jJcffCVS 0 lltan l CXlUb liCaU. Thursday, January 20, 158. Wood ! W00d ! ! Wood In order to accommodate such of our subscrsber who arc indebted to us, and c-mnot make it convenient to pay, we are willing to receive, a lot of good sound dry wood. "Yc trust that a number of patrons will avail themselves of this op portunity and square up their accounts. "Winter has come at last. On Wednesday of last week the first snow of the season, worthy of note, visited us. The snow is about 14 iuches deep, and in many places drifted badly. Jsovf is tlie time to remember the poor, and take the girls sleigh-riding. Hon. William Upham. U S. Senator fpnmVormnnf wo roarft to loarn died at fiomcrmonr, we regret to learn, died at Washington on Lnday last, alter an ill- ness of but eight or ten days, wnicn con- fined him to bed, though in feeble health for years. Sioclt and Dividends By a statement published in the Eas toniun, it appears that the stocks of most o( thc incorporated companies in the Bor ough of Easton are above par. viz. Offered, par vul. last C mo. dir. Eistnn Bank. $67 $50 Farm, and Mech. llank. 351 30 E:tson Gas Co. CO 50 Easiou Waicr Co. 18 35 Si 50 1 CO 2 50 None Canal ComiuissioacTi A writer in thc Lancaster Independent "Whig urges thc claims and qualifications of Jacob L. Gosslcr, of Philadelphia, as a Candidate for thc next Whig nomination for Canal Commissioner. Mr. Gossler for several years represented Philadelphia in thc House of Representatives, and was known as an industrious and useful mem ber. 3" A curious case of somnambulism is recorded in the Chilicothc Gazette. A daughter of 31 r. Thomas Kainc arose from her sleep, and in her night clothes walked four miles up the Scotia river, waded in to the stream, and swain across a deep pu t, and was found by an "early riser" sitting on the bank of the river asleep ! .Remarkable enough, as the irirl was only Thirteen years old, and could not swim when awake ! Pants not a Legal Term. A man was tried at Cambridge a day or two since for stealing a pair of "pants." The theft allowed, and the complaint dismissed. A ari. Mr. & Mrs. Johnson, return thanks to thc Presbyterian congregations of Mid dle Smithfield and Stroudsburg, for their liberality in the donation visits of the present month, and pray that God who has given them hearts to care for the comfort of their Pastor and his family may abundantly reward them, "multiply their seed sown and increase the fruits of their righteousness," " That they may be enriched in every thing to all bountiful ncss which causeth through us thanks hing to God. 2d Cor.. Sth, 1112. Jan. 15th, 1653. Society op Friends. The last cen sus returns show that the number of meet ing houses belonging to this denomination in the United States is 715, affording ac commodation to 283,013 persons. Hon. John M. Clayton has been elected to the United States by the Legislature of Delaware, for sis years from the 4th of 3Iarch next. . The total .cost of thc New York and Erie Railroad up to thc 30th of Septem- J ner last, it is omcially stated, was 827,--051,205 71, which has been provided for as follows: Stock paid up, 87,706,991 17; iunded debt, 818,003,568 90; fioatim debt, 1,323,053 55. ReceiDts of the joaa lor past month ol December 13S 33. in . i 352,- 4 JSSf-Abelard Guthrie, ISsg., formerly a resident of Dayton, Ohio, and now thc .Delegate to Congress from Nebraska Ter ritory, intends taking his Indian wife with him to "Washington. BjA boy named John Knauss, aged irinc years; died in Lehigh county, Pa., Jast Saturday of hydrophobia. XCpPerhaps it is not generally known, tas it should be that salt put m thc mouth, instantly relieves .the convulsive move ments io fits, either of children or jani-inale. was proved but it was claimed for the ' incorporating the leiwrenceburg and Courier for a husband. She speaks French all parts of the Union; and although there defence that' no such -rnant -w n,nf," ! SarrPurS Plank Roa,d Company and k tbe iano. A man whomay be many compounds prepared and rep ueience mat no such garment as pants Mr. Cowan, a supplement to the act . , , , . , iresentea as being worthy of a liberal patron was known in law. The objection was incornorafeimr tl.n HlWsRnn ami 0. 13 handsome and agreeable, is all she jage, yet we feel constrained to remark, that ; Har-risbufg) Jan. 13 , Saiuty. Several petitions, &a, presented and referred. were Mr. Kuukcl read in place a bill up-. ' plcmcntary to the aet providing for tbe e , rcction of a State Lunatic Asylum. ; Mr. Hamilton read in place a bill ercc-. tmf the villages ot .North renn ana rarK, iu tlie Unincorporated Northern Liberties, into a separate district, to be called North Philadelphia The Senate then, on a motion, took up J joint resolution from the House, au- thoriung the appointment of a committee 01 uve niemuera ui wiu ouuutv aim nuusu of Representatives to investigate the af - fairs of the Pittsburg and Eric Railroad Company, and whether the Company have not lorieuea lueir quarter oy uuu-wunm- ance with its provisions. Some discussion ensued, in WUHU i.:U course ot the compan m imLiuug their charter in the New York markets, i aud finauy disposing of it, as is allegcd,to j capitalists of that city, was freely com- mentcd on. The resolution wa3 finally adopted. 3lr. Quigglc called up the bill annex- ing the county of McKean to the est- crn Judicial District. vuiiv; uApiaiuuu iuu u.-jv- ui the Dill, ana tne aa vantage 01 tne cujuge. ' r - i if -rtc flmn -ncnrl fi n o 1 1 r " ic u..j. offered a rcsolutionj whlch was adoptcd, requesting the Governor to ; furnish thc benate with a copy ot the bill, affidavits and answer, in the case ot the Franklin Canal Company, recently deci ded in the Supreme Court. The Senate then on motion, went into the nomination of candidates for State Treasurer. Mr. O'Xeil, nominated Geo A. Madeira. Mr. Quiggle, do John M. Bickcl. Mr. Forsyth, do Joseph Bailer. Mr. Hamilton, do James S. Wallace. The nominations then closed. The Senate then again resumed the ; thelr revoivcrSj borrowed 8150 of their consideration of the resolution requesting j cl(Jrkj and soping for xorwicb, stopped thc Canal Commissioners to furnish to the . afc the American Hotel in that city pas Senate a detailed statement of thc bids j ti,0 f wni o p: ' made bT contractors and others for the work done on the new line for the avoid ance of the inclined planes on thc Alle gheny Portage Railroad. The discussion was further continued at considerable length, by Messrs. Dar sie, Forsyth, and others, and, The question still pending, the Senate, adjourned. House. Quite a number of petitions, memorials, &c. were presented and refer- red, and among them one asking for thc passage or a la'.v auowiur: oueu tu vote K. , -r. lor ccnooi directors. Mr. Gilman read in place a bill to in - j corporate the Western Bank of Pitts- . burgh. ! Mr. Merriman read in place a bill to incorporate the -ieaavine xauK, in vraw- e , 1 ' ford count. 3Ir. "Waterbuvv read in place a bill to Saving Bank at Harrisburch. Mr. Pianlgcn, a bill to incorporate the American Female Education Sociely of Philadelphia. ; Mr. Leach, a bill conferring upon Hen- j ry B. Myers thc rights and privileges of a child born in lawful wedlock. ! Mr. Eyster, a bill supplementary tc the Creek Plank Road Company. : Mr. Appleton, a bill to incorporate the Chartier s v alley Plank Roaa Company. 3Ir. Thomas, a bill to authorize the sale of certain real estate in Bucks county. Mr. Appleton, a bill to incorporate the Franklin and Union Insurance Company. Mr. Hague, a bill repealing the first section of the act of 1818, relating to ob structions in the river Delaware. Mr. Campbell offered a resolution auth orising the Clerk to procure and furuish to each member a map of all contempla- jied raiIroad iles, the cost not to exceed The House then took up the bill from the Senate authorising the Darby Plank Road Company to extend their road to Chester, which was considered and passed gnaUv , The House then adjourned. Harrisburg, Jan. 14. The Senate then again resumed the con sideration of the resolution requesting the Canal Commissioners to furnish to the Senate n. def.nilnrl sf nfemont. nf tho hA made by contractors and others for thc work done on the new line for tbe avoid- aucc of thc Inclind Planes on the Alle o 'j o The resolution, after some further de- bate, was adopted. i i r5 - . ... i If- T 1 1 1 ' 1 I'll the Delaware, Lehigh and Wyoming Val- lev Railroad Comnanv. : The Senate, by resolution, appointed . Wr. V. Taylor an additional Clerk to thc tody. The Senate then adjourned. j House. Thc Sneaker presented the ' annual statement of the affairs of the Le- high Valley Bailroad Company. : Sundry petitions, memorials, &c, were ' presented and preferred. j Ar 'EM....: . i : ..i i :n i. .. -ui. jL iauiuii it:uu in piace a uiu to in- corporate the L armors' and Treaders; Bank of Phila. Mr. Strong read in place a bill to auth orize thc Pennsylvania Railroad Company to extend their road from Harrisburg to Philadelphia. The House, after some little further business of no interest, adjourned. Jan. 15. In the Senate, nothing of much interest was done. In the House, a bill relating to the col lecting of taxes in Mercer county was reported, and passed. ui. micuaiew reao tin piace a urn re- r;;--;;- lative to the office of State Librarian. i housekeepers m .New Poik and Philadcl-, M interCBtcd nro fcrehy required to pro He also introduced a bill to incorporate Pma r a an,Pl? 8 W of Jbis, DCW ar- j sent their claims before the Auditor, or be de- The bill, changing the boundary Imp j between Columbia all Montour counties " 1 - ', , , ,. . - .Tri STtagSiit 2- -nt ecu,- reconsidered and committed to a select pared with those received in the years of Committee. ;1850 and 1851, exhibits a steady and Jan. 17. The two houses met togeth-'cousjderable increase of business in int er, and re-elected John M. Bickle Esq-4portat;ons during that.timc. Philadelphia State Treasurer for the ensuing year. r r ' will ere long, be upon an equality with A Scoundrel al Ejat'ge. . many of her sidtcr cities in that respect. The Tribune of Monday, thus sketches. The amount collected in 1850 was $3,301,- i the cuarac ble rogue : the character and movements of a uota- Some four years since, an intelligent! , looking rascaf was made somewhat'noto-: rjous DY IieffSnai)cr paragraphs, on ac-1 counfc 0f atesse in swindling the hckl jceepers and merchants ot lioston, uy rijp- resenting himself to be a naval officer. i: o -- i , .n wrtrn thn iinitnrin fir OU1" l nVV. SJUi ' . . . - ' u boolcd iumSelt as Lieut. Hunter, li is 1 career at that time was cut short by tuV arrest and conviction to the State Prison 0f Massachusetts for three years. Bis term of imprisonment expired last Sp-, the preachers that he had been implicated '. nion Pleas of said county, to bo discharg ;r,since which time he has been atjiis ju a murder. Upon this confession, he ed from his trust. All persons objeting t lemuer, i i old tricks again. The proprietor of die 'Was arrested and taken before a magis - Revere House in Boston was active 'atistrate. where he was examined. He stated that time in bringing him to justice, and; tne UTSt can tuat ne maue auer ms r- rival in Boston, from prison, was at tie! l IT 1 1- x -Jl t severe xaousc, wuere ue biuppeu wuu u,,arover then on nis way nome irom tne . thobridal chanibcr.Eaat to Cloveland Ohio, and that the Hc left in thc mornin? without settling two men did murder the drover, near lls bill for i0dcincs, wine, &c. His bride turns out to be a notorious member of the i sisterhood of mjmjjhs du-pave or Isoston. i The " Lieutenant'' forged the name of a . liriu on Commercial St., m that city, ana J drew from one of the banks 800, with i which he proceeded to "Worcester, where i he represented himself as a son of Hon. i David Sears, of Boston, aud in the capacity of a naval officer called upon thc firm of j Allen &Thurber, and made acontractwith i tlipm In furnish Rnvprnment, rifh 500 nf nephew to Gen. Pierce. "Whether he bled any of the good citizens of that place, we bed on which 5,000 children have been do not know. He then left for Hartford, ushered into the world ! arriving on Thursday cn route for 2irew- - - TiTTT , York. " Look out for him. Hc is five GoM Coin J LiSht Weight .A few feet nine inches high, black hair, Uackjdays since a W1'1 caSlc taken at the eyes, stout built, wears a naval cap and Post officc 10 Hartford which was discov- rl fvr.olcred to be deficient in weight, and returned in his conversation, and is quite gentle- X- - . 1 n,lv i fl j i Ne Counterfeit.-Wb were , , , , i shown, yesterday, a counterfeit five dollar i ! hm on the irard Baiflr, letter B., dated j March 14, 1S51. The signatures are not good, the paper is white, and the general cxecution of the engraving unfinished. , , ..... The upper and lower margins, which in . . , , ' ttc genuine have a row of" Five a,-' plain- ly visible, are very indistinct in the spur ious one. A little care will easy detect them, if they are put forth in this city. Philadctyhia Paper. A Rare Chance. A vouns lady of 1 'sweet sixteen" with blue eyes and dark J brown hair, advertises in the Louisville wants- iuoney is no object, as she dc sires to live on love altogether. Mrs. Hobbs, did you say that my wife was a poor housekeeper?' 'No, sir but I did tell an intimate friend that you had not had a clean shirt on for ten weeks.' Gceat Disccrerjt A Discovery of the utmost importance t0 inc drinkers, has been made by a Mr. gtr le a maker of. port and Cham; Pgnc wine in cw Jersey. The Lan- caster L3-Press) frora which we derive our fact3 states that the raPld consumption of cockroaches, used to give the nutty anu peculiarly piquant uavor to wines, had made it difficult to obtain a sufficient supply. In this dilemina thr wine maker conceived the happy idea that bedbugs might be used as a substitute. He tried ! the experiment, and the result was far more satisfactory than he had expected. It vras found thafc a (luarfc of bedbugs con- ia-uea as raucu OI luc "goring principle as three pints or more of cockroaches, and! that the former have but little of that l 3 rr- , couc or hiccp proaucing ciiect winch : is aunuuicu 10 me miter, contracts have been nude with some of the boardim -1?,1,6,01 uamc- 10 1S ougiu tne hoarders Wlil De somewhat pleased with this mtel- "gencc- nr Tr T."; i Hit i. x. Agricidtor is responsible for this: Small Potatoes. No doubt fnrnprs wonder what we want with so many small potatoes in the city, and that they can find sale for such as they used to feed the pigs, at six shillings per bar-1 . i 1 . 1 i i T,r rei auouL uair-pricc oi good ones, we will tell them. Ihe3r are bought by the bakers, and after being washed cloan, are boiled or steamed, then mashed and mix- ed with water and passed through a sieve leaving the skins behind, and mixed with' flour and baked into " warranted pure Genesee flour bread." Very good it is , , ... . ., . J, too, notwithstanding one-third of tho su- perfinc flour is made of cheap potatoes. llf r a . a .a we are not informed whether the stale,1 r t p-.n:.,r r. , . j -i j ,! v- P ersons calling forany ol thc above after being pasted and ground,, are sold .letters will eay advertised. : as pure coffee or not. Our impression is; GEO. H. MILLER; M. it is sold as mixed say one-forth. January 6, 1853. . , ' i TIT Amount of Duties Received at Phila- dclphia. Thejtomounfeof duties'collected; lat - l'tniaaeipma, aunns tue year ieoz. 112 18, and that ..of, ,1351, was $3,673,- 123 SO. The poultry in the United States valued at .$12,006,000 is A nrTr rci)AviMvn nf flirt Tnnn osKnrn . Pn flnn TiV.i.T.mv. wrifino- frnm Shirlcs- - ' " o Knvrr Hitnfinntftn I'rmnfv Jn sfnfo5 . e o ji that a young man named Voods, while) at the anxious bench at a canip meeting ' in that County, on being told that he 'must confess his sins, confessed to one of that he and two other individuals, the names or whom ne retused to give, were offered the sum of $1,500 to murder a i . i i i o , i IChanibersbunr. The macistrate for some ! reason did not commit the prisoner, but discharged him, since which time he left (the Countv, and has not been heard of, The contributions to the "Washington National Monument from thelGth Decem ber to January 3d, amounted to 3,349 40. The expenditures during the month of December amounted to $3,3-24 90. In thc Bellvue Hospital, New York, there is one room nearly full of young mothers, with children from a day to a month or two old. On the average, a child is born here ever? day in the year ! In one corner of one oC the wards, is a 1- ii. i j :i Ti.1. J to me person who passuu n. xouuu guuu through the sweating process and had lost fifty-sis cents of its value. Coin trea ted in this way generally shows the marks of -the wires on which it has rested during the operation, and by these it may be de tected. JS A boiler in a steam saw mill at Reading exploded on Tuesday, and killed four persons. The Vice President elect, Hon Wm. R. King, has gone to Havana, in a government vessel, to stay till spring, in hopes of recovering health. The best evidence that can be adduced in !,avor .-;ilie elBcacionsnc of Hoofland'sGer- :mnn Kittprs. nrpnnrnrl hv iJr. (,,. Al. .Inrksnn 1 j3 the unprecedented demand for them from the vast number of testimonials with which the worthy doctor has been honored, by per sons of the highest character and respectabil ity, who found it necessary to have recourse to his preparation, is testimony sufficiently conclusive, that a more effectual remedy for the almost immediate relief of those afflicted with that direful mahdy, dyspepsia,'has nev er been discovered. To FoIsGm, Surgeon Dentist. J 0 Of All kinds of work in the Den tal Art executed in the best and - most scientific manner, and war ranted lo give satisfaction. Dr. P. brings the highest testimonials of skill, and those employing him may be as sured of his ability to perform successfully even the most difficult and delicate operation in the line of his profession, Particular attention paid to plate work. Office, opposite S. J. Hollinshead's hotel, Stroudsburg, Pa. January 13, 1853. Ill tlie Common PI3S C-f MoiSrOC Go Jacob Deitrick, Ven. Ex, do terris. vs. I December Term, 1852. Peter Groner. ) No. 3. The undersiirned. Auditor annointed to dis- tribute the fund arising from the Sheriffs sale under the above writ, amonir the lien r i, i ...:n 1 .i...: . ? .au uyu i ,UBr "l"'"l"l-", u" -""uujri w "jf f eor,Iar. A- i??d at AV cJoc'c M., at barred from coming in upon caid fund, CHARLTON BURNET, Auditor. Stroudsburg, Jan. 13, 1853.-4t. Cist of cttcv0 REMAINING in the POST OFFICE at STROUDSBURG, Pa., Dec. 31st, 1852. Brown John W Buakirk Joan Brewer Simon Eylenberger Fred.YV Rvnns TViIlinm Hummel Samuel Kemmerer Henry Kernrnerer David Lee Miriam 2 Mc Ncal Edward 2 Neigh Radical Pedrick Wm. F Ituth William Schoch Theodore Sebring John Staples John L Smulze Henry Van wye Sarah Wool f Peter Ran-er J Foster Thomas L Felencer Peter Hysson William or Samuel Drake Jjaines Jo',n g0g.,a"drJo,,n Hellert George n0jjet jOS(nh II lJaUser Daniel L ' JOHM N. STOKES General Agent for Monroe Co. for the sale of Blake's Patent Fire-Procf Paint, or Artificial Slate, Which in the way of Paint is warranted situate in Smithfield township, Monroe coun to surpass in cheapness and durability any ty, Pa. containing thing that has heretofore been offered to the- l6? Atf"!!? public. In no instance has it ever been known' . fl.tf ilAylSllig, to crack, cleave off, or waste by lime. j75 of which is cleared land, in a hifjh state of He also has on hand a large and well selected stock of TFA Tr) Z7 trS Tf?i ?5 Groceries, ESardivarc, Stoves, &e. which have been purchased for cash and must be sold. Stroudsburg, January 13, 1853. To the creditors and all others inter- ! osfnfl in thn estate of PfitarO. KiinM nfl . Pnllr Tnwnsliin. Mnnroo flonntu n iinWf. - --r; - ' nil (lrnnl'-ir . - - Take notice that Joseph Kunkle, the! Committee of the person and estate of said ; Peter G. Kunkle, having filed his account has made application to the Court of Com - ; to his discharge arc required to appear at the next term of said court and make : known their objectior. M. H. DREHER, Prothonotan. January 13, 1853. Has permanently located himself in Pie R5RJ Stroudsburg for the purpose of practising , m V ase present them to Jacob Stouf dentistry in all its branches 1 he citizens , " . f , . , , ,,, ., nf the above named nlaco and the nublic generally and respectfully invited to give him a call. No pains will he spared to render perfect satisfaction. For ihe quality of his work reference may be haa lo those who have received his professional services. All jobs warranted. Rooms at Melick'a Ho tel. Diigsaera'cotype ILilicHesxcs. taken at Mellicks Hotel in a superior manner. Stroudsburg, December 23, 1852.-it 1,000 BOOK AGENTS WANTED, To sell Picloral and useful Works for the year 1853. $2,000 DoSJars a. Fear! Wanted, in every County in the United States, active and enterprising men, to en gage in the sale of some of (lie best Books published in thc country. To men of good address, possesting a small capital of from 625 to $100, such inducements will be of- S5 a day profit KFThe Books published by us are all use ful in their character, extremely popular,and command large bales wherever they are of fered. For farther particulars, address, (postage paid,) ROBERT SEARS, Publisher. 181 William Street, New-York. January, G 1853. mrp i-i"r r-y" 6 k o ' ft 4 O 3 'S CHEAP FASHIONABLE On Elizabeth street, one door below Win Dean's residence, Stroudsburg, Pa. The subscriber having just com pleted a large and splendid a large and plendiu as sortment ol the lasteat rati anu Winter fashions of Hats & Caps. invites the attention of his old patrons and the public generally to the largest stork ever offered in Stroudsburg, consisting of Men's moleskin, fur, silk and Kossuth hats of eve ry price and quality. His stock of Caps consists of silk plush, cloth, oil silk, oil lin nen, and velvet. Boys hats and caps ol every description. A superior article on hand. Also, a large assortment of Boots and Shoes of the latest style and of a superior quality. I?2oroo.CGs aiuS E'SiidiiBSs. Dressed and undressed jMorocoo, Kid and Ftench skins. Yellow, pink, blue aud white linings, and binding skins. Prunello and frongee; Boot and shoe trees; Lasts of every description, and n general assortment of findings. -41so Cotton & silk under-shitts. N, B. Thankful for past favors and de sirous of a continuance of the same, he will sell at the New-York and ftaston prires. JOHN W. RUXTON. November 11, 1852. Realtor's 3otic. Notice is hereby given that the subscribers have been appointed Executors of the last Will and Testament of William Fowler, late of the Borough of Stroudsburg, Monroe coun ty, deceased, and that Letters testamentary have been granted them by the Register of iuonroe county. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate pay ment and those having claims against it are CD O requested to present thc same duly attested without delay. ALEXANDER FOWLER, il WILLIAM S. WINTEMUTE. Stroudsburg Au 5, 1852. Executors. s-x tS - PAPER HANGING. D. U. WaaaaBlf, RESPECTFULLY announces to the cit zens of Stroudsbm and tbe surround ing country, that he still continues the above business, and may be found at his establish, ment on Elizabeth street. All orders for Pa per Hanging will be punctually attended lo, and executed in tho best style, upon the most reasonable terms. N. 11 WINDOW SASH, painted and glazed, of all sizes, constantly on hand and lor sale at the above establishment. Stroudsburg, April 15, 1852. ly ATTORNEY AT LA AV , Has removed his office to his dwelling house, first door below the office of thc "Monroe Democrat," and directly oppo site S. J. Hollinshead's hotel, Elizabeth street. Stroudsburg, Dec. 19, 185CK A great variety of Toys on hand and 'for sale cheap at thc variety store. of SAMUEL MELICK. Stroudsburg, 0, May 1852. JOB WORK Really executed at this Office. Valuable Real Estate at Tlie Heirs of the Estate of Ab deceased, nffpra .it nrivnfp ttna TAnir tulUiiUllJli le remainder WUUULiAiW. j The above adjoins land of Henry Eilenberger, uenjamm iusieru and others. The improvements are a FRAME HOUSE, 2 stories high, 14 by 18, and aioe-, House, 20 by 24, one and a half stories hih: a shop 14 by 16; a Barn and other necessary out buildings. There is an excellent sprino of water near the dwellings. A vounc and thriving o Apple urcuara, oicnoiceiruu,aima uuuiueroi ouier , near ips. i fruit trees, such as pears, peaches, irnnrrips. iv:n. The above property is situated in a healthy neighborhood, convenient to schools, mills a nd places of'public worship , is worthy the attention of Ihia property capitalists. An indisputable title will be given. For further particulars apply to JOHN KAUTZ, StroudsbuVfr, Pa. or to HENRY KAUTZ, Martin's Creek, P.O. Northampton Co. Pa. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore existing between the un dersigned in the Mercantile business, has this day been dissolved by mutual con sent. All pessons indebted to said firm are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims or demands I for who is duly authorized to aettle the same. All accounts remaining unpaid j on thc first of July next, will be placed ;jn the hands of a Justice of the Peace for collection. JACOB STOUFFER, STEPHEN KISTLER. Tannersville, May 11, 1852. The subscriber, thankful for past favors, ! respectfully announces to the public that he will continue the business at the old stand, and respectfully solicits a continu ance of the public patronage. 50,000 SHINGLES and a large stock of various kinds of i Lumber on hand and for sale low. JACOB S TO UFFER. May 27, 1852.-6t. Valuable Property WENDELL J. BRELMER hereby offers at private sale, a house 33 feet front (adapted for two families) upon a lot 1 0 leet deep, it is on the corner of' Geoige and Sarah street, in Stroudsburg. Any person wishing to purchase the above piopertv, can do so by calling upon S. C. BURNETT. Stroudsburg, Jan. 8, I852.-3;r IWC'IR'CULAR. l&MT ORTHINGTON G. SnETIIEN', Wash- ington, D. C, continues to practice law exclusively in the supreme court, and to attend to cases before Congress to prosecute claims and settle accounts n gainst the departments, bureaus, and boards of commissioners; to procure pat ents for invention, at home and abroad, and to obtain pensions and bounty lands; to collect debts, dividends, legacies, and in heritances in any part of the United states and foreign countries ; to make invest ments of funds in loans and stocks and on bond and mortgage, and to negotiate the purchase and sale of loans, lands and patent rights in any state of the Union. December. 2 1852. STROUDSBURG ACADEMY. The Winter session commences Monday, No vember 1st. Those wishing to send girls or boys will please apply soon, aa the number will be very limited. All the branches of a thorough Enr-lish and Classical education are taught. Geography is taught on the outline, maps. Terms three dollars per quarter payable immediately at the end of each quar ter. LEWIS VAIL. September 1C, 1852. 500 AGENTS WANTED. 81000 A YEAR. WANTED in every County of the Uni ted States, active and enterprising men, to engage in the sale of some of the best Books published in the country. To men of good address, possessing a small capital of from S25 to 5 100, such indu cements will be offered as to enable them to make from $.3 to !3 10 a day profit. IEPThe Hooks published by us are all useful in their character, extremely popular and command large sales wherever they aro offered. m For further particulars, address, (posiago paid) DANIELS & GETZ, Successors to W. A. Leary & Co , No. 138 North Second Street, Philadel phia. Sept. 30, 1S52 $100 TO 200 PER MONTH.' I THE ABOVE SUM CAN EASILY DE MADE By any industrious Mnn, of respectable address who possesses good butsiness qualities, and who can command nsmall capital (to begin with,) of From 25 to 50 Dollars, 117 No others need apply 3I DY ENGAGING WITH THE SUBSCRIBERS IM THE BOOK AGENCY BUSINESS Whose Publications are very Saleable, AND WHICH THE PEOPLE WILL BUY ! 07Funds can be forwarded at our risk, if mailed in presence of the Post Master and numbers and dates of tho same retained.. No books kept or sold by us of an immoral tendency. A Wholesale Price List, with full direc tions, for operations, will be forwarded on ap plication, postpaid, to GEO. H. DERBY & Co. Buffalo, N. Y. Book Publishers. The subscriber has opened hi3 new Hotel and ia ready to accommodate all who may fa vor him with their custom, JOHN H. MELICK, , Strourlsburg, May 27, 1852,-6ic (4 raK n a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers