4 oireriuitioB . lllleisageo • • -At Senate and Howe o, the Meni untativar. ' . GENTLEMEN, .' . -- . ~ .• Late on • the 19rh of last •month, I re: eeiyed the bill,' erititled,“An . peA to provide, ----for:tbe-repairs,and ...ezpetises. of . t he State.," Canals.and RaH Roads, 835 continuing the work on the • Erie ex , ension and North /iranch Divisions of the penn,y,ivania Ca. . pal,. and for o'cherptirPoses.'!:" . .°.. ie. •„ : „,..,,,,,,,..•bill having hecome a la W. wit lout , the EXecittlie signature,. by the :lap of time r -- agreeably with the 22c1 section of .the fqst.article oeNtle . State Constitution, is now .rcitirned: flint. the...necessury,.C - er• . iificate , may be afiixt.:AtO it. by the proper . officers.' Permit me, at The same-time to Offer the folloming . Tentarhi.in`reldtion'tO . . , .:• 4 its • .. . _ . ...When the bill,waslirst7presen'ed tome, I'deemed it iny.duiy,'on full examination of its - piOiskons, to withhold my approval from it, and= return it with;:ohjectiOna to :the Senatc,. in which it originated; The performance' P this grave. task required some time, that - the reasons --miglty be fully 'explained to the Legislature and the people. The message on the subject --7.sta 544 of *ere fo re - eezi - dy - for - dv)iye ry - t ill --- a-few 'nut:penis after the adjournment of, the Senate for t t he day, at noon on thetday after the bill was presented to n.e. When , that, body met, on the motning of the .21st, to adjourn-over -the Christmas'hold:.. \ daYs, there. ,was not .a quorum of mem , hers present; so that I was again pre v_ented ' was anxious to do, without loss of time.. , 4n this manner without my instrump,m. tality, the frstof Anuary passed liefore the hill could be .rettirned. I, allude-to these circumstances now for a 'reason which - will:presently be explained. _ The-general objections - to the:bill were.: .Either, That-it was the - only prciiision for the matters embraced in it, intended' to be. nvida by. 'the present Legislature, 4 7 *artherefore-wholly---inadequate to. .e-pressing_wants ,the public works:. Cfr, That the 'bill involved a - breach of the public faith,:by- ordering - the - suspery. Sion of operations on inthlic'work; - with ..out-making full provision.for the payment . of all the - debts - -actually-clue-upon-it .to .contractors and ._laborers; by the State, for work done, and to fariners and other owners of real-, estate, for the Whole amount of damage caused 'by. its incom plete-cons`rection ' "I'dohotclaim infallibility • for mates - of public officer's, _nor_ expect_ imp plicit compliance with executive- recom- Imendations. - But when legislation ex :pressly grounded o'n - those estimates and recommendations, differs materially - from • them, either -they must have been erro neous, or the'legislatiOnis 'insufficient. it - impelled to believe, that the latteri_s• the case in the presentinstance: - - - — .On examining the bill-tho consiusion was almostirresistible; that it was intend.-_ eff , as =the final - prcivisiOn - OTIEZ - fiCieni . session,. so far as it relates to the repairs of the public works. If further provision were contemplated, an equatand • pt °pot.- ', tionate reduction of all the indispensable items would have been made, and such as were not-of urgent necessity, postponed.. But this was not done. The ordinary re _ pair fund, whose early and certain appro _priation is a matter of the most vital im portance to the use of the finished works; and to the revenue or the State, is red --duced-to-e- sum insufficient pay -the-- -debts which are due on the first instant. The appropriation to the line of. Railroad, to avoid the Columbia Inclined Plane; a --work which should be pushed on With all possible despatch, so as to be - u - sed-early - next summer, is decreased to an i amount entirely inadequate to its vigorous prose cution, after paying the debts now due. Thp appropriation tb put the feeder dams such - order% to ensure a full supply of ater, the want of ,which has been an nualli,:suelt a source cif delay, 'expense 'and loss,, is so small asto defeat that ob ject. The deepening of that portion of the Canal south of Dun Can's IslaMfdam, ' and the construction of additional locks, is estimated_at This_work, - far as it relates to the deepening ,of the Canal, and,the correspondent_alteration of the present locks r which are so nettasary . to the profitable use of the whole main . . line, ,can only be accomplished in the _winter, so as to be ready for the spring business,• - and yet only five thousand. are given to it by the bill. --- On the - Gettys. burg Railroad there were $60,000 ,due on the Ist instant, or, if the retained per tentage be included, $lOO,OOO. -Yet, the present appropriation is ,only $45,000. On the other hand, works and object whose necessities-are-by no means-sour-- ;gent,, received the full estimated amount. The whole sum required towards renew-. _,,ingthe eastern _por.tion_ot.the.noet of the Philadelphia & Columbia Railroad is.giienohough it is well. known that that amount cannot -all- be Immediately • expended. The amount , reqUired for ropes, Ike., the whole of -which-is given, willltot be needed till next spring, be . fohich,tirhe those articles cannot be More which on ;-* here most of them are to be used. means - • to pay - Canal Commissioners,Appraiit: Et ers,'Engineers, c. are. Proviedi-while thelund to compensate for 'damage to privatc property by the State' works; ..__T__Wholly-ornitterk-- And finally, an . appro, pdationis made to the extension, upon - which no additional funds will be required till February, while the_ same , • amount is only appropriated to the much' ' More urgent . wants of the North Branch, :on which there was $55,000 of debt due on the fat instant.' „ .:;.This,dif f erence in apportioning' . the -., sums, ,could not, have proceeded front any rant of money; fopthe Treasury is full; It didnot arise-Fiona the desire to •interest, for though the fluids A . the State, ourof isthich the appropriap.. AiOns Must cOmeyare at interest ; yet the mere appropriation of the sums now will cause no loss. The greater part"of ..:the'ilitoney will not be' drawn from the* • present'• depositories till- after - the time .•-• when:the' Winces 'refttsed :by. this ',bill Arnim if given Act:tit; . by The _-prese,nt. Legislature:. , • L I . 4ing the bill ; thutti'as,the final mea - ie . " - pf. the' Legislature •on• the subject repiiri t I could ,root banttioti it, nor, • . iIM . , . .. Allow the occ i viott to ~pasw, w ithout vat 'tempg, tin to aikest a step sofraught with ~ ruirt.to the, pith4c i itilere.st.heict , session. — i 'lte - tisititt--of- the- 4_,eghiattive,-without. . , ~ ,another 'remit'. bill, would set Overy iiiile of-Canal .i:id Railroad. iiHe.befure. , mitfl summer.. . -'.. - • ' .. - there 'conk! be citify one other mode of , acco.unting_for..this' reduction ap prop! iations, wkicit •raust,be given sooner or later, if the public interest is ,sticrific. I;(l...kappeared . baretyspossibi?. that 'the intention might be to make the fate of the bilante .of them depend an that of other doubtful projects anti. confliCting claims. .lu . such a deterinination I c:ould'not parti pittp, and tame•to the conclusion at oncei and'at. the cominencement.orthe session . . when there was sufficietittime to disctiss thtepatier fully, to put the 9ttestion .to the,;,Legi - slattit e and Co the .people the State, whethei. - thp soundest.;jiol'tty and economy - do not render it - incumbient] . ' trpon . the agents, first, fully, ;anti. totcorqUionally,' to previde'for the prnsihle'wants, of the finished portions a'lli - eiliC — Wwks; and ,aflenpards .to aiipropriate the - :batance - of the—public means lo other proper purposes? These impressions, vie: Either-thatit was to be the,ottly repair bill-of the sea son; or, that - the balences of the various rtetne were to be involved - in 7 ilie ate cif otiait' matters, I am happy to avow have been'materiallY weakened:llv alfulLand,_ . . free interchange of sentiments with roaor_memliers - since the adjournment. !• I have been assured that every der. .sire is jntertained -to promote, proper means; : - the early preparation of the public works for the trade of the itp• proaching season,_andfeeLconfulentihat -the-netesSary measure.Will-be.adopted. The adjournMent has - also ..'removed , the . other.objection.to the bill. One of-its --proviiionsapp_r_optiates 4towards. the__ _G_eAtysburg_.,Railriaad, to be applied in payment of. work 'aCtuallfiliMelirio - r - t - o - thifirst Ocihuaky next, forty five nib - 6= • sand tjollarst and the Canal,' Commis. sioners - f:re directed lo•give-notice'o the c - oniractorw:to - suspend - their - wOrk - up - on . the said . Railroad;, - from and after the first of January mil." _ Had the bill be .coMo a. law either With,the Executive' •signature . or the votes of ..two:thirds/Of :both - branches pf-the-begislature, in" De - the intention of the - Legislature - . in-Order-ing-the.istuipension . ..of_operations on the - first:of the present January. . would have taken .effect. t_..as i s,_suchiv ill notbe—thereauli...Lln cMisequence of the . fact' that an-opportunity was not atiOrded to_returrilthe bill to the Senate, - previous Ca, its ticljourthitem - December, 'and that the bill becomes a law-after the first Of Jan - nary; 1838; the result is inevitable that tiia "firat_ollantiary,nekt," men tioned in ittvill mean the first ary,lo9, and carried into. OpiratiOn. accordingly. H. This accidental: circumstance over %I'M - eh I. had no control, and to, prevent which I used'smy utmost diligence, is, on the whole, fortunate, as it enables the.Ca nal:Commissioners to app_ly, the su‘rns given by the bill to the payment of debt on the_ works so.fai as they,will extend and will afford the Legislature a full op.. portunity ..to review their division rela• tive to the suspension of the operations 'Mr the:rbad-in-question.- 7 • For these reasons I have been induced allow the bill to become a law by the lapse of_time., And I cap assure the Legis• lature that it is very plesant to take this course instead of opposing their „deei- In connection with the abandonment of a public work, many important con siderations present themselves. The actual breach of faith which it involves, should not, for a moment, - be, tolerated, -unless in the contingency that the state is actually•unable - to complete the-im-- provement, or• that the citizens of the 1 counties concerned and - the public inter-; est do_not require its completion. While ,ptiblic-lionor r _end_faith mean any thing, the:question of the original necessity and expediencybf the work must,be conceded to have been sittleilliy_thelegrstature that commenced it. Abandonment can only be the offspring of unavoidable-.public .ne•• cessity, or of the wishes of all the par -ties interested. It should also be borne in niipd,, 92at . while the — dainage to pri vate property caused by the construc tion of a completed and useful improve ment, is trifling, that of one half finished and abandoned,- must be very• great. Such a course produces nothing but ins kiry - withont any bedefit, and - must be - .paidlor accordingly. ' Whatever may be the . conclusion of .the...Legial at u,r.c_..on.....this,,..sir_any_o_t_lie similiar question, I - can never roam sent to any measnre having for its • ob. ject the- suspension or abandonment of a State work once comMenced, full provision be made .for_ tkepay.ment of every dollar of debt ,due,, and - for the , full -and instant Compensation of all da -mageiLcaused:to,p riva*property.. Having thnine„,.d.my coursewhit regard to the bill, permit Me to urge the necessity of instant anti->Turtlferjegislai tion many of the subjeCts. embraced 'in it.' Mest of thelollowittg_additicinal appropriatiOns are-indispensably and itia•, Mediately-necessary to, the Welfareof s the public improvements,- and all or them are such as must be •made before the close of the session, if the, public works are not to be abandtme,d.— • ' The balance of the ,ordinary ' repair 1t d, • $lBO,OO Do. to repair the feeder dams 51;000 DO. for Railway to avoid the • inclined plane at Coliiinbia,. ,50,000 Do.-'to construct additional ' locks-and deepen Canalte tow Duncan's Island, bo. 'Tor the Gettysburg Rail. Annual appropriation forth , 'n a ge% so,ooct The balances Of the ":ordinary----repair fund should be instantly placed at,the disposal. of 'the Canal Commissioners, ,not 'them to make s the ar., rangements amkrepays necessam for. an • -early commencement of the Sprißli trade, .hutto Worm them'Of . the whole amount to be relied on for tbe`seasons operations in thisdePartm&nt,• From the best infor mation I can., obtain, - the sum already' ven.AN ilt- not . :pay. the _d ebt_u nay_oida bly_ incurred up to !the Ist • instant. - There 'has not• been. a *inter., since tile' coin 7 inenceMent of the SystNn, so favorable fur making the usual repairs, as t•lte.piesent. Web thonecegsarty wOrLhas ,afreatly_ been-dorte. .one Supervispr "alone has had'39o men engaged, solinxiougare the public officers to take advantage . ' orthe propitious .seascin. - ” . A.Bingie hand, can now accomplish• 'as much work as two' when frost .or ice are - to 'be .cc:nteridel/ with. If tht:balance orthefund be given *ithout delay,..anci,- 3 ..,the'present favorable lieather'''continue few weeks, . the Ca% pals will h 3 'in: better order, •and .may be - ,filleci for-,navigation than on anY krmeroccasion. . 1•• • . ' The remainder of the sum necessary. , to'repair the feeder darns, .whieli, have been.so •great, a source of vexation: and delo; should not be withheld a inoment, Unnecessarily.—Tbe greater part of the iipense •or•iepairing them consists in the cost of the timber and stone - tiied. .11 is well known that_oditracts for furnish ing these articles must'. be made• a con•- aiderable time._ before they can he •deliV-_ ered. These contracts should be ,Made and the materials on the .ground at the:: earliest 'poseible moment, so us to•ini- first-opport If - I/ icy: or lbw water, j _ , em to their destined use'. 'Columbia is ne cessarily Maintained at .a large,eXpenge„to. the which'ivill be wholltdispensecl with when the -iailway around it is in use. This. will .also . obviate the delay, no_thatipart•of theritia - toa d= — is mow so irep.tious to travellt7i-and transporters.' The,work cm, the neW road is of a nature that can.be nearlfas p erformed in,__Winte_r_aS in 'summer, , is said that the - ylvile may • heConii;fe-farlsy is now Wen.' The sum set apart for it by the _bill - retarned• is • Itttle more than sufficient fo pay the debts Ali; uj~ to' this MEM /So fully convinced are'tbA danal-Board -Of the speedy necessity of measures to increase the locks at Duncan'slslandithat ' Ithey have -issued instructions Co the - sti• - Vervisor,--to—advertise- a,. letting .of-that work,,3 be commVnced on condition that the-necessary...-funds sb-all=be provided- - by the legislature.' '- All who are aware of the delay's and confusion that occur at - that - point, in tinie e of low water; Of the fact that'•tlfe greater, part ortbe-I work•requisite to obviate the difficulty, Musfbe . perforthed in, the wittier season, see the instant propriety - of (a full and-immediate-appropriation. In support of the - balance •of appropria tiOn tb the . GettyshurK:44ilroad,, it nee - d. onfflPW. siTrthal - A:great_ppri ion of money is • alreadvdtte, and that the re mainder will Varely carry on operations till:the-main 'improvement, bill is pasSed. The ,annual• appropriation for - damages is included in the present - list, becapse-it is:aotandingiterwofpndouhted propriety, and one which. Should be provided for - among the first, that the claimants for this kind of compensation may be Assured of satisfaction from the State. ' - On these grounds I would respectfully, but-earnestly, urge upon tile Legislaitire, the-Immediate passage of a bill making the appropriations above specified... It is rendered imperative by every considera tion of prudence, economy and patriotism. Jt is merited, I may be permitted_tosay, in behalf .-- 0 - 1 the public - agents, by: the Manner In which the different divisions were managed and made to produce revenue doting the past season. And it is required; in order to make such pripara• (ions as will maintain and increase the high-character-which the. "Pennsylvania route" has acquired. The time has arrived when some sys tematic course of legislation for the an nual support and • progress Of. the' State hrsafety--be--d framed With. The - principles,on which 't-shoulkbe founded are simple and ob.:. vinus. • • We hive an incomplete systett of ca• nals and railroads, constructed at the ek• pense of a debt so wilt,- that its perat• tient increase cannot - now be thought of. Neither will it be just to perfect- it by a general State tax,. because the benefits of the systein are not and never- can be , as general •as the ta.k. Some other re source must be discovered. • __ _ -Though the system, as a whole, is in- - complete, yet portions of it, especially a 1 chain of canal and - rail way from Philsdel• phia to Pittsburg; arelfaThed alul in .ope. -ration. - This mnst be ouroefiance._,L__. L 411 the care and energies of the public _agents_should .be _devoted_ to-t h e - keeping= , ~. . . in the most perfect'rApsir, and to the Most. economical and efficient management 'of the finished portions br- the plibfic ~ works • ......_ for the purpose Of making them yield en income' equal, in' the first place, to the interesVol-the-Statedebt,- and-to-the-an nual s costof repairs; and in the second I place,- tathe : gradual progress of the in- I completed portions to a state of perfec,- lion. That this is practicable,-the opera. tions of the past Season, even under every i 'diSadvantag'flo+ill show. • The - same, or an i'mproved -system of mariogement, (for I am' aware that it still requires improvement) will produce won derful reiults next season, if the rifiblic agents 4 he notxrippledlor want of means; and in two years the works will not only clear themselves, but aid materially in the completion of the whole great system. Under - this impression permit. me to offer fOr,consideration 'the following rules for a' ropriation to Internal . ImprOvement purpp ' with the remark,that so essential do I deem them , to the good of the State.. that they shall liereafter be my principles of- action on the subject, so far as the rff .cosininentlatory powers - of the Executive exterid, , lst. ,Thlit ample .provision l be made, anilually, iUtd, early in each sem ,ifor the repair and iinproyemen • the finished portionspf the public . works, unconnected with - ahy ether matter, SO as to insure the .greatest . possib!e income floin them; and, 19,90 5,5,00 b. !.11 - .ll l T.: . 'ttilt. , z•Tt„l' 4 ,Jtv.-M.41z,.*(4.4;:4,...±.44 . ttry , 75rp00kti6r. _' ~eC • 2ntl . . • That the "the brilanceleifTthe public means, applicable to the • purposes. _Of in-. ternal, imicrovementi be devoted ,to ~the portio6B,lc.!.. fore any fur they consider:able twdertakings of alike ',kind be commenced., In ad herence. to these principles,.uniess I - - am very much mistaken, the .gerieraf intetest.s._of,lbe whole State will find heir best support, and the unfinished branchei and extentlons their - surest means .Of speecly - Omp'etion. ,TOS. RITNER. Eicecunvis CitArnazit, . Harrisburg, •Jati.., 1838. . . Froni 110201270 .S'ictte.9 . 9th,, I§3B UNITED STATES SENATE. CAN.AbIAN,AFFAIRS. The_MesSage acid --accompanying. doe, yester, daine before the Senate Being read 'of Ky:;, rose his place. and commenced severely ..t.h&eunductLiaLthose_w_bo_eoninti tddithe_ s. • • _ osttrage - upan u.beat4 L ite Bahl; demanded_ ample redress. :The Natienal dignity required that the out rage slitti&bo.iipmeiiately- recognised. 'a an outrage against ,the nation.. and as, such should •be, treated by the Gotrern, nient . • . • • I lii'.•C.alhoun was opposed to disetts! sion, and wallnclined to. throry coy 'water on the recent outrage: on the -Carpline. • He was anxious to check all . undue excitement, and for Ti aruig.Jhee other Side 'of-the cfuestion... In regard -o f--'0 a clfic: e-4ft icould even find in hie-mind some apology for the attack,' upon Alio : Caroline,, and - . in, order io make the_ apology as:strong as possible--he-reaioned-the,--cage-hy.plap ing.l.- in .- the - attitude-of-Canada i . and Cank.de -- rn the. attitude of the. 0: S. and asked if • we ha_ . .been...the aggress condeMni the act. .ine. , thOught - not. - :Mr. Clay-followed in 'reply to. Mr.. The Senator, from S. C. he -said, had a right to' his own .bpinion, and .he He was content to believe-that the evi r _ . iderree,be fore hint :-Waa-etirreCif and. he therefore lOoked upon the outrage as full of atrocity-and- injuettee, and- T one , He thought no apology he offer, -ed.-for-such an outrage.----=Phe--„.discue sion conclitded, after-a_ Word:- or two fron Mr,..-Bentoo, the'papers , were cefet'red.jointly.,l2 the ..Cotunattee7on_ Foreign Affairslird.. the ~,deibmitte ou. • A. Message Was- then - received from the Secretary of the Treasury in re -i'rard to the number of TreasUry notes Issued; and the interest upon them sinee the pas'sage of the Treasury note bill: Mr.-Webster made some , remarke upon the message, and said -that Treasti ry notes had been issued hearing an in, terests of one' mill, and-bearing the dis parity 'of interest of five per-cent. Ite - saw . - -- no•yeason- fer issuing notes with . this-difference of Interest, The notes were below specie several per cent. and during the present ses ion he had been solicited to presenta petition to make up the losses to individuals by being paid -- in - these notes. . • M. 'Webster said when the subject Of the FinanceS came before the Senate he shouLl speak at length. The message .:'as then laid,Upon the table, and order,. ed to' be printed., • Several - reports and memorials were-then-received-and-refer red. - Mr. - ,,CALHOUN'S RESOLUTION. • Af ter some unimportant remarks re tatiw . _o f .._certain_Stat \Va ., 1)- tween Messrs. Oster, anti Young',.llll4 - WebSteri.said_he.--.had no objection to the doctrines contained :n the first part of the fourth resolution— and seemed to be indifferent as to the whole - re - solution. M'r: Niles moved to Strikeout imor- . al and religion's" at the end of the'reso lotion. Mr Calhoun .accepted the. a in e ndin e n • - Bayard-moved - an-amend:meat,. Strilking out. cdistributiOn - of povver,! and inserting !apportion 4 ment of power.'—. .Mr. Calhoun aecepted.the amendment.. ...Mr. Morris spolo in oppoSition to the' ieSo - lutlipnis - inconsistent: - an - d - Troju - st v •Mr..Mcitean,..callett for the reading of the resoltition.: Grundy said lie tv.a3 ilrdnring the asloptiOn of the ether' three resOlu -troris---f - litelia - dlieen - in theT.Senite R. : • - should have voted for each of them. --t-T,lie:,4tTeiiiianihqnn the final adoption of-the fourth.resolution, I,was voteilloy as - 7 • Yeas. Messrs. Allen; Bayard; Ben , : ton, Brown; }hack;-Buehanan — , Clay, of Ky, - Clay, of Ala. Clayton, Crittenden, Cditbert, Fpltolf, Grundy, Hubbard, King; Lumpkin, Lyon, Nich olas, Niles, .Norvell, Pearce; 'Preston, Rives, Roane, Robison, Smith of Conn., Strange, Watiter, White, Willianis, Wright, Young—;-34. • • , ?ire'reani Morris, Smith, of Sivift, Prentiss, oc. • TheTifth ResUfUtion came up for consideratibh.' IMr. Smith of Conn: who hati-supported' the foUr resolutions_ posed ,the fifth. He considered*. the four resolutions as a mere 00i:ignition of constittitipnalprincipies, but, fifth :altogether . different. • The people had a right, to 'enter upon the doctrines *of. the fifth.• They had, in. his opinion .a right to abolkh Slavery ih the tribtriet of 'Columbia; — I .- Tho' had the right;:althotgh he believer lte.exeralse of the right would be 'i,eoc - pedit.et,'iind unity; ; • ' M r ---- PC I 1: .- 41; -- folltivy-ed751,r; b . tit faitor:"oflhe_R,esolution:— 'He defended thdfeurfirsi .reseintionS, -and-said thepeontained - the - only - wea-= pan which,-would Cauld.successfully be Ibr_Ottght nstthe, A bol n ists. They were. the . only.cxprossion'Of Opin ion the-Senate , could . .Ove, and ,giving hopetilt would -. .sliew a -vhArg - e - : of public .opinion•for the better. The faktle,. ; lie said, was to ,be fonght, at the North; ,The Abolitionists he said were, t -l oppesed•there. Iho , ..Were to be lON there that the • Conatitution was a Varrier. - between them and' the - abolition' "Or' slavt.ry. 1111'': , ;:, P. • said Ite, - should 'stand by'Alie South, and - standing...by the South:lie• her . into no _latie security. - There•Wait danger, and. - he warned - the - wit..: - 41t..: 2' • . - Mr. Crittendert..followed, and emm , . mented' severely on the resOlution4..---- They placed the subject hr the air,-and were but air,bubbles-mereabstraelioni, meaning nothing • ,, -.nothing- 7 —nothitig. - . 'He examined the Omer remarks and replied to thetntvithgreat*warmth . and spirit. He bagged. Mr.' Calhoun to . give him :some, idea of a State. Rights Man. He thought he was .no • Aboli tionist, but according to the. Senator's definition oc . i State RightS. tnan, • he be one: " . Mr;.C;•said - he-Ceuld. not participate in the fears of some of the•SNators from slaveholding-States-.-- • For-liis7o-wn-p'art-he-feli---str-fing--in4lte ., laws-strong in'the Constitution—strong - bout' - .oflnalting.the'§ - lavef y: tvestion and this discussion a political qtiestion ?a nd a political, diScussiori,l•-and every man according to his notionti was to be dubbed atiAbblitienist, who- was-n' =Stale- ig lIIMIE :Mr-Calboun.said he was.nOt surf._ - eclatthe - Opposition of Mr. Crittenden. eloolcOd4u-pon-th e-fa ets- n-a-d Hie rent light from him, and thereforelt tvas : in vain to argue with hint; • :Mr.' Calhoun •stated th,c number of *the Abolitionists, theirextOnt, &c. 'and thought if' this 'did _no t_a Ia r sti iti rn ot h k -- tv o He argued that .if the -Abolitionist s weritin . , - -liier - OTWOMIe. either ait end of the Union tir'i cigil ruar.. - Clay, after. seine- few--reinarks from Messrs._ Crittenden_and* Fres tat; tool: entered - into - a brief :explan - ation„of the origin tit th,e . etinsti, tutibn, its relationship between States and: Goverinent - ; and_ its *ratification. by the Gcivernrnent. _He__regretted_ that the resorutions had - beep *designated • thr dote;rimes-af--arrararprrty:zA-n-; such -great principles, intended for-the security of 'property . and tbepreser - va 7 tion of the*: Union, there should bend appeal to one party bet 'to . all---tO the - Democratic - party—to the Jackson party the_old Republican party 7 -do_the_ Van Buren party---lo the *Loco Foco party. • Mr. Clay' here' read' an eloquent let ter from Governor Pitman; of Rhode Island, upon thei_progress_ol-the_Aboli, tion question and the Causes of its in-. crease. The letter gave an accurate and _interesting - view of. th'e excitement throughout the North.] Mr. Clay spoke of the-right of peti tion,,--and-'-said there were three views of this.question; one was where ,pett tions were- presented of a character that • undoubtedly did not belong to Congress to Oct 'upon; the second was where the _thing prayed for was a con , troverted question,-and -the. the third where : it was undoubted. 'Mr. Clay said that petitions for the Abolition..of Slavery 'n the District of Culumbia belonged M bre — posii,ton,. c and one. which he' begged the. Senate to: consitlet , ll itsimpor lance. If, said Mr. Clay, you receive, refer, and report upon such petitions and against such' prayers, it would sat- Isfy — Chre rieTiliT;iii - e - rs, -- eaTth and tranquil the public mind; and presdrve the Union - ; Mr. Clay said' that'the fifth resolution had_ a reference to some question beyond the Abolition. of very, _Texas,_ it might_ be seen,- was thouglit . of :when the - resolution---was . ; - drawn up. Mr. Clay ho hoped . that this qitestion would be kept -free - from-party polities . and front party feel s2rencarlorWitti' the .presentoion' of 'a:number:,pt ltition.s of e-pacific. eltaratter=deOittied: to harthonize and .I..i.anquilize the North= eintind Soulhe.rn section of the emin-- try:Ther re'iolUtions.were nine in num ber. and contain sentiments'. full of patri otism and . statertanship, Mr. Clay great- interestin .the. Senate.- chamber,. -which s - vas, crowded to overflowing: M - 17. - , - .Calliouti - foHoweTMKTC4'f,litid - ' examined the merits of his Resolutions. HOUSE OF REFROSENTATIVE. . . . • The Rouse aipent the tuorningin the reception of reports.• GEORGIA. ,This State has made a noble spt-otl against Calhoun-ridd e n SOuth Carolini; in the action of her 'Legislature upon the Sub-Treasurrs.dbeine. 'Resoltltion apprgiring' of - thief; system,,eame up. in the Senate of that - State, op 'the 29 ult. - , arid were laid on the- r 4able for the ses-. sion bra vote- - of 40 to 30 votes. The next day a motion was. made to' consid er the' vote.of the day before, and' was . lost, : 3"t3 to 32 Votes.. What think ye of thi s ye , apologists for King's resigna tion and I..watpkin's election? • What think Qt. this, who 'said, "the ,PeOple never desert a 'public - servant honestly laboring for, their welfare?" Chillicothe . . • 1. --- LATEST - FROM - CANAD A.' ' - '• - • Front the A. Y. Euetz4o(ar Late .-: mid important from tpper 0-a d ...... P more:lllililia arrived at .Litgalo--ex, pected . attack -on Navy is .land. - i • ?-- . The steal - it - boats of - yttterddr.etening from Albany, hatie come •all.. 'the way , through, free , of ice, and. we -have the . Journal of' last, evening. ' The news from-the- Frontier is to Jan-. ' Ch . . 'There are three regiments of A meri. I at° militia (3000 men) - encamped at Ni; agora Falls. - ,', •.; s., ~ ' - 1 ....., t n. names. of four. of the, principal persons in the outrage at Schlosser, areas, certaintd, siz-Paptaiti Nit:Abler, -deputy itheriff'.McLepd,;4awyet MCDonald•and Thomas McCormick.; • . :- - ,• • ,Cuv: Head is at Chippewa, and has. brought over froin . Toronto more cannon and . hortibs. Ahe royal torte is 5000.;- * " , dilly. , 78 regulars,- hut- 500 Indiat,s, 15 _pfeces of-, ordnanCe, 6 - Or 8 bombs or mortars, Congreves, ftea.•.. At NaVylsland the Patriots muster 2000 and_2s cannon._ - There ,was- an _important movement on fo - otat7Buffalo - to bring about a. negocia tion between Gov. Head arid Gen. Van Renselluer to permit the latur - to come over to life main land and fight the .battle . out. G e n: V.R... refused. .Gen. Arcti z ' larius had demanded' the'state cannon at Navy Island, and been refused. An at tack,,was txPected certainly on • Wednes. day - night - . - --It--is-reported-the-abtv e McLeod' with. 15 men, had •been-;driven - -ina , boat_over_the-Falls_by-a-shot_fromili e . Island. , Gen. Scott has left. - AlbanY . for fiarjhe7:frontier. • The Islanders are in' 1 40 ii.PIOLL_I i± _ Troops continue to arrive at Buffalo. - deli.. Itandilf'iWrig, de d hacome in, and parts'of .the three •egiments of ,General. -Burt's brigade.. The militia of Niagara' County were' all disbanded on' Monday; -.onpardea•crf - riflemen: - Elead,_one_accOunt-say_s,_isiin . the Schlosser -attack—anoth er , that'he is now reconciledfo McNab, :As :soon as the .500_ regidars-from___LoWer_ Cartada came, Governor Head was 'to make'the attack. ' - - Gov. Head, arrived at Chippnva_on th.e regtilars - -ancV".6---cartnori, corresponireii.T — Orthe ROchester D'efito crat states that he first heard of the Schlos• .Ve - 17itliiik - WNI g irr7l77 y incensed at Col. Nlals/abls for hav,hag„tx . • ceedrd his duty.. ' • The force - ate Itippewa ia said to canaist:of: abour.E4.oo.o ri.)Wiia, a few regtir: and" 3 or 400. Indans. "rhey are Said .to have-also-45 pieces - of ordnance: The - papera • contain -various" reports, evidently the fabrication s orekaggeratiOns of_the Jrl a y._ •• - ARREST - OF - MACKENZIE, . : . --- - L - 1 --- r- -------- itßuirrALo Jai). 4 - 11138,.... -: ,Mr: Mackenzie . Was arrested -by the mashal.a' few minutes sinee, in.this shy, - on a_writ issued by Judge .C.onkling, the ;U:rB - A.Yistlict Judge. Corre.yondence . ll I?ochealer Diii;ocral NIAGARA ' - Wednesday, 9 o'clock; A.M. ;., An important movement now.on loot. •A number of gentlemen residing on the •frontier—are making 'an effort to either. reconcile the belligerants. or to obtain an =a greerne.M.-.:lturru:A.4 crv-.. ead o- - Termit Vun Rensse laer . to obtain a ' footbold, un• molested, upon the Main land, where the battle might be fairly fought. A willing ness to do so has been expressed by many of McNab's not - by -11 , 1eNab himself. Answprs to negotiations for the above - Object are expected to-day. • . Gen._Arcularius, commissary 'general of New _Yolk, yesterday demanded the surrender of the cannon belonging to the state i .and non , on Navy Island. q• - 1 1 , - s,----1-have—this: 7 -moment—heard = thut Van Rensselaer reluses—to accept an un molested landing. should it be proferred him: and that he also respectfully begs kiive to hold on io the arms now in his poSSCSSI-01),. Now look out for a battle. • From the Albtiny Evening Journal. • Burrato;Jan. 5, 1858. , —Mon LOW --- Dear Ifeivy - firing .having heel) heard here for four hours past', great anx iety has been felt in reference to' the ex-• pected battle at Navy Island. The cars have just .come.np, by which we learn -that the royalists commenced a "tremen- Atoutr;fir_e - upon =the %Island-fern*. the- main shore, at 1 o'clock this',afternoOn. They have 16 pieces of artillery and -several Mortars, all of which are, in the most activeOpensktiono,...The...for,ce—is—about : .4,000 militia,2oo,regulars, and 250. In? dians--?the- •atter :Mostlx . ' arrived last : night in canoes; frOm above. With these, assistance. or the . .. Steamboat • .Thomai MOL.tbeir schooners lying at .Black Cheek, imi'milgsahove it is expected they will attack the Pa% triots to-night, and God knows - .what rp A y, be thermit l _.&gre.tt,t.toss pc will ensile, at — any rate, as the-liatritift are . Pretti.Well . prepared, and Island itself is_almostimPregir e-Ilat riot s force is . about 1,000 to 1200, as near, as we catrlearn;aifilit more determined serof _Men for good or evil, Were probably'nev ei• congregated.', They haVe also 20 pieces of artillery, and are well supplied - with small arms a i ld. other munitions of •war. We are. of course - waiting with intense anxiety. to hear from theni: • - Elea- • • bffice of the N.Y. Courier 4r Enquirer,Z Jan'. 11- . --13,-P-.M. 5 , . . Late,st from the Frontier. We have dates flom . Buffalo and Niag-: era Falls to - the sth inst. The report of MeKerzie's arrest is, confirmed. He was takenAn Beiralo on the :evening of the 4th;.bitt Was - liberated on giving bonds to.tbe amoont.of.ss.o.o() and-was perMit ted to return- to Navy Island. Gen, Vast 'Rensselaer had peremptorily —declined to deliver up the artillery 'and oitisketi be longing to . this State; and it;is said that Gen. Arcularius had made a Successful application to Sir Francis Head, for pee ._ . _ missi i n to take them, it they .should, fall into the hands of the British authoriti This certainly indicates the most canipen: _ dable = -TOurtesyLin-the : -Lieul . .-Govertio r . 7 . Iris' farther Staled that . Sir Fraocis:ll,mt . - disavows any participation ihe ernme'ne - of - Cuniida - itrthe-atifiir-at-Schlos• - . • • *-• There-is-nti - positive information in re gard to the movements of Dnncombei no, reliance is- placed in the •yartous repute • that - represeti:t him as in force in the Vikin-7 ity of Malden. * An attempt at mediation. is said to have been nadde, on*the part of 'spine. of our citizens, between.the.Cana dianantliorities ded.the,personi•on•Navy • [sl tad.• *- • . 'Gtirierar Scurf Alba - ny :Tuesday nrin"rning—and left there in.the evening . for the• froiitier, in 6mpany with Governor Manny, Colonel Wotan,"-of the. United Stntea Army, and Adjutant General -MACDONALD. -__ - -:• 40 • - - THE- SCHLOSSER OUTRAGE. The Rochester 'Democrat• of a rite • date, contains &letter from Buffalo, froM which we make the following- eitratt.. ghould the .inl:ormation embodied iti it tie'trde, no time should be lost in secur- - ing the_arrest of the cold_-blooded wyeth es, and bringing"-them to justice: “Seieral of them whcr.werd engaged outrage are known. Indeed, some Of them make public boast of the act, and triumphantly exhibited their wea- _p o n ens& of their val or _Their promotion is secure; and I doubt not .that_anyidemand_foi tliejr,surrender will be treated vitlrc - ontempt. The names of four of the'prtnetple monsters; are, as understand, Capt: Moshier, deputy she;. riff . McLeod, Lawyer _ McDonald, and Mceprmick: .-- The latter - I liave - known .from boyhood, to ima Most des. .perate_fellow; - • •"• • • • -- ! , Depositions. - of two •or three, who were on .the hoat. at Ole: time of - the-at." tack .have - ,-been taken, a ste .cont- me'nced AO - s — e - dtire - atAmicttnentliTf — n — ir.: * der apipst those Fro'm the National . .frqell4eneer. • _ D AS 1 RODS NEWS FROM , FLO A- ed, a:few jai IcJ eit'e•frw are already u. An action has been fought - etween•a dte tacliment of tlie7tße. , ulars and vlissouri Voltinte'er's, udder t he coinrnanil of. fil. -Toy/oi, - - - atid_the_Anditin:s,..,said- to, hare* .beck' .cominatitled.by,„Sam",/ontc,s.;.. which appears to havefes.ulteirintisf disistrinsl• IS , -too . otr troops, twenty-tighttiichittib__. several valuable officers) haviog been,kil— led,:antlione_hundred and - eleven . Wo'unil ed.. .The tollowing•by the . -Express-Mail of yesterday;, are all the p a rticulars that have reached us, each account - h6wever,. confihning tne_utlierin , all%essential par— ticulars-: • ".. . . SAVANNAH, Jan 6, 1838, 51. o'clock P. M. 'Frtom FLonfoA.-:—From Captain Mills, • of-the __ steauter__Camden, _front Garees_ . . Ferry, 'arrived: this morniitg, thrti that on the 28th ult. between Peas creek and the Big Cypress swanip, a small Par ty of Indians i was seen and pursued, and .when the pursuing .party • reached the ... liammock,_theimlians were discovered in - great force, and a severe contest ately ensued, in which twenty-eight. of our gallant troops were killed, and one `! hundred and eleven wqunded. Ainonr, the killed are Col.. TuoMPsow, Captain • VAN - SWEAMINGEN. Lieutenant BncrOti. . and Lieuteount • iny, and Colonel GENTRY, Captain AN DREWS, and Lieutenani•Warttnn,volutt- - toots; wounded., Colonel. GENTRY has • since died. 7=-77 - The loss of the Indians not ascertained. but presumed to be large. A few---- - --- - previous, .General. Jessup. cAptured Indians near Fort - Lanecl. •Since the abov — e - TATIS 'been politely . furnished-with the following extra,. wh,ich,painfully confirms the above statement"; • From Lie jacksonville Vourier. - We hasten to_give the public the _IV- / iewing-inteliigence74 a bitiiiiiientljr7 '- fought between our troops and the Ind'k am. The place. as stated in the letter, isr-not-known-to t us,-or—to-the-writer,. Such accounts cannot but convice,..all that_the foe we are pursuing and fighting is not to be contemned. 7 ? lh the Editor,of the :racksonville Courier.' OtatEy'.s nem-, iart, , 1 4 3 8.. DEAR SIR: hasten to - intorm - yo.o that a . battle was fought /a few days since, - Iplce - not7known),between-e•the-Indians--- and Part -of the 6tli, Regiment oflnfintry. We _lost in killed and wounded,-139: loss • of tile enemiiiiirkifißiti.-11e--tifficers— killed are Lieutenant ColonetThompson, , Captain Van Sweringen, Lieutenant Brooks and,Center, 'and Col:, Gentry of the yolunteer.. Wounded -11-1,-x, killed 28. Yours in haste,. • RICHARD WEIGHTMAN,> MI. CU RUSSIA 111 ATS, J USI' received from 'Philadelphia, a sup'. ply of Black Russia - Hat's of the latest _ fashion, a superior article, For sale it the store of • OGILBY & RIMER, January 8. 1838. • . ' • CREDITORS - NOTICE.- - - - , TAKE notice that I have applied to the • Court of Common,Pleas of Cumberland coun ty. for the benefit of the insolvent laws. and' they hive .appointed TUESDAY the 'lothk day of January, - for the- hearing id' tner and--- nay creditors; at the Court Houseln the bor- - i1k...„ au of Carlisle; when. and where yotis may at nd if you think proper.( , . • • .' SAMUEL HELL. • January 8, 1838, -. , .. ' . , . ill I 3 El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers