DECEMBER OIL REPORT The Titus\iJle Herald gives ll.e following re.'unit' of tho oil trade for Ih<- past month: "Great activity in every portion of the oil region marked the month of December. With few exceptions, every district shows an in crease in developments, not only in wells completed but in rigs up and building, and wells drilling. Produc ers have taken advantage of good weather, and under the stimulation of advanced prices have pushed the drill iu every direction, and completed 220 wells, having a production of 5,900 barreis ; besides 343 wells drilling and 301 rijrs up or building to be used in increasing the production of the mouth of January. The lower oil field was of so little importance last month, except on the Jluuter farm at Byrom Centre, that it is not necessary to use its figures in connection with the summing up of further operations. Tl'C Bradford field is the only one which effects the mar ket. In Dccemljer 188 wells were com pleted in that district, with a produc tion of 5,657 barrels, and G57 rigs are now up or building and wells drilling. This is an increase in the latter of 52 over the figures for December 1, while 40 more wells were completed, increas ing the production 1,592 barrels more than the November wells. The pro duction also exceeds that of October by 820 barrels. These figures our readers will not apply only to the Bradford field. The following table will also show the number of actually new rigs aud wells started in that field during December: Rigs and wells drilling December 1 *>ls Wells finished in December 188 Leaving wells and rigs reported December 1 aud unfinished Bigs and wells drilling January 1 ~l" _ Less wells and rigs unfinished iu December..42< Leaves the number of new ones started in December This is seven less than the number started in November, showing that fresh operations in December did not exceed those of the previous month. The greater average per well arises from the small number of dry holes and the large strikes on the Rew farm and between Cole creek and Kin/.ua. Kendall creek, Cole creek, Kinzua and Kansas branch arc the four districts in which the iucrease of production is noted, while the same points show a decrease in rigs and wells drilling, though it is slight. There is a do crease in the production below that of November in the East and West branches, Tram Hollow, Indian and Meek creeks. A PERILOUS PLUNGE. [Pittsburgh (inzette, Jan. 2.] A frightful plunge was made yester day morning about two o'clock by one John Brown, of Temperanceville. lie had been in the city, vigorously and energetically getting ready to turn over a new leaf on the Ist of January, 1880, and after having a good deal of fun with the boys in the Diamond al ley and other popular resorts, began to wend his way to Temperanceville When he reached the approach to the Point bridge his gait was very un steady, and as a result he staggered and fell over the abutment into the tur bid waters below, a distance of fully sixty feet. The cold bath sobered John sufficiently to make him under stand that he bad got into deep water, and that he would have to swim for his life. He was too much befuddled, however, to take the bearings, and he struck out at random, his course chanc ing to be directly down the Ohio. Be ing an expert swimmer, Brown had no difficulty in keeping afloat, so he ploughed the waves like an ocean steamer, until be reached a point nearly opposite Saw Mill run, about a mile below the bridge, when he had completely recovered his senses, and, finding he had passed his home, he speedily made a landing, none the worse -.or his perilous trip—in fact, something better, for he started home very drunk and got there sober. Ci'Riocs I'BOPOSALS. —When Lord Strangford sat down to criticise a book of travels by Miss Beaufort, he little dreamed that before long he would write to the young authores3: "I was thinking the other day about a commu nication from the Emperor Akbar to the King of Portugal, which contained a request for copies of the holy books of the Christians, and in which the fol lowing sentence occurs: "In the world of humanity, which is the mirror and reflection of the world of God, there is nothing equal to love or comparable to human affection.' For many years I have felt and known this, though I never said it till to-day to any one. When you next write, please give me the possessive pronoun of the first per son." Surely never was a declaration made in a quainter fashion, saving per haps by the Scotch beadle who led the manse housemaid to the church yard, and pointing with his finger, stam mered: "My folk lie there, Mary, wad ye like to lie there?" Or the lugubri ously humorous Irish lover who took his girl to see the family vault, and then there asked her if she would like to lay her bones beside his bones!— Chamhertf Journal. —Little Henry returns from cate chism. He wears an air of melan choly. "What's the matter, dear?" asks Aunt Augusta. "Monsieur le Cure is always scolding me! To-day he asked me how many Gods there were." "Well, you told him one, I suppose ?" "Oh, aunty ! I told him five, and that didn't seem to satisfy him!" —Our regiment was charging up a side hill, raked fore and aft with bat teries and sharpshooters. One fellow near me dropped on his hands and knees, and crawled on in that position toward the enemy, when the Colonel caught him in the rear with the flat of of his sabre. "Get up, you darned fool. Do you think you are cavalry ?" —"Pa," said a little boy, "a horse is worth a great deal more, isn't it, after it is broke?" "Yes, my sou. Why do you ask that question ?" "Be cause I broke the new rocking horse you gave me this morning." —What is tho difference between a hornet and a flea? One difference is that when you put your finger on a flea it isn't there, but when you put your finger on a hornet it is there. —A Maine editor was paralyzed while sitting in church last Sunday, and an esteemed contemporary thinks the novelty of the situation was too much for bim. ISTBW BOOT 5 SHOE STOII, UNION BLOCK, Main Street, - - - - Butler, Fa. JLI. KS/tmJHF Has received his entire stock of Fall and W inter BOOTS and SHOES. As I have an unusually large and attractive stock of 800 1 S it SHOES just opening, embracing ail the newest styles, 1 invite the attention and close scrutiuy of buyers. Men's Kip and Calf Boots very cheap. Ladies', Misses' and Children s Button, Polish and Side Lace Boots in endless variety, aud at bottom prices. Reynolds Brothers' celebrated fine Shoes always in stock. Parties wanting BOOTS <fc SHOES made to order can do no better than by me, as I keep none but the best of workmen in my employ. I also keep a large stock of LEATHER and I- INDINGS. tSfAll goods warranted as represented. AI;. I*l 1' W. CARPETS! OIL CLOTHS! MATS! UL'GS! STAIR IIODS x TJJSW STOCK! rJISW STOCK! > r-> -3 § HECK & PATTERSON'S p j NEK CARPET ROHM f - p 3STOW OPEN! c Ocie» Do OP Sattth of tftete Qlothitig 6towse e 2 a - 1 tj DiilfyN 15 lock, sept2o-tf Butler, Pa, 33 i scion hi vis 1 iBf)QH isxvw iSHxoio r no isxsaava INSURANCE. BUTLETI COUJNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sis. Q. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. W.M CAMPBELL. TREASURER II C. IIEINEMAN, SKCRRTAKV DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis. E. A. Ilelmboldt, William Campbell, j .1. W. liutUUart, A. Trontiuan, Jacob Soiioeue, Q. C. Roescing, JOHU Caldwell, Dr. \V. lrviti, Samuel Marshall, J. W. Christy H. C. Heineiuan. JAS, T, M'JUNKIN, tic a, As't- BUTLER 3PA. THE WHITE SEWING TQS BEST OF A 1.2« Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in the Broad Claim erSCINO THE VERV BEST OPERATING QUICKEST BEI.UNG, BAKDSOHEST, AND Most Perfect Sewing Maohine IN THE WORLD. The greatpopulcrlty of the White Is the mott eon tincing tribute to its excellence and superiority overotl'.er machines, and in submitting It to the trade we p'Jt It upon its merits, and in no instance Hasltever yet failed to satisfy any recommendation The demand for the White has increased to such M extent that we are now compelled to turn out A. Coxnplot® GoTTtrlne 1 2-£3Lc2-.iK.e every tliica 33ai3a.-va.te3 ttae day to supply t3a.a derasndi Every machine Is warranted for 3 years, and sold tor csh at liberal discounts, or upon easy payments, to suit the convenience ot customers. WAOIOT WANTED m UNOCCUPIED TISOTO2T. WHITE SEWING~MACHINE CO.. m 363 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. VOX Agent. OlH.'u at V.i.'clcy's Maker}", sept.l-Om BLILER, PA. Permanently enrea LIVER COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY DISEASES, CONSTIPATBON and PILES. DR. H. IL CLIRIT, S<nith Hero, Ve., Ptyi, "In canes of KIDNEY TKOt BIXS It has acted like a charm. It honoured man jr very bad c^*es«fPlLES, and It luu never failed to act efficiently.•• F, M. BUTTON, of mi *, "An a IJver ln\ vent enrc kcadaehc, an 1 all billion* attacks." f,'"LBON rAIECIIILD, of Pt. Alban*, Vt,, pays **l 11& of price less value. After *lxtecn j carucf crrcut suCVi lug iVuiu IT.d ttiid Costlicf css It completely cured Ee. w CIS. lIOO.VBON, of Kerb; a'.re, "one pack acc bas done for c: ft completely curing a severe Liver and KWuey Cona*, taint.* IT HAS imfv 9 WONDERFUL til I POWER. --imirm-nn BECAUSE IT INTITE ONLY MFDIfINE TIIAT ACTS ox Tan livr.:: t BOWELS AND KIDNEYS AT THE BA2IE TIME. Becanse It cleans * the trfcoleaystena of the poUon •TIH humor* that otherwise v elope la IIIIUAAKUCM, Jaundice, Ccn«tI?o!lon, Kidney and Urinary diss, eaaee, or Rheumatism and I.umbnco, and which In rwfn, disorder every fcnetloa and bring on weak ness and dlneav*. If you want to BO veil In spite cf yournelf, u«r 11/11- W£YMTOKT. It II a dry VEGETABLE COMPOUND, und One Yjill make six quarts r.f Zlcdicine* •t the DrngrteU. JHutl** : ©utUc, |lau, 14, tBBO. it trill 6 ffilhotit Basting, It wiil eew over uuctcq Buriacc3 as well P.a i)I:i;n. * 11. r ill sew over soams in tny Rarmrnt, without making long or =b«.rt stitchi a, breaking of t Urca«l, s : pi:ekcriag the lining of llieciK'ils at tho scum, rsquiiiii'4 no assistance from the ojHrator, excel t toroathe?nachlno nrnt to guldothe work." \ point which no other machine possesses. Itislhacnly prutical machine for hemming 1 as, Jjoplirs. mus.'lns, and other timilcr p .oilsv hout las: TR.acd it is the only machine la tlie Ivor >1 taut »i.l turn a wido hem across tho end of a sheet without fulling the under or upper tide of tli-hem. It wiil turn a hem and sew in aiold atono oper ation. 11 vi'l do Mling, t!as or on auy cotton cr woolen goods. It »i lfcli across seams on any cooils. It will hind drcugcods with the same or other Ejatcrhl, either scallops, points, square! or Etraiicht. , . liind WII.I wilhent showing tho s'.itches, and tew tn at ihosamo t me. It Trill p'lt on drcsa braid feeing, and a biaafuld «t one ope ration, t itliout ilruwirg cith"rdri'S.-i, braid or skirt, and without showing the stitch on righteide. Foil bias trimming and new cn ai onoopira tien. Mako milliners' folds with different colors and pieces of i;ooda at one operation, and sew on at the sa'.uc timo. „ _ - Itr'.U fow In a sleeve, covering n cord and t iito tho scam at the same time.- ItwillpaHur without sewing o". It willgathcr and sew on rt the' same time. It will gather between two bands, showing the «t ! 'ehes on Iheripht side, at one operation. It will make and sew a rufllo on any part of a skirt, and sew on a bias fold for heading at t."O cpcration, showing the stitches on the side. It will p?!lierand sew on a band with piping he'ween rafllo and band, at ore operat:en. Itw llrown band and rufileon adre?s skirt, ctltcliing in piping at head of band, at one oper ation. , It will tnakj plaited triinmlns either straight Make plaited trimming either scalloped or •trulght and sew on a band, and glitch the b.<"d, at one operation. It wiil. with one operation for each variety, wiiiiont busting, executeVU practical varieties <f rulHing, l«'ln>; twelvo more trniu c:tn be produce t on mv oiber maehiuo with the san.e number of operations. li does not change length of stitch on scro:. w rk. Itsewsfroni laco to leather without cban„ ng sti'ch or tension. I'very machine Is warranted f"r five yn. j ~ni will Ik. kept in repairs free of ex,*nse to tho pur shaECT. —nUISALE HY H. Grrieb, Itl TLFR, I»A. I Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. (Formerly Dr. Crai(/'<i Kid,)' 7 Cure.) A vegetable preparation and the only aure r«-in«*fl,y in tn'i world for Brixlai** Dirihfte*. mid ALL Kiitlsivj, Liver, and t'rinury Wim-nwu. twrTestimonialsof the highest order in proof of these Htatements. For ilu* cure of f)inl»ctca, call for H'ar oer's S.if'p DtaSn t'ciro. For the curt* of antl the othor diseases, call for Waraer'it Kale lildiM-y unci UrcrCarc. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. It is the best Rknti B*urilSo»*. and stimulates every function to more hMdthful action, and is thus a benefit in all diseases. It cures K«*rorulota** and other Skin Erup tions and Diseases, including Cau<fn, 1.1- rcr*, and other Noren. l>,VN}x>liHia, Weiiknoft* of (ho Stomßch, (k»UMtl(»atlon, Debil ity, etc., are cured by the &af«* Uilterw. It is u nequaled as an appetizer and regular tonic. Bottles of two sizes ; prices. and WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Q'.sickly gives and Klee|> to thesulferlng, cures ll< k :t«lik<-lio and Nenr3*lf;i«». prevents Kpilpplle Fi U, and relieves Aft'i'voiw Pros. Ir .liou on by excessive drink, over work, mental shocks, and other causes. Powerful as it is to step pain and soothe dis turbed Nerves, it n«-vcr injures the system, whether taken in small or doses. Bottles of two sizes ; prices, tfOc. ;iad SI.OO. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an immediate and active stimulus for a Torpid Llrer. and cure Costiv«ne»«. Dy»p«p«l*. Bil- A lotunesa. Bilious Diar- KSjUrVS DuftU rh(2&, Kxl&ri*, Fevf* aad Ague, and should rJujMQj|UBiS be used whenever the howelti do not operate freely atid regularly. WW Ku oilier Pill* rt'qulrr surh FTKALL I!TW"» R«»r tbo>s;MVH AH work. Prlri" S5 of*, a box. I*4 W ariirr'» s«fr llr»«llr« sre JUB ftulrf bv Drujr-rJ-l- k llfilrr* RPfnamnßH MiA la Hntirlm* nenwhrre. '' , PM H. H. Warner & Co., ■ BOCHESTEB, N. 7. f*?S«id for r«Miphlet ■»"! jt— > iitu.n ial". LIVERY. OVERY STABLE! Having leaso.l Hie J a very Stable formerly occupied by George '■ i iVr j Walter, in the rear of the Vc |»\! _ H gelev House, Butler, Pa., and removed ALL MY STOCK to it. including Horses. Carriages. Buggies, Ac., the public are solicited to give me a call. All my stock is in first-c'ass order, ai.d per sons wishing to hire will be accommodated on tlie mobt reasonable terms and at the shortest notice. 10c22-:ta] tiEORGE BAUER. Livsry, Feed and Sale sTvuij:. C'lnningiKira St-, neir Heineman's Bookstore, BUTLER, PA. A 'ame nnmher of firM-class ritr* nnd tafe hopes alw.tys ot h.m l. iiorees h'd at reasona ble rales, lioiies bought and DAVID CUPfS, Proprietor. desirim: conveyance 1 y the Bnss can !eive their orders at this stable. I jnlj3o*.t JL. H. « OC'llß.tW, Livery, Sals, Feed and Exchange STAIiLE, Rear of Lowry House, - - BL TLKR, PA. june4-ly ferents. Over 200 agents are now making from $ I tor SI 5 a day. Send stamp for particulars. Address _ AGENTS' HERALD, Box it, Philadelphia, Pa. FREE Rirn.JgJ^ I Wis I IN advertisement. Address AGENTS 1 HERALD, Box U, Philadelphia AGENTS! READ THIS! We will pay Agents a salary or allow a larfe cora missioa to sell oar new aud i\ oiiderlnl !a« viillonjs. We mean uiiat we say. H* £amp!c free. AGKNTS' liCiiALD, Box B. Piiiladt-lphia, Pa. iPCIIYV 1 f* rnil the Tastest-sclling: AUCII 3 tj pictorial Subscription Dooka iif«?iTcn WAli ILU demand i 3 timpluimmenst, fml ter ritory being ripidly taken. Will outsell any other bo<;k-<. 'l'ha greatest opportunity ever offered to pernors out of employ me lit or who de iirc to r.dd t i tN. ir income by engiging iu nn lion ora'tic ar.d p: oLitat>!o business. Prices re duced fro:a 10 to 50 per cent. Address AGENTS* I! Box B, Philadelphia, Pa. jJCSf* VTCiillJ Ware at iHauut'ac -22* AA7 if oS&S. turcra' Coat Prices. The utter worthlessacea of the stuff am'ertised by a number of firms in ?Icw York, Cincinnati and Boston, compel s the world-renowned TremontSpooa Co., of Phi'adwphia, to offer everyone sample sets of their Ve y Best Ware. J at prices lower than any jeweler pays for tin ra at wholesale. We make this offer for a short time simply to introduce our goods. The "Rose" and ''Olive'* Brands Plated Ware sent at following rates : 'JYa tpons, SI.OO doz.; TaMespoons, $-.'.00; Forks, 5i.00: Batter Knives, sl.To; Sugar Shells, $1.75; PI ted Steel Knives, S'2 To; Tipped German Silver Tab'eipoous, $2.75; Teaspoons, SI.SC; Plain O. S. Tablespoons, $2.50; Teaspoons, 1t.40. G "ids sent prepaid on receipt of money or liostnge rtampa. TREMONT CO., Bo\ B, Philadelphia. Pa f. Saniplo by Mall For 25 Cents. j«Sgs>b Their are made just like any food Caster, good Britannia (| Metal, (rood <!las» and Bottles. % is/ Every Agent can easily sell 25 gross of these perfect /}■ ■ i* Toys, before Christmas. 4i:st vVTf the article for ConnterSti. res, IByji rai Agents anil Streetnien. 1 do -ItA icn by ExpressSl .00. 1 gross by Express $14.00. Ve also hare a Collapsing Cup, witch telescopes together and car be carried in >est l'orket. Vj-.{jSP Sa*ple l»y Mall 35c. 1 duzea pfeWFfSp by Express $2.75. 6 doz. by Express $24.A1l the abOT® good* are noTel, attractive, highly polished and will sell t*raiiidlr. Address plainly, TUEMONT SPOON CO., Box B, Philadelphia, Pa. FUHINiI 11U \N D Yard I J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PUP.VIS. S.Gr. Purvis & Co., MINUFACTItItntS AND DEALERS IN Rcug,h and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS 1 SASJI, DOORS, Patent Moulded Weatherboard ing. FLOORING, SIDING, ,BATTKVS, BRACKETS and S-.roll Sawing of every descrij ticii Ganirtul Cornice Boards, Cornice JVi on 1 d in g PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS, Newell Posts and Balusters FENCE, PALINGS, &c., &c. MICHIGAN SHINGLES, Barn Boards; Plastering Lath ; Ilem lock Bill Stuft", such as Joist Raf ters, Scantling, &c.. all sizes constantly on hand. ALSO, RIG STUFF AND TANK STUFF for oil wells. All of which we will sell on reasonable terms ana guar antee satisfaction. PLANINCJ MILL AND YARD Near Clernirtii raliiollcClnircli Jan*.. 1877. Iv S. iiocssiii<>:, [Successor to A. C. P.oeMi-ing A Bro.] DEALER IN Groceries, GRAIN, FLOUR, FEED, Oil, —AND— Anthracite Coal. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE TAID IN FOR GRAIN OF ALL KINDS. BOptt f x K Over and More, Specially too Lave a FARM or Village LOT, requiring •" ;j "f (Tiro Thousand Million Dollar'!) are expended in FENCING. To fence oar new \Vextern fields willcost:ismU'-hmore. Every FARM nnrt ViU la«c I.OT Owner. KAST, WKST. and SOf'TH, Is interested. To fence a 100-aere Farm costs JtiOO to 97110, ani) for a SCx!OO Village Tot S'i.l to Slot'. Wood fences soon decay. Bnt a New Era is at hand. By new inventions. STEEL and IKOY ::re toenpp'.int WOOD, furnishing better. Cheaper, and Lifting Fences. The 391 h Volume of :he American Agricul turist (for 18S0) now beglnuine, will give very mneli information nhout new Fcnclnz, with many Engravings. (The Knmher for Dec. Ist his ijl engravings of Barbed Fencing, and much interest- Ins matter. Sent post-paid tor 15 certs.) tW~ To every one interested in FENCING for n FARM, or Village LOT, the 39th Volume of the American Aqrintllurint will lie worth five times, if not a hundred times, its cost. BUT. besides the above Important feature, the American Agriculturist will give a very great amount of I'sefnl, Prarticnl, Reliable Tulormation—for the Farm, the Garden, and Household (Children included)—and over MOO Origiusil Illustrating Labor-xaving, Labor-helping contriv ance)* Animals, Plants, Fruits and Flowers. Farm Buildings, and many other Ptcture* instructive and pieasingto Old and Tonng.—lt Is usefulll ALL in City, Village, and Country. Its constant exposures of HIT.M BI'GS*. which have saved to its readers many Millions of Dollars, will be continued vigorously. For these alone the American Agriculturist should be in every fami'y, no matter how many other Journals are taken ; also for Its Special In formation and Its multitude of pleading and u-cfnl Engravings in which It far excels all other similar Journals. TERM'S (postageprepaid!.—flJOavear. Fonr copies, *5. Single numb-rs, 15 ccn's. (One speci men only, for two SKient stamps.) tF" Over ISOO Valnnblc Premium Articles and Books are offered to those getting up clutu. Premium sent on receipt of S cents postage. ORANGE JUDO COMPANY, Publishers, s£4s Broadway. New York. PROVERBS. " Sour ctomach, bad breath, indigestion and headache cosily cured by Hop Bitters. "Study llop Bit ters tx-oks, use the med icine, be wise, healthy and happy." "When life is a drug, and you have lost j all hope, try Hop Bitters."* * "Kidney and urinary trouble isuniver- f sal, and the only sale and sure remedy is j Hop Bitters—rely on it." " llop Bitters does not exhaust and i!es troy, but restores aud makes new." "Ague, Biliousness, drowsiness, jaun dice, llop Bitterd lvmov; 3 easily." i "Boils, Pimples, Freckles, llovttrh Skin, eruptions, impure blood. Hop Bitters cure. "Inactive Kidneys an l Urinary Organs cause the woist of diseases, and "Hop Bit ters cures them all." j 41 More health, sunshine and joy in Hop Bitters than in all other remedies." Hop Cough Cure and Pain Relief is the best. roil SALE BT ALL DRfCCISTS. E. GRIEJB, DEALER IN FINE Watches, Clocks, JeweSry, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. ENGRAVING OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. ■i MAIN STREET, (North of Lowry House,) BUTLER, PA. J, HF" WATCHES AND CLOCKS REPAIRED, AND WARRANTED. WANTED! KV FRY ONE TO KNOW THAT B. Xj- FAHNSSTCCK'S XJ -C7 IBT <3- STB VP Is the most efficient Remedy before the public for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Ac. AVE GI'ARANTEK IT. It Is from slight colds, which most per sons deem of but little Importance, and neglect, that many serious diseases arise. Neglected colds soon pnss into the iicute stage,and ir prompt and efficient remedies are not used. In many eases become Chron ic or Confirmed Bronchitis. It Is especially adapted In the cure of children, on account of its mild effect, as it contains nothing that would Injure the youngest child. Hut a single trial will convince you. Sold by all dealers Trial Size 2"> cts. Largo bottle tl.<>>. KAHNKSTOCK BROS., Pro's, l'lttsburs. BUTLER lumber Yard and Planing Mill. H. BAUER - & BROS., JEFFF.RSON ST.. - BUTLER, PA., MANUFACTURERS OF Doors, Sash, Frames, Blinds, Molding of all descriptions, Brackets, Patent Molded Weatherboard ing, Mill Boards. Flooring, Palings, Stair Railings, Balusters of every style, &c., &o. Circular Moldings Made to Order. Al-fO, DEALERS IN Lumber, Plank, Shingles, Lath, &.c, ap!2-ly B. C. HUSELTON Will continue to soli fur the next THIRTY" h.VYS, hi- 5 entire stock of BOOTS & SHOES Old PRICES THAT WILL SURPRISE YOU! Coots and Shres have advanced 25 per cent., but you will recollect no advance on Boots and Shoes at B. 0. HUSELTON'S as long as this present stock remains. Now is the time for BARGAINS. Do not put off bnvinjr, hut make your purchases at once, as this stock i heiug- rapidly closed out at Very Low IPrices ! An enormous stock of Men's, Boys' and Youths' Kip an 1 Calf Boots, Women's, Misses' and Children's Kip and Calf Shoes. Old Ladies' Warm Shoes a specialty. An elegant stock of Slippers for the Holidays. Large stock Button and Side-Lace Shoes, all kinds. All of this stock is very prime, and will warrant all goods to he just as I represent them. I don't tell Split Leather for Chicago Kip. Customers can rely on buying, that no misrepre sentations are allowed in my house. All kinds of LEATHER and FINDINGS. JjjgfAU kinds of repairing done at reasonable prices. Call and examine stock and prices. B. C. HUSEI/rON. WJIO IS UIJACQUAIKTED WITH THE CEOCRAPHY Or THIJ COUNTRY, WILL. SETS BY CXAMINIMC THI3 MAP, THAT 7H2 CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFICR^^ IB ti::: CUE at CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN tiie EAST AND THE V/E: fI IN i r'iM li:u r::i:I from Cliira«o to Council Bluffs SMOKING SAIjOON where jrnn can enjoy yonr HIP I t.iuaha. passim* ihr.uu.-h Juliet. Ottnivu. I.a " Havana" r.t all hours of the day. .-nil". 1 "... M.llnc. Itoc'.s Island. Dnv«n|>ort. Ma-niHcpnt Iron Britt'-'C* ?;>:.•! the ."!is. i ij.'i Wot Lllier!v. lowa City. Marenao. ltrooklrn. unit Ali«souri riv-.-rs at nil i».iiis cr.-.-sc,! In- l i Drinncll and Des Moines. (the capital of Iowa) lino. an<l transfers arc avoided :.t Council , with I rstnclw's tVo:n llurea" Junction to Peoria; J.e.ivenworth and Atchison, connections Wil : .o i .turn lion lt> MuWKtiLe, Washington. K::ir- , made in I'nion depot l * Held. Itclknap. Centrcville. Princeton. Till; PItIM'IPAI. It It. COMJ.'IXTI'NS of Trenton. Cailatin. < a:ner„n. Leavenworth and THIS GREAT TlilSOL'till LINK AKII A:' i-\>!.- Atchiion: \tr.ghinet«ri t.» SUrourney. Oskulnosa LOWS Kil l Kn..\ vllle ; .o Karmiuirton. Uonn- At CHICAGO, with all divcnrlnf line# for the Ilaet parte. UentonsjMirt. Independent, Lldon. Ottum- and South v.a. IMdyville. oskuh. isa. Cilia, Monroe and Des At Exci.EWOOn. with the l.ake Shor ■ Mlehl l>i< Moines to Indlanoia and Win terse t; can Southern and I'iltsburu, ft. Wayne Ktiiicajso Atlantict i Audubon. s.:nl Aroca to Harlan. This u ua* i< iio. ltivcly the only which owns, con- At \VASHI>:CTOX HEIGHTS, with Pittsburg. Cln trois and operates a through hue between Cuicwo cinnati .V St. Louis I!. I!. an I Kansas. At LA SALLE, with Illinois Central U. It. Tliis i in i..nnv own and control their Sleeping At I'noßtA. witli P.. P. X J.. P. 1., i I'.; I. I!. * Car-, w'.l ■!. ale i .firii.r to none, cud Klve you a \v ; 111. .Midland: and T.. P.A W. ISuilroads. douliie hcrth l-otweii' Chicago and Council lilulTs, \t li<x K I?I.AM>. with Western Union K. 11. and U'avenv.-urth. or AtcM-nn for Two Dollars and Uock Island A Peoria Uailroad. nt.«. and A s:vtlo!I for five Dollars, while At DAVKNI-OKT. with the Davenport \ North all other lints charge between the same points Western It 11 Three Dollars for a double berth, and Six Dollars At WKST I.inEHTV. with the Durllntrton. Cellar for a secrior,. Rapids & Northern it. It. What vill please y MI rjost will be the pleasure At (JItIXN'ELU v.-lib Central 1!. It. of lowa, oi eniovlli'.' your tneils. while pussinc over the At DES MoINKS. with I). M. ft ft Doil 'eli. It. beautiful prairies of Illinois and lowa, In one of AT I'OCNCIL BLPFFS, with Union Pacllio it. It. our un.iriiitlcciit liiain:; end licstaurant Cars that At OMAHA, with It. \ Mo. It. It li. .in >'< :>.i accompany all Thn>u::li Kxpresa Trains. V.iu tret xcrtox. with linrlii to; :.c< dar an entire mei.l. ::s c<~>.| : < is served in any first- Itapids A Northern 11. It cla's hotel, lor seven! v-live cents; or you can At OTTP.MWA. with Central it. li. of Iowa: St. Old. r what you like. r:i I y for what you tret. Louis. Kan.City A Northern and c„ It. A I:, lids. Appreciating the f:: tl'itn majority of the pco- At IkEOUt'K. vrith Toledi •. Peoria and W»r pi • prefi rsejiarat - :,oar::ue:its for different pur- Wabash, and St. LouK Keokuk N.-W. It. lb':. IXIS4-:. land the mi passcniter business of At UEVEItf.Y. with Kan. City. St. .1. A: C. f*. 11. It. I!iis line warrani n ' i:». v.-e are plcaswl t.» an- At ATCHWO.v. with Atchison. Topei:a .V Sani.i nonni e that tin nion.i.v runs its PALACK fe: Atchison A Neb. and Cen. lir. I'riion Paeliie ■s|.i:i'PlNti CARS <• r Ji!.-epinjj purpose!, audits K. ltds. PAI.A' K l>l.'.''N'<! CA*:S for Katlnii purposes. At I.EAVEMWORTII, with K. IV ami K. Ccn. •Jn<" other treat feature of our Palace Curs is a I R. Itds.'F.CAl!fi hit i on llirouu-h to I'EUKI A.UES MOIXES.COI'XCIL ULI TITI, •tT. ::ir;o\ and I.E l \ ::.VWOKTHi Tiekei* »•!■» this I.irie. known us the "Great Rock Inland Koiitc," are noi.l by fait Vic-ti t AaK-'ts ia fltf t T ulte<l StateN and Canada. for infWrtni.l io.t not obtnlnuble at your home ticket office, uddri'M, E. HT. JOHN. Gen'l Superintendent. Gen'l Tl:t- and Pust'ifr A::t.. Chl.n ;.. 111. 1880. 188(^* Notwiih itanriing the Great Advance in Ail K nds of Goods, We Will Close Cut Olt Retail Stock of BLANKETS, FLANNELS and DRESS GOODS at Old Prices. 10-4 Union Wh"t« Blanket? at |2. 1 Four Special Harmins in 27-iufh Extra quality G. iiiiinc ('i iintiy Blar.kcisai s."i BLACK SILK VELVET. lot Good I nrutl Flauiicls at Viy{ Ctf-, For Skirts and Cofelnines, ill i' 2 75, $3, $4 & So. wtirth 20 cts. Ladies', Vi ses' md Genu' Larfe lot Fine and Clioite Countrv Flannels | KID GI.OVES, at XT,4 <ts. Fnini 2 to li bullous, in ail llie ben f-liuilcs and H Lite Twilled Doinct Flannel at 12JJ cts makes. '•? ! VVI ' i '", D "" U ; /.V",!;' 1 al , i I Special Bar-ail. in Ladies' Kids al 50 Plain W bite and Silk Warp and Embroidered , ( I . IIU 4 button at V 5 cents. Flannel*. 1 . . ~,,,,, Gents Beaver and Sealskin Gloves, 100 pieces placed on sale to-day, 4R-incli Heavy | Ladies lined KiJs and Mils. All Wool " i LA DIES' FICHL'S AND LA'ES. BLACK FRENCH CASHMERES, New D'recl Imporlalion at e* ins. j IIA v BUI.G EDGINGS, I Choice uew pi tti ins never Lelore shown. We will close one lot E]ttr , -i BLACK SILK WARP DKAP DE ALMA SILK DEPARTMENT, At f1.25, worth 11.75 per yard. Atl ,l V| .,y (jj.,Dress Goods reduced prices, piior to our annua' s'ock taking A few I ail Pieees Pnycrs will find rial bargains in Cloaks, BLACK SILK WARP ''ASIIMERES Dolmans, Cirtulars, Wj,lkiii K JaokeU, V\ ill be sold at 75 cents per yard. I Seal Sacqties and Furs. SPECIAL OFFERING! . ( , ( . mline Three Lots MINK SABLE SETS AT $lO. BLACK SATIN DE LY:)N, Fine *1.75, *2.50 aLd *3.25. J BEAVER AND SEAL SETS. EOGGS & BUHL, 118 & 120 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY RYCKMAN. DAY & CO., liKE SHORE HMDS, BROCTON, N. Y., MANUFACTURERS OF Par© Native Wines, Still and Sparkling Wine, AND Brandies from Native Grapes Our wines are put up in choice packages, and are guaranteed to be .sti ndard Rood.- and give satisfaction. CJ. ETZFiIi, Arcul, op 2 ly BUTLER. Vf FOR SALE $5 wiii buy a one-ball interest in a good bus iness in Pilloburuli. One who knows some thing about farming prelcrted. An homst ninn with the above amount « i;i do well 10 address by letter, SMITH JOHNS, care S. M. Jaiuea, y:| Liberty street, Pitt burgh, Pa. |au'J7-ly gPATCIIM For mending Tin. Brass, Copper, 1.ea.l r or Iron without acid or soldering iron. . I •x; Any lady or child can mend wiih it. pBQ IBri Wiil ne: d one sample Plate by mail . - (with directions) that will cut 192*4 ft inch Hqnare patches on receipt of vJi ■U cents. H for tl. ItK) for *lO. (Postage K. ' 1 t-tamps received as each ) AOKN I S A WANTED. Can carry one day's Stock r in your pocket. Sft'e* will yield *3 to 115 per day. Our 6* page Illustrated C Catalogue of Chromo*. Jewelry, Nov elties. Stationery, Ac., FIIEE. Address CITY NOVELTY CO., ( J 119 South Bth St., rhi'adelphii, Pa. [X] Mention this paper. W ALL PARTIES GOINQ WEST TO lowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado or California, SHOULD GO VIA THE Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. B. KvTTickets can be had at all offices where Western tickets are sold. aplC-tf Of A qwhtasanssr S/P JL GUN In world Ql*r 9 J»TI • uin« Tviit. u :th FINNIC. Deft . MIOJC lf ad* f Mior i npm m»il 1 »'«#! M*tm nrh. AUo our <. 1. brut, i Mi* Hfttel. y J2i/ie ("i sio. Wurrittit+il or tto ftzie, fcnruU for illustrated Cntaliiiru* ami Price L:.-»ts lo JAME3 BOWW & SOV9, Enterprise Can Worti, MO ¥» oc «/ HSXABLISNED MIS. I*l TTSBR::F. R:, /J. Notice Extraordinary. Persons deeiring to have their Old Furuituie repair, d. or New Work made lo order, such as Music Stands. Book Canes. Wardrobes, Ortioe Desks, USioe Tables, Ac., would do well to call on A.. 13. WILSON, Practical Cabinet Maker. I hold that a piece of furniture made by hand is worth two made by machinery, and will cost but little more, it any. Then wliv not hive Land made? All work made in the iatn»t styles and of the best material. I nuaraiiteo entire sat isfaction in stvle, workmanship and price. (Jive me a call, t-hop on Mifflin street four doors wett of Main ctrect, and opposite A. Troutman't store, Butler, Pa. bepl7-ly Time of Holding Courts. Iho eeveral Courts of the county of Butler comtcence on the fir>t Monday of March. June, September ami December. and continue two week*, or so long as i.ecefcsary to ditpofce of the business. No causes are put down for trial or traverse jurors summoned for tlia limt week of the several tonus. County Officer*. President Judge—Eltcnezer McJutikin. Additional Law Judge—James Hredio. Associate Judges—R. Storey, \V. W. Dodds. District Attoriiev —Wm. A. Forqucr. Sheriff—Win. 11. Hoffman. I'rothonotarv—Alex. Hnssell. Registrant! Recorder—Jl. 11. Gallagher. Clerk of Courts —\V. A. W'ri^jlit. Treasurer—A. L. Craig. Commissioners—J. C. Donaldson, Jonathan Mayberry, James Grihben. Commissioners' Clerk—S. McClymonds. County Surveyor—Jamvt M. Dennv. Jury Comm'rs—J. W. Monks, Hugii McC'rea. Coroner—J. J. Campbell. Auditors—l!. L llockenberry, J. D. Kamercr, J. F. Cashdollar. JAMES J. CAMPBELL," Conntji'- Office in Fairview borough, in Telegraph Office. janlS] Baldwin P. 0.. Butler Co., Ta. FJ3HHIM ARMOIt, Justice of tlio Peace, Main street, opposite l'ostollke, jljlG ZELIENOPI.E, PA. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BUTLEB, PA • T. m. Cunningham, Office in Brady's Law Building. But'.er, Pa. s 11. PfERSOLT Office on N. E. comer Diamond, Riddle tuiid ing .novia JOHN M. GREER. Oftiee 011 N. E. comer Diamond. nov!2 WJI. H. I-USK, Office with W. H. 11. Riddle, Esq. ~is' E \VTON~IiL A (" Office in First National Bank Building. K. L BRUGU, Office in Riddle's Law Building. s F. liovTsEiiT Office in Riddle's Law Building. [marß'76 J: B. McJUNKINT Special attention given to collections OUicf opposite Wilhrd House. JOSEPH B. BITEDIN, Office north-east corner of Diamond, Butler Pa. H. H. GOUCHER, Office in Schneidemaii's building, up ttaii s. J, T. DONLY Office near Court House. r 74 V-. IX BRANDON, ebl7-75 Office in Berg's building CLARENCE 'WALKER; ' Office in Bredin building- ma: 17—t FEUD REIBER, Office iu Berg's new building, Uaiu street .ap9lj F. M. EAST A AN, Office in Bredin building. L i<:vTw J quISTION, Office Main I door south of Court House JOS. C. VANDERLiN, Office Main street. 1 door south of Court House. "VVm"A7FOIiQUEK, Office on Main street, eppoeiie Vogeley House. " GEO. R. WHITE, Office N. E. ccriier of Diamond FKANCIS S TURVI ANC~E7 Office with Gen. J. N. l'urvi&nce, Main street, south of Court House. jrD MCJUNKIN, Office in Sehneideman's buHdintr, west side ol Mft in street, 2nd square from Court Houte. a. a Williams, Office on Diamond, two doors west of Citizen office. ap2G T. C ( AV'I'HELU Office in Berg's new building, 2d floor, east side Main st., a few doors south of Lowrj House. mart)—tf OA.& M. SULLIVAN 7 " may 7 Office S. W. cor c 1 Diamond. libACK <fc BRO., Office on Maiu street, cue door south o. Brady Block, Bulier. Pa. 'sep. 2, 1874. JOHN Al~ MILLER & BRO. Office in Brady's Law Building, Main street, south of Court House. O. Miller, Notary Public. jun4 ly THOMAS ROBINSON, BCTLEIt, PA. JOHN 11. NEGLEY, ' <3~Gives particular attention to transactions in real estate throughout the county. OmCEOS DuilOXli, SEAB CoEllT HoFSE, IN Citizen nriLPiNO E. K. ECKI.LV, Khnxkdi Miuaux. (Late of Ohio.) EC KLEY & MARSHALL. ' Office in Brady's Law Building. 5ept.9,74 C G CIiRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Legal business eareftilly transacted. Collections made mid promptly remitted. Business correspondence promptly attended to and answered. Office opposite Lovry House, Butler, Pa. misoki.i7a.neo us. W. M. DAME, Solioi!blon Block, Bradford, Pa. EDWARD McbWKENE Y * SMETHPORT, PA. Collections made in McKean, Venango, Butler and Clarion couuties. K N MILKS. Pctrolia, Butler county, Pa- |ju3 WILLIAM R. CONN, Office in Brawlov House, GREECE CITY. |junc7-ly M. G. BENEDICT, jauO tl Petrolia, Butler co.. Pa HOTELS Asior Place Hotel. KUItOPUAN PI.AN. . Astor Place, 3rd Ave. & Bih St., (Oppo. iie Cooper Institute,) Hest location in the city. Elevated Railroad and live other lines oi cars pass the door. Rooms 50 cents to per day. By the week $J and upwards. OI'EN ALL <7lOlll. apßStf WILLAHD HOUSE, Main street, near Couit House, BUTLER, PA. GEO. W. CAMPBELL, - - - Fuopmrroß. Cv'"Good stabling in connection. EITENAIILLER HOUSE, On Diamond, near Court House, BUI LER, PA. H. EITENMILLER, - - - Proprietor. Tliis house has been newly furnished and pa pered. and the accommodations are good. Stabling in connection. N(IIKKIRi:n HOUSE, Main street, Butler, I'a. JOIIN F. HACKETT, - - - - Proi>'K. This old and established Hotel has recently been fitted up in modern style, ond is capable of accommodating a large number of guests. Terms moderate. Good stabling attached. National Hotel, CORTLANDT STREET, NEAR Broadway, NEW YORK, HOTCHKISS & POND, - - Prop'rs. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. The restaurant, cafe and lunch room attached are nn*iirpast*;d fcr cheapness and excellence of service Rooms 50 cts. to $2 per day, 53 to ilO per week. Convenient to all ferries and city railroads. N' w Fcksitcre, New Manage ment. janls-ly lIK.\RI «. HALE, FlHi MiBCMHT MOB, COR. PENN AND SIXTH STREETS, Pittsburgh, Pa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers