— u~~~4:-~~ - ~-:asaxx-i,..~~~ ~.:F.,y:.s ~n~a~aß~ mil liwammal ..rialrstra ' p t,s Filli;"; 14-17:1 41 , t; ef-f -k-;:z• ;:z• x': 4 l 0! itco •:;7,6 - ' • p, 01J ME------ darbg. D n John J. Myers, • • • 1 ' • "." kS RENI)VED iti'3%Offiee and dtvel liag to the house adjoining his Drugstore' )n West I ligh suet. - - ' nen' 1 Df. Gel Willis Foulke, C I ,I3.A.DUATE of the-Jefrerson Medical `-" Grille& of Philld respectfully offitre 'his professional services in the practice of Medi cine, Surgery and Midwifery. °Fe(' at the residence of his father in S. Hanover street, directly opposite Morrets' Hotel and Ole gd Presbyferican church. ap 7 '47 Dr, W. L, Creigh, (Thelma ,. of 1)r. Jo/in Cretgh, thcedieit) -- NV ILL attend all Medical cal Is in' lowlier eta try, by DAY or NIGHT, and will give ever , ' attention to patients entrosted'lo his core. CU; •; on l tot High street, opposite Ogil• by's. store. - . 'Meter Ad, Lippe, . HOIVIDEOPATFIIC Physician. OfEn' 'm m tin st re 3t, in'the house formerly occu- pied by Dr. F. Ebrrnan.., ap 9 '46 Dr. I. C. Loomis, o operations upon the Teeth that are requi re i f,r Chair prasurvation, each as Sealing, Filing, Plugging, &e, or will• restore the loss of them, hq i laerting Artificial Teeth, from-a single tooth tt a fitll sett. KrOffice on Pitt street, a few tors slidilidrth - rrttnilroad L.-is ab - seat the last ten days of every, month: Wm. T. Itrbwn, A T PO:LNEY AT LAW, wilt practice !hi spar tl Courts of Cumin-demi Court y. Otfi. , e in M,in street, nearly. opposite the octant y feb 9 J'i - ria3 R. Smith, AT I'ORNEY AT LAW. Office-with 8. I). Adair, Esq, in Graham's new Meld. oppoete the Post Office. mar 31.'47 Canon C. iffoore, A T FORNEY AT LAW. Office in roam Maly occupied by D'r. Foster, deceased. • mac 31 '47 IL L lelmbertoni ri 170 HNEY AT LA, Harrisburg •"-• Pu. n p '2B ' • wantir & SAXTON,. - • AND DEALI?:Itii IN P,9R• -1111(11\iist 00,\IGSTIC 1-1/11a)WARE, Dye S - nlrs, Irei,•S•evi,Nnila "&e. Av nPd invite the attention of persons jug g.io 13 LI 'heir line, to the llsorttnent —uitey-havn linv offer at t heaery EIZZIMI Dyeln; ani,e4uring, virILLLI3f 131,4 Louther Street, near the College, dyes I. dies and Gentle- men's tippiwrel, all adore, aitd'wurtvgts all work obe satisfactory. Orders in his line respectfully olieited. sery.l'.lG John P. Lyne, WEIOI;aiALE and Retail Dealer in Voreignand Domestic Hardware, Paints, Oil', Glass, Varnish, Ste. at the old stand in N. 11 to.mir street, nebula, has just receivedOrrom N env York 1.11 Philadelphia a large addition to hit for ner stoei, to which the attention of, buy ers is rcl tested, as he is determined to sell ow ir than any other house 11110 W t. uprl 9 ,ffll.3l3trate's Office Removed. TtIE !..3 of the subscriber, a Justice tif the Pelee, h is beet; removed to the Mutsu adjoining ' the store of .11rA. Weals'ey, in High street, Car /isle, i n nedia•ely opposite the Itailroid Depot and vVierJtt's II nen,. My resitleneeheing there, I wilt alw ty.4 lie (maid a hoine,reatfy to attendto the- h tsiness of the public. In addition to the .Ihtil4 of it M - isistrate, I will - attend -to all kinds of \V rit - ,44., so ill as Deeds, 111.irtgagq,• Bonds, lit /J.lLOrei, of. - -Agreetrittitt, , Dotes &c, be ex.o.ttaiti in a neat manner aria tic: ending to the meet opproyed forms. Tits 1 - 1 lately oc tuthoi.by me, in Mr. (Ira ham s outlding is tor rent, and Possession hail int. in tiely. Th 3 rent is low hwl the lonnti good. jwi 1.313 GEO. FLEMonING. P 1 iiuflull C 11901611 Academy, (POUR .'3IILES - WEST OF CARLISLE.) FIFTH SESSION. aril IF, Fifth Ssasion will commence on 11014 D IY, Nov. Gth, 1518. 'rlientitnber of Btu ioots is Hulked, and they are carefully prepartid ,fur C illego, counting house. iSt,c. Sce.• Flt a situ ttio 1 prairies the possibility of Btu .le its ,11 . 4 wciathg with the vicious or depraved, re 13 uo from town or village, though easily by Stato Road or Cum'aerland Yalloy tilral 1, both of • whinli pass through lands:at. ati'led to the institution.. TERMS. ' . . • _ 'noir lia t, washing, luitiOo, &e., (tibr see.) $5OOO, LAti tAr Greek . . t 5 00 , N 'tom. roontll Mitsis. 10 00 . . Yronz!t or Gonna') s'oo Cir tlars , with.referenceE. Ecc, furnishedAyM tt tl. R. K. b Prinwpal, WASHINGTON .HOUSE, JIARRISBU RP, I' A. TalS,,p,opulatjease has 'recently undergone n:iltonoooti nerAin; and been FURNISHED — ticitirWrFlEirNEW - FURNiviiejofAlib hest qunlify.. 513 n'nirs of the Legislature and others, visiting Oho S Lit of Glvernment, *lll 'and ' , very 'de. s 4rablerstlp2iug , ,phtne: 04r C•iarges , Mode ... Rite.> ••• ' .W tit:'P,.SA•lst rts, Agent, 4 - - • -NewLaml3sr , I • • TtiE althseriliar,;jais'ioneued;:a,new,,Lambe „Yard at the corder: or W Qti eat stt • eetnd Locals rails , ' has and will Asap enesternl on y-„, hihd daiiitnienthr Seasoned P I NO 4, isl K and,'otherkiads,ml 'CUlSTl:r:till , 'orwhreti he will sell low for yt o the titiblie trytrItIll;•l N., • ..•, Ttilrld , y,l64f ,;m3r) b 'the lobsnribor !Or gobil-RAQS:t..albtr'4l .andad'tif 0 bete 1„ohlitlie0Q1011g‘,0 u,ptiE A, • nollr - tfr..l , ' • „ , „ ,„ -• ' o•l,l4rigSliry' 06114. * Jg . Zifillt " 4 i. .1' ' t 0 T 4 of Aiso . .No - g , 4o in 4* . hbkipiiiity 16.•Stede 1,4) ' • . VJ'- • ' 421:" T AWANF /5 1* *109 ;1WA: 51 • 9, q 9 i ,hjElf l „: pot,uceivea and for y, „. • 4.4 - )41 mr ,, RITHER49:vs, :4 4, ,1, ~.;Prertol t rt4 INrrlVic.; , F 111Ait,44:1184 inklea JmenontrY , 4o l o. - .011069*0409 n B k' c.; . •' • 'I . .7-" , ' -..--i. . , ...-- - - 1.-'......--.,-*,-. , ..t........, , t , . , ÷4 , .." 0 1.1-7511), ”...."....",,. - .'....;' , 7. , ,•;;71., , ,yr,..,..n... _ . 7,. ,-77.-;-,-.7—i--.-----".:.:z7..%---- ,1;*•.: - ;•-' • • - . 7 . - &q l ' - f .' lititGicifT A' tiiiiii 1400':•.qii'illoc.i'l itoStiii • . - ''''•;: % t';', , : -, . - . -, ,-,--4-••.-4:.-.7-...,, ,"•.•':.;,.-±. - ' • -y .",'' , - ,• yr"r ,• "!, - !..: ..,. 1" ... 4 t' 4 • 9 l'."l' 11 ! S' oil 01q;;310-. 4 . 1 4Aitk ... -,' ' . 114JTAIt1 'MA 01110 'Z'A 'Tr . .:. ....r 1 49914,9 ~ - %Ire. R ~ . ..tYII9 fgrat .44.-..14i: " qiiniVr.4;lii„ . pl. - . 7- - • -"•--, .. • ''• ••'"' . ' (4illd Oi lid ,E A ~, ~ , ,.4- ~„. 1 ' ,1311 ; , .0i) , * v.lrar hp ')lir. O .' q T , / il rti , I , 'llli '4l I'•' ' Afti• 1.4 '. '3k•u3‘. . . • - . . •-• ......'"''' . 11 1) - ati . ..1 1 ; '' '` !; , ' 140 ' '.. !, `'. •' Ergs', ?fit.Jp fo rs : ~'!('' !.: u.1.t." 141.':,011,4 ) ' ,- ; : rir , l n itiflr, . - .r..-,. , -ribrime ;,.. f i t f. _ _,._ k .....,L..,LL: ----' '- '' tit.lt ' It Yr. 0 r f i‘nn'rlr, 7 l'lrir orpir Will -,- ,1 ..• 4 ?1 ' ', A. •n -r ''- CZ' a IV': V iz J. 9et , 41111 - Ist frmi.),(---e tit' li--,trivrli Tel' In - ,-„,....„ ri 'y n it,' )qt ... Il i ; ... o p-, .•,,.1 Brt , oil ,4 ' . ~ n ”10 i riir• a lir. , 1131 - g . l - 1 .. . ''' ,L , ..."- ,1 • • ~/.-. '." ' -rrui A.. . .r....11FA Id 4A(1.41 ad! ci . I °/;; V rui ••1 , 4 ',n y , '! ta"vi ..‘ . ~f.,.2:titn. - I , .1775. ,4 ; ~' . . I" 1, :...f ,it.: , :i •T , .!: -. 1 ~,, i , +,1.1::: , 1: i .. :: , ,i . , , . .351,41.,""" 17,11 ilif2Pr f1001', 5 .4 , 101 •rtl'r „ , , ,, , , ,tifo , ) tic ..lll • IA O : - ~,,,-,t,11.... .., ..i.,•. -, r.• A.- :, ~ , ,-1,, • ,.. :2 , 11 i'),,,yqq;,nt ; ; , › 0 : 0 in ) ) ,10; i 4..,cip Pill') .I,3iiitt? - ds I,r, • I / ~,:, 1,.,,, ~,-.! ~, , .• -- 1 ;.i, V,.--0):- 'lll 1 , A , /fi,w ! _ . i.„{. ~ , ( 1, _.‘,. ! 9: 1 ,1 fr : ;,..tin.l ,I) , ,elndrvram , l3 ,111 ifill ii - ,x 111... 1, . . • '' ~ • -,'. ' liiIOIIOWICVISI----4-"Wl''''. ''' . - ' ''. . ' * ' • •;.: ~ ,•••,:. .., :1' , „ . . . ...,_, ._., I ""' ' • ' '• ' ' ' " 7..;.,,, .' . „., ;,...•! ...',..,..,.T.:Pi1ar11X3 MillEßß.VEClAlllialtlmn• MMMM t•li I 3nstirditte ecimpanies EquitablO 14% . liMiiroice ' 4inuity .and Trust' Company. OFFICE. 74 Walnut 'street,. Phiadelphia.— Capital s2so,ooo.—Chtirter -perpetual.— M eke' Itteuranee orcliv‘s at their. office' in Phila. Aelphia, and at their Agencies throughout the 'States ; at •the loyiTat rates of premium. ' I , Thitos for insuring at $lOO on a single Life.. Age._ ' Fur 1 year.l For 2 years. I . Life 20' , HI I , .91 I 60 30 '' 99'. 1,30 - - 1 - ,04-: - 40 . I,29;_'' . 1',64 . '2,07' ' 50 1,86 2,07 3,94 ',59 . 3,48 2,97 603 • ExAmer.s.— A•person aged 30. years next 'birth/ day; by tidying the company 95 cents would se cure milts family or heirs $lOO should he die in one year; or far 09.90 he secures to them $1000; orli.r $l3 annually for soYeti years he Secures to them 01000 should he die in seven years;. or for $20.40 pal& annually during life, he secures' $lOOO - to be paid when he dies. The insurer securing his own bonus, by difference: itil o f amount of emiums from those - ehorged,,by other out : For .$49,50. the heirs would re..- s. ceive WO sidiMild.he die in one year. Foiine of. application and all particulars may be had at the office of FRED'IC. Vittivs, Esq; Carliele,,Pt.' • - ,''' 7.'W. .1 1 ,AGIIOR N e Prod% • 11. U. l i ftelrETT, See . y.' A . ' Dr, D. N. Nisliont, Medical Examiner. _ nugti.s-iy, The Franklin Tire Iheuiance „Com', O FFICE t No. 163i . plie . sp . ut_,trre!,.r!eRr . Fifth • . DIRECTORS. Charles N. Dana(); George W. Rtehards Thomas Hurt • Mordecai I). Lewis Tobias Wagner Adolphe E. Boric Samuel Grant - David S. Blown Jaeuli R. Smith • Morris Patterson . Continue to make insurance perctual, or limipt toil„ on eyery description of property in town fond ,country, at rates as low as fire consistent with security. The . company have reserved, a largo contingent fund, which with their capital aud - pre• mitims, safely inveeted, afford ample protection te the insured. - The nasal's of tha - nompany on January Ist, 184,8, no published naaablv to an act of Assena bly, worn as follows, viz Alortdages Real Estate - 'temporary Loans Stocks Cash on hal - aloud In hands 4.,f . • ;i5,:173 28 Since their itteorporinion. a period of eighteen ,eelr.-+, they have paid owards. of oNr, mit.t.toN, anxtenn 'rnul;s A NI) 'no T.VAIIS., 10.5E1:8 by fire, thoroby nfiordina evidence of 'he inlvainageo of insurance, as well no the nl,ility anti disposition to meet with in-nnitnness all linl,ili , les. CH A 111 7 7115; N. BA NUKE R., Pros'?. • . The subseribetis twent for the above e,orn enrlish!) nod its vicinity_ . -All nnplientions for insurance either by mail oritersonellv. will be promptly ettondedio. W. D. SEYMOUR. gin Ed ALLEN AND E. PENNSBOROUGH j Muteal Fire insurance Company of Cum berland county, incorporated by en act of Assem bly, is new fully organized and in operation, un der the management of the following commis sioners, ^i l ; Stayman, Jacob Shelly, Wm. R. Gorges, Lewis, lipr, Christian Titzei. Hobert Sterrett, Henry Logan, Michael Cocklin, Benjamin H. Musser, Lai Merkel, Jacob Kirk, Send. Prow ell. sr. am: Moionoir Breneman, who respectfully call the munition of citizens of Cumberland and York counties to the advantages, which the emu paar hold out, Tho -rates of insurance are as low and Invertible as any, company of the kind in the State. Pert sons wishing to bebome meilibers are It co. make application to , the rig me of the - coMperty, who nre`Willitigio•Walt upon them at aq'tithe. • . • c.1.AC.013 SHELLY, President • IiENIRA" LOGAN, V. Pres . ,. Lewis Seciet err - Mrcioati.COCAlsr; Treasurer A ribuTs--liiiholfili• Martih, New Cumberland Christian Time! and John C. Dunlap, Allen; C n• lialmutt, Kingstown ; henry Zonring, Shire manstown; Simon Oyster, Wurntleysburg ; Ro bert Munro, Charles Bell, Agnew for York County—Jacob Kirk. gene ral agent I John Sharriek, John Rankin, J.liow. man, Peter Wolford. Agents forHarrisburg-.-I I ouser & 'Lachman. , fah 9 • glilittuaiJira , Otecticen Couiply ClfE' CUMBERLAND VAIILEYSIUTUL L AL PIKOTKe'IION Cl"' I'ANY, it the under the direction of the Tullowing ;; n10 4; o r Nfaitaigres - fur the ensuing year, viz tr- Thos,c, Niller, President; Samuel Ptiltirailli,*lee'Pre. 'sidesiti David W. Mutitilicitigh T tii• riniserA. Gn 111 illew Seeretaey, J a ittea AVenkley ,John T Preen, John 'Lug, Abraham' King. Richard' Woods, Samuel Huston; William' Peal, Scott Coyle, Aleminder pa t vitiscin. - Thprcitre.alsow nymber of Agtnts appointed in' 'the atljneeq inninitea, who will. receive R,m)liettifinsftir in -. Snyaiiee an d lern•nril them ipmedintels fair aw, prim' to the office of Pleperopany ,olien thepol-' ley will tie i'asuett without, Ooluy,' P.orfurther ilitorintitionsike the b'yzlaw sof the tOnipany. ' , ' T1108.',9, - ,MLLLEII.I Prest. .. ... A.','P. Mitl.t•ii•lk;Siioii ', - , in • Tlie followg gern ntleen liSvelseen a pphitttid. . ~ . A C4.IP.Nt Sk : . .t, -,' 5; - ;'' , L . It, Willi sitp'S, .P.inj.,fil' oitlion ii,stin'ris '0 Or."' bral 'Agee!, _...„, I.' .„,...,,,,,,,„_„,.„. ~„,21, . .., . 1:-. ' .:, ? ii; S. 'A ,Coyfe;Clirl tale,. . . . . . 11.)fr. I en.. Day ~.".i\fe,thisiiiesbil. i g . - 'George •flrindle, flaqi: M onroe. . Ina .1%.1 . M can" cr.aq 4Neyllinr g;•, , ,'';' ',John , glntidatito,;F:o4l. 1-1 ogeeinw J): I Stepl)o7,lp*llltyloon o Slilvene'eltrg .., ISeilleinliskil'Ai !1,0T.: ..,-,.. **,. ' 'olTiOri:l46liiii,:Plaster.,, - ,.—•,. L i,,'.61.i::::,,, , ,: , p,,,,,, ; ,,,,; 1 „:„ ; .,,.•,./ it)11: 1 1:1; t i;' I l t itANb iio.iki'ofre'tl;"tlie &b.! lielitifiptiee'Aregetitliin, Pfeiiiium Plastery:. ''.he quallite'Col, rl,llliiii - ,EftiiAlniikhind tried . dipei - 4413nee , hAVO 41,ee1l eatiefackaillyqietebliehek , Llp All women.whe mey, , lieolfilleted±mifif l l4o.,P.n 1. 1 1.- 81' Piierieeeta..tmealii4.4Tt . .X.h.oolon mrstnibiljlP4 'qiow reaqtrtnionilEhiniP.l ll 4Pi,'Sner.enleatng ti*K9.o r ind speedk,elire , le3he alntl'lpaeri,nl,tlins.'ef v frprp o i to 'tltreolr,..veekeitif, applied, o , ,ltli:earii 'and real t 'etlei.,. cerdiewtilF,theneountleeir.inettpm , pteited, eicpe,ol. — ite+etillagir : . ~ . .. .. .. ~ 2 , , tiled inlaintlpg,.:leastpii.eltlee h. n ite • • °„t,. : falled In 1 one inatande.oat of threellltonrnt nn : ntlY,,nefle!i;4 IPrlk-Cl.n.a..Dot.'l;An.rter, box, 'Sold' i linrtialiil?y, i ~ §.l ELLIOT , R A , •,pr , 4 z ..V,,DIyER . 4 ; • . ~rebo.3-1y,!,,,11x.P.4 te..zi. , . i '. ,g. tch t , ?,•3 , t) ~, • • CEO IiMOM pEuy of phtladelphia. 8.1,220.007 67 Fire Ineuranee. TILE CUNIAERLAND VALLEY ' • • • 1t 'iii , 4fy 4- Arnyiu: , . Bt 'n EVIV‘II:t-4tlttillieefOrinPb""Phrini; 141;v8altil;1361118TFRI!' p d'• „univerm,it,LOnoapitnic near., set . GArtnimYri the BlocK.z7-If.- Ino f ( l B9 .T Y , / a : 0,41 11:1Vrof tvgb Yenra qtregiTolliiel)lllll4r termio(‘4ll, r , ocr b,A Ali,d dA4I4, LLT•tifrol 1,0 e'„F•tlfite rnti, oF— 11ittycktiPits' ;by !IT t`d 4 , 44.1," 001,0 " - 114,1101144 Pm fr 114 cr 41//3 It' A.110;t1-,-101r19) 0.4 - ' I,iu; ,im - AhI4_I,IIII .2,1111,10(m, Mil . 1 ':11POt ; '()NM"TiItIN'ONWir : "Oulrthia °ripe ; l" the wine cup glowed, • AU epnrkliVtgwlth Ito ruby ray, Thcbaceliatinallitu ilquld itoweil; Audfaly juddi the uutdueel gay. • Thowile, oo:pfl. SG dCOI I IY/ Warped, The sway of conscience rashly spurned, His priindis of repentance seorned, • And coward-lik — td g`tilii returned. • "Cloty ridsson s es lie talc is . topl 3 lie wildlY , ,ituigeoi theOlsOnetis tide; With , anits thahlsai•e fteits ' Y'Sela The blrilklslit , of Ids soul, dad tiled• Ido not sartbal breatli forsook _ Tbe clay, and left Ills Weds deed, Dui reaeonf in beroniplie, • And all the light orllfe.was . • . The anger eieswdh Pity 'wept, ' • -•When f helutbenn pity fide would save • ' The sacred vow to falsely kept - , And strangely abase a diunkdrd's grave- "Only (his once t" thiwaret betcere t • ' Once, uot upon. the Mushing ittet • Repel letoptutton'y siren snare, Atitt grOyerfol stick for strength ditrint.• •:44.00:5tt4a31.U 1 / 1 114 4k. • Prom the London Keepsake fur ' 1849. 'S(IEIITES . FRbiti A DRA&A • ntlti..rtilttogtititqLAND.: SC.EN FIRST. • A team a here the genius of Ease and Luxury Finely presided, where hole had stretched froth a wand already breathe J on • by hie minim—Art; uu gbu rug, ill con has.. ted colors tnet the cy e r . no uncouth, or • tual shapes oracle chaos 01 Leitmotif lot. ins, • but as iti music different tones combine • to . ex titusite harmony, so Cosily hangings,. and dair.ty otiranients, and giaceful statuette, and gents el prctures,.und_ lounging chairs, add comfortable couches, }'fielded their -harm - ony to the senses, and U at kited as it were, an Ert musphei e hl quiet pleasme to pervade the• ihw• e It waS summit 100, --early sums 4 arid rite gentle emmtl 01 rustling leaves, - and the fragrant bream of opening ilooers, at ale through the e induct a, %rj.iiie ever arid at ton 3 ajlj bird's joyous irdte , was heat d', as it , to join hi chorus to - the lovers' speech. Fur they wale lovers who pat in that pie - 4 , alt chant bet—young lovers, vt tilt u tieh.dt !w -ry 01 lit:alth aid Lemity, told,: what the n tad wini s Lyalues yet mom Lig) It, its own I el- . * null. in exleetittiey. I rfr6r till , mar .ey _ is thn grarnhisi thin- to possess, but only- be== -cause cutiontg.trwks.tets have made . -it - the ' reprele - inutive — .mthstitti of ti enteral audint sys.: er, instead of goodness , and i e, which should tie rulers. Put arty is the tr. ea , `condition of serfdom. Joyous and untried they two:—let d ' s eta them Clarence and Clara, --spurned the ha - p; PY Rreselit, valuing and usiug it only as the mountingladder to some condition nrtur4k they painted with a 'Pencil yet more rre slnoptuously tumfidout than that 61 hope Joyous and untried Ih6y two, for noth:nig deeper dr graver than pretty curettluid as yet' - rufiledthe smooth current Di their lieu a .— Yet really.with such tuvoreu mortals, p any , ear 9 s, swell ri4d :let to- quite undue pro por tions., and the inaludrintiress 01 milliner, or. '- the pianponement of t fete fluropetre , iii ctni= sequence of the rain , (tor fir•-41teta't thanked:Heamett,) had beenknown , to . wave nowus„on the.bcautifukhrow of the lady . - and. 'the - bleckheralisrin v dot, or' - the hard klitsaftellatiailif acqUailitanee, would 'not sell the 'hay' at arty' pricer, toul'ocrt t oglyr lounci vent in orig 4 looks ham the .p .entle.-• man, ,but mu% red anathemas,. no i kotpl but deep, tV ith what mocking sm' wet* d they two have replied hail any prawn nett to doubt their mutual lose, ' / tuba, so liabili ty, &v., &AP, or the •seperi ,-- alarte; i . oerhu man, lelicity..which.-taust result •from their whu un s eadth would ..be bold . enough to - prefler even an opinion .on ti lu ture of them Io" new to life?: who could dare to,,tell whether dross or pore gold wow Id be , worked from the rough ore ol their , tin -natures? There are souls Wilolll,even pros. ; panty can only enervate for a tinue,, a those instinctive faculties ate too noble to ex, pond themselves on trifles for long,, anti w, hr/Se ininde are too actiyc to slumber beyorn 1 tile' early morning 01,.111e, liplxevef bourn: o pet maybe their sinttlaudiv,„Thaiii,att oth I ets,*---r— but n:vvethe.seeue to shifted. $ 1 390,55 5 G 5 108,9511 99 124.459 O 0 51-50 25 . . . , SCIIINE Tim,EC ',SCtISID. A 041 Nttor on ,that selfsame 4ay, ; ;bin: .mio,kw9y , VI afar Off cauntry, Tha,so one is MO tjtkalcshgarien;of lite country :vicar; 40; fliti,bt44,[kl.?"'4sll4l9i'tSlY twilight; 4114 : il i a ` uctPT, ,1 1 1 3 ,W,1. 411 Rif- . !) a10v,er„4.„T0 6 .. 0 1., the pastor s • portionlestr daug;iter r7 is 'UM rich' i Clara s cousin, - There ", is Often 4,16 e it f'' I rirties's; the'sthirili,bl iiinartitilbet Weeri*litia 1 -=-ali . olc 'CitUgit'atiliiiiii fithilf4. tither,,lliiiiv" aj p•Urrninaint , ' aiipfeiiiiiit`,: huf4liieh'' - isqiiT- ) tgravi''iliOidiuiiieati,il'iirinstaittnini its i l kiiiii i :e) 'htance as time rolls on: 2 'Myktitileitinia'S'aire 'Mot sweltirirly elite's-It:Of 4tioelariety...huil theh he r- em il a i is'fro more' ben nth u I tort - Wit 11 , 1 iiiig.f: H er ,fer r ii le hiusso'reititely,l'antl' inaestVa va s . her cousin's though, iithiCapst ; ii, ji, l' a i'd re , l i the, . aruhgraceful r; t , 11%,r14!-A-. , 1 0 .1 k .c..-•ft., ,-, l r; ;I A , But there' is no , likbfiess•:britiistenleihenir juin MOSsi-linS hedtt , iiiigiiighp thertnilmo»eed,i, mess or her lace, writes there art ,es.Pre ssiari,t , whioh;ihnOpy sCialltis isoutitenancair;‘nexer , "iiMEei:The lovetrirrirwpattirtgi4-pattingiinftv % , 1 e tof,m'etulta they.htivemtati perltassii n ni!PUgh.,Z lileab , be , suittleretV, , , , Aloryntlearlfitav6o,4hey i .;- loved,'With the strong, fresh love of :,ynotha, illitiKiriitl!'4 , ift%rhq i lqi th9ifil tiffMr; iJf",,,4y rp,pcstllS i lli.iilf:42ibkl.i. , p l /M°9ti!fMlei aIP ltlf9o. l, Tfl. ntg i, rx r 4? 1 ,il 'Alt" Mil P!!1,-9Y,ORPVANPROI: p I.ll,4p.,emqa, , ocr,lPl4RYPtio, , R! , ll.Pi3l Aqmpg ; l :it It , pow,n t fpr,j9y,prop,4loo, l , It?Pr„_•!??1 , ,Iflit.111. 0 , , 1 1 6 ,-rflltlY,Fa i v ah,l9, l l!* t f:3,gp7t;; E digr, , s4 l. ~,,,....4 „ ... ~,,, r -1 .are oar, 11 1 ,I', e) 11, , ~, trhe Irii i " eiAj' are oar, and ttbth h r i vtidit: l . ' 'l i' i t riN k gilMi ti . `ii '‘' I. '“'" '— , tiiae, ,v tic trs nail ol a mrs ~s. , w,erni, 'it ern, 7 Mira - is the eldest ohild of hi • , i‘ lin% ' l ,b % htttideitlfiliitait, shiStitiiiit'.l34'iliai Wit , riefess , 01. to ',grilebt'AVNti lit're'iteratilithinaintliss,lethi , t, 1 theffiuPti'rfittaileleniNifl trihurrit'ulOoresrilibliih'=o 'fnent.,,,:rve yieuri.iiiiWovuirbtdt 6l otY,' , tvkkileit . :),IQt 1 0 1 ' either:trail - irk: l J k ve,,,try .',..t - i , ;,i tAr , ,i x t,„,,,(l : 3 1 .otifid,ll4ertoplibeilibeetiAtia pup,litirtuni6 Jong clomestieritail in the house—no ~ loNlijr6', Iromitiiklp 9 . P.Y.ffit 411' nitfliresktra#,ginwr ~ 0 triII I : B , I 4IO I3 PI4#4 . PIIPA, 10 1 4 1 P.91kilrYi9884 ' A iutl ' I crePeil ( l l4 ! 4l-8 diath . ,Q,lP,Figooll%.9XiffitFMl' 7#o L ' w li!i l ilplet r P r t pt,llx,e r f i l)llV. i i ipt,i,, ~0 , d,11 4 4,we.51pt -419 , 1. rilivli ~,,,. Atv i Inn . posnlnll,' ' InPcklAt., c , 14 ff Oh l , 1 1. K, t i'!l h e41 1" : 1 1t1 . 411:1 1 1VII I‘ ttlaltil iitiffOrifiglitr, ..! C 1 1 ..., ~ r. t 43 • ,4. t, 0,7 , , 0,4 k i.4,40 -, ,a - -,.11: VA, 01, 1 t'lki lig, , ‘, , ' '-, '.; -,- , ..::' -'.• ',;;',.'o,4,t`R` ;';','''', , :' , a'''':?'" '', .:„..f. SIM stitOireliid,e el' hie mutel int an jo .re I - Teti. ll'ifibula n geffi" v illiViliiilink l gof'itn‘tici' i hiktiit4tiltelits'lottienore eilthereaerifiCe for! othetewsni . T.. , ,!' w i t! ' ~‘ :,.t.t: nt ~-,,f.t .; . , - TgiftontemOatPtOl e irl flk_CW - W..P.Pt 6 iieer in , minify. The bile'', dteunt ;wail dispelled by Witiiiiiiitit'akeiiiiio,oliiiS%ktw'ilitifitAliSeitilved Om their grasp,land'mvihs,itc.thin,,i , ait..unreal ea the p,eetniftil fahrteite of eloud-lanil. 1 Tree ititit'theiftiti'iteit'vatficiiitilitiiiir 'ilf en 'unkind voikirtirthetoatilkittiOcil ah`Andelielroffs' 'slis• niohiNblit , ft was tadeespn ,ot t lite , they, had. Jetittetiovlnett tvita4a. leaxe.thent aadei, itvisp;Oliler,,wit,l4 - a - rkeeric - Itserpe -,91 litippi rieidedelled; &Mainly Ter yerits'i peettihly for Oitegt.:':o, ,:, .-, .11 c. , :tt.rlP , .1, ~ , • . Anlittle gate openedifromtthe garden to the 'ltillpg9 oherch!yaki; , and, eide,hy,aitle, they. qttri‘erecttirnong.ilie - ride ..memorials of deetkrvirtitCh'teld "isla leiniliinVA-tille'Ol 'the boisina ) s ileay,'ltrid'or-'liiiiiiiitititt's 'pritne, and drooping age-in its 4tvithering:trineness,• aii-Irkrlnt.rlown,.. wtki.Otki(t old edifice was 1 Itiat,witere they had,,sp,plietn,.)(velS togettier in'iltid'thankigivitt end trustful prayer, and tierlitipe'irithe days 61 . !10ie - aild' hope they hid:dreamed of voitte to he;proffered on the welt ffircliTheleps of iftsi4Aered altar.., Would 010 vetya.noal et'pr,be taften, by eitherl—L Wh'ilt would , be liittli&i'airest the 'ob'eaii whitheFftite'epiripeliVirtili ''Atid hets? l'os sibly,theserttonjeotertitg- thoughts still . II O F in uhiaen, for alter a pease iney . lepit itistive• tiveiy in the . same diricjion anti' beth billet ivto tears. . SCENE THE THIRD. • . • plye,yeprer,hive;pi:usepLl wkyay i and Clara, aid wtle, into • a-thouOtful wotilin. great teadher, as "every: deep etul ,, upe emotion Must be.. To woman it is,,enougM - it, can kindle the electricpyinpatity and make her soul Vtbrate to, fhta truths, which heretofore had dwelt only lilte cold sta& in the fair heaven of faney..' Alas! knowledge had not Inveigh' happiness, for this world can never be the paradise of theliighest prituies; could they, even by a laity's wand, posecss the gifts which their aslfirings ask, the contem plation of the folly arid sin by which they are surrounded would.alone_be enough -to -sad-• den them. ,After„illl what a vulgar, selfish gust is it the seal "aiterihappinessy--Dill mortal eveefind it come in The shripe he had pictured, or by the TilieriSeibritratis lie had an ticipatedi . • : Yet though Clara, could ~riot have acknowl edged site was happy, to the world her de portment was serene: And w -- thotigh the like ness to her cousin Atvra was now per'lro"- nently apparent, het, tjve fiutalred,a9tta-ilt fluxes took no - trouble to inquireif there ynis a cause! tor the lord', ~ lenguage faw.l • limy , ierintiinely! for (,lava hail seine Pli110): 01 d.t101 1.101 - ti.oo to ex pose het heart ,tyounds„,Her,s . had been thfi'billeraii idol r-rid finding - if - it Tait (o' be cOrrirnon — clay. Her soul and that oh her. husband had been like • streams that, uniting for a while, lied no more to niiiigle,,bur,llowitig eat channels grew Hearn and more b His was the' itiferibrilinttureinot strung 'e nough to resist the-Captiarr- tdrAptatidne of prdsperity. Hesank into that pitiable,objeot —a human being livingonly lot 'enjoyment,' (pleasure,' iruntibeirient,' wit:lent aim or ob ject beyond the narroer bouniirtly' ;sett-itt- dalgence . His lot hed , beeft one blind for tune's seerniug lilionlersj spurned bp the rough ril?! i ikat crtne 0ne,13 the WArldt useful dectisii Jit for sefifilet filetieran•iia-n lure; at it Acitoptie blotted Aloglt ace ' , of' mem. tie% proyoking, the question What fin s e this thing .on eartl.l l , 7,,, • lii flue proportion ash° had fallen the wile had ristin;-1-tor it is so S'ometiinas. gvery selfish exaction of hiss liact , proved her gen- eioslty, and ins trilbies liad‘been as a mirror , . by which in tinproye herself. Alone, in her I own morning worn she is stilted at her w hog :table. Notwdlistarid.ing their wealth, the extravagance of her husband contracts very painfully the meattivstie would most no bly :Ave used, but though, she has less-peon ey to expend insgeneious, benetticuotis than is expected from libr station; She does inn- nee good with her time and her - influence. Site is :busied now it, cotrespandence, acrun ging the details of a benevolent scheme of which she has been die original conniver. Her pen • P'asses rapidly across 'the paper, for she thinks• clearly, , and consequently, filid4f ready language. :Her cheek it thlshed, and , 'hen eye kindled enthusiusfn,, she loisks like a glad angel ieotirdbig, , the_ good deeds of good inert. • A thuds aid! ifiesohis Sjlool , looB , illeareleisiy‘ bilythete is 'that 'oh. the page m*11,8011(10 a Spasm' through' her f r anicHit i it,treeehleil w , l{4,,tliß,,mind'o agony:. Tlie cheek is' bldnehe now t saute pito urns pass before there corries'` aid sail solace ;of weepirig. , Slielstobps hetilltead tiiion Her hands it,l4 heavy viiitlyithie,wtfight bI unshed tear's:. ; ,,Tbe 'intolo'eerrowing woman. a whoop nuncio 'she bears,—he whom she has !We& setYti';' ry; ttrcltiMi ivliofri Her shill'einohaity'firia bunor t riliftrgemPintethbitklieg,ratiationm7Tfteri r4 l 3n.r .r gartk '‘ v.torhl34 hca!tYll*hitiltiksmal , ) is I conl.ssed•bekre ;sr, „ , "- , " Vtilib frelWairl'Ertlilitdit'lfroiht4lit'AiCy 1 ' youth`, relotitqeee4teeitilik4 au , etlguese.atitlit.tiiellleAßAY,W9); tiltdevel? oprnent of Character shall'lead? - 1 scANFTPra9P4TH— weeit Tater, P,Virre p. also ,a tiiia beiiii i iiele'r" , Trilliiiii r lebking tile; efts' ibeilidevlietrol - lairi,wllicfnautteilitatrillaek now, r,n led, vsbqtt, tip?e,,but,ii Halt; bent by he Weight'ol ftiki3;; tHelire pireema tiirret int ito I;ioutitentthetvvenit' 1)91111 giNhiglltt Atin4i tiorP,ll , 9sfM°pikl-nitrie , StelttiOr . ic'kgelfiqt up In us ghee wt h eagerness aril ii9riadith'lth4 XvlcSols,t. Not to . the;lover of herayouthrisiffilie weilite4 Itiot for her wak.yontids„lantastiu 'dream at fffiVif.VSlo ; 9'.ffr r iW ile i4AlitM , i 9 "" ...4,,ireol'herstern . duty, she leir,antc,rition. iiii.lrii ? ', .6 . gtr dot' , I .01. e e • •, th edgiv nit I telArrg,' I'o4lle/41k WichquOtwafirgt elnuttv Icittleng:gt , o.tti'v it 161 ., 1.0"1(11' i 7 '. ll onttgl inkt,ue AlWAARktAffellil v Vl o 44l 4 l l t 7 1 °Ymit'jhg , iA7 4 40 , 1 1 10!vtrilV'llPi lo i'll,Alit It sts, tit ' le ,e 1. an IreOia:m tut iihriitiplitictlitoilittig , loArchAssijtailifiuriltiginOvmericlihir oliglorja i re it. )10 ) (9,19Aitet.iiiIrgitillt444.4 , hee . ~ A , 1 ,--- a poi Itv we I l l ' i l 9 Itqpisolitnyiiih 6 81 h .kOhlv.ti:.. 911 hYti bli i'ietightilllNeiVarAilteliii3gftf,l, bYzedelts4ll6thOperrto‘atioh mut `ttixperieueelt tftdettkilt o4l4 ‘ 4l MlNtriffid u AtOY 4 PP' 94 .ri vl l Aw* rt t V i Pgalvii. o, erivr awl* 1 . 4 ',s` .' i ' ten tti Iti ste, e rat ~‘ ar 1 &ILO p i eyrkille iher . hrid,wurtmtrltttrekvird would, ENttl l ta l lair Allastitheio. ll lWwitlo)fe.' , ,itt9lsiioo. bOt,ifili 41/2tdil'elltd se,se , h et, , Irore- 11,o'sptteetwkic4 . - ; crheme; and her wooer,, ii•air wealth and in-'; Ildetice bylvifiCett `to'airedeiF kiii'driad. Whatfollyzi§ thil ••thiblimitabl6 tiVothl ll . l to - castsstrebrinVmensase;-ow the portiont,g. less girl who Marries the man of stAticatalsrr x , The secret . such marriages often 'fietng 'hapPy li, I take it t not diet wealth alone'cod less happinesS; burthat..such •Ltireitastanees prove his lave! awls, that. certain .aflectlon , ob ; that side secures a verxlsirge,gmemal of lops, in the crampoon, • • MYre'S tiusbendl.4 one Of, triglaind'i :aloes ; and ibis ls'llistening,'lo'hiStlerierfortho' i 'doings 'in the .house-tlia-previous_eileningist-ii• - ; for, she shares his.confolence,in,4l.,Alisigs.t-,-, Vresently the newspe'rer of the day 3s-rel.:art it . red 10, and glaticip g `eiliPrOWind'inkbel:, tar-eons intelligelide,'•thei•b`artio lYlortiiii!' arrests her .Alas!shrtpialegraphals not.' to ,his credit -; Inas,-!tteep; lao,•:Weak2 to swim w!thout,altl over ,the 4 gep,,,foel walers , adversity.'No Plihrisifieal pridei•fiside place in - Myra's heartt she only trunike•Goe that she!has beeh savoillromlamptation 'Yet tears ofeurripAssion spring to,liev,sayel, ;,•• ,inal a tts. she ptaicts With, her linger . to the words,' she aid:Weis; ,'what a ernitrirst, What - woele•la OW, beet, 'his!' • Hew' impouis ' is it•to murmur autfie,decrees of Providence • • which ark commonly so raw:la : lt inalek than our own at-del-ill could make them "My deareAt'l3-nuirnurerf gier ItuSt;aait.l-, tenderly, mid - With a gestuie , qat.affecttem- • "we have often acknotaledleal how deep-a risrse there might Itttye .been i ln •sa granted prayer,". And now togethet•theit eyes wander rivet ;he close, Cornpactly• printed columns and again are.;they startled, by a name. The story of Clara's sorrow and. Clarence'} grace is babbled to the wails( at Woe, to prei cake the differing eitirrirrielit'of : • „ or envy, orentnity. • • "Let me go to her," said Myra, after a pause ; ttit is the time—it is the hour. No longer the Irpoor relation," whose pone, perhaps, her proud patents; never mentioned in her proud hearing, have a right to ptef- • fer my sympathy and affectioe. &starless • as she is, and too. noole-hearted, if report. speaks truly , to - be' very - Aasily understood -and appreciated, she will-not fting-hackithe hand, I woultt'Warmly exiC - nal:" :Let ns drop the curtain on these shiltiiig Seenea from the DILAMA .. OF LIFO ! Yea, such are. acting-around tin avely day. Mor tals veseStllidl with told murmuring ;it a des tiny tilitigti'beitefaceiide they cannot The, ceaseless wheel of Tame revolving wilily. and sileutlttitriangla the . long course of the eau; iless w raising . die ium ble sureoWrit - to joy 'or ptoSperity,—fieiv.. darhirte (Wen the brammifig-eup that seetn eittai surely - held, end ,thadyilig.all human I eakobilino . . • ••. ' i „ ; • ~ , , :./...3-' , . • -,-., • -., :-. • . ' -•• 4 . - • -'• --- -: -' -- --:...... ~ ••,, -3. - - -' 7.ff'31 ,. -;13,..;'. ....„ _ _ . _./1.-s-r...3/ ./-1.7„....,,,,7c71: , I!, ..,. . -._ -w1)121. f ,--,14 0i)! : „.,) , ,,4-,• , -. , , •,, ist,d - - ... Lid inotol t.iiir' tit - 110 '' ' 'Att-' • • -*- ' ' k • tr' ag I no/e'en )In-in% on , .:, rit‘l , ' .ir.,/, ~,, C. . /uo , : i , If i I,:n atiltd..iitoti 144 . IPt , ' Lk '' . ' '''''. i,r-i - P. '' - T., f:q , ffilo"n"..l tltiii,- 1 1 . .... 'f i i .s, ~_, _,,, s r r *:: ,,,,,,,,, ..;: ,4 , 4 044, 4 7.-3'r t !. — 7- . 7 ,.. - ' ":: r i t ° o i , 0411 , 14-D1 to)1'41 , 11i:n """ . 1 44 4 9 : ' .?".'• ' 4- :;,, ty,l , -, '." gliall r:' , ' ,V2llhi- , 1111 , 11‘0 v i lOr l' -‘ ~1:0, 1 , . "I'l • •i:'. ll, 2 , 1^3 - '- .- ' P ll ' \. - 1 y. I' ON N% ' / 4 10; I f I '...."..% 'ir - 1 , s, ,‘,„•,. i ...,- 1 q,...t 10, ,I ~.1; u., ~,,, . t ,_ ~ ~,,, • _ 1 - 1 , ~,,, I . cil ii i ,vrinlP. ".9s , ut fit ,t t - i 1 J#11.1 . 4 1 , + . #.l .• " ~' ./ - r,', 1, , .II WO II) .. 1 .‘1" ' "It • * ' '.II ~, , ,,*l-,..d.....,.....v...,—.0+-ne;.,,,, . .rf... ,1“ on will,' 'i a ' ,T, - ,:fit lIfiLI.1` . t;'11:: ',.::I,Pf f , iI,, I ;' nirr ... 3 e.tr.,0......,,,/,,,,,13 I}-,; #:417I to I y I ly 1 71,141•1 q /, ...„I L i e . 01 ..-',11::11=li..--j:1 ~! . „ , ,i .„il V,: If 1.(11/1 1ir,;1, " ::,.! ,'; ”1 . " , ' '', 11 .. ' ~,i , j , i i 3 , 4.32o:2l,llElr:REP , Fl:rlo"''''t 190r11t,,,1rt 11 1,,. '/. - . ~.,11 -i......., 'n. , ~ , t,'l ‘9 81!184. , OFFICIAtiItErOATIVTO dOVERIVMENT ' Gold Voliiid'iii-Artitrips of: Sixteen and TWatity-five Pounds Frar,a rile Wdahington Unton, Ina. Erfiact ota „Liner fiona Thomas 0, Larkin;, Al late Consul t ' and ',wiz) Navy Agent of the PUinted - States, to the geeretary , of :Stale;'' dated!,nt ilfonterey,..Nov, 16, 184 . 8. The digging.arutwashing for gold contin ues to inerase.mt the Sace . amento placer, so lar as regards 'the number'ol persons enga ged hl ilio . basitless. 'Mal the size tad 'quan ' thy , (if , the:mend dailyebteitted.:no rthalft , .fgul:iit lzs3 11 1 1 9 43 ,cf llYArtf,?AiftP,i! 3 cefl,,9( gold, abip twenty-Ilirectcarv.s - qtm, weigb z log front 'one to t wo Ptlin'ctleliatdlialie?l:"frore good auth'orlty weigliting•eieen. pounds. have:: heard of one specimeti..tbat w,eighed liven 11'-fire pounds.. ti)iire UFO y mien , man ut the placer, whom June last 'had not one Bred dollars, now in possession M from; five to twenty t!tousanddollarsovhieli they, made. by digging gold and trading ,wifti the ludtac . s. Sevetal, rbelieve, ttevti made more.' A common calico sliiit,4w even a' silver dollar, has been taken by,att lndiau forgold without. regard to site;- ; and a halt In one in of gohl—say 0113 to 30— , consider et( the price ,o; a shirt, , from' three 'to teaitunce's'ii the price of a' blapket: - slllo' a day, forsevend days in-succession wag' and is emistdeted ti„tair.reiritinerulion fordlie. labor of a goithiliggeh,llgnigit„,few work ove er tt month at a Mlle, as the fatigue is very gfelit.l..Frtmi July to October one -hall "cry ilia golit-loititent have, keen a.filteteiVeither with) I the ague 1 1 10- 1 9 1 1"er ii!P•4 l . ll 4"Piklenl and twinlty daysJseiit i.frern Me placer *W ring iliitSb'mcinthe 14'466E416 , 10 1114 re. 'have tint; litiwaysa j be i thi minty, fulal.CUSes.o. f . , 1tie, , g914 it,!Hpy ,1910 1! frosit pmallept leßaglitary ,plectO ,to Pee p, weight, lit tit troy ounce lot' till Melon.= proses of 'citinmefce;. :tier, the netiessity, of :raising corm, t9,.p.4y .ties to the, goYetikufelkit(!.‘l°, accept from eta to Si per ounce. -2 ...i111 coin 'in ealliciinials be locked l'up hi the' Vifstenn. House !nk: tile: lastllttrill , :of our..t..crigrossis - is hnt.43-4eio-iii-regard truthd_ receipt at ~.meney.:ll lA* ,bl'AVinA lifi;oul4 You,4ll.4W.ffteigultuftOithrPfklifor,t niA:plocerMi lku oi (A%•iwq ulthillittk :YOU httd(beeft loAtujogit U.slßlat purßhitioYlo* fatlr' , 9oplqry s itg eot il nß 9oftistrgeliPß,.t,lld*Litioastel4l,Y) yhai,pleaeciAlailfflovV,ltilThhollAty pf. I,l4l.stsk buttilivki;vnite4,,longilgiAmmki4Nivorojeora cplitikautiYiPcing!'?nakigi ArtOrt. , Prflikl4t999 aiilec laligttir - iO4 - fOO - I';oiisviii,9toontipt 11)1 1 .riatluitle-totliteXelOteiltrvi: :401n tiV0111.9),10.1t . 4mi1Ati105) 0 1.411 0 1,4 ofnffxlffut 4 1 4114,004 1 Pst,3*outi'lqUayk$1 1 mr toprelpankNo , irgrat9 WTIOO-1 , 4 , 411 ,qm o ttumAN . licephovsaykitanN2 91.1 i to 4 ..tsiHtfl $O . ! ‘ ,ll,)ilit, I:11 SP WI (If :IT:1117 GY , trl49 , ii inta ttli It ill bti 5 1 r.,Y1411b1 :rl44foTitik'Vlgq4qvitt.t7 r: tot' 6E4 , 4 I,ollevOinfoit NtutfiAftliiinistoti , ifitzg reccOhinienilell the Tistlfitdon'enf,thhietrastd.t: All:4lliittig shi r pd*ltlit,eh tifftioUdt'oo': 1 4 31 _ 19 UUd il 01 1111 oult: flUitheiif iottireing4otini ,t„ g . Iti*lO'bititettlf:'%lAtie tlnltiiekettirneacltitforiewistutiithr,i.Y:lirtdrll4 ;earic9ritibillsll • pot ttichpOro,trinti'llud:lrOeartifiit, , oeUrtvtlVectritipitkeilllt b e litipdssibleifott Mink Voitetl'Stuttfikro'finiltititlit'artrifaittlPol4ellt itittrelitithashtighitatitthilifiniffalitOollirotiertl ' ; between:m - a ennd man upon-the soil efi410:• 1 rllaiftluivet Suptittlt:rm I K , m4kitt. '• e,9),Afffflint:cliitakiffarrllit-Pe tlita`ktfitaringi r eekNif tvgag4. direa4iettimoubfamew . 44l,l4drioilimonufa::_ ,;whichhas been widely Cfroillthed-loi,itifOftt: , niglit o bul'euftheut-bfingierbeek' *Oriol 'l4tlo7gtiAki#Vl4ol,o34ol,',•,:#ol!rilt MEll : . .• squa l d,ron T lT:i t aorrirkol thllint pm ,ocfica-1, : , and aeameit, halrtrili but low mouths ttasiTET aid la'r'ge balanaalea' the'ati,airitiliiii Elie in ' disioaggraglateddol ekvitYtniNtrustritliduhrei I . 'l . : i* * ' * . ' ' leo, 1 4 i .11.. ;There is a great defieioncyi of coin in the cOontryi r arphespeetally in , the mines; :the' talcusg,,a4,vantage Of the. pressing liec . essity„ of ;the'digger . , not uttliettnetitly 'itamPrilling' him' trt'aell his'ourtee of:good gold' for 'artill- 1 ver.dollarOmdit has been:bought, under-like circumstances, for fitly, cents per ouncet,9 l , the Indians. To this state .ot dependence letiqrittg..ntiners r eto nowoubjeeted, arid Most be ,ttatk noil' coin is mere aliondant. • Aiseise. Obifdeatidintermittelit fdreil;--16 triciliitii , peal hisiee among 'llle'diggeri); as , iliey' are' • alitost.'destitute of , . food and • raintentf hod for .149(tr.loet Pert .without houses ,of ;my Kind to protect them from the , incletoent season now at hand. " _ Thsrcemm,erce Of his coast friay_ . .be said to be entifely Put' off by deaddm io . No iciPri er does alnerchatit:ehip arrive in any of the: porte.ol•,Califorttia, than all - hands leave her; in some inatimpes, captain,, coo k, l and,all.—; . • :.A.t this theinent, there are a panther 'Of 'Mei c-hapt .ships ihris'abandoniethat Sim Fisinersoo;, and r, such , will be the taw°, all• that subser•• queotly arive,... . • . • .•• .. The master of dip. t . thp c;lz„,rtak Walton," 'gat brought btores ter . ' the squadron to ,this _port,Offered, wilticiutlincem;Bso pe'tnictiiili to Callao, and th'erice42o per mciinh hotne,;• to ..tlisbuilded., voltpgeei:s,. „not fietteten, 4V-e were obliged at last,io bnpply, hint. with four melt Wheals terms 'of 'service Wer43.. - iiit'whig telt close.' This state - of tiinks is tot (milli; ned to California alone. Oregon is,•last-Ale dopnlating; hermliabdants pour- bottle Old diggins, and loreign residents, and Tunaway, sailors from' front the Sandwidli Ishtnds are dirt's; v t ing' by every vessel 'that approaches' this eptistl ..Verrespeodully-your otth serraott _ . • .- _THOS. A. P. C. JONES. • _. . corn minder -m-Ctlier Neific Squadron- Hon..T. Y. ildaserr; Secretary of the Islavy. The New York Ilerold publie.hes a (Our 41a. Mdlrlonterey,.Calitornia, Nov. 16, 1848, (rem whicth tutiquote as ilollowa: •--• • •• T ne,pay of 11,,mernber el .Congress wilkbe accepted here by those who do not know: enough to . . better themselves- Met:harries gait new get $lO to a l6: per - clierit; labourers en the wharf or elsewhere 65 to , SIOI elerkst end Motel:Dopers $1;000 to §3,1100 poi unnutni - , iinne engage to k,eep store during !hell plea are at per day,. ot 1 to. 1 1.4 fly. of gold per *oat; cooks and steVrard6',s.Bo to COO . , . per month. ' . . The,itlea of moun•ains of quicksilver oely . ,Wiliting the :ingenuity °l'm:m.le 'nuke theta, pout - forth as a•stiaimt—o. river who Peleele- 1 tome and haiika are or gbld, is rather` ton much to play upon the eredtility of Near y. o o;eqi and lilnikee° , Tnie ) know-the Sandwich Islands, Oe-- eget' arraollrer Calitcnnia are lam patting with their-inhabitants all'bOtintl for Ms coast, and theiteelo the great "placer?' 'cot the §a.c. fitment° , Volley, where „Mt digging and waQiiing of one man that does not produce , itne hundred troy ounces 61 gold, 23 carets, 1 riots ,the size cil•a'half spangle to one pointd; • ie ode month i. seteihe . digger , to - oprospec iags".7ol4o„, Aocking. for better gronzds.—,l "1 1 - 1°9 1, 4 nfi °Pr'anY a ifrian who,has,,for i'; i te'2Vddys ifi'auCcesaion;lstgged. up 5' tcf:lo 1 inineifecit 'gold a day, •' " • • • Our placerior geld region, 'now extends ewer 300'-or 400 ruiles,,eleciantry, embracing ; r 401 j i he..drepks stru),nrath iees, on. r the. ' east of 1 Elie fi ber Seeradantei, strObne side of 'ttia` anTiiiqiiiii." 'friirikr travels I'hirOti;;-tithitn'' eating under a tree•and grsx'intrmyl•ihorser. een..oAew , -..pieres,ol „purer ilnkl.i.Pigkna.vaP rom; the ercykies.of the yeaka pl elitte l vinsr°, re ' were stopping. 'On one occasion, neon:, irg - orrefreshing• on the side' el e - sfiearn"enr• irely unknown to diggers or iiitrospeetoisl 3 3 , prr, rather it known, not ,attentliti, to,, one, 01. V 9 0 .triP,artioed in, rolling in Ake sarid , saiih, fiGiVe me a tin 'pan 'why should' we not be'' ctiokiti,l in gold sands?'? He took a pan. Hl.' led With•surid, washedit out, and produced' in five mitilltes.2 41 . 4'0 worth of Wild: mere, ly saying, as lie threw 1)011 pan and gold on the sand, •il.tlionghi so." • • Pailtaps' mis' few ihat'yonr readers shouhl• leitn:that, however ^plenty:the Sacramento ;Valley ,may allot() gold; the obtaining • of .it, liar" its disadvantages.. Frosn o the.lst of in ky to thelq offlbber, more or less. ode half 1 of the fieopleWill IttiJe lev'er 'and ague 'or• interritittent fever; whlcluititkes'. them , item the fliel:4l o 3l.o ,, ligging - M, l O l, thuyjney,e,- beep; one ituntl,red Mace. from, the . : , ,placer", fif.,l 1 teen rirlweut;y'ifayli:.ln'this'lyinikir a li is tile; cold 'tit work ifii the water; :but' trona' riekt l , • - prillia the following • idly -tineo,million7ol i l dollars of pumeols), 0r, ,, , morel: , Per; ofßetlth.p., will be produced Irma this gold regipn i with. citil'iligging )mii?O'fiiiiniftrian faildeep. &AC d ! svel'ilc'itt"theliiiiil;lSY viiashitifflibrit'tlie"stir:; i l face in al4 woo.len ' bona., or'. tin "pan, some' I gouge it pin , fttunilpt t•oek orslate,,the tfroortfi, IRF.Y.,.°Res,rP!‘,Am4;sn4 trick` 111,:, the 1,1 !149, feces leaving tile, smelt gelo or : %ei, 'next em pli at ibii . k, , ,, r' !Ill . '? ,-..titlT Uhl!) ,111,1 An t.'o WO ..11Yoii , rnity ttelie'vernrimiteni tier thatifoi some, ttneJlete9Pielu , CalifoleitCWi!!!:o , Perh 't °A 4 Y1 0 5 44 1!AV."414ir 57 m T-V,Ca u r es ot kcitil tweng. svo oristinit*- b r.cfini e fliiii:siittibtAidtit °ENV liicti'VtirViiitit'At i llAi verycniany Fens tioundPlfilinyifmriten !who bogrinitieshAtnetto : :tlig , geld milk* 010.334 A IR+ 91 1 10MIIIM A i ' 11 : 9Ppbtck, 4 §,Q 0 A1, ,Appw, a man to ihiyina icing fturoliases of dry,gooiliii ticefintiligialnitry'lfa) •61Ptliireoiligierieliiig nithialta ke* Iti.de;Vellisowedlitp,';'ruonthin ingioneihundreiliottucep . ,;: I..t,obserFetPi , /ther ‘iNiViii2oft Ttorlorwif fl,,i/PA• l 4 l' P 43,7 moo at y ten e —. 4 , t e .toog I broug ! 118wWlifallitiiVfiVI"likg iiiie w sii4P a Fife, allolitbliddlitiltteufieYerlo4/0416 ,1 brintvileai . outiooo4lThis.:man4ek4Aiis \ Altetkiycleil. , 447 litit ci lw pA9q6Ml'.. ysliakegiari7(ol4 l 4, pro co tiglo r,or, five bags ~o .. lfo i ounces ati fiNg'bektii'lligfOlfietailet ixie, i 'Veiefil' at 1640 per month 'as tl e man forttierlyiWiesi ' His companio ; a ma aVVII, el camped and sVoifeidisTitlV 'l`tia otilf - iitiVl*tiibtrqhiee toivtilileoli4voligoldgaier pnivnii-I+l , toleto4i- A1it1,11 115 4996,411 bAntilOtigßitle.tilY4 .l ,4)39 , Fn rat tmeetro' tflat,a . kl men are equally Asa.beigar 4 VfierA v itrlA'sdiclWWHii i tiiiisPilLnli &tttetiiivreinitols4looo/itria , siiontli., , :intorsil+ , l 01101sluOi?gobOingp.vriiamisnlifqiy,w)w„r9lr., ppid,lo49,l%ft cRiTiIInYINPISIIIOI Irs I)V.I I ,q tad acheap moue tnechtn'e, an dtecetlie fine tittiieik*V . lllteiliar•i l eilitifeitt%4 . 6llllo*tittie, tnetitsqttitilinotia ,ftfst pOilfteti4oll:oloslithr 1 RINOAkt4r4OPM 9 ;I I I I I ti t iittlirM4 orse -artil . ea die,' ank.pay. I a 'p yeturate six. ounces of gold 'll3elin'i! oliiiitiAir bililiiii palornol'agi prep, iiiiiiipigii,4l4,p ;Dunne er ton ratosaiwgrayiplivilotheito.Viutil `f)ringte . o4lleviltetuliionito .131hOttitribrof,vnt , ,N epo vpßiepOtpaatotioti Ai,11.44.0i100!11151,110i# proportionate, , iIUILVMNAngwv,, , o , ?,„ , OI. 4 w,, , Amihii fli,le , t'orttaiga••Pi geTa:--"Drs: lo o(liiff 410e1091nott0 44 40 0 !)*i .. 401:0tyai ; .A1ii,t4.514.51 1 ,4•0441* IJNTAti. t?': .- ;;,pai,i.g.fir ) ol4,jiti ,, i)(14 ' , 1 4-,vr , p1q...,,, , . • . , .. , . ~ , 1 1 i :711 w a k- rfl i vr ....ll Nr • ; , , , „, , 4 ".W17-44. g-441.414.7 911 t t.eir/3 i l~i i') .~~~ • t° : V9Pi i rfil ; . l o;.#liiA9V.4l9llaßinpfttni - bbl - col a, sugar an • rice , Ona o •o -• f ar ,pg t fb?!6•,. i :: r; ri-v. t d v t.:l atilt V 7 73 7 .11U1771 . 3 4 MAVS,RIA9I-,flilifillYillltdisPArtilelirkt VJritakvil .inent, iniitty prefer throwing4iway their need up iilothes-to payitidiggiStsfilterlto r Mili.9 3 . ,' thnt r irt, ) 1, tiity:lulttd.riliargiugtrottintifiraeu ,Ing4lii Pofioilwilq!. lkliii:AWPjli,c l l l .AP9, lia.9rAnB As BIM' 44.011 1 1V9A , P.99n-it.e!Prti, / 4.13 `the l'ittain . i!vh,„iikul' i nto (0 ?inform % itki.pp eraiioil.' Viie I lio'ii Clii3rlt - dnSuri`chtY# : ; l hrgr' ly brlisliiip die/1661;141AV iiii(Aireinety.:Fri" fine,, , l,lacklJettdd tirditifi, the Waek4tAaftatkrFP liorsealhapean trent. onlhottri dliwarictirgrew ,that, le a..tteelt; are;froatiltlfbffro 380 siellanald i'Fra l ll. l 4teklargPhYbita,9l4o-. o ,Wtteeklfffirilai 1 a.11 47 ; P:lPliigrli , il l l!ffl,re•ltrnbw.tBV 2 , Yjni 'llalge-59r, IP A 4 Ogir' s rl ) lll9 l fgrirCl u rir finy'rtiilee &Cooed red C' n' tit' # ~Ite...' and.bitintlnie,alitlit l ni,''SPAUFitlw•CtiititloTtitl e pistolgrattr•pfitiet,fltifidef WILY , ' Matt' Ve/d t taaiv•nolo c..n 11 , fin i I 2.. , ).:1 p lad 1 .0/ 3DITS:I . et I• know.-ephyaiOialrAvira,tinifitarthfisnolierrirlt .. • ~. Purahlrgad , a PPM Pte.l; tflAttikMektovfitrlbfft a•ettoo ' 420. pr $3O, Pfade,Pf lii'lpF.,Aß, Ifet A ONYClitiO .At a igr,ea(. exPe i llra.tll oPtcat 9 4niti '4'-il D i l l?i., e ttrr • gist" lancing L en ' Ilia SaeraliMnto,. an'llj 'ertr A niet. tt . Wigonei 'Seat} iii'lOttieid IN,' a IggiTi 2 , - w ith• fan dmrity)Viiiiinfr ilistaiit'ilb6SiVlMltyctl - 'miles: • filo t4agoriettiveultltrio6raleslrtlierlr machine! tinder •400aintlara. iThetdbetoritatita to eenseitt,.atel,l4ed'hirtrilrel.,isunejpatateilcu aver-rich-‘o gols l +allfort:44.4)4l7. o 3Nt Ider#4, ty It I t 111 , 9,tya;mify; e,ll ( lnpft,ilie ,r t p,lletk„, ,tat his friena;the doi4o,r . relhissi feu; as IT iiiiiiiritie"dodiii iiinte,WuNlogdAno.i'athW,' - isteilhe firiallosetiiide this tifdltiiiiiallboll2, which 'V fiti;tigi Eto agtty 1) niieffAirprOvisorrthattl, • he tellotriagaloserKshotild:be Mir. ished ntoffrot Moderate. '. When. iv eterettlftletetir isf-tscorth l t •e -51QP ,a day ' l ' ) 't4' t. .a SPA.,d 4 P.rAPl l o ll ,..,h4lll , r i _ a l l r, i "liter tioclorE Or VrOgOpsa, r s7.lt,/,n:Alpt c ypOCi . .!,ON ~ a pound pr god au.43lytyk . ,,ii, ctpirsq - Oer- chants, Imitate, 'and'ipeill'et'S at'Zi . iiiit:eloVit2,'" make their'tortniies iit,qh,eßgi-latAiii'l.l4?' f ' ' q [lc $. tin . E'r tine Isar, there kii an itto bitn e n t iti.:: , f ditto' sold now , motitltly .theit tettice in tr reavs I Vest.els , eiter vessels artier;; laud vilteircar..o goes, dispose - of therm sulkting ,it p, ,the, t duet, _and 14y utt.the •vessta), as the.erew ,are, .2, litA { r. ; ., autop.l the missing,., .7he..ehrPo 3 o - °J9R, l !airt,i is where top eaptaiit followed ' 'lb( r tar.i. 11 .,. i.There are many veSseli hi 'Sin 'Fii Wed' ~e . 1 th at cannot Weigh iniehtliiieVeYiriththA ei , ligit sislance of three or fonitheighboringiesseleig Sunetwargoes must land eargor.rintarrivimgib Or have ttet:erew. ,1 0, 41lflikriPiAltern.r,t4etrlOn ve§sPlr .ttoittinue ,19, WI ; 4 9 Lef' IXit4:1 1 91f1A!) 1 draws, at $5O per ,north for greea 'fiaridi, s7l3 OM hantts.me too %vise for ther l p h tl pl'Ofer ' t ' digging art oniteV di tWoco.'iliy",'nil dilnicifig,-, , hock rt:ill charimillgtte:in hall arChhileo 4 .lfol- 1 ,. '' it e.; Ural etniiii bad sea britadlit StiiirlOiltfil-. 1 - 1 l hare' seen the vaDtaie of artessetithshaylito . his•old contret turthe, perkfreet,vereepAitto 'issued, war geldag 4 6 R PRr;;,Wllturt &Min.} itiii cook, aoct,Oifirring, - tt ipp ) per,metigi f ' for ' 7,5,, a sthward,. his filiaiiir tritS, even ' to _ hint-- mates• haviog gone a "grpapectingtiv e" . ,"_".!. Ifitele• Sinn's 141 . 44 safferlit Mile' itie'sratite wny,a Ithonah they offer irrirm . s2oo !to 1 :480P 1 for the appreheasicin.ol a desetter. The Ohio:, hotvever f .laikl-ittfltetPPlt Pt-NftrateroPabaufn a month, 4;40.0 QIIIY Qy., 3 4.moti, to he c,Ol-Iffferreea'. ll . fl4l49afq.j B-, .'aiii° 11 .4441;„ • ninety 7 itinitqui cirri liayalrfirlf. of OA 1 5 1 kte t ,i attic) goti,e;iiircispeoilliehte)idint. the Cot., lonel,"viihrt arrivetTliPAhltititerisirlitati c kiionill" Irdirillis•qtait p'ost', and Wisitioetthy his', tiiier/e at the edge ofthe town to esoirib toultfoitheit hint into tow ti,,,,,,,,,,Xtte, ,gupteixt, s, Sia. have bought no .country carts and f.t . rreit m lorr,4,il drbierti;,efiir gdrirkthitherlilidiiii' . Our -woithy ' Dittrerndrit olkittellid lat dirlifibithi;Eth.o Two?. inii pleidy.loll, caitsi: . , tragoprit horiesVitreft 7 Intlieft, V UM gi few isigehee i left,chaartleßgarri t . l tialAktd,elibetsll/ovlaggrit49.kiktlftt+ftlfclOn' • iir*g•lXlifli Rt.i9J4 l 4rlP,?' PliTtilllll"lB9Rra try add' na±eitmere,dedtitr.to , s,countrmi r ea 1 or'hiiiiiielf.'w' " e •' ) ." ,, '1 71 •' ‘ , -"1. * , -7 : 1 / Coin: loifii, r latory t iiiiffeillii"fildillOW sappititedll Co , billther , stapitiil lie'ailfifiliftbkl Ste..builfottird•trotiesistilhe'GriverttVrfidftteirt Where heatiquarthreillthimay(,berloniertaiiiirel wliscl.grer al •MilillaAylltli'lfiF9rl: , ,df.ff_ n:#l 1 0, 1 1r-Jall j ..' YiNetblif hlgaPYßll: , ,frAtttautliA,“ legion, ~ : totv, •wurkt s , ez oi llatfilitialters.t.ere r freighted i aithnitiniiicrig tv.iiit,'&6'. id titheie eitt h 4 einiclictoniiiittel.`OF6l4liths;'WhitTf;l:lkg s to•lutfte'llits'ittilTeiinkliftlilarteqlftiillfe.ifelftil consiileration or.golil4thocinstloritetter tknOwin But the.prineipleeulthbe;t:that 'fif ;Orb/We; . t•an ; or, w. 151) be 'tkllt realtinip z theis g thoggarokin 110,13 t•'.4o Aro bei1it!0441.A9.01A9114316,51-ti lees. •:- I;,' , 3 3 1 .24 , 01 on .v..E.4 ;1' , 4'. , 7 e ntah .--. • -L' 1 ,, , , .4 , ~ V ,- ~ 3,1:4 4 .A,Mt l. l"ii C:1, 0 0° #! 1:4 : 4,31 y it 4 16 10 ,4 : 1 ) ti l letilTß l O V C et 1 ii !Zr,gi i :: 4l E: -. V A ll l l lf f ! ir filfratillfil Ili ' I T lowing invtlatiop 8, ..-, 7 ', '-. ft ' -..1 3 Its ai irienss tmi • caile'eiieri.gßad2riab._______:____ ' ( via° i atesialy.cia—, • ‘•,' . . 0-, . B 1 -.. li l' 'it` 4 ‘ l' t ‘ • 111Z r .iail i iii '.l7 '' Th glt. our hands 0...., r In/Itt , .•- • •jappi. how set Mrti., 1. clay , l', cf ; 4 11".1: f. i tl. 01 daft/ - ?,,,. t ?P. 1 19 gPf 11.t 4 . , gR t t 1 77:... (I‘;' , P. 61 ni :,ill lo 'gni . away. la "ColObray.' . . i iii i t,..! Ly il vi , ,-;•nrsi d •i iii nil !...13q sibs .114 Q 7 '`Atia e llet i v l447o P pr Alt ... .! "" -bu?doulit • olt onto iday,4-I,3,,koisrie, tad Montle hut anon'weiaitalflUtib TO/ ea nod , 'in= nriowitutiettatassetjelithilitidt*l;ielil ;all -log 4 .lll l ootlßallfftEllhltivi 1 - .thvott „bop ZIA e -ttoia LE nnit 73 rtrx It lf l 1% /llNifilla ' ' no iki - E - _ DITORIAL. ECOCI : EZCIIII i Alabama Argiiiiimblishetb - m - Dayton; ',. . 4 gelStillfralighlMOCciiinfitlitiallhoheglA i. twelatuhire ye eitti9stbhivias lisaloplistik -, ,s -etlitartaltelfairrtajo.,lncetthigxedaabthpaliut ;4t 9,k 1114f,it+vi ttlANKrObik444.,takiVgtol .. 94F,P4110 1 °TACTie ".' ' •Pfli/A r t e Vini F kti lo r ld' p l i t'l 4L ' EL l . l lsP. , l4 ' . ti ' : -, :.. ...a . ffttg '''' .. er commenced hie etlitiiillifr ft ". ~qll, V rat% ial 4uttee-arthevyner-ttriiii and ap t i ..,,,,it ltsliatititallo,thilifil3ntli,olll l249l4o,) .A . 4 ; 1 41 ti att.r•li . o „ -~. , t + , ... , ..1 - 0015 1 RE autill---- -4 'lkilVik!Viair4 : W6 v rt4+ ll #!# 4. lt 4 ' , ~ ~1, ~ P 101100 i, Ili)* 1,. 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