RUIIS4JRIPT IO!f BATES : l'er yo»r, in a<lv»nco ♦' Ulliorwiao '•* No unbecripUon wUI be diacontinaed until all arrrarap-s are paid. l'<*tma«tens neqlectinp to iiu'ifV nit when eubecriberH do not take out their l aper* will bo held liablo for the subscription. Subscribers removing from oue postoßice to another should give as the name of the former as well as the present office. All communications intended for publication In this paper must be accompanied by the real name of the writer, not for publication, but ae aguaianteeof good faith. Marriage and death notices must be accompa nied by a responsible name. Address TUB BUTI.BR CITIZKH, BUTLER. PA. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! GALL AT THE Boot and Shoe Store > OF John Bickel, MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. The largest and most complete stock of Goods ever brought to Butler is now being opened bj* me at my store. It comprises j Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, Misses' & Children's Shoes, 4 in great variety. All these Goods were purchased for CASH in the Eastern markets, and therefore I can sell them at the Old Prices, and NO ADVANCE. Lines of Philadelphia, New York and Boston Goods embrace my stcck, and customers can take their choice. I IVXeaTi What I Say: ,B®*NO ADVANCE ON OLD PRICES l^agr All can call and see for themselves. The best of satisfaction will be given for CASH. THE MAKE, STYLE AND FINISH of Goods iu my store cannot be excelled by any other house in the county, for proof of which a personal inspection is all that is necessary. Leather and Findings at Pittsburgh prices. Shoemakers should come and purchase if they wish to obtain material cheap. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. BTJTLER, KARNS CITT AND I*ARKER RAILROAD (Bntlcr Time.) Trains leave Butler for St. Joe, Millerstown, Karns City, Petrolls, Parker, etc., nl 7.25 a. in., and 2.05 and 7.20 p. ra. [See below lor con nections with A. V R. R.J j I Trains arrive at Butler from the above named | point Aat 7.'.5 a. m.. and 1.55, and 6.55 p. m. [ The 1.55 train connects with train on the West ' | Penn road through to Pittsburgh. SHENANGO AMD ALLEUILENY RAILUOAD. 1 Trains leave Hilliard's Mill, Butler county, 1 for Harrisvllle, Greenville, etc., at 7.40 a. in. and 12.30 and 2.20 p. ra. Stages lea"e Petrolla at 5.80 a. m. lor 7.40 1 train, and at 10.00 a. m. lor 12.20 train. Return stages leave Hilliard on arrival of 1 trains at 10.27 a, in. and 1.50 o. m. Stage leaves Martinsburg at 9.30 for 12.30 1 train. p. * w. B. B. (Narow (range.) The morning train leaves Zelieuople at 6 11 Harmony 6.16 and Evansborg at 6.fa, arriving at Etna Station at 8.20, and Allegheny at 9.01. The afternoon train leaves Zelieoop'e at 1.26, i Harmony 1.31, Evansburg 1.53. arriving at 1 Etna Station at 4.11 and Allegheny at 4.46. By getting cd at Shurpsbni: station and crossing the bridge to the A. V. R. R., passen gers on thu morning train can reach the Union depot at 9 o'clock. Trains connecting at Etna Station with this road leave Allegheny at 7.11 and 9.31 a. m. and 3.41 p. m. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Trains leave Butler (Butler or Pittsburgh Time.) Market at 5.11 a. m., goes through to Alle gheny, arriving at 9.01 a. in. This train con cects at Freeport with Freeport Accommoda tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 8.20 a. in., railroad time. Erpreu at 7.21 a. m., connecting at Butler Junction, without change of cars, at 8.28 with Express west, arriving In Allegheny at 9.5S a. in., and Express east arriving at Blalrsvllle at 11 00 a. in. railroad time. Mail at 2.86 p. m., connecting at Butler Junc tion without change ol cars, with Express west, arriving in Allegheny at 526 p. m., and Ex press east arriving at Blalrsvllle Intersection at 6.10 p. m. railroad time, which connects with Philadelphia Express east, when on time. Sunday Express at 3.25 p. ra., goes through to Allegheny, arriving at 6.06 p. m. The 7.21 a. in. train connects at Blalrsvllle at 11,05 a. m. with the Mail eait, and the 2.86 p. ra. train at 6.59 with the Philadelphia Ex press east. Trains arrive at Butler on West Penn R. R. at 9.51 a. ra., 5 06 and 7.20 p. m., Butler time. The 0.51 and 5.06 trains connect with trains on the Butler & Parker R. R. Sun ay train arrives at Butler at 11.11 a. m., connecting with train lor Parker. Main Line. Through trains leave Plttsbnrgh for the Ear* at 2.56 and 8.26 a. m. and 12 51, 4.21 and 8.06 p. m., arriving at Philadelphia at 8.40 and 7.20 p. in. and 3.00, 7.0 and 7.40 a. m.; at Baltimore about the same time, at New York throe hours later, and at Washington about one and a half lionrs later. PHYSICIANS. JOHN K BYERB, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, inyai-ly] BUTLER. PA. DENTISTS. DEIISrTXSTI^Trr 0, If WALDRON, Grednate ot the Plill- H adelphla Dental College, ls prepared ■ II •to do anything in the line of his profession In a satisfactory mauuer. Office on Main street, Butler, Union Block, up stair*. apll £ ' £JA P« r day at home Samples worth 1(1 |5 free. Address STINSOM A Co., Portland, Maine. deo3-ly rfj KAA made in 87 aye. 70 page catalogue .>) VI I free. BUCKEYE NOVELTY CO., ftWnQ QnttOTUT*, OWJ. VOL. xvir. LAND FOR SALE. Valuable Farm for Sale. The undersigned offers at private sale the farm lately owned by Robert Oilleland, dee'd, late of Middlesex township, containing 162 Acres, more or less, with a two-story brick honsc and bank barn, hay house, wagon shed and other outbuildings. Two good orchards thereon. 130 acres cleared, balance in good timber, easy of access, bv about one-La f mile from Bntier and Pittsburgh plank road and miles trora new narrow-gauge railroad, is well improved and in good condition, and is well adapted for dairy purposes. For terms applv to JAMES WILSON, Agent. decl7lf] Bakerstown, Allegheny Co., Pa. For teale. The well-improved farm of Rev. W. R. Hutch ison, in the northeast corner of Middlesex town ship, Butler county, Pa . is now offered for sale, low. Inquire of W. K. FIIISBEE, on the prem ises, aplCtf 2.500,000 ACRES LAM Situated in and near the UPPER ARKANSAS VALLEY, IN SOUTH WESTERN KANSAS, —ON THE-• Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R. 11 Years' Credit. 7 per cent. Interest Tie first payment at d ite of purchase Is one tenth of the principal and seven percent, inter est on the remainder. At the end of the first and second year, only the interest at seven per cent. Is paid ; and the third year, and each year thereafter, one-tenth ot the principal, with wen per cent. Interest on the balance, is paid annually until the whole is p.:id. Six years' credit, 20 per cent: discount. Two years' credit, 30 per cent, discount. Cash purchase, 33 1-3 per cent, discount The valley of the Upper Arkansas is justiy celebrated for its adaptability to WHEAT RAISING mid the superior quality ot it.» grain As a STOCK RAWING aud WOOL-GROWING country, it nflets advantages that cannot be ex celled. Good soil, abundance of pure water, a mild and remarkably healthy climate, with low prices and easy terms, make up a total of in ducements greater than is offered anywhere else on the continent of America. For lull particulars, Inquire of or address C. A SEYMOUR, General Eastern Passenger Agent, my2l-ly] 419 Broadway. N. Y. 109 Main St , Bufialo, N. Y. BANKS. TIII3 BUTLER SAVINGS BANK BUTLEU. I* A. NEARLY OPPOSITE LOWRY HOUSE CAPITAL STOCY 60,000. WM. CAMTBEIX, JAB. D. ANDEIISON, President. Vice President. I WJF. CAXVBELL, Jr., Cashier. i DIK ICC TORS , William Campbell, J. W. Irwin, •fae. D. Anderson, Goorge Webor,. Joseph L. Purvis. , Does a General Banking <k Exchange business. Interest p.iid on time deposits. Collections made and prompt returns at low rates of Exchange. 1 Gold Exchange and Government Bonds bought and sold, pomraercifi paper, bonds, judgment • u>'d otherßeSwitieß bouglit at f»ir rates. loi'O-.Jy THE HUNTER MURDER. TRIAL OF M'LAIN OOIN'G ON AT PITTS BURGH. Our readers will recollect the mys terious murder of the hoy called "Lit tle Sammy Hunter"' at Braddocks, near Pittsburgh, last March. 'lhe case was tried last week, and the fol lowing' arc the first two day's proceed ings : The Court having decided that Mc- Lain should be kept safely in jail dur ing the continuance of the trial, his bondsman was released and he was given iu charge of Warden Smith. The order did not affect Geisal, who is still out on bail. District Attorney Robb related the circumstances of the killing to the jury and stated that the Commonwealth expected to prove that McLain had killed the boy by hitting him with a shovel, and that the main facts would be proven by Theodore Gross, the colored boy who was at the stable at the time of the killing. The story is so fresh in the minds of the people that it need not be recounted. There were quite a number of wit nesses examined on the part of the prosecution, but nothing new was de veloped. Sammy Hunter's fellow drivers all testified that, they had seen him in the stable putting his mule away, or had seen him going into the stable, but no one had seen him come out, neither had they heard any quar reling or fuss inside to indicate that he was having words with any one. The following is the sum and sub stance of the testimony brought out: John Lawler being duly sworn tes tified that about ttie sth of last March I drove a cart at the stael works; I'll be seventeen years old in March; knew Sammy Hunter; he drove a cart too; he drove a mule; saw Sammy on the day of the inquest; first heard of the killing the day after it occurred; saw Sammy at the stable, he was watering and washing his mule; it was on the night he Avas killed just ; about six o'clock; I was at the trough 1 first; when my horse was watered I unhitched and rode my horse from the j dump over to the stable and ungeared i him; Sammy came to the trough about a minute after me; do not know i if be rode his mule to the trough; af- < ter I washed my horse I took him ] into the stable ; after taking the gears j off I started for home; did not see j Sammy Hunter alive after I left him at the watering-trough; then he was washing the mud off his mule's legs; the trough wa~ just a few feet from the stable at the north end of the barn ; \ the end of the barn is toward the river ; ] saw Mr. McLain at the stable, in the , new part of the stable where I put my ] horse; he showed me where to put 1 mv harness; McLain was in the | apartment where I put my horse; i Sammy kept his horse iu the middle , apartment of the stable; there were i two rows of stalls in the stable ; one i on either side of the door; Satnmy j kept his mule about the fourth stall from the door on the right hand side, next to Mr. Brinton's apartment; I did not see Sammy after I left the stable; Sam McLain was the only , stable boss I saw there when I left the stable; I went away with the other boys—two Sullivans, John Hart and , .Joe Hopkins; I live at home, about the middle of Braddocks; the boys ac companied me until we got to Main street; then I had about 200 yards to go home ; Main street is between the stable and the Pennsylvania railroad ; we went up past Mr. Brinton's house on Main street; from the t ; me that the whistle blew until I left the stable I was at work all the time. I have named nearly all the persons I saw there at the stable when I left. 1 saw Samuel McLain and Samuel Gisal, and then there were the drivers, Her man Blatzer, Mike Fisher, Harvey and Miller Calvin and others; I have men tioned all whom I can call by name. Quite a number of other stable bovs were examined but they merely cor roborated the above, with the excep tion of Andrew Hunter, a younger brother of Sammy, who said that he went up from the steel works to the stable after the six o'clock whistle blew, that he saw McLain and Gisal both there, and was told by Gisal not to go into the stable, lie then went back to the mill, where he remained a short time and then when home. His mother started him out immedi ately to look for Sammy, she being very uneasy because of his not coming home as usual. At 3 o'clock Court adjourned until 0:30 this morning. SECOND DAY. The Hunter murder case was re sumed in Quarter Sessions this morn ing at half past nine. The roll was called and all the jurors answered. James Cox, the first witness called, did not respond. Dr. T. C. Ilobinson was then called and testified as follows : I have only known James Cox for two weeks. lie lives at Port Perry, and has the typhoid fever, and is in a criti cal condition. This witness was of fered for the purpose of showing why Cox could not attend as a witness. Gates Fleck was the next witness, j He said: I drove a mule at the steel | works when Sammy Hunter died last i year ; I quit work about ten minutes i of six that evening ; Herman Blotzer I was my partner ; 1 left my wagon at the works and took my mule to water and then to the stable and unharnessed him; J saw McLain's little boy and Herley's little boy at the stable; I also saw the old man Gisal; I don't remember seeing any others there; might have been others there, however; 1 saw Blotzer, Miller, Colvin, Sammy Hunter and the "Tennessee Bummer" when I came out of the stable. The last I saw of Sammy, he was throw ing water on his mule's legs. I was going home. I lived on the side of the river next to Hunter's. The "Ten nessee Bummer" lived with Pipers, near by. Cross-examined—l saw Sammy Hunter washing his mule; he was using his dinner bucket to get water 3 in. lam fifteen years old. Be-direct—We kept our nudes on £ the right of the door as we went into ? ttfe sfabTc. I was tfru'oufc the first to BUTLER, PA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1880. come to the stable. I waited outside about five minutes before going home. Thomas Sullivan, the next witness, said—l drove a eart at the steel works when Sammy Hunter died. I unhitched when the whistle blew, and wit directly to the stable and took off the saddle, and then went to the wat ering trough, washed my horse, put him in the stable and went home, as I was in a hurry; 1 kept my horse in the next stall to Sammy's; his uiule was in its stall when J went in, but I did not see Sammy ; I didn't see either j McLaiu or Gisal at the stables; I lived about half a mile dowu the rail road; I went home with my brothers, Hopkins, Hart and Lawler; Hart and Lawler left us after we had gone a short distance down. Cross-examined—The last I saw of Sammy was at 4 o'clock, he was at the foundation of a new building which was being put up; I am twenty-two years old; didn't see Sammy at the stable; I went past Sammy's stall in putting my horse away ; his mule was in the stable. Miller Colgan was next called. Said he: I drove a horse for Gisal at the time of Sammy Hunter's death ; I quit work about five or ten minutes before six; I was at. the watering trough when the whistle blew; I watered and washed my horse and put him in the stable; I kept him at the south end of the stable; the stalls were not boarded up; I saw Herman Blotzer sfnd Fleck at the stable; don't remember seeing any others ; I saw old Mr. Gisal and Samuel McLaiu there; I don't know whether I saw young MeLain or not; I did not see Sammy Hunter about there. Cross-examined—The stalls are par tially boarded up; this is the case with the stall in which Sammy kept his mule; some of the stalls are divided by rails. Redirect—l saw MeLain under the overshoot that evening ;• when I went in he had a hatchet and saw. Herman Blotzer next testified—l am a driver at the steel works; am eigh- ; teen years old ; I unhitched a few min utes before the whistle blew; I was i just going into the stable after wash- 1 ing and watering my mule when the whistle blew; mv stall was distant > two or three stalls from Sammy's; I ' saw McLain's little boy and Hawley's little boy, but don't remember see ing any others; I saw old man Gisal 1 and MeLain at the stable; McLaiu '• was under the "overshot;" I went home with several of the boys—Fisher, MeDenough and Colgan. Cross-examined—l was among the first at the stable that evening ; I don't know what MeLain was doing that 1 day; Sammy's mule was in when I 1 left; I don't know how long it had been there; I saw Sammy taking his mule into the stable; I was cleaning my mule when he passed me; I went outside, waited a few minutes, and then went home ; I was talking to Gisal in the stable when I was clean- 1 ing the nude ; I didn't see Sam Gisal; ( I left old Mr. Gisal at the stable when ; I came out; didn't see the little boys when I came out. < Wm Jones—l was Superintendent of the steel works in March, 1879; I was at the works the day Sammy Hunter died ; I call the men to work < and discharge them by blowing the whistle; I was there that evening when the whistle blew and for some time after; we ran on Pennsylvania 1 Railroad time, nineteen minutes faster than Pittsburgh time; the whistle was blown on its regular time on this even ing; 1 know the barn spoken of where Mr. Gisal kept his horses; the barn is distant about three hundred yards from the works; there was a plan made of surroundings after Sammy's death by the engineers of the works. A few more questions as to the distances were asked, and this witness and his testimony closed for the present. P. F. Brendlinger sworn—l am the Civil Engineer of the Edgar Thompson Steel Works and was so employed last March ; I made a diagram of the sur roundings after the death of Sammy Hunter; this map is a tracing of a map we have of our premises, with a few additional locations made by my self ; the distance from the house to the barn is the only one I measured; 1 have been employed there since October, 1878 ; I think the map is very nearly correct; I have examined the other map quite frequently; everything within the limits is very accurately put dowu on the map; the map is as correct as can be made without meas urement. Cross-examined—l have since made a map bv accurate measurement of all the surroundings. These maps will be examined and offered in evidence. Levi Brinton was then sworn—l am in the livery business at Braddocks ; I have lived there three or four years, and came from Lawrence county; I was a farmer; I occupy the end of the barn where Mr. Gisal's horses are kept; I occupy the north end ; Mr. Gisal oc cupied two apartments and subse quently a shed that was put up; there were five doors leading out under the "overshot" or shed. A few more questions were asked the witness as to i the location of the stables and stalls, 1 and the distance of the buildings from I the stable. Two plans of the inside of I the stable were shown, both of which ; he thought were very good, after which the testimony closed and Court ad -1 journed until one o'clock. AFTERNOON. At the reassembling of the Criminal { Court this afternoon the trial of Sam , uel MeLain was continued in the pres | ence of a large crowd of spectators. The first witness examined was Jas. Sullivan, who testified: I am seven teen years old; 1 have been driving a cart at the steel works; 1 unhitched when the whistle blew. I was among the first boys in the stable. Hart and ' two or three others were in ahead of me. • I saw no one except Gisal and a few , drivers at the stable when I came there. The old man Gisal was there. The - witness here repeated much the same i story as the rest of the boys. Johnny Hart was sworn. In March, 1879, I was driving for Mr. Gisal at i the Edgar Thomson steel works. I re ) member when Sammy Hunter was j, killed. I uttijitc'fred wke'u the wUistle blew on the dump. The dump is oppo site the stable, between the works and the stable. Saw Hopkins at the stable, ' but don't remember any other. I saw . no men there. I watered and washed | tuy mule, and put him in the table;] my mule stood in the stable beside j Sammy's. Sullivan, Lawler and Hop kins were sitting outside waiting for me. I left Sammy in the stable with his mule ; he was trying to get the har ness off; I saw no one else in the sta- I blc ; 1 did not notice how many mules j were in their places, but I saw Sammy Hunter's mule in its place ; I saw Sam my at the trough with lus mule when I started to the stable. I went home with Lawler, Hopkins and Sullivan. McLaiu did all the feeding. I didn't feed my mule. Cross-examination—l don't know how many were at the stable: there was a crowd at the trough; went straight home from the mill. James Sullivan cross-examined—l was coming to the dump when I un hitched; I did not notice any one, as I was in a hurry ; four or five were at the trough when I left it. Harvey Colgan, sworn—l was at work with a horse and eart at the steel works on the day of the murder ; I unhitched when the whistle blew at night ; I kept my horse in the stall next to Hunter's; mine was the third stall and Hunter's was the fourth ; he was just coming into the stable with his mule as I was going out to go home; five of us boys went, home to gether; I saw MeLain standing under the shed, near the stable door, as I went into the stable with my horse ; there was no light in the stable and it was pretty dark at that time ; a lantern was kept hanging in the stable, but it was not burning that night; I did not see any other men there. Cross-examined —Witness said he was quite a long time getting his horse ready and in doing his work. John Hart, recalled—There was no light in the stable at the time I took my mule in; I saw Theodore Gross standing in the door of his stable as I came away; he had a comb and brush in his hand, but was not doing any thing. Jas. Phillips, sworn—Was a driver at the steel works at the time of the murder; Hunter came to the watering trough after I got there; there was no light in the stable, and it was pretty dark; there was a window behind my stall and I could see; saw several boys, but no men there. Cross-examined—When 1 came out I did not see Hunter; I suppose he was in the stable, but 1 do not know; when I left for home, three or four of the boys were at the trough attending to their horses. THE Tl'G OF WAR. Theodore Gross, (colored) sworn—l worked at the livery stable for Mr. Brinton and lived with him; don't kuow how long I lived with him ; lived with him in Lawrence county; moved out there and then came back again ; don't know how long I lived with him after he came back to Braddocks ; my work was to clean horses and buggies and the stable; the stable was between the house and the Connellsvillc Bail road ; don't kuow how old I am : lived with Mr. Wm. McKinney awhile; you could see his house from Brinton's, down the road a piece ; don't know how long I lived with him ; came back from Lawrence county last winter; don't remember the time Sammy Hun ter died; remember of hearing it, but don't know the month ; old man Mc- Kinney was at Turtle Creek the day Sammy died, and came back in the evening; I cleaned the horse and put her in the stable ; I shut the stable up and stood by the stable door, and old man Gisal was purupin' water there, and Sammv Hunter come to the water trough with his tnule and began wash ing; old man Gisal says, "Never mind Sammy, but put him in the stable;" saw Sammy go into the stable and SAW M'LAIN HIT HIM twice with a coal shovel; then saw Gisal hold a bag and old man MeLain put him into it; then saw MeLain sling him onto his shoulder and go out of the door and turn down along that fence; then they went up over the railroad and down on the other side ; then they kept on straight; then turned down that hollow, and when they turned down that hollow and got over the river bank I couldn't see no more of them ; MeLain went into the mid dle stable where Sammy's mule was kept; in the stall down this way to ward the door; Sammy's mule stall stands up next to the Pennsylvania Railroad, on the right going into the stable ; I was standing at the watering trough when MeLain went into the stable; the shovel was about that broad in the blade (indicating about eighteen inches); when MeLain went in the stable I walked down and looked in; Sammy was coming from his mule's stall, walking backward, as MeLain hit him; he hit him back of the head with a coal shovel; Sammy didn't do anything when he was hit —he fell; he fell toward Connellsville Railroad back into the entry; fell backward; Sammy laid there a little while and then Gisal held the bag and MeLain put him into it; the first time Sammv was struck he kind of stag gered ; then MeLain hit him again and he fell ; MeLain hit him with the the edge of the shovel; the handle of the shovel down toward the iron was broken; I had seen it setting in the stable and would know it now if I saw it; Sammy was put into the bag head first; it was a coffee sack ; can't say how long or wide it was. [Shovel exhibited.] Witness—This is the shovel he hit him with. [Witness gave a representation of the manner in | which McLaiu struck Sammy.] Wit uess continuing, said the bag was got from the granary on the barn floor part; don't know who went for it; that's where bags are got from ; it was lying on the rack on the left side of the stable ; Gisal got it from there ; didn't take notice which shoulder MeLain put the bag on; I run from the corner of the stable door to the water trough and stood up there by the corner of the barn and watched them; when i MeLain came out with the bag Sam i j Gisal was with ljim. CITY OF GLASGII' BANK. The liquidators of the City of Glas gow Bank, which failed Oct 2, 1878, have submitted to the shareholders a report of their doings since their ap pointment. and it is an interesting but melancholy piece of reading The total liabilities of the bank when the liquidators entered upon their duties, Oct. 22, 187*, were about SO-1,000,000, and the assets about $38.- 000,000, leaving a deficiency of about $20,000,000. For the enormous defi ciency each shareholder was jointly lia ble to the full exteut of his property, no matter how small his holding or how little his personal iuterest in the shares. Though he had but a single share, and though his title was that of a mere trustee without benefit to himself, it made no difference. He could be com pelled, not merely to pay his propor tion of the bank's debts, but also to contribute to make up the quota of fellow shareholders who were una ble to respond. This fact and the proceedings taken in consequence have rendered ihe bank's failure one of tragic importance to hundreds of fami lies. From the assets so far the liquida tors have realized about $24,000,000. On Nov. 13, 1878, they assessed the shareholders pro rata, SSOO for every SIOO of stock, or $21,000,000 on the outstanding capital of $4,200,000. This first assessment alone exhausted the means of many of the sharehold ers, and at the time the report was made up it had only yielded $10,500,- 000. In March, 1870, a second assess ment was, therefore, laid on the share holders still solvent of $2,250 per SIOO, amounting altogether to $39,000,000. This assessment has produced sll,- 500,000, making altogether about $22,- 000,000 to be added to the $24,000,000 collected from the bank's assets, or $40,000,000 of debts. Preferred credi tors took $8,000,000 of the money, and the expenses of liquidation $500,000 more. The general creditors have been paid $37,000,000, or two-thirds the amount of their claims, leaving about $18,500,000 still to be provided for, without counting interest. The un collected assets of the bank will, it is thought, produce $14,000,000, leaving $4,500,000 and the interest to be con tributed by 200 shareholders out of the original 1,810, the other 1,550 having been completely ruined by the two calls already made. The liquida tors hold out hopes of another divi dend of 0 per cent, to the creditors very soori, but after that their pro ceedings will be slow and tedious. One passage in the report is almost sublime in the immensity of the dis tress which it describes. Among the shareholders who were unable to meet the first call made on them, 590 in number, as the liquidators say, applied for a discharge of their obligations on making a complete surrender of their estates. Most of them also offered, with the assistance of friends, to pa\ r the value of their estates, on being allowed to retain the same. Before accepting these offers a statement was required, verified by a Justice of the Peace, according to a printed form, in which, in reply to a series of queries, information of the most minute char acter was demanded from the persons liable, as to their means and estate, and their expenditures since the stop page of the bank. The information thus supplied was subjected to careful examination, and after the basis of an arrangement had been adjusted with each contributory, it was submitted to a committee of contributories; and after it had been approved by that committee it was submitted for final sanction by the Court. Nearly six hundred persons thus gave up all they had in the world, content, like Job, to escape with their lives! The ruin, too, spread wider than the limits of the bank'.- own shareholders. Another Scotch bank, the Caledonian, held $2,000 wort' of City of Glasgow bank stock, and thus the shareholders in that bank became liable for the debts of the City of Glasgow Bank. Consequently they began selling or transferring "their shares to irresponsi ble parties in the hope of escaping assessments. Learning this, the liqui dators of the City of Glasgow Bank requested the directors of the Cale donian to take steps for closing their register of shareholders. Negotiations ensued which resulted in an agreement that a petition for winding up the bank should be presented, as the only means available for having the register closed, and the process of substitution of probably impecunious for substan tial shareholders arrested. Considera ble delay took place under this petition, in the course of which the constitution of the Caledonian Bank was altered to the effect of preventing any transfer of stock without the approval of the Board of Directors, and the petition for winding up was withdrawn. But the cloud still hangs over the Cale donian shareholders, though it is not probabie that they will suffer to any thing like the extent of those of the City of Glasgow Bank. It is some consolation to us to reflect i that the authors of this misfortune— the Directors of the bank—have been punished as felons, aud they, too, have been involved in the financial ruin of their constituents, lint to the 1,550 persons they have reduced to poverty, and to the 209 still awaiting in dread the outcome of liquidation, this will be small comfort. Their property is gone, the families of many are in want, and to some of them life presents no hope of recovering from the blow. Gr,.\. ROGER A. PRYOK, now a New York lawyer, has received from a Vir ginia friend a curious relic of the war. It consists of two bullets that evi dently met in the air over some battle field, aud happening to strike each other on their conical points, were firmly welded together. The ball that, from its shape, is supposed to bavo been fired from a Union soldier's gun, apparently was going with greater speed thau the other, and is more con spicuous in the relic. The bases of the balls are split apart and flattened against each other. The relic has been mounted la U3 i pe'adiat. THE TAY BRIDGE D ISA STE R. STORY OF AN EYE-WITNESS. The following narrative i« furnished by an eye-witness of the calamity : "Enjoying the eo-.y comforts of my own parlor tiro ide on Sunday night, j i listened to the fierce clamor of the storm without and felt a deep of gratitude for the security I possessed, mingled with a feeling of compassion for the poor sailors on the sea battling with the storm. The children had gathered round me for their usual Bible stories, and with an instinctive sense of fear they nestled close to my | side as they heard the wild efforts of the blast to batter in the casement of the window I chose the story of St. Paul's shipwreck on the Island of Mel ita. thinking that the storm without j might help me to impress upon their I young minds the terrible nature of the dangers to which the Apostle was ex posed as the ship lay riding helplessly upon the waves with four anchors be tween it and certain destruction While thus engaged a blast of wind more furious thin before had caught the chimney tops of a house almost opposite my parlor windows and brought them down to the ground with a thundering crash that startled every one of us to our feet. Stepping over to the casement I gazed out upon the street, and just then a blaze of moonlight lighted up the broad expanse of the Tay down below, and the long white sinuous line of the Tay Bridge came into view. I looked at my watch and saw it was exactly seven o'clock. The Edinburgh train will be duo immediately, I exclaimed to my wife ; 'come and let us watch to see if it will attempt to cross on such a night." So saying, we turned down the gas in the parlor and pre pared to await the appearance of the train. The light by this time had be come most fitful. Great masses of clouds were sweeping across the ex panse of the heavens, at times totally obscuring the light of the full moon. 'There site comes,' cried one of the children, and, at that moment, the slowly moving lights of the Edin burgh train could be distinctly seen rounding the curve at Worinit, and, passing the signal box at the south side, entering upon the long straight line of that portion of the bridge. The train once on the bridge seemed to move along with great swiftness, and, when the engine entered the tunnel like cloisters of the great girders, my little girl exactly described the effect of the lights as seen through the lat tice work, when she exclaimed, 'Look, pap, isn't that like lightning ?' All this takes some time to write down, but to the eye it seemed as if almost simultaneous with the entrance of the train upon the bridge. A cometlike burst of fiery sparks sprang out as if forcibly ejected into the darkness from the engine. In a long visible trail the streak of lire was seen till quenched in the water below. Then there was absolute darkness on the bridge. OVER THE BRIDGE. * A silence fell upon our eager group at the window. Then, with stunning force, the idea broke upon my mind. "Heavens!" I cried, "I fear the train is over the bridge !" With a growing horror I watched the curve at the north side to try if I could see the train pass that point; bat, as several minutes passed and no moving object broke the continuity of the bridge at that point, I snatched up my hat and hurried down and across the Magda len Green, to meet several individuals all bent upon the same errand as my self. The terrific nature of the gale at this time may be inferred from the fact that, descending the slope of the green, I had to crouch down upon the grass to prevent my being blown bodily away. It seemed as if the wind had become a solid compelling power. One gentleman was blown against another on the green, and both tumbled together. The massive signal post beside the signal box on the north end of the bridge was bent by the wind like a willow wand, and on entering upon the esplanade the sand and pebbles were dashing about witii such force that the hands and face were positively sore with the vio lence of the impact. My hands held behind ray back for a minute, were completely filled with the drifting sand and pebbles. Looking toward the river nothing clearly could be made out. The water from the broken New port water pipe on the bridge was pouring into the river, and, being caught in its descent by the wind, was lashed into a misty spray that helped to veil the gap that had by this time been made in the iron highway. A number of gentlemen having now col lected below the bridge on the es planade, one of them climbed up into the signal box above, and there learned from the man stationed less than a mile from the scene of the great catas trophe that he knew nothing more of what had happened than that the train signalled to him as having entered upon the bridge fully fifteen minutes before had never reached his station, and that all telegraphic communica tion with the other side had ceased. What had in reality happened the pub lic knew now as well as they will ever be likely to know. An entire train, with its living freight, had been swept into the bosom of the Tay. The rest was left to the imagination. In the clear sunlight of this morning I have again visited the spot, but so calmly was the river then rolling onward to ward the sea that, save for the incon testable evidence of the great gap in midriver, it was difficult to think that the significant scene of last night was other than a horrid nightmare. EDISON AND HIS CAT. —One of Mr. Edison's friends told an amusing story last evening about an early experiment of the inventor's with electricity. Edi son, having seen the sparks fly in strok ing a cat's back, procured a large cat and U6ed one of its paws as electrodes. Then he tried to 6tart an induced cur rent by rubbing the cat's back briskly. It was entirely successful, and Edison, his friend said, still bears on hiß hands the marks that resulted from using the cat as ufi lufoctdr.-—.Veu* York Sun. A DVFRTISIKU BATES, Ot." i*.|H*ro. on.i inriTtiVw, f J ; rvh *ut.«n qnent insertion, 5o oentc. Yearly advertisement* exceeding one-fourth of * column, t5 per inch, r Pigure work doublo these ratoe; additional I chargee «Uer«> veeklv or tn\»u<hl> diugn «ro wa.le. for find iiiscrtiuo. au-1 sc*tit« p*r hue f'jrea"li ad-litional Insertion. Maring"-'' and deaths pub iiaL. 'J free of Obituaiy *» advcrUHumvuts, ami najablo when liatulod ii» Audit ore' Notices. t< : Executore' and Adminit tratore' Notice*. i 3 each; Entrav, Caution an* Dissolution Notices, uot exceeding teu lines, each. From (lie fact that the CITIZEN is the oldet' entaliliehed and mo»t extensively circulated He publican newspaper in Butler county, (a liepul lican county i it must l>e apparent to bnnines& men that it is the medium they should nee in *ilrertif>ing their business. NO. <). -4 TROUBLED DUTCHMAN. A gentleman of Teutonic extraction came into onr office the other day and inquired if we were in We replied we were. Said he. I vandt to' my wife put in de paper." "How ?" we benignly inquired. "1 \andt to haf mv wife put in de paper," he repeated. "O ! you wish your wife advertised," we considerately returned. "Yaas," he retorted. "You zee," he explained, "ve haf lots droople aboudt dot poy Yawcob, he was me vife's sou by his own fater, und I vas toldt her, who vas dot fater! und zhe say 'dots not sootn of yonr bisness,' und she vas gedt rnadt und dis morning she vendt auf mit her filter's house. Now I vandt it in de paper dot zhe not tdrusht any peoples on my ackoundt." "Has she left your bed and board without any cause or provocation ?" we sympathetically asked. "Val," he said, "zhe dakes no pedts mit her und no lumper too." "Yon don't understand. I mean has she gone away without any rea son ?" we said. "Ob, val I don't know if zhe stay dare midout soom reeson oder not, aber I vandt her in de paper so zhe dondt vas coom back," said he. "How long zhe was in de paper before I can get marriet again ?" "You can't get married again with out first obtaining a divorce," we ex plained. "Deforce ! vat ish dot ?" he asked. "Why you must bring her into Court and have a lawsuit; if the Judge thinks she ought not to be your wife any longer and says so, then you are at liberty to marry again," we replied. "Got to haf a lawzuit," cried he, terrified. "Py a tam zight no! I vandt no more lawzuit; zhe haf a lawzuit on me ven ve was marriet, und if I don't vas marriet her she vas cosht me more ash twenty tollars. No, py cracious I vandt no more lawzuit. I run away mit my pruder-in-law's vife und cosht me nothing. Goodpye." And he was gone.— Ex. BLIND LETTERS. A writer upon postoffice matters in the Philadelphia Prens says some of the blind letters are very curious. The following are samples: MRS. JOHN SMITH. In care of her dad. This, it is to be feared, will not be re ceived, for who Mrs. John Smith is would be hard to trace or where her dad lives. Another is L. LOGAN, Logan City, Penna. It is very easy to see that the writer of this simply rewrote the last name in his mind instead of the one he ought to have written. Oretaved Canady P. O. otlice for Margaret Kennedy is perhaps meant for Ontario, but it is enfer to send the letter to the dead letter office than to try. Miss Bridgett Carr Underhill Ancc ner Yirgin St. 64 is hard to decipher. Here is a letter to Mrs. T. J. Carlile C, which is a little too much abbrevia ted even for the blind man to read. In the loreign mail there lies a let ter sufficiently stamped to lie sent, but which, it is to l>e feared, will not reach its destination, for it is superscribed To her Magusty Queen of England London. MARRIED ON A RAILROAD TRAIN.— This morning a novel ceremony took place at the Central Depot that was very interesting to those who wit nessed it. The St. Louis express from the East, which should arrive here at 5.15 A. M., was two hours late, and the officers at the depot noticed an old gentleman present who seemed in rather an excitable condition. It was subsequently learned that he was wait ing for no less a person than his ex pected bride, Miss Mary Olcott. It was their intention, on the arrival of the train, to proceed to the house of the Rev. Mrs. Gardiner, on Jones street who was to unite them in marriage, when the happy couple were to leave Spencerport, where the husband, who stated his name as E. W. Locke, had a pressing engagement this morning. The dilatoriness of the train some what disarranged these plans, and in stead of the couple going to Mrs. Gar diner's house the reverend lady was brought to the cars. On the arrival of the train the minister and bridegr-iom, together with Robert Ray and a few other spectators, boarded the car where the bride was. One end of the car was cleared and the ceremony took place, Itay giving the bride away while Scott acted as best man for the groom.— Rochester (N. Y.) Union. A IIOCSE MADE OF ICE. —A house * of ice, similar to that which was built in the Empress Anne's reign, is about to be constructed in the Zoological Garden at Moscow. The managers of that establishment have found among its archives some valuable de tails as to the mode of building which was adopted on the former occasion, and they will be adhered to in the present instance. The first edifice was raised between the Admiralty and the Winter Palace, at St. Petersburg, in 1740, and was formed throughout— walls, roof, windows, decorations, alike—of ice. The blocks were cut in a square shape and their surface sprinkled with water, which, when the cubes were placed in juxtaposition, froze in the interstices and bound the whole into one compact and solid mass. At the entrance of the struc ture was a large gallery filled with statues. The pilasters ou the exterior were fashioned to imitate green mar- I bles. The ante-chamber possessed j four windows and the other rooms five ' each, while on the sills stood v«*g filled with flowers made of ice, shnsb ' like plants, covered with birds of the I same material, standing at the corners. Clock caseß, chairs, tables, wardrobes, uteris, candelabra?, were all ice.— .Jtfrivn Trc*2'.*r+pt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers