The whole art ok Government consists in thc art op being honest.- Jefferson. v .'y NO, 26f; VOL 5. STROUDSB URG. MONROE COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1844. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY SCIIOCH & PEStSN. TERMS Two dollars per annum in advance Two dollars ,n a auaricr, half yearly and if not puid before the end of flip vcnr Two dollars and a half. Thocc who receive their iVviers by a carrier or stage drivers employed by the proprie tors, will be charged 37 1-2 cts. per year, extra. o papers discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at'llie option of the Editors. ...... M-iUbc inserted three weeks for one dollar : twenty-five cents fVr everv Subsequent insertion : larger ones in proportion. A discount will be made to yearly advertisers lEFAll letters addressed to the Editors must be post paid. " JOB PRINTING. ' uivn" a ccncral assortment oflarge elegant plain and orna "mental Type, we are prepared to execute every descnptiou.of Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, Notes, Blank Receipts, JUSTICES, LEGAL AND OTHER BLANKS, PAMPHLETS, &c. Trintcd with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms AT THE OFFICE OF THE Jcffersonian Republican. Knowing Folks. How wonilrnus wise aonte people are ! t How vast ihetr knowledge is ! They know ihe sun is not a star, Nor ihe moon a piece of cheese. They're very sure society Consists of various sects, And know ihat causes oftentimes Are followed by effects. They bore one with strange theories Of sciences occuil, t And know a process must be tried j To come to a result. J They tell you with a look profound Of course you must believe That often, in these wicked times, 1 Appearances deceive. They think consistency should mark j The ways of tho:e who teach; And think as who does not ? they should Practise as well as preach. They likewise have found out that he Who quotes much holy-writ, And wears a face as long 'a your arm, May be a hypocrite. They know good HeaT'ns ! what don't they know ? That honesty is care ; That virtue is not always found In maidens who are fair. In every matter, great or small,- What wisdom they display ; They'll swear, that, if the wind is right j 'Twill be a rainy day. And when a man in climbing falls And breaks his neck what then? . They know, as sure as eggs are eggs, . He wont climb there again. ( And when they hear a Yankee has Been kili'd in Greece or Rome, . They doubt not, he'd be living still, If he had staid at home. In short, they know quite erery thing That's sanctioned by the schools, Except one little item that Thems.eJr.eB are knowing fools. Ceming to the Point. William Smith, only brother of the Jate Mor mon prophet, has been preaching lately at New Bedford. The Bulletin says he concluded one of his discourses in the following emphatic words i " Brethren, I will say here, for the credit uf the audience, thai at our last meeting I collected some two dollars, while at the same 'ime the expenses of the hall were six dollars. Nw, 1 wish in all Miherr.ess to assure you, my dear friends, of one solemn truth, and that is, 'hat rather than pay ajl expense, preach for nothing and find myself into the bargain, will see the whole generation damned jirst." A Hard Jf aster. Thomas Litchfield, a hired eran, com plained against his maer, Mr. Chambers, of Wcllinsborough, for ihe non-payment of wages due him up to the time he left. ' He gem me such funny jobs.' paid Litch field, 'such as standing on a pate post to white wash the moon wiih a put of blacking; at.ano 'her lime to fetch a load of clouds to Inter the horse?. He tell'd me the other Sunday when I wanted my dinner, to cut a bath brick into mutton chops, and fry them in a four wheel wagnii at Vishuvioiis, It ain'i likely I can do hem there conjuration tricks..' The complaint wai dimnissed, and .Litchfield was ordered to return, to his wxwk. Thc next Legislature. Tho following is a list of the members elect, of the next session of the Legislature, to com mence at Harrisburg, January, 1845. Those in Roman are Locofocos those in italics are Whigs those marked with a star are new members those with a dagger f are Native Americans : Dist. SENATE. 1. Philadelphia City William A. Crabb, Charles Gibbons. 2. Philadelphia County. John Foulkrpd, James Eneu, Jr., 'Oliver P. Cornuiarf.f 3: Montgomery. John B. Sierigero. 4. Chester and Delaware. Joseph Bailey. 5. Berks Samuel Fegely. 6. Bucks Henry Chapman. 7. Lancaster & Lebanon-Benjamin Champ neys, Levi Kline. 8. Schuylkill, Carbon, Monroe and Pike Geor"e Halm. 9. Northampton and Lehigh J.K.Heckman. 10. Susquehanna, Wayne, and Wyoming W. H. Dimmick. 1 1. Bradford and Tioga. Daniel L. Sher wood. 12. Lycoming, Clinton, and Centre Joseph F. Quay. VS. Luzerne and Columbia. Wm. S. Rops. 14. Northumberland and Dauphin Jesse C. Horion. 15. Mifflin, Juniata, and Union Henry C. Eyer. 16. Perry and Cumberland. William B. Anderson. 17. York Adam Ebattgh. 18. Franklin and Adams Thomas Carson. 19. Huntingdon and Bedford John Morri son. 20. Clearfield, Indiana, Cambria, and Arm strong William Bigler. 21. Westmoreland and Somerset John Hill. 22. Fayette and Greene Chatles Black. 23. Washington Walter Craig. 24. Allegheny and Butler Charles C. Sul? livan, George Darsie. 25. Beaver and Mercer Rnbert Darragh. 26. Crawford & Venango. Mantes P. Hoo ver. 27. Erie William R. Rabbit. 28. Warren, Jefferson, Clarion, Potter and M'Kean William P. Wilcox. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Adams. James Cooper. Allegheny- T. F. Bingham, John Riddh, Alexander Hilands, Fauntley Muse. Armstrong Findle)' Patterson. Bedford William Bishop, John Metzger. Beaver Thomas Nicholson, J. T. Cunning ham. Bradford John Elliot, Ira Wilson. Bucks. William M. Armstrong, Michael Worman, Robert James. Butler Joseph Cross. Berks Henry W. Smith, Jacob Ticc, Mi chael Hoffman, James Hunter. CrawfordAlexander Power, JosephGray. Centre and Clearfield Lewis W. Smith, J as. Burnside. Chester Jesse C. Dickey, Robert Parkc,Wil Ham Price. Columbia Thomas G. Funsion. Cumberland Jacob Week, James Kennedy. Cambria Michael D Mageelian. Delaware John Larhin, Jr. Dauphin John C. Kunkcl, John C. Harper. Erje D. Dunlap, Mark Baldivin. , Franklin Jasper E. Brady, Andrew Snively. Fayette James'C. Cummings, John Morgan. Green Maxwell M'Caslin. Huntingdon R. A. M'Murtrie, H. Brewster. Indiana John M'Farland. Jefferson, Clarion and Venango-James Dow hng, Robert P. Barber. Lebanon John P. Sanderson. Lehigh and Carbon James R. Struihers, Jesse Samuels. Luzerne Win. Merrifield, Jas. S. Campbell. Lancaster Abraham Ilerr Stnith. Theodore D. Cochran, Benjamin Herr. Joseph Paxson. Lycoming, Clinton, and Poller A. A. Stew art, John Smythc. xMifllin James Burns. Montgomery Henry Doits, Benj imin Hill," B. F. Uallnwell. Mercer William "Porter, David Sankcy. Northumberland E. Y. Bright. Northampton and Monioe Jas. Vliet, John Jacoby, Rudolphus Smith. Perry Thomas O'Bryan. Philadelphia Cy-Thomns G. Conner, CJias. B. Trego, Isacc Hazzlthurst, James Bayard, John Gilder. Philadelphia County fD. G. Walton, f Wil liam L. Banning, fJoseph H. Anier, fH. A. Salter, fJacob S. Hoffman, fFranklin L.Jones, fWilliain Hollingshead, fjoseph S. Brewhter. Schuylkill James Taggart, George Boyer Somerset Michael Zimmerman. S'quehuona and Wyoming' Lewis Brush, Thomas Morely. Tioga George Knox, Washington Daniel XUartJohn Mdoy. WeHmoreland Israel Pamier, J.M.Burrell, Henry M'Bride, Warren and M'Kean Rasselas Brown. Wayne and Pike Richard Eldred. Union and Juniata- Tohn Hall, John Adams. York Sam'l N. Bailey, Stephen M'Kinley, John Keller. RECAPITULATION. Loco. , Whig. Native. Senate ' 21 , 11 I House of Rep. 52 40 8 73 51 9 Apples as Food for' Animals. Apples, when ripe, afibrd more or less nutri ment to the animals. Sweet apples are gener ally supposed to be tho most nutricious, though we are not certain that the supposition is cor rect. Our fathers and grandfathers held that sweet apples would fatten hogs; but in latter j'ears, it has been proved that hogs will fatten upon apples that are not sweet. A hog is naturally an epicure (we don't say an epicure is a hog) and when left 10 himself, is a pretty good judge of what is best. Ob serve, then, .what are his natural habits. Put him in an orchard wheie there are various kinds of apples, and see how lie will work, or rather how he will cat. He will always select the most palatable apples he will not confine him self to one kind, nor to sweet apples alone; but will go over the orchard and pick out the choi cest fruit, always choosing that which is in iuch a state of ripeness that its qualities are nearest perfection. Like the boys, his regular haunts are the "best trees," whether the apples are sweet or pleasantly t.our; but he never eats a crab apple, or an unripe one, unless forced by hunger. We should therefore infer from the natural habits of the hog, that if we wish to ob tain the greatest thrill from him when feeding on apples, it is best to feed him partly with those which may be. called sub-acid. When hogs or cattle are being fed principal ly on gtain, their appetite, health and thrift, will be found much improved by a small allowance of raw apples, occasionally. As a regular food for hogs, the value of apples is undoubtedly much improved by cooking, either by steaming or boiling. If they are to be fed by themselves, steaming is probably best. But it is believed that the most judicious way is to boil or stew them thoroughly, and mix with them while hot, a portion of meal. This checks the laxative nature of the apple, imparts additional value, and causes the food lo be retained in tho stom ach and intestines a sufficientlengili of time for ihe whole nuniineni 10 be extracted. The meal may be made from Indian corn, rye, barley, buckwheat or oats and peasi We think we have never seen hogs fatten faster, than when fed on the following kinds and portions of food, viz: a bushel of potatoes and t bushel of apples boiled together, and when sufficiently soft, a peck of oai and pea meal stirrid inio them, hav ing ihe mixture when cold, about the consis tency of good stiff mush, or ''hasty pudding." The pork was solid, sweet and good. Some experiments made several years since by Payne Wingate, Esq. of Haliowell, Maine, a very close and acctiraie observer, showed thai apples were worth more than potatoes for fattening hogs, es pecially when both were cooked and mixed with an equal portion of meal. Apples are also excellent for cattle. We have repeatedly wit nessed their effects in the thrift and smooth ness of tho coals of cattle to which they were fed at the rate of about a peck per day, during the winter. Fed regularly, in this quantity, they increase the quantity and richness of'lhe milk of cows, while the condition of the animal is likewise improved. It is the opinion of some very judicious farm ers, that a given quantity of ground will afford more nutriment for any kind of stock, when appropriated to apple trees, than when devoted to any other crop. Our own experience inclines us to favor this conclusion, and we think our friends, who for the promotion of temperance, have cut down their orchards, have shown a " zeal" not according to knowledge" They seemed not to be aware that the samo substan ces which produced the deleterious effects that they desired to avoid, might be converted into wholesome and pubstunual articles of human sustenance. Albany Cultivator. ' 1 sav boy. whose horse is that you're ri din?' 'Why, it's daddy's,' 'Who is your daddy?' 'Don't you know? Why, Uncle Peie Jone.' ' So yon are tho mui of your under ' Why yes I calculate I am. You see, dad got to be a widower, and married mo ther's bister; so. I reckon he's my uncle?' ' Boy you are not fur removed from a fool.' ' Well, as we ain't more than ihree feel apart, I think just as you say.' ' Good morning.' 4 Good morning. You didn't como it that time, stranger.' Films. Perhaps all readers do not know the easiest, as well as the most effectual reme dy for removing a film from the eye of an ani mal, It is simply to apply rt teaspoonftil iff moja.vcs on the' eye-ball. 1 have relieved ox mi. horses, cows, and bjiocp, in this manner, mhI know of uu otlu'r equal to it. Clenburn New Orleans Guessing: InslStiite. A seedy son of New England found himself, recently, all alone, unknown, and "hard up," in New Orleans. Of course he soon set nbout guessing some way to get qui of the scrape ; and, before he had quite whittled his slick away, he became absorbed in the inception of a grand thought. It seems, sitting down to guess, his astute brain made a plunge, at once, among the metaphysical and scientific ramifi cations of guessing; and, not long after, he might havu been observed, with a sober sort ol twinkle in his eye, marching off along tho " Levee," apparently looking for a hcuise to let, humming Yankee Doodle ! come along ! When fortune falls distressing, There's nothing like a Yankee aongj And scientific guessing Early next day, our hero and another odd; looking genius were seen on a ladder, nailing up a broad strip of canvass ail across the front ofahottse on the Levee; and the job being completed, ihero was displayed, in (laringi sprawling, struggling, broken-backed, decapita ted, knock-need, round-shouldered, bow-legged, limping letters, Roman, German, Hebrew, cal igraphic, chirographic, Arabian, Armenian, and Pothook-ian : NU ORLEENS GESSING INSTITOOT. Gessixg Taut In one Lessen: Only 20 Five cents. The thiitg produced a sensation, at once; among sailors, pedlers, Levee laborers, and all sorts of stragglers. Our Professor borrowed an old rotten awning, hung it up, and divided his room in two, put his assistant at the door lo take in quarters, turned a tin cup msiae down on the middle of an old rickety table, goi a vial of vinegar, pot of tar, a bottle of whiskey, and various other well-known odoriferous affairs ar ranged around him ; and, with a black skull cap on his head, and .1 red stick in his hand, he made no bad splurge" at the represeaenia tion of a modern Faust. Madame Ludwig might have taken a lesson from him, (" you un'stand me now?") and Herr Alexander should have seen him. He drew a mystic ring on the ceiling, with charcoal, filling it up with most indescribable " curlecues," right over the table, and business soon commenced. In straggled an open-mouthed enquirer after the myhteries of guessing. " Strainer, good morning ; walk up and pro scribe vourself as a true enquirer after the ir revelaiions of Gesscology. Put your left hand upon the converted tin cup. Very well. Lift vour right hand to ihe ceiling, and fix your eyes upon the magic circle. So. Now, if you wink or remove your eye, you'll ruin the hull business, stranger ; so, jest hold still. Now 1 percede to pervoke the guessing sperit to de scend u'pon'you. What is this 1 hold under your nosoV' "Vinegar." Crimini jingo! you lam fait ! what's this ?" " Thai's tar." " Right again, my pupil ; what's this?" " Brimstone. ' ' Good ; you onvelope the faculty raaly ama zing ! Can you guess what ihis is ?" " Whiskey, by thunder !" "All creation! how quick you take it! arc you sure its whiskey?" " Sure ? well, I reckon !" " You'd better taste it and see. Is it whis key ?" Well, it is." " Take a good swig, then ; you'll do stranger; you're ready to graduate. Come in, next. Hal lo ! mister, don't take that bottle away." One after another, as fast as he could dis pose of them, the Professor found his custom ers sideling half shyly in upon him all day long, and when, now and then, one would exhibit a belligerent spirit, between good humor and whiskey, the New England Magician still man aged to send him off satisfied. Every body coming out was questioned by the eager crowd in wailing, as to " what sort of a show it .was, anv how ?" and the answer was pretty general ly "tho same " First rate, and no mistake, and tho last experiment is worth half the money !" The Professor counted hi receipts that night, finding a round sum 10 help him on West ; sold his " institooi" for a premium to his enterprising assistant, and the next morning he was off, jingling the silver in his pocket and blessing devoutly the benefits of science! Papa, what does the editor lick his Price Current with?' " ' Whip it? Ho don't whip it, my child. Then he lies, pa.' t ' Hush, Tom, that's a very naughty word. Well, by George! this ere papesays, 'Price Current carefully corrected' and I guess when I gets corrected, I gets licked hey, don t I? 4 Nujf sed, my son.' " Waiter, whai'soup is this?" . "Turtle, sir." " Whv, it's very ihiu; ii hasn't been hair boil, ed." " "Oh, yes sir, it was on the firo all night." "ThMi what makes it so meagre and las'le so queer?" " Why, sir, to toll you iho truih, iho turtle was sickly. n ... PENNSYLVANIA. Official. IS 10. 1844. Harrison. Vanlluren. Markle. . Shunlc. Adams 2,453 1,628 2185 lrtt. Alleghany, 7,620 4,573 8105- 559rT.i Armstrongs 1,200 1,714 1407 19S(?-. Beaver 3,143 1,7! 0 2730 2003 ' Bedford 2.U10 2,440 3045 2dai- Berks 3,585 7,455 3810 b3WiA Bradford 2,631 2,844 - 207 . 5J!ip Bucks 4,705 4,488 48.01 51U!i Butler 2,100 ' i,8d; , 2107 205 i Cambria 811 920 000 hIm Carbon (new county) 453 - - f7U Centre 1,448 2,212 17df, .231 Chester C,624 4.8S2 G13'J 547 Clarion4 648 1,360 793 ' l$8y Clearfield 490 812 Oil JOUU, Clinton G38 610 807 'W Columbia 1,325 2,820 1593 3100 Crawford 2.169 2,908 2 110 . 2!)0o Cumberland 2,701 2,605 2071 3H0H Dauphin 3,124 2,137 3213 235 Delaware 2,031 1,335 2060 14y.; Elk (new county) 103 f3J Erie 3,636 2,061 3510 22hT Fayette 2.755 3.035 2S3B 33u Franklin 3,580 2.802 3 797 321 1 Greene 1,350 2,010 1125 ; 2255 Huntingdon 3,826 2,206 ,4022 S63t Indiana 1,053 1,200 2003 t l"4l7f Jefferson 476 502 617 72TT Juniata 970 1,043 1035 lltf Lancaster 9.678 5,470 9513 5'53i Lebanon . 2,370 1.402 2478 1713 Lehigh "; 2,405 2,450 2443 ;26S0 Luzerne 2,776 4,110 2561 Lycoming 1,504 2,181 1044 2600 McKean " 263 276 307 416 Mercer 3.247 2,336 2765 2744 Mifflin 1.226 1,269, 1506 15S5 Monroe 345 1,437 377 1601 Montgomery 4,068 4,S6i' 4341 .5304 Northampton 2,816 3,S38 2455 3466 Northumberlandl,35l 2,187 1408 2384 Perry 1,072. 1,070 . 1316 2246 Philad. City 7,655 4,774 9282 5265 Philad. County 10,160 13,303 14138 12200 Pike 135 524 142 643 Potter 180 363 0 527 Schuylkill 1,881 2,184 2300 3217 Somerset 2,501 755 2150 922 Susquehanna 1,560 2,022 1405 216B Tio"a 896 1,721 1010 1075. Union 2,423 1,518 2721 1777 Venango 855 1,276 873 1230 Washington 4,149 3.611 3901 3053 Warren 827 929 S13 HOT Wayne 675 1.188 811 1553 Westmoreland 2,778 4,704 2778 4701 Wyoming (new county) 754 803 York 3,792 4,3S2 3802 4601 144,019 113,676 156114 160103 Important Discovery. Major Clfase, Superintendent of ihe fortifica tions along the Gulf of Mexico, has made a very important discovery, and is about 10 ob taiu a patent for it. He has discovered a mode of making a composition, which he styles "Ar gillous Mastic," and which is said to bo deci dedly superior to any other known cement. It is composed of Mineral Tar, a mastie found m the Sessyl rocks of Switzerland, Escambiau Clay, and pulverized Sand Stone of Black Wa ter and Perdiuo, which latter contains a reit oxide of iron. Experiments are about to bi made which will determine whether mastics of a more domeslic origin and lesi cost may not be used in the place of the Mineral Tar. Th&j. materials are mixed in a kettle over a hot fire in variable proportions, according 10 the ser vice required, and are slewed until the cooking is completed. It is applied with hot trowcU. When taken from the kettle the mixture is per fectly vieldinir. but it loses this property in - C ' about half a minute, hardening under the hot tost sun. It may be made hard enough to emit sparks when struck with a steel, or pliant enough lo receive the impression of a boot on a warm day. It may be prepared so as 10 pos sess expansion and contraction, or without this properly, just as is most desirable. Its adhe rence to brick, when clean and dry, is equal n that of cement ; it clings to iron with such! te nacity that one man is required to clean "tlio trowels used by another in applying it; its- ad herence to wood is equally as great, it is inso luble in water, and will not burn. It is -believed, too, to be free from attrition. Tho -as-phaliic covering, which is the only composition now used, having the same object as the " A'r jrillous Mastic." costs per square yard, half,an inch thick, from $1,50 to $2, whilst ihe,amo quantity of the latter mastic costs 50 cnt. The nw substance will prove invaluable as ;i covering for roofs, lessees and side walks, si. lining for cisterns and cellars, and as a cheap and efficacious covering for piles, as it not unlp resists the worm, but preserves the wood. A Disconsolate House. A. man being nk ed by his neighbor how his wife did, made ihm t"k III answer. tuueeu, iiuis""1'' p u- ful : mv wife fears n'h'e will die, f.ud I fear h.i will not, which triakes a disconsolate 'house-" At a Sundav school examination, a. few days aoo, a little girl being asked by hercatechizer, "What is the outward, visible sign or torm ta baptism ?' innocently xeplted'ipleeisti, th baby. a .v-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers