JEFPERSONIAN REPUBLICAN Thursday, November 12, l46. Tcruw, 82,00 rn advance; $2.25, nulf reaily. and $2,50 if not paid befotclhe end of the vcar. (t?" V. B. PALMER, Esq. is the Agent for this paper at his office of real estate and Country Newspaper agency in Philadelphia, North-West corner of Third and Chestnut streets ; Tribune buildings, Nassau St., N. Y.; South East corner of Baltimore and Calvert sts., Baltimore, and No. 12, State street, Boston. Mr- Palmer will receive and forward subscriptions and advertisements for tho Jeffersonian Republican. Messrs. MASON TUTTLE, at 38 William street, New York, are also our authorized Agents, to receive and forward subscriptions and adver tisements for the Republican. The iVcw JLine Again. We wish io keep it before the public mind, ashes is not deposited in iis wooden reservoir, until it becomes quite cold. If, indeed, that should be the case-, it might perhaps be oafe, but the great risk is that it contains some igni ted charcoal. The worst of it is, however, it is customary to empty vessels of hot ashes into barrels and boxes, &c, with the supposed suf ficient precaution, of scooping a hollow for it in the middle of the mass. Now this is all wrong. It has been ascertained by observation and ex periment, that a small quantity of hot wood ashes, in the above circumstances, will heat the whole mass, and at length set on fire the con taining box or barrel. This is a properly of ashes, not.generaliy known but which should be known universally Monvoe Comity Court. Court convened on Tuesday of last week, all the Judges being present. Much difficulty and delay was caused by the absence of va rious witnesses and Jurors who had been sub poenaed. The Court found it necessary to j issue attachments for about thirty witnesses, all of which, through the activity of Sheriff' j Storm, were executed. Some of the witness-; es were sentenced to pay the cost of the at-; tachment, together with a fine. The Court 1 has been under the necessity of laying down ! very strict rules, with regard to Jurors and witnesses who do not obey the first summons inasmuch as ureat delay and expense has been incurred bv their absence, heretofore. We would thereforeadvise persons subpamaed as Witnesses or Jurors, in future, to allow no slight cause to detain them at home, or they X A Bachelor iV Norfolk, Va., proposes him self as a prize in a lottery, to be called The Old Dominion Marriage Lottery " The price j of tickets is to vary according to the age of (ho purchaser. widows and old maids bciti? 1 "O charged considerably more than young ladies. When $50,000 are raised, the lottery is to be drawn, and if the winner be disinclined to take the man, with the money, the sum is to be di vided between them. The population of the Territory of Wiscon sin, an abstract of which is published by the Secretary, is now 155.277. Massachusetts Forever ! Massachusetts held her State election on Monday last. Gov. Brigg's is re-elected by the It is said that the number of children born people, by from 10,000 to jo.OUU majority, lie jn ,ne United States in a year 13 450,000. It -1 ..1 t t r Htheselew hints should ne mo means 01 , mi. t u,uuy W4 -- : . TT ntn oqr-t rpr all n.h,r.,. Winthrnn -i-..i. .i,a, nnk- nno.tir i; The last case tried, lireonsweig v. riawivs j um uia.w - - f i3 .un.uuvU ..v ,,,c l(J uc 1 preventing the dire yell of fire! fire! in our pleasant little town, only in one instance, we not submitted to the Jury, until about 10 ; is re-elected to Congress by a majority ol 2621. years 01J. o'clock on Saturday evening,and their verdict ! jr, ,jle g,h Congressional District, Hon. Arie- was -1 . t t IT It I inaiftir. vvaru s lour norse coacti, running ue- , nf n)r . ft and de8olalin fire,, have arisen rj from this great carelessness. Remember, iri lies occasion fire, but a fire is no trifle. 1 ween Strondsburg and Nrw York city, is ac tualir on ihe road, and making her lima about ns regular as u clock. This we look upon as K great accommodation to Stroudsbtirg, in a IATBR FROM THE ARMY, good many ways'. Last week we pointed out : Death of Lieut. Graham. Two mails captured ii few advantages resuliinj: from this new line. To-day we resume the subject. "Ve want our rinzens to wake up. They are wide awake all nloiig the line through Warren couniy. So rhonld we be. It would he ihe height of folly in us to suppose that the enterprising proprie- snail ieei ourselves as repaiu a mousum ium. j was not decided upon, until about one ociock, mM Ha,B ia eiecte( by a majority of 800 to jn Delaware county, N. Y., last week thn I 1 Till 1 m I .. 1 -v T I ' We must not oui.t, before we close, to can- 0n bunday morning, ine agu, m.-, Thjs Djslricl has hhherl0 been mounlain3 were covered wilh smm jhe tion our merchants against .lie very common . "TZZ 7 i i refuted, owing to the impossibilny of making roomcler down l0 20, and ice half an inch thick practice of their fr.Cion matcnes ex- vhkh we have spoken above, a choice. The whole Congressional Delega- 0I1 the ponds posed to Hie mice, in boxes put logemer wmi , W(j id m abstract of the cases that I tion will, without doubt, be Whig paste How very imprudent. 1x0 aouoi many werc disposej oi; We , probaby eecle(l 40 Whig Senators Peter B. Setzer ) Replevin ior a bnndle!b j ,j,e flIij number in the Slate. To the , , L r C ' 1 ! TP i5w Hou.e of Representatives, are elected, so fir his father, Abraham Setzer, was the owner - beard from, 80 Wing, 6 Locos, and 2 Lib of three head of voting cattle, including t g ! erty men. No doubt of a large Whig majority bull in question, anjl sold the same to plaintiff for SI 0. The cattle were not taken off the premises of the father but suffered to remain The Washington Union says, " Wc were yesterday presented with a bunch of cherries, second crop, half ripe, which grew in Wash ington. by the Enemy. Mexicans murdered by out laws. A Mexican Officer shot in Monterey. Naval expedition against Alvarado. Washington, Nov. 1010 V. iU. 1 tie Constable with two executions against the We have New Orleans dates to the 3d inst. and Monterey to the lGih Oct. Lieut. Gra ham, of the 4th Infantry, died on the 11th uni- There have been built or commenced (and in progress) since the 1st April last, 180 build ings of various kinds, in the city of Newark, New-Jersey. ctor is incurring expense and trouble for our sola benefit. He looks for ome benefit in re- versally lamented The wounded generally turn and this he has a right to do. Mutual were doing well. Accounts in the Picayune advantage is one of ihe great springs of human from troops on the Rio Grande are truly dis acsivity, the world over. j tressing. Taylor's chaste order, tendering the Bv ihe new line we are brought within 12 i officers and soldiers of his command the cx-j hours of New York city and as thai city talks ! pression of his thanks and admiration, dated by lightning wilh several of ihe most important 1 Sept. 28ih: was published on the 5th October Some farmers have become quite confident that shell lime is a cure or preventive of 1I10 potato disease they have tried and Found it successful. points in our wide extended country, we need not lag far behind in regard to domestic or for eign news. The result of the New York Siate election was in Stroudsburg the same day that it reached New York city. Formerly our The army was settling down inactively, wail ing for farther orders. A number of Mexicans had been murdered in the outskiits of Monterey by outlaws. On the 4th the Mexican officers called on Gen. Worth to lake leave of him. As pews reached us after laying by a day or twojthey were riding away through the Plaza, a on the road. Mr. Ward, puts us on pretty near Florida. The Jacksonville New?, Loco, gives returns there, to be fed and stabled in the same man-1 for Congress from the whole State, except the ner as before the sale. In August following Counties of Dade and St. Lucie, and makes nnhftll's "Whini maioritv 97. The two Coun- 1 V -1 C-l .-. t.n. .r.r- I 01a man oranam cm u. , ,,., nrtt ; a, manv votes as Mr. - 1 .1 ill I lira I u Li ll 1 1 L UU I IV c ------- - ises and there seized the bull and otner came, m snld tWm. m,d ihn. flftfnnrlant became the nur-1 C.'a majority now is. I he Locos lm e proba- ch;iser at Constable's sale. The Court charged : bly majorizes in both branches of the Legisla- tliit ilm firct cilo wfl? nnt vnhri . mi- mui. mi ...... - iuic. ( . -r . , 11 l : . wr. - c. r c Ttnvrm ! In tho 9Ti u i hv I h liwir Vv t I . I.n u- in point 01 Liaw tne piainun couiu noirucmor. i Aitoiiiev v iiir siaic-ftuww fv. " " j v.. .v.... Verdict for defendant. Shaw & Davis for The first election in the new Stale of Iowa Mr. SAMUEL RLLfe, Jr., of Siroudtnu. aid - i i plaintifl, Morris & Dimmick for delendantJ wag hM m Monday Qciober 26, for Govern- Miss CHRIST1ANNA WALLACE, of Rich- . i m Peter B. Setzer ) Replevin lor a steer. h g officers, two memburs of Con- mond, Northampton county. it r X " I Z ! ress and ihe Legislature. From the complex- ion oi i it 6 returns h is icuueicu uihmv urrjiiuiia vuuri xntiuuu. JL tuiuiuevr siiui una ui iiicin iiuuuii mo iicuii, , He was arrested. He is in prison, and will be hung undoubtedly. A sentiment seems preva lent in the army that to'conquer peace, a more decisive blow must be struck at Tampico and Vera Cruz. Lieut. Armsted arrived at Monte- iu the above case. The defendant having pur chased the steer in question at Constable's sale, and was one of the three head of young cattle bought by plaintiff of his father and.ilie8 ,Q bolh branci,es 0Hhe Legislature, se sold at Constable's sale. The plaintiff sufV . . . , s Senators. fered a nonsuit. Shaw & Davis for plaintiff. s b w. . Dimmick & Morris for defendant Benjamin Depue, ") This case was j rev on the 12th with dispatches from Washing-. subseauentlv assigned to Moses Denue. The ton for Gen. Tavlor. A mail sent from Camar-1 defence set up was that the note was forged oi... r, rr.oa K . h o . Several witnesses were called on the part of i w nd delivered .. Amnudi, for the nri- "1" ' ! Th. d. b a, follow, fo, ,he Lcgi.,lanre 1 the signature was the genuine signature of the , ly the same fooling with Easton. Now this is helping us considerably and we are of opin ion that it will reflect no great credit, either on nur intelligence or public spirit, should we fail in appreciate so signal an advantage, or should we forfeit it by unpardonable negligence. Mr. Ward has kindly pupplied us with the Daily Tribune and oilier papers, for which wo teuder him our thanks. We understand he has Mjpplied the other offices in like manner. We really hope our good citizens will look at this matter as they should. What we have always needed is now provided for us. Let us jrive substantia nron I Mat we are nnl insp.nBih h ' maru. iiiuuier muit lur mo anu, wmtii iti. t - , . ,...,: i ij ,i.,u e i ( . maiiur setjiiicu jii ui eu iii cuusiuuitiuivi uuuui. i . . ,,; of the favor that Mr. Ward is conferring on our j Camargo ihe oih Oct. was captured by the en-1 The jmy found a verdict for (lG dcfendant. place, by putting us in direct communication , emy. Santa Anna is at San Luis Fotbsi, but ! Davis & Reeder for plaintiff. Dimmick &t Scotland Clinton with one of tho most important points in our! doing nothing. He sustains Ampudia in what Porter for defendant. ' ..... . . ' y. V 1" country.- Thus much for the present. i he did at Monterey. J he fever and ague is spreading rapidly through the army at Monterey. ; that the Whigs have elected their Governor, Tfl Hdrs Qnd L x Representatives of Dan- one, if not both, Members of Congress, and ma- e m Lobar, late of the town of Delavan, m the county oj Walworth, tn Wisconsin Terri tory, deceased. You are hereby notified that by virtue nf a writ of Partition or Valuation issued out of thn Orphans' Court nf the county of Monroe, m tho Des Moines Co. gives McKnight, Whig, for Governor 24 majority; Hedrick and Mitchell, (to the use of Moses Depue,) I an appeal from Whigs, for Congress about the same, and large g,ale 0f peimvyvania, an inquest will be held v. the judgment f majorities for the Whig Senators and Kf-nre- upon the premises, on the wiiuam Hace. j oi justice win-; senlalive8. Tenth day 0f December next, saules. and was founded on a oromissorv note . . ... -. J J 1 for 880. alleged to have been civen bv de- usca,1e 8ives nigm 1 1 maj. al ,0 O.cockf A- M ()f said day for ,,, purpo,e fnndanl to Beniamin Denue. which had been Louisa McKnight 63 maj. 0f making partition of a certain message, plan. J . . I ...... .. . I..- t rl - : c ! r- i t Menrv McKnlBht 214 mai. naiion anu iraci ui lanu suuaie in oniiinnnui Washingion-McKnight CO maj. and elects a township, in said county of Monroe, bounded , . , . l t bv lands of Georce Waller, Michael Waller, lug Senator and Representative with Loui&a J c n k i j i i 3 ' lands lato of George Ace, deceased, and hud WHIGS ELECTED. vate correspondence in it. This mail has been , jr,it o,i -,imnct nc rtwriv venrt rrtMeA forwarded to Santa Anna. About 2000 mules j0n the part of the defendant who swore that! -Ues nes had been hired at Monterey for the use of tho tin their opinion the signature was not that ofi Lee U. S. Army, and 1500 had arrived from Camar-1 the defendant. There was much conflicting ! Henry Another mail for the armv, which left , ' ' , 7 VV V.u i,0,,,8a a,,u v"n,ng,on SENATE 2 1 1 1 . 1 Greenswei" Fire! Fire!! Fire!!! Don't be alarmed gentle reader, at the sight nf these appalling and hnrific exclamations. Our object is to give our readers a few hints, FOREIGN NEWS. Cedar Ejectment for about 300 j Wapello r 1 1 Tl a Ik v acres ot lanu m koss iown- Monroe Hawks. ) ship. The facts presented , Keokuk , rn tj.1 m mis case wciu uuuiu hs iuiiun. i Mahaska plaintiff was the owner of the land in ques- f (111 JJill bll ' 1 HOUSE. 4 3 3 o of Henry Strunk and uthern, and containing about One Hundred and Fifty Acres. be the same more or less, lale the etitate of Daniel E. Labar, deceased, lo and among hit children and representative!, if the same can be done without prejudice io or -spoiling tlx whole ; otherwise to value and appraise the same according to law at which time and place you are required to attend if you think proper. ANDREW STORM, Sheriff. Sheriff s office, Stroudsburg, Monroe county, Penna., Nov. 10, 1846. 20 Twenty is a majority of the Houso of Rep resentatives, and 10 is a majority of the Senate. Arrival of the Britannia. i tion, was old and without any children, and The Steam-ship Britannia arrived at Boston ' had some 12 or 15 years ago,marrieda neat which if properly regarded, may prevent the ; 0n Saiurdyy last from England. She brings buxom widow by the name of Hawk,who had display of these terror inspiring words in our j J6 days later news, but it is mainly of a com- j a Jimil of three sons and three daughters. , . r . . .. o. j t t . . . After this marriage, the old man took the cuiuums.aieuw.uiu.u.uiuuc. o.ruuuM.urg u mercial Ctiaracter. I, . w:fi, W .UlUn tn Me Umo I M-trM ?. Mn,lnnh.v pUr-mrl fiorprnor .... 1-lour, uoiion and urain navo aavanccu in Things went on very smoothly for some five j p. S. -We have returns of the eieciion of Liverpool; anu in a., parts o. Europe, wneai ,or six years, wnen tne out man was inuuceu , Q Whi u g lhe Ccdar and - ' l0WII9hip of " was steadily advancine in nrice but the hishito enter into a contract for the sale of this; r. ' . " . . Jana situate in tne townsnips oi raimj ra a nr ice .om what checked ,a I nd to the sons of Mrs. Hawk. They were j We aro surc of a mW? ,n Lackawaxen, ,n said county, bounded on prices somewhat checked sales. ; thnanA nnf1 fllo Qtnnr nJ rnrm . mint ballot. east by a tract of land m ihe warrantee nai The price of pig iron has declined. , . ,,,, , were to nav 8300 to ! We shall have two nood Whig Senators in of Simeon Lord, on the north by lands in the The denlorable cond.tion of the neonle of ; u ..r.u ; 'm,i - . , ... .Lr warrantee names ol Mahlon Wjgton and Wl . .. f - , , lUiiUll Ul lllW ois enjoyed a rare exemption from fire, for which she should be thankful to the great disposer of events for it will not be denied, we presume, that we are exceedingly ill prepared for a fire, should one occur. It is easy to conceive a combination of circumstances, which would sweep off two-lhirds of our town in one hour. Since then, we are so unable lo contend against actual fire, let us attend to its prevention, if possible. Nearly all fires originate from care lessness, in a greater or less degree. We would suggest First, Look well that vour ptove-nmes are in proper order, it is generally dangerous to pass them through win down and roofs. Second, Have a care how you expose your matches. These articles, though they must be considered dangerous, yet, on account of their convenience, have come to be regarded as almost necessary, if not quite. Tbey should always be kept in a tin safe for two reasons they cannot then be ignited by the nibbling of mice and should they take fire by other means, they would not communicate. But third. The great precaution is never cast vour ashes into any receptacle of which wood forms a part. No doubt nineteen-twentieths of all our fires result from non-observance of this biniple rule. The most of people provide a barrel or a box, and place it in a cellar, and bomeiimes iu a wood-house, wherein to place riheir ashes ! Remonstrate against such impru- ' "Ie;ic'e, we had almost said, criminal reckless-1 fiess, snd iby pleatf in jut'Jfksuon that Ibelr SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias issued out of ihe Court of Common Pleas of the county of Pike, to mo directed, will be exposed to public sale al the Court-house in Milford, on Saturday the 5th day of December. 1846. at 1 o'clock, p. m., of said day a certain tract of ml he east by a tract of land in ihe warrantee namn sisters, and were to give Old God-! ,he United Stales Sonate from this State. Ham Wigion, on the west by lands in ihe war- rartnA annrnccua nnhllp nllpnllDn lfl Irift Hrl. ' t'r-nt- nnn f hivrt nf fill tho nrrrliirn lvnoorl rm f ho tish Islands. Famine and general distress ap-1 farm, and old Godfrey and his wife, werc to Peace, loo, hath its victories.--.RtcWrf ran.loe nme8 of. Iskaac Jone8 afntd Ja,mes f ar,0" near, to .oread over that unfortunate country ( have the privilege of living in the house dur- Enquirer. and, n lh "UrthA bJ ? ,rae . ld,,d ,n lho .U?r' pur. to spread over that unfortunate countr . h ir'Hvcs ghorUv nfter thfe contract rantee name of Abraham D. Fr.ese, contain I he marriage of the Queen of Spam and her , . 4, , . . t . . i i es, peace nam na viciuncs, rwjiuiiuj mi, innpc 6 ... , - vas made, and the defendants took possession !W,1T; 275 AUKljilS, sister have been consumated, without producing ipi ,pi nri ri;f?5rnltio Kntr-in in -inwfin'uwn t vw,ee,,"b ihuls. 1 o jot the lana, auncuiiics negan to arise bdween vu vi.inrr in Ohin more or less, commonly known as the Lemuel any thine more serious than protests from Eng-.the old man and the bovs and the old lang and .lorae other European nations. France J formally lelt the place, and then brought this, joins Spain with a view to the re-conquest of' ejectment. This case was tried bffore arbi- j . e , , tj 1 trators, afterwards before Court, the verdict the Spanish American Provinces. . ' , , . .'. ' . , . ...... 1 bemii for the plaintiff, a new trial was gran- Mr. Bancrofi, the newly appointed Minister tedj h wag agajn n Cqw1 from lhe Uuiied States, in the room of Mr. :a verdict given for the plaintiff. The case J McLane, arrived in London from New ork. was then removed by the defendants to the i Snnrpmp. Court, iiidrrmrmt rnvprsfld ;ind spnt I i ' j--"o j back for another trial. The case was last! &oco-Foco Pipc-Eayfnjj. Alderman Benson of the Third Ward and week tried for the third time in this Court,and Justice Merriti, accompanied by a Police offi-ja conditional verdict for the plaintifl rendered irri. . iVJ I I . cer, at 3 o'clock yesterday morning, (4lh inst.) arrested at No 7 Howard-si 13 convicts from BlackwelPs Island, who according to iheir own confession, had been brought over to (be city with instructions to vote in as many districts as possible during the day. They were accom panied by Francis McLaughlin, one of the kee pers of the Penitentiary, who was also arrest. Tribune. It is reported that ihe war vp.h Mexico "ill ks vtfRtiaiieij for v-ro y-as longer. The Whig victory in Pennsylvania. The Whig victory in Georgia. The Whig victory in Maryland. The Whig victory in Maine. Tho Whig victory in New Hampshire. The Whig victory in Florida. The Whig victory in Iowa. Yes, peace, too, hath its victories. The defendants were ordered to pay into Court 607 within a given time, as well as the costs of suit, and the plaintifl is not to receive the money until he files a deed con veying the premises to the defendants in fee simple, and the defendants are to give a mort gage on the premises to secure to Grcensweig the performance of the stipulations contained in the articles of agreement for the value of the land. The costs already incurred in this suit amount to very nearly the value of the j land. Dimmick,. Porter & Ihne for plaintiff, Davis & Reeder for defendai.ts. Monroe Dtmscrai. improved land. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Lemuel Spooner, and will be told for cash only. LEWIS ROCKWELL, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Milford, Nov. 3, 1846. CHEAPEST IW TOE WORLD ! Steam Befined Sugar Candies, 12 1-2 Cents per pound, Wholesale. All Lost. The Carlisle Volunteer, aays J. J. RICHARDSON, No. 43 Market sired. in lho last election ihe Loco-focos "lost all but rniiaaeipnia, lanes pleasure in miorming mo , x, t'ii i i tt Hi- . pub ic, that he still continues to sell his verv honor." Upon which ihe Carlisle Herald hints Jl ' t .k- i .that ihe honor was lost before the election, nr: of i2.50 ner 100 nounds. and lhe otiili- II I 1 ty is equal to any in the United Slates. banners were waved for the tariff of 1842." He also offers all kinds of goods in the Oon- fectionary and Fruit line at corresponding low The Mercer Couniv Whip, savs: Pieeong. orices. as auick sales and small profits are the are said to be quite plenty in this couniy, tho' i0.? ojlne day. r i i-t-:.. i .i ,ua or senU-vour nraers, anu yuu cannui air few are observed m this vicinity. A gentle- t, - - - yzl , nr ,. , ,., " I ij'Ia dniiiHoil nnti'i Irtrafl Inn nnmhfr. 1 man in Greenville, one day last week,6hot j)2, MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, and another 27 This is doing a large busi- J. J. RICHARDSON ness in that line. '" ' August 27, 1846.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers