:j;-lL-L"'-Vi'l i 'TPTJi"-' .1 .Jt M'M"..il".'.., """tonAr 0 ' r 1 1 l c i n DRi TOWKSEiVb'S COMPOUND KXTBACT OF SARSAPARILLA. 1 AVonlcr nml Blessing of Ike Age. Tht'matt extraordinary medicine in the uorld! This Extract is pot up hi Quart Bottles; it is six time ..r.hcapnr, pieaMinlcr, and warranted superior .to any sold. It cures disease without vomttinr, purging, sickeiung, or do mutating tne raucnt. The great beauty and superiority of this Sarsapsrilla orer ti 'ITi - . , i - i fi . -v t . . - : . : uii'oiuci lucuiciiiDs is, wniie it erautcnics disease, u mvigu , .rates the body. It is one of the vcrv bet ' SPRING AND SUMMER MEDICINES ever knowii; it not dnly purifies tho whole system and . rtrcuglhcns thepcrson, but it creates, new, pure and rich " blood, a po cr possessed by no other Medicine. And in this - lies mo grand secret or its wonucriui success, it nas per formed within the last two years, mora than one hundred thousand cures of severe cases of disease; at least, 50,00t 'wore considered incurable, it nas saved tne lives of more than 15.000 children the three past seasons. 100,000 chs en of General Debility and want s? of IVcrveHs Energy. Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla invigorates the whole system permanently. To tho.Avho have lost their muscular energy, oy the cnecis oi incmciij e, ur niuisc renon committea in youtn, or the excessive indulgence of the passions, and brought on bjvphysical prostration of the net rous system, lassitude, want ....liif nnrtinlini7 .nncitlnns nrrnnnlnni nn.l .4 hastening toward that fatal disease, Consumption, can be en tirely restored by this pleasant remedy. This Sarsaparilla is larsuperiorto any IIVVIGOIIATUVCJ COBBIAI. As it renews and invigorates tho system, gives activity to the limbs, and strength to the muscular system in a most extraor dinary degree. u Consumption Cured. Cleanse and Strengthen. Consumption can bo cured. Bronchitis, Consumption, 'Liver Complaint, Colds, Co- tarra. (Jovghs. Asthma, bpxttwg of mood, Soreness in the Chest, Hectic Flush, Night Sweats, Difficult or Profuse Eicpe'ctoralion, Pain in the Side, tfe,,have been andean be y.curxd. - Spitting Blood. Dn. Tovnbknd I verily oclieve your Sarsaparilla has been the means, through Providence, of saving my life. I lis vie" lor ficvcrul ears had a bad Cough. It became worse and worse. At Iat I raised large quantities of blood, had night Mvcats, aud was greatly debilitated and reduced, and did not .expect tO'live. I have only used your Sarsaparilla a short time, and there has a wonderful change been wrought in me. t am now able to walk all over the city. I raise noldood, and my cough has left inc. You can well imagine that J am thank ful for these results. Your obedient servant. WJI. HUSSEL, 65 Catherine-st t Rheumatism. Blackuell's Island, Sept. H 1847. -,pr. Totnnsend Dear Sir : I have suffered terribly for nine years with .the Rheumatism ; considerable of the time 1 could t eatj.slecp or Walk. I had the utmost distressing pains, and hy?limbs were terribly swollen. I have used four bottles of jppur Sarsaparilla, and they have done me more than one thousand dollars worth of good, I am so much better indeed, I am entirely relieved. You are at liberty to use this for -the benefit of tire afflicted. Yours, rwpectfullv, JAMES CUMMINGS. Vital Fit!! Fits!!! Dr.Townend, not having tested his Sarsaparilla in cases of Fits, of course, never rccoameuded it, and was surprised loS-ccclve' the following from an intelligent and respectable Farmer in Vestchestcr County; Fordham, August 13, 1847. Dr. Townscnd Dear Sin I have a little prU seven years of age. who has been several years afflicted with Fits ; we tried almost everything for her, but without success ; at last, although we could find no recommendation in your circulars for cases like hers, we thought, as she was in very delicate health, we would give her some of your Sarsaparilla. and are very glad we did, for it not only restored her strength, but she has had no return of the Fits, to our great pleasure and sur prise. She is fart becoming rugged and health v. for which wo Icel grateful. Yours, respectfully, JOHN BUTLR, Jr. Female medicines. Dr. Townend's Sarsaparijla is a sovereign and speedy cure forIncipient Consumption, Barrenness, Prolapsus Uteri, or Falling of the Womb. Costivencss, Piles, Lcucorrhcea, or Whites, obstructed or difficult Menstruation, Incontinence of Urine, or involuntary discharge thereof, and for the genera prostration of the "system no matter whether the result of inherent canto or causes, produced, by irregularity, illness or accident. Nothing can be more surprising than its in vieoraifug effects oiTthc human frame. Persons all weakness and latitude, from taking it, atencc become robust and full of energy under its influence.Jt" immediately counteracts the nervelesstiess of the female frame, which is the great cause of Barrenness. It will not be expected of us, in cases of"so delicate a nature, to exhibit certificates of cures performed, hat we can assure the afflicted, that hundreds of cases have b-en reported to us. Thousands of cases where families have bceu without children, after using a few bottles of this invalua ble Medicine, have been blessed with fine, health offspring. Great Blessing to Mothers and Children. It is the safest and most effectual medicine for purifying the ystem. and relieving the sufferings attendant upon child- iwrth ever discovered. It strengthens both the mother and the child, prevents pain and disease, increases and enriches the food ; those who have, used it, think it is indispcusa blc. It 5s birhlv useful both before and after confinement, , i 1 1 1 .1 . as it prevents diseases niiennani upon cnuu-uinn in iOt menus. Piles, .Cramps Swellinr of the Feet, Despondency, 'rtl.im. V'omi ir;. Pain in the Back and Loins. False Painx. Hcniotrhare, and in regulating the secretions and equalizing the circulation, it has no equal. The great beauty of this medicine is, it is always yafe, and the most delicate use it most .successfully, very few cases require any other medi cine, in some a Utile Castor Oil, or Magnesia is usefnl. Ex ercise In the open air, and light food with this medicine, will always secure a safe and easy confinement. IJeauty and Health. Cosmetics, Chalk, and a variety of preparations generally iu use, when applied to the face, very soon spoil it ofitr beauty. The close the pores of the skin,' and check the circu lation, which, when natur is not thwarted by disease oj powder, or the skin inflamed by the alkalies used in soaps, be'auiifies its own production in the "human face Divine," as well as -in the garden of rich and de.licately tinted varie rated "fliiwera. A free, active and healthy circulation of the fluids, or the coursing of the pure, rich blood, to the extremi ties, is that which paints the countenance in the roost exqui site beauty. Jt is that which imparts the indescribable shades and flashes of loveliness that all admire, but none can de scribe. J'his beauty is the offspring of nature not of powder or soap. If there is not a free and healthy circulation, thero is no beaut'. If the lady is fair as driven snow, if she paints, and use cosmetics, and the blood is thick, cold aud impure, she is not heiutifuL If she "be brown or yellow, and there is pure and active blood, it gives a rich bloom to the cheeks, and a brilliancy to their eyes that is fascinating. This is why the southern, and especially the Spanish ladies, are so much admired. Ladies in the north, who take but little exercise, or are confined in close rooms, or have spoiled their complexion by the application of deleterious mixtures, if they wish to regain elasticity of step, buoyant spirits, spark ling eyes and beautiful complexion, they should use Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla. Thousands who have tried it, are more than satisfied, are delighted. Ladies' of every station crowd our office daily. The Iter. John Scgcr Of Jersey City, an old and highly respectable clergyman of the Baptist -denpmination, handed in the following certifi cate at Dr. Townsend's office. It speaks for itself. Dr. Towns end Dear Sir: lam constrained togivej'ou a statement of the benefit 1 derived from using your Sarsapa rilla, believing, by so doing, I shall render a benefit to those who are suffering as I have been. I was reduced for many months by tho Dyspepsia, so much that it was with much dif fic'dty for mo to walk or keep about. I had also a tetter, which covered the most part of my head which was ex tremely troublesome and jsore ; it got to be almost a scab. J used quite a number of remedies for both the complaints, but received little or no benefit, until I took your Sarsaparilla, which, through the kindness of Providence, has restored me to more than my usual health, as I am now enjoying better than X have for a number of years. I am now CO years of age. I believe it to be an invaluable medicine, and recom mend it to my numerous acquaintances, which is very large, as I have been a minister a great many years. J -hope this hasty sketch may be as much benefit to you as your medicine has to me. JOHN SEGER, Jersey City July 11, 1847. J OPINIONS OF PHYSICIANS. Dr.- Townseod is almost daily receiving order from Phy sicians in different parts of the Union. This is to Certify that we, the undersigned, Physician of the -City of Albany, have in numerous cases pi escribed Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and believe it to be one of the most valuable preparations iu the narkeC H. P. PULING, M. D. J. WILSON. M. D. R. 8. BRIGGS. M. D. Albany, April 1 1847. P. E. ELMENDORF, M. D. Agents. Redding & Co, No. 8 State etrcet, and Mrs. Ee Kidder, No. 100 Court street, Boston : Samuel Kidder, Jr., Lowell; Henry Pratt, Salem; James B. Green, Worcester: AllisWfc Gnult, Concord ; J. Balch Son, Providence; and by Druggists and Merchants generally throughout the Ui ted States. West Indie:, and the Canudas. The. above medicine is fcept op jiand for sale in Stroudsburg, by ; ; -JOHN W. RUXT0N, Agent. Sep'croHer 6, 1849.-Iy 'is . ' 1 . Stoves J Stoves4 For sale by S'TOGDELIj. STGICES. Stroudsburgj November 10,88; 1 1 ""r'J ''"l " '-&,,: TOYS, . A great variety of Toys on, hand and for sale cheBp'aCihe vsriety store of ' " '"v; JOHpm melicil; JOB WORK .V-vl NeUtty executed atiftis fffiG(2?y4 V ....m Qj3siUy'e andnevpr-failiiig re?nedy for v V- - jPILES,. whether Internal, External, Blind, of.Bleeding, Scrofula, While Swellings, Ulcers, and Ulcera ted Sore Throat, Canker Sore Mouth, .Rheu matism, Cutaneous Diseases, Mercurial Affec tions, &c. rVlso--Fur Scalds, Burns-, Cuts, Sprains, Bruises, &c. We feel justified in proclaiming the factoid the world that of all medicines ever brought before the public none have ever been more beniffcial to afflicted humaniiy than " Myers' Liquid Cure." Wo know that this is saying a great deal, but if we were to write Volumes, we could not say loo much in prais-e of this. Health-restoring, Life-prolonging Remedy. Hundred?', nay thousands, bless the happy hour when first they were made acquainted with its transcendanl virtues ; and our present purpose is to inform other thousands, how and where they may obtain that relief, which they per haps, have long sought for lq vain THe superior excellence of this"" preparation over all other medicines for the soeedv and nre- rnanent cure of piles is well knoivn to all who I w have tested it. It has been proved in thousand of instances, aud has never failed to cure the most obsiiuaie cases, and we are confident it never wijl fail if used a proper length of I me accordina to directions. As a oroof of our entire confidence in its efficacy, we assure all nnrrhasfirs thai if .after a nmnpr trial, tt nmrn ineffectual, the Money paid for it will be re- iurned. The Liauid Cure " is an effectual Remedv for Ringworms, Biles, Pimples, Barber's Iich, Frosied Limbs. Chilblains. Salt Rheum. Mus- quito Bites, Stings of Poisonous Insects. &c. and for Cutaneous Diseases ofevery.descrip- Hon. It is both safe and effectual for Rhmimaiism giving immediate and permanent relief. - No preparation now'before the Public can surDass ine excellence o tho -"-Liauid (Jure " for Scalds. Burns. Cuts. .Snrains. Rruises Swellings &c. ' - - 7 I 1 I Its effects as a REAL PAIN KILLER. are MAGICAL. TTFEverv Familv in the land should nro- vide themselves with this invalvable prepara- tion, the cheapness of which places it within the reach ofall. Full directions accompany each bolt e. Pamphlets, containing copies of certificates from those who have Jested the "Liqujd Cure ' may be had Gratis of our authorized agent. s " Myers'' Liquid Cure " is prepared only bt Jerome dc (Jo. 21 Spruce street, I. Y. I heodore Schoch, Agent for Stroudshurg John Lander, Agent, Craig's Meadow's. June 7, 1849. IT1' A listers AH-Hcalissg: OiaiSmeut, Or 'The World's Salve. Contains no Mercury or other Mineral. From the Reading Eagle. There was never, perhaps, a medicine brought before the public, that has in so short a time won such a reputation as M'ALLISTER'S ALL- HEALING OR WORLD-SALVE. Almost eve ry person that has made trial of it speaks warmly in its praise. One has been cured by it, of the most painful Rheumatism, another of the Piles, a third of a troublesome pain in the limbs, &c, &c. If it does not give immediate relief, in every case, it can do no injury, being applied outwardly. As another evidence of the wonderful healing power possessed by ihis salve, we subjoin the following certificate, from a respectable citizen of Maiden- creek township in this county : Maidencreek, Berks Co., March 30, 18"7. Messrs. Ritter & Co. I desire to inform you that I was entirely cured of a severe pain in the back, by the use of iM'Allisters All-Healing Salve, which I purhhased from you. I suffered with it for about 20 years, and at night was unable to sleep. During that time I tried various remedies, which were prescribed for me by physicians and other persons, without receiving any relief, and at last made trial of this Salve, with a result fa vorable beyond expectation. I am now .entirely free from the. pain, and enjoy at night a peaceful and sweet sleep. I have also used the Salve since for other complaints, with similar happy re sults. Your friend, JOHN HOLDINBACH. Around the Box are Directions for using M' Allister's Ointment for Scrofula, Liver Complaint, Erysipelas, Tetter, Chilblain, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Quincy, Sore Throat, Bron Chitis, Nervous Affections, Pains, Disease of the Spine, Head Ache, Asthma, Deafness, Ear Ache, Burns, Corns, Sore - Lips, Pimples, &c, Sores, Rheumatism, Piles, Croup, Swelled or Broken breast, Tooth Ache, Ague in the Face, &c.r &c. Vlj3 The Ointment is good for any part of the body or limbs when inflamed. In some cases it should be applied often. CAUTION. No ointment will be genuine un less the name of James M'Allister is written with a pen upon every label. For sale by my Agents in all the principal cit ies and towns in the United Slates. JAMES M'ALLISTER, Sole Proprietor of .the above Medicine. Price 25 centstper box. Agents SamueJ Stokes, Stroudsburg ; :Peier Pomp Eastnn ; James A. Polk (Druggist) Mauch Chunk. Principal Office No, .28 North third Street Phil adelphia. May 10, I8;9.--eowiy. Easfon and jTIilforcl Mail Line, VIA STROUDSBURG. Passengers fn this line will leave Joseph Hagenbuch's Inn, sign of the "Black Horse," rasion, every iVIonday, Wednesday and Friday, passing through the following placds, viz Richmond, Centreville, Williamsburg Dills' Feiry, Delaware Water Gap, Dutotsburg, Stro.udaburg, Bushkill, and Dingman's Ferry, &nd arrivj in Milford the same day: Distance 60 miles. Returning, leave Samuel Dimmipk's Hotel, Milford, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and arrive-in TEasion the same day. Farerom Eas;on to Stroudaburg,$ 26 ; " Milford, 2 87 ' N. B. All baggage at the risk of the owners WILLIAM BEAN. 4 Stroudsburg January 2, 1849, ''- A now and large assortment of Parlour anrl :COoin StoveV for sate t' ' ; ' '"i - C. M Ali-V-BN'S GhVap' S?oro. " Siroudsburg, Noferober" iS, liiO: .--y.L .$iljenc.c?f . jr-v ' f ha f dreadful cough Lfl The Lungs arewi dan ger? The, work of the destroyer hath begun. The cough of consumption, hath in it sounds of Death ! . Are you a mother ? Your darling child, your idol nd earthly joy, is now perhaps, confined 10 her chamber by a dangerous cold, her pale cheeks, her thin shrunken fingers, tell the hlod disease has already gained upon her, the sound of her sepulchral cough pierces your soul. Young man, when just about m enter life, disease sends a hear-ct ushitig blight over the fair prospects of the, future, your heciic cough and feeble limbs tell of your loss of hope, but you need not despair. There is, a balm which will heal the wounded lungs, 11 is - Sherman's all-healing balsam. Mrs. Altree, the wife of Wm. H. Auree, Esq., was given up by Dr. Sewall of Washington, Drs. Roe and McClellan of Philadelphia, Dr. Roe and Dr, Mott of New. York. Her friends all ihought tihe must die. She had, every ap pearance of being in consumption, and was so pronounced by her physicians Sherman's Bal- sa,n wa8 g,ve" 81,11 cureu er- Mrs. Garrabrantz, of Bull's Ferry, was also cured of consumption by this Balsam when all other remedies failed to give relief- she was reduced to a skelton. Dr. A,. C. Castle. Den- !isl 281 Broadway, has witnessed its effects several cases wuere no omer meuicine-ai- ,orUea reiici oui ine uaisam operated like a charm. Dr. C also witnessed its wonderful effec,s in curinS Asthma, which it never fails of doing. Spitting Blood, alarming as it may be 13 effectually cured by this Balsam. It heals the ruptured or wounded blood vessels, anu maKes ,ne ,nngs 80una agaIn- Kev- Henry Jones, 108 Eighth avenue, was cure(1 1,1 c0USn and catarrhal affection of 50 years siaiiamg. j ne iirst uose gave nim more relief than all the other medicine he had ever . . . taken. Ur. u. J. Deals, 19 Delancy-street, Save u 10 a.sisier-mtaw wno was laboring un- uer vonsumpwuu, aim to anomer soreiy amic- 'ed with the Asthma.. In both cases its effects were immediate, soon restoring them to com- fortable health. Mrs- Lchreiia Wells, 95 Chrisiie-st. suffered fro,n Asihma 42 years, Sherman's Balsam relieved her at once, and she is comparatively we,, being enabled to subdue every attack by a Umely use of this medicine. I his indeed is t,le greal remedy for Coughs, Colds, Spitting olood, Jiver Complaints, and all the affections . ,r,e "iroai, and even Asinma and Oonsump- Hon. Price 25 cents and SI per bottle. Agents jor Monroe county. Theo. Schoch, Siroudftburg ; C. Saylor, Saylorsburg ; G. B. Keller, Cherry valley ; H. Peters & Co. Mar shall's creek ; H. Kintz, Bartonsville; J.Stouf- fer, fannersville. Pike county. Peters & Labar, Bushkill ; W F. Brodhead, Dingman's Ferry ; J. S. Wallace iMilford ; W. Shouse, Wilsmmlle. Dr. Sherman's Cough and Worm Lozenges, and Poor Man s Plasters sold as above. Dr. Sherman's Office is at 1 06 Nassau-st N.Y liaising- Blood And Consumption, pain in the side and night sweats. Asthma, Whooping Cough, palpita tion of the heart, Liver complaint, Bronchitis, And all diseases of the throat, lungs and liver, cured by Sherman's All-Healing Balsam. RAISING BLOOD AND CONSUMPTION Mr. Milne, Builder, in Brookfyn, was at tacked with raising blood, followed by a cough, pain in the side, and all the usual symptoms of consumption. He employed two of the best physiciaus ; they did him no good, and told him he could not live. Hearing of the wonderful cures performed by Sherman's Balsam, he sent at 10 o'clock at night to Mrs. Hayes, 136 Fulton street, and got a bottle ; it operated like a charm, stopped the bleeding and cough! Before he had taken- one bottle he was able to be about his work. It had saved his life. His daughter, residing at 127 Myrtle Avenue, can attest it. Miss Ann Maston, of Williamsburg, living in Tenth, near South Fourth-street, says That she had been troubled with a hacking cough, and pain in the chest, for a long time, which at last become so bad that ahe was obliged to give up her ichool for more than a year. She then commenced taking the All-Healing Bal sam which soon alleviated her symptoms. She is now fast recovering, and has resumed her laborious occupation as a teacher, 14 years Mr. John O'Neil, lOih avenue and 2 1st street, suffered with a cough, raising of phlegm, and pain in his side. He could get no relief "till he tried the All-Healing Balam, which drove the pain from his side, allayed the cough, and brought the disease upon the surface; and before he had taken three bottles, was entirely cured. pleurisy and consumption. Mrs. Bsggas,.a lady upwards of 70, residing 88 Sheriff, has for.years been subject to attacks of Pleurisy, Raising of Blood, severe Cough, Shortness of Breath, Pain in her Head and various parts of her body. Her friends believed her past recovery. The All-Healing Balsam releived her at once ofall her alarming symp tons, and now she is able to alteud to her work. ASTHMA AND WHOOPING COUGH. Mrs. Lucretia Wells, 95 Chrisiie-st.; L. S. Beals, 19 Delancey st.: W. H. Younes. 75 Wal nut si., know the value ofthis.greai remedy. Ask for Sherrnan.s All-Heali nt Balsam, anrl see that his written signature is on each bottle. rnce V5tj cents and $J per boule," Dr. Shermans' Worm and Cmih rnn.. sold as above. Principal Office 106 Nassu-street, N. Y. Agents for Monroe countu. --Then Knhu Stroudsburg; C. Saylor, Saylorsburg; G B KeN ler, Cherryvalley; H. Peters & Co. iVrarhaii creek; H. Kintz, Bartonsville; J. Stouffer, Tan- nersvuie. Pike county Petors & Labar. WuM ill: W F. Brodhead, Dingman's Ferry; J.-S. Wallace Milfordr W. Shouse. Wil sonvilln. Touscy's Ointment and Glickcner's Pills also i bio uy iue noqve agents. Februafy'15, 189;Iy. SQ.4P&- . Fine seemed Soap for washing, and shaving also tjie c!ebrated;shfng qearnVf alS w, ny JOHN ffrMEM ck: Stroudshurif, July i, MOFFAT'S, life Pills and Phceaix Bitters; These Medicines have now been before the public fora penod of FIFTEEN" YEARS, and - daring that time: have maintained a high charac ter in almost every part of the globe for their ex traordinary and immediate power of restoring per feot health to persons suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable.- IN JffAHY THOUSAOTS 1 of certificated instances, they have even rescued sufferers ,from the very verge of an untimely grave, after all the deceptive nostrums of the day. had utterly failed ; and to many thousands they have permanently secured that uniform enjoy ment'of health, without which life itself is. but a partial blessing. So great, indeed, has their efficacy invariably and infallibly proved, (hat it has appeared scarcely less than miraculous to those who were acquainted with the beautifully philosophical principles upon which they are com pounded, and upon which they consequently act. It was to their manifest and sensible action m purifying the springs and channels of life, and en duing them with renewed tone and vigor, that they were indebted for their nnme. Unlike the host of pernicious quackeries which boast of vegetable ingredients, the JJFE MEDI CINES are purely and solely vegetable; and contain neither Mercury, nor Antimony, nor Arsenic nor nnv ot,ier minerul in nnv form whatever. They are entirely composed of extracts-from rare and powerful plants, the virtues . of which, though long known to several Indian tribes, and recently to some eminent pharmaceu tical chemists, are altogether unknown to the ignorant pretenders to medical science ; and were never before administered in so happily efficacious a combination. The first operation is to loosen from the coats of the stomach and bowels the various impuri ties and crudities constantly settling round them ; and to remove the hardened foeces which collect in the convolutions of the small intestines. Other medicines only partially cleanse these, and leave such collected masses behind to produce habitual Costiveness, with all its train of evils, or sudden Diarrhoea with its imminent dangers. This fact is well-known to all regular anatomists who ex amine the human bowels after death 5 and hence the prejudice of these well-informed men against the quack medicines of the age. The second effect of the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDI CINES "9 to cleanse the kidneys and the blad der ; and, by this means, the liver and lungs, the healthful action of which entirely depends upon the regularity of the urinary organs. The blood, which takes its red color from the agency of the liver and Jungs, before it passes into the heart, being thus purified by them, and nourished by food coming from a clean stomach, courses freely through the veins, renews every part of the system, and triumphantly mounts the ban ner of .health in the blooming cheek. The following are among the distressing va riety of human diseases in which the VEGE TABLE LIFE MEDICINES are well known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomachs, and creating a flow of pure healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind ; Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, Heart burn, Headache, Restlessness, Ill-Temper, Anxietv, Languor, and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dj'spepsia, will vanish, as a natural consequence of its cure, Costiveness, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent process, and without violence ; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. Diarrhoea and Cholera., by removing the sharp acrid fluids by which these complaints aro occasioned, and by promoting the lubricative se retion of the mucous membrane. Fevers t" all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular circulation, through the process of perspi ration in such cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal obstruction in others. The Life Medicines have been known to cure BJieumatism permanently in three weeks, and Gout in half that time, by removing local inflammation from the muscles and ligaments of the joints. Dropsies of all kinds, by freeing and strength ening the kidneys and bladder : they operate most delightfully on these important organs, and hence have ever been found a certain remedy for the worst cases of Gravel. Also "Worms, by dislodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere. Asthma and Consumption, by relieving the air-vessels of the lungs from the mucous which even slight colds will occasion, and which, if not removed, becomes hardened, and produces these dreadful diseases. Scurvy, Ulcers, and Inveterate Sores, by the perfect purity which these UFE MEDI CINES g've to the blood, and alt the humors. Scorhutic Eruptions and Bad Complex ions, by their alterative elTect upon the fluids that feed the skin, and the morbid state of which occa sions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other disagreeable complexions. The use of these Pills for a very short time will effect an entire cure of Salt Kheum, and a striking improvement in the clearness of the skin. Common Colds and Influenza will always be cured by one dose, or by two even in the worst caBes. PILES. As a remedy for this most distressing and obstinate malady, the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES deserve a distinct and emphatic recommendation. It is well-known to hundreds in this city, that the former proprietor of these valuablo Medicines was himself afflicted with this compainl for upwards of thirty-five years ; and that he tried in vain every remedy prescribed within the whole compass of the Materia Medica. He hoever at length tried the Medicine which is now offered to the public, and he was cured iu a very short time, after his recovery had been pro-". , nounced not only improbable, but absolutely im possible, by any human means. FEVER AND AGUE. For this .scourge of the western country these Medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and cer tain remedy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a return of the disease a cure by these medicines is permanent TRY THEM, BE SATISFIED, AND BE CURED. Bilious Fevers and Liver Complaints. General Debility, Loss or Appetite, anu Diseases of Females these medicines have been used with tho most beneficial results in cases of this description: Kino's Evil and Scrofula, in its worst forms, yields to the .mild yet powerful action of these remarkable Medicines. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous Com plaints of all kinds, Palpitation of the Heart, Painter'8 Colic, are speedily cured. MEBCUEIAL DISEASES. . Persons whose constitutions havo become im paired by tho injudicious use of Mercury, will find these Medicines a perfect cure, as they never fail to eradicato from, the Bystem all the. effects of Mercury infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparations of Sarsaparilla. A single trial will place them beyond tho reach of competition, in the estimation of every patient. BE CAREFUL OF COUNTERFEITS, Several have lately been discovered, and their nefarious authors arrested, both in the city of New York and abroad. Buy of no one who is not an authoribrd Agent ' Prepared and sold by Dr. W B. MOFFAT, 336 Broadway, New York. FOR SALE BY THEODORE SCHOCH. onfv authorized Agert for Suoudshure I February 7, 1850. Country Produce. Butter, Eggs, &ct taken in. exenarig for any goods jn myine of buiintu. " fi iP'iiN H.'MEJLIQK. SiroydabUrjf, Janoary 1, 1 049. " OA v 'in ors k a yn a- " : A jaxa the name of QI.J) PP has angnged wlth- youn ?a?r..thB BRme of s- P- Townsond. and nsc hfs name to put jLfri Sarsaparijla, which they call Dr. Towniend Sarsaparilla, daaomlnating It GEJfUlA'E, Original, etc. This Tuwnsendls no doctor, and never was; bnt wa, former!- a worker on raU' roads, canal, and the like. Yet he nwumes the title ofDr- for the purpose of gaining credit for what hah not. Thisis to cau tion the. public not to be deceived, and pnrehase none but the QEM-UWE OR1GWAI. OLD Dr. Jacob Towniend'. Sarsa parilla, having on it the Old Dr'. likeness, nls family cpati.ol trms, and his signature across the. coat of arms. v " ' rnncipai upce, Jltt jYasau-st. JVew York City. OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND, THE ORIGINAL DISCOVERER OF TDK Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla., Old Dr.Towcsend is now about 70 vears of asc and h.i Ion; jeen known as the .1UTHOR and" DISCOVER Ell r the GENUINE ORGKYJIL " TOItJVSENO J.3 R SjJ P.'l It 1 1. t.A." Being poort he was compelled to limit its mnniifaotnre. by which means it has been kept nut of uwket, aud the sales cif cumscribed to thoso only who hr.d proved worth', nnd known ts value. It had reached the enrs of ninny, nevertheless, those persons who had been healed of sore ilisene5naitd saveit from death, proclaimed its exroljenre nnd wonderful . HEALING POWElt. 'Knowing, many years ago, that he hud. by his skill, science and experience, devised an article whlrh would be of ipcalcti .ablc advantage to mankind when the means would lie fur nished to bring- it into universal notice, when Its Inestimable virtues would- be known and appreciated. This time has cnine, the means are supplied ; this QRJiJVD JIKD UNEqU.1L7.En PREPARATION s manufactured on the Inrsest scale, and is called for through out the length and breadth of the land, especially .ts it is found Incapable of degeneration or deterioration. Unlike young S. P Townsend', it improves with age, and never changes, but for the bolter; because it is prepared en scien tific principles by a scientific man. The hishest knowledce Chemistry, and the latest discoveries of the art. have all been Drough, nto requisition, in the mannFtrtnre of the Old Dr's 3arsapar.lla. TheSariapariila root, itis well known to medical men. contains many medicinal properties, and Mime properties which are inert or useless, and others, which if retained in pro paring it for use, produce fersientiilion and acid, which Is in jurious to the system, rftime of the properties of Sarsaparilla ire so volatile, that they cntireH evaporate and are lot in the preparation, if they are not preserved by a scientific prucess known only to those experienced in itsmanulnrtti-e. Moreover, these volatile principles, which fly offin vapur.-oras an exhala tion, under heat, are the very rs?rntiiit medial proprrttts id the root, which give to it r 1 its vulue. . ' SOLTUiNG, i- ERMElN'TkN'G. ACJD " COMPOUND? OF S. P. TOWNSEND, -.f.iii and yet he would f.tin hMve it understood that Old lr.Jntnt. lown.scnd 3 Genuine Original Sarsaparilla, is an IMITATION of his inferior preparation !! Heaven forbid that w hnld deal in an article -vhich would bear the most distant rescmhl.ti.ee to ?. P. 'IWns.M.d's article r and which should bring down upon the Old Dr.surha mountain load of complainis jnd crimination from A'.'onts who have .'old compocnd" wh have u"ed A r-TovB3en,rsFKRA,v'Jrt - Uoe ish " nndsr-tnod. became it is the absatvte truth, that b. P. Townsend's article ami Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sar saparilla are Utavcn-vidc apart, and infinitely dissimilar; that they are unlike m every particular, having notbne single thins in common. As 8. P. Townend is no doctor, nnd never was, 'is no chemist, no pharmaceutist know no more of medicine-or dis ease than any other common, unscientific, unprofessional timn. what guarantee can the public Jiavp that thev are r-crivin- a genuine scientific medicine, containing nil the virtues of the articles u,ed in preparing it. and which are incapable if chtn-es health ' ll,e AGE-Vrs u Disease hi.tewi f But -wimtHl e should he axpf ctr.l from one Vhuhnw muj mc coini.rtHely of medicine i.r iliea3e ! It require.- a person "per,MI,ce HU,i "I eve" tniim decent ileal How much inure important is it that the persons who man nftictnre medicine, designed for .uman WEAK STOMACHS AND E.VFKEBT.ED SYSTEMS, ?.V,"niir TV We-' U,e ,I"e(lic:, Properties of plants, the l,et manner of wnrtng and concentrating their healing virtues, also an extensive- knowledge of the various dLea.ses which affect the human sy.tem.and how to adapt remedies to these diseases' It Is to arret Ir.uids upon the unfortunate, to p-.ur balm into restore health and bloom, an., vigor into the crushed and br. has feOuGH T and rOUiNO the opportunity and means to brinj: Grand Universal Concentrated . . . Itemed j- within the reach, and to the knowledee ofall who need it, that Uiey may le.im and know, by joyful experience, its lranscendeait Power to Heal. Any person can boil or stew tne loot alt they "ft a-dartprnlorett ' liquid, which-is more from the ml.-.-ing matter in toe mot tnan from any thing else; thev can then strnin this inMpid or vaphl Iiquid, sweeten with sour moIa.ses. and then call It "SAll . SAPARILLA EXTRACT or SYRUP." Rut such is not the' article known as the GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. This is eo prepared, that all the inert projterties of the Sar tapari'IariKit nre first removed, every thine capable ofbecoiliuig' acid or of fermentation, Is extracted and rejected: thnti- everv - particle of medical virtue is secured in a pun. and concentrated form; and thus it is rendered incapable of losing any of it valu able and healing properties. Prepared in this war. it is made the Cure of iniEiimeraljIe disease?;, Hence the reason why we hear commendation on evefrlvd? In its favor by men, women, and children. We findVH "dfcns, wondcrs in the cure of .'. g- GONS U.M P TION, DYSPEPSIA, and Lll'ER COW PjAINT, and in RHEUMATISM. SCROFU1 PII ES COSTIVENESS. all CUTANEOUS Ei:UPrtcS4"rW PLES, BLUCTHES. and all auctions ans.ne from ' IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. It possesses a marvellous efficacy in all complaints nrfe-in- from' Indigestion, from Acidity of Ike Stomath, from unequal cirenkw tion determination of blood to the head, talpitation of the m.ar't. cold feet and hands, cold chills and hot flashes over the body.- It has not its equal in Colds and Couphs ; and promote eas'v ex pectoration nnd centle perspiration, relaxing stricture of thb lungs, throat, and every other part. , But in nothing ii its "excellence more manifestly sern'aiirfne knowledged. than in all kinds and .tne of FEMALE COMPLAINTS. It works wonders in Rises of KuorAlbH or mitts FNiVi the llomb. Obstructed, Supprw-d or Painful Menses. Irrri'fjr ity ol the menstrual periods, .nd the like; iind U aJWeciuel in curing all the forms of Kidueu Disrasts. By removing obstructions, and rrguinting the general srs tem, it gives tone and strength (o the whole bo.ly. aud thV cures all tortus of . Nervous 1igea;es and debility, and thus prevents or relieves n great varietr of other .matiidies as Spinal irritation, Neuralgut, St. ViUs' Dance Sit Epileptic fits. Convulsions, ice. It cleanses the blyd. excites the liver to healthv action.- tfirlcs the stomach, and gives good ilicstion. relieve 'the bowels of torpor nnd constipation, allays intlammation. purifies the skin1.'1 equalises the circulation of the blood, producins centle warmth equally all Over the body, and the insensible penpirattonireV' taxes all strictures and tightness, removes all obstructionsaail invurorates the entire nervous system. Is not this then The mediciiie you pre-eminently need But can any of these thincs be said ofS. P. Town'ond's Infe rior article 7 This ynune nianN liquid i not to lie COMPARED. WITH THE OLD DR'S; because of ono GRAND FACT, that the one is INUAPADIiE of DETERIORATIOX. and . NEVER SPOOLS, while the other DOES ; sfiuring, fermenting, and bluzrir.,titl botUes containing It into fragments ; the sour, acid liquid exp!c ding, and damaging other poods ! Must not this horrible coin pound he poisonous to the system 1 (t'kat put acid into a svstevi alreadv diseased with acid? Do we not all know that when food sours In our stouis achs. what mischiefs It produces 1 rtatuencc. heartburn, palpr latum of the heart, liver complaint, diarrhea, dysentery, colic, and corruption of tho blood I What is Scrofula but an acid humor In the body 1 What produce all the humors which bring on Eruptions of the Skin, Scald Head. Salt Rheum. Ery Mpeias, White SweMugs, Fev-.r Sore, and all ulcerations In leraal nnd external ? It is nothing under heaven, bnt ah acid snbstance, which spurs, and thus spoils all the fluids of tho rmo.re or ,ess What cases BhenmaUsm hut a sour or acid fluid, which insinuates itself between the joints and else where, irritatine and Inflaming the delicate tissues upon which It acts 7 So of nervous diseases, of impurity of the blond.f deranged circulaUons, and nearly all the ailments which afflict tinman nature. i, pW.i? U BOt notrih,B 10 and sell, and infinitely vort KJ USD iQiS Sold in Siroudsbuig by T. SCHOCH. 4 " July 19, 1849. W Printers and PuMishers 1 Of Newspapers are informed that ihe sub scribers are extensivaly engaged in the man ufacture of PRINTING INK of evorv 'color and quality, which they know lobe equal to any manufactured and which ihey will sell at ih'e towest prices for Cash. As ihey are determin ed that their INK shall recommend itself, ; ihey only solicit one trial of i, relyiRg upon ita merits for fuiure patronage. Their Colored Inks afe warranted superior "to any manufac tured, A circular containing prices, &c wiji he aertt to tho?e who deau it. Orders . for Cah on Ciy Agents accepted. ADAMS & CO., Phtla.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers