Dedication of a New Church. The Centreville M. E. Church will be dedi cated to lhe worship of Almighty God, tin Sat urday and Sunday, the 24ih and 15ih instant. The dedicatory sermon will be preached by the Rev. Dr. S. H. Iiiggino, of Philadelphia. There will be three sermons preached on each of the above named days, commencing at the usual hours of divine worship. The public are invited to attend. P. S. A collection will be taken to aid in the expenses of building, &c. J. Y. ASHTON. Nov. 5, 1S46. Mini.Mer incharge. SHERIFF'S SALE. Bv virtue of a writ of fieri facias issued out of the Court of Common Plea of Pike county, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, ai the Court house in Mllford, on the 26th day of November next, between the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock in the af lerimon. the following described property to wu: All that niece or parcel of land situate in Dingmaii township. Pike contity,surveyed in the warrantee name oi Charles' K. UidUis, containing 53 Acres and 74 Perches, more or less, adjoining lands surveyed to Sam sikI Gtmsatilis, Mordecat Roberts, Hannah Pal- nr and William Morris and being the came lands deeded by John T. Cross to Cornelius. J. Sickles. Seized and taken in execution as the property of John Syckles, Jr., and will be sold by me. LEWIS ROCKWELL. Sheriff. .Sheriff' Office, Mllford, Oct. 29. 1846. ADJOURNED ORPHANS' COURT SALE. Hy virtue of an order uf the Orphans' Court f the county of Monroe, the following real es Mif. formerly of John George Zimmerman, of Smuhfield township, in said county, de--ecd. will be sold at public vendue, on the promixes, 0:1 , Thursday the 26th day of November inst.. a! ten o'clock tn the forenoon, a certain Mcs .;ni( or Tenement and Tract or Piece of Land. -piiate in Smithfield township, the County of Monroe, adjoining land of F- J. Erwine, Geo. V. and others, and the River Delaware, -on he public road leading from Easton to Mll ford, about three miles from Stroudsburg, con taining about 130 ACRES, about 50 acres of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, and the residue is well umbered. The improvements are a good two story Frame Mouse, 23 bv 18 feet, well finihed. with a good cellar underneath, a FRAME BARN, 28 by 30 feet; a Spring of water near the hooe: Apple and o'her fruit trees. The terms and conditions will be made known at the time and place of sale, bv JOHN ZIMMERMAN, Administrator. By the Court. J. H. STROUD, Clerk. November 5, 1846. IMPORTANT TO ALL COUNTRY HOUSEKEEPERS. You may be sure of obtaining, at all times, pure and highly flavored TEAS, Executors' Notice. Letters testamentary upon the last Will and Testament of Henry C. Mtddatigh, late of West fall township, Pike county, deceased, having I'fni issued by the Register of said county to 'he subscribers, all persons having claims or demands against said Etate are requested to present thrm to the subscribers for payment, and all persons indebted to ?aid estate are re quested to make immediate payment. JOHN t. QUICK, LEVI T. QUICK, Wctfkll, Oct. 26. 1S46. Executors. Grocery, Confectionary and Tho subscriber offers for sale a fresh lot of Groceries at the old stand, first door eait of Simon Frey's Hat shop, such as new N'o. 2 Mackerel, Coffee. Tea, Loaf Sugar, Dairy Salt, Spices of all kinds. Paili and Brooms, Writing Paper, Steam Soap, Castile Fancy Smoking and Chewing New Orleans MoIase, Pepper Sauce; Saieratus, Ginger Ktieese, Percusiion Caps, Chocolate (ES. such as Candies, Tobacco, Clothes Pins; Pipes, 'loose Trnps, Matches, i ppcr, .Millard. CONFECTION A R S.iar Sand, Liqtmrice, &c FRUIT Foreign and Domestic. ALSO jVnts of variou kinds, all of which wj!i be sold Jow for ready pay. L. VANHERBECK, yon G. M. Wilson. The Business will be carried on as hrrptofore. hy L. VANDERBECK. Stroudsburg, Oct. 8, 1846. Country Produce. Butter, Eggs. &c. ta&en jn exchange for any goods in my line of bii6me!. JOHN II. ME LICK. Stroudsburg, Fob. 12, 1846. 30 IKHiLAUS REWARD ! LOST On Wednesday veninj last, in the Borough f troudshurg, near the public boose of J. J. Postens, a pocket book containing $245 00. The above reward will be paid for the rcor erv of the money. JOHN BALE. Otiobur 22, 1S46. A VOICE FROM KENTUCKY. 1 have been afflicted with dyspepsia in its most aggravated form for three years past, and found no relief until I used Dr. G. Benjamin Smith's Improved Indian Vegetable Pills. After using sis boxes of said valuable pills. I am entirely cured. They are a general remedy. J. K.- LEEMAN. Partocah, Ky., No. 19,-1845. We certify to the above facts. Dr. Smith's Pills are universally esteemed in this vicinity. HODGE, GIVENS & Co., Merchants At the request of Dr. G. Benj. Smith's agent, we cheerfully state that we visited the office of Dr Smith in September last, while in New York, and found him to all appearance carrying on a very extensive business with his Indian Vegeta ble Pills. The extent of his establishment would astonish any one not initiated in the mysteries of the pill trade. Louisville Journal. (From Br. Singleton.) Smithland, Ky., Feb. 21, 18-iG. Dr. G. Benj. Smith Dear Sir: Nothing has ever been introduced that has sold so well and given such general satisfaction as your Improved Indian Vegetable Pills. Very respectfully -ours, S. F. SINGLETON. (From Messrs. Hull Alden.) Louisville, Ky., Feb. 13th, 1S1G Dr. G. Benj. Smith Dear Sir : You will please sond us ten gross of your valuable pills. From pre3ent indications we shall sell a large amount of then:. We find they go very quick, &c. Your friends, BULL & ALDEN. (Front Wilson, Starbird c$- Smith.) Louisville, Feb. 13, 1846. Dr. Smith Dear Sir . About two weeks ago we bought two gross of your Indian Vegetable Sugar Coated Pills. Though business is dull leie at this time yet wo have sold them all. You will please send us a gross through Messrs. Law rence tfc Kees. of your city, who will forward them i lo us via Pittsburg. Yours respectfully, WILSON, STARBIRD & SMITH. GjT'.And sold throughout the United States and Canada. The subscriber wishes lo inform the citizens ( Beware of all such frauds and examine the box I 0f Stroudsbure and the public generallv. that PRICES CURRENT. , Corrected every Wednesday morning. AGENT WANTED FOJR TUflS COUNTY. The business will to be procure subscribers" ARTICLES for, mid sell, when pubhs-hed, a large. new.!,,. . splend.d township Map of the STATE 0F.ieal ,ur' p,r I., I burg. I do. do. do. PENNSYLVANIA. The quahti cations re-; u-t,,,,. nor a! nf SlflO vnliriptH. 171- TJ'.. A .J.. quired are a small capital oi Si 00, sobriety, in-; ftvc do. ,j0. tegrity, industry, energy, and active business tal- j Sole Leather per pound ents. Information of the terms of the agency i Corn per bushel By the single pound or larger quantity, at the Fekiis Tea Company's VaieUoutic, No. 30 South Second Street, 77 ..J 7!f..7 1 m. a ntiwzen iyluticcl uui uiitsiiw, i POSTAGE PHILADELPHIA. ALEXANDER HARRISON, Heretofore it has been very difficult, indeed, j Superintending Agtnt, almost impossible, always to obtain good Green ! S 1-2 South 7th street, Philadelphia, and Black Teas. But now you have only to j September 17. 1846. visit the Pekin J ea Company s Store, to ob tain as delicious and fragrant Tea as you could wish for. All tastes can here be suited, with the advantage of getting a pure article at a low price. G. B. ZIEBER, Agent for the Pekin Tea Company. Philadelphia, July 2, 1845. Stroutls- Eastoa. jttulad's- 1 - 87 o 3 60. ! 'J Mb i 75' W 21 55 PRIVATE SALE. The subscriber offers at Private Sale Dwelling House , his 89 Ctll and EIGHT ACRES of LAND, situate in Stroud township, Monroegg county, on the public road leading from the Del aware Water Gap to Stroudsburg, one and a (which are liberal) will be given on application, Buckwheat, per busbel 3 PAID, to t;iover seed per oustiei i imottiy aeeu per ousiu Barley do. Oats do. Flax Seed do. Butter per pound Eggs, per dozen Plaster per ton Hickory wood, per cord Oak. do. do. Mackerel, No. 1 Do. do 2 Potatoes, per bushel P' i ii ii ' ' t 1 1' i i t i in ii i ii i ii iii IMIHHHHWWaiUSf half miles from the latter place and two miles: from the former. Two acres of the ahovc are n8 a S0(1 article, selling it at Sleepea & Fcmacr, MANUFACTURERS OF Umbrellas, Parasols, & Sun Shades, No. 126 Market street, south side, below Fourth, Philadelphia. Invite the attention of Merchants, Manufactu rers, &c. &c, to their very Extensive, Elegant, New Stock, prepared with great care, and offered At the Lowest possible Prices for Cash. The principle on which this concern is es tablished is to consult the mutual interest, of! Weston: ban their customers and themselves, bv manufactu- the Lowest f0 ! 4o-: 5 0U G-00 2 75 i 2 f0 JO j V. 4 2r i :r75 ; 121)0 40 :;e 1 20 12 10 S0O 2 5ir 00 )h 00 it-2 50 10 00 I 45 5 00 .2 H7 1' 47: - !, 10' ?-0! 4 51 4 2ry 10 0? fj 0t 3U I B A ftTK N i$ T 5S L f T . corrected weekly fur the Jfrtfcreoniau Iter itilicm. The notes of those banks on whu . quotations are omitted and a dash( )3ubstKuleu, aictiit purchased by t he brokers. INilIHNVf raisin. iWest Brancli bank pir! Philadi-iiihi:t tJ, llMiiof iNortli America, 1 Fanners' Meohainos' do South" t'fK tJn ui Keinsinctoi) ban do Hank of iSorthrn Libertify Uo filtsburg Waviu-sburs ilo UtownesnHB woodland, well timbered. An ORCHARD of Price for Cash, and realizing their own renin- grafted Apple Trees, young and thriving, on j neraf.on, m the amount of sales and quick re tho nrcmNM miH n vsrlpiv nl ntllpr Irml ln.r t turns A never failing Spring of good water near the door. The property will be sold low. Any person wishing further information may obtnin it by addressing the subscriber, at Stroudsbug, Mon roe county, Pa., or by application on the prem ises. A clear and indisputable title will be giv en to the purchaser. GEORGE STAPLES. August 20. 1846 Possessing inexhaustible facilities for nianti facture, they are preparetl to supply orders to any extent, and respectfully solicit the patron age of merchants, manufacturers and dealers. Phila.. Dec. 11, 1845. ly. WAR OR KO WAR! Mficlinnios' It:mk Comnii-rciv Hank Hank uf IVnn Touiiship Manufui-turers Mech'ns Moyanifjisiitir bank United st.itesbank Girard do Pennsylvania bink t"if Gerniantovrii Dank of Montgomery co. Hank of l)Clavare county Bank of Citester ronnty I)o lrstow n ban Farmers-' bank ofCuCnS Easton hank Farmers' bank of Reading Lebanon bank Harmhurs bank Middletown bank Erie ba.ik Herksoouni) bank l o Wanda uo Ktilic-f Notes CITY ItAKS lAinenca, bsiilt oi American Lxvnange Hank of Commerce Bank of the State of ' Y par Butcher.' and Inovejis' Cheinicsi Cilv - 1 i i. do do do do do "2 par par do do do do do doiCommercial Cliuton par 1i a do Uo t par do Del. and Hud.'on can3! Drv Uock i Fnlton bnnk of New i orK -par OreemMcb ILHtavette ljJ.Cfilfier Manufaerurers' lJMinhnttencompatT) Farmers' bank Lancaster pariMerhanics'B.inin'.ii? Aio. Office 170 Greenwich St., (Large Brick Block.) ID3 Always ask for the Improved Indian Vege table Pills. IL7 And see that G. Benj. Smith is written with a pen on the bottom of the box Agents in Monroe Co. Schoch & Spering, Stroudsburg. Brodhead & Brothers, Dutotsburg. Jno. Marsh, Fennersville. Daniel Brown, Chesnuthill. May 28, 1846. he has removed his Flour and Feed Store to the building formerly occupied by Wm. Raf- ferly, opposite J. J. Postens' Hotel, where he ; NEW LINE. The accommodation line of Staoos beiween Stroudsburg and Easton, will leave the houe Lancasttir bank Lancaster comvtv bank Nortfmtnpton bunk Columbia Bridge Carlisle bank Northumberland bank Miner bank of I'ultsville York bank ;hamber.!inr? bank fJettysburif bank Wyoming d Honetdale do Bank of LewiMotvn par 1 pal 1 t'- do d. CO dt, do lo doj.Merchants banJ do Merchant Mechanic."- t 1 rader:-' Merchants' F.schaiiije National bank New York, Bank oi N:a-YorkB3nkifc,. ' i IiN. Y. St'. St'k Security b. pr lINorth River c do l!Phonix do 2 Seventh Wnid dc Tenth Ward Tradesmen's "illnion B. of N Y Bank of Susouehanna co of Edward Postens. ( Washington Hotel.') in i Lum.o-ink at Warren no saleiWashington ' O 'I 7 p-r do Stroudsburg, on M07iday, Wednesday and rri- '. J, i uf a'iir' itrnnlr nl 7 fVi'Innlr aitA nr. ,141. tl O VJ I J ..VJWll, U. . t Vll'VJUf ,11., I1IIU ... CALL AND SEE. GEORGE II. MILLER, Has just received at his Store, in the Bor ough of Stroudsburg, opposite the public house! proved credit by of Jacob Knecht, a general assortment ot Fa53 and Winter GJoods, Constitute in part of Black, Blue Black, and i Blue Cloths; Plain and Fancy Cassimeres; Sat-1 inett. Caahmeres, Mouseline de Laine Robes, . and Piece Good; Merino, Alpaccas, Faramat-j ta ciotns; csnawls and riandkercniels ot vari ous kinds, together wuh a great variety of CALICOES, and all kinds of articles generally kept in a J Country store. ALSO a first rate stock of i Groceries, Hardware, Crockery ware, 6fC. Soots, Shoes, azid Caps, &c. &c. all of which will be sold cheap for Cash or Country Produce. September 10. 3 84G. will sen cueap lor iasn. lie uas aisu a.. . , - , vaslon n, o VrL- t. M . ; time fnr 8orlment of refined j (jnner . returning on the following day, leaving , BA 1R TT(I" ' Connor's American Hotel, on Tuesday, , 1Ai J-J-WX j : Thursday an(j Saturday at 7 o'clock, and arn- consisting of square, .scollop, and hore shoe vin al Stroudsburg at 2 o'clock, same dav. bars; wagon tyre of all sizes; saw slabs, crow Tlf 8UUSCriher begs leave u inform the' pub-; bars, sledge and plough moulds, and a seneral i:(. lha, he nurchased the above line of( assortment of round iron of different sizes, and i SIagBS from Messrs. Connor, Pollens fc Co., J CoilfeCtionnry and GrOCei'V Store, American spring and cast !teel, constantly on ; ,he rormer nroDrietors. and that he is now able ! . . . . , . i 1 ...,ti h Bi.i rUin rash nr an.l. ' ' : r ... . . 'i ; on IMtzaOetli street, in tne room luriiierlv orcu Cosiiectioiiary, Fruit, and GROCERY STORE. WILLIAM H. SCHLOUGH. Hesjiectfully informs the citizen of StroiuNlmrg, and the public generally, that he has opened a Pfi Wm. WALLACE. Grain and Pork taken in exchange for Iron. April J 6,184(5. ; SOAPS. Fine scented Soaps for washing and shaving ' Fine Pen-KlliveS 1111(1 xJlZOTS. also (he celebrated shaving cream, for sale ; A j a5SOrlrnet, f(,r 8He low. bv cheap, -bj JOHN H. MELICK. JOHN II . ME LICK. a . f 1.1 1 ' (JI1 -L'1'!"1"0"' f'lr.Ki. in nic ii; iu uni i iii?acnycia in VyUUJiiii i cjuic ami tun- , , , 1 r T II r , , i ,i -i pied bv Joseph L. Keller, as a Grocery, where n .,' t he is nrepared to acconimoda Fare through SI 25. ROBERT C. SLEATH, Sole Proprietor and Driver. StroudsbnrjT, Jan. 22. 1846. Stroudsburg, January I, 1846. Stroudsburg, January 1, 1846. Great Bargains in Hats and Caps, At the old established No. 196 Market St., 2d door below Sixth, PHILADELPHIA. VIOLINS AND JP LUTES. At from $1,50 to $3,50, for sale bv JOHN H. MELICK. Stroudsburg, Jan. 1. 1816. HAVE lOU A COW? THREE COPIES FOR 1. A TREATISE ON MILCH COWS, . Whereby the Quality and Quantity of Milk which j lcj(l slvje any yOv,-win give ma v oe accurate y aeiermnea ii : i . : i 3 x. i'm i m . t i j- t their age and convenience. tions alone; tiie length ol time she will continue to give Milk, &c. &c. BY M. FRANCIS GUENON, OF LUIOBRSE. rnAN'OE. We extend a general invitation to the citizens , , . , r ., T, , , , r ., r ,b ., ,, , Translated for the rarmers Library, from the of Monroe, and its vicinity, as well as to all Frmd h N p Trist e Mc t Con. sul at Havana. With Introductory Remarks and Observations ON THE COW AND THE DAIRY. BY JOSSilT S. KINffEIt, EDITOR OF THE FARMERS' LIBRARY. Illustrated with numerous Engravings. other, to our Store. We have on hand a larsc and completo assortment of Hats and Caps of every style and variety, which we are selling It 4.ll f tun one-tourtn lower man tne usual prices, , namely: Extra superior Beaver Hats, fiom .$2,50 to $3,50 . " " Brush " " 2,00 to 3,00 ! " Silk " " 1,25 to 2,00 ! " ' " Moleskin " 2,50 only, j usual price $4. ' Good Hats as low as SI, 25 and upwards. Al- so, a complete stock of Caps, cloth, fur trimmed, J glazed, silk oil cloth, velvet and fancy Caps ; I fine Otter, Shetland Fur Seal, Musk Rat, Hair! LATEST FASHIONS. Would respectfully inform his friends and ihe public generallv, that he still continues the TAILORING BUSINESS at hi old stand, nearly opposite Stogdell Stok' Stote. He has just received the latest Philadelphia Fash ions, and is prepared lo execute all orders in his I line with neatness and despatch, and in the la- Clothing for old men made to suit All of which he will furnish as cheap as can be had elsewhere. Produce taken in exchange for work, at the cash price. N. B. Cutting done at tho shortest notice, and warranted to fit if properly made up. Siroudsburg. Oct. 23, 1845. i i . prepared to acconimouate trie punjic who kinds of CANDIES of the bet quality.--- j He also keeps on hand FRUIT, embraung h!1 ; the delicacies of the seaon. and NUTS of all ; j kinds. His stock consists in part, of Oranges, ' Figs. Cream Nuts, Lemons, Almonds, Cocoa Nuts. Raisins, Prunes, Ground Nuts,' and a variety of all kinds of Confecn'onary u!" eraily kept in Mich an establishment, all "of which he will sell very low for Cash. He ha added to the above stock, all the article connected with a GROG K I? Y . Consisting in part of LOOK HERE! Tooth-Ache Conquered. The subscriber begs leave to inform the pub lic, that he has, after spending a great deal of time and trouble, discovered a compound which will instantly Cure the Tooth-Ache, i iJ PrifV fnr Ino1o rnnina npntlv ilnno tin in ' paper covers, 37 1-2 cents. Full bound in cloth hY lyiiig the nerve, and is guaranteed to be and lettered, 62 1-2 cents. The usual discount to perfectly innocuous in its effects upon the other Booksellers, Agents, Country Merchants and Ped-' Teeth. The afflicted cannot do better than lars. make use of these Drops, by which they will Farmers throurhout the United States mav re-' i... -,.l A t.., ,.u St f t t . 1 - l.L . . " ' , nil ui tiiuii mm aim nrc I iiicii iccili. eal Caps. &C cc, at lower prices than they Ccive the work through the Mails. The postage; w! j BREIMER can possibly be had elsewhere. From our ex- on each copy will be about 7 cents. By remitting; .ri : . i '. , . 0 u n .ensive sales, we can sell for a smaller profit 32 free of postage we will send seven copies of tb .e 8e"",no "ide ca be had at Schoch s than others can. Call and be satisfied, it is lo work done up in paper covers, or three copies fo- Printing Office, Stroudsburg, wholesale and re- our interest l1, , tail, general Agent for the proprietor. ffe ' c... 1. it ., i ,u Country Merchants visiting any of the Cities TTf3 Price 25 cents per bottle. , , ,, , , 1 1 can procure the work from booksellers for those Wnn hnv lo 9rnin Kiinnllod rtn ronannnhlo i . ... n. , ri v - wno may wisn to ootain tt. riease sena on your lie sure anu call at io. 13b fllarKet orriVrs. Address. GREELY & McELRATII, Publishers, Tribune Buildings, New-York. April 23, 1816. St. Sugars. Coffees. Teas, Cheese. Molasses, Crackers, Blacking, Cinnamon, Soap, Candles, Shot, Pepper, Chocolate, Saleratus, Nut Megs, Allspice, Ginger, Herring, Mackerel, Close Pins, Indigo, Baskets, Dried Peaches, Dried Applpa," tnrms. Street, second door helow Sixth Street. GARDEN & BROWN. Philadelphia, Aug. 27, 1846. Good news for the Aged. Spectacle Glasses fitted to all ages and sights in Gold, Silver, German Silver and Steel Frames, with convex, concave, periscopic, blue, grey and green Glasses, to which he would in vile panicular attention. No charge for showing them. For sale clieap, at the Varieiv Store of JOHN H. MELICK. Strotidshorg, January 1 , 1 846. ' JOB WORK Neatly executed at this Office. NOTICE. The co-partnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers, trading under the name of Gf.orge H. Miller fc Co., was mutually dissolved on the 25th day of April last. All persons indebted to said firm are requested to make payment without delay to John Boys, who is duly authorized to settle the accounts of said firm. GEORGE H. MILJER, JOHN BOYS Syoudsburg, August 6, 1846., From $1 50 to $6 50, for sale bv JOHN H. MELICK. Stroudsburg, Aug. 13, 1846. TOYS. A great variety of Toys on hand, for sale cheap, at ihe Variety Store of JOHN H. MELICK. Stroudsburg, January 1, 1846. WATCHES. A good assortment of Watches, for sale, at reduced prices, by JOHN H., MELICK. , , Stroudsburg, Jan. , 1346. 4 together with a variety of Tubs, Bowls, tc. Tobacco, Snuff, and Segars,. of the best and cheapest qualities always on hand, and will suit those who may favor him with a call. Porlcr, Ale, Plead a:sd Lemonade consiantly kept on hand. For the liberal support already received fiom his friends and customers he returns his sirtcete thanks, and will endeavor in future to merit a continuanco of their favors, by sparing no ex ertions to make his establishment an agreeable, retreat. Stroudsburg, Juno 19, 1 845. The Library of Sacred Music. The Board of Managers of the New Yoik Sa crcd Music Society, have examine5, with muctv pleasure, tho Library of Sacred Music, a monthly periodical, by B. Wyman and G. P Newell The. work is got up in a handsome atyie, and embraces a choice selection of Sacred Music of a high or der, and is well worthy of the support of all lov ers of good music. Messrs. Wyman and Newell aro favorably known as Professors of Music; and the Library itself furnishes abundant proof of their capacity for the management of such a work. L B WYMAN, President. J Connor Smith, Sec'y. New York, March, 1846. 05 Agents wanted in every city and town in the Union, to whom the usual trade discount will be made. E. II. WILCOX, General Agent, June 18 6t . -150 Fulton st., New York -:'-K.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers