- w - x - iitAm - . 7 PORTER, EDITOR HERALD & EXPOSITOR. eig,t•ltate. WEDNESDAY, JULY 21;1841 OE FOR GOVERNOR, ' OF BERKS COUNTY. • Spieding, Committee. The Democratic Whig Standing Com mittee of Cumberland county are requested to meet on Monday- the 9th day of August next, at Macfarlane's Hotel, at 2 o'clock, P. M., to make arrangements for the meet /111g. Of the County Convention. • It is important that very member of the j committee shonld be in attendance. • "•1/ order. The following persons. compOse the committee. . . . Nicholas . DriCh, Dr. ,Litrae.. Letter, Al • leh; Dr. John J. Myers;•Win. M. Porter, Cailisle;.Jamez Weakley, .Wm. "Decklnson; Simon Oyster, Jacob Rupp,. 'East Pennsborough• Daniel Lecky, David - Bloser, Frank - IOW; • Ifefliebowelk° HoPe Well; Samuel J. Miller, John Brandt; Monroe; Samuel J. - McCor-. • Mack, - Jacob Wagoner, Mifflin;- Robert • Wilson, 'George Singizer",-jr„_Mechanics burg; Henry Breneman, Lewis Young, • New . ..dumberliind; John .Dunfee, Joseph ivlcDarmoild; - Netvville; Tho Mas D. trie, Jacob Hershey, - North. IVliildleton; Isaac Koontz; Charles. Brewster, Newton;. David Mahon; sen., Robert Stuart, Sliippensburg borough; John Raum,. Elias Ilotigh, Ship penabtirg township;. Kobert S.. McCune; •-' • -Michael:Ziegler; Southamptorq. Peter Mt n . • C,lintighlin",!leanc . Cautrman; South . Middle= Ptrt4.. u Im 7 -7•M apt n, Wm avi ii West Pennsticriough: DICKINSON COLLEGE The annual Coninteacement'of this Iniditution was held on the Bth inst. in the'-M. Church. 'The ext • ercises were alike creditithle to the Faciiltiand.the graduates, and were as follows: . Salutatory Chation—W. R. Whito, iiiiCl -- lisle. ••• _ ... • . Discussion.-Curiosity—D. E. Bruner, Columbia. - Diiiertation—Pate of our Republie=q. W. KnOx, Carlisle . . - Literary Discussion—Tyranny of Public Opinion— H. B. Harnibergey; Port Itepublic - , - Va. ' Dissertation -Character of Wilberf orce 7-A. B. 'Piz istrd, Carlisle. cf) Literary Discussion--Digni y of our Moral Nature - --B. P. Brooke, Loutlon co., Va. Oration—lnfluent? of the belief in Original Differen , cgs in the Nv4o ponstitutionL-W. - I - 1. Stewart, Dorchester co:, Md. Discufisiott— Knowledge is Power—T. E. Masse N, Carlisle Oration--The high PurpoSe and the firm Resolve— James Lesley, Harrisburg.. Oration=—Differeire of OpiniOn—J. Stayman, Cumberland no. . • . Oration—Self Interest-IT - Cii:i, Dissertation-rAfental Independence—B. M. AteCon key, Baltimore, 'Aid. , MASTERS' ORATIONS. Ocatioll-- , Ancient a n d Modern Civilization---J.- C. lllionds, Milton. . . Oration- , - Brougham's Influence on Engl und--W. S -Waters, Baltimore, Md. Valedictory Oration---G. D.., Cummins, Baltimore, The degree of A: B. was conferred on the follow lug young g entlemen: ---C: J. Baker ; :B.-.F.--Brooke D. E. Bruner,.G. G. Butler, W. B. Carr, G. D, Cunt ' rains, A. T. Emory, 11. B. Harnsberger, G. W. Knox J. Lesley, R. V. B. Lincoln, T. E. Massey, B. M McConkey, C. C. Moore,B. G. Peiteoek, J. lEL Reed W. L. Spottswood, J. K. Stayman, W. H., Stewart E. Stout, C. H. Tilghinan, lA. B. Tizzard, W. It White: . The degree of Muster of Arts was conferred on J. Clarke, C. Denison, E. E. Leclerc, B. A. Massey, - 3:Y - Moore, C:W:Pitto.m, J. C. Rhoat maker, W. S. Waters, W. Woodward, and J. A. Wright. • ' • --The degree,of Bachelor of Law, was conferred on the following alunini , of the Law School : W. .B. Knox, E. B. Wakernap, and W. S. Waters. Honorary degrees were also Conferred on the fol lo\iiing-ilistioguislied .clergymen I - TEC:degree - a - A - . - 11Jon - the Rev. 'J. A. Collins, Of W.; Rey. E. Cooke, Principal of the Pennington. Academy, and ReNi. James Floy, of' Brooklyn', L. I. And the degree of D. D. upon the Rev. John M. Krebs, of New York. ' Since.this College has been placed under the care of the Methodist Conferences, it has been eminently successful. It is expected that the winter session will commence with a consideraGiriccession of stu dents, and we hope it.inay be so. Parents have every encouragerrient to send their 'children here; the situa tion is one of the most healthy in the Union, the course of study is as extensive-lts that of any other College, lied the correct ,moral deportment of, the students, affords the best evidence of the good gmi ernment of the Institution. • 10:7•Edward Everett, of Mass. has been nominated to the .. entite ati,Minister to En-. gland; . q:oL,,TOdil, of Ohio, as Minister to litissia; and Daniel Jenifer, of Maryland, se,-Minister to.. Austria. QUITE A tuxity.:--For :four days • after the•recent- hail storm* in th is county, the ' trail . * yet remained in :the hollcitie , :to the depth of several inches. The farmers. in some instances;'carried it in large-Tquopti ties to .their harvest fiel, and regaled their :with . iced. water. • EXTENSIVE, PONFLAORATIONTho Sage of Water fo r d , New , York, has been .. „ iiiiiiiiiiii deistroyedrby fity; -- Fronr - 7040,80 buildings wern.burned, including. thePara toga "Countr! Hank, Episcopal Choral, „Mansion House and. Academy; It rnquir, ied 'great emttions to, prevent the deV:ruction of the bridge overthe Hudson. The whole , loss is 'esiiintiMd at $150,000,'S portion of 1' ' si n s l ire • -PUBLIC — SCH•O4 - EXAMINATION. ,The'e — ianiination of, the Public Schools of this boroggh, will contmeneepn Monday next and-continue four days ; •OnThursday afternoon and evening, an exhibition by the pupils of the High School and Seconfiary. Departinents will take place. The:Super,, intendent has signified-to. the Difectors his, intention of being 'present : at theAvoneral _exhibition,..a.pdit is exp_ccted that Goyernor Porter will also attend at the same time. Heretofore, the citizens have evinced but little interest in the practica)eperation 'of the school law; with the eweption of the committee, few of them nttind the ex-' arninations;. lye hope this wilinot be the casein biture. It is due ;to VP, Directors to say, that, they have sparedneither time nor labor in'renderiogthe . actitols efficient, and.• the public should, ateast, interest themselves' sufficiently. to •)holy that the to whom they havOntrusted the MO manageineht of this importatmatter, have done their duty.' . - ICP'Phe letter from- jr' Washington correspondent will be rm . interest: The writer promises to emisli one every - week;which—will -l enabli us- AO—keep-our readers advised of.the eapest and moat im portant intelligence fromhit:quarter. DEATII OF AN IRISII 'ATRIOT.—Doctor William J. MeNevin . dil - reeently in New York. . He was,the eopanion of Emmett;. glorious airnigleir Irish freedom; _pc - r.The citizens oftahant have-effect ed an engagement for d 'season with . the celebrated Sea Sera en He made his first appearance ay fent claysince,, , 1 7 . .Th_ . ::::: --.---. , , . .___-.'-,-: ' l,-- ', •---P'77: . . ... - _e(Lto_ i ti quire 46 a La? u ra ~o 1 : cla trigii• li . a'if _beerLetisi:iipeil,h3(itown 6 rs of Pen n'syl;. , vania Hall, in the: d.rttetion of that huild. : ing.hy a Mob in M. 108,•have made a ' report. • Thoy-stattiat the owners•had nqi, " immediate d r ace plrticip6tion in the .-riot,"-'-..iind .assess4liciis la-133,000,2-One— .member :of the_ ju,rali.lies...a._COunter re port in' which he•uscs to award any _ da . . -- -_ images. • . . .• • .._ . _ _ .. ~. . 1 • - TEIELND BILL - . This important bEaving paised the -louse of Representatives, has sent to the Senate for their concurrence; it willtiOubt be itated_mi .without delay: There seemihe a. determination on t h e part of the VI , hips in igress; to carry out all the measures of reform fhich the party contended so long and-itobly. The Land Bill is nitiallya Whig measure, it was a strong rallyintlititidtiiiig . the late election campaign, the . 4ote lie House, was a complete Whig_victory--notgifle Locpfoco voting. for it--- and.we congratulate tountry on the, resblt. The people may now see s; the "Harrison and Tyler victory,' has not heeaiendlin We'annex a synopsis oftlie-bill,Vassetl-thouse. _ See. }---Provides thfter the 31st of beeeniber, 1841, there be paid to, of the States-of Ohio . ' In diana, Illinois, Alabin Missouri, Lonisiana,Ar kanias, and Miehiganer and above lvhat..those States are now entiddrip per cent, of all the lands sold within their respi, limits Sec. 1---Providestlik nett proceeds of the sales of thepublic- lands, utile allowance of 10 per cent.stall be div i ded a g all the States including the District of . Columbccording to their federal .representation, as ascel'ul by the last censur. Sec.s---ProvidesThufnett proceeds of the lands shall be paid at the Tmy, half-yearly, to agents appointed by the - Stalea. Sec. 4---That this actli be suspended_ in time of-t r, and that new Sulk s admitted t o share. Sec. --That a sum Fite apitropriated to sur vey the I nds, and that ? m i n i m um pon e of the lands shall not be increasnd if the rates are in creased, this act shall becivoid, „Sec. 6.—Empowees thicretavy to continue the land office in any districts discretion. Sec. 7--Frovides that e shall be granted to each state named in the I . l ftion, a quantity of land within its own limits, whmith w h at h as.n i ren dy been gl'ontedshall make ''oo acres, to be select 41.4,s.,th,.%ive_e_teqislatnre Idivect_2 Sec. 8---That the prices,e land granted to the States, shall never exceed $ per acre. and be de voted to purposes of internihrovement. Sec. 9—Confers a right tt-emption under cer tain conditions. ,---, + , . , .1 Sec. 10—That when thee , two settlers on the same section, the pre - emPtifr,ht shall exist in the first sc,ttler. The_question_fadjudged hythe re, Ceiiii iif th'e - district. • ~ . -Sec. 1 I.—Prescribes for qtr3= of lands. . 5ec.. , 12--Proves the tm. o f entry for the right of prd-emption. , I I Sec. 13—That this act shal t delay the sale of fonds under proclamation Sec. 14---That within thirti after the settle ment of land, the occupant 8114 a not i ce o f j oko .! tion to claim the right of pre-m,„. THE ASSESdANiT: - The statement made by correspon dent of the Volunteer, andt:ertifteate of The Commissioners' Clerk the Subject of the taxation in this born re far from satisfactory.• The point a ue is cun ningly evaded. ' We. alleg our com ments upon our coriespond e n . inmun i. cation . , that there is ittequal / the 'vela- Aim); and we say so . yet. - , Tt a l an n e nn t , of the courilliteers' ineci r e duced - . .. i more then'one:lialf.;--n. onolnce two . purposesi • • thirds—for county st ; min- , lifters, of the gospel are rated, br coun , tY and state purposes, at nth l ar e uuut , of their sa6ries. .Suppose. it'tt*to re- - 'dude the valuation of 'the o $. . • ' helcriv their. real, sumi then it was i ite '' put :doWn. miiiisterS at the, utmost •1;. : - , i t Cannetbejustified. The Co loners seam to liave - proceeded . .-upo tri mere i rule, but demi- l e l!, ha, p hazard; for. there .iino.'i Ilgr.Pn. in:the. Teduction , -of-theliffieers 44 . e .ve i t -.. We. have 'not remit : this.'Weektkeue this •sithjeo4.:but:if .there- be 4.4ther Contention• ahoUt i it,.ive- , , .5ha11-i shfii e ;,- (fairialle evidence:that ~t hti,..,taitilu i, .. ti tlit equal'.aUd, in act bath of the ( l id •spitifof the act of ii:tiseitehlyleP' l 6, I . d_tri,aooo,_itt.-inoreparticulg-541St , -.10.,iir ::.gt . 4 c : X - ilil t± - m)) virrol-T.Xt, ,A 4,titi_ Ifir.vor'xii4.o-t*, we have designated. The correspondent of the Volunteer need not, have lashed him= self into a rage about it, for there was notht ing in .what .we said, but a inere desire.that discrepancies should, be explained—discre pancies about which more complained and more do complain ,than "three lawyers.". As to the " vile'. attack !von Judge Rep iitn," we have only to'say that.n'One such o wns • made..:-- .Nobody blames the Judge fof.inaking 'himself comfortible,liut it considered questionable whether the Com missioners- have been guided by public in terest. Vl e can - tell the Volunteer and its correspondent that they had as well keep cool about this, for the complaint is not . confined to the political oppotients of his honor. The_eilitor_of_the_.Perry• County Democrat s4s,•'ll,e don't.like a blue color. Perhaps he gets blue so often himself, that -he looks-oir that:Color 'as — a perion al.re flection. : ' •' • litrThe LocofOens• are not satisfied in any position. They have been four •vir' eekti .attempting - to - prove - that - Mr. : ClaY - is a Die tato.ri and having done that to their satis -faciioncl-they—now—wisll7ia-'olow—that-tli• Dictator is not 'Dictator after all. Poor devils.! •they are condemned to thalatioi: of Sisyphus, and we wish thern joy of .their occupation. • . • subjpin - an abstract of the Loait Bill, as. it passed, - theilouse Represen iatives,• The vote owits final passage. was yeas 124,•nays 93. _ Section 1. Authorizes. the Fresident of lie_linited..-States to borrow a . sum not ex ceeding twelve inillionS.of . dollars, at a rate_ _Qijiltetest opt,.exceetling__six4yr..een.mm ......... '11nel111'61i) p . t of the tihpaid. - Stic.-2.- : .;41. - tithOrazes3lie-Secretary , off-- . !f i reasury .to prepare certificates - of - stock, for the sum to be borrowed; hearingThn.iii terest not exceeding sig per cent: per an num, and to cause. the said certificates to 66 - Provided, that no stock be seld loiv lar; ..... " • • ...Sect. 3. Aut,ls - oriiesifre-Secretary.. to re ccive proposal s said loan, or to employ agents to-negociate the same; and appropriate twelve thousand dollars to dc fray-the-incidental expenses.," Sect. 4. Appropriates any surplus in the :Treasury to the •ptirchase of iho_stock,.at any time before the period, limited for its .tedeuiption. . Sect. 5: Pledges the faith of the• United States for the•punctual payment of, the in terest, and the redemption olifaid.stock.. 7 . Orthodox Doctrine. Two weeks ago; we published a leer from JointßArms, pledging himself to sup port the one term principle: 'We now hi vite the Otention of Our readers to the fol : loiving letter, giving his opinion on the TorT question; they will .find in it the true Pennsylvania doctrine— , -that of-pro=. tecting domestic indusiry. READING, hind 18, 1841 Doctor P. A. WORRALL, Sir—Late last evening, I :received your letter, inviting me to attend at Lewistoivn, and join in the celebration of the approacb -ing-.4th-of_July-•'- • - I assure you that, l it would• afford me great pleasure to visit that part of the coun ty of my nativity, and unite in the celebra tion of. American Independence, with my old t ttttttttttt and the companions of my youth. u 'Oilierever the active pursuits of life may place me,- my heart will still be moved by the warmest attachment,to "Old Mifflin," as the place of my birth. The recollection of my early associations will,evcr•bo pleas- ' - ing. The file - fflis s-9 , —.1 ----------- WhO e shared with melhe .amusements and inci dents of boyhood, will long have a place. in my affections. .Many of them have gone to other states, and to other climes, and not a few have stink into `the slims_ tomb, whether we must all soon follow. , them:- 7 'Eo meet once mike ; after. an ab sence„ef many weeks, with those who still remaie; and to join-with them the com memoration of our national freedom, and to renew our vows to the Constitution and best intercstk . ef the country, Would indeed be highly gratifying. But other engagements and., other _duties demand my presence at home, and 1 am therefore compelled to de cline the honor which you have extended to me. • • I cannot close this brief, note without ad verting to that part of your letter which re fers to Smerican . Ifibbr and industr When we contemplate that it is industry which provides and prepares...the rich har vests, the green meadows, and adorns our hills and:valleys with herds and:flocks, and makea the husbandman independent and venerable; when-guiding the, plough in the furrow; . that it is industry which covers our rivers; and lakes,- and seas':with all `the abundance and'ornaments . a , civilized life; that it is industry which beautifies all with, elegance and variety, by,the,sticcessful'ap!:: ,plication of the ,arts,. we Mast indeed admit' that it is a subject of , the deepeav impor tance,to the American people w • That.the United: States eptaini.twithin their limits,•resources' mply - , eufficient to enable them to heedme a great manufactur ing country, is a universally acknowledged truth; The •:exPeattincy of encouraging 'Anierican industryis elso-p truth too .obvi ous. to, require either_ comment 01 , thatantlingA Olds, _we. see ttut inter. "eats or our own industry. neglected, antide clinitig,...While the wealth'of our country is -most prodigally expended in: the purchase andTuse -, or thb - se , -ertielee of-foreign tnitiiuz. feature, which our. own citizens are fuily Competent to fdrntsh..::' Thus:, it that the. country is deluged' by the.prefusion.Offer-. eign importations, and the people.deceived by-the—appenrence-oPplet • • El i ,companions w LEM evil' of.this policy and practice' is, the in troduetion of a prepossession 'in favor of foreign commodities, which is altogether anti-Arrierican, and which, is one great'cause of that distiess which is, now the subject of general complaint. American induitry is an object of too much.impOrtance 'to' be ne glected: In its prosperity, all classes of the community are deeply interested-,and the efforts of • pnblic - men are always usefully employed; while proMoting,and improving domestic industry. This should be done by-exarriple,-as -well its ) . by.-practice, and I believe the 'day is not far ,distant, when every' public.man will feel it to be his duty and his pride to appear dressed in cloth of American manufacture. •You will accept my best wishes for your self and .each Member .of the• committee .with whom you : act, and also fur the people whom you represent. Yours, &c. JOHN BANKS.— CoiTespondenfe °lthe Repaid 411 Expositol;. • :, ----- WAstiWnitotki, 10thJuly, - 18.11- - The Senate has, been engaged for the last -three-weeki,--witht-the-bill-for-the.-incorpor ation of the "Fiscal Bank of . the' United States."- How much longer it will'be dis cussed, it'.is impossible to. say, as the Lo. - cofoces-coneoet .amendments -every - night, and bring therri into the Senate in the Morn -4.11g.4 in order. to delay the; passage of the bill as long as possible, and if they can ef fect it, to' defeat it altogether. They also 41 - siFt - o - -if - p - rotriint the — extra - - session*i .as groat a length .as possible, to enable them to cry Out agaiiiit :Whig extrasLagatice:— This you .will say is unworthy of members of the. United States Senate, which hereto;:' fore has been remarkable for the-dignity ofj its conduct; but it is amelmicholy fact, that piirty spirit is greatly injuring the high character`orthis-body,-antrwastiug-the,mo- : ney. of - the 'people in . idle, .uSeless discus sion. Unfortunately for the interest of the nation, there-is no rule 4)f the Senate allow ing the previims question to be-hurt, Which aB, you are•no doubt z wire, .cats off-all de bate, or,the question might bave been set-. tled,,:•Seme w..tlsys.yainee..Atiis-'-'suv , posed,. litiiikeiTi i -JII;I64.IWMTAneMi-07tiAi , .. paSsage,'oicAloitilaY.Lnext.,...iVitalt.:.Wiltle, its - fateiit is impossible- to---Say ; it - is - re ' Piieted.Yliiiit - anse-St -- ina-tor4Mr...-Merrielccol.. Maryland) holds,the balance of; power, and that lie is "shivering in the wiffil.” 1-le will scarcely. dare to_itita against the inter ests anil wishes of_ - se largo a =Pithy of .hi&own state, as:are thse-friends-of'a - Na- - tional Bank— Kite could consult not only the Whig-party,-but-a large portion of the late supporters of Mr, V.-an Buren, he would find, that• they consider the measure of in ,Miiteimportance to the country; 'knowing as they . do, that we have never..been pros perous in a commercial point of Om since the expiration-of the ebartd• of the-Old-Na tional Banks. Henry Clay is. constantly iit his post, fighting the bill through iiieli by inch, and looks as if, he Would long con tinue able to Give hattlirto - . the "enemies of his . 44..w.amy's iirosperity.' , May his valua ble lift ; ge long.gpared. • In the House of Represthiathies, the Whigs are working in a manner which does themselves credit, and amply retrieves the charadter of the House, so greatly injured by the proceedings of the first three. weeks of the session. They have gained -the thanks pot only of the part - YTaii -- alstioT some thinking incn-of the. other side, for] the plait Which they have taken to prevent useless ttin discussion,-an ilsumisti t.oll dollars of t it h .. e .tli i tlL3Lly o s ti b j : e .inil z i e .y. By the rore adopted . preventing •speec hes o f murk;thnii an hour in committee Of the whole, this great objeci leis been attained. Nolonger are "speeches for Buncombe," (a. phrasti-used by an enlightened locofoco from Buncombe county, N. Uaroliii%a, some in oration 'intended 4nie, bhi without_the le subject of - debate) amply suffic i ent for fhis views *on the un. From all quar ation of the. peoplc; se, and. the Whigs proud of this pop ley have not .had ast......2l'lte_bla me the locofocos• And the Senate; were a session dependent !y would be able to f. the extra,, ession,_ Tie of a .titonth .at time since, to denote fin• political Rtfect at 11, slightest reference to t allowed, and an hour i one person to expres question under discuss ters we hear the appro at the course of the'lli, especially are bacon - tin ular branch,, in which makirity—for-anioy—yea of delay Jinw ..rests o impracticable- whigs o the business of the ext. on the House alone, t; • pass all theineesures i .and adjourn in the co 1 farthest... • - .' - the rote on the lan - you are aware, about t. measure, Of such imp vania - i-giSing her an-ai i tween three and four Ii lars, which would ass: Paying the interest of . only carried by the to i Whigs. Stsspge...msa3 the locofoco members When the question , wa: passage, eve?' Pkofozo Pennsylvania, eiceptini soil or IlliitadeWind; an who were' absent. voted Etzery fl'hig member; voted.for the passage i three absentees had not I to face the responsibility example of some of.Gor i Ocular friends in the Le sylvania, nnct dodged tit tax burthened people ioc now Seewhp are their I men ar(all admirers ant ..of Governor Porter, and , pie already. possessed of their Own experience of that gentleman's adminis see the danger Of trustini of the state to' . sueli' porri stolid-11,7 te-1013: All'„ . three abstractionists of . tunately :nearly ' read '..op t . .entire. Georgia delegatjtin,i . - ers — frnartNatlrOarelin "Pertne,ssee ' ..yotedi.in.th whigs'and fi ve locofocoti --- 001Ondarlast the lea by' the decided` majority O Wise, Mallory, .Otni:':Geigi Sprigg, ( iof audi Indiana, yoting inthe:; l iiel 1, t - tr.o OCOLO ` 1-- ' - h_l/9 II MN 'This is no. place for gOssip; the weather is top warm to meet, and talk scandal, and the office-holders are afraid to talk polities The President and heads- ofDepartment are engaged in innking removals, and al 'though their .adtion may appear tardy to people anxiously . waiting to see the "Goths, and Vandals driven from') the Capitol," they should reColleet:that the whigs are a mag nanimons 'set of men (more so' than is po litic) and .dislike to turn out the locofoco leeches who have. tugged so long et 'the -public-treasury,-that they-think-they-have prescriptive right to all it contains. How ever, the bigynen . here . are gettingover:their squeamishness,and are gding..on slowly but surely in,. as dackson would say, 4 :cleansing the Augean stable . .*h is ru mored that the President and Cabiriertcanie to a determination yesterday to:make the heads fly" fast and thick;.-the_ modest to .cofoco papers had better put up the liend- , Mg, to their mournful lamentf, " Glilllo. -ti ne-al—Av-ork h—thj-r-'-hends,L'=. .&c.. -for some of their. poor friends Will shortly be obliged to give PRAheir long en ! joyed 'spoils.'. The' Postmaster GenerLil is actively engaged in this good wqrk, but it is not surprising that liamay,arOar srow, when We reflect that - there- are 4 s4l ; many' •thousands of offices (upwards of twelve thousand if l'r • hollect right) in the United Statea..:l3nt as this e lettr la' too by stating that there . is..a.strong probability that'the locofoco - of, flec=holdees here will not be allowed to re maininuch--longer,_to_acras,..sploc - Whig. camp, giving notice to the enemy all our . . movements. • '-; 11 • .• • , , • ' 1 ! The mime of Slr,•liatnaeyworl-luaks,"tililttut -pear in:. tbe-oatiers; hut •lie-a-ws--tweseht--a m l tote like a good . Whig in the rillirtnittice on'the,questictu of the 'inissage•of the land bill. His - name was omit- Ivirtife , Joui , oartiy_the,negligehee eir. the-Clerk, but was' placed moon it the ne, dii . ;• 7 l4 -the 'eons - rut of the • • Ho/A..1 'of. a Row:—The colloWink e tiaet-ftoof,the'eritefTipOilelieiri—Of State--Democrat shows what hopes are en teitai-ned by the correspondent of; tiiat op= position journal:. , "DEAR SIR: 1 am' as much in a quandary . as ,ever I have been, inwelation to the result of_the_Extra Session._ _Manfotour friends are confident that it will break up in. a row, and nothing bo done. can- hardly hope so good a result yet." Pursuant to the General Regulations o the Board bf Directors, the Semi-annual examination of the Scholars of the Public Schools of the Borough of Carlisle, Will be their.respective School Rutin-is, ex cept when otherwise,mentioned,•as follows, viz: 1. The Four Schools of the First Grade, *taught I)% Messrs. Caufman, Miss -Wight man,. Miss Reichter and Miss Krebs, and also Miss Bell's School, on Monday morn ing the 20th of July, inst.,..from 8. until 10 o'clock. • .VOur Schools of the• Second Grade, in charge. of Mrs. Jackson Daughter,. Misses Weber, and Messrs. - Quigley and Hampton, on die same morn ing, commencing at 10 o'clock. 11:7' The Scholars for transfer. from tiv above Grades, will 'meet at "Edumnion Ball" in the afternoon . of. the same „ay, at half past one o'clock, for special examina tion—their 'l'eathe'rs beipg.also present., 3.. The Two S c hools_ol the .Sedond Grade, under the care of Mr. Mcginney and Miss Bendel', on Tuesday morning the 4...Tha Two Schools of the First Grade', in charge of Mr. Lobach and Miss Mason, in the afternoon of the same day,-commen cing at half past one o'clodli. P.L-r"-Tht Scholarslor-transfer from - the SeVondary Departtnent, as also, all -appli cants (net. Mirth-"the-Schools)-fur--admis sion into the Digit Sehools4 will assemble at tho '• Ball" -- un Thursday morning the bill was taken as days since. This rtance to Pennsyl mat income of be` Mired thousand-dol - materially in „. . our state debt, was king eiThrts of the it was opposed by om Pennsylvania. taken on the foal 'ongressman from! Brown and Ingpr -1 Gerry of York, n-the negative.,-- ithout exception, the bill.'* The hz - moral.enuran.e. i So they took the ' mor Porter'Spar- . par islature of 'Penn . 061 iiiif.' , The Pettnsytvania can al friends. These, Warm soppOrters were not. the peo n) knowledge, by he evil effects of ation,.they could the' goyerement i ides; . Tivi 'vote le lorofncos i the liiinia.Ww for the party. i the, ,three whig meM -1 r untl*iti-frOm.- negative;, Si ere absent'. - - ~bill'wasltetied, - , 31';',. five' whig,s,' l i i kitt-;:of - Arirgintai ICJ. _White .of 'h,• - - . , . ' , gaiivi,,:ll OA Ts lent.: Since that. 29th inst., nt, 8 o'cloc n ti, . Anal:examina tion, at which the TeacherS of this .Deptirt- went will also he present. ' . . HIGH SCHOOL'DEPARTJHENT. 5. The Mule School under the_ charge of 'Mr. Cameron, on Wednesday morning the '2Bth inst.,. commencing: at 8 o'elock. 6. The VemaleS hoot in charge'tif Mr. , Dooley, in'the after owl of the same day, cotimencing ay.lial past one o'clock. • GENERAL EXHIGITION 7.. A further exhibition by the Scholars of the High School and Seconclary•Depart- Ments, will 'take place in. the Saloon of !!..EticatiOn flail' ion Thursday afternoon the 29th inst., at•half past one olcloalt .and also , in . the evening at 8 o'clock. The exercises will he reading and.cxhibition of- Composition, Drawing, &c . ,; also, Dechi [nation, Natural Phibisophy; -- Algebra; As trenoiiry and such other eiercises, as :may be deenied.inteneating and expedient. ' 80.. The Scholars of the High Schools, • as also of the . Sedotrdery• Department;. will be present -with:the Teachers of ~.all .the Departments. 'Visitors selicted fur the. "occasion ore.' particUltirly. requested to be present- at I:e Several ....- ~ O erciscs.-:------, . - . : . .„ : .._..... '...Parents, friend of education. and .this public generallysk, also earnestly invited th he , preaeiit'at the 'several examinations,' where--theowilk-Mat.onlyAnYO.Aß 4.119 - "tunity 'Of' judging Of the progi.ese'xif-the Seholarit; but se e . the, practical ' operation 'or - the,present:eyetetn'of.-00intuon'Schtiel--:in-' struction. . time, the linusg_ has passed a bill appro priating nrioney br the payment of peri:' sions of widows of naval oiEceis of t g ll late war, which .are due for two year past, owing to Kr.,Van Buren's drain upon the treasury. A bill for , the purchase of ord nanee and . stores . for the 'navy, and for the.. establishment of the home• squadron, has bqen passed, the Whig majority growing greater it every vote. . here is now be fore the House a bill making appropriations for fortifications, &c. , . " WASIIINOTPN, July-4,. 1844 Ptiblic School. Examitiation. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT SECONDARY DEPARTMENT. LEWIS HARLAN. JASON EBt,.- J9,sltp ILA:MILTON, Carlisle, July 15, 1941. Cure and preventive of Disease.—Brandeeth's yegetable Universal Pills are' no less a cure than a preventrve of diseases. • When we 'reel dull, pain in the head, back or side; weal's , on Alm least exertion, it is then we ought to take a dose of these Pills. 'ibis will always have a good.effecti because it is impossi ble for pam to be in the body without the presence of those humors which produce-it, it iti only by them being Ibreed out by purgin ,, . that health can be ,re. stored. It is at all times easier to prevent than to cure dis case f because, by taking a preventive course we do not debilitate thwnatural functions of the. body, but rather strengthen and assist. them; the peculiar. tion of Braialreth's Vegetable Universal Pills is to cleanse the blood from all impurities, remove every cause of pain or Wcaknessond restore the constitti tion to perfect health and vigor. Ecr FEW sale in . Ctirlidre`by CEO. W. lIITNER, and in Cumberland County by Agents published in another part of this paper. . These very diStressing complaints often lead into Consumption through neglect at the Brat attack. 1 I would therefere advise those whose cough begins to become trettblesome, and the:Expectoration scan ty, with More or less sureness of the throat, difficult raising of phlegm, &e. that they should immediately_ app!) , for a suitable medicine, which ip Dr. Duncan's Expectorant Remedy for . Constimption, Sic: This medicine I have found in every instance .to remove - those - unpleasant - annoyance! in u few-days,-One-sin-- gle - bottle will in most Las* prove this assertion.— Theretbre f you who wish to .scite the early . seers of ConsomptiOti,Ttifill - yoursWes of. this all important opportunity, and again enjoy the blessings.ufltealth. JAMES° M. BIIICH, Kensington.. N. B.: The above Was left at the office by one who experienced the Nvondcrlul effects of the above medi cine.- Hundreds are there who thus. express the joy 4: Gil ientiments of their It&artsin thvor of such a lain able-meclicine.as-Dr.-lluncan's-Expectorantitemetkv, that others n rl relief from the same source. For sale by John' J. Myers & Cu, Carlisle; and Wm: Peal, Shippenshurg, jelrf3l---5t - •_ DIED,--.- this boronili, on Monday niorning lust, Amu lingering illness, Mr. THOM PSON -81)01"1 . ,S WOOD', aged about 30 Years: ern this boroiigli, • on - Sunday evening; of consumption, Mr. WALTER CLARK, terintcr, of Ilayrisburg,",aged -about 24 MARKETS. • •_ rhitaderphia, duty 20;1841. , ; LpU It her bbl. • . , . - - - - RUE • 3'LA18F41.) :,... -, • $1,60 WHISKEY . , , . . . . • •A new weeltjypai!er will.heAssucuthhthisborougli,- eariy:in Atiiinst, under nij' superintendenesi: - .._. - Its political position will be defined in the ' first tunnber •published. In, the niran time it 'may 'be ! well-etiOugh to shitelhat it will. be cut.rely tilde- .pendent of the_ control elan uhl par,ty_leacl i th..,H traturneled 'by any cif:met:llbn with their interests, & aud ft. ~- o take any course in relation to men-and me sti s aim befure•the-public Or that may hereafter be '.ought forward, .wh irk the teal ihterests of. the people may seem to require.. Ili a literary point of view I intend ....thst.the_tiew •paper shall loSe nothing by comparison m itli itsolder brethren. It shall always contain whatevvr general and Instil pews is current. • The' market prices, Sheriff's sales, trial'and jury lists shall be correctly and regularly published. . • - Temps.—The price or theipaper trill he TWO" . DOLLARS per yearzp*-half payable in advance. Subscriptions at the ennui rate mill be taken for three or six indniy,,,kreither ease pitvable in advance. ~.., !,,- .- • , G - 14 W. Clt.t.llll ... Cai•lisle, July ''2o;lfTll.—t.f. . . BART ET T D E VA?' • ' The proprietors respectfully . inform Akh a t t h ey and Gentlemen of Carlisle anti its vieke r o t h , „i tt i will open their Circus on Thursday continue two days. only. ~, , j'ablistitnent, they In announcing this extensoly.eihere. ns „, feel confident in " sertin ri.sty one Company in the much talent combinedArls n suprior trained stud United States, together list of emment.performers of horses. Amott i rd wing, y ; z: L ev i .11/1 0 ,1/ i , `will be found the greatest e t in the -world.; . W. O. Dale, the hoh M as thrown sixty sOnliasetS Chain! d irn kless rs. Cat%h 'ader. Derrions. one triaVo ldjoe• Sweeny and his popil Chesnut; -I N l 'l l .. e artni j .‘l — rs — . Wills - , three Misses 'Mills with. many ,diets whose mimes will a:spear its the bills of the day. Admission-Itoxes 50 civets, Piv , 2s as. • Peufermance to emnmence at 8 ('clack, P. NI . • N.. 13. The Conipany will give a performance cu Friday at 2 o'clock, P. Al. for the accommodatiot of those living at a &stance. ' . . July 21,18711. - Orphans Court Sale.. The following real.estate; the properly of Jacob itifei - late of' Ent l'eunshorough . townshlp, Cumber land conaly:,k.ellL., will be sold on the premises, by virtue of an order of sale of the Orphans''Court of said, county, on Saturday the nth day of Anita nest, at 10 o'clu r ek, A. M., to wit: • 'All that certain_ ,PlAtitatipn:_or... TRACT OF *LAND ) . • situate in said township of, East PennshoroOgh, and bounded hp lattds of Thomas Wharton, John Buoser, Andrew Ifeek,Jaeoh Shroll,.John Martin and oth ers, and containing ' • UNB mote or less—one half of which , is cleared land, it good onittration and well fenced, and the;mhey hall excellent timber lund. The improvements are u Two.,siory ' Stone 11 • ~ to • , : 0 1U - . t 4, !; 4 i I LOG: STABLE to and other buildings, u never failing spring: of running %rater is near the house. Tliis property is near dm State road tronk Sterreet's Gnp to Hinrrisburs, and is sitnute about six miles from the latter' place? :llti title to the land ;11 400(i, the same having been paten ted. Conditions ut sale--one fourth cl the purchase money tem paid on the confirmation of sale, idol the residue on the tel of April nexi, when possession n ill he given to the pitreliaser--the payments to be secup, ed by recoguiz.tiiOo'io Court:- - :1:111'N I OLTZ, - . • Adm'r. of Jacob Rile, ' July 21, 1841.---t3t . . . sirtUe of writ of vari 1' city, to medi rected, issued - out :oFthe CAri Copimoti 2'leas of Cumberland county, will be exposed to pub lic'sale, at 1110 Court House, hrthe borough of Car lisle, on Su4iti•day the 7th rho of-Yugust next, A. D. It at , at 10. o'clock, A. M. the descsited real estate, to wit: , . ... 0 . ':- -- A. 1 ioue an . Lot or _Growl, ,sivattco.Aliene.vh-eaat aoenerof the . roltio scrare, in the beeongli•uf Carlible,..bnunded !ma lni'im Ihns. Ceeigh,.lligh ateeet.zand a' twenty feet alley. . The improvementanndhe atinve let are It large two - story Stnne. Building, twe atoeies high. and several Wick' 13uildins.two stories each. - . . - -,-' ~• -1 • - 77.4.146;:n. - I.l6ust -- &--Lot-,1)f,--(Trron nil in the said borough of Cal4llle, bounded by' South Hanover stres,.by this lane; eadbig,into 'the, genve vardiand by the grave yi.Sd; baying *lit* tufo "tor) l'rame and Bsialc 110 1 1 11 4lvrind i fillue etahle; • ' Seized and m the ottppe.rty of 4 btu, •nsi mi 3 be solil by ine; • • , • , • Eiji " 26d to .- Pi.UC''l l ll tnnx, nberur . Sheelra . Ofiloe;' ? Carlisle, July 19, 1341. S ... 1 COUGHS ANA) COLDS =MI .Niav Nav Y PA . New York'ejreus. 122 Acres, A aapply of the above Pills just received; having been obtained direvey from Dr. Bramb:Mh's e; they are MIRRANIED .GEJVITIME. • • S. ELLIOTT. July 21, 1811. I[NT lIEREA§, the lion, 'Samum. HErmanpr, Pre. , VV • sident,Judge of the Court-of Common Pleas in ,the 9th District, composed of tlie coUnties of Cum berland, •Perry and Juniatal and the Hon. John Stuart and John Lerevra, JUdges of the said Court of Com Mon Pleas of 'the county orCumberland; have issued their precept, -,bearing,.date'theggd day of April,4B4l, ahci to me directed, -for'holding a Court of Oyer and Termineranil_GeneraUstilDe-' livery, and General-Quarter Sessions of-the Peace, at Carlisle, on the Second Monday of dugast, 1841; (being the — thh day) at ten.o'clork in. the forenoon s Norice is hereby given to. the Coroner, Justices of, the Peace, mid Constables of the saideoung of Cum-.. berland, that they bdthen and there in their proper persons, with their•reourds, inquisitions, examina tions and other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices respectfully appertain. And those who are bound by recognizance to prosecute . against the prisoners that are, or then may be, in the' Jail of Cumberland &unity, to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. • — llatartit - Carliilei the — hr - day-of July,-184t, and the sixty-sixth yeti'. of American Independence. NUT;TIWARTIN, She - ritt, • A CaminneetinF will be held by the order of -the United Brethren in Christ, on the limit of 'iontillitin Neitlig;2.miles east of Carlisle, to commence•on the thl of September. • • No-if ticksters_w_illLbe—permitwiLtocope the limits prescribed by law. - JOAN FQIIL, P. E. luly 14,"184t • 'rake notice that we.have applied to-the Judges of tluiCourt of Common Pleas of CuMberland county, for the benefit of the Insolvent Laws of this Common-. wealth,anti they have appointed Olonday the 9th day of ..luguet next, for the hearing of •us a nd our creditors, at the Court House, in the borough' of Car lisle; when and where you may attend, if you think proper. July ,7'; . . . . .10.p1; _•vrietv n Ar , " SNAP ar4nlylL Lrettet ;i11: - tIve Be . to Frhhtv, the , 23.1 for'.olsy(lit)gt2l) •iiig - al-alTrriiii - 17)&17, - t — A - 1W - to %%Imre it inti-- stxta titti lane r niong.the north eid e uf•tlte town, Alan' fol . !.pnitling repttiving,the satne Flrec4 lirnm Ijigh street to Locust alley. All 'the materials to be fouutl by th - e - nolitylittOrs.l:- • _ Jacob Sener. att any time pm:NM - To - A tug. • - Carl i 31 . r, Suly. IC, ISII ~. . • - Prii;titig C,s4:iblisltionciv . ' . • - FOR 8.116 E. ,6ir e tod The "'Perak' & E xp cisitor; / i ler in - this fOrTiae., _I t,,isAtp_only_ly : liik . ii § t,_ 4 „fair_,.._ r:ounty, has a large su,hse;ri. amount of advortking I,> custom; with 'nor publishing .a ample and good Inger/ ' weekly pan • er ' ;r :::,ydtiresscd to the Edi- Letters ' { p ost , ? , Prompt attention. tor, will meetr . . . • -.- July 14,2.'4_ Ae.;•.'S L . STEWART , , r ,omsoraan Botanic ,Practitioner " or Medicine and Ohstetrics, No. 2 Alexander's Row, near, the Rail Road Hotel; - • ESPECTFULI. Y informs hii,friends and the public.gencrally, that (through solicitation) he has rerpeved-lroin'Shircmanstown to Carlisle, where he may be toned at all times, ualess professionally engaged. The afflicted shall at at all times be treat ed with purely Vegetable Medicines,: , No Poiscins," and in strict . aceortlance with the principles laid - dewn by that . great,reforiner in medical science, Dr. Samuel . TllOlll5Oll. . Chronic eases, such as Consumptioni, Liver Com "plaint s,•Dropsies, 1111etintatisms, and • Cancers, sk.e mote particularly informed that the New System es cas. , „;•.a. 11;valids from a distance can be accominteEkti with hoarding while uader .medical trestmell4=l:4,, ' • reasunable terms. . Carlisle, July 14, 1.01.---tr. TO TEIOSE WHO DESIRE HEALTH. • I hereby certify, that . 1 wits afiliC li ted for eight yearn with a severe nervous disease., attended with constant ti pain in die breast, side and stomach; oss of aplietite, no rest at night; sickness and dizziness in the bead, main in the stomach after eating, and other symptoms whieh attend indigestion, my bowels were steak and irregular. Having,had, advice of various ph3sicians during this long period, and used much membeino whirls ouly•praduced temporary relief. ht the year 889,1 was often imitable to leave my house. amid be ing it jnni- widow, dependant on my. own labor. for a living, Wits obliged to go from house to house to obtainit:_lut length gave.up all Impes_ot recovery, and minted to Him "that, created alf things." r for- - ttinatel'y was favored with work in Eighth street . , when the &mar, discoverilw my miserable situation, • recommended - Dr. BARUCH'S GO M POI) N. D . - i t STRENGTHENING GERM AN APERIENT. PILLS, which they procured fur me. I used them,. -H1,41-ilanti . nued-for-ithout-threc-mmatra;Aluting-tii time my strength rapidliporenstql,'My-:countettance — • and maid cheek returned to - ibeir former-And patent' ' colors. Since I have filly recovered,'lnd at pt sent enjoy perfect health... I feel it my duty to. inform the public at. large of the great virtues of Dr. MR, UCH'S MF.DICINE, that others may procnre it,. Mill be likewise cured. I am well known in this, city; any person wishing to sec me, can call at my residence. MART U. FOIII'SMAN, • Atrium street. Inn.k"nr 14S• Pnplitr lane. ccyPIIINCIPA I. OFFICE, Nn. F 9 North High& Street, Philudelphia, ‘t here temiinoniale may be seen. • - For /Me hp John J. Myers & Co., Carlible; and; Win. Nal, §hippenthurg, Pa. • • 13,0 N N ETS. - Just reerivedid file New Store, a urge and 'Tien lid assnotrnent of Eitgli , ll Straw aid Florence Bon ieta; offered for'salo at low s l r. AItNOLD br. AlljtAl9. March 31;184E, Damask Silk Sim-wk. Received this iltty froip,l'hiltlelphis, lot of elc gam silk ilot‘tis; Nov 'fit‘lte Carl June it, 1841 Prince Icatgrerint tiolfth,; superiorarticleCnyulettneiuc , iilvcrSt Brittritiiir 7 %Vitro, !thito Ilia end Cepprr. I,Vit rt, just i eceivetl: by : Ott* "- •• - 111CLVAIS Y. ' Mai , 19,134 f . Carpeilugx illatiirsgs. • • Tra t inliJit lu g rain csrpetr;.l.le , ni t ) • inn! Cotton An.; White Hud Colored il4,ttings, an just received uud for tailtiOianK by • - . • - -- • June 2, • • • • ' Boiweis ,Rozonetg 5t0k1x,,63!4 a imw tu i Vly . Pf foi•.sate ettv 'ouv et ' • t kg, 1.)C14.13r-';!' jethe - - . ENOS =I lleandredils PitOCLAIVIATION. CAMPMEETING. 10 our Creditors. iVILLINM IL DAWi6."' SIMON VANASDAL,* - JAMES S. THOMPSON,* SAMUEL HAINES,* WV \i.. 11. CUMMINS, - ALEX. S. LYNE. • . - MILLER. work can he seen nt, thestore of "urrltFc-tiay-oFTneet------- . . JACOB . BENEIt, G. W. 1211EE:11, _Committee of Council. otiLnir MO PIETE IA ithia El 1.!t!i321
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers