. STATEMENT Of the Receipts and Expenditures of Monroe County. John Edinser, Esq. Treasurer, in account with the County of Monroe, from fifth dny of January A D 1852, to lite fifth day of January A D 1853, inclusive. DR. To cash rec'd of Collectors on ac't of Taxes asses'd for the year 1819, do d do 1850, do do do 1851, do do do 1852, Tklay 4th 1852, rec'd of Abraham Fenner, late Commissioner, as per balance found against him. (see last settlement) To rash rec'd of Wm S Rees, for old timber at Kerr's bridge $12 00 do do John S Fisher, Esq. fine of Joseph Goldsmith, peddling without License 25 00 Odd Fellews, rent for Grand Jury room, for 1852 10 00 J H Walton, Com'ts Att'y, on judgment againt A.Setzer 10 00 Taxes on Unseated lands for the year 1S1G '47 '48 '4(J 2 91 S 9 07 f55 68 3100 02 1525 65-S5290 42 176 26i do dd do do do do . Cleaning Go urt House, Office amP Jail. Paid Benjamin Tock for " 1840 1 25 William P Hallock for 1852 75 Susan Tuttle for do 6 89 Sally Tock , do 2 75 Lands erroneously sold and Taxes refunded. Paid Jacob Miller on Ab'm Vancampen, Price tap. sold in 1839, '40, & '42 1852 Geo rl Miller on Peter Tyson, Tobyhanna do Ezra Marvin on William Harrison, Price do ' Silas L Drake, on John Carson, PjII: do llobert Huston, on Joseph Morris, Tobvhanna do ., M H Dreher, on Joseph Thacher and Jos. Thacher, Jackson do Bridge Views Paid for Bridge views, for 1&51 do do do 1852 -11 64 1G GG 21 2fi 8 92 1127 28 24 15 94 102 29 4 00 19 00 23 00 39 91 To County Tax received on Unseated lands for the years 1850 and 1851, as follows: To cash rec'd for Price township 10R 98 8 36 145 40 220 32 6 11 , . 31 89 .... ' 18 84 20 91 17 66 22 65 8 69 690 81 Cash rec'd as Redemption money on the following Unseated lands, sold for taxes, June 1850. do do Paradise townshsp do do Coolbaugh do do do Tobyhanna do do do Hamilton do do do M. Smilhfield do do do Pocono do do do Jackson do do do Ross do do do Chesnuthill do do do Polk do Trice township, Charles Jones do do oo do do do Paradise do do do Tobyhanna do do do M Smithfield do do Boss do Theophilus Shanon Sliaflner bolomnn Vancampen Rachael Isaac Dills Geo. W Roup partj John Hood Jesse Sharplees Richard Horlon Jacob Overstake John Ilower No 216 4 216 " 218 " 313 " 83 " 202 62 40 8 00 22 10 18 fiS "13 76 19 34 8 43. 4 95 16 42 9 97 10 08 6 31 Lands sold in June 1852. Coolbaugh tsp, John Arnst No lS9 do , do Daniel Rees " 241 . Tobvhanna do John Barry . 4i " do do Horsefield & McCarty " Balance duo John Edinger, Tteasurer, from the county of Monroe 16 05 16 05 9 12 16 94- CE. -190 40 369 48 S67S3 28h Administration of Justice. Pay and mileage of Grand and Petit Jurors, for the year I8l8 do do do do do 1850 1 25 24 44 Redemptions. P'd John Edinger, redemption on Jacob,Cox, Tobyhanna tsp. nml Tsnnr. (iililinns. Price tnwnshirr Charles Henry, redemption on Isaac Dills, Paradise, sold 1850 Matthias Brakclv. do Wm Christman, do Samuel S Dreher, do Ichabod Price, do Richard S Staples, do Joseph Stetler, do Jacob Singmaster, do Silas L Drake, do do do do RS Staples, do Willis Hubbard, do do do do Chas Jones, Price Wm Sprout, Coolbaugh Rachael Vancampen, Price Solomon Shafner, Price Jacob Ritter, M Smithfield Jacob Overstake, do Emanuel Walker, Coolbaugh John Arnst, do Daniel Rees do John Barry, Tobyhanna Sarah Morgan, do 1852 do do do do do do do do do do do do do 24 87 19 33 8 00 7 29 18 70 18 88 3 41 10 08 14 90 1G 05 1G05 9 12 22 04 15 24 4 74 9 83 77 48- do do do do do 1851 213 80 do do do do do 1852 1121 48 Bridges. I for the erection and repair of Bridges for the year 1S42 5 60 do do do do do 1844 20 50 do do do do do 1848 3 75 do do do do do 1849 7 37j do do do do do 1850 5l 25 do do do do do 1851 181 44 do do do do do 1852 978 05 Elections. Paid for general and special Elections for the year 18-1 i do do do do 1850 do do do do 1851 do do do do 1S52 Premiums and Scalps. Paid for I ox and Wild Cat scalps for the year 1843 19 90 6 99 150 85 552 72- 3 I2h r30 40 do do do do 1S49 2 Slh do do do do 1850 7 43 do do do do 1S51 17 68 do do do do 1852 163 26 194 42 Assessors. Paid to Assessors of different townships for the year 1849 do do do do 1851 do do do do 1852 do do do do 1853 Constables. P'd Constables for mileage & returns and attending Court for year 1850 do do do do do do do 1851 1852 4 00 25 00 333 76 18 37 386 13 1 10 24 84 173 97 199 91 County Printing. Paid Theodore Schoch for printing for the year 1850 do do do do J L Ringwalt Theodore Schoch J L Ringwalt Theodore Schoch do do 1351 do do 1S51 do do 1852 do do 1852 6 19 70 00 13 00 143 50 71 92- 310 61 Countv Commissioners. Paid Peter Neyhart for the year 1844 ' 15 00 do Abraham Fenner do 1850 5 00 do Joseph Frable do 1850 7 00 do John Miller do 1851 10 00 do Melchoir Dreher do 1851 100 do Michael Super do 1851 14 00 do Abraham Fenner do lS5l 2l 22 do Joseph Frable do 1852 82 00 do Melchoir Dreher do do 85 29 do Michael Super do do 81 61 do John C Strunk do do 20 00 342 12 Costs in Commonwealth Cases. Witness, Justices and officers fees in Commonwealth cases for 1849 5 00 do do do do do 1850 4 92 do do do do do 1851 4 42 do " do do do do 1852 82 76 97 10 Auditors fees for 1852 39 00 Running Township Lines. Paid for running line of Price township for the year IS 17 2 00 do do Toby hanna, Chesnuthill, &. Coolbaugh for 1852 105 75 107 75 Commissioners Clerk P'd J D Morns for 1850 4 00 J H Walton for lt55l 25 00 . do do 1852 88 02 117 02 j Commissioners Counsel u J 11 Vt alton lor 18a2 10 00 Interest paid on Judgments against the County Paid Robert Brown, Interest on Judgment, 1850 6 88 Tnnnt, Pncion Cnnlhnnrrh HAxni.ps. &.nP'd (r Malvin for r.andles for Ofiieesand Court House, 1849 &'52 Stationary Faid for stationary and books for offices 1845 10 50 do do do 1850 do do do 1R51 do do do 1352 Coal, Wood and Cutting. Paid for coal, wood and cutting for Offices and Court House 1844 5 GO do do do do do 1849 2 00 do do do do do 1851 15 00 do do do do do 1852 29 06- Miscellaneous. Paid Charles U Warnick for bolts do Thomas Bishop for jack screw for raising the Bride do John Andams for cleaning well do Joseph Kemmerer, overpaid on County Tax do Samuel Stoke?, paper &c. do Benjamin Tock, notice to Abraham Fenner do Silas L Drake, work to Treasurers Office do Samuel D Pipher, exonerations on bad money do Robert Huston, boards do Charles Musch, locks , - do John D Morris, tabic for office do Daniel Daily, making- fence around office do Pedrick & Crook, hinges do Starbiad & Wallace, boards do J H Walton, calculating taxes to assessments do John N. Durling, furniture- in Jail do E II Walton, painting Court House do John Edinger, freight on Election Laws do Starbird & Wullace, boards do John N Stokes, merchandise do Daniel Dreher, work at Jail do Abner Gordon, hauling1 wator for Court House do Samuel Stokes, lime for Jail do John Malvin, use of road while building Kerr's bridge do Robert Boys, spikes, &c. do A R Jackson, medicine and attending Prisoners do It S Staples, nails and lumber do Joseph L Keller, straw for Jail do Henry Whitesell, tax 204 02 22 32h 102 60 51 06 do imissions on receiving 86413 SOh do paying out 665'2 63 1850 3 02 1851 5 00 do 1 00 do 10 07 1852 1 16 do 50 do 5 39 do 4 00 do 5 98 do 100 do 3 00 do 1 75 do 75 do 50 do 20 00 do 7 07 do 26 00 do 1 12 do 1 60 do 12 32 do 50 do 25 do 48 do 5 00 do 4 03 do 2 00 do 10 52 do 66 do 1 55- Y do 12 00 6413 C6 52- 137 22 130 65 Balance duo John Edinger, Treasurer, S369 48 Examined and allowed this seventh day of Januaty, A D 1853. JOHN C STRUNK, ) CHARLES S DETRICK. M. DREHER, Com'ers- J. H FETERMAN, MICHAEL SUPER, 3 H. D. SHAFER Attest JAMES H WALTON, Clerk. SG7S3 28i Auditors. JOHN EDINGER, Treasurer, in account with Monroe County, for Road Tax on Unseat- eu Juanus, collected tor the years 1850 and 1651. UR Price, cash p'd J.Fetherman, Sup'or S100 00 Amount collected in "do do do do ,do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Price tsp. as per account rendered S267 99 Paradise do Coolbaugh do Tobyharna do Hamilton, do M Smithfielddo Pocono Jackson Ross Chesnuthill Polk do do do do do 221 15 1S2 32 530 86 4 05 34 89 23 55 42 66 8 84 28 32 15 05 Si 360 28 do do Paradise, do do do Coolbaugh, do da do Tobyhanna do do do MSmithfield" Polk do Aatonv Peters, do Wm Coffinan, do Charles Hilgert do Hiram Warner do David Yothers do Charles Houser do Abraham Butz do John E Detrich do Geo W Krcire do Jackson do CFrantz&GSctzer" By commissions on receiving 1360 23 do do paying out 107 94 Hamilton tsp, p'd Jesse Busktik &. A Breher for 1848 '49, '50 & '51 Bal. due from Treas'r on Road Tax 100 00 85 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 250 00 150 00 25 00 10 00 28 00 13 60 10 58 9 91 278 1G 81360 23 JOHN EDINGER, Treasurer, in account with Monroe County, for School Tax on Unseat cd Lands, collected for the years 1850 auu 1851. Cash p'd John Posten, -School Treasurer, Price tsp. 90 00 do .Samuel Bowman, do Paradise 60 00 do Simon Gruber' do Cnolbaugli 215 00 do Wash. Winters do Tobyhanna 150 00 do John Marsh, do Hamilton 22 48 do Chas Shoemaker " MSmithfield 25 00 commissions on receiving 8359 59 8 59 do navinL'out' 562 48 fio Bal. due from Treas'r on School Tax 282 90 do do do do do do do do do ". do Peter Zimmerman do Daniel Zimmerman do Bell & Brothers do Charles Fetherman do do do do do do Peter Zimmerman, on principal, January 24th R S Chidbey, in full, June 17th Road Damages. Paid Henry; Detrick, witness fees on road damages do Harrison Snyder, damages do It Weiss, administrator of Henry Weiss' Estate, do Abroham Mengle, do George Serfoss 4 do Abraham Shifter do Michael Getz do Felix Storm do James Smith do James Henry Prothonotary & Clerk of Quarter Scssions-P M H Dreher for do do SheriffPaid James N Durling, summoning Jurors Conrt Crier. , Paid Benjamin Tock for ' do do ' " Chas U Warnick do do do, do State Road Paid Jeremy Mackey Inauiskion on Dead Dodv. Paid Jonh Mush, lio-diiig Inquisition on Joseph C Lawrence Boarding Prisoners. Paid William P Hallock, Jailor do do & " John N Durling oRa at Jail Paid for work at Juil for 1350-'5'i ' ' - ! Running 1850 6 88 1851 6 88 1852 32 68 do 21 87 do 19 61 do 29 25 do 176 26 do 25 90 319 33 1850 69 1851 12 00 1852 18 00 do 20 00 do 50 00 dn 10 00 do 37 00 do 15 00 do 10 00 do 50 00 222 62 1851 12 47 1852 90 61 103 11 do 60 00 1849 1 25 1S50 1 00 ' do I 00 1851 2 25 " ' 1852 48 34 53 81 do 15 60 do 15 00 t collected in Price tr.p. as per account rendered 8120 56 do do Paradise do 88 55 do do Coolbaugh do 365 72 do do Tobyhanna do 210 59 do do Hamilton do 4 22 do do MSmithfield do 2 82 do do Ponono do 16 46 do do Jackson do 13 07 do do Ross do 8 84 do do Chesnuthill do 22 G3 do do Polk . do 6 13 8359 59 8S59 59 JOHN C. STRUNK, ) M. DREHER, Com'rs MICHAEL SUPER, ) Attest J. II. WALTON, Clerk. CHARLES S DETRICK, J. H. FETHERMAN, H. D. SHAFER, Auditors. 1849 1852 do 5 00 ' 195 3740 9 62 g COLLECTORS. 1S48 Simon Gruber 1849 James Newell William Thompson 1850 Peter Zimmerman David Keller Jacob Alternus Frederick Shupp William Bellis John Roth Anthony Peters Robert V. Kiple John Smith 1631 Silas L Drake Charles iMiller Henry Overfield Geoige V. Combcrger Philip Gearhart Conrad Frable John Miller Thomas Sebnng John Storm Ichibod Price John Vliet Samuel Mildenberg 1652 Peter Gilbert Enoch Buskirk John White, Jr. John S. Fiiher (,'harles Corrcll Alexander Jlrown Samuel Detrich Henry Heller Smith Price John" Pope Peter Frailey Simon Labar Henry Overfield Melchior Burry Settled in full January Townships Coolbaugh Tobyhanna Coolbaugh Smilhfield Stroud Chesnuthill Polk Jackson Paradise Price' Coolbaugh Tobvhanna Stroud Hamilton M Smilhfield Smilhfield Chesnuthill Polk Jackson Pocono Paradise Price Coolbaugh Tobyhanna Chesnuthill Ross Tobyhanna Polk Eldred Hamilton Smithfield Paradise Prico Coolbaugh Jackson Pocono" M Smithfield Stroud ' Ui, 1S53. Am't of duplicate. $ 42 40 120 21 C2 10 078 08 1247 52 402 01 292 28 103 50 137 57 101 10 60 21 203 23 1201 13 1210 31 705 40 681 80 583 01 205 00 160 15 338 75 13e 71 112 00 67 75 203 34 359 29 230 41 120 37 2'23 26 232 93 C02 45 49!J' 20 107 56 63 75 09 61 141 40 S57 20 , 500 03 -OW05 Dal.due at l:st set'nt. 14 13 52 OSh 4 17 301 00 310 4Sh 152 57 187 47h 131 54 47 70 30 60 46 21 71 23 032 64 935 31 014 00 578 60 359 95 232 56 210 11 110 43 10a 43 173 31 Pay-m'nts. 118 57 234 47h 103 29 71 es 24 50 32 41 548 80 623 CO 313 80 190 00 2S0 12 40 81 71 26 151 22 00 21 .45 83 64 39 75 00 102 0 03 CO' 60 24 09 75 . 645 00 129 25 . 10 00 . 3 7 62 l ' SS-W 2 00 . W) 01--190 00 " - .175 "35 Exonerations 45 03 7 32 Com miss ions. 60 OS Ov'r nail-pay- anco m'nt. due. 14 13 52 06h 4 17 183 33 12 26 4 75 9 IT 6 48 . 23 13 19 46 3 74 6 (id 1 20 40 1S7 55 45 15 40 6 71 107 300 3fc8 11 165 111 58 55 02 23 08 S59 127 00 137 lfii 357 368 t7, 76 3 119 .106-Tie -i .lot-.. 23 47h 10 70 10 21 71 58 50 51 CO 05 75 15 61 07 51 36 34 29 91 37 02 17 48 95 50 13 64 40 32 03 70 Statement of 5 Etc Expenses of the County for t!s Year 1852. P'd Grnnd and Petit Ju row $1121 48 do General, special and luwn- ship Eleeliona 573 47 Premiums 174 84 Assessments 260 03 Constahles attending Court and making returns 173 97 Countv Piinlin" 2lu 42 Countv Commissioners 284 40 Costs in Commonwealth cases 82 76 Auditors fees 39 00 iiunnmg Township lines lt35 75 120 00 50 00 103 41 202 1G 210 00 95 45 60 00 48 34 15 66 15 00 38 35 12 37 Commissioers Clerk Commissioners Counsel Interest paid on Judgments Judgment in full Road Damages Prothonotary and Clerk of the Courts Sheriff summoning Jurors Court Crier Running State Road Inquisitions on dead bodies Boarding Prisoners Work at Jail and Court Mouse Cleaning Court House, office and Jail 11 39 Lands erroneously sold and taxes refunded 1 13 22 Bridge Views 22 00 Stationary and Books for Office Si 68 Coal and wood for Court House and Offices 2906 Miscellaneous 140 13 Marshalls Creek Bridgo 1 00 Kerr's Bridge 312 87 Bell's do 1 12 Stokes' do 49 OS Candles &c for Office, and Court House - 21 56 Castle Garden Bridge 41 34 Philips' do 4 50 Pocono do 2 25 Smilhneld do ... 87 Ransberry's do 115 58 Bioadhead's do 212 57 Zimmerman's do 9 67 Peters' do " 4 13 Henry's do 205 00 Slroudshiifg do 3 40 Cherry creek do 75 District Attorney 12 00 Every Eamiiy should have acopy. An invaluable look, only 25 cts. per copy Man know thyself. DR. HUNTER'S MANUAL & HAND BOOK for the afflicted. Containing an outline of the Origin, Progress. Treat ment and Cure of every form of disease, contracted by promiscuous Sexual Inter course, by Self-abuse, or Sexual Excess, with advice for their prevention, written in a familliar style, avoiding all medical tech nicalities, and everything that would offend the ear of decency, from the result of somo twenty years successful practice, exclusive ly devoted to the cure of diseases of a deli cate or private nature. To which is added, receipts for the abovo diseases, and a treatise on the causes, symp toms and cure of the Fever and Ague, for twenty-five cents a copy; six copies one dol lar; will be forwarded to any part of the U nited States, by mail, free of postage. Ad dress, postage paid, "Box, 19b' Post Office, or the Author, 3S North Seventh Street Philadelphia. F 5501 53 Amount of Checks outstanding and unpaid Including Judgments 1852 $708 58! 1851 25 99; 1850 100 05 189 3S5 13 : 1848 31 55 1847 79 77 1846 2 44 1S45 44 22 1844 27 89 1843 194 23 1842 693 4'5 S229G 31 Recapitulation. Amount of tax levied and uncollected $5301 9S From which deduct Checks out standing 2296 31 Exonerations & com missions to Collec tors tbout 900 00 3196 31 Bal in favor of the County 2105 67 85301 93 Rl. DREHER, ) MICHAEL SUPER, V Com'rs. JOHN C STRUNK,) Commissioners office, Jan, 8, 1S53. CoiKKiissioisevs Services. M. Dreher, Ion the year 1852, 76 1-2 days Michael Super do 00 do Joseph Frablo do 57 do REMOVAL ! ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Soot aui) 0I)oc MANUFACTORY!! r-Jsgt? The subscriber respectfuly informs his customers and friends that he has -removed his Boot and Shoe Manufac tory to the store room formerly occupied by Joseph Sigman. in Northampton street, one door above Hamilton street, and between Mrs. E. II. Harmony's Millinery and Peter 's Drujr Store. He has just received a large assortment of lioots and Shoes, among which are Calf Congress Boots, Enameled Congress Boots, Calf Napoleon Boots, Patent Morocco Na poleon Boots, Brogans, &c for Getlemen and Boys. Also on hand a large assortment of Shoes for Ladies and Misses. Women's fashion blc Gaiters of every variety, made to order at short notice. A large assortment of Chil drens Shoes always on hand. GUM Shoes of all desciiptions and kinds, which he is aelling CHEAP FOH CASH, The goods are manufactured of the best materials and in the neatest and most fash ionable manner. He employs none but the best wortanen about his establishment. Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto fore received, evciy elTort will be made to merit a continuance of the same. TIIADDEUS SCHOCH. En8ton, September lfi, 1852 100 kegs 25 lbs. each, Wetherill's white lead, 50 do 50 do do do do 20 do- 100 po do do do 100 boxes 8 by 10 Glass ass ) o superior quality. ib ao iu uy tj 50 do 10 by 14 10 bbls. of Alum JO bbb. Copperas 10 bbls. Rosin 4000 lbs. Potash (300 Gallons Linseed Oil 40 bbla. spirits Turpentine 2000 lbs. Potters Red Lead Dye Woods, Madder, Logwood, Fustic, RedwooJ, Cochineal and Indigo. ALSOsiipenor l'urmture, Conch, Ulack" and Japan Varnishes, by the barrel or gallon for sale by DICKSON y SAMruv. knston, July 17, 1851. ly BLANK MORTGAGES For sal o at this Office. 1FTY DOLLARS Foiifcit. Dr. Hun- ter will forfeit $50 if falling to cure any case of secret disease that may come under his rare, no matter how long standing or af flicting. Either sex are invited to his Pri vate Rooms, 38 North Seventh Street Pilad'a. xyithout fear of interruption from other pa tients. Strangers and others who have been unfortunate in the selection of a Physician are invited to call. IM POTENCY Through unrestrained indulgence of tho passions, by excess or self-abuse, the evils are numerous. Prema ture impotency, involuntary seminal dischar ges, wasting of the organs, loss of memory, a distaste for female society, general debility, or constitional derangement, are sure to fol low. If necessary, consult the Docrorvrith confieence ; he offers a perfect cure. READ AND REFLECT. The afflicted would do well to reflect before trusting their health, happiness, and in many cases their lives, m the hands of Physicians ignorant of this class of maladies. It is certainly im possible for one man to understand all the ills the human family are subject to. r Every respectable physician has his peculiar branch, in which he is more successful than his brother professors, and to that he devote3 most of his lime and study. YEARS OF PRACTICE, exclusively devoted to the study and treatment of diseas es of the sexual organs, together with ulcers upon the body, throat, nose, or legs, pains in head, or bones, mercurial rheumatism, stric tures, gravel, irregularities, disease atising from youthful excesses, or impurities of tho blood, whereby ihe constitution has become enfeebled, enables the Doctor to offer speedy relief to all who may place themselves under his care. Medicines forwarded to any part of tho United States; Price five and ten dollars per package. Nov. 18, 1852-ly. 300.000 Brick Just burnt and for sale by the subscriber. These brick are of a large size and of a su perior quality, and will be sold as low and lower, according to quality, than any other i brick in the County. A portion of them are pressed or front, and cornice Brick of differ ent kinds, baid 13nck are composed of ma tciial that will stand the fire with impunity, thus answering for the purpose of building bake-ovens, &c, all of which will be retailed at the following rales: Pressed or front brick at Si 50 per hundred Best common hard brick DO do do Best salmon do 75 do do Best soft do 50 do do Filiing-in-brick 25 do do N. B. All kinds of grain, at the 'highest market price, taken in exchange for Brick, and Cash not refused. WILLIAM S. WINTEMUTE. Stroudsburg, September 30, 1852. India Rubber Gloves, Mittens, &c. COUNTRY MERCHANTS, in making their purchases, should not neglect these desirable and saleable articles. Their manufacture has been much m proved re cently and they are made very durable. Particular attention is requested to tho Wool Lined Gloves and Mittens. They are indispensable in cold and wet weather. Ladies will find these Gloves use ful in any work that will soil the hands, at the same time that they will cure the worst Salt Rheum or Chapped Hands immediately. They are made all lengths to protect the arms and wrists. For sale by Wilcox, Billings & Co. No. 3 Church Alley, Phil'a. Goodyear':? C5 Ches nut street do. J. & H. Phillips, Pittsburgh, Pa- Falconer & Haskell, Baltimore, Md. II . W. Shiffer, Charleston, S- C. Bart & Ilickcox, Cincinnati. Ohio, and by all Rub ber Dealers in the Union. For sale at retail by Country Merc hants generally. November 25, 1853 2 m NEW FIRM No. 71 Northampton Street, Opposite the JEastoyi Bank. THE subscribers having entered into a partnership for the purpose of continu. inr tlio Urutr and 1 aint JJusmess at the old stand of the lato Mr. John 1 Dickson, would offer their stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. &c. to old customers of the stand and Physicians and dealers in general. Please call and try us. W. J.DICKSON, A N. SAMPLE. Trading under the firm of Dickson j- Sample. Solo Agents for WetherilPs Pure Ground White Lead. Easton. July 17, 1851. ly ISook fc ilfagaziiic. Agcaiey. J. W. GILLAM would respectfully inform the citizens of Stroudsburg and virinily, that he has opened a general Book, Magazine, and Neiospaper Agency, in Northampton St., Easton, Pa. Any of the following works will be sup plied by him, by the year or single number: Graham's Magazine, Sartain's Magazine, Godey's Lady's Book, Harper's Magazine, International Magazine, Ladies' Wreath, London Lancet, Blackwood's Magazine, all the Quarterly Reviews, and all other pub lished. Persons wishing books in any Department of reading, can have them promptly forwar ded without extra charge, by leaving their orders at the office of the Monroe Democrat." Jan. 2-J, 1852- Read aiad Iron IPipe. A general supply of Lead and4ron Pipe of til sizes, on hand at all times? and for salo v DICKSON ij- SAMPLE. Eas'on, July 17,1651. ly.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers