111 WILLIAM. ff.:PORTER, EDITOR HERALD & EXPOSITOR. .V3j91774 . t . .=:O4IP INE eact•ltotf'.. !WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11,1841 FOR GOVERNOR, `JOHN B - OF :BERKS - COLTAY Y. _ Standing Conimittee 111 . 6kinb• • . • At - a - meetingTaf—tha:-Denfotrati,e—Whig ,• , Standing Committee of Cumberland Conn , •ty, convened at.Maefarlane's Hotel, hi Car - lisle, on Monday the 9th instant: • ''NICHOLA'S 'MICH. Was called to the ''.chair, and SOJINziYi. MARTINlitid WILLIASI M. PORTER appointed Secretaries. • On motion, it was • _.—.._Resolned,__Thatit be recommended to the Democratic Whig citizens of Cumberland county, - tif - t meet iii"tlrdif76o - 6"Ct: iire — fifit Tv ['- ships, on Salurdadi the 28tle<=ttay.qf gust instant, at 2 o'clock,.P.M.y a . nd elect TWO DELEGATES to represetit them in the County_Callyentiom'to be held in the County [fall, at Carlisle. on . frednes flay the .Ist-day of Septembernext, at 1 o'clock, P.•M. • . • Reso/vos/ f • That.the Delegates be in4titict to•put in nomination suitable candidates for the offices to be voted for at the next election: - - NICI-JOLAS Chairman M. • • Seei•elaries, 1 rORTE VerelM * 2 . 7r/WVM:'MTg77 `, EiII.,:jADIES H. CAMPBELL; Esq. was iiractice•as ;A:Attorney in the se • •veral courts of this county • , O P"-R---PROPT:CirS:- Our friends:nrci toirigicinrork in earriesf; "nearly: every paper we see, contains the prOcgedingeof .enthusiastic .meetings iti fa orabiib-stleirin Banks. TIM Porter men are becoming FLT ; they attempted lately to get up a-meeting in Lebanon, and . so few attended; that they dispersed With- Out-organizing.' fn.Etie county, - the Cocos will make' no opposition. They had better come to a similar• determination -throughout the state. THF;•FISCAL 'BANK. "It will be seen by the letter of our Wash ington correspendent, that the Fiscal Bank bill has pas'sed thb House of Representa-• . • fives, and is, no doubt, now before the Pre sident. - We congratulate the people on the pros . - pects they now have of returning prosper ity, The repeal of the Sub-TreaSury; and the establishment of a Fiscal Agent, have been. long .con entled for by the, whigs, as necessary--to i the restoration of - a - sound - eurr Tetley: We qoice that under the reform administration, these objects will he attain ed. Ths malignity: of unadulterated. loco focoism will no longer have power to blight the energies of the people ; the pernicious doctrines of the destructives have been fully exposed; trade and commerce willllourish, and industry claim its limiest reward: * . The agrarians, both in and emit of Con gress, have opposeil this measure inch by inch, With their usual violence and rancor; but the Whig members of Congress, unap palled by the imprecations , which• fell thick ! - ;-and. heavy upon remained steady o their pAciples, and by: their firmness ankpatriotism,: justified: the' con (Hence reposed in them by the people. MELANCHOLY OCCURRENCE. . The Porter meeting which came off. on •last Monday evening, was a most melan choly affair; they lacked the enthusiasm of • . frontier times, every thing typs - tante and : spiritless, and the joyful faces of the whig • spectators, contrasted strongly with the lu gubrious aspect of the poor locofooos , who 400ked lf they were in a scrape and did `not well know how to get•otit of••it. •• The _ . meeting was not called in consequence of 'any feeling in favour of Gov. Porter, in this . • • . county; it was a mere compliance with an • old custom, and .was conducted as usual, by appointing one half Of those in attendance, . as officers, and the other • half a co - it - milled. • to draw up resolutions whickhad•heen › , :and d;ied' a week previous .Resolutioni were adopted, and speeches delivered, but • nothing 'was said relative to the one term • principle ;'• the last speaker however, took a veryiligonious mode of testing the Porter -- streagth - Of tlfe 'meeting, he 'requested'all who , were in•favor. of the re-election of Gov. • ~ Porter - to and then ileerded .that,:!` r tlie ayes had• it", without taking ttte ;.; lie ative.,side. Of;th Rubstion'.' We 'shall , ,prohahlyises : it stated in thelocofoco papers, • '; that:at'a Perter, meeting held in' (Jarlisleen ' , o6ndayilie 9th'inst the Vote, was taken Governer, when, 42 'voted for f Porter; and M4:,p4,for PrOh!•P.ti-• Aqr I= Freemen of Cmpberland„. You will peiceive by the proceedings o the Democratic Whig Standing Committee of Cumberland county,, that Saturday the 28th' of this month has been appointed as the time .for electing °delegates to meet in county convention, at Carlisle, on Wednes day the Ist of britereber,° for the purpose of forming' a' tieket, to. , be supported at the next election. • re.you prepare o eommence ive - am= paigrrl- ave yen—seethe pl ishedAhe -ot; ganizntiOn .of Jild party in your several townships If •not, set saboufit directly.• The victory; of. 1840 is incomplete, while you stiffer under, lOcofoce rule in the state. A. majority of the . 'freemen of this ebutity believe that the 'welfare and prosperity of the,state.depenff mainly on a change in the adinion,- and that by the election of JOHN pANIO this change - be ef le—te You are. in raver orthw‘eite - term' prinCiple, 2 .and.. desire to see the good . old doctrindef."Rotation in Office'? carried out; but, if you wish for a stronger incen tive to action,. red the history of Pennsyl vania during the "reign" of the veto king, and ou will - find - facts which cannot fail - #o• unite you "together, with strong :hands and stout hearts, -in removing Sredm your state the bitter stain-of-loeofocoiatn.- . . No sooner was Governor Porter firmly seated in the Gubernatorial chair, than his supporters spread themselves over the coun try, like locusts, to eat out your Suhstance; . they seemed to consider the 'money which was appropriated . - to Riiblic Improvements; as the _spoils of victory, and used it tt sparinily to reward their partizans, until they have invOlVed . .the'state • hi a hopeless , {leht,of •F0.12 . 1'Y 10I14.IGNS; 4fd .bur- Atte:Mti:timacrple'lwitladttefebtLtar,:' the constitution of Peiiirs'}!lvania," ;Md yet. 11 - C . 46W:die public Money from 'the. Tree suiy`vin- viOlation of that , constiMtion, to reward his , :relatives add friends. MO= --_lteLwai,.swcir4 'to "lisifotidam.dities of his oflico With' fidelity;" acid yt3ol - 0-1101 ,- toted .the - halls;of juitieb — witli "previous par flop;'? to screen his frieiids served punishment. •• • He professed to be a democrat; and yet he vetoed every democratic - measure passed by the JestjegislatureLaml s tilkrefnses_to: Sign a bill providing for the election Tofca hal commissioners,bY the.people. • He has involved the State in debt by his extriwaganee, and yet is oppose;, o the.dis tribution of the proceeds of the public lands among the States, by which Pennsylvania, would receive a sum, more than sufficient to. pay . off her debt, complete all her inf.. provoments,end endow the common schools forever, without taxation. . lie pretends tO'be the friend of the work ing man, and yet is. opposed to a Protec tive Tariff; a measure, which would give employment to . our• mechanics, keep our, money at home, and male us as a nation really independent.• • -• You cannot , therefore support Darid o ft, ,Porter for re-election. But, as the advocate of honesty and fair dealing.,as a means of saving the State' from - dearadation - , - and: re storing the confidence - of the people in their rulers, you will rally around honest Jolla Banks, who,. as chief magistrate, will ad vance the best interests • of the State, found ing his administration on the principles of economy and the public •good. lie is a man of sterling honesty7of sound judgment, and opposed to exfravigance; he-is in favor of giving to the peOple, the election Of Ca nal Commissioners, which would keep our public improvements from becoming engines offrau'il in the hands of disluinest men; lie is in favor of the, one term principle, believ ing it' to bc - iieeessary;in securing:the puiitY of GO . vernment. - He is in favor of a Tariff which will protect American industry, and secure to the laborer, the blessing of con stant, and profitable employment. Ho is of distributing the proceeds of the 'sales of the public lands, among all' the States, by which Pennsylvania would get a portion of the rich heritage, secured by the patriots of the Revolution. Such a roan is John Banks-r--a Pennsyl; yanian in heart, devoted to the principles of the Coustifutioni and • the eloquent advo cateOpf. Democratic doctrine. • In a short time ~you_Will,be called on to decide, whether or not we o ffitii:eubinit for three yearA.longen..ton-locermo administra tion.' ' Let~e-Very coati. fire'pTite himself to: ::VOCCon the question—be active and vikilent; victory must perch 'on the whip standard, and the cause: of mforin triumph. 1109°. We have been told, that a young in,ae'during . .. his 6'l)oTh, at the locofeco meeting on Mon - W — filgitt, called those yho hddleft • their party to , t ypte for Harrison last ; fall; ; ‘..lay . sy demo erals:":. • . Wonder, . - how Many' /*cis of that lind• are running in the geetleMan's head ? kr:7° Once for all, tie sarto,our nonce , pondents, that their 'comniiinications not be, noticed,'• unless accompania with the name ofthe author: Tu tiff ~ .:e - 4 °T.,Ikti,IT: 7 D) ic.! The 'proposed; establishment of a Fiscal Bank, seems to haVe thrown the locofobos into convulsions. They are now attempting an organization of theirs party under the miserable catchword. of "Repeal.": To enable them how over, to . repeal the:charter of that Bank, one thinglis"wery necessary', they must , get the reins .of . -GoVernmerit again in t eir ran s very , arturrately-lOi the, interests of ,the. country Such u. calamity is ntlt likely to happen. • We extract, the following-on the doctrine of repeal from the N: Y. Express. • The Loco Focos—for this is not re publicanism, nor democracy, as of old understood, .-but . pure,, unadulterated' Loco FoCosim of the school of the New York ,Park, threaten a - repeal of • the charter,creating aU. S. Bank. • • doPtline_pf rep eal;as_tiv_e_remem- berg was first promulgated out of doors in , •frout , , of • Tammany' Hall by the ejected Loco Foco's of that place,---a doctrine not of the .American sort, but of from creation, imported here from the dark alleys and narrow streets of-=-London;Vel the Paris - of the Trench Thu: 1 5 - 11 - F Ttel. -rid - --r - Re - volutions, Dirt _now , sublilM, tallatittiriprdleatTlo - 1756T0M, such as Messrs. Dallas; Ingersoll, and .others, and even set forlh, at last; as about to be the watch - wad of a party. . ,Let its look at this cry of " repeal," ."repeal,"."rePeal.":. First,.it is for as 'long as there is a Government,' or a Constitution, as long, .indeed, - there 'is any_thingAhis side Uri revolu-. tion, or civil war,. there, can be ,no re peal. of. charters, or of, contracts, btit by the consent of both .parties concern ed, or, thro.ngh the, nction i .pf the Rai: Cary, and' the- Courts' of. rtiv;r: • • j ß ll : g 4R 4 k il ' 7 PL ility'of n D'ank'Critirti.ir;:is ive] I enottgli, Lb co Fo c n .r,ltobses -- - sp:m rd • But will it in the face of the repeated-decisions.,of that -high Tribunal? • Never. Is - the cry of repeal to operate there ? sqtrer. It :is - the nfor - iri - tropbseS -- agittit i for an impbssibility this side uf Inti On. Repeal, then, only means alarm for stockholders, or such as ritiLd it wish to become =stockholders of a Bank._ The aim is to frighten, to prevenfif possible, the takifig of - the stock of a _ , - . - Allitedlo — thlS - 1 . 64 . .:fti0010; - thege declaniators fof ."repeal; t isAlte.crime of the . principle principle` would inculcate. Where is repeal. to pause, when, or how.? _ tinon whom or whot ? If almijority in Congress can repeal mid charter, the same majority may re peal another. Our glorious constitu tion itself. is but a charter. It is writ ten only ,on parchment. 'lt is but a contract. ' • Tliei•e arelnany contracts though in. this ivorld, as liable T recoil as peen itiaiy contracts, and no . more sacred. Marriage is but a contract. Already, indeed, and often, has Loco Focoisni -struck at that., A great alkof Tam .many Hall, Fanny Wright, for exam ple, has preached its "repeal " often -in our publitt places, With as niucli probability. of making it popular, as when Loco Focoismi first broached the repeal " of bank charters in the I. 3 inic. Make "repeal" popular as a principle, and it will never halt . half way, at the repeal of .bank charters only. . The social.system 'is all only a con tract.: Laws arc but contracts, con fine's even to which, we often do ot assent, and tigalnst which we 'remmi strate. Who is to decide upon the principle of their repeal, if repeal be comes the 'order of the day. Is man aloUe to vote,:for it is often contended woman has only an equal right. May. limit the age of suffrage to 21. years? Why not go down to the first, as well as up to the second, _childhood.. All these principles, more ',or less, are but contracts. • • Thus, Loco Focoism in a rally, upon be cry. of " repeal," ".repeal," rallies against the .of all society., There is,no stop to be put to Such mon strous principles, if the people can ever be induced •to adopt . theni; In Our century they have been Only once adopted, and then in the early -days of the French Revolution; the scenes of . which, so revolted mankind, that they flew from them to fling themselves into the arms of 'ally despotism. Let the agriculturalists of the country look to the'people,the clasSes, the cities; in the hot beds of which are the germs of these 'doctrines of repeal.' The common sentiment .of all, who till _the soil, revolt from .then.. • There, is no' danger, we know,:-of-their becoming popular here, till the people become sp. eakrto or degraded; that ,a revolution would be desirable. B.utineypitheless; lot the farmers of the . conntry nip them, and the politicians- who preach thein, in the bud: There is an atitiOpherie corruption even in the preaching of such:Tpriticiples..----LThe-virtue---9fT the- - pecipleiS,.tainted 3 .WeloOkupon proliigacy;.with-less-4-shock When the hetiftru4.of it. Words often din pied in our, ears loose . the startling:her- , . roiS that rirst:z atlg etit of them.. Above all, lerthe repnbhcans of all prefprendp, democrats of all lines; not less men of the lest, tiaan 'of, ,this lidinitiistration; keep their t skirts clear ofrePettl,"'.f 4 re- Peal ; '? Unless they; wish • *p a p toart l g them - ; doWn the' bOttOpt whence rep9al";sprapg, from: , ;.:: Reoeal. lie landi will firdbablY pass..the, Senate itext_week,=.l4ithe.:_stateSwe.reAustly-Lre— presented, thet4Whigs ,would 'have more than. two-thirils' of.. the. senators.. " locOfecos, Iteivever, Who. are an , . fond' of talking . of 'tl.l6:ll , shes of , the people, the right of, instrnetion,' Are., when theli• party, ehtains a;majorilyet . any state , oleetiori, now are : turn tli . Ppear...ki . l ave eltaitietl.their:rninds.- • principle •titid'prae . ; 'tice....With them.' "are. altngotho.• : :.differeat things;; . ..": 6ave• t na is they, say, `and not as-they (1%7 is milfat• they now desire, Correspondence of ihe'yerald e.! Eiposdor., WASHINGTON; 'BO, Atigu§t; 1841. .. The, time. of, the Senate. duri,ng tho`past week, has. been taken uP:With busineas, in which, with the. exception of the •Fortifica tion Bill, yoUr .readers .will feel little, in terest. The bill ..for of re-charter of the, banks of the District of Columbia, has.been tinder discussion.. The ,Fortification• ilill, which engaged the attention of the .Seriate for several days, was passed' finally with some . amendaientsi-,on ' Tlinriday . ---tW6th- Yeas . 45 ; nays 4-,these in the ne gative being opposition Senators. 'testier day, the bill . for the „payment of navy pen sions was tinder cqnsideration. . In the House of Representatives, the re iiF-tife billovhich had been ordered to be engr seed the day preceding, was 'passed on tOday; 31st July- 7 -yea, 116, nays 101. Of the opposition, not one voted for the:Aiassage-- 7 10 Whige, among , 4lte rest, Edivards,, J. Irvin, and W.:lrwin, of Penn sylvania, voted in the negativ — e...'The-rea- - . sons assigned for 'their votes were, that our' dornestic'manufactures, particularly that of , _. iron, were not protected by this bill;.. and inst. also that tea - and colroe,,which-are-rather necessaries uxuries, were su to a duty. However, Os . this session was Called . for -particular rposes, it . was deem= ed.proper by fhe majority , to postpone the subject of protection, which to intiali,Wartn diScussion, - an, •s de liberation, until the regitlar s'ess,.... Con pia's. At that time it is, understood the tariff - Will undergo a complete revision.— The locofoco representatives from .Penn sylvania will then have an 'opportunity of .assisting'-to- promote:the- interests, of theifl state by protecting its manufactures. - We : beOli the..easd heretofore' . - be,sacrificea to those ofthe'party... .As to the •objeciiotito tlie . juty upon tea and coffee, it is contend ed- that thei - so small tliat it - swill not 'be felt by. the eo - fisitinr - rs; .beitti but 51 p.er pound.on . .tea,. _anti 1 4 - cents upon toffelt -- Of reVentie 4.ldrived . from =this .- source . , will be threemillions of dollars an ' 'bp' .1- Dually; a surn wi. h 'eon, not 'he' Spareu by the government, so - greatly. involved in -debt by the extravagance.Ot the-late•admin itrajion,.,.,..ln_adOitionrio lids, *no :one in your county wil qetentLto say, wiilj seine of the more violent locofocos in Congress, that direct taxation is preferable to.these duties, which will be paidby the importer. ‘Ve hciPc, Lou, tilat . tl,oy keilluVed when our tariff is permanently fixed, and the commerce of the conntryjecorers from the Mighting effects of the 'Van Buren reig,ll. This 'week has been taken up with the discussion of •the bank bill. Number less speeches, for and against, have been made, very much hnproved by. the hour rule. • To -day, • the bill was taken out of committee of the wholi;, and passed finally by a vote of 128 ,t 0.97. 'Three Whigs, Joint - Quincy Adams, .W. W, Irwin; Of Pittsburgh,.Pa., and Marshall ofy.'entueky, together with the three nondescripts from yirginiai - Wise; :Mallory, - and - Gib - Der, vot 'ed. in the negative. lt 'was-passed- as it came from. the senate, and of course will be sent at once to the President.. The congratulations among the crowd collected to witness the result, gave evidence of the popularity Of the measure. . - Whether the President will sigd the bill or. not, is doubtful, and various are the speculations on the subject. It irsuppos ed by those/who ought to know best, that he will suffer it t become a law. Should he exercise the veto power, the friends of the administration be somewhat dis appointed; .but *c greatly -- reconciled to this course, by the reflection that it was no idle whim, or stroke* . of policy, but the result i 1 an, honest, conscientious objec 7 tion,, in the mind of the Chief Magistrate,* an objection 0 the right granted by this bill to Congress, to - e:lablish brahches with out the express asseuf of the states, on the ground ',that •.it,is _an ;,:fringement of i the Constitution. ' Even the locofocos,aro oblig ed to admit that hn Tyler is ",honesty itself " . In case this bill ,is returned with objections, Congitss will have-to - pass. one on the plan of Mr.`Ewing, which,.although in the opittion'of ,most business men, not so well calculated to benefit the commer= interests, is vastly better than none. By-a-: large portion . . of the - Whig party; however,- it is thought that this cchicession to the states will 40, interfere with the nee ful.action of a National Bank. The bill for the (listribuiion 'the ',pub- Ohio,•New other state?! .ities,, are..th THE T 'B . () reflecting persokt4mbts tlie - neti ss i ty there is for the moderate use of 011 ie blessings which; Providence bRe bestowyci .upon hisfcreattires.' *Theii-happiness can not-continue under an uppottite course;, but all excitements are tit ig in ti Chris tian,, and re=actions are always certain and disastrous. Those thinking, differently, read from the Doelt.or God. • - • DEUTXRItINONY, 14T.11 JHAP. 29T.11. VERSE. 20. But of.all clean fowls.ye may eat.... • 21. Ye shall, not eat of any thing that died'. of itself : thou shalt give it to,the stranger that is .in thy gates, that he may eat it ror thou mayest sell.'it unto. an alien: for .thou art a 'holy people unto the : Lord thy God; Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mothei'a •• • " -- . ~ 22. --T hou — shlt — truly — tithe — all— the-in= crease of thy seed; that , th, field bringeth forth year by year. ;, . . . -._ , • 1 23. And thou shalt , eat before thej.4d thy God, in the-plede which he shall Choose to-place his name there, the tithe of thy corn; and-of .thine oil, and 'the firstling's 'Of thy. - herds - and - of thy tiolis; - that thou • imayestlearn - to - feer - tha - Lord - thy - Go - d7al-;- ways • M 24..___And 4. the way be too long for thee; so thilion art not able•to carry it ; or if the "Wee. be too far from that •which the Lord-thy God shall choose to set.his name there l when the Lord thY.GOd bath blessed theo.:•-• 2.o.,_then shalt then s turn itiinto money, and bind up the money in thy hand, and. shall go unto the place which the Lord thy Godshall *choose : . - ' • •• 20. And thou shalt bestow- that, Money for• whatsoever . thy soul Ititeth after, for oxep,• or for sheep, or for wine,:Or.for strong think,_6 . r . , fey 'whatsoever,_ thy_sgul 444ttiV004,0.14g6....A1t*,i4e . WArofeAll tend thy.hoilseluilL • • --- 27 - . --- Kiiiritie.LeVite'tha n i is within . thy - gates; thou 'shalt - no:A . -forsake - Inm; for •lm hash no part:- nor lithe - L.it-mice with thee.; 28. At.the end, of three ; years thou shalt bring-forth all• the tithe'bf, thine increase the same year, and - shalt lay •it UP within - thylates :• c2B. -And -the-Levite- (because Itc,hath tro part nor inheritance with thee,) 'and , the stranger rid the fatherless„antLthe_widow-, ; which are within thy gates, shall come,. and shall-eat - and be satisfied; that the Lord thy Gad May blessihee in - all,. the work of thy hand-which thou deest. • : • - . , WEISLEY. • QM Dr. Duric Repectorant Ponedy,' In perfor.ming, some of the most 'wonderful cures on record. Mr. Wm. Pearson, of Delaware comity; Pennsylvania, wits taken in the lull of 18.10 direr th;ly inereerml until he became so, much reduced in liesh that he was obliged to be helped in and mut. of lied. His l'hvsicians at ten-th gure up all hopes, and pronounced his lungs fatally of and incurable. In this hopeless, situation he was for ten \reeks ;, wlien a loPeial of his called to see discovering his solid con , dition, lie immediately procured three bottles. of Dr. Duncan's ExPectomut Itelnedy,Outving-witutiss ed the Micas in a similar ease, iuduucd hint to pro cure the medicine,) and give it according to ,direc tionsoutd to the astonishment of all IA friends, the pakiit be; to feel better before using the medicine one week. Alice using it strictly six- weeks, the patient was rendered able to resume his daily Mee thousands of valuable friends have been take r n inlay from us for the want of proper treatment. The very many who are yet among.us, undllaboring under alarming symptoms, to such I beg to say , procure immediately Dr. Duncan's Ex 'pectoririti'immediatelyllena'dy,anine it be not too late, you may be restored to perfect health. In the last stages there is a consolation leand in this medicine, by its soo tit 'iug and pa!iati ye effect's . . • rfPlaSlell'AL OFFICE, No. 19 North Eighth -Strecti - Philepelphirii — wliere' testimonials may lie 'seen. . , For sale by John J. 'Ayers .Sc- Co., Carlisle; and Wm. I'cal, Shipimsburg, Pa. • Flipp,' atiori .Decidedlg Superior to Bleediuq.L-- When the properties of Bralrdrec/ea-Yeg - dabk.thsiT Versa! Pills have been appreciated, bieeditt, , cwill no longer be thought of as a remedy for diseases, for in riolent iullassunation, eight or ten of them will take, its the coarse of two or three Italics, more of the im pure humors from the-body, by the stomach and [Jewels, than bleeding to the extent forty ounces could possibly hard Alone ;, and it should !ixt remembered that the pins remove only those parts ill:M - 10'e blood which were the Calfso of inflammation; . .whereas bleeding removes the essential . parts alio. How 'great the prostration of all the corporal powers alter la copious bleeding. On the cootrary whist agility and strength is felt after a dose of this medicine; the body. is indeed lightened 'of it loath Nothing is 'equal to ridding the vitiated humph with a vegetable 'medicine of this kind, which eighty-four years pare proved hexer tot.lo injury, but always good. 'ls the pulse to high? A dose of these pills, will bring it down. Is it too low The same means Will increase it to a proper standard. Is. it •tre*mnloilli, shtiwing . nervonis, excitement? The pills, by soothing the system, Will .ullay it, •••;-• . r'For.salein Carliste'hy (11.10.,W. Ind in Cumberland Coloo by Agents publisher] i .mother part of this paper. • . . . MARKETS.' FLOUR CORN OAT . B RYE Nltl9liliY ,per gal , A,..Ctitnp Meeting, will behold Under. the -direction.of . Ministera of the Methodist E: Churcb,. on the lands of •Mr, Wm, Brawn, 3 miles east:of • Carlisle on the Mechanics burg road, to commence on Friday the 10th of September, . _ . • ' • . CAI P MEETING. , . :•.' • ',A Caminneetine; will.lmAttbi 16 , the , brilef , of .the United liretlwen. in Mira, on Ilin land of Jonatltat Noldig,3_tnilo4 east of. ' vliale,_to_noinrneute tl 2tl of Septonber.. , , No Hucksters gill'' pernilttutl to ,entoe with n iltelitoits.preaoribetl by law, ' . - • • • , .1011,N FO,ll - ,1L,.P. E. . . . „ NOTICE: • ' • • To, the heirs - and ,triOves of Sarah ot Allen traynship,dec'th, 'TAKE NOTICE will, hold an Inguisitirai on a .w . rituf Praiiikat'oe valuatkra on' the peeraises 'late 'of 'Letdtg dCe'd.., on Friday the '27th 'tlay-;o1 'Angnst. 'at', .1(); o'clock, A. M. where all . ..interested may attend •'' • •y PAUL •VAII,TIN, Sheriff:: ' Sheriff's Office,' • - • ,•••• So g . tp, nil: 5 Baltimore., ~9ugust. . 7, 184 1 . per W. 5,75 , pei Voila ',51.410 CAMP MEETING. everal DISSOLUTION. The- copartnership heretofore existing' between Charles Barnitz and John A. Pear has been dissel ved by the mutual, consent of the partners. The. books are in the handier C, Barnitz at the old stand, who isauthoriied to settlethem.., Persons who iiaVe accounts standing, are reqUestetl' to ilischarge.them as it is desirable to have thetusiness ill the firm set tled speedily. • . 7.; • CHAS. BABNITZ, JNO. A. Carlisle,PEFFEß. August 10, 841..-3 C • major M. VE2 Gieat a r g . a.i n s • ig to wind up their busi mad-GlotharGessiMerer, ;11rferinoef;Chinties and A COST. re ne t s . of securing ood bargains' are d enerid:u ,6 all as early as pos sib le, and they-may ute ri ! a c .t e w , a fling all the articles above enumer cash. in the city. The terms are . , Carlisle, Au„,,,,;CITTNER. & MULVANY. • • 0 1841 N. 13. 'rhe emir • gain, to any one Who,. ek will ba solda great bar imps, witkthe privilege eq to efigtige hi the busi- April. " .., . • el room until the liit'of . . . Sale. Valuable Far . , -'rli&subscriber_offers.at_privaN ated in - West - -Pennsboro' towns e, a, them situ. count; on the turnpike. leading t.o\ CumbiMlanil COlitillialig . Ninbersiiiturg a • • 161 'ems \ of Limestone land, WO 'tierce of which a' and the residue well timbered; the farm i feared, liv lands of ,Jobs Paul, E.' ~Governer. Iti Wed others. , The improvements area two ptoity 1 0 and and kitchen, and a never failing well of water se loor;-a-log-barn-and other-out-buildings,-tw9-ch -', rchards-of - frit - it - 7 . • 1 , 6 r feerris apply-to the Subscriber living at Mid! dlesexMills, 3 miles-east of Carlisle on the turnpike liziding to Harrisburg. NHCHAEL FISHBUHN: -Agent of-Jonas Pishburm . August'll; 1841.-41 - N. H. 'A number of other Farms and Mill prop erties for sale.` • ' Lebanon Courier . , Readijd; .Eagle„LaneasterEx miner, York: REjiablican, and HandWal!, Weill . gencer, insert 3, times and send bills to This office. NOTICE. Estate of Henry .Pil c nyinf E". rI'F i RS OF ADATI,NITIZATION , on the_.estatejtif Iletirk Pilgrim, Etta of • ou Cumberland . co i 4 heieVfgivieti to ajll ..persons inTebted to saki estate to make iimuediate_ payment, arid' ;hose shuying,, claims t0 . . - present .' them . for. settlement; " • •• ' • . - S.: It UNSII.I, - Aug. ,1.1, • Take: notice that we have amilied to The Judges of the Cdurt of Coin MOO Pleas of Cumberland enmity, ror the benefit of the Insolvent Lnws of till aContnion wealdi,aniLthey_ltas_e_appoinbaLTliqsdayllia.3 ist_dup of- .liGruut nextjor the hearing of ,us stud wiur creditors, at pe Court House; id the boronglrof when and where you play attend, it yott flunk proper. • ' . • GEORGE CUNNiNGIIMII.* • - - • JACOI3 HECK.* _ Amost 10, - 1841.—at. ;- . -• Splciadid Lotteries: • prizes_of $25,000 amountilig,to $lOO,OOO ro !15TII SEPTEMBER. ; • FOR 23n OCTOBER. .Union Lottery. Class 8. Ti.) be drawn at Alesandria, C, on S . (inlay, Sept. '25,1841. iIItILLAA'N'O°SCIIIIME. FOUR PRIZES 25,000. Dollars, 1 prize of 1 do 1 do 1 do '2 prizes of 4 do 50 itn • 50 do 50 do • 100 do . 10,000 Doll 8,000 do .8,000 do 5,153 do 4,000. do 2,:1,000 do 1,000 - 1 i u 500 • - do 250 do • 200, &e. 14 drawn numbers otit of 78. • -- Tickets sls—Halves s73o—Quarters $.3 75 - - • , • ' . Eightlis $1 87. • Certificate of packages of '24 whole tickets, $2.00 do do 26 hall . do . — 100 do do ' • :26 quarter do -, - 50 •' do do .26 eighth 'do 25 .. • The Grai id Veion Lottery; Class 9, ,To be drawn at Alexamjria, D. C., on Sn ((Hay, (Yet, 2:i . , 1831. ' - 18 drawn ballots. . . ' -I,,,XAGNIFICENT SCI4EIIt. ' 1 Grand Capital priie of 50,000 Doll. . 1 Splendid prize pi ' '. 30,000 do 1 ' do , tIO . 25,000 do 1 do tIO 10,000 do 1 prize of • • 8,000 do 1 do ~ 7,000 do , 1. do ' • 0,000 do 1 do - 5,000 do 1 do . . . 4,000 do 1 do . 2.500 'do . , . 1 do , ' . 2,511 ,do 4 do ' - • 3 , 000 do ' 5' do - • - . -- ' - - v 1,750 'do -- •10 do • • • . 1,500 do 10 do, . , . , 1,250. du 50 ilo` ' • 'l,OOO do 50, do . ' . 500 do 50 do -.. .400 do .. 100 -di - 30,0 ,do ' 100 do. . • . ' 250 do ITO 'do , • ' - - 200 do la drawn numbers out of 78 'icketssl2o; halves $10; QuarterssS; F.iglits $2 SO. ertificates of packages 0f026 whole tickets $2O do • do , 26 half do l3O do , .. do . 26 quarter do • 65 do do eighth iJI) 32 50 . . 1;0-Orders for tickets and sharesmid ;certificates of.packrig,eslirtlie.above splendid schemes will re- . ceive the most prompt, attention; anti the drawing of each lottery will lingua isampiiiittely artyr it is aver, to all who order from us. Address J. t: GREGOItY C./ CO. Manners. • • . Washington. M. C, . . . Journals & Reports. - - , COAIMISSIONERB' OFFICE, .. . . Carlible, July t'; 2, 1811. .. The Journal 4 of 'the Senate rind Ilutvicl4'itepre seetptives Ar Pcansylvauia,and. the llep?rts of the- State — frensurer and Auditor C;cßerai; for 1841 1 , have. lieelireceived at this eke, mid are:ready:for deliv. . ec cry 1.() those entitled to receive theta. ' " - JOHN IRWIN, Cilt. to Com t0).5. C'APINE'r W , M. • C.. GIBSO_N Bifli "cOltitthes the Cabinet Alsking hi all its ill riatic bratiehes, at his • old stand hi' North lianover street, two doors above the store of . :-W5O: - .l...etaiaed •where he is now caseate:tering, ttattinittosds.ke.oll.leg. on band , a great variety of • . • . • , , ••• ..:.,,..,.„ • CABINET:' FURNITURE- -,' ',twit as Sideboards,tureans, Sceintriei,eit rd, Fi l er, Pining and .11reaktiuit tables, liedsteads',.&o 4 of the most fashionable, Ititul,'all, of i y iiitlf.li - e-tvilt. dispose of on die' most iettsonableirrtn. Ile'is also prepa red tofill:allOrdersfor SPitIN 1-1/;:1..113) SOFAS twd , FlANcy.tillAlits,r .... rauted ta be Of. superiOr -- - lie will-also, 'initial COFFlNS'at:thCAltorte6i an ? : ticootnillnicing recently procured a Ntw 1.1 Eil l in; h 6 is prelim d to, attend funerals in the:country, LParliile" Ugust 4, t8.11..'-.4y , -, ‘:.- ..• '. , ... ...., ~, ... . . . l• i • TO .S'eltoot taiirectoirs::. Colcudstormng' Catlisle, July '2'2, • • The scver4l • Tiotiniti-,uf . School. Ilireetari of the !.. , 011111Y,1111! hereby liotifiil tb o thining the , sot cut!' towilat vq)w.t . of the:Supeiiisten; dent of Commou - SclioAs wit(• blutqc , fiTrus , fkeeek: • Selma' Distriet,_bayo boofirsoi vett tit this utyl nre wady; for thilvoi)'ito - it.lioseei ,to.-reuoice • . - . „ . 2 4 :14t0 Wipe Carlisle, A ' ugust4,l4,ll.--:-it,... ‘, -!,, . • • . " • • The, ilartoppsliii, heretollnv • Brerlit4ll,B4.Grnoli, It&t, • a•ne:; , ,qm4t.,4 fula ihein on or, Wore: the o 84.;,,Opiukekrtext - for 10,t -' •' :• - • - 3tßECAl.llll: l ,.filitYsl4,: Anr:nst 4; 131-1.—;.50 _ • Printing AEstablisinnent , , FOIL S.ILE. • , ,The Herald & ExPositor”js . offered • ,It is the only ,Whig paper in this Bounty, has aqarge subscription, list,,a fair anima oladveitiging and job custom, With ample and good materials: for publiahing•it weekly paper. • Letters (post . paid) addressed to. the tor, will me - et with prompt attention. , I:NEW WEEKLY kArEik.. 'lc — iiew w • . r -ear y- in- Augustiunderlurauperintendeaq: Its political 'Volition will be. darted iNtile first .; number published: the peen, time 1:t may be - ' well enough `to state thatOt, will; be: entirely pendent of the control of all aldirarly leaders; un trammeled by 'any connection . with - their. interests, and free to take any course in • relatiinittojnen , and-- -- . measures now before the public dr that 61.y:hereafter be brought fo'rward, which,the real interests. ofjhis people may scour to' require. - In a literary point of, view, I intend thiit the neap • paper-shall lose nothing by comparison with its elder ' ' brethren. It shall always contain" whatever general and local- news is current. The market prices,..___ Sheriff's-sales, trial atid jury listi - alialfbe correctly' • and regularly .published. the-paper.will•lie TWO DOLLARS per j ear, one-lislf„payablein.:atlvance. SiiliS'eriptions at the same rate : win be taken' fdr Mree, or six niontlis, in either case payablwin : • . GEO. W. 'CA-ADD. - . • W i las.l2o PLLMOMI 4---;;--- ATTORNEY AT LAW, , .• . ii-ALTlatonai—M-D. --,--, • Office Fayette Street, second door South-west Of : _Paltirst. - REFERENCES. . • J.laltimore,3la.--•:Mesars. Eiec& Stevens; Jas. ikk t Geo. E. Swinton; k ee.airrArmstrong Harris . , . • . o f• Ne, Pe.---Col. Viomas E. Stoller, Professor c o ik l etilaties and Civil EngineeriogeDiekinsoif •,..Atigts, 18.11.---41 , . 7'o all and iiersons interested. - Notice is hot . . • • to A tigust Tertif given tbata wilt of Seire Facies, stted.out ()Nile c to jne directed, has been. is- Ti m , o f C mo b ri l a 01 Common- Pleas of Common clutitieii Lien," tni ne' ( "t'', on th e folloWing.."Ale" commo„ fleas afore and recorded in the Court-df SheliA:k' • • •• a:with Hupp. • tli notice to tvi Std. Fa. SIM Mechanics • • • tp4i, \inn, o 65, August _ •ei ;Nr Ts • • . . _ : ja-- ~ . . • ••• 'New . .Goods • • ,• ST111:14 CI ft git .• Ainvor,i) k A BRAMS Imre just reic great: Hely iarClittlis, Ca 4sitnero i Sat x tilieta ii14, 1 / 4 a _ hieli they tire determined to sell cheaper tillan lici'mx! ofl - med in this . .platie Or'ehiewliFtw„. • !Fla- public. - are hat 'am! to call and examine fiN , ." • Silippensburg,'AM.mst .1, 17-11. • • . . - . _ 3, Tialilabl e-lt a nas- or The subscriber intending to remove to the West., offers sale the farm oil which lie now resides sit uated 011 the line Cell and Prat:lain; counties, Pe., .h miles north - west of Newburg and about 7 miles from Shippenshurg, Coiltd:tatiiitg 117.) Acies• , afirst rate slate land, the principal part of *61611' cleared and in a high state of cultivation, . The int.. provements are, . . . A Large Two Story ~, u . u i • • 0' 0 " ~ ;il,' -LO.G-IT .0 IJ SV,, with a well of water at (lie door; and A never failing. stream of water, with a !pump in it in the hasement; it large BANK BARN; a stone spring house and other peccwrrontimildings, and an ex cellent Ore`tard of choice fAtit. • - •There are also a comfortable TENANT ROUSE and. Stable l ort - :. ,an other part of said farm, and an extensive no? And MACHINERY for cowl rtj , siiff lug , Eec. with VERY PALO. ABLE WATER POWER.. . • 'A tract of land in Cumberland comity, within one mile of the farm above inscribed, ' Containing 152 Acres • • about Co acres are cleared, and the residue covered._ with thriving-timber. - - 1110111111rWICMCIRI8 arc I...dE.G.E__TIED_STORY: LOG_, __... • BOUSE, A' . 1.00 STABLE, Will a never failin7 well of water. TIM land is pat ented, and clear of all ineunibrances. Tlie firms Will 801 d flepa rale_ or- togeUr, may lest.suit_puitchaserssous_wishing_to_ vie‘y the land ran do so, and receive every other informa tion by. calling on the subscriber, residing as above. JACOB WIIISLER. August 4,1341.-74 C First Hate Farm -For. . - Will be exposed to public - sale,'on the pietnisea, j , u West Vei/110)011)ligh township, Cnnilierlaml come y,ouTriday the lOtli day of September next, .1 First Rate Farm . • part limestone and juirt slate land, late' the estate of S e i m u,i,aujjywers, dee'd., situate on the Conodoguin et creek, about 10 miles West of Carlisle , and 14 East of Newville, hounded by hunts of ,David Sher labergc6E. bear, Nathan Woods and others;. _ 'Con training - 443 Avr6; • , inure or less, abinit ; 33 acres of which. are_ well-si m. beret, and the residue in a high state.ef cultivation. The improvements are J t Story.. Log• Hanse l G • • 11 . A Double Stone Blto • Wagon Sheds, a Stone. Spring-Ifouse, and. other necessare cut houses, with a welt of nev"er failing water at tie door. Tho e is also on said farm, a Log, Tenant House, a Stable aira Stone Spring House, with a jwell of excellent water near the door. Thelie-is also an ,OJWII,-).141) cif, young and choice fruit of 'various kinds ne!ir . encC.tiF said honks. There is stimet 15 spei:a bf cae k i s k e nt ow sit Lhe same---and die wbule abounds i7itiv Locos*. • timber.' . . • . Also, fi, small Lot of (51,1Ountl, thoidsprovenients of which are a Loq AthusE and - a DOUBLE I'ItA.MIE BARN, adjoining the above, and.bd the bank,' of the Conodogoinet creek, Sale to. commence at 12 o'clock, M., of said iliiy4lie9 terms of-sale will be made known and an iudispats. '`. ble title given hy . .. -,., ' irrThe above detseribc;doropertiep will .baq . spos; ed of either separately or toetiker, as . ."‘nar;best. suit purchasers. , . • • . TA , ' MAIM 11EA11,1 , •' DAVID BOWEItS, Exee'rs. SA ML. Ili/W EBS, - '. ' - - -August 4, 1841.,--6t.. ' , f ' :.' '•,.• ~ , - IV Bear's German, paper, Lancaster, .will Insert . the,above• 5 times, mark price, and charge thieofliee. ... • - 301.1.11 r ,ilAVIN, Cl'k, to Coriiro'rft
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers