* ILL lAM RER,ALD &- EXPOSITOR. eartiott. EDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1841, FOR GOYERNO.M; , JOHN BANKS, OP BERKS COUNTY. TEMPERANCE NOTICE officer andmanagers of the "Carlisle Unio Total Abstinence Society," are retMestettto hatch n business meetingat the Methodift.Episcopal church on Friday evening.next 8 o'clock. TEMPERANCE NOTICE' A general meeting of the friendslinid foes of the Temperanecianform; bc held at- the- market house bn Sabbath next at 4 - o'clock P. M.' • . . _ hiyitation is leiulereil to all who ma) wish to take part iodic - exerifligt:§ of the weetiog - TO - CORRESPONDENTS , The proceedings of the celebration a Stouglislown ti•ere. hantleein too Tate fbr . • publication this week-- PcJr'T . he — COrriiirfuOiciatiOn of -T. R.. N" is inadniissable, unless t.accomiThoied will the_nam • e_of,tfloauttlor.. .• fc7.°l3y a reference to the - ,proceedings of th . O',ll.iitiSe . of pe-ksentatives,. it till' be seen that , . . . striding each metnlier 021 C. Speeell on —.77 nispqr er",•-an'ir,:tit:atrto:ro:e - ettisrytliti vrotc, )11 die -delivery. We-Tiiiirgratufate .'the' people on result, :is it 'will give more dispatch to public business, and titer°- . by shorten — the ;:rn E BUCK§IIOT WAR: lite StatiCapital Gazette, of the fOtii instant, contains What is called, a statement of, the expenses of the Buckshot War,which is either 'a gla - ting falsehood - en the panto the editors of that print, or a base fraud on the commonwealth, .committed by,theloco . foco office holders who settled thu . payof tholroops, called-otit We- extract-from the t .puper_the_follo wing estithate of the pay and emoluments nf the VOLUNTEERS OF iTHE llTiz 1) PENNSYLVANIA AIILITI . , • S'' :t , ,A • 5 Cr'' ''', • F4'''''6 1-.1 ,-. 0 c. F; • 5. A> 5 S 2, . 0 —• . ' 2' g. 3 . ..., .- V' -2 ' ?.. Z.A.r , . —o :2 —6' , ''' 4 a E.. Grade. 5' ° 5' ...4 5 , "' • ) • • ~ .1.: -: 0. -: A w , D n . g;I P,' ... . t e n _ . ..,-.. ~ 5 -- -et s -. $ els. .1$ els. IMajor General, 496 50 1489 50 1489 50 2 Aides-de - Camp, . 181 25 543 75 1087 50 3 I Captains,. 130 37i 391 12A 1173 371 3 Ist Lieutenrds,; 99 00 • 297 00 • 891 00• 32d " ' .94 00 282 00 • 846 00 33d " . . 89 00 267, 00 801 00 1 Sturgeon,assii;tant, 115 00 345 00 . .. 345 00 - Quarter Master,. 113 00 339 00 - 339 00 Ist Sergeants, 27 32 81 .96 245 88 Sergeants, , • 24 25 72 75_ _ , 654 75 Corporals, ' ' 210.15- 60 45 2 .725 40: Musicians, , _____ 19 21 „, 5 7 63 345 78 Privates, lB 13 54 39 2229 09 , E E 1,11,174. 171 ~~1 , 11 observe that according he troops from Carlisle Our readeis wi to this estimate ti received three 2honths pay, amounting i all to, the sum of $11,174,171,- Ind for the sake of the men . whe were engaged in .that expeditionOve sincere Y. regret that it is not true. We know the facts in re ation to tliis matter, and we appeal to Colonel Themes B. Town, the, present Paymaster, for the • trulli of what we say. • • Instead of three motitlis,-lite troops re ten, dttr , vervice; and the expense al - to - gether-ditkotbmount - to - $600: The General and his staff did not rechii , e one-eighth of the sum 'here charged. The Captains, instead of tt 391.-each, received but $2O! The ni:st Lieutenants $l5- 1 - -The 2d . 1 4 ieutenants.$13, and there were no 3d'Lieutenants - in the detachment. The Sergean'ti received about $4; and the mu.; sicians and privates $.l each !!! . We do not, however, charge the editors of the Gazette as the authors of a falsehood; we helleye they have free access to 'the pnblia offices at Harrisburg, and they state that f they haVer "spent much time and trou- 61e . in making up this'- estimate," no doubt • from the books of the Auditor 'Gen - oral 'and State Treasurer, If this be the-ease, we , are forced to the don't:ll:idol], that the loco low' office It derS at Harrisburg; whose duty it was to see and adjust the Vey of the troops, have defrauded the common: wealth out: of more than TEN Toouskiro bot.1;41ae!!! •The books of the TreaSury -Deiairtinent would show • that-- the—strtn'of .$11,114 171 bad been' drawn to pay the Carlisle voluntierS, when' Afie - arnount ac tually paid" to them" did riot exceed 5500 , 7 , kaiing. 0004 173 . be .poelteted.-- "What arnount has been .made out (Otte . Philadelphia troops, ive are unable 'too say, but We'hope, , 'our friqfids_in .Harrigburg drag thit fouttransaction to the light;'' they will ''Prbl)44 the fountain:ll . 6m wkenee' ft ows secret service rri on ey ~.tb. carry the' election,of l Oov...P . Ortet. - • K'. PORTER, EDITOR VISION When the proper lime — arrives,llet the nomination be , inade in a spirit of harmony and mutual confession; let no man be dis- satisfied at the rejection of his favorite, bait rather adopt the sentiment of Ithe:-noble Spartan,ind rejoice that we possess so FOURTH. OF JULY ACEI, EB.Rd- TION IN 811IFERNSBURG. The anniversary,of this. day was cele brated by the citizens of Shippensburg, in a splendid • and becoming manner. The tortialmwk. arid - scalping knife or political partizanship were discarded; and all, both young' and old, joined harmoniously in 'concert to commemorate a day that 'will 'ever constitutethe tltente of national re joicing. • At 2 o'clock, V. M., the ladies and-gen : . tledien assenibled' at the.areen in• front of 'the Lutheran Church: Mr. Jonathan. Peal was chosiert Chief Allarslial,,and Mr. p.. Netfin, Assistant Maislial: .the . Proces- Sion•was,Oen . funned: •• , ' • PaValeiMpiE OE'PIOCESSION. of‘Arrt - ingemetit4 • 2nd.---•• • " Toasts.. • . • 3d.--.:Shiiipetisburg Band:: ``. 4th.r.!..0.ra.t0r: and: Reader... - • ,5i11.4.4he- - : • •., NEs-- We learn from. the Chester county papers that Commodore JESSE D. ELLIOTT, of this borough, has purchased .a farm in that 'County, • four miles . north' of .West Chbster, arid that he designs to make it hiS residence. The farmers of that county will find the :Commodore an enterprising and . . Obliging:neighbor. • . • • • Mimitty.—The patriotic young men a . Bloomfield, Perry conniy, Pa. have.forned themselves into a volunteer company, and adopted -the name of . the r "Bloomfield'Light Infantry." They are commatided by Jo- SEPII ICJ:tux, Esq., -and it is said they mak? , a very gallant and soldier-like appearance: Perry seems determined not to be behind her sister comities in Voliinteer companies —three new corps haying been formed in that county within a . short period. When theSe companies are in Marchitig order, would it not, be. well for them to pay our borough a • In case they :do, we promise them .that the officers and men at: , tached'to - our Battalion,iVill give theth sol4ier'e welcome.. • TIDE NEXT PRESIDENT • ;There . eeems to bee disposition -on the ,• Ort.of•some.perh•ons., to_agitate.the question of the next Presidehey; three. or four pa pers having;already- named General Scott as their favorite for that statian,,and recom mended -the instant• formation of - ' Chip peiva,Qlubs.'! But, as, far as we can learn, tills movement has feei advocates; judged, it would be stye - lige, itsucli a'projeet could,_ at .th ts•verty 'day,. find favor in • the . eyes•of Iliopeiiple. - -— -— ' ~ • llt. is to be'remeinberenket the P . iiiiniple 1 ii•P tii:VV.-ITirrliliqkts::lo:effitliititeitiqiireit, rattier., than' to elevate. iizen .;- nnd'if ;the e friends of ,Gcti - iitat'-000tt -_ eare'actuated by -pure inotiies - , they will not_Seek tci.ilistrnk, ill. party, by i4sitingrili•ern to canvess , tFe claims . of _Presitlential..eaililidates, before Ih'i - ira -- alit Ailiiiint'sliativontlave hacr time to mature their. plans, for .efteeting a thorough reform in the Government. • At this time, it becomes-every Whig - to lend his aid in the union of 'the party.; so that . . the meastdes which we' believe- necessar to th - Ciirelfaie of the community, may he Pafeiy:earrked through. From every - sec. , ion'of - the country, petitions are .pouring into Congress; praying '.th - ein't - O"lessen es isting evils, and adopt a speedy remedy. The, Sub Treasury,that memento of a "used up" party—is to be sivept away, and a National Bank established in' its place. to distribute the proceeds of , the sales of public lands among all the states; is vet to become a law. A Protective Tariff is yet 4 to be laid on foreign goods, by which the government may be extricated from the debts incurred by the 10 to Administration; our own man ufacturefS encouraged, and our specie ke t at home. . , The army of Locofoco office-holders are yet to be dismissed froth the scfrice and -• le ranks fi lled up.l), , fidnist' inen, from the people," who will notabnae their power; nor forgOt from whence it emanated. pol i ey- o f—Presid e at-Zry ler-an (I his Cabinet be well ascertained and settled, before •wo rush into a second - campaign. With the,experience of the late Adminis tration before us,, let. us profit by their Cr- rors and avoid the dangers by which, they were overwhelmed. Let the first care of the Whig party be,lo - relieve the, diMress of the people; this done, and it will be time .enough to select a candidaie. Then, if it should be necessary to choose a .President from the Artyor the Navy, we have Gen. Scott, Corn. Stewaii; Col. Miller, and a hostmf other gallant spirits Who haVe . Often. borne aloft the "stars and stripes," in. the. battle. and_llle:breeze sheiild desire a civilian, as their next can- ditlate i we present the names•of John Ty- ler, Henry Clay, Daniel. Webster and . Geo. E. Badger, either of whom m6lll93ard.the best-interests of the peopl6-,-and strengthen eir securities for the future. nany men worthy to',be the Chief Maiig rate' of this mighty nation., GM • Phe . day we telebrate—Ttie -day in the annals of tiine.—May American citizens, ever marl{ its annual return- to cominemorate:..the_eltivalrous actions and enthtisiastie leetts .of '76. 7 Music, ‘‘ Nail Colurnlil - 6 - " • • 2. The memory of T. FashiirgThn.—The Father - of - his Country of-men the - first, the . greatest', the.. best.----" Washington's march." 3.__Theileroes.of the Revolution—,Coin patriots of Washington. The wide-spread .earth cannot furnish their equal in firmness in battle; their all -subduing wisdom in council—their firm. resolve was "Liberty or Death," .until • - •. • ' • • "I'reeiloni's soil iiasslioneatli,ouv 'feet, And freedom's balm& streatoing,o'ci:os.q "Hail to Vie - Chief." .. 4, Thelßedqration of Inrlrpenilcncc.— -lt-itt .litl' by i:fig .of _:tiitoimty ni'ihds •tl't s{iiit . of'true Itolitical Philoqoplif; Go corner-. stone of AtheriCan Freedotn:trnar etidtireiitV(*iii6t.lrtili-lbeitrtie'lTO.;C__ - "Spring tuna- of• Year." • 5. Thc Si, vers Didariitroil - q? lialependencet—Re‘Tred by_ the menun:y -of-that-Sparian-Dandof-Pattiots,and-Sagps ,who proclaimed to , the world the- existence of a nation, and published a Charter of Liberty - withotit, a "parallel' in History, and which contained the pledge of "life,- treas ure aust.sacre.d honor," for its preservation. . . Our Late (chief Magistrate.—Wo cannot better - show'our respect for his me -mory than by--a due observance( hii-dy ing•Words.--,"Dead-March.-"-. 7. The President of the U. Statp. 7 — "Ro'ssini'sr Grand-March," 8. The Governor of Pennsylvania.— "Zempa Gallepade." 9. 'Phe .drnrl l and Navy of the United States.--In their keeping the flag of our . .country will be preserved untarnished.--- "Yankee Doodle." 10. Freedom of Speech, the Rights of Conscience and Universal Education.- The main pillars — which. sustain the fabric •of XmericairLiberty.---"Le Petit Tambour." 11. The Press - ,--The, People's safe guard, here may it _ 12. The Smerican People.—They have successfully tried the grand experiment of self-goocrinlient; taught European Despots that a Republic is not a mere Utopian scheme to dazzle and mislead—a meteor -to blaze for a moment and leave the world in darkness.---" God Save Atnerica.". _J3._ * from r_ze rn a m en t —in—pros— perity—our solace in adversity— " Tlic wortt eas void, the garden was a 'wild, And mail the Ilermi 1- sighed, till wonnth sinned." "Brigand's Ritornella." VOLUNTEER TO3STS. • ,By the Company. Samuel R. Hamill, Esq., the Orator of the: day—He evinces a Uoble head stid a patriotic heart. Joseph Mifflin, President. Our• late la mented Presiitent—lVldle enough of pa-, tviotism remains in the breasts of. American citizens, to rescue from oblivion the name of Washington, Warren, and Lafayette and oilier. brave .defenders 'of 'our•freedolii, then will the name of Harrison be in the midst of them. • "fresh VOLU N TEE ft TO A s Ts,. David Criswell - Tim Spki rof - 76—L.May, it never be forgotten, br i A i thelindependenee achieved by it be lost. • - Dr: 12. C. Hays. The ladies. of Ship pensburg'—Far-fat'ned for beatyi at hOme, their eXalted merits are duly'appreciated. - Samuel Svninsy... The ladies of .Ship pensburg—For beauty and intelligence they are equalled 1;y/errand surpassed by none. Or, if 'the party John A. Clippinger.... The late General Macom - b- 7 -One by-one file links are' drop ping off which connect .us with the scenes of our country's . trials ; but -though their bodies sleep • with the Mighty dead, yet their names -are to be found engraved upon the hearts of their countrymen. - • Maj. Wilson Sterrett. America—Proud; happy laud'! Thy banner still floats on the breeze—tby stars still undimmed:—betieath its strefuniog folds our father's conquered. May it float forever. _ . . Robert Peel: Lafayette—Re : was no needy adventurer; who had nothing to luizardi. he was_ no desperate spirit em barking in . a desperate cause: because no change . could Make him worse. . No ! for the road to wealth and — diatinction was al 'ready ovetied before him, and the:favor ii a monarchy ready 'to visit him with all its . :dazzling honors; but he regarded Winn .-as the . poor pittance . of renown, empty 'as the .idle, wind; transient as the shooting - star, coMparetrwitkthe gratiteddwhich embalms ‘... the - patriot's never-dying name; ' .• . ' Frederick Scott.. Americantars eon )1 tinne. to enjoy peace and, happines , that nations may. bow with'reapecr to her 'stars iand•.stripts-iTtliat-the shout Of freemen: May break. aCtons'.the bosom 'of 4th - e. map,, and phi Europe catch-and hail the semi& as the 'harbinger'-Of their Pence and , happiness.., .. Win. F:-Parey.-- Willis-Gaytortrelark,• - ,1)*,- . .4 1 . --) 0eit . 1t'4•1..v . .. -. XP*'•:io.'tt. 40 tv - ,7;1'V.4) --- plotio t:.* .6th.-,-.-The) Citizens. , • , Yaving triprelied 'to the "'Head of the Spring,' wit* comfortable seats were provided, and .refreshments oLnli kinds prepared, the followitig-parsorgi word ap , pointed (Akers. • .President—JOSEPH Esq. . Vice Presidents—Dr. .Alex. Stewart, • Dr. NV in:- Rankin. Secretaries—Dr. John N. • Dunemi, John The ,Declaration 'of Independence - was then' read in a spirited manner, by -Mr. SambehNevin, after which an able and eloquent_ address. ,was delivered Iy Samuel. R. Hamill; Esq. It was in every respect a masterly production, manly in its tone, 'dignified in- its.'compadtion and eloquent in its language. It occupied about an hour in delivery, and was listened to with the' Most profound attention—the most lively interest. If the heart-felt applause of all present, among whom were many distin 7 tinguished for age and experience, bears any testimony of :the excellence' of the speech, hgv has it. • ` The .following Regular and' Volunteer toasts were read. • , • 1?E GULdIR TO:TSTS " rights maintain, Unawed b}• influence and unheated by gain Chase of Lutzow." -- , May . .the violet and the. honeysuckle ,wreathe a garland ,on the grave of departed worth; and fond memory.ever chbrish . the remembrance of dm virtuous and the good. :...13y. the Compiwy. The Shippensburg Bthid•Their music on this occasion richly merits the tbanks,,of our citizens. • (Reinainikr . next week: ) . . 'We copy following remarks on, the highly interesting subject of the Tariff, from tire RichMond Whig, a palier . which we always read with pleasnre, for its sound Whig - palm:lples, and its elevated Mid en lightened-patriotism : *HIE Fr7---Ne Views. Considering that we always render our :readers good service by inserting an able' document upon -any topic of public interest -whatever. may be the, particular views advanced—we have, copied to-day, a, paper of thatsharacter upon the subject of the Tariff. Malty of the views-and suggestion's, will be new to . the Virginia.reader= l --for it I.llas' been the •wont here _to regArd-any.word in favor,of the - Tariff damnableTheresy.-- !That odious term Tariff is .No: 2: in . of - Stale war-cries„ which Ile has been mumbling, with tooth-, less gums, for. thirty•years: - "Bank, Tar iff, Internal Improvement," or "Internal fmprovement;2-Tariff,---Bank•i": Take -which—way-rm—willrit - coiii es second - in the . list of abominations. . . incessa nt darner, rung with - ceaseless din throughout all the .boTilers of 'the:Commonwealth, leas had the effect to forestall- the public judg ment', and prevent all calm consideration of the' subject. It, may be, and we think it probable that it is So, that a majority of the people of Virginia ; operated upon„finecur sciously, by this clambr;orby.9olllo other cause, may dissent from most of the leading views-ofthQpaper which we publish. But diSsent or not, tlic • document is of a-cliar 7 _ acter4bielrallthinking theri,t6ll read tifith pleasure Mid profit—for its tendenc is to *V" 11 0 winips:oflliolgtrit • ^A...44A - Ag . • _ Long ,and • deeply, steeped..ourselvei -in. 'ilie . ;4tepidar i) 11;0- Tariff,' TOtirmiatls' have not - beenlentiiely .4ealeV•to• the revelations-ofL--eXperience-.-------We-affeet not-, howeveri'to have tVholly, overcome thatyrCjudiee. - Bdt - lve --- ,ltave - seen:enmigh" to occasion rlotibtsovliere before tv'e- thought there was absolute certainty. The bold .and - confident predictions, which were pro mulgated respecting the. operation of the- Tariff; by distinguished statesmen,. have bdeit - So - Co - Tritiletely falSilied by results, that the most uncomprotni - sing 9ppOnent of the Tariff Might well doubt the soundness - his concluSions, • Thc whole North,- with Alr- Webster_ inthe lead, resiSted first Jariff—predicting that it would work the total - prostraticrol - NuTtliern cOntmerce.— I The event disappointed_ their forebodings, and they.have become, from bitter' assail ants, the advocates of the system. John Randolph, although supposed to be gifted with more than. ordinary foresight, in op p6shig -the Tariff of 'lO, prophesied that it would annihilate the revenue .of the Gov ernment, and render a resort to direet taxa tion necessary to supply the daily wants. There .is.not.a .more remarkable instance of the fallacy- of illmluan judgment upon re cord. So far from 'the result predicted being realized,.-just the opposite effect en stied. -The treasury began to fill apace ; the national llebt was speedily liquidated, and au itmneit.e surplus, notwithstandiog an unprecedented \ pßligality in the Admin istration, W 1 1 3 aectuntiloed... , - Again 'I enulidciitly a'ssatea,xliat thc . iiigh :al' of '2B would arrest the - production of . cotton ii this country,-and prohibit, altogether, ion of certain - articles. But , cotton never. bore se high air average price as for stiveral'years succeed ing that act; and the articles expected to be excluded entirely, actually fell in price— whilst others, on which the duty has been reduced, have advanced. • These and such like facts have caused us to doubt thejust- - - ness of foregone conclusions, and we would not now—as we have done. befOre--assert n idiom qualification, that tinder the existing commercial regulations of the world, a high Tariff would not be beneficial to -this emiu.l try. ' But the fact is, there is no subject on witich human reason is so liabld to err, as that respecting the effects= to be produced by theinerease or diminution of duties.., Ilere political, economists are at fault, and with all their boasted science they are una ble to devise any rules for the. production of any fixed; certain and invariable results. The diilietilty.springsrfrom-the-complicated -and- comprehensive character of. the subject. That which to-day,' from'the lights before us, may be deemed calculated to lead to beneficial result's, may by to-werrow, pro duce etrects just the reverse, in consequence of some new invention, or some ne - W regu lation abroad, by vhiCh - the'production of the particular . article in question, may -be increased or dimitifsluaL All.that we design by these remarks, is• to persuade, the country„and our legislators .particularly, to approach the consideration of this great 'question, dlyested of 'passion and prejudice, and in a. spirit of enlarged statesmanship and enlightened patriotism. A me766er of the Connectientlegislatorp. climbed up the 4tatelionsc.steeple. When asked what lie _ . was doing there. he said, "It is so infernal hot down bc'ow, I have got ,up. here tit see the' belt fry!" • " halletl bl, # ll.listake . lie Painesville TelegrapliPainemille -is in ,Qhio—says that Martin' Harris the Mormon ,has not been fountideid-any-wherw-britis-alive-and hearty, at his riiidene - iii Kirtland. .1k still - believes in Mormonism, but not in-Joe smith, w h o lie sayS has become prowl alai worldly, and islorkalien- the Lord. - . To the Patrons of the firandreth regetable: Uni versal have often found persons desirous to know how soon thisinetlicine cure them., It is impossible to say-,-it. altogether depends upoo die state of the blood find hutueri. One thing may lid relied upon--that iftfte pills are perSevexed with no cording-to the•printud directiOu which- aecompanies each box, the core will be effected Much sooner than thh - patieut could have expected:. ' . The many Jinger ibg.chronie diseases we daily see r , are owing either to mercury or bleeding, or to ifot hiving. been pre wily purged Vevers;lnflatunifitions'i Mica-. Slesogrnall4iox t ortYing-in. • It is tiftrly'iinpos-i -hldibr us to attain or seek health willidut sound pur ging; •We May fasten up the Aborder by barks and tomes, but if- it be in thtoddy, it Must codie ntlt bt- : . tore health,dan be enjoyed, and sonnet' or laterltvidJl brealc outolitselfoyorse.thaitever, if this method of purifying the body•isilelayed too long. No danger can arise from purging With Brandreth 4 s :Vegetable Pills. It has been proved, beyond_dotibt, that theSe celebrated' Pills and theliuman body are naturally adapted one for the °thee. By the use of this. Glo eious Medicine, the contdnia or, humors of the body • can be :entirely evacuated, altered, and completely regenerated; and in a malliier so simple as to give every day ease and pleasure., • • ' BBANDRDTII, M. D. 1* - For snie in airlisle by_GEO. W. lIITNER, and in CumbolandSounty by Agents Tublished iu another part ortiiis paper. TO THOSE W HO DESIRE HEALTII I hereby certify, that I wastaMicte&l for eight years With a acvere,nervons di sense, amended with constant pain in the breast,.side and stomach ; loss °lapin:tile, no rest at night, sickness and dizziness in-the head, pain in the stomach afiee eating, and other symptoms which attend indigestion, my bowel, were weak and irregular. Having had stilvice of varioimphysichms durnig this long periodond used much mediciim which only produced temporary relief. In the year 839, I Was often unable to leave my house, and be ing a poor widow, dependant on my own labor GO 'living t was obliged to go from -house to house . to obtain it. lat length : gave, up all hope's of , recovery, and trusted to Hilo "that created all things.". 1 for tunately was favored with work in Zighth street, when the, famil v, discovering my mism•able situdtinu t -reeommended . Ih l . U STitENGTI [ENING GERMAN APERIENT PILLS, which they procured for me: I used them ; and continued for about three - months; during. the timmmrstrength rapidly increased, toY cOuntthiance and palid cheek ectiirfied to their former and natural colors: Juive,fully . recovered, and at paesent °!im-,..pertbet-healthr--.1-feet-it-Intrt 1 iofornrthe public atlimge of the great virtues of ,Hr.. LICH'S 111EDICINEolvit otbers - nuti_procure and he likewise . 011101, .1 'am well- known - in this city; any personniftishity , to ice me, can call at my. residence% ,Thekson Rtreet, hack or 141 roplarlane. P CORINCIPAL OFFICE, No. Eighth Street; Philadelphia, .where testimonials may be seen. . For nab , by John J. Alyers & Co., aarliste; .611 11'61. Pa. MARRIED: 'ln Lancaster city, on the iltli .iris ant, by tlie'Rev. Alr. GlcAner;Alsjor ALLEN . , 6 of, -to !,=z.o; t,bc._.'Rev:,JOlut '156: q.IIARLES'• D.E I SIINIZI.CXUA-G:i4PS.Siallofthiseciunty. On 2 -PueSday--the- 9,9 th • 11117,-by-tito--liiir;- 1 \V.'l'. Sprolc, Mr. HARRISON to SARAI-I—l both orthis . , D 1 t.I D,. ,/In this boron Nonday evening last, Mrs. BA RBA RA-ICE,IGLE,Y, relict of the late Mr. Jacob Keialcy-,-aged 85 :years—. d e In this borough, on Saturday .morning lastOliss RAUIIAEL SPO'1l'SW001?, dlinghter. of Mr. James Spottswood, n South Middleton township, on Satur -day-- morning last, :111 - iSsHCFAT II A RINE: - GRA HAM.. CA PMEE TI-NG • - . Campineeting will be held by the order of the United .11retheen Christ, (actin! land of Jonathan Neidig, 2 miles cast of Carlisle, to eommehee on . the ..2d 4t tiept,onher. ~.; No Ilnekstel's will be permitted to tome within the Ihnits•prescrihed by law. Is 14, 1541 MEETING. The young *mechanics and work•ingniefl of the borough, .are requested to meet at McClelland's Hotel, on Friday evening next, at 7.1- o'clock. MANY. Carlisle, July 1.1,1811. • Printing Estabibthinput , FOR 8.11, " Expositor" is oll';'.1-ed for sale. It is the only -Whig paper in this eounty, has a large subtreription list, a fair amouift of advertising - and job custom, with _ample_abil_good=inaterials for- -publishing-•a weekly paper. • Letters (post:/nrid)addressed to (lie 11;d1- tor, will theet with prompt attention. • July 14,• 1841. DR. S. L. STEWART , Tlionisonian .I.lotanic PraCtitionee, or Medicine and Obstetrics, Mi . . . Alexai ider's Row, near the -Rail Road liatel, T-D EspEc..,.rt , uu. informs his fritmils and the jut public generally, tleit (through solicitation) Ise IlaS relnOVoll from Shiremanstown to Carlisle, eltere . he may -he robed at all times, unless professionally enga,ged. The afflicted shall at at all times be }resit ed with purely Vegetable Medicines,"No Poisons," and in strict accordance with 'the principles laid down by that great reformer in medical Samuel Thomson. Chrinuie-t44.,,sueLAs-Consumptions,lj ver c(1111-- pini as, 'I humgres,' Itheumatisms, and .Liancers, are more partidularly iiithrine . d that the New System! is admirairk adapted to their cases. Invalids from a distance 'eau be aceommodatell with Hoarding While under unethical treatment, out reasonable terms. - • Carlisle, July 14, 1841.---tl. A trditoi•?s-trtiolicei. . The subs&iber bang been appoidited atidite to Marshal the assets in the bands of Daniel Shirenunt, Administrator of Samuel Sibbets, dce'd., :mow , the creditors of.saill.deeeAsod, will attend at the I rou'e of M. 111eClelland, in the llokough of Carlisle,ou Monday this lath August nekt, at 10 o'clock A. 111, lit. that purpose. 4 Carlisle, Jay 14, 184.1.—,1t 7o .olp. CrciMors. :rake notice that we have applied' lo the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland county, for the benefit of the Insolvent Laws of this Common wealthond they have. appointed Mondaytke•Mli dug Atigulit.isext, ror ow hearing of us nod our i:redilol`9. at the Court !louse, in the borough of Car lisle, when where yotf may attend, it' you think proper. WILLLANt H. DAWSON.* . • SWEON VANASDAL,* JAMES S. TIIONIPSON,* . SAMUEL lIAINKS,f • 11. CUMMINS,' - Amk . .._s. !ANT 7, . I -- • Noticeto Cikntreactoes. . Sealed•l'roi:Osals wilf•, ; be received tht: snliscri, hers nir to Fruli,y; the '2311 inst. ; for gradingatul pav iag Pitt sereet;Voin Loans! All 4 to where it inter sects the thenord: side of the town: Also for'grading and 'eepairing the saiiieNrect from' High street to Locust alley. All the uiUterials to be found be the contractors: • • • , . • .. Profiles of the. work can •be seefr.iittlip - stdrii of boob Seiter;.itt any tune preyiou s . to thellitYlitltr&et A N. ATAIION;-. JSCOIt•SENtIt, - W. ItHEEM,. , Cuminifte of Council :91Piimo; July JOHN 1 , 0111„ P. NV. F. Th e - w h ser ib ers hair On hand , w smill•lot of la g ,azl Misses Frit:Ft& Shoegoihieh they itectitevoLfpr 43. h. . • ,•.'. - sitaxAsr. Julie 9,1744, • • • At, an Orphans' Court held at . Carlisle 011 7fuesday thellth of May HU; and CUI - 1111M111111 county, the follotying proceedings wde had—to wit: Upon file petition of George Harlan, administra tor of Stephen ifagan ilee'll.,.,representingr hat John MOCollum late o'f 'Stintlitimpion township in Stud eetiniY dec'd.;seir,eo in Ceti dimple of a tract of land situate in Said township; leaiing nine chil dren, after - whose 'llthitli,"lVilliam and rthibaltl McCollum, two of his sons, conveyed their' interest in said Ilintl, (hireling ”fotaidivided nintlis,)fp Darrel btu s ThNish--afterwartis,io Wilt on the 9th May 18211 siiid Thrush mortgaged Ilieland conveyed to him by floe said Ntee(ditinis', to Robert-Mcßride and Hugh reenfiel doul ini raters Ofgolur McCollutn dee'd. to secure thP Payment of $9OO, to be paid in three equal annual payMents,.conimencing . on the .11 th 1l pril 100, - silligi mortgage was assigned by the aforesaid inortgagees to the alcu'esaid Stetrimirllarlan, dec."(l., the 91.11 May 1896. , , The' cal estate of the afidesaid John McGolkfit, dec'd. - ;:ifier said mortgagolwas giveti;was valued :Mil appraised on a writ of partition and valitation issued. out of the Orphans' Court of 'Cumberland county, mol ou the:llth September 1839, confirmed to George Hoch alien'ee of some ,of the heirs aforesaid John McCollum, dec'd, and the. Court directed the said George floch to miter into:i'ecog,iiizance.forthe.pily-:-^. ment of the shares of the aforesaid AVilliani, and Archibald McCollum, upon which the aforesaid, mortgage was a lien, into the Orphans Court of said county, agreeably to the provisions orthe act of As sembly.. Awl the said -George lloch, in ptirsuance and 'discharge of his said recognizance, did pay „to. the Orphans' Court on the' 14th April 184015425 62, moron the9;811.1111y 1811 the furilier sum of ,V 2,05 52 000k - i6g•alfss3l 14, whigi said sti m, said petitioner alliltiges he is entitled to receive in payment and dis charge of the aforesaid mortgage so as,aforesaid as signed to Stephen flarlan,-anteprayed the 'court to order and decree the paymeht of the same to the said' petitioner:is administrator of the - said Stephen Harlan deceased. .111tere.Lpc,,ii11:11`..31;ly grant a rule on the parties interested to appear 'at an Orhans' .Court to he held at Catlisle on 'rueStlay the 31st day. of August next-to. show cause-why the stint Visi 14, deposited in the Carlisle Bal: to the credit of the ,Orphans' Court of Cuanherland enmity, should not he. paid to Ceorre Ilarhut,adttinistrator of Stephan llarlierdeceased: None!: is theraore; Iteeeby - giVen b y me, pur- • seance of the aforesaid (tide of Court,.to tilt person!? interested to aPPear at the time and platie shove mentioned *and .4ltow cause, if any they have, why the tiforeSaid stun of $631 11 shouldnot be paid to the albrcsai d (;eorge I larlita aided nistrator . ef Stephen I tartan deceased, agreeably to theprayer of the afore said petititiner, - • 31:1111'IN Sher:lll Sherifl's (Mice, (.!arlisle„?' •- .July 11;1.841. 77 5L . •- . ic it - geiterat,,thorbe.444o;,rozaly.,to mitriter of boitrilers iooltisitor's, The ,spriiiga ttiv situated -Lk miles -north. of Carlislei. mid smrtlt of gterrett's t;:ip, .the'tiAlo Availing from , tit 11 Itiovie eo - .. - ; hi :afire; toNilthy and I . 6 . lllAlliiel place. TIM Conotiognitiet creek'aiiil Nneth_ Atotnifaip' aJiirlf are t tvo distant Itlforil-aninseilient . to - /LM isiters 'HS are rood 'cif .aogro% and giuming. I.i .adililiou t(i the (nost ample'aceonimodatiohs, there is also an exteil-' hive bathi lig establishment, both : anon ani I cold.' - • • • I). CORNAIAN. • Ilarmielie will rim front Carl - isle to the. Springs . tlitring the'svason, for the. iteeoinmatlation or .. • , July 7, IS-lb. • .slide qf Jacob illartin, tlec'd. • - ETTERS TES"I'A EN.TA yen tIIC - bt . Toro , low..,hip,c.;;;lnherl a nd cotody,dee'd.,lntre been issued ia due Mt in of law to the subscriber: NOTICE IS herebygivcii to all fiersons having claims-against the, eqate of said dereAsed, to preNent them for set tlement ; and those indebted to make immediate payment._ JOS: Pil M ARTIN, Fxet'i ulr f 2, 1511.,--3t 9.anvlsal6La{l{Y,,H6TEL a HAMMOND. S:tiviteil hi the liorotigh'of Lewisherry, York co: l'a:, IT miles from Carlisle, and I. fronyork. T he between Lewisherry :i. fork,liis . te!y been ecusideralily improved, awl is now•iii gootl.oriler. The solNeriber thankful for past fautirs, respect fully sulieits.a continuance or patronage, lull would Tulin nt!!u: pliblie that he has 'entar:.retl :mil fitted up his house in II %'lT)' superior Still . -30 feet in fr011t; with poetics, parlnrs up and down stairs, beds and chain. bets clean sail well ventilated. . . - • I 1 is table is supplied with the best the mallet eau uflm d. • 1 • In addition to his stilicrioi• ligiforg, awl varitv of u fors, lie kecici fur stunoirr use, a le, beer, eitler,.stala water, ice, ke. &e. Good stabling foal yard fin• drovers, &o. - irl - Charges moderate; atolin accord tritl(tlic lily 7tli„1811.-3t.' To Cd! PE.VTERSS • . And . person's Building repairing Dwellings, Bfic. . • y Patent Upper and improved' Lower IVinilottjsasli• Springs, %thick have been recommended by many of the best Carpenters in die country, and took a t premium at the exhibition of the "Amerietin Institute" in NeW York, oe4pber, IB.iB. For sale at the Il:udwat•c stores in Carli'sle, Nett ville, Shi ppensburg, thambershurg, Gettyslitirg, York, ilarrisburg, Landishurg, Stickney S Noyes, Baltimore; Carr & Feeifn, Lisingston & Ly111:111, ' these springs ate at'e i labelled, waeranted, and have with. them necessaryldirections for putting in pro perly, nail can be suited to all kinds of windows, for letting upper sash 110%111. They 2111.! LI Slllll2ool' 1:V4(111 . 11g - to * AI imlows that are hung-sp as the lower sash may_lteafastuned down, and the upper sash left tlq wu a few inches.withouta pus siidflty Trom - th troutsi - ?` - • " 11. ILUNIXOND. dally.7th i • Proposed Anramiment •• • , UonstiltitiOn; • • ".Resolution relative'lo'the .Imetintefit of the State ConstitOt?ori; pEsciLy ED' by the Semite and IhAtme of Ile piresentatives in Guttural Assemblylitet, That the Constitution of this Commonwealth be amended in the third section of the secontLarticle, so that it shall read as follows: • "That the Governor shall hold his office turitlg three yearg ; from the third Tuesday of January, nest .ensuing his election, aunt shall not be eapithie of holding it longer than a single term of ihree 1/ ors, in any term el years.", . 11'31. h. CRABB, Speaker of the Mouse of R.preseatatives. .Ik. H. EWIM Speaker of the Sena 7 te. Penn slily a lit; ss!. Stame.r.vox's Omer. I On hereby certify th.d the' thregoing• is :Oink. 'copy .of a Resolution proimslitg an amendment of the Constitution, which was agreed to at the last session of the Legislators; by a majority of the members elected to each house, the original of which remains tiled in this office; and in compliance with the tenth article of the Constitti lion of,the Commonwealth, I do hereby cause - the same to be Published, as-directed Iy the said article. IN TESTIMONY Whereof, I have . 441, 0 06. hereuttto , set loy,band - mul . - seal - or sat& .7;, 4 41.. alto, at Ilarrinsburr,, , tim 14th day of vitt t Atmoe, c4l. tnoto• • FHS. R. •SIIGNK, - sxretury o/ i/u. Commonwealth. I Jane:3o; 1'811,•---301'.- wICI'TIIES. A stoatl lot orSeythes, best qunlity;w ilk be .ibld'ut ess than lirst cost bp the sob'scrlber. • - ' et ARLES: OGILLI3Y. • Julio 2s, 1811., • " PRUNE'LIiA SHOiIS. . • LEATH ER .SII9.'ES. A stoils ot,poopi no*Bllovs,. S.0)1 on hand, and will be sold at less tbstt cost by the ISiiliscrib&s.. NOTICE.. • Estale of Ilndrew Slayjar, dec'di, .. LETTERS TESTA MEN TA RY on Riff eStateor Andrew Sitishee, hite of Alm borough' i Of "Al . vlainieslitirg, Cmit beidiudl county, deed., link • been issuhl - to the subset. her t•esiding in the alin•e said borough:. Notice h hereby . giVell to all persons indAted to will eshde, to, make mittlediate payment, ' and din's:: having , o,Mirds to lirescnt them for settle,' mow. • .:: '' • ' , 15 virtue of a Writ: an. l'o'stVentlit 'l'm if Ex= lamas, to me direeltd, issued out of filo; Cotfit el Outman' Pleas or Cnnilwr,laild enthity, tUill~ l be tax thO,Qohtt tho,•bo: . rough ore:whale, oti Feidav the edit day of'July, 11.'1141, ut 10 o'elodk, A. M., late TolloWhig Oseritift'r estate, . . • - • A. Lot Or. Gtoontl- '4litato' hat: ~ -Newton- forviailiii;- of danica lkenedy,. Es 4. trie„east, 7 --•-•••••- : • Nficetuttll i sit's heirs on the *eta-, on the south:, .limes - liuNton's lilies -.Ott 11;§ north, .enniaining thee and` a half iidei r .inerie or' Seized and .taken eitaallon,•'as the isrtititit•ty ot Samuel I)itfitNott. . • • .• • . • . tinnk Corn and-Oal s receivpiir Subscription el this Office:. ; El Public Sale: • • By no. Oilier of the, Orphans' Court of - Cumber:- bind county ; to roe tliineted, I. Wilt e)tpose to PUblie Sale, on the premises, on Friday the. 27th day, of August, 1841,.tit l 0 o'eloo4, A. M., the following deseribeil real estate, to • ,d 'large Doalrle - Taia - Story !, tautava autotroma . - LOT :OF • . ' • . . . t4linite hi the borough of Meelianieshurg,Cumber land county', bit Main street, adjoining the' Union cliiirelt lotyllllll . a tot of Valentine -Shriek, being the late 'Manakin H0u5e . .A..3.01m Cloie, -deed. Also, one other - . , • • • . . . ' Dotttli'. rujo Sim?, . 47?. LB.. ,, ,, a(gzt n(t)1701,2, item,i - LOT OF CROUNb, in ilig.,kame. Boroiigii, situate nivtith Main streeli licluidltittl Nun: Kinsey and Willi:taxi Bigley. Alio., Ltit orGroimil, • containing about 25 feet front on-the tail road, and 80 feet in depth, , liotindlel by die rail- road, by the first deserihed lot and' by Valentine Shock. This lot will be sold together with the Mansion House peeptirtV above described: Weilliproperties are very advantaji,eonsly site:tied for any kind of business:— The terms of sale nitten per cent. of the - piirchase—,•.-- beta tichii paid - on die confirtnatiopor_the side, the' iesidueof the one- half Of nioney to he- . paid on the lot of,April,lB , l2,,wirit_posieSsion wilt be given, and the other half on - the lsf of April ; 1845; with-approved security; after &dieting the widow's interest, which shall 'annually by the poreha-!: sett, and the_ principal at her death to the heirs., • j()JIN RUPP• - Adirer:ofJohn Close, (feed: June SO, 1811 r •-GI Sheriff. • Saksa BY v.irttie ofswatry wt its of Veutlitioul r.miotts:i; to tt.t. itiree,ted, issued out cifilleCotirttif Inca' I l kas of Cilioberland "county, •be exposed to pitbltU Safe s‘the Court: IlantSe in the borough of Carlisle „ on Fritlay the t2.3(1 (lay of „July, A. 1). 1841, at 10 u'elbelt, A. AL; the - fallowihg described real estateolz: • A. tot of .Gr mate in the bormigy of Neehapiesbm.g, Coinbetlaml 'etittatt, hounded 011. the east by IV ill m Peubles, die' • Witt by - John CLose's ,heirs, an alleT on the soitth,- ant .Mahi tleet on the north, mutt:lining thirty-I - Mir . % list in breadth, and ttim 'Modred feet in depth, more . Also, •a Lot, of Geoliiio;Slitr . in the borough 9f Carlisle, tiiitaining sixtyfeet tiretyltlj;:atitt:t‘ettAiiiiiileed - ftirty . fejt — in , depth; tuore,or feks, adjoining a lot of :lona Agneiv on the sinalt, a let of lianntel _Alexander-on-the north,-the— .Grave Yard' on the-east, and 'the thdtintore turnpike on the ‘'esl., liaiiug tliereoir erected - a two story Fen we' I ick Wash halite and Fyn ine Shade.. Sei', l .etl and. taken in execution• as the priperty of George Matt h ews. • - Also, a Lot - of Grotinc 57 0 in the borough cIN - ifwville i on the tomer of High street and Chorea anti bufulded on the West by a lofof ,Itssii Duel:, containing 60 feet in ifreudth I igh street, and one- litindkd and eighty feet. iii Church basing a two story Log-and Frame, ilon-ie thereon, and - stable and slaughter" Aso;-lot in tire said borough; on the road leading from Iligh street to the. Cumbe rland :Valley nail bounded-by a lot ":of 'Joseph , Otto, Tlezekiah Itoads, and flioniiis 'Paxton contain ing forty-three feet in front, and two bun:feed bud twent;f'-iven feet in depth, be the same more br lest: Seized and taken in execution as the profrerij' of John Da‘idson. 'And to be sold by me, - • P.A11.. MARTIN, Sheriff:. sberirs Office; 23 ,1341. .1`11A 1 . 1 .2Q)11.1 , 4 • Id persons wishing to be supplied with the ear- Hest city news, niay feel thernserves much ~rati= lied by calling the suhscrilki.s, where Abu Cali selection of the following dailY and weekly papers, iz:—(he Philadelphia DA) , Chronicle, Ledger, and Spirit of th 6 Times; IsTew York Daily Herald, Weekly Herald; Ifrothep Jonathan, New World, Yankee Notion, Boston Notion, Maga2inea, &e. Yee. to be had at the store of Carl i IC,. 1 S 1 ,NEAV LUMBER YARD Hf Mtr•Old yards..allove Me • .11ar,i,sburg • The StdiScrrher purchased fin excellent assortment of seasoned I 'aline]; Como-mil- Boards & Planlc roiti 1,4 . 4,11,10 2 incites thick; and frop 12 to 20 'rert long. Ash. Plank,• from t to'_, 3 and 4 inches thick, seasoned: • . ,Cheir', Curled, ;Ind - Neils ,Frye . vie; White Pine Rails; Juice Raft ers and Si:aniling; Long and short • 11 1 hite-oak.liolighead -- and Barrel Staves. The subs,erilier, thankful th• his friends for past favorS, feels disposed to do WA part to.seofire again the?t Ottoilage. Call and' exainide his assortment. SIMON OYSTER.. Worrakysiao• g ; June 16, 1841.-31. l'ariatership . rr Sc M. CO-PARTNIWSIIIP between . S. burs.; . .11Ens i of 'MetdtftMOMeg, Forwaurding and Cow misiroo blipineAs:iPas di sioltrd he ommal oeuseta oti the tali nt April,, 1841 . . The - eogne'd iiithe same liusiness,sep'li., rately mid distioetiv ; S. Dresbach ticeopying the tionse .oust of AreehnoicslmTg, and M. May the !loose at the wat'et' station. • S.,DRESBACH, Meelutilicsburg,„lune 16 / 1841.-.3t• ,Punt 6,184 i .1011 N SWISJIEtt; Eier.V .Nre.lsakiiie.hburt. , :,.ltine 0, 1941.* , Sheriff's Sale, . , . Andto be said .me, . , Slteritr 's °Meg, •.? Carli 4 sle,luoe.23 184 f. S El J 0,11 X GRA Ag't
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers