MMM 1 - ,11 ;,.,~, :~~, lIMII riMME darbs [tutor Al•leippfi, tiONIOEOPATAVC Physician. Office -a in Main street, in the house formerly ()cou pled by -4r. F, Elltman. w op 9 '46 Dr, L,O. 'Loomis, • WILL perform all . Whe.. operations upon the "' • • Teeth that are requi red fur their nresuivattun,-such as Sealing; Filing, Plugging, &c; or_ntill restore the lose of thaml, by iustirting, Artificial Teeth, from a single tooth to a fall_sett.—Krollice -.oturEitt strap!, few south of the Railroad Hotel. lir. L. Whip. s ent the-last ton-days ofevoiy-month. 39lui J. Myers, n D r .ts RnIOVE his Office and dtvel '"'"lieg to the hone° adjoining his Drug Store n West . titglbstr-et. - april 1 Gil Willis Foulke, • • aIIAIDUATE'of the Jefferson. Medical .. " 4 Coliege of Poil oldphia, rtispectfullyoffers his professomul services in the practice of Medi cine, Surgery and Midwiflny. 1) at t residence of his father in S. flalover street, dire oly opposite Morre - ti' Hotel and too .2.d Pre .lilierican church. op 7 '47 W. L. Creigh, (S'qccesor of Dr. John Crelgh, dtieased) Aire'LL auencl all Medfeal calls in townier 3" , • ‘ OLN!GIT, nrid will give ova—, ltt on;itt to'pvilnts'entrusted to his rare. OFF [W.: on E Ist street, opposite Ogil• by's aim, rilov22-1;m J. Windsor Rawlins, II D. g irt RAD OA Jelferson Medical College, resoec tally idlers his :services to ;he pub lic. Dr Rau hos having had eight years cape rienceitulta rraLLico_QuALpiviossion Mau land and Pennsylvania, flatters himself that he can give general satisfaction to those requiring his ltd Cffice in Pitt street opposite the Man sion.lleuse Dutch and first door south of the M•thadist church. . February ith, 1849, Wm. T. Brown, • . ATTORNEY AT-45AW, in the several Courts of Cumberland Mutt ty,' Office in- Main street, nearly opposite flirt county jail, Carlisle. - feb 9 • ~. --• .• James R. Smith, ATTORNEY Al.' LAW. Office with S. D. Adair, Esq, in Graham'e' new build• ig, opposite the Post Office. •tnar3l?-47 • Carson 0. Moore, • A I'q'ORNEY AT LAW. Offi en in the roerg lately occupied by, Dr. Foster, deceased. icnr 31 '47 A. B. 5311/1732 A 'rTORNEY AI.'t,ANV, will practice .Ll in - the several CouiPii of timberland coati. !y. Until April next may be consulted' at the office of F. WATTS, Esq. CarlislooDee. - T - Ith, 1848.—tf. EDWARD OLABKSON, ENGRAVER ON WOOD, No.Boi Wul 'tut Street, Vbilndelphia. CO - Orders !tiny be sent by mail. • ttit Conveyancing. E fit . DS, UONUS. Mortgages, Agreements Ay Enid outer instruments to writing neatly and a.•curltety draw.l by die subswriher, who may he loond at the office of the Carlisle Bal.k. dee2.otf A. lIENDEL. Classioal•Academy, (rocra micas wcsr OF osim'si.E..) FIFTH t3,E.SSION. vn 1E Filth Seism I will coinmence on MON I) A V. N.iv. 611 t, number of mu. Icuts is 'tinned, nod they.are carefully prepared. for College, counting house. &e. &c. . l'hs situation precludes the possibility cif. st.h. dams associating with the vicious or depraved, being re.uote front town or village; theadh"dieily accessible by ''ilate Road or Cumbeiliind Valley Railroad, both of . which pass through landeiat. ached to 'the instittition. • . TERMS. Bnaraing, washing, tuition, &r,.(per sea.) $5O 00' Latin or Greek ~ • 5 00 Ipstruinentat'Alusic lo 00 1 , ranch pr German • . 5 00 _Circafurs with references, Ecc,furnisbed by OR 11. A , R.. K. bi... 1 •`• 4 Principril. WRIGHT & SAXTON, .. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FOR . EIGN DOMES,TIC HA RDWARE; , diess,,Paints, Dye .Stuffs, Oil, Iron, Steel,Naits dt,c. would invite thelmtention of Persons want ing goods in their line, to the- large assortment theythave just opened, and which they Offer at the very lowest cash price*, • , feb23. John P. Lynn, WITEVLEAALE and . Retail Dealer in " ' oroigiland bugnostic iitirdwaro;"Paints, Oil, Ll l lasa, Varnish, ego: at the , old stand in N. li 1 , 13( Sivist, artiste, hos jaat 'received' from Row York and Philadelphia a large addition to his (inner stook, to which the attention of buy ers is requeAtozi, es _WOE; determined tcr.iiell eprt9 , or LE 13titrserther1ititi aptined ne w - Lutnbe7 Yard •at the cornet-:pl.l,Vest',•street and Locua. uo tor,,and yrill,.keep constantly/ on hand a •fireqrtite_tiat'3ortht silt Of seasoned PINE • 'llO Fto bad LANIC: and other _ • 11-PF,-- aa11401,-Avhich-lt-willlsell-leite.for_bisiv iidiActAuttocilicit,allie , 'DyeinrandrSctinting.' , ' Louthe4Street, v nesir•the CiillogeWyes Ladies'.eind Gentle.: Ition's'eppai . rof, all'colors, and werrants'alhiiork: , Orders rp hiii line'respectitilly, lee 2146' .11 , 7 r R ag s - Wanted : Tfl ,hi g hest price wit pfitid Pepeti by,thO Subscriber for good ItAgft..7: . The rap, may be delirered' , at the ,IParie?l.lll . lloldie miles from Carliale. or , at the..vvii . lo , loo9o - Ittr: Jacob_ltheptn, inLCarliate• .* • ap tf • • •W. B:"I1Rq./.44".t(a+,r" Mai ' oria itT. , ‘ • IT T Af ; C 4 Ogici; 440' In ihalrAFaL (bulkier- bin'elAi: , /# 4 3 9,P 1-0 ;34 3- : 1,443;5014.8 Pa 4 ttarcate,Xlj l trfte r r,lPr . • 431 1 0 40 ' ', E . "; , U ,l 4 4 -PFt"A• ,I. ,z leo - attitAmour •-• . 24 -` - ? • p , iireiiiii i l l4:lsikapitilioiViiimitisisie ---;—Dee4T • aE • • ••• —t' ' , • t• •• l *4 6 : 4C "" ^!* fot7su ri rir rc:Efle '177 4} • c • 00K8 = aiirka • 09q,P,0) ' liußAPhVit .96SifoolYsda 9u1:'001 'l3 .o',Atic,„,k,iDat..l'..,,,sm it Ay trit.o.4l„ 6"7. 4..Ji0 at countr&A 1 1 1 VZ. N.l l ll49ireilteskt.. , octyl .1.4.:•• • ISM EMI , - . I" , : 1 I.'y 7-.. -.. ii' ~• 9•-•''. '' 2 .':- :• , ;,:''''' 1. "li , ,kifqiflLi' ,. Ari 0: .iliti'L- - :„. , ,04+,.,)1•Ilhptt4d +si. , ~-( -1,Cr , 4,, , .1111 ~, t ;10 , , 1 . 3•V,+1 •-op,,srl 4,1 k ik. ,,, , . ?..1 ..., I.l''zi 9' ''• '. • • ..1 .•,.,,,,,,,.„;•, , 4 •,,,,,,i., , • ,„ q .' t 7 ..„,, i , ''. I .„...; :•,:....,;.0,:. I .:. . „.,,,,,...,.. , „ „, f -i• 1 ” '••••...'''• • !'' ''-'' • - 4,- ' " ~ • J,•.-' ;'1A=4 , .....1.0f ~.,) r4 , 4"1 Hit T.t.oto 9 , 0 (ti't.',3ll, . ...,, f•t, , 4.. , ,‘ ~• -'.z ~ '," ,• . ... 1 ;.'l,-,;. , 1, ; „1,, ~,,,,,, : , •;; tit, -•t. • ~ .-.. , ~ .:,..,,, , ..,„,,,,_,.,.!•..,,, ' -,- D A I S- it, : ~. '-'-.." ---,! gt. ..; - ,.„,i — , - ,:i - .1"1 - ' _ivy' nlr, ,rl. l. • ••.. '„ , ~..,,, . .; , t • , ;,. ~ ) ;.51 , ` . ~ „ Li, -: . 0 - -, -, ~ ~ - V, ::411• ii le, '.f . •0 i ; . .1 , ',,,,, ~-.:. 'I c . , ~;l• ;11 . '' .l '; ;, .7.1.10." - ~ , . 1.1, )£'..A. 1 01.30 ')••'.'-- •-tri . •,-;;;;'„ ' •'!' , N „ ' ' ' ''' '• ' ' ' i ' ... -- "S. f ,5,,,:, ~, -_,.::,•;;-, •.- , .... ...,,-,,,,,, i; „ ;t ;,., ; 'i..4:1 .. f 5 , ,!., f ; ; !_,1,, ,f , ,; i ~ • :', ~.;.:-: ~,-... , I.'L- . .:- . :' , i i ' - . '," • . ~, liguranrc tEctiltpauiro ' Fire Insur ance. ALLLN min E. PENNSBOROUGH Mu'tual Fire -insurance Company of Cunt herland county', incorpoinfed by an act of Assem -bly, is noai - fallY organized and in operation, on-• de i thliThitititigeittent of 'the following -commis— sioners, viz: Cht. Stayman, Jacob Shelly, Wm. R. Gorges, Lewis liyvr, Christian Robert Sterrett, Henry Logan, Michael Conklin, Benjamin-H. Musser, .Levi*Alerkel - , Jacob s Kirk,-Saml. Prow. ell, sr, and , bielchoir Braneman, who respectfully call the attention of cifizene of Cumberland and - Irork-nounties-to.thp_ailyalltstgesAvh4h Act corn : pany hold out. ~ The rates of insurance eye as low Old favornhfel : ' as any company 'of ihe'liind in the Slate. Per. sons wishing -to become members are-invited to matte application to the :agents of the company, who.are willing to wait, upon them at any time. JACOB:SHELLY, President HENRY LOGAN, V. Pres't LEWIS %Zia 'SecreittrY bitcnstt. Commix, 'Tiettsurer ACIENTS^RIIdOIpiI Martin„Now Cumberland Christian Time' and John C. Dunlap, Allen; C Harmon, Kingstown; Henry Zoaring, Shire . manstow.n ; Simon Oyster,'Wormleysburg; Ho bert Moore. Charl6s 8011, Carlisle - . Agents for York County—Jacob Kirk, gene ral agent; John ShOrrick,-John nankin, J. Bow man, Peter. Welford; - • .„ Agents for Hurrishurg—lieusei 3- & Leaman. feb 9 uiw Juqt.w.!thAlip v AJA!,by Afistuat Protection -Comply CUMIVERLAND VARLE I(MtrrU AL P.ROTKOTION CGAIPAN Y., wilt be under, the direction of the following board Of for the ensuing year, viz:---Thoi.C. Miller, President; Samuel Galbraith, V ice Pre sident; David W NluGullough, Treasurer; A. G. Miller Secretary,. James Weak ley oh 'r _G re oltn__Zug, Abraham_ Ki ng ..Richard_ Woods., Samuel tlustoi., William Veal, Scott Coyle, Alexander Davidson. There are also a number of Agents appointed in tlic adjacert . ununttes , who will - receive applications for rn 'stivanue mai lorwarit them immediate') for ap proval to the,office ofthe Company ,when the pol icy will be issued without delay. goy furtheil inlormation see the by-la so f the Company. Taos. C. MILLF.II preat. A. G. Mitt...En,See'y. The following gentlemen havebeen appointed AGENTSL. 11. Willintus,'Esq.,Westpennsboro,Gen--eral Agent. S• A. Corte, Cprliale } ._ - Dr. Ira bay, Me4hatticidinrg . George Brindle. Esq . .. Monroe.. - Jra. M . . Mean s, can. Newb erg -. John Clendenin.-Rery. Hogestown. - . Stephen Culbertson .Shippensbure. September 29..1847 The Franklin Fire .Insurance Com- OFFICE, No. 1 6 3 h Chesnut street, near Fifth street. DIRECTORS. Charles N. Banc.ker George W. Rtehards Thomas Bart Mordeeni p: Lew.s Tobias Wagnor ,Adolphe E. Boric Sant iel Grant David S. Brown , Jamh It. Smith Morris Pat 112180111 Cuatinue to make insurance peretual or hod ti.d, on eye y description of propel ty in town ;and country, at rates as low ari are consistent with security. The company have reserved a large c ontisgent fund, which wi h their capital nod pre• 'Mums. safely invested, afford ample protection to the insured. The assets of the company on January Ist, 1515, as published agreeably to on act of Assem• bly, were as fultows, viz : Arai gages a590,55R 65 Rent Estate 105.358 90 Tenl.pnrary Loans 124.459 00 Stocks 51,563 25 Cash on heridwid in hands of . agen.s, 35,373 28 $1,220,697 (,7 • . Since their incMpOratlon, a period of eighteen yearn, they litiViOlaid•driwarda of ONE.I4ILLION. TWO fIOtaItEidTOOILWAND DOLLATI, Insoles by fire, the,rebyaflarding , evidenee of the advantages of ,, the ability and disposition to meet with promninese. all liabilities. CHARLES N. B ANCKER, Pres't. • • Coro. G. Unstensa, See'. - feb 2 The subscriber is acent for the Move crunpany for Carlisle end its vicinity. c All spoilt:miens for insurance either by mail. or' personally. trill be promptly attended to. W. D. SEYMOUR.. Equitable Life Insurance, Annuity and, Trust Company, OFFICE 74 Walnut street, Phiadelphia.— Capital stso,ooo.—Charter perpetual.-- Muk,e Insurance on lives at their awe in Phila delphia, and at, their. Agencies throughout the Sums, at the lowest rates of premium. Rates for insuring at $lOO on a single Life. Age. Fur I year.- I For 2 years. Life I :20 . HI 91 tio '3o - .. 99 1,30. 1,04 I 40 -, 1,29 1,64 2,07 i .. 50 - 1,86 2,07 I 3,94 99 3,48 2.97 I, 6.03 ExAmrt.x..r--A person aged 30 ybars next birth day, by paying the company 95 cents would , se cure to his blindly or heirs 9100 should lie AIM in' one year ;•or for $9,90 ho secures to theta $1000; orfor • sl9,nntitutily• years he secures -to them 81000,should.he die in seven years; or lor:=B2o.4o_paid_Mmunlly duriiie life he secures $lBOO to be, paid when he 'dies. The insurer , securlng,ihie Ow:n bonus; : by• the difference in aminnt., of prennu,me from [false charged by 01 her.offiles. For *519,50 the heirs would •re ceivo"B.s9oo ilhetild, he die in one ye - fir. ' - '' ' " FormsOf epPlication end all particulars may be had- at :' the . Office , of Fin's WATTS, Esq,, - Cattiele; Etr. :!. • - ;.l ~, „. • _ -....7,„, -_, : ;.; J-FIAFT - b - A7P - 11 - 0/R N, Pres - 4,-- ; , tr„ G. , T4III{V.TT; . SB9',i.. . . -FlED'ii.: WATTI; Att'i. : Di. , :rt. N,'lll,inope,•,ftledicel Eaamiher. 4dig2lll.s'''.''' ' ' " ' • autistia:telf,oltioe:llemoved.-"r. , . , THE Ofriee:of the eubscriher, a. Justice of the a Peaee, haa beetkreinOvott. io the house adjoining < lt ;Eke a ' d of'.Mfe.'Weitkley, iii High street,' gar •.,'l Aiitintedieteli*toaite')lie Railroad; Depot -,,a : inroiAle:Hotelj,lVlt.: redidenetahoieg•there,-- `' ; .•l•,titil Ittllkiti'l4l toenttat,hetne;-reidit:to attend, tia .. the,•ht !node of tliolieblie 'Ari t addition to the . deties: Or • Magietrete,.,lwitt, ettead',l6llll! kinds' : of .- wood ,;aucii:as'Deediel,lMartgagei;'llllpds,s . .:_,lndenttires,,:AtileJlik'of. , ,Agrisernent, 'Notes die, , yyhieh 4he oxecoted,itt a_neat. manner and ad= ' coidirig•to the itiost,,copproirdd , girlie,: ; , •v•,, ~,•.• 1 ,• 1,.,;. The Pffeae.lately elaeopietLhAtie;3aLltre.:-Grii"- , ,„ hapre buthling'tegtr,rent,,tnd,poettesitioti bed im= ~,,reejliattelfrThe relit ii - lowltnd the locatiOittailod,;'l ,o-t. , i Ito 404 8,4 8-4&-Av: , --, OF , QtrELE M I NZT e.l , --,-. II !• I , kiTON HOUSE, , , ;:‘ ~ ,- • ' , ' ..ifkitlt!ElßUß,Oe 'PA. ', I . , H i Div liftf?ithi oe f ia lie ointly undergon I 7,1- 71 , T 311 "iti littS4V bocin ru 11 retstisp t' l r e l itiii. lit ' ''' itdrrti ! icrnl44 E,6f , 110 boat quo . lity. i , ‘ I ' ,'- v'r rilts'ii m 'a_L" ''a epatait-tind others '',4:ll . 3ituri a I k Lunbl3 C" ....-f. OVirriratt7x4l l : llll4l- irli Ver f 13°. 11.14, ci , , t ~ de% ; ;,,, , ~. ,P1P.1 4 . ie r t d a :. . .., ;. ... r , nt, aci '\°li tvnekIANQERS, itifl l t• . 0 iel' VVrib r it il 4 . 1 * ; "Al w; oseih .-; .„ 1 ,..._,, . jwitTv. a ityr .I.,ii-stviz.,,,,6ain,,iiinnfnotied lilrill*TitTPsliteitfl'ii.qatßt"%tifTh4 19111. di !Zor] •..4 . ,.$ 'ft L9,h -.), ° it — toi kri;*ofilled ilidelhor t ,wlll ars* 1 4.0. crilprtiory 7 ... 1- 1 ••• fk l i fk b 3:o 4 4lVP,•Y i • IP I OOI O IO.ER6EIherVI:2 Fr . — ,4 + • .. ' arliolo, JanY;1115.4849.1? V B . ir e4f fr i4 9T ) 7, 4 . 'I '' , . ''. ••• ' ‘'s • ''' i ~„13 it.,, 4 4, 4 •5: la:;:':FCitZ7 V v. ' - :2:443.0%,...,e.% - -0.:- . ...- - .• r ...„ , ins pang of philidelphia. : ~e' 2 a El rel IMIU 0 S -.., • DRUG AND 'FANCY STORE ! twixf l / 4 . trawiamettisalo• . ESPECTF (ILLY invites the ..atteilt JCL .tion of the public, to his . Drug. and Fancy Store, in West Main street, Carlisle, where he fin just rec'ehietta fresh assortment Of Drugs Me deeifies,'Faints; Oils, Perfumery, Jewelry any, Fancy. .Goods. Amongst his extenaive variety maybe found .all the most ' - _ Apprbved Patent Medicines, • : All kinds Of :Solis, Dyi Stuffs,. ' • • — .LQUiliirfr; , Oplunri - Castorand-Sweet-Oils---..-- White Lead, Indigo, Spices, fresh gruund. Dlass, Putty, Chlorolet m, Shandefiers, Lamps, Wicks, Sperm Candles , having and Tulle. Soaps, Colopm, Rose, Lavender and Orange flowor wsiet, Bears Oil, Ox Marrow and Hair-Dye. • , Nail, 'Vomit, Hair, add Sitai.iiig - Bruilier, ' - Fine Ivor% ~ Horn n'nd Shell Combs, Finger Rings, Bracelets, and Breast Pins, Bend Bags and Purses,- Porte Motirinirs, ' 7 Silver ,Spebiaeleti and Pencils, Gold Pens, Ink and Infistands, Fine Writing and N cite 'Paper Envelopes, Motto Wafers, Seals and Paper Weights, Mirrors and Fancy Boxes, "_Musical and Surgical Instruments, . Fine Knives and • St iscol's, Carriage and'lliding "W bine, Umbrellas, Canes, .hjelts. 'Dunks, ette.e.A 7 L`g, o Country Physicifins,Merchants, Pedlars and. fliers may hear something .to their advantage by calling ''• ' It and Pine Oil 'rreceived' fresh every week. it - Medical aid and - advice gratis to the poor. January, 17. 1848. THE NIAGARA SHOWER-BATH. Aa .c ntirely_u ew_ Artitle for Shower-Ba thing, with warm or-told 'Water. ia-rms Bath took the premium Qt the Fair of the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia. October .1848, the only Bath that ever took a premium at that institute and alscitook the first premium at the Fair of the Maryland Institute, Novena- ber A great and important improvement is made in this Shower-bath over alj others by throwing the Water immediatelyaid the ,body, without wetting the head, unless at the will or pleasure of the bather; but a greater point is gained by being enolited to bathe with warm water, which no other Slimier-Beth is adapted to—and .most of all the Bath can be medicated without injury to the hair,' Man:) , persons cannot take a cold bath—Their case is met in this ea they can regulate the tem perature of the water to suit their wish, and commence bathing at any season of the year Without any unpleasant result. " Ladies call have • the advantage of bathing without wetting the head or covering the same., 'rho arrangements arc simple and complete, and not liable to get out td order. The Bath an be adjusted to suit any height, from a sinall child to the tallest person. When the door is closed, the fixtures are hid end the outside ap •pearance is that -of a neat piece of furniture. They have received the approbation of se ye remedies! gentlemen—others are requested' to call and examine them. Manufactured by the Patentee. EPHRAIM •LA RRABEE, 24 South Calvert stfeet, Baltimore. • BAT 1 N end what A rmstrong says : Do not oath, ye who would health secure, The daily Irish ablution, that shall clear The sluices of Abe skin ; enough to keep The body sacred Irian molecent soil. Still to be pure. even if it did not conduce As much (as it does) to health, very greatly worth Your dairy pains; 'tis this adorns the rich; . The want el this is povervy's worst foe, With this external virtue, age maintains A docent grace without it, youth and charms Are loathsome. January p, 1049.-Iy. For , Sale at Reduced Prices. r. A lot of Cashmeres, Mous de Laines, Qin ' uhanis, Plaid Alpacca, • , Calicoes, Shawls, all ' 1 5,. kinds. Persons desirous o purchasing any of the --- • ... above goods will to cal the Pl L. 1.1“ a 1,13 hill lock of winter goi.ds, and determined to rell hem at reduced prices, S A COYLE January 3„ • Estate.of Melehoir Hoffer,, deed. ALL persons are hereby notified that Lettere Testirnientary on the last will and testament of MELCHOIR HOFFER, laic of the Borowth of Carlisle, county of Cumlierland, Penneylva. nia, dec'a., have this day been issued by the Register in and tor said aunty to the Subseri. her who resides in t he norough or Carlisle afore; •said. All persona having claims or dediand6 againio the estate or said deeedent,are requeited to make known the same without delay, and thew indebted to make immediatirpayment to CATHARINE: HOfFER, Ex'rx. January 17, 1E148:61 pd Estate of Bernard Ilendel deed. Letters Testamentary on. the estate of Ber nard Hendel, late of the Borough of ,Carltele Cumberland county, 'decd. have been granted to the Subereibor .residing to . West-pennsbOro all persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate to matte paythentinattedi. ate y, - ifild'those hrtVifig'Clalms w .present thorn to CHAS. B. IVEAVER, Executor. January'', 170/149.--Gt. California honey Belts. ' 'AII persons going •to California ... would d 6 well tic, calling at the, store of the sulisetiben nod procure one of therm safe depositories for sti ony-extra-ehange-they-tonrlntiv, sort- thorn, • They will atsolto d It. Itcap.of go td dust. Cal) sted see °tern. „ 1 - ,G, IV, ill ALL three indebted to.thelirrn or L REI- G LAE & CO formerly of Churelitown; ere noti fied that payment will be rentfired on or before the 9.6 of - January,inetent,-.without , The . Woks are now in the hands, ofif:sgairo,Kinsey, where'these indebted are re-' invested :to,eall . ',,:` . „ 13i10 . 13 - Atift:COß.l3s Of = froCid , BLA . CMOAN. , —w,..7:l3 . Arittc;yfin tut' for which' a 3, pef,coid for the i'onggli : hark=br 1 :40616:pet .100iW. skinks& eleetWor Fl LBl4ll7tte , ,pnidLif.-tlelii•erOdbefar,e4befirtll - 9f7A -—not. to be skorter 'ln n length'',_"'OLLll? 4 Y.- - 46TEN R.OSE.I_ ~. 7 aND1,104:41 7 610.N , R0TE14-:: 4 I ' yeti klic,itiele'l;,,bi . 4vi:el'ti :AliiiVel°' - ' nd Ciles,." . ...! t ,-1 tin'l i. nut T 'Streets; "- - ,'i P : fOs ~ .1:•• , .t ? toi x i tAo al. ht 4, ., , , ..., ! : miljE above houicie located in the iinfoodhlte • I—vial nit y-olaivaintilficei Ale nko.,4dE, irbieirir Public. Am whim ent and resent:P. , :,The prreont E . Toorietor. (lOte of the i.ttmeri;' ) agn. Houip, pith, streOt.) has re-furnishOd . end' ittgittul o , ll O (mitre eistiihljeittnent i with now a di elegapt fufniture, and it Is now opened. Ate . e , frdheption , of 114 treyelling community : , AP(' - ~! r-illitlflatiel tikiAelfllint, his long eeortenne in., i f i ihie' fitieliibse fttil"enhble'lli3O#'9,iin4idt'l i " , 0 1„ 1 5ih'4 1 , 1 1 1 ,1 1 nIug,as will ttletteli,.,o3 1...0),npil 0 , .ttleeedite trr patronnotqe•4l,ll 4 4 . 3`ntrAtvlq ""t il . ,v.',JOH '.C. rotA ) CYFELI , 4 - tk l'O e & ')'' 1 4j oto of the',,A . lnelici!n,ticilihrli,...* i,..,DWt4 6.:-Om.,•,':::1...:,;;:!:,.-:4)....-,,ei4-'''.47... tAr•. , •••••,• , :k1.....,1::•`... , .... 7:lX'. ' : 7 4 . l: : ::hi t iftiLft a tkWW•TrArii:l 2 "::' ' ' (-VA 'W.. A% 7 .7 7 ,;"'tr• ;Oiri • "..4 30 If I . Zli:I. , 101 4151` ( : ,:o !,-.'i trl ,-.-:/;',? 02 .:n:, `nitrta : :CFO/5 ;;Cr::ti CABLEISLAti il-11,144,7 Ai 4111 r I— VT - 61 bo:4 Aar,lytt ritt I ;! ' 4l , 'y 4 s• a 94131 0 944{!/440 fq ‘1,1.: LEI 1, ti r 'rtibstien $ . I:1 CIO ,fIOWT "${1;11 (IVil ; , • ~„ TB EALIIVI3.: 4 CI 41: 0 ; . ** . viiii , &!; it; f, n:PM; 1 0. 1 0A 1 . 1 4441,10/1 I , , Therevis.l ip tp.F . 1 1 , YVO- c (P 9 r uiv;7, , Eil Nnimmin 'o6 . littths'imen. and .• Fri : An morning )f And mqiensthe And tritrnitrnid ta iic1; , ;*,41!..0 yr.; • • It tlcka.and,tlcap,thalica4R a gAght , ,,6 .Andnarcattnelltd"on.i. , • , Oh ivimilinnals ilia - wpl ll oo. l Vi . r~n. But art ne'er rorrnid. nor mind concahraii: — ' — ' • The . licacloCiee'liagicligiit t gl -, . • ..,N.}4pl in gOil,:ne•T' d .FP' ‘ °4rlt h , • I, " wVi4lll66eihiefir • Buf ribtf'orltrior:44.l)l{h.4li4;tc., .019fh•ii :14 Each hearldt breglO•ftaf • ,•. , „ Whin iirb'a . de'hh aireatn': All.4din and 11 . LikettiAlwavelot!!! s tP• W i gf!iirq t lß; l PMlfll t wattia ot ,• . - When passion neyoss thoivairtinfLivinhAi r Forded hsd,d, „ 'lough hee , de!l - TI knell 4 ' l • •-„ -•- •• .) , WhenveltleaYefilaFFSll:PYMPPtirt-vc Ahtl lender wattle nre - . epepen o .; " Then'talt arid riittleitei 4 4 1 bl 7 m ???? ?-, An it:With Idve I, 7 • - pbt• WI, =e yel,; • ? Stidi 19 the 'elock.llint mecum r es Orflish end tipirlt , ldended,' And thus:'t will run ~; Till thn't strange life Is ended. `, • A STT,TTTER INC „ -• hoo 7 tno-I)eatiteoue Mnr say., ' ' When o , e4itiii-16134 ,1 tfiedna-6-hnupy That:will us in-ni-innr!lc!LnCni4 Noy, did-dfilllcarest, A crick-crick-crinteoh fittnifilAtit'ayeil;,. ,• I could not welt n wee-wee Weeki7l — , Without rnyjolaw-joyful krldek„ n!, Then Mnry let us , •nitEln.r;: For_Too-Too 7 Tuesdhy : nek4ardiY. When, le the morn al ' fy-fy-fein thee hennetialo; Then to some bul.hlik-hlleticul ; spOi t ,:fr. To pass the mum-morn.muTllt .4 ll t , l fe'll A cook coo.eench I've kee-gee-g6, • ' Thou min's' not say nib-fly-it/air , 1 V3b3als '. Rosh 41acatiley's History ofvfeglurid. SKETCHES OF'.IIOIIIII4IIIIIIKANi. To the names' c(l7 * ask;:iillito%‘';‘ nst algt • In Station and sicquired-'.knowledge, but in virtue their equal. and• in genius their sage ' fior—John Bunyan. Bunyan hail been bred a tinker. and had 4serveil as a Private.sold ter in the Parliamentary army. Early in his life he had been koirfullv tormented by remorse for his youthful sins:the worsiel which seem howeveVO have been what the worlif calls ver.ial. 'his keen sensibility and his power ful imaginatee made kis internal conflicts singularly terrible. He *died, that he wash under sentence , of -reprobation, that.he had! sold Christ, find hewer', ptissessed,,by fie. mon. Sometimes lead voices cried korn Heaven to ware - Sometirliee'fienfis! whidpered impious-•eue.eestionsiitutiis ears. He saw visions.nt distant mottulnin.loPo on klo which the sun shone brightly frotri which he-was separated by a waste of s'now. He felt the devil hobind clothes:i :He thought that thirbrand ;4 , 00 bad beini 'set npnn him. Ha (eked that he - , was about, to burst asunder like His mental ng• ony disordered Iris heititir. One day.heillinnk like a man in the palsy, ' Orranotherday he felt a fire in Iris breast:. hits ' diffieult to un derstand bow be stioiived ,riufferings so• in tense and so long continued.. At length the' chinds broke. -From-thevtlepths-pf.dedpairi the penitent pass'ed Ina state of serene•leli. city. An irresistible impulse now urged him to impart to others the blessings ot'whicli he was himself possessed. - joined the Bap. lists, and became a prekcher and a•writer.— His eifiteatiOn had been that of , a:mechanic, He knew 'ne lenguage•but the English 'writ was spoken by the common 'people; 'de had ' studied lie greaumodel'ol composition, with - • the exception": rindoubtedly, r.of• our • inoble. •translattori of the - 'Bible. • His Spelling was `bid. He fregeentlybansgressed the ruled of grammar. "Yeuthe bitive.foree r ..olv;genins,' and hip. espersinenfid • knowledge 'all the 'religious passihno,.fiem deiptiir. low o m a py,' amply supyilied•in him the want of learning. Hit rude oratory roused ::and melted.ihettrerit - ,Who liatehed without ittleredu.tothe labored • '...fhtetpurses:ol i gre,st...lngioirinfrAnd ffe,briiists. Hiev.mrks Were widely circulated rimotrifille hutntilei Class - 4.'oa of them' the;Pilgritii's - Piogiess,.was in his owelifeutmetratailated - 1 • into several- foreign flangiisges.i; ,fl,wasthow ever, scarcely ; licepwri r lo ! the ieurnedjind, and hait•bnollutiTillf asimr a edilligy,the dolled of '• tanagers, acid artitiUns; 'fief. lore it was MiblielyidommeridediVany of Nigh literary eminenee.: d ; .At ; tength , sillies --condescended Mquire,here thtr,secreti of tig wide and se,,defable peimlaritt ' were compelled tir eiwe•thfiftheigne ' rant Multitude , ' hail jedged•. , More•earreetly • thin' thelleatnedis arid.that,the • 0001U.liffts, really. a maalaqieqap,' Po..RYPa, la , ;,,'deeldedly.the.fira,tplallagorioqi, ea, v peeeostheneila the', grit* orittOrit,:eillaike , . • Retire the firia red . i.Dthetellege. r nate have' showed± , Leqhal,:ingeOulty i ,bone! etherallegort t.line eve jx l P l fl to touch ,tlitkliearkapd,te . ,tnalre abptmllaatibjecta of, terror, piety 'mid et " It may be dollblednttetherliihy'Eniliali" Disdenter hiralltrierett 'more aelerely under' '•'•thif Oriel liiiva.thanlohn•Runy,ati.. '•tytaevem ileum Ar.hioh •hod "elaprmd,all t -Reolarallea>4 lB ; ll o;eaaael tw,elye joeso oe., meet. still *tested tufp,r Chltig,t 441 c thiltutgiag.tiimadil ,rtfert , o.4:: B . ;H 01l e wasieO,fintiodOoOitirVi) t kf nowt km, adly •,-,bayk. doom ' I,P" Bale Oft ;! holy; eailit„; tid i tOaa it Fla:Mb:llk, trittlattelgitatie telt , Idelighwile ;.*1 1 .14,M1f, Open..impi:Jdoseatogiitlon rap ly Age l i.,e,reisollfimiorikeqtkiNng\up9 „- -- d erg lie eon 114; 041.11` alb% a. 4! IP 13 . • • • u 1 .4 qa4aikse,R! lo coottifoßinsikosi.OPP.,ls4ll: 9PgArttileA •fuirl9fo,o644l:it h l t i ,„ ‘l l . q 6 4 0!. 1 41! inopfp? 'at $ (.1 ; ,„910,1040 f , tttdi 9 1 4 4 #4 1 ,44•:. .i:,,liiitirt:m;efe i ttaittgatait,tladlallia Iltr : He' te,lV„,tos#eted I rule; =EI E~~~ hwv~; ~~Y~>~a~ 03 ;101. flint 9r tto,4-ivaz'a' - , fro' ),041)0 . , calf ' .01'1 Li +A , . -ill .Yt ir'a lAr" , l 0' • .' • 0 ? - " ,- - -. 0, '" i " m''''". 70.. .. , '"?..,.. , : ,,, , ,, ,, , , , , ;.f.:l/407 L/S liiiy::?.: It'd:. 114 1',11,. I ril , c2li ' ~..,1 ..oi ',IN. .I !ft- a'? 1T1C11,11.1 .I qii`.-1: -ft _....,,,..,{ a3r.liiii , tiiilik. , g) l / 4 ) ItItIML4IIII . IO.I it WM., 1q i. .151 , 4 im is .14 14 1.1,4., , (1.1. , ,, ,.. h , , , 8 --- i,,,,: , ".5 , , 7 ,,. , ,c2 giii73-nr,:Ter—llß:Tr:rflytruri.; i m_ Fr ; - 1:1 li 1 11 i . rm: a:,l 1,,,5. t. 5 .41' , :!,://1, t:II.I.:IL !I In IWVlrlftit ' - - - - --1"' -- '-'-' - ' . - .-.''''''''47ll.l.4Tr?ilfr'''''''. • )3 ,, 4.,,,, 4175 - I,..ltrit,:rtalt,, ik ti. (il 1 4 , „- :. -,..t t; i... n .. r .,,i). .„ i .. , ;,..I^,i,el++V. ,, e o- 0... ,, ,q, p):1 , -; V17 , , l' -:.. - A: 4 7- 1 7141L.L.41.v I "...tbil.__l-____—____l_,_--_------4---.-- 3 7, jib J! tif )1'1)1 Ira $4 54t4T: arg(l taleiratioa j Was , marel.v:aibatka itande b w aid(' hiii; , by;talaeofigra - phitiTYcfrAkttlit;ii 1, yos.fint Aval I I yr:lq pa I ified, Reams istift h vb9s lidAY'Prtffiq (iitTelifilq4 ) °!TeS•ungiT:9 l o, l h,' I hat. aAts, ills xiituoys lila, was 19, tlhe n e Lin jafai!vf«;kv agabt•af nt) „ BRITISH ROZALTS; , : cr:; is. a vague. iii.a .ot , crow& ,01, esti:A(4:1(01o,, 1 , Ille , llnble , dot it. to Ih a . meg rity,born atteotl7,.., inttr..upon lnajesty,,laigl,,rnak lag UP : a great s , 11.,L... - sh o w ' at a 141,flUtieniti;iiftrth - yreTrlitiliT: pa r : ~T , . pt assn el,:cept ma, regarda, show, , The jollotip. 1 f itt4,ixtract.o p leiter, ,frorn;the London c0,r, T ,,, .1 aspontlent ..of _ the., New York. Courier, and .., 14uquirery iurnisty interesting, iniertnq. Lion .in,the.otatter , .. 'rAlthaugh, respects-4p personril. . . b, mi . xese of,political,p,pvrer) the Bot,iBh sued- , I . iii,n . ithh hutdry"b`e..oo l jell a iubgtaittitil (Mit- ' 1..,' yrifitierg'isbnelyily id 'vi•llicit ihe triatkie • : Iter' , existdece odious hrthe:dullevt, - sentribili . ...J . ilesiof-her subjects- f lhu.civil.list con 'erred, 9y, • aet. ; 91: P i a rliainen tditn ,Iler,ll.aiesty,, as her tieg,tilay ainuthif,alltivraniie;is..oB6,ooo..' .. cittCdienettiti; trritJtriilffnice'..6l4lolitiii: Of rawernirriionii suirii.'.C6o,ooo , are assign eit for. , ier 0 WiTiVirtv, OTC, p sei e 'lap Ito , 1 re ei ql.ifiler ,is , .gppti.l'pd,iii,,ybe„department l / 4 of . „.the, Loyd ;Vi,Wiritir4triin; jhe: s thrir Sik‘i:Oi . ct; 4'1,4 t h:4,' Master di.114 liiirreimnd to royebiiniiiiebi•: Ihartiies;ipensiOnit,andspecial services. , . '. i , The finictior. ,o 1 .Lord,,,phamberluin, who , isdildyve, a peer of realm, i.s to vicereise, gen- ral e . upervil4ion over the Qirrietee sipartMents, ' nia:tri• make' rit±igttrii en ts aw regekeN?ho !.. or; :dins; phyiicitinsi.artivatis,-..mesiciak ;!.. . i 1 ~.., "' legarct, do war,drobe,,,&c..•., Thel 4 . ~ : i:rt„n,:; kt w pylitatal f one., and. terniiriaiWil : • 1,.,,5r•;.2.'ti1t: of etier,i'llittitit'liAiratiite".• Thetort''. - ". " '...".' berlam never performs the dulieetii4iittirit r j rice In person, .budbissalarris,itriio, *. • 114: . :; . on that,„.agerion.t.... It. amounte . 11 .: , . 11 --' t: . .. I 4 !nonili:o,ll,o,9Do . illlll Ciotti.' 1II)1_ • ~15Yit At , hie n Vast number tit lunctirniarreit;'oPtitNlr ,digniinties,;vinee• vefy „malty 61 'the- mffieewf .are. mere sinecures. ik , , Mitstey.ol the Robes; lwhosp„etaiion is merely_ honorat y, receive tatiMnilly 3f , 2500—1 reiltiCed - toFederal hers, for the convenience of your orthe Bedchtimber,!whoseronly idol) , is to visit and dine with her Majesty three fortnigtts in the year, arid Who inviriA .ably ere the wives or daughters 'of - peere,• have a salary $2500 each; eight lilaidemt , Honor, and eight edetinmber-Wometo, who are also laclies4)l ,high,hirtli, end whosetu , 'ty is merely, to give the Queon the "plea sure of thier company" .ler weeks. the , year, have: each an annual soling • of 13099; •Lonls in Withing„ and eight Grooms in Waiting r vihose business is Sunr .. viiiit"afitriltne Witti 'Yffe"Queen 'dirge fortnights in' in the veer, have;"the former 53800 eachi,and the. latter $l5OO each; a Master of Ceiernonies, who introduces Am- tiaSsatiors to the Sovereign on state occasions haeslsoo; sixteen Gentlemen Ushers, with no ditties, have from $6OO to 61000 each ; fourteen Grooms of the Chamber, and eight Sergeants-at-Arms; Whose offices ale coni plete sinecures, receive ealaties tonging from 200 to $5OO. FJur Officers of the RobeS, three IChig of Arras' six Meriting, two State Pages, five Pa..- ger of the, Blackstairs, six Pages of, the. Pre settee, door quequ's,tnessengerti, all feecive . salaries as large as rimer of our State Cover itrini—torheAttVe• real- end Others - merely nodiinel ditties 'The poet laureate at pre sent,Wordstvotth, .receives 500 • dollars . per anoint', tl k eE4urniper of Plays 2000 dollars, ' the keeper of SWarts 2000 dollars, and the Surveyor of Pictures amt MI, Master of the TOnCis Court, each high salaries. Sixty chtiplatiti and twebly physicians are attached iiithe'Coutt•sorne perlortn Mg services and mesiiing pay and otherit - nor.4 One hundred rind forty yeomen of the guard, whose.enly - thitrid to attend 'upon her Majesty on Stare ocnitsionsoif the King's guard costume of the Sixteenth Century,- enjorsttlaries amount- mg in the aggregtateto $6O 000. The entire sum. expended In she. Lord Chamberlain's department includidg household salaries and trinlekineri's 350X100 dollars. • • The'Lord High Steward. always' of noble birth,- has a salarrof slo,oooj his duty which is always perlormed-by-proxy, is to govern the Queers household, and do ptovitle.for the ; culinary. department. ,Hd has, under him' quite, a little army 61. treasurers, dorripthil leitr,i!Seirelaritie; i'llerks;Stbrekeeperri; "Yee manry' of Ad' pantty,'.' bakers, confectioners, cooks, table deck'e.s, porters; tko.r Ale is also chief.judge . of the Court . of ihe.Marslialsea, which Consists of nine niarshOltnen, Whose 'business lithe didministration'of Justice be tween .the Queen's servants. The total ex- " .pendltoret of the. Lord Steward's department' Amoutits,annually to. about 6600,000. The'Maittd of .the Horse, who has charge 'alter': Majesty's horses and stableS, fins "a. , al'alaty of -$12;500; and; hwheslunder.hint; a darge,number oCequerries;pages,:postilhons,i .unachmen t lroom,S,' Joel rn en ? f Wel , no every other in the St itirh.goiferritent, there is no wantof—totneenres. .Matjer of :the Buckhotintls,-JWlto4asno:dmiies,:4hal;f lc ' ,ever,,regUives,lBolKluuttneklyj,.t . l,no ; e i 9Opa ) Falcone,, , although ~her ,Marsir-possesqesi singlit'haWk,l4!iti inntiftV'Stilfiktkitl 815000:-,,Trie:deliPihrften'seent - the`M,I,Stei , off the.HOrme,aDepqment a320,900,a44ta11y.11. Tie eftiqe,MPeYr, Npr-I leek clear; li ttek . ni iii:E;fllßfor-1 , Uzi( iO4;:if'die,L'ait'llo•liltiiklelllo, Ipet ;ties ;and - owercomenta;an.AFPßOktiablkalv koxgOit Ovaattaaokio "f) Stinted jr,0110.441.1,4i41'001.40"*1•1°1644931 o Her ear-Ake PAtObligeed •:?:T=i• eilicicifteiltabo 4 ve / Anrge-arOopriatiops-are-constantry !mid oloi-1' the rhhthidhante•ol the'royaLlialohe k olgtieisi oi (payilionlA tieWii, natki toprgißs O effir ' mfoßßilsoiablp!eig9 Thh royal family IAo ) ,'" , Arhw,LpaviyAiiioh4iiVblih.riiihiValve `Maas;geeltOh : CliiMlrilih ihieit;oi (rfiic,' station , hivritchtVmhoh lithited id.thhor.4os 81 Iqmai•Porisllo 01101 M 4'4 , 41M4411rmr r 0 lisp tar ilyqeffectl 9Ppuhtl4 oo6 , or pehrly 4ifb,pool Ali hi IrehleiVatka l l ht 4 i deAidnyhhlC6lol4 l -60ttr6! jboildfhtii . 01 editigible,.lof "WirldiovkCihfiefrittititer 'll 3 • ' 4 li l, irwci(ot , u.V/Adr)tcAlnr& PB.4 . ,AtIfRINI? 04, 1 1 4 ,..' lin96ll;ll:l,piyAhlark4xliiph, ppAtghry apholui t r: 4 ". ,pplecuitis,',, hii7obtighh . Eiveir' iiir'!'etriba t w: ik4p,006 mo're. l • Ailighi4h: L ibe • , hiiriMDifticl• , 1 or ok tehirenir ti — vviiwirgim, hila Ali ji V.,' 'Ohl till %line ', fL l 4lbsiftWillnfirdhclig CV . . dt 1(114 P! b °0 161 1t4 ,r e., 10 14 1 4 .40 -7 Y •;' , ' l ..' z'" : - ' ,', , ''' ''•"• .' ' ". --.•,,- -- 7 '-----=',7-74-',---.' ,, t , 7-- , --'-'- -, ' , •••• ''- '' ' =I - .~.: _.. ttf lii? tiVf b 'Mt G. t a 41:4r: ppeejeinintlt!s ttie pu uti C`Srii 3 Orlirek!VechiVes'ao;oo?' tit &tiff Its of CiWoblitrlttifil;i 04 0 ol , er,r42o;oobrittnilthermembecini•lketitflyr; al Fairtily„beoppld it iiing,e,l, , itheAt,3lCilins,, receives X 50,0004 the.'.Du ochesi %hitt- Oesferl'iheVUten i e aitinto,„el6,oop....T Thfcgrattur t'ly,,f)jrrlirtrrient ,FP,Pl.3rear ; td yetfr,.for, th,e4o,4l,aoera omialation t and for Mgt:fedi:llSM; thick} half; rill dollars. For thirlinattettatuAt , zif the). Royeli, dignity, a very tinge -trurn---vvitielr- does tint itimear hi plate, jewels. Szti. •Thelaiteenlic'plat4 estimitituolio -ponathr;,...Tite 4:33 3 o'iyAt je,u)els, kep,r, Ortritfiffirratesi7iiliffrfhlfri3tk. in II I i Zi4viirvvir6l% . IVliijeSty:onfstili'miertsionSiditlmworttnlabour $145,000 1:81111 That fated , lier.4o-Ilier t .,epro-. nation, as I was told by its' showman„ir u prized at one million.poutilis- ?4r the crib - sideraticht ,of.a single atxrpetiee„.rny republi can v,ision,itas been ~ tlrrizl4'll ; t ),Y, the Rightr' l, ' this jaiter magnificent workla Yell velvet, — iin'd if=i itavieeeal , cafe blazirigmiassml opakaafiphireiraiul annands.- Around-iltis intperialtprooo.yete,, ranged vaitous,,,Aiatlermi,, sceetre,r4.,,.pi:hs e , swords of justice rintl - aierey,, geltl4n SOUS; a golden whie'foutitain three 'Wet' high . drill of Ihts,sarne circumference; a goltledrbiiptiS- , mal font, .elialices,, tankaids, ,cellars, - Iptiotie; aii4Trirrinty °lb& iiiii4ll;••e - t :lifeiliSilTiil old:use:11 af the Mironittirq al. the sovpi - eigii'' or at Ora aiifenitie chiltlien - ofilt& '"r ": • .7; 1 :i; esides the anneal „apprepriations made, by parliament, the .Crown receives lsrge rev c, enues Irorit oilier sburces from illeirrimem's" estales,it possessesMi all parts al the is Mg '4.ltrirdrom vril iralty from 9rbtalte i .' yticei Ifittri the increaba of vacant bishoprics. mi t ...eseheatls, lOrkitureA, estrayir' Bt,jtt-,nriit-ieiSvei & o The "revenue. 'of Me. Cornwall atridurilJo,X2o,ooo anon-, And go to . the supper t of young, of W ales , the Of tile' i)gei3 , trifitinctisfit - afriburit to' feir into the pii'vyalrse'ot royaltr, . . EMEEMEM ." .Itietnl'iminv by llorace'llzutili • MORAL' COSMIFVFigSI.., 'Ye wbo.tronid4urve yoink frotqrge he; PfrthibPr ll4l . 2 . l lY- 0,, qulvr l 4 l s 4 ; Frontngo's ,deypetai lon hcirild, " Wlll•atilFa% Imq/fasts cold'oin " • A pale oid man.. • • • ; • in youth, lexiiiiens diet. ,Rentrain the pessitut's Iliwtess riot ;. ,Devoted to dersaatis.quiet Yvistly lay - bo Shall ye, spite of age's Slit, • &Slat decay. • • Beak not in Mammon's worship Plume,' tut. dintYOtir'ilclies, dearest ireeknre 4 , - In hooks, Mende, .tuusio, polished -lleisure ;. The mind, not sense, Make Me sole wile by Inensurcr Your opulence. This is the solace, this the science. Life's purest. sweetest, hest appliance, That ellsappoints not nines reliance-, Whate'er his state, But cliallengesovieh calm defiance, Time, Foxtutie, Fate. . _ On ilia morning of the 22d ult. the eiti-, ierli et Baton Ilmige s as'''seinbled•fdr the put pose cif, paying their respect's to GeM Taylor, otevious to his departure for. Washington, to assume the duties of President the ted,States. The correspondent of the Piea yune says- the . procession. formed at , 11 o'clock, and proceeded for the residence of Gun. Taylor, who receivedhri - Ciiiiers With! his usual kindness of manner, and an anima. ted conversation ensued, mainly confined to matters fit personal interest, such ns usually fakes place . between neighbois and intimate friends. After having partaken of sonie re freshments, the General was,. at the instance of mary . presentjaddressed Esq. To whom Gen. Taylor,_witli much e motion, repli ed in the . folkiwMg werds: „ . "Gentletiien, assure yoa it is with feel. ings'of too ordinary clinracielthat I' meet with my: , fellow' citizens ..,on ynatiretwhom 1 have beem.assriciatedwith fur more than,a putter of a centerrY'. Had 1 ceniulied iny'own wifilies, should have Much•preferred to retain the , otricei am now aboutto vacate, and havesetrinined; among you, but the people have, without my solail mitiom Seen fit to elevate me to anotheriand although I fear I am net . qualified to dis charge the great and important duties im posed Oen Me t yet be assured, fellow Chi-, kens', I shall endeavor to itilfit them withou t C.regaird to fear, Ivor or.eflectionfm,atriv : ene. ffPermit me, !py,..friends, sit..parentool - volcit,GolPs NeMfillE(.9Por9:imf 1 you end .your farnilica Mrik en ..jef Wig ; aticiye "address 0 I ~ NP1.1)1PrItYPP!;.111114.1ha!!" ; ,1.:141?9,in to in a tridy-heartlehmanitee•by many gra - I`lllllpill!itizens; who - hove for so rnrity years h • 1. - Ren; - :reytor's ii6uillj: :' Gen: Teylnr; , neeorntin`nie'd • by al. Bliss Orlelini, tin thel6th:lfoem , Baton eanngeohndflw,ould • 'l l6) ctiettday ß , Inc:9le, '1 "14 ;I l The following is 9. titrjpl t hq_ ATAO•aletel o 7,rl a (l l l,NEsY,An7l.4,V i u.” , Paff m g#94F,t,4, ll .IgPa , ) B 4giiste, 4 If/ 4 10541:1kIN°•;‘)k.a -" , t , 1:(6 1 7 : - j o!fielat eeignilee 'olhiis 11101.90.. , 7*5' 1t j ',or ftilienWilieethe eoniihenttiir It 'nfor. 03 £Dltion, which, hi c.ontoOntiVimit,th ; perilyhrPrkletis — No:li7will~.!6e tussupea 4 1 14 ilitii.'GoW:lllitiiiihr. , + -4 Zi 111•tv . :44 - ' -• ••. i - ) qtriesidoiiim 41i:command e 9 tits V laml.pdilitiligWOO'l* 3l ..a ' PlOeut . :ll . o' m: co-' 1, 11 ,- wtintio ii i ppi ¥wiiiiithE Incheni:l4 leoititiono., , loverzsetvp& kolprOsi' nitlatid;ooo I i 1 4,9.149 1 64 ' IP,4",evq n # J'ilif4fo * uo**o l : 1 41 0 rt:Ayo.t.t4: 40,,Mil ; ' :1 • ',...-; ~ .r,..,,, ', ,,, ... , ,::.,,... , ,t,..',7- . -tii;. , '::', - - ;:>. Gen. Tillytorts Departure MM!M }434.ittr„ ~ : i.:0):%1R.#14,11,17..a , A,if;• l l '31:01-,S1!"11 110/,10,01; n 7444. lvue- ,- ,X#llig4 • iid t if i t" . 911 ji ." . tr, , •l ; 1-.4wa oer TNlTri , r,-,•3•ad sgilri ?mulct ...rtri* ..fmo anvil -iiltus flthrq,)c.t lA;r3 Y.S v4isiltittirm 4 , 4 n111 , 1Abl '64 'no IN Iffirft . i . 1 . 7r(fp4;viii.4o;‘.4oo.l . iiii;ier;;Agi*!k4 , o4 .. .`.4tti V : In3RgliA . :dollitti3PONDElo.otior `Y.' ; 0 119. 1 4iliff,' , Yfiii Jor,asolifilie et.-- ; I) . 'l l l3,9lllThAnAr tt4a011.1 31 1011d,14Pd,9,# 1 .. 1 11 ftcrAtejr, vo t ollrkyn,kolgit•thtttit i ortediggytf, m t, a "trsa , ( l P r .AT,'9 l ,74 - ,t.PP b rikr," ,; (141 ;!k l t, ki)P,1),1t,,, t}mo ridr ttorrlyte ( -.', me . 11 , u•ollto a lAirly " - -h.elfj.itioq`but'illiailitek*lti fli t li'l'e 'di 4';hcilt- 141 t Ai rdirifit?fiev-)iiiKy6ii in' Yell itiriatitett4lo ~.. Matt: f, it ii i: e :g4 , 1r1 Add ,:*.N.c! , 67 nottzlq re fi a t I Wit aritiedein rthe:.ikitteribokitiodribletolia 'Nita porolli*.kirt rAltlierlill,l l ol l .o. - I,k a AaNSX ( 3°94.PlitillloLwitrtNill)t%Oviiiqoatm.;erfot the „Mu.? ,4Z,g,ellitt,-jlt!O, 1 4,111M W l fkrip , K l ,, .1.66 i ) a)ctioilier,go,.:l),llaerileq, 4 lmtr aunt oil' 0,-;tliiii . ciiirn6i I 0 ife - Ve talli;,/itiii4l)lll.loiV r iliblV! ) , j . i'llirifoetr,'.oo,.*,.o.ll , .?4e.iltedee,? o itrfit l'iNtil tittiVqfL_ Altbiitl l il Milittll Wh0:5;41410V iiierTiaiiiins4 dpiitfifiTy.Cliirkqiferthetikiialy.titlorriy,tlii.t.vitittolop - • l)d:Pta*irliAnt . ..iuidt,oolo. OP:91 0 N a.All'.cil, %Lk/ la t litka,kaillArPrEillicrAfc!tflP,PfiithaFr't 'Mt tivasalgoirr to. knock Inc over Qii'ftt m y '41,,,, • fp}zi:A.ed, he watt E; l elvige."ll...ot' ,I've tidal; fiiiit iilsirielt Ibuilltichlieli l ditlliell, r.. 7,t,iki iiiiVidWittliViii.liiiitiilteli4l•o6ll l Wiilkifilli ' - 'ii'lithil - '6' f * Ilitill* 11'"it i 'll tta ~., tot) to, tt - t 0 41 11l .1 I ratti;topin: it's.t.tehr :F VtlarriP)4 illituipl:l - 4 Tittil ' reller.tik tiritlnif,•and,Raderillihe topic Iten-ri ) , ' arArllticlOat,o!). dust .1( 1 r 14m Plc r,Pll•dq!:,! 3 act,6 'aF9# I IFIP u aav ,ar(P e a r ,4A ';Pr-. l6l, l'Ya i) ;', l,i Au a Ism,rl illfplll,t.' . ..1 ,- . .-t i t r:i i •••• Is `VrilCli:, jiloll . 4fi, iiii•iii.'sliprtiiiy. t ,atitt; a iicl , fifi''ittliio feller;• bui•he'gnYAttot fileVolliitiilitior whirl i eltrdi airikle'rfell fiVit'hiiiittrrUfer 'Ml'firli.A Tliiiort is. Istz beYooditlitil . at t ahant; I,.th i tyo . •tltitilqt-tw,ih liar:tired t delltjor..• 10y.. 3 01 - poret v ,,o ? toill.*--:fai1= 1 ! 3 _,.!(.4-4t.h4! -- i - JOl-- 1 014 1 1 1 191-64.ft 'llia • . todoe„it.bel,,,owl !.. I, f er„ 4 . Itt.,atit,p9„ Ity. i thilihrs,.•iii titisi; for a ,04'esit el iWynee ,' .)11 I re1 , 1(.6 . 1i.1 . \N igg 'fieili•tnnytt hiri %gin,' if We'll• I ettrii• - boi,trere!Withliii 'fotitlYithili end IciliV of 14.'40.. t . ' - • 3 1..: .. v:i. Dom; cluy me Mikeeno iotont for. tlio - digs toe, atlib.•Plitie was glod •• hno I to I po pjoffli hundred doHars.aMeat,,,a,4ll.,hire an old bin' •kmiNatic„ahtlie hales, We sup got anff, ig: ilie' point( rlnea.. Alike strippie to gililifp'e ik..____,___ iipp,: Mid Blleillliii breeetkiiiipilekiisililit V .itilier thatrautsigont altutp:Vitirmeritelrmilird (tin; and , toe Id im he , was id.-11,itnat'Aulo 41 stofe for-thin, Mal•iliat alittle ) tunkifini'twgib • tip to hie ancleS-,so Mike thipellMizolt)44,K" ant of Inslirc'eAßApnektli.;;e,,il , ,liirtv nqt.ti in but iltiai. 11 , 11:en tie throe owt - e4 , WeuTillt goohl 'Oils!, as'"witinl mayk 6' ten I 'kt - 1'0;14:Ai . bectls,' each' sii I piii you, whiari'yini'.gitCrr' your bait. IlillW;lerttshy,"Jeruslivliwthltliii ' -trioitl--mr•airth-vs-01-tio-rvalley-TampairiV - 101 -- ;that' Neve' Joan •yoer tleyoledMiolo9,, 103„ ; rep,. :peer -Jeruslty,:h:W.ill , l'Pt- 28 .-1 11 kt ~ ":41tx#, ... , knee;lll;tehlte l peal. ~Set: . . your ellNFitaltlf hint iti rerObrtiior dint. ooe'rif; yrnie'eti`Chti , ' ;VIII) Icily - Milie of -bless iiilgkiiii - t '. 106 iiiiiy - . fati-bpP'Whalivery66;iliVe at Bella Troriqr. • • Variety: store.; , lpsillim - I'll be back ;,livit lettii and paympij - IThen deuriermby, *Ol dial sum tows , they,rreTno,• .better bliart sum, that; - y o : ti „ FT. d. 11 ppse on. .„ ‘,:ii.i .•• ' ' • •*' * : • 5 ' . I Just Mier (lath, wegrit-Ware.llie.Prieelta thickest. rfiv ii writ' dark. natlies;' ferlll moon was !Attila.: Ovr; - -lerttethy, you never ticestlie beet! Awl' Nolly, ,Foroy, as fir; Rs 'we (I)9d uoe, looked .j,ust like the doWnie o _iii the Albany state licitse _ l cool handl keep front beginiting to dig; but Mike' wit lit cil;. sr) we glq op for that it ite. 'Next ilq,. • eve lit upon a teller, that had triaytle a grinds' diskivety. 'Pte was down •ir a holet Nylon' the gold wee in lumps, As bug as donuts , Me ( and Mike stepped aside and lecticileeiesl about it,,a little; and we'd mayd upp ,our my ads to pa respect to the custrims of the low,k aiming 'boom We ware, we ordered t h e Telles id etlin" owl.' 41eVied'Ini-Waili the'llid `,l4Veliti.7 l'o•leetl the: , irttitter'':Atesett.:Wo4l - verify ithe!suggeetterivir.irn::l•Sonwe noi•le,e/1 tuarbreyui own, andiptill'il him up and took .ared . inn With phew shottele.ol ~duel, the, ; lt seemed a pitty,te,ase geold'ilust in tniq".ivny. :This. fellow tied get ' quite a .Weep of "gt:liito, iTliieli'..bdeairie burtliby rite,ol :conqueef.4= , We worked than, me mud Mike, rrioorAliiitl three weeks, anal got e'propir heap. .• Ilan Was Inktimontl , sobbers,romithtionites' .and - 1 begin , telhink,WhaLopr....ennititer .ifeitt was troo, that macs !Ir.i2 , gii4l:ce • :piggtq awl da and wateltieitiy.inite ~.tyMe curt` „the ',flesh._ l_got-,.Vvurtier(a:tititiksiry--,sieriiklpqn Mullen setho me and 'Alike.' whiv . Ve:Wlits "duet ruin aria,—hc that bitsteti'lb be fitik,' , 4lll tint , be . ilielbgent. 'I . eked Mike irzhe , JAI Think thin nage be twisted , somelidw inenutli et miudd, 4,015-10 "apply - 4 ), i* in i - ik 0 0 0 . in out that, teller's bieynli._ : Alike ;set.) ;ite.,th,ot • .liebilul lie ,was AY, 6 Trieg-!. t!°P. ;Ile :f`Pti Abe :eller,eugiit to e,eum:in llll4 g in tip viliba lie` WS:vimiloo and he but 1111P.' and 'tie 'cid lioniethin - abciWt 'allowin Ilie'fCller'e'litra won or the -ikri &Atli'. ,l''Swtilti -, hiht,i; robe reinkrovfittil theitellei'e'eittyaa.Mtkeed.4 die:rather gelisittl,u,Oecontit4,nl),tlV,t ,r•rty. a .I.v nal t ol .ow t,tk etyse r fiat it mR getlq ..,,tpull t Mullett ; .{, ..A.,, i e ,• 7 l wenda;'lltat:kere iiiigo: - fe n l 9 n'to - we itigOr; !Vi9l; 010fFil,' IVi geftiyokelm. I 'Vie 'dmil r''4as'i i "RinghQtiisliit_4 7 llp, with too lona, !listens in liis.giitlt;':iiik . Vtlie. third had ti hatittoolk. ,,, ltle-wits the spokeri ,,fidilt.,/4141 ii..V,STrljke or grin are his features It:WM . 6 - 614 Went like' l'teetslit'ehi;WAWgiiat. 'Lila) tow led flti' , ltie fittlettial teliew:hbtr:Jam ,lniqt,gotAltiLepAci.ishni,;tveditql„gohill le (;Vinifil 'pay Mtn a stinill'som. *Milt e'clis n't like their compimy, an Piillirldbiliili eh; - :ra-f. diefilaNtlit 11, -, bytas,ialrytilk , .' , P,ACT)lltb° . 9 6 - , itik!ibilikta.PlPo 4 -inAIY. bill e f',9ll)Y.Fg4,llt47 2 '. . i,"9.., t Yt1K) 1 ! Alootligntr * o4 tell'lTlV" t' t yN i it Ace / rri .tti'le,: an) thing. ~#bci about ;tg (- ey- 7 ---- IlitlunfilMerit r efis iileilvqqgliiinf r . eiVilittuV: .1. 4iiit,iii Vrielitzbi'aiiiiliii l. -litAlltiofftitelrfrti 'i. , .. t - iiiiit(tii iild"4l . AithehlUsttsilaittimpri;. , ,betbitelt: ; ;44.: na'qvAiitlitit. , they'i*efe: 'goold,9o , ,t!oli:4 o lf.tcm: , : imiill.linini eTiOto*Ace.(l:9oAilfi ~ • 0 : 1!),I.V14,01 - : ..t , Rop) ict gOilkc If i ira • N e _!ll,ql l ll,l,VirS" , 7,. . ::e b etter riti.vvat trott,ot mitt+ty,e,•,og,. ti , so :i:, . • 'agreed, Wil;. l'lnt . kieeist or'vektite it he,...-. ..Ayn.v.t qq )etibta‘viattint'lloretUri litifirituker,:.'_ f': .- 61)iiti ' . 4V14 Watt 4lCK'd'ilier'ettveattlitutet:NThey :.:. • •,' ~a lfAlfuiii jubbered.tolgethirißeomtiOililidfiel .''':: .iiiitt:Alatkingitie,‘.ebaSinitili#Aol.l;f. A140,w! :, i#l . PtiliCßP jagi.O.tPigo d iflrs l 49f ~p.4ll!'° ' . -. . 418JFIY i lit i irli OW Ar,fic.l4o!b4; . :i , : .,. ~:,... ;, • .....- iiiLint*Ul - :ritil oyl''ell * -r.: • Fc4l l :. 11;Akfiliit:*:0'4itl'ilk i lObleoV j..--- . ,';: ii:,.--, I fi l 'e l° ' : :it nt gl ill alk 6 l " riti li lit b 0i74 1- e il ei'%\ ii, ,ijil'-. r i i n i d 4 , : "' ‘- :: •t,t':,qJ -: - .61 lakt, , iiiiiiVieill teciiiol.lli'deh for,:_:;' . i t die tvitia4 oie. Ili filinh*Oliiirilli , lolneed;.:-•., 1 ,:r... rhtii4uhrise4, l6 4 l, at,iiks,:, - .ave.1 , 40* . . 41 1;;;'-'-:::•i gg tour or five mites: ecir'eiiiit.:Ap., ' tttr:::.! :4tiy . ,,dcinilf - ka., , ,, think:. Itiat'i.ette#o, MMJI I , - •;.;': , d0d.04 fVler witlillifflOttliterAir tt.:4Maii,:.. - : iirli.lik.iiiit.:lfi . 'tit.iutittlegit.MW - . 1a14.. ) :,„ Ifiiliii .?,iotifirftiao , ,tliVil4lo l ,4l , • ,, 'oo..a . t 07 ,.. , ,-; omiepliflA*o,WoT l ooo fli3Osiiii4o4o ...), xifirfAciiik*,ofrlieWitOitt*Onto B # l 7 ",'..,, ):4*.OPOtlii?ti.** tOkitkil4x4 ll l:AtoroT*. - ..,, ,,, rA4 - x!iftiol kortlti rlvpd,-!.i mflvi a t. .., el ifi v ti f si iiii .l;,,,-,.. i... 0; . t o i 0u,„,,- ~..1 . .. , :.ket.,, i ,„.; iilo i rw,i d „PrpiiNa#4..lo. ba: iii -;.;-;: tpi 1ft44 1, at wityliolicl'olo ,4 4oitas , , , so; , : , .; '. to ot '444 i . sl4,o 4 4llc(i.refitoi3i liaitiitindlirei Orilohin , •ilitoifitt4OWYA'o • • .'•,•,..!,.. , '•,`.-: ,:: ":, !: ~ ,, , ?,-;•, , i.• ~,, ~••';.,_ ~, ..-,•-•,, • ,A„,„ 4 ,- -•::-.- 1 . '" , •-• , :=4-_-L-L.2, , ,L: - •,4',4:- . ., - --•-• - •.4 ,, •ry'A',44,r, 4 - '.• -`il.'::?V',,Tl',.''':::::::i64-..v,,,Wili*Eltata 1, -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers