From California! - Bv the arrival of the Crescent City 'smlTOhio. from Chagres, we 'have advices irbm OalilofnTato I the 16th June. The Orescent Utty brought about $5186,000 in gold in the hands of the passengers, and the Ohio $18,000 and the'U. S. Mails. On the i4th of June there was another terrific fire at San.-Francisco. The fife originated in the rear of'Sacramento House, and spread with great ra pidity over a great portion of the town; Nothing could for a time resist the flames. Finally, how ever, by the most vigorous exertions, a stop was put to its ravages, but not however untill property, to the amount of five millions of dollars was de stroyed. The news from the mines is not of a ve ry satisfactory character. The streams were gen erally too high to allow of digging to advantage. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas is sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Mon roe county, Eenn'a., io me directed, I will j klin - . 1. Ul. 1. rhne f D. Chesnuthill township, n Friday the 22d day of August, ai 1 o'clock p. mm the following iesccibrd prop erty, to wit: A certain rnessug8 tract, or piece oMand situate in. Polk Township, adjoining lands of Jacob Doner, Hnry Dotter and others containing 141 Acres of Isanti, more or less, all WOOD-LAND. A small stream of waier runs through this tract. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Henrv Doner, and to he sold by me. PETER KEMMERER, Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg, ) Sheriff. - August 1, 1850. J ' lOOO BOXJLAKS TO I.OAiV. ;1000 dollars may be had immediately on giv ing an obligation for that amount with satisfac tory mortgage security. No less a sum than 5J30 dollars will be loaned to any one man. For particulars apply at this office. " July 25, 1850. ' " E STRAY- Came to the premises of the subscriber, in 'Hamilton township, on tne r4tn inat., a Red Stcer5 about two years old. The owner or owners thereof, are hereby noiified to come forward, prove property, pay charges and lake him away or he will be disposed of according to law. JACOB DENNIS. Hamilton, July 25, 1850. :" CAMP MEETING. By divine permission, a Camp Meeting will be held on the Island belonging to Franklin Starbird, Esq., about a quarter of a mile from Stroudsburg, commencing on Monday the 2d of September, and will close on Saturday the 7th. Minutera and m'embers of adjoining Cir cuits and Stations are cordially invited io ai tend. This is the most beautiful grove ever selec ied in this section of country for a Camp Meet ing, and there is an abundance of pure cold spring water. No traffic of any kind will be allowed with in "the limis prescribed by the law. July 18, 1S50. M. H. SI STY. , " NOTICE. The subscriber, hereby notifies, the public thai Jiehas no connection, or partnership with Joseph Mover, of Coolbaugh township, in any fchape or manner whatever. JACOB STOUFFER. . THE ASSAM TEA COMPANY, . 136 Greenwich Street, New-York. J he proprietors beg to call tne ai lention of connoisseurs in Tea, aridhe heads of families to the choice and ' n ihp ffRtinn of Teas imnorled bv J V A-rf , J them, and hitherto unknown in this country, which, by their fragrance and delicacy, com bined with virgin purity arid strength, produce an infusion of surpassing richness and flavor. THE TEAS OFFERED, ARE THE EOLLOWlNU: The Jeddo Bloom, a Black Tea, at $1 00 per lb ... j n rrn (t it . JNiphon, Diari, Osacca, do 0 75 x "do a Green Tea, do do 0 50 1 00 0 75 050 Too-tsiaa, tt Ticki-tsiaa, it' Uil-fi Mixture, a compound of " the most rare os cnoice i eas . grown on the fertile and ge- . nial soil of Assam, 1 00 " With a view to encourage the introduction of these matchless Teas, it is the intention of the proprietors to distribute by lot, among the pur chasers, a quantity of Teas equal to . Tlie First Years Profits ON THE SALES EFFECTED. Each purchaser will receivo enclosed in the package, a numbered ceriifitcate, entitling him to. One Chance in the Distribution ! ! ! --FOR EVERY FIFTY CENTS laid out, and on the receipts amonting to S 20, 000,the undermentioned parcels of Tea, io the . - value of ten per cent, or ;tWO THOUSAND DOLLARS, Given Away as Bonuses ! I I , ?-.wV-AC'COlblNG TO THE FOLLOWING ;; " SCALE J . . . iv Sanies of.50Jbs. of Tea each -at Signer & c- 1 ju4 250lbs or $250. OQ " ngS" 50 V - 10- " 500 500 ,500 500 500 250 41 500 - " 250 425 Prize in a!L - - 2,0001 bs $2,000 TJiose persons jwho.prefer lower priced 'I eas, caiVreceivs iheirprizer in. propiJrtion, .ox they wUl be re-pjurchased for cash, M a reduction pi O.per ce.Bt. - 1 :4 f ?.,Utr iaaatm rpnuired. Annlicajions to be, addressed (post paid,) he .Company Ue- i )t,,88 aoove - in Mi His permanenily locaiea himself in the. bor oygh of Stroudsburg, and respciMlly etiders Kfi professional services tp the inhabitants of the borough and sujrounding country. Office at S. ). Holiinsiicad'ti Jtotel. V 7 3Lm Relative to a n v A in v u d in e i t;of f t Ii c ... CONSTITUTION - Resolved by ihe Senate and House, of Repre sentatives of the Gommonweatth-iff Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That the Constitution' of this Commonwealth be am, ended in the. sec, ond section of the fifth article, so that jjt shall read as follows The.Judges of. the Supreme Court, of the several Courts of Common Pleas, and of such other Couris of Record as are or shall be established by law, shall, be elecred by the qualified eleciors of the Commonwealth at large; the . President Judges of the several Couris o( Common Pleas, and of such 'other Cour' of Record as are or shall be eatablishe'd by (aw, and all other Judges required to be Jeamed in ihe law, by the qualified electors of the. respective districts over which they are to preside or act as Judges ; and the Associate Judges of the Cour's of Common pleas by the qualified electors of the counties respectively. The Judges of the Supreme Court shall hold their offices for the term of fifteen years, if they shall so long behave themselves well, (subject io the allotment herein after provided for, sub sequent to the first election ;) the President Judges of the several Couris of Common Pleas, and of such other Courts of Record as are or shall he estabiised by law, and all other Judges required to be learned in the law, shall hold their offices for the term of teri years, if they shall so long behave themselves well ; ihe Associate Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas shall hold their offices for the term of five years, if they shall so long behave themselves well; all of whom shall be commissioned by the Governor, but for any reasonable cause, which shall not be sufficient grounds of impeachment, the Govenor shall romove any of them on the- address of two-thirds of each branch of the Le gislature. The first election shall lake place at the general election of this Commonwealth next after the adoption of thi amendment, and the commissions of all the Judges who may be then in office shall expire on ihe first Monday of December following, when the terms of the new Judges shall commence. The persons who shall then be elected Judges of the Supreme Court shall hold their offices as follows : One of ihem for three years, one for six years, one for nine years, one for twelve years, and one for fifteen years, the lerrn of each to bejdecided by lot by the said Judges, as soon after the elec tion as convenient,, and the result certified by them to the Governor, that the commissons may be issued in accordance thereto. The Judge whose commission will first expire shall be Chief Justice during his term, and thereafter each Judge whose commission shall first expire shall be Chief Justico during his term, and thereafter each Judge whose commission shall first exnire shall in turn be the Chief Justice, and if two or more commissions shall expire on ihfi same dav. the Judges holdiue them shall J ' o decide by lot which shall be the Chief Justice Any vacancies, happening by deatn, resigna tion or otherwise, in any of the said courts, shall be filled by appointment by the Governor, to continue (ill the first Mondav of December succeeding the next general election. The 0 0 Judges of the Supreme Court and the Presi dems of the several Courts of Common Pleas shall, at staled times, receive for their services an adequate compensation, lo be fixed by law, which shall not be diminished during their con tinnance in office : but ihev shall receive no fees or perquisites of office, nor hold any other office of profit under this -Commonwealth, or under the government of the United States, or any other State of this Union.; The Judges of of ihe Supreme Court, during their continuance in offce, shall reside within this Common wealth; and the other Judges, during their con tinuauce in office, shall reside within the dis trict or county for which? they were respective ly elected. J- S. M'CALMONT, Speaker of the House of Representatives JD-COl , Speaker of the Senaio Se.vate Chamber, Harrisburg, January 28, 1850 I. Samuel W. Pearson. Chief Clerk of the Senate of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution, (No. 10 on the Sen ate file of the present session.) entitled "Res oluiion relative to an amendment ol itie Oonsti- tution," it being the same resolution which was aoreed to bv a matoritv oi the members e- .13 J J J lected to each House of the last Legislature after having .been duly considered and discus sed, was this day agreed to by a majority of the members elected to and serving m the benate of Pennsylvania, at its present seasioji, as wil appear by their votes given on the final pas satfe of the resolution, as follows, viz: Those voting in favor of the passage of the resolution were. H. Jones Brooke. J. Porter Brawley, YViflfam A. Crabb, Jonathan J. Cun ningham, Thomas S Fernon, Thomas H Forbyih, Charles Jrrailey, liobert iVl. jmick, Henry "Fulton, John W. Guernsey, William Hasletl, Isaac, Hugos, Timothy Ives, Joshua Y. Jones, Joseph Konigmacher-, George V. Lawrence, Maxwell M'G.aiin, Benjamin Ma lone, Benjamin Matthias, Henry A. Muhlen berg, William F. Packer, William R. Sadler, David Sankey, Peleg B. Savery, Conrad Shi nier, Robert C. Sterrdtt, Daniel Stine, Farris B. Streeter, John H- Walker and Valentine Best, Speaker Teas 29. Those voting against the passage of th res olution were, George: Dafsiei Augustus prum and Alexander King jays 3. , ':; ;., Extract from the Journal. ... SAML. W. PEARSON,-Cer. In thje Ho pse op Representatives", ) Harrisburg, March 14, 1850 I, WTffiam Jack, Chief ClMk-tfahjertTdifte of Representatives of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify ihat the foregoing iesolutionr (No. IX) on the Senate file, and No. 2U on the House-Journal of the present session,) entiijed "Resoluiion relative to the amendment of the Cpnsiiiujion," it being the same- resolution hich Vas a greed to by a majoriy of the members elected to each House of ihe last .Legislature alter having been duly considered and discussed.wafr this day agreed to bya jiisjarjiy otjl?-4Remr bers elected io and seT?ing in t)jo Hoe of Rep resentatives of Pennsyrvania, at its present ses sion, as will aypekr bjMliuir vote, grv.o? firia) passage, ofahe resolution, as follows, viz:' Those1 vdiing in'fcVorTdf he paf age . llle refcolunon were, Jj&Hn Acker, John-Allison, William Baker, Rob'IrBaldwiiu David J.Bent C r a i g :B t d d I e ,4 U e r e mtaV.'B 1 at k 5lJ tiji nS? Bp w e n , VV 1 1 1 1 a m ,-B rih die, 'D a n fel H . 'B . B rq w e r , Jesse R. Btlrdeji, John Cessna; Henry -Church, John N. Conyngharn, Sylvester Cridlaiid, Benjamin G. David William J- Dobbins, James'P. X)pw her, Thomas Duncan, William Dunn, William Espyi John C. Evans, William Eatns, A. Suott "Ewin'g', Alexander S. Feo'ther, James Flowers, Benjamin P Fortnef, Alexander Gibboney, Thomas E. Grier, Joseph E. Griffin, Joseph Guffey, Jacob S. Haldeman, George H. Hart, Leftert. Hart, John Hastings, William J. Hemp hill, John Hoge, Henry Huplei, Lewis Herford, , Washington J. Jackson, Nicholas Jones, John W 5illinger, Charles E. Kinkead, Robert Kloiz, Harrison P. Laird. Morris Leech, Jon athan D. Leet, Anson Leonard, James J. Lew is, Henry Little, Jonas R. M'Clintock, John F. M'Culldch, Alexander C. M'Curdy,; John M'- Laughlin, John M'Lean, Samuel Marx, John B. Meek, Michael Meyers, John Miller,-Joseph C. Molloy, John D. Morns, Willatm I. Morison, Ezektel Mowry, Edward Nickleson, Jacob Nis- sly, Charles O Neill, John B. Packer, Joseph j C. Fowel, James C. Reid, John S. Rhey . Lew is Roberts, Samuel Robison, John B. Ruther ford, Glenni W. Scofield, Thomas C. Scouller, William Shaffner, Richard Simpson, Eli Slifer, William Smith, William A. Smiih. Daniel M. Smyser, Willaim H. Souder; Thomas C. Steel, David Steward, Charles Stockwell, Edwin C Trone, Andrew Wade, Robert C. Walker, Thomas Watson, Sidney B. Wells, Hiram A. Williams, Daniel Zerby and John b. ivi Ual- monij SpeaKer Yeas . - Those voting against the passage of the reso- lution were, Augustus K. Cornyn, David Evans, and James M. Porter Nays 3. Extract from the Journal; . !- . WILLIAM JACK,- Clerk:1 ? ' Secr-etarv's Office:' Filed;iliarch IS, 1850. ' v - ;iA. W: BENEDICT, , - . . Dep: Sec 'y of Commonwealth. ' Secretary's Office. PENNSYLVANIA, ss. I do certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original resolution of the General Assembly, entitled "Resolution relative lo an amendment of ihe Consiiunion, as the same remains on file in (his olhce. 111 luaiiuiuiijr itiicicui i uov unto set my hand, and caused to be affixed the seal of the Secretary's Of T n V. " 1 1 m A.l. 1.1 t W f r I tl O it ti rk 1 I f m fice, Harrisburg, this fifteenth day of June, Anno Domini one thousand eight nun dred and nifty . A. L. RUSSELL. Secretary oj the Commonwealth. J n r,e 30, 1650 Kitcing Ststosci'Iption Office, 19 PARK PLACE, New-York. The proprietors beg to announce that they fhave opened Classes for Sweepstakes, upon the system which has obtained a large share of ihe public support in England and elsewhere, by extending as it does lo the public at large, the interebt otherwise felt by few only in RACING EVEETS, AND ENABLING ALL Whether conversant with Sporting matters or riot TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CHANCE OF GAINING A LARGE SUM; BY THE RESULT, AT PROPORTION ABLY As will be seen by the subjoined Scheme, the subscriber in Class E, may FOR OfflB DOLLAK, gaiai 85,000 ! THE SWEEPSTAKES NOW OPEN con ski of Flv-e Classes for the Great Yorkshire Stakes, To be run at, York, (England) 23d August 1850164 Horses entered. First Horse, $50,000. Subs o o c 2 s 2 5- J3 , o i- j ooi - 1 S25.000 1 .?jd,0f)0' $10,000 $5,()00 12.500 S.oOO 5,000 I 2,500 12,500 5,000 5,000 3,500 6,1150 2,500 2,500 1,250 2,500 1,000 1,000 500 2,000 2,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 25 10 5 1 25,000 f 25,000 12'500 5,000 THE DRAWING of this S weepstake will lake place publicly on the 23d 'day of August, 1850, the day on which the race will be run fhe place and hour being first dulv announced by advertisement : when the names of all the horses entered, will be al lotted amongst the subscribers in each class and on the 20th day of September next, by which time the result of ihe race will be known ihe Prizes will be distributed ; the. holder o the name of the winning horse in Class 44 A." receiving a Prize of. FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, that of the second, twenty-five thousand dollars, &c. &e., in accordance with the a bove Scheme. A commtNaion of -10 -per com, to cover -expenses. wilLbe deducted otr payment of all pri zes, j Any further information required; will be af forded by the Secretary, Mr. -William Barroll, at the offices as above jo whom all applica tions for Agencies and' other communications are to be addressed post paid, and all remit tances, either by Bill or Note itf be made, in return for which, numbered Certificates will be forwared as directed. Lists of Horses entered for ihe above, and all other Races of Importance may be seeh,t6 gether with Schemes for Sweepstakes in the forthcoming St. Leger, &c. &c. &c; Jtme 30, 1850, taugl.5 JUVENILE SINGING CLASS. At the request, of several. citizens of Strouds burg and vicinity, the subscriber will ,teach mu sic io children from the age of 7 io IJr years old, in lite different chpoj houses in ihe vicin iiy of Stroudsburg ,freB of charge, A Those districts convenient , to the place wish-, ingjo accept of the olfer, wilt receive .further information from the subscriber by calling on him at Stroudsburg, iondaysafternoons,, 3 There will be seyeral exhihitionf during the term, at some ceiitrAtpi0.8 A, Plas, will bcorneneaj gjrounuNJm nexrWondyjenfri glocjji be OoUfl June 20, 1850-41 . J of Dry GOODSrGrpcefie-s Hardware, Queenware, &c, &c, a the store of the sub scriber, Which he driers for sale at the lowest prices. JOHN N. STOKES. . Strondsburg,-May 16, 1850. ; . A Fine selected stock of silks.bareges, lawns, XjL ginghams, and prints, to which ihe inspec tion of the ladies of Stroudsburg and surronding country is respectfully invited, has boon re ceived and is for sale by JOHN N. STOKES. Stroudsburg, May 16, 1850, iCKLED PORK & MACKEREL, a large quantify on" hand and for sale cheap by JOHN N. STOKES- Stroudsburg, May 16, 1850. TJ AxMS & SHOULDERS, of good quality, JLX constantly on ha constantly on hand and for sale low by N. STOKES JOHN Stroudsburg, May 16. 1850 M OLASSES, SUGAR, and COFFEE, a large aud well-selected assortment for sale cheap by JOHN N. STOKES. Stroudsburg May 16, 1850. UMMER STUFFS of all kinds, for gentle men's wear, consisting of cloths, cassimeres, cashmerettes, tweeds, and linens, &c, just re ceived aud for sale low by JOHN N. STOKES. Stroudsburg, May 16, 1850. BOOTH & FOSTER LATE J. C. BOOTH & Co., FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM, Wholesale and Retail, 27 Courtlandt Street, New-York. (a few doors below'the western hotel.) THIS HOUSE, by reason of its Great Pop ularity and Extensive Reputation, both for the Superior Qualities and Cheapness of its Goods, has recently been extending us business, until it now presents an assortment at once unrival- LED BY ANY IN THE city, une ot me rum, being one of ihe Pioneers in the Clothing busi ness, devotes all his lime to purchasing goods for the establishment, which, his long experi ence, acknowledged skill, and with the aid of abundant capital, he is enabled to do with the most predominent success. Another of the firm superintends, in'person, their extensive manu facturing department ', and the stock thus produced, aud with a view to neatness, ele gance and utility, and amounting to nearly S 100,000 in Value, comprises an assortment now unequalled, and they defy all competition. They desire partic ularly to call the attention of " Country Merchants to their stock, whom, by.their extensive arrange ments, ihev are enabled to suddIv with an as- sor.tment at once the best, the most varied, and the cheapest of any other on this Continent. Nor does the extent of their business prevent them from supplying the individual wants. Gentlemen visiting this city will at all times find them in readiness to furnish from the Smallest Article to the Complete Outfit, of such as cannot fail, io suit ihe most refined taie, or meet the approbation of the most fas tidious. m Their Manufactured Department Is replete with every description df DRESS and frock, business and travelling, sack and albert coats. Ail the styles of Drap De Eifii Alpaca and Bro. Linen COATS. PANTALOONS of all the various styles and qualities. VESTS of the latest and richest pattern. DRESSING GOWNS, &c The Fancy Department embraces every thing new and desirable in the line of SHIRTS, DRA-WERS, BOSOMS, COLLARS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, Scarfs, GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, HOSIE RY, SUSPENDERS, SHOULDER BRA CES, MONEY BELTS, &c. To verify the above statements, ihey ask gen tlemen, when visiting the city, to call and ex amine for themselves, where they will receive the most polite attention, the proprietors rely ing on the excessive cheapness which their un rivalled facilities enable them to afford their Goods, to ensure a sale. Full suits furnished to order at the shortest notice, and sent to any part of ihe United Stales. J. C. BOOTH. H. L FOSTER. N B. Open from 6 o'clock a. m. to W p. m April 25, I850.-0m. JEaacoiirasc Home Manufacture! CABINET-WARE K Of every Tariely ana siyie in E ASTON PRICES! W. W. COOLBAUGH respectfully invites the attention of the citizens of Monroe county to his large and finished stock of Cabinet waro at his wareroom in the main street, a short dis ance below Posten'a hotel, in Stroudsburg, comprising every kind and quality of furiiiiuro. He is determined to be undersold by no one, and the young and old housekeepers of ihe coun ty, in want of furnjiue, will save time and mon ey by giving him a call, His stock embraces secretaries, desks, sideboards, wardrobes, bu reaus, sofas, centre tables, card tables, break fast tables, side tables, dinner tables, hat stands, wash stands, beadsteads, chests, corner and kitchen cupboards, cradles, beautiful mahogany workstands,. dressing; bureaus, towel, rackst &c. CHAIRS of all varieties, rush-bpttomed, cane seals, snlint seats, cottage chairs and so fa, chairs. Also, sofas, and sotiees got up in ihe, most bentim! style. JTJAII Kind of work, made to order al the shortest iipiice. (gT Ha has also on hand a well-finished hearse and if prepared lo manufacture coffins aiid; attend furiecala at short notice. , May 23 1850. ni- .3 4- Attorney jaiJ&aw, STlfdtf DSBtfftG, MONRPE .GOUN.'fiA.,. Office pp. Ell2abeh8trlet,;f9rnerJ-oQcunled by ' William ,UaytstJ2it!qv April IS 1850. Estate! Silas Flowfcr, Late of: Stroud- township; Monroe criitritjjt, dec'd. Notice is hdreby given, thai loiters of Admirr- isl ration upon said eststs, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to Wke. iinmediai.e pay ment, and alt those having claims or demand against said estate are requested to mako known (he same without delay, to JOHN L. CAfREY, Administrator Stroud township. May 16. 1850. GEO. J. ROBAKEE, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, Takes this method of informing the citizen of Stroudsburg and surrounding country, that; he has commenced the Tailoring Business in all its various branches, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, on Elizabeth Sueet, nearly op posite the Store of John N. Stokes, and res pectfully solicits all who have work to do in his line lo give htm a call. The latest Reports of Fashions will be regularly received, and ho guarantees that all work enstructed to him will be done in a satisfactory manner. , He hopes by strict attention to business, and determination to please, to merit, a share of public patronage. N. B. Cuiing done at the shortest notice. - Stroudsburg, May 2d, 1850. THADDEUS SCHOCH, Has removed his wholesale and retail Boot and Shoe Store to a large aud convenient room, which he has fitted up in tho best style, a'few doors above his old stand, opposite Messrs. Edtnger & Miller's Store, and nearly opposite T. & P MixsolPs store in Hamilton St. whore he will continue lo manufacture to order every description of Boots and Shoes for men and boys: also ihe most fashionable Gaiters, Buskin?, Half Gaiters, Slippers &c , for Ladies and Misses which will bo warrant ed io fit, be mado of the best ma terials, and sold at small profits for cash. Also on hand a large assort sortmeni of Boots and Shoes, which will be sold cheap, and can be recommen ded. The public are respectfully invited to call, leave their measures, or examine his ready made slock, before purchasing elsewhere, as he is confident they will be suited with tho style, quality and price of his article. Call and try them. Also American and French Calf Skirt1 Boots manufactured to order. Easton, April 18, 1850. - MONROE COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company. The rate of Insnrance is one dollar on,tho thousand dollars insured, after which payment no subsequent tax will be levied, except lo cov er actual loss or damage by fire, that may fall upon members of the company. The nett profits arising fronr'interest or oth erwise, will be ascertained yearly, for which each member in proportion to his, her, or their deposite, will have a credit in the company. Each insurer in or with the said company will be a member thereof during the term of his or her policy. The principle of Mutual Insurance has been thoroughly testedhas been tried by the unerring test of experience, and has proved successful and become very popular. It af fords the greatest security against loss or dam age by fire, on the moat. advantageous and reasonable terms. ' Applications for Insurance to be made in person, or by letters addressed io JAMES H. WALTON, Sec'y, MANAGERS. Jacob Goetz John Edinger James H. Walton Edward Posten Robert Boys Richard S. Staples Michael H Dreher Jacob Frederick George B.Keller Peicr Shaw John Miller Jacob Shoemaker Balsar Feiherman. JACOB GOETZ, President. JAMES H. Walton, Treasurer. Stroudsburg, January 31, 1850. Tho testimony in its favor is overwhelming. The proprietors are daily in receipt of letters and certificates, going to prove its remarkable efficiency lo all cases of worms, both in chil dren and adults. The -relief given, and the immediate improvement of health which follows its use, has called the attention of physicians io this article, and they freely recommend and prescribe it in their practice. The retail price is 25 cents per vial, which brings it within the means of all- f Brooklyn, L. I. January 1G, 1847. I do certify that I gave one bottle of B. A. Fahnestock'a Vermifuge to my child, and in seven hours it passed 23 large worms. Any person doubting this may apply for furihet in formation at my residence comer of York, and Jackson streets. JAMES McCAFFRlM Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Marchg, 1844.;. I certify, that 1 took two vials uf B. A. Fafin estock's Vermifuge, which 1 found to be thf. greatest euro for worms I have ever used. I have been troubled wtlh tape Worms for a nam ber of yearsj and I have never fotmd so, good a medicine ai J3. A FahneitocVs Vermifuge,, I therefore recommend it. MARTHA CLJF'I The public is cautioned against counTerfeita and spurious articles, and to confidence in st'atemenis that "KolmsiockV1 and VS. Fahit estockV -Xetmifuge, are .the same ar as good "as th?e" "only genuine article, which is B. A. jFAHNESfrOCfKSj VERMIFUGE.-- 1 For. sal in StrotMlsbttrj?, by. T. SQHOCH, iAgent. - .: .March j 849 cow 1 y . a 9tilfwrir ' --1--'-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers