M MEE ME 7 .44 1 ,v. 2 1, 1 . n LIITTORNIEY .127' JAW ,Office opposite the Carlisle Bank.. Carlisle, March 24, me. . . , • - . NOTICE, - ~ . . , , ...., l'slate - of Jomes,Givin; ge6l. ,•,- -:.:- • • 1, , ETTERS TESTAMENT.ARY on the estate IA ofJameS O iido; late of South ;Middleton tbiJii , • iiiiii; Cumberland 'couhly i deceitsed; hiviiinn• issued t - to the Subscriber() in due form:... NOTICE iS hereby. givpn . to all In:vac:ins 'indebted to the estate of. said ' 'decedent, to make immediate Antyment, and ;those -- • --- liiiiiiig claims to prdsent them for settlement. — ' ' " • .• ' SAMUEL CilYIN,} ' ' ' ROBERT (BVIN, :Executor& JACOB - RUNER, • ' . March 10, Mil.' •. • . •• . • -DISSOLUTION. . - • . • The partnership existing; betwem, the subscribers, 1 was-dissolved 'by' , mutual consent on the first of last 1 December; the hooks have been left in the hands of • ' David 'Smith, Esq. foe collection, where all those . , - • • indebted a 0 toe firm are- requested td call and make pllyMCla. on or before the 181 of April lima. . • ' • 301lN •MOORE, • • , .• . . , ' l2l-GIIA-RD—ANDEI2-80N. .. . ' . Carlisle, March 17, 11141.---at NI B. The business is now conductetkiy Ifichitrd • And9rson, at the old stand, Istrictli Danover street, when: blacksmith Work of all Idnils will be„attMuled . to iv ithidespatell. , . - . . .. .. . 'BRANDRVACI.J.'S _-__ • fi•esli "vriply just 'reNivetl store-nt OGIIBY.. I=ENEII slain ear', 8.1.71;E. -1-11( yirtue of at writ or vcis. - y,,pfnias to, me di -reeled; issued out of the Court of -Common - I.lVati of - Ctimhorhaid - comity, rdill ta; exposed to Public' Sale; lit the Court Itouseiu dm borough of Carlisle, db. Friday the OM (jay . ot April, tB4l, at 10 , o'clock ; -rl,M.,"thelottowitr• descrihcil Iteal-Es tate; viz:— *-• -- the: totems! atriitson 'lli two -lots •olgroknollbeiiig the tholiyilted situate :lit the Itorriiißa - or NOwsi Comberhoor comity, eacliGif tin breadth hifil 'l4O feetj h depth; more ot• less, having thereon c:ret.te(la - TWO:STORY STONE - HOUSEi .a-TWO SYORV.yIIANIE HOUSE, n -Ton lionst; TAY )(Ann , AND BMOC Doom, and other improve , • ..m6nts, adjoining. Lots or the heirs of Robert Steel on the west, (.:as' e alleyon the worth, Big Spring on the • east, and Main street on the'sotttla - --Semed. and la 'k'en iti.extlention . as the'.-property of William Da . • And to be sold by me,---. • • PAUL MARTIN, Sheriff's Office,- Carlislc, Aittrck 11, 1841.--3 t S New Spring - Goods. Jitst received froui Philadelphia an assortment of . VooZio, • yyfe and fit Odom; ; sidendid China Saks and Wthands„ )lonseline de - Laines, Chintzes, (Loves, French worked Collars, &e. Also, a large . -as§ortintmt•of• • • • .. . .• Cloihs, `Cassimcres, Twangs, pickings, Checks, 4.c. (S-C.Ae. MI Of Wilkll will be . S(1111 very low by the Subscribe) at the old stand op posite S. 'WonilerlielN I otel. . • CHARLES INALISY. • 11f:tre1t 10, 1811 • NOTICE. TAVERN LIEENCES - grloaed - at the lust - Court u•c now ready•for deli‘:ery, iv:. ROBERT SNODGRASS,. •. • Trolter..Com. Co. - - • 1 re118115SI! 2.office, Ajeirolk, IT, 1541.--3 t S lo our Creditors. • • Tuke notice that we have applied to the Judges of the Court of Conituon Pleas of Cumberland coma, foy the benefit of the Insolvent Lairs of this common wealth, and they have appointed rl lw n laythe ldi gag 111'.11, fdr •thp hearing of us and our ) Creditors. at the Court !louse, in the borough of Car 'lisle, when and wheyO you 'may attend, if you think yroper ;IA mns STEPHEN :KEER, JOSEPH ... 4.I.:VNIAN * JANIES ti SON. 5. n: .. N BP.ELMA.N, u..j DANIEL 1101iliZ, --- WILLIANI BEGLEY, [w. n..]• . JACOB W 001)„,... • ISAAC.RINGVM.L'r, • _IIOIIN_STA N TON, - ' .L stn.:muck.. winTE, • • JOHN RORTZ, • Tv/. r.l" -- 1. CONRAI) JONES, •• ii LF.ORGE LENIIERR, DAVID NEJ,SH.N. r . ' , IMEDERICK couLD. BRILLIANT SCHEME. ' , 0O:10,000 Dol l,rs !, : :4430,000 ' '115,0 4 00 BRAWN BALLOTS • ?MAKING ! . . NIOBEITILL4 'I lAN BLANKS. kirStaCD. V.s tble l tD. 'Clas i No, 2; For : • • • C. ou Salurday, . • April 1.71.1i104.-, 61INNO PRIZES, jirize of ~,,410,00Q dollars %, • I dO . de' , . 1 . •.; 1 1 5,000 •,\ 1 do„:•. . 10,000 - --- do 7 • • 8,000 do ; I. • '; ,000 * k/ .4 1 - '• : "- • '- " ocio - • • • • ~- 1 , . : 2,500_ 2,011,.• 4- prizes of 2,00 V% 5. , • 1,750 ( . 1,500 ' . - 1 ,250" • 5 5 4 v 1 , 9 1" • , I,ood • r ' 500 11 I •; • 1:4t2 1 , ' ; I gg: • 16 Dthwit Naiitbers ortVo 8• 'Acts $2O--lialves,sl9-.Quart. 50 'Certificates con b aukaies of 26 WheleTicket $260 =.; Ilia do; •-= = O n ti.;...11k4;.2 , -,••• do: • •20 Quarter 'do -• ' 0V • '.. do • Vl:Eighth .do • ;' ' - 3250 . 4 raj' Tinkets atilt Slno4dii o l l Cs 3 3' ll r l6l ., t•SEj map ip tie Apo, Dtty, tenflo to p an ;Ala soon tikt e tirti'iviWWier;att•,•ao,COant oflt tio , • Sr, • ' ,'SVaebitOitr.,V*l44?, ,-•::%4,44. ,4 ?t"' • ' r • • . . . .^e... ~ . 1 . ~. ,f ~ -,-, ,:. - . '.;.; "i. •',-. ' .. ; 7 :- , E.;•.:., , ..z . . ' • :,' ' i ';', ' '' ' _ '', t.. ::. : I - ; ~ . ''' .),... , ' ... ; ,,"1, : tO .' 1.! .'1 • i . '. :-, ''.. .. ... •1 ..; I : . c „......... -• • . , , 1. . ___ A - FASIRLY NE 4 WSIL'APER:7DErOTED TO NEWS, POIATICS,,LITERATbRE, THE ARTS:AND SCIENOES;-A.G.RdUJ,TIT.RE,'AMIUSEDIENT, . . • • ' NOTICETO CONTRACTO RS. The Undo...signed will. reCeive4ropoials at Oltl Church, on Saturday the 3d 'dayof April; from 12 till 2 o'clock, for the building of !it new Church on Longsdorf's Churelt-ground, in Silver Spring township, of the. following. dimensiims to. wit :-60 feet long,by. 45 wide, to be built of 'limestone tint brick; the foundation to be raised of limestone to ahout the height of 4 'feet from. The bottom, then, to Commence with good and hullident brick a 14 inch wall. to, 'the. height of 18 feet, tolie built after the plan of the German Refiwthed Church in Carlisle, I good and wOrktnainlike 'manner; the:contractor' to' purchase all. the .materials but the undersigned. haveAl the katillitg done,, • • MC.014 KAST; , • ADAM,LONSDOILP,I)3uiId. ,Com. . MICHAEL K OST, . . March 17;1841. . . • CERTIFICATES OF AGENCY nit THE SALE OF Brand tilts Vegetable.Unzver . • : sal Pills, Are held by tliit following agents •in their respec tive. counties. As numerous counterfeits of these pills are attempted to be palmed upon the• communi ty, the. propriety-of purchasing' only from rectig,- ntzed agents, will_be apparent. i—Guntherland CnnoLy—tirorgeW flitner,Carlisle; A..11ice, , ,e1; Mechanicsburg; Gilmore St McKinney, Newyille; S. Culbertson, Shipped - sbitrg; Bate riLt llrtinnenm, New. Cumberland ; Isaac Barton ' Lis burn; :"AL - G:ltopp;.Shiromanstownr„L. ItiegelS.: Co. C'hurchlowti. . ••Perry County—Alexander , Magee', Bloomfiel' J. & S Coyle, Landisbfirg. I , , "• ' LA nip; fit.;26,-1840: • INC) ICE. •.. • Est ti 4 of Jacob • Slionibiiug.4, ETTEits — .TEsTAAIF,NWARY - Tiii - thLrestte of.h.lenh Shtunblingli, late of North Middleton tosctiship, Cumberland county, deceased, having iS snetl - to - t he' sUbscriber — in'ilosi form NOTICE-lA all' persons' i ['nicht:l to the estate of said decedempto nrike• immediate' payment and those baring chunisqp,present nut - 110r settlement. MICH IA EVETSI IBIJRN, lixtic'tr. - . Eslate - V -- 111ary Rupp, deceased. E T r•TEUS TESTA'NIENTAItr on the estate IA of Mary 'Hupp,. late of • :Mechanicsburg, de . - ce:ised,lravipg issued to the subscriber-in due-foln: Wallet: is hereby given to all 'persons •indebted _to the estate of said deemed, to, make immediate pay ment, and those having elaiMs to M'eseat them for settlement JOHN COQYEB.., • LENecutar'ofMary Rupp, 'Ararch .. .. _. . ... ~,,,, ............. . Call at Kennedy's Slui p if you want _........ . . . . . ~ -1 1 ii l e3Fly y . a t -,- ki.---... . . .. I -41 1 ili' 67.i1d6i' 1-W,L - /,-- } p . , re't ', t, , 'I.4,APIO;•'. , , Ket :.tyrt.i: 7 :—. ,--,. ll -- t- - --+- . c'zt:' v v •___.-.-•:.'• • tf *o .- -••:::.-7- . :, , .;,-- - i-:::ii::::i.r-:-= - _-;--'-' -. A.r_-, 7 t- - - ,- - - ,-,=,:4.-,.- • .. , • .Cheap. :Carriages.. nrillE subscriber bits new on liiilol and is fiiiishilig, betty- en 50 mid GO .Ctutiages, of tilifercia pri ces and patterns; such as . . • . . .coActIEEg; •• - . .% , Fulling • I'ap illaroUcltes, ~ Staniling.; top Family Carriages, Tilburieq ._ _... „........... : . awl - 13tigtries of every variety.: 110th Carriages and Tilhuries• Will be sold theapet than ever olTercil in this country 140, prices' stoo to 000 for Cali, or good raper. - Having a very liCavy stock on liand, ilie subscriber xvill'belnilticeil to sell very low, agil hopes that, persoas,w.ishing to purchase Larriages,Will give him a call before going elsewhere. - Also, a large assorlinent of --,;,. . ... .. Silver, Brass and .Japan'd .. M 0 IT ler - ED ILIA RN. E S ' Roth Double &lid. Bingle.. The above frork. is made by' first rate. Workmen, acid of dm clMicest materials. ' ' • • Krli.epairiug'ilve as usual at the subscriber's Shops, simAcil oil . Pitt street; immedialbly ir recur of the Ali:010(11st Church, and. near the" Railroad Depot. . . • P. A. KENNEDY.. Carlisle, March 3, 13.1.1..--,31n. ' . , HOUSFIAND SIGN PAINTING, Glirzang, and Paper:. Hanging. The subscriber reiyiectfully informs the citizens of Csrlisle idol the vicinity.; that he has commenced the shove business in all , fts 'ywrious branches. His shop is in the square • immedintel,f iif erns• of the Market douse, two'•loors east of A. Uichards store.. Ile hopes. Vattention to tipsiness - and moaeritto charges, to receive a shore or pat roin ! go. . . •4_ . JOON ROTH. Carlisle, Feb. 17, - • .Votice to iffrielge tEg atilders. The Commissioners of Cumberland county Will receive proposals at thp. of,. John Cornman, Esq:;iiikeeper, in the borough Carlisle on Thurs day' the of Npell next, between 9 anti o'clock inthe forenoon, for: the erection of . a . g"ood- and sub stmaihl :Wpodett 'Bridge across. the .Concloguitmet; _ceeekottinin Eberivr's.fordingiu the township of East Pennegi'liqliTof - thelollowi,og.ilimensions L to wit:—To contalo.t n font One sbutm — rot to the otlicrlsrO hundred' and: twenty: feet; 'end eighteen feet • Clear,Alle alietthenta::te be about hairteeti, feet , thick each; there:their be two spans of 'llO feet each; inpported on, good muLsubstantla smite' ftbutmentstind iiieicin.;• said abutinentS to lie built , in a splaying . direction, with h regular a nd about I fl , feci. higlifrotri thPNiutoin,ol.theereek b front 'Whenee ivotlea-arches are . te LP Started; mid extended to. the said, pier in the' entre of said Creek, the arches to be sprung about 6 or 7 feet in the cen tre; the .floor to. be double floored .with_ two inch ,plank, the upper flodtkohk nal the lower yellow pi n e ; The sides and,gahle'endi to jid aufficiently high to :id, mit covered tut& bay, Waggons to phis through the saute, say ttl feet- : hrtheAdeste, to be closely _weather board:l ,d and paititecl . ,red, the ,whole teherwell,roofed White pine shingles; (It& Miele' of the wood work to beiwell secured .with iron bolls, ready eyes; &cc. From Abe tlie.,abutmentS the fulling shall consist of earth and r.stont4and ;well supported with wing wAll;,Sfeet• high above the filling, :Vend ing on cathomle , 46rMo2o .l 'fatkkini,thebridge, and as' high as ; the, filling, the Owl!' meetihn rand ,i, ills. an: ascent Itud iWseetit not expeetlingilve 'degrees hhivntitni-rvoin- - the - road- to naid,bodge; the wood,work to he: built of sound and - sub - stnatia I (I;inber the , stotio gimd stone; limP.and'hand tutirthr Welt . pointed, and 'u' di rection pur l . ty. cony:tail*. o,giye.setick security ap14:4901q 1 18-, stokeysl , tna,:,terdtrelort.lie .iiiiificiylicli•aitliinnce; of the*orkmanblup aftd,Perrnancucy or, said' bridge. "Proposals to benCeortiptuqed Shonld none - of the proposals Meet illd'i9probapon of,the CiAl4ll?ntiond'altheY sante 'tlay, , 'hetWeet,t the liOuri'ofil-ntitt S. o.e.lb6kr in, thiotternotai', eap - oi the said bridge tOltlilWittici,and sell pile samelto the lownsttind.best , bidder. r JOHN,' CORNMAN'if,r . * - • ALFA. :'ti on imi,l B j o he m i . . .'.IIII.OIIFAEL:III,SnEfqt Attest-,—Joimr,Hf • • C9iinuisi'o:kuniii 600 , 4? • . eaviigam...kuh:.4/I".4.froLA BEE • Edited-and Published , for Else . Pi opii•ieffir in• Carlisle; Cumberland CoUnty -Pa. 5 wz..vzrzuoLE)az mcfxamins'a -- wa:moa eaQ- ellitrl2 lc A.I. Addyess of 114...repr05i... On . resigning/his oice . of the. Senate Mr PE,NnosE, raoe, ald said , . -:, ,Sxxakrons,-cliroothstances • have, occurred which inducevne to resigh the tilTice . tif S'peafier :ail period ley the'Session, somewhat ea`rli& than thet,which has been indicated'hy•die_prevailing usage. of this bodk.: If J,were shout to myself the connexion- which has_ subsisted betweenmyself and die Seoati: of 1.-',ennsyl -4 \ ania O m rso any'kt.irs under • rdinhrt:' hirctimstan- • Tea, I might perhaps content 'n yself with a simple ci annunciation of tho fsct of my esiguation, and con fine myself to the expression Of the profound gratt-, wile - with'. which .1 hare been. penetrated for the unifsm litollitss and the friendly courtesy I have experienced at the hands of every'one of its mein , tiers. But there is something, perhaps iwthe phsi thin- which' I - 'now occupk -- -.-something in the act Which I am about to perform which mak.excuse me' for eravingione indulgence for One moment, - while I suggest'some - of these.eeflections which - 111e peen liardies of my situation may render ntif inappropri- Kittle to the occasion. I am; about to surrender the high trust which your. generous 'confidence ha - s coh fided to me, and this act M to be .only a•pecursor _of inyfinal separation from .n body with - which I have' been connected for eight years; overfiiillrr ha had the honor to preside fora vO;4 , cOn i tts siderif- ble . Ilion of that time. ere in' the service_ a_lbe. f pub iti'rjOtvd iipent a, :e.i.y .H large portion of thy active 'life; here.in•the society of my equals I have found those systeihatio • associations, - .autd framed those warm personal attaeliments, which have entWided, themselves ahouLtny_licarc, and will only..cease_hi_ influence that.heart when,its last. pulse shall lefre' ecilqcd to heat. • To 'ine it is an epoch in a life Whicli'l has been east la a very eventful ,period,. and has not been either witluint its labors or its vicissitudes.--- r may he excused therelore, under theSe eircumstim..i• ecs, standing as.l do upon a lihe which is about - to - separate me from-connexions' so ,de r-- if I should_ Task - - yonme, ror inieiniiineid, aile I endeavor to cast - an eve of retrospection over'' t.li • feng tract of.. time which it has; been My fortune to traverse no a public luau. The period of_fnv con nexion with tins body inis.been one of no: ortlitiary moment in' .the history orour common country and_ 11.gloriolis Comiiionwcalth:. Of: its political inCi ' dentvind changes . I have_ nothing. to' say. I would not, on an occasion si hick, to me, possesses so touch 'of tenderness as - this, jar even a nerve which Might" possibly vibrate unpleasmitly toiler the iiecolleetion . or f _p as t political .contlicts. I. do not deprecate-trio strife . or tirty. There is so mulch of good via es II mingled In our clip, in all-die conditions Of life, that Ihe:who would refuse the roue heehuse he 'cannot se , partite it front the bthnr .must often run the risk of •'sacritiCing hod'. ' .Tlitesti pal•tfiliffcrences; by which' we may have-been_divided; are perhaps - esSential-to' ' did ' existence-of that mislcePitig vigilehee-,by which alone Republican histitutions can be preierved„ If there_ be evil' in them r we have the consolation of knowing Aliat there is at the same time So much of good that it would be: , Micalt for any man to affirm that it would la....better for him that they did not exr ist at all. ' For my own pail, as au inilividual,r • can' truly say on looking round my brethren - here; that however fruitful the long period to allich I have re ferred may have beeit of party unite ts of the,fierce est character, there is not one. of ttem which has left -a sting in my bosOm, th \ e recollection of which occasions any, the slightest, unkindness of feeling towards soy a member of . the S'ehate—any_ emotion which I would blush to disclose on this, my final separation from those with,_ whom I have• so long co-operated in the advancement-of the interests of this great State. . . - I' ihli not, gentlemevpropose to fatigue you by details' They would be 'inconsistent with the occa sion and equally inapplicahle to the purposes with. which Isict Md. 'Wiwi( I desired your attention, to to a portion of. my past career, it was only With Lle view of furnishing kou with a raphrsurveY'br the acts in which I have participated,Torthe purpose of eXhibiling the grearprinciplekuldelf have - constantly' directed my Conduct.as a public men. - ---It is scarcely necessary for rue, to say tint I 'came into publhi life a - Much younger man than I am now • —withall the sensibilities °fan ardent nature, stim-• . . i o ta! . by a devoted attachment to the insti -Miens under whiclq had been reared, which has grown with 'my growth and strengthened whit My strength. I came too, allow me to add i under the influe. q e of these feelings, with an earnest determi nation. to signalize, ,if 1 practically Could, my.con nexion.tvith the Legislature. of my native State, by leaviwg behind me s,ome - evidenceott least, it not •of proliCible service to the Cenmidnwealtb, of the earneK desire I had. felt to testify. my gratitude and lity.ilevotiod to • the best interests of those' whose „,..enerons Confidence bad sent me here, ,In the •pur srrit of this. object:l endeavored to keep toy eye faxed upon that great - 'life mist:lining principle ithich strongly announced' in that glormus . d,adaration which adorns-pa l e .4•1 that Governmept was established among men for the benefit of the governed, and it . I have departed in a instanex,•. from that polar' star hicli• has beea fixed in our politiail firmament far the purpose .of directing, the . COMO (A. ' the Ilepreseihative, I 'have the consol?ition of reflecting that :departure . was l o s c i e dble to me. • I however 'high:duties...and broader olili ltitntri than.those.vvhicit referred ex•- elusively to. the people - franj whom 1 came. was tt Pennsylvanian by. Meth as well as eilticatio4—prond • of the iMeleat: ,Common wealth in which my destiny, htttl been cast; anti wedded to her hitereics by ties as 'strong,. as these:, which .cianitict. the' child with the, miothemhy,whotOtL has_beemlairne—The_carly stineta of the child had heen approved and' ia rem:4th; eneil by`Alielliier judgment of thin it I: had Ito other merit l' was at all events a l'eansylVaniiimand I felt that I OVed inn, allegiance tmthe great State'or which 1 Laid been Constituted One of the netiresenta-, tiveii-in this botly.• And worthy, indeiA was' she Men' and ,does the still continue to be of'- the . higheit at Mehl - tient of all her.sons. Rich in resources which plaee her in the front rikOk . orthis glorious sisterhood of C'numonweahlis, emlowed by; bouhtifill Creator with inexhanAible storey, of. ! mineral .wealtli, posse'Ssing a *fertility.of il-aruLa,beautiful, variety of seene'ry, sell its might Welt•eilehmagination eaptiVate'ilie heart; and distinguished aboveldl . by n 'teeming; pcimilatimi of hardy,,industrious; tn9ral, and ; in: a vury high, de-. gree, intelleetual_oitiz_ens, by' them as an ohjeet no less of pride 'than of ani;e tiOn.; -To' 'pramote . interests; and advauca . her prosperity, then, was of motives oenroo thy' lienrt wheal, took my seal . in this General As semblV 'eight :Igo; as- it '.has since constituted one Of ,inyrpnrest nourees.:of .deliglietlirouOtont wlfoltporiod .of , ini..4trvice. as a public num; What ; was the condition of thisCommonwpalth tit the ii&a.leti • Whit; Much, had then been 'done to , :WV:laic-her' g•ri:at:interestS, filet touch , yey'remsiiied to Jo. : II er:,.physical. 'llnergitis bad been' .caltiv .r ated, to; a cm:6dr her: omyai'd; progreas bad already been ilistinguislaid . .by aeliieve mei its so ‘,il ',,tatiptitildtit that ' all thf;ati:.been!: . retiirded , of - - ancient it ‘ de r ,iiisignificanec , • the .comparison; stapeiitlous,"indeecr, twat if ,bv•stiitle . grent :calamity; L our mode', had' been !d , ated-, front the" historic' .pitiet the phi fosophicah have found in; our 11 . 11'. rums. the, evidences, that here! ii ,Miglitpeoplefliad once:lived itinit,flOarislied SOmethineltowever; Mal that' *Sotaeltiiiig 'of . gr'rat, value; yet renaolnett to be accomplished tliegotef , - ests of this great, State !: •Wititoill her physical 't -e-; sourceS and tlevidopernems ; she rat:xl at system, a ,ifroad intellebteailliu-- brovetnent of ...WA. Pootile.': :evefylliinelliti , een typo). toi.milock,the tressareti of 'her : variegated; enlightened liand:Of;, 1461,4ti0n, Nut :not, itm efideletlillt reek 'freiti 'Which the knowledge haversince so:al;itiulitlit i y "floe v u ~ \tl'ltcit' I. mitered this liallj.tuy i :orsowil:q.oliitieciimstleSire: Was to supply, this.defect.. giying •Co the ;people of dila, CO Mtn oluval th .sKaterri fel( shillala 'Shed lightot.rn oral, an& defNettial itnpeovetnottt !the' aim Bettygn ,rtidiance,alike. Over , the luttliblestlidittheltioWexidietrof lief citizens- Mid it is of the 'proudest I.llo.litinoil, to occapunnalanditi3 tid . lL,Se c eoinlary .... ;the Legislature of ,Pefinsylvania,liy a:distinguished Senatm. from the courity'of ;Philadelphia; (the non: Samuel Brock,) who is entitle ;'to the high -distind firm of having laid the first stone in our present-oo riots edifice of pliftithir education. It has been my -fortune lintlVte witness and . asSiitt the of that edifice. It is now far-advanced towards coaipletion, and I trust will go on from perfection to, perfection, we shall be able to lay.that liewever much we -may -have-done-to -develope-the-physicia VCROliree3 of this State, we have dose still. more for-the improve ment of those higher fliculties which distinguish - Man: from all that is !minty hint iit the order;ef existence, atid -exalt him into- a nearer. -conimuition. with that Being. in whose image he was created. • But, while thusTegardful - Jtf - tire - tufellectfilitantr -- morarwants of our citizens,,'[ Marconfidently say that tint hi different to the Owther improvement•of the physical condition of the State: • . Although the representative of a district which had never shared, but in a vcr. limited degree in the benefits conferred by our great system of internal' improvements •withholCutrliand from ,ifs support, and I rejoice to say that ) droving t h e period of my connection with this Senate, I have rendered some assistance in pushing forward that • system towards'-its .completion. That ;Ave have committed, an occasional ,error, every candid man' among .us must acknowledge. That, however, is one of the conditions of our eitisteace, pol ideal as well as Moral,' and if we have committed 'errors it is to lie rement -beredill-0111,eNcuse.tluitiliefarcitis2.parable from nn Omleri meta so novel and so magnificent as that in which we have. so boldly embarked. • .. .. „-• -To tny - OhWeimistitttent.;‘, for Whostilittaeltment-to-, wards nie I shall be forever grateful, Lean point as an el'idence of my labors here to a great Ptiblic. - Work•, now paiming through the beautiful valley irr which. they acre located; and affording an outlet to its varied . lwraluctionsovizile:it -as-opened to the csc Of the -tourist 'w new: source of delight in' the: unrivalled • 1 charmhof its rich and variegated scenery. In the onward, progress of the syStem,„on which - I have . been embinenting, there have been. from time,: ' to- time difficult:tell to encounter, and .prejudices to overcome wide% can sciu•cely he app,rectated by those --who-letveonatle-their appearance-in these-i hills-with in the Inst. f'ew years. TheY have been happily sur mounted-88 they appeat:ed, Mg - there is. one. among tlwin of so curious a character, and so strikingly il- Inslrativt, when compared wide the present "times - , of the rapid progress of public, opinion mut public • intproinmeht Miring : the last- few years, that 1. can_ forb e ar giving-It a place in the remarks which I - ant now niakit% It Was the fanlous- struggle between MC •horse and the locomotive--between -the applica , . lion of • aniinal and .mechanicalpoWer on the rail .roads''f this Commonwealth. It Mity . SCCWI strange lifillose - Who are in the gaily habit 'of witnessing the arrival awl departure front our depots tr-that won.. dertol monumentof,humali ingenuity, the locomotive engine, that the question of intt oduction upon otw , roads was One which shook these 1111118 'only a few short years, ago, and was decided but by a single vote. I remember the contest well, although 1:do not sec it _singlegentleMan around me who way pre- 'sent- then. And I remember, too, 061 t h e 'casting. vote wits given by myself. - Who - . will doubt now the propriety of the decision? Who will not wonder that it shindd ever have been a - question ? 1 There was one other great measure to h hich 'I - will call your attention. It sins a measare of relief. At an early period of the Commonwealth its Legis lature influenced by what might have .been then bon 7 ! '.sidered an tmllghter.pd view of the nuestion, or• gm- cruelt Perliajitt by - ntWrow- 11:ItS(1113 of :time pulley, - -in order to enforce the payment at' the purchase Mo ney still rentiting due upon the lands within its botm , dories had ; required that the debts-thus, -incurred I shoidd hif - conmounded at an usurious raie of interest: By thus prricess of accumulation those debts had , naweased to such a fearffd extent that in DiStrietS ; not unfortunately blessed with the fertility . which distinguishes otwvall.!y 'we' w ere about to evel by this inexorable tneastu•e of legislaiiim, au honest, industrious:, patriotic population infinitely mope val -1 noble to the State *an-the whole amount of the-deld with witieh they were oppressed. It the struggle. with that 'system it was Illy:plellsowe to mire borne a part, and. after a tamtesr.orhome,years a mom Ant-. light.boil spiritor.k g ishitioo diseoverim,•• the advan tages.l- pr retaining a population, which was invited by the mot•t••'liberal Itolicy of the (Itnak•al Government to seek a new home in the fair forests and fat prairies : _of_tbeimm f dless ii est pt•esailed. iti the councils ofl .this State. The t, frect - Of their moderation was soon ! apparent in the prtservation hial - increime . of our people; that hest resource and'highest element or the prosperity or nations. • . I shall not detain you longer with a 1 ecapitula Lion . of the events which have marked the period of my service in this body. Nur haVing done, will 1 under- take; fro say oftoy political career, that it has been I within : Mit; faults. it is ail in hunian nature to es- ! cape-front ert•or. , 'We • come into C.is life with a,; lii : avy • weight of, infirmity' upon us, .n•hich we are •i doomed to --. mv with us to iiti close, hit f I have only •,I to. ask who may be disposed, it any such Libor - unkindly i on 'My errors, to atihw diaritabie 4110 w hack of an hoticst occasiowillly; if they choose, br-the •enthgsitualf of :to kwilent tu 7 ttpctantcut. 'Flicy- will. filo!, 1 trust, upon oti cmtiniontion of-my public co red•, that if 1 .treties, they hove. imi •fol0Oly sprtm,, ,, front a sincet•e desire to :ulvauce• the ,interests aw: honor' of the Great state• ol• which :t ' • • And notqlwother Seuators,l ant about to dl use toy ttootteetiott with this.botly, told to seiniettteTettlll 1110f1i ; towards , each Of whom I have uo otlo.t. Oi' weaker feblioga than those of .sympullty and „ m id , ho t , h a v e , hoped that in leaving this field of 'my:past. labors, .in tearing myself front :those who liav' ottuttlees of matiy;id my tails welt -- ; - as - the-12;ratifirationarthat-the-t.onditfottrot-',,,,,, lions s...ioniutoliwoalth 111011 less enthavrassing ( 1,„„ i t .ww•itt, I f ee l, gentlemen., that I leave yott,to . mobilo ti orrespoitsihilitx, but I coulltle', permit me to 1100, fully in yolie i.ttegrity and iristlum iu thin the hour, of our conunou troubl e. I: _' you I under the i;lueere or general desieti re."esiablisli ihe'l3l.timen . rir tow native Statii;and to_. restore pr os perity .4tat - happiness to .lier "people.' • bee :toil their Jityttatrayottattl.t . flethltal for good and for 0011. 5b0111.0,111 e,, t oun t in parent and duty ; yOup eolutOott •etinatittietua, bound to you' as you' . are hound to theta by the , irilde coNl'of ditty, interest and anetiou, the most :etni , stri"loi'en - which can bind • num to luau, or - esereo , e an tu t try.t. .ot et . du, this :§hle , to ivtlielt we flee all rest hastening., •. noil.koow that Yoit trill lot - Aimtppoiut;the.colithlence-Avitici, ItifotottAtoryo-u -with birth trusts, you, tteterally . and oollee;• tivelf lipid, but thatvolt so disOltar r ,tte the duties owedo those eoltitititentapis 0 tilt, 4111 c• titta honor of Our eotuanuti State. While thereilir, , .;l-11,upathise, deeply over. the ,dillitulties and distregses which inrround you, I take:,Vvi.tk•nie the consolation, that out of . evi I ,''y.otte patt;ititistn,ll.- I ° l lif; 01 g 0 . and firnn/VSSl:O l, i lO t. , f/111 ., ertaatudly id restiltia oertaittly hot unatfaitt able.'"lhlficitlt thOtres the task he, ie. i,,tut tritliiu y a ,,,. • Hoofin g i:t the tmilitiOlf.ol 'which avo , ttec..placed t . to flan to tlle vast tr,suPy, ofyetuf v....snore* ..,„Look" at the.-liiie 0 (' situ t • intproienteuts; thital: of tlce:Woaltli, Odd' bosom's of your hilh, i, c, t s t your eyen.oveti the,surthee , of Tour 'BIM ling 81 4 t wiAti e ti%.„e .va l lle3s; ; contemplate the AltOusands upon thousands of i ltatt lOU, and. Indust'•loos Teo - No 1V11.11 . 101100 our territory it swarming tlii;Ong)l,o;at,its . , wholu:csfiint;.lny (10wir . , 411 i i etu ru 1b el oee I you, tied tbdit.tlemutie.:l( it lat. : Powtilde,t; Q! ' You it Itj true, Lilt with all, these eottottegesould ;what . better, with , Wiae'..lietitla,. .str•cing rh.' l o B-411(1 )fileiAdv-,)”44 11 t1f (IC II . - ,g!',.tqkt,§tati , ratty: jet lad -i9cjfeed' from' all the eintaerassntells„Avlttelt • noiv:surrtiondlier ; It iS L 'iourtaile - niblv' - atid 114 f tnil*,, lintliltenglf;_peintriitad:.2thoni'lott in Ti - Frtuni,(ltiy . heart'. ;continue 4o Ito y'11,1? ,yoo,ut, e - yeit , „ stemiti,yoUr , be °Wert:A . ..that When: .your conwld'il f ie at I aninow.,•iloink *ma witluthiar.hOdy.,you'AnnYllto - nlilb.Ad 'lmik:!baett' with,:ylettsoie to dillieoltiea Aweeecime4to:t.nohle noltlev,enteitlieffec,t4aud to eoldentnient'aoll,ahno- , , daiied.t.e.stiiked &tub den. ;lOngei..tifUl' !ihat,tii o ,Farely,,ell;?'",. : l.loOW , kstiouktltis;ClutrA4) Ver'„4fuelf Tight , year's .ngo ,I . ,tei:oll as inne,Ofithe, Itdiusleat'ol its'; Vfelitheisouttl' 1, (107 ii(ri•do'l4 , a4 tteo,llolloitnovt7se&tvOitiel',Seti , 11^.1”.005 1 AAX1 1 091.1*,14ktftspit11110 iSilvd.ll,llW.o.lolo4: , . fury Midi:locating are all the incidents of [hi's' life ,in' which we take so. much ;interest! llow perislaahle.l araUll the enoyments Whicli, stir:cold and connect us With' the busy world. on; ,Whielt, we - move'? .Of those, the earliest of my oonteinoporartes; some-have returned to their constituents,.to enjoy the approving I voice of public thanks-tbe duties well fulfilled.' .01 . others; runny otherstlie .moetal frames are now sleeping beneittlythe clods of the; valley 'White their immortal, spiritehave'gone to_renaldr an , account- of the still higher trust with which. they have been Com- 1 MissiOlied front 'Olt high. IWniat a picture is here? How rapidly di) we pass aWay,! ' How like.are we; with,all our,-high hopeS and Adwering,aspirations, Id] (lap gra 93: WiliCh ,witIOTII , I, , or the•,'N•apor which is -Melted'awarbefore - thirbrcatli . atiftlitrthorning ? .: Brother fienatorsa—fatO, ijnpressed with a deep. sense of the sidemnity of this occasion : as well in-ref- erence AO the picture which. I have presented its to my own personal commxiemvita, this holly. 1 Ow separate Wpm-you: Ana here, iO the moment of that . ' Separation allow me to cider . you my. earnest, my ,profound, my heartfelt ackilowledgments for the l o kihilliess ; the regard, the courtesy Wlarcli you on - all' I occasions have so generously extended' towards me. Whereaerl • go 1 shall beer_with ant the recollection of my; ntercourse with you .as one of the sweetest consolations 'of. rtiy' life, and whatever• may be My future destiny in this changing world, myjnbst "ar dent prayers shall erer ascend for the prosperity of our glorious, Connuon wealth and the 11:L11011i:5s end ' well;tre of every individual amongst you. . ' •. -- 71;arnilorutn r --- The-trust -- which-you-have-so-getter vainly confided lo me—the high' trust whechlaas;been „honor/11 ity_so,,Motty_Obler,admioistrators, and shill_ More honored by the .itatellettual and moral ellarne ter of the hotly with WIM. a it is commeted;, is now ! surrendered back, unimiyaired I Artist either in use fulness or dignity into .the hands of you by whoM it ' - was :ingonerously••tonf6rred. • • . ...... ... --~-- Tfriljr.LlNthilii - EhisliTUßL'ildve're.. - pedleirtlie- section of the - Charter of the. State Bank , by Whielf their - Ohar ter would be fiirfeited for rsuspension-nf-more,-than si.xty days; also, allewing.' the privilege of issuing for two years, notes: of less' Seno initiation than live dollars; and of charging,- Seven per - tent: interest upon 011 accent modations- for - a - Jlthrter - Tperiod - than — six months, and nine. per •cerit. upon La - longer term. thati.six months. For -this:i act „of •gracie, the Batik is required to take within two years V 206,900 of State Rohde at par, the proceeds of :which is to be applied to the payment Of the interest on the. State LOuls.Rep: • • SMALL TILLS.— ~I'IIC importance Of Snla~l bills begins .to be felt-with . great : , sev,erity. Bueli is the demand fer•them, that on Sat ! urday last they sold at a premium in thi;• city. What blindness, what - - stupidity, and what an insufferable wrong the legis lature of Pennsylvania will inflict upon the peepli.l. if they do not at once authorize the issuing of small.bills. It is 'itti exiken that peremptorily demands' this , 44,•± 7. ; With - 0k it we, deprive otirstlVes a • dispensable facility in • blisincs, or we im -1 pair our' own,curreney by the„introduction .foreign one. Small bills are coming in upon!us from eVbry section of the couitr try like, the locusts of .Flgypt. I'll 4 ;ire absolutely necessary in absence of spe cie, and without the relief from other States, • r the -whole community--would be-thrown into inextricable difficulty and confu s ion. The people want them _from their own banks. They do, not wantcto'depend upon other Statesfor. their_curreucy.,_Whatin._ justice, not to saylant outrage upon Penn ; sylvania, to cripple h r with such unavail ing and senseless restrictions. It just • the way to dry up and trarximel and sbrealf down thein - dustry andenergiesof the-peo ple throng!' the ,aid of ,sucla..wremhetljeg 7 Let.thetank's...iisue shall hills. Relieve the people, and Alms aitl the Gov lyrnindnt, and with the assistance of ;Nick ' cued hope ;full fresh - effort, who doubts the disenthkaltuent of the, " Key-Stone State?" • • • • 4 • CANAL Aonoss TuF: IsTituus.-r-By ad vices from. Padama,. brought by the sehr. America from Chagres, we learn, that the Pepartinein of. Stamps it is now valled, reniained uniler.,the new ' . order of thjilgs, and . that the 01)st:toles heretofore intcritos6d, by The clashing. of the local and general:, gavernments_with_regard _to__the pro posed-Canal 7 across T -theAsth inns,- have been effectually set at rest.- .• ...This,. important undertaking .seems leilgth- in a fairway to be accomplished, through the medinin of the FranCo-Grana diatw.Company,-,established in Paris.. The necessary funds are. already provided and 'We:aroassured-that the. work. will be im mediately - cornMeneed,:and prosecuted to its,compleidon.—JotF. .of Com. • : Ti•om i iiie.;Bostoq Atlas, . ,T11E; INALIOURIAL :ADDRESS.—It •is with - u`ii 'lung Idil• .satiaTiiatiiiiAlitie - kniVe•vyatl,. and now lay .before our . reatlera,,, the' knau-:' gl?.ra.l ,Ad d . ress , ofr •Prest dent kl a rrison, , We lUUltedVkt with the deepest..interest, and iFlias•satisfithr 0111 , ,llightst linpes • _EverT. 1 Whig, we are confident, will . new be as . suretl,.that in votingTo . i . Gener4l ilarriaon, he dill li.fs . (l9!y terkds:Obtibfyy;and thous- . alidsiiii'lhose::Whii,.'t.tited .'otlierWisse,..WiP . not—lament that 'they did . so in vaili,-.= l'iioti - git:••snritel# , iliaCkong,-tve'echnitientk .- a careful , 'nertisal oh' it to - eve ry•-'e ii i . ie it ',. - iif Anterica;,._iio if theye - ria one wlid,does not feel -!li int sol I , m ado 'L-I,bette r'.• by its ' in ild ' a.O • truly ,repUblictin-apie ." . o: Ittniti not •Uf ‘ i wlta t; ritzitetil,il'liii s'eotepitsiiil. •'''''' • , I.the''•'lidilitsa".lo . :.p'effeettY'CjiaiaeteriOtie , of' the , ilia iii.v ;Ii peaTsTts iiqiii . in '• ii vary, 'litiljA'il :4' '-fentiiit.: l ' i'fil II 6 4 tiiiiWdi iii` iii(rit' Atei_t_litiOe 'tit' .th'6'4 . tiod,7 . ,"Old 40:410 ;'.,` . 4 iiii.ll. 'its 41)ilitir belqrigb,ciitid'i'd'l4eli.xiiiie tilted' 'bOk;:lif.'iteii#otilir tlierifeitiViilif.,'VatiiaMi: , iot:thol:''fbvdriltiiiiii':"'lll 3 ei , k- 1.4' ~" Vo:,ilo' dialgtfiEle` , •iier iiiiiii4l6l l -40 1 ;k; iiiiii; # i# l .2 . .'(tti*;',4it4etat'4‘,.efriltrn' 4..c.W of t le. lr't.'daiiioiii'ii•lrike . W a riifidn:, tuirfite 400 iti;: i i teieiitiPAl4 VI tittat4.kiiii;- ## `.4 : 4W.Th'iii:'X4i IsiSics , 'i4felitifly!frOtti'*: 11.0.$iti;op,-16' p:iiiiii ic d 1 tiligita in 'lin tj, - # ittAnklii; 'W. iitg tla le:.sifig.;tor. t il i ;i6:4l*.iipltlforrilifo'i: - .. _ox l iwil vo ,,63ll6inditikitf:iliO4.6iiiiriolloiifiti : ~ ... : . : .-,,,,c . ,- ~..,,...„--,:-.6 . ,..,..,-, , ,..-..,..., , :..:.--;::..:.„: .."4 7 7, ! .... ! .i:....;—.,......',„:,...r...-. , , ,, , ,,, ,, ,, ,,, ,,,, , . .., :.„....r. . „ Coniqzan:sense, true rcpublicanis~n.. and .1 genuine hOzeity•of heaol,—three , things which ,administration our govern ment-standsin :,greater than :of all else •besideS. In-n wor(1; it-is a; thorough ly.a reptiblican .docuinent can be found in the annals - or:the, country, and every true friend: - of 'a,Tree::goveriintent•intist be deeply :grateful .that the. spirit Which -lit evinces is once again .to preside over. our counsils.. WEALTH OF ,THE.-ESTERHAZYS. Every body. knoWs, We • presunie;,.that the Esterhazy family is the richest"aiitl Most ostentatious in'Enrope;anti probably :in the world. The splendid dresses worn hy.the present prince, at the coronation of 'Queen' Victoria ond.on the other 'Slow -oc casions in London; have been described by the. London .papers' with a lavishness of elogium suchos•can be found else Where only hrthe Arabian Nights Entertainments. His Highness is. represented. tif - iIiT,MO - ridS - 4 • from cap to stoie=tie.. The i fiillowing.acount of his treasure hotiee_Willf I he read with considerable interest and some. • . F.' Com. ./Ide. ..:,"The °Teat. ‘lian";Of Forchensteinl;of F,p . tirse : die' Schatz-Kammer L and thither w e accordingly repaired, attended by the ireasure 7 keeperolteconamandant, and four of the grenidiers on illtty at the - cast:le, . •• • — "'The vaulted gallery, containing. these family treasures, - or.oillielt ,the custlYdia;' muds worn -by 'their highnesses in Eng land on occasions .of ceremony form a part,. is partly hewn in the - rock. ( Like that ex-. traordinary , and uncounted hoard in the. Serai:Tßournou atOonstantinople, known, as the 'treasure of the Prc-Adatnite Sultans, this of Frankne le imperatively destined, to be increased by each - successive refire- 1 sentatii:e . otthe race, while none, arc per mitted tii Bubstracl a particle `front its Va lue. and thus the Mighty mass grows on from century to century, until at length it :buries in inaction the rans4On of4ii Mupire. Alioxc the long. arelv ef - the iron-plated door of the Schatz-Kammer: is inscribed the ingenious epigraph,flie a&au de pra- Im'as, Aram! ibus, a,lyuc fettariB; and the threshold once passed, the stranger stands, amid such a Wilderness of wealth as he can never assuredly have previously conceived. "The long gallery lined on either hand by glass cases, and 'within ilieSe r u e' heaped 'gold and sawn. plates; 'Jewelled T vessels_elevery_varietY of form and mate rial; ,rich stuffs embroidered' with colored, gicAns, and pearls, masses of opal, amethy sus, and topaz inlbe matrix ;. weaponS, ar 7 l moor, andliorse gearliteyally blazing with precious' stones; and, in short,• every.- va riety of treasures which the profusion and ingenuity of min - can-collect „together.— Nor is.tlic 'intrinsic value of ninny of the the ',objects - their - greinest actual attraction, for there are in numerous instances well au-1 thenticated relics of the great• and brave of bygone years; and to those who lose to linger . overthespast, , there is even_a_more,' ,powerful charm hrsuch reiniihts than in the most cristlY. iiiticles of vi(u'evcr col lected together. • " Among the confusion of splendor by which We wereSurrountletliWe particularly remarkdtri e j leckAirohundred 'years old, feinted of beaten' silver,-and literally Cll crustCd \iitli - letv'tils and intagliii fourlarge drinking, cups ol,carved ivory, so minutely. wrought ' that , they 'appeared to, be cont . posad,,oklace; an anther cup and tatigilid, both orlikuiented . Oth , a procesSinn, of Bacchantes,* in exquisite.workmanship; work box of send pearl ankturquoise ;• a ehampaigne Tail,- of :silver studded' With precincts stone's, and bearing' *date 1608; a table and two arm chairs of elinSed silver, Made. in 1667, - -for. the use 'of the 'Palatine Esterhazy and his-wile; att ele phant's tusk, carved from end to end with a religious procession of the' ilindooS__in: minute—workmanship; a string_of . LringS, principally rococo, many.of.them contain ing gems of extraiirdinary'size and beauty, and abont'loo'in number; sand a chriSten ing.ltnentie. of. roße-colored " silk, triuniiit it with split straw, one .of the most, curious: beautiful-Produetiors imeginable; - 5 ' "The collection ,of 'jewelled' Weapons, shieldsh and Alar trappings wtis' megt-ainaz log, and 'derived an' added ifitere:st most cases fronri:an iettentpluty int; i•ertillchie idebtiticatiOn.. , Triti - S-'we-handled the-rtiby hilted sword wieltlek . hy Ate enfortnitate,_ Louis at .IViollatesthe poeltritq!iiite'ef the' Emperor Sig is Muntl-4=4 he -'oiehratf'd pearl bridal vestof the Palatine 'Esterhazy, upon whose'. ground '''of inse-enlor*„d mask is Wrought a pattern seed the .centre 'of every.ilower being' formed by tom ,. links' T - of the,, precious .heads,. which .$0,7,005 - c/jr. 14.7 OtiiCY ate/MO to FO neeal' ;the niateriai . of the'liirment the ruhy.:Stno6l:. s . thuie Cloth' of tli'e"Viii'r'Sinstapini;;lnade"ea - Ptive: liy anltsterhai . Y . 64: bzylt-Toggilt;fichki:: the'Cotal 'rosary - of SteOlten'ihnilioria;• •the: • drilil;braeadd .eurrinus and that of John ..4AlpOq;:.also breende; heatitifnl i,peeiown of...the;ope r : ille: 2 WOrk the ; seVentectolt eentury,., it Were. einltess to:, attempt an.entp eratien i •eotly. : .. contents ; nfi 'Abel S:00 1,t4i9.949 . 0,4f:;F f .4r0 p 4 . 0 ,hating „linger i e!' „among,-ji - S , .ny:,o4!;,l„nr,'4,Ongwoi. melted Pineeedecli *P'nlyoPo.,villd:.;keccOOPlPlo for. i~im ea ttlryc strung, are. tlii*s, Fe44ine.f - 5.:: . .Etv411(•;.. Ahing.,was:. iti -adnitrab.le; and from, titienee,* Isogyiliso . ;tp; dip bo re' .oT:lo,,p ill Dil(litio to 1.4 1 11.40 tito. brA ivOttio-:1 9 014 1 ' op:, • ammatevo Talc. 80—rfq)0 acc, found the . banners .144 goblet; .37 1 _ Maithiae ; Coriitins,:and .oethlerd 6abot.,,a gloriouii drapery of departed. greatness • , ”,Muth,Curiosity,,existiannglaed regaid to the .actual. amount of, the 'revent4e,,,, of the Prince tsterliazy,,whose, very, name::. suffices, to '?..xtite interest:,.as fat-as : my ' formation - goes, it.may it must be. remetnberek that., 'positive 0 7 curacy, on so intricate subject, is almost.. ; impossible irt a_cpuittry likoqhat:oVerltichl-- '1 •ivrite. Prin4,.Esterhaiy. possesseso6,-,- addiiio*n to his three. palaces : in . j . l . leon . a,attd.: his dontinioas ,in'Boliemia, - one-thirtcenth,. part of . .the whsle kingdom of liungary f ,, He has. thirty-six estates, each , contaitting.: from tery.to: ttventy-four .villages ;;'which, : - I - together:7lth . 100 square - English:4l Tof Purest, -Ariake collectively nearly "I'1:61). Seleare:, : itriles, and Hungary, - .cp . vering,'a [ surface - of - 17,000 : proves the Nor •is Allis gigantic and overwhelming; - landed property his only ipuree . of rerenne; - ..the....„twinberi of his peasants4hcro s j ects)_aniounting__,Art,„36o,o9o 3 - _,tvitli e their liabilities . ; - Whicli I - have . ekplained ._et • lEigtli — Cleiiilteret and. a constant capital of 22,0,000 sheep, producing yearly 4,000' cwt; of wool, (most of.which . is of superior quality)' remaining to be superadded;.' and. , yet, nevertheless; this - etilrisaalliefitageyez ceeding •in 'extent the Graod I)nphy of - , oden ; . well - sc ve rat - .cf. Clic : - Ezetty';--- v ; .German states, does not carry his . :l.actual revenue to a higher aggregate than one. and hil iII ions - of flori I 50;000) *dins -. malting the annual proceeds of . the land average only 6d an acre." , . . . The:character of the Turk is like his oWn'helnveil Stainboul—a mass - of singular. incongruities: There is scarcely.one fea•; - titre - of.a meek or gorgeous beauty that - hi Ink apprbached by.Seme counteryailing.de formity De loves and venerates his mor ther, and strangles his wife iipona WhiSper ofjealoi:sy: lis lolerates 7 you in -the exer cise • of -your: religion, ,and. bowstrings a convert, from his own; he is magnanimous in the forgiveness of one enemy, and- im placable in the, persecution . of—inother equally deserving his generosity: he loves his children when young, and forgets them when they have grown up: he relieves, at. sty:nig-ye in distress, and turns a deaf ear to a brother in misfinume: he washes his hands, kneels and 'prays, and then, like I a te,vers.,up the „i nocent:,.he phi tiers a province; and then goes on a pious 'pilgrimage to Niece::: lie, liberates a caged bird, and dimgeonS a hinnan, being : is, honest and upright it: the bazaar,:mid a deep dissembler in die divan: lie is a re publican in private life, and a despot in power: submissive to those above him, and arbitrary to•those beneath : lie kisses his death•scidence;inureharges his yeryhones, to rumble their remeristrairce. I.le is tcni•-• peratc in the indulgence of his appetites,' and vet lives mainly fer their gratidcatimt: -be- believes.in-destinyouid -yet-beheads- a ; general who has lost a ilattle; or .an athr4-- ral who has been 'driven ky . o. tempek Orr the rocks( he believes in amidets; : cluirms, and the fascinations of the se t ..ttitd stoically plait on the aliparel:_ titeavlto has died with' the plague:lie fristeSltitit-' sell' on the suclinoss of his , lierson,:the' . . • of 'his Carnage, the iatiktrin tior his lips, and then goes to the deronriltY of a• natural cripple kir andicali.onksel, ant' the battology. or an iiliOL.ror a divination his dreams:' • . Such are a • re'w of The whicL ilistigure the - character or•the sulman;.• and they arc. mainly traceable.l6 , ()creels in his social and moral etindition, lie lives tinder an •economy of aCeident:, oaprive, and Kind inipnlse:•" There enlightened conviction, no pitranninulobli 7 gation,L no philosuphical lest, no pith an& Inky_ raiiicipleL=suck.asAint liiblc furnish- es-,-restrainitig, cievating,-and-infiding,' h&c nun Itarntenioni wloile the wiSheS', 'resolves' and' condfier.er the inan. • He - is like . ai ship at SCA 'without an' indicating, slior,e,: : witlinut.:n' polar iti ag net, anti tint ding her course by the fickle light of everywander nig star. 'Such' win ever be the condition of:individuals and nations, where the IP- - ble 'tldeg not shed itS•:Phr6'hifil 'constant light. 'past is 'int evideneo'dr the fu lure. G' recce '6n nished nod' reetilled, dried and al in ali , her licsi 'lle-r 9 veveneett4ho-tlietatesLOPßlttloophy,,..' and 'obaytkil the' iittpttlsa, 91' disdained the protcv t ii anoi; 'negleeted• to, ,preserycy,n, ii 6 tiCong i•zatien her' stOpvti,;; • sie . tespised ilio poWer:dc rWders• y ere' alreudy'era o, t her, shrines; awl thew "rose, I:ke one titA; clily"to lietrpf - Firt:;,:iesiii, - ration' 'and despair. ',EiiilleAtNrecSi, 'victors (rip to;p1 0 death 'tti' ;l l l.6 ,i;f9‘ l.l : with, 'll`ril'llps, With:l'ler ipwlL I.ltyrictS shroiid of her Iner . llo,,r, Pliindered' 0 4 , world or itft,.4ear,etst , ,p,Te.*.-i..„. • inres s ,':init t .tc.y. , tit; Oif ; 0.0 1 t, 1 91. going 'did ! jungle or' the sduhlei,s ti posed teiltig , of perpetual, ,amity, IlheitintddlietWeeti tier 9W 0 'dlity ailtr,c4lftic aturth9fiddlity'r,trilie tiiereilnin•Y44lteptAir the stettf ott .. olikohliMxlola)tid,tji,'Aiti„ , t dp 4 431 - itate, A5r.;,:.1111,;:i, iliond-499 4.141rt.i' edi; 310 errors had gone'foreierl' byalte s'aitrtit fie k ness v pad passion, is` now Ik r lt;i> not, theihartnony;lh6 I. gY;l:Pl•fliNtllttryr•atd that .dR! 0 6&tre rirl i ii r01, , ,a,,4994,•010*1t0ute1e'd• :tvt 77,-" MEM EMI =I =I IMES , I :41' Ila in EMIM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers