NO X TrORNE,Y. A.T.,;L:Irr; • , PViNii, - • r• QffiCe a few doors West of the Post-Olice. •N•-• juay.19,.1541,--tt ' • . "' 1131 Rea per & Chra per 4isownlat LARGE A:io rneo surr.4 or SUMJMER .1310(1Di% -• J ust received From Philadelphia at greatly Pc ducec price from those purchased early-in the season; per .sonsTishing to supply themselves with CIiEAP 'CLOTHS,: • Summer Cassimeres, Cushmaretts, Linen Drilling,s, Beriverteens, Coills,Yestings,Mus- Ams. Checks, Pickings', Calicoes, Latvits,'Mottslinc de Lail's, Itibbands, Worked. Collars, Siockings, Gloves, Gingbams, Silk and Cotton, Handkerchiefs', Stocks, Mouslin de Angletines, Fillet , Searfs, Veils and Handkerchiefs, - Parasols ' Barred Worsteds for . • • ehildrens' wear, Nankeens, Cottonades, Pittsburg, Cords, &c. &c. &c., will do well to call on the sub scilber and secure great bargains. Also, rn ,/ griod stock of 'fresh VT . • . . i re4lS ° Sliga . r,• :and. .&c. , and a very I - urge-stock - of . Hats ligo.o& - .61 . Shorg. • • , Recollect Elie old stand, opposite Simon Wunder . lick's Hotel, where elicali goods may alkways be • - CHAS. June 2 2. ,1 841 NEW 1-lA.'l" 'MAN UFACTORI.r. • PAS leave to inform' the ciii%ens of Carlisle and its vicinity, that has II • • • tiring flits, of the latest rashlons, and of the %wry hest materials—comprising . • RtaiSta," Brush, Beaver, and- all - • kinds, or FUR *. • • .".OF II hich ageneral assortment will Mira 5 -be km•pt ein hand, or matte to siiiraccoritiiift to Orttery' 117: sell .on the most acconinnalatingfet•ths rash or Coutthw Pi;od•tre.. • • Ills shop will be found street-in. the. house frmerly..kept by Liitirs'ey Stiotwooil as a flatters' Shop. '.• Carlisle, Nfay.e..!(3, 1.8-14.-4111. . . . . . .. , . • ......... . , ,-• • - same assm.t.l:4•llt. of - '''' . . ; , - SI''MOTCOOD . . . . . . suitesl U.) the•sensoit;iti .Nortli -1-fanovet , - street ,-lie tweet' ,the 11..ank,aniteornm;iu s 11(itt..1..eutssisring in pat.t. of VI ,t)i:. tla - Ssimeres,*sattiiietts,. V estinigs, CordS, Slispes, SlCivtings, Sheetinp,s, Ctimbrics,.la -0011CIS,FA,;;inks, Lawns, Vonse de I ,:eines, &O. ,`....e. . .-- • &LSI), . P kr ‘ p ilren!irl.teres I . ('ES, 22c: A I s J,E.qp !LIT 3, tog' , !ilwi• ‘vil6 a gvent.‘triety of other g• roils • hiub Di __ will lelolifoiodation• terms foie give bild a call 19, 1 R• 11.-13 ,IDO Si AT WIZ SS I) Dilm.iffre oectfull inityjthat lons the citizens of Carlisle and kl eir y the • g ple.; • • 23z3: •1/40.111• I all its various hrtmehe,, -•• caq of the store of Messrs. A ozin street, one door a few doors west of Ali. ICondertf 4 Anderson,. amt, lie will keep conslainly (in Imand, and laver", w here order,at.lhe Shortest notice and on the nturael"L'.6 le We terms, ccasona= Saddles, Bridles, Collars, 1.1 a.. •: Truilks,-Sze. T(e hopes by strict attention to businesq, and en aux * hts' desire to please, to merit and rtka.i vea l ibetial share of public patrogage. Having the liestl"-XCork -111tm employed, his customers !my expect Mehl work to be done in the peatest and most substantial man . nor. Carlisle, May 19,1341. flats! Hats!! chits!! + ~INF FUR Si: RUSSIA HOTS Mick fashionable hhapes and best quality, xis, meowed froin Philadelphia. AlSo, low priced Leg horn and Chip Hats, at the store nC _ CHAS. OGILBY. June-2,184E 111 f. Alit & • MOSS AllA TT RASSES for double and single Beds, for mile tit the store of • June 2, 1841.0 Millers and Millwrights: • • puIEAP BOLTING CLOTHS. • The subscriber has just received aline and Coln ' —plete assoNment, of the very best quality, of, -- Anchor noliing, doings. which will lid warranted and sold cheali ; pul•ehas `ers will find it to their• interest, to call and esamine En• themselves. =lll Spring Goods. The.sulisciqbers have just received a fresh sun]) ofiCaionable r efttrittrao; ...t 52 -. 7 -0 - failtheylvill' sell. at moderate prices for. cash _ ..aMong which-wily be found simerMouse de Laines Challeys, Lawns, Ch4itzes, Bonnet and Dress Silks •.Sotnnter. Bombazines, Striped and Plain Must ins.. Also, Black Mohair Shawls and Veils; Mohair and Twisted Silk Gloves; super Rice Gloves- ' a good assortment of Tortoise Twist and Side Combs. Buflillue Twist and Dressing Combs; with a variety • .of other' articles not enumerated. ' . • 111.TNER. 2, MULVANY. :May 19, 1841. • SATIN . SHAWLS. o A new dty le. o f Figured Damask Satin Shawls, just received at the new store-and for'sale by ' ARNOLD lit ABRAMS. • March 31;1341. • . , Bar . .l,frOti; Gta§g, &c. ".Pint received nt the New Store of the subscriber's. Tons BA 11 IRO N i .or firwrate quality, and for sale very lo* for egsh, net. consignment, 90 half Boxes 1Q and 10 half Boxes 1t by 12 • -We to G kiss, • • • in good order, for sale to Meilihants at Pittsburg prices, and puneannon best • NAILS, • • ' BRADS 'AND SPIKES, at Manufileturets prices, also, on . band Witlierow's Celebrated tattent'PLOUG HS, FLAX-SEED OIL, by the gallon, or Harrel; OIL HEAL, We,therill & Tiro s. Pure wiirrp LEAD, MAHOGANY ..• ' DOSSER 1114 N & HUTTON. May 5,1841. , , „ • . ,-1 NES r. rum sTIN SHAWLS , just receivet an olTereil et. sale. at the Nnw Store. in Shippenabniv; by ARNOLD gs A.EI May 1, 1841 1:113SLIN DiI.LAINS of new style from 25' to INA cents per yard, just reneived, and for gals. by •• • • - AItKOLID & ABRAMS, • Maieb 31,1941, . • • • . 1 A If It-I:3 CHASE .OGILBY WILLIAM LEONAItP 't, 1 EEO Bargains, lapirgains. " Cheap Goo l ds fir Cash. . The Subscribers, cleFiirous of redoeink their'atoek of Nfere,hamlize, offor it at reduced prices fur Cush ; Their claire stoek'of B 3 EOM BLOTA • ,Cassimeres, 11.ferinb es, .Hon.:. —• • , • , • null , will be suldmt a 7:,:ey small advance. such 'perSons as are (I/tail:o4s Of Obtaining good ilargOiswill ple4se call :d the store of, • .• , ' • • 7 HIT . :sT.EI 'ec: l / 4 u i ;VAN): , N. 1%. The eiair.?4oelc of .71kriiii . zintlize viill be . . . . .. . sold :i'letuptioto tiny one wishing , to 'engage iii the •hoshiesS, if applieltion, he mails hilmectiately. Dee. 9,184. 1 . • . . . . Fresh Dledicirkes. 'flu! subscriber lias recently reeelved. large atltli, tional supplies of . Nrfel 1-eNreOllOlM5:,-1)-ye--,Ulditlir Linsciql Oil, .Cpls. Tirprnline, 4C.:(// Varnish, Painters' 13)ushes, Vapul'h Brushes, flair Brushes, ,Ypernibeell.Qil, (very/ fine).Speon Candles . ; Soaps In great 4,111';Cill, Gass - Lamps, Cap and Later Paper, 'Fruit, Spivs, Pofuntery,_4-e. Which lie, will sell to Physicians, illorchants and others, wiIO3,EsALE or• by RETAIL', at the lowest rates, having purchased entirely eaSh lie Will olley-bargaios- to •tivasc who irisli to utchase,titit whiiles;ile• • • •-- S. 1:1`;1,70'1" I'_ Alzrroli, . . C W -4 C - i?