13 TIERAtAi EkPdSITOR ~_ ~''=a -.' eitl'ito tt., • )11.4.1iCII: 24, 1941, , K.9 ‘ 41 ,p,o v N O.R, J Oil N 13,4 N OF Bhmrs.' bouNTr. COncert. ' , Our residers bear in mind Ahat-on :lids 'evening, the • " Barraehyßand,'?:untler the Airectiew.of. periCant Fuller, will.give.- ... - their last concert for the - ethison at &hien, ,tion , Hall. ,IVe, advise loiers of, hit', - moony' tO , -'Ottend,' as the will be' gratifibc , „. .with 'a . rieh ,'Ara'riety -of Popular 74 — art: tr — ont 'iltitrie [la , 'Our:fog .the last turn mei,..contributeti iii a great' degree ~10 the ainue . erboit of eur citizens ; andswe feel coofitleii!they will avail themselves of the present .opportunity to re - eiprocete the favor. . . 1 . The. Bandltad a full,Jtiittse. at their last Concert,' we expect on this evening to see , OFuller. The ad vertiSetnent will be found in another column; ..The.Begliptini•qf the End. -r-Our Uo rough ; election; tool; plare last Friday, and • res.tilte 411 the election ot,tln; entire: Whig. . ticket:by .a 'hints:nine* *majority; • is evidence of the ‘f . split": ip.the 11 hig'parly, about whieltZur-treiglibor‘lof:tite-Folun4eii -I;ns so Intfclytrtmbled a short:time:all:n. 7 :- The'foliii.wing" is tlio vote: • PVhigs. _ _ JupaE John NcG hinis, 24011 Jolqi Zollinger, 2;35, 1-Nsl , ,Ecl'og. Gcild, 218 ASSESSOR. Comfort,.24B ;I acol).Squier,.- 239 CONSTABLES. * It.Nl6,C,4tney, 335 I Samuel Crall,: 2776. ame.jlofrer, Utiier B Jolin - Officer, - 232 ASSISTANT N. Hanteh, - 2:38 - • _TitiwN Thos.'Frimlilc, Tows C John D. c4orgas, 236- G. W. Nbeem, • 234 Jain& Seller, 233 Arms'ng Noble, 232 F.ralt. Watts, 232.1 Charles , Fleager, 231 CI rle ' s Barukg,— 28 D. N. Mallon, 225' 3. ft., Weaver, 221' . . ScnooL Da Andrew.Blai Lewis linrhn ~We have given the highest Constables. • SUSTAIN THE CREDIT 'OF. YOUR sTATE The: influence .of party should not Imale men'forgetful of..tlie interests of the state; and their duty as citizens. At a time like the present, 'whet the people are groaning under the calamities which' have arisen, fronian unwise policy, they should set at defiance, the voice of party and trample on, the shnekles with which interested_ leaders would attempt to bind them: •• uselq.ps to stoptiow: to discuss the causes' Which: have led. to our present,tli(- fiCulties; it-is enough to know that b}' mitiibinaliMi of villany, opepating, upon us from abroad,. and .pided by 'an agrarian, "barn burning'- spirit from acertain quar tet at ho lie; our state llas been, brougiii , fo' the tverge of baidtrti confidence our .institutions of credit, a - 54y - destroyed ; while many a widow, • and orphan, who depend' upon the' interest t• t - • 1 oFt their es 0, es or. -.sti >pis, epee, liavo .been reduced to, cottiparatitre:iiovettY by the'dc . Pr:POitition Of stocks...- • • • Into • L poure o le egis a-- .„. ture'-frOrn,. every: part of-the state, ppyiiig: therit'to lessen the- existing . evils, Me, adOptitin.,4 SoMe.Sal'utarV, measure. • 7The publid aniimid, as. to the course'our atate-authetities' - will pursue, in reldtiott to it' . t b put ;co tes i ,dn . , :may.- some relief to+knosv-tliat'abefore the B'eit. ate to rePeal the penalties agamshill and 'Mies , for five ye"irs.:,Whatits fate may be, we fliow s titri,r but . ‘irg'tst!libirc' dint sed;.Avottttrresb . ble:;thii:: lid p„ . to;diScoiMt,-freely,*.anti.as a• mantel -, et seq,dette j e, - blistriess,jlef;eqil , therefore becoMes: the''dut of everyman, who bas!,the inter est and.ittOgrietity,-ikftlieepittitry te - attL-,. no:Metter to.Avliatl.partythe•liday. beltig÷ to 101d:his' pitidiiillatienee in, bringing '-:"; • Locofoons : i'rgquentlS! . "ellefg 9 ' io stout from theinAl "dame PeMOriatie.:. have. , nti2w cke,deiilt 14.4i,1itrairii,*;ri it *her Rime, the ilemo. twatim i fr,ta'"r°:. 1 ,1! *lt* 4 ,444itiiii:t4iPn, *it #filf l 4" , ` befit ~y yr r, , ~.,~: ~~ yy y.x`a:` '.l~♦'yiFr.~. _ • Locofocbs - der oath. • .. • " ' • - - §7.• Penalties• provided. against officers § 8. F'alie entries, issues,_&c., to, be punished by fine and imprisonment. On 'Friday the 19th instant, the bank bilbvas'taken * up on', seCond reading, and first-Sectitin passed by a vote of 17 .to 14;..P11 the.affirmative Whigs; and in_the negative Locolocos... , The second section passed second- reading., by a vote of 20 to 11, all the Whigs, together with--Messrs. Hea•dly; Kingsbury and. Smith,. iri the af firmative; Miller (of Cum'd) in the nega tive. This section, as .will be , seen above, authorizes the• issue of small notes. • • An amendment was offered to the third, section,limiting the - - a • incpet . pf: discount to directors-in proportion to the amount of the. Capital of the Bank, and' also prohibiting any cashier, ,clerk,, or teller of a bank 'from engaging ip any other , buidness whatever_ under a penalty of $5,000, without •per ntisSion• froni the, President and Board of Directors. • . • • URGESS.. Itobt.lVlceluni - 109 'I3URGEaS. • Uharies_Bell,. 195 . ' Hubert Moore,-224 OUNCIIL. 11. Gaitllagher, 210 Jacob Duey, 206 Peter Gutshall, 203 J. Underwood, 202 John .(Nell, 202 Ber'd Bendel, 9.02 J. Weithitiuttnt 201 G. . Shaffer, 197 S. Wunderlich,l92 lIIECTORS. ir, 474 11 • 473 .'‘. . lo vote for the two The seetion then passed- - -yeas 1.6, nays 12, aS did alt except the last seetion.• .• Saturday-the-Bank-hill-came.-up :third reading and line . passed 6y a vote of 16 to 14; all the Whigs present in thelf firinative, and all the boeofocos in the ne gative. In. the bf Representative:, oh .. Monday the 15th iriet: petitions:askingfer , an' increase of taxation, to sustain the ,cre dit of the stale, were presented. On Tues day a bill was reported to provide compen-, aatton: to 'persons. sustaining .damages by mobs., On ,Wednesday, the bill allowing certain contractors, whose contracts' were abandoned by the' present board of canal - commissioners, 'io . sorts against.tbe: ofri ciwitrelitlT;ltt the counties of Lime tit& and ,Dauphin,. pasied second_ re.ading Uyii •vote of 45 to 43. On Friday Mr:Einch itiales bank bill; reported 'Rime time sine#i - wassttiketi twattd - aftet - dkettSSlOlf, - 11,16 tiote. was taken, and.the firetsection defeated by a vote of 421.0'43. _A motion: „was then made to reconsider,,,,and :it WaiLlost_liy4l vote of 46 to 47.. ,On liatutday - the bill above mentioned, - proVidifig for thebrltig ing of suits against the state brcontractors, was•takel•tip on its 'final ; pasiage, and.,lost by a vote Oro.o 44.. , . We' repeat , : then ' our firm belief la _.the ye-eleetion of David R. Porter - by atiitiver. whefining majority." ' • VV,e extract above Sentence Iron' an editorial article which appeared i n p'0:140: Volunteer, relative th, this prospects iif•the 'LocofocoGUbeniat:orial' *Candidate., From :it, Alio' reader . wiilVat once:perceive that our neighbOr, has, retiuMed:.hi's.old occupation: of-" CROW I IING;": and 'that ho crows aS .loudly as b 9., AI during the- late cam paign. Theo, he predicted tNe. - entire' tinction.of'VVhigiery in th 6 Union ; its total - overthrowin, : the Keystone• Stater anit as- •for Old Mother ,Cumberhintlyn she ,would.give•Y,tm"Bure,O, fl'om r 7QQ.lit':looo :majority: But the result of the , erection in the ':Union , . the"Eltate;', and th county, proved ` 0 0 , m ! „.§apdekson 'mas s . either'"a' false prophet, er. : had yilfully,find'ffcepr ly.`deeeived Afteulittving''ad. signally failed in Ifttilehlatiefil;ithti*M c r : 'vier and COL wis.should alt KOlunteer Prtureifeo and-litnilytyl"plif titi4:looiful pe.eyery. - . - Pen Rgyi iaiiialltiisliiii re: In 111`e - o'6li:de,aji Itoii,day thi 46th inst. 9ottir,t)lt, for; ireleetton'of . the, Mayer of Lancaster byithetteople,' - was ripened. (A 501 . .et:the _saniil i rid „was.. lietnett: some_ time sinCe, : liy,Our ' dernicietio.,'POverno,r.) A supplement to the act incorporating the meerlisle taVing.Fund Society;' . ' 'was 'Pas ..'“, Red. On Friday,. Mr. Eirowe• read in' his, . - plaCe:e bill; providing 'for ' the.lelection 'Of . two — canal by the; people , each . man to vole „for tri e,.,.and.the - tvito highest to be coniitlera leeted; , and,:the appointment of the prelident'ett:the . l,eFa by the Governor,. f The bill relative to "the • election Of preseenting.atternies ind cella . - _ trserveyors . ; , and the one providng..for ihO election . of county treasurers, in . .nearly everyiounty in the statei.. by the people, passe& through committee of the. whole. On YVednesclay pie' 17th, tho' nomination of Jacob Gragh, as tm Associate Judge for .i:;aneaster county, Was Tejected'liy a. , :vete Of 16 to 13. '"The firsi'.seetient .er ilid'4ill providing: . for the . election , of prosecuting atomics and county s.urvey,ors,bythe f peo ple, passes} uy a vote.nof 2Q to - 11. A' bill relative' to the bankiwiti , reported 'by Mr. m Spaolimatr , fro the 'committee, ' , ..0n Fri day . Mr. Spackmen'S bill:.plisspl t „ - throngli .. 69 - rninistec - of the whole. ,' The 'Provisions 'of the billere i .- ' . , . „ . 1 1. ,A If provision's foi, the forfeiture rol charters iti,,cOses Of suspension repealed. § 2. Laws_prOhibiting_the_issniof small notes repealed, forlive, years. '' § . Pr6hibits all leans to cashier?, clerk?, tellers.; or:other persons in, the employ ment of the___lpinks respectively., r ____ §' , f. All directors, officers, &c., to. be sworn before an alderman nrjosiice Of the peace, before entering upon their duties..; §.5.. Dividends allowed , during suspen sion u..,w,narterly:statemplits. of ttle coed on of the banks,' required to_bd nigcle ut tt I,7t*" En and is :iIO - I , reiideavOsitig iostirinto his pa (in Poiter will 4d , re- - eWied Otivortior;(lthat too, hyJA ; operuil4lming put thewill they_ .aan; ST_ Pi4dev coipliei th in his predictions?'-No, they_cannot, They itnoW"that' he furnished, th r em with false intelligence,' in, relation the :Preld denti'al Electioli;- after it liad terminefed, and When he could : have had nO ; other. ob ject in view than 'to 'deceive„ or ,tirititinlge his fienchak, forcowing and• boasting.- 4ereafter his .otider4' will feat' 1210 predic . - dons as they deserve. ' •‘: BY' THE 'PRESIDENT OF THE :STA;TEs'cF ' Any F iicA.; , rititieLt ?NATION. , WitE4is;stindry.importUnt and weighty matters; principally growing out of the con ditionlif, the 'revenue and , finances of the conntry, appear to Melo call for the con sideration of Congress at ,an 'earlier day than its'next annual sesSion, and thus form • ~. 'an extraortimar i y oecasion, such:as renders necessary, iii. my judgment, the convention of the two houses as "soon as may 1 - . M! prae ticable, I do,. therefore, by this my Procla mation, convene the two.house's of Con g'res4 to meet in the capitol at the .city„Of Washingian,...on the last Monday, being ; the thirty-first day, of May next. And 'require the respective. Senators, and .Repre sentativeS - then.and there to -assemble,* order to receive such inforination respecting tiro state'of the .Union as . maybe g iven- to them, 'and to ' devise and adopt such men 'sores as the good of the conntry'rnay•Seem to 'them, in. the exercise-of-their - WistlOin and discretion to reqbire. . - Done-at-the:. city of: WaSington,:this, -,;seventeenth day of March, in - the .year •of 'Lord one thousand L.'s.] erght hundred:and fortp.one; aid-of ... The Independence- of-thn the.sixty-fifth. l• .By_._the President.: DANIEL' Nt r EliFiE Sal:dory. of Stale. App_nint qents - _byth ....Preside - riti, By a 'id_ with the :and consent of t, . . the Senate. • . - Robert C.. Cornell, of:Yeiv York, to be Receiver : General of Public Money at Nev; York, in place of Stephen Allen, removed. SaMnel Frothinham, Of Boston, to be ReceiVer Genera}of Public Money at Bor., ton, in the place of Jsaau Hill, removed. Richard K. Call, of Florida; td be Go vernor in and for the Territory of Florida; the place of Robert R. Reid,•removed Charles B. Penrose, of Pennsylvania, to i)e Solicitof of the Treasury, in ,11t0 place, of Matthew B.urchard, removed. • . /". Elisha Whittlesey, of Ohio,• to be'A.ddi tor of ,the Treasury., for the-Post Ofli o De; parturient; in: the place of Charles C: Gard ner, removed. Rossignol,Paul to be.Superintefidant of the Brditch Mint at. in the state of Georgia; in the place"Ofj..T. Singleton. ;John.. Williamson ; of Pennsylvania, to be Recorder of the, Genera) Land Office, in the place'of lltOson Garland, removed. Solomon Van Rensselaer, to be Deputy Postinasten't Albany. . - George Allen, Collector at Waldob6ro', ,Maine„ vice Denny McColl, Jeremiah BrOoks; at York, Maine, vice JoSepli _ Parker Shelden, ;at Bath, Maine, vice Joseph Sewall, removed.' Isaac 1 3 ,. Davis. to be NaVal Officer . fit Boston, Mass., vice Isaac. 0. Dames, re moved. . . Nathaniel .Pt Catsin, jun., Secretary to 411 - President ito sign -patents. Ileury Sonthmayd„AdsiStant ColleciTir of •the Customs:for HiStriCi',of New York, to reside at Jersey City. James •Dorighe; Collector at.. New Ha ven, Connecticut._ William P. Greene,- Surveyor and In 'Spector at Providence, R. I. Robert Butler, Surveyor and Inspector at Smithfield. Viriinia. -.Tames- 1 .11-.-I - lartforil, RegiSterLand, fice.at Jackson; Mississippi. • •• Jesse - K.,lltuboisi-Ite&ister—Land:-Ofrice - _;_ • - • .Bernard 'Peyton ; Deputy Post' Mastei at Richmond, Va: • William Barron trice of Termon4 • . :" • • ' Solonitt Lincoln, Marshal for the Dis-, trio of :111,aseaehtette.., • .. EbenezerßacoU, Collector of Customs - ' • • Miles'Selden Watkins;Deputy Pus Master at Huntsville, Alabama- - • William Barrqui, to be Marshal, of 0, •Uniteil States; for the bistriot of Vermont Ogden, floffmaa, ,Attorney,.lol New Yorlt.• Pinkie'y 134inior0 Natliaii dolleetor:at Poit. find Maipe. • _ .kuititi:',lfilOw,ini:LCsilletoi-At; Middle. oRT • • George.; Hoyland,.Survevor,•;,Tivort,m) George W. Knight ! ' 1 3 4%i;.: -,-• Tristaro Storer;; CollectOr, Sticb;Mpjne, The ilprOintineotS'Ayliich liare been sent Lo.. the *nate ,for-eonfirmatiou ilaye been chiefly.to vacancies. A 1411;;o(!re'nOssee, Oharg-e - AP , Affairs , 'Tliontas'AsyS,!-N#3 , ' 4,t, Phla• • LoreozotDroyer.,,,Consull Paris, 0 4 0100: I Hen tr.(l.--Boster Wesi,o l l. 15aiijal flu 14.A.,Marskakfp r ihe. Dist,tiir ; i: of .Wis'coiisiti.; , ' ' • .10111tero'-Dietriet;-rof)NeW York: Attoinei, Er: 6:rrilit , galackDreifiet_OtPentisytvaniti:'•,,j'--;',---- e,' Walter Forward, Attor'o3/V.p. for die Weatern District of PennOlvania, ' 1..,!5 1 L-mr%?:71..?..7?1t,.:1',;',F . .( 47 -r-F.5i'.:2 4 .--.1: W. •lI,JIARRION._ Marshall for the Dis =NEM „,. • •ks, • 111,47 frooderson - Taylor, Attorney S. for Wei.OrnOstria trf• rAittisi4ijai" , ;',.:'", 7 ., L lvaa,'?toc.tclart. l ; Collgator tor!Pltmbtit . Iyl3 1 Surveyor dui ' Inspector, 46rtfortl,:NOrth Carolitta;_ *Lieut.. lit K. lianson, 'to , be"' a aaptain by brevet. Williarrm. A., ,Speneer,'t o' be, a' d,aptain it the Navy. . . • Abraham-'.Pigeleir, l tci be a Commander jythe Navy._ .• • Witlietn,...flgattry,A ,k 1 o._he-Li'eutenant, in the Nevi' Henry '§ou!har4; Assitsnt Collector of the eustom4 for the District of New York, to reside at Jersey, city, in the State of New Jersey ( vice" J. 1% 1 1. ,C0rp . 9 . 1i50n,....re• signed. -- • SURVEYORS. • Williatii j'. 'Gi'ennei-Providerice, - 141. tide John . R. Barton, whon6 'commission exPired_on the - ad inst. ' • ; • Robert Bialnr, Smithfield ! Virginia;.re appointed ^. LAND OPFICER.S- - z-REGITtRg, . Jesse- Dobois, vice loseiih Kitcliell, e tdlinse commission expired on — • ; Jarries .141. Hnrtford, Jacltson t sippi, vice Thomns H. lloPkins, resigned. JUDGE. BA NIC.S. -The norninatien Of - this gentleman'to'Vie office of govetnor; has been:received with muchlavnrhy our.political friends in; this city. He will receive a p l owerful•support throughout. tlie,state; and : Judging from the preient aspect of. the case,-will be elected by a triumPhant 'majority. Oen: - Markin 'and Mr; Midtileswarth both withdrew 'their. names-froth tho canvass: and - thiiq was - made by the..entivention,'not ohly with unanimity.bia with enthusiasm: Judg . e..Banks is:a.gentleman_of _unquestinti, ed integrity and enlightened ' 'is beloved •rad respected, in the immediate .vicitiity-of - his - resitlenee ;* and iii:hig . snpL port, the citizen may feel confident that he is. n;ing,-for_a candidate vv;lio, itt the_e.vellt • of",pteces,..,Will exert himself to the utmost. to rlrotnote the prosperity, sustain the ere=' tilt, and -brighten the fame of'this old fash-,' ion ed- coin ttio n wee i governor .Porter having been" boininatecl .for re-election, we hope thathe is now ready to do something; ,fOr the relief of Pennsylvania. this"subjectis brouglit before the LegislatuF,e and .action follows, every: thing will'„coittinne unsettled,—.and the'poblie a state of fever ish agitation./ The- - preseOt . condition of Pcnnsylvania is.stteli, that the . . 66ntinued ittiportopifies.of the people, as well as - the press, : „iS needed, to urge on e the Legisla- re/as well as the'Executive, to the itn meiliate performance of their dirty. Why ,should they now .procrastinate ? Why .should such coldnesse and heartless apptliy be exhibited at Hirrisrvarg Why do the Cries of distress - and:the, anguish - of a suf fering peoPle fail to stirt„up-tlie._ sensibi lities -of the Governmem While :they are temporising and hesitating, incalculable evils'are , inflicting - themselves upon Penn sylvania. CorrOsion•isseizing upon the business •of the State, and industry,.in whatever•department it is exercised, is los= ing, _its honest reward. .The 'extensive wheels of trade have nearly.stoppeiL The active business of the state isv stagnatiuj. Nothing but such commerce as the imine diate.wants of suciety_dematut ins on. All are looking to the action of those tigm hold the reins or Govern - it - fent at Harrisburg. The temporising policy of ; the past must not be' inflicted upon the fu- :tore, The evils under which the state la-. 'hors must be •eonfroated. They must be looked directly in the face," If the Legis lature• persist in' its' timid, •pusillanimous course„the,_ people._ themselves um— comm. to. the 'mist petition;;te- Monstrate and, entreat. that does not avail, they must 4o in' person, and beSeneli of those - who are legislating for them, to save.suffering,disgraccd, injured PennSyk Van i a intaelphid .North ;dm 471, linti-1 lank Banker.--We see it. stated_in ..the LOuisville 'burin] that Mr. Tappan, the . tocofoco, antitank,' hard inoney Senato . r . froin Ohio, used himself to exereise b lho pnyilege and Calling of a npri, rate banker" at . Steuhenville: Jour h.,l his indi vidnal notes out, of ..ull..denorninations, from-one-dollar—down' - to .a fip; .and matosrthat this Tappan "circtilation" ,not redeeiiied altoget h er as protuptly or fully us it - should'hzive' been. llaving•tlini,, been--a-hanker,-ltiniself,--4,140ugh-ao r a-sniall , 'figure; - 'it is strange • th.it Cie Ohio Senator. should, have tip fellow feeling tor, but ehould he so ferociouslagainat.banks;;-and against . all issues and-isauer:4 'of paper !iurrener. Is it .to,beaceounted. ' the-, old saw;,.! that. two of a trade can neveraffreeßie.!= „ ,1 ,„: • . • 3 • The dinoin, Hari Glariiiitla', in.adyorting ,a of:certain .eurroncy philosophers, luis' • • '"The people must have. ,curreney., , A, specie currency. theymaiinot have, liecatise it does not exist, and , heratise if it did, - half el it -would.be 'tiielteirdhs.9 tq niake•cream cups • "This is , alaFt . pi; and nannot 'be'go.t over by 493,-,phllOsopliye • Men will •pay higiipr for' their ,luxuries. thbri 44:heie I •e is inure wents: 'berinuse le:: r o yin tie "tiihn therii is;Wisdom. -• It might be 'argueinfiat.the'eoi Ivoitictremain'hecauSe; Here lies tl 2 "e! ram of falai:lmo& uttered on the of.the -currency: l i , It '..4V,_laher,yrid poyd,l:6'fiiifiiii nt rA(j3:o4l,:Yiki„,eUrrocy, % . 011itii;r'edii).or ,, ,f - papel;ryisA4t .4 a'6l ,- onilyi , ,s, medium of exch4geit zli#lC?";'#!to lu :f0:9101, centiiittee ,eler= its-,diS4'elesuis,liitleence over - th Wit me m bth:nielted , ,dotiii'Tof':pilr4. had; end 'labor to. fo r puce; , ogatrymer 'will have ppperA). „reoo',heepe ,- ,agai r ,i;. ''when 'geed , ney ;is , driven tot ;or circulation, bid men Jake's its_ place.":- . . 111 E OFF/¢E, }IOI;DERB.-.A. W ashington etirres p o Jpt the: Nei? Irak C er cial ironically sa'yn "1 ho 4 beerrtinitolitiliek;'Since coming to this et r.presentwinter, at finding ~offikhOlilit's in the Departments Wiligsr and: ::thus I , fintV' t too, : ''witboht in ' troducingi inyeett.'f , I `am, . , very cautious - about;introdilei lye peljtjeCi ,rion rergatioe;,:w4li "them, jeztst r l ; oultil: their loyal ad m inistrtion 'Petilings. But to , my surprisc,:,tite".•first,t4tig I' knowobOy in troduce' the , sUbjeetAbeirtheltrbi, '-antkgive the, .expiring:; 'odinthisttatinii thorough' Berating,its IC ed co rs § ant e time expressing 'thorTituis't, patriAitC;liiipeio that a season,. of prosperity i.s, , aboutl& dawn cin}hci.',land'xiinler: 'tpe auspiceso f the gallMtitti l olioii,74;;;; , 1,, f*SrEPT POR appointment of .Bedfaid.J.lrcktritefla tel Tory, Senator from •N orth 'Carolina, as - quoin - 4f sioner part , orMisfisturijor.tu.nnitig a bemidaryline -between that: state and . -lowa, .tlie.-St, Lonis'ltetinblicatr''Says "MiSsouii has tlie-appOintrnent of in and the Piesiden't the appOintmenrof :another, and' they two select .ihird commissioner for this purpose. Colonel -Benton' wrotS the late law of Missouri :op:this; stibject, and no doubt it's' made the nomination of Mr. Biown.% . :It: was • brilitati;• about jn. Whispers,.this :Winter,' at Jefferson Oty, before jt was,known who. would 'be the commissioners - on the part of this state and the United . States - , — that they *ere:to.seleet Mr. Van Heron as the' third commissioner, `turd sure enough,- ni.atters apiiear to be in this train. No doubt Ale. 13ron will be writ b enmiofrto s urea as a.colleague ; and,lt will_ he the.easlest thing in.:the world'for Mr. Van Buren. to appoint . apersim . :4lm- Will in -turn' select t some of thesa-nionths-ive- May expeckto have. another ' t freat expeller unong 'l3tit, the Great ._klumbugger hailbg , : passed the law, and appointed the commissioners himself, the 'chances for , .pobriow_a_nre - hat..Viin,_for..,:securing_her. -claims to the !disputed territory.' this may-seeure—to the flumbuggei the :Electoral voi.e.of Missouri in 184,1, it May also deprive him, of the-vote of -Town."' . • Norfolk Deacon - states that the broad . prnant - iir (o . tninodor'e Shu -srid- was on Tuesday transferred from the, Delaware to the United States 1111).. of .the line'Pennsyfrania,.Dtiptain Skinny. _ Important Recision.—We mentioned, sayS. the - St, Louis new • Era, that. the 'Cir.' cult Court; at its sitting - 'onT - WedwestlaY i debided•that the 'deviatiati of a steamboat, or other Vessel i 'from her regular route, cx ce.pt to save life, vitiatedvtlie policy of in surance, and released.the insurers from li ability. the case before the court' was that 'of the steamboat Rolla, sunk a. few !nears since in the lower Mississippi. She *lnd stopped a day or twn, to. render -assis tanee to the George Collier,. aground upon . a bar. Aftergeiting her oft, ihe'proeeeded up on her voyage; Ny egged; a n nk; I'he boat . end cargo became-a total loss.— The owners of-a par.t of the cargO brought suit tigainstqhe Insurance office - for the — re•- 'Coverypt,,the amount insured; Thejleci- . siod the Judge`(Alullanphy)" was against the right of tbeplaintiff to recover. • • l' or thelfen;ald ,F 1 .Enig • • ',qr. Editor--By pnblisliing trierollowing in your valuable .(3u will oiilign I ant coinposed of 15 letters. • • 11.Iy ,a, 14, 8 and 9 is a celebrated production of the South. . . . . My , 1, 11, 15 t I pid 9s a, month of „tile year. . . : Alf 3 '2 15 , 2. and 12 i a term' used b polite cir •. ... by . .My 11,5,7 - aud 10 ‘ll/4 ileAtheil,qod. n• 11;11,10; 10,9 and 19as 'one .of, 146 principal timlicrs of , ct 111 y 5,9 and 4 is hn'artioia need in writing: My q; 11 and is State. :11y 5,6;7,4,8 and!) is the title uf one of the royal -My 7,-S and 9is a very'cold substance. - My 1t1,6,11,8 and ,9 Itata,dic taunt; 'of: a itttig of Scotland. • ' . My 13,6,7,8 and 9 i: the name of a Judge in Ltal limo u.'. - • • . . . , - Mv, 8,6,7,8 and 9 is the nhme au defaulter. . Aly- 11,4 ; 7; 2-and pia' the.nttenu, of tali terary so citty. , . . .. My 8,14.14 i, il and 9 was an ancient enchantress. My,wlioleis the ittine a a diailiguislied , divine. - - Answet-next week. - .... . ----'. ,:__ • • Tiff: Co:rsTrrerrotl.—Witt is that ; call the Constitutiou.f? The eonst!tutienwis..eiddentiv' that -constitetesond-thst-wilielt-constitotesEis-the t hlood. Me,therefOre, know that the &mg is the constitution, nd' dint' n'good 91• btud constitution is dei her more...nor ltistitintri a goOd 'or had tette of the . blood. 'rheredernCi'person neho, having jest health, does not wish , se then toThaveli.frSteirrit: Use,. `rvnel with Purgative'hltdir • per means. tap, us-gssure'ivielTiome all tor rapt humors from the boily,und thehlessing, Health, will bollte.cortahi result; for all pains or unpleasant ,feelings, proceed.. from: the:, presence of • corrupt - er' vitiated ,hum Ors;,whish 'are the real cause of every disease, and therefore the, only disease ;to which.lhis 'humati fritine is subject, because: they: ,up the, Veins and arteries, and-prevent the free:circulation of the blond. • BilvidrethlsTVEJ*lllA this Ilisease; diecnittte tfioy ri.move ,the corrupt or vitiates, -humors byalse..storanch told holvelai reatiiiigAhe ! t imid . immtim:to , give, lifel.andliettlth to the body 2. It is morally' impossible !that! they. ean fail tore,. pro: Sid'ed ,Nature is tiot.entirelymxhausteth — • - , • Ire- gigsale 01 , 11814,by, CEO. , IV.,UtTNER,_ audio ,Pientbsrloll4l Cottaty,by Agents published ih atititLr part of this paper._ •f, - • I c 411 .099t,4 0 4)T9 9 ke PP 0 Ai). the nu mer etts Certificates, whach have been in circulation in one, paper ane.sotne , others 6finis .chnnnentliki pit/ Way/it 'el Wild,Clierryv, htiVeseen the oripnaleci - tin eaten; and have no doubt but' they I-ome trout truly grentFl 111 14arts, expressive 15.. the benefits - which they have rilcelverl frog/ that .very-vilitable.,Conipound..,,We have acquaintances. , have: frettently used 'the , shove Inedteinea.Who'canospeuti wash confidendeof its virtnvs.l , -SaL Chronick. , ' •1, ; ' ..Printa6nl,:OfficC,. No. 19North , , r.ighth'istreeia ' For. pate hy John Jsl4yerit. Br. C.o.,.Carlislei.'ind' Wto. Peal, 41tipptinsburki , Pa.' • :::. . MIE =llE==a 7 7 6110Viiiiilci `Die, Clint Sit( , --1 take; this prnsent oppqr., , ttinityMr,informiliV9l . 4.(ite,..wontlyyl:g effect* qt w.!5,.4,v4 kikx,li i ;vool‘Atltof - tqr, ll ,ll'l l llot' 4 9 0 " . "' nitil .. told Me lie ennagnitiidinwin7,4olot-fit0 ; 44110.17 Ci xhs-r4, 9 p14 toMmit no,tnmeinlef±ysAK 7 ii,vionma - 013134011*-A ,, i1p1 4 , ivbia..i..procao - ,-iii73-ouvortee','lrtt: 19'A, pi"; ,Allitotin.a.p. obithn medicinal steed it o,ccatAing to the direetioni.: , effect Nktl 9 .ksicit4bilar,; the .ohild:.%JenCto'slee.p and rested The next morning]: used it . ag•aln,,and• continued it. tot', several days. ,The child. recti,vt:red„ltnnedlately, umd,,ia heariy to. this: day. liiippy would it he'llotli for • parents and little ;chil ,dren,..iftliey-could,have Recess to Carnall portion of your. niedicine: lam sure that money trpuldlte.'no .objectlit.comparison Avid% human auftering. .. • 9; . 1840 ? 4 Spruce _Street.; N. 11.''Princital 'Office for the sale of this invalu able medicine, ta.at - N0..18-North Eighth street, Philadelphia.' • ' : , • •:' Jolin .Nlvers .Co,ilCarlisle; , . andAtn.,PettliPhippenskurg,,ra. ._From the Writ .the Thies. • • • Ciwtotitd.aTrott. - -SEEK ,, DEAVIII AND EN., 30Y..1.47D.ar1f Yott,,,tvisli to retain the richesvbfeti .. aing,,,tittued Orly yourself,, whenever you fluid tliatownE appdtilj.becomealumaired, your bowels 'utistite .or bile .On the„stemitch, ThuMnber--Dr: I(lo.llL4Cxvs . :cg!,,,EatrzATETY til'entitnintatintely e and . use ; theni according .to directions,Ocy :Will: immediately retnoye these pr nary 'sl:onitorps from -the„systeni. . But, if you neglect yoqacif.they.lidll feria a' host, of maladies, ,Inch as kryartep si a, liver' Cornid aint s, jatindi tie, ',Wit bitiibUs; affliction - Fi; feVerh, Ft.c . „ whikh are 'Medic obstuinte to cure ',besides atteeded with pains anti Much dliiii'ess.t. 4 l)r. ieles 'will certainly cure all, forito tkeabove' tnention ed dfgriaOch: 'the i . oitie.at auid however not conceive is the latter. stages a cure can be perfOrmed. in e .fdw days or aif the medicine lied been , mfed at the very (lost attack, the disease could have bectr, m'adieked in tuttelt shorter' time. The medicine must iArrefore•Mi used:stritUly for it” fornaglit be fore much decided lieliefit will be realized. ~••,. . ' A Strxraver."- - Sorrimr.n. Philadelphia, Sept. 311,184,0.. .PAncipal. Oflice, No. _l9, NOrili Eighth Wert, 111iihttlelpliia. - For sale by. W. J. J. Myer's & Co., Carlislefand Wm. Peal; Shirpensburg;Frx: -, -- ' • - . . . , . 'Ott the 16th inst., by the Rev. John Ul rich, Mr: JO,l-IN - sTEIN-ml=rz, of‘Scinth Middleton" townshiii i to ELIZA .BETH PEN'I'S, of MOuree toyitu:shif).!.! ~the seine: Mr. SAMUEL NEFF, to Miss ELIZABETH HOSLER,.aII of North Middlettin:„touin -.7 11 - Tuesday 7thorniug, - last, - .brilic --- Re.v. - WjJlinin T. Sprole, Mr.' JOHN A. PE-F- F- R,-Merchant, of the firut-of - Barnitz --- & Peffer, to ELIZABETH Alt IN SON, byth, of this borough.... - On the 11th- in t.rnt, by the Reti. n- JOHN 6. CONNELLY, to Mia's eATHERINtE. E.DULY,: both of Pennsborough torinshi[V. th is bordifkri, — iiii — Siitiffiliiy - 6 , .e. i ug MeCLUIiE, aged tt,bou!. .60 year:3 7 • • thejith instuni v at' her son, David H ume, Esq. in East Petin boraltiiiVnshiri, Mrs. FltA NOES 11 UME, agedabnut • __' • ,Suddenly, in *Philadelphia, on,; Sunday the 14th instant, Mrs: ANN STILES, -wife of Edward X. Stiles. Esq,., and .dattgli ter or the late Judge DunearOormerly o this borough. • •- BALTIMORE :MARKETS. 13a4limpra, Mizreh 22, 18.11 CATTLE-SG:7S to $7:75. BOGS—SS,SO to $5:75 per 100 FLOUR—S4:2S to S4:3TI *WIIEATBS,to 90 cents per bushel CORN-3S to 44.)'Oeutts'per 11.Yr.-4.8.t0 5U cents:. O • ATS—'23 qelit4 yet. do. CPW14861:11:112 NVIIIKEY--1.11139. '2l, bids, '23, 9,ecitts exclush.e of the bui•iyl • _ GRANDZONGERT • OPINSTRUMENZ4L• MILVC. • • THIL•MILITARY - BAND attached to tfiAT.S.• Ham licks respectfully intiwin the citizens of Carlisle awl vicinity, that their inst Cimeert, for the season,, will take Waite onAVethittsday (this r.velling,) March' 44, 1841, tat the . • - • - " EDUCATION HALL. . • [The • rvee c trantrue inaylieaCen on the DICKINSON . , "Door's omm at - 7.—perrormance to commpee Ore eisely at . 7-4 O'clock. TICKETS FIFTY. CENTS. To admit :r I:x 1y nod tilt:nth:man cents.—Children undtr 10, 2 - 5 cents. , ' Orlriekets sold et Dr.. 111.yei.s' Drug. Store--Lon -don's Book Store—Alneferlime's and Allen'sliotets' ;India the donr•on the eveningo the:performance.: • . March 34,.13:11. • • , •• r. •, ~'a~~s~`~~~~c~.~osr The: . si.iberitir,llo.9 recesittY'reco4l' 2 ?lieddui it; oi.o rs ;- Linseed Oil, S`pts.rrpentine; - - C'opal ;Varnish, , Painterso'.. Britshes;:- 'FrarniSh Brushes „ Ilona ,Brushesi'sperinaceti'Oil; . (very fiireTSPerliz.eiznilies,.,Vaaps in great vaiietyFlGhisS Lainks t - yCap - nii :Taretter . Paper, Prait, Spices, Peifinia?rii;'4,-e..§-!ei , t6lis . tnyi ihi . loWest epnrel» foi'edijii;ll7l: 4 *ill7:sll:eiy jto : ;'tlickp• Fyjs4:o°,liiiiph4s6,.. B:..)1,1i1.101 1 3 1 : , :.% • . -11;nr.c fi . '":2 4 i ll i 44,15:::! . • , „;;. 11.744..1 1 1.1,•,; ".. AqinnAinrpd l ne.w 11,0 liar n038;1111;44 . 0 . 41' the (best t. 4. 1 .4 .11 ; 1 . at this Oflice. GE • " • , irt 4 T•TORI • :Offia ~' 24i1P41''3 ity4pur , C4tira/f,g: s N t . o'oB 4 l l g ade ter the - ItOnEßir,SN'ODOrgi S& • MAR.Rf_ID; MARKETS. MMIIIIO `' lhti:'Pctt .:' ,, hei..1.70"*: . i . 5'Ci1 . f.9 . ; . . „ By virtae.Of a. writ'i of• Alias 'Lev: Faehts,"te"tne directed,. issued mit:ofthe. Court of Common'Pleas, Of "Cumber; apd -county, Will be exposed. to Public Sale,At the ,Conrtlfonle in the borough of Carlisle;On'' - Ar. f ll SrhirdaYple,lot4dayof April, t•B4,atiOo'cleck theowing:described.Real Estate, All 'trfose. two Oeifiiti lots of AiieCeS"of ground Wittuthe"appurtetiances,situatcht the' boronglr of Carlisle, and described as .followti,tb .Witr:ohe aitt..ete.on the .north' side of of. PoMfret street in the' aforesaid bortingli,: bounded .south .by ' saidr'streeti; itortli b' Churcb Alley, east bra lot late' of Mrs.', Agnes Steel, deceased, and on• the 'weet by lots of James tb_Devv; Gilbert Searight;andf.lames Cor nelius, eolitaiaing thirty, feet in, breadth on Pernfral sireet;aforetiabl, and two hundred .and forty:feet'fn length tattle aforesaid alley, be Abe same-'more less, having , thereon. erected TWO. DWELLING HOUSES. The other situate Un the south Side' oft Potafret street, exteraletl-,in, said ",borough;, bounded' • mirth by said street, Bondi :by the:Seceder:Church , ' lot. east by n !at of Mrs. Shugart; late ref Mrs. Logue, arid West - by a lot of Cecirge Mirrrahcontaining ly feet in breadth? and two hundred. and feet in length; be the Same more•cir less; . AME DOUSE, thereon erected, together with Cul and sin gular; the. buildlngs and - itinprovements Et,'`c;itfyettie haili wick. yen cause to -he levied as -well certain' "debt of five irundred and forty dollars,with intertiii" ti mn thelfith day of May, A. 31.'483, ab alio thin=' teen dollars and sixty three' cents, for Coits,'Wldelf; saidetim of five hundred and 'forty dollars, with 'the' -interest and costs aferestrid, Frederick Watts, Esq.,- Excetitor .of Andrew Carothers; deceased, lately in our County Court of Common" leas; before etn,".lutl ges at Carlisle; to wit; on the Ist August" .833, by thetufitsiderat ion of the Same Cnurt, recovered against the said William Meth ' of the aforesaid tivo'cerl afar lots or pieces of ,kround, with, the appurtefianees 'to be levied; by the default of the said:William Rieth, in riot paying the said sum of five 'hundred and forty • dollars,with the , ititerest thereof at the day and time when tre iame'ought to Irate been paid according to the font and effect "of an' Act of Assembly in such cs . se made and prnvided.—Seized and taken irt , claim) and to -be sold as the property Of William Eittdr,tl&:'d. And to be . sold - • • PAUL M AMIN' • Sheriff's Oflice.Carlisl'e,? 24, . , . Each Parnaiwx .end Claes:Tu f t • • •, ••• Manes:" . . • • . - Per Sons t. 9 purchase lands of the description, already surveyed, in tots of front:ten to .one hundred acres, part of the Mount 11011$.11state, a..shart dint Dore of Carlisle, will have an op- - artunity afforded theuvon tertnatf payment, calling oh the 6(1 bs'er at. Mr. 31Lielarlane's 'lintel; in on klie 13th,101.11,nati . 20th . day.s_of.A.pail-noxt. • '. - w VISTIN Agent of The Fanners and Mechanic's Bank narelt-24;1-341,--,- • New Goo Lf s: . .... _ \ The subscribers have just reietved from Phila telphia, st.,their store in, South Ilnoover strec;„a orme - oruhreuerol Ll:Fh , Ortinutit Oaf._— . - •• - • - • •• - , -- • •• • .fi'pring aS'OfllitP)l,l 7 l' GCOdSt . . oG the host'qualiiv: u :)• have also an harnl a /Atte orG ROC (.11i I.li:S Ankh F1.0(1114 nll of which of&e.tmth - r:inth - lie-tfitr.ces4)..as low as they : eqn bS pin•chased at any .etlicr,ebtabiiilitneat in _the . J. St A. BENTZ, littrely 24,1941 —.lt To affelaimants and persons interested . . Notice is hereby, given, thart writ 01 Sch.° PaCias, to A mil "..I!ertn.lB4l, to me direated,.has been tssued out of...titt; Couttol,Common Pleas, otCurnberlantl. Lounty;:nn the follolvint; "Inc:elm:tic's Lien," en (creed Int& reeorqed in the. Court of Commou Pleas. albre§aid, Jasult David Nelson, contractor, aud' the l'rustees or the Methodist Elpiseopal Church in the borite,li of (j u •lisle, • Sei. ht. Sue. .Mechanics Lien, No. 18, April' Terra, 1841. . •-Collins Stephenson and Daniel pinkie, trading under- the firm. of StertniAnn • & Dinkleo.s: -Nelson, 'contractor, 40d Airs: ..Catharinu Cieiglrtou , - Sei. F. Sur. Areclinnies' Lien, No, 39 April l'rit;; 1841. • • James Kennedy vs. Joseph` Otto.tint ] \"jllintc litlitton Sci. Fat. sat. Mechanic's Lit;n, No. 58, April Torn?, 1 841. • • PAUL 3f.kitTlN,pierili: March ;1841.---3t Coantry Seat at Public Sate. conFontABLE .-residenco,lsitutoed near Petersliurg,and within a mile and it half of the' • , • York SuliiurSvidagkon theCmdislemal..Baltsmore Turnpike road, comprising a nent,-Avell arid' comenieitt large .17.4 . Two' S'toi.y. Tdrick: g a • ; ' • House.- • • „ . ancr.badt.building, in thorough good repair, with good Stable 'and l,arriage LlAttme in the - rear, on "/ lot of about.loo feet,front'hy 150 feet deep, welLeii-' closed with new, paling knee; There is . 11 water,/ right to sprine,of gotid_ water, eotivenient to the house ()non adjoining lot; TO a person who woudd wish st,pleasaut summer retreat; nod to ',be retired from the intss- seenrs'of life, &c. this atil'allytt desi•• rabic opportuultr,. : / The abOye wql be e,:kiiilsed to. ..Public Sale, on' Satufday the 27111 dav'or , Nlarch,inst?,:at 2 o'eldek wn.1 . 1 a one horse 01'3 and har,., ness (nrarl), tkew) and the household efliiets general ly-of the lire,soot oeettpunt, wheivieimis wilLbe made' k+vwu bye 1341DGES,X0: Petersliiir!;, 'York Sprin , f2 ...March .100841. 5 . --,w(t.) , tiaco.a4 .. . _ LL peretiti indebted to HEINEIt &MITINA , ;;'• A NY are recineated to make payment On or bei.. - fore.tlie Ist: ilaY cd - April next, after winch time their' , llooks-witil)e-iiiiteed,in other-heat& for collection. • FirrNEIL& ISIULNANY. , • -. Curllbl,7„lllarcli 17 , 18.11.+ .. •.. ,''''' ' • ~; NOTICE CONTR.ACI'ORS. . • --T-lie-iiiigrsign4l--wi11..-ruceiroyttaati-tit...tliaL _ _ _ Old Church on Slltllrday (be 9d clay at April, front . ,'' I 21'ili 2 0%44 OM': the building of it new .Churcls... on.' Lingstldrt's ChinTli:ground, hi Silver Spring. j' o ;',. os hi o , o f the t'olewirig dimension:lm teat s-60`-• feet long by 45 -wide, to 'be built oCliruestone and brickt, die fotwitlntioit to be raised:of' limestone tp'.. about Alit:lid - eta of ;4:fcet from' the helmet, then ID; -- , commence Avitli good-and nttlilci6it• brick' n - 14:. inck:.l ,wall to thelteiglit, of AS feet, to be built lifttr Ole' plan of the German Reforined Cloudily Carlisle; .. ~ to a ,. gaod,and ,worltinanlilie Manner, the rontrictOr r' ' to puridisise all .the mayritils b - r.d - Wir. , undersituedy .frill lince:all the lisitllng done. - ~.. i i- " i ''';. ' ''.,: ''VDA.M. 1.11N5.h011.4 , , Iluild. COO: , ‘ ,- 1 ,'''' : ''''%NncilaVEL. K'OST,: : : ~,,.. .• . . ' - I\larilt `1.1 . ,'041 - ,‘,:-.. •,•:, . • 119gois Al? • The rooms above the gpro of- Hitnerist aye rot 41,1iply tc,! ; ••. • •`-" •• • 04105.-,i1,.71117f*L;'. • • • 1 -- t. scrip .0:1ot es e .- - -•.•::- • , ~ , i..5 . ,..-• i • „_..Fit' t , : e""l'so.rib,eVs'4l lecir.t.kdar'ititocit • 9r.Z.Clothit; y. ;sip tueres t litint . other , WOC) NI I , r 1.300(.4.,*X.,:!.F•11t• *lir,' k : ',•: ..."',.'' 7 . .. - • ..,,, ~, ,;`,.... 1 „ ' '' ::., .''''' .f':' ifrm'zit, se- - 4.4t#V,....,‘ ,„.,, -., -;;',. ..... --.,....•• l' • cuaTim 'ILLS (~ J.A.mtxcy.- . -,,-... .„,_.. 1 ,,,4;„,....,_,..,,_ ii , 4i0 . 4. ,: 0t. ,....... ‘,..,___..,..1...„...,,, _ _ i ._ _ ~. : ~.,_ - , . , `lT:i'iiitaiirefitit .....ArllAble'eflititti N -' i. ,: i • fit, „..._..., ',f , ,, 1, •:;:.,...,, ' . •,. rg ;',::H. , :; .'-' - '.... :. • li .`,Aivi 'i i014414;c0,10.w. p.4l,llg•eptil ii i ;hair •reipee. ,, '•, 7'. 1 . tiiiii cliuktticp • :' • 4i4; pitAtivopa eouPtiirfeits of thelitt•st •ss 1,: i . PillkitrelitteMptell to be pitinSea opoti the .eolfittiutlimjs•,l . ts,, , • ty, the propriety of, rtre,lua!iingsspnly_ci‘otri,tim re,epmcd . - • t)lotl,ogent,lll• l •,%e 'tillfisittAt. " •‘•.' ' 4 l. '••••••• ! . `-%'.'," , " 40 * , , . •• • Gudiberlnntl Ctpliityirrs . c . ;lVgbt V. it tilet,citlisle - e• •••• -- '• - 44 Itieliel, Xeeltaniesbmr.gl„Gliroore•A4MoKihtief„' -, . -,. ' -s t.w.vale. ; , :S.; 4Culbertedn', IS hi liptit4iil,:relf4it lc •;•••• *,;',c ,' Ilmntioeiriitti,;Ntite.eumbeplaWratiste Friiitil44oll 4, r '' , -,. minvitlqa44,VAtkiisbirenmtlistcivriti 6' Ilie. Zte - 14:; : 4 '...,,, , :- citurobtown. - -, 'ls - '''' 4 ‘ . '''.t - f. . -1',," -- ' , ' :; :t . `i 4 . V " , . I ferry en gltiy•-414,. Wihildre, . ,alSeq; :at 0430eV. 3 ..k. S . Art C0y1N1A1111A..1411,7, • , -. :Aiigiut,2 (7 , 1 840 ",, • • , , , • BEM - ~~-.-- MEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers