OCDTIOE. Estate of Jacob Martin, (tec'd. ,ETTE RS I'ESTAAIENTA RY on the L. ll -' l ..estate of Jacob Martin, late of EastPcling boro' township, qumberland county,deed.,havolMeo 6411641 U due ftirm of law to the subseriber is hereby given personS haying claims a the estate of said deceased, to pi•esent them li ilemcut ; and 'these. indebted to make irnni payment. - • EMEEZZ WO . osed • Amelia(' inent o the Constigaition. . • • . . 'q?esolatioa relatibe to the .9 nzeadinent . .. . ' of the State Coitstitution. • 141,ESOLVEP lay the Senate and House of lie ' ,presentatives an General Assembly met, That 1 the Constitution of this Commonwealth be amended • in the third section of the second article, so that it , . shall read as followsi .. "That the Governor shall , lyild hiS office during three. years, from the third tuesday of January, .- • next ensuing his election; and shall not be capable" of holding it longer than m iner le:loaf theee yiat:B, in any term" of mne years .p,.; WM. , A: CiLk . l3ll;_. . : . ... .Sneaker of the low of7iepresentatives. --- . • , .I.R. 1-1. EN VINC, - , • . - • . . . • ~- Slieithei , oflll6 Senate: .. . Pennsylvania,'ss.. ' \ . R -; SECRETARY'S OFFI.CE., \IS I do hereby cerbty .: that the foreaming is a true copy of at ° Resolutiou _ ... r : ..,?..--............ va WC VA.MAlttlflolf,'‘Viileli ' • • Was agreed to at the last session of the Legislature; by at majority of-the-members-elected to enetriTh Mao, the original of which remains filed in this °Mee; mad -___ - in coin diance .ivith the tenth article' of limecfmsiitu tnin ortiiiitlsn — ii - riotTureitttc - 1 - 407herchy—tattse—t-he same to be pUblished, as tlieectetl brthe said article. t , )„,. --......\-- .:" /11z a...,.„_ . be l r N enn i to 'E s S ei l :l l „ l n N S..4 ‘ t v f l ) i l ele • ° . 1 1 ;1 1 - ' 1 7' 1 (lace, at ilarri'sbu ' r.g, tnis i• c li t lf " d4: l ' i / 'a ID t: June; 1 8 41. ~ - • ' '1. ,- to- 4 .4 . • ' FRS. R. SHUNR,i, ' 4 ;Yrstc - - Secretary of the C0111111(011V • " June .30;1841.---3m. . FRENCII BUltr 1 : , •'A ‘ 1 1 , i , '. • ' e OPejee e tei,..'4Atereeee .. • • 7. t'2"l .31i Jt...._.51.011:-Ti- ( Ike-best materiel imported into this • ..CountrVi_ _ _ , . For, Sale ;by- the Stibserlbers, - .....to Shireman stmt. ii, Connhtadaa47.7 -7 ,311i1 Chain —""-- - hersburg„ P a.; where - Hwy purpne bia . tinituriat, and Iceeptak on hand the best article of itiltisrent, td ka, to suit, any who mayltive them a call. '' ' ' J. & n. SllOOl , . Charnhersborg, .- - 1? q Julie SO, t SAW—n[l6 4 ' • Shiremanstown, •'. '- • -IP 1E- TISTR DR. I. C. LOONIIg, Dmitst, TS permanently located in Carlisiti", and will perform all - operations that more required iu Dental Surgery, such as II Plage ing mid Ex tracting Teeth, and inserting A'igitichil:rectb, from a single tooth•to a whole set: tf will also attend to all disejus.o„qthe mouth, guns sjci.qmitl direct and regulate the fittistand second deintio so as to the teeth of children and young 'persons regular mid beautiful. - • Om LOONIES may at all times be found at his of fice, on High street, opposite'Maellirlane's hotel. lisle, June •23, . . BONNETS. Just received at the New Store, a large and splen did assortment of English Straw and Florence Bon nets; offered for salt': losr priceshy ARNOLD & AunAms.., AlarCh 31,1.811 NEW STORE'. 'The'Subscriber has just opened a new add'hand: some assortment of . SPRING GOODS • suited to the season, in North I fanover street, be tween the Bank and Cormniin's .11ot el, tionsi sting. hi part of Qloihs, Cassimeres, Sattinetts,' Vestitiks, Cords, Strives, Shirtings, Strtings, Cambrics,.la oonets, Edgings, La w ns,.AIKE de Lai tics, kr, &e, . ALSO, .• • Queensteare mot Groceric.4', SPICES, CHEESE, &c. Ue. Also, - O.NWETS, LEG 11011 X .3.1V1) I'. mil LE.IP HATS, together with ft great variety of other goods which he will sell low upon aceorathodating,lerins. Vase give him a call. _ May 19, 1811.-1) LOOK AT Tills! Jacob Dundol'e, Respectfully informs the citizens of Carlisle and its vicinity, that he has cornmeueed the Saiddleky and flarucss lahi_e isg in all its various brancher, in Main street, one door east of the store of Messrs. Anpocy & Anderson, and a few doors west of Mr. Wtinderlich's tavern, where ho will keep constantly on hand, and manufacture to order:at the shortest. notice and on the most reasona ble terms, I s Saddles, Brit es, Collars, liar less,T l ru - Its' &c. &c. ,Ffe hopes by, strkt attention to business, and an aux ' ions desire to. please, to merit and receive a liberal , share . ofpublic patrogage... Hatlng the beat of work men cniptoyed, his customers may expect tlieir work to be done in the neatest and mo • substantial man ner., • Carlisle, Mityl.d, 1•841., . HIVIR .1110$S 11 ATTRASIES tor, dolt 6 and angle • ds, for sale at the store • • . 0 AS. O,GILB.Y. • • June 2, 1841 UOUSLIN DE LAINS of new stylefroin 2.5 to IVA 87'i cents per yard,jostrec.eived nrid fcir sale ' - ARNOLD. cA.I,IItAMS...• By AtnrPh 51,1841 • SATIN- SHAWLS.' - A new style of Flgyred Damask Satin Shawls, uii rieceival ut the uew- store and for sale by . ' ' • ' .ARNOLD , WABRAMS. March al; 1841.: " . • 1 t beeme ,arn oirtlred• tor I + le the • e 4 VI w re TLSJP Sto in Sh!ppensburg, Ly' • • ' • ''' •. •; : - •'•• .. • AilttNOLD ABROT.S. May. l', 184:11.' • • arpetings... it Mattiligs. • . , • ilsoillOrloddlograittenrriets, Herop, and CottoO also Whitt. nod Colored 111altin'gs, all•• widths, jd.4 received and for sale cliesp,by • • • .•' ' ' • clitk.S. OGILBY; • -4tine 4,18 U p,torgimd..Braid, Stran', and Rutlan4 BONNETS, . . a vim supp .o e newest shape, received and #j"*.elleaPPtihe store of • - ' • I Aloe 2.1104, JOSEPH :VIARTIN; rx S. 31r. iIARRIS CHs. OGltillir W. B. KrNIQX,„..... p 7* TORN .p .12 T LJI IV .CARLiSLF, PENNA. ,^ Office a few doors West of the Post-Office . : • •• , . • • • Spring 'Goods... • . The sabseelbera have just reeeiyed a fresh - supply .of seasonable , •• • 0- ~t ,!, ' ' • tsim• ( - 1 - - lb ' c : •sctlel 1 - "' riv - IF: ' • -- ' k- cr- - - sh, , which they WU hell 'at moderate prices 'colr itiaa, amo which wiil he found tamer Mouse "Silks -Clialleys, I_Jawns, Chintzes, Bonnet and BlAi a ti ea. SnminetNiSoinhazilies, Striped Mid Plair a; . m oha i r Also, Mack Mohair Shalls and y; ‘ ,„. ' a good and Twisted Silk Gloves; super Itict.f sid e c om b s; assortment of Tortoise Shell Twist; w i t h a variety Bnfraloe Twist and Wessing Cot' ' or` otherarticles not entuneratei, muLvANy . iii.TNI , ~ • May 10, ISM: ' • ' '- ' • • . • Cheaper! 1: ) he 8 Pc im stivrt.r or ANO .O4 p . LAROt ocnons3 _ • oRpe4.lO.J .w)ti.s*.v p-; • .;• • ; rhilaitelphin nt greatly reduced just received.;[ early iiithe season; pot.- prices LW OW, simply thems e lves with .. • smis ;,1.4i1 . 14 .11EA p c LOTH % • Nq.,assimeres, Lash in arkts, ilvavevccovi, cords, Vestings; Mos- LineVeeks, Calisoes _Lawns, lloosline qes, Gingltaihs, Silk. and (Joann Ilmnik - ercirlers; - /- ocks, Alotis de A ngletines, Fillet Scarfs, Vi ils itil HandkeiTliiels_; Farasuls . Barred \Vorsteds for eliildrens' Wear,. 'Cnitonades, Pittsburg Corits, Co. &c. &e., will do well to call on (Ito sub scriber and secure great harg,ains. • A laq, a good stock of • 'II -I- • P.: , ' trihwar,_aild Aze and a very largestoek of . • • Iffies, .113041 s• •t• ...Shots. • • opprogin; Simon 'Mimic' LIMA, wlicrt; cheap goods may always ha( • . :CHAS, OGILBV. . • -v • . F.IIS ;info - I , m ttic citizens of Coyliutoalli 'iCinilt, that Iti!.!1-09trilnepeecl' of lateq Ctiliiuus , auuf of the yen .List tn:it,rials—compri:r.h;g-,:. • . . . lilts ia,-'7irir;h 71Tr711;6., and . ral kialls of,FUL l I.dTS, will tilwAyN Lc kep nn h a nd, or'londe to - soil :)(•eoyding to order; %Odd he will sell on thu most ati.!01111110(41:111g tel . lllSfin rnc(i " on Coffitry • • boils(' for ilwriy kept. by Lindsey Spots \ yi),(itl as a I latters'Slali. -Cartisli!,llla)' Si . 1 4 )1illers BOLTING CLOTHS. sultsc l iber Ints.jitst recriyetra title and coin, jileteassortnte!tt: best f i nality, of . /11 va claw!' Ni3l)499ipg Cloilßs. ‘‘.11;e11 t lhe wat•Pantetl and- sold cheap ; iturelins t.rs %vitt oil it to their interest to call and I...katnine rot. theinsAves. 1V11. LtION.NBI).- C ar ?Llt., lie 2., 111 . 1..---3tt! • . HatS! Hats!! Hats!! Teo F. 14747111. & RUSSIA 'FLATS , 11/0S! 1:1.0/11M:Ibie . higll3C3 :1/)(/ first 913:1111 . 1 . , ccoctccd from Philadelphia. Also, low prieed Leg .. horn aial Chip Ilats, at Ihe store of CHAS. OGILIIY. ,lane 2, 184 1. Bar Iron Glass , &c. .last received at the New Sieve of (lie 'subscribers. 4 Ttins itz Jl.lO or first rate quality, and for sale very low for r. , 811, per consignment, 90 half Boxes 8 fiy fly 10 awl f iloxes-W by 12, • • :Western Glass; in . good order, for sale to Merchants at Pittsburg prices, am! Du:lca:um best NAILS, BR AND SPIKES, of Manufacturers prices, also, on hand With'imows Celebrated patent PLOCOIIS, PLAX:-SEED OIL, by' the gallon, or Barrel, OIL •NI. KAI, Aherill S.. Pure winTE LEAD, MAHOGANY VA —SEERS ke. ' . • BOSSERMAN L MUTTON. Carlisle, May 5, 1841. INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS. BY -VIRE. Tim FR ANKCIN MO: INSURANCE COI ' PANY OF PIIII.A.DELPIII.k, --- -a ,pilaf $400,000 paid in.—ltarter Peop4ltl al, ILioNTiNUE to makd Insurance, Permanent and / Limited, on evemmlescription of Property, in TywN AND COUNTRY, on the usual favornide (eons., • OFFICE, 1 . 03. 1 . Chesnut street. near Fifth street. • CHARLES N. BANCKER, President. ummuToDs. . CII.AnLEs. v. BANCK1:11, SAMOI:b GOANT, JAN ES SCIIOTT, Toom4s-11Altr, - JACOB IL SMITH, TUOMAR f: WIT t TOBIAS WAGNEIt, MeanrCAl Imwts. CHARLES .. 1J 'fie sulisCriher, Agent fbr the abort: Company for . the boroui2,4 of Carlisle and vicinity,willprOmpt ly attend. to alLapplications for Insurance, whether made personally or by letter. Residence Mali street, nearly opposite the Car Office.. wc.m. D. SEYMOOR.„ March 31,1811.-1 y ' VTIZWSVOLVa e.keft— • Just received at tho Store of ANDREW RICHARDS . , frenh supply of seasonable dOODS, consisting in 'part of Blue, Black Brown, Olive Green, and Adelade, • . . • • . OM I Black4Blue, Brown figured and striped Cdpsimeres; Mlx.ed figured and striped Gambroons for panta loons.' Brown, White, Striped and Figured Linen' Kentuckey, PenMiylvania - and Delaware Janes; •Pittsbui% cords; Cotton stripes and drills; American Nankeens and colored Muslins; Burlaps French melrish Linens; black; blue, Fawn, Mouse, Fink, Blossom, White, Fignred, Striped and barred Sasolew Stile; FMnred plait; barred striped Jacki netts; Swiss, Catmbrick. and Altai muslins; Bonnets, Lawns and Silks, Embroidered, Nieman, •Glossee, Sattin. Mid barredltibbons; Leghorn flats; Straw, 13raid,Nan and Chip Bonnets; Colored, White,Tig ured Leghorn and ;Palm :eel:fate; Brown & bleach ed muslinsaicks, Checks,CraM, and Diapers; Li n ev. and cottoin.4-4 5-4 and 0-4. Meetings; Tulde cloth, •lihen aid` cotorf - Dinper) Linen; pongee and cambrick flankerchiefS;'gloves, Flssiery, Stocks and Artificial floWers; Cotton and Gingham Umbra.' las; Parasols; cotton yarp and carpct chain; together witii do extentiiveassortmetit or- GeoceilieS ttlieen waige• All of :•tv will be sold on the most reaionable tee m s, Po se lire invited to - call and exanilue for themselves beforeytireltaidageliewhere. , , • ANDREW RIQUARDS. Carliele,!April 24;114 ' ' BRANDituyirs ruLs. f! . 9 6 1 180 1 1 10;11 1 4 .1; eedivb41--dt-ill-sitoreIoL • OGILI3Yr MAryq1137,,1841,; , , - , , • ~:i4,-,..,,, • .'...:.... -,1,.-‘) . .,r,h':.'i- , , , V.i:;:i;,... , . , : . --_. The subscriber bas".rectualy received Isi shipiities . . Colls)rts O'er!' jihe);S'iierpz Comlies.; cariely, ..I,ampts., .Q 11) thul- Leiter -I,litper, .Pm;t; Pr.,:fultimb 4. - c he wilkeli tki iNterelniitts and athei's, WHOLESAI.:II 'OE by flrriiir,, the lokvost - ratds, having pnr - ehased entil6,ly. . . for cash will offer bargains" to' tliose Who wi:ili-LO—pardhase-at,whosloslile. Variety Siore, &e. • . rrittr, sutis,ribor.tlitulkhil for- pnst titt. uspeet:: I folly hit:mlts tint. public that -he still coptitines "hold 'Artlir hi Clittrek - Allev; - 116,r "Ililuentiott all," 1% here It lias mite oo.11:irld n Inrge assortment nrdions,eonsistiop; part,of-thefollowinp Cakes, (:licese, Bacon, Ilnoisc Flour, Sonp;l:itli.r, Spic'es, Froits; Sweetownts, and ulhct necessaries e,ticitlnted for this Inei•e4liati.. • ' N. 13. 11c also continues to kt pan Eating ITotts2 , whet( gentlemen can la . ! neeammodated with Tripe Pigs Feet, Pickled 0: - sters, Re. nt shooestitotiee, JACOB S.IBC, Agent. Xe F,7(aevPacrare, ore y ,°4 • dE ',e.ti TORE, • ririnE subscriber has just returned fret) -"- the Cities of New Vork, Nitta&'tibia and Bat tirnore', unit is tinw opening at his store roinal S. F. Corner of Market Square unit Struets (tin ineply oerupieil by Ciro. M r . I litner,) a generlit as sortment of Hardware; .tone. Ware, Cedar Ware • Briltania II Groceri , s, Oils, rai.ats, rarwishcs, Glass,.Brush- . ,• . Cs, 'll-71ips, Crates, Lamps- for" bpotbqr •(!rtmplq)ze Qii, :tad a great variety of artinlq useful and neeessar) lit• rornishing and keepiaga house. He has:llB°ond %On constantlrkeep on hand Cie Gil, . a cheap and elegant substitute for micro( oil, and having been appointed the agent of Messrs. flickers and Brother of Newark N. for the 'sale of Jone's Patent Lamps in this county, he is prepared to fur nish Lamps and Oil, at a very reasonable rate to all who may wish to line this'new and economical light. Having selected his goods himself, and made his pui•chases for cash, he is able, and is determined to sell! :Phose having the cash to lay out will find it to thei advantage to give him a call. • ' IIIJNRY DUFFIELD. Catlislc,.lul}• 8, Airamireth's Ifilrzetieble Vitiver 81:1 P 1118,• Are bell 'by the following agents in' their eespec tive counties. niimerous counterfeits of these pills ore attempted to be palmed, upon the communi ty, the Propriety of purchasing only front the recog -nrzetdagents,-wild be apparent. . Cumberland County—George W. I litner, Carlisle; MeelumieSburg; Gilmore _R. McKinnon Newville; S. Colbertson,.Shippensburg; Bake & Brenneman, New Cumberland; Isaac 13nrton.,- burn; iNIC. C. Rupp, Shiremanstown; L. Riegel& Co. qhumfitown. PLiTy County—Alexander Magee, "Illoemliel J. & S .A. Coyle,Lantlksburg. August 26, i 840 , The subscribers will sell their stock of Cloths Casiiracres and• other NV ooleu Goods, very kw' for cash. MINER & MULVANt. 111nr . ch 17, 1841 MOUSELINE DE LAINES. Just reeeived;elezant Moits: de Laines Q 5, 31.371, 50 and 75 Os. per yard._ March 15; 1841 , . • - EDGE' TOOL. - ,' . Ma . IirSITA(.9Q "111Z4 The subscriber berebY informs t c citizens Of Car lisle, and' the public generally, th the has taken'the shop nearly' opposite the Jail, yhere he will be. pre pared to manulacture to ord r, on the moat reasona ble terms,Miy article in It' ine: of busbies% sUch as _ _ ---- Axes Ifili . Picks, ifcc. / fie will nisa_a:C . ii:l oB4 6 o :77 anti Grinding .:, 7es.: Ye solicits a sitar of public patronage. . • ~, JOHN HARMS: ' Carlisle, 50 P Poutids CAlNjust mar (1 at the New 'Store in Sin pens tirg, [lntl for sol " • • ARNOLD, & ABItAMS. • .ftty 1;1841, • , ." • `HOUSE AND. SIGN PAINTING, , • • . : Griazing.an Paper' Hangino• . The subscriber - respectfully inforifiltlie eitiiins, n arliale unirtile viainity, that be has nornmenced ' I dle a ..ve business in al I its ;various branches. His shep' is 'tQhe slluare immediately, in rear of the Market Hon two doors east 'cif, A. Richards store. He hopes by 11 ention ,t business end moderate oltarges, to meals a 012 r of atronge. .. . --: c l ari,islo,'Yob.:l7, 41;:..: s.:::- , ,,;v''in'''.'' ‘• :',•,.. ::::;•,:::.' , :;:•%:. ~, '''•-', - rk --,:::::,•' t:, ::: • ~..:-.:,.:,T. -,,,4 5iae.i . .tbi.1. 1,00 etiati1 f t. , .:.. , .4;ei41;:.'411;4Aa.;.;:6'Ci.w , i:i - b:: : :: i ' ' ~i1, i •gk1...,,, I. ....•.-g.. ,. :,:', v ; . .., 5',,,,',.;..;.,,,,,'' , .i,;44,,,,,k,;,,.,,,,&,,i:ri,,..,..:,..-.;., - _:1b,:r::e . ,,,4,1e.! - : 1,1:2t'i . ,1:e. ~Ml*'T „it 4-11,-,--4 i .it'iti:: .742.1ra) Jo,s P pai . as Co.' • -. .Lka t (2 • colt/mil-00N & 'FORWARD have • • . 11E - Eitel-TANTS, . • 'to the capacious "Warehouse recently : r' Leech o. at.the nath-..westeorner, 9 "" l " e4 i B • d Thiladelphia. of chic toa sheet, . 1010 facilities which tr: location:and internal '' ' ,retrient of this. depot, afford; 30 to 40 Burtheu can be accbminMlated . to unload and load at the „R ' me:time with . aUllicient room 2-- barrets if Vtour, and 400 to 600-tom: 'cibfik brwaiqling department.. . ' • Mee of every descnip isual on eons:gm:len a, mdlil .eceiPt. (kr empueed) until sal. . , QIZAIC Northett corner , ,RP.FF.Rmicfcr.S. , II: S. Cotten]) Cashier. 'Ponder:too & ' Parker, .• Hoory'lthoitils, Sotoolorsott ysc trogserionn, 1• • :Youth 5 'avid l'sfirvio, ,Viip . pcitsbtfrg• ! ,r. Smith ; hittq. CusAierZ- maocrsourg, EyBteP to llittv..&- CO, 3 . ItobremPleming, ' catlA'iwomr& Crair„ Wm. It. ThoMpsop & Co Whitall Sit rresh ..,,....... .......-...,.....- , -...-- „,- - Th, , ;; t 1 1,;, ‘ ai f , 4 ,e#' , •%,,e, t l l'ill;t 7 4l,'" ::.,, 'i I ,l i Id i i ,f! ,1 ~ '' l l 11 1 , tsi. -- v• . _;;,?, 1 1 0.„ kili •-.„1),) r!'/.;,;." :77 - ii_! ":11..^..;1i''/I ''. 91D , ,t "dr- --,,-; i -,, Pit _11 , 1.-__Lislo ,141,..„. . a _ kt i,,_:. -“ ~ ~ . .i _:. ~., ... "i}tWrA i - Varar 1 7 :4 4t . i,1,, , i r i' i ' Asi;i& Y. ..-'' :,1,-I.l4olltaekt::.P....L'l 1 .5, It. 5, l fi l .o:-1 yr 'CLAITIFICITES AC,ENCy—L FUlt THE sAtt or Cheap Cloths, Bc. Vetweekt ffeelstanics6nrg and Philtidelphia, or iltittifinore. . [ll . Y . i2A11. - 1103b 0/? LUSVIIt]. • 11 1 HE Oubscribers . grateful flir,past favors,; ..u• lA* leave•to inform thei_rtidexids and the Oldie, generally,that still continue to run 'a line of lairdien*Cars regUlarly hetWeeii MriAtaitiesharit and Philadelphia or Baltimore, by goods.and pro duce of all •desseriptions will he-forwarded stud despatch at the lowest rates of freight uule on . . "): EMI Co. mti at.' lelphis Thw We are not ranong ~hat class of Editors who for . few dollars will, (at the . expense of truth and hones:- ty) "crack ap" an artiete and brig.iy into rapid sale; neitker art.: %rd . -willing tit remain sjletit, alter haying tested the utility of an inipl'ovenient. or dlceovery in science or art. Quo 'u u udcrs.trill reeollert we told them we. were unwell TN'Till a sore tilifiriffiiriliTtinit cold some few weeks ;tl t 67 - 111.ell, \Le pirrrhas-rtf-twe bOtt . les- of --WINSLOW'-S--I.IALSANL _OF DORE, I W UND and so smithy wcs the cure, that' we foroi we ever had a cold. Those who yre aillCted, may lr):_iLitlltltt.oltr_zecurnutentlationtrzeisUricit_fitele. gra p. For sale be en I al.i,4frtiel.y. • _ • -0 1 11(s S T BSCIiIIIER. his t() the .ptibl 14.. - 14)1 . he Dip (1111 . - - .ter4; wi'est4l(iti 54 . 1 :iiic;!ii : ,:tit. , .t; o -11.11i-_- 1 110 1 : : - Cliargeutikwa , lut)4l(mit . e, . , : • .1. C. NEFI C:6 . 1151 c, - 4 ' • TLI RE 4111 (1 - 131 A C /ONES • With - trait's - insproied --Pat cett_Ed orNa.A7inver: • great etic"fgii:agement - liets.:tofore -received, l'ront the sale of Ids maeltines,inihices hint tn-of el' to thepublir - n tiew- and -intproved—itorsWrAlow:er, 'Width-ran he shifted in gear oP out ofgear bv.keys,, and Sltift_the,..hatuLto:give it live differearevolutions. And Ite has no Iteisitation.in as.suriugqite l'urluers that he is.noic ith :111 article tat ant= vigor to thos-o matitiftetto ed heretofore. For spec& and clean - threshing-and ease to-the-horses, he -be-. lieges his Machinvs to he I price is ' , jl-10 . ,,--FUN entv dollars to be paid cash, and thy 1)4:a - i,vv in six moults, for .which a note will he required with interest. Any person purchasing a Machine:lnd upon a fair not'beitig pleased., can return it. Ito still at times be ready to furnish them Ott the shortest notierl orders Irmo a distance will be punctually atteti,led to: Ile , will also repair machine; hhortos: . , The stibse;iher has addotho his former extensive ouk of Boots and Shoes. a very large. and general ...sortnient of 1 , ',ror o :ooi Philadelphia tvorlq.„all of Which - Will be sold :tt vet y reduced prices, at the store of . . . 41EALTIL—Many of our readers, no doubt, are possest.ed with . this all important blessing, which they may long retain, Il' particular regard and tare be.paThioiticifiselves, tbat• whetniver •they feel the leahi indisposiA, to prbi.ure•-a - proper medicine in "Mie season. But, on the contrary, we find thousands . Who I . LlT.t3.44taillg 1111(1-tiik`114`i - Itiill - 11VittlY, we tear, t will prove itrious, if.Cl, not attended to efirly. Would -those'perst its resost-to_the_tuedittineLthaLhas_estab, lighed itsel f 'in thimsands creases, wit is lie. Mar lieh's 6014tiond Strengthening and Cilertnaut Apvri cot Pills, so pre-eminently recommendedfint disco- , ties incident to the human • race, they would be re placed back a,;:titi to "life's sweet blessing,'' which is "health." 1 \Ve speak front occidar proof, knowing in many instances, where curesinive .been pertbrincd by the us4e of this medicine, with marked success in various' complaints, such us Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Rheumatism, Pain' in the Breast, Side snit Rea, Costa mess, Nervous' \V eakness, Emaciation, Gen eral' Debility, &e. ,Stc. This medicine consists of two distilict•kinds, The . Aperient and the Compound Strengthening Tonic , Pills, the for -I,IICV 1,0 remove bile and :ill excrementitious matter fronythe body, thus cleansing and Inuit:vim; the sys-4 after which the lattor are used to give strength and vigor to the weak and debilitated organs, restore the lost appetite, and produce tranquil rest Mid sweet repose. We highly approve of the Doctor's theory ol treatiug diseases, which certainly is. safe and etrectual; and advise the allpided to give,lti4i-f3te, clicine a lair trial.— /lady Chronicle. irr Principle Unice, N0..19 North Eighth street, Philadelphia. r• For sale at the Drug Store of J. J. :11.yers.r& Co., Carlisle, and Win. Peal, Shippensburg. •july 9.8. A supply of the above Pills just received; lia•tin cell obtained directly fi•ent De. Brandrelh's Office; hey are n'...I.Ii.RANTED 4 GEXULVE. g. ELLIOTT.. July 21, 1841 Rheumatism!. Rheumatism. DR. LElDyrs ItIIEUMATIC LINIMENT: recommended mil a truly efficacious ap plication for Rheumatism, Bruises, Sprains, Stiff ness, and Wetikness of the Limbs and Joints, Pain along the Back, Sides and across the Loids.. 1 h.:N.1).421MA S. Extract of a letter from Dr. Johnson; dated • Philadelphia, May 7th, 1836. The Rheumatic Liniment anti - Blood Pills have been employed by myselGend finding theme &Ica-. cious, I have since I.i:einem:tided them 16 ninny, that have been entirely 'cured of Rheumatic pains, lumbago, stiffness of she joints; numbne.ts of the musegtvs, limbs, &o. • • ' • Extract of a.letter from Dr.•Jeanison,:dated Bidtiniore, May 19, 1841. YOur Rheumatic Liniment posSesses properties whioli- I have never. found in any Liniment I have heretofore employed. ' Extract of wieder from Dr. C. IL GoOrich, , Pittsburg, June 21st, 1839. • Of numerous Liniments and Medicines heretofore employed for Rheumatic affe . ctiOns,liimeßnive been so successful ne the 'Liniment and : Blot:4 Pillarean' %ffictured by,yon. Chid-place won the golden opinion'of all who have - itsed:thern: : To my own knowledge they have mired seieraLthat were by myself; and other men, pronounced incurable. , maylt ' pain: ami's's to remark, that both-theLini moat and. Blood fills are_mrepared bv. Dr. N: B. himself; k regnlaVDroggiet ana, Physician , attested. by Des, physicli,thaptaan, Jackson, Hor ner, DeWees, James, Gibson, 'Cc*, &o. of Itia..LiitiriteWia_premirethonlYti,,amt,for . sale, %Airiest& and relit il at Dr.:N. B.LEIDY'S HEALTH EMPORIUM,Vo. - 1,91 Nl:tabSeeded 'Street, (sign , o f the GoldeOlagle and Serpetits,) N. it--The Kentiine bl:adcoigpaniett by the Writ ten signature of Dr. N. B, Leidy oil the label. • Price. 374 cents a : Wile, or threchottles for Also y fOr'sale.' by sTEv.vasrsos--'Bi, DINKLI);. Druggi6te,Citrlislo, Pa.: • ,•; , •:. May'l9, , M 32 CIIAS. OGI Mechanicsburg Line gr," . Tothice will be received at. their Ware, ""Houses in Ainehinik - gitrg", nod forwarded to either Plillti delphio or Baltimore, according .I.o:tile direction of the owner. '" . . . . c - =? The highest 'pip will be given. for When And Flour. , . . DIIESBACI - 1.84 . 'IMMIX; , - - N. B. Master of l'ari,s4hol Salt always kept o, hand, ted lilt sale at the lowest, pekes. • •,• - • duly 49,1840:.-IJ. . • • ' I - - .20 PIECES BET) TICKINCI,rjus veci%Vli at the New Store in Sleppensimrgood tot ile • MIN OL1) & ABILA.3IS. May 1, 1 S' , ll; -- :• • " • - • Gi T is the - basi,qt crime in anan.. S. F.r.r.f01 . 7, Cnrlisle .A.. J. Nowni, Necville.. .• Also, by IlvtiggiNt g.thernlty tbroughotittbe cour .y. Pciec 50 cents pct. bottle. . • .., . 0ct...28, I• Wt. . IS lc; A NT .N4.!wville„fuly Summer 13o(As, & Shoes. Carlj:,te June 1, 1 Si I 111:alutraltls . l'itis. For the cure of !Peak, Watery, or, Wood Shot Eyes, Ilinnyurs, nukinftwimeion of Me .Aye-litit, Dimness ofBl,yht, • ' .Pervatil subjno:to any of these unpleasant disor ders; will' find this.the mest•eireetttal remedy in use, as ft seldom fakrsto — rehaoye : n ly•of these affections by a few applications, without the least inconvenience or Pain. :nose who tie troubled with a DIMNFSS Ol' SIC.F-'l•.vvitl alsb find it a 'valuable rentetly for .strengthening the eyes, improving the sight, and pre venting the dimness that arises from straining theth. It will.also be found particularly useful ;is a wasilAr the eyeS of young children, to remove inflamatlon, and subdue the humours to which they are so liable. Price 50 cents a Rollie with full direc- tions for using. - . • • $4OO !"''.sl.oo ' Will he f t oefeite(ll,y -1. - I , 3IDY,II:ir a prepa ration of..4anaiumilla-eginal: to Med iQated Extract of Sarsaparilla The ellica - ey'of - Sarsaparillals well known in Scro fula'or K•ing's Evil, Erysipelas, - Diseases of the LivL _cr.,Affisdions of the Skin aaliones, Ulcers of the Nose, Throat nod Body, - as well ag' Mercury and • • and - a - general Ytu flier •of -the—Blood and Animal nilidS. • Dr: Leidy wnifhl refer to the most restieciable Pliiladelpliia,lts well as throughout-the tf. States for the char:mer or his preparation, as also te the ialinerthis certificates from physicians and others, that have latitii from time to time published, nbir deen - ied unnecessary as-the character of his pre paration is firmly established. Throughout the *mi nim% Status it ikused altogether, and throughout the North takes die - prevetleueti over all others, part iru-. iarly_amotig•-phy-sivisus, 41m, for the : bench (of theft; ,patients, alwaysireeommeml The reader is a rderred - to the directions bottle;•fiir reatikumeudations, certificates, find - Cu - ether particulars, • - • Remember, one biittle,(islf, a pint,) is equal to-six ' , I libitSitrATTNS - 03ti , ~.:trieji2, fi.1.1.:%41um f; i BLOW) , '! 7 . Timg,ov is CO3IINCI." , , - Ile ye purified iu your Blood, • . And ['cultic will attend you. "Thu . .././fe V. the If to di LI in Ille• _lf lOW IS TIM 13L001).-TO BP: . PURIFIED ! quebtiou who I:itow front a c tual experieuce that rili DR. LEIDY'S B LO - 03).1?./J,LS , comermENT PAny wiriert t 5 . sa ri:st, best ; and most effectual 'rills lcitott'n as It TllOll ti1111(1 Si NV 1.10 loCi . e for Several years pest tted them durite'llte Sprirr:; atid . nll.(as well as at other . timesj• will never Use any others. I Inndreds are ::lenity daily procuring them, who hare—irrretnfore employed them. _l'llo object of this advertisement is to inform the thousands who know not yet of them, where they n o te procure theni gelatine, that they mac try then:; beim; satisfied that having tried them, .hey 11, ••i• lie .1 ~, to tn , •• oth, for F.,e% et'll I 1.0:ISPIIS. Fir,t_nit..murs ilLow) pais ARE ANTI qt_TACK, bohr- prepared , by Dr: N. B. !Addy hilmiellot regular Druggist, as well as Physician, attMded be Drs. Physick, Jatnes, Akwcvs, Jackson, ifikon, Cortv, &c. Second—Dß. LEIDV'S BLOOD PI LLS ARE A NTI-NI E RC; U RI AL, being an Antidote against Mercury and the Mitterals, so deleterintrlpul dan gerous; and upon the elfectamf which Quacks de pend, for " killing or . cuting,". and, therelbre mix • them NVall'illClV LEIDYN M.OOD PILLS ARE SA FEB. TILAN ANY OTIWRS, as in using them, they require no resMaint from living or occupa tion, and may he taken 4.4.14 1 .. m ost delicate and feeble, old and young, male remit; at all dines and Maier all circumstances:, • CIIAS. OGILTIY Fourth-1 t. BLOOD LI,S Alt BErrElt AND.MORE hIFI.IIO , ItUA 'MAN ANY OTHERS, when used neenrding`tu the di ---retationa—,aml litttmataiKe r te be taltr h . large quantities as is required Of various other Mei eines, makinga Drag 'Shop of the Stomach, d wiring it Qt Its accustomed tiourishment,ilestroy to its thtietions, awl 'thereby eatishig it rapid de cline of the luiiunn syStem. _ In all cases where a purgation may be necessar) these Pills will be ibunil _both effectual and easy i Ihcir operation, producing no nausea, or stekness-o the stomach, griping or ally other unpleasatit sensa floes. • Further comment is demmul unnecessary—the' numerous certificates published from time to time from Physicians mid other individuals must have convinced the incredulous, and for the further in formation oral) others,Dr. Leidy refers them to the directions which iiccompany each box. They are prepared and sold, - wholesale and retail, nt Dr.LEMY'S HEALTO Enpoiturm., No. 191 North Second street, below Vine street, (sign' of the Golden Eagle and Serpents.) • Price 25 cents a pox. • Also, for sale' by STEVENSON & DINKLE, Druggists; Carlisle, Pa, :Sarsaparilla, Or Blood Pills " The Life of the Flesh is in the Blood." LEVITICUS, C. XVII. V. Xi. IIM safest, Lest and most efficacious Pills now in existence ! , are Dr. Leidy's Blood Pills, a component lint of which is Sarsaparilla. It is use less here to name the good qualities, or eminent! upon the medical virtues of these Pills, as the public•: are fully aware of them. Suffice it to say, they are nu eirectual purifier of 1116 . 1,:ood and renovator of the system. Phi adelphia City, es. ' [t. s:] Personally appeared before me, One of the Aldermen of the city of Philadelphia, Dr. N B. Leidy, who, on his solemn oath doth declare and, sWear,that in the composition of the Sarsaparilla Blood Pills, manufactured by hian only, there is not: contained Mercury or the Minerals, or any Drug whatever, unfriendly, dangerous, or deleterious to the liftman syttem., . . - CO3RAZER, Alderman. 0 - YPrice 25 cents a Box. They. are proparedmal sold, wholesale and retail, nt Dr: Leidy's Health EmpoVium, No. 191 North Second street, below Vine street. Also, for sale by STEVENSON & .DINKLE, Druggists', Carlisle, Pa. May 19, 1911.--,om. • . . 11) R. LEIDY'S CELEBRATED TETTERAND ITCH OINTMENT is daily hi:Coming more popular.-' Dailydo numerous, individuals stop and '..inform the proprietor of its great success-in remov : lag and curing the Tetter and Itch.. . Numerous testimonials might be published of its •effiCacy, but for,the delicacy felt by.individuals ing their names puhtithed, in Connection - wit": so loathsome nu t! alfections,'. • . It • May, be iisedisvitiv perfeet safety by young and Old, even upon 'lnfants, containing no mercury or other mineral substaliCes • Dr. N.D. Leidy , prepares 'it hinaselt • and knowing-its compobition, most confi denthillyinmends it: as superioll to any other remedy for the Tetter and Itch: 'Prepared and sold _at Dr: - .Leidy's Ifealth•EMporfura, (Sign &the Golden 2 4POund• Serpents,) No. 19t•North Second street,' 'below Vine. •• • • , • I . sale by STEVENSON DINKLL', Druggists, Carlisle, Pa. „ The above preparations are sold' by.till wholesale Druggists in • Philadeltdiin, and by nil, respectable Merchants _ and_Druggists"..throUgliput.4l.lc;lTliited- May, JO, 1 kii—cirk. IM'-cases of Abe 1 4 / 4 DR. EOSTOCK'S Celeitrated Eye Nlrater, . . So]d Carlisle by • April 9'S, livriitg• ou• P:iii rr'etrilica% pfily 19, 1841.-6rn DR. LEIDY'S Tctter Itch lin tar+ CHARLES fiII'CLURE / ORNE Y ,l 1T 1.41 Office in High str:eet, a -few doors west of the Post Office. , April 28,1841.--4 f 1 UST RECEIVED some very film sEtti.D.; tAY lIERRINGS.& atEEst„nt tlte Store of. . A. ILICLIA (WS; May 1.9. ? 4.1. 111/,.. TATISTAR'S.•- , - • BALSAM OFIILD-CHBRRY- DISEASES OF THE LUNGS, NUMEROUS._temediesdnive been: offered :Mil paired into 'take for disease 4 of the Lungs, some of which has undoubtedry, been found verruse ful,buti of all that have hitherto been known, it must be universally acknowledged there is none that has ever proved successful as the "BALSOM OF •WILD CIIIIHRY,.'? • . Such indeed:aye the astonishing reStplidive and healing properties of I his. "Balsa m;" that ei'en in the'.. worst forms of Consm option; when the patient has, ,soffered-with-the-most-dialressing,--cough4- violent, - pains in the cliestolifficidly ofbroathing, night sweats, bleeding of the lungs, &c: and n hen the esfei,m ed remedies °four l'lnermacopia4 had failed to afford any relief,and even wino Botanic, Bormonathic, and tnyneenns other roue/Res, had been Ina'al,for many' m ohths N.:di), this invaluable rained) , has checked.' every semPtom.soff be e n productive of the most :el, Joni*hing relief., In tfw etwlrs neneeedinp: 'from negitlted imlds„. termed Catarylad Con . sumption, it has IMeil Used with undo intillg sue . ' - 1 - se - Srg7llM - I,ll,llllltritt•MillteeßrWhel-1-411-1-64141 , 14 gß,...fictpan. rd to have marked its vie tiro few an etirly rrave the I oso of this ou•tlitooe lotslorpott - every - ymprontitttol : - rostoreil the. longs to o state of perft'et - in that: Polo of Consumption. so pcovitlent amongst deliente.yittuctg fetMdes, commonly termed 'debidtt.,or "goitig into Ilveline," trenttrgaint-with-n hich-tbott sads are lingering., it has also been used with surpri sing. sUeces%'and uhf may possesses- the flower of, ell'eeking tilt• progress or, this alarming disense,but at t!w same time strengthens and invigorates the 'whole system more efrectitally tugs' yet - 11(41v we. have eier possessed. - 0 - ;:f f,llllll. COMPLAINT.---TI/ 'discuses of the Liver, particularly hen !Mottled with n (ttkugh, intli geStion or wandering. pains in the side, it has also pro ved vets eflienehms, and cured Many cases lir this kirul after themlost powerful remedies had foiled. • ry - "AST1111 this chntplaint it has ratsu,been ' :tsed.bt,iittitt I:p . ns:lnstances ‘vitlt the Most f..lugula • --- flveßftifiipeii7Ttle7lXJT,t - APAi44,c4il4 7 .lm4thind m give pyrnimitha rerivc • , • ••• - • • ICON('lff'l'tS.—Aso mint:try it all . - - duial :Mixt ions "wit a_ am' • p.- nvsq,l:ol3zlt-or soen'in the (firma,. it will_alst lyertannl cry effectual. remMly, and will , (lost h• :Mord ini; mediate relief pm:tint. the 'ennununcement of its ' COI:JO:11S comment coi - ,Ois :mil colds, t.hilt pis, ail so exteiiSkely'lliroligliolit eiret‘ol;kl ecomoly use, :mil voids upon liie'lMie;s, eauSiiik au imflioniniiiirm with Indus in the lii.east,dir ftimlty or shurtness'ordirthilliing, kit., the use Ad this 1-114simir-w-i-14-sulpfess-sitolt—s.?_tufttnotti._inuttediatay, and at tr. sAtute lime prevent the lungs from beeitni . Mg More seri - ntidv diseased. . 01) . • AND. II'M)01 ) !NG Citi(lC I L—fit- Utese cottipli . tititi, Si) eunilliOn - to young. children, this' lals'ain will he bush iiiiii.it ; stiperior to the l'arego riii- Strop ids tiquills,.attiLthe rariuus. cough mixtures in jonuitoti use, as it is entirely' i'ree (runt toty_thing- the h:ast•inftwicnts, anthill:ly at: all-timos,lio, it en to childreilli ith perfect sarety,dial with the rer i• minty ttl:its soe.tsly -"" NIFoIt'INP for !wow oth er complaints, this liafsant m ill also be iliuml partic ttlarly,usethl... liesidvs Inivorg proved stit.in‘alltable rCturdy all Pulmonary. alPertions, it extrts'a 1100'- 00 . 01 141111011 , %01.. 111:111 . )' diseases 11:1,01111 . 110;" 011 0 tIOIII.IYIII - 1,0:1 tin of the A !..tom,:aid eno.as nho have s'ullervd from the mdißcriniinate Ilse of Alercttry, or other deleterious drum, that 'are Mien compounded iu daerent miackmostrums, 011 lind it a rethedy of great value, pmmessing the power or streogtheniop: Hod invigorating. the-whole 'system more eircetually than tiny other medicine we possess. ' • CAUTION TO PlJNCllASl:RS.—Asthismcd iuiae hasaiready acquired ,great celebrity. there may probably be some attemptt to imitate it, and tleCehe tbo public with a spurious mixture, to prevent ‘vhich I w o uld wish all prorchasers to observe the, following. marks: of the gettnine'llalsam. It is pot op in bottles of taro Ilzes .etich, has Mg, the ‘vords NVNTARts BAI-SA NI OF' WILT) l Jllaatl PHILADDI.- itiliA,l,k, w ,, i n the Rhe , q,atid :1 label on the front with the-sigtroure of it.r.mty IvisTAß,* Al. D. without aLich 11011 C is 14'1111111C. Prepared for the „proprietor by 'WILLIAMS & CO:, Clutoiist 5, \o.'''' Conn)ieree street, Philadel phia, :n o t sold by most respectable Druggists and other appointed agents in all 'the principal towns throughout the - United - Statcn - • : p_2 - 40Ahe Genuine Balsam sold in Car lisle, b'y SAMUEL ELLIOTT, appoint ed Agent. • Price 81:00 a bottle. • December 16, 1340•---1 y Hays' Liitiment. o Fic;riox This extraordinary chemical CO mposiiion,the re sult of science and the invention of a celebrated med ical man;.the introduction of which to the Vublie invested with the solemnity of n death-bed be quest, has 'since gained a reputation unparalleled; loth• sustaining the. correctness of the Ipminfted 1)1.. lust -couleslion,: that "lie. darial not die without giving to posterity the benefit of his inoWl edge on this subject,".and he therefore bequeathed to his tt•iend and attendant, Solpmon Hays, the secret of his discoverv. It is now osigl in the principal hospitals, and the private practice in our country, first and most cer tainly for the cure of the PILES, onitalso extensive ly a n d cfreanally as to baffle credulity, unless nhere its elects are witnessud... .Externaltj/ in the follow ing complaints: .. For Dropsy,--Creating extraordinary absorption at once.. • Swellings---neduciag then in a cow hours. Itheunuitisair- . -- Acute or chronic, giving quick ease. ' • , Sore Throat-13y cancers. ulcers, or 'colds. Croup and AVldoping,Cough----Externally and over the.eliest.' All Braises, Bp&ainn,ratl Burna—Ciired in a fea• ' Sores and Ulcers---Whether fresh or long stand ing, and fever sores: . Its operation upon adults and children in•reducing rheumatic swellings, and loosening coughs and tight ness of the chest by relkixati on ofthe msrts, has . beets surprising beyond , conception. • The common re mark adios° who-have used it in the Piles, is "It acts like is charm." any person E price, ,is refunded to any perscin 'who will use a bottle of Liniment for the Piles, aintretiwn the empty bottle without, being cured. TheVare the-positive orders of the prOprie torto the agents,and out of many thousands s o ld, not one has 'been unsuecessfut: We might insert certifteates to .any length, but prefer that those who sell, the article, should exhibit the original to Mirehasers. To,Physiciansftnd Patients. The Blind- Piles, said to•be incurable by external applichtions.--L-S,plomon Hays warrants the contrary, Ills Liniment will Cure Blind Piles. Facts are more stubborn than theories, lie solicits all reVectable physicians to try it, upon their patients, V0i11,..d0 them' no harm, and it is known that every physician who has bad the honesty to make the trial,lias Can ditlip that it. has , sucoteded in every case they have known. Then why not- use it? It is the recipe, of one of theirmostrespectabletriciabers,no* *ceased. Why refuse tb . use it ? - Because it is sold as a proprietary medieitie ?" Is this sufflaient cuss for starring Weir, honest patients to linger, in. distress?' 'We think'not. Physielaiiii shall' be con vinced-that there is no humbug .or quaokervtliou thiliartlide.--.-Uhy th n not a lleviate human •sulli , te. ing 0 - If they, iven't try before, let therti.after nil Plhe,r_preseriPtions fail. Physicians ar6respcolfully requested to do 016110 s apd faitientsAhe juStice to . use this article. It stud he taken from the bottles and done up as their pre erhdion if therdeiiire. • • ' • SOLOMON S o ld, by barnstock WWholesale,DruggiSte; Ne: 2,Fletcher street, Nen Yoik. T' -EVRNSG": DINKLE Carlisid;Pa..- " P*4q4ePl2:3;. y • MEM THE cErmit,vrcn RIDIEDY' FUR =9 F r i instate's ilaisam . of • HOREHOUND. • An unparalleled remedyfor common Colds,CotOff, Asthma, Ifilluenza, 'Whooping Cough,Bronclutis, and all diSeases of the Breast and 'Lunge, leading to' Consumption; composed of the concentrated virtues of Iforelloondi,llonesetrßlood-Root,-Liv..----- crwori and several other vegetable, substaticea.. Prepared only by J. M. WINSLOW, gochestcr,- . N. Y. . . . The innocence and universally admitted. pectoral virtues ' (dam Herbs from which the BALSAM ON: 110REllOUND is made, arc too generally knOwrr v to require recommendation; it is therefore only rte. , ceSSary to d)bmirve tlim' this ..inedecine contains the' whole of their medical properties, highly; concentrat- . • ea, atutso happily_combhieil With several other ' yg(,f, getable substances, astO render it the most speedy, . mild and certain remedy, now in use, for the Com , - Mints above mentioned. • - ' • - Tor C/i/tih•en;thiSilltlithni : i i i of inestimable value. It is a speedy remedy for the 11:hoofring ,CortgA and' Croup,and :Ards certain reliefin.Bonte/ Comigaintß; Chohc, Teetln:nq, Re. Tt is pleasant to the taste, and' May be safely g'iven to the tender:est inthelatufsliouhr be kept at all times in every family, as it is much' better for.the'romplaints incident to Milder' 'ban! Paregottic;poilfreys Cordial, or the Cont inonly used, as hundreds in this City ht; Rend tlicfalloring.-LI hereby certify in the spring of .1821 b I contracted a . .sevei t 0.... which-sett' ' ,a - riporrmy'litiws'.7iiiiirtliiititened mit& Consumption. Insexl spveral ; . prescriptions, bur ob-- tamed little or no . relief; I wan much alarmed.- -. ' Happening to lie in•RoChester. I was advised by shy friend, Mr.`yinslow. to try a bottle of his TIALsAIY or flop i rriouND t I did so, and to my surprise .ob t ained' relief at nnee4-and by ilie•use of that single D itt e ,, , ns -Ikerfeittly restored to lieoltli. To' those' 'afflicted with Colds or Coughs, at this Inclement' season, I•Say "gn and do -likewise." . Mr. ;folio 111. Drtlggist:-.------ ! Dear Sir: T have hot'm for a series of years afflict ed witli an affection of the Longs, and a bard cough, and have many limes arose hi' the morning ns Com pletely-ehausted by eveessive coughing (luring the - night as a person would he by a hard days lnbar. I have tried most of the Juipular reinedies• of the day, but never found relhT. , until I met-with your Iholsatit of I irTeelinunit; All the' other remedies or 'relatives, that. I have used, leave the bowels inn congested state,4bile yours leaves them sohddennd free. This.. epilider a grent:apsidel:attim.r On Wring' a dose of . vein. 115!5:1111 5, hen going. to bed.' rest quietly throl,---.' , the and my.sleep is rcfrechitur• I take ,, kre'At plea sure 46 recomMending "yorir Balsam of Hoye; loin:mi s tq all those Mrlitionary corn obiitioor any'disease appertaining to the hing!;,:mill bake ibis opnommitv,fir thankurmfge.l.4l,grvtlifg.,,,,,r, For sate by •_ „ • .NORTll.Newville. Alsn. I )rilf.trists 141-'11er:1)4 - tbratigliout the coun try. Yricc 50 vt , tit . s per liottle, , Alfril 15, 1S 10.- --1 vv_s__ nmALTZ-1 4LIEXTR. sTiIVISC is trot one case of Fever in . a thous:m(l;Mß , _ Ma y ,..haell4tu ailimpkett-nP-attd-reMoved- T hy-il t e--4 7 - use olthi Elixir. - - itTenick es all acidity indigestion, Liliuus tomter and constlpation from the stomach nod bowels: It operates gently and eilisctually the bowels;'ad powerfully on the kidneys and -It removes alllinpleasatitfeelingsafiera hearty ;nes I, and-promotes a good appetite,- It- needs onkr a-trial ;to give perfect satisfaction. It bas become at general . praetice,wltli'many to use this article in all cases of voids, pains io the bone,. or beacy dis:q!;reeable feel ing, tendering to headache or chilliness. I'm hoarse ness, if taken throngla the day, it completely restores the voice without producitig sickness. 'Whooping cough, and all coughs of children are cored by it.-- Th, ston • ,:ith iS kept, in perfect order by it, and it is quite impossible that any disease should commence Wilik it 1/1 . 1 . ,011 it 'Wing this Syrup. C i • If taken daily it prodnees a rinly, healthy, and young appearonee, hy driving- en' all the Immors of the system. Sold genuine at 8 Fletcher street, ono - ihor below Pearl street, N. Y. by Comstock& Co., and by all respectable Dronrisls. - For-sole aIo:byS3I.;YENSDN.A.I)II„-_, . ISLE, Carlisic,Pa, . Balml of Columb ia... (70„.r.„ • office, Philadelphia, K t\s‘...sh4.‘dif' ALL corns, i t t l S ta? N I S f t l 6 ti. ' n v tit huin IVo l t e s s E e leis 'r o o N s: ; Esq. his liritanie Abdesty's Consul for the -City of Philadelphia, do here liy certify, That Robert Whart• toll, Esq., u ho attests to the foregoing Certificates, is Mayor of the City, of Philadelphia; and that .111at4. the witanda I;Esq., is Prothonotary of the Court o Colnmon - Pleasfor the city and county of Ploilader; phia , to both whose 51"1);(1)1TS, with the Seals oh their respective offices, fall faith and credit is due. 1 further ,certify, that 1 .am personally acquauded with Joseph L,lnglis,one of the signers of certi ficatuslierconto affixed, which expt:esses the efficacy of the Balm of Columbia, and that he is a person Of great respectability. and worthy of full fbithwmrere d it; and that have heard him express. his unqualifi ed approbation of the effects of the said Balm of Co lumbia, in restoring Ills b a l m Civet; under my hand and seal of office, at the city orPhiladelphia, in 1 , ..he State of Pennsylvania, the United States iSt..A.ameriem Read the following.. ROBERT WIIARTON, Esq., late Mayor of Philadelphia, has certified, as may be seen below, to the high eh:track* of the following gentlemen. . • The undersigned do..hereby certify that we have used theßaltu of Columbia - discovered by J. Old- • ridge, Mal have found it highly Serviceable not oily as a preventive against the tiding offolhair,but also a certain r(4.torative - . • WM. THATCHER, senior, Methodist Minister in St. George charge,- ' No. SG North Fifth st. - JOHN P. iNGUS, 351 Arch at.. JOHN D. THOMAS, M. D,.163 Race st. • JOHN S. .I.'UREY, 101 Spruce st. HUGHMee URDY, 243 South 7th st. JOHN , YARD, jr., 12.5 Arch st, • The aged, and those who persistin wearing wigs, 111:Iv not alu nye e:tterinee•its.restprative qualities, yeeit estintatirmr— of the pink, when it is known that three. of the a bove signers .are.more than 50 years of age,and the_ others not less than 30; • [Franz the Afziyor.] • '. • i • 2 .. CO:IIXO.7cIVEALTIX. 01 - .PF.rri,1511.94N141' i i City of Philadelphia. I; ROBERT WHARTON; Mayor of said city c ot w Philadelphia, do hereby certify that lam ell a • ' quitinted with Messrs. 3, P. Inglis, John .S. Pure ~ anti Hugh McCurdy, whose names are signed to t le above certificate, that they are gentlemen of cha ..c— • - ter and respectability, and as such full credit dm 4d n i, be a iven to , the Said certificate. In witnese whereof, I have hereunto set ray hand, i;c:i and eausethgthe seal of the city to be affix - - 1 - `',.:, the sixth day of Deconber.'Ste. . -, 4tOBERT WHARTON, Atnyol - • griLDRIDOES,BALM OF. COLOMBIA, FOR Ur THE 11A1R.--Its positive qualities at:e as fol- EMI Ist. For infant's keepinr,theimad free from scur• and causing a•luxuriant growth of hair. , 1d...F0r ladies after child-birth,•restoring the skin - to its usual 'strength and firmness, and preventing the: •,,. falling-out °Mohair. : ' ' • ad. For tiny, perfoureenvering from .any.debility the same effect is produced. • fith. *lf infancy, till a gbodgroWiti is Started, - ii.intebe preserved by attention to'the latest period sth. It ii.eds - the heal]', from , dandruff, 'strengthens the roots, imparts health nnd.rigor to thevirculation and prevents the, hair from changing colour Or 'get.- . 6 t h. causes the hair to cttrl .himutifnlly :when - d - One up in it ever night.' • • •• •- • No ladies'toilet should ever he made ; without it:. 7 :.7th: Children Who hare . by any means .contracteir , xermin in the - head, are• immediately and 'perfeetly cured °Wien! hy its use. I; is infallible. , s ore o omstock & C 0.,. Fletcher staeet near pearl, and-in Carlisle by. Ste.- censon & Dinld.e. • [poct.'l6,lB4o,—ts .Jr 1 1 , is so co t e testified:. \ that earl <,l COL , . . , 1 last LPIANDER . 0111) . MAN Pillsford =DIMM CULBERT ROBERTSON 111
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers