MM7MIECES F S P- . • '••••••-•- New-rAblierfloclnettto.' - P - 1111 - 0 - 044 - ifirAi - A.• NEW . edition oilltielong _este blighed - -±l.-SPork - ;-hreughtie-Ideivn-to-the:clese - -- 7 Of the l a seacitsion vithe l Legialature,;is this day pub. fished and for, delivery. . , L _Thia 'edition has been &mired; George ald„ Ihdieditor, a. of the two last e WM; t mai has •beetowed great care 'Upon iti 'The 'grine!ral 'plan of the nriginat'vvorkiis been closely - iidheind •to from tliw eonviciitiri•that being. familiar to thoie who nre moat likely to comet - it, it possesses_ ntrinsidellyndeanbtrea' over anyntheri A large number of addiihnial ,;,references td the ddehtiona of the COurtehave heed tweeted, andtleetedy of notes considera ble enlarged. - -The `velum-.f dress mites are much enhan ced in the present edition by appropriate note. thins indicating the - precise pardon of the text which therexpla in. /lodides .the preliminary. Index to each parr ticular title, a copious genoril indeg, is given. Published and fur tale' by.: ' THOMAS 'DAVIS. 171, Market street Philadelphia. January' 27, 1647. , •--3t. • REMOVAL. . „ THE underitglied would repseettully inform hie friends and the public in general,that lie 'he removed hisTIN AND : SHEET IRON E,STARILIDIIMENT te.the old stand former • ly cecupled by Jelin:P:Lyne and lately by Jo. seph Faust, situated iluEetat Loather street • 4 few - doors cult of Leonard's store; where he will lorry. on 'thti above business In all its bran• elms and intends keeping a good assertmeni Of • Tin and Sheet Iron Warts, .. ihonitantfis%.on hand_ and for sale Palo very low to suit the times. He also keeps on hand and for sale a largo and fine assortment of Stoves, reel] es nine plate wood Stoves, parlor Stoves, to burn wood and coal, Goal Stoves fur' Stores &c., and also 'a good assortment of Runia and common Stove Pipe. All jab work in his line will be thankfully received and promptly at. tended to. House Spouting done on the must reascuuable terms. The highest prices given f,r old copper, brass and pewter. " He. hopes by strict attention to business, and a desire to please all thoso who may favor him with a call to receive a share of the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him. N. B. Any porson wishing 'to purchase Hathaway's Cooking Stoves, or wishing any information respecting them, can 1/11V0 it by calling on the subscriber. ' o • WILLIAM FRIDLEY: • January 22, 1847.-3 E. • • HOVER'S FIRST PREMIUM INK, No 87 North Third Street, /VHF. celebrity of the lake manufactured by the sult.eralter, an I the extensive .sales subse quent upon die high reputation which they have 'attained. not clay throughout the UIMMI States, Inn in the West Indies rill in Chinn, has induced 'din to make every accessary arrangement to supply the vast demand upon his establielmient. Ile is pow prepared With every variety of Black, Bine, and had like , Gtopping . and'lnk l'aiwoler, all prepared under Iti• own removal supertittendence, BO dint purchasers MO. depend upon its superior qthliii(V. 110 V Elt'S ADAMANTINE: CP.MENT, a sottoMr article for Mending Gluts, China, Cab- Snet Sta., useful to every - II ouselceepeT; Ite.og a white liquid s- 0,11A1,, applied, mid not affec ted by ordinary hest—warranted. irr" Pamphlets, containing the numerous testi mottiala of melt of %dense, twat others, be luneishell to put chafferx. For sale at the 111anufactory, Wholesale and Retail, N.. 87 North Third Street, oppositr Cherry Street, Philadelphia, by .10SF.P11 HOVER,-Manufacturer. .luau. '27, 1847.-Iy. D3UGS. D3LIOS, DRUGS• TDOMPSON & CRAWFORD, Tnot.c.. RALE Dhll'flflflTM, No.i- , 10 Market Str'et (Soo h Side, below Second,) Plailadel l .hi s o:, offers for sole n large stock of Fresh Drogi,Med icittex null l/e-Stitlrs, to which they call the nt tetition of -Lomat,' Merchahts and Dealers 'Ali slog the city. . . . . . Cmtelt,l:llhinet, Japan, Mack, and oilier Var nishes of a superior quality. Also White and Ide , l Lead. Window ;:hiss; Paints and Oda— elleaper than ever. ra• T. k C. are stlsn proprietors of the iodine Vegetahle tB,l mna, celebrated throtikhout their own stud neighboring. States ns the best prepara tinn for the owe of Cnill.tha Colds A ttlinn , Rte. NI nutty refunded in every instance where no bene fit is reccivt 41. Philadelphia, .Inn. 27.1847 —Gan • Tnistecsllip Account ft IR Trust Recount of Stephen Culbertson Commtitee ()filmes I laya, R lunatic haring queen presented to the Court of Common Pleas— soid enurt.nanninted Tuesday the 16th day of Feb. I 84T for the fiend passage or said Recount, and rule nn all persons concerned, to Appear ,and show cause why the thine shall not be confirmed by said Count, N. M. ID 41 , 1, ProthnerNary's Office, d, Notmoth , r ir ldr. undersigned AtiOtpii,,,appo tiled by the 11 COUP, Cotitinott—ileipW, tp, marshal •and distribt.te 'Ate assets •in ' hands Of dames MCCOIIOII 11118'gnee: prp to reiro ronowr the at-editing) rill *tend the duties tbralprOtto,l::o4 Saturday the Atit 'March neat, at WS o'lriee w Cur persons It vin elltimilhil4 lend eteun hri before that time,—or loose tlkebenefit tf the Ituith., W. 11. MILLER. Jr.on.try !7, I fall' IgVisZCZI N cicelinp foii;;;eiii p Of the Dro W , or li.funtry Cornpetki. destined for the scat of War in Mesir o, vi,lllJeke place at Winrolla Hotel in this Wednesday Evening. the 20th'Inet. The members of the company are invited to attend la business of importance will take place. EDWARD INATTBr , , Carlisle,lanunty 2b;1847. ' • Assiiiatiiii Notice. ILT, t ial Joseph Ingram, :o n of die loirong .firAleoliawiailitirg,lum moan an assignment ofik, p . 1e propeirty,Mihembooritier. living in AlamgoltnCumbOrland- 9.649- •tgaf.r the, ben#fik.of',llls; nroilito'ra. All peranna liaviuginikapit.4; siiid eatile will grespitt Men', for seitleinnnt,Anni regoi r , JOHN Rver,Aisl,n g e e .- , , . ~ . ------ 4iriCso '-litilt ''''' 1%, * 0; fii4Vr.iii',:,'..iiwily ,c, ,- ,:, , . ~. Irotp...thei„rephilenott. ,',, 1 ; "'",.. 4 1 ',.'„ .!(, t i, , . ,. . ' 0 : !I et , the Suhaeriller; . ;Dee ; ~ '... 1 , , It ', 0., ' oiritle . net of,4.;erlia,c, '- ! ~;:1 - . ' I ,' ...: . on the road'.., - 'A, iffill , i i., , 1? - ; D ''' York, on J - 7ree1t4 1 9% the, . .•- .. ,:., ' ~•=.' - . 4- l'itliAulttat 'lied Bu!I i iiiiit,t; tit ith'..*hlte, g ireetti ---old,aiiii. kir . tlir'xge. ,-AiiilitirriktOeterning the same toilie subeeribur qvill be`iih44•4l, reiesnlett. . .. ,,,JOHN-cRIII3O- — : - Jintary g 7, 1847-9; i - ~. . . . IhIHE Wodorsigned auditors to whom wig .re. , . (erred the admiyilotration acqouM ritGeorge m'ExoctitOr . rif . .ladob ;1311x)or . deed. ,setrleo bilavorgollOp.rem Mid 4.3eorgo,:Zionjr. tEllocp:, thro OrAl•pargrag . iow rloed. : ...wiji. meet, t ot,. the Atb i t :§49T!C.lMO4r. , ol l -ibtCourt House:. in pi rough 'of Collbuo , ok raisably. tho-Ild,Of obrairVl.64lllo thorpUrpßso 011 A 01 5 110 ° 141 'n t h en t. ;.,-..: „,?..?4,, > , R . , ~. c.:l 4 ,.. 1, 4 . • , - 1 , :: , ? • t ..•., '''' •et' tt e _WAIlk i ttoBEAN..r ,ffart uditv2p' EU . -r• ,• I i, " - f :idepwipt,lolllo aL: J r . kvi.* 1 1 .01. rac 4 0tip• • ......., 11113 . 7 Netu''.'ekOp.ft,tiptipenttw.,,- • - • -714 4ERER - A - LtoltDefitS;ll • WAVE,P,A,RUI,ENT, , , ~t . : GEireciih - OiTster. 8';'18.17. ' . , • I. The ft - Miming net Oftoncress • efinne,ingthe term • of enlialtrient;• nod. prtoldiutt-a bounty -30 r fearuits. is published for the.informationanilvi. 'dance of the officers of the army.• • • • AN ACT to encourage enlistments in the reg- =l= ." Re it enacted by Me Senate and House . cof ihtepreventatives of Me United States - of .bnesiica els ambled,: That, daring the contimmanue of the Warlith Mexico, the term ofenlistment .of the mqn to Le rectuite.l for the regimenti of dragoons, .artilleth 'infantry, and riflemen of the present Military, establishment, shall be during the, war,' or five years, at .the option of the recruit, unless sooner discharged. u Sic. 2 And be it further enacted Tlait ther,P 4411 be -allowed and paid to everriible:boilidd man who shall be duly enlisted to serve in the ar tillery or infantryi.lbe the , tertn. of five years or during the wsr,a bounty of twelve 'dollars; but h e ;p a y meet of six dollars of thesaid bounty shell I be deferred until the recruit 'shall have ;a fined for d u ty the regiment in which he has to eel, e.r ' 2 The general • superintenden is or the recrui ting service Will litive prompt and all necessory instructions" te time recruiting officers, who will immediately publish this general order, with the table of established rates of pay agreeable to ex isting Jaws . annexed, three two newspa , pens' in the *hilly of theirreinective rentle4voits. 2 The term of service will hereafter be,''.titi ring the war" with Mexico, or for fire years, as the may prefer.. The' blttiks - now in use, will attewer, for five yearn' men, by writtng on the. back of the enlietmelit, itrmlue form, the remit - tired receipt for the advanced bounty; and they will a l so suffice for the new term until new blanks mm be printed subetittitingliie words rtliVriike. the W 11 1 . , ". iti the hand,writing of thereertimemg officir, fois the words five 'yearn," as !Whited in ill* prescribed oath of allegiance, - 4 Company commanders will add two 'column's to the Muster rolls, suet emitter and pay rollenew in use, to show the payments on account of' boun ty. In tire first ealuliin Will be charged the ad vanced t ounty paid to time soldier 'at the time of t his enlistment ; in the second, the retoitied bent,- to'due, or paid (as the case may be ) after joining :for duty the regiment in which he is to serve.— Recruiting officers will add similar columns to the blank muster rolls, muster and pay rolls and muster and descriptive rolls, Jiee, respectively, furnished for the - ir - r - efititilit - Service. 5. The term of service having -Leen eirtingeel from five yehrs, to Miring the war wilt, Mexico, and a .. .botany of twelve dollars allowed, it is ex pected that ilia innk and file of the am toy will be filled in a short time, wi h due exertion and ac tivity on lite port Mille recruiting officers, who will explain fully to the recruit before liCeelists, the conditions upon which he enters the service. 6 Whenever recruiting stations prove unsuc cessful, they most be abatilleimed Mllllll,l/ 01105 es tablished; slid irony officer liil to get recruits nt more than one station, Ise slain be relieved and or dered by time superintendent to join his regiment. 7. More titan ordinary attention mined be paid to the tactical instruction of recruits by all offi cerellllll commanders from the moment of -11- listment at the rendezvous, until sent to join their regiments; To this point the attention of com manders or depots and posts, is specially direct ed. (See No 738, A It,) Z. T t e garrison of Fort Columlms having hero withdrawn for service ill the field, that post has been turned parr exclusively. for the r ec ruiting service. as a tleont of instruction. Mond Crane, 4f the Gest regiment of artillery, 81111 the general superintendent, will give special - attention tc this subject, and see that the recruits will he comfor tably quartered &- well Instructed dm-Mg-the shalt -tittle they may be retained on Governor's Islam By order JONELS,- Adjutant General. • UNITED *TATES_AMSI.I7._ Recruiting ServiCe• WAN TED for the United States Army, able-bodied men, ltetieet t th e Ho of and 35 ,ears; hJinc: S feet 3 inches high, of good character, and ..f respectable standing among their fellow-citizens. Novae 'teed apply to enter the serfice, hut those who are determined CO serve the period of their call at meat, honestly and fab fully, "daring the war" with illeslco,.or for term of floe years. • Table of established rates o 'ging la GRADE. To st.rgesoi tosjormusir wt. roaster serttenOi, eliiel 11111%10111101111i 'WON' eaell $l7 Co the first sergeant of ai 18 I 1:11=1 = it II rilter eergeante, each, orporsile IVEZI Mil si ei a na R idle I II 11 „. I II 0 - 81 - 4:iers and bloeki Artificers Privates A bourafet 'twelve bollars will be paid t each recant. Besides the monthly pay, as ahove stated, one ration per day is allowed every soldier, which is amply sufficient for 11;s subsistence also a large supply of comfortablle and gen teel clothing. Good quarters and fuel are at ell times furnished: and every attention will be paid to making those men who may enlist. And are determined to serve their Comm). in need faith, comfortable and contented faith their situation. The best itteilical atten dunce is alwirys provided for the sick soldier and no deduction of pay is made dining the period he is unable to. perform his duty. Should the eeldier•be disabled, in the line of his duty, the laws, provide a pension thr hint. Tile. stub of to dollars will be _paid to aay citizen who shall bring to the rendez: vous an abled reentit and who shall be regularly enlisted. The aitizeit should present his reer,nit, toilie Lieutenant or Cap ar:d itie.rodruiting sergeant, ' C. R. STATES. Recruiting Officer, RECRUITING PKfiTiEZVOUS,: rntlisle bariaalo3,.4aa. 1847. NOTIOE, . . , A T a elated Orphans Court. began on Tues. day the 15 day or - Mc:ember - 1846, and holden for, Carlisle roiOninberfand, county be fore thellOn...Samupi Hepburn Esq., , Preeident Judge and . .ftiltn 'Stuart end C44llller. &inns _Allecta.te_.J,udges.dto tha.following.proccedingS. !weic.had to wit: -'. • ' lion in dui Real'Eittite - of - iehtilluth - 'deiicaecd The rule,ptireeee - intetieted to appearand geemit,•ck,reruji . u.,ui,neo . pi,,Or said reateistite tbj.-vallu'atitin,lhaying been, returned_ bi the 810,rify ikrui'dqe, malice of ,the semi, t'ck the, no:spun. ;' . interested interested, been mndis;nriit,tbo ,particis having, been. severally, ( Called Jo, won _o3u rt and ikons iof.the tit ••tilOpearJ take: Now to wit 15.Decembei , 1846 On mottopec,itir,HlFldlerl,t-Rule'fin portion,. interested tO'shotv'eaosp".Of stated Orphans COnrt'On' 4ithigarY v 3,47 why the Bead realostate sliptOput..he .4 , By the Crifitt•;' , • • •• • lAM!Fr,LR)RFEBF*Tig; '." ''."'" • ' ; ,c; stated, Qrri4 rl',Ounti,bagnn.ion,Tuottr;, , day this 16' day, o(Lteccenkbor 1846 and hot. den at Carlisle tio:Ctioiltertapd county heroro the Bon. Banitiol,;;lrapburp i . Esq. ,Prooldon; Juliofluart it#47; Mfrclar „ &qrs. Annotate of Partition lend PA'. Ataltdrinti'ihn real tiantti,of . l A!eilttioug..lty),tio det?d. Now to witilf,Deiiohobor - IHA&hiOotypo hayloft been enh4TATCnd On, C9,1411...0ki_nr, Mr. Biddle-kig loon tho hclra and Mrs pp' Interaipted. lc' akin of Fq¢tuariitt47 4 of.tha omit - -otitte4aPrOothi' , rti'littPtOceP.l.o,r..tolitoolol;Pooop,ti•Mfo'itabt t( ,100 0 116 °A',10itiali• !;:!' ! -- jAmgatfOFF*4n*?:Of-; ,, ,!: , 'r‘! . . bittforti;,rahOttty Pp0;,*1047 ' ' ttit_kfyikipp_ 1. - I.lonptely 4 - .sVint Stitutiliiy the 9.111 histott 001• oldie iii 1/itlfauson : full atteettainee is requested, A. ci;_Seery, Orphans.. Coart B Y Yirtdo of an Order attic' Orphans' Court Cttruberland County, I will L exilwo,e., l l: Public Sale, on MONDAY, tile' PObttt• arY,'o347;on thepremixes4 as the pro'keVO the heirs of Mary Spottsivood, deeeasielt , • ; -A TWO STOrt Y STONE 1145UNE !I ••• • :isAllot. of ground nit late I nhiliP eaON . • ough of Carlisile,:containi4 4M14 4 a feet_tn front and-two-lititid?edjfdet in SiePth, with large 'and conVentdiNtliiktitild loge, HattetSitop und.:Blatksinith Shot , (We'. on erected. The propeitY is situate uptin the south west corner of toutner and 'ffionover attests, and is ore of the most eligible aituniion for any kind of public business'. TERMS—Five. per cent of the purehasemon. ey to be paid ist) the'confirmation of the sale. and the residue of the Wipe 'the filet of April 1847,find the balance in tivo annual payments without interest, to be secured by a lien bn the property Sale to commence at ILo'cleck A.M. GEORGE IV. SPOTTSWOOD. Administrator of Marl, spottswootraea • Jiriliary 20,.1847'. • ORPHANS' COURT SALH: .1 - Valuables , ?lilt and larnt. , lay virktio of an order of theOrtilitinit' Court- JUI of Cumberland County will be told at public outcry, on the promises, on THURS• DAY, the I Ith•day of February next, at 10 ti= clock, in the forenoon, a plantation or tract of land, situate in Rig Spring (formerly West pennaborenglis towntiliip,containing about One Hundred arid Sixty Acres, first rate Limestone Land, bounded by lands of Sharpe' and Myers' ' heirs, Tritt and Montgomery. The celebrated Big Sprin a runs along the western miagin of the tract, a stream which never fails or freezes and is luneqnallert by any,spring,in Cie United States. Tfie improvements are a &Miele FLOURING_ MILL. two stories high, with two run of btliiies, situ ted on the above named spring, e; D WELLING HOUSE, BARN and Stabling, Miller's House, Cooper Shop, Orchard. &c.., all in the best order. About one half of the tract. Is cleared, the balance covered with thriving tim ber. A piece of.eleared land containng Thir ty three acres, and a piece of Woodland, con- Mining twenty nine Acres, have been . severed by serve); from the original tract, These will he sold scperately, or the whole together as may best suit purchasers, This property is about 2h miles from the Nowville Depot pr the Cumberland Valley Rail Road, in the heart of a rich country, and offers strong inducements to capitalists. The terms of sale arc: One third the amoun of the purchase money to he paid on the cent firimition of the sale by the Court and the res idue in three annual payments without interest to Le secured by .ludgement Bonds. • *JOHN I'll'F:R. - •, • JOIIN S. DUNLAP, Administrators of James Piper dec'd January-N(1,11047.—U. mIIE books and accounts of the hulacribets 1 - hive been placed in the; hands of Ihvid Smith; Km., liar collection and settlement, where persons indebted may sate costa hyspeetly pay ment. Those having claims are requested to send Mein it, for settlement. crtousE & CART. Carlisle,Jaimary , 13, 1847. APPEALS FOR 1847; TCoinniissitmers of 'Cumberland county 1 have fixed upon Ake following 'time and itlti-, nes, for Itolding the appeals in the several Town--akap, and Boroughs ot•kadd nonntp For Mifflin township on- Monday the.. , iStlx of January, at the house of D S Dunlap: • For Franklhrd, at the same time and - plane. Nen Tuesday the With, at Duithp's Newton do ' do llopoyell, Wednesday 941, at John Killian's. ShipPensburg boroinai 2 en Tharstlay the 28th at Jacob A Raoul's. .Thippensburg toyn - ship atv the sante time and places z is Si , " - -ir on Friday the. '29th at the same sbitrough on Saturday the 30th at .1 .er's. it the same time and place. on Nloinkly the Ist of February at Jacob Trego's. Silver Spring cn Tuesday the 9JI at Gen Doc)'a. East Petisborough on Wednesday the 3d at J Lotignecker's New Cumberland at the same time stud place Hampden mi Thursday thuAtli at Henry liresler's Mechanicsburg on Fri thir sth at Joe I loosens Allen on Saturday the 61 at David Sheafer's Monroe out Nloaday the nth at P S North Middleton on Tuesday the 9th at the Colimlssioners' Office qoutli Middleton on Wednesday the 10th at the name East Ward of Carlisle on Thursday the It tit the some place West Ward on Friday the 19th, at the RAMC place Dollnr rate, 3 mills—comity tax Dollar rate, 3 mills—Suite tux I way ngreably to ex a 3 ; 77 '1 _ .s 7; Pay per mo per 1111) 1 13 10 9 The return to he made by the respective As se%sorer at the respective times and places, with two reittitable.eitheutt tor collectors. See eines of Appeal, Ace II hove stated Warrents and dupli cates llelivered to the respective assessors. Ihv order of the Commissioners ATTINT WM 'RIL,I 7 N, Clerk. Commissioner t 'ffice, Carlisle, la tit The Mutual Itenefit .74ifeln surance Company. Office n, Wall Street, New fork. / HI s institution is distinguished •frcin N . . other Life lasurnneo Companies, by alt or most of the following peculiarities; • I at. When the premiums are over 850, Math May be ,paid in cash, and three_ fourths in a secured note, ut 12 months bearing inter est:. or the premium may ho paid in monthly or quarterlyiostalmont".. . - •:• • 2nd. No risk 'is ' , taken - oh ..rt life . ex.. ceeding the amourit , of $5000:- :‘ .•••• .3rd. The assured are not 411aide - heYond . the amount of tlieir premiums. ' • • 4th. Applicants , are lint 'reckoned a 'year older:than they arc,' but are taken at the age of the nearest pi F thdap• •The rates of premi ums are as low as those 'Of 'any other Com pany. . sth. No Director can .borrow any - of the • Vnits.ofthe,Company.. , Oth. 'Omit/ no.notninalcapitai to•pay_in'er-- tit upon, and there-are no steekhottlenratinitT, eftem to dovido the , ' profits,- ether' than the as. euredt. •,' " • 'Prpfitsat4' declared a nnittly,, tlntassu. red having , the opptl u cithOr..M withdraw their laa;le theM to neauninlate., fith. Selin'wiftbe' toned :annually' (tif those iitit.;indlilited'fo',llle'. Coin pano loc. the (Mime - tee priifitpianit thbsCriP will be, redeemed; when. tite:prOffte - tinittipt 920N:109,1 . ';'Oth. , Six per„ientinttkreil. Will -be paid, upon tlityseriP; aannallyin . Prettaotion, belthen to 'Prayer:1 ; 0010:1'01nm" or piAleker, hie exceeded that any.,other. during:the, period of its, oiler ,tence • Lainee Conernendernent' there .have Seen Issued upwards 9800 , polleles 'thepre. lailems upon thti swing exceeding 9950,000, • --;110BPRT. 1...,r4rP1149N, Print. The eubaccklmr,i,s ngen rpt' lAittitbnye, Cum. panfOlit.turlittra indltd "y t lolulpt'and be hns . 4444 .4 th litterri,da c4top . 4:ApitliCation insarance, Wfailtltet ? letter of in wep t will be proMpt., %V....attended to; and paciphltite eenttining Stablesur mks, StM.;"tieibchad'ily„.aPplieatiow, qtethe'''..q.rug Stare of Dr.• Oa; tu*.tif the" 111, CXLDW ELL. Cetjitlle;fbneember'93l9l6:- 211E931 - 4 Ms' ”AfsPo,nYClAlliiiiolflkokihk?'"iiii, 1 `pk erleWey eeeemeatuKgfl thts h icnoWn' work!, NW; 10 • • we rill- icll lUif:elthbe'hy 'ifie dozen at , 416 01' 4 Ni/040ItAX kiSON.N. flO qi1• 5 1 .3 4 6, A•44o' , ''''' . l r' !)"1 .•': • - • A1if:0416163/". " zy =I _.- ''''''''').".. ' flit ''''.` — lA • . 4:,::,i'..,.;:t . ,,:• 4, , ,5A ,. .,......,., '''' .. ... . . •- .. •1....‘ f A . , --1 1f."iiV - g4- ,: . ,',.- ::.'7 RNiii t 1 / 4 - PP7I A 11, -------..---- _____ ". _GZIRii,;::- 4.1 ,BAS' . oltltt.sietVa•d„iilt l iiidithyoble supply:td " gtf• is tto!, 6 k,' ntfcsitittpitt , eti i'olpitoi-battaitii. , • • Of,C, LAsittilmilltli•s and'quillties, ,•..t t,•• . ~. ."(Fta"nttietkes,plii,ta &:titnes. , :,. tt ':' l ''...; ' ''' - ":. iialiretS-• . dco. r .do 4.4 ' . . r- ' 4 lt& Pi .iat s ..(3o hs. • . , Li ts ' S t aii" i . 'gn & A.04'1 - •' • • •". 71,10te0, t 'us de lea:es : • 7 N , • TO 4 . •.,; .. '' ( 1 0::.4 9 ... • - • A P ' ' ' ,"I ‘ ' • • ' • ltieoel4l tote astiO'rtaii'eto fectio 4to .5 ti ts, tftheess Red Morienes, ' F t4l 30111 IN A titiettlia, . 31thwls Si Ties, - .. ~ A ens & Up - Caps. See ~*te. S'lti pp ens lot rg, Jan..l3, 1R4.7 SPECIAL ,COURT' - DY virtue or n writ the NO,Liionioi: AP. Eldred, President Judge of t he: IQih Indifialliiutelet of Pennsylvniiiii, benrii tint's' nt Ilarrisburg, the 19tli day at A. D. tabu:' NOTICE IS lIETIEBY GIVEN, th, 1 Ft Special Court will be held .by, dhe sail Ih.n. Nathaniel B. Elihid, and the associate Jud ges of !he Court of,conatnon Pleas 'the Candler law I county, et the'C'tiurt Ilonse,.in the' borough 011 srlisle, 60=w p; tem on MONBAY; ihe'23ll this' FebtAlnrt, 1847, to 'continue thib - b4.4k7ibr ce.ltiin tenses ilepethling in the Court 'cif Corn. a Pleas of Cumberland county,' inwlileti Saner' flri burn Was concerned. as counsel for one of the paisiei; prior tb kis sp. pni t time:ad as Vresident Judge iirthe.fith Jinlimsl ntm •int-:-And Bach other cantles its AVP Wlll.lll the,provisiona of Abe Act of `the A ssemltly, passed the ; 4th,of April, 1834, tell. five ifl ille organizatieti of the CuurtS.efJustiee. Of acid Snecial Court, Jurors and all' persons Coneerued will take untie e.. JAMES HOFFER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Oflice;Carlisle,?_ 1)e, .2t $ 17(Want(I31.11q. subseriber being about 'to remove from the borough hereby notifies all persons.ln tlebtetlto him for office fees or other accounts' to make immediate pitythent,stul requests nil portions Laving claims against. him -to present them for settlement. :Roncirt. wiroox, Carlisle„lim.l3 1817. ,T 1 NOTICE 911111 urnra who have been summoned to si.t. 1 tend at the Special Court, on the 2.30 of February next, are hereby notified that they will net be required to mend. .1 A M F.R HOFFER, SWAM. January 13, 1847. 1110NEY WANTED. 1.1. persons indebted to the stibscribel, are notified, to coil and settle lip their ortinunts as we ore determined to settle it .tall our old lac- Counts to Jantt ticy lst 1847. • -JOHN SUBLE, bz Januai7 6, 1847 BARGAINS, BARGAINS, VW. stahseribors wishing to vellum-their-stock of Cashmeres, Mena de "Lainci, Merinos, Alpacas, Flannels, Satin - ens, mid coarse Cloth‹, will sell them, at :very reduce([ pikes for-cash or approved produce. Call at, the Store of/ A. RICIIA Itia - .llt Co. Carlisle, laiinary 13, 1847. Blank4looks and ,-Stationary:. rg HAVE recived f,ifl Phil idclphia, fi airy extecalio •ftasoriincnt of BLANK BOOKS undS TATION4,VR - V, embraeing_every article in that One richt tlicidnuMat pica hook to the largest vd3ed full hound Ledge r, which I can Bell 50per cent, lower'llom the renal p-icev. - JOHN I. MYERS. 6.rhale, November 111, 1896. -CHEAP. HARDWARE , &.C. IN ADDITION to the laiely purchased J . Auction pods, the subscriber has just re ecivcd-a—fresh assortment or. Hardware, Onttlery, Paints, Oils, &e. at the old and wellAnown ❑ardwaro -Sore, known as Harlan's t,ld Stand, in North llnno ver Strec to which he invites the attention of purchasers. Ile is now rcadv to accommodate all Who mak favor him 'with a call, with the following art ieles at the lowest cash prices,, viz 350 lbs. Wetherill's best pure ground White Lend, 200 Gallons Linseed Oil. 100 Gallons of Spirits of Turpentine. Also, a full ass riment of Paints, Oils, Var nish, Gum Copal, 4c., ft full aosortment of Carpe-ter's Tools, Building. niaterials, Nails of all sizes, and a thousand other articles which it would he impossible .to mention, but . all of which he will take pleasure in showing ,to chore who-favor him with a call. libn't forget the . old Stand before purchasing elsetelierd, the are determined to sell cheap. J. SENER. Carlisle, Dee. 16, 1846, ROCK POWDER. rp HE very beat Star Rack Powder, either by keg or otherwine, and elm, aeverhl hundred yard*' of Safety Nude fur blasting•, now on hand and to be Lad at the Old Hardware Stand of " J. SMELL Dec: 16, 18.16. 1 RON, IRON! I'S•IA Sheet. 113 r, Band, [loop, Round and Slit Iron, constantly to he Nod ai the old' Stand of SENER, Dec. 16,1846. CAS.H, CASH. • - LL persons iiidebted to the subscriber are notified to call and pay up.. lu ion ,iitiry,next I Inland tattling up my books, when accounts will be given to a Squire for CIIAS. OGILBY. Deo. 15, 1845. PINE OIL: Aeupply of this article ;away', on 116;0 •and warranted fresh, for sale - by . • 1 . E.. ELLIOTT. Deu. 30, 18bfi. - • . ROMAN—EYE BALSAM.:: A iVALUABLE remedy fee. rel'Alic IS..r.YES. bail:llokm or the "hlye f litia, ~ \ , oorepeas and other ofilthfipbs of ' the oyes ' , -., • . • - . . Fur sole by 1 "e! '' ) 1,.1 S. ELLfQTT. 'N 4 • ' Deo. 90, 1846. , ' - . CLOVE ANODYNE.• • . ' .. • .., AN .immethate soil perfect ~ • cirri for that most exerithfoting, „ (license the TO(.1111;ACIlir ? eil' . i •,,, ii, to bi (Oind at r..1.4'1'0 'T 'T'S ~ , . I N .15' ~ . `Pog . k Chemical Store;, ', ~,/ . /, f .tko; SO, 1140," •- ,•. . .- Plain COshmerelk • A Fow;.Plulii Cashrme)..for , ladle" !Lltebseq. A will he auld very low r -c,ill.4naiao them, ladle.. . De0ember . 23,1846.. • Cht:l74lniekturresonis.. •f - A. Vow and welt iidiptdd for 011r,aatinati Preset,, ' Al reactyed,.l4., 1 ' w. RITNOR; . • ralrrra i r. • lit '•' bus op,sacidArlot -,13f. No:' Nufriiiiit low , pi • ' '• t • 1-%;q • 0: -WiHITNER:q 0 1 ; 14 *Ililler: 23 i I '4Ol Al< • .., '-'-•. :A1111%: WIN :, k••'Dye;tit i I .i. og,•4 l t . 'l:.Ci . Illireoo - nitantli' ke t icm - CitidTpis4l 4 ol l4 o ll, 4 V.: - or Paint,,s; • guilt as'WhitielAiiikko:Lbilir ,i) ,iill'lrtidiaßriA PygliceMOOMol l ), o o l o:A.M1 44 '' tithe, ttfilwgiop'xcotivitodogoalvA •iplya,.tt,b'e. 'NW froiiihto'oti'ilirirds,llii C.'1'),_• , .;!•. ,1 . k -:;•1„ 3 , ' ~I_•,,Dea.-o.;:•lB444;.•:,.mv.Nq44.ltt'''ll:Y.iickl.:l'li. 1 t' . • , ....: , 4,0 .• . •,-,( • - bill , ' 1 . 11 . 11 (P' , : -. '".,1! I ~,, '','••- • 0. 777., .14'2 :,• - ~ -, , 4,l4bifi' fliliv7---i, ~. , -RE San • oeci yea ,• ~ ° 114401 PP, 1774111 L t, 4,-, nsilektOst ~: 0,.i W. , .. ' MEE MWM=MPX • :fit t ••4.7.i , 7 •• •• krIZ:Y • c, - .7.1:.0 1- •''. at.mer. rec,!., 'next iltioricol,;.V.klitrr'i , ' , ktifil,;; I j?te.4 bb' t6Fe ' . --- L " 441 -' I N- • S~iose. Poseeleten en "F;# the' nest of .Ajiig .orouoo - kin •- • '• • • 'PETER c;u•rstxxL.L.' M=M Ell .; 7110:1:1 the firsi• OCA - prWileitt ••' a Small FRAME HOUSE . , sit- - . 11,1 bated in West Louth& S,treet. •• • Apply to • SIP /.1 .. • • JOHN'S. PARKER: - Weeemlier 28,1846. 1 ' ' • . . . . - ' • Fot ' .Rtltti, ..- . ... _ . we, co&iiirtSblo Brick . • '..„ i . .. . Houses., Possession given ;,,, if . i i r •, Apr I, 1947. ' Tethie Toner- 7. :.! , i/, i ';'.. ale. • 'C11A8..bc , 11..8 Y. ;L: , ' . 4.4.1..;; : , ..1 . bee. 15.1846. MI Ha Dwelling honest on j.,the South East. Merrier or tiAt,ancl Lorrain'. Streets., .the houseis of brick twn story a two. story, back builuinv, ethlo.• four or. five smaller tenant amities. V waession given . on tw first of April next. r•e'larms apply to 7ACQB SEVER. Dec. 16, 1848 . rnflE,Twit Story [kick House, .; • I on High Street, ndjoining . the subscriber, where. Dr. Stevenson ; at preen; resides, will be rented.--: 1 ' from the lot day of April next. Also, a :29 . acre field on the turnpike leading 'to Chambers. burg, about a mile from town, on which there is a Dwelling house and improver:emits. JAMES HAMILTON. Carlisle, December 9, k 846.-3. ROUSE AND LOT 'FOR SALE OR FIENT,- ,• W to sell at rive fe rale the:lions° and, lot owned and imeopied by Mrs. in • Catharine Creightoe, in West Ltiutlior r a i Street, or to rent it for one year trim the Ist of April next. For ter s, wlibelt can be made ac commodating, applylo • ~•• wm. sEvmoyft, At ert!. for the fawner. Carlisle November 36 184 ti. " • FOB ! , RENT. ®NE of the bent at,t‘cialti the - borough, thallarge and: g cotnmotlioas ivikite, Hoene, milli. ••:^i• I I : ate on High street, nearly intim site Beeteiretf Hotel, at present Occupied by It. Snodgrass an a mute. Also, a white frame House and Stone i{iteben in Church Alloy 1 1 90iiegon to be bad on the let day of April next. For tenon apply to • ISAAC . TODD. Carlinle,-Doeember-2, 16441, - • POP' Sale. -,: AN coccellont second -band._Tbreshing Ma chine and Horse Power Ca nate ow mode rate term. Apply to Frcdtrick Watts nr Jacob Ducy. Coatis, Debutneer-1,-(S4 6; ONE- of: the most comlhrlahle-- V . boosts on the East end—of-Main 11 " - Street, in this borough, a t-Vreaent occupied by Henry, H. Grove.-- ThoSeittai Cunt:aloft, ai roonm. kitchen_ and seller. a brick cistern, trod grand garden with u ou - infier of choice Milt trees. Apply to. EOWA ur SARAH . ARMOR. Carlisle, January. 02 1847 . - . FROM die first of April next two comforta• 1 tile two story [louses one of them is situ. alert on the South East corner of Pomfret and Pitt stn. and would ,a a be a goOd situation fur a mechon- 'kap' g e or the other is situated in East Pomfret Street nearly opposite the Pres. hyterian Church. For terms apply to ,• • JA N.l ES A RMSTRONG. Carlisle, January 20,.1 841, • 11I,TICE is hereby Oxon/ that letters of 'administration on the el tate of John Pep her decli late oi Monroo lownslitp,umbcriand county have been regularly grante`4o the sub scriber. All persona therefore having N elaims or demands against the estate of said deceased, areregt r edledio male the camp known to mo at my residence in Churchtown, in said town= ship, withent delay, and those knowing them• selves indebted will entice psytnent itnrnedi• JOHN PEPIIEJt Jr. January 20, 1847. CULLER. THAN EVER JOTIN J. MYERS Ilusjuki I:e.:e.ived tat IJP storein West Ilugh Street. Ins fall eve nly of IMUGS,F I A INTs, (h Is, DAT-STUFFS BOOKS, STATION A RY, CUTTLERt. and FANCY A RTICLFIS, which, together his former stook, will make Mi largest nssnrtmentpf go ods in 111, line of business ever offered in this market, and 111)011 TERNS motif: IIKASON..II3I , .E,TIIihrt FIVER !! . Physicians, PedIRI.S.II II 11 siting (kale rssupplierl nt city prices. Cnilinl'a November IS, 1846 Assignees Sale of the Roal Esiatant RARE CHANCE FOR CAPITALISTS, WI IA be, ,pfibred_at o puling 4nitery . on,the o prefitiodi, lin WERNESDAY the2loth` day of March,, 18 , 17, at I o'clock, The i‘Big . Pond 'V ftlifba containing Th roe '.l i kouaand Viva .llundred Acres, mop or_ledie, of well timbered Nountain Land, and having-thereon erected a.'llot 'Bloat, Furnace; :with segment, bellows a rid receiVere; - and - propelled-by-4'ood - fitriiifrifbrate - t;•toz . -gether , wlth ,, the--nocesearr - dyrellipirr,tailiene; - alablingiond'office.''-Alaol.'tho 'right' forinin- o oalfanatibla Iron Orb' ,a: water power' orentialiing' in'iehine,.lree, of any charge : for firnriaaris;and; onti :dietan o t ,froin tho far -404 "RP•eightlt of, n'inite.. •",= . 'Chap Rt?perlf, eituatedin I:Neivion' and smithanipton .Towaships,,Camberland county; ea..abautz'mileafrein the Clti;iriberland 'Valk!) , Rail Road, and about 6 from tf,hijinune , , bnrg:'ailofrilkberolleveil at' private field (with ' the clock, 4-0. now being used : ) until the above day of public outcry. • ••4 1 :;, - ;Aldo—Will: be offfired"li:slitibliiii'bntilty On! he%prernisos e .-a t o'llililok::T.'f;!Vl.S .66t :7l ll -0 18 1 DAY thiil4ll(drilj'afo o ,Veniiry,,le;!7`,fi %%ilea!!! . Mill' Priiportypit4oiifei - Anitni,ctintee,Velloyi 'Finnic lin .ctilliKY,;',lN!..,:ponpiwing ,, tibout!. 24o, agree; havlnietherboii erected 'ltleruhp at Mull , and finty . lllLll,,tyici Log HO ' llloll, and I,llolCienf NiniAlPg vt r t M0041'~111;b6 pnblki Watery; initlici Pf. , ;CVE tha_ ny: 300 acres of Mountain,'. Luitdoltuutnont•the•irciiiii Newtoille tie McFarlane 'iiititinOi.Tannott, '. l ijattil'eAralloy,,tioirig• . - well tirnhered,with oak and tien ut, Th bo hrtistalii' suit , •; • TeritieWediltnoWWiatini`slot by 4- ; o fs•tqiiriti eida; ;. • • „ 'phiniOse'llila"s'iir , fitidgtiect'iltwarq., •• litre' have fer sahi the ISreest arid best 41001( lr Vietl4o.44o,ssisviltro, seal' etusatter too than itlints‘nitty,seltt le torn, 0414 es sew imirviitin'ine ler .iooA rad ver. • , F. n ly4llolskSe-; 1.7 :9,1, V411.5,41.r,G'lsl)NYf ; ' , EMEni MWM For Rent, Mw 111 Fqr Rekti. For .Rent: For Rent. Piinl PThriiu , Esq FiN=MIMMM r~~ ~, r } :,yco .~1, Lt 1 41,, =fOR-411EAOLYDAYs,_„,,., ark —, reedive'd ai Old Stand 41 North. lianovo ,nearly opposite tbe Bank ! ' W. HAVEJlSTlCW.dceiriia,to I.7.,inform: the Fig bhp ,thtktheAhoe , .. tt----"e".,, just receiide tregYhilnaeli)hie,itie II Ivy opening dt theblif Strnti;l4 4 k.:*: l : 1 1 1brth Findover itt7t,,u,freit,ll..tkeeprt: DRU . R...VAINTS: OILS, 'DYE-SWIM' itisitellarinoon'ond. School thinks ' 'Perftirriery,. ;s:.c.utte:;x:liicti- has ever-been opened' hr this borough, all awisich havobcen - strlected^ by himself in. person . , will :grout cure, and, .which he can' con fi dently recommend to 'his .friends and customers as being equal if uot so . porinr to any in the market.. His stuck mill *constantly comprise . . Drugs anti Medicines Patent Pdedicines, fine ( licinieuls,lnstru. Ments, - Purer:ESS - dfiriiii — Oiiii, fl rhs and Ex hume, Spices, geound end • Mick. Essences, I:er italic ry, 8: e.. . l ie-S/u ff\• Indigoes; Madders, Brazil' Wood, Alum, f og and Cain Woodr t Oil of Vitro!, Cojim.ras, Lae, Dye, &e: c•p'• .Paints and VarnishtB I ,4olherill k Brother's Vi bite Lend;Chinnie green and yellow, Paint and Varnish Brindles, Jersey Window Glnss,'Linreed Oil, Ppppeuunn,. Copal and Coach Vardish, Litharnge,l,nd Bad , ' Lead, Whiting and parish Green, consnrntly fir, sale nt the old estaLlialiell I rog° Bqolc. nn , Fancy Stoic • :. ' Lard ltlaili..r. ---" An elegant voriely of. Lila Ltufips, inntt. factured.hy 'Cc:vieliar+ or vvpry,x6e.und luticy rutterns, and ta trroaily redififol ',duce. Fancy s`pr' iif.l' t;s. • . . , Orrt,ty off.;Veiy no- Imo in the .I . a9.ey , way, fir holiduy.gitis mild presents, which it would Oka n column to an. itinerate; pit in which will .be fl,and every va• rtely article for ortintnent, instroction,abr anoienient, and at priers limn a peni,y to a School Boas*, Ws stork i 6 echnOosed chiefly of Fchool flunks, in which flay be Ihund the various . lest honks, Lexicons, Hislories, & c., now used in College and the public schools, nil of which will be sold as low us at any other eilablishenent. Also, Groceries and Fruits, prime and fresh, and of very superior quality, at prices astonishingly low. In short, a little of every Thing they is useful or ornamental may be lb Er" W I he, i rites the attention of the puldie, confident that both the quality and prices of Ida goods will be found equally satisfactory. Retrialither the Old _.Carlisle. November 25, 1846. 761 E GREAT :WESTERN TOY AND ,FRUIT EMPORIUM! AndKrlskinliet's Depot. NORTH HANOrEk Si ..-CARLISLf T . .• - I subeerilier takes this opporlimity of in forming his friendattil the potilie I, that lie still emainties to 111:110118VIIire 11111E1111h \ 1 - 311 . 0 1 - 111 rsi I assortment gl'CAj\,.l)jjli),~'_'•ol'the BEET tionlity, N 1 hid! II:, will sell %wholesale or retail .al the out ..VORTH 11,10VOrElt STle EE7', alt u•it he also keetitmit% - voila : tieing all the ifelietteieshl the different sionsmisottid A li IS of all 'kinds. His stock ciMslsts in putt of Alionmls, Nos. Dates ; Lemmas, :Mats,Cream ,Vutr, .Fps, Ru,i us, A E ithods, (beau 4c. Fru eus, NOW Nuts, Grapes, I id' lie will sell at the most reasentthle prices for ra.,11. Il e a ~ald also incite the attention of the pub li e to a lar g e and well selected assortment of Toys, Baskets, And Fa.r,cy Goods, Ihr the iitsprinielsiog lioliilny v, to omelet:A too is ills the above, lie has received it prime lot or FRESH GROCERIES, consisting in part of Loaf, Lump and Brown Suu,ars;,Coffees of alrkituli,from 8 to 123 cans per p I; Teas,a artielu of Imperial, Taulig I mid Black Ten, Molasses of all kinds; Chocolate; Crackers; Cheese; Iliac, Black lug; Matches, Brushes, kc. kr. Blass and llueensware, A large ansormeni of Gia3, and Quecnsa arc, ol all kinds and patterns. FRESH SPICES. ,Noimegs, Cionomt Ulm es, Pepper, (:inv,er, Riulq% ?spice ground or whole, Nltibutrtl by die bottle'or, pound, Teliaeco, Segars and Snuff; Some verylloe Citlefolish, non, T,,lSt o itill oilmr T0bac30040.13001, Iln; tnun , Pri 14,0 'other choice Segto.s; Litounibler ati.l York Snuff: • The subscriber, tbabkfolftir past furors. hopes by n Strict attention to lotaittens, and o desire ti Oro Fe, to merit:R . oot tiounitee.ol Ptirettnsere will find it to tboir tatjritutttge to tall nt did Depot, emit titmoine tin* I beitiseivto lit for, porelinsing risen litre. P MO,NI - 1;11:. I. Carlisle, November 2 3,, 13.18, Another Largo 19 - . pay of Fresh Grocet•fes. TfiE subscriber has just returned from the city, and now orlitru us largo and as good an visortrnant of GROCERIES as woe over offered ik Carlisle. fso is confident that,llla selectimr , of TEAS cannot be curpassed.-7 'They consist impart of 2 c resta,cx re Young flyson. , - , - , „_, N 77 7 ' I. do, .''. good ' dd. ~ t t,;l ' au .1 do, e xtra Imperial. ff 4 ti" , I. :do Rose Flavored 2 . • k . A.A. tt A' ' ' • SOUeliong• , W , 1 ;do Common dn. , 90 "• "t• - •;01t1 Juirti'.sl,o-' • , • 4.": . do''' /St , :ttntnifg do_ ••, • ..:a do , , B`roipn,. gaga , „i • ." :0,1;t1.010,0;,..t,, .„, . , ;f i tili , 4.)29K '•-,. 1,._,,.' ''' 4u. ' ' ~- '''' ' '' A ' • lirge , 0,801015 A ,ot,Mol ammo, - E .y rap" And , t . 9 piece. ',, . '''' . .....,' ,- . "-.' - ',., ~?.., A .. .',F' . V9Oja,,;_E ot Par, Yv later, W ',44 erhale,'or.d%oßit Eiall'..Oll.l'..AsTP• T i;:2 ,, ,ond;. 3 , ,, Maettorolo f.ihad,, , Ifilang;,4l4'.e.l4llonv4;Borlingtaloinoked „1-jor.' ritig,..bighy. do. ; -[lama; ....Sperm. anitTallow, Candles. ialso,..Raisips, citrnn:C.titio t p ;e o o, Flia, CA I ispondo, Cr aal?arokolet,.<4 full 'atp?of ' "14 of 'Bra shiii. Qielli)04;t0, 1 1I-Affrin41 ''t t k a ) fill' suPPle,W,': 4 - ”; , ,,..\...i.1, - 3q , "N; ,f ; '`..- -''''''''':', ' 1 04 1 ifita s ", 1 4/d.1 1 9: 1ke.0, 5 W- 1 1re .<- -rill 6.ll4of'whiblk, emil,l'aoll ta l Jonah tole,* laia ho '[Ripka Will saiiit i iriTitl,pjatfafabkrO4 lb ,aP,liiiito , 1 / 2 0 ;ill faM l : l- .•ltrm'wVilliiiii, etleiinibtillrand . sic, y _ t+ ''. o'. :' i 4 , , , GEOR9 E ;R: CROOKS: ' . Caylialo;' 7 4oitinibbi.2s;;l„B46';:'.. , ''' ~, ',.' , ,5; 'l r .:- , . Zap:for, , Thiee Pips 1 . ',o4'Ts nyl sit e4i4„, ries to' the thiise'llStAties;the.;'f 8041'61 WhIY I II be the daToe*t:fiditAii of at t roiii3,l. by , .04401. KANT lA#,Ptrt*,::, ,, Agi'olirk#o,l,l4l , : ril, v..fee,th4 4 .itt,i1 ,10,0 kr,!,0! , ...-r'up° lll 4,l4l;i44l ;) BEEI • .. ' . • .• „ c „.„ MI ;:,.',... 1 :,,', ‘,-,.. ....... ‘ ,.. c.` j'ii,: ; ,.': • - ' ' ':' 'FRESH i ARRIVALS'"2I' l'it't the 01feapljardware Store - 66,M . c•s-i - ' 1-11011 Street, OppoSite 0 Itiv - '6l* . ' . .• .t•G - ood.§ Store, nod one cloorVest . of.•. • • 4" - Martin's Hotel TO E 'subscribers Ifni now receiving aiti_rgiii,. , ..i • :Tiddlilonal supply to their Sieek,;whialiii.•. , •inakes their aiii.ortiiietit very full - and eimpl:etc : ;; ; • . [lndio which thejr,would- invite Alia 'attentioti' ''• of purchasers. . Tlieir stuck comprises a full. misname - at .of , Hin& ii'r buililerqduch as Locks end Lefelicii. inges, Serews. W Mug lit and Cut Nails; Sptkii, ' ,iind Brads. Also, all k Ind sof gond far rrivehati les, fainters and housekeepers, all of *hick and •Irrsit t and bought at the low'est cash IA - emend. ~., will he disputed of 'al u small 'wont: • •-•-,•',• I • _ 1 . 7 - ' Tlicy, tire reeciVing and intend keeping ea stantly.'on laitid ,a general - assortme; ..;6 9ll3:r, , ' • • Sheetand • llooplron, Russian r4l'd • Clit( en ~ heet Iron, Cat and Spring Steel„,Leadik 46'4 . , - Mitt' ;can ftlisier Slid, Tin Elite.,•,,l;far,Tirt,.. Pig and 'ller Lied, Speller n Wirc,,Rivets,. 1 Filcs,•Rinips,&e.&e. , • •. , .... . ~, Also, WetherciPsPor White Lea4. 1 AP." 134 -- , ' •.--- Oil, ;Turpentine, C 9,141 and.cilier Ile rniSli,- -- Witir : '- ' it iletinrUl imnirtitielit of Paints, Dye" WWl'S,' . Window Gl i iii ,e ir,/&e. , . - ' 'Purchase, will.fiiiii it to their advatabgetti • cull a nd,ria mine our stock, be we ore enabled! .. ..., Let $e knar goods at Philiiilelphiii pi lass.' . , 1 \TIGHT & SAXTON. '' .' ' ' „Curlit.le, Novenifier 18, 154(1. ` . . FALL AND WINTER GORDS .. ...z • • PIET RECEIVEDi k T the ntorn of A. THCHAiI D 8 & CO. Carli,lv, a fresh eopply of Fall and Win r Goods, as well select..d, fashionable and cheap as the market can afford. Also,' at their - store in PLAINFIEnD, roc ,d awn intent of DR fi~ OODS, Queenim are, Groceries and Hardware, all o f IA hie!' they dt.niri• to dispose apt lib reasonable terms as they can be platinised elsew here,— .11vrise giVc them a cell and examine for your ?elves. A. RICHARDS & lh•tnbcr 2R, ;846 And Cheaper than Ever. E snlmi•.riber begs leave to inform the public that lie has rett a spittitlid as sortment of • and Winter Gcods, ntrl resptkluPy iovites them to givetirn a coil bt: re. purchasing elsewhere. ti is stock cot► sipto tit part of • Cloth's, Plain, Slack and Fancy Gas simeres, Sattinetts, Flannels, cAstimgs ES, and CASHMERE-(URA-D6 ATED. ICOR E.!.... - 111ouselin de Nines, gain and bloded 61i•rinors,Plntd Cloakings . , and-a- sari.: of - Frin Ti.rjerri, Caslnnere, Thibet, Da. Laine Sham. Is, kid qlines, Ribbons, Fringes, FloWr rs, tnl_a • • v taloa -ail-of-which I will sell at the loWest prices.— Call and see ! 11. 11. uRovE. Obtober '28;1846: NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS-- Cheaper than Ever for_ CASH I.! COME AND SEE!. t ! ttliseribrilt, having t returned Cloth ev.iteetrully his tie the attention ht . their friends 111111-(le their: !Rege and elegant assortment of FOlielliN and I)ONIESTIC Fall and Winter Dry Gcods, consistiutt of all culottes and qualities ol" CLOTHS, (some orthem as low as 1,1 30,1 CA SSINIEBES, Saltutets,'hunte as lOW as 31 rents, Jeans, Beaver tont Pilot ("halls, Ve‘tlugs, Calicoes, trout d in 19 Ottslitneees anti MOll3. (IC 1.11i11C50.:1416e3 . 5.' bleached n ull ,1,1,1e,,,1“.(1, V UtillLs , 111111 a g,stirral ttbstivintout ut GOODS:- Al3ll, K. .Dtsamazg a r.„0., good and v'teali, of 05 err description, such as Curve-tit 8,0 and 111 items a 11n1 Sops tit 6,8, and 10 cents; a 111., Molasses at 37, 40, 50, and 13 cents ittgctliett with all kinds or spices: A . lOO, a Meg.. assortment orCEOAR AND MANI/WARE;Corks ofall kinds; P.ti•:ts; Oils, and Dye Spin, Patent Medicines and Perfumery. .a large Rd(' splentrd assortment of Chins, Gliiss 1111 d QUeettsa 0 c. Having the lifrgest stock of this kind. of dare ill town, we tel coattlent of being 01, 1 0:o please tIM - ntste M 1111 aim give ugh Olt. NlYl' ! e have just 0pt:J.6.1 2300 pairs of BOOTS AND SHOES, of all kinds, lond of the hest tionlity, a Melt we ore enabled to sell .improcedenteill cheap—for instance, Wp tnett's shoe's as low 85 coar,c shoes, Si to 50 eents; Men's lung Boots St to $,4. Genie :mil see them•__'r 10150 el onh to shoe the' hole county; idol ah,ancr, too, than can be hind JOHN GRAY & SON. Cni•tiste, o,l( .28,18.111. TIE Av x X fit. AIEL NOM*. .1" AS jost rrrelPell rrom rhuado phi.. nnil New 1 I York, so entire N FASIIIONA ISLE • l)1•' (MUDS, suitable foe the season, and whiLli lie is tletrriuuu•d to se II .01 IBA PElt N ! Ilia bilirk ( . 111 1 / 1 1ICCS in part rich a d t,aliionahh. shallod MOIL'MLAIN LAINES. C.llSlllllrl , ll, nta rat) le • Nit:mann de. - I,ah.e• ditCaslontryo Hobos-, DrOas Silks, to. slut -cled Morliloce, Ontllte Cloaking, 4a t,'tt'do.'lTiired do. Thitiet Tel kale ShAli•lrl-tPronels)• plain. and .-Shlin lk.'ranak SWIM lit pla i n sllllitla 111 r 1/01111rtlij Rill: Vet tieta 110. liltilliollll6lo Fill Illiblinns, Fronili Flop ors aufsidooltklltekt r.• • ' IVILLONV MII ATERk" / 1 . r uas it i led.eolocs, Ft end' Kid vited Fringe, {hi. Farley •Prehlth - Latlitur , ; :ries, Polka Clliblvii i Vellftritibbcnis, ull,' Tnylipn 3ltualns., • • In addition übOvil'sfe hat n full ‘istaiti"' ' nient of lICW style Ih - inte;Cheeks, Tiortinge;ind '•• lionnletie Goods,: Also, Faahinnablo , Goothufpr • tient lemon and tIo3 e, of n quality kr, anfcFinn.lizoc . any ever olTert d fqr the an toe poise iu Cal{ at his mom; 21Zooth Minot orktiqei . ; B oll° 6l ft?' COrntran's I I). II: ARN01.3.1:0 , 1•P”, - :Cat`lialei - Oe toiler - 428, I 8,111:---;':—::::!!"4"4k'i4—J4''" , Lte . au.k.t.:kalita drt - ii= - 4 1 6 - ,•Velll,9,ektlf,', . I, RAN' li Li N -13 Ell A FFEVV; 'Ciiriitil , ' ,Iluie: , i' . JIL: firm of Stevfintron & Illchairey,yhari•.joet.i6 retor,tfed from 140 city with rii,'lurgo uleoqi gn L mail pt' -1•:. • 1 ~ 1 • , 7:4:pi4,3. .• ;! , ... . .I.6 ' l l g:' •, .,•.'''' k Drugs, Virlidicines,Vaints,:ails;PVothi!.. , etutr., rerftunes, rancy , ,E,lxtiCleti.4t.2, , - , ... . .. . . 4foi would most rospocifully-Insfite, klriw;d ea 4,%•-- :Mg io tlio.- a bovo . primed . 44,tiolcs' ; to, pa1!i00 1 1,...i, . ex aNtifilillis bdfore they •ptiichiteii'olsi*hFie. 7 -, -. A they lia'eo been ,eelented with giviit''ciiro,iip4; -:.:. iit*itton. lie .in preparect to wholeilleiti . o4 , - o rtha f - lly.tiggist. tit Phyl.ioilinatin the couiity'r:kA ,'2O ox Stiliflt miff Aso. Alurphi., , : - , , ' , ,0r.,1 ,' , .. : .-yfP. I. ozlntline: ~ , • " ' , • .../ ~ I , -,, 4 311 . 44 Sulph Qtapine• . '''''' ' ''' 1... ." '• 1 ‘•••• rJ .- l'i el Dim§ 4 -431m1, i'l9lnek, nod .Red Inu it : ...-,••" .1 I ' t .,r, 16;00 Ito purteci Sege re .of cloileO - kr: 1( . ,417 1 . 7.•;-f.4-ii: ol i . 1 1 1'041in best qtitility Silk aild Cold; - Altr* . ;;;; ) ' 1,0-d'oti•thobrel&e, of ' differeOt 1 leiV ; • 'z'.. o '.•• 1 Groat , oboico'Smoking - Tobtseo:3ollY?o , * ,eilieAfted . fur eale l et the. DrueBtoro; . of •:-i•li.vtrivil . l,k 'll'..' . i,... ' . '"' '., ,I,i - ..' 3•l4FhlEff,4l,l/111,.tz 441 .. 4 **( 1 11I' Pi °Me Per 4 11134.6.T0 •.';;1)0flitl,04 . . l ' i.'' '' ''' :111illiajg.2.4:,b ',;.•?ittia.ktgriClA ka i 4 UMOn E ['AMIO,. 0, .'• . . .4,10 X ., ~."'":- '' , ;#o:'lo4" , f. 4 . 41- -` -- . ''' ' -"'' ""- -.. ' ' ' Vti.t. $11 , 77 ,- TE.V , 17 4 '•: .4 ,jx? ' // ; 44 , t ,rt, , i !•!•" . . 4 • ' ''?' •• 't'W-1 • ' - ''' !. ,•. ' , :'''':'7,,..•Alri.oll4,llloogAlltil4o7ci '.-.'*.f4;'.1.! :-Triii ip,t_kom4,4-:Tioimcotriprof , ltrpiefoiiiiii* ili ,Jl::,ll:,,YStby ‘4,Vo.,lfTliAn4.(ovtmi: oll o± l : l * 4 lo ll k , 44s l Aurolloi mg 1 4 kt0i.i,„;16.ikbi#.1140414.06,t0 - tyieo4l , `. ot. ,I;;;•; - ,,At'4 , . , 0M11,4d400 1 #070 ' - 43%,leiStiVtif'reP-firiPk '!i .. I !4li l FirV4,itt zu0;400542t. 14".. . 3 tvetwitho.3, 3 vm,„ t, 10 _ 4 , #flqi:fi!V,Trita—,l46,llle ''o - •,...-A , ,i..?, A.,: , . , ,•i.:4:m. , , , ,; - :::1'E-4,';i:.:YiktAA:itRe . ~ • .. ::_wka MI EMI MM , I .IEIIIIIIII I= MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers