I Furniture and § p House 1 i Furnishings. | t Bed Room Suit, 522.00 Hard wood, well luade, g Idei. oak finish, -2x'-- in.. • e". clt'l Iflß mirror on dre*>ser. fall siz*- bed and wa-h stand. . Odd Dresser, S 10,00 p|^ Brtiitid ytfann ffrtm «ka«d aiedj A plain bat substantia', white iron bed. 4 feet f > inches wid»- by 5 feet 4 inches long. Cost.- $4.50. fe? H Parlor Suits Mah .gany finished framt five piec* - covered in a.^>" r, e'i cr.lor- S|> of rib Tap.*try It > well made arid n: .-ly finished. Price $32 50 JSgj Hot Plates, Two Burners. $1.25 Yon burn les- «a-> and keep the h< use cool. Some with two jgj burner*. others have 3 and coat $2.75. Side Board i 11.50 jgl Beveled mirror, pattern top, golden oak and w-11 made l§S5 J Campbell g |emplctonjg iffiHiiiliiliilli Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN. SACRIFICE SALE throughout the house-—every shelf and box to be emptied This 1900 Shelf-emptying Sale is the greatest money saving op portunity ever offered you, and the fact that it is an entire new stock of up-to-date seasonable goods v. e intend to sacrifice, makes it the most attractive —not SIOO worth of stock in this house one month. We rc-opened our store after our recent fire on June 12th, so every thing is new, clean, stylish and desirable, but the season is late and we have too much stock for this time of year. Sale to continue a'l through July. Silks, Dress Goods, Millinery, Ladies' Tailor Made Sui's, bilk Wa : sts, Wash Waists, Separate Skirts, Jackets, Lace Curtains, Wrap pers, Art Goods, Wash Goods, White Goods. Laces, Embroideries, Trimmings, Hosiery, L T nderv/ear, Muslins, Calicoe3,Ginghams, Chevi ots. It will pay you td'see this valuable new stock at the sacrifice prices we have put on every article in the house. Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman, N. B. —Any person desiring a Fashion Sheet mailed to them can have one by sending a postal card with name and postoffice ad dress. Our mail order list was destroyed in the fire of April 24th. At the Old Stand, Corner Main and Jefferson ~ — Streets, Butler. Htiseltore's Shoes TO FIT ALL SORTS OF FEET Takes all sorts of Shoes. Small stores can't have big assort - ments. If you care how you and yours are shod, COM E HERE! Hut Oxford That seems to be th«: cry We'ie going to give our patrons the best Oxford and Shoe opportunities that they'll heat of for many a day. STYLISH GIRLS WiD appreciate onr Htrect ()xfor<\H shown hnr>: *in great variety ami not expensive. There are mitt and velvety bla. u and brown "Kidn," ccd Ktmrtia and t-well Pateutn. |1 00, <1 25, |1 50 and *2 <X) buys a prettier tie here than anywh* ro LOW CUTS AND HIGH CUTS FOR MEN. IjOW in priced; for Htyle and wear, away "tip in <i." Any pric«* yon want to i>av FOR MEN Who work out in all HortH of weather, we have Ki*elal nhoeH that jirotect, abwjlutely wet proof, bat don't oont but *l, *,\ 86, ft HO and 00. Juiit the **utewt and daintlent BABY'S SOFT SOLES yon ever saw at tWc, Hr»c and 50c. B. C. HUSELTON'S, ilutler'* Leadtni Hho« Huiut. (>i>po*iifl llotel Ixiwry. YOU'LL KNOW HOW GOOD \ WHEN YOU SEK THEM. = Our 25c box papers. Our IOC and 15c fine writing i paper tablets. Blank books at the old price, i j Albums l»vu}{ht before the ad vance. K'jdaks with a special discount in January. Photograph supplies always fresh. Sporting goods. Late fiction. Bibles cheaper than ever. Everyday needs at everyday prices. At DOUGLASS BOOK STOWK. Eagle li l d. MCMILLANS FORMERLY IRA C. BLACK & CO., Wall Paper. Next Door to Postoffice.' HUEEN QUALITY SHOES FOR WOMEN. Any woman who will take the troubh to compare ourM with others would not think nt buying anything but Queei for Women and only fcl on LADIES' KID BOOTS at |1 50, 00 and |'i V), are the -.lick ect Khoee that ever came to town. It tickles the women half to death to nee the way they fit. will cost you 50c more a pair at other store*. Are Your Children's Feet Properly Fitted? It's an outrage to fit growing feet in a manner repeatedly called to onr at tentlon the past few weeks. If you ! want your children to have faultleis | feet, HTAHT NOW and have us fit them with Nature shajie shoes. ILJICSL' -/ -1/ •!/ if- u At- u\u U / uy v •J/.U J ■■ * * Vn • * *t " * * T * * * j PHILIP TACK, | OONTKAOTOK IN | Cleveland Berea Grit \ A i STONE * 11 X ! ( Suitable for I (Jrnaim-ntal and i Paving purpofcCH. I This Stone Will Hot "Shell Off." Price* reasonatjle. I Work done well * and promptly, X Stone yards on Hast J'.t na street. * ¥ * Kesidcnce on i Morton avenue. People's Telephone'33o * **-#-* **** **** ■* <K # #••#* *-# * * *~* * » IFSK^CANTI . Wc make the strongest,. ( heaviest and mrist service . K | able milk cans made. f gal. Cans $lB per doz. ( J . I . Try Our Cans. X I. J. KING, 6 | | Grant St, Pittsburg,Pa.^ T' * do >r that I»ant- jaw had this- mscnp tion o"er it "P'-pilr of hope- Mi ye wh. cntei here. Wh.i. n, in despairs •>f hop he cir ;ins the very dr<.fr« f de=t.air Tb re ar certain forms nt di *.»■*. u wh: medical iymrsr.ee- and popular su per *, ion have given the title of Hope t:-.- That very fact handicaps the -'-i.'Ti • er- :. rr. -ueh diseases bv : bb; r-g them . i the . uraee to try to i> (f=.in health This i» partKularly true of iting diseases A- soon M SMC fasten? uti tkt the vtetin; =it» lown. make- fc'i- win and awaits his late H • wouldn't art that w„;, if he were bitten Vsy a tarar: treatrac nt'may 11 i ty:j ted fatallv in con- J> W—- ",U sumpdo, |i;'l • P~~f J There is a new in 7/ V '*iv »-1 jjcnption i r that —WfIJJ V\y d .U. vof dis^e !|.,l uii.de by ru* binjr " T I out the a Ist tv. 1 words and leaving it Hope all ye who enter here. What Can there be hope for the suiicrer with the constant fiu'hed face, burdened breathing and emaciated body? The record &ays "yf « " Ninety-eight out of every hundrc 1 cases :n which Dr Pierce's (iolden Medic; ' Discovery has been used have been pe:- raantly cured. ".Golden Medical Disco try positively cures weak lur-K- bron chitis, obstinate lingering cough, bleeding of the l\:n#rs and kindred ailments, which, if neglected, find a fatal e-ndlnjf in consump tion. It contains no alcohol, whisky or other stimulant V. ,r medicine is the best I have eve r taicen wri' ;Mr 'esnie of Vftnbarea. KA'.. kr.sk < Co Mich Last spring I had a t,«J ffot so bad I had to be in bed all the tin- - Mv huwtaad though? I had consumption Tt-. wsnted me to (fet it doctor 1 "-t 1 told him if it vas consumption they could not help me V.- thought we -x .uid try Dr ricrr? s Oolden Medi cal Diso-ee-rv and before I h;, ' one tt the . Ji<h stepped and I havt since had no sif:-, of it= .'eturnin? ' Dr. Fieri e> Pellets are tb*j l>est for the bowels t'ae thein with the *' Discovery." SPECinCS A \.'FKVEB ta , C'onac«tlon«. CUTU9 > Ciona. Luag h'rrKr. Milk Fever. 11. 11. / *»PH Lamerii-M. Injuria***. cvaXM i Rbeumallitni. t. C.'MIRK THBOAT. Lt*ujiAlc. cl lu. ) DUlrininrr. j WDHMH. 11..U, «;rnb». E, B.) COltiHH. fold*. Influenza, Inflnrned aria) L' 111»». Pl©tiro-Pneuin«ini*. F. F. I COLIC*. Ilr|!v«rhe. Wiu-l-Blou n. cLK£a $ Oiarrhea. Dv««Dierv. GPrevent* MIBCAHBIAOK. " : "ji '< KID > EV ABL ADDKR ni*OKI>FH* 1 I. >PKI\ niHEA»«EH. Maw*. Eruption*. cltuob > Lleen. Cir*■*.**-. Farcy. J. H. ' BAII Co3VniTlo\. -tnrlns Coal. ct'USb (lndii<ei*(ion. hlomadi Hiasver**. flCte. eaeb; BlabfteCafi'*. Tra ivrik. Ac., sl. At drujgrtata or sent prepala on < >f orl'«. Humphreys* MedlclDe Co., (>»r. WJlOani & f<>bn St a.. New York. NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL. WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over work or other causes. Humphrey*' Homoojjuthic Spocif«<; No in useover4oy<sor», th« only •ju.ee.;aeful roroedy tl !■« vial,or ipecial package with powder,for $5 80l 1 »r I* sr'rti-, or »• at p .*• p-;J oo r. • .j.t o* ptic*. illll'llKEn'lEl*> CO., C*r. WUIUm « J®bu«sU.,^Tor' WlHg7 A Cure for Constipation. 1 have been troubled with rooKtipal ion ' r yeur*. it wan rulnltiK my health, my •on • fort and my complexion, and 1 am uiart •••■ «uy that Celery King haw roatored ull ti:r- , ami till* after trying many other uiodl< in« - that were aappoM '1 to be u'joo, but whl> :i were of no value whatever. I would liki ' tell ;very Hufrerlnfc woman what Celer;. Kin/ ban done for me.—NeUlc Gould, Medina,' >hlo < ilery Klnif cores Conmi pat lon anil all >' i-ur.-f oftli' N erven. Stomach, Liver and K n cevf Sold by druKClft' '£»■ and GOc.. 8 DOCTOR MILES' NERVINE, The Brain and Nerve Food and Medicine, Quiets Irri tated Nerves, Soothes the tired Brain, Builds up the Vital Powers ot the Body and Overcomes Disease. It Contains no Opiates nor other harmful drugs. Srfkl M »T1 flrug stores oa a positive Liiar ir.'jK \VVtfc to t free mlvise it J booklet to j>. Milfli Mtfwaw C«. Clkhurt IVta, gM Eureka llarn» M Oil l«i tl«* f>«wt 9H preservative of now lc*Hl • r ■/ " %] and tho l*;*t r«-nov/,t>»r of old •53 It oil*, V' aud proUM i><. Pm> Eureka 1 I Harness Siil ■ cr> your h**it barm*n, yoor '»t*l her ■ n«- ' and your «-»trrlß*'.» top. ur.'l tl«<-V /ffß U will not 'inly look »<« If r Mi! •«r jr/fl from bulf pint* '*» i' • 11'■' - |T M«l< < 7 hlAllnllli oil. to. Al illlMH—lHi T IH K Butler Count) National Bank, Hi it let* 1 Vtin, Capital paid in - %'*'*>,<**!.'*> Surplus anil i'rolilu IKS. Ilartman, President; J. V. Kitts, Vice I"resilient; John G. McMarlin, Cm.liier, A. <». Krug, Ass't <!ai>hier. A general »'LviWltiK liirdw • ' trarisaeusd. latere** paid on time deposit > Money 1 <am <J on approved h ■ furlty. We invite you U> up' ii hn w/'iunt wit )i t Ills 11l I<K<T 'JItH 111/f 1 .li.s.-uli Harm.an, Hon. W. H. Waldron, In nr. M. Hoover. 11. M< - Hw< ent y I'. ' <>lll (••* I. ti Mull 11, l,e*lle I' II tr. 1-tL M.I mi /in. >V II l.arkln, llirry H(M,I, y, Hr. W i: M.'< iind im lien *la* Solli VV I. Mark , .1 V. KIM*. A. I. Ketbtr Butler savings Bank Hul ler, I J f i. Capital - »*>.<*> Surplus and Profit* - f ißs,fxJO.or> JOS. I, PtJKVtH Prifi lftil J IIKNKY TROUTMAN ...Vii«-Prw.i'leiit WM.CAMPHKI.I., Jr. < u l.i.i IvOITIH 11. hTK:N Teller DIKK'ToIIS- l"v pli 1.. I'lirvln, I Henry 'lroi-.trnan, W. fi. Brati'lnn vV. a Mfi'lu. .i h. Campbell. The llUtl' r Haviritfs Hank 1* the Oldest liunklnir Instiltitlor.! n lftut.lt-r ' lunty. (.••iiorul li.iiikliilt tin>^l' .h 11 in .acted. We solicit account* of ull producers, mer chants, farmer* and other*. AII liJilrn ** entrust. 0 to us will rucidve t prompt at trillion. Interest paid on iltnn deposit*. Advertittf in ti»«: < i'l'lZKN, TMK CITIZEN. REARING QUEENS. Three Kmieutldl Points Stnted hf nn Experienced Flee man. To rear good queens, equal to tbosf reared nn+'r the -<warming Impulse, three essential points must be ol>sorv I'd: . I They must be reared from small larva- Those 12 to 24 Lours old art ' right for the purpom- >tn gl-er. larvre of all ages from which tc I rear <4u«*u*. some of the queen* will j l«e nlm<>Kt worthless. Ixmlittle put.- 1 the limit at 30 hours. but to be on th- j safe side I would advise the use or ' larva- not more than V 4 • -_-s old f•: j no queen breeder will ;a that the) former are l«ett»*r than the latter The ijuccn cells must In- built In full j colonies well supplied with voting bees j The young bees do the nuroing; there ' fore, it Is necessary to have plenty 01 j jounjr l«es to feed the efMlryo qne*-n --& large quantity of the royal too<l. j thot stionji. well developed queens | may be produced. They must lie either reared during b j go< 1 honey How or. In the absence of J tills, liberal feeding mv T be J Ki-cticed. Th:s Is highly important and Ss the only way In which we can r>«r good qu<-eus after the lioney s.-af-on is over. Imrlng n.y 2i> years' experience in queen rearing 1 have tried « very meth- I od which has lieeii brought to public j notice, and I <:■ nslder Doolittle's meth od far superior to ai! others. This ia< thod combines :. essential point* mentioned alxjve in the highest de gree. Ky it we ttre enabled to have qu>-eu cells built in the upper story of any colony devoted to the production of extracted honey having a queen ex eluding honey l>oard between the up per story and brood chamlfi lb-move tw( frame:, from the qpti atory of such a color* \ ar.d In their place put two frames of unhealed brood. The object in doing this is to draw a large force of ntirse liecs above to attend to the queen cells. Two days later re move another frame from the upper story, spread the two frames of brood apart and place a prepared frame be tween them. My "prepared frame" is meant a frame containing a number of queen cell cups, each supplied ti'ith a little royal Jelly and a larta al>out a day old About 1.1 cells are «s many as a colony should !*• allowed to build at one time In order to Improve our stock for honey gathering we must keep a rec ord eac! season of our l>est colonies and rear queens from the stock giving the best results Have them crossed as far as possible with drones not akin of other good stock This is accom plished by stocking our apiary with drones not related to our breeding queens. This Is very important and must not be overlooked If we desire to improve our stock. In presenting the foregoing the Ohio Fanner says that the writer, a Kentucky apiarian, is considered one of the l>est queen rais ers in the country. I.lee oti Cucninbern. The standard remedy for lice on cu- CUIUIMTH, except where plants are very tender, Is a weak kerosene emulsion. This should l>e sprayed on when the lice appear and repeated until they are all killed. The emulsion is made by dissolving a half pound of hard soap •>r a quart of soft soap In n gallon of boiling water. Add to two gallons of kerosene and agitate violently by pumping through a force pump until the mixture assumes the consistency of cream When a complete emulsion lias been made, dilute to "»') gallons. If this Injures the foliage, dilute still fur ther, advises American Agriculturist. An fifiiMvrtMSit Uurallon, There was one question asked at a recent horticultural convention which Is certainly Important viz, I toes the free use of Itordeoux mixture tend to ripen or lessen the keeping quality of the apple, and does It tend to the early maturity of the fruitV The only reply was from a fruit grower of tuuch experience and sue Cess, who Bald: "I have Is-en spraying with bordeaux mixture for three years; previous to that with arHenltes, and the fruit kept much lx-tter than It did dur lng the la t three years. 11 may have been the condition of the weather that made the difference." n un«l Of Important wheat growing coun tries three alone the United fJtates, itussla aud India produce an Impor tant excess over their own consump five demands. Austria-Hungary Is also an exporter, but on a small scale. France endeavors, with varying sue cess from year to year, to meet her own consumptive demands. 'P-miany and Italy are luqK<rters, the latter an lnqsirtunt customer on the Hussion markets. A s|s-cies of digger wasp destroys the apple worm. The wasp Is supj»OHed to (Mirnly/.e the worm by stinging It It then lays e«gs upon the worm, and when these hatch the young larva feed upon the worm, sticking the Juice from the carcass and leaving only the Ihriveled skin Hoy IH'KUM, which are produced at the rate of 10 to 2o bushels |s-r acre, art- a valuable feeding stuff, as they are quite high in protein, ami to some extent take the place of such material as Unseed meal in the ration Tin; growth of free rural delivery has l»*cn so rapid that two new |s»stal divisions have been created In order to handle the business pro|terly. A California grower proposi-t a plan to restrict the acreage of hop to be harvested next fall and thus Insure more remunerative prices Because the Industry Is conllm d to limited areas In four states American AKTI eulturlst joints out that the proposl tlon simpler than the c«>lton problem ond were hop growers to work In tinl- Hon It would stand a fair chance of accomplishment MOOD'S PILLS euro Llvor Ilia, Bil iousness, Indigestion, Headache. Eaay to take, onsy to operate. 23c. RKIIUMATISM Cuaicn IN A I>AV. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism aud Neuralgia radically cures in i to j days. Its action utsm the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once 11K causes and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly hem-fits; 75 centH? Sold by J. C. Redic, and J. F. i lPilpVi I>rugK<sts liutler </>. IPURB BLOOD, i C Purebloodmeansllfe,healtli, vigor—no room for dlßcaw J' J j T/uero tiio veins are Cllctl ( | 1 1 xvitli ricli, red. corpufjclefs. 5j ULindsey's Improveds e Blood Searcher ;! 0 lLikc-3 pnro blocs!—cttrcfl 4 1 t i 11L-1, eryfiix>tla:i, pimples, ljoil.'i, 4 1 1 1 tjoru eyes, scald liea/I—lilootl <lhv- 4 * ca:>csotall forms. ILrre'sproof: A Wy.'m oror/. M r x, 0 mr>. 1 Dr. I.inflspy*ii BViod BeanJier haa .» r v.lf d W'.n'lerHWlthni'!. I liaVol* 'i» 1' & t. ,'il'l' l-wltli Hcmfttia/>'rthlrli/y"" r t 11 $ l/ ii. I «..d thut I>r. T,la'7«ey'fl Jilo-d ,» fVun-lier wllletloif, tijmrmoiifinß euro *" luuiiUurtUiOO- Itftiwondfirfal. < I j) (iWiUNain \ VI. J. OILMOHF. Co. T prrmiiußa, PA. \ r At uB Druffldati. W.OO. r M. C. WAGNER, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER t39 South Main street. OverShaul & Na*t'« Clothing Store > THE COW PEA. Inlorrtil) lait. tint AVIil Worli If It MiimC—A Crop For Poor Soil. I have found .1 good friend In the southern cowpea, and 1 always believe In r-tandlng by my friends Just as long fis they -tand by nic I consider the 1 southern cowpea a* God's ln-st JJia nuriul gift to tin i»> >r fanner. 1 umke that statement with reference to the p«>r farmer and i>oor soil tiec.iuso I i cm sure that my friend, the cowpea, works Is-st !n jHiverty. While it Is well i adapted to tlu- i«>or farmer, the rich farmer may a!*. make go<>d uso of it, ; for It Is 11 rrnji for a poor .soil. Do not con fuse the southern cowpi'D j with the Canada field pea. Many farm -1 have inmle a great mistake In this ' yiuy. The field pea ean be sown 'with 1 cats- You may put It In very early ! before the frost is out of the ground, j The cowpea, however, is a warm sol) i trop The ground must be warm and ! mellow when it Is sown or will I never see a spear of It, any more than ! you would see sweet eorn If you under took to sow It broadcast with the oat ! crop. We must plant It In th? bean ! season if w« wish to get auythlng out I of It. The cowpea Is a crop fur the poorest field you have. It should go the weakest part of the rotation. l™shonl(l never be put on rich, strong soil. My experience with the clovers, and espe cially with crimson clover. Is that It . demands a w< il fed soil. I do not ■ think It will ever make a good crop on a p<-«jr soil without high feeding. I might say that crimson clover Is like a some tough old serub. The well bred Jersey inust have the best of care and the best of food, and then you will get a good yield of butter itnd milk There are, however, some of these tough ldded old scrubs who, If they receive good care, with plenty of feed and the tasti of a currycomb, really seem able to make u fair supply of milk out of frosty air and pure water. Let the n>an bo brother to his cow, and the cow will have a sisterly affection for lrlm. A Jersey cow with the same feed would not do as well as the old scrub, and In the same way I would say that the cowpea Is the friend for the rough, hard places of the farm, where you eltlier do not care or cannot afford to use manure or fertilizers. I i;s<*d to think that a small quantity of nitrate of soda was profitable In the COWj»a lMit It Is very easy to overdo the matter and use nitrate at u loss. I have observed thai where the eowiK-a Is grown In very rich soli there are very few warts or tubendes on the roots. These little warts or nodules in dicate that the plant Is olrtainlng Its nitrogen out of the air Unless they are present It is good evidence that the plant simply fed 011 the soluble nitrogen In the soil, for the cowpea, like all the rest of us, is naturally lazy. It lirst looks around In the soil to s<-e If ample supplies of nitrogen are close at baud If such t< the case, it Is like the cat. living on mice captured in a trap and crawling under the stove to put on fat. If the soil is poor and but little nitrogen present, the cowpea goes to work to take the nitrogen out of the air and holds it securely for the farmer to use on subsequent crops. It must be said that the cowpea is not well adapted to the small farm. The reason for this Is that the cow pea must occupy the land during the entire growing season. In order to use it profitably, one must have a farm large enough to permit this. With us it Is l«st used In the orchards and Isiek fields, which are practically abandoned because the farmer does not like to use manure and fertilizer on them. That Is Just the place for the cowpea, and It will bring these old fields back Into life and pros perlty It will do it alone In time, but will do it more rapidly and with great er profit If a small quantity of potash and dissolved rock Is; used with It. It must l>e understood that the cowpea must hold a mortgage <lll your field for one year. It will not grow, like crim son clover, between two other crops. It cannot be recommended as a catch crop to grow between frost and frost I wolilil recommend the Knrly Hlack variety. If you try the cowpea, I think you will 1h» disappointed in the fall, when the frost kills down the vines, but when you plow It under lu the spring and see the crop that grows after It I am sure that you will agree with me that It Is one of the best ma nurtnl crops that the fruit grower can get hold of Ho say# II W Colling viood of New Jersey lu concluding one of his characteristic talks liefore the State Horticultural society. %U riotiltnriil I!r«- \II lr*». If uuy colonies have perished during winter, put the hives lu a cool cellar to prevent the wax worm from <!•►• stroylng the combs The hives can 1*» used to advantage at swarming time, or if you are In ne«-d of wax the combs should Is) rendered at Mice, advises au exchange. When a g**d dairy cow Is obtained, the dairyman should keep her Just as long as she proven good There Is a mistaken Idea that cows must always Isi young to be profitable. We have |4-en cows 17 years old doing as well tut the average In younger days, says a Massachusetts correspondent of Home and farm A New York state correspondent tells The Itural New Yorker that he gets pole lliiiiis early and cucti 111 tiers, sweet corn 11 nd other vegetables a full month ahead of his neighbors hy starting them In i*>ts under glass In cold frames. Kngllsh authorities claim that club root germs persist at Iwist two years In soli 11(1011 which no host plant Is al lowed to grow and thinks It prolwble they will do so much longer. The iiumlier of plant lice on a trer can be materially lessened at any time during the season by a thorough spray lug with even a comparatively weak mixture of any g.ssl contact poison AS AN ANT I PERSPIK INE In auinmer j>ure whlnkey oi cool quilt,y la far nupeilor to any drink knowr. lu action on the blood la uliui hcaiiu'ul and often prevent! lom: continued dlaeaae. We offer the rliolce of the below brands ol whl',key guurantci 'I pure awl ovei six year, old, ,i ;l 00 per fall <iuurl or *l* quarts • > '•"> mi.'ll, MT. VKBNOH. 1,1 I KKMlkltlkU. 11l 1.1.1 NU Kit. OIItMI.V OVHIIIOI.T, LAItUK. riIOMFHOfI. llii.DtitCfOßT, ■ l: ..1.0 AIIIMtH.I IIUM K, 1 a w iUW' y Kiiarwile I yearn old. 13.00 per tin'. Ml i 0 li or nmll order* of §T>.OO or ove 1 we Ixix atid Hlilp liromtit'y; ®*pr. is eliarg" ,iri PtM, We Intvi- no iiic-rtH to repre ,1 lit u*. send nrilcra il Inset ami , iv*» money - KOBKRT Lb WIN A CO, 411 Water Slree Telephone, 21 fltUt.uu, > *. Opposite II A O. l icpot. Tlila !• Your Opportunity. On receipt of tea renta, cash or stamp*, & generous 1; mple will he mailed of most iiopnlur < atarih and Hay Fever < '•>" (Ely> Cream Unlaw iinlTicieiit to dernou htrat'i the gri il merits of the reae dy. KLY liItOTHKUB, Wsrreu Ht , New York City. Hot John Held, Jr , of Great Fulls, Mont., recoiumendud Ely's Cream llaliu to nia. 1 can einiihasizo his statement, "It is a jioti tiva euro for catarrh if tn*d widircoUd. ltav. Francis W. I'oolo, I'aator Outrall'roa. Churob, Helena, Mont. l'W's flreaai Balm is tl»- arknowl«dge«! earn for catarrh and contains 110 la'-renrj nor any iujarious drug Frice, 00 cents. WANT Hi Hon. I mini or woman loiravi \*,r I Jiff'' a lumi .«•; iHltiry f»''» rrtdfi Lilly ini'i . it i'M( J 1 1 • Ul'« »1 1 " , , , . , 1.. ,uttM <J • iivelopi AMAOI-1( ifeO tux'im bliis-. Ciilcago. T. H. BURTON'S July Clearance Sale Will Eclipse all Others Ever Made or Heard of. |'|| Suits of Clothing will be sacrificed for ONE-HALF of their ; ' former price. This means hundreds of dollars loss to us and hundreds of dol lars saved to you. In our eagerness to supply the demands of our customers we ! bought entirely too many goods. This and other reasons which we wi'l make known later, is why we ofler the public these new goods AT HALF PRICE. Sale Will Commence July 13. Come in and bring a friend with you; look over the Men's, Boy's and Children's Clothing, try them on, and if you see a suit that pleases you pay A of what it sold for anil take it along. !>„.., onlwvp these goods are all marked in plain figures IlclllblllUcl and you can see just what they sold for. Do rot wait till they arc picked over, but come right away, even if you have to miss a day's work, for it will pay you. Below we quote some of our prices: $16.50 SUITS FOI< $8.25 15.00 " " 7.50 14.00 " " 7.00 12.50 " " 6.25 10.00 " " 5.00 8.50 " " 4.25 /•oo " " 3.75 5.00 '• " 2.50 No goods taken back at this sale. T. H. BURTON, 118 8. Main street, Butler, l J a. SIINGE; 1840. W ve b nin business in Butler since 1840. Reasonable to suppose we know something about k< >ds. isn't it? Know where anil how to get the best goods and lowest p.'cesv Know how to detect find avoid all deceitful and unworthy goods Our knowledge is used for your benefit. We have a reputation to inaintair ind our signature to an advertisement means as much to us .is if it were signe< to a br check. Shirt Waists and Shirt Waist Materials White and colored shirt waists, stylish and perfect fitting a SI.OO. *1.50 and $2.00. uTt. New patterns in lx>st percales for waists 13Jc. / Choice Dimities for waists 115 c and ISc. India Linens, extra values at 15c, 30c and Asc. Fancy White Goods 10c, 15c and '.'oo White Irish Linen for waists 30c, 40c and 50c. 1 \ | A All-over-embroideries, tin kings, and laces, hand I' 1, Wl] some and cheap. -'' I ,)Summer Dress Materials. )P7"t Fine Ginghams, great values, Bc, 10c and 15c. Best Denims for skirts l'JJc. fi 3 '/y \ Linen Crash for skirts 15c and 18c. " White Duck and P. K. 121, 15c and 20c. Lawns and Dimities 10c, 15c and inc. Ribbons and Fixings Are needed to complete your summer outfit Jt W No. 40 and 00 Fancy Hibbons—worth 40c to 50c at 25c. No. 'SO Plain Taffeta llibbon 25c. f Pully Belts 25c, 50c, 75c, and s*tl.«X». UJ Fancy Stock Collars 86c and 50c. Hsl iBI 11l Velvet Ribbons, Linen Collars. Ties,Gloves,Hosiery, Under -Jllllillj wf ar. Cmbrellas, Parasols and everything needed at right prices * —— L. STEIN SON. 108 N. MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA ( NefYork j™ ;Tri-Weekly Tribune 3 Dlts ' The first number of THE TRI-WKRKI/V TRIBUNE was published Novembe 20th, 1*99. The immediate and cordial welcome accorded it from Ivastern an Western States insured an unexampled success. It i:. oubliahed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and each number complete,*up-to-date daily newspaper, with all important news of the world up 1 hour of going to pre:;s. , Contains all striking news features of THE DAILY TRIHUNK. Special \Vn Dispatches, D jinestic and Pc .cign Cot Short Stories, Humorous lllu strations. Political Ca;toons, Industrial Information, Fashion Notes, Agriculture Ma'ters, Comprehensive and Reliable Financial and Market Reports. Profusely illustrated with half tones and portraits of prominent j>eople Regular subscription o. ice $1.50 per year, but we furnish it And the CITIZEN 1 Year for $2.00. NPW YORK l or nearly sixty years the leading Nation! tijiijiivC f.imily newspaper for progressive fai nets an WLLhI.Y IKIBUiNL. \ liag. rs Its Agricultural Department is unexcelled, and Market Kejior s an sutliorit for the country. Contains all the news of the Nal ion and World, with interesting ami instrui tive reading for every member of every family on every faun and in eve ▼ villan in the I'nited States. Regular subscription price SI.OO per year, but we furnish it And THE CITIZEN I Year for $1.50. Send all orders to THE CITIZEN, Butler, Pa., F| PAPES, JEWELERS. \\ * \ 4 m o? DIAMONDS, J W 00 J WATCHES, 2 ° oj CLOCKS, { JEWELRY, J ? &} SILVERWARE, J r " 5 J SILVER NOVELTIES, ETC. 5 2 2 4 Wc repair all kinds of # * % j Broken Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc J C> $ Givo our repair department a trial. # Wo take old gold and silver tho same aH cash. * m | J PAPE'S, JI 5 s 122 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. J 5 RHEUfIATISM! A <|uick and sure cure for Rheumatism. <lout. Lumbago Neuralgia an. Sciatica is Dr. Ilolton's Rheumatic Tablets. Dr Ilolton's Rheumatic Tablets give almost instant relief and is prepared from oneof the very la st formulas known for that disease. It is the result of deep an. untiring research of a hospital socialist. Price s<x: a box of sixty tablets Prepared onlf by The Ilolton Chemical Co. Hi; 1)ICK <\ GROHMAN, K*j N. Main St,, Hutler, I'a. Anton Krut, Jr., Wholesale and Retail i<l/)RIbI. GROWER OF Choice Roses, Carnations, Palms, Ferns and Bedding Plants 1>! CORATIONS an.l Ct'T I'LOWIiRS always on hand[and furnished for al occasions. I- ine Floral Work for Funerals a specialty, made by an e*perten. . designer who has had 15 years' experience in I'ittsburg. Main Oflice at Hutler Green Houses, West <>( Court House 2\2 Lincoln Street, on tie Island. _ Branch Oflke, Arlington Hotel Building. South Main Street. People's Phone 355-2, Main Oflice, Green Houses. 355-3. Office 011 South Main Street. Orders by mail or telephone promptly attonded to. When you are in need of Cut l'lowers or PlanU, call and see my stock, whicl is the larger., in the county, as I have , S ,ooo feet -.1 ga* and a s arms of groun. devoted to the growth of Cut l'lowers and Flowering Plants only. ANTON KRUT, JR., \ . UUTLHK, PA. y0OO0OOOO<>OOOOOOO6OO»>0»X I PAPE'Sj Reading Millinery House: I Clearance Sale ij X ALL SUMMFR HILLINERY *122 SOUTH MAIN ST., BUTLER.J A - * rS^V #% , T r f I ITS IS TO HE THE YEAR OF ALL YEARS FOR DEAR old Butler County, and as we are one the oldest firms still in the ring, we deem it our duty to celebrate in a measure, that is, by making it the "BANNER YEAR" of our business. We have just opened and placed on exhibition, and we may add, on Sale, one of the most complete lints of SPRING GOOD 3 ver brought into this city. In this line the following are " nclude.i: Punjab Percales, Lawns, Dimities, Silk Ginghams, Laces, Embroideries, Puffing, All Overs. O ' CARPET DEPARTMENT. We have no hesitation in , ing that we have the Largest, M 0.4 C >mp!etc, and best assorted st of CARPET in Butler County, i >- eluding the celebrated Hartford Axm'nster, Sanfor.l & Wilson's Wi'- ton Velvet, the old reliable Body Brussels, i, 2, and 3-t.ly Ingrain, Rugs of every price and description, Art Squares, Druggets, and t»ur "Centennial Rug," size 36x40 inches, all-wool, at 25 cents c..ch; a veritable celebration in itself. DUFFY'S STORE, Butler, Pa. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION t-'atterson Rro's 3rd Mid"Summer Clearanee bSale of WALL PAPER. Sale Begins Monday, July 23rd. We have a large stock of all grades of wall paper and it must ?11 go as we do not intend to cai y any goods over until next season. Here is a money saving opportunity that you can not afford to miss. See our Remnant Bargain Counter. Window Shades at Cost. Patterson Bros., 236 North Main Street, Butler, Pa Wick Building. Peoples' Phone 400 Announcement OF Clearance Sale Great reduction in every article pertaining to MILLINER - A great variety of TRIMMFD HATS for Ladies, Misses and cliil dicn, all reduced to one hall the former price. Sailors, ribhons, chiftons, flowers, ornaments, straw, braids, nettings; also all untrim med hats, sacrificed at bargain sales, not regarding cost as we need the space for fall goods. Sale will continue a'l during month of August at Rockensteln's, South Main Street, Rutler, I'a Farm For Sale. I will sell my farm in Washing ton twp., located about three miles west of North Washington, containing about 150 acres, with good house, barn, outbuildings, springs and orchard, underlaid with coal, and two producing oil wells, on easy terms. Inquire ot R. 0. Rumbaugh, Nixon House, liutlcr, l'a. llwaJK- . V- - TTI* AGAIN IT. You will find yourself if you don't t>urch»se h Cleveland or C rcaccnt bicycle. They arc built like it watch and will hint for yents C'etxent #35.00 to Cleveland to #s<> < >. (tool second hand wheels iio.oo. We curry a com plete l'ne of tires and bicyclea parts; i»lwj Cameraa of all kinds and f'hoto Supjilic.i; ulso the Kdtaon and Columbia talking turtchiii •' from #V"" up. A new,, lot ol Records just received. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician- Next to Court IIOUNC WtE IWSHlicori^ Vftsurjiaiied lor cure of C?UOHSvC?LD!> >A< ACfb ■ ' In decorated fin Bones-PocKel vtt 2R C per BOX • , ioM by Of u'jqiMj. • verywWc or ' J i/cLsirf on rece'l" of i>rlc#» Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Opticla Next Ooor to Court Hot-v:. Butler. Pa &<*!*■**». K>«lUk IHw*4 hat NNYROYAL PILLS Orlclaal aad Only ««••!•«. A JL>\ •arc, uoii* ul M\ ft II DrauM I »r 0 OU M%X LMpQA«M7frcii4 In K*4 mm) (Mi ■ataJit«\%V Vk aaalai vlUt t»l«a ribton. Taka W •iiw. toHHTWH m*«Wla ▼ I I * iaMaWim At i>r«cct«te. ar aa»4««. I u Jr l » *•«»«• tor aertlaalaf*. t'nl»«niala ul I M J9 " Ka»rf War Ladl**," <a UW», >y Mill XT MalL IO,NOTNM<WIUU. liaiftM At *ll I'ruMiiU. (llfkratfr rbrmlMil ("a, «40« ||Ju«a N«««r«*. P> fi «oJOfch TAff'S PHILADtLPMI/ VV Vtv-iO*® --DENTAL H00M5." M I ' * 431 IS9 " sth AV«., PlM»durn,r .jj t! • «, du 1 .Y'K'li'd'i" if H J* CROWN ">'l »."jj ». '• - v A® of nil'i urn- WIIV <<OT no w " -'ft /WiYOUn37 (jnow\ . A Ytf 1 ORIDGE work rmlnrwi i. }t ' 'Vf Uili PER TOOTH Alt. 11..!* • i J (m«I Ml iifT(«tli iniuli*, ONLY 1 J. W. MEYERS DEALER IN Pianos and Organs. MeI'ANN I». 0.. Hutlor Co.. Pa It you want H piano r.r organ drop nie a 1 "ic and I will cill u.ion you. I II KM It WATCH KM A Nil « I.OIKN How ninny wit.h / iniiUiTH In ri'i'iilat lnu watclioa left with k tliom tor ropulm at 'v 11■ in |it to IIWIU r them , ' run to tlu' Hi-i oiiit. s Ank youreelf <'< - / jftL idder your |i!i»t ox /itorlnnci' mill when / M? you want ri'iilly ox J ///* pert work <lonii and I (L WlUlt to feel hilt' Hlll'd I IIP I hut your wateh I* llgyT runnlnc iii eloaely 1 \W ' UN It I'llll lit' lllllftl' to .. " run. llrlnK llto till). '\ vft I' ... I guarantee that much. CAKb H. bfcIGHNGR, JCWKI.ER ANIi OPTICIAN. No a .» H. Main Wtroet Itutler. I'a Cures r'i.i. eejey ' ■JT^- k: ,- sr |?ure , :,:l:;. ': KookilL rrrTMiu
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers