flfl JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN- JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN Thursday, November 7, I44. Tnns, $2,00 :n advance; $2.25, naif yearly: and $2,50 if not paid bcfoie the end of the vear. (LT" V. li. Palmer, Esq., at this Real Estate and Coal Office. No. 59 Pine street, below Third, iwo squares S. the Merchants' Exchange, Phila., ;and No. 1(50 Nassau street, (Tribune buildings,) N. Y.,is authorised to receive subscriptions and advertisements for the Jcffcrsonian Republican, and give receipts ibr the same. Merchants, Me chanics, and tradesmen generally, may extend their business by availing themselves of the op portunities -for advertising in country papers which his agency affords. To all Concerned. We would call the attention of some'of our subscribers, and especially certain Post Mas ters, to the following reasonable and well set tled rules of Law in relation to publishers, to -the patrons of newspapers. THE LAW OF NKWSPAPERS. .1. Subscribers who do not gie express no tice to the contrary, are considered as wishing to continue their subscriptions. 2. If subscribers order the discontinuance of their papers, the publishers may coutintio to send them till all arrearages are paid. 3. If subscribers neglecf or refuse to take their papers from the officers to which they are directed, they are held responsible till they hare settled their bill, and ordered their papers utscontined. 4. If subscribers remove to other places with--uut informing the publishers, and their paper is sent to the former direction, they are held re sponsible. 5. The cotir! hare decided that refusing to 'take a newspaper or periodical from the olfice, or removing and leaving it uncalled for, is "pri :ma facie" evidence of intentional fraud. The Elections. The following Stales hare already held their 'elections for the choice of Presidential Elec Jors. Pennsylvania and Ohio, November 1st. New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Missis sippi, Arkansas, and Michigan, November 4lh. J"Jew York, Louisiana and Tennessee, Novem ber 5th. New Jersey, November 5th and 6ih. "The following States have not yet voted, but -will hold their elections on the days designa ted. Maine, Massachusetts, and Alabama, No vember 1 lh. Vermont and Delaware, Novem ber 12th. In South Carolina, the Legislature will choose the Electors on the lot of Decem ber. Monroe Count?. 'The -official vote for Electors in this County ib Polk 1806, C"lay 414, majority for Polk 1392. By this it will beeen, that although the Whig vote has been increased, still the -loco foco ma jority is 168 greater than it was at the Govern or's Election. Our friends are any thing but .satisfied with the manner in which the locos out1 their majority, particularly in several of ihe-townships, and aje convinced that if a fair chance had been shown them, ihe majority would have been at least 100 less. The man "ner in which the election was conducted in Stroud, and one or two other townships, was a burlesque upon popular suffrage. In several places, too, we are told there were more tickets in the boxes than names upon the lists of vo ters. Unless ihese evils are remedied for the fuiure, there will be but little use in holdino elections. We may as well let them lake as much majority as they ask for, without going through the forms of ballotting. Tbe Presidency. From present appearances the struggle for the Presidency will be very close, and the sue cess of either candidate will depend upon the vote of New York, where the election was held on Tuesday. It is possible that .Mr. Clay may, ;if be iias carried Virginia, receive a sufficient number of Electoral votes to elect htm, wiihout iNew York but this is very doubtful. All will therefore look with intense anxiety for the re turns from New York, and Virginia. Unless she eleciion should beiexpectedly close, we will be able to tell in our next who has-been the ucccBful candidate. ' The South. Our friends in tbSouth have been actively engaged in endeavoring to secure the triumph .of the Whig cause. They spoke confidently f carrying Georgia, Worth Carolina, Tennes ee, Louisiana and Mississippi. W hope they have done so. Indiana. Ourfrienils in Indiana boldly proclaim their ability to give tha, State trjMr. Clay, by 3 sure majority ranging ftora fire To m. ijwwsaad. "Pennsylvania. Election. The Presidential Election in this State, look place on Friday last, and was contested with uncommon spirit by both the great political par ties of the day. The vole of the whole State has not yet been received; but from the returns (hat are in, no doubt remains that the locos have carried it by about five thousand majority. The Whigs did their duty manfully. They have increased their vote in every county heard from, over that given to Gen. Markle on the 8ih' ult. Our defeat is entirely owing to the foreign vote, which went against us nearly unanimously. On the other hand, the vote of tho Native Amer ican Parly, was divided between the two can didates. Had their whole vote been cast for Mr. Clay, as we had a right to expect it would, it would have secured us the Slate. As it is we have lost it, through the united vote of the locos, naturalized foreigners, abolitionists, and a portion of the Native Americans. Here are the returns as far as received : Clay Polk. Markle. Shunk. Adams 725 2185 1848 Alleghany, 7796 5427 8105 5863 Armstrong, 1407 1980 Beaver 730 2730 2093 Bedford 160 3045 2884 Berks 4G78 3810 8316 Bradford 330 29B7 S525 Bucks 390 4801 5106 Butler 200 2197 2054 Cambria 969 1 129 Carbon 530 910 453 784 Centre 800 1786 2384 Chester 479 6139 5475 Clarion 793 1889 Clearfield 611 1009 Clinton 807 925 Columbia 1629 1593 3199 Crawford 2410 2990 Cumberland 37 2971 3008 Dauphin 897 3213 2352 Delaware 624 ' 2069 1493 Elk 103 132 Erie 3510 2207 Fayetta 410 2836 3304 Franklin , 636 3797 3211 Greene 970 1425 2255 Huntingdon 1700 4022 2630 Indiana 2098 1417 Jefferson 617 727 Juniata 141 1085 1188 Lancaster 4351 9513 5532 Lebanon 857 2478 1748 Lehigh 255 2143 2680 Luzerne 1252 2561 3649 Lycoming 650 1944 2600 McKean 307 416 Mercer 2765 2744 Mifflin 15 1506 1585 Monroo 414 180G 377 1601 Montgomery 4491 5594 4341 5394 Northampton 2776 3870 2155 3466 Northumberland 980 1498 2384 Perry ' 990 1316 2346 Philad. City 9317 5369 9282 5265 Philad. County 13972 134S2 14138 .12200 Pike 617 142 643 Potter 20 527 Schuylkill 847 2390 3217 -Somerset 1615 2450 922 Susquehanna 893 1495 2468 Tioga 1019 1975 Union 1050 2721 1777 Venango 200 873 1230 Washington 2901 3958 Warren 843 1107 Wayne 765 811 1553 Westmoreland 2300 2778 4704 Wyoming 48 754 808 York , 849 3802 4G9I 156114 160403 Pike County. The official vote in this County has not yet been received, but we are informed that Polk's majority is about 617, an increase of 116 over Shunk's majority. We learn that at least one hundred voters, nearly all locos, were absent down the Delaware with lumber, on eleciion day, and yet we have this large increase on us. We wonder if there was no pipe-laying going on. Can't some of our Pike county friends in form us ! NORTZfi CAROL, OA. Information reached Baltimore from Wash ington, yesterday afternoon, by means of Morses Telegraph, that Halifax and Northampton coun ties had given Whig majorties. Rhode Island. Providence gives Clay 981, Polk 355; Clay's majority 626. Clay's majority in the State is some 2,000 to 3,000. The Empire State Safe. Notwithstanding the immense number of for eigners who have been naturalized and ihe strenuous exertions used,and allowing of some 800 sailors and marines to vote, the result, as far as ascertained is favorable for the Whigs. The locos carried .the city and county of New York by the lean majority of 1700 We have heard from Kings, Queens, Westchester, Suf folk, and most of the River counties, which show a Whig gain over the vote of 1840; yes terday afternoon the locos at Tammany Hall gave up the stale, and pretty much the contest. If the Western part of the siate does as well in proportion to her former vole, as the river counties. Clay's majority will not fall much be hind that of Harrison's. Jerscyman, Nov. 7. '"" ' Virginia. But little has been heard from this State not enough to form any opinion a to ihe result. What we have is, however, favorable io the Whigs. Ohio Election. rri i- - . ' i ne Keturns from this Slate show a steady Whig gam as the counties are heard from : Counties. Clay. 330 1328 Polk Belmont, Clark, Columbiana, Coshocton, , Delaware, Fairfield, Franklin, Gallia, , - Guernsey, Harrison, Jefferson, Licking, Madison, Morgan, Muskingum, Perry, Pickaway, Union, Washington, Scioia, Huron, Warren, Butler, Montgomery,. Champaign, Greene, Hamilton, Knox, Miami, Clinion, Shelbv, Highland, Logan, Ross, Pike, Athens, Marion, Hocking, Crawford, Tuscarawas,. Carroll, - t 330 357 564 1097 469 678 116 - 291 27 313 668 28 1299 746 207 303 567 504 374 1052 - . 1398 288 662 1044 176 589 91,4 600 205 42 C75 963 172 595 35 646 500 381 115 3 iri 15433 7903 7903 7530 Being a Whig gain over the Governor's elec lion, in Ociober, of 3915. Additional We have the following, by way of Albany, N. Y. The increase in the Wes tern Reserve is even greater, in proportion, than otner parts- oi the btato ; Nov Oct. 8 Whig Cuyahoga, 895 Ashtabula, Lake, Geaugua, Lorain, Erie, Portage, 2134 836 1035 69 70 106 Majority for Clay, 5657 Gain since the October election, 512. 5145 CONNECTICUT. GLORIOUS ! THRICE GLORIOUS! ! We yesterday afternoon receired returns from Connecticut, which leave no room for a doubt that she has given her Electoral vole to HENRY CLAY by a majority of from 2,500 to 3.000! NEW HAVEN County gives the Whig E leciors a majority of 976. In April last Bald win's majority was only 349. WHIG GAIN 600. Middlebury remains to be heard from. She will increase the majority to 1000! HARTFORD, Our majority in this county FAIRFIELD. Whig majority 524-do in April 396 Whig gain, 128 ! In the Tenth District ihe Whig majority is 202 in April it was 14 gain JSS! In the Eleventh, the maj. for Clay is 23 ! The Whig gain in the two towns heard from tn Middlesex county, is 95 ! Litchfield County.- We have returns from only one town (Woodbury) which gives a loco majority of 29. Thus far the Whig gain is about 1 000 ! Some of the loco papers have claimed Connecticut ! Will they crow over these returns V-Forum. Whiff Victory in Maryland. Maryland comes to the contest most nobly Clay's majority in this stale is over 2,000. Not withstanding the damper that the result of the Pennsylvania elections had on the Whigs, they went into the battle with great spirit "and en thusiasm and came qui of the contest covered with honor. In Baltimore city Polk's majority i onl.C 480--being a Whig gain of 772 over the Gubernatorial election. Murd3ji by a Bot. The Grand Jury of this couniy, yesterday found a true bill against n boy named Sylvester Carver, who is not quite 13 years of age. It appears this lad deliber ately shot another lad at Sharpsburgh, some six miles distant, the other day with a pistol. It is a very singular case, as we have understood the particulars, which we refrain from stating as the irial is soon to take place. We do not remember lo have heard a like transaction. Bulletin. Lead and Wheat. A more than ordinary quantity of these I wo great Wisconsin si?nes will probably be shipped from our lake porls this fall. We h ave noticed within the "pai two or ihree weeks, a great number of teams and wagons, loaded with the products of ij,r miniim region, on their way by this place to Mllwauke; and we have no doubt that as grei, if not a greater ntimher find their way io Riciue And Soujhport. American Freeman, . 1. Whig. 1011 2261 - 857 1071 134 154 169 Vermont Election of a U. S. Senator. The Legislaiure of Vermont, after a protrac ted struggle, on Thursday a week, re-elected io the United States Senate for ihe lerm of six years from the 4th of Match next,the present incumbent, Hon. Samuel S. Phelps, of Middle burg. Morris Caual. We learn from the Newark'Daily Advertiser, that the Morris Canal was sold ai public auc tion in that city, on Wednesday a week, by Ira C. Whitehead, Master in Chancery, under degree of the Court of Chancery iu this State, at the suit of Wilhem Willink, Jr., representing the holders of the original Holland Loan. It was struck off to Asa Whitehead, John J. Bry ant, and Benjamin Williamson, Esqrs., all of Essex county, for one million of dollars. It is understood that a new company has been formed to revive, enlarge and proscuie the work, so that the trade from the coal regions of Pennsylva nia be direct to New-York rather than the cir cuitous route of Philadelphia. Esickwheat Cakes. As thisis the season for Buckwheat cakes, the following receipt will be valuable to those who are fond of them. A friend, who has tried the experiment, says it makes decidedly belter cakes, with half the trouble necessary in the usual mode of raising them with yeasi : To three pints of buckwheat flour, mixed in to a batter, add one teaspoonful of carbonate of soda, dissolved in water, add one ditto of tar taric acid, dissolved in like manner first ap ply the carbonate, stir the batter well, and then put in the acid thus ihe use of yeast is entire ly superseded, and cakes "as light as a feather" are insured. One great advantage is that the baiter is ready for baking as soon as it is made. The jETilleriSes in New Hampshire. We learn from the Boston Post, that ike Miller excitement is doing its wost among the people of the lower part of New Hampshire. In Kingston, Mr. A. N. Brown, publisher and printer, has become entirely insane. His bro ther, carried away by the delusion, has given up every tning like worK, believing it to be clinging to this world's things. A few days since he was about hauling a load of corn from his fields, when, seized suddenly with the above idea, he fell upon his knees and prayed to God to direct him how to act whether lo carry the corn to the barn or to leave it in the field the decision was in favor of the latter course, and it was accordingly dropped for the benefit of the cattle. Ihe believers of tbe pernicious doctrine in that section, generally, have almost entirely neglected to provide for future, wants apples ate rotting on the trees, and crops in he fields remain uuharvested. In Newington, ikewise, the fanaticism has made alarming pro gress. Wo nave yet to learn how jar the ex piration of the Miller "chronology" goes towards restoring these deluded people to their reason. fllnrder at a Wedding .TJarriase of lue dying Bridegroom! Mr. W. W. Rives, of Wilcox county, Ala bama, having recently won the affections, of a landsome young lady residing in that vicinity, Miss Sarah Tail, daughter of Captain J. A. I ait, the necessary arrangements were com pleted for their union, and he proceeded to her residence to have lha marriage ceremony per- ormed, and to celebrate their nuptials in a be- comma manner; but on arnvni" at Canlaiu Tail's dwelling, Mr. Rives and his friends were mei near the door by the Captain's son, Dr. Charles Tail, who took Mr. Rives aside for a private interview, while tho friend of the lat ter went inio the house. Young Dr. Tail im mediately commenced assaultii.g Mr. Rives with a cane, and on the latter defending him self, drew a revolving pistol and shot Mr. Rives through, the lower part of the stomach The murderer fled, it is supposed to the Eastern Slates. The unfortunate man was taken into the house, and died on ihe following Monday; his alUanced bride showing her love for him by having the marriage ceremony performed soon Iter the melancholy occurrence relaled above, oothihg him iu their deep affliction, and min istering to htm in his dyuis moments, as his wife! N. Y. Sun. liife and its Illusions. We furnish a house that our friends may cry out on our extravagance or bad tasle ; we give dinners, that our guests may hereafter find fault with our cook or our cellar; we give parties, that three parts of the company may rail at their stupidity ; we dr;ss, that our acquaintance may revenge themselves on our silks, bv findintr t w j j Q ault with our appearance ; we marry; if well, ao iiiieiuhi u uauiy, h was insanity; we die, and even itiat is our own fault ; if we had nit done so and so, or cone to Dr. such a one. ihe accident would not have happened. A man accepts a bill for his friend, who pays it ihe obligation is held trilling. What's in a name? He fails you have to pay it, and ev ery otto cries out against your folly. Oh, life! what enable us to surmount your obstacles to endure your disappointment; to believe your promises but your illusions ! A Relic. At Treves thr,v have Intel v ex hibited to the faithful, a "Jobe which they de clare to have been wnrr, by Je8Us Christ. This miracle has produced another. A lithographic primer at Mm liar, bought satin lo the amount of 20,000 franc , u, cul up jn iu0 b,St on cach of which is panted a. representation of this teU io. One s.ngle house has sold in three weeks 80,000 medal of the Virgin, another 52,000. The seamhoalshave transported 12.090 Dottnds weight of these, object aiuce ihe beginning of oeptetnuer, C IQilleritfm isavou ed. One evening last week, in the -MillprjIe Church, corner of Christie and Delaucy streel3 New York, Mr. Storrs publicly recanted hj, egregrious folly and madness in the matter 0f the second advent. He said, what indeed others beside his congregation had alreadr found out, he was deceived as to the day of ih'e second advent. He said he had been led astrav by excitement and deceived by :iksmerisji"j and now most penitently acknowledged bis manifold sins and wickedness. He now ex horted them lo slick io work, &c. Himes next took his stand in the confessional, and foroe. ting that he had been both the deceived ami deceiver, raicd the people pretty harshly fUf their infatuation, and urged them all to g home and to work, and stepped down from'thtt rostrum. Siorrs has also acknowledged Ihj error in the Midnight Cry. ITIillerism vs. Co in in on Sense. Among the many foolish freaks of Millerisrn one, circumstance is related as having occurred in this city, on the 23d, which resulted in conversion of al least one sister from Millerisn, to common sense. The story runs thus : Ths weak sisier, with her weaker spouse, had re paired to the graveyard, near Munjoy, to awa: ihe looked for moment; and while vvaitiii", ih fond husband proposed io his wife, (it seem she was a second wife. to assist him in ditir,. terring ihe body of his dear first wife, that .te too might accompany them upwards. The wile stared, and then pouting her lips at hi HI, says "No! if you want your old wife to with you, take her and be hanged; I won't jr., with her, that I won't." Whether he went i digging or noi, report saith not ; but the wav she dug for home, was a caution to all slow lo comotives, who were luckless enough to be u Ihe pave as she bustled by. The moral of th.i story we suppose to be this : If these geinlr- men want to be in peace, either goin or slav ing, they had betler be contented with wis wife -Maine Jirgus. 1J A Wild Pigeons. For two morning the Nashville Gazette of the 25th ult., tho .-kie have been literally hid from the view by ,m mense flocks of wild nitons so heavy ihal they can only be computed by square miles and acres, rowder and shot are m great dnnatid in consequence, and many an old fu-.ee m been put iu shooting order for the occasion. ITInrder of Joe Smith. The Court ol Quincy, Illinois, has commerc ed the investigation ol the murder of the .Mor mon leader and his companions. There la m little excitement on account of nn encampment of Mornions within a few miles of Carthage. The encampment is from 150 to 200 strong and the men are said to be armed. The Car thagenians are in the dark as to the object of ihe encampment, but if Gov. Ford were to or der out 25 or 30,000 men, armed and equipped,, he could probably bring about an explanation The Mormons say they are there by the author ity of ihe Governor. Near ihe Mormon en campment is a force of Indians, and their pur pose is also unknown. We suppose a littltt soap and water would take most uf the Indian off of them. S.vow. In Franklin, Venango comity, Fa there was snow to the depth of two or three inches, on Sunday morning, Sept. 29. The Venango Democrat says that it was still deep er in some places, and that many trees were broken down and others injured. Crops of buckwheat were prostrated. Shearing Lambs. The practice of shearing lambs is decme! one of iiuquelionable utility by most fanner; The following, from the Yankee Farmer ot 1840, contains some useful suggestions: TV shearing of lambs in this country is bui hiU practised, though the results of experiments ap- jfa pear to be favorable. It is reasonable to .'op pose that the wool wiU grow the faster after tit lamb is shorn. In culling the beard frequently its growih will bo promoted, and it is the satin with wool. With the strong reasons and fa vorable result in shearing lambs we sliouK think it advisable for farmers tn pursue the practice, or at least attend to it sufficiently " learn the effect. Let a numbor of lambs of equal size, ami with fleeces of equal quality, be selected l"C experiment; then shear one half the number and weigh the fleeces. Next year weigh tli" fleeces of the whole lot, and see what s tM difference, if any, in ihe weight and quality of wool, between those that wore shorn and ih j that were not. Shearing one half of a 1-tmW j and weighing the half fleece, and again thu 'x'1 half fleeces another year is a good way to juls of the utility or inutility of this method. r hope ibat many of our readers will make ex ! periments on this subject and let tin know o result. If shearing lumbs be profitable, then hiany fads ought to be deduced in favor, v order in encourage its general mumlm t"'U and if it is a bad practice it ought to 1h km,Mrlt and the bad effects clearly asceriaiued and g'v" en lo the public. The author of the Practical Fanner says tint he has known some persons in that State (Netf York) shear their lambs ; but he had never u,v it himself; he remarks that on general pritici j pies he thinks it a dangerous praciie and vfO j problematical whether under the most Uvorabld circumstances it can be profitable. He 5ives ! no reasons, and slates no facta to Mipport shnuld bo shorn the first year. A nnwr nrtiatn has nnnnared in Ganenr fMe I II ' r- I. . n .il kn v..!larl villi -Ill.lll HI" IlltllnCi, lam u u CAkci(riii 'u L pech bloom. It is shaped like the Cheuaug but has tho color of the old red suit. 9 PS 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers