Fort Jcruif,MaucCtMKtk and Scrauton iTAE 3LINE! The Stroudsburg and Easton mail line of singes, consists of excellent four . horse coaches, and leaves J. J. Postens In- j as &$ fidelity, we refer to the letters of dian Queen Hotel, Slroodsbursr, Pa. every the adopted son of Washington, George day (except Sundavs) at ? o'clock a. m. ar- j Washington Park Custis, who says, "it is a riving in Easton beJore the departure of th. raithful representation of the celebrated orig cars for New Yrk, or Mftges to Bethlehem jnal," and to chief Justice Taney of the Su atid Allenlown. j Court of the United Slates, who say3, flThe following lines leases Postens' j As a work of art its excellence and beauty Indian Qureti Hotel, StromlsUurg, Pa. every inusl Stnke every one who sees it: and it is Monday, Wednesday and Fiidny, returning ' no .less happy in its likeness to the Father on alternate days: J ,f his country, h was my good fortune to A line tO Port Jer vis, leaving . have seen him in the days of my boyhood, at 7 o'clock a. m. ua Buhkill, Dingman's j and his whole appearance is yet strongly im Choire and Milford. Reluming, leaves Port pressed on my memory. 1 he portrait you Jcrvis immeMiaielv alter ihc arrival of the have issued appears to me to be an exact morning train of cms lo New York, at about ikeness, representing perieclly the expres 8 oVlorl- sr si(n as uel1 as the and fealurcs of the Aline VoMauch Chunkjeaving j J at 7 o'clock a. 5t. via Brodheadsvilie, where : presj,jenl F,llmore savs, 'Oie work appears it connects with to Wilkes Baie and j ,0 mu l() j,ave l)een admirably executed and Wheii Haven. , uninenily worthy of the patronage of the pub- A line tO ScrantCll, leaving at ! l,c." Says Marchanl the eminent portrait 7 o'clock a. m.- via Uartor.svillc, Tarmers ville, where it connects with a hue to Iloncs lale, and connecting at Scranton with ihe cars for ihe west. These lines hold out strong inducements to the trawling public passing through sec tions of the country which are as magnifi cent and piciuieque as any in the Union. Having proided themselves wiih excel cellent coaches, good lioises, and careful drivers, they feci confident that ihey will be enabled lo give entire satisfaction to all who aviII patronize them. STOITFER& OSTRNDER, August 19, 1552. Proprietors. "l-lt.U i i The testimony in its favor is over "whe ming. The proprietors are dai y in receipt of 'etters and certifiieates, going ate improvement of health which follows its use, has ca ed the attention of physic cians to this arlic'e, and they freely re commend & prescribe it in their practice. The retail price is 2."5 cents per vial whi-h brings if. within 1hr means ff all. Brooklyn. L. I. January 1G, i347. I do certify that I gave one bottle of 33. A. Fahnestock's Yirmifuge to my child, and in seAen hours it passed 23 large worms. Any person doubting this may apply for further information at my resi dence corner of York and Jackson st's. james McCaffrey. Pouglucccpsic, Is. Y. March 2, 1844. I certify, that I took two vials of B. A. Tahnestock's YirmifW, which I found ! to prove its remarkab'e efficiency to all Longfellow, m. Gilmore bimms; and from cases of worms, both in chi dren and a- ' Europe, Lord Talfourd, T. B. Macanley, Sir du t?. The re icf civen. and the immcdi- Aarchibold Alison, LorJ Mayor of London, I to be the greatest cure for worms 1 have ! "-r "s"-em r ramus, goi up e. o.ver nsfirl. T knrn Wn trnnhM Presb' ise Portrai.s, furnished at the r t r , t I have never found so good a medicine as B. A. Fanestock's Yirniifuse. I there fore recommend it. MARTHA CLIFT. The public is cautioned against coun larfeits and spurious articles, and to puj no confidence in statements that 1 Kohn stock's,' and S. Fahnestock's Yirmifuge, are the same or as good as the only gen uine article, which is B- A. Fah?icstock,s Vermifuge. For sale in Stroudsburg, by T. Schoch, oFcwelry Store. S3 The subscriber hav ing mirchaed the entire stock of Clocks, Walch- xJ i ; i - . r t . i. e, jcwciry. cjc. ui joiiii H. Melick, inlends car rying on the Watch Ma king and Jewelry busi ness in ail its various terms, and in a man ner, he trusts, that will give the most entire .satisfaction, not only to himself but to those trusting the above mentioned articles with him lo be repaired. He has renewed his stock by recent purchases in ihe ciiy of New York, which, together with his former slock, makes his assortment at this time one ol the most splendid ever before otfered in Strouds burg; among which may be found all the la lest fashions in the structure and embellish ment of dress Jewelry, viz: Breast Pins, Ear Jiings, Finger Rings, Gold Lockets, Snaps, bracelets, Slides, Silver Spoons, Butter Knives, and Bnttania Ware, together with a large assortment of Gold and Silver Watch es. Clocks, Perfumery, 4'c- together with all the articles that can be found in any es lablishment of the kind. Watch ESeprtirsEtg Being an important as well as a skillful part of his business, he flallers himself he can give as general satisfaction to his customers and the public as can be done by any one, as he inlends to keep none bul the best work men in his employ ; and feeling, confident lhal all shall have entire satisfaction done them, heinteuds to devote his whole time and attention to that important branch of his business. Anything in his line that he may not have on hand, will be promptly procured from the city, by calling on the subscriber at his shop, on Elizabeth street, two doors west of .J. II. Melick's old stand. SAMUEL M.ELICK Stroudsburg, May C, 1852. Cou n try Pr o dtece 1 Butter, eggj, &c. iiikOn in cch'dngc for , any gooas in my jme or witness. SAMCBL MBLICK. n1i "onlV fiitfiroiiTKAiT of wU'&iixgton "lPST PUBLljSHEI). 'tr. We2:Vs tUasfuificftnt PO&TKA5T OF WASK?KCTON. Engraved (by permission) from Sloan's m yoriginaf portrait, in the Atherjum, Bos ton. This superb picture. Engraved under the superintendence of Thomas Sully, Esq., the eminent sum highly giueu artist, is toe oniy ! correct likeness ol"Wahingiou ever publish ed. It has leeu characterised as the great- esl work of art eterpioduced in this countiy. ; painter, and ihe pubil of Stuart, " your prinl to my mind is more remailcable than any other 1 have seen, for presenting the whole individuality of the original portrait, together with the noble and dignified repose of air and manner, which all who ever saw him considered a marked characteristic of the il luslrous man it commemorates." For the grcal merits of this picture we would refer every lover of Washington to the por trait itself, lo be seen at the office of this pa per and to the letters of the fotlowing Artists, Statesmen, Jurists and Scholars accompany ing it. Artists. Marchant and Elliot, of New York ; Neagle, Rothermel, and Lambdin; of Philadelphia ; Chester Harding, ol Boston ; Charles Fraser. of Charleston, S. C; and to j the adopted son of Washington, Hon. Geo. I W. P. Custis, himself an artist. Statesmen. J His Excellency Millard Fillmoro, Major Uen. Winneid cscoit, lion, ueorge ii. uai las, Hon. William R. Ki?jg, Hon. Daniel Webster, Hon- Lynn Boyd, Hon. Lewis Cass, Hon. Win A. Graham, Hon. John P. Kennedy. Hon. R. C. Winthrop, LL. D. j Jurists. Hon: Roger B. Tuney, Hon. John ! Duer, Hon. John McLean, Hon. Rufus Choato i Scholars. Charles Folsom, Esq., the well known Librarian of ihe Boston Antheneum, who says, " l would rather own it than any painted copy 1 have ever seen;" E. P. Whip ple, Richard Htldreth, lion. Edw. Everett. LL. D.; Jared Sparks, LL D., William H, Prescolt, LL. D., Washington Irving, Ralph W. Emerson, Esq , Prof. T. C. Upham, J. T. Hearlev. Fitz Green Halleck, H. W. tire linion, have with one voice proclaimed he merits ol this superb engraving. To enable all to possess this valuable treas ure, it is sold at the low price of S5 per copy. Published by GEORGE W. GUILDS. N. W. coiner of Filth & Arch sts., PhiPa. D. D. BYERLY, Sole Agent for the States of Eastern Penn sylvania and Delaware This Portrait can only be obtained from Mr. Byerly, or from his duly authorized a gents. Arrangements have been made with the Post Office Department, by which copies of the Porlrait can be sent to any point, per mail, in perfect order. KJ" Persons by remitting Five Dollars to D. 1). Byerly. Philadelphia, will have a copy of the Portrait sent to them free of Postage. low price ol So.00 each JUST ISSNED. A MAGNIFICENT PORTRAIT OF GENERAL JACESON, j Engraved by T. B. WELCH, Esq., after trie original portrait painted by J oL'LLl , Esq. This Portrait will be a match for the Wash ington, and is in everyrespect as well got up. Price $5 00 per copy. .Address as above. October 14, 1852. OFFICE TO PROCURE SoSdiers5 JL:iEi(i Warrants. j By a recent Act of Congress it is enacted, j Thai each of ihe surviving, or the widow or ' minorchildrenof deceased commissioned and j noncommissioned officers, musicians, or pri vates, whether of regulars, volunteers, rang j ers or militia, who performed military ser vices in any regiment, company or detach ment in the service of the united Slates, in the war with Great Brilian, declared by the United States on the eighteenth day of June, 1812, or in any of the Indian wars since 17U0, and each of ihe commissioned officers who was engaged in ihe military service of the United Stales in ihe late war with Mexico, and shall be entitled to lands as follows : Those who engaged to serve twelve months or during the war, and actually served nine months, shall receive one. hun dred and sixty acies: and those who engaged lo serve six months and actually served four months, shall receive eighty acres; and those who engaged Jo serve for any or an indefinite period, and actually served one month, shall receive forty acres. Provided, lhat wherever any officer or soldier was honorably discharged in consequence of dis ability in the service, he shall receive the a mounl to which he would have been entitled if he had served the foil period for which he peqengaged to serve. Under the above act, and the acts of Con gress generally, the subscriber oilers his ser vices as ageni to procure Land Warrants for those entitled to receive them, as above spe cified, lie may be found ai his office in Stroudsburg. S. C. BURNETT. October 37, 1850. OLD DR.j ACOB TOWKSENDTS SARSAPARILLA. A fresh supply of the above atricle, jus received, and for sale at this Office, by THEODORE SCHOCH. Stroudsburg, June 17, 1852. : Attorney at Law, STROUDSBURG, MONROE COUNTY , PA. 0ffice on Elizabeth street, formerly oc cupied by rm. Davis, Esq. May 8, 1651. I tVC. VJl-L. J I1C 1 UI1UU"IIUUI tsu- Raising1 Blood And Consumption, pain in the side and nigldsiveats, Asthna, Wluwping Cough, palpitation of the heart, Liver complaint1 Bronchitis, and all diseases of the throat, lungs and liver cured by Sher man's All-Healing Dalsani. RAISING BLOOD & CONSUMPTION Mr. Minc, Buider, in DrooAYyn, was . . attacced with raising Wood, tallowed by ft coufh, pain in the side, and all the u sua symptoms of consumption. He ehi nfoved two of the best physicians: they 1? 1 1 ' - l n,3 f AI K 1 1 .1 1 1 r nrnJA aiU XIIIU 11U UUUU, auu iuiu unit uv wuu J f fl n nVrfnl nr r,er ' Hearing of the yonderfu c formed by Sherman s Balsam he se t t 10 o'clock at night to Mr Hayes 136 Fulton street, and got a bottle; it operated like a charm, stopped the bleeding and cou"h! Before he had taken one bottle he was able to be about his work. It had saved his life. His daughter, residing at ! 127 Mvrtle Avenue, can attest it. i -it: a ir.,i w;il.'n,r,v,. ' UXltiS -fi.1111 lUiistuii, iiiiuauiauuig, -7 "o . oer UieiCOI UUllIlg U1U lUliii ui ins ui uci living in Tenth, near South Fourth St., ings of every description turned and fit- po- Thc priucipe 0f Mutua Insur says That she had been troubled with a ted up in the best possible manner. As ance has 1)een thoroughly tested has hacking cough, and pain in the chest, for particular care will be taken to employ bcen trieJ ty the unerring test of experi a long time, which at last become so bad onne but the best workmen, and no pains ; cncc and jlus provcd successful and be that.she was obliged to give up her school , will be spared, he feels confident of be-: come yery p0pUar. It affords the great for more than a year. She then com- ing able to give general satisfaction. Al J csfc sccurity avainst oss or damage by menced taA'ing the All-llealing lialsam which soon alleviated her symptoms. ' Slie is now fast recovering, and has re- sumed her laborious occupation as a teach er. 14 years Mr. John O'Neil, 10th ave nue and 21st street, suffered with a cough, raising of phlegm, and pain in his side He could net no relief til he tried the All-IIealiug Balsam, which drove thepaiu from his side, allayed the cough, and 1 brought the disease upon the surface; and before he had taren three bottles, was entirely cured. PLEURISY AND CONSUMPTION. j Mrs. Baggas, a lady apwards of 70, re siding S8 Sheriff street, has for years been subject to attacks of Pleurisy, Raising of Blood, severe Cough, Shortness of j Breath, Pain in her llead and variosu parts of her body. Her friends believed pasi recovery. na ii-riuauug xaisaiu leuuveu uel amuiB w a u aiaiwiuj.. symptoms, and now sue is able to attend to her work. . ASTHMA AND WHOOPING COUGK. Mrs. Lucretia "Wells, 95 Christie St.; L. S. Beals, 19 Delancy street ; W. n. ; Youngs, 75 Walnut St.; know the value of this great remedy. . j Ask for Sherman's All-Healing Bal-j sam, and see that his written signature is ' on each bottle. Price 25 cents and $1 per bcttle Dr. Sherman's Worm and Cough Lozen- j ges for sale at this ofiice. May S, 1851. Dissoltstiou. iVTrl!.n ic hprehv oirpn that llip nnrtnorKin heretotore existing oetween me undersigned - in the Foundry business has this dav ,een dissolved bv mutual consent- 4.11 nervous aissoiveo oy mutual consent. au persons ' . ' . . indebted to said firm are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands will please present them to Chas. S. Palmer, who is duly authorized to settle the same JOHN G. TOLMIE, CHAS. S. PALMER Stroudsburg, December 23, 1S51. The subscriber, thankful for pasi favors, respectfullv announces to the public that he ; has been at considerable expense in procur-' V3'1 Lung Uomplaints are removed by its ing additional machinery, and is now pre-' use) I.would not attach my name to it, had pared to execute orders of all descriptions,11 doubt of its efiicacy. l ie directions for and will continue the business at the old I stand. The mechanical operations will re- j main under the superintendence of John G. Tolmie, who will be aided by experienced ! workmen C. S. PALMER. January 1, 1852. Ije lb Barlcg Sljcaf, Oei Maud Again I M. WATSON is happy to inform his-old friends and customers that! he is prepared to receive as many of them as may favor him with their cus tom, at thc new Hotel erected on the site of the Old Barley Sheaf, (which was de ,stroTed by fire in July last.) The House is much increased in size and convenience, and possesses every ac commodation which can contribute to the comfort of the traveler. The TABLE and thc BAR will be fur nished in such a manner as cannot fail, to please. jS?- A large yard, with stabling for one hundred horses. M. WATSON, Proprietor. No. 193 North Second st., Phil'a. March 27 1851. OILS, TALLOW GREASE, AND OHIO MINERAL PAINT. 300 barrels Machinery Oil. Price 75 'cts. per gallon. 2500 gallons do do do 75 do in casks of various sizes. 200 barrels Uoild Paint Oil. do 55 do 5000 gallons do do do do 55 do in casks of various sizes. 350 barrels Tanners' Oil. Various kinds &. qualities, from 35 toGUcts per gallon. 1500 gallons in casks of various sizes. Va rious kinds and qualities, from 35 to 50 cts. per gallon. 50 tons Tallow Grease, for heavy bearings, and coarse machinery, in barrels or casks, of any consistency required. Price 6 cents per pound. 150 Ions Ohio Mineral Paint, In barrels, at the lowest market price. Machinery Oil, warranted not to chill in thc coldest weather, and considered by those using it equal to sperm oil. Boild Paint Oil, equal to linseed oil, other loan for white. I am constantly receiving Jargp supplies of the 'above named e nicies, and m'ymotto is, "Small profits and quick returns:" B. P. POND, 56 Water st, (under the Pearl st. House,) New-York. July 1, 1652. 6m PS''' JiiiiL TAWiNERSiVILLE Iron and Brass Foundry. The subscriber takes this method of' informing the public generally, and mil- , inri: .itiii i riiii.rv H K .11 v. 1 1 ;i . 1 1 :i 1' 1 11 it 1 1 1? r. -,C11 4..4. 1 : ,"t V V Jix a ? " T" fi7"T,";i: ' aZ - all his Patterns and fixtures, he has re l,?c VwTiA in Tnn. T:n nn Pn a iinwrnrf i. , , ... ,1 i 1 T 1 ' ' ? mcnt, he is prepared to exoouto all or- his line of business, in the best , u id g peonage of the 1 m!,T,,,fn,.t,,w nnd f , . , .- " r,- cludiuff Mill Gearing, tor nour aim otner mnis, mm screws. Imrlr ;md nnrn mills, together cast- IE) JS. S!S H SS" 2 3S7 U S made to order. BRASS CASTINGS such as spindle steps, shaft and gudgeon Doxes, &c, will be made to order. Old conper and Brass taken in exchange at hlShcst Pncc- Patterns, made to or dcr. Threshing jnachincs and Horse Foiccrs of the most approved construction, will be furnished to order at the shortest no tice. of all kinds, for coal or wood, cook stoves &c, on hand or made to order, for sale wholesale or retail. P L O W S 0f the most annroved nlan will be kent on imrui an(j every variety 0f plow castings on hanti und for salc JIT Wiwlit iron mill worlc will be jone on the most reasonable terms. The, best kind of sled shoes and polished wa- rmi lmvPS rmd linllrtw wnro ir'll nlvc' De hCni 0n hand b iiA " " JACOB STOUFFER. January 1, 1852.-1 y ' c f CoilSUlTiplion, i 5 iijivcr ( ompiaint, Lotas, ougns, Aslnma, Bronchitis, and all Throat and Lung Com plaints. I have published a brief work on Consum- I ptiori, which contains an invaluable recipe ! Ifir tti fiirp if 1 hpcp nrpr.ilnnl Hisoaspc pvpii in their worst stages, when friends and phy- , ment f dry is7 of, varr,ous Prns, and sicians have given up all hope. The Lung 1 domestl; Roods- V oolen Lawn Shawls, Cal ! balsam prescribed in this work Cures without ! Icoes' Merinoes, &c. .blockings and stock- Iho PYnp.lKirfl nirl n( rihvstrtnnc nr lninrinMt: f medicines In adopting tl is Svs. usLoipaienimLuicines.. in auopung 1 11s ys. tern of Cure the patient knows what he is us- . J. . ' . . . . ing knows that he is not pays by the use of anodyi which may seem to Relieve but never Cure He knows when using this Life-saving Bal sam, that he is taking mild, pleasant, effica cious remedies, such as Nature prescribes for the ills her children suffer. The ingredi enls composing this Lung Balsam are obtain able (cheaply loo.) wherever consumption exists, proving that Every ill has its antidote. "sumpmepauemsmay iceuon mis receipt prePa"ng anu using me uaisam areperiecuy Pmin; , 1 preier selling me uecipe to ma tting ine uaisam, a& u enaoies peopie 10 mar.c hir wn Medicine al a Trifling Cost. 1 wil impart ihe secret of making the Balsam, and ihe I'anuly right to use it, lor SI, but in uo case will I sell il for speculating purposes. Proof of its Goodness. Jackson, Mich. March 21, 1851. Doct. S.TOUSEY Sir: You wished me to let you know what effect your preparation of Medicine for Consumption and other dis eases had in my family. After the first ten days my wife gained in weight 3 lbs, relieved I 1 1. i 1 1 1 n 1 appearances were better. My family would not be willing to do without it. It is a med icine much needed in Jackson there is many cases simular to my wife's. The Rev Mr. Ijlanchard will write you for a recipe. Res pectfully yours. O. F. POOL. TO USE Y",' 100 iNass'au street, New York. Address, post paid, (enclosing 5I.) Dr. S. The work goes by mall under seal. October 7, le51-Gm New Whole Saie and Retail WINE & lilUOK STORE, Sli'otitisbtirg, Pa. The undersigned would inform Landlords and the nublic generally, that theV have iust opened the above business in Stroudsburo-, in f lin Rtnrf? hnnsp fnrmnrlv neennind cupied bv John II. t Melick as a Jewelry Store, and have on hand a large stock of WiNES AMD LIQUORS of all kinds and of the best quality, direct from the Custom House, which they are prepared to sell to Landlords and others on the most rea-' sonable terms. Our stock consists of French , Brandy, dark and pale. Also, Peach, Black- bcrrv, Cinnamon and Cherry Brandy; IIoI-! land' Gin, N. E. Rum; Irish, Rye and Apple Whiskey; Lisbon, Claret, Port, Sweet Mala-; ga, Currant and Champagne Wine, &c. &c. ! Also, on hand a large stock of Bitters of all ! j.;n(g Demiiohns, from I to 5 gallons; bottles, and generally any thing lv nnv thin,; that can be asked for in our line. Landlords will find it greatly lo their ad vantage to deal with us.. We have no hired agents to sell and distribute liquors for us at great expense, which must be paid for by the consumer. Those dealing with us we intend shall be satisfied with the article they get, as well as the price, and whenever they are not, we will be pleased to have them return the tquor, and make the fact known, for we in end to make it a permanent business, and can only do so by dealing honorably. All orders sent us, by stage drivers or others, will be promptly attended to, the .same as though the person was present dealing for himself. July 8, 1652. P. B. POSTENS & Co. MONROE COUNTY I flMt'lial Five fusil lailCC Comp'y. . he rate of Insurance is one dollar on M i 1. 4-1. 1 -1 ..r. -icn yrr 1 IT11 'j Payment no subsequent tax wi be eviod except to covor aotua oss or dam by firG) that may faupon mem. berof thff comPany-. . . . . The nctt profits arising from interest or otherwise, xtill be ascertained 3'cary. for which each member in proportion to his, her, or their deposit, will have a credit in the company. Each insurer in or with the said company will be a mem -i e i xi. a f fire, on the most advantageous and rea sonable terms. Appications for Insurance to be made in person, or by letters addressed to JAMES H. WALTON, Sec'y. MANAGERS . John Edinger, John b. Heller, Andrew Storm, Silas L. Drake, Geo. B. Keller, Bobert Boys, Jacob Stouifer, James H. Walton, M. H. Dreher, Richard S. Staples, Joseph Trach, Charles D.Brodhead, Michael Shoemaker. R. S. STAPLES, President. J. H. Walton, Treasurer. Stroudsburg, Sept. 23, 1852. ELECTION RETUNRS. npHE Election returns being now all in, ' JL the people are beginning to turn their attention to other matters, and to supply one of their most important wants, we have just receired and offer for sale at our store in Stroudsburg, a very lare assortment a very larae assortment of READY-MADE WESTOHS. OTOMSSSST t.1...i: n . i ii;iuuuui utciiiiia, l ummuii anu lints ui mi prices, from S5 to S15; fine dress and frock coats, business coats, &c; a large assortment of pantaloons, cloth, cassirnerea, sattinett, corduroy, and of all varieties; a good assort ment of vests, of a great variety of patterns; cotton shirts and woollen under-shirts and drawers, &c, neckcloths, 4"C- TAILORING A large assortment of ex cellent broad cloth and other stuffs, on hand, which will be made up according to order, at short notice, and in the best style. DRY GOODS. Also an excellent assort- E?Al1 kinds foduce and lumber taken hancr() ()r n,n(u -infl mnr), np n,u ,n .hanS9, g" r . P000for cash, I paid for all kinds of furs, sheen sk ns. nnH tnls or mercurials','11' skins- H1RSCHK1ND & AULER. Stroudsburg, Oct. 23, 1851. Clover's flak Maiatsractory, REMOVED TO No. 144 Race Street, (Between Fourth and Fifth, opposite Crown St.) PhsiadcItJiisn. WHERE the Proprietor is enabled, by increased facilities, to supply the growing demand for HOVER'S INK, which its wide spread reputation has created. c00(i opjnjori an(i confidence of the American j public, mat il is scarcely necessary to say anything in its favor, and the manufacturer takes this opportunity to say that the confi dence thus secured shall not be abused. In addition to the various kinds of Writing Ink, he also manufactures Adamantine Cc ment for mending Glass and China, as well as a superior Hair Bye; a trial only is neces sary to insure its future use, and a Scaling Wax, well adapted for Druggists and Bottlers, at a very low price, in large or small quanti ties. A fresh supply of the above INK just re ceived and for sale at THIS OFFICE. HORSES MADE SOUND BY THE Horse Owner's Secret, Being .1 new and certain remedy for thc speedy Cure of EScaves, By Sir James Lyndonton, Principal Farrier tp his Royal Highness Prince Albert. THE great discovery contained in this lit tle work procured Sir James his Baron etcy. It is really worth its weight in gold to all who own or use Horses. Itprecribesa Ccr tai" and positive cure fort he Heaves which any l,erso" can prepare. 1 ne remeay is oeue- a,nd cheaper than any ad vertised Heave Powr aer, ana is penectiy sale, as any one can know who tries it. Horse owners know that many a valuable Horse loses half its price by this prevalent disease. The remedy pre scribed in this work will cure him anJ in crease his market value, besides relieving le poor beast ol a horrible complaint, simi- llir 10 lhe Asthma in a man. The public can depend on this work; it is no catchpenny humbug. The articles prescribed by Sir James ? a11 cheap and can be had at any slore- 0 prevent imposition the work will bre sent n sealetJ envelopes. English price four shillings and three pence sterling. y m.eric.n Frice' e.r co''-v- Pers.ons or luring rJames one, are expected to con fine his instructions to iheir own animals. It will be sent to none others. An American Horse Doctor approoves of the above System! Bead what he says: Appleton, Ohio, July 21, 1851 Mr Dunbekton, 1 have tried yourSecret for the cure of Heaves, and approve of it very much. Yours, truly, Witness, G. Long. S. Lake, Horse Dr. To procure this valuable little work. Ad dress, post paid, JOHN DUNBERTON, English Horse Doctor, American Agent for-James Lyndenton's Horse Owner's Secret, r Ivfew York Post Office. The Secretia scntby mailat iotterpnstage LIVER COMPLAINT, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or JXcrvdns JDebilily, fiiseaVcs ol thcMlduoys, and all diseases a'rising from a disordered Liver or Stomach, such a9 a constipation, in ward piles, fullness or blood to ihe Head, acidity of the stomach, nausea, haartburn' j disgust for food, fullness, or weight in the stomach, sour eructations, sinking or flutter ing at the pit of the stomach, swimming of the head, hurried and difficult breathing, flui- termg ai me neart, choking or suuocatiine ' .sensations when in a Ivintr nnstnrr Himno.,, nf visjor,f dots or webs before ihe sieht. fer ! f n nml .4 it 1! nmn in Inn hon A nC n. ibl airj uuu uiii us uciiuiUIJCy O- perspiralion, yellowness of iho skin & eyes pain in the side, back, chest, limbs. &c. sud den flushes of heat, burning in the flesh, con stant imaginings of evil and great depression of spirits, can be effectually cured by Dr. Hoojland-s celebrated German Bitters PREPARED BV ' fr C 31 Jackson, at the German Medicine Store, 120 Arch st. Philadelphia. Their power over the above diseases is not excelled if equalled by any other preparation in the United Stales, as ihe cures attest, in many cases after skil ful physicians had failed. These BiueA are worthy the attention of invalids. Possessing great virtues in the rec tification of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the most searching pow ers in weakness and affections of ihe diges tive organs, they are withal, safe, certain and pleasant. Head and be Convinced. From the Boston Bee. The editor said, Dec. 2-2nd-Zr Hoofland's celebrated German Bitters for the cure of Li ver complaint, jaundice, dyspepsia, chronic or nervous debility, is deservedly one of the most popular medicines of the day. These Bitters have been used by thousands, and a friend at our elbow says he has himself re ceived an effectual and permanent cure oi Liver complaint from the use of this remedy. We are convinced that, in the use of thee Bitters, the patient constantly gains strength and vigor a fact worthy of great considera tion. They are pleasant in taste and smell and can be used by persons with the most delicate stomachs with safety, under any cir cumstances. We are speaking from experi ence, and to the afflicted we advise their 1:30. 'Scott's Weekly,' one of the best Liter ary papers published, said, Aug. 25 'Br. Hoofland's German Bitters, manufac tured by Dr. Jackson, are now recommended by some of the most prominent members of the faculty as an article of much efficacy ir. cases of female weakness. As such is tin case, we would advise all mothers to obtain bottle, and thus save themselves much sick ness. Persons of debilitated constitutions will find these Bilters advantageous to the.r health, as we know from experience ihe sal utary effect they have upon week systems." More Evidence. The Kon. C. D. Hineline, Mayor of tl.e City of Camden, N. J.,says: ' lloojland''s German Bitters. We hate seen many flattering notices of this medicine, and the source from which they came induced us lo make inquiry respecting its merits. From inquiry we were persuaded to use it. and must say we found it specific in its ac tion upon disease of the liver and digestUo organs, and the powerful influence it exerts upon nervous prostration is really surpiising. It calms and strengthens the nerves, bring ing them into a state of repose, making sleep refreshing. "if this medidine was more generally used we are satisfied there would be less sick ness, as from the stomach, liver, and nertou' system the great majority of real and imagi nary diseases emanate. Have them in a healthy condition, and you can bid defiance to epidemics generally. This extraordinary medicine we would advise our friends who are at all indisposed, to give a tiial it wili recommend itself. It should, in fact, be m every family. No other medicine can pro duce such evidences of merit." Evidence upon evidence has been receiv ed (like the foregoing) from all sections cf the Union, the last threeyears, and the strong est testimony in its favor, is that there is more of it used in the practice of the regniur Physicians of Philadelphia, lhan all other nostrums conbined, a facl lhat can eaisily be established, and fully proving tnat a scien tific preperalion will meet with their quiet approval when presented even in this lonp. That this medicine will cure Liver Com plaint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt after using it as directed. It acts specifically up on the stomarh and liver; it is preferable 10 calomel in all bilious diseases the effect is immediate. They can be administered to female or infant with safety arid reliable ben efit at any time. Look well to the marks of the genuine They have the written signature of C. M JACKSON upon the wrapper, and his name qlown in the bottle, without which they arc spurious. For sale Wholesale and Retail at the Ger man Medicine Store, No. 120 Arch street, one door below fith, Philadelphia: and by respec table dealers generally through the country. Prices reduced. To enable all classes of invalids to enjov the advantages oftheir great restorative powers. Single Bottle 75 cents. For sale by Stakbird & Wallaae. Strouds burg, Pa. Aug. 5, l852.-ly. 3niiicui (Sixteen fyoitl, Elizabeth st., Stiioudsburg, Pa. The undersigned respectfully in forms his friends and the public gener ally, that he has taken the above Hotel, known to the travelling community as 'Snive l's. Old Stand," and recently kept by Geo Swartwood. The house is large, with ever convenience for travellers and boarders. The vards and stabling are extensive, and every thing in the very uest order lor me ac comodation of travellers and others. The proprietor will use every effort tohavo his table, chambers, bar. and every depart ment of his house conducted in such a man ner as to secure the approbation of his custo mers. The Stage ofiice for the Easton, M. Chunk, Wilkes-Barre, White Haven and Providence stages will hereafter be at the above Hotel. Persons wishing to go or send with the a- bove stages, will please leave thetr orueia at the Indian Queen Hotel. These lines leave this Hotel every Mon day, Wednesday, and Friday morning at 7 o clock. JOSEPH J. POSTENS. April 4, 1850.,. Proprietor. GAPS. fine scented Soaps for wash' in"1 and shaving a'so thc celebrated shaving cream, for sa'e by Sirbudfcburg, Nov. 18, 1&2.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers