Q' El ME lIMIMBEEI MI YOLUME XLVIL-", ~~T r `~~Llll~',s. '.AA:4l l tr , atua2aN;s•Lruaciatkaq. tptic:rort. MEYERS .has. pssboiiited - his nephew..llLit..l, ACK - OPN On NA euelitid , . . , lit this to 4 rattgeinent;floc-, YERS will be onehted'to untii vitled attention to the du 'ties ~oP►tii:Pi?ofeneleti. . . • ,-..o!iritqp . „sl.lo.9in,ber 30, 1846.,-3ms. LlDatilllo3l - ,LEDu . gan2g929 31i e'o,pthje Phyt4loin, 114iiirwtirOc t, in the houeo for toady occupied. )y ric,,VackEhrman. Cpiliele, 401 9 1846. .7-2-47L760:1(41100EgE6,0 . N[TILL perform operations upon the V Teeth that ore required for their'preser ration,suehas Scaling, Piling, Plugging, &c., •r will restore the loss of them, by inserting Ar itioial Teeth, ,froin a single Tooth, to a full tem omPittstreet, a few doorsSoutli of the - ITailimail Hotel. N. B. D. Loomis will be absent-from Car . hide the last ten d sy_s, jireaoll month, ETU. . . ATTORNEY AT LAW. ~ WILL practice in the several Courta s hf Cum berland and the adjoinhig counties and at; moil to all professional ImiinessentrustEd to hie care with promptness and fidelity. Otfice in South Hanover street, in Graham's Blew 1/11141ilig, oppollite the Post Office. Carlisle, August tt6, - 846,- y. 3. DU LAADART 3 Attorney at Law. OFFICE, in South Hanover street ,a few doors 1," helow J. 11. Graham, Esq. July - t 6,0845. DENTISTRY, &C. w7nzarzizira, 1111;SPFXTVGLIIX informs the public, that •- hivin g opened all Udine in South Hanover street, nearlyopposite the Post Office he,is pre . pared to practice its bran ' Act"' Go HI Teeth are essential to health, besides - sitaral Or artificial ones are not only,usefill but orattamental, and itildiniter tally tt the comfort of the wearer. It need not be stated what can lie of me to the teeth. suffice it to'say tittlt evelv defect • ' can he rentediell,iiik neiti Tejtli furnished from a ..filtgle one to'ati entire set. Having had couside, - 'bide 'Practice for a number of years,good refer -ences-will be given 'to stieircas require thern,but the hest proof ts•tlie operalion,altsch will in all ages be performed in the moat caretttLmannee aiiii at prices to an it the occasion and the times. waited on at their residences,' either in • ta W Ar;nntlll, it bout extra chafge. He may always be tong.) at his offiee,aa above, or at his re. , itielice in Pitt-street, onedoor northof Hendent livery 'liable. • _ • Re also proniptly attend to the repairing of ‘Vetuheaand.lewelrr,at art Office in South vet street, Also, HAVING neatly iiseeit.' RV...attention mill skilful execution of his war - lc:tie hopes to receive nod hereby, solicits - s shisre or piddle patronage. . I,...arlisle,.A,pril 6,6 46...., - • iIARRIS, TURNER, & IRVIN • - WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. :101 Market Street, PIIILADELPHIA, Importers and Wholesale Dealers r Mugs, netr,Chemicals, Patent Med ( icines,Sorgical and Obstetrical Instruments; Ilrnmtists (llnsuware,Window Glass, Paiats,Oils Dyes. Perfumery, ku. &o. Dreiggists, Clatttry Wrclinnts, and Physiciana sopplied wills the above articles on Vie most fa t °Fable terms. Strict and prompt aftention paid to orders Every article warranted. Jour lIARRIS, %I. P. Janes A. Tunsma,lately of Virginia. Wtt.t.tAst lIIVIN, M. D. Philadelphia, Sept.3o. 846 . y. THE MANSION HOUSE. HOTEL Fronting on the Cumberland Valley Rail Road, --{1; i\-311EZILM9IP&o LAtgLY kept by Gen. Willis Fo'ulk,basjus been taken by the subscriber. It Is newly 'garnished and has been thoroughly repaired. Passengers in the care, strangers, lrevellers •aud.eisitere to Carlisle, are Invited to-call. Terms moderate, and every attention paid to the comfort and. convnionce of those who yhttfonise the dstablial anent. 0-- 1 J. A. WINKOTT. - Carliale, April 16, 1846. .„ , . ...1.r 6 , U?.. 12 , 24C5.L1ZL1F9223113, ) ' . E3,oLtVall'lM. • ' ' 141 , . FFERO: his services to the public,. hay. ing Itad severul,years experience withhis Fat, add it t at>ing in.his possession the value - ider:dollecticn of papers made by' Mani he hopes breare• and , 'punetuality to "obtain welfare Of public Patronage. • Ofiletiln the public square, immediately in the rear of the Court House: • • , Ca bale, oct 2t w , A- '." --,— ildi in --"' (110 ,,, cd t 17 l a b n A ve al tnolb my rimmeel l' '' 4.t sc riZ 4 474 9 ,ll7;Tivittigt *,,, , r th er a Y,,,,t, ;t n i. 14. 1 gt „, „--..c.vaifr# l .ll , l7 4 ,f t vr it r i ckt i tity c ! "111,1FirophtopmckTYPNI F i 0 , et ~,, , , . 14 1 ,10 „lw A 1c failEtl # ~- 'e, 1 , it''t' ~ nct Ic 4 VIJ. ) 4 044,14 ' _........,:-.,..M' u kslieklag or ' \ 5 onvriyovAo.l94,ll4receivedl * create Drift .01PA L gettil tttiii 0 ON tif.4l.4lrel ogoarlA*F i e ri 1 g t ia,,,,, i ssVVlA,s4_ Mt ii)v,0,400 1 1 _Lnwte. -1 1 -ffrig,/ vpittw ow •fvon ' 4O ~,,,..., ... ,,.....,,,,..„,,,,,4„. 1 i *, • I P .gle tt i 'q d , i 4:WAVIENEURU • MO 4 ,q, I qa SO ' , Willi er It liji it * fit X, ' 0 30, 4 1 1 10.14 10 rt Cods 14 pid Wit Zi l l 4 dreSgeL • i 4 *6/11114. EMI CNN OMPRM .•'''''';';'4:Vl443'll..V'M ~., , . , --:-- .: -- 7: ~. - - -, z,5i.. - ••• ----- , ~.,,,,,, , . ~ ..,.. ....,, ',, ~,, 4 , 4', ,i'. 4.!}, ~ , ,, ,4 ,11;, 5 - i ; tr '.. 1. p-,! . ... - i.,,.."' ,1 ; , •:- '.,,,-;,. ~,,;:.,; ~, ~ ,,,,c ,-....,1-., ~,..„,,,,,,, --,. *-%-!. 4 -' a ,slo) , ,4Liik.e.s.o, it.' 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ME V . . • atilV - . - gtt - Stifpcoo , it . *vs , • PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. )IFICE in the South West angle of the pubis Square, back of the Court-Pouse TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. )ne Dollar and Fifty cent, ttyytty 411.KA NOS. . • NVO Dollars, the year • inn Dollar for six months. • Theab terms will be rigidly adhered to,• • '-•-• ,- '' - RITES OF AEIVERTISINGi. , - • --- - Advertisemenrs,tpaklnit fifteen lines oilers., Will be barged at the •rpte • of Fifty cents for, one Insertion, hrce time. for One 'Donor,- end twenty.five cents for . rek7 subsequent insertion. , .Yearly,.adOrthrers will he charged of the followingrates: ' One Column', with , the paper; for One Year, - $25 Haifa column,, do. . do. • , *l3 Two Squares ; with quarterlgchanges, DuelnessCards; vith theyaper, • • SW, JOB PRINTING, OF - EVERY' DESCRIPTION: - Such as Handbills, Menke, Circulate arid evyry oth• liter description of Printifitt, executed hanstomely ar peditlo9aly, , and at the LOWEST PlyeES. . • ELM A NNECDOTE OF Dn. Norr or rxtrei Cor.- LEG g,—On an evening preceeding Thanks: giving, not many years ago, two students left the colleges, with the most ford intent :et .prrcuring some of the -Doctor's fine lit chick ono. that roosted in a tree adjoin fug his house. When they arrived at the spot, one ascended the, tree, while did other stood with the brig;_ ready tcrreceive the pleader. . so happen= ed that the, Doctor himself had ~ juatielLhis house with the- view of securing the same chickens for his Thanksgiving diluter. The rogue under the tree hearing,some. rite ap. Preaching, imme.liately croeped ally away, without to-filtrate his corwattions among the branches. The Doctor (thine up silently, and was immediately saluted from above as lel. lows: "Ape you re=ply?" "-Yes,u' responded the Doctor, disseMbllng his voice as much as possible. The other itnmerli lv yirte, hands on the old rooster,• exclaimed—" Here's old Prex, will you have him 1" " Pass him along,". was the reply. and he was soon in the Doctor's bag. u Here's a marm Prex,l' said the ell-unconscious student, grabbing a find old hen, " will you have her ?" " Yes," again responded" the Doctor. Here's . son John:: will you have him?" " Here's daugh ter Sal, take her,"' and so an. until he had gone regularly through with the Doctor's family and chickens. The old man then walked off in one direction with-the,tlnnder, while the student, well satisfied with his. night,6 work, came down and streaked it for the colleges. Great was his astonishment to learn from his companion that he had not got any chickens, and if he gave them to any one, it Must have been to Dr. Nott. Expul sion, fines, and disgrace, were upperniont in their, thoughts, until the next forenoon, when hoth received a polite invitation from" their President, requesting the presence of „their company to. a Than kegixing. dinner. To de. Cline was impos-ible.: so with hearts full of anxiety for the result, they wended their way to, the house; where they were pleasantly re by the old gentleman, and with a large party were soon seated around the les live board. Afier asking a blessineohe 'Doefor rose-from his seat, and taking the' car king knife, turned with n smile to the rogues and said--" Young gentlemen, here's 'pm Piex,..yul Mann :Prex, son 'John; and , daugh ter Sal'," at the same time touching oessivelkthe respective chickens,' "le Which Will you be helped?" • The mortificatieWill the atudents may be imng,ined:—Spriilgjle/d Rep. ,'FILIAL .AFFECTION.-•-• fhb follpiving trtiduul l and, beautiful paragraphs the ;extract from an 'exchange. The author atc_notgivetti.....: '..,..._._ - A - linlittil : and, ribedierit daughter , 'alivay's JP akesi a,ildvoterl; . and taiittifut wile..-' 61t no man as_ll6!_vatue:sitiAol4ll-haPpideilk=lPurtri a woman of : an .unfilial ;Atilure.. l,l 4O spite of: the guile of Inge'y there 'vies - .. innah ' wisdom in hustimarlo . to; Olhelle.'4heih, exciting' the; Moor, to suspicion. of. , Dtlidentohn'it iiite,giity,i t , Rha ft has deceived iherlatherandm - aOheel" There itkOtrait of endevrtielitinore p leas. ant than the coapingtendernas ora young' : maiden in ,the o#re, pod, viiileppe, lof; her itiOiber.'' Ifilhe lei tin eolt ;r1 ijd, }he,; NOP Ore!ith'Whiett"‘,*%e','lihote f pp etet , her,,iol4; -antitlibeifullictrieseinoe tn,evory t r a t ,l4 o, ;ilietetir, iskiiiitVeOhjarieetl, .irnie n liiip seq . ! 'tiinintoflovOls -firer • eiialrehlidle'Ahe4,4yr,t ' of suck' eoliiii:if ikeiiftio'*hlet te'4pßilerl than i 3tiilitiert thce , :etreiiii,,SOPiiil itITCRII,94• IN ''man s hould . be L eirliltikq,QT. l3o - PPRI#P NC 191 iltleirelhellaisSerOg i 41 . the' pure', apd lirtly-,4 tedielleit;,•,*hieh is the` AtelA rent'9.4,Af ' I P- 11 ' towwiliiiitiiig' feliciev. - .' HApPi,3 /M.. NW' . lidi , ..**liii himself iriii fetid, Aoye,of aYoorg i ,:ereaelikVitilltieiilife lies hoeo Aparti,ofd,;kr e' 'Mcditier i 4tiPitri A iii,il 'FWhoffe, i ppiritghe Ini-titfo jittlivoiciPfli:- bihtrigjmndojits.,(o geirkepdeV 4 illWaeohe Oiii!,,, ll ).; , PllPhi al* Iltivret *Meth iolkhreilii %Of 11014414:OA° ifiorning46Elifii7"' '` ' ',' , ; ; ---,-- d ---..-- -.4.,. ;,,,- 2 ,•.;:;/... 4-, - - , 11 , ;;;L.;;;, ,1 , 5.), , " r .1. , z , . .. . ~'"iLi! to ~ )1. 44 .1• . , „,0 0 0 5- Itrit.ll.-=Pti• , ,14,413 ,Yr-InAti-tR1,1.- Ivillit gief!, ll #4, ll oe ',‘ 4 , Amii4 l 4 l l .Trii ii o*Alat tb*o: - 0, 11 2,,.,. 1, 4r4 , 474 R,0,, , ithitirt l ; , kV06 6 4 1 )0 0 . 1 Po .:,1 ~ . , „dap,ql4 , it intthemio*4.g o ar: )IT lit e 1 '., ?i bIS ftV9A's 3 0 11 , be- al )O,IIP . , ; ,.-.c't :te,,,. ,;;;.4 , ,.. ,, ,,,''',q,..• .',,' -,,- . . ":!.',. ', .• --,..f: ,- ..- ', ' '', , `,.';`;' ,, P'l.,Per'r•,', ' ' , --, ‘. '- '. • '', . ' y ,: '~~:~~.N~ ~ ti~f~pi~~ J tAnon. Dlr !MAD "Labor, labor!" sounds the anvil Lobar, labor, until deatly!" And the file, with voice discordant, " Labor, endless labor l'! with; While the Tidltowe to the embers. ; Speaks of Libor in each breath,. "Labor, Mhos!" in the harvest, - Sahli the whetting of the scythe, And the mill-wheel tells of labor of Under waters Polting, blithe; ..I.abori labor!" prtnitilltEinilitones, To the bands that whirl and writhe! And the totooilinan tells of labor, - In his echo-waking blows ; lit the Oren!, 10 the cabin, • ' fie the dearest word he knows "Labor, Whorl" soh)) the splrli; And with labor conics " Labor :"h the loaded wagon, • ,Illoving cowards the divan; mart; "Labiir !" groan!, the heavy steamer, As ahe-cleave,rhe waved apart Heating like that iron engine, • " Labor, labor :" crick the heart , . Yes, the heart or mon men'•' Lahorl" While it !abort; lii the breast.. Heir the Allelelit and Eternal, • In the Word which Ile Lnlh bleat,. Saving darn Allan thou labor, Ibir the eeeputii thou shalt rent:" Then how beautiful nt evening. ‘s7fien the toildomd week id done, To behold the binckeiuilh•e embers Fade together with the - aunt. And to think the doord-ofiabor Are all closing up like one! IMIMM ` - LeWl: ll3 UdEjEiiittztt24tx) -0311014,,ctiitittA The Devil% ,Gin; ; to THE , THREE BARS OF GOLD Al. Eckkp FRt if TH sutc ' ' There onto lived , in Scotland Ihree i poor hlacksmithe. Their.- habitation was: situated I in the monntoici which surround Ail, pretty town of Peel'. Though they.laboUredlnces, oantly, - thereould - barely - obtain - e:stillieNfikf oft he coarsest food; and frequent, and sor rowful were their prayers that .God ,w iild r end them Some little portion of the- - bootity Which 'se* many, enjoy .without merit; or that' theif jives and wretetiednessiMght end togeith 7 : .Labor and prayers were alike flintless;, misery. lone seemed their lob. Despairing . of fortune, thuy were one eve ning coh verging.: Sinee,"' said they, .4 1 our prayers avail nothing, fetus:Wm-to the Evil One, he may hear us with- favour?" - Scarcely had they pronounced these. words When a vo ice . was heard : "At midnight at the Blackrock . mountain I will await you. If you have courage to meet me there ; fortune is yours. Renriem ber, midnight." Speechless with terror, the, brothers gazed upon each other. The youngest at last broke the-silence! ge . "My brOthers, do you bear? w l" • " We will obey." exclaimed the elder. On the approach of midnight, titey bent. their steps towards the mountain.' As I.4ey . drew near it, they. heard the ringing (stab anvil. but saw neither light, nor smoke,;—: . With terror they advanced to discover whence the sound proceeded. They reached the end of the path. The noise of a thousand ham mers resounded; but on looking around they saw but a solitary man at work. "1 awaited you," he said, "and - was lorg inwfor you. This: product of my itibhr is yours upon' one cm! Elinor'. If at the end of nine years you do not return it to md, or the value it has produced you ; you are .mine both body and soulond all your possessions shall vanish from the earth. A whim sometimeit *pals me to benefit mortals; endeavor to profit by mine." So saying he gave to each a mass'of iron and dismissed them. - The brothers artived at home, hot much pleased with the event of their journey, Ties• 'honing whether the gills premised inachomd not doubting that they Should return them. at the _appointed - time. They fell asleep, thinking of their adventure, whose feitiltrby no means equalled - their expectations. -. -. On awaking theriext Moining,dhey were about to comence their daily toil, having almost forgotten the disappointment'of the preceding . evening, when suddenly they per ceived three ingots of gold, which had re placed the masses t I iron. Their joy Ives unbounded. - In a short time they resided in a thapiti• cent palace. Their retinue was regal in its svlendour. Forgetting their prornike to the one to return the value of his gill, th"ey passed:their HMO in - eiiiiiyinent - ahout seek inglo ascertain it worth, • ' • The nine -years rolled away in festivals, and the most extravagant delights. The close . of the Term at length arrived., The_ile mon. pdnctual to his' appointed time, appear ed at m idnight_ during a splendid entertain ment given at the place. The hideous appararit ion, rising among the guests, addressed the brothers : "The last hour is about to strike. What have you to return to me?" They were dumb with terror. An infernal smile played upon the teatures of the temtper. He struck the ground—the palace disappeared. Aliorrid• tumult filled t he air as the ministers of the demon's ten ,geanca swept away his victims. Even now it is said that the traveller as he itunies over the site of the palace hears three voices in the air Which cry : " Traveller beware, forget not the rumor.'" -. Luctc.—ReV: fI W:Beecher says in one of his lectures:--" I may 'here, as well as any where, impart the secret of good and bad lurk. There ate men, who, supposing Providence to have an implacable spite against them ? ' bemoan in the poverty of a • WI otched old age the misfortunes of their lives •Inek forever ran itgainst.them amrfot others. One, with a good profession ? lost,his luck in , the river,lvliere hp idled away hi's time a fishing, when he should - belie been in his office. Anothei., 'with a good trade, perpetu ally burnt up his luck by his hot temper, Which . provoked'his.enriployers to leave him.' Another, wbo was honest and constant at hip work, erred by perpetual misjOilgments; , =—he lacked discretion. Hundreds lose their tuck by endoraing; • hi , sanguinespeoulationS;,.by ' trutif hig "fraudulefil Men ;• and ' disliOnesl gains. A . man never has good luck WhObas a had wife. I•never knew an early, i 1 Ing, hard=working, .prittlent• - inani careful '',Of his earnings, and stricill'honest, With 'complain. etl of hadluck. A • good. cheractOr',,' good ,habittyttad iron industry are impregnable to aassaults. of . all• the ilr luck. that.lools'ever dreaMeil of. But wheal see WtattOrdentalion creepng,out of sigroeary, late in'theitifternebti, 'with:his hands . stnek into bis' pook'ete; the rim of his•hat turned 'up; aed.the'etimiti'_kiicicked in, I ,know' he has bad ail ltick-i;—fot'the'W,iit'st of all , luck is , to be's. :illaggistdi'ritift, 'Or • • Por.mos' •TII e‘ fiX tint ti iey rrespandont_ofthe 2 NeWOrleatis-Beitiitiilli• 'this anecdote: I f' The maitfronr ycir'eitpariiviid-hbre'dn 11A 15th, •withAtnee np to the "18th'u It: 'Tull. ties do not . rage niubb eartfp* in Ilia' fawn; but .the freirr , lshiur Vo dr' au Fpiitieirilll parties , to 15 uob‘arf-exttint-ithritiliiriini-Suraley the democrat' , and! ) heard; I itaSeiVito , ha Nalloha( Ititellieeneer , with the, !retulilly isciVerar Jitlte egoitlintrthovght rin• ititianalt iblont !knelt ithbught the , He ixieVtUrtiiii kcied tin keiip, ad&m rned forineil 7 Getneiii Qu iUn an +I and laltiiodliur He to 8114* have :initde.ttiptin'i!dri 063E5 , 16a; but ton :the , trinb Liik , hititifil ordinal, men how.t aka- Butler '«,Rightf'i'wnartlte.raiMbtittiitaP'Thylor."' !'' lt VrilLnever.rbet , :lt.ny ;thing Age, , li veitiloplied; (.$ 4 .01i,"t ,torpi 4:do ; mit ithelitis libd'arohl 7 , - 4'604 Nit: ~Young,Tight;!?4aulliitiletikfthitekhirl pit.; hive the first:wither - '7 - . ~•`l - 1 ' e l. t ; i, ~ ,6 47 , , 1. ~1 I I, i 4 Arr_tigiNtl 'it 4 .v - ' 0 go IdOlf 4 linfft Goivc4itirginiiihict nuiiigne 104 . 7, Op§ Au t t o i 114-ii*rliffiiria:lfad ilotloimilatfil, J .- Wimp' i'ftillfeil'il.ifilieltioecif 'irliillr•Rp. ' •• 4V 43 50 16 i6" o :4' 4lB i r bgqiiiitil.. i y i n ' In ' 461dy if kino lli rfir 1 0 TWO 4411* , oxiitopledia 4 ', ol ithctitt ; Olyrat,4 4 ZlthigV4ttinPillidgf i g l l'imfiyir4 ItliA -lb 1 rtl i fi' i i r Irf il ` A uis'ohfl*4l l I le 4kle,. I - iko' ''a j "+-.•, : ''''.4 , . r'"... r 2::41 ii, :,, 4, ,..i 1 :;4V.;;1 ,; `4'l,"‘; t. 3 k' ..- 4'' . .: , , t l:-. ' , ..V:!:"'Y 1 'r, 4 ; ,;!'' ' ' ' ' , ". ,l-' ,) ,' P ',,, '..:;lil';';'',.''.::::',.;' =UM tISLE, 'JANUARY ~ •'.. • - ~, 21 • „ 1 4 r - ._,,, The ''clft it'Saltlllo-4ho •Oe#letiti l Religion, Ste. ~....,,,.,.,„ , I„:.; • 1 From the Charliston Mescal• of- the 4ig: .. inst. we, extract ' .the' following • letter.-idated; Saltille, Dec. 6th. ft willbe read With' par ,ticelarinterest,,hoW,.thatan_attemptis tp4;iiii or rather by this. time,.: has bmi , made *. Santa Anna to-recapture thacity.'-• .. : -,i , m • " The entialeet - Warfarare,Boid u nPlielder movement thin • the: rear& - 15011Pritlime, by . eight htindied - nee'ef"the'lar rained 'moon- tam defiles • of •thelßlnconada - 'etiiVermh4 - : stverig city 'of fifteen thousand itiliabilanhii;With all its advantages of position 'and Stilictore.— When.the little-band of Regular tracip#linder Gen. ',Worth' "Wound 'lliMugh . the 'eto*Aerl streets lathe , plaza' of Santiagn, - they Were serowled - upon by ' enough of dark swerthy savage laeking'Wretclies to driven them i back with pebbles and broom sticks." Saltil-• -lo,;`lh.us, interestirid- from" theseitiaerdiriary character of ite capture,- from its, being 1110 key of Nerthern•Mexico, and froth' .ifa'being the largest city ever taken by _ in ,Attleripaiti arrity, , halinuehLof the - ettnous;:llitii' novel and p icturesque to claiin onr atfintiiiii. 'Over looked• by the bold height of La Girititiarid ffincireled by two bitty ranges of 'nsollntaine, whose ingged rainparte appear:Jo-Ant it out' -from the' sYcirldi its raises its turrets and spired' upon one orthriee spots where iire-imag,ine• 'that in agespasrOur Lady of Solitude Mourn- - ed.ovet the follies and frailties!of erring hu ,manity. Ilia the barbaroas Mexican blithe to destroy this holy quietude and to mar the beauty of a Scene more lovely than the happy valley of Rasselas, With its green groves,. sparkling fountains and - running wa ters. Strangely indeed do the mud houses, the rude imag es and euperisitibus devices of Church aliChapel,contrast wth the flow ing plains and the stupendous S i erras eter nally robed in °foals. - From the Hill of the Hermitage, the spectator can best view the magnificent landscape and best observe the sad alternations and defacements, caused -by - ignorance andriuperstltion.' Above his , head are clear and serene skies, around ,him a pure and exhilerating atmoseliere, on iris right the-jagged peaks of the Sierra of Doves softened by athin- veil of mist and clouds, on his lelt-the mailed strata and smooth surface of the Sierra do Guajado, at his feel rivulets of bright waters flashing in. the sunbeams, dense forests of sabinas and not,piles, And . clusters of inyille.4, -- alhelres and wild flowers gently waving hi the 4reeze. .11e.terns with sorrow frorn the lovely panorama to the evi= • deuce of Mexican life with its superstition and barbarism.' Near him are groups ofhalf nakeil - omen engaged in trashing at the aqueducts leading into all parts of the city from the eiretilar domes coverieg the (Os de. las aguast—the springs gushing out of the chile of La Parita.,_ Each group is guarded or rather tvatehed by, a, vil:ait!ous. looking wretch, with leather. tro wsers o p" at the side leather jacket, open collarm•san als; and enor mous sornibreto. -- Drovercerasses pass; rid-v -ett -by ragged ; boys, and lailemmed with tugs cargoes of wood, sacks of grain and bundles of coin stalks. Occasionally a dandy itimhite roundabout and pantaloons covered.all .over Tvith - buttons, dashed on by his richly capar isoned and spirined policy, erect as a may pole, in the deep saddle„,,,,,kplimmeeseammtly mo ving his legs and jimiglinglasiong spurs.— Sometimes an independent lookimig Ranchero trots past on his shaggy coated mule, his feet in the stirrups, but his sieldle occupied by his slatternly esposa, adorned with a leather hat of no trifling dimensions. Sometimes two or, tbre'wbeys gallop down the hill, seated tipcia the same .bridleless. donkey, . directing his movements solely with a stick. Sometimes a cart, with small frame:and gigantic wheehr of almost gelid wood, rolls along, drawn by oxen yoked by- the- ',ores. If the day be bright and ra - ir, uncouth coaches may he seen neatly as large and' not unlike the dromedary slowly dra,Ned bp six mules, with drivers on the backs of three of them, and with armed footmberr in the rear. Below lies the city,built principally of ado bes (unburnt brick,) and looking like a cont. fused jumble of mad walls ' above Which rise the rudely painted spires of the law different chapels, the dome and Arabic, facade of the cathedral.° A visit to the latter will 'be well repaid. 'Tis- a vast pile of stone, • quaintly carved in front, and eeelseff on, top with gro tesque figures, richly and expensively littem , l, up iii the interior, and adorned widrimany fine iinages and paintings by celebrated Span ish artists, all however? betraying wretched • taste and P •rrosssuperstitiola. . . The al tar - piece and canillimstiekS, ere ,of massive sil ver, and several; figures represept. ing the Virgin ale crooined' willi_ppre _geld. In a beautiful :painting npar - th - e - iiltaridod - time ' Valhi:4'li depicted lathe itteitude - of-blessing Jesus, Mary and Joseph, ~(lesas,filarial-Ij, Joss,) the earthly Tiiiiity,aSAhey are,•univer 'Sally called. Another paintipg ;represents the•three per Sons of Heavenly,Trinity,,stand ing on the heed, of the' Olierpbo-7whilsr Mary, not neeling,sueh isapp,9o, iftmgValOr near 1* . .! A third .ahewmim, Mary, Atolher,,Ol' Gad,as'llle peopl e meei, ppOncaily.;,narpe . her, in the.net.ol.dnia;ieg,ll,4ou! out, 9f,,w1 : 0,- , :gistorji,Witkiliq i iesary- 7 the,cmther Wil!epiritS', a ' PO n il , :q:hei,.ol . T:P ,9 .l*llifltYi and -pja.. ..o polite toOil:pi* her f: pOWers bi,,taking' scaaLoriNtl;ihriiA - tivAit:Atimp, - .1 - 4410101 -1 " lige pried illdtmshii4 . es;,Ogrix;lAlle to.tanda ,ive,lselefeld,-a,,ne the, ,katlipt . :o, the.• , W,orld . tii:a mf,_billieAllmi s ,: er'Se;' - ;; -- A.levelviingi_figlite - Of; iVaks'On'cleiiiiid .! a. a, liexr., Pa 4 •. i 0 len de.d, . dci lepresphi:thrial 19 !I*,§oo:lobce, : tberrilekl n qa., 4 i4 m a a : , / ,l°Ork-: i lle, 1t1,'0,-,1 - 611 , ~: w as, covered :fall . tsc; . -7 ,- ..:PP. r tiPraciO,P ,ll o l .v.l , Yfryr . nlotnent. , :,,„'%!,1e1l Atnpudin Apole t dmkeiervoie4orche ca,Rirft ,privxp*Ty„,:linl,49illitriegaat I °P° ;ell . ' (../Acihilife, (tim'Biribl."Vijf 1 .6.littlitgq;kkuoktir ,rnmiLitiilttei*lFonagior 4 4 1 0.4° 4 041fi110 e t eleP.har4havegoir4o 1 1 61 5!,'-10 4 n stfibiRm(OPP I IYA . A4 4O 43 ,I tP. ;`, 21 ,4 1 i. , °: 4 9 11 Pr0 . .(911 . 14ye i ,Aap o iffaneeeo ii 1 .11911r#t14.1:•4.-,reep3v . ing.;,,iptsokia,'heatt law . - :VOttta ! , AV otineteediAittlaol44.l4l i deem° ° _. Mankind, ..dPl.sllogletldframoth . arpai.., Ancalli.kplithpria . :ealle4 , lf,The;Plfital 'on 1 4. e . ,,, ht l l t ii ) l s B t n i o :r, f o ., , t ) , a i l : 7 . 4i,1441, blond -. ) 1 47: 4 / g ;sit . a ou t ' .l,'''''.:S . L vOr i lo,r,f7A;RlPtfta s h9ckingrinbLit ' ' n°9 l 9•l 4 4i AFtl;lPC.ottceiy4a;Oq MP iwainglif ;Ial;(0. td itcgthemyntinge of:1110)1 1 4,ln . 'ilaikiihi+r kferent'appellatinne el.ciuclady4 01. Glifittaleupe, o( 09101*!1.1011114Piqu' L -ahals;iiivailablyrepreeented.4alputtwAnd ,heantictilAwhest 'alt,thevipigreandtsmal icif\itaiSeveteatiP.'w.elt*alai*. '.lfr i ti.7, l l? jaitkil' : .01.0#40pritiiiieid; einfo...r:ki,,,..{t„ '''j grit' .44'4q-10"tkiorlItititAtinal 40.0 t .:: , . • • , Vetreilktataltb.analiited.l -1 ° ..,..; .*Pq , TOW 0 te*P 3 A°I.'M'IM!.urOYI 'ft!. ~ ,ii ! . ! I. ,;,I, ~ttigq.lioi; A .ittaliloikettpti i '.' •-• "....' '4 ' ) 006 , 00 1 11Y.touShicagliliavia.„ % .' Ili' r.., 1 „ ' ~i , , 1 I tIV tAlitlivittl,;(she Oh it 'IA ' 1Ngi*0 1 44.09 1101 Y.104e 5 1 ;, . .. •T 10;ip *pc arid . 800eknetCoJd,i),; * '... ;Oil '...; .ilitt'aanlii,.'lliiit i -'l,l o ,it i lt•thoi;;'aeliVy 4.lr* ,-.4i..*.-... ..- ... ,:.. ~....:2:„,...:.---- YAmLi....,i.,:-,,.:- --...:,•,,:. '..• '.••• • ~~~~. u~a~sis ~-~= tlifiori 'id th'e beitinitellin&fifine , .enorta is lfreiltiiiitly'ld'einifact'Wfili.th?;-bilsiiket of the ) Beitint-litiff brittislt - Bithebnie.!; .§0 , it0,44 the lititleien'ela ilf IlieWpitiliiPPek ibereAa Sortie ,thitig,itriPeeditoii 'their : ,hely f Posture, :and titirletbl elisiegard While ,se,.tbe, .eanctnaty of the ditipefie . reltfficins ''etkisting beyond _its ciprillistiettreetreittiteraild man pteprietor , and dependent. , . ' - .., . , . Safi !Josei ' heat te,itie'r lady r ef Gana elope; is.; ;hiltikirite Biiiiitirt" Mexico: One ,of, the. hitin( eMbiiiOn amulets iti,le tin frame. paspen tied' !Min-tlifi tieelt; 'Cohfititting . a ...rude , lithe- Igtelph 'etitteriinntrliiii;jeadirig. thin-ryouth fel Siiiiimir betiyeeri' theta . As ,, the , ..Bonito :9ri* nriptii* tin:tiiit lithoNgrapb _reads. ./Csits. ./1/criary, Jose L ,tho .word, Alartapeing placed. ''elireCtly under.theiniddle figere, all. the love . ; erelass:irre'decen , ed by it,lapd, the, have never inerreniiWbo did not ms iiitthat the child was Mary and Mary was Jesus.. We have falittla honk' 'of de,vOticins addressed to San Jose,- in'Whith he is entreated 'to pfirdon sin and grant a Beat among the blessed. ,We have alsobefore us' a prayer bookeemposed by a Mexican Bishop, calling. Joseph "the being-whom heaven • end earth_ obeys, the diiposer of terrestrial ifd - celestial thingsm What effecttheir religion.hati on the masit- - es is well exemplified in Saltillo. 'Perhaps ao where in the world are the Olen of the Chuich - niorwitrietly observed and.exiernal reverence to . 'holy things more universally accorded. During service the Cathedrals and Chapels- are crowded to overflowing with both sexes, many of whom afe_in AWL usual places, after having walked •on their knees over the gravelly pavetnent in front. No male ever gees by these houses of de votion without uncovering the head, and the Jemales usually kneel before passing the mid dle door All salute the Pt ie'sts whom they meet with the greatest respect, at the tolling of the vesper bell the men, however occu pied,take off their sombreros,and the 'worsen cross themselves most ilcvoutedly. And)et two :birds of the inhabitants are theives and 1 a larg e portion of them a.ssasins. I thas kw er. b een-considered safe for any one to go I alone three hundred yards beyond the main Plaza. . The Sacristans, who'se functions are" nest in importance - to those of the Prients:are perhaps the most irreligious men living, they laugh heartily at the Mae played off upon the people, and think it an excellent joke that they, ere so easily gulled., The Priests live in' open Concubinage, some of them have .families that they acknowledge, maintain and 'educate. All the shops, e..ting (muses; gam .bling stews and billiard rooms are open' on the Sabbath, and were It eof thatibe streets are more thronged, and traffic and business more lively on that day, it would be itirpos sible to distinguish it born any other. Beautifiil • Truly, she is a beautiful creature. ,Whai bright eyes !What rosy cheeks! Whitt a inagnificient form! Her loot is like afairvl, -And her voice; 'ItoW - deli - eimp!—a'seraph could not have usher tones. She scents the very pink of perfection, as she walk's in the streets or sits in the parlor! What a form for a painter! Kul 11,111,8, 1,11(13 - t ruth" must be told ; beautiful to look*, upon as this lady is, she is as unfit for a comparing or wife as an Egyptian mummy Dress,. display and fashion take all her time. She hardly knows a flatiron from a miming pun, or a cullender trom . a teapot. A claming needle would be as great a curiosity to her as' a Minorite to ourselves. Can such , a lady be, good for any thing! any thing e"ce,?t to eat? bleep and tickle the fancy Orlifele‘ess tops The rose will fade from her - cheeks; her .eyes will become dim; her Voice.grow dull; and her form will. sliew -mark - s - rof -- age. Who will Watch' hesitle, her? who tote her? Poor she mitY be and friendless' too, Take in work she -cannot. Neglected and forsaken, she will end her days in misery. liow many bright-eyed, beautiful gills have ttnis perished; who thought of nothin3 but display. " We have such a one in our mind's eye. Tears come to our eyes as we recall her fading memory. Long since she fell a victim to her folly, and the grave worms feasted on her, ckeek. We sat be side her bed just ere she breathed, the last and, Oh , God ! the &tinge. She died ami d the paupers in the poor house: As she ex teudeal.her Autud for: the last. timel'shis ex :claimeds, Once, I did not, think of this Pr But: we 'will not harroiv up . your feelings:by. a recital -of her le Ye are follow:, ins in the %mei track, beware! ' LeVVirtne Virtue,.be the guidingstar of 'your heart.- Be industrious. Bow' pot the God, of.fasitiori!' Then friends , real, earnest devoted, friends,' wil gather about you. Good husbaiiits, you will obtain,. arid lily %el - be pleasant and 'iloricinit; mud: sweetly pais' away; being. a prelude to that life Of joy to which you will at lastaticend.,•. 0, will you'be wise? •Partlan4 Tribune. . A Celia rinrCO:Tiie;;;Ttest.—A,. Scotch paper' relates' an .' instahod ' CI! "it - ° young lady. ache, was: lately ;restored''' to health,' thqugh in the last stages, otconsginplid q , by, lite:following meaty!. , ,ft. is. h Lily nemtirked, that the,case is,! , fingla/g,iffrae, , ` y 4 , ..11. t ; ' 'The'victiin 'believing her dOsqlutien • ap.' proaching,,rettle to l ti'q Diet iitiiXitn . or retiitifiirp,, o,,tlie f -,While. in' that situationl it 4ffillber pusion) tfi,ri.ao as, eatly rut ,her malady would; pe?rbit, alit 'contemplate ths...,i,eanties •,,01,. -oslote-ood-the-wontlerfol Wgiki - 01 God - rrOilr hey, chsoher winnow, fro,m i w . hich she, ob: t , od''h 4 dog tielot:iging to the house; litit , searc'elytaiiy p tliesli Upon iiiii biiiiiiic ebilatitt, pl3lll44:litt/t.the'stlem Witt.; ea MonfialljUd tp,,t ,9 PAlpr.t4 ,io iicting„ve)tiott ,thelianinial' Iv " " ic g Winll, l 4alt i iltY3WlPPr!tft i tttetov.at , 'estiellgth';' d Id' e li;p1 nip anti wit 11 - The. singularity of thelrentilirtiinbe,Wailiiipil. lid strongly on - the,atlyitr MIN, tuiti.inpuce beetto try( twilit titlifibtfireldlitfrb6) , pledure ..-4404 1 Pliolging/;ithOritl.og i ttlVeitireple;tit Slier l ee° F oll X it PrPfli#F.lo t 11 )%40X. , IfxPallthe ' sanle t bed 014311MOtIpie!:(1,T 4fitnittil RtittilL guy itgatiqiiiiiiiiiie nricrant,,,ltininN, ii -atirruttitneiskplitterieedlttat l'elfrif,lier'SP 7 , PAtOPAtlVlßJegolorli ttotl shitefot(ral./.4t: De- 1 tur: of °rrnflcitT i `.l)PPflSl.4lll.9.99l ll l ) .l . oll J iIY, fried. 9 ' l . ,' , • : „.;,,, „ i ..: ,.." iiti11. , 4 1 (14 ( ~ , .1 , , .1/ . 1 1 ,, ,-.0 ‘,., • 7,.,i at i ' Alarriertote 44 4lferfotltitiVtleihPr l / 4 1A1 7 4 ' iflßMlti•krtillgliki9 ol . 66l froht ihat ft 091 44 liil ITSII OF ° 4 l /YRIMBMPgqIO4 alb ‘llow, 'at 41tonTblesseby 41 ' t p t inxnr,, It o:, o i/halt tiltithiffo tlibiltoiVio g treistiontionsi . . .,,,,, oin ' i . . 1 , •Strmauto.-=;Although - 1 ita(ler i ) sahl + Au 4 1 ifluethiep Ttlirtride., kileletl*fil vlWlllB6iitise' I 1.1-17110414thav0m,6;14: ~1, 1 -I A ,kf , , .kit . c rtirWi t‘ lgir - Ai in , fl, , .lltMpigtstlt:ate, . , rap ,pn no I,9,.tyttoOn j fieaksi t ,d#, flot Wail tat 'th% ',ft 1' it lit iiiullit."' ''. L..... L -o,nint?. itirik ' 'iroct ,tre.lllll/ . TheliminberjullptilkonerelkoinuaTyicrcknie46 ted "to the Tonthe ,in Nen York p is 33,;60QA The nuolbee.inoteheets*terypw. , ', •:, 4 ' • i 2, , ,, . --: ' ' :- ' ''' 1 ';'--'‘ e ,') ,‘.`,:, ' ',.t.,-1::''';!-';',M;;•_,a MEE " , ',5 , 1, -, ',”71`,:;,,,•! . ti.ny • ME=M32 ot, ' ME AN ACTOR The Policy. The Baltimore , Artiorican thus deals with the administration party tor its want of policy pl, ~.nd plain ip the Alexican war.. l'here '-i A. , Goo jn ecdote. ortnerly resided in:the 4 i Iy of A—, At_this moment the Honse•of Repulse:lm- a 'Monsieur D. a nian of great wealth, bat Lives is en•mgerl•upon a bill to add t e n new wad was ever, getting ipto difficulty when he iegiments 'to the' regular army; yet a few tbafal,it Peces.sary to make an investment. days ago' it refused to lay-a tax which the, Ris temperament being doeidadlY nervous, Serdetary of the Treasury deelared was ab.. many were_ the tricks played upon him. Oft solutely necessary for the* prosecution of the onp occasion he bad conteAci the conclusion war. On : the one hand we find a symptom that baiik gtotkii we'd precarious property to of activity—a projected increase of milittnY• • h o w, railroad worse, an t i insurance stock he force, looking, towards vigorous hpstilffiee ; „, ou t i l a i t have, no, bow. Arriving at this while on the.other hrittifOrt Hifi 'rejection L ot' point, he lestilved 'fo i leaTie - Tilit spare funds the 4eatiod lor-PletleYr Without Which 11011 " J with a Mr. G. forlia t fe kbittPidg 7 Accerding ingean be done, ,we tliKever,siges of a diSin ••• , 1 ,, , , he . ratt „, 1 ,,,,,,., , „ v t.,;„, , , ,,aria , m ia,, , - a a eppsit eitiO i t ' t o h t° o iigg 6 elve e ll e reaP , ll4i i ‘' of ten tliegliWA 7 iiW4 , ,;:egli' o .'ileAved It tiame want' of a definite 'unpaid, 'of of • )v i th r od o ediebili a r t •i,, , r c h e i e kg o , , . D. ideelsiOn in sinking for•i j t - hes been.mairifest, t hiall h e ,: shout litii4;§cillynn i , - 10A.0.4,',1ii0. ed corkttituagy , 4,y . the .411ooutive . ,branch , of, n ey, he rprisigiiii3 , 4le.W f.leya,ripice. Some tile i id,rnioistriai°"' iefgla , the:ol4l4,l)aper,, I t tk'months harl'elp.iied, and al ,11bings *ere rvaltirelpi detp'oullgs;, ever sineg- the tsar ,, • ,Movidgini siritiot yi'itt 1 . 0, as;,the Biench hroke'dutphave'coniebj.: its fits luta StArtit-Lby, It ,• „.., w o o o k wag , cobcdrueri When a echo • . 9g ge n btasta tlyitioe,awaSi as suchlimlk. l' At, o r rt 4 i'lljqiiiii#,'oOB"%ktitro seen to,euter ,the Pile tire1 t ,q0 1 , 111 4 , 01 1 44 he h e ard het - mud Lily Tio.el; 2 lifid:cirt o,luisti , n4 ,pitt,• ervens _vaunting:a OrjheActriulaJltings that wem to ]irfentl,.'onii of thorn a'sk r ifiti "hie,oompmion t if bp done immelliatejy, if nofsoonef7ribe war , ,fie.mo ii6i l va. o f 1i t '0. , ' , f 0 0t tr0. . 0 1 . ,A1,.. , , G T , to , viaiiitettailitairidd'iino'lhic heart of Mpxiqo ;' whibtoe r aii! s fiiidit#4. o aVi•Oit t ' 3 4;.,•'' ftr et_ . olowima, tudollotir„ , bloWpictoryLio_suitelieil. , b- - c ,- -iftw o .fitfl; - . , ' t , ~, . ; 03, , 0,1 , . I,',letery,,t4ll - the.,s,ppylatif ot,, the ,-Republic , , 11 . 1 • 0 Ve ie t iiAly e li t i ew • Ji te n iiim e,.ectati , and would dvr.;halio'fr, 'Pp k f L ittlis . . , e,t , thr*VPale - iripreiti Tar% We' ,par!y,, t eelitued,,„ , , , tort ) , fittirthij'`and`"4 o e l " - weillti dithafe it irmv i to, , D i n , wiii,T; ii 1 61%f4;011,,,pf ion'ilioMr,„„G. •Moxiebi' iii fiee'dtko" 64 i.Pliffl" Vet" we' failed litele r fflA q q4cchsl , . pe,co,-441,_ , baxp , said? these' kiurstd bi lOW iditrtial troiiiliet, ‘it i it ti •Atigettm. ti t ly 09 rk .. 4 .0174, Jo Ino)co '94vainlefld'!?ithfililesillitibliajtrooktr;s4f6A4o:4lalbfkinellgttp"." ' .t i ot n iT ' L e k n: ilti a dit\il f"l. . d i.lo .l llt i r l :, 6- , P crioi . , Tifo . . 6 ), T aswe N'iisi iiitb' MVNico '.‘iao gOlutt -0 4,1.•17 1 4 i ,k!!'d, -, 'sol V ffritt- lia - "bili,'OetaiScpritaktie,v,eo4l,,iniies ottrinaavtis'leliditrifint liirrnseitjtVith'lbo' ri,?Pc jo gettrig,da,te l'h fitd a i,ft9,9*ll,l ,l lYo this PrPbaerk. , , , ifAnnther . ptiurid• took' pfiCe '''"")°' iliritiiitfes' 9 1r totv.4/t l i., , Ftintiog 109 m, . P,T,..r)yfrt•ior.'mptiT 'Ape awgitt3xttexoo. , Wliiiiii tie iih'o , 44',ljeAi ,''.410;,,pf, bris,atii,lie.,:.• to ove turos gilltr 11 1,, e i ljAnnti . o i. t i - l c- k• o o , N / cou iit ernan b e _ nt ,i, t telo igi olt 1?„aeli ~„J„,,,,c , ,,,t , 4 ii i , I • .. 1)1 .I . , s tvir , ~ ~ ~ ~, , „..,31,,,,-v 07 -0 . . , . ' ll n ii 7"'"O ue B • o% ern nt Geri:olreoleg Ircrni ;heti; 10,,f00t. mr ? , yf i .ly 4e, 4 1 4 1 ,99.1 6 0 e „ TAX ~,40' terminhte , the Monfoley gtiiinkilil itilillY !Jib. 'Sir4iititkOki and liogeftNipir 0 1 , 3 .410* BDOPOtilettntivent° eva'iv e , an • tet be''iedt4it. ' Be )1 0 ,tzpf. s!? 1 , 1 : 1 „lor-.Aun; ,Prrfalilliltina4elpirtioAerr , offpilio , 04 0 , 0 °4 ' ' ll nieui s es'...A'alf,iijk ai1i4,1;,....„, , '-' ) :-,,, ,,, ,, , ,, , p , " ovornment was to be tiefefred i lo paspiwo,rt. !''''':Al list ' i t eUtiVefing,timseli:U t .faii,l 4 144' iLivitirct*heteirkfahr, -il 'rhil 'OOP", b i ev "n lifii6tl `I ,e.v.i' yo'ii"t;ilf: - Whafryouliblit"- - - -- iiisitroinpsemoitAbhillyilhAiirotidiv•-t'But 0 , t it Qo , ?, tty*; - v . iii 4 tint ititors....., ,or.ismot,jo t prmotilkott. oil tho)wif theh an IN OIA riT,4,01 , : 1 44,7Agg 4357 9 vrki ' , too nbed,. reqqn . qtrihni Gl'3iloral Taylc(collonld • a rill iiV' t ifii,ti 'Pr .p 14.1.?„ • 7 ,,,,, v ,, be at °nee sp . 4o4a.thy„feinforceinents mut , b fit it6, , rima iln , ji l t ,m cott ,, : 41 ,, .d ..,..:. ,_ . ( appphop.. ,:''' )yrof M t ?„ 8 7 „8 4, 1 1i9,041 1 ,')1 1% i4 he .4iivitehiinal4CiefililiT. J 9 k o ß9 h d l affi, or ' . VhsilibitiqUi,tl.4 'df dMlflitOtion tol Owed of volikkOt - , OP* ;,-."',, llOtiPnlo4ol lho , adoVoliSirtitiolo !iiiik,Neill rip e r ,i,i'd , 4#0 . 1 . ),11„, n i- 0,1304 I . p, : Xiesgiuithill,ticilitsifre, , hope that4dexidbtwool ,r i 11 - Aideh o i r y on eVrant a imi .O myki:.: cone to t?rrris-r.lhat ItriV r ths fiItIYMMIA I ,I? , 44villZfgot f• '''' s •• '' . ' 0 14 11 ?,'', tiiititifeis fo t iiiiseiVihifor all', o I' ,4 .. k01tz.,,1 2 '• 4 - -'_-, '0 , fent'AvAfreNeivitittiiiiiiVOrite . ~ vdtr,,,,,,.tt , q. 77 , i; '. • I N ' :. ,W 4 it iii4t 4 ll PlAtt, Pii ) Oideot' oll trmtinefoll€ l oAtt" .. irl w4 ', v‘. .. ; ~'iL, .01'14 0 404 1 0* , kW+. .., niiititht 1 / 0 1.411119 . Nl* .OW01) 5 91 1 ,0,41'1,, CiP,o'h'ulA , ~ :'A,' . ' .. ~ • c10,10140e49 JARN., ' 44,52pkaiN • miptd,?!.. ktret , ; il 6 , t ~,,i ;• 0 , 5 • ',01•4000,-.;.# 5 4tAtiv;,• „ k , ~ www.up #1.5,,.... 17 '' ki1f401 . 44 . 61 ; 104.; ' ', h,e, ,demos ,a . tzt . to,a . o ...t ioiPc rs „,,.,.. , _ , 4'4 114 * 4 vt 'a ti la iori a rti\ia ' I hriPtilt ' '' i tin aelr..: 14447,4be tAk r It.' ti . niv--- . - -,. , Catl ,. t ' ll -4‘ ',:?? 1 ° W1 5; 12 '1„1,4V ' -- P. ,- i r . lirinii)Aiii" , liti 110iftholigl ehaulF o 11 . 0 ,' L l'''" ' • - ,•,.. 7 ,..'1.4',i'4,0;00 ' - , I - , l ,'" / ••://' i', '",/. '''' ' 4, • ' • / ':1 ./' r i/ rVa,... - ,, ~E y , -,, , . ,1, 1 4.,, , ' , ,q , )0,, , ,V , V1..;> ~ ,z,,,,,,, , -, ~c~z xswxn : r '?at~x, Teataiisa u . 4 e Finances of Pennitivania. liEP2RT - OF TAP. STATE' TREASURER. . - j - Ilt 3- f9 llo tvitlitl 4- 4Y.itiip.iii of 'twi? Annual •Report of Coletiel•Briekvden, , the' State' Trims urer,.cin-the.Bnancetvof , PeansilvUnia: is a docurned.Ofticiore thift entinaryinteteet 'and. impermectSr;eSpeciUlly 'at -the present moment,"vrßen'anziety - is felt usio the prompt payment ot a ,kike semi-annUtit interest, on the State Debi. : ' • , The receipts dutini -the lest fiscal year, amounted to $3,529,057, Balance in the Treasury Nov. 3911 i, 1843, 5384.386. . . Total Reve9 tie, $3,913,943. • Exenditu res tor the-same period, 83;529,- 264. • . , . Thi fifebalariets•in•the Treasu ry on, the 30th tit Nov. 1846,, wa56384,678. •. . • . The Treasurer,states_that during .fife tear,- die . Treasury has not only beitn in a conilition to meet, all:the demands upon .it, including the interest on the public debt, but a portion of that debt has—been discharged, viz ; the sum of $246,816. This important resnit is also exhibited,that the receipts within the fiscal year,were equal to the expenditures, without regard to any sum 'in the Treasury at the commencement o in year. This indeed a gratifying state ment, honorable alike to the Commonwealth the people and the State Treasurer. 9 During the last two years, the taxes im posed have been cheerfully and promptly paid, no loans have been made, the public liabilities have been met, and the State roev en ties haie increased. Col. Snowden estimates that the revenues in all, for the present fiscal year,will amount to 8,4,026,178, while the expenditures will amount to but .*3;417;1358. And that thus, the balance in the Treasury on the 30th .of, November, 1847, will amouut to upwards of 3579,000. The - public debt is $40,739,577. During the y ear, the receipts from the pub: fie imploi•emeritS afriounted to 81,357,203. The entire expenditures on the public works for the same.prind, $732,067. • _ Net receipts; 8625,135. The amount exhitiits the actual receipts - -in payment at the Tress ury,: : with ont reference to the amount *Or* by the Canal Officers. Th'elfiecal year--closed ori-the '3oth of No vember. - -- The above aggregate of profits was applied with the other revenues of the State, to the payment of the interest en the public debt, and the general expensds of the State Gov ernment. , . The amount of relief notes- in circulation. on the, first of Jhniiiiry last , Bras $1.031;661. l'he loans tllich'atii - due, or will fall due iii-the-ourrent-year-,-ancHor:which-ne-provisf ipl,. is mode except. aa Jar as•the 'relief notes are provided for, amount tb 63,438,030.- - There are- thirty seven seperate" loans, which, c,ompose. tho State, Debt, and the Treasurer recommends that they may be consolidated into . 3 less number, Also. that coupons should he attached to the consplidal ted or new stocks, shciuld be issued, and to he nen- transfers •of the old Block. A lso !that these coupons be made receivable for all dues for the Co-union wealth. With regard to the itnerest.dpe in. Febru ary, the Treasurer states that the - mattdr will depend upon the amount of receipts for the, present month of January, and he remarks that if a MICR - Slioffild 'motif, the interest can bolia4l as.;,ent occasions, Mime itchs €r:oonsiderable, portion is not immediate ly demanded, and, byproper measure.. some of the [teeming revenues may be antiqipated He thinks moreover, that a deficiency at a particular period, cannot interfere with the general result as estimated, namely—that for the,year, the revenue, if faithfully collected will. be adequate to the expenditures, but reduce the existing debt, and leave a balance in, the Treasury, 0f,4579,119. , , c ' - :.'1 !,.. , • = . ~~i:'y:r .~.~v ,'''' -'•-,•• MMMOIM! ONI N XX had 41theiriiialli tif 13,111.4ican,-CoOgreat ' % • it , It Temaini to ~.he siien;"' iiiya the'Preat clapti,iptalcin'g in his messaga of•SantiAnnsi, flicthethechis , returii may ROOD to be fit9/11) 1 e.t9 ,4..-Ilacifp , ioiPaliwnt:Pt thP ekis ,fingdifficulties;fl Hera! ia,flie 'kik) , firobably to-fteisiienble- portismiOf lbifWUi of ~h dclaytwfiCh havticinarked .the course of the.administraton on thiSsab. ject , oftheMeiican.war.. Theßreeident still calls .fti , ,,tha sliecial Blii0loPflalic");104w°' 6nillfons, th inking •to make , it' available in negotiation. ,_ -.. , .•-.:...: -- 0- ,-•, , The, o th er. alternative' of atoppihg.lha-Tro. gross of aggreasive operationi and of wisps mg a detensive,attitude-On the frontic:airea . - qy 9collPiddiyi ,pur-trooPe, has -been sugges led either by theiividant. relnhtatiettpf, the' 'administration to go ihoriiiigliry and flehisive- • ly into the war with a determination to fight it out tO the last, or by the conidetibiz that sucti -a 'cOursii if resolutely- ail oritOd ;might.Yet lOad to an. almost interminable succession of bloody conflicts end koluse expendititres.— Row 'peg Mexico, will endure our• blows belore.acknowledging herself.conqured—how long the ivar may be maintained among her mountain fastnesii after the larger cities shall have fallen into ourpossension, this unsolved problem ppazles-and_claggiirs. t,, , _ A Alf this ought to have been thought of, it • may be said, before we: crossed the Rio Grande. True—many things ought to have been thdught oh-before our troops wereorder eil to move to that river. But whethei the war exists by our act or by the act of Mexico, the fact is clear thlit war does; and the man ner in which it is to be ,conduoted,:whether .by -offensive or by defensive operations, is the§ very question now requiring a speedy . solution. Of all the dufficulties attendant on the present state of things that of uncer tainty as to the course to be pursued is pro bably the greatest. ~ . . la 11 , 1AssAcHuscrrs.—The address of Governor 1 Briggs to the. T,.egisla,tp re of Xassaohusetts, ii, ~ . full.of in formation,7relative to the Common wealth, and of sentences that are responded to by the•people i there,. ,;Tbe following para , i., graphs are worthy a perusal: "Massachusetts acknowledges with`grati tude the benefits which she, in common with the other States, has derived from the contd..' tution:and the Union. • She will-continue to ~ _perform with scrupulous exactness - all the obligations enjoined-upon her by that con stitution, and cling to . the. Unidn with an undying:constancy and fidelity..' Irler.Land will never be raised to , hisett ,er drive - the wedge of severance. but she cannot forget, and ought not to forget, that, under Provi dence, the important elemodrof her'prospe rity ligs-lleen, the-ceaseless; diversified and persevering industry of herpopufation. To labor, denimfed by the, head and , perfoymed by the hands of het freetnen, under the-.con trol and fefluened - of - hermoralj_yeligious and . - ft eff institutions; - she meirtly.owester present character and,standing among the. States of this - cptifeileratis , : On this she 'must rely for:, her . future' weal and sucsess. _Our_yeople—regard-all—honest employment as honorable, and 'look upon idleness among the rich or the poor,. as the prolific parent of vice. But labor, to be'suc cemlid, must be intelligeut. Whether stand in.; at the anvil or following the plough, ben ding over the last or moving amoug - the ma, chinery of the cotton or the.woollen•mill, in the quiet retreats of agriculture or in the mart of commerce; Whether.. toiling upon the land or upon the sea, before the mast of: the merehantirian or hurling the 'harpoon into the whale of the distant Pacific; whether it is ietellectual or physical, exerted ; in the• field of scienee of in •the.harvest field, employed in mak ing,the tidascope in the mechanic's shop or using irie the observatory, to men- I. sure the distance or to ascertain the liosition of the, stars, to be successful 'it must be di rected by intelligence. The well spring of this intelligence is, and always must •be fuund, fdr the great mass of our population in -the dis . .riet school house. There form at 4. direction aro given to the character of 1115'. boys, wh ) are • le.be the future men of tl Commonwealth, and to, 'whose keeping w" I ft be committed he r - ftitere destiny. • . . 3R3~'~ss„ti9~+a`isr~ .i's'dxnt,°a'F --• ~.a a Ell t :! • ;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers