S'urnmer Boots, & ShOes.. The mileicriberlias added to his former,extensive . . .. ook of Boots and Shoes, a 'very large and general assortment of . Bantam and Pliihidelphia work; all kif which will be sold at very reduced . prices,iat the store Of .Carliile June I,lB#l. 20 PIECES BED ain't rectaret the New SUIT S kappeatibum, and for sale by a . • - ARNOLD &AB AMTS. .May 1,1841. • " • MilZ\W 6,o9Waib Just received at the- SM . re of ANDREW RICHAADS, A fresh sorliq,of seasonable GOODS, .consisting in part of Blue, Black Brown, Olive Green, end Adriatic, . ._.. ' • :,,,•• • . aZIO,T H S , _. ',--- -- Blaok,Blue, Brown figured and striped Cassimero ; Mixed figured and striped G;imbronns for pants loons.- Brown, White; Striped mid Fi,gtirtid Linen . Kentuckey, Pennsylvania and 13olawarr Jams; Pittllnirg eords; Cotton stripes and drills; American - Nankeens and eolrired Muslins; Burlaps ,t- , - French and Irish Linens; black; blue, Fawn, Nlonse, t Pink, Blossom, IWhite, Figured, Striped and barred It, Si/ki, new_ stilev Figured plain barred striped .litetki netts4 Swiss, Catuthrick and Mull' muslins; Bonnets, Lawns and Silks,. Embroidered, 'Mantau, Glossee, i Sattin anti barred Ribbons; Les horn flats, Straw, I - Braid, Nuts and Chip Bonnets; COlored, White, Fig t ured Leghorn and Patraleaf, Hats; Brown & hie:wil -1 ed muslins; Ticks, Cheek., Crash, and Diapers; Lin-, I ' en.and cotton; 4-4 5-4 and 6-4 sheetings; Table cloth, .. linen and coon Diaper; Linen, Gras'. silk, pin7,ee , and cambrick.llankerchiefs; gloves, Hosiery, Stocks ' and Artificial flowers; Cotton Um! Gingham Umbrel latu—Paratolstentton-yartr-and-earpet-clutiortoget-liet- with an.extensivet•assoiltnient of • ' . I 1 . GroceiqesAir—niteensvaure. 4m, of which will- be Sold On the most yeaxonable terms. Person are invited to call and 'examine lot themselves before purchasing elsewhere. . ANDREW RICIIA RDS. - flarli.le, April 21, MIL . - ... . • INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS. • • , 1 1 By FIRE: • • • THE .FR:VN'ICIAN 'FIRE INSU . I2 A:NIOE QOM; ' a pito) $400.00il paid in..—lturar I'. OVINUF, to,tlytke• Insurance, Permaneue'nnd flev•viptimt nt' Pre , perty, in A.N "TOWN „I)°COLINTIIV, onthe•tifiii3l favorable . terms. • OFFICE Ift.“ C.h.•stitit OtTet. nerir Fifth•sti.r.r.t.:• SI:1911Y. " — .IA3TES - SCITOT4I I cyc:fl3ll , , 6t-;.1,L .• Ti(CimAs-Urvltp;' C*,crut ' 'THOMAS 111.TOX, i• E 9. IV.ll.tetiztitrg.; _TowAs._WA itunc,A CII4.IiIZS G. 13 \NClili•ll,, Serrefary. • for.the.aboveAlompony for the boron:zit of Gorlisle and 17 - attend to oil Implientions Inc Ingttranre,, nliether • mode perslonlly or MI letter. Itesidenee.Alaid st-rek, • nearly opposite the Cut O(Tirr. . . • AV Ili-1): — SklY.1101711.. 7 'March 31.„113-1E---ly - - • . Bal MT MVPS 7cE 0 T.B.L. •,. 1 :1 :- I ,I-tiN- A, • 4 e V ...* ,41 3 _ .. p? - 4!Qri ejOre A „,.._.k...;., 1 .;..-ft., . bey, , ,t.,,,vo_r qr ,,g r .. t ,fily g ,q,•iwpect 7 tilleiiifieeMsbis customers and the public itt that he has romosuA to that larze anti enrommli- MIR establistsnient tet the North-west comer, of the Public Square, late the propeety of Thomas C I Ant'. which lie has fitted up in a very superior manuer :Ist! C 1.10.7,7 AZ, anti whore lit is roared, to roroish . oll who rimy favor hint with their atom with the very best ae violin:el:id:els.. • • • Phis !Intel, from its central location, is very con venient for business men; and being- nomr the stop ping place of:the Cars on the Rail-road, it will also fiirnish Travellers.‘%iih a ready-pi sac of rest and re freshment. The ROOMS are litr,re and airy; the TABLE.wiII always be well supplied with die best the markets can afrwd ; the BAR with 'the !Mat of Liquou ; the charges will be reasonable, and until ;pig shall be'left undone on the part n ofthe subscriber to merit a shire of public patronage. BOARDERS will be taken by the week, month, or year. ' • .rr:y.Convinntlinits Stabling attpolled to the . estab lishment, and an attentive Ost s ready to at tend to that department. _ cr.cmGr. BEETEm. ~. Carlisle, it 7; I 84.1 - : ^ • • 11:7- LOOK MORE . SPRING GOODS, ARNOLD -& - AIIIIINIS have just received an additional supply of . FASHIONABLE SPRING GOODS; • consisting iu part of Blue, Black, Bronin, Mafia, Green and Invisible . • • A, Gre, n; Steel .414:red, and Dra4 ULOTBS ; • Blue, Black, Drab, Steel Aliz'd, Fancy Nlia'd, Drab Ribbed and Tweed Cassinicres; Cassinetts, at all prices; • Velvet Cords; Beaverteens; .Lion Cloth Kerst•y; and all kinds of Fantitloon stuff ; ,Vestings of all descriptions and at all prices ; • - -Summer Cloth of various colours and prices; Firmed Poult riq Sole, Gro de Swiss, Rich 4-4 Black and Blue Black Gro- SILKS. de Rhine, Colored and -Black Gro de • Xaldes, Black, Lace and Gauze Veils ; . Silk dress Shawls, Handkerchief's and Scarfs of the latest style; • . 'Black, Blue Black, and changeable BombazitwS; ' lgouslin de Lains of various patterns and priers; A general assortment of Cap and Bonnet RIBBONS; • A fine assortment of English ;44: Domestic PRINTS ; Thread Lace ' thread Valencia_and_Cutton•Edgings , Quilling and Lace of all kinds; . - Thueli White, Black, Plain and Figured ; ' ' Together with a large assortment of • Queens ware, Hardware, Greet- ries, Ceder Ware, &c. &c. All of . which they arc preparrd to sell 20 per cent cheaper than can be bought in Cumberland connty, or elsewhere. 1*- They would respectfully invite, tke - pnlllic7nn Caliand examine theiritock Bargains will. be kir miStake.. N. B. Country Produce ofall kinds will be taken in exchange for 6obilsot market price.. May 12, 1341. 500 Pounds CARPET CIIAIN, jus received at the New Store in Shippensborg, and fin ante by • ' ARNOLD & ABRAMS. ' _,_ Afar 1, 1841. , • The Cfiuse of Disease. - Nearly all classes of disease, are - c.iiiia by some* obstructions in the system, which prevent the regu lar and wholesome operation of the animal lime lotions. This state of the system, is .disease; which is 'manifested lint' vuriety.of forms, more .or leis ina lignant, in' their character.. To restore the system to a state of health, then, it ionly necessary to remove the cause of disease, and the end is accomplislied.—z. The cause is obstruction somewhere. This can be ronsoved by purgation, which is the only means that should be resorted to:because, suggested by reason, and . by nature. Dr. Harlich's Strengthbning and German Aperient Pills,are allowed by the thoustinds . who have used them, to be the. beittlurgative medi . eine in 'existenCe,. ;llecatute, they not only retrieve obstructions and, purge the System of its impuri- ties, but because t - itrut which is extremely important, . strengthen and give proper tone tiftlit stomach, and produce a healthy action of all the parts.' Resides, Alley are so mild and gentle 'in their operation, as to render them at all times a perfectly safe and desire bleyetnelly.. The afflicted would do 'well, then, to purchasea bo or two of this inv4duable medicine • and give.it ir trial, instead of .destroying their systems, with oft-repented doses of calomel, and oth l . r i so iniiiritius to human life and happiness', . • Principal 'olllce s No 10, North Eighth Strect,Phil- ' adelJtia • For sale by>. J.1.-Myers.ll Co., Carlisle; and Pal,Shippeniburg, Pa,. ' - . PI?OP I? T 0 .R OF 2 ;7 1.1 E RDIC/NiIYWV.A."4I 7 IINE- SPRINGS'. inrorin Ilia friends and. the public, that he has taken the MADISON.I.IOUSK N'o 39 Ninth Second street, Philadelphia. and solicits a continu ance of the patronage so liberally extended to that establishment. CHAS. OGILBY . . .'- Brandywine Soritr , s will he - opened for the recep , : 2 tion of Collin:my on the 10th of .lane; persons wish ing to engage . ltonnks,will . please to call at the Alaili son- Moose, Philadelpliia: s (1. FERREE, Brbprietor. April 7, 1811.-:-Rrri. CB~e~#er, CSua~i~ ~:ui..~ ~L~ed•~•ae~ PRODUCE Sr. CONIAIISSION MERCDANTS Ni). 76 SOUTH -P/11),ADELPIIIA OFFER their set vices to the Minces:, Distillers a..tl Dealers, as Commission Agents for the sate of Float; Grain and other kinds of Frmn their advantageous location' and experience in the_husiorss, they-•flatter themselves they will be hie to render entire satisfaction to all who may favor them with conitignments. They will he:prepared at all times to make thii customary advances on goods . committed to their. vliarge; • They have reech•ed the A3eney of the gosquelinn tin Transpetrtation Line, (via Tidci Rater Canal,) prepared to rveive anti forward Merchnn dize af eVery desrelption the lnnintat Cutmhrr laud and Stfcquelintitin LValleys. Tire Line will be composed of new decked Canal Boats, and will he towed by. steam • between this city not Havre tie Grace; and pr ,, eeed.ttli the Caen! without tranship ments. l'heywill int thcv.nnd night, told goods will he delivered in the shertent - possibleiime. Apply to CASI'NER, 011111STIAN k-C1.71212 >.N, .NO 7A C. ,, ntll r lVlutis,..lthil4d- NVI.',AVER St. ..\IILLT:II, -- .11arrisburg.. Phi 1:1 - (1. - 11 pril•I;-1c1-1 FOX A:. CURRAN, prr - 7 1 ; 32:th• Forwarding and.. Produce -Commission ;ern!, nt °lt! :d.•u;d in' Br3;1.1 above 'street, Phila. • Ap'•il 7. 15.11.- 7,. --7-;,--7--- —,-,-,-- !'' 4 . l Wi,CA T,lryi-' ,_,_-_,;...t., -,-; •;• , 4 4f , ,- • - ----- - - dill; -,1 ' c• - „,,-: -2±-1..! \ . ,lii, Hi..-__- T ,"1,,, % 4,&:--- 4V• , ,- , i,'N'•'ll !; o 1 ,„„„,.., 1'1;1,1.7,414;,' ' •',' • t' o , •1 1 , ,, •,,, tt.____--= , 41 , - - ''fic••l3Nk',,,t-.1.1! ~a--•.:,..1-4, , 02.1-n - -- - - ,‘ ..._ c,,,,.......___„... -.-- , - --: N...,, -,,,,'")•..:'1141.7.71 ::;.:, 4 0ft,„,..,„'" - , ___ E ,...._, _ 2 ,, " -.,,,.T,,.,_. - • hi.. sul)cdfiber ko I' pefOly'rcceived supplies ur, • . _ColorN, Orke-:"?4.ltt . ifis. Linseed Tarlientine, Cnpal Varnish, Prayer.. Mashes, l'arnish Brushes, flair Bra.shes, ‘` . .permareli Oil, (very fine) Speen,. Candies, Soaps in :Treat variety, Wass Lamps, ('rip and Letter 'Viper, _Fruit, •S'inces, l'Nfornery, (ST, 4-e. which he Physicians, Alereliajits nod' other:4, WIIO.T.ESALE' or by RETAIL, at the lowest rat , l's, por e l ta s e d e n ti re ly for ca.ylt: Ike Will otter hare...tins to thoge who wish to poiehase, at ti hnl~'salc. • • S. ELUorr.. NEI roll 24, IS/1. :' , .4pric . 2.g . Goods. -.• Jnit Neived from Philadelphia •an • ass'oillineut • • Szirt/Tar 011040, of she neweq ; splendid China. Silks and. Itilamds„ Mouseline de Laines, Chintzes, Gloves,'Freneh wrked. Collars, &e. - assortment of • Cloths • C'assiineres,• resting-8, - Tieking,s, Checks, 4-e. c. dc. All of which will be sold very low by tilO 'Subscriber at the. old - sfand opposite S. Winiderlieh's I Jowl. • CHARLES OCILBV. Mai;el; 10, IS-11. ITOUSP.4 AND SIGN PAINTING, Glazing and iPaper Hanging. The subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Carlisle t.tal the vicinity, that he has commenced the *hove business in all: its various branches. Ills shop Is in the square immediately 'in rear of the Market i louse, two doors east of A. Richards store ; tie hopes by attention to business Mid Moderate charges, to receive a. share of patronage. Carlisle, Feb. 17, 15•11.---1 f The Celebehted Horse WAKE P LE 14 D • ' wfitiiiiiiidlov service . . .i k t ./ during the season, coin-„ er.i . r.'fs( ,i', , i_ 1 - ~, mentung on the Ist of •-, i , ...,•., 10 • ' - April and ending on the i : q 1 llst of.htly;as followS— _ --Mend.y-, E l Fuesday - - and --- 4 , .. 4...,7.'-' • '7' ; ` -- -'-' - • Wednesday e 1 each week, at Middlesex; and Thursday, u ! Sat nrday. at the stable of Andrew Roberts, in Carlisle. The terms are sGrfor'the season, and $lO for insur uttre. . . - Any person parting:With an Insured Marc before she is known to be with foal, will be held liable for the insuranc e. . Great care will be taken, but no accountability. for accidents. . ------------------- JORNT - HOMPSON: — ' - C . aillisk, April T, 1841.-3 m. EOGlrel• TOOL c am . atairitakivutecourzeo • .• - The subscri ben hereby inawms the citizens of Car lisle, and the public, generally, that he has taken the shop nearly opposite the Jail, where lie %Midi°. pre pared to manulactnre to order, on the most reasona ble tering-no:A:tide, in hinline of business,Such as Picl4s ; &c. • also nttelnl to Steeling and Grinding Axes. lie solicits a share of public , patronage, Carlisle, Nov. 5, t 840. • Children Teethinb , When we liehold the "Bills of Mortality" we find from eighty to ninety children recorded n eekly ; of this number, one half die froM, the effect's of Teeth ing. Will mo th ers any longer stiffer their dear off spring,to be so suddenly snatched from them when a certain remedy is so near itt hand, which is Dn. PAR IS' SOOTHING STGUrFOR CIIIAIIEN CUTTING TEETH. Hundreds of mothers and nurses are there that bless, the day theyfirst became actpiitintedwith - thellrtues of this invaluable medicine. This Syrup should al ways be, kept in the nursery, where there are young Atiltfren, whereby, swet repose will be procured, and, to the, enjoyment of parents, their dearest off spring restored to them again: ("•-• REMEMBER, none is genuine, unless the signature of Dr. Paris is impressed in the bottles, rind the labels contain 'An 'entry, accrordinr, to tut net of Ceinvress.'. Beware; there is a,.spitrions imitation hf the market, put up in plain .hottles, and. the mane of Paris spelled . - • , Principal: Office„ No. 19NORTH EIGHTH STREET; o n ly place "in Philadelphia oheee the medicine can he obtained. Price 50 cents. Por sale by Dr; J. J. Myemik Co,, Ctiaisle ; nhitl WiiiTP - 6 - 41 - , hippenlqiurvira.---7 George- Ferree, c F rl , 3 .rri;`4 ME CDNTINUE TILE ilresinrss, MEI Presh Medicines-. JOIIN ROTH JOHN HARRIS Ti)Je Crair„ Batas A` Co.. eatt o n. . 4 - . COMMISSION & FORAVARIII- , JAG MERCHANTS, !lave removed to the capticionsVarelionse i.ecentlY occupied by 1). Leech & Co. art the tirth-wests3orner of Cherry and Woad 'street, Philadelphia. From the facilities which tit 'location and internal arrangement of this depot tiff d, 30 to 40 Mullen Cars ean be accommodated to li 'toad and load at the same time with sunk:lea room x•store'2o,ooo barrels of Floor, and 400 co 600 tom of Grain exclusive of the follwardilw , department. - . . • o . . .. Prtrdirci; of every description will he received as usual on consignments, and liberal advances made on receipt (if required) until sales are effected. CRAIG, HELLAS & Co. • • North-west corner of Cherry & IhMad st. Philadelphia. ' REFERENCES. -- W. S. Coiman, Calder. l- , 'l!enflerson .& Parker, • i c ar b m. • Henry Morals, Saninlemion &.IJosserman, J • . Jacob Swoyer, JVcrevitle. • David Nevini Shinpensburg. ,. 4 : ..,' J. Logan Smith, Eq. Onkel, Chamnersourg Eyster, Hinz & Co, ' , Robert Fleming, . • Catlierwond &Craig,. Philadelph: a. Wm. It. Thompson & Co. mfliitaii &.Brown, . •i • . , .BARGAINS! . Sontheimer Lindauer, At their New. Store in Centreville., have jest re ceived and arc now opening a very large Mid 'splendid_ -assortment of BRITISH, FUESCII and DOMES'- TIC • D _a_l 9 .o_l9 ,•• which have been selected with much care in the cities orNPAir YOUR' put PI M. qtul which Cher respecifully invite the citizens of • Centreville and vicinity to call and examine, a's they will he ena bled to please, and sell, decidedly cheaper than any after establishment in the county.'whey will 'he happy at all times to sea customers who arc desirous of having - - . l tieAT - Cheap - ,agull Good Goods. Anicing.their -stni.:k will he • fauna 'Blue, .111:tek Brown. G reel), Olive, Ca,let, )luiMerry ; Dalili:; ; ,,Pe roil, Claret \1 ia 1.„.. N Dvab o to a, variety of low toed WI plain ,i ' . 1 U al . 0." ~ • v," Superior afripecN ion and Buckskin . Cassimeres. prenuc OW Prier& SHltiiietN; ITI . IOI . • vet. Vatelicia, Corded; Strili ed, Figured .and •Marieillei and Casgitnere feAi _A.4.enera itmarnektuf all Anal itil4_and_ 04Ebdiiit7:7_,,z i ,„7757;7?77717 , ,77.7=7: Zilt:lntirlMratti * :' , lgtliff'S` --- - 1 suitalild for - Genileineuls-mear.. 'S - upertnr 1.11 - RTV Lidestrings, Gros De Napii, I Dc •iwits, Gros Do affil.Sensliaw - Silks;Chalteys,Chint . w g.es„lneronetarCaipinies.Bobbinetts,Tlaim andLri, gured'Swisa, and Book Muslins„Shands, Dres4 Mind lietelliers,Searfs, _Veils, Ribbons, &e.: A large and excellent iissortment of fine and low priced Iris Table: Towelling and Table Tickings; Checks, Cords, Ileaverteens, ee. 'A general assortment otAeghorn and Sty:in...l36:mM s, Umbrellas, Parasols, Stc. - Also, an - extensive asor,nient Of. • • “Toceries arid Queensware,.• . of the most: aPproved Qual hies The pliblie speolully i o n lied In call and jildg , e for themselvesAs they arc determined t o sill 'cheap fir - cash or country ptsidttee. TAVERN K PIFIPRItS are respectailly invitesl to call and examine_their_stock of _Liquors liettre-pnrchasink- elsen here. centreville, Own. Co., October 14, 1R 10. Variety Store, &e. subscriber, thankful for post favors,'respect; fully laurels the public that he still continues to "hold iw11" in Church Alive, near' "Education I loll," where he has now On hami a large assortment uslootions.. consisting in pant , Mille following: Ilread, Cakes, Cheese, Ilacon, Hams, Flour. Soap, Cider, Spices, Midis, Sweetmeats, and other_ necessaries e deulated for Otis nu•rettiam. . Ile also Continues to kt ep an Eating ifnose, where gentlemen enn lie accommodated w ill: Tripe, Pigs Feet; Pickled OysterS,&c. at the shortest nntire. •• JACOI3 SIEG,AgenL • ""Si.";pl. -1 3, fR•l9i :y6ar. • . . ffrierdware,• PoIRIETY STORE: • , PETE subscriber has just returned from the Cities of New York, Philadelphia. and 13al timore, and is now opening at lii. stove room S. E. LorM:r of Market Square and Main Streets (for merly occupied by Geo. W. Ilitner,). a general as sortment of . . , , . . Ihirdwarc, lone. Ware, -Cedar Trare, • • .Brillania Ware, Groceries, Oils, Paints,rarnishes,_dlass,Bru - sIV • • es, Whips, "Canes, Lamps for • burning Camphine Oil, . . and a great variety of articles useftd.anil necessary for furnishing and keeping a house. Ile hasalso,and will constantly keep on hand . • Camphiuc Oil. - 9. . • . a cheap and elegant. substitute for' sperm oil, and having been appointed the agent of Messrs. Backers ."nd Brother of Newark N. 3., for the sale of Jones Patent Lamps in this county, he is prepared tp fur-, risk Lampsand Oil, nt a very reasonable rateto all who may wish tei use this new and econoinicaNight. Having selected. his . goods himself; and made his purchases for cash, lie is able, and is determitted to sell: ow. , Thtise basing the cash twiny opt will find it to their advantage to give hiin a call. lIENRY DUPFIF.LD: . Carlisle, July 8, 1840.---11. CERTIFICA:I ES OF AGENCY FOR THE. SAVE OF B_ ra nd . l'ellts Vegetal* Univer,, sal Pills , . Are held by the following agents in their respec . - tive counties. As numerous counterfeits' of these pills are attempted to be palmed upon the communi ty, the propriety of purchasing only from the recog,- 111 Zed agents, will be apparent.. Cumberland"Cuunty,—George W. Hither:Carlisle; A. Itiettelianieshurg; Gilmore & McKinney,. Newville; S. Culbertson, Slaippensburg; Boke ik Brenneman, New Cumberland; Isaac Barton , Lis burn; AL-G. Rupp, Shiremanstown; L. Riegel ik Co. Chnrclitown. Perry Connty- , —Alexander MfigeC,.Bioornfie J. $z S. A. Covle,Larelisburg. - • Augest 2G, i 840 Cheap Cloths, The subscribers will sell their stock of Clothe, Cassinieres and other' Woolen Goods; very lew for cash. lIITNER & MULVANY March 17,1841 BRANDRET lI'S PILLS.; A fresh supply just received tit the store of • , CHAS.-OGILBY. March 17,1841. . AIOUSELINE DE LAINES. Just received, elegant Mous. de Lainea at 20, 25, '3l, 37k, 50 and 75 eta. per yar4. CIIAS. OGILBY. • March 15, 1841. ' The thorough Area Horse; '--., " PETER PARLEY? . Will stand the ensuing season Carltsle, on the terms set forth' • -f in the hand bills. _ ' • R I K Peter parley is of the very best racing him . e was, got ' - by "Oscar"—his dam "Betsy Wilkes" was by the celebrated "Sir Archie" —his grandam by,. ":11odford"—his .g, grandam by "Dare.llevil"his g grandam by "Lamplight& -= hi s Sg grandanrby Syms" By refer once: to the Turf-Reptster, it will be seen that "Onte we by 'Tinside6,rdam by 'Oscar ;"Andrewetta' by 'Andrew,' dam -by "Dicler t' 'Clericl', by Monmouth Eclipse,' slam:by , Osear V. are altiong the most suc cessful horses, now on the turf, having both speed and bottomi"."‘ ' • - - 7 For furtherpattibalskra see handbills. ' • , c . :W.C.ir ( . .itz .414. P.. -W5c.0.0.201.itit•,..,‘ Mechanicsburg -Line BeMeta .illeeltanicsbarg and irhileulelphia,or t .Baltimore.' . [Br: R.* iro.ln OR CAN.I.4] THE:subserillers.grateful 'for'past favors, : beg , leave to '6lforin,tligiririends and the public generally; that they still colitiaue to r r run aline o burthen Cars regularly between 11fechaniesburg and Yliilndellihiit or - :llaltitnore, by which goods and pro acce-ofail-desEriiptions-.wiltbe torwarded:with care anti despatCh at the lowest rates of freight. • Pt:twitter. will be received at their Wnre Honses in Menhanicslntrg, and -forwarded to. either Phila delphia or Baltintore;necortling to the direction of the owner. The highest price be given for AV bent and Flour. • - _ • DRESBACH St AIRILY. N. 8.. Plaster-of Paris and Salt alwaya kept on band, and for sale at the lowest. prices. July 29,18:40.---ly. 13a,rgains, Ea,rgains. Cheap - Goods for Cash. • The Suhscribers,"desiroue of reducing their stock of Merchandize, offer it at reduced -prices for Cash. Their entire stock of • LOlflB4 . Cassirneye&,. AS'atinettA;__Aferinoes, Elan; . ' - nth, . • . . will be sold at a very smidl advance. .Suell persOns .fis are desirous of obtaiiiing good bargains will.pleasu coil at the store of • • ,lIITNER F , • - TNiULVANI. N. B. Tile enlimrstock of Merchayulize . will be Rohl a bargain-to : any- one—wishing to- eni, , age in the business, if application be ma& immediately. bee. 9, 1840. • .slack Walnut,' Plank: grim Subscriber wishes to , purchase 1.1. - t/6 WAIMAIITIVAAA . K, in any cputit that may offered; for which Forty Dollars Cash per thousand feet plank measure will•be given. Said Plank to be of good qua lity; teoluAes and one-eiglith urthieknesa and fottrteen.ft , et tom: inches in length. To be delivered at the (;anal kurg, brat any point on the Cumberland Valtey'llail 110:00!id immediate information forwarded to the subscriber: •• ' .., • , . . - Cy. Any other int r urmatimii‘elatilie to said business eau ..likbuzi'L% . ..... -- niTti eutifUlLfq-,itcipe4.llV4Arinitn' 4.;:ve,l44,7„fiitiir.ridstadstAigiltSitAilik44.o!-WAtilai 7...e"Siciin-4ii'-i'ili-iiilliiiirnai-. - :-. , . -- --.=.‘--., - - ,--,-, ... , . , ... ,- .:-.-. , _ ,- .i.- - 2: . _i:t: , .. - 11XVIII FREED gin::. ==RUB=MI IP/lit . ..liilligarela inipivted Patent Horse rower. . . III: great -encottrageMent heretofore receive( Tenni - the sore of his maehines,iiidures !din to of fee to the public a new and improved Horse Power which eambe shifted in gear o r o w or gear by keys and shift.the band to give it five difilment revolutions And - he hasmo hesitation ill assuring the Farmers tha he ittithw able to furnish them with an article fur sn Peridr to those Manufactured hercpfure. For spec' tunfcican threshing mid ease to the horses, he be. lieges his tr.arhines to be xi:argil:died. price is $l4O---s,ve.iii. (kiliiirs to be paid cash,i Spain Al'or all the balance in six mouths, for which a note wilt 'Thousands who have for sevvral m yeaost used required he rired-with-interestry person purchasing a them Miring-11'e Spring and Fall (as well 'mat other Machine and upon a fair trial, not beingpleased, can times) will - 'mm. use any others. Ilundreds..are return it. Ile will at all times Ile ready ) already. thilv p' o. them 'who - have heretofore them ' the shortest notice; .orders from ft distance will be punctually attended to. Ile Will also repair machines ott the shortest notice. WILLIAM 13 MILLIGAN., Newville, July '29,1-B.lo.—tf. . hernia:instil pit: ',Elm's iumumATlc recommended nod t 1 trtily eflitoodow: plication rof:Jtlicumatism, 'Bruises, Spiltins, Stiff ness, mid f7eaknessof thi, Liii.fb s mid -Joints, Paiii along the Bark, Sides nool seross'the Lohis. 111::e0.11.11E.N D./17'I0 S. • Extract or a letter from Dr. Johnson, dated Mily•7th, 1839. The Rheumatic Liniment aim Blood Pills have been employed by Myself, and finding them alien cions,l have since recommended them to many, that have. been entlrelY eured of Rheumatic-pains, lumbago, stiness of die joints, numbness of, the muscles, limbs,lx.c. Extract of a letterirom Pr. Jennison, dated' , , Baltimore, May 19,1811. Your Rheumatic Liniment' . possesses properties which I- have never feund,in any Liniment have heretofore employed. Extract of a letter II om. Dr. C. 11. Goo :Irish, tla.: fed Pittsburg, June 91st, 1839. Of numerous Liniments and Medicines heretofore employed-for-Rheumatic affections. none have been so'stiecessful as the Liniment and Blond Pills man ufactured by you. 'I hey have in this place won the golden opinion of all who have used them. To my , own knowledge they have cured several that were by myself and other men pronounced incurable. It may. not be amiss to remark, that both thetini - mem mid' Blood are prepared 'by Dr..N. B. Leidy, himself; a.regnlar Druggist nn Physician, attested by Drs. Physick, Chapman, Jackson,Hor ner, Dewees, James, Gibson, Coxe, &c. of Phiadel phia. This Liniment Is prepared only, and for sale, wholesale and retailretaililtDr.N.B.LElDY'S HEALTIL EMPORIUM, No. 191 North Second Street, (sign of the Golden Eagle and Serpents,) Philadelphia. N. 8.---entrilenninels. accompanied by tho.writ ten signature of Dr. N. B. Leidy on the label. Price 37i cents a bottle, or three bottles for $l. Also, for sale by STEVENSON & DINKLE, Drug•g'sfs, Carlisle, Pa. • May 19,18-11.---Gm.• Teller! 11E1'1! -. TITt. LEI DIPS CELEBRATEDTETTER AVD Au, rrqf I OINTMENT is daily becoming more popular. • Daily do numerous individuals stop and inform the proprietor of its great success in remov ing and curing the Toter and Itch. . iNumerpus testimonials might be published of its efficacy; libt-for the delicacy felt by Individuals hay ing their names published in connection, with 'so loathsome and disagreeable affections: . It may. be, used with perfect Satety,by youngiand old;-:e ven upon Wants, containing no-inettawyjr othq.)mineral substances. Dr. N. I,oly. prepares -- it himselt - and-knowingits co mposition, most confi dentially. recommenda it as superiot; to any other remedy for the' Tetter and Itch. Prepared and sold at Dr. Leidy's Health Emporium, (sign of the Golden Eagle and 'Serpents,) Nu. 191 North Second street, below Vine. Also, for sale by STEVENSON & DINKLE, Druggists, Carlisle, Pa. , The above preparations ttre sold by all wholesale Druggists in Phildelphia, and by all respectable Merchants and Druggists. throughout the United States. - Muy 19;1114 - b—scan. • • . DR. LEIDY'S Sarsaparilla - , or Pills. ."The Life of the Flesh-is in the 'Mad." • Lxvinctis, c. XSit.V. 11. HE safest, best and most' efficacious Pills now. T in existence, .are Dr. Lcidy's .Blood Pills, a component part of which is Sarsaparilla: It is use less here to name the good qualities, or. commend upon the medical virtues of these Pills, As the public are fully aware of them. Suffice it to say, they arc an effectual purifierAf the Ll6'ootl and renovator of the system. Phi aitelphia:City,'ss. " [L. a.] Personally appeared before me, one of the Aldermen of the city orP hiladelphia, Dr. N B. Leidy, who;- on his solemn. oath doth declare and swear, that - lip-the composition of the Sairsaparillii Mood Pills, manufactured by him •only v there is not contained Mercury or the Minerals, r any Drug whatever, unfriendly, dangerous,-or.. deleterious to . 'the human system . -• • • . - • I BRAZER, Alderman. • . Price 25 cents a Box. • I - • ' . • „.." e are prepared and , ;pcild, wholesale and retail, at Dr.. 'lily's Health Emporium, No, 49 1 'North SeconA below Vine street. • ". .1 •o, for sale fiq. STEVENSON Si DINKLE,j lin • gists, Carlisle, Pa. - I ,• y ' • . , . , • , Diseases of the Eye. • • • . - ---(400) a r • • ••• — DR. _ROSTOCK'S' • • Celebrated Eye Water, . For the eure of lreak,'Wateri Blood :Mot ,eyes, UtcersTifuntorntliiiirriiilomatton of the t.ye-iids, Dimness of Sight;,Egc.. • • • . • Persona subject to any of these, , , unpleasant disoA •ders, will find this the mosf diet:fid remedvin use;' as it seldom fails to remove oily of these. arections by a few applications,without the least inconvenience or pain. Those who are troubled.witha-DIMNESS OF - SIGHT will alsolind it a ; ,valuable remedyfor I strengthening the:eyes, improvingthe sight, and.pre •eenting the dimness that arises frotn i straining them. It will also be found particularly useful as a wash for the eyes of young children, to remove inflamation, and Subdue the hUMOUVB to-Which they sire, killable: - Price 50 Vents a Bottle with fall direc tions for using. , - • , • Sold in Carlisle by ••• • .• SAMUEL -ELLIOTT: . • April 23 1841.---V di $100:-x$100:• • Will be-forfeited by Dr. N. B. LEIDY, for a prepa ration of Sarsaparilla equal to his MedicatedExtracfof Sarsaparilla. Tlid efficacy of Sarsaparilla is well known in'Scro fula or King's Evil, Erysipelas, Diseases of the Liv er, Affections of the Bich, and . Bones, Ulcers of 'the Nose, Throat and Body, as well as an Antidott to Mei•eur • and the Minerals, Conslitatibnal Diseases and a general Purifier of the Blood And Animal Fluids. ould Yefer t o_the - mostrespecfBb!!! Op! siciandin Philadelphia, as well as throughout the U: States for tfiii character of . his 'preparation; as a ell also to the numerous certificates from physicians :lila others, tint have been Ilion' time to time published, now deemed unnecessary as the character finds pre paration is firmly established. Throughout the Sou thern States it is usedaltogether,and 'throughout the Yorth Lilies the precedence over all others, particu larly among. physicians, who, for the benefit of their patients ; always rricom mefid it. The wailer is ialfeiTed hy,the directions accompa nyinz eaid! . boule, recommendations, certificates, and fitfifier particulars.' . - Renwinber, oily bottle, (half mina! to six pints of syialp, mut ia equally fileasinitto take. . t(r . Pike One Dollar lire Bottle. . z -7:-Irhir:- ; ;Tfrin-C'trrliskbyz A VlE 0 'mil. 1 0 1841 ---Gm • • • BLOOD 1! ..THE. sp A iNG E -OF . YEAR IS 00)11.&O.' . Be ye purified iii your Blood, ...And lienlth - will attend- your " The LT: of 11w Plash is in the. BIood.?' L 1 CiTICUS C. XVII. P. XI. ONV - IS TIIII - BLOOD,,TO PURIPIED! Tlionsfulds eau answer this question.who know Irani actual experience tlint , - • Int. LEIDY'S 11 - LO 0.1) - PILLS, . _ A COMPONENT ,LSAT OV WHICH 15 S. I 1'.111.11. . Arc the:sarest; best, and _ most . effi..tilal Pills known, asa employe( th en! The. object or this advertisement. is to inform the thous:Olds who know not yet of them; where they may procure the' -genuine, that they may try them; being (.illy satisfied that having tried them, they will never be persuaded to use any other for several reascns. First—Dß. LEIDY'S BLOOD PILLS AIU ANTI QtrACK, being prejiared by Ur. N. 11. Leidy himself, a reoldar Druggist, as well as Physician, attested by Drs. Physlek, James, llorner, Dewees, • Jackson, i4bson, Come, &c. ke. Second--Int. LEIDY'S BLOOD PI L I.S Alt E _ . . ANTI-MERL:QUA Al..,.being an Antidote against Mercury and thVlinerals, deleterious:llld a11t . 1.• gerous; and upon the vireos of which Quacks de pend,fer." killing or caring,", and-therefore mix. them with their. mostrnms. Third—Dß. LEIDYIS BLOOD.PILLS ARE SA; PER TI LINANY Oil I F . , HS, as in using -diem, they require no restraint from living or occujia tion, and may be taken by the. most delicate and feeble, old and young, male and feMale at all times . and under-all circumstanees. Fourth—Dß. I.EIDI"S lILOOD P S A R BFA:TER-AND.-MORE EFFECTUAL THAN , ANY OTHERS, when used according to the di reitionsand do not require -to "betaken. in large ituiontities as is required of various other Medi 'eines; making. a Drug Shop of ,the Stomath, de priving of accustomed mourishmentolestroy its functions, and thereby causing- 41 rapid de cline of the hunian system. In all cases where a purgation- may IM necessary, those Pills will be fOund both effectual and easy Di their_operation, producing no nausea, or sickness of The Stomach, griping or any other unpleasont sensa tions. • • Further eciniment is deemed. itnnecessary—the numerous scertilicaterTalished .from time to time from Physicians and other individuals must have •convinced the incredulous, and. for the further in formation of all others, Dr.! Ceidt , refers them to the directions which accompany each box: - .' ' • hey are prepareirind sold, wholesale and retail, nt )r. LEIDY'S HEALTIFENIPORIUNI, No. 191 N rth Second. street, below Vine street, (sign of the Golden Engle and Serpents.) .. rice '25 .cents n Box. . Also;for sale by STEVENSON .Sr..DINELE, Druggists, Carlisle, Pa. • . _ • INGIRATIrIump, is :the. basest crime in man-. ---We are ROI among-that-class'of'Editors,yhofora few dollars will, (at the expense of truth and hones 'tyrcrack up'.' an artiffie and bring it into rapid sale; neitber are we willing to remain silent, after haying tested the utility of an improvement or' disCovery in science or art. Our readers will recollect we. told them we were unwell with a sore throat and yiolent cold some few weeks ago. Well, we purchased two bottles of WINSLOW'S' BALSAM OF BORE IIOUND and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we ever_bad a Cold. Those who '-are afficted, may IrYlinpon our recommendation.—Leistown Tele grafi& For sale by S. ELLIOTT, Carlisle, 1 A. J. NOllTH'iNeweille. Also, by Druggilte generally throughout the coun try. Price 50 cents per bottle. Oct. 9.8,1840. • More Prods Of Me efficacy of Dr. Swayne'a Compound Syrup of Prunus Virginians of Wild Cherry. Mrs. Brown, corner of Second street, minim forks of the Germantown road, effectually cu r ed.-- Her symptoms were general debility, attended. with a constant Coughs, pain in the side, breast anti back; with other symptoms indicative of Pulmonary Dis ease, not essential to. intimate. After using the se- Coed bottle.of this invaluable medicine, her Cough entirely disappeared, and her 'strength increasing fah, and by the time she used two bottles more, she. found herself freedfiKiim all pain and other undeas: ant symptoms which intended her disease. She is now enjoying perfect health, and willing to give any informatisin respecting her core; likewise •recom mends this Syrup to all afflicted with a Cough or it ,disease of the Lungs: Principal Office, No. l 9 North Eighth street,Phk ladethia. For sale byy Dr. J.J. Myers & Co., Carlisle; and Vm. Peal ; ShiPpeniaturg, Pa. ." . ..mental. Surgery. THE SUBSCRIBER, respeotfidly tenders his grateful aoknowledgmtlifts to the public for the, very. liberal share of patronage be fine received ing the past year, and would OR continue. to „Offer them his professional services their various bran ches at hip residence, No: 7, Harper's Row. He files, cleanses, and plus teetkand inserts 'incorruptible Carrel.. metalls artificial teeth hi the most 'approved man*: Charges always mothirate. . • - J. C. . • Cculiele slf 1840..-4. " , CHARLES mic,LuRE4 ..ITTORXEY LAM • Office in High sli•eet ft • • west of the Po 4 Office. Carlisle, April '28, - 1841.--tf ' • - UST lILICEIVUII some very fine SHAD. *I HERRINGS & CHEESE, at the Store et' • • A. Ithit4Alll./S. May 12, 1841.' XTVMEROUB remedies have been offered and imffed into notice for diseases of the Lungs, some of which has undoubtedly. been found very use ' Cul; hut of all that have hitherto been known, it must be Universally 'acknowledged there is nOne that has evoqii•oved 119 successful as the " BALSOMOP CHERRY." • , • Such indeed are the astonishing restorative and healing properties of this " Balsamt" that even in the worst forms of COnsumption, when the, patient has suffered with the most distressing cough, violent pahi'in the chest., difficulty of breathing, night sweats, bleeding of the I tings.„&c., and when the most esteem ed remedies 'ofomt Plutrinacopias•had failed to afford any relief,and even whet) Potanic, - Homcdpathic, and immerous,other remedies ; liad ,heen - used for rnany. months in vain, this invaluable remedy has' checked every symptom. and been productive of the most as tonishing yeller. In the early stages of the disease, nroceeding Irom neglected colds, termed Catarrlial .Consumption,-it ha sTheen used with undeviating-suc cess, manTlinstances, when this disease seem ea to have marked its victim 'for an early .. grave . ; the. use of this neFyeire - i - ei , yTtymtstptom,ind restored the flings to a State of pnrfect health. - -10 thatform of.Constnption, sospeevalentamOngst delicate young females, commonly termed debilitb,or •"going into a decline," a complaint with - which thou-. semis are 1 nget iuig,it has also beeti - used with surpri sing.success, and not only possesses the power of checking the prngreAs of, this alarming disetts6,lmt at the sonic time strengthens and - invigorates the whole system more dffeetnapy than any I'erne4 we have ever possessed. ( LIVER COMPLAINT.---111 diseases of the Liver...partienlarly,Whoyattended with a cough, indi gestioh wandeeing poise in the side, It lets also pro ved very ale:10ot' s, and "cured many cases of ,this kind after the Inds( powerfithremediesluid AS'llll'Nl A this +complaint it In also been. 'used it) numerous i'llStanees witli the most 'sing - kit:lr success. It opens the crick, rmultmiug the' breathing "pirfect,ly f r ee, arrests the ecurgb, and will Seldom l'air ltigiVe-pdtonulteut ESEMZES .a:r•ItitONCIBTIS.,--Ns a remedy in all Broni-. chiral alli•etions cif the tliront;iittewilect witJta, Imar,e_-_1 Bess, emigli or sore in the themit, it will diso hcfound a very efreet unl - remerly; nail will , mostly afford m mediate relief if used at the conrpieneemvni of its attack: 0..1" COUO IS & -coinritot-coughs and colds, that pit' ail so extensively throughout the winter, it - will be found much noire eflinctual than any . rentedy in•use, and when colds settle upon the lungs, ,slinsing xn litflainmat ion With -pains in the breast., nlif ficulty'or shortness of breathing, &c., the use or this Balsam will suppress such sympuniis iinmediately, and at the same time prevent the lungs from becom ing niece seriously diseased. • t• CROUP — ANDAVIIOOPING - COUDH. - - - =-In :these complaints, so common to young children, this IlalSam will be found much superiarto the' P,arego rie Elixir 'Syrup of.Squilll, and the - varions cough mixture's in COIIIIIIOII use, as it is entirely free from 'anything the least-injurions.-and-marta-all times be given to children with perfect safely,and with the cer tainty of its affOrdiigthem speedy relief. (0" AS A FAMILY MEDICINE for many oth er unuplainits,.tbis Balsam will also be found (thirty useful. Betides having proved an invaluable remedy in all Pulmonary ntffections, it exerts a pow= - erful influence over-many diseases depending on depillVed conditio of the system ; and those who have suffered front the Indiscriminate use of .Mercury, or other deleterious drugs, that are often compounded in different quack nostrums, will find it a - remedy of great value, possessing the power of strengthening and invigorating the whole system inure dreamily, than any other niedictne we possess. CAUTION 'VO. PH RCII ASERS.—As this med- - ieine has already' tiegifired Ovid celebrity - . there may probably he 'some attempts to imitatelt, and deceive the public with a spurious mixture, to prevent which I would wish all purchasers to observe die following marks of the genuine Balsam. It is put up in bottles of -two sizes each, having the 'words WIS'VAIPS BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, PHILADEL-' PHI A, hlnwn iii the glass; and a label On the front with-the signature of HENRY WISTAR, M. D. without Which none is genuine. Prepared for the proprietor by WILLIA MS Se CO., Chemists, No. 2'2 Commerce street, • Pliilactel.. Oda, and sold hr the most respectable Druggists and other appointml agents in all the- principal towns throughout the United States, .rcr.Tlie Genuine Balsam sold in Car lisle,- by-SAMUELELLIOTT, - appoint= ed Agent. • Hays' Liniment. NO FICTION. This extraordinary chemical composition, the re sult of Icienee and theinvention of celebrated med ical man, the introduction of which to' - the public was invested with the .solemnity of a 'death-bed be 'quest, has shire. gained n reputation unparalleled, folly sustaining the correctness of the lamented Dr. Gridlley's last confession, that "he dared not die without giving to posterity the benefit of his knowl edge on this subject," and he therefore bequeathed to MS friend and attendant, Solomon Hays; the secret of liis discovery. It is now used in the principal hospitals, and the private practice iii Our country, first and most cer tainly for the cure of the PILES, and also extensive ly itiid effectually Rate baffle credulity, unless where its efflietsnre witnessed. Externally in the follow ing complaints: • • For Dropsy---Creating - extraordinary absorption at once. [lktny 19, 1841.—Gm 'Swellings—Reducing them in n few hours. • Rheumatism—Acute or chronic giving quick ease: • """ Sore Throat—By cancers. ulcers, or colds. Croup and Whoooing-Cough----Nternally uurl over the chest. All Bruises', Sprains, and Burns---Cured in syfew hours.. .„,.Sores and .Ulcers---Whether fresh or long stand-. ing, and fever sores.. Its oPration upon adults and children in reducing rheumatic swellings, and loosening coughs and tight ness attic chest by relaxation of the parts, has been surprising beyond conception.. The common. re mark of those who have used It. in the Piles, is "It nets like n charm." THE PILES.--Th t- price, $l, is 'refunded to any person who will use a bottle of Hays' Liniment for the Piles, and return the empty bottle without being cured, These are the positive orders of the proprie tor to the ngents,and out of many thousands sold, not one has been unsuccessful: We might insert certificates to any length, but prefer that those who sell the article, should exhibit the, original to purchasers. , . , . 'lO Physicians and Patients. , The Blind Piles, said to be incurable by external applications.—Solomon. Hay Varratits the contrary. His Linimept will cure Blind Piles. Facts are more 'stubborn than theories. He solicits all respectable physicians to try it upon their patients. It-will do., 'them no harm, and it is known that every - physician who has had the honesty to miik'e the trial, has can didly admitted that it tins succeeded in every case they have , Then why not use it ?, It is the recipe of one of theirmosrrespectable members, now, -deceased,- AVliy refuseto itse-it - } - Becauselt - licitold as a proprietary medicine? Is this a sufficient ex cuse for suffering their honest- patients to linger in. distress)." We think not. %Physicians:shall be cow: vinced that there is no humbug: or quackery about this article.r-Wliv then not alleviate human suffer ing ?• If thby won't i it 'before, let them after all other prescriptjons f , Physicians are respectfully requested to (lathe elves and patients the,mstiee to use this article. It hall be. taken from the bottles and done up es thei prescription if they desire. . SOLOMON HAYS: • Bob! by boatel° Co.. Wholesale Druggists, r No. 2, Fletcher at t, New York... For, sale also, by STEVENSON dc - DINKLE, Carlisle, Pa.: ' December 23, 1840.-..1y . • , , • DR. WISTAR'S TILSAit OF WILD-CHERRY THE'CELF;I3 . IIATED REMEDY FOR DISEASES OF THE-LUNGS, Price S1:00 "a,bdtik December 16, 1840.---ly . 6Finsloes Balsam or HOREHOUND. An unparalleled remedy for common ColdasC'ouglie r ' Asthina Influenza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis,. and all diseases.ol the:Breast anti Lungs, leading to Consumption; composed of the concentrated' virtues of Horehound; Boneset; Bltiod Root, Liv erwort and. several other vegetable substances.— . Prepared only by J. 111. WINSLOW, Rochester,. N.l. The in n ocence and univertiAlv - adMitted pectoral' . virtues, of the Herbs &nth which the BALSAM OF HOREHOUNlLlsmatle,ince_tsm_getterally known to require recommendation; it is therefore .only ne cessary to, obseM , e that • this medecine contains their:- whole of their medical properties, highly concentrat ed, and so. happily combined with several other. ve getable-substances, as to render it the -most speedy, 'mild and certain_remedy, Dow in use, for the Com-- plaints above mentioned. . For Children, this Balsam is of inestimable value. • ' It is speedy-remedy for the Whooping :ConghAnd Crimp,and tiffordscertain rellefin Bowel Complaint/4,- 010 hr, Teqtldng,Sze: It is pleasant to the taste, and' • may be safely given to the tenderest infant and should be kept at all times in - every . family, as it is much better for the complaints incident, to Children, than Paregoric. Giidfreys Cordial. nr the Cordials so comma- • monly used, as hundreds in this City have testified, Read the following.-1 hereby certify that early' , . in the spring of 1838,1 contracted It severe COW, . which settled upon my lungs, and threatened a hasty 'Consumption." I used several prescriptions, but ob tamed little or no, -relief; I was much- alarmed.— , Happening to be in Rochester. I was adtiSed by my' friend, Mr. Winslow, tii• try a bottle of his of HOREIMUND : Laid nrt -to-my-sprprise ob tained relief at mare=aiirl by the use of that single bottle 'was perfectly re tored to health. ~To those afflicted with Cid& or entighs, at this inclement season; I Say "go and do likewise." • - •• LEANDER CHIPMAN.' , . . " -- Pittsford, NionroeCO.;N Mr. John M.VinslOw, DrOggist, 1 - jeaC•Sir i , hnce been for..a.,Serieeof_years ed with an-affection of the, Lungs, and a hard cosigh,7 7 ) and have many times arose •in the morning as com s ,, pletely exhausted by. excessive coughing during ther\,,, night as a person would be by hard. days labor.-- --I -.- have tried most of.the popidar remedies of the day,. lint never found relief until I met With your ,Ilalsam • of florchnund. A 11 - the other remedies or dolt I- have - used, leave the bowiils in a 'tongested state, while yours leaves them 'soluble nod free. Thist I consider a great desideratum. • On taking a dine of • your Balsam when going to bed, I rest quietly flux)" the . ryight , and my- sleep is.refreshing. • I take great • ; pleasure. in recommending yo u r Balsam of More- hound ID all those .afiliete'd pulmonary corn- ' plaints or any disease appertaining to the lungs, and • .• I take ,this opportunity to thank you for the great re-, •lier and - benefit I lin - Ve . experi en mil, through your in strumintality. YOurs,ivigi,much yeipeet.- • fC of ems-WE tt;L:' F'or solely . - • • ,S. t•I -,- • • ' 7 . ---' .14011111;•Newiilte. Also, by. Droggititsvinet4olty Iliooughout dm. court ? i•y. Price 50 cents per bottle• • -* • HEAL= ELIXIR: • • There is not one case of Fever in •a thousand, lm may be effectually broken up and removed by t h e .. 1 use of this Elixir. It removes all acidity indigestion, bilious mattCr and constipation from thu stomach= and bowels. - It operates gently and . effectually an d the bowiils, and powerfidly on the kidneys and ;kin: It removes all mipleasfint feeliiws after a hearty meal, and promotes a good appetite.. It needs only a trial to give perfect satisfaction. It has become It genera/ practice with many to use this articlu in• all crises of - colds, pains in the bones; or heavy disagreeable reef ing, tendering to headache or chilliness. For hoarse ness, INA - en througbilie day, it completely restores the, voice Tithout producing. sickness. Whooping cough, and a Wei:lnglis of children are cured by !L— -ille Tftomach is kept in perfect order by it, and it is quite impossible that any disease - should commence avhile n person is using (his Syrup. It taken daily it produces a rudy, healthy, and young appearance, by driving off all thelnimors of the system. Sold genuine at 2 Fletcher street, one door below Pearl street, N. Y. by Comstock & Co., and by all respectable Druggists. For sale also by STEVENSON & DlN kLE,'CarliSle-, Pa. , , Balm :of. CoZambia.. - British COIIBIIPB OAT, Philadelphia. \OVA'AI T shal l sCn.nsnlVonrnN Esq. , his Britanie Majesty's Consul for the City of Philadelphia, do hereby certify, That When What.- tun, Esq., who attests to the foregoing Certificates,- is Mayor of the' City. of Philadelphia ; and that Mat— diem Randall, Esq., is Prothonotary of the Court o Common Pleas for the city and county of Philadel.. ;thin, to both whose sieniturcs, with the Seals'of their rcspective_affices,fulffaitlLandsredilue. 1 further certifr, that I personally acquainted with Joseph L. It glis,one of the signers of the.certi ficates hereunto affixed, which expresses the efficacy of the Balm of Columbia, and that he is a permute I great respectability, and worthy of full faith and cre dit; and•that 1 have heard him express his unqualifi ed approbation of the•effects of the said Balm of Co lumbia, in restorinm ' his Inffi?"--. 'Given under my hand and seal of office, at the city of Phibuielphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, the' United States of America. 3ILBr.RT ROBERTSON. •:• • , • Read the following. • ROBERT WHARTON, Esq., Into Mayor of Philadelphia has ritay••be4een below, to _ the high charactel , of the following gentlemen. The undersigned do hereby certify that we bare used the Balm of Columbia discovered by J. Old ridge, and have found it highly serviceable not only Ili a preventive against the falling off ofliair,but also a certain restorative. WM. THATCHER, senior, . Methodist Minister in St: George charge, No: 86 North Fifth at. JOHN P. INGLIS, 331. Arch st„ JOHN D. THOMAS, M. D. 163 Race at. JOHN S. FUREY, 101 Spruce st. • HUGH McCURDY, 2 , 13 South ith at. JOHN .YARD, jr., Arch et. The aged, and those who persist in wearing wigs, ' may not always experience' its restorative qualities,: yet' certainly raise its virtues ilf.the estimation of the public, When it is known that three-of the a- - hove signers arc more than' 50 years of - ngeismd - the --- others not less than SO. . . [From the Mayor.] • COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSTLFANIAI • City of Philadelphia. I, ROBERT WHARTON; Mayor of said okra Philadelphia, do bereby certify that.l am well: ac quainted with 'Messrs. 3. P. Inglis, John S. Fnrey,, and Hugh McCurdy. whose names are signed to.thC.z above certificate, that they are gentlemen of charac ter and respectability, and as such full credit should be given to the said certificate. ' In Witness whereof, naive hereunto set my hand * '" J r , and caused the seal of the city to be affixed,. `" • the sixth day of December, &a. . ROBERT WBARTON, Mayor. ®'THE' BALM OF COLUMBIA FOR HAUL—Its positive qualities are as fol lows: ' Ist. For infant's keeping the head free from sour and causing a luxuriant growth of hair. ' • ' .9.d. For ladies atter child-birth, restoring the skin to its usual strength and firmness, and preventing the , — falling ont oldie hair. 3d. For any person recovering from any debility. 'Beaune elect ispro - diked. - • 4th. If used in infancy till a good growth is started,' it May , be preserved by attention to the hottest period: : of life. . • . , , sth.lt frees the head from - dandruff,. strengthen* the foots; imparts-health and vigor to the circulation and %wevents the. hair from changing colour'or ',get— • • ting gray. ' , •„- • 6th. It willies the hair to curl beautifully when -- done tmln it over night. • " , (n n T o ladies'toilet should ever be made without, it. 7th. Children who have by any means contracted vermin in the head, are, immediately and perfectly , • cured of them by its use. It is infallible. • For, sale at the drug store of. Comstock k Co., Fletcher street near. Pearl, and in Cirlisle by, Ste venson (Deo. 111,1840,—.1y • .• • - •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers