttifilllieland 'B, kitlitiiiitufloitirktorea,g4holegiimieftanikle ' . oflgarttalt titaglaitatagrelypantAtekvroxi,ett ,itathituttettlllll)etlYtatitilitaiattlYgAttile Was flotilla but a goat big bar ok yajler knuand it warrugulitu r g,kkg, fr i,„kighwitile Mora every bag wits bpst. ,„There - cvtdit etty waist, the 4111R116Phitrati Mk Jilieroymilf ttlevtia, lAA the ,POPPIII 44Atirlaii*RarINTItiffk, iyle,l)4ou--- Jur wial — sliould they, chi. litipgs As i t, est `iiriLV•ii;o6Y;lis (IA thiliflß-13th0 0 61 816 in igtYoki iiimiptort Vol:48j. loibyt3rA . Atr *lir:l:riot% 1, l ',li'q' .S'i ) o 4h4 9 , ' ,l iiffistitiOSYttill n otlii l 'pliir r pockets . %• Lilly?' gotllt vit . af a oc it , ' , fa of ittaekehlfitAtePitodialblriPbuit belklalle ;dl ith4lthto 7 f', 10 1- - rn lo qIIILII LI illI,V(.114IiEl . r'l 14 1 161 )::kenvrcit5 Arlolirßnri that (ok.l,o4)go :Ria,:lni4litt.UnwiamitiA nit4civi , AllxoTniif- Pool , Mifl l (.l.l.filnAilv? eP, 4 7 , 1P11 80 i ro l pß l igpqßk!iryg i Ib ool , l or t alio.ll, men t • rid 4 c rint p to Ilhirrtiltitirpkfqbat rnli v ilitcOltilEdif VI 1 w, lliiii , losliAlley*itvr`46bilt inftt NA) a) are - treietiltir tiouseevilatlniarloitk inth baijillt.kpri. , ivitlitiee wel.liift 'hettiiittt,atkVf,koloeittlinvi of ;WitigYo thfsPerßlfbvAigsfaidAATlP.Ao ' 1 ° ,1 0 1 .11. 1 M1111LA1M1PP.4 1 811,91,10 0 ' 10 putiiirwavidzgravahuraw iiSI goo i t ' --- The i goold tilllPtcluilit - nth' the banks idea • , lkkitirTwifitiite4 nintoisbilailte;Knd to rit , i,Watte4 tsiximitintity.thiesalreantirazalam , tlioankt,fige kal,PAl.lrtigaAl la afnue.'ns T:.l4'lAlkftlfßOMl 914,44grifirP 4;41 11 19?Vile - c RilYtilr / , 1 8. , 4 . 09+, 3 )!Itli k lifttrei t tOl d , 1 ' ' ptv,e, tti pa mai* qr ', 1 184 Vhil. - t 11 -3-rid 3- rid lilt' tlitYllVOW74i n litr;'ki„ mitt iliNxiik ? . ibiff p„.l-.1 t) ,,, myeiksivo y :t ia ct mille • ,tJ : 1 0 quiril tlitt il ID , - qt,:tg,t,:t.,,,,' i olliu Iti - mtakii,Ardn'44, l 4l 4 o4 o ::loF 4 ? 11 7 t Nbilnit l ykOkbsVoPrOr f44 l l94l l: I° '' Tr 0 i timrlßllMPfl if tEikt,Boll , li9 v il '., tY., ihntk, VI TI , fi t VIAL ' 103--L. 1 I .r y r i II PAA" 1 ii - i• - Ifriolittonaiiiko witi6* , ...,,A. , ci li otai., asoyesito. ouktav‘Guqic t iiewl.wp, ,„ , Y 3 0 , 1. 1, 9 "VaTIkQP* 0,11 'n a ,,.• 4 % 't* 4 ` 1 4 . '' r - I' l t . 4i ,t, I 4 f.l;''il ilp ' `, q ,i' ' (4r e iViii, whatie r ibiongiriti 4igni ' eri ypar thiMirstoldrnerpOdtrtit , hbor.* ll l4 i';'.., tkt3ibigintfitr " 4 - .' - "''''!• l4l3l ' tXartlVf i ••i , : . ,y,,r,-5- , 10,0 7 :` etW . " - 3 1011 f4.:hipt". 1.50 trrii**oso.,.....ly;,‘:iy ' C-'-' 1140 ‘ltittliji'ilgilfOttifftli l o)l 4 V+o' ,l , %;' , ' ,, c "1e.:',., , ' , ....c4r ,,, ,1,„2 , 404br.p4,,1ne1, , ,, ;!„,,,'4/,.-,-,;•,-,-,53.-„,„4,I,AqiI,TPAVAJ:V-tfwks.l.4,llE.:4ledirZt 111V3 Ti? rs> 3 4b Punjo lAutt-fsh otri! rintigurfl, .Infib Of; El ,R 37.7.1 91.11-2,:.)rntliir-) , - .:, ( 11et 7 . 4 ;:i.f.ii :7 :,-,..:1 ~,1 4.u.1ip., . !(;::T i0,, i t.-IliC.:-?, 11.7;1.1 13t, . CISI 1:1&il i. ".7Y -'1 r.woivol ilned r4f rit , :qlA•sl tent,..,!..f!,,r7f,,,.1 !NE IPMMMMN 10 In El - +~e
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers