PURIFY THE 11 L 0 0 D. MOFFA T'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS PHCZNIX "bITTERS The high and cnried celebrity vhich thc&e prc-cmincDt Medicine have acquired for their invariable efficacy in all the diseases which they profesi 'o cure, has rendered the usual practice of puffing not only unnecessary, but unwor thy of them. They arc knovn by their fruits ; their good uorks testify for them, and they tiirite not by the faith of the credulous. Qf ASTHMA, ACUTE and CUROSIC RHEUMATISM, AFFECTIONS qf the BLADDER, and KIDNEYS. BILIOUS FEVERS & LIVER COMPLAINTS. In the south and wct, where these diseases prevail. Ihey will be found Invaluable. Planters, farmera, and o'Ikjih, who unce use thwc Medicines, will never afterward bo without them. BILIOUS CllOLIC, atid SEROUS Looicntn, BILES, COSTIVENESS, COLDS fc COUGHS, CHOLIC, CONSUMPTION. Used with croat success" in thu disease. CORRUPT HUMORS, DROPSIES, DYSPEPSIA. No pcr.m with tin'.- distressing dis cs m.', should delay using these medicines inunvdiatrly. ERUPTIONS of the Skin, ERYSIPELAS, FLATU LENCY, FEVER and AGUE. Fur this scourge of the wes tern country these medicines will be found a safe, spwriy, and ccrtoin remedy. Other medicine leave tlip .j stu'tn subject to a return of tlw disease a cure hy thaw rixilicintjn is jx-rmanent. TRY THEM. KB SATISFIED, AND BB CUKCl). FOULNESS of COM I' LEX ION, GENERAL DEBILITY, GOVT. GIDDINESS, GRAVEL. HEADACHES, ever kind, INWARD FEVER, INFLAMMATORY RHEUMA TISM, IMPURE BLOOD, JAUNDICE, LOSS qf APPE TITE, LRUS COIVIFI. AIKTS, LEPROSY, LOOSENESS, ?I K It C IJ K I A L DISEASE S . Never fails to eradicate entirely all the cfiVcu of JWcr.'ury infi titdv sooner than the most powcrfii' reparation of Sarsnpartlla. NIGHT SlIT-MTS. NERVOUS DEBILITY, NERVOUS COMPLAINTS of all tndt, ORGANIC AFFECTIONS, PALPITATION of iht HEART, PAINTER'S GHOLW, P X Aj B S The original jirnp'iptor f thee mcdirinet was cured of Piles of SS years standing by tlw ue of these Life rdrdiciticTi alone. PAINS in the Iwad, Fide, buck, limbs, jm'iits nnd rant. R II E U JI A T 1 S M. Th.-e ntllicled with thi lerriiile disease, will be ure of relief by the Life Medicine. KUSII ofliLOOI) to the HEAD, SCURVY, SALTRHEUM, SWELLINGS. SCROFULA, oa IZ?JG-'S EVIL, in its worst form. ULCERS, of (rtty description WOH2HS. of all kinds', ate ( ilwliinlly oxHIed by th-SH Medicines. I'urenls will do well to ndiiiiniitvr tlieni when ever thWr cMstcnct; is suspected. Krlicf wiil lx certain. THE LIFE PILLS AN!) PIUES1X BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, And llius remove all disease from the system. A single trial will place the LIFE PI L L S and P H CE N 1 X BITTERS be jond the reach of compe tition in the estimation of every patient. The genuine of these medicine are now put up in white wrappers and labels, together with a pamphlet, called ' Moffat's Good Samaritan." containing the directions, &c, m which is a drawing of Uroadwa) from Wall street to our Office, by which strangers visiting the city can very easily find us. The wrappers and Samaritans are copyrighted, therefore those who procure them with white wrappers can be asriircd that they arc genuine, lie careful, and do not buy those with vcllow wrappers; but if jou do, be iatiGcd (hat they come direct from us, or dont touch them. Hj Prepared and sold bv DR. WILLIAM B. IttbFPAT, 335 Broadway, corner of Anthony street, New York. For Sale by ft SCHOCH & SPERING, Stroudsburg, sole agents for Monroe county. December 18, 1845. i i English and German Prayer Book for Iiildren. The subscriber has just published an edition of a new book calculated for the juvenile read er, bearing the above title. It is intended for families and Sabbath Schools. For sale at the office of the Republican, and by the publisher at Bethlehem. Price per dozen $1,25 single copy 12 1-2 cents. JULIUS W. HELD. October 30, 1845. READY PAY. DRY GOOD, GEOCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, ! Drugs and Medicines, Iron, Rails, Glass, Boards, Shingles, Ceiling ILatli ariicScs &c. CHEAP FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. POSITIVELY NO TRUST! The subscribers having adopted the above method of doing business, feel confident that it will be beneficial to the interests of their cus tomers, as well as their own. They have just received in addition to their former stock, a large assortment of Dry Goods selected with care. Also, Groceries, Hardware, &c. which they will sell at prices to suit the times. All persons having unsettled accounts with the subscribers, will confer a favor by settling and paying up at their earliest convenience. Grateful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to us, we respectfully solicit its con tinuance, and pledge ourselves to use every exertion to merit the favors of their friends and customers. C. W. DeWITT & BROTHER. Milford, July 12, 1813. Stoves! W. He Witt &, JKrther, have just received a large assortment of Stoves, con-i xisting of Franklin Furnace 3 and 4 boiler Cooking stoves do do 9 plate stoves, do do Parlour do. do t do Box do. Orange County 4 boiler Cooking do. Manyys Albany 3 do do. Degroff ears Albany 3 do do. poors' Patent Coal stoves. And a large lot of Stove-pipe, all of which thy will sell cheap for cash or produce. .Milford, Nov. 10, 1842. BLANK MORTGAGES, For salejat this oftiqe. The Library of Sacred Music. The Board of Managers of the New York Sa-j usic Society, have examined, with much' cred Music Society pleasure, the Library of Sacred Mttsic, a monthly ! the Library itself furnishes abundant proof of their capacity for the management of such a work. L 13 VVYMAN, President. J Connor Smith, Sec'y. New York, March, 18-16. 0 Agents wanted in every city and town in the Union, to whom the usual trade discount will be made. E. II. WILCOX, General Agent, June 18 Gt 150 Fulton St., New York. SIX YEARS AGO the chi'dren began to crv for Sherman's Lozenges. The noise was not so loud at that time, but it has j kept increasing ever since, and now has become: so great that the mouths of the little ones can srarce be stopped. Dr. Sherman sympathises with the little sufferers, and very much regrets tu.u any ui uieiu suu.uu uc urpun.tcu. .v..w. - , mir the vast benelit which has been con erred upon 1 fc . i .i B J . . r , the community by the introduction oi his infallible xr r Y OriVi Lozenges, j he has entered into arrangements for enlarging, his Manufactory, by means of which he thinks he will be able to supply the demand. And the same pains and care will be taken, that these celebrated Lozenges be made as they have always been, m periodical, by B. Wyman and U. r JNewell The beautifying the Hair" also ol " tenners Den- vciuhjcl lTXcimug -ijniaiuuas work is got up in a handsome style, and embraces j iriflccfQT Preserving and Beautifying the Teeth, al his 0d sland in Elizabeth St., Stroudsburgh a choice selection of Sacred Music of a high or- Tooth Ach $e an( aa FcnnersHm where he wiil be happy l0 furilish any per- der, and is well worthy of the support of all lov- lD nrnn.nlinn rnr rrinr eh-m. . - r liav'J w . j . era of good music. Messrs. Wyman and Newell Foffe f lv a P!ePar1 "?n ,;,,""? r ' Hon w,,h Cab,nel Ware at loxv I)r,ct,S' ,He . nnA ned hands, bruises, &c. 1 tie arucies are au oi ,en(ls lo i.een on ilft i ke lo orje, an order that those who depend upon them may notjeine himself, but has witnessed its effects in be disappointed in their hopes. He knew when j several very trying cases of disease. The letter he commenced the manufacture of the Worm Lo- will show his opinion of its virtues. zenges, that they would supercede the use of eve- j Dear Sir, Believing it to be but an act of ry other vermifuge, as the Lozenge is very p eas- ant to the taste, speedy in its effects, as well as 1 erlain, and the quantity required to effect a per feet cure, is very small. These properties in con nexion with the fact that they are sold lor 2o cents per Box, thus placing them in the reach of the poorest man in the land, has not only caused them to lake the place of every other vermifuge ever of fered, but also rendered them popular to the com munitv. Dr. Sherman's Cough Lozenges. continue to cure Coughs, Colds, Consumption, ! ijef. To a particular friend of mine, sufTerino-se-Astluna, shortness and difficulty of Breathing, and J verely under Asthma, and who had despaired of oilier uiseuses ui ine ljutigs, wiin uie same iatuty they did on their first introduction, and the people have now become persuaded by actual experience, that on the accession of a slight Cold, they have j only to step to either the Drs. office, or one of his ; Agents, and obtain a box of his Cough Lozenges, j which are very convenient to carry in the pocket, ana io iai;e a iew tnrougn me oay. ny pursuing 1 I I II.. ! mis course a cure is ouen enec;eu in nours, j her appetite and strength restored to such a de and the patient about his business. So great is gree as t0 astonish all who saw her. With a long the celebrity of the Lozenges, that thousands of cherished and firmly established prejudice against persons who have used them, and become acquaint-1 lhe thousand and one specifics put forth in these ed with their effects, will never be without them. ( days as sovereign panaceas for all diseases. I Sherman's Pool1 Man's Plaster assure you that nothing short of my firm convic has cured more cases of Rheumatism, Pain in the ! lion of th? cl;lims of your medicincw an origin so Back, Side and Chest. Lumbago and Weakness, respectab e, and to the effects of it as herein cer than anv application that has ever been made. . tjfied, both by my own experience and observa As the celebrity of the Plaster has increased, bun-1 V0"' 1 ?ould m have.been "iduced thus to come Mro nr.tinnrinP.nlo rolc l,vo ottomntorl tr. i . i f counterfeit it, and palm it off upon the community I as the genuine. ID3 Beware of Deception. cOlJ Remember that the true and genuine Plaster is. spread upon reddish paper made expressly for the j purpose, and in every case the signature of Dr. i Sherman is printed upon the back of the Plaster, j and the whole secured by Copy Right. None ', others are genuine. Therefore when you want a real good Shermans lJoor Man s Plaster, call at the office, 10G Nassau street and you will not be disappointed. Remember the number, 106 Nassau St.. where all Dr. Sherman's Lozenoes are sold. AGENTS. Schoch & Spering, Stroudsburg, Monroe county. John Lander, Craigs Meadows, do. James S. Wallace, Milford, Pike county. W. F. Brodhead & Brother, Dingman's Ferry, do. Peters & Labar, Bushkill, do. May 14, 1840. THE TREASURY OF HISTORY. .. , . , ,. fII . , versal History, ancient and modern, and a se ries of separate Histories of every principal na tion that exists, their rise, progress, present con dition, &c. By Samuel Maunder. The His tory of America, edited by John Inman. The above valuable work is just completed, forming two large octavo volumes, printed on fine paper, with clear type, illustrated with beautiful cngraced vignette titles bound in a substantial and elegant binding, and will be furnished at only Four Dollars!!! It forms of itself a complete Library of History of inestimable value to any ?,ua n,c( utnHminoUntoMn(n ' : rjnai nation that exists, as well as more particu larly of the very recent exciting events and present political relations of our own country. A splen did edition of the same work has also just been is sued in Nos. in paper covers, suitable; for mailing. and will be sent to any part of the United States at the reduced rates of periodical postage. Price for the work in Nos. (complete) $3. Full bound, in two Vols., Si. Agents are wanted to obtain subscribers in ev ery town in the United States. Any person ob taining two or more subscriptions, may deduct one third of the same as his commission, and upon the receipt of the balance accompanying his order, the work will immediately be forwarded, by mail or othorwis, as he may direct. Address, post paid, the publisher, DANIBL A DEE, April 0, 1816. 107 Pulton Street. N. V. look here. ' We have just received for sale, at the. Jeffer-j Monian Office, a supply of " Fennels Oderifer- i oils Compound for strengthening, softening and the nrsl quality, and tne nign repuiunon wnicn they have acquired in the ci.ies, and wherever i else they have been used, cannot Jail to recom- , .-' . , j . r. . i - , t . . : 11. mend ttiem to the nenerai notice aim patronage of the oeonle of this nlace and vicniuy. A number of our citizens have already tried them, ' and pronounce them excellent. We invite all, who are in want of any such articles, Jo give us a call, and we are sure they will not go away unsatisfied. December 19, 1844. Folger's Olosaonian, OR ALL-HEALING BALSAM. Its Course is Biward. So great has been the demand for Folger's Olo- t saonian, or All-flea ling Balsam, and it has given such general satisfaction to those wno have used it and become acquainted with its virtues, that it now stands pre-eminent as a itemedy in JJo- , nflhe TJTNaS nr.ri thn tfistimnnv whifih , , . , . . , has been given by difTerent persons who have . J3. .J tUn ' if..tT been cured by it, is altogether voluntary on their part. They have given it in the hope that all who may find themselves in need of this great remedy may apply for it without delay Read the following letter received from the Rev. Mr. Shimcall, Pastor of St. Jude's Episco pal Free Church. Mr. S. has not used the med- common humanity to those sunering under the various diseases of Coughs, Colds, Consumptions, Hoarseness, Asthma, yc , to point them to a safe, speedy and radical remedy, 1 take pleasure in bearing my testimony to your invaluable medi- cine called Olosaonian, or All-healing Balsam. ; Of its efficacy I can speak first from my own ex-' perience. Being subject from exposure more or! less to the vicissitudes of our climate, to frequent attacks of Influenza, Hoarseness, &c, I have al ways found it to afford almost instantaneous, and i r1vrivs hv nprcpirprnnco in ito noo ofTotnol -o obtaining reiiel lrom any human source, upon my recommendation was induced to give the Olosao- nian a trial, and he pronounced the effect produced upon him a perfect charm, affording him immedi- ate. and almost incredible relief. In another in. stance t recommended it to a female friend, far : advanced in Consumption. After the use of the : - - .1 first bollle) her Cougn was entirely removed, and tnrwnrn nc si wirnocc in it-s hohn IOrWaiG, aS a WimeSS in 113 Oenalt. I r . . i i v r 1 l,ave the honor t0 be sir' respectfully yours, ' SHIMEALL. HAVE YOU A COUGH which is troublesome and has not yielded to any of the remedies which you have used! Is it at- tended wilh pain in the side, shortness of breath, and night sweats. JJQ y(m pajse 31()0(1 f when you Cough and find your stiength gradually failing ! 1 ou will find that these symptoms if not properly attended to, will terminate in Consump- uon anu JJeaut- yu troubled with that ais tion and Death. tressing complaint Asthma which deprives you of your rest at night, and ren ders life burdensome. Here is the Uemcdj Remember the name, and place where it is to be obtained, and do not be put off with any other vou?s ,des,p,rte T68.?8 yours may appear to be, and doubtleas will put to flight in a speedy manner those distressing symp toms which fill your minds with gloomy forebo dings of the future. Its Healing Properties do not deceive. The short dry Cough is quickly overcome, and easy and healthy expectoration takes its place. Spitting of Blood is immediately checked. Night Sweats, with pain in the Side and Chest, debility and difficulty of breathing, yield in a short time. Asthma, with all its dread ful accompaniments is at once relieved. Bron chitis, and in fact all the diseases of the Throat and Lungs, give way before this Remedy, when all other means have failed. Persons may attempt to deceive you with some other Remedy, pronouncing it to be equally as good, but remember life is at stake, therefore Be not Deceived. The only place in the City of New York, where Folger's OLOSAONIAN, or ALL-HEALING BALSAM is sold, is at 106 Nassau street, one door above Ann street. AGENTS. Schoch & Spering, Stroudsburg, Monroe co. James S. Wallace, Milford, Pike county. W. F. Brodhead & Brother, Diiirrman's Ferry, Pike county. April 30, 1846. BLANK DEEDS For sale at .this: 0a i CABINET MAKING. Thp RnKsf,r;hRr herehv informs thn ..m;,. lhal he sli con,inue8 lhe" j.inds of wares in his lme 0f business. Side-Boards, Bureaus, Centre, Break- r . r- i t-i i m n ir- 7 fast, ihmrna n.nrf. b.nri ' nhiot wash. ' j v - -, Stands, Bedsteads, Wardrobes, Book Cases, Secretaries. c. ALSO COFFINS made m order al the shortest notice. CHARLES MUSCH. Siroudsburgh, April 4, 1844. "M'Sl UV '2-tnqspuo.ns 'Hosnw sarmvHo pguSjsjapun aqi Ac p9Ai300J Xljnpjiimii oq sjopjQ SuigiJi wq st A uf nn idoiS su ini.u pajTidmoo 'oMft oqi jo isoo oq di pno-iiS 'liaNTOlIO AftICINV P SVKOH J. v 'itrnqepnojig 'SAOI NHOf osn ui aou uintji o.Rq oq.M 'panSiP-tapun oqi jo jaqiia "o Su;jeD Aq s3.i-j aqi jo Aitiin pqi jo p3ij-;iTJv oq uuo suosaaj p3J9jaid si jo.o tjoiqA 'ion jo Xouoq snjdjns atiui oi joa oi id;j oq ubo .sqi jo 'so.iiq avjis jo xoq uotnujoo aqi ut op Am sv. 'saAif- o9qi ut otucs oqi iujb.ws jia soof oqj4 9?n u; ojojoisioq uaoq scq iqi pupj oqi jo Sutqi Ann oi jouadns jej ptiE 'uuuj inajoyip A9iiiua 9i!iauud t; no poionJisuoo si saij-J oqj, -uou -U9AUJ oqi oi oqqnd oqi jo uoiiu.uie oqi jeo oi 9AE9 s9q 'Aiunoo aoJtioT joj oaifj ojq Sin -p9jojd-fpg juajDrf paaoudtuj sjjDjj jo iqou luoiud gqi pasEqojnd SutAEq jaquosqns 3qj4 XmXYd aZAOUJWI Sc77VH sgga uaoA 5avs MATTHEW T. HSILIjER, SUCCESSOR TO ROBERT T. BICKNELL; EXCHANGE BROKER, No. 8 South Third street, Philadelphia. Bank Notes. Notes oh ail solvent banks in the United States discounted at the lowest rates. Drafts, Notes and Bills collected on the most favorable terms. Exchange. Bills of exchange and Bank Checks on most of the principal cities of the Union, bought and sold at the best rates. Exchange on England in large or small sums constantly for sale. BicknelVs Reporter, Counterfeit Detector and Prices Current, is issued from this office every Tuesday. It is devoted chiefly to the condition of the currency, the Markets. Banking institutions, Counteifeit Notes, &c. Terms, $3 per annum nnvnble in ndvnnre. BicknelVs Counterfeit Detector and Bank Note TAst is nnhlished semi-mnnthlv nt Sil so ner an- num, payable in advance. This work is printed in pamphlet form of 32 pages. Single copies 12 pages, bmgle copie- 1-2 cents Office open from 8 a si to 6 p m Exchange hours from 9 a m to 3 p m. WHOliOUBTS ILct thesn call and satisfy themselves, That they can get higher prices for all kinds of produce, and buy Lumber cheaper, at Mil ford than in an)' oilier market in this section of country. The subscribers have on hand and for sale at their yard in Milford 50,000 feet White Pine Boards,S9 to $11 00 50,000 " Hemlock " 6 50 lo 7 00 40,000 " Pine Siding, 6 00 to 12 50 20,000 " Sap Yellow Pine " 8 00 to 9 00 20,000 " Heart " " "11 00 to 12 00 3,000 " 20,000 " 120,000 " Panel boards, Ceiling Laih, Pine Shingles, 4 50 to 8 00 ALSO About 110,000 feet "White and Yellow Pine Boards at Shoholy Fall's Mills, for sale at prices to suit the times. Call and satisfy yourselves. C: W. DeWITT & BROTHER. Milford, Dec. 14, 1843. Wholesale and Retail PREMIUM HAT STORE. BERT1SANJD R$$, No. 120 Chesnut Street, south side, 4 doors below Fourth st., PHILADELPHIA, Respectfully informs the citizens of Monroe county, that he has refilled and opened the above Establishment, where he is prepared at all times, to furnish Beaver, Nutria, and Moleskin Hats, equal to any manufactured in this Country; Also, a superior quality of Caps, for officers of the Ar my and Navy, together with Dress, Riding and Sporting Capn : a new and splendid style of Childrens' and Boys' Caps, with a great variety qf Rich Fancy Furs for Ladies. Just received, per Steam Ship Great Wes tern, the approved style of LADIES' RIDING HATS; also, a beautiful assortment of Chil drens' French Caps. I am determined that my Hals, in point of beauty and quality, shall not be surpassed by those of any oiher Establishment in any City in the Union. Philadelphia, Dec. 18, 1845. 6m. . WATCHES. A good assortment of Watches, for sale, &l reduced prico.s by JOHN II. MELICK. Stroudsburg, Jan. 1, 1816. STROUDSBlTRG IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY. The subscriber, having purchased the inter est of Wm. Schlaugh in the above esiablish inent; takes this method to inform the public generally, and Millers and Farmers especial ly, that he has removed to the large and con venient Foundry and Machine Shop, in the rear of John Boys' Store, and would Un thankful for any patronage extended towards him, and respectfully announces that he is prepared to execute all orders in his line of business in the best manner and wilh despatch He will manufacture MILL GEARING for Flour and other Mills, together with Cast ings of every description turned and fined up in the best possible manner. He feels confi dent in his ability to execute all orders with which he may be entrusted in a workman-like manner. Particular care will be taken to em ploy none but good workmen in the different departments of the establishment, and no pains will be spared by the proprietot to give gen eral satisfaction to those who may favor him wiih orders for work. BRASS CASTINGS, such as Spindle Steps, Shaft and fJudgeort Boxes, &c. will be made lo order. Old Cop per and Brass taken in exchange at the. highest price. Patterns made to order. Threshing Machine & Horse Poirors of the most approved construction, will be fur nished to order at the shortest notice. Wrought Iron Mill Work will be done on the most reasonable terms, ami all kinds of smith work. The best kind of Sled Shoes and polished Wagon Boxes will always be kept on hand. Ploughs of the most approved plan will ho kept on hand, and an excellent assortment of Plough Castings which he offers for sale to Plough makers. SAMUEL HAYDEN. Siroudsburg, March 13, 1845. Congressional Intelligencer. The Proprietors of the National Intelligencer in order to meet the wishes of those whose cir cumstances or inclination do not allow them ;o subscribe even to a weekly Washington papper during the whole year, have determined to is sue during each session of Congress, a weekly sheet styled "The Congressional Intelligencer,'' to be devoted exclusively to the publication, as far as its limits will permit, of the Proceeding of both Houses ol Congress, and Official Re ports, and Documents connected therewith, in cluding a complete ofncial copy of all the Acts passed by Congress during the session. To bring the price within the means of eve ry man who can read, the charge for this paper will be for he first session of each Congress half a dollar. The price of the " Congressional Intelligen cer," to be issued on each Wednesday durin the approaching Session of Congress, will there fore be one Dollar, paid in advance. To en large upon the value, to those who take no newspaper from Washington, of this publica tion, containing an impartial but necessarily ab breviated account of the Proceedings in Con gress, including an authentic official copy of all the laws passed during the session, would be needless. The man who takes no such pa per, ought to take one, if he does not prefer re maining ignorant of what most nearly concerns his own destiny, and that of his family and of this poterity forever. When six copies are ordered and paid for hy any one person, a deduction of one-sixth will be made from the price: that is to say, a re mittance of Five Dollars will command six co pies of the Congressional Intelligencer for the next Session. A remittance of Ten Dollais will secure thirteen copies ; and for Fifiern Dollars remitted from any one person or place twenty copies will be forwarded. Weekly National Intelligencer. This paper, being made up of such portion of the contents of the National Intelligencer proper, as can be compressed within the com pass of a single newspaper, continues to be is sued and mailed to suscribers every Saturday at Two Dollars a year, payable in advance in all cases account being opened with subscri bers to the weekly paper. To bring this paper yet more nearly within the reach of such as desire to take by the year a cheap paper from the seat of the General Government, a reduction will be made in li prico of it where a number of copies are order ed and paid for by any person or association at the following rates : For Ten Dollars, six copies will be sent. For Twenty Dollars, thirteen copies; and For each sum of Ten dollars, above Twenty eight copies will be forwarded: so that a remit tance of Fifty Dollars will command thirty-seven copies. JTJ3 Publishers of papers throughout thtv several States and Territories who will give a. sinoleJnsertion to this advertisement, (with ibis note annexed) and send one of their papers to this office with the advertisement marked there in, shall receive lhe Weekly National Intelli gencer for one year frcj? of charge,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers