. . . _ dai VOL. 4. n i -1110tfat • ppr,Olign nvintY s.vruithAy By J. B. OVIATT, SMETHPORT,.. IWK.CAN COUNTY, PA.. OFFICE, S. E, COEN F;ll,' ruppic sciuAitv $1',51) in Advince , . . . • . . .. • ...Rates; : ;C...,11.inn' one • • • r , ... . .!g) no ." ......... .. 00 •!.' .'.! .... • ••'••,•••••••, ' • !, .• t . . . ....... ... ... 1 . 200 !ritore rf,I.P. tines or 1,er.r,.3 511 ‘6646.ritiout ... .. ...... . 'll,3soieie.VinlK,Avith ..,: 6 55 vat • be:,,f0.1161e . the 'll,l.,kve TO.VOlitl9ll eight' lilies 'rionpareill ix • Tertns wilt he strictly .adbertd.to....tg 3ttAitess Directorm • • DR . . M'COY, CORNET MAIN ,STREF.I I . 'n • L. . . ..' ' . ..... DR: L. R, NVLSNSR,': -.% . .'. • • Pliy'siclan rin't Aurgeon.,.Siw.thport, Pai will attend 'to. • 1111 Pl'oidAiiptul e... 1.14 with pri,inptckehm. . Office iii:iar 1... .001 Block, ..;dotid flour . . • '1•, . ' . .• ••• -. . 1,45. R A. 13 EL" S . 11 . 0 TE 1„ . .. • • •. . . . . . a. I. SIL %BE L; • Proprie.t.ttr.—Allegheny..ltricige;. M,Attfte . • Co ~Pit.: Thie.tionee et 4 flu ttett About pin e. miles Irian . :S.ne:lfp , ,trt . en the'road , o Olettn,:an I•oiil be found u convontent : gto . ppinn-plac .o .. •• ' . ' • - • J . 090400 Proprietor. .Ridgway.: Thlw, Hotel . nn , l furni,l4l in inattrin wtyln: has nml4r x2conn FL' ntr,liA. in all reApnatß, n FirxtClnes.llotel: 11.1tIorty, 1:Ik M iy 21, 'Pair . . ELD13.41) iiOlllL, • • Proprieiur• Thin .hnunil t nituated 11,11 mayjmethpnrt Oichii7i.. "A couvehir:ni Id ,rtIiTIOIVAIi holt:4 Al Cella Va uud. Obljgillg attuod . alit"; :yid lona prkn3 , . •.' 1 tlted:Mlyl.7,lt6o. ' - ' FARMERS' VALLEY HOTEL,' • ' T. ciouuwi:. This Imuse killnated about liv . c mile ''roan 4 n 'tap rrt en . the ros4llo.tilvan: les,u s,t, 4, , otho:neart he aemimouhlatett shortest sulk. ---- --- - • . • . EMPORIUM HOUSE,' •.' , • . . c ,' T , ' ,:, ' Kean .Cd., P'el . .N. L,.- DYKE. Prpti' rie or P,,P,. ° , n ,.:„', ' .ur' and .sse.fl.raininhe , t 11.140 ... Strange -e ' '''' -"•" IA lin I ;no i.annnannodatione athi t airelers , , ' tr ~,,o n ii. , , IL EVA ki Y. .11U li 5.., • • .at P,,r, . Allevnv, Mc -27'1.3'211 3, U./14,4T, .iri,: Uri4t " r ' .K„. , Ja 4, ~,.. 1 ,,; . : 1 ilotel iimitustPd .t the jan6... t.ot of the t7.1)%t tliroirt' i ,k 1 Allegany aiver :c...ds, u4.;e , In. 1e . ott.t . of :. , aaethptor . t; . ' • • ' . • . . . . . .. . . . ~ . . BENNETT .I: °U 'E ,.. • . - ' • • 6L'A. '• %1 / AsAN, .prnprietor ',A—,Ppart, s ne e tl 4. tise. p 1"g1,1collil.di , lisite Qro rr • A ne', ..- OIIFI ern t well. flarnivied l At tlew. - : . . ..... , • . . , . • OilWAYti 1-1 ) VS2., • - • : . . • . ,O .a . I. 11/Avni.Prcit;rlo-nr.d'l;e. Pa:.. Thin nou l i e _ed ...piti`su JAiaitial 'and coitifilrlalile loylo. and ,' , '. v "Y ^ ,' , loptioa will b, pa.j.l . ..y•the ,propriutur. .to tli, t.". -.Knj t trq!! . cot his i;uoit.g.'. . . '• June 0:1.' •' • • A: •D . HAIII.Ltii, 41. , _. , • • • 'Carr ern-, . Pr4.! . .t.,rink.n '!3 , )::v c;3:.1. , cot: apii 'Vol r,Att.e • .1-4,ut.. Skrecli.poit.• W.l.l ,, iz‘i ifount•Y% t .. , • •.' ' . • -- ; . • : '•• B. .6.: .LACIIE/T.. '... ' , • . . • ~ • . • &ttornly el I CoaLsibir at' L 1A....51AN/7n, P:t.; 'Rill at .teti i 01 , c..a rt.+ a I' otter...M'c'X.,,,a an r 1..:P..w f•in`ies . Prolu•A' 1tt . ..10 islll,‘ , lll IV' Cidh.,Ctltilli: UM ee, Etibt MU tit.l/1-ill.Vek.--,ieClor•d•El'Oer: •. : • • • .. • . ... . . . To :Those. Intdrestod .11 fining :dill' • • .nlinefal' Lands: • •• • xr It • It XllNEl.,ffei-3 his I:l'.'l . ft.A . far the ex - imitie IT 4; •tieri In - q - Kean epinion..si, to .tIet:.,VAI.J.:.I - ;.t.iE 1.1‘,.,.? fl ;>loll t Ilia ueri, , ?e• F iI I• receive I relialslti.iuroipstiou:. I.t.eno;suct the II .11 , . . . . . Co,, .Jupe 5G,16:12, . Js ~ ICLIAII,.I::kt Side of tilt Vedic ,Id.*tre, .Sef..cod Thor Nutt.t4 Dmii.keriti3Offide Swet,p.,rt.. :Vie' 0 4 1,rik e -Cu I .Teivenol.y. 7.c4a:!tig • Tor.eeutid and Warreluid, A. J. troußsz,. • Abater in StliNier. Ware,.4.9.11 , ined , ont , t r of the , Vitblic Squire, :nuothpact,. Pt ' Cumtom kurk 4,00,3*t.n onrar i.ntbe.;s,Licirteq•untip.o, m o gtAnlintinthq tnonr. • .-.•. " - S. BROWNELL, . • • Palter in:Dry :Good., rocurfeA..OrockerY; hardware, I 1 •Ihcreg;ii:tpi. ettlis; Wag.; o' thu Pu Sqty‘rA,'Sineth.Vort. Pa• ... . - . . . . .. - . THING &•MiLL. ,7, li.:, .• '. .. , . Wholasitle and Real Dealnv= in :Daplii and Fancy' Dry. (lood4; Uarpeting-, Ready )104$ Clothing, and General Yurnrinirkslinodo.•lloo4 awl Shoea,. Wall and Window • . paper, Looking Ulamaes &o. : 'At Olean. N. Y. .. . . , . BYRON A. HABILIv. d!LTTIARNICT AT LAW; 9111k1AllpOrf, • WICISAII • County: Avint for filossrs. , Kettlin r • & Co's Lands' • •Attep ls o•!pociatly tito*.CollerAion of Claim; Examination of Laud Titteli; Payment of , ' . l•ltirs, an all htixineas rola • tirtglkilisl Rtitate. Office iu Iltimlio Illock. • . • • • • HY DE, S. irrami9i-41.-I.4w'„•Smothport, 14 , 1[44n' go:: Pk. • Collectionn prrin;iily Attended io,. . Yeb• 14 WILLIAM WILKIN, • Practical Meehan's, Mill Wright, Brldge ! builder, , Pot Allegheny, 51 , Kean coutity, Pa. . . IC.JOHNSONT, . rOffikllBBl9Np.FOß THEBT. O . T .t OF NEW YORK. to take , proofs and aCknowledgments of Deeds end • other istetruments to be used and recorded In said State, sot to a.iminiiter oaths ur affirmations prima nt- to the laws of sold - State, Conveyancer, he, Office in Land Of floe of D Kingsl.nry,dirodford, McMinn Co - ; Ps. ,Idarchld, 1811 76m. koszs droiting' the:Paklle 'l3quare, *l:He:tn. : N. Y., SAM Ell. M. • NitOAL - Priiprietor. 'PhiFobee Hensel,' entirely new and built of brick, and. in furnished in modern etylo.. • 'Chi' proprlettir'Lloi.tois himself that his aceotenieda !ietr are not surpassed by any kptel in %Vesture N•ar • ' -root: o,iroaoß rnu te and lrern the • New York add Ifele EMI Road. • . 38-tr. , DENTISTRY, lla..111:• A. SP:foout.: w^gld reopeetfolly announce to the Othello of Sm-thpoit and cieinity,. that he the fitted ,up en office, nod Ia prepared to' attend to all blIlllllO. In 114 Pr'fiaSi' , O.: . ArtifiCial.tifeth Lotahted• upon moi• entitle pet.lolodo4, and y r Ita to prooerve Clio - natural ex: •p:diftl,n I "AI o,,,nttions In Deal rzo,rx done f,al ,11 robot . A. 3. A V.13V1) VG ; • Crit'EAMIOP T,4 . P•;,\01 I v tnf!n" • ~'AI, ' .ktk.rno. M l ilv, • 3 filar aitnn' Itivgvt'Obloatkcc. .1 1 .a nett4l' , rilie,'Bl)othpnit. ba • 1 : .0,jT. ::PTI.INT._IIiG.., OF EtT.Ttr DERCRIPTION; NEATLY ? CP APLY Alll3 , EILPEDITIOIJELY EXECUTED AT 'TUB tIENt0011 . .:1 T. *OFFICE CAMERON COUNTY . . 1 . • • Sherifeer Sale , . • BtiRTUT: of . - 'sundry write • •Fiert Forics , and St.re,Fitrds Sfit')lforika,es end 11:the.Court..of Corm= Mpti•Plas -, nt ,l7.lm!ioncodn'ty., Penn4 - ylinniti; o flif. directed; twill .!?cpose to. nntdic•saleStt: Cciitrf. ilopap ip:Shipppn, 'fp ga la . e pp t *tidily I fie prbila j i,or Ottober,". A. 11. 1862; , 5t i:11/ . P'n'clork • P:. sr. of taid.dey. • • real !state. sitiittt!• in thP'to.wnahip 01 . .Sldnpen;•Cnnnty. of.tain!ron grid Staff , n(l , !nn=yl. , anta - , hOunded and tf!scrib-! • . ed i s folinwa,.vizi . ..BeLtiOning• 'at a eheitnat. linst . no the tiorth ha .: nk_ot , the Stnrarnahooios. p fTe ji, bo a u . rest: frorri:the lanttt h west corner apple .tree . in the iychatti, the rthib t i'ntn;•r• of the I:l4etniirf lot; thence not Ve ... (I.' , 'Arres 'east , tack - hunttreil atol . thirty poles to post .Icir al corner . in -the. ninth litre 01 •the nrii•nal .tirvey, then . ee eolith tiny-nine de-. grees east. eighty pole. oti north line for a - corner, in' thenoithline.of the. nt .survey of ireanid; thenciC.tontlt five degrees. west two himilred anil.sixtv five plies to a post on the. north hank of the Si - nriama honing Creek: • Ibence up the 'paid 'creek -IhCough -- all winifibgs - to the Place ot - beginning- Containing.;Ohe hon. , fret' anti twelve and one halt ciereS - of lend; 'Oil irriproV'eit, one dWelling Om barns, hiack• smitb.Nhap; ant. honses;one well of Rater.. . • • &quantity of fruit t • fnllois•iug deicr . ibedgeal 'eat, te sit; nate in fhe townshiPoiSliippen, county of Cam , eron:anil . t itatc Of. Pennsylvania decribed as f01.,' . wliite . .walnut • the south east corner it; Wa;riatit No. 393. the'nre ; snot b' fifty•sik pet'chei to a swear tree; thence north t . stihirty eight . peichea to Linn .thence berth fifteen iirroipq ,to. a, litekh iv, thente north thirty-seven degrees -east'tsVen ty three p e rehe,k , a -snizaii tree. thence east to the west 'bank of .t he Portage, thence not •along the west irarikaii'llue.Pottage'riihrity perch. es-motr or to.: the - bOrth - line . .01. .INnf 111111 . No. thenceptitbfir.y nine degrees east leventy.fiVe 'perches more or .!egs tit the north, east' corner ni Colee"rove•obf' tract thence 'llona. the traCt- s.Nuib ..frees west -to. the northth oSitlfl.lT: hppin 2 thence. C - astet lv along the north bank of the Creek ,to a Piist, •oppnite 'the lands'.of • t ' big l•landii, 'thenee across tire' creek td the south - bank: thence down•swid soll:h'.batdc ?o, .ratlnn wood the northeaoerly .corner of ran t No flo' ;.th'ric'e , otith west thirteen perches too heivilock, thence north I flirty, font. degree , . west etre thirtir five p , r!hes to therires mirth Ti, :he itoe.l) batik of the said Simiimahrovimv. therire PrlEo(q: 'ly to the beginning,.. containing .nor hundred , 'end fifty ac les trim,: or ire' rine rly all'ymnroveil right b'on'es, 'one si•Ore.bolls/.. two limns and out bourses, One .anw • mlll',, two ells or witteC,.a quantity of', fruit trees at . , taken:in exerntinn.end in he snhl as the .propertv nf Z.' C. colliey at rile.. snit Jobriathan Colegiov'e for the - use °lib° Magee,. A 1.0- All tl rse eerfaifflll"4',,Pdrf,'ls or • tracts or situate-in tfi, township 6( mf!fnit No. -5438 "five ituf /and Jroff./ hfiraltod and . .tkirt7 , oioht. nin.skri.'n,•.:to‘ttch the northeast coiner : of said I.VIII 010 -threO, .Koniticl . and' twenty pfjch,4 !o•osf fi handrOil and pi2h.ty' prrrhl.e tn. pnat: th nee 'crirth e winch', tt and twenty • irr i -chwe a .1 , S tGnro east hundr ,, il . Ofgifty . partite= Colon fning eloOon I, l inulrf;(l;te PP 6') all/m sure 'of s;.''.ft par rent for ioadsSc., the 1 ." 5 • • • • .3;1.5,•, Anacker r ;:et of sq . date in the Ownship of pl'ir!.leO. cr , 'lnt y rawrrfin. a n d 5139 fire , thusarol Unit Itu'inir,d f tiff Cll I Flo' t heast cornrr."l $.l l ',waT.rlnt• thence anfthi t h rtq.. tiff nd red a ffl'f ttf'f'efte fn n lion; throve %:con, Throe perches tri altoat thOnrecootth !bre.; efi ' ll ' ll •t wooly p-fchrs..fo a onst,•lii , nro oak: -1 . 05 : ' 1111. : 1 ,' frail !fell! y 'ttfj.Oe . .porchrs' Containimi eleeco honorod . acles ant altnwanc 1 of sii.per cent for roads &c.,-be the same more arless. • acsn, Another:tract ollanS.Sicuate in: the' township of Pnringe,,..count, •nf Cameron and State of Pennsylvania, Warrant No: (5l40) five ihousandintir.handred and look, beginning ,at' n'white ,pine. thence . north three hundred and twenty percheir # white pine, thence east five, hundred', and eighty: three spiirrhe's to .1 1 post. thence south threa. hundred and twenty 'perches.l6.# Nisi,. (hence' West:l'five hundte - ii and eighty•three perches to.tha heffilininc— Centainidg eleven hu,ndred °tires and allowance nt six per cent for roads bethe same more or less, on sa i l warrants 54.10 arid ,514 iF 40• acres improved. land 'With dwelling hum° and a well of water. • • ''aian, 'Another tract of fond situate in the 'township of Portage; county .of Cameron and, State of Pennoylvanto,.warrant:No. ( . 5441) five thousand lour hundred and foity•one . beginning at a.maple thence north.; three hundred, and twenty perches a white pine, thence east five hundred •and ejohty three perches to a post thence south three hOndred and : eighty perches to a• post, thenco• West five hundred eighty, three pereh'es to. the beginning,' :cuntaining eleven hundred acres ,and allowance,: on :said warrants la . 430 acres .of improved land, two dwelling hntraei, one barn, - and a spring of wa• ter; also a'stearn sa w mill-'and Jour dwellina houses, and ' a planlt road, vyithithrrry acres 'of improved land ailaining said saw. ALSO, One other tract of land, aitente . "in the township of Pori age,. , cnonty of :Cadlardn, and State of l'enn . ;:ylvania,.warrant NQ.(r.4 five rhrpiar . 4 foiir.hondied and dorry , .twd,' he.rin•. ning . nt:a lynfr )herhithear,:t corner Of . safd Own. e south flirtlirdirefl . l%) . , nfy. perch. •0 too wli.t ~ p ne,..rheffer• w. ~t ... f . fififfl • I n nil offOrf )..•1 hr• ilwOre curt lifer. hand'' , I ant, tw o epry p-sehec . fo a pa=t'.. .andef . 2lfryrher-a rib to the begfnifir.,. nniiuine. ~.1! , „,;,) h im 4,1 ollowenr.o of F;JIC per. cent . lo). anld Swzed, hlton pi ei • tn:ha ti 4 v n:. W. j,r i r'e tiiilik , ,.Lnitis• .1. Po3.l,,with antler in W. H (lrr•en' t t, al as 'err.. ti.mitif4, at the 's a lt nl B -Halt eve4-errtrs nt Ephriam Nowlaa tor the ua'e EHsha Gifford. :• , ' . - • Warrant No 140,7; Bounded North by lot .s,lil:.g,Tj - 01::)R r . 1. 1 . , ,iliji EAN . (o..ClN':',i' , Y,i'.; ; - t'A`,'i :, AT ILT 13,, I) A. y.,.:.5p:T...*), ~.1.8,6! . . . • 1113 and.'n• .Sizer:ou, the hlouth . ,hy Keating Sod.. Sizer: the.:West hy-IVllinard a'ud Moore: on the ' , East by Keating :awl lot. Contriinkr;'e* 69 acres, nicre:Or abptit :1 . 50 "Fir-r , ll. improved • pue wst / 4; .- : a niL•ii quantity , ut . ftUit t!eet;thie:sisiFlnill; - one hp:use wilt he' sold' thr:piiiiietty, Of Elik.h . S.zie . 'st "'nit of C. J. Aluo're 'tor. the oi••Oeorge . Ssysiiie.: . One4ltei. piece or pakeel'l of lend. intintre in the 3c,Nynehip.pf . county - 0i Cameron rinqS'iito of Ponin.yl.vania, being part Of war:. rant. No. (5152). five: thnuioind:tonr ~ hundreil and ' , Orly two. Clint aining• eighttinnif!..d..and thirty arrea, einf. , ..tie game tra , t he'd n a i l : , 'veyetilo George Devereaux by iieeil.date'd `Jnn'e.tOth; A. 0.-.1416.. recorded in Elk .conory in decd bnak G', tioge . 2os &e.o . the • avian being Seige.:, !Oren in'exkiiion and to he abltt..:ai .thep . ropi4iy of Gootee ,S.• Peyereauir it the. suit of Joseph,.W..Thorkrrini ton; • • : •• • • . • •JOHN A. ELDRIM. Shriff; Sheriff's Office, Bhipren, Carneien. Pa',. ..• ' . September PL 1862. , , • SliF'rit - rir•liplo. --• . ' ' • -. ' BVIRTUE of ...limb y• is rit , ioft VonrliVni A- 0 • liiiwyo, 11 n (I. Alia l Tren ditinni:: Er-ikif i i, iSB . lleil out of _the CoDit' of Com Mon • Pleip it -lkkgeon 'county,.and to 'rile:directed; therii:wira be . ,tl,xposed to poblte sale, to the ..Court.'thiue in 'the Borockh of Smeifipriii; on Mcinileg•Sept. 22.1.A'. b. 1862.;'rt 1 ri',r;lt;ck,-, P:sl.,.'ilit fol lowing Real , Estate: -' - •• . '•- • • .. The tellowing 'lle , ' Estate; Yiz::•Beginning at. a:`Beech., the• north-west. corner thrieot, theme .• •i 'Eat .}....ightyi.iiio ...',.' i ,: e i c ii.. s thence In•pattlii tine of lot, No' 118 of the al -I.ittrnent of the . 13inglintot lands •in -Lafayette tirwriihip. - one huridreiland'aii Perches, 'thence -by No. 118- and' No. 103.' West • eighty two -perches; ihence.,Nurth - one 'hundred end six -Patches..to , the' place'of beginning . ; Containing •titty one and' two .tenths nerigr; :More •or less,. with the usual allow:ince...of six per cent, f for. , 'roads &c.•,. I,t beiiig lot . Nn. 105 of the.' allo , - 'pent of the'Binghttrh.lands in - Lafayette town ship 31.-Kean cotpiiy Pa., and 'part of. warrant- N 0,2257, Unimproved. .' . " .. . t • .... Aiao, A niathe'rt rart of :land . , Bezi'nnina rit a fleeith UPI noi th. West 'cdrner of Lot N 0.44 nod in E ter line of hit Nii'4s,. dOnveyedtra .. 4.liia,. L..Uutrbleilay in . .Latayette township '3lt:Kein county; Pa:, thence,North One'rind one "lotto h .sf r a degree west. bY . •east', lipe 'of said int . and L oseated lands,. ninty,five: pefches to a. - post, ,thenee East,..tiy• rinseated land, one. hUndred. and thirty ihdee. perches tand : -rtitie: tenths of ,a perch roa '. post in .west, line 61 lot Nn'47,, tbenceStitith one and true fourth of a degree' e ast, by west 'line of said lot, ninety .five' Perches to : a post the sopth,west•critner at, Int • .1. 7 9 47, I.h. , tice 'Yes( bi,!,hp. of said lot - No, 44 mid. hundred and thirty three 'perches and him; tei.ifis of a 'perch to thd . •plar it . of.he'llnnini zi , Containing seV:.(ity . five . itC;IPP, he liie t sami. Mute: nr. le-S, witP the. 'visual a l!ot.tanee of six pet -cent: for roads &,e.', - beitittlot•isio:4B.bf :the . alter - Intent ut lan.is 01 - Sarritiel•lq..Pus. in:Luray ..i te-toWn,lpir,.ind- rirri:nt vearralrt N 6. 313.3, McKean county Pa.. •UnithproVed.' ,'' • • ..Ar.s.;,' O . t . ie . Other• piece or parcel. of land' sit.. trted.end tit.SC.l iJed as i 6)1 in VV. , : Beg inning.ytt• a i .po-t tlie.south Wvst d ley' or. lot N - 0' 47 . 0 f tile tf .rilotment . of. i-indin. illfayette. township. Ale. 'lie, n county.P.s4 thence . Weit•bysiiii h line of suit lot N 0.43, tine • hurtdr'ed•rtiptlilfily. ihrire, neiclies on* nnie teredis..Bl a perPh• to ,is !leech . the south we.m eklim;rat .let-:.:Ne'.4,3 and :in the etist line of 1nt:N0..46; conveyer to Ilikrec:e, Li Thtobleda y,.1.h , •,..ce.' South by 1 , 7,.L.11ve of surd 105 eighty eight peiches iind: two. leaf:l9 ' of- n per . ili.fo n.ro:1,,111;! • m.rt . ti•*est corner of ..int N.);50, thence East by -north line 61 said 101:, N. 504WD brindred•slity twirpetehes and six tenths it 11 wrch. to a 1 . 10.. t in thit east line 'ot. wan n 'ilt No :1132; th .nre N,orth one degrec..and One hull rit A Alegre,. East.by east: lii:e , of said watrant,- . thirlyAiveperehes'antl.nine tenthi.of e.peich, to tt..ps,t, the ; eolith eon corner 'of-101 No. 45, thetice•west..ay south tine -of said 1 or. No. 45', our hinuireilnntl t werity•sev en . (retches an d 'two tenths-J - 4 a perch to •U 119.4r,:t hi , c0 , 1(11 we..! 'corner 01: salil•lot, ' thence. north by 'West ho , of .saiti lot' httv-two t perches .and' three ,10ii. hs of -a.perc.h tothe place or, begitiping; can. t ai li i i4 ,'.. hi:letYi.seveir 'acres more or less w . illi th;unuit: [ th a w frier. pfsix . . per cent for roads &c., b . eint i.l o r•,`,lti - 4•4 of. the allatment•Orlands uh th e estate .of s f irnitel. M. -Fox In ' Lafayette tosinshiP.- and insert o.'' warrants N05.."•3432. and 1 3433 in McKaan-county. P. ...Jultntit.ov.d. • .7 d . Sit-. i'),l.eCe :r o l!wat: Beg parcel 'of - lane' '.: A LSo, One other tati.i -.I ainpdeacribed .as an iilil-Sudar - tli.! . south •-.e est c.,Nner. of .vt•arrefp pr i i. rlegr,,sd : and one hall No' 3432'; thence•Nort li of .i.ilegree east -by 'e.t,s4 'lids . 'of. r..aid: warrant, sixty four' perches to atertch',•.•••:llierh'erW . est by south tine of lands of t r he Birigha,ii egtatei one hundred and 'ninety six 'perchei.eindDne 'tenth of . a perch ' to a.Sugeri thence 50uth, i...y.11 , 14".. ted : bind, siitty:perches and, floe' ; tenth.' of .i". pi , rch to a pnst-in theanuth tine c. 4, iv 4 r, F 4ni.No 3433, thence South- eighty eight . ' deg rees iii: ( 1 One half of •rideiree east; by south line of said, warrat.t.; one _bUndred. - ninety dine prirdhecand one tenth of a' erch to.the place of Beginning; .Containing seeenty.one ricrarinnd 'nine..terithri l of ali arre,-be the sarne hicrie.or.leas,.With' the papal allewance'of.eig'per 'cent for t oady lec;,. being . lot No-49 of the'ellotment of the -relate nf Samuel M.' rox in 'Lafayette. township and part of warrant No 3432, McKean' Co.. Pa. UniMpro4 , ll, , , • ... , ' ... , ... .. • ' • Atsn, One,Dtibtr .plere or pareel.oflandl:Be 'ginning, atat !agar corner of warrants numbered. 2215, 2255,..3131, 3132., thence by east. line of warrant Ni, 34 . 32 North,, otp..degree east', six ty our p , r ,:i i ,,y, it,e, south line of 'frit .'NO '4l' . . of the aflctiiveliv of tbe,..Binglinm •lands.iti Lit;: fayette 'towni.liiptcl . l.' -an enitn:tY. Pa..: - ; there,. by .taiti tiri-,'E.i.•t-.li ty etehr ri...rche-vaivi 0'.... - .... lentils 'of a - p rch ~.11teice #•-et -IWO 1:ii?.1,,-....i arid 'flirt ;huff •rie•hes Ai! .i . irten t ,h7'nf it p•icb• theii..i. 'N.., ! lc .I..voiity-nne p.4eh.S..aiiii•seiitr.' i o l.th,s pin p.". 10), bile Smith -limol vv.,irao!. o'. dr.P.i.,,ti..oirl;, lig sold -'or. South ejelity, Mite th'gryt.4 • ,F,'..o; one' 11..dred alai rd6: , 'j:. fi.O. , 1 , ,-.lclai 'to I iio: pare of t.e.l, , iflllifie.;' coutititiliri( titty.on..". tiers r n .. '1 ' segen•'tentlis of . a it A err.,. , 111.1-ihZ. usual nlinwoliCe, of siii:pei • relit -Icir rniitia, &C.. .6e the - . Arne more or I- ii , ., .t.t freing lot , N4.51..-ol tl.O . fIll)1 int.,' I nt "lie Siiiiehjirii t.iii4s iii 1.,.11;.veit. , tntvri , ltip .ME:..rit county 'P... and. [nut iit vc,trtaiifa Nos. '2`2.0,,h25:5 and 3131 . . At.so; Another lot, Be tit. a . 8ee..11 the south past t‘itner of la' :SO 80 of the'allot7 A LS(./4-,-, f6l:CflitO,'Cr/11v . efed Lnt her Davie hence .4 . line of lot' NO - 77, SOO .seven: Rine tieichei`.to is:'peech, tpe,r'rbi , bokt tent ti's of a pei•h• to a Birch, theiw6 initsi„perehes and .three tenthcof A terdirWest one.hund _redand eighteen pnrche n perch .trk a Beech,. the: soinh . .weat.enrner:Of .Nc; Wd'Nt One htititt'ed ancrt . Wo perehriond two ..tenths' of 'rh'inee Nnith•eight;jr seven 0 , 0'0144 . tthrl'thrte . tenths' nti.:perii • to ti, - Henitrii.k, fiftY . tvi'd perehei And threetenThe of a Batch,_: ,thenre:North•l;eventy . .lthree pei elies"and'on.e.te;riti brit perch . to: 1-fitttioeli, thenqe P.nat ninety one porches And live tenths Of ertakti to the ;Went line of lorNo 80 cloro stritlftli;enee by the.lipe . of Int. South foftv. o.perth'es Ppd one tenth of n.4ch and ESit .tvienftto,&pei'enes unit five tent:he'or,:n:perati to begin Contai:nin dro,) a lid .lori . t Wo.a es end tiro tent hi ; in ,ere oith the (plod ello.wanee..or eix:ttor : .tient . JO! yetidi•l4c., the..same: more,of less,:it be vi g lots No 78,' 111.antill2 : of the aII ot men t Bt •the'Bine.finml.l . nda 1C iri'Ln layette.. township,towns hip, 74,..an ennitty pd.; and On of warrant. No. 2245: Uriimprhvitl.' ' • ••• • • ' A . 1•0; ' A not her, Wiinning at the South liry of Int ,Nei 105, - convpye;l to C; IL. , lAinter, w . . . . enty,:lour, per Ches . and . ..seVen fenthi.of 'perch,i'froM the .srinth .west: corner ,ths'reipf, thence by. line. ,of No .11 1 3, copirryeri to. Hull & Morin, Sniith "One. huntlie'd • sinht wentY one . .itirreheS and nine tenths of a perrh,...and:.We'si one hundied acid twn percheS and seven tenths ora 'perch. fo the.Eist 10t,N083,. ihenee' by g.i.jd lina. and apt, tine Of lot.. Nn. 07,'Not one hundred and twenty on • perefres and ..nine tenths of •a frrch, thence pall by the snitt of lot NO 105 'aforesnitl,.East. one huntlied•antl two pet chi!. and seven tenths nf. a perch' In the. plare . .of 'beginning; Conininine seven'y tbree.icr'es and eight-tenths .of. on acre, with the ttial alloWonce of si,i'ner..re!nt for: Road's: Ecr„,".be the: same' More or less, it'being lot No 104.0 f tbe allot t uenf of 'the' Binghnin' lands in L i j a yette to,wnship , 'McKean county Pa., anti 'part of w'arranta N05.•'2254 and 2257; ivhich , .tracts of land number respectively 79.•1.11 and 112: Unimproved. Oilqu 7 ition ". beiierl; taken' in.Ex!eution and will b.e 'as th'n• prnperty; of Solomon SartvVell, at the: of 'Allen Arrault's FAir.enturs.. : • , -A LSO.--. The, rollowini deseilbel).Real Estate', Beginning at ertElm in the. east line-of:tor No 71 . of the allotment of. the Bingham; lands to Bradford . township,. thence Eist one' heedred and seventeen . perches' to a Beech, thr:Oce. South severity fonr,perches ern,' three tenths of a Perch to a. Beech, 'thence West one 'hundred and seventeen perches,. thence North severely' _four perches'and three tenths of .a pr;rch to the place of hegioninet.cootaining'fifty..txo acre., and ,fiii•tenthe of an acre, with an 'airoWince. of six per cent for Eolith' . &c., be tne.' sante .iiore &leis. ' It he ing. lot NO 70, of..d hn .allOt. mei. t Sat ~.Ih,! tnityrtz linds I,p :Braritordipieen..,„ . ship,''hirpt,pirt.or War Ons numbered, 33 17.. '. ... (IMIP tail ion, waivirl..' ~.. Seized, taken EXecutton, rind . will beaold, • 11% the property of, „Jared, cnitii . at the Suit o f Bingham Trustees.", :: ..:•" -... . , .., —ALSO ThOblinwing !teal.: Eqate'lbhundeti ne; lot= lows; . ,rig,: 13,egin p(ng. et a 'Poet Chiller,. being the sPitth east, carnet' :Pt a Int' 'conveyed to' Crhor'dia. Corwin, thence by • line ot '4'41164 Weity hoe -Inittdre,d and ''nlol;ierf . irperche. 'eMI one ' tsnth' of ' ts . perch. tp ~' a:poSt . COrner,, being the: ri'§i I it ear t cotrietOnT a'hit . 'corive,rettteDrt: rid ,CipW . , Es'ci., t Ilene e'h ir ~ '. iirie.! of '101(1 kit Soot tfo'ne; , -ii ii naied. a il; tWerny , perehee, - tli, 'a' post .cPinei.,_tlir'mCeEast One,hnipired nail thirty ' three ., perchere emitlli:ea tenths of • et peieh to'e, 'post'', :tier, heir , e'.l tor shuth,- West corner 'of a lorconee.yedto Witliaiii Biirtinearne,'tb ,,, ,:ro' h e y lin.e.gr . ..aid lot snd : lar.d conveyed 'to: Salmon M. Eeie; North, Orte'harirlFed 'erid:tWenly . Per• ches to . ut post corner, 'thence P..i t: re d perches ,to' a *st, - cornie,` thence N 'firth eight : parches . , •and sAsten:tenths of a „P . Arch to: pst: corner, twin...the. &cloth-east • cornet; of a lot' con've'yed in Asa. tisrt well, then're hy..lirie of 'said' jet;, 'North. fluty' rine . degrees'aini a heti Of 'a degiee_ west„thirty.one:Perches to a onst Cotner.int her road ineth,Or the .Maryfo'cleA bridge:and in ! he • I int: : •0r0i,,,,:,,.. COlYe 9 rl :l ,l,lo,', t hence by•",iine'' or insid;;-',laild . ' cintli ,'Ttee :t).; eight,-. p s i r . ) . s . to:, ~the"...pirire. .o . l.'beginn ng; 'Coniaining nee blind l'ed'atirt s.fo . aacr,is and a;ne hundre'll and:t we.al e (nor_ perch s ea'strict r m;r'sii, nre;s'. the ,sa m . e.... retcor 'le.:s, 'b;ing pert 0 1 ' wart ~t N0 . ...2,0:18; ,abopt Eighty, acre's, impro. ved, ene'r,fra . erte,itotnie,'ooe.shant.llonsei . tp , o. fram.o Burns, inn" fOontain of . :lYa ter, a. large ptiantity;pr: f,'rnit,Tre. 7, ~ , '',..:, ..,... •'' •,:: ' - ....Se4e4,taken:Ve., EiOcittirmi'ernl.wriil4'::arilft avtliCrir r iai - ry . ,pc o ii,. F. •Williapia, and Wm" Willi' 3, it the spit of V lierty:diri.;r: .;, Iri 5.)•.?:.. -lb& Allow,ing,fieat Estate, termit. - it: . 0 , 0 -4 . -1 • ' nekrttlint , ,9 , 4 l i§degr, the! ort.h.Evt cornet; .••• ~, 0f...101404 .5,1 . PL1 ite- , Lii. ' 1 ,:g 101,94 a , Latniat . in 'Lafayige— ilwrle 1N . ..7 ell,..Cttr ~. fifty e i g ht,. sernye9;tent,hs, . perchea; • thence Southoinef',hnnified;spil,.aixtt-,eight: „per.rhes..; thence.a4o'nsiTinot Stair. toad,'NertlyeightY.-, e;".7.hiTtlegteei .Wot sixt,ir . .foar 'perehes,. :thence N'ot,',ol two degrees test ella.bnlitlredand s ,sixty! hire iinfli , line-tepths .perches 16" thi Risco of biiiriiiiii„;,!;,;'; Pentainitig.aiitty„,aCies. and ' ro six. tenth of ,a . . 7, acre with an, w alioanert of . six per c-Int:Nr'-itqa!,7l. .&e:,.se"t!li game ; ote..or less, It being lot Nn..83 of, theallettnent e.f the. Bing barn Lands in"Lsho r ette townahip, Mcßean county, State' . ofTet - ,'neylvania, end part of. wari:ant niniThered 2051. Unimpioved. • • . ',inquisition :waived] , ;Seized, taken in •Eii•cation and writ he sold ae . loe property Alpha Morse, at the sok nt William -B Clymer-.fey the 'lose at William •Bi»gham's Trost:ere.: , • ~.. ~ :, .- - • -AL5.0,....4. 71:1e Rnal . l 7 ;Qt ! tte, to 'l,tt'it: , Ileginni.ne at it post, in the Fosi amt. West Fo,nte the l.'";nr. , .hoxest.rnrner of I.OJ 01.•.the,6110 tr,Pl:ll of; - ifeyrttn trinstlip, t:nTth bun: drerl a l nt,4iitry seven 'mut t tvn.,.letathtt - pelrhe,s,. ,ihtf.nre one .hontitett ten ppreheF. Smith due • handl tnt , and lqixlv en4t.ttrp tonti.a tht.ntt,, . long ot, thP,rnarl, north ; eight;f%piaht .one',half I wr,o, .rp4i•hox.to ihn pl:,:re of !)eginnipx. Contttinine 1111nlin .:11 1144 14 ht,:ary!',. ninP 7 4ono. ..of an nrr 4 , ' alittAelllCP fif i . !Si X per .t'ent for Rc-he th - 111thilil. rime I. !eina: t o t 119 . 6( t .441.(1,!,141011.!t'./4 i; tistqlttet aftir..;-,Nckltuit'ourpty Ponnsy: • t?; • ;3 • • : -; - . . . . . . . vinie;:endlnitf o( Wafrent ''Ooinberecl. 2253; Abon-ftve•Bekeiinipi:Oveil, and one Jog, ghiincy, • Elo.loiOtion,yeaived): • , . Seized, eken in execAtion,.ond.yrill.be'eu/d eßifie'ffrOpPite:Of 'AlphnAtorse;of the init ot Willinm R : the use , of. Bingkiages 1 : • • ..Tlikfol)owing•tleietirred Real , Beeinning ;t 2r,•post. the .rand, brine the Soot`i Enstcnrner of lot No:93'ol.theieltotnent' •Ot-the:BinehOm.l!nls , in Latii•Yette :thetee . Westone ,hoollred.antl.ninety 7 efght,Und seven tenths ''je•rches,. eighty.tsv . cr perches, .thenc:e• South.' ,leirrees Iwo hundred ind•ftqy one and four' tenths perches, thence' alongline. of 'the ,roid; South thirty. five.dep,eel •••est• nin,lY,fuur.ind seven t , :nthi psrehes to the,plnce pl heitnlinit: ContaimpF one hundred sr,nl ten screiand dltie risiithS'of of• soix per cent for he The same tnnttrnt is{ tj Freing , Lot, No':92 of the:rillotment of the Bipa•ham. . Lefayette••io county,...state-ol,.Pennsylvanta, Fri& parrot Avs numberell22B4l.' .I:TOWN °Veil: . ' • • Sr''ZVA,...taketi; in fixer Lit fon • rind 'vrill t old' us. the' property ot, Dsniel Holdridge at the.stfit, of„Binghum.TruStees Tille4ollovring rea).Flt4i.;; Cnrrimoneing et tindt on:thes . .. ,, otify 'ol Main 90r..01; nt the North Fast corner of village: loi.nottilieiell ten; north 88 1.2 deCreas went,:hy:timuotith lintedlt stre . k; twelve'oiln more cier,. lops Id t A poit t . Iho ,Nori h o'oet :corner of lot No.' thlyt:•n; South, d..ort!en•Eovi, twenty totig To a post north line. of Col ye.on •,stte . et nt thi;.sonlh Wont:eOrnor or lot. No. i y.oon:t hence . S othSS 1.1-green bye north line, of Corydon .5! re . et. tiyelkor intis:m'ore 'or lire to n mitt at_ the south. %VW corer lot No. tweilly-fonr, thenOr South I . l2ileereen west;',.tirenty , roilt , more or 'lO4 to thO bt , ginnin.e„ containing ono *end One haltmeres more or .leas, heing village Jots Nos; 11, 12, 22 arid 23,' in the ' , Ulnae of . Brad; ford, McKean county. Po.; formerly Littketon i •, being -part at old lot Nu, 129 and apart of .war.., rant 3906; all- improVedr, One framed House, one ciamed Barn,' a quantity of Fruit-Trees; a'_griod VVellml Water. . 1. . ..' ' .. .• , - 'Seized; talren• in g 'recut if , il,il.'"will -be sold '39 the pi °perry of Sands ,Nil . the suit of Daniel KinesburY earl of Nilo, e ey - Adrnin, 6 4 14 Istra tor of John' 9 Niles deceased :' • • .. • . • ' _ALSO,- .. ...,..• .. • . The . following' Real Eviliter!' •,,, . . .. -. 'Begiirniou.rit alle , •ch beingathe NOtth west corner of Lot No. 99 of .the allotment of. Bing horn lands in 0116 Township '. flaMce. Wee! eighty' tWo and 104 tenths keerC i l,e, - ,ti,k4 Beer.h, thence North . two hundred and iiirlateen and six tenths perches to a'BeeCii;'•' thence . • Eliot . . eighty two and toirr,tignthe ferchea: to . a Beech, 111enee. S iut I . ..t wi.tunf te 1,, aool neteery ilf ,i nd .3l:t trol l l,pglnheMP.l4 4 Ag4 . 4 l Pfd llniil:g;.,Contnintnc ong llinilted .apd ell ; nerOittiriiiineOlit 'trial Wit . tiiretii,vikh.iiisiilliiWill once 'id" 'aig' - yei. eArfor: R'6 . iii§"ticc . . - 6. 44 , :ttifi . ' •., , ili'i :/6 3 0tve: 0 i'lei( ,ii . !I t ',.'iiiiii:livi . tto'.'rtftWtlig• all;itaign'T..;Yfie ilinkhinitictidilitltiiirk*VV - fi shiti,;:ileitedn f eaunty r Stoke of .1. 1 k 1111 ,1 4 ) , :t. 11. 4 `end piiii . .ariUrpirit,l4l . iltA.,.. uti . '3iSi? tid .prOVeil,' .r[TiillniSititin' vaii'Piril:f:' ' . ,:"...-' '''',4 , Se'rii:d,kiikeri'tdir.ieeilion,',•iind Wlil. l .teloq 'as'khe.,ProPer fr . f4 t'', It:',:"0:. Yir: a nd .I?2titt'ti : *all'afklie stilt of 111'. ham Tiuiltieii . .' '', 4 :''....', ~ k. . „ . ~., .? ~.., . ......AL r p0 ,, 44, . ;4; ...• ,;:-..:: :: I 4 . ~..::, iti I" VI RTtle .. tit: , ‘'.io , tiii Ot' . '.: . i ,- 4i . ::taiii;_' , i,d . : ,. ..D;iiim. - il' . ciiiir Ottlie"'COVit 'lnf . 'o , ln . rntli . tri v liiO3;',', Qs Afelieon Coomy,,,encl 'to, ene direeted,'iliiif will he exposetkto - pdblicaireidtkhLrticurr;Hot.tie in rlie" 94 . r.onti 0 Sfriff.hi(orl: - .on Mitiff;iy;43ifei' 22 , VA A. D, 1962 vat -1 - t"clol4‘P, 91.ThelollOW' , * '.i :i!lie..ifollowilie l •Aell Evtafe,:' , ...4: -, tail ":Nli::: , 4' and south 1:1311 . 6r./ . 0 Vti'l,aiii!..llrc'eiti'ne . iiii.iiy ,' ;c6i..t a iiii!ii , 19kac re* ”Of 'I dn'd, ftliarnskiiks , .: fol.; limit. Nirrih:hrland of .e.'...;. , 'D.. Pit bet t irtirtlAthi . . ... . c;risik, - :East by .9fe I' nit#U7k , wti n t-or oak; h: 1.401 . '01. :Ward: , aMI Strpbori.Siiward, arid. West by. lands'ol 8. P 'aboiii •65 acres improvi'd nne lianto,d Ilduse..one frany.d Barn, =a. tibia qoartrity' ,, Af 'Priri! Tires • and ..knovra as !thd Bolivar Brodk A tso.zl-Anoth , r,trfiet of lona: bountlod . 4c6ttli, .b . y, land tif , Ir.. Flost.r, Ewa'. by,fatlel• of; Bo* jamin Chnnil3erl 1 South hy .Brtirko; Wrol by !Ike :TonnarOgiaoilht co'nfai . nine 00 ac7rec, whom k ". fen :ifere improved, 'nor! knototi . o4 the filooltrnlttilot:4 , r. ALSro,n-.Anothet tritef of land bofinclifil , Mirth , by !atm gottliyAtrePoi B , •Pjafilin mbti . n kkfr,•;l. , 4ilef., South Iv S. F :lite; nil Neei t tyf by , itie , Ttoittaniwiint erint,ining one hon±)re4l Ind thirty lereiox.iiit sixtyflifii‘aerot frani.fd'• Barn' , thfree 010dt 1 .lift 01 . .14 :ort 4 'laqii florae B'nici;one , earn itni 'and 'wbrigt; trnlyt;Pd . 11611* , P.Atv:1014 , (3r,itrlibilloi niiil*frOnfen tiliii)tiU4to 1'404r-tract of lehtyljettintlil•teat by•lenti•Of J. .F.::•Mati , in,, eferltult,d, South' by lend of Q. 11oph, %Vest by laud of C. Cr Mel vin, North by the hiLetwayr cootalning . seeen'..z, ty two aqtlare•roda of lan,tf,b.ithe same more, Or less. one trairtPd House; one framed 'alatiti . ; Ind a quantity of Fruit Trees, ectii•well water 'and known as the quit: Brown property, all ..A . tgo,— A Cher: tract of ••lattd,l•ljoutvlerf South by fan' ark 'Faranna,•• West not - •hiorth by-last! of•Dbit!e. Kiovbury,,enot Eait.by•tbe hig.bwayl•Ci.'ntaittine abourOua'half of atiarre of land ill•iirproved, situated 'in the, village" oh Itrettford, , Nc•Fetin tiohoty , Pa. :• •• • .. . Atsri,-I.notht.r .tract "df land: • Enontbd South by hod of P.... Abbott; Entettort North, b,' lands oilliniol King:ibiiiy; - , lile,t.t!te' laid of \laineriz Ciianib , iyltlin . , Coot,tini.ta.iorty-tottr nd rim hult tvtriVvi;,•bev, thnflin inn rivove nr nive: : ern in - quitr,v•il..ntin' Jae Hong-, voin : Inv! Born: i'vv• nhvyvn . cvvity'y - ' ..• Siz.-“ l ,iBkrn iv, : r:i..!eriviri runt will • proper ty nl:3•Vavvrch F. 'Cl.4lr.:netive ;ni:01 - Wolikill.:13a'nk; aka:Snyder:6'nd. übb . • . The'follot;ling,te,irretaio,bOnrolell s• o'r I y. tiorthtveLt coiner of egoa re No, 8, porches to' o poet, .tt'ieoce toi+rh'eietit,porcNei'tu the center orsoid agoiic itpAce weo perches to the, 'nl qi'reet 'th. flee by sail • HO° nolth'eigm to the ploce ' Pna and . t. 410 in square No.., - E 3 beirl e - r~LSO,-. -A T. 'O MEM MEM . . . .Wa gpt No. "..:0615, 'coniainite fouri arte'Ftricf. 4e 14 ,it ; mll one trxitied born,,ve qparit it Kul (rnit . ;tree.s ttoptlif,ptintAittfll'i we ?;4; torotiVh'br'Siiittfil;Aft AirKehn coqnt.y.;ria:' . • . Aimn,,nt t !And in ryt t areNp., 558 ,the 13nitin eh 4.s.in,rl24Airy : Alifiri . knAWA' an: Side -11111.Siot , -.liit, neen . pied l y . N 5 II sun' as n't Alipp-il-• 4oupdq.;Aputill: And .we.t.. by 6111 J. IN : iinitAtbre; north by . 0. lord and' eds.y. lnnd hi.*.to re nri.ili4eA kiA • 'Oo 4# me ;more IrßA,.i . rnprnv; d And 'onti Seized' inkiin, in 1,19,0 the•propnit F. Mqvitiliatut D.'. .0 11 011 f;. pt this quit (5i Leivi...tntlool,4;,.;:, • • • . ...-0 411•,ttio ri l kkt ~1411e,.s,t1 0 .j0,wfti.94poiciitfilot. • to th."'lol,ll:4ini'il;.Pit Wcil•gstato :Ki . ?!il4l Niro sylennie,'•ll , iuMleit Lami4, !he ;yei..nt Ailrn'fdour) r, " air 0 . 0. s'oo th 1 1 1 . 771etjain 'on rant by one 1)ut1(41;0 .ind,ei:;hty nc.rei..AboO,tifly IMprpye , l arid. about .h 0 a'cr'e~•fra ° r~iall'y.eleareil nee w I bot , ge,. mie frrt me horvi lia'rn,' one,fiamr herii fife} hirir treCs. 9‘irßed.:;by . Jo.o. It . , SHz,•4.taki..ll enti%to t , ...Q41 th Rropeay'of Qtrettli. Slantini at the quit I . pg R.HI Eni!it( JAMES E. BLAIR, Sheriti. Slier qtrl6.;.Smithydrt'; . §ipt. e, 11M2. AMERICAN MrRICI7I,,MOT.;:,7::,'AI. A ilion•rtion.ocase, RELI A BLE and'lllACsca• TIC AL' Jayilei, doroted .to ther.diffeeentlsle.4 Psi moots of soil , culfore, such an.groUrint.Field'l; crops . ; Orchard •la lid Gersten , nulls r aard e w V«getebles . .and• Floweis;. Trres.; Plants, - . - amt! Flowors • for . : the Lawn - or .Yard,; eare:riffDo:4 rnestie Anicnols,. &1e.,. Sse.; and ands to:llouirtuist.f... Labors: It has aliei-an.inierestiag Ind Mutates tive.densrirnent tor. children and Yontlt:7;:';liii to' A full Celondar rwOperiltions every mon*T4'i • Term to Four Hundred, or more, illuatrative. Entievlngr a fipear in•-nach 'voltioei..... sZt....r l'wolvii lieridred:plaiii, prsictical, Me ,struCtive articles and useful. Itcm,,,;arn %Otis every year.. . ~ .. .., !, ~, ,i -. . 1 . .., , 10-'tl lhr - Ediion, - a nd cp 9 ir4m!ois . 44.all „ pric t . 4 deal Working -Alen. 4 i'” The t.aehi'ltga. at 41i'l,ialucarillitirr ,119, , ,efieR•o, /freed to tra .Itoeoe.2fil:fory,.hut, atra;esslespaasl lt d ., Mi. 10,p113...01 all srpi oft ,of th.f. c.OOll, I rIV- 7 -,4 000 4 ill mania indiCaftf, fir tAigI4OI.4II,P4TCII,44I I •CRP•ot TINXNT... •' • , • . , •; . ,;.,..,, . ...:-.', .t . 0..1.'...10%. . : A -0 E R . :W A N EDil,lOll Hi pliblis,hed.-qt I Ito" , eame, sit« and prlce as the Logils/1, mill-eon. • rt# mining ell Of iii. readlifiC ter,",and its ountia , Viquitratiiit'engitviii ' ' ii ' w" ` ' l ' '' A '''‘ ‘ Ai j TERMS..-INVARIA 8 -I 'AbIeANCL . ' - .. : ." One eopy,pne.year, , ' t -;."• — . - $1 1 11:40- 1,, i' . Sin 'copies, one year.. : :; -i .., .; :5 •1)01 . , , :di54 ,1 Ten or more copier'' ; one year.,,Bcheentweitek,'•:: - I: OT Add, to, the„ above,ratet,t. ,P,Oilep t to' • Canada 6 cenis, to 'Englonie and Fi..,,,,, til 'rentqlto GerMtliy;36 c inic; : ..-,,i , . .t . ilf t:A`O :, ' * Pot trie e anywhern.int the -. United . Stiteiran4 r. Tr,tri l or r ies flint.be paid by Jim stslnieri der, mil(l.i4 is 'only :ifs rents a sear, if paid in aleangi, - ,a4 0 'OP office' where rescued . ';,.,,. •.' '.. A I I ll husine end other communktllict6 l lPiPPAl he a ddregg"«ii to tiff . , Etiiiar' find' Pitp:rfotot , • • ' '• ORANGE 'JUDD, li 41Par-Rtivi , ,' s,:lt:C i iiV :,.., _ •.,.... ~ ..,. I Dlfllitißk,vr;s MiRROi; , O S'ASIIION4e.II4I4.. hat.l'Aeost' r iti wof : 14..004 Oaa l+roni And1144,4j: o. 4 l#l94ekiittlitlrl %Or greittept otimbor of fine rogreTinsg, lb* moat it:1101'4 Idortnitiow. liner full-aftedl 'D.reipt,ea; edtl.P. shoot of Dew hrsdC..Wiirk - fiPtF:Filoiro4 . , , „ `diritig,Pal 4 tas Eitryllothir 'Driontioilobr; iiikkpvi) have.lt • .PuoliiittetQuiktirrly t by.AtlwAy. tPaw 'York; 'sok dr Hum b 1 leeit , Ist tn.- Irgariy $1; pith* ph, Thy gutitroir timber low roae. 0 •" • • -. • "• r 1 ..1 - 5" "L MANHOOD, -- 'IIOW rLOST.! . HOW ' • Jprr Soitiol:Nniotopii,•••Piiit or Caw . • . ' 4t•LlCOTtlitg tn • !Wilco) .ooro Oportuatorrktooo, ,or !mins] 1yeek4.16., 1000 ItiVtlirl".EMlAOlfr.' Dtitoikty: iiiiifletipOdOotats" . t 4 my, rier NorrAiiitteoi—CßpiqOptiiill,litit • lopar itod } It o; Nteutal,ad tocopseiti, roolu t. • SI/ tor .f.tbe Orrin..BOok, • .• , , IThj*i.,rld•tericatud itUtborliu thti eisarly. c,j o ros tidal bat oor•••topor,ltioco AM; odu icquonctls 'Ealt•ibtos otoyl.4`offorettiallx reinoviA' wl4hllut roodlotbo, and *layout ttraN•wat nruMtoperivi bon las inyitro &tents, Hap!, or tOr4l#l , 4'poiottng nit ril.Modti. of c' , Ou re. at'orice toy rtait bnd rigitiftolol;47; Aolo;o/k boor/ otifforor, uo olAttor . what „NI coildttloo,,roOl e , bC l i4.4 c re I,llnoodf cutaiar. this - loyturs liipoik.a, geourobk,lo.;:rlolf_MOoPt • gent ttudoomal o in! Plain 4ekielps utxlY . c,enii, trn .notago.l44toP.s. n. r. ..111.! r , 5 4 - As.. JR tl• 22* tigivierfi WON'T • , ' old COMO Boa; 0411144—t 4b 16 , ' 6l IT. • • • ,'• ; • •-•'• . 1 • SIER S `..t it V.V. President the Hons.. lin 'and N. Peabody Assoeia;e, Jodges,nf , t,bee, Court:4 of Oyer Ar.. Terminer and Generai Jail PeliverY., Quorter: Sessions tbe, pedeent'r; : phans' Court and . .e.ourrof ,PfrO rp,F,„4 the County nt 'lll . 'Ken If have isined t . beir prrlpert braring.date ihe'.i3ventk 7 kiverithibSi Jone,. in 60 year of ,onr'.'tord eight hundred anti siirtyttrof: . and.telx.latert , .! liter ted s . , rot hohlinic. a 'Coon Terminer end 'Genera) . Jail Deliv . ery , ,,94tartet.„' So.sion4 of the Peiee,' 0;4)6110'654W laid" • CO;trr of Common. ie. Sme t . liport, an Nointo y; he. 224 day Seigentivq . • n .xt, and to e ..contiOnone•,werie....2; her i ehy.'giVen nets, :Ju.tices . th . Reece , and. Constollev?• . the eolint y, thry an49llte,--*; In t bei :proro r per_harta,at said dAiy, their" -.• exonlinnt ion., hrid'h'tifir''remetißanil4‘; 47o ‘ l 00 % t ho.e vt , hieh'their ogieetapperfairt.'oll4kt dont.. A nd.those who era ;boontl by.,.tbekirxeceal o!i , n;vineee to:prosecute thejitisaners.thht of° oF • 911d11 he i'n the nfid, enmly t ..oc.„lWK.WW , r. ate to ihen and there: (oprosect4o ;. fartn*;. 'them as will ' "' dif,';l} .p 01,4 1.2362., , '. nd the , BGth , .. year. 'of.'ll3l.l . n!leitilitkas4 ence of tkeignited. tesof A • • JA3. U;44 1 ,•..54, 0 44 . . . •.• . . - 'N(,).' 24 NIFAM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers