JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN. . ft!-. fdowroc County Election ISetdrns. Official. Townships- Sirouil Hamilton l,ocr Smithfield Middle Smiihfield Chesiuuhill Pocono Ross Price Tobvhanua Jgcksou iauli 152 43 47 . - 5 ,4. . - - 52 v.- .23 ;" ' 13 A A 14 Polk. 241 297. 197 274 236 106 172 83 34 68 93 1806 414 1392 T!ie neutral Ledger, and other Democratic papers, now thai the election is ovor in this .State, boldly avow their principles in favor of free Trade Mow will this suit the views of the laboring classes of manufacturers in our vi cmiiy, many of whom have, by a course of the ixildttM falsehoods, been perflated to cast their MjfTrages for Mr. Polk and Mr. Dallas. We av litis, not that we are opposed to Democra cy as it ought to be honetly expressed hut determined to mil our veto on all hum- " v bip Whigs or Democrats, who attempt to in- leiiere with the honest expression of the elee- ...niiriiiiiiuc ikf L'tlti 1 ti ft 7") ml if Aniti I " i Vermont. I ho Legislauiro of tins Slate u i u )! , r 'pi.. i..-t iiiiiiiriiirii tin 1 1 1 it .i i :m. in i L:iii!iFi- i nil srri OII1I1II1II.U W II 3 I l& I U llll till. A tX . i llllUJUVf II. made a report, concluding with re.oIutions pro- . .i . .. . . . . i i i .!. ..r iv ...u:i I'HIIIM I ll; clllll U.(1I1U1I III 1 CAil. t.llltll W C U ..i ion . ,10 tu.. hat the tariff of 1842 has nroved hiohlv bene- , o j t. .t l .rtTr . l L i iu l lie cui ic ill l llllllilll. tvtia ciuiiuicu. I ' 1 to 1.1. l ne resolution declaring tnat the I. r.i. i. .fit. t.i: iisi i nun li j ii til (lie nuuecua in inu iiiiiiiiu idiitia i uue as an aci ui iusiilh in nits oiaies. auu r.. .u r .1. .. eresaarv nil nie uermdiif.ncv in nit; nrcuecii u ... .. .1 . . i i i n . . e i i : ... 1 ; ' 1 O ts .. ...i....: i St. Augustine, Florida, is by more than 40 .1 .11... . r .i. ti .1 o.. LUt .1 tUC W II ill lll U llllyU I J J. louses in it are vet standing, which are said n i:ivp hen built manv vears befciro Viroinia i - t Thrilling Oratory. They have some brave orators in hoosier- r IIP iMlmitririrr vnopl mnn nl Inlttr-nnH httrninrr a "II . nifiiiTi" iv iii men v 'Americans! This i a great country wide ,....t :.. U i i ; ' -i r... 1 1' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i vi riMkiiiiMti ifi rJ.nnnT1' 'j i i .-fini ri America to occupy the Russian possessions, 1 - i ii ncrniTi in rjTMVfr nncciwcmn n inner irii. a - j y ecn Colonies won from the French on the 1 . i . t i ii - i ii iams ni - urnnnin nil v i ir n nil i tr niira i r-r.n- uptj. uura is a grcai and growing country. '.mpiill f-Tatl Ttr'ta Ifc r-iftln 1...ttnt ttrliar will ;h iriiinri innnnr atiniiftn rm its r r rn n r ."v ii . t - . . . . . . 1 IlllKl Wjlor ntll xtl lllu lllotitlfi (lan ovtfl llu ...J I I er i m . inline. rtim vri niRr rn na5 rari"i' v wrnwn ' . 1 ' J o IIII III I n rrriklla f ttAftltmirl Uarf s Ltuopel bue is no whar ; homing; a cir- uuiMance, a cvpner; a mere onsoiete taea.- arer creelis, bigger plantations, belter mill r .nn .... . i. . . i i i . i . u. 11 II IT Urn t. m hi nH a.i..HtA. n . r . kn WHO DOUBTS of lEinm I .1 r . f v 1 That they can get higher prices for all kinds f produce, and buy Lumber cheaper, at Mil ord than in anv other market in this section of j ... 1 ! ! I M i r . I i. A . . . I I I . . .. 1. I i a ne si Usui ue s lidii; uii iiunu aiiu "r sale at their yard in Milford 50,000 feet White Pine J3oards,S9 to 311 00 Hemlock 44 G50 to 7 00 Pine Siding, 6 00 to 12 50 Sap Yellow Pine " 8 00 to 9 00 Heart 44 14 4U 00 to 12 00 Panel boards, Ceiling Lath, Ptne Shingles, 4 50 to 800 ALSO About , 10,000 feet White and Yellow Ptne Boards at Shoholy Fall's Mills; for sale at prices to suit the times. Call and satisfy yournelves. C. W. HeWITT Ar. RROTHFR. tiir....i t- . . uec. 14. 184. 50.000 40.0M0 20,000 20.000 3,000 20,000 20 nnn - vy NEW TAILOItirV "' ESTABLISHMENT. The subscriber would respectfullv inform the citizens of Siroudsburg, and the public general ly , uiai no nas commenced the Tailoring Business at his residence in Jacksonville, one door above Robert Boys' store, where ho is fully prepared and determined to execute all articles in his line of business, with neatness and despatch. The public may rest assured of being as well suited as to prices and good fits, as they can be in any other establishment in Siroudsburg, or in any City, as he has done business in the first shops in New York and a number of other Ci ties, and has a thorough knowledge of all the rarious styles and changes of fashion. EMANUEL PECK. N. B. Coifing done at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms, and warrant ed to fit if made up properly. He will also give directions for making up if required. He therefore flatters himself that by strict attention to his business he will receive a share of pub lic patronage October 17, 1844. NOTICE Is hereby given to all persons indebted to the estate of Peter Kester, late of Hamilton town ship, deceased, either by note, hook account or otherwise, that the subscriber will attend to the settlement of the same at the residence of the late Peter Kester, from the 4th to the 9th of November next; and that unless fcaid accounts are settled and paid by that time, the same will be immediately thereafter placed in the hands of a Justice of the Peace oi othor officer for collection. FERDINAND KESTER, Admr. Hamilton tsp., Sept. 19, 1844. To Coassatry Mecliasats. In store, Foreign and American Broad Cloths and Cassimeres, of the various descriptions adap ted to the approaching season, among which are twilled and fisured Cloths and Cassijierzs for Sack and Over coals. Also, new style and plain SAtixetts and Cloakixcs, together with an assortment of Pad dings, Silesias. Canvass, Serges, Hollands, Twist, Sewing Siik, Bindings and other trim mings used by Tailors. Also, Black Satins, plaid, Figured and Plain Silk Velvets, Woolen Velvets, and other new style of Vestixgs. Our assortment is extensive and terms rea sonable. LIPPINCOTT & PARRY, Dealers in Cloths, Cassimeres, &c, No. 57, North Second street, Philadelphia. 9th mo. 2d, 1844. 2m. NOTICE. Csttc of IKarsaret Thomas, Bec'd. Letters of Administration on the estate of,j Margaret Thomas, late of SmtUifielil township, Monroe count, having been granted io the sub scribers, they request all persons having claims or demands against said estate to present the same without delay, and all persons indebted are requested to make immediate payment. "r?1 n nrT Administrators JAMES BELL, Jr. j Experiment Mills, Sept. 5, 1844. Gt. LOOK AT THIS! The undersigned, not being prepared to car ry Wool from the houses of his friends-, takes this method of informing the public generally, hat he will CARD all Wool brought io hfs machines, for TWO cents per pound and ii will be done with neatness and despatch. N. B. Wool and Cloth will be taken in at R. S. Staples & Co.'s store, Siroudsburg, and re turned to the same place. JOHN P. QUICK, At Kellcravillo. Hamilton tsp., July 2, 1844. TO C0INTR . MERCHANTS. The Subscribers respectfully invite Country Merchants who are about to purchase Fall and Winter Supplies, to an examination of their re spective Stocks, believing that their several as sortments are as complete as have ever been of fered in the Philadelphia Market. With Stocks of Goods in their several Depait ments of the choicest kinds a determination to sell on terms which cannot fail to prove satisfac tory and a disposition to please old and new cus tomers, will, we hope, be a sufficient inducement to purchasers to call at our respective establish ments. Silks and Fancy Goods. W. & R. P. Remington, 80 Market street. jshhurt & Remington, 50 Buck & Potter, 116 Yard & Gillmore, 109 Domestic and Foreign Dry Goods. Reynolds, McFarland & Co. 105 Market street. Burnett, Withers & Co. 120 Scott & Baker, 150 Wise, Pusev & Wise, 154 Hardy & Hackers, 40 N. Second st. Importers of Cloths, Cassimeres, U tl (I U (I 41 it 11 It cstinss. etc. 147 Market street. 108 EXECUTORS' NOTICE Police is herehr oiven ilmi oil noNimi in. uiicKawaxen township. Tike. county, de- are hereby requested to make payment "1'iieihately to the subscribers, to whom leltesr I IQI .. .. . I . . V ""H P' flpittanlu '- "I'Mfiil r.wl .1. ... i" . i . I I. - .,um.0 uiriii Humeuiaieiy, uuiy au '"'"icatPd furtilemeni. BENJAMIN H. ROSE, ) ALBERT J. HOLBERT. Executors- . . i THRU jx"" 'P- April G, 1844. fli. BLANK DEEDS For sale at this office. WOOL CARDING, Weaving, Spinning, Fulling and Dressing of CLOTH. The Subscriber, thankful for past favors, re spectfully informs his friends andf-the public generally that he still continues at the former stand of Mr. John Keller, near Kelletsville, and that he has now commenced and is ready to carrv on the above business in all its various branches. As he has new Fulling Stocks, Shearing Machines and additional Cards, and by doing good work and strict attention to bus-inis-s he hope's to merit a continuance of the public patronage. itlasaruracto'iiag, &c. will be done from-10 to 15 cents per pound. N vV)jl 'w'" ue sPln unless carded i oy me suos. .u , , ...u ..u- ad Goggles for weak eyes. I...C. An.,1..r i 'irMiriir will h lmir al lht' oa J DIIUIO 1 dlUllI'.. vm ..... v low price of cents per pound. Wool will be received iri the fleece and manufactured in to Cloth, Satinet, &c. at tho following prices, viz,: 212 Market street. 213 1-2" "87 . . 51 15 " 40 " " William IT. Love, Lambert Duy, Hardware and. Cutlery. Michael V. Baker, 315 Market street. Edward S. Handy & Co. 8 Importers and Manufanturers o' Saddlery Hardware. Horn & Kneass, " 2 15 Market street. Boots, Shoes, Bonnets, Caps, Leg horn and Palm Hats, 5jc. W. E. & J. G. Whelan,, 158 Market street. Levick, Jenkins & Co. 150 M Conrad & Co. 60 41 41 iUUllUlttlUl U1U1 XOU1VIO 111 ilUgO, Medicines, Paints, Oils, &c. ' Tiiomas P James; Potts,-Linn & Harris, Robinson, Collins & Co Edward Cole, Thompson, Pancoast & Co Hats, Caps, Furs and Trimmings. L Kenton, 17G Market sttect. John Sauerbier & Brother, G2 " ' Books and Stationary. Grigg & Elliott, 9 N ."Fourth at. Hogan & Thompson, 30 do do Importers of British and French Fan cy and Staple Stationary. L I Cohen & Co . 27 S. Fourth st. Henry Cohen, 3 do do Importers of Hosiery Gloves, Trim mings and Fancy Goods. Setley & Sevening, 23 N Third st. Parker & Lehman, 3 do do Combs, Brushes, Brooms, Sjc. Thomas Cooper, 3 N Front st Importer of Toys. Fancy and Staple Goods.' A F Ott Monrose, 16 South Fourth Street Manufacturer of Patent Lard Lamps. Ellis S Archer, 32 N Second street Manufacturer of Patent Floor and Furniture Oil Cloths. Isaac Macauley, Jr. 6 N Fifth street Manufacturers and Importers of Pa per Hangings. Howell & Brothers, 80 & i42 Chesnut street August 22, 1841. 6m." prices current; Time! Time! ! Time!!! Clock and Watch Maker. STUOUDSBURG, PA. Has just relumed from the city with a new assortment of Goods in his Hue, and of fers them a little lower than can be had elsewhere, for cash. Having adopted the cash system, and by turn ing goods and work into cash, he can put them very low Particular attention paid to repairing clocks, watches, music boxes, jewelry, &c. CEiOCKS. Brass eight day Clocks for $10 00 Do ono 44 do $0 to 7 00 Wood do do 3,50 to 4 00 Warranted good lime keepers, for 1 year, if they should not perform well no charge will be made for repairing them. WATCHES Patent Lever, Lepine, English and French Waichesj for sale very low according to quality. SPECTACLES. A good assortment always on hand to suit anv aye. bilver, Meet, and common bpecks.. Corrected every Wednesday rnornxn. ARTICLES. Wheat Flour, per barrel Rye. db. do. do. Wheat, per bushel Rye, do. do. v v Sole Leather per pound Corn per bushel Buckwheat, per bushel Clover Seed per bushel . Timothy Seed per bush. Barley do. Oats do. Flax Seed do. Butter per pound Eggs, per dozen . Plaster per ton Hickory wood, per cord Oak, do. do. Mackerel, No. 1 Do. do 2 Potatoes, per bushel Strouds- Eastern. Piula burg. 4 75 4 50 4 00 3 50 3 25 2 87 90 87 90 .62 70 64 25 21 25 . 50' 48 47 50' - 0 00 5 00 4 00 2 25 3 50 3 00 40 40 50 25 . 30 33 1 25 1 40 1 47 12 12 12 10 10 10 4 00 3 00 2 25 5 00 4 50 2 00 4 00 4 25 15 00 12 00 10 00 12 50 10 00 8 00 40 30 BANS NOTE JLIST. corrected weekly for the jeScrsonlaa Republican. The notes of those banks on wirier quotations are omitted and a rlash(- Substituted, are not purchased by the brokers. PiiS:isylTas:ia. ;Wcst 3mrich bank 7 riiiladelphia ban, parPittsburi' 1 lian of North America, do Vtynesburg I Farmers' tt Mechanics do RiowneSviUe 1 Western bank do Eric bank 1 Southwark ban do Derks county bank Kensington ban do',Tovanda do Bank of Northern Liberties do Relief Notes 9 Mechanics' Hank Commercial Bank Bank of Penn Township Manufacturers' Mech'ns Moyamensing bank United States bank Girard do Pennsylvania bank Bank of Germantown Bunk of Montgomery co. Bank of Delaware county Bank of Chester county Doylestown bank Fanners' hank of Bucks Easton bank Farmers' bank of Reading Lebanon bank Harrisburg bank Middietovvn bank Farmers' bank Lancaster Lancaster bank Lancaster countv bank Northampton bank Columbia Bridge Carlisle bank Northumberland bank .Miners bank of Fottsvillo York bank Chambersbnrg bank Gettysburg bank Wyomins - do Konesdalc do Bank of Lewiftown Bank of Susquehanna co do do do do fiew York. CITY BANKS America, b.uik of par do American Exchange do 22 Bank of Commerce do 1 0 Bank of the State of N Y do par Butchers' and Drcvers' do par Chemical do do City do dolCommercial I do Clinton par do'Del. and Hudson canal co. do do Drv Docic I do Fulton bank of New York par l'Grcemvich do l'Lafuvette do 1 Leather Manufacturers' cto lMu:ihatten company do Mechanics' Banking Asso. do 1 Merchants' bank l'-Merchant' IMcchanics & Traders 1 Merchants' Exchange 2, National bank par New York, Bank of 2 Ne.v-York Banking co. liN. Y. Si'e. St'k Security b. par l!North River .do lJPhn-nix do 3iScvcnth Ward do 1 (Tenth Ward 10 2 Tradesmen's par 35;Union B. of N Y Lum. bank at Warren no sale) Washington Cloth at 02 1-2 corns per yard, Satinets from 40 to 45 4i ' Women" wear from 4i. to 50 41 , " Blanketing at 37 J -2 Liney iu proportion. Wool will be picked and greased at 1 1-2 cents per pound, if required. Wool and Cloth will o received at the .establishment, and will be taken in and returned at the following pla ces, viz --Ri chard S. Staples & CoV Store, Stroudsburgh. JOHN P. QUICK. Harmlion, Monroe co., AyulQO, 1944. lli7tl Violins from $1 50 to $3' 50 Flutes from 1 00 lo "2 50 Accordions, Violin and Violincello' strings, best quality. Fine pen knivesj razors, scissors, razor stropsj shaving brushes, soaps, ihimblerf, ever-pomt pencils, hair and tooth brushes, hair oil, smel ling bottles, pocket books, pearl builons, spec tacle casesj fine gold .finger rings, and breast pins, common do., toilet boxes, and toys. To gether with a good assortment of notions, all for cash no cre.dit given. Old gold and stiver taken in exchange for any of the above ariiclo. August .23, I844f GREAT: NATIONAL "WOJKK? TAPPANT & DENNETT, No. 114 Wafiing ton street, Boston, propose to.publish, by suliscrias"? tioti, in fourteen monthly numbers-, at the low price of twenty-five cents each munbefnhe IiIFJB OF WASKIKGTOiV, BY JARSD SPARXS. . "T. Each number to contain between forty and fifjifcjgjfc ges, and be embellished icilh theJ'oclov3iniriJirtJS'.. Steel and Coppeqilate Ensruvings, ' cizi 1 Portrait' of Washington at 40, by Peale."- - 2 do .Mrs Washington at 20, by A;ullastpa2- 3 View of Mount Vernon. . :' "-V 4 Battle of Braddock's defeat. . -fcfcr . 5 Head Quarters at Cambridge. , 4" . fi Plan of Boston and environs. 7 Head Quarters at Morristown. 8 Head Quarters at Newburtj. ' 9 Plan of Farms at Mount Vernon. ( 10 Battle of Brandvwine.' 1 1 Portrait of Washington, by Stewart 12 Encampment at Valley Forge: -' 13 Battle of Germantown. 14 Fac Simihe of Washington's hr.nd-yritincr., , Tlie Portraits were copied froth the original, paintings. The phms, sketches, and other enters vings, have been compiled from tfieer ""dralv1 ings, as-well English and French aV American. Special afd was derived from a series 'of iMalfa- script drawings in the possession of Gen. La Fay ette, which are executed with scientific accuracy' and beauty. The well known ability of the author, the abun dant means which he possessed, viz: mure than two hundred Folio volumes of Original marlti" scripts, purchased by Congress, ten, year re searches in the public offices in London, l?ari..5: Washington, ami all the States which fonnerlttit confederacy during the Revolution, as '.veil as th access he has gained to valuable private papers in different parts of the country have brought inf his hands a mass of materials, original and impor tant in their character; which we trust wilFrbs found to have contributed essential aid in enabling him to execute with more accuracy and complete ness his main purpose, and thus to have cimipeft-' sated in some degree lor the time and labor that, ' have cost. Its publication has not only involved., extended and laborious research on the' part of the editor, but great pecuniary responsibilities on the part of the. publishers. The price affixed to this work is less, when,th , J ! exertion, is considered, than that of any otherpui- . hcation in Europe or America, i he investment and expenditures connected with this undertaking;, are much greater than usually attended such4pulf-? . lications, and it will be apparent that the'puQIish-f ' ers must rely on an extensive sale for their'remu-' neration. . . The engravings alone arc thought by many to be worth the cost of the whole work. To iloit subscribars the price will be enhanced. Many testimonials of unqualified approbation! migh be added, by gentlemen who have examined. the work, but the publishers conceive it to be un necessary. Letters have been received from ma ny distinguished persons concurring in the optn-" do AND CLOTH DRESSING. The subscribers are now readv for thh re- ion l.hat U3e .rk in GxcVJ respect, richly r Tii 7 .... j . ."L :ll i serving of public patronage. - Among the many who have given the work th'a ception of Wool and Cloth at their Mill, at Bushkill, where work will be dorse with neat ness and despatch. No pains will be spared. Their prices are as follows: For Wool car ding, 4. cents per pound; oiling 2 cents per lb.. CLOTH fjRESSIXG. Mens Wear, Indigo Blue; pe: Invisible Green, Bottle Green, Olive; Black, Snuff Brown; xMI shades of Brown; All shades of SnulT, All other dark colors; Ia. . .. Fulling, shearing & Prossing Fulling and Pressing, Fulling and Napping, Women's Wed Indigo Blue, Madder Red, Green, Black and Brown, c - Oilier dark colors, Olive, ' Scouring and Pressing, Scouring and napping for blankets, per yd. 8 COLORING YARN. Cts. r yard 36 31 44 . ' .31 44 ,, .23 44 ' rt"' "20 20 , , 20 44 20 10 7 44 - 8 fV ti f jg " - 20 ' va 15 f4- . ,12 U: . 12i 44 " 14 4i 5 Black, per lb. Green, 44 12iC. 18c Indigo Blue, pr. lb. 25c Madder Red, 44 25c DIMOCK 4' STIFF. Bushkill. May 30. 1844. INDIAN QUEEN HOTEL, fc'oudsburgb9 Pa Has fined up a commodious and elegant Ho tel on Elizabeth street, nearly opposite the store of G. H. Miller & Co., and directly op posite the residence of Daniel Stroud, Esq. He has every convenience for entertaining strangers and travellers. Persons from the ci ties, and others who wish to take a pleasant jaunt in the country will be accommodated in the most satiM&ctory manner at his House.' THE TABLE ; . will' be supplied with the best prodiiihions af forded by the market. HIS ROOMS AND BEDS are such, as will, he hopes, prove satisfactory to all reasonable customers; THE BAR is, and will continue to be, furnished with a choice assortment of Liquors. THE STABLING is new and extensive and surpassed by none in the county for comfort and convenience. With those advantages backed hy some ex perience iu the business and a determination o keep a good public house, tie coriiidouuy ex pects a fair portion of public patronage. vrf Permanent hoarders win unu a quiet home and be satisfactorily accommodated & moderate prices. ' t Sttoudsbury, Sept. 28, 1843. aid of their subscription and influence, are the fol lowing gentlemen, viz: Hons. Johu.Q Adams, Martin Van Buren, Jacob Burnett ofphio, Josiah Quincy, John Pickering, Francis Wayland, I) D., Rev Moses Stewart, Robert G Sliaw, esq., Henry Lee, esq., Right Rev Bishop Brownell, Isaac U Bates1, Horace Everett of Vt , S Longfellow of Maine, J Sewcll Jones of N C, John Sergeant of ; Pa., Levi Loticoln, S Van Rensalaer of N Y.,; Wm L Marcy. W Pope of Kentucky, L W Taze well of Va., Daniel Webster, Abbot Lawrence, Joseph Story, Edward Everett, Charles Jackson, Lemuel Shaw, Samuel T Armstrdng, W li Cal houn, John C. Warren, M D , James Jackson, M D., Gov John Davis, Chapman Johnson of.Va. 25s" Active and trustworthy men can find em ployment in procuring subscribers for the abov' work. - IL7 Letters addressed to the Publishers post paid, with applications for agencies, orders, will meet with prompt attention. fJ Postmasters and others who obtain sub scriptions, and become responsible for five copies, shali receive a sixth copy gratis, or for ten sub- scribers, two copies, and the same rate for moret They will please let the publishers know how tra? ny copies are subscribed for, and how they sial be fdrwarded (f?3 Publishers of Newspapers who will inssjt&. the above six weeks and forward to Tappaa. 3 Dennett one numbpr oftheir paper, shall receive: a copy of the work for so doing. 120,000 "ShX ' dewitt'S-& t: Milford, Dec. 14, 1843. Hard, Salmon and Soft Brick- HRALII 1844. WOOIi CAKBI WG AGAliVi -BIDDIS & DEPUE Will havo their Carding Machines in operatroo the coming season, tinder the superintendence of Mr. Daniel Buckley, an old anil experience! workman; They solicit a share of the patron- age of the public. All work warranted to be done in a workmanlike manner, or nu charge for tho same. Wool will be weighed on ihi receipt of the same, and the rolls guaranteed lt hold their weight, natural loss for cardihg'ek cepted. BIDDIS & DEPUEi" - Biddi' Mtlis. A Milford, May 9, 1844. issolutiom of Prrtsiership. The partnership heretofore existing betweya tho subscribers, as publishers of this paper, was on the 17th of August last, dissolved hv mutual consent. All persons having demand against the said firm, will present them it Theodore Schooh for settlement, and all who are indebted thereto are requested to make nil. mediate payident lo him, ho being authorized lo receivo tUo same. , v THEODORE SCH0CF4 THOMAS L.KOLLOT P. S. The Jeflersouian Republican ' . 'f tintte to ho published byTheudoro F. E. Spering, who respectfully b ; Unuanco of public patrdtiBge. iH Stroudiburgh, Sepii ofi. 1 KV-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers