PROCLAMATION. W.HEREAS, the Ado: SAktist.. HEratitur,Pre sident Judge of the Court of ,Common Pleas in the 9th District, consptiied ofthe'cbuittles Of Cum ' berlaiill, Perri and Juniata; and the lion. John Stuart and Jahn Lifrore, Judgds Celtic said Court of Common Pleas of the county of Cumberland; have issued 'their precept, bearing date the 16th day of 'January, 1841,. And to, me directed', for holding a .Ibourt, of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail De livery; • livery; and General Quarter . Sessions of the Peace,. at C . tirlisle,,,on the, -Second Monday of April, 1841; . • ((being the 12th ilay)lt ten o'clock in the forenoon Herter hereby given to the Coroner, Justicet of, the Peal:coin() Constables of the said county of Curia herland, that (hey be then .and there in their proper persons, with their records, inquisitions, , examine- Rona and other remembrances, to do those things. which to their offices revectfully -apPertain. • And those who are bound. by, recognizance to rosecute against the prisoners' that are, or then may be, in the Jail of Cumberland county, to be then and there to' proseente against them as shall be just. . Dated at Carlisle, the= 4tli day of March, .1841, • • and the sixty-sixth year of American Independence. PAUL. MARTIN, sheriff. •, - ,DISSOLUTION. The Co-partneriiiiiilierettifore.texiictipf betwre SA.IIIES - 130 AK sindLIIENIRY BRE E MAN Trading under the mime of".Boalt and. Breneman • Was, by mutual consent, Dissolved on the Witla of "frebruary;.lB4t. All those indebted to the late firm are respectfully requested to make payment on or before - the first day of April next to Henry firene tun, at the old sta9 in New Cumberland, who is duly authorized to receive the same, where also all dams against said firm will' he paid. • • MINICY-13-12-FMENtAN • JAMES DOAK; Afarch 10, 1841.-3t° N. B. The. Subscriber continua the hnsineis al the old stand, and respectfully solicits x shire of the public patronage. lIENRY BIIENZIf.kN. • WHOLESALE & RETAIL CoOyer / Sheet Iron " and Tin •-• • Ware • ;S:eu st un 4li l Pl— ornman'i hotel,every artiti the liite of his business, such asr , • coal2upau e yttAkailtiaz o TV. ash — Dy liettles,-Hattere Iry lies, House Spouiing. every • .i___:Titt-iritre • Drums; -Stove Pipe, Drippin Pans . ; 4c. lle altyfolrers for - sale Codkin..., Parlour, • / Chamber and o.fflce , • 0 tti t for wood or coal, of every variety and psittrrn—all whiih he will dispose of on the Enlist reasonable terms. . JACOB FRIDLEY. N. B. Ile also has for sale the improved Rotary Cooking Stores, winch are superior to anyever of fered lit this place. J. F. Feb. 3, 1841.---3 m LOOK H E.R.E NOW' FOR BARGALNS, . AT THE nara. in , Sltippensburgy AR \T,OLD & ABRAMS, Are now. opening nt their Store a large and moot splendid assortment of • . ~. Fall :and Winter' .. (tru 0 - 420 e% which they will sell et such prices as cannot fail to suit pnrchaiers, being Aeterininetl to sell cheaper than-can be- found - 'elsewhere - in -- the — stater — Their Meek oonsistinr, in part of the following articles, viz: Blue, Brown, Olive Green, Invisible Green, .lE:Merry, Steel-mixed, & Cadet mixed Broad Cloths,. • Black, Blue ' Striped, and Drab Castimeree;Dlim Green, Drab and Steel-mixed Cusainets( Prussian Blanket and Merino Sliswls ' -Handkerebiersifie. Also a large assortment of . DomeStic Goods, • Queensware,. Hardware OroCe-• ries, .Liquors, &c. &c.. • ' W would invite the public to call and examine .our'new and cheap goods, and if good goods, low iiitices and exertion to please will have apy effect, we feel confident that they will not go away without leaving with us a little of the Ready Rl7lO. COuntry Produce of all kinds will be taken in exchange for Goods, at market pricie. P. A report has been circulated that we do not intend to continue• here longer than the ensuing spring, we therefore would acquaint the public that we, have leased the store-house; which we now occu py; for the term of four leara.:: May this *check the slanderous tongue of' those' who seem to devote all their attention to such base and degraded acts. _Dec. 9, 1849, . • BARGAINS! • ifontheimer 8r Linda:u4r, At their New Store in Centreville, have just re neived and are trow opening a very large and splendid liiiatroutirof - BRITISHiyHENGH,and-DOUM-. .' DRIP G 00 D S, lES which have-been selected with.much care in the cities of NEW 1411,1 t. and PHILADELPHIA, and which they rpopectfully inVit r e the' Citizens of Centreville and vicinity to call and examine, as they will be anal , bled utplease and decidedly 'cheaper than any, caber -Otsiblisliment in the county. They, will be happyat all times to see customers who are d esirous of having New Cheap and Good Goods: Among their -stock will he found Blue, Black, Brown, Green, Olive, Cadet, Mulberry, Dahlia, Cit ron, Claret, Mixt Drab, and a variety of low priced . AIM 612112 Superior • striped and • plain London and Buckskin- Dauimeres, premium and low priced Sattinettsi au parlor Silk, Satin; Velvet, Valencia, CordediStrlo fivred and' Plain Marseilles-and, Cassiraads Viatingii:--Aseneral assortment-of all qi4litles Aid implore - Fall and Winter-Goods: altitable , for . Gentlemen's wear. Superiorlatik Italian Lutestringi, Gros De Naps, Po. De Swas, Pros De.S wise, and Senshe w Silks, Challeys,Chint. sea, heoonets, Cartibrics, Bobbinetts, Plain and Fi gured Swita, and Book Milling, Shawli, Dress Hand kerchiefa;'Scarfa. Veiis, Ribb'oni, dtc. A'large _and - excellent assortment 'of fine and,low priced Calicoes, Irielf,TaAlig 2 _'T 4 owell.and 'table Diaper, Crash Muslins, Tiekluga,Dhecka, Heaverteent, - Efo: generataisortment or LaghoVn and Straw:Bonnets; Umbrellait,Paratels, &r' Also, an'extensip assortment Of • '' • Groderips -and Queens ware, of the most approved Qualities /The patine arc re. spectral , ['irked to tall mid ...indgeTpr themselres they erallet - tublnell to sell - eheasor cash or country produce.;: TAVERN KEEFE ~ artr- r espectfully, invited to.ialtand.exaraine:the *Mk orislitairs ,Wore purchasing elsewhere. -- 4 - -ceittretilte - , Cour. Co. - October - 14, taki . Variety Store, &c. 1E subscriber, thankful for past favors, respect fully informs the public that.he still continues to "hold forth" in Church Alley, near "Education gall," where helms now on hand a large assortment of notions, consisting in port, of the following: Bread, Cakes( CheCse, Flour:Soap; Cider; Spices, Fruits, Sweetmeats, and• other necesiaries oticulated for this meredian. . N. B.IIe also Continues to keep an Eating House., where gentlemen can he.iitccotnnoodated with Tripe, Pigs Feet, Pickled 02:Sters, &c. at the shortest notice. JACOB. Slr.G. Produce Wanted_ Immediately CASH will be paid for PIVE THOUSAND liar. eels of FlOue; TEN THOUSAND Mishelis of Meet; TEN THOUSAND bushels of Rye, and TEN -THOUSAND_bushels.of_Corn,_bv_tilk_subscriber, who can at all times be found at his Ware-house on the canal between Walnut thud State streets. OWEN 1 31 . CABE. Harrisburg, April 1;1140.;.—tf • The %lbwlhers have on hand ilarge assortment of Cashmere, Thibet, Merino, Broths, Chenille and other kinds of Shawli, which they will sell at a small advance for Caah. • lIITNER AfULVANT. LAIN "AND FIGURED MOUSELIN DE P LAINS, offered for sole by • • ARNOLD k ABRAMS.. - RA.MASK Et FRENCH . BLANKET SHAWLS of a new style, for sale at the New Store in enaborg, by • . ARNOLD br, ABRAMS% ' rem Illerdware, Grocery, A• TH' ,subsdriber—has-just-ieturnecl-from the Cities of llcw.York,. - Philadelphia and Bal timore, and is now opening atlas store room S.-E. Corner or Market Square and Main Etreets (fcr merly occupied by Geo. W. Hitner,) a geniial kit sortment o 1 ,: Harslutaya,..:Stonc_ . if are, Cedar . Ware, Prittania . .Groceries, • Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, Brush- , es, Whips, Canes, Lamps for . baffling Camphine 011 . add a great - variety-or articles useful and necessary forlormshing and k e ephig a house. He hasalso,and trill constantly keep a cheap and elegant substitute for. sperm oil, and having been appointed the agent of Messrs. Backer and Brother of Newark N. J., for the, sale of Jon'e's Patent Lamps in thiseounty, .he is. prepared to fur nish Lamps and .oil t at a very reasonable rate to all who may wish telase this new and economical light. _Haring selected his goods himself, and made • his purchases for eslll, he is able, and. Is determined to seM ow. • - • _. ____ Those having the cash to lay_ out will findlt to their advantage to give him a call. HENRY DUFFIELD .., . . Carlisle, July , 8, 1840.--tr. A large issort.' ent of Thread Laoe and Edgings' Cambric Ind Sadis-Edgings and-Iniertingsicor;sale at redgood prices at the store of '•-• . , ' 111TJY.ER & .711ULF4NY. J.RECEIVED at the New Store WWI in Shippensburg, English, German and French MERIPTOE.S, and rer sale by • • • ARNOLD Es ABRAMS. '. UST RECEIVED and - now offered for sale at, ti the New Store in Shippensbu„ a handsome and splendi assortment of Plain, W hite and Brold ered Merino hawls. _ • • ARNOLD It ABRAMS.- wonnis! - IFORAISII TORI{IIII V V To remove these troublesome and'dingerooll inhabitant, of the'stomach and bowelk„ , irbich so often impair the health and destroya - the lives of children, useleyne's TonieVernaifuge, a Certain and safe pre paratian forth e removal of tit:. various kinds of worms ; dyspepsia; sour stomach, want of apktite, infantile fever and ague, and dibility of the stomach and bow. and organs of digestion. To be bad it, No. Xi South Third street Rhihutekbie. • ~ - Alsoto-beqatikg,SittnaltiMUM luttiSteientatt /11 Male MSS ME 10:7 1 ' LOOK E E • . ctl I ,1011111121/176 011 0 12'8 ." TheSubseribers offur their piesent r StoCk of 3for eltaudize at rethiced pricer, and will continue at such twines until all •is sold. A large. pardon of their Stook is offered w‘t C ost. . . HITNER ,Is. 1111.7LVANY. • Carlisle, Dee. 50, 1840. • ilechaniesburo• Line • , Heinleen ellechaniciburk and AlPhdadOphiii or pallinuore. (fir 1 . 1.41 L ROAD OR c.a.niLl • • HE sub scribers-gtateNl for-past favors. - 14 - beg leave to inform their friends and the public enerally, that they stilt continue to rtin a line of burthen Cars regularly between -Mechanicsburg and Philadelphia or Baltimore, by which goods and - pro duce of all descriptions will be forwarded' with care .and drspetch at the,lowe'st rates of freight._••• Produce-wiltbuiteittived — ariliiii — Ware Houses in Meal iniesburgoind forwarded-to either Phila.. dclphia 13altimore i tesordIng- to tile direction* ot the *owncr. • • - The highest price will be glvau for Wheat . . andPh:Qr. - - _ Dur.sßActit k .Plattei of Paris and Salt always kept ..en hand, and for sale at the. lowest prices. July '29;, I For. Sale. The two Storj Stone House, occupied b• he sub scriber on East street Carlisle, with „the Lot of Ground 90 feet front on *said street, 'Mt extending 250 feet back,to the Letart spring. ' ' ere lea Stone Stable, a Carriage House, and a ,•ell of water on the premises. The- prop}} ty is enclosed by substantial stone Wall: For fu,rther (particulars apply to. . • H.. C. HALL. • Carlisle, Nov. 4, Intl.. r epeal) s:) qt. INCIJI The suhscri r has just returned from the city Is now o • ning'some seasonable GOODS,' „ecinsisting in part of. invisible Green,. Brown,iamond, Pilot, Beaver, Black , Wool dyeii;" Blue, ilade, Cadet and Olive . •. O S 00l dyed -Black, Blue, and figured Cassirneres., Sattinetts of-all descriptions' Cords and Beaverteensi^.. Ticks Checks; imported Stair and figured 'Car- . petingi Saxony . , Prinoiand Mouse (10 Laines; Born havnes, Merinoes; blue black, black, Mantua, Fawn, Brownv - Figuredhand'Plain Silks: Figured and .Plain Swiss and Jaeonet Afsidinsi._Green Baize and Flannels of different colours; Gloves and linsierYi Cloth and Fur 'Caps. Broshe..and. Merino Shawls; Mackinaw; Bose • aru'l -Point •Blankets" Leghorn and itraw-Bonoets;_lb: liter with an nOortment of • . ____. „„ GrOceries 5.7. Attle,lsware. All-of wlllch- wil l -b - solrl on the'rnosi - reasonable terms. Person are invited to C9l/ and _examine for therosel re 6 befora_ purchasing elsewhere.% ANDREW RICHARDS. ''',N Carlisle . , Dec. 23„1840, - • .- ' . , , - . . Tro-- I . The subscriber lierebYinforms the citizens of Car lisle, and The public generally, that he lias 'taken the shop nearly opposite the Jail, where he will be 'pee-. pared 11 manufacture to order, on th! lowa reasona ble terms, any article in his line of tusittess;such as . Axes,jllli II . Picks, Act... lie wil l ' also 'attend to Steeling and Grinding Axes. 11e solicits a share of public patronage. H JON- Halms. Carlisle, Nov. 5, MO. • Sept. 9. 18101-1 year Cheap Shawls P4RIACTIr STORAL Oil, Late Goods: '.:sg . '#*::l:,...c, :: -4*.1f,...: . f,..ip1i-*•;:. 4.5 . 0,.. -..(g4 ; :1ei . ..0 044-0 it.• Aew •Line:ofFreight-Cars, • • • • • -:;. 11 0 UalektratalitUSUal 43.6 . . ...poosui - TOE subseriber, gra ,•.. 4 . 4 4 1 t h at h e h as nut : TO, PHlL te tp re p pa L ot Ell . 4" ; ly acquaints his friendslinst into: operation ion , the Harrisburg, LA 7 - • • lnmbia .1140.11 naattiP l a ar 4i l n y e b o a f w n ee eiv a pe rrie LE b4rg e a A n l 4 l.9 v.h 7 ..i h a i dli c ei h iwn w hi l ifia ll t ri be l yr n owr rer i i, Goods and'Produce bran descrlpua f d rei ed; t i . th care and despatch, at the lowest• rates of .1. G m o A odAsf irm illb L e 7 N. fxd . v ß ed .c a o t rr th e e r l4 l o re, v o rto o 4l Har n: nris T d i bl i n P irn S ge : and forwaraea str"". Philadelphia , ft./Ts - White %limes, Larlisle•Chambersburgi-au 01,.vEN iviT,A E. by th e s ulscriber. Harrisburg, Feb. 5,183 9. han fer d_ Fe a lk pa SA d L i T or Ar most P al L . ki STE nd ; o t i con u ada utry ntl p y r o o ti . • Bargains, Bargains.. " Cheap Goods for.. Crish.. _ The Subscribers. desirous of reducing their stock of Merchandize,.offer it at reduced prices fur Cash. Their entire stock of - . • .1.3E1A1 CLOTH3 O -". Cassimeiva, Merinoes, gn - itch, 4-c. 4-c. • • . be sold at a very small advance. Such p6rtons as are'desirous of obtaining-good bargains will please eall•at the store of . • • MINER br. MULVANY. ". N. 13. The entire stock of .31erchan4ize will be sold a bargain to any one wishing to -engfige in the businessrifapplication-be.mao immediately. Dec. 9, 180. ' • . Black Walnut Plank: •••H E Subscriber wishes to ' purchase • BLACK! W.441,XU7' PLAMA", in stmquaii ity 'that may be offered; for which Forty Dollari Cash pertheusailirfectiplankirnettsitrefwill be-givem Said Plank to be' of good quality; two - inches and one-eighth iii thickness and fourteen Vet four inchei in length. : To be delivered ai the Canal in Rands burg, orat any point on the Cumberland Valley Rail Rnad i and- immediate information forwarded to the. . Any other infermetion relative to said bilsineas can - 1)e. . had on application to Robert Wivhtthan, Carlisle; orby - addressing timsubieriberxpost paid ~csidlagin Philadelphia._ • _ DA F - REE i);:"At:' — _December 90,_1840.-6 eno." , *. THREAttiNG MACHINES frith Tionprored Patent llterse Power.' T"E great encouragement heretofore received from the side of his machines, induces him to of fer to the public a new and iimproved Horse Power, which can be shifted incite or out of gear by keys, and shift the band to give it five different revolutions. And lie has no hesitation in assuring the Farmerethat -he is now able to furnish them with an article far-su perior to those manufactured heretofore. For speed . and clean threshing and ease to the heorses;he be lieves his machines to be unequalled. His price is sl4o---sevemy dollars to be .paid cash; and the balance in six months, for which a note wilt be required with interest. Any person purchasing a machine and upon a fair trial, not being pleased, can return it., He will at• all limes be ready to furnish them on the shortest notice; orders from a distance will he punctually attended to. He will also repair machines on the shortest notice. WILLIAM B MILLIGAN. • • Newville,..Yuly 29, 1840.--tf. • - LL COLOUR§ OF CARPET CHANT, for saleatibe New Store in , Shippensburg, Ly - - ARNOLD & ABRAMS. Balm of _Cola* bia.,, • British Consul's ice,_ A • . Philadelphia. NOV ALL PERSONS to whom these pres • 1 'cuts shall come, that I, GILTIEnT Itonearstori :sq. his Britanic- Make-y*B Consul fot' the City of Philadelphia, do hereby certify, That Robert Who& ton, Esq., who attests to the foregoing Certificates, is `Mayor-oh--the- City of-Philadelphia i-and-that-Mat thew Randall, Esq., it Prothonotary of the Court of CommoirPless for *amity and county of. Philadel phia, to both whose Signitures, with the Seals ol their respective offices, full faith and credit ;Salm. • • 1 - further certify, that I am personally acquainted 'with Joseph L. Inelis,one of the signers of the certi ficates hereuntcranixed, which expresset the efficacy of the Balm of Columbia, and that he is a person of great respectability, and worthy of full faith and cre dit; and that 1 have heard him express his unqualifi ed approbation of the effects of the said Balm of Co lumbia, in restoring his hair. Given under my hand and seal of office, at the city of Philadelphia, In the State. of Pennsylvania, the United S teirof America. • • i % --, •i? tHLBERT ROBERTSON., . ._,...., . (React the following. . . ROBERT WHARTON; Esq., late • Mayor -of Philadelphia, has certified, as may be seen • below, to the high charatter of the following gentlemen. • _.... - rbeilindersigned:do - hereby. certify .. tluit we.-have used the Balm of Columbia discovered by J. Old ridge, and have found it highly of hair,but also Ircertsdn-restorative,— -.--------- : .. ; I _____. • „ • • •• ...WM. THATCHER, senior, - : 7 ---MetliodisOlinister-in.St.-George-chatke,— , ' __N_o. 86_,North Fifth at. JOHN P. INGLIS, :331 Arch at. , JOHN /1). THOMAS, M. D.,163 Race at. JOHN S. FURRY, 101 Spruce et. HUGH McOURDY, 243 South 7th it. JOHN -YARD, jr., 123 Arch at. • The-aged, and thole who peisisf in wearing - 30gs . , may not always experience. Its restorative qualities, yet;it will certainly raise its virtues in the estimation Orthb — publicrinvliett-it-iiknownithatAhree of the a bove signers are more than 50 years of age, and'thr others not less than SO. (From the Mayor") 'l,, • . Comooromitait or-PstirtsnyAttuil . City of Philstdelphio., I, ROBERT WHARTON, Mayor of saiireity of Philadelphia, do hereby-certify-that I am well ac quainted with Messrs. 3.. P. Inilis,'JohnE. Furey; and Hugh McCurdy, W 11606 names are signed to the above certificate, that they'are gentlemen of charms .ter and respectability, mid as such full credit 'should be given to the said certificate. In .witnesv whereof, I have hereunto sit,mj hand, • and caused the seal of the eh to beflise S.] afxed, the sixth day of Deomber. Ste. • - • ROBERT WHARTON, Mayor. mz; OBALM OF COLUMBIA. FOR THE HAIR.—Its positive qualities are as fol lowu . Ist. For infant's keeping the head free from . seurf and causing a luxuriant growth of hair. - • • W. For ladies after ohild l hirth, restoring the skin to its usual strength and firmness, and, preventing the falling out of the hair. Sd. For any person recovering frourany the same effect is produced. 4,th.-if used in infancy till agopd growth Is started, o i t r f a e y . be preserved by attention to she latest period sth. Ii lieees the head fr ouridandettltfstrengthens the roots, imparts health and vigor (6410,circulation. and prevents the hair from changing ,ticleurer get --6th.-It-tiauses the hair to earl beaitilldlY 'when gone up hi' It - over night.' • cop -- ,- No' ladies' toilet should ever be made wrthiint it, ltb.,Children who have by any means :ciontricited vermin In the head, are immediatelY end perfiictl cured Of thent,4 its tile: It filnfidlible. 'For ale ttfAbt - ti *re - oi.e.curis6k nadir in,Coirlisla by. Ste," . . Crat.."ll Bellas Co. - . • tzerie ritti`j,t -":41",`" COMMISSION ar. FORIIVARD• ING AgEitcHANTs. Brava remoied to the capacious Warefiouse recently occupied by 1). Lae o h & Co. at the north.westcorner of Cherry and Broad street, Philadelphia. From the facilities which the location infdinternal arrangement of this depot afford, SO to 40 flurthen Cars can be accommodated to unload and load at the same time with sufficient room to store 20,000 barrels of Flour,and 400 to 600 ton of Grain exclusive qf the, forwarding department. Produce or every description will lie 'received as usual on consignments, and liberal advances made on r ec eipt (if required) until sales are effeeted. -CItMG, BELLAS Ift, Co. • Nertlt-west corner of Cherry Sr. Broad st. Philadelphia. REFERENCES. • W. S. Colman, Cashier.- Henderson P arker, s car/ 48 1 4 . -- Henry Rhoads., Saunderson te,llfroserrnan, Jacob Swayer, Neurville. • David Nevin, Shippensburg. J. Logan Smith,Esq : , CaWer? & amber: a wl . Eyster, Mite k Co, 3 . Robert' 6 Datherwoosi & C raig pAn ac i e nf aa , • • ' Wm. R. Th onaicsonbe. Co. ""' • Withal! & Bro o , IMPORTANT TO MILLERS 4 CTURERS. • •Ilowd s Iniprored - Water . Wheel. TIIE Subscriber having put:chased of the original _Patentee the right of the above Water Wheel' for the,state of Penitsylvania;will dispose of individ ual rights or counties on advantageous terms. This water wheel harbeen fully tested.and proved to be so far superior to any kind to its power of propelling machinery, having greater force than any other .Wheels in propm bon to the quantity of Water applied,. It is calculated to be more particularly useful at having from two to eight feet bead and fall,' and to greatly obviate the inconveniences experienc ed from back water. ix_considemil_by_thuse_hav_-_ ing them in usemOireofthemoit important improve menu that has,ever been introduced for its_aiinplici ty, strength, Steadiness of motion and durability: • It is constructed altogether: of iron antinot so expensive to as an undershot, and operating, with about ; half the water and not liableto he Obstructed hy ice in the wintb'h The subscriber wilt devote his often -tion to calls for these-wheels at such places - as-may be required:, • , - , , - . . - MICHAEL 'M'MATl.:l;.llai•iisturg (Corr.) This is to certify,that lime put in one of IloWiPs Patent Cast Iron Direct Action Water Wheels, in place of a Reaction Wheel , that the • Direct Wheel does not flood the tail , race as inuclihy three inches As the reaction ditloniil that If can grind, seven bush.; e 3wt I t irect idiot, :wheel an hour, and drive two run of stQnes, whereTconld;not grind four huiih= oliVilielanictlinewith - ther-reactiJn-anil-drive-One_ run of stones. - . PETER. FAHNEETOCK. Eutihrati, Lan. c0..0c6 1838. • - • , • Alloway, May 5, 18.38.. . This MAY certify, that I have been engaged in put• dim in S. IL llowil's cast, iron 'direct Action water wheel, both in the State of New York and in Michi gan, and can give it as my decided opinion that with T 8 feet bead or under, rightly put in, it-will do.-more business with the same water than any other water wheel - which h havi yet bad any experience in reference to back water, is second best to none that I have yet tried.. In reference to guarding against ice; there can be no better operation,,and it is very easy to he. kept in repair. ST El lEN AILES, .16//wiiv/it. - 1 ?-1 • Alloway, Sept. 3, 1898. This mny certify thitt !bare haddin my Mill one of ' Mr. Howd's direct. wattir wheels Tor the space of one year. It iciefitefeet wheeliand I have had a re action in the same place-4 have also had Wheeler's Union Whoa, ypt !think Mr. Howd's will do more business with leOrwaterthan any other I have tried. It does well in back water. I have had from sto 6 feet head. I think we mild do as muh Work with , half the 'waters* we used to do with the undershoot -wheel, which:has also been-in operation-in my. mill.. . LAWRENCE RILEY. Lyons, Sept. ; '}, This may certify, that we . have used mid of S. Howd's patent water Wheels since December last,by the. able of a re=action wheel, and we think that lioard'n.w ill do, double the business - with the same irate; that the re-action will do, or very near. We never have but three feet bead, and can grind with that eight bushel per hour. :We are subject to back water; - This wheel will do as good business under back-water as there-action, and we recommend it-to the attention and patronage of the public. • .• SIMON lIURTT IkiILES_S. LEACH... WM. • W. DERGSTRESSEII,'miII-wright,' is agent for the above mentioned water whe'el' in the counties of Dauphin, Cumberland and York,and a ill at all times be ready to attend to. their sale and erec tion, at the shortest notice, by addressing him at Sheplierdstown, Cumberland county, Pa. _April 8, 1840. 1 '• ) `IIIIR. • • • HEALTH ELIXIR. There is not one case of Feier In a .thousand,but may be effectually broken, up and removed by the , .use of this Elixir. • leremovesaltachlityindigestion, I bilious matter and constipation from the stomach and bowels. It operates gently and effectually ,on the•boWela, and powerfully on the kidneys and skim h reinoven all unpleasant feelings'aller a hearty meal,' and promotes a good appetite. It needs only a trial Au_gtveerfect_satisfaction.. ,Itliasbecome,a general) practice with many to - se MO article in-all cases of colds, pains in the bones,orliettvy disagreeable feel- - in, tendering to heada che_ or chilliness. For hoarse ness, if taken through the day, it completely iestorea the voice without producing sickness: Whooping cough, and all coughs.of children are cured by tt.— The stomach is kept in perfect order by it, and it is quite impoisible that any disease should commence while a petson kitting this. Syrup. ( r 3. If taken daily. it produces a rudy, 1 healthy, and young appearance,ly driving off alt t ie humors of the systehi. Sold genuine at 2 Fletcher street, one door belotv Pearl street, N. Y. by Comstock & Co:, . and by all respectable Druggists. For sale also by STEVEN S ON & DIN, KLE * . • • . ; INGRATITUDE the basept .crime. in"nan. We are not among that class orEilitiiirivlikilb - r - if few dollars will, (at the expense of truthand hones , ty)) "crack up" an artieleand bring it into rapid sale; I neLtlrer are we willing to remain silent, after: having tested the utility of an improvement or discoyery in science or art. Our readers will recollect we told, them we were unwell with a sore - throat and violent cold some few weeks ago. Well, we purchased two 'bottles of WINSLOW'S BALSAM OP HARE. HOUND and so sudden was the cure ; that we forgot we everliad a cold. Those who ar e -tatted, may try it upon our recommendation.—Lendetenm r ;P A * or sale By . • S. EPAOTT, • A. J. NORTH, Nerrville. Also,. by Druggists genera I ly_throughout tbe coon ry. Prioe So cents per bottle. Oct.. 28, 1840. . CONSUMPTION AND ITS FATAL. , _ CONSEQUENCES • It it made known to us from the 'bills of raotality,' that two-thirds of the human family die annuallyfrom that fatal destroyer "Consumption !" %Weld Indicate pay more regard to their health. and Inkocure pro Pee remediesat the first attackonany valuable lives would be saved to the enjoyment of their dearest friends and, relatives. - It is waren known fact that "Dr. SWltyfleli l Compiled Syrup of Wild-Cherry" will - arrest the dangerilus thecae. This 'Medicinehaa r Ptcived ks efficacy in thousands • The very many eery tificates received, and the'rOommendations from; calintyy:agents, who iell this itiedieinethrougtioutthe Tnited Stittes, is trulylistoubthingrrthey speak from • oialar Prenf;witnessiegthemtressutheir own Thil certgiffy la suffielent evidence to convince to convince, the most skeptical•Or the wonderful ern' amid this invaluable. medicine.' • Will patients any longer be duped by inexperienced compounds,re 'commended by *brunt - pretenderirae cure-alls," which they well know Is 'both 'ruinous to theintlddi and constitution. • " • - • -• • • - ‘ - -For Ole by MXI, Myers k _ CO., 001614 *4O Wm: Peal ! Idplittusburir. - Pan. p , WISTARIs WILDNCIIERRY THE CEREBRATED REMEDY ! F9R DISEASES OF THE. LUNGS, NUMEROUS remedies have been offered and puffed into notice for diseases ;of the Lungs some of which has undoubtedly been found.verruse: ful, ha Of all that have hitherto been knovins, it mei be universally acknowledged. there is . none that hal ever proved All suicaesofill as the " BALSOM OF - WILDCHERRY." • - • - Such. indeed:are the astonishing restorative and-' healing Properties of' this " Balsami"thateven in the world forms df Consumption, when the patient has suffered with the • most distressing •cou . gli, -violent pains in the chest d i ffieulty of bread ling, nightsweats,- bleeding of the lungs. &c. andwbeis the most esteem ed remedies of our Phermacopkas had failed to afford any relief, and evenwhen Botanic, Honicepisthic, and niutieroiteotherremedies,had been, used :for Many motsthsin vainithis invaluable remedy has checked . every symptem.and been productive of the most as tonishing t dia.-In-the early • stages - of the disease; proceeding from neglected colds, termed. Catarrhal Consumption, it has been Used with undeviating suc cess, and in many instances, when this.disease . seem • ed to have marked-its -victim for -an -early • grave, the use of this medicine has arrested every symptoin,and restored the lungs to n state of perfect health. In that form of Consumption;loprevalent amongst delicate young females, envoi:molly termed debrility,or ; "goinginto a decline," a complaint willi.whish thou; sands are lingering, it has also been used with surpri sieg success , and not only posiesses - power - of cheeking ps Oxley - of this alarming .disease,but s`t tine same time strengthens and 'invigorates the whole system more effectually than any remedy we have ever possessed.. .• . .C . LIVER COMPLAINT.—In diseases of the . I.4rer, particularly . wiles, attended with a cough, indi= gestiowor wanderingpains in the side, st has also pro;; veil very efficacious, mid cured many cases of this kind after the m o st powerful remedies bid failed. ASTHMA .--In this complaint it has also been used in numeroint-instances with ,the most Singular success. It opens the chest, rendering the breathing perfectly free, arrests the cough, and will seldom fail to-give-permanent-relief -----, 131101C[CHITIS.-;--As is remedy in all Broni cliial affectiOns of the, throat, attended with p hoarse- . ness, cough or, sore inthe throat, it will also •Ise found a very enemal remedy, and will mostly afford im mediaterellef if used at the - commcneeinent of its attack. - . COUGHS & COLDS... 7 4n common toughs. and colds, that peel nil so - extensively throughout the winter, it will be found Much more effectual than any remedy in use, and when colihrsettle upon the Imps, causing an inflammation with pain/1111111e breast, dif ficulty or "shortness of breathing, &c.,.the use of this Balsam will suppress such- symptoms Mmediatcly, nnd at the same time prevent the lungs from becom-, hug more sealously diseased.' • CO - "‘CRODP 4 -AND - WHOOPING COUGH.—In these Bo CAPVIMPII. to.young. ; children, this. Minim will, be fOund.muckstiperior to the Forego:. SyrupAlSiptlts,imlithevorious cough_ mixtilres in common useins it is entirely free from -any-thing the leasvinjorions, and may - at -all-times be given to children with perfect sofetymul with the eer tiihity of its affording -them speedy relief.- . CO' AS -A FAMILY MEDICINE 'for many. oth- - er complaints, tide Batumi will also be found' partic ularly useful: "BesideOhaving proved an ihvianable remedy in all Pulmoniry affections . , it exertio Om; erftiVinfineide over many tliseasel - depending on n depraved condition of the system, and those y ho have suffered from the indiscriminate use of Mercury, or fither deleterious drugs, that are often' compounded different quack nostrums, will find it a remedy of', great value, possessing the power of strengthening and invigorating the whole systeni more effectatilly, [ llion any other medicine we' possess. • • -- f • CAUTION TO PURCHASERS.—As this med icine hiss already acquired great celebrity. there may - Probably be some attempts to imitate it, and deceive the public with a spurious mixture, to prevent which I would wish ail purchasers-to observe the following milli of the genuine Balsam. ' It is mit up in bottles -- of - two — sizes _each,havin g the words WISTARIS' BALSAM OF ILD CHERRY, PHILADEI, FHIA, blown in the glass; and label on the front with the signature of . HENAY •WISTAR, M. D. withbut which none is genuine. • -- Pretuired - for the proprietor by WILLIAMS-lit CO., Chemists, No. 22 Commerce street, Philadel phia, and soldby the most respectable Dr9ggists and other appointed ageots in all the prinCipal towns throughout the United States. • 110 n":, The Genuine Balsam , sold in-Car lisle,.by SAMUEL ELLIOTT, appoint ed Agent. • Price $1:00 a bottle. December 16, 1840.--1 y • • Dentistry. • .:• . DR. I. C. - LOOMIS . HAS , real' ned to Carlisle, and will, as heretofore Attend to the practice of Dentistry, 'He may be found at Colonel Ferree's Hotel. Persons re. questingit;will be waited upon at their residedce. DIA. GEORGE D.' FOULKE, • • a:7 ...e. g. "' to Da. DAVID N. MAHON. • Carlisle, March 11,1840. • - • • Hays Etntment. X 0 FICTIOJV: This extraordinary chemical composition, the re'' i suit of scienceond the invention of a celebrated Med icid.matti the introduction of which to the public was invested with the solemnity of a . death-bed - quest, has since gained a reputation unparalleled, fully sustaining the correctness of the lamented Dr. Gridlley's last confession, that "he 'dared not,die without giving to posterity the benefit of his knowl:' to his friend and attendant, Solomfm Hays, the secret grid's discovery. It is now used the - prinCipal Nopitals, and the private practice in our country, Olt 'and most cer tainly for the cure of the PILES, and also extensive.; ly and effectually as to baffle credulity, unless where :its effects are witnessed.—Externagy in the follow. ing_conmlaints: . For - Dropsy......creating• extraol atonce . Swellings--Reducing them in a few hoots. r Rheumatism----:mute - or . chronic. giving - ,quick ease. Sore Throat--By cancers. ulcers, or colds. -CrOup nod Whooping•Cougli—Externally and over'the chest. All Bruises, Simkins, and Burns---Cured in a few hours. • • Sores and Ulcers--Whether fresh or long stand in, and fever sores. 4' 4, ts rheumatic swellings, and loosening coughs and tight ' nese of the chest by relaxation of the parts, his been surprising beyond • conceptiOn. The common re mark of those who have used it In the _Pile., is "It i ;iota likes charm." Tfla - I'llP.—The price. lis refunded to any ' person who will use a bottle of Hays' Liniment for the Piles,and return the empty bottle.witheut being,i cured. These are the positive orders of the proprie. I tor to the agents,and out of many thousands sold, not one has been unsuccessful. 1 We might Insert certificates to any en lot .prefer that those who fell the article, should exhibit the original to purch asers. . -To Physicians and Patients,' The Blind flies; said to be incurable by external appiications..--Solomon Hay. warrants the contrary. His Liniment will cure Blind,Piles. Facts are more stubborn than theories. •He solicits all respectable Physicians to try it upon their patients. It will do them no harm, and it is known that every physician who has had the honesty to make the trial, has can didly admitted that k. has succeeded in every case they have. knolffit Then why - not use it?.lt is the recipe of one of theirmott respectable members, now der.eased. Why refuse to use it ?...Because it is sold' as a proprietary. medicine t Is this 4. sutlicient ex, mum for suffering their honest patients to linger in I disAress.? .We think not. ,Physicians shall be eon. .Ringed that there is. no humbug 'or tinalikerynbout. this article.—,Why, then not alleviate hunun 'suffer ing P , Ilthey Won't by it beforedOt them after all Other prescriptions reit; 'PhYsichmiatierespettfully - Yetreltedlo dqtfietunelres and iiidients th ejustice to use this artiele. 'ICAO be taken from' the bottlei anifdoem up . as , their prescription if thej.desire. Sold' by CoMitock et . Co. Wholesalel'fruggiiti; No. 4, Fletcher, street * New York. For . sale also by STEVENSON ' iIINKLE, Cairliale.:fa..:: I • • • , • Frinslow , s..Dalsam of - • . HOREHOUNDe::„ AU unparalleled remedy for common Coids,Cotig'he, ' Asthme,lnflueniii; AVhooping. Cough,l3ronelmis, and all diseases.ol the , Breast : add. fungi, leading to COniutoption; composed of the .concentrated virtues of.Hereliound, Honeset,BlOod Root, v erwort and several other vegetahle substances.--_ Prepared 'only m.. WINSLOW, Rochester, The innoCence and uni'versally.admitted pectoral virtues, oldie Herbs from which the BALSAM OF HOREHOUND is riade;tire. too generally k,nownt to require recommendation; it is therefore only ne 'cesiciry to observe that this medecine , contains the whole of their medical proPerties, highly concentrat 'ea , and so happily_ contbined with aeveratother getable sutistences, as to'render it th-most speedy, mild and certain( remedy., now in use , for the .COm plaintsablive 4 • : ,For children, this Balsam is of inestimable value. It is it speedy remedy for the, Whooldv ,Congkand Croup, and liffordscertain reliefin Bowel Complainia. Choftc:, - Teething,Eco. It is pleasant to thetaste, and 'Man be safely given'to the tenderest infant and'should tie kent at all 'times in vier). family, as it is. much betteilor-the complaints incident to Children; than - Paregoric, GodtVeys Cordial. or the Cordials in com monly used, us hundreds in , this City have-testified. ' ' Read diefollowing.-1 hereby certify that early in'tlie spring of lan, I cpntracted a severe COLO, which settled upon my lungs, and threatened aliasty Cnn!;Amption. I used .everal ,prescriptions, but ob tained little or no relief; I. was • much . Happening to be in Rochester, I vas advised by iny. friend; Mr. - Winslow, to , ul, a bottle'of his Bateau, or Honsuouso: I did so, and 4o .my 'surprise oh tainedieliefat •onec f " r end by the use of that single bottle. was perfectly restored to _health. To , those afflicted with . Colds or Coughs, it this inclement season, Isar "go and do likewise." • LEANDER' CHIPMAN. • • Pittsford, Monroe co., N ov: 9, 1838. Mr. John" . M.-Winslow, Druggist, • . Bear Sir: I havebeen fora series of years afflict td with an affection of the. Lungs, and a hard cough, and liave many times arose, in the 'morning as com pletely exhausted; by excessive coughing during the night as a person would be by a hard days. labor, I have tried most of the iopular remedies of the day, but never found relief until t met with your Balsam -nalorehound.--All-the-,other remediesmr-palatives,- that I have , used, leavei the bowels in congested state, wlule youraleaves them' soluble indirree. This consider a great desideratum. 'On taking a. dose of your Balsam when going to bed, . rest quietly the night, and-My sleep is refreshing. . I take great pleasure iii recommending "your. Balsam of -Bore bound to all those afflicted with pulmonary com plaints-or any - disease appertaining - to-the-lungs; and - I take this opportunity to you -for the great re ,, :r lief and* benefit 1 have experienced through- your in stritthentaily: Yoursisatlimnoll reipeet: - . - • . • - WM. ° COGSWELL. - • For sale by, S. ELLIOTT, Carlisle. A.J 'Also, by Druggistagenerally ihroughoubllie' coon try. Price•so cents per bottle. , • - - , •_— ,-,- The - tindian - regetable - eilts: - --Are a purgative medicine, so natural to the human constituticni, and-withal-so mild, vind pliaaant iirtheir - operation,that not the slightest dread of pain or sick; ness ; need be apprehended from their use, even by the most delicate: at the same time, if used in such a manner as 16. operate freely, by the bowels; those morbid litiniors, (which, do posited upon the various, veils atilt; bodynre the cause of every ache or pain we suffer) will most assuredly be removed; and not only will pain, or di stress of every description ne dri venTrom the body, but disease hi any form will be im possible. - For the same reason, when, ft overlie sudden chang es of atmosphere, or any other cause, the perspiration is checked, and thoseliumors which should passoff by the skin, ak..thrOwe i award ly,causi lig headache, mm seau, and sickness; pains in the bones; watery and :in flamed eyes, sore throat, horirseness,coughs,consump- tion, rheumatic pains in various parts of the body,and many other symptoms ofeatching euld,die Indian veg etable Pills will Invariably giie immediate relief.— Three or four pills, taken at night on going to bed,and repeated a few times, will remove all the above un pleatuint syniptoms,and rest"re the body to even soun der health than before. The Indian Vegetable Pill s. (Ind ian Purgative) are a natural, and-therefore a certain-cure for Costiveness:- because they cleanse the stomach and bowels of those hi liou 8 hill MOU re, which not only paralyze, and Weaken the digestive argans, but are the cause f 'headache, nausiau 'and Sickness, palpitation of the heart, flying pains in various parts of the body; and' many other disagreeable complaints.. The : same may be said of difficulty of Wreathing, or asthma ; the Indian Vegeta ble Pills will loosen and carry off by the stomach and bowels, those tough pleglinay humors which stop up all air cells of thelungs, and are the cause of the above dreadful complaint. - . . -- In all - disordered Motions oldie blood, called-inter mittent.remittent, nervous, inflammatory and putrid FEVERS, the Indian Vegetable Pills will be found _a certain _remedy; because. they_cleanse -the -stomach and bowels of all bilious matter,and purify the blood; consequentiv,as they remove the cause of everykind ofdisease, they are absolutely certain- to cure every kind of Fever. , • So also when morbid humors are deposited upon the membrane and muscles, causing those pains; in flammations and swellings called Rheumatism, Gout, &c.; ,the Indian Vegetable, Pills may be relied on as always certain to give relief, and if persevered with, will' most assuredly, and without MI, make. a perfect cure of the above painful maladies. From three to six of said Indian' egetable Pills; token every night 'net:mist° bed, will, in a short time,:completellyjid the lady of all morbid and corrupt lenient , and Rheumatism, Gout aril pain of every description ; 1 disappear as-if by magic. It should be remembered disit the Indian Vegetable Billaars certain to remove pain in the side, oppres -sionviibitnsea-and-aickness, loss .of appetite; 'costive. 'liess,a yellow tinge of the skin and . eye!, and- every Other symptom of - Liver Complaint; because they purge from the body these corrupt and 'stagnant hu mors which, whewileposited upon the Liver, arc' the causenf die 'above dangerous complaint. - They are also a certain preventive of apolexy mid sudden death; Because they carry off those humourswhich; obrdruis- tins the circulation, are the cause of a rush, or sleter-: mination of the_.headgirldiness especially. on turning tuddeolyrmindbliminesseeedrowsinesC loss of :memory—inflammation of the brain---in-. -sanity,- and every other illrderof the - mind. '• -. ' ONE-TO :HE T. DE SEDENTARY. - fi Those who from habit r occiipation,areltept much within doors, should remember that they . frequently breathe an atmosphere which is Wholly unfit for the Primer expansion of the hinge, and at the same time; owing to want of exercise,thebowels are not suf icient ly evacuatiab--the blood becomes impure, and head ache, indigestion, palpitation of the heart, and many otherdisagreeable symptoms, are sure tolollow. \ - - , ---THE - INDTAN-TVEGETABLE - TILES . • I Being a cleanser of the stomach and bowela,and a di-. rect purifier of the blood, are certain not only to re move pain or distress of every kind from the the hody; but if used occasionally, so as to keep the hi:oy free froth those humors whichare the cause - of every wale dy underheaven, they will most assuredly proincite .suchaluit -and eq ual circulation of.the blood, that those who'lead a "sedentary life; wilt be enabled to enjoy, sound health,,and disease of_ any kind will'be itbselateljAmPossible. '. •- .t. - For sale by:.„.: . ' . L . - ~.„ ,- - , CHARLES OGILBYi Agent . Carlisle, Pa: . JACOB G:'!LAT/111AN, . r • ' • • Ililk6urr, Fork Co. Pa. . ..e3. OMee and General Depotil2o. 169 Race street Philadelphia. ' Play 20, IMO •-,-ly '~' • " • PRINCIPAL REASONS • Why Dr. HARLICH'S Compotind Strengthening I and German Aperient Pills areused by all classes of people, in peek - Tem; to other Medicines, because they are prepared from opera captive of _herbs, a whole some medicine, mild In its operation and pleasant in its effeat-:-thn moat certain preserver of health, a safe and effectual cure ollOyapepsia or:lndigestion ; and all Stomach Complaints; a: . preserver and puri fi er of the whole system.,. • • , , • - BOttuse'they seethe nerves of sensibility , and • for tify"the rieiWesoftnotion, imparting toheir most sub tile Shill its pristine tone, thus giving, elrength and clearness of tairid. Recount they never destroy tlitiostroftheistimach' hinaleht;iti all strong purgatlves do. ' • • Renatisn'Mience suiti:experfint4 teach us that no mere plieptive alone Will curefiff disease octlm Stns.. mach and NervosZ Wea*nicfi , ethaprlontrreinie of a hostordiseitses,aMl,lty coati May resortingto *wt.: tic -purgatites,you make - the: disCaMrs Much*Ortr i instei4 of better. • r r ~ Lr 2 -- 4 1 446:T0i; sititi4... & ON, Cowlitragiant • Was. PeAlFBhippeturbiair. 13, 111410-3 t, Denittl . THE SUBSCRIBER respectfully tender. his grateful acknowledgments to the - forthe. very liberal sharerof patronage .he has received dur ing the past ; year, and would still continue. to offer. them his frofessiolgil _scrvitejtiu. their various : bran= at his tesidenco, No. 7, Harper's Rolv. He files, eletnses, and litugsje j eds, and inserts 'incorruptible tarrer metalip artificial 04 in. the most approved manner. Charges silwhys ritoderatr. C:',NEFF,B.I. D. Carlisle, March 25,18 , 110,;.-ztf, ' ' • • IiCEDIOIVSM Prepared only by Dr. D. Jayne, Inventor, and '4Boler - proprielor, No. South ,stree4 Philadelphia, and "'nay be had of , S., ELLIOTT, and ale° of STEVEN SON 4 - DINKLE, Druggiets, Car- lisle, ,Pa. These medicines are recommen d ed and extensive ly used by the-moat intelligent persons in the Unit( d States, by numerous Professors and Presidents of, Colleges, Pliysicians, of the Ariny and 'Navy, and of Hospitals -and Almshouses,and by more than three hundred Llergymen of various denominations. . ,;.. They are expressly prepared for family use, and -have acquired an unprecedented popularity through out the United Slates; and nathey are so admirably calculated to ptieserve nt/i LTH and cure rimier, 'no family should ever be without them. The o rie tor of these valuahle.preparations ,received t edu cation at one of the best Medical Colleges in 't e Uni ted' States, and his had fifteen years experienc in an extensive and diversified praCtice,orwhich belie /Ili ample oppertunities of acquiring a practical kno k edge of diseases, and of toe remedies best calculated‘ .to remove them. These Preparetions consist of ' , JAYNE'S EXPECTOIIANTO valuable remedy for cough, colds, consumption,' asthma% spitting of hloodicroup;hooping conghAronchitis,pleurisrand inflammation ofthe lungs or throat, difficulty of brea thing, and all diseases of pulmonary organs.—Price one dollar. - Also JAYNE'S HAIR TONIC, for the preserva tion', groWth and beauty of the hair,,and which will positively, bring in new hair on bald heads.—Price one dollar, • 1 lio — J - AYNE'S - TONIC - VERMITIJGEOL cer tain and pleasant reinedY for Worms,dyspepsia,piles, and many other diseases..--Price 50 cents. • Also JAYNE'S CARMINITIVE BALSAM, a certain cure for bowel and summer complaints;diar• rhce, dysentary . cramps, sick headache, sour stomach, cholera morbus, and all derangements of the stomach and bowels, nervous affections,Btc.—Price 50 cents. , . AIioJAYNE'S SANATIVE PILLS,TOr FeMale tli seams, liver Complaints, costiveness, fevers, inflam mations, glandular; obstructions, di senties of the skin, lee. and in all cases where an alterative or purgative Medicine is - remiired.-LPrice 25 cents a box. May 13,1840.---4 y: -• •Jayn6's..ll"air - Tonic; • For the givath; preservation and restoration of the___.._ hair. This is an excellent article, and has,in nu merous instances , produced a fine growthothair:_____ —Tonthelieadrofpersoils — iiiifaitid been bald for years: „._ -- Limes - Arm GEnrcistEN, -, Do low - wishelegaiiei '- luxuriant and beautiful hair? -1 knew you will answer ---, yes. Hear:Tor one moment, the cause of its losi,why".- it -turns gray, rusty and coarse, harsh and unpleasan • in its appearance, and finally falls off. Each hair has • a root in the skin, and is itself a hollow tube,-through 'which there is a coastal - it CircUlation of fine bloodi—r By this circulation the hair is nourished and held fast, its glossy colouris given.and preserved, and it h oovered with the finest oil. Now any thing which in jures the skiii of the head, or diverts or takes away' the blood &omit, will prevent or impede-the-circula tion through the tubes of .the hair, stop its growth, _ '- and cause it to fall offor turn gray,or both, Hence it is that any cause that'obstructs or weakens the cir culation of blood through the skin, or that diverts th 4, • - blood to other parts of the system, will take-away the, . lively, fresh and youthful appearance of the lair, ar rest its growth, turn it gray sooner or later; and in • thousands of i iistances cause premature baldness. 'For sale by S. ELLIOTT, and . STEVENSON & HINKLE, Carlisle, Pa. May 19,1840.---1 y — Hair Tonic::==We tall the attention'of 'those -af flicted with premilure baldness. to the excellent Hair Tonic prepareti of this city. Having used it ourselves„, e can speak of its virtues by expe rience, and we unhesitatingly pronounce it an invalu able remedy to prevent the falling off of the hair,and to restore it from a dead, to a fine, healthy "ear ance. We can also speak from personal know ledge of the cases of two or three friends' whowere predis posed to baldness, who by the use of Jayne's Hair Tonic, have now luxuriant hair. We have nodispat sition to putt - indiscriminately all kinds of remedies for all diseases which flesh is heir to, but when we have tested the virtue of an article; we are free to say. it is good.—Sattfrday Evening Post: , _ • Jayne's Hair Tonic.—We have, heretofore, num tiered ourselves among those 'who believed that the Hair Tonic, prepared by Dr.,layne, was one -of the many quack nostrums whose virtues are never seen beyond the fulsome puffs of their authors. ' We are willing, at length, to make public acknowledgment of the error of our belief. An intimate frirnd,some two or three months since, all the top of whose cranium was as bald as a piece of polished marble, maugre all odr jesting and ridicule of the idea of attempting cultivate so barren a spot purchased a bottle or two of the Hail' Tonic from Dr...layne,and accenting to Ilia ctions applied' it. , During the present week • the same friend ushered hitnselfiotonurpresence,and uncovering his hitherto naked head, astonished us w ith a thin,though luxuriant growth of hair, from one to two , inches an length=--tipparthe-rery'premises we had - believed as unyielding to cultivation as the trackless sand tharskirts the Atlantic. This is no puff, but is religiouslytnie,and toihose who doubt,the gentleman can be pointed out. What is more in, favor of this • "Tonic," the case here cited was not one of tempera- - - ry baldness---no sudden loss of the hair--but was one ayeare Itiiding, though the the gentleman la but forty-five years of age.—Pliitacklphia Spirit of the Than. - WAR _VAR! WAR!—The Wig makers have_ hoefilitieingninet our neighbor-Dr.-Jayne. on account of his Hair Tonic ' which is knocking all ;. their businessinto - a - "cockedhaL" Linlies and gen tlenien—old'and young are flocking to the Doctor's standard.. Heade long . divested ofeventhe first rudi ments of hair, Wet using his Hair tonic soon appear'. with new and flowing locks, which Absalom himself might have envied. Beardless boys are seen with' large and bushy ivl,iskers; and !tidies smile again through their own raven ringlets more beautiful and bewitching than ever. Bald beads 'are doffing their wigs and throwing them to the "molts and thelkat. " • _whiletheVig-makers - Atand"sigliiiiriiiiihey behold the demolition of their business:- - What will he the.conseguence of this warwe know ' not, as the wiggies are outrageoes, and the Doctorre- ' mains firm,and declares that"some - things can be - done as we ll as othcrs,"and that bald heads. may es well wear their own hair as flint of others,—[Week. ly Mestenger. ' ill:ivy's flair 712nic.-r-We Inert at almost every corner, when perembulatingthe streets, men wearing- ' long and glossy hair, which 017 seen' to be proutil. of, and others who have raised. In strew weeks,sqop• ., , of black moustaches, that would vie with the glossiest ' bruin that ever walked the forest. It has pealed us to know the secret. of all those wondrons crop. of hair; but Messrs. SANDS; 79 and 160 Fulton street, Nave got the remedy, where all who site curious in such matters may learn a ialuable secret.- 4reiv York Whig.. - Sold in Philadelphia at t;0 South Third Street JAnYle.gefrielarellPdEy9 nk yl: Pell ki l S l T t ' . b .;: lfAlk ia t' '. • it has ' been recommended ; b y thoseeewho°haerliegivra it a fair test in this country, and tliecitind for it in. • . . creases daily. WC have just he of an important= cure of Asthma, which has been elfeeted by the use of ... it in a neighboring town-.vhe Cite was that of a fe male 'who had for a long time beep •under the eareof a physician, but had received no relief, and her, ease.,,'. , • was beginning to he'considered'hopeless.' As ik:lait , resqtabe purchased a honk 40.10,r4r , ExPeth ) i - ? ' rant, which caused heriiieltiectorstic treek6,grattur4 7 ,_ -, - ly eased, her Gough, am is rapidly restoring her to " heat*: 'We luive no besibannyin saying : tbAli PthpaT . : . ' . ration Obr.; . 4syn'e;tor the Mire of"coughlicoldsiln. -i Buena*, A sthma, CoosusiptioW, A - Mis the moitianur. :•'' .1 ..... r. bleuledielner Orprid to the Argerican pub1ia,.... ; , ( 1,. Them lama iiiiiielierY ahr/iitit . ....lpr.ikviie Ii Mitt a •, . the Most shilll4l. preetildnit OtYikataksitT - Perisylvair- '. niiii t ilitd - abartiter hi* preparation, nave,,t;rest tioa;r,' '.. °Val....te tersteakke . hilaahrd issokritattgratpahlia bai ' - ` ; era,,thr.onferiset Jorga4;.2.- -- / P arfal. bY Sonmel(NO t, Elliott and ' "sun : kale. ilo; tailisla,Pi. -- - '1 , ',.. (Mai 15 1H .": ,
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