-17 01'4 3,t-,CALvagi -7 e 1.11ilt" a f V i a r. eib r eaft'- SE the'lleive:4- - si rlo and- fashions ; .splimolill Clihia ,;iilis and It'llitiojls,, ii.looholisle.dv - Illiilleh, CililitZ•23, GIOVO . :,,,E)c11•1 %4 ()Eked C911:11'S:6:1:. • Also, a large. as:ollowot 01 - .. . - .- .. - • • Cloths, COssimyres, — restings; 'l7:chli • 7 7r/ielle3, 'tS•C. tS'C. : All of which %% ill lie sold %etN. lOw - by the Sohs'eribet at the Qld stdm,l opposite S. WonderlielCi; I CHARLES OGILIII%, - linri•l'i~,lo,iBll ILO USITISISN SUGN PAINTING, d Pa ler- ailbscrifier rei.peiTifully informs the citizens of Carlisle and the vicinity-, that he has commenced be ahrive business in all its various branches. 1 .idirm is in the- square ithuietliatelv rear of the Market I louse, two doors cast of A. Richards store. Ile hopes by nitenlign ti . ) business and - moderate charges, to receive a share cf patronage. . JOHN . 120'111. Carlisle, Feb.• I 7, 1841.---tf ze:s zoTnn. vgs BE ET FA 4tA I Poi' -- - . The subscriber, thankful fur, past favors, respect -111111/I.lllSllls eitstomei.s anti l: the piddle in gener ous -m lie has removed to that large and Lionimod m i p„kAishiwitt on the NoNli-west corner or the which l ie 'fire, late the property of Thomas C Lime, 2PWIL :Ateil u lli p 'll Cin a v LlOery sup U SE, erior mas a anlier . and where he is pi f avor ki n , w i th th ,, ir. _, c, ~m to furnish all who may om with the Very hint tie enummtlatiOns. This hotel, from-its cents'., „ : venient_lbr business' men I. and lir all ' ' s.ver Y min ping.'plare of the Caels.o4 the Itairr i, -.7 l i :s t , t h ilini e 5 d. T .11, 1 t8 :,..; furnish Travellers with a .eady plas . C (l .;', freslin'idnt. 'The 1200 AI are lar .TABLE , wiII-odwars . be AV 41 Rllpplilld 'W/III I Z ; I :', l ,t e i I he-market s -can-all:wil l - t lio-11 A ll—With-the-fit: - : ; 4 - I..iquoi s; idle charges will be reasonable, and nofi. : hug shall be left-undone oil the part of the subscriber to merit a share of public patronage. BOARDERS will be taki.;ii by the week, month, or year., 1 (r)'-'COmmoilionS 'Stabling- . attaelie4 to theest - ab: lishment„and an attentive Ostler always ready toat tend to that department. .. • • • GEoitcn Carl isle; A pill 7„1 841 • INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. THE FR \NKLIN . FIRE INSURANCE CONI PANY OF PHILADELPIHA,' ,• ' a pilaf $lOO,OOO paid in,-41arter Pao petuid, UE to make Insuraiire, Permanent and Ft) Liinited, on every description of _Prtipert)v,.in TOWN - ANDCOUNTILY, on the usual favorable terms. • .• • • OFFICE, 16Tq Chesnut street, near Fifth street. CHARLES N. lINCICKER, President. - • • • DIRECT . . CHARLES N. PANCRER, c iAMUEE GRANT, JAMES SCHOTT, EEERICK BROWN, THOMAS I .1 AC4n R. SMITH, THOMAS I. 11 , 1,1tTON, GEO7IVTIZIEHARDS, TuDIAS WAGNER, MORDECAI D. LEWIS. CHARLES G. BA NUKER, Secretary: ry•The subscriber, Azent for the above Company for thelmrough of Carlisle and vicinitY r will prompt ly. attend to - all applications for Tasurarate, whetia , r made personally or by letter.• Resideneo Maio street, nearly oppo,site the Car Office. W.M: D. SEYMOUR.. March 31,1841,-1y P I MV , VSPLOM.,A Just received received at the Store of AN DREW RICHARDS, A fresh inipply'of seasonable GOODS, Consisting iii part of Blue,. BMA' Brown, Olive Green, and Adelade, - • a n.o T • Black, Blue, Brown figured and striped Cassimeres ; I Mixed figured and kr' nett Gambroonj . for panta loons; Brown, White, Striped and Figured Linen Drilh:nk. Kentnekey; Peimsylrania and Delaware Janes; Pittsburg cords; .Gottori stripes and, drills; American Nankeens laid colored Muslins; Duelaps French and Irish Linens; black, blue; Fawn, Mouse, Pink, Blossom, White, Figured, Striped and barred Silks. new stile; Figured plain barred striped Jacki netts; Swiss, Cambelek and Mull mains; Bonnets, Lawns and Silks, Embroidered, • Mantau,, GloSsee i Sattin and Inured- Ribbons; ,Leg horn flats, . Straw,. .Braid,Nunland-Chip•BounetslCOhired;WhiteT,Fik need Leghorn and Palm leaf If cits; Brown & bleach ed mushni4 Ticks, Checks, Crash, and Diapers; Lin en 'and cotton; 44'54 and 6-4 sbectings; Tablecloth, lined . and entail Diaper; Linen; Grass, silk, pongee and cambrick Hankerch iefs;tgioves ? Hosiery, Stocks and Aetiftnial:floWeeti;;Cotton and Gingham UMbrel las; Parasols; cotton yarn and carpet chain; together wititiin,eitteuelve attsprtornt of. , . . Groc,eries ,&:',Queentokrare. All of . ~ , . . ,which' will 'be . told im . the most reesOnable terms,- Perton are liiiited to..ealrtint. exatnine foe themselves before rFellashigehmih'ere• ' ' ' ' • ' • ANDREW RICH:I,4I)S. .- . Carliste, April 9., 18.4. • f ' " ..- '',' . • • • ... , ..- .• .CNV . ,.:,: . o:•''oc . ...vfij,l l .'iil."-*::' ,. l*-1.t . :.v . .,1t,:t.tur - ,a,i'tiZlSl:t.ll, - -ialti::.*._i o v::* . ' ifirai.r i llellas•••V : CO.. ••• - . _ .... . .. .. . , oa•- 4, .., ... 7, 0 , .. . COMMISSION 64. - FORWARD-. ING MERCHANTS,.• • • .. lilive removed to the capacious Warehouse veeently occupied by-]). Leech Sc Co. at the north=west cornet' of Cherry and Broad street,' PhilMtelphia. . - • . Prom the timilities which. the location and infernal .arrangement of this depot afford, 30 to 40. Litythen Utti•g can be accominodated to tuifoad and load at the, same time•tvitif sufficient moil' to•store, 201)00 barrels Of Flour, and 400 to 600 ton of Grai n exclinii ye of the forwarding thipartment. . Produce:or:every description will he received as usual tin.cnnsiguments, and liberal advances•made on receipt.(if required) until sales are effected.: • . .. CRAIG, BYILLAS 'Sc Co. - :' ' . North• - -tyest eoenty of eller6y.lolroad st .. .• • Philadelphia. • • • .. . . , • . •.' MUIFERPINCLS -• • W. S. Cobean, CaBhieo. • • if enderann Sc Parker, . c ar ' h,,,,. • ' . Henry !Omuta; , • . ' ' " Saunderson Sc ilosserman, J Jecoh Swoycr, Kevrville. - . - - ,- -- - • David Nevin, .Viippemburg. J. Logan Sinith,Esq. Cashier i C himiters& avg. ' 6.:. Eyster, Huts -Co, • Robert Fleming, • • '' . . -4-latherwond F.q. erai,o• b Philiidelphut. s - T - Wmh.Thoinpson-k-Do - - • • Whitall& Brown., - ' J ••• '. , • 7 17137A - 11M XINS-1,-- Sontleci2he . ,r• • Linddtter, . . At their nw Store in Centeeville, linve just ee ceived hod Ore now Opening n N't`l . l' !urge owl splendid ,p4hortanelit of BILITISII, 11WNCII nod 1)0 . • . . --- • - • _ . . AV-IfiCTI-11114,44-1104444 . -801011C11-Willl.111111:11LICIIIT . ill I In:Sid-a iir NEW YOl2 I . and d'l 111,ADELPIII.V,invil whirls 'they respectfully invite the citizens of Centreville and vicinity to call aradt•xiiiiiiiieor they - will he ena bled to plealte, Mid sell decidedly...O l e:tiler than any other•establishment in the ',minty. ...The): will • lie happy at all times 0 see ciistotners who are desirous at having' . . . New flieniii..n pod CA (tool CA tiod,a4. Aiming their: stock will he' found Jilin. 'Black; . , !frown ; Green, Olive, Cadet, M tillierrV, Daliliti , Cit- - D .. . - -. roli,-daret, Mixt 1./rali', antl.a vari - ell low veleta! ' - oital: -Suiyiery.- Qio l liii) (f) ' 1 ) .5 IEI I:J''' CI . •-. /VIRE SUBSCi2.I IIEI 2. respeclftillY .telltiel's his , I gratefitl acknoWledgmenth to the public for the .8,1 1 ,0, ic'r .sfriPed- taus Pio" I "--. 11) ", 0 ,," (1 ,''. 1 " 1 .` '.' in yei.y liberal share of j ,llOll lie has received dur- Cassimeres, premium and Into 111.1 Viii mattitteitist, sit-. !fig th , e . past ve . ar, and irtitild .F.041' continue to offer per hie Silk, Satin, Velvet, Valeiteia, C‘wileil, Stri it: tlJ ' ig9 l " l R nd P-i li n .11 " I'maii " linil C ' ts4i P. ie r . ii ' l l t .e e i ti n il l ( ! i n li i ti W it S: (l S l i .:l 3 e n :`, l ;o r . ' 7 4. 311:::tp t e h r e 'S i t I Y t.: I I I I . V iP . IL h liTr i ts '- , : V"sti": 4 '. - A geulYal "''''''P'''' ( T - :i hr if.iiditi-s itnd 0e.,,,,5,:i1ik1.,p111p %..eilloivid inserts incorruptible Y ; l '-- 5?„ - .,1 ,-3r510ii.,_„.01., _. ~. , 4. --5..--. i-.-::- :::,. i -'- ,-,--.;. _ • - :,, —=.. ,_' A , 4 : :r' . p• i . 1 rtiniiwa rlifr - n i • 1 celli , iwitstt,i*yr:appr • g -,. ) ... 341! Tfri44_ttrit%ol:Z . ;;l-01i774)5gbgatkiv-etir-vi:/... ,iibible nil 11OlthITVIPti WIMIt nI1)e1 . 1 01 IVaCk l • s.d: 1.14',.1.). - li".tiwci" - I:iit est iiiigs; pipits DA: Rii - F, - TritTit'." . S Yya 5, Gros De-SWissiiiiiii_ticmdiawliilk4l, Qhalleys, cliiiit zi4,3areolietsiCambries,-1 lobikinetts;Plain and.,Pi gaireil S wiss, :Intl Monk' Mastitis, Shawls; Dress - • iiattilketchiefs, - Scarfs, Veil'. I?ihhons, &e. .i. large 51111 exeelleiitassortment Of fine and low priTaTil Cattgoes - ; - Irish, Table:Towel illT, prid - I alilii. Dialier,.Crasli Mtislins, Tickings, Cheek's, Cords, lieavirteens, Lee. A general assortilient of Leghorn and 'Siva iv Bonnets, Ualllls l'arasols,.k.e. Alsip, an ex teitsi've assortment of .. . .. .. . - Tilili!,(q'tS hull Ctileens‘v are, Xi he most invitocl to call :Mil judged:or ,the.tilLttli.e.tq_ dotinittined tiVsel I etteno far cash dr enmity) , reqieminily DAMN] to call and evainino their stock of Liquors u•fot•u purchasing ,elsimheye. Centre% ale, Clint. Co., ()etoliey 14.,1 840. --• Variety -ci o tore; &e.,- rgium subseriher, thankful for post favott,eespect -11 fully informs the public that he still Anilines to "hold , forth" in Church -Alley, !wilt. "Education II:41," where he hos now on hand It large assortment' of notions. consisting' in part, of the folic:l%i ing: , Ilre:l, Cakts, 'Cheese, Baton, Hants, Plour,.Soap, Cider, Spices, ]'rants, Sweetmeats, mid other necessaries eticulated for this me':lli:in. . . N. 8.-llemlso egpti Imes to keep an P.ating I louse, where gentlemen call he\ii,mtronollated oWI Tripe, Pigs. Feet, l!ickled Oysters; &e: :it the shorl;st notice. . . JACOB 11'.0., Agent. Sept. 9, IS.10:— . 1 year. • .yerr ffla relre2o re, Griwery, RIE 2'5" STORE.. • 91 1 111: subscriber has jilst returnedjuun -m- the CitieTi of New Vork, Philadelphia aud Bal timore, and is flow 011C:11111g store VOOlll S. Curlier of 'Market Squat: and StreetsArcul nwrly occuplot by tivol itner,) -genemil sorfinem - Of' Third wart,• lone IJ Urc, Cedar Trarc, jlriliania Mere, arpceries, Paints, fUrnishes, Glass, Brnsh, es, I flips, Cancs, Lamps fo) burning ,C'milphine Oil, greti . , tj. variety of articles useful and ilecessitry keviiiii;;:i house. lie liasalso,atid Wilrusfi ir l. .ep on flatid • . Ca airiPinlite Oil, cheap nod elegant sthstititte Tor.' sperm oil, and having been appointed • agent of 111ac.kers attil Brother of Newark' N .1., for the sail: of Jone's Patent Lamps in this crawly, he is prepared to fur nish amps and Oil,at II very reasonable rate to all whO may wish to use Allis new told tconomical.light. Having Beleeted his goods hiniSelf slid 'made his purchases fat• cash, he is able, and is ileteyinitted to sell; OW. Those having . the cosh to lay out will' find it tu theic ranta , -c. to g ive him a call. . HENRY- DUFFIELD I Carlislc,ltily 8; 18,113.---tr. It 'what're - 111s 'Vegetable Univer . sot- Flits, • • 'Are liehlky the following agents in (heir respec tiie enitutics Asiminerous counterfeits — of--these pills are attempted to bespalmed upon the communi .ty, the propriety of, ptweinising only from the recogt rimed agents, will be apparent. Cumberland Comity--7GeorgeNV:llitner,Carlisle; A. Riegel, 11echinticslairg;'Gilmore &' McKinney, •Newville; S. Culbertson, Shippensburg; Boke & Brenneman, New Cumberland; Ono Barton,, Lis burn; M. G. Rupp, Shiremalistpwn; L. Riegee& Co. Church - town. ' •-• • Perry County- 7 Alexander "Magee, i. & S. A. Coyle,Landislmrg. August 2.6,1840 • Cheap Cloths, aVc. The subscribers will self, their stook of Cloths Und. other Woolek Goods, very le<v foi Cash. H • 111TNEit. Sr. MULVANY. March 17, 1841. . BRANDRETH.'S PILLS. A fresh supply justypeeivecl at the store of ' CHAS. OdHint March 17,1841: MOUSETAINF DE LAtNES. Just received, elegat 1 ens. de Laines at:2o, 25 31, 37i, 50 and 75 els. per yard. CHAS. OGig.,l3Y. 111 , •cli 5 , 1841. ' • , - EOGY 4 TOOL - - D2lll7loaNaairColliZo =The-snbscriber hereby-informs the,eitiken of ,Car; , lisle, and' the public generally, that he hris takes' the shop nearly opposite the Jail, where he will he pre pared to raanulactere to 'order, on the most.. reasona ble terms:l2ll;y article in his line of business, sacp, as AxcS, Mill Picks, &C. He will also attend - le Steeling and Grinding. Axes. He soli` i ts ' share Of public patronage. ' ' _ -,‘ HARRIS.'-- Carlisle, Nov. 5,1840. 500° Rounds CARINT.CHA:IN, just , tmee vet; at 010 - New, bitore in hippensbut 4 gond for sal6 by • '' • " - ARNOLD .Bz_, ABRAMS. gat*, tt3o, • .. .. , :4 • .• CEWFIFICAI ES OF AGENCY FOR TUE SALE OF , A l lechn.nieBbiirg Line yz • . • Bela - e : .111ech aalcsintrg a . nd or Baltimore. , (III"`R%7IL1lO27) OR CAJNI , IL] rill HE til),4ribers grateful . for past fapors; 66, , ricape to inform. their friendsand the puldie, general-I.<MA they still conthide to run a linci of fiord= Cars regularly between Mechanicsburg and Philadelphia or Baltimore, by which goods and pro duce of alldescriptions will be forwarded With care and despatch at•thelowest rates of fie_ • • Produce will be receiYed 'at • their Ware Houses in Melillaniesburg, and forwarded to either Phila delphiliorjialtimpre, according direction of the owner. , The highest price will he given for Wheat and Flour. • DRESBACH Est . N. 13., Plaster of. Paris and Salt always kept on hand, and.for sale at the lowest pekes. July 29;1 1140.-Iv. r 2OPIECL S7IEO Giinst received.nt the Neiv Store in Siippelniburgi and toe sale by ' AR NOLD .F+t RA MS. may 1,1841. _ is _the:Asest..crime man. ' We arc not ainengthat clasp of Editors wleo.foi• dollars Will, (at the expense or truth and hones, ty) "crack up" aueardele and bring it into rapid sale; ncia'er are we willing to remain silent, after having leoted_th9;utility-of an improveiment al• discovery in science or art. Our reltderS' will recollect we told them we were unwell with a sore throat tied violent cold some few weeks ago. AVell, we purchased two bottles-of • WINSLONWS 'BALSAM -OF 11012 E LIOUN D.and so sudden was thecure, that we forgot WeiriVirliiiirretcilir"-TlitW7lli2rifetTm-111-eted7dely try it upon Ott recommendation.-4,mvistown Tele- For sale by vaA,ToT•r,entilide A.. 1. . Al sr,. be ihroughoutille coun try.- Price 50 tents per battle. r __Oct.. 9,8, 1840. -(7irltslc.~F;Mrk-'?ei ~ 1.5.1 N: -TRUE SING MAC lIHNES_ KW h, editeist. • -rirllE great encouragement lieretolhre received . 31 - front the gale olhiS netehines,indtices,hi in to of-. lee to the public a'new and Unproven Horse Power, ' u Meld rah lie shifted in gear or out 61 - and sii.4tl. band-to g ive It five liffilTellt - reV:Ohltiolla And lie hati - no liesitatinmin:lssuringtlll Farmersthat he is now able - to furnish thein With an article far mi -1 _perior to those manufactured heretoto — re: For specil anilelean tlWegliing. and- ease fa - UM horses r lie .11e heves- his machines In he unequalled. - • • - llis prise is $l4O--seveniv dollars to he paid cash, and the balande in six mold's, fOr which it note-will lie required with interegt. — Any iwrson'purchasing . .a netcluni•afid ispoira' fair trbil, not beliTg tileitsceUean return it. • Ile will at all times' be ready to furnish them, on the shortest notice; orders trout a distance will be punctually attended tn. He will. also. repair machines on - the shOrtest•notice. ' •• -• WILLIA 11 , MILLMAN. ca July ‘49, tc7=.l,ooli .1T Tills. MORE SPRING GOODS., AltX01.1) Cr" ABRAMS have just received an qdditiollai 5111;ply of FASHIONABLE' SPRING - 'GOODS, ~ consisting in part (If . Illde,..lllarle, Vrown, Malia, Green and Invisible ~ ' Geo a,'Stifig .111. red, and Drab CLOTHS;, • . Ribbed and Tiverd Cassia/env; ~ • Cassintts,:q-alt-pricvsi- Velvet Cords; Ilea verteens; Lion Cloth Kersey; and all kinds of Pant:ikon stuff; Testaigs of all descriptions - and at:all prices ; Stinanes.Cloth of various colyurs nail prices; I'i tired Penal de Sbi,!, Grq de Swita,}... Rich 1-4 'Mach and Blue Black Gro SI,LKS. de Rhine Colored a.:(1 Mach Gro. tie . ; Illack-;-Lacemml-Cattz4 -Veils; Silk'dress Shawls, I latilkerehiers and Seaifs of the . . latest style; . i . . .IPack,• Blue . Black, and changeable Bombazines; Mouslin de Lairs of vi ions patterns and prices; &general assortment ( t:tl, and Bonnet RIBBON'S; A tine assortment of Ot sh & Domestic PRINTS ; Thread Lace, thread NYilencia and ,Gotten Edgings/. Quilling and Lace of :I kinds; Thud , \White Black, 'lain and 'F igured ; , . i t • Together with large assortment of Rani ware, Greet . , Ware, &c. &c. • prepared to sell 20 per cent l ught!in 'Cumberland county, s 1 ectin Iv invite the public to r tackarttains will be gir t uce (Wall kinds;will be taken Itt market price. Queensware, ries Cedel.'. All of hieh they nre cheaper than can be Ir or elsewhere' Kt-They would re, call and examine theil .f.\l ar , --tio mistake." -- N: B. Country Proi I exchange for Goods \ lay 111, 1841. • • :Summer Roots, & Shoes. . The siihmeriber . haw , gilded tp his former extensive — ock - of - .l3nots - iiid - ShteS, a-very- large-and-'general assortment of Casten' itid Philadelphia 'work; all of which will be sold at very reduced prices, at the store of • • .CIIAS. OCILBY. • Carlisle June 1,184 . Rheum:o6v . ! Rheumatism DR. LEIDY'S DIEUMATID LINIMENT. -.. : llig t hty reconimenlird and a truly efficacious ap plicatiol Ithenni4ism, Bruises, Sprains, Sta. ness, and eakness if the Limbs and Joints; Pain along the Back, Si de4a iul across the Loins. . k E C 0.71 1/E..ND.17'40/VS. '' Extract of a letter om Di.. :Tolman, dated hiladelphin, May 7th, 1839, niment ann Blood Pills have . selt, and finding them effica commended. them' to many, y eared of Itheumatie pains, the joints, numbness of the The Rheumatic II been employed by is aloes, I have since - that havd been emir lumbago, stillbes's. of muscles, limbs, &c. Extract or a letter •oio Dr. Jennison, timid Baltimore, May 19, 1841. • - s iniment Possesses properties ound in any Liniment I have Your . Rheumatic which I have, never heretoforeemployel • Extract of a letter ram Dr. C. 11. Goodrich', da ted .Pittsbarg, June 21st, VW., .Of numerous Linii ants , and Medicines licketofore , . employed for Ithetufatio affections, none have been so suecessful'as the binitnent and Blood Pills man ufactured by . you. gilley have in this place won the golden, opinion of alliwito.have used them. To my own' knowledge theylhave cured several OM were by, myself and other Wien' ronannced inettbible: It may not be anai‘b to remark, that both thcLini- Meat and Blood .Pis. are prepared, by Dr. N. B. Leidy, himself; a replar..Draggist and Physician, attested by. Drs: , Pi sick ; Chapman; Jackion,,Hor ner, Pewees, Janics,,lGibson;Coxe; Bzo. of Philadel- Phis. This ' Linimeht iprepared only, and 'for' sale, wholesale and retail Dr. ICH. LEIDY'S HEALTH. EMPORIUM, No. 191 . - North. Second ,Stteeti (sign of the Golden EaglefantiSerpenti,)Philailelphin. " N. B:--The 'gentle is. accompanied by'the writ ten signaterd.of Dr.. :,13. Leidy on the label. . • ,Price 37i cents-a bottle, or three bottles ror $l. . 1 'Alio; for sale' by STEVENSON. ;40DINKLE,`, Pa.J•,'=" • ' ' I -Mar P3,,1841,4 . 41, • ' . • .11Weases of the 'Eye: - • , ' . 0.-.;,ff , . ----. N ss . . ......... . lift. BOSTOCK'S . Celebrated E 3 e Mr, ater, [ For the.cureor !Peak, Watery, or Blood Shot Ego, kers, ffuniotti.s, and hiffoniation of the Eje-lids, Dinitteis of Sight, 6' e. . , -.1 , 'Persops Subject to, any. of .theaa unpleasant disor (T lera,"will find this tIM most effectual remedy in use, as it seldom faili•to 'remove quir - of 'lltliSe directions by a lbw' aliplications; without the least idconvenience or pain: ' 1. hose 'wherare traubled with riDOINESS OF SIGIIT. will also find it-.ft 'vabiabie remedy for strengthening, the eyes, improving the sight, and pre venting the'vliumess that arises fiom straining, them. It Will also be found,particulifilyviseful as a wash for the eyes af young children; 'to remove iidlamatlon, and subdua.the humour's to which they ore•so liable: • Price 50 Cents a Bottle witlilttl -diree-,1 lions for using. -. . • . . Sold in Carlisle by..., '. , • .SAMUFL ELLIOTT.' April •-• 401 2.8;1144.1.---r . • ', ' . • •• - . ' $lOO !-$100: ' • • • Will be forfeited by Dr. N. 11.' LLIDY, for a prelim. , ration of Sarsaparilla equal to his. Medicated Extract. of Sarsaparilla. The efficacy ofSariaparifla is well known in Scro fula or King's - Evil, flrvsipnlas, Diseases of the Liv er, Affections of. the Skitrandllones, Differs of the Nose, Throat and Body, as well as an Antidote to Merenrymnd the - Minerals, Consfitntionnh Diseases id a general Purifier - of the' Blood and Animal • • li,--- Dr. Leidy woularefer to the most respectable phy sicians in l'hiladelphia, as well as throughout the U. "States forlis character of Ids rirepitt'iition, - its well also le tlie numerouscertificales from physicians and others, that have been front time to time published;. nose deemed unnecessary its the character ofhis pre paration is firmly 4:st:ll)l'oied. Throughout the Sou thern States it is used alts -edict*, and throughout the North takes the precedence over all others ? particu larly aincing physicians - , who for the bOnelif of tfaiir patients, always recommend it-. • • • v The reader is rdierretito_therdirgclions.accompa nying each bottle, for recommendations, certificates, nol further particulars. • - ... • , 'Remember :one'litit tie (halla pint,) is eqUal to six Mils of syrup, and is equally pleasant , to take. ' i)L~' -Price-Clue not/OP pet -,Llotite. •'. . A r.salc in . Carlisle lw ST LITT EiV SO'S' - . 1,1) IN E. 12% 4 .-2)17 i 0,4 4651::;:Z iL-:.;, - -A 7 1 , ; :;-,..; ,-; . ,1'411&'-aX4-44s4;c`:-g4i:0-:',1f-V.T.;.z;;;',7.:11.177.1.:4.,-:::#' . . . • .„ , " THE SPItING.TI ' IIIfii - COMINCi."• Be yelitirigetl iu yoin• Bloild, • • • will atte'aul you. Life If- the -11e:vh is , in NI. Trpr QW IS TIII.I TO BPI PUITIVItir!, 14-1- Thous:l6(l6 eau answer this question who kliow from netual expo:low,: flint • DD. LEIDY'S 111.001) A COMPONENT PAIlt WHICII.IS • 448.4.1".11111.1,.1. Iredm - safest; best,-and moat efrettuql-Pills-knowat, is a ..".. 4 i'opring . Fall ...Poriger; ' 111911S:11 . 1dS :1% il() fi n' Si•veral years past use( them Ate Fall (as-welhasat other times)-willnever—tise—ativ 7 others.-- Tlnndreds ire already daily procuring &au, who have heretofore employed them. The object of this advertisement is to ittforth the tlioustuis who know not yet of them, where they .may . procure—them. genuine,4bat they may try them;"being fnlly satisfied that having tried them, they-will.lieser be persuaded to use any oilier far several reasons. 1 itst—Dll.l.llll/1"S 111,00 D PILLS AIN'. ANTI (41.1AG1i.., being prepared by Dr. N. 1.1. Leidy liiniselr, a regular Dvtig;dsl, as well :15 Plivsician, attestgii b)• Drs. Phv sick, Jaines,llorner, Ocwees, Jackson, Gibson, (orce, fee. Serond--DII. LEIDY'S 111.001) PILLSA F. ANTI-MEW:PRIM, being abrAntidote pg:vost Mercury and the Minerals, S 9 11CrCier10114111111.111111-. gerollS;lind.upon the elects of which Quacks peed, for " kitting or curing," arid therefore mix them with their nostrums. 'Flied—lilt. LEIDV'S BLOOD PILLS ARE SA PER Ti AN ANY oTrwitS, as in using them, they 'require no 'restraint from living or occupa tion, and may be taken by the most delicate and feeble, old, and voting, male and female at all thnes - and under nil circumstances. Fourth—Dß. IILOOD PILLS ARE BETTER AND MORK EFFECTUAL THAN ANY on wits - , Witch . itSed iittcording tit the di - retdions—and do not - require to be,talten jn large qusmities :IS is required of vhrnous other Medi cines, making a Drug Shop' of the Stomach, de, .u lying it of its accustomed nourishment, destroy • nig itsfunctiona, and thereby causing a rapid -de- cline of the human system. • In all eases wherr a purgation Tony he necessary, these Pills will be found' both efi . eetual and easy in their operation, producing no nausea, or slid:mess of the stomach, griping or min• other unpleasant sensa tions. - Further comment is deemed unnecessary—the numerous certificates published from time to time. from. Physiehms and - other individuals must lice convinced the- incredulous, and foe the thrther in formation .of all others, Dr. Leidy - refers them to the directions which'accomptiny each box. .. They ai•e prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, ' at Dr. ILEIDVS HEALTH EMPOIDU.NI,No. 191 North Second street, below Vine street, (sign of the Golden Eagle and Serpents.) This extraora suit of science an Seal mau l the nit wits Invested Wit quest, has since fully sustaining Gridlley's last. without giving . , edge on this ant to his friend all of his discover - -it is now its the prineipaLhospitals, :mil _the private practi our country, first and , most cer tainty for the iif the, PILES, nod also extensive DR. LEIDY'S ly and e ff ect ,* to baffle crctlujity, utileSs where ' • . ' are fsseil. its effects ~T.3.rtoMally in. the follow . • - Sarsaparilla; or. Blood Pills. ing complaint "The Life of the Flesh is in the Blood." Ft r Dropf . ' LEVITICUS, C. XV/I. V. xr.` at one • c-FIE sOekt, best and most. efficacious Pills now Sae I 1, in existence, 11C• Dr. LeitlY-!ii-IlhriMlPilli;ii libel n component part of which is Sar.‘qatrilla. It is use- ease ' IeSS here, to name the gdoil'qualities, or commend Sot .e J. upon the medical virtues of these Pills, as the public Cr ptp .1 are fully nware.of them. Sufficeit to say, they are I over the el Al! Br. _ an efibetuat pur ifi er of the blood, and renovator of • - hours. the system. . ' ' - ' • Sores sicers---Whether fresh or long stand .l'hi adelphia City, as. ' , ~ . . . in mad i•or". .: . [L. S.] Persculally appeared before me, one attic i t ' s epe ! H utton mita and eltildren in reducing - . Aldermen of the city of Philadelphin, Dr.'N B. imseiung coughs and tight- Leidy, who, on his solemn oath cloth declitre and P l e ie ss in o n A t -st i li ng v s rll l it " xation et the parts, been has, swear, that in the'corimnsition of - the Sarsaparilla I n . 1 ont conception.. The 00M1111011 re surprisi i', Blood Pills, tuanuthchwed It,' hivii - only, there is not mark o who have used it in the Piles, is "It contained !Mercury or the.. Minerals, or ,any Drug acre lik : %rm.!' , . • whatever, unfriendly, dangerous or deleterious to l , • TII D '..5.--Tlie price, $l, is refOnded to any the human system. , , . • • • ver g er , , ill use a bottleof Hays' Lini inent for , • ' ~ C. 13ItAZER, Alderman. - the' Pi I r e t u r n the empty bottle Without being' ,• to - Price 25 cents a . Box. ' .. • • se are the positive orders of the prottrie... , They are prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, cured. ' tor to outs , and out of many thousands soldotot .at Dr. Leidy's Health, Emporium, ,Nq, 191 North for i t , ;it unsuccessful, Second street, belOw Vine street. .- . • ' . . T t 'insertcertificates' . " I,‘ . to any length, but • Alio, for sale . by, STEXENSON . fit DINICkiE ' . ' prefe ,'IIOSG who sell the article, should exhibit Druggists, C,arlitile, Pi. - ...( 1 . . • •i • ho • 'to purchasers. May 19, 1841.-6 m. . I; te• --, . .-7, • - .', l ' .' ' '.•• , ! '' • - : .:Physicians and - Plieids. a . ' 'd ' . ~ , . 'r -, Pif • cs,said to,be .ineurableby external , `Tettek ! Itch . 4. 1 , I ' tinpl" , Se--:-Seloineit Hays warr . n , _.. .... .. R:LEIDY'S CELEBRATEDTET7'ER AND . . ITCH OINTMENT isilaily becoming more I. b ts the calltrar y. Ills cot will4ore Blind Piles.. Pacts are more, stn um theories. lie' solicits all respectable popular.. Daily do nuitierotiti' individinda keit and 'PhY to it upon their patients. It 'will do Inform theproptietor of. its great 'deceits in res nov-' :the; arm, and it is known that every physician iug and curing the Tater. antlltch. /Wit :Ind the honest,' te,inake the trial, has can, •NutnerOMl t e stimonials might be published' of its tli 1 itted that it honest, ' succeeded in' every cube efficacy, but for thedelleatiy felt by individuals hay- th''' known. Then why not' use it? It is th e ing their names published:in -,conneotion' , with .in r,. One of theirmostrespeetable meinberi;now A loathsome and disagreeable affections: -• . , . ~- 11..., IVIly refuse totise it? Because it is sold ' ' It maybe ,used with perfect Safety by yenrig, and a l,prietary, 'medicine ? Is this, a sufficient ex old, even upon ifillints, containing •no 'inercury.or, c sufferang.their honest_liatiehtit ta linger- l in other minerafsubstances: ,Dr. N. B. Leidy:prepares' .i . '? , We think nott - :, Physicians. shall be.oofti. it himself' ; and, knowing its composition, meat cons-' ' l ., hat there is no ' kumbug or' nit:linker:y . lo)MA dentiallY'recoMmends it 'aSisuperior 'to s t ay OW" , ' , ele..-;4-Whytlieri not alleviate human suffer-. rernedy for the Totter "and Deli: •PrePared anthiold : f they won't try it heforq, let them after all •,at, Dr. Leidy's Health EniporittM,Asign of the Golden, ' reicriptions fail:: 'PhYsicians ere respectfully Eagle and .Serpetits,) No. 191 North Second street; ed,to do theituutlves anili c4. patients the Justice to '_helow_Vibe.... - --, -- :-.;- '...)-2-" , , ~ •'S arficle:„lt shall be-tan. , from'. theliottlei .. ~ - : Also . , for ' sale ;by-STEVENSON: kDINKLE, ; - nemp as their preseripti on If they' desire: , ' Druggists; Carlisle, , Pin: r r 1 ~c :j •.: ',.• •,, ' . • •',, iI. , . •,:. Sr, .. ; SOLOMONHAYS.. • The,aboye preparationsarq sold by 411 wholesale' : -by Comistook ' d0.. - Wholeiale 'Druggists,. Druggists in Philadelphia . . - no, by all respectable' ti tflrtoherStreettNeW , York;•. ; .:'i'• , : - . i , - t , •,..-/ Merchatitti 'and . Druggists 'throughout 'the. United ; or,. gale - also ..y, STEYENS:OI:':,44 '' , l:' tlCLE;•Cailiste . Pa''' . —• ' ''' ''' May .19;1841.-6m., .. ' : . _ : ~,, '-:. •.. . . .? .• . ',. ceniber 2,34.1/411,....4y.,: PriCc . 15 cents a Box. ' Also, for sale by STEVENSON & DINKLE, Druggists, Carl VI - ay l9,lB4l—fiat. -- . EEO CHARLES' M'CLURE 1.. • ./11'1'011,VEY JIT LAFIr. Office in High 'street :a few doors west of the Post Office. Cprlisle, April 28, 1841.--tf 1 UST- RECEIVED sonic' very fine, SHAY?, el HERRINGS •Sr. CHEEk. ',awe Steve •• • • 'll.lOl ARDS. , 1841. • • , ~ . DRi:T,47IESTAIR'S, , ~..: 'BiLso:OF 11111illErtla , TAR CELEBRATED REMEDY. FOR itEASESL:OE - THEIUNG& UMOROUS remedies have-beet . l offered hod 1 : 74. pufmt into'notice for diseases of the Lungs, souse of Aielrhas undoubtedly been Rattail very use ful,but dill that have hitherto been known, it . must be university acknowledged there is no n e, that- as ever Trov4 as. successful as the "BALSQM 'OF WILD C11.12.12Y.'! ' .. . . 'Sitch hulled are the astonishing :restorative, 'and licalingprotrtiesof this Bataan - it" that tech in the - worst formifConsumfition,,Whed the patient has' 'suffered:iv' : The most distressing cengli, 'Violent painsin the est,difficulty of Ifreitthing,night sweats, bleeding of t lungs. &e.„ . and wheii queinnst esteem- , ed remedies 'our PharmacoPins hadfailed . .toaffoed ntnYTetiefon cvorwlteirliotiiiiiii;TfiiiiiieTathie y Mid • nuarierintS Or remedies, hail .been used liir 1111111N' m 0110 6 .111 vail this- invaluable remedy' has check ed every symptol and beet; productive of the most as tonishing, reli In the early stages of the disease, ,peoceeding, fti neglected colds, termed Catarrhal • Consumption, has been used with mulcviati rig suc cess, sold in m. instances, when this disease. at!etn , \ i, -ed _to h avemar I. itv Victim_fo.r..ati_early:_grave r the. nacclf this ine( , ne ling arrested every symptom,:anil restored. le hi to a state - of perfect health. , . in tint orTit ..otisiiiiiptton, soiliciTaTent amongst delicate young ales, commonly termed debilitz t ,pr "going into a dune," a complaint with-which-tliotil; sands are ltnger i t has also been us6ll with surpri-Y- Sing'success, an ot- only possesses, the power of checking. the prdEss-of this alarming disease, Litt at the smite tinistrengthens and. invigorates the -whole system . meffectually' than July remedy we have ever passes . , --*:-., Livr,lt c IpLATN.T.---Ip- diseases of the Liver, paroo,ll:irl lirn attended with a cough, indi gestion or watulet pains in the side-, it hits alto pro.. ved.very etlicacio and cured Many cases of this kind after the iiioffi,;werful remedies had fajled.' . .rer-A,STIISIA,4 n this complaint it litta-tflsolieen used in numerfaus,\llances with the, most singular success. it opens chest, rendering. the- bri!athing, :tree li'J : cough, and,W'ill sehloin litil to - glive.w.rriniactit t d', - , 7 , 7:7 .. 7 ,..' :4„ . 1.,.4i" ,r 7".., nti§ediliv r i.igtfik -4A.AU4;i'di,-,*.`ini-truil ,..r. - Waal . ttfli:etiutis . ,6l tl roat, attended with a iniarse;•' 1-nrssrenng-h-in4-snrc. . throaiirit-irill wiserliveframd ,..a.l'.erY.Ofectual rern , and will mostly afford int median) relief &us t Ric conintencement of it :alai* _ . .... . . ; . . , . ---- . CO" COUGIIS F . c.?1,1)5.- _-in eninounieatighs_ atabObbr,-tlisit firevao) 'eXtifilSiVely througliont,the winter, it 11 ill be fotiiii'ucli More cllbtrtual Ilion any rcineily_inLuse _and A Bolds settle Upon the lungs, catisiog all inflatTuintiVialpltinsirrtheLbroast,llif., flolt.); or shoo ties,s olilithing,,Si.o, the use of this - Ilalsimi will suppressii symptoins knineiliiiti4, and . :i t the same time 1 qit the kings from becum ior more seriously di. d. (0" ." 1 :,110U1' AND LOOPING •COUGI I.—in these complaints; soCniow to yoling childt'en,lhis. Ralston will be founilit superio r t o the mi t ., l4 . 9 __ tie- - -Syrup or S4s, and the:)arions cough mixtilres ill coonnoti int lt is entirely free from any thing the least injiiot, and may at all times be given to children with l et salety,and with the eer- titility of its allbrilingth peedy relief.' t _ 1 (0••• • • AS • A FA NI ll.v'' . FMINE; for many °di et. com)lailits, this Bal. vill - also.he (band partic idarly useful. -Besides mg proved an int 'doable; remedy in all Pultnona fr.mctions, it exerts a' pow-. Mill inflocirce over in; discuses' ih.penkling• on a depraved conditio ail stem, and those nho h ave sofibred from lbe , 'llitlis. l :liOlo use. of Mercury, or other deleterious drug. t are often compounded in difrerent gnarl most , will find it a rsmiedy'of great, value, possessim posse' of strerigthening and invigorating the tisy stem more effectually than iiiiv other medicli • possess. CAUTION TO 1' , OASERS - . - -=-As this med- ieine has alremly argil ATeateelchrity. there may probably be,some'att • • to imitate it, and deceive the pbblie with a spin t mixture, to prevent which I would wish all pure .5 to observe the Ibllowing mar k s () ro l e genu i ne , sin. It IS pet mill in bottles of two sizes each, .g the words \NISPAWS DIIERRX, PIIILADEL- Si and a label . on the front WRY WISTAR, M. D. %mine: IIAISANI OF WI blown in the with the signatuye without which none 'idol.. by WILLIAMS & _:oininerce.street, Philinlel it respectable Praggistsatal in all the principal towns hates. • to Balsam sold in; Car ,ELLlol7,..appoint- Prepared for the CO., Chemists, No, Bahia, and sold by tla oilier appointed aga throughout the Ma' 'fb., - Tr . The 01 _lisle, by SAJIII ed Ageik 1 i ; a bottle ,-ly • December 16, 1 a . ntnient • F1C770.1t = heroical composition, the re invention of a celebrated med tion -of - 'which to the public, 'solemnity of a death-bed be fed' a reputation unparalleled, fwreetness,of the lamented .1)r. ssion, that "he :dared not die teritv the benefit of his knowl and lie therefore bequeathed 'admit, Solomon Hays, the secret S I caucus. ulcers, or colds. liooping-Cough-Ex: . termilly and • I t 11 :renting, extraordinary absorption , • educing them in a few hours. -Acute, or chronic, gi vi ng—quick-j lings) &aims, and Burns-.-Cured in' a few. . , Pittsford, Nlonroe co., Nov. 9, 1838. Mr..TOlia M. Winslow, Druggist, „ • • ed with an nfli.ction of the Lungs, and a hard cough, at01.1110:e many_timestose:_in.the-mornkug-atteem pletely-exhausteld 'by excessive coughing during the ).- night ns a .peramt would be by a haztl days labor. 1 have - tried most of the popular remedies of the day; but never.fonnil relief until 1 met with your Balsam • of Horehound. Allthe-pther remedies,or palatives, 'that I have sed;leave the bowels in a congested state, while yours leaves Thent soluble and This I consider a great desideratum. On taking ii•dolie of your Balsam when going to bed, I rest quietly thro' the night, and my sleep is:refreshing.. , I take great • pleasure in recommending' your Balsam of Bore bound to all those afilibted with piihMinary earn 'plaints or any disease:appertaining to the lungs; ital I take this 'opportunity to thank you . for the great re, -lief .benefit I -have experienced through :your in- - steuthentallty:::Yours, with niucit..respeet, • :" P - 1A:10T „e r a 1;1 isle •• • • . Also,hy Druggists generally throughout the coun- ' try', Price 50 cents per bottle. "April -_ 15'; y. • • • . ' tyre Innitinie - eaSe of-Fever in a thoysand i but_ May Ile effect tally britken - -Up and remoced y !is the use of this Elixir. It removes all acidityindigestitv, bilious matter bud constipation &Om the stomach and bowels. It operates gently and efilactually on tbe - bowels,` - and powerfully milhe kidneysanid skin. 'lt removes all .unpleasant feelings:titer a hearty meal, amlpromotes srgond appetite. - It needs only , a trial tolove perfect satisfaction. Mats become a general practice with many to use this article in all cases of colds, palits in the bones, or heavy disagreeable kel ingi tendering to 4611ln:be:or chilliness.- Fin. hoarse . ness;if taken through the day, it completely restores the voice without 4wodticing eickness. Whooping - cough, and all Coughs of children are cured by stomach is kept in perfaict order by it, and• it is quite impossible that any disease should cohnuence - •' whilit a person is 'using this Syrup. ty. It taken daily it produces it rutty, healthy, and young appearance, by driving oil all the hut-hors of the system. Sold gennitie at 8 Fletcher Street, one door below Pearl street, N. Y. by Comstock & Co., and by all respectable Druggists. For sale also by STEVENSON & IN KIX, Carlisle, Pa. Palm of Col umbia. Bth4h Consul's Officp, ? • Philadelphia. S . K.NOW ALL PERSONS to whom these pres eats shall come, that I, RILIIE T 12011tiliTSON, Esq. his Britanie Majesty's Consul for ,the City of Philadelphia, do hereby certify, That Robert 'Mar ton, Esq., who attests to the foregohig Certificates, is . llaypr of the City of Philadelphia rand that Alat thew Randall,Esq., is Prothonotary of the Court n Common Pleas for the city and enmity of Philadel phia, to both whose signiturcs, with the Seals of their respective offices, full faith and credit is due. --- Tfurther - certifyohat - l - am personally acquapited with Joseph L. Inglis,one of the sighers of the certi ficates hereunto affixed, which expresses the efficacy of the 13alm of Coluinbia, and that he is,a person o I great respectability, and worthy of full faith and ere- - dit; and that I have heard him express his unqualifi ed approbation of the effects of the - said Balm of Co lumbia, in restorin g hiS hair. Given under my hand and seal of office, at the city of Philailelphia, in the State of •Penusylvania, the United States of America. - • ROBERT WHARTONT, .ESq., late of Philadelphia, has certified, ns may be'seen 'below, to tlfi high character , of die following gentlemen. • The undersigned do hereby certify that we have used the Balm of Columbia discovered by J. ridge, and have found it highly serviceable not only as a preventive against the falling MY of hair,but'also a certain restorative. • •• . W THATCHER; senior, • MethodiSt Minister in St. George charge, ..No. 86 North Falk St. JOHN P. INGLIS, .95.1. Arch at. JOHN D. THOMAS, M. D.'163 Rote at. . , HUGH McCURDY, 243 SOuth 7th at.. • , - JOHN YARD, jr., 123 Arch st. . . „The aged, and those who, e ersist in wearing wigs, • may not always eiperience disrestorativequalities,: yetlit will certainly raise its virtues hi the estinuition, of the piablic; when It is kaown - thaftbree Of the a- I have signers, are more than 50 years of age, and the others not leSs lima 30.____„r" :,..„.. , •, ~ [From the Mayor.] • COMMONWEALTH OF PEDINSTIVAHIAI • City of Philadelphia. • .-- . I, ROBERT WRARTON, Mayor of said city Off Philadelphia, do hereby certify that I zum-well ac.-- (painted With Messrs. 3. P. 'NHS, '3OhnS. Puree,,, t and , R ugli MeCUrdy,wholenames are 'signed toAlle, above certificate, that they are . gentlemen of charac.. i ter and respectability; and as such full credit be giren:to the said 'certificate. ;! , . .•, .s, ~ .. In witness whereof, I krill hereunto set my hando and caused the beard the elty te be ntlixed,, t4z , ) Et" S. the sixth day ofneemblsr, &c. . . ROBERT, WHARTON Mayor; ', iIthItIDGES . BALM' OF bOLIYMBIA Flit TUC -,THE positive qualitiettinreAte lows: • • „, . • . . , ,_ tat. For infant ' s keepititthe head free from; Sour and causing a lteturianfgrealb ofillair.. T-- • ... • ett. For ladies after Child-birth, restoring the• Skin tu its usual strength and Grrnness; afid.pfeventing the. falling oat of the hair s . . . • 3d. For any persOn recovering ft:OM:alai debility - the same effect is produced. . • 4th. If used in infancy . till a good growth is ,stprted, it may be p , rescrved by attention to thelatest period • Stir: It frees•the head froth : dandruff; strengthens 'the rOOta, imparis health and viger t o:the circulation 'Mid:l) l 'CW nt lithe hair frma,changing .pOlnlAr M`, „gel , sing gray. ~- ••.§_th.- It: causes the, , hair ,to end bsautiftilly,;3shen ' done uP - pri it twer night. • -• • , ~. • - - (01 No hillieeltilletshOuld.ever be rinilearithi4(it... •Zth,.,Chiltlren who havFlq a . means .contracted • ierniin in the - head,'aref,.oMme 'tely• endAieffectly . Oared of ilic:ra hp, 444 ~ ,it alltble; - : :1, L'l€l .. M°, .asle at the drug.atore. of, , 'twastock,&: ; ;CO4 . 1 Fletcher street near Pearl, and i rarliele :by'Stis• .., 7 vepson 4- 140:1e... , „ -, • [Dpo;il6,;lB44Mr.tir • . : - El ... • ~,„ • . ,• IF laslow's Balsam of 1101tEHOUND An unparalleled remedy for common Colds;Coughs, : ,Astlinta,lnfluenza; Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and all diseases of the Breast and Lungs, leading to Consumption composed of the concentrated • -virtues orHoreliound; Bone Set, Blood Root, Li v— erwort and several other vegetable substances.— Prepared only by J. M. WINSLOW, Rochester, N.l. . The innocence and universally admitted pectosal virtues, of the Herbs fi . on'Which the' BALSA M 'OF lIORFAIOUND is made, are. too - frrnerallYitnow,. toirequire recommendation; it is therefore only ne cessary to observe that. this medecine contains the whole of their medical properties,laghly concentrat= ed, nnd so happily combined with Several other ve .getable,subStaiices,as_to_renderit the-Most- speedy ; Mild and certain remedy, now in use, for,' the Com- • ,plahits above - mentioned. For Children, this Balsam is of inestimahle Value. It is a speedy remedy for, the Whooping Cough and Cesup,and.iiffordacertain'veliefin Bowel .Complainte, Teeihing,& c: It is pleasalit tn the thste,and maybe safely glytiotei the tenderest infant and.oo6ltl be kept at all times in - every family, as it, is much, better for the complaints incident to Children, than Paregoric;GodfreyscordiaLor the Cordials so com monly aged; as Iffindieds in this'City hnietestifiedt. ,Read the follonting.4-4 hereby certify that early' in'the spring of 1838,1 contracted a seyere which settled-omi my lungs,'and threatened 'A hasty Consuniptioni. I used' several prescriptions,but tinned little or no relief; I was much alarmed..'•L Mapper:ling to.bei. in Rochester, I was advised'hy my Tmeant, Mr. lirinslotv,,to - try a bottle of his BALsssr lIORETTOUND 7 I did so, and -to ;my surprise oh “ Rifled relief at once—and by the-use of that single bottle was perfectly restored' to health.. 'To - those afflicted with ,Colds or Coughs, at, this inclement. season; I snY "go and do likewise,” ' • •_. • • 1126U_. %PORN'S . EILVIALTH ELIXIR. `;II.IIERT ROBERTS N Read the following. El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers