. . - . . . . . . . , . .. ..----.- . . . . . . . . . ~. . . . ....... VOL A. ,AV.titaft . Qtp.iiiitv: . Q.o . llot iii,t •PII . BLISM.3I)II.IItV ISATI:Itf!AY.MOI;NtN(I; • SNIF.A.;IIPOI:IT;;: , I)I' . REA'N'. (2 0 0 iqY, • PA' L. polisE nt oF P 1:10. IC AIII TERNS: • 56 11,,tes of Advertising I "' rthr utuutitic.. One nquare orl2 I 'holt or logr,, ithiortionA; Each uuhiloquout. Kqe litptinom! Cards, with 00 . itute or . 1, urr warit ctrl the o , ovti rut! “, .Tirol yo lilfe,i troupxroil, is ratan a POI% • . . • ~ • , Thu.ie Ternls , Irilllio AtrictifitdhOred to. _ft • 011411C,55: . Oilertool', SOUTI4-E z AST:COIiNY.R . :%1. 7 11N .sT,rt'r.El A n( Lhl,i'l . I';i DR: L. R. WISNER; , Plipttoiort -.ring Surgeon; •.sotot . hriitt. P. V, • NVIII atten.l to • all pu'ofessionil calix with. prutoptuolft , zi;trt wet I Block, mecum]. floor. - .' • . LAItABEE'S HOTEL . . . . .. . . B. LAit.trijtk, Proprietor . ,—.tlleohiq Kriqi;o•.:ll'lilosrt C 0.,. Pa.- '.l. t his•houee • is.sito•clt•.l oho° t y1it0.,11111,!..f600 • rhne,thport Oil the 1,101 to.Oh o l, 11,1.1111 h. f.,enii ~ I , oorivenieu,i iitoppiti.:„-plape - , : ,• .. . ' ..., • xrn :' ousi . . . . . . 1 . 7 o:+'nurho l'copriothr,. ' iliagN% ay,.1..t. ' Thts IPA et i ~- nu - m'atO fur tai4iki,l ill inn , liqn ~ iy le: lialcsinole itteuto lipplationg : and i 4. in all .....{,1,1 , ...• a Ezr,t Cia,h lintel. ' . iti,loray,'}:lk co: l'.i.. \l it '2.-1, l.- ,u " . •' . - • ' . "..—_ ELDItED . .. .. , 1010 WRIII, l'ropri..tior: - Tl,', 1t...1.i.. is sittiatt..l 10l ..,v,iy'betwou• e,tarthimrt :Lt:4 1):,,i; ..1. .:0.,111.,11..ri '• itt, ciiin . lan.tioui loir,.,,.Clen.tilir, :11 ' 11 01,figi11.... .tilel. , l .'aitt,, M1.1 . 10w pti,:tis • FARMERS' VALLEY HOTEL,' . Wy . T. . t.....1[.i:9.“.••1.:11 , iril lice .s±ori. I:411a; is eud ollii,ge.ltfire ap'.lll/Mtl.lil'O',l o_o HOUSE, . . .. . 5111p1 , 9 11 ,, rd'lit;an . 0J.... Pd ,N 1,. if YF.).;..1 . r0pri , . 11 . 1: A ,:',. ! ,nm'e..,1i,,1„, 4 ,i . nil I,N ...11. i%11 . 111.,1ie.i 1,,,/o , :-tra.lig.., :t .,,1 t,,,,,,,i,r.,•,,. ill 1 hO, .g,,,,i a,..:,;a1,11,:p1.it.i , ; ui. • ' • PORT ALLEGA ~Y '; t{UUS~, . . . . . .. . i, , ,of.:ii . 11. Eliil.t.gt. Jr' oiii i e tor. NI. I'l,l A kIre,LIIC 1.1 . -- Fil , i-tu o,inuty l'J 1"u1,1,1olvl 1-1',.i1.,.:1 At rh , pm , t,OO of tile ... , ,o:ttlli. , rt. ~1,1 .111.•.2,..ti11 , I:ryt•r' s lo:ittF. nine Lull ..s on.sl„ of Stnethnort. . . . • -- BEZ , INETT HOU,E, • • , t coollood, owl :till troll ltirliitttiodlool-t , • • - , • 091V:1.1.:; .:e4•l .... . • . . n.„ .71 .CF.II CR Proprir,,,,l',. I'4, Vtis 11,31,.. , i3010 I ¶+l) i11,1551.311t,1iA1141.••1L.:.irt.0,t...,t)1..., .L . lll 0 vr . , A',- ielltoLl %COI bc'io.ti.l 1,, iiic' preklu : ietvf Au t ii.. - t ott.tt . .it• 20,1 t.vto of - is Co'''t"• -, , ... ~ ' .".1011 , 1. l'.l. . . . • ' 'A..D. s4.tr - vvyt,F. • I)rmft.i/11, I•1:11 Agiout Saw, k • 8.T..: :11i1.U.K.} - ; LT . , L. teml th" C... rt.'! Prompt' stirs',...n •,. .en I 1?-111.111.0ek—:.e.,".1 To Those Interested in Milling and Mineral Lands: . • • ~ W . 1t..11A1 . 1.N . t . : ,1 iiii . .sr* It—. ier . i•ii..es f,r•ihi...oviroino NT • lion of Mi nor:it Lati.ti..• to .'it , lNii.co• "tot .I•4l,,ooiiii ii, and Will 'ZiV.' Ili- , Opini,,,‘ ~. I:tht. .1112...1: MiNigi . ;, 'AG, y1,,,,i,...e1ii14)•,.. hi- ....rvii"iii: 4 ii ill ret , iv , 3lj node' , 0tev...1 11 . 11, Ileila.b) , i111.riz1a1..,•1t... r,ti 1 ,, 11,1 , .tt the .11unkiir THU -,!iliti.,. ' •. - . .' :... .•. - . Siirgeatq:, "AliKo.in Co.. .1 ii'oe :ill ; I -hi ) , '. • •.• • • • . • -. • w, 1-t: r,.A.1cr...11. : . . . , ill Wv:LLEEt, I:lit F...i•le o1.1•1/0 l'IP•lit" "-. 1 11kr.,•'. Si‘ •.'el! , l ili,Q: •, 'North.or tltel)einto!rat'Ol,•o,, l' , I'val, TM Watt•hvg 01,0, al!! .14n5i.11,,ry41,, ..1'0'..,tv.1! ii.,t.el! E.xecuteit and' ,Vin.rrauPt:4., •- • , '.. , . . • .. •• , A. J. NOURS - C, ' - • fleali, in ¢terra, NO-; • ;4111,1bpart, ".worl,-..tlone notict.,',.lo the . test substantial in:tuner. . . . • ' . ' 'W. S. •BIIONNELL. ' .• .. )baler in Dry.!:ool4, 0 rkf, ,, Eie,; i'l'oe:, , ev. -II .iriti% are Boutg, 51, 0 0,,•Hat,,.e.iii , , ii iligq. N:tib., (111:.,'',, A , .• 'East side all the Public Squair.:4ll?i,tlll.(i'rt, P 3, ..• THING & . . .. . . Ivh o leida ~.1 .P,...4:1.1 Pealp.rs•in SW.pf,rlll ,l'Ai,.r pry 11,or1;1,earpotin4,11..oly ,M, 17 P. ,rthirt.r. itrl , l 1 1 i.n..rti I F urnishing t4oodg; 130.11, r llSlkneti.\Vall mot 11 . 1174101 v . Vapor, hooking (ilustieA N 0. .. At...lil.mi. N. V. ~.. _ ..,. ..--. . . . BYRON.D...NAMLIN ' - . . , . . • ,A TTilltlAiNr AT LAW; •Suf.,4 h port: Itl'Kertil ettllllt. PA:, Agont for *.ide, ,,, r 4 : Heati or A.: ("'i.::l t nd, • Attetr'li 4,ApAAINIIk to the.Colle , :tion of 11,Lint..:•, l',,,uninatii..ll.4 • , Land Titler••l..vimeint of 'ri.•,:ei, 1 ib1,i11.1.1,111,;•,,r01it- • ting to .Itoftl ' EAtte.' Unice in Ilannlin lllrwk • '. • • •_ ..... • _ ', _ .... S.'•t":IIYDE; ATT9RY&S• AT-LAW. Soletliport, co— Pt.. • Uollectiong promptlj'attentltql to. . Feb- WILLIAM WILK • , . .. . Practical ,Nlechitoic,. iiiillwricht, liritge.lull,lor: ..l.c. y . Port Alletilition.M.'..licaii COMAS, Va. , . . . . . . II T S ' S , • C814118.810NE14 FOIETIIII SVATII In? NEW:l(iiiK: to take proofs. and. acknowledgineida iif other insitrumente to be ivied and mid t••; and to aiministeroatha ur .affirtnitiiins iitirrniiiit tii lhr Inws of eaid State; Conveyancer, & e.Ulf le in Land Or Hue of D Ifingdbufy, Bradford,iBfeßean Co , • March 14,1801 -6m. FOBES HOUSE, Fronting the littblie' ,Square,.. Olean •N. Y. A M. 510.1.,En. Proprintor.. That Fnbor Irons° iii.entirely new and built of brick, and 'is furnielieil in 'limit:lli ".tyle. The 'proprietor all,ti.j,lllll,,eit .1.1181. areinnitioila• '• Hone are not surpiveotil by eny Hotel in We.,teyii York. Corriatton run to: wl torn tilt Nun }',ti itud :11'rie Rail Road. • • . . DENTISTRY Da. M. A.5....WM.; ,I• mll4 . ....speCtfally antlollll, to II e ctlizena al •Sinethphrt and viethity, t Hat. he 11,4 Otto II . tip on °RIO., 11111,114 prOpartol 10 • ..t.ttod,lO all ...!,....." 8 - 1... 1.14 toiifeivinri. ' A'rtilO•t:ll toed'. lover:tt upon -Id ototill-ii prcoviple......ami SO ''''' to l"."'""' the n't.tr.iie" . proasion of the - face" A IlaliocationF-ih Dental Punic , taiwin tvtikillfal manner. ,lot . ' • ' +A. 13..ARKSTRONUr, .17U3VICE ()V I'EAC V. and C•Ctivean , e.r•' Lltirnely 1 : 01 1r8plor11.•1.,tw. Turlfollar given to Oullocting. ,(11111•o One Don r Bahl .or he Bon nett•Uunme,, litnelltport; j:0, -_ r 1 •:-.F.?:_r.:.:1...N-.r.1);I:N..(;,-, 01' • 1',.VE111`.1).Efii:RIATI 0N , `NEATLY; EPEAPLY AND EXPEDITIOU S LY .I,T TU I .DE,MCWI3.AU: ..C..)F0C,T.,-, spyil AL ..ost curtiv.zcs: ItELAy I'VE; TA) p m ult . Coic . i! y. •• ' • a cojiy 'of Gettcral dors No. 121,.ih$iled• by ..b . e AVa I).e- . • partroctid;• gi'vilig particular 'idiot irelimhs tlitil.iiare.arridorgiinizadirin of M•irfted or of LiMliiiitders 'receive& iii, lie ti nl drit ft rid_ men. Ydt.a Will exiitninethMotile'rs carefully, and icirrry-blt . . . , :these directions IWO/fully. • The iino4-fof.:yotir..conrit3 . :i to fill the seviictll rerpriSition, triadmofion tlie f Wmr Departirivid, is trien...:• .. • timmifion this.quo . tl in the,ilipirn' `townships, boroughs unit ward's" in your . Ontrity'.. in nccoplance with tlio enrollment- by. the' M . nrshals, of. men strbitict fo,ndilititry - duty. It . Willi not' be mailei the appr , ali •ar.e held and the claims fo.Mrermit ion are deCi ded,.. as . it .cannot bn justly apportioned null f the r,eiet nurntiet o(. men actually . subjcct to. each distrjr.tjs • asrertaiped. When. he primer irriportiondir each subdivi sion of the county is determined, in arroidar l ,C with the Men ai't.ually . .ubject i to military tiut . ) . '. wilFdsccdtaiti'l'orridhu enrnitricbt.tite Itum biirof incn. C•acb• dist rict has nod credit on its (pinta. credit enlisted indite rCgdilad'adrity; indbe . imirjw3 service, 'citrpenteri; dciiinstdirs l ; clef kt.,• &c., - add .tn is LW .11 (11) P.,!11( 50 onlis!ol • in:rogirnoo.ts ift.fl'eff the law:i of :of he‘r Szaf. , -s,•aroo(if •fd - be PofLoorod.. •.vill : er , ..dit•Onf" . ; for rrv.tr..of , - li4ti,,riffillo voluiiteer r. ti nrhl and 1--o"folla Hies rein riiz~dau~l citnunissioimd I) - y•fhO Gov 7 :ornor . .2. 'nisnitiliserYn . ciliel'utly. to 'ruar"d aillainst, the sine men tieing crrdited in tw'o' dislrVets, 1».79 whose p .. 0111.! 01 , 6162 113Ve .1) , "11 I bur •ing .:teniporm :resiJito.2, - .. tt.nther, oilikt, , fl;:un,y Atte ) .. iuity ho . erPtlitt:d y'ou (1,1; , et ;my such ea;e. :live the disitiet•wh.•n . . . t hi, :1 ,,,,,,, ~.,l i ii.til ig wa: pqr , - , Cin ,, hii; lawful •, , a)lit:i!.... o! r...idin2,. ;it th , . titer 1,.. 1111:'s'if.I.:: ‘vrtlimil li. 241,1 1.,.; . 1.1 . ..' . i. , 5,i,1 , •r"Ke .-, 11 Iti , paii.3ll, y!)irr mot t: . . ,!pt:) exe .t = . MEE . . Or • .Iyo , C,11....17tdtt , s St. 110: tho '4 , loltti tit W roil will, 1(m roll: (',(,l:cii'!•tr.l); , :i , ii.2.- 01' ci.nt I:•t:te : the men ' • • EISIIMMI A It li.iti , 4 ; %• Ow t rrlnrr.r 1 tho tlio i - eXo2.lll . pf Irani unl'it,irc . . dittyaldpirtisontt tutlor.dvitittity-rtite years:, Pmt tlittittiortt, dditt alpitt;attlt;yra , t linen I} list all Prtisoq %%dm itstattlitdi lilt; fact, yptit sdtistaittutti, I l t dt rite,t[ad:tit andst:r . %inn- iy.nnr.y•.tr: vncicr 0,1111, irlien port ate ifot sithC•rwi ,, fir 1. • • • %...;11 at once !live iwtiee; by hawl.iil4, rthat .nn the 1 rith ;hay of. :S6itembef you t'ill,prnrrrcl.t 'etralt 1: , t: eaeh (11 , hrii.h the nom, her of 'weir rw'r)ta';'‘wle.ss' the district furni , lms'the,nieti ii yrdocer:ers.on '‘l . .'before that - thay . .. State. in yeiut.haud lulls diFt.Wetly' that. Yoltlll - to fill:1 ' oil (11` daylll .,s : draft . 1;10'. 1)I! 1011111', ObViateffie di . alt t Such yoltihrteeri: . way he offered at any , liner, ~Lut :are not 'authorized to snbiist Iliem titWil .tfie day frket.l for. the.draft. ..• it ilnj-, ! . l'salale.tel.iyitili . ethe ,fi'aft.'im. 111 . e:1511) :thletlrivernor by mail fit lelr~r~ipll des neat' tie; : necessary, and irattii::,.the.earlier=t day, nil 10bieh it he :made, . , siqi , :faterY assurance 'that: true liliso,urowill 1.191:" ell'alite you. to rnake file draft thtitda.y, the tint wilt. br extew, detl; -,but the 'exteltsWn tyili nn[ `exceed lire. 'For speciul iusttuc't.ions — as to how you will' proceedto'rnrike !he draft..you are. Tel.e . rred General,flyder No. 09, of the IVar Department, alrep4,furni's . lle/1 you. • .• • All necessary expenses to complete or tarili• tote -the drift, including priMring, : Oerk 4c, ; :will lie paisfky the united State: Govern= S ich'exponseS will he distinctly star ! l in your bill, to;he'matleroit in duplicate r against the Ilnited States. verified by'aflidavit; itt: : turnetrto titis . ntlice for approval. • • Nun Will.htsve minted us enpiesof fellowing'tfolic•e as ,you believe may 11 , ded, in your etuitily, end deliver one . , * with his name, written . therein to VaCll men exempted nit . lhr wounds of conseientiotis sernpleS • ereliureby.iird i I 161, l)1 . ;11 - '11xeiqptod y be eliosr • of CoMsciendidusseruple • s acttinsd• bear iite,•,ar.mg, accordance iv • ith' section' 2:urtirle VI 6( ihe Constitution of 'c'nUsylvon . in, you will:be held I to pay to the C.Mumcin wen I tli suchi sidm a tin einiVelent for personalei 7 vice" us illeLegiSlatufe MaY direct, by a.law • marled for that purpose. • 'Ell F. DR:11"1. E if TO: Cll. Alt .15 , 6. 2 O :pj:tri . i!t!ri i N: Y,,tt can stw.ll eb - vi m i!•surv'n rt Septimtber (1 , 186'2 11e , specatilly: , • • 'ST,IFER.., Secretary' of lite.Commonivettlth . .. . ... , . , ._ . . . . . . • • . . . . .. • .. . • . • . ... ... '' ''- '.. ....:••••••• -v, ..•. . . • . . .•.: .• .: .• ..• ... , . • . .. ~. - . .7, .._ ...- . •.: ' _ ••. . • • • • . . . . . . sm Erni . 3 0.10 1 , : 11.1 . k . .EAN -C0Uii.' . 1.T,...:PA.,. : sAT triz I.Y.AY, •SITT, • 13, • " 1 562:.-.. Till':, LATE (4 LNERA I. STEVENS. F4lllc. cif 111;e incidejits:preccding the tleath'ol .• • Gee. 1-lie yens ale dl ioneohg, ihterest. • • . 11 nriny yas ietriatittg . frinri Centeriill battle was forighi.attinst l u 11/thehtnietlti: ;had peti , teated Ci niiJes'nrar'er.WriOliettielt then .and.v;•ll • imoving to sit ike upon the 11ank„ diORIOII, the ailcute o! Repel; ‘ot.j,, . I .‘v s on the left of •flie, renal taken . I.y the iratps, i - 6 - , ilinterceitted'the e'e;:in%,... l salt; flint tlir ftehe Is must :lie. -bra tf.:ll,l. l ;ak 'at onc,S; Alm tug. the night-they ‘i.ould stamped, the ,mtagonF, lint! probably so ilis'it'oecer't var. re , treat that Ithelatt.tllvl..iotts.would. fall a furry fu — thei! 'main Iforry , „...lll , ilerided to afittitk mud J * ll o,l:flint ely, at. thr same fitneeternltng back 'lot' support. Having metre his !lispoitioi.s; the attack on foot , Of the sSf.lth (Ili blenders) tipon mee.'ing a. %rithel ing fug; amt the Color. tiers any, . • ri7zlell • 2pld .Scothroan, beiniewerenled,f they, faltered. Our of the. 'color ..g.tia'rd toek'no the:flag; Ni . 4ett the. GOrern I snatchedit.,- from hite. 'I let 114;111ati_der - ut - hcsfe:et or 1 . 1.11);1 1 8 General, .don't' }•a it fake the (tofor!, l t bey 'II Stott % !l , l.!" The . ans'tv'er 'tile' the. colors! 11 tl.e . y . do.i.'t lidloy new, diet , i" and lle- fg . (1711r1VIll, 'We are al) 'f - ighlareterit• IJilutcitightan , iers . I.he ifig . blunders their Srotlfh• •chieff: .but l weepit.g.f.ci4 %vat d a hal t tiek hint nut his. 60' 1 . templd; 110:died 'An hour 'after. wards. :when' %Oren up, his handsvrete still cletAtel atotital 4110 . •• A . notins.l ..alter • seirjeg the cOlosc, his soul, Qaptaili t%co1111 , 1'd.;• end ci'ieill;tllter.. I hat he ,a•as..hliil,. Wit but to elate , birth, fhlit ',Retrial] father , . said:. / , ‘l•een't attend Ti ,you nntd, Buzzard. Cpr: !mai . ..1:1/tiriip , :o'n,,.sc , f , to tray hoy. •,. . A NEW VIEW OF THE LAW Tile' present Nsiti,..;ll of 'orne a oar rOt,i'rn p)rit t vit , %vof seitsible men; is some. What; .The .word is 114101,b11t it 5C011 . 05 idea. I.lott is regtiirod, 5v11011 : :1 a.neiv t imrvir iti;todoit tio,ories . oppiJsite, puiely be: personal. uiloi.so i t ‘vll-liout, regal& . to coo-40 , 1.y, a. l AOc.tte, 1.0111,i - Oilly 1,1/e . eour. ley. it) •-• • • . . i.l v IVipri tili!..1(11111 111'411 , 110' alive trr• Irz ~, arr r I Ili , - dlisnlote ott,tti!,,;Ace ul •eyery . hvw [tarp ..11,4 1 .1e5i 1., UN' to ,t:+'• ur •Ii rilirll ri , • krl Oar.. lion' iiie.t' veste 11%; :IV 1-I.• Vll/1 , •111. .11 . I1111)S11.1011 AEI, I In fact, there was a total opinion betwe.tol he cottsttrvative. oten :the 'hotted in:-41 (111 whieli .oght.l.o govern, Ilto cutttit'iy.in the pro•eciitiim of t 'Flo. Milner nsist ed deal it h110:1111* hq e I taut'. li i . latter 'in i=trd ahat no Te'et.t.rd s liotild be pai.i'lo coriStillition Or t a ste in. any w twr .O.1!)': • desiredanovtmielli ti•rie thereby ti.trnmele...t.. - : To:a at last treat w fa'r'as . to:intimate that altoot.' the, constitution. ivas.ti t raitm, the, a•iiMination.ol At- ps.ttitalt o tvale,,, \yds sliovn.mt the course . par'sted fly at the West,:wheit.;as was. t..411i , • , 1', -and ematos,iincontr.olicted. is the c.,tl,..Vmkittes., 'taken lo..fitse„ the Gen . ..tit( de: cldr. I i tt.t.ii.A . tte• people mid h. was at their dieat',.an;l: -.ll,tee every drtne accortline I.i lhrir expeeiatiolis l'rem t bat 'r.'ow we rove on'y !..X7,1 a ( 7 01 - 1 , 001. o al rivul rights, - : so to , pHtreitil foles were 1,, ii i •set it:l.:ill this thing-ni ;red rape tria,Sl g'ive ay yer'Y' shortly. to.l%.llitttliep.Mple.re• 01, hunt" "titt he to rainy out' net -f t 'as they., tliii'people,,.;t:sinieleit' to errs ont; ‘ttittimit . r . eetirit . t6 Ott t ;tit tape'of 'the .IVtisltineion p , tople.". nay %yeti look astonntled at this tletlaration:and ea- . Vier. from it. hat ; they hat to. exPect if the ' pr t ne t t ire he' l e . i.1111101)110.11' were adopteit.liy'thie army nr ttreir geot;rals. • 11M this enunciation eml4,l4eq' the idea at the tear as the rdilietil ItII'll‘ , 1 . 411;r1 it. They propo--ed once to-,simet estd..{r. they. proposed at .Mother lime. to t ug:an . ..zit ..indept , orlon't empS'ol't tan 1,1: a .!..jlkiesl 1 . 1. land titivat,:i'iriet,„ they . I ),.isontil violence allininistered datedttss 'bands to till. who were siitiPttrtlid 'of . Soothers sY.ntphthiCi ,vi s, or ev °l 'n , " they at!Opted the tioelripe •• boldly that the Coicititution was•utteily•sitspenleil With refer- Vlll.l` to all I reatirient of rebods and't heir sym pathizers, andthey urgedon - 1 he P.resident !ha , : the etttqcse of military. priccer, 'by al "ritilttary. necessity, 7 ". absolved hint frOrri.all the' traiiiineli.of .statute law 'or Constitutional . ri'?strictions.• Not only. do' we - net overstate, butt' e'd. riot folly reach_ the limit nf •the' dor rine wliick was advocated by the New .Yofk t ; Tinraa,,and iriany other . papers, and:which ul'fls' repeatodly vitro! ;cog- . stoutly urged in public speeches - and . private discussions by ittninent inernhoss.of the radical thirty. • Tbiq ,Amr , rine ;I,lv:hied their eenorad. and led tri Ili!. .11t11 , 1/t inn 111 melt-Callon art, \ Odell I, IEIO.II nn I he:itS.;ilini!' lino that . the I;lo,rei - 0, !Ito • 2 n,.., , r.tt010nt in Pon- Pha v t,,.1 as ,1 w-,r poser," t ria.l lty jittlse Het , Miler , ' canto, o r t Mtltoritiett. 'riot poWer of tlitt‘.PresiOent; as Cottiman.t.”.in-Chief nfalfr arMies, had tilitlittainc. l 'to ho.ahooliite altove•jatv if Coni;tithitiirti::• :Now . . ttuCaihod Melt •Com!i.o.; poqsf!s •ed ,t hi.' , tritilit ary ptivittti" . and might as a iittilii,try'inivoi:iity': of -constitOiloofil 'and lb:at - the l're-itlent. must' . .sobtnit.. One of Atte most aide and elogottitt is of American. mtellect diiiine I pit fe , v.yettiS, was. the speech of sowtor Ilio‘iitiltnt on t very While he said. mach that Avit'entilil not 'approve. hhs attiiiiip - trit On the main cotthl. legit:lat.- only liiider.thel....onstttotion, and tlntt,n)ilit'ary measmos, tililitayy. • powt , r, milj necessity, as far as they'. sfstorl, part of.,tlist executive pnwers, of the...l'reSidttiit airs a Masterly . and convincing a It was urianswi.thble,, and tio . olie, fa: 14e aware, alternated . 'totilis•wttr it... antlerstancl at thetidie thitt ,it'rr'prerinote . il the Yi.:ii ci 41 I thefe 'is - reashri to beil,.v.it'that:Ciii.;4 , ivas•it • correct I tea.. Passim; Olaf by howecyr; sva linYe se'on t hat 4 lic• rain: cal ;has.. 0'10614)1,n' ri la:arlicen, .thitt the •President is to .be •jotigo..f • miljoily, rlev,!s , i , lo , i; hi spite. 'or law. arid -to ills) e 1 .:m.(1 statate.s if they ind,4fereil . Wdth,lirilitary . lari gress„inthe way he tle'sired'pregrens. : , the: Pant.d.fireo - NYea d zs soildco nod 501011a:1 clOpian' has einrre ov,er the radical rnirirl. 'rhe As; 'yolk iTi doily aril. den, oyere rgerl demands.. to dzoirw whether tdil,.•Presirleiit• !Pearls "to: - ..obey the laws," awl . eociderat es that .t rlcslre - dart' obetliczitei- , to' lil y!*-- tiridder,ly; be - colutirn one radical eritemPornries.; all thn- ;nutrients that weii-denotinCed by them a- year , Ago, all the . 911. , 315. t hid t were diy-theor chat gal to dre t ten ions which. they last 'year last year - decla're'd to be • in blip_i ht cre.d of Evea . iiierc--they cal!' en.the:Piesi do.)t-toksae dproelanhitiini declaring his .olre dierrce to law!' They - Ileanthil that - he shall tell t rehrrls that: Are drithrels (hell] nr . :. erirdine, - to law!. . . • tV,! Int • v(-.nor that: ‘v.lten it. soitß'thern.,.ttinsi..,:ain...ithi . ..!rs ci'tort, :di - 1(1611 . n 01 640dioncn to l!w.,' 1 I.cir Facility for and advorating thn sati! .. doe Hint. knotyn., _Girt t‘ia , ll.r . ,;T(j. - rany e.o that:Alr. I.,toc.oln.wrll.pnrsu....lik own p.ifll'of dory. -II; . 6 . 1)03 , alit] 111.! 4011!S the . laity, and 40 ders oti Iris (Int y•in that e speet Vpi • tn.in , Ite be'44) ' rPtilfont;;i, pr..,- n 1 by tlic persons, to violat , . anrt hay 1. , : iirnwt (unity. laughs , •ar ri , y pro-nut •to day r ill ;',I• otn..lftnre, -.lr.tve rnr Mid nrilitaty•noOinfriv Avii4 ainp)..y to jll:cufy" him in any 'youis , r In>'rnay nnt 'l!.b.y hoc,' herpod or, 16'7 01,1 •"/;arr irrnrti A;7roti,:,7fs;",‘ Itv,r't }tun •nra thinr-sdnd end eiest-lw .1,1111; ,o,(1 . (10‘{' ilt. F . llO su idnuriryd ofllll . Fr ';(111`yOVI:l y I ti . ... l,t,ra:f! re rio , ma Ki ol'• lox; Inn only, the state . nivnt 'of a 'fri, , lani;iinlly.iavti arni tt ,r I hr . till!' the 'laws or,. olrov ! till ulilittiry ilo‘ver:." • ~.• ' • .13tii.Nikti. filth nr ;Ire lir put 01•11.:ta ri , spoet . tor-Ann - Hoof -who:thos tAralinw their own. w0tt1i5?".7J...,.t11.01.11nr. SIANI) B.Y irwr.covEivsmi:N-T . . •• .1 Ildt: leS,i)ll Wiliyil . , yi! h'a've :,,,i/ (Well Illifir!.s - Oil : the mind;. of Ql . ll` I l!illilot; r. v.; 4,...,1 4 y ' . IIIM I;;!.S;Iii Whie 11. FII(11)1(/1 ,1 coin i7:ed :yvolitiw . c 1,4,- i;sl'lylltii,,lhe ino“ ri . m.till.g totii , s.. _The noti;l6 - i ,l ll ( :' , ) , 4 ,l Th.Mil'il'ol'?Ft' -,fr.',""?;rnre,‘ , ,:6 1 1 ,.. 1 , c 1, .. ,,. a 1111'rell'it'lly011 1.`116..; ' to t/t!•1 , III1et .It , ole - rit ally. n'.,tn'eni. k't,en . tio; . lioice ol'a'innb detrOtidol i!, .hai to.4l,'li,ikdiaOly illelllC3t 1,1, :lila is. to-Ili'y roll. to ' b.... 1 )1 , .. 111b , 1 i111162.1!1 011 , 1 . 1001 11100 1 thl It ' :"/'. /11.4 to ;I rri rcj,y,,,..\‘'.! nave had a .51" r 11'5 Oh C.illl illrliiPS,:lil:Vr.f.lloil by iii lent tto'n of tlteradil'al part)', il,:igned to ,indicat,: smulrobing, I,bov, It'oi. ,(.;,ustitty. ion ; 'llitzhi.r titan tbe•.l;,'icinn.--,. "Th,1.1 1 .. • ..1f 010 Nat i o n," -. 4:ll: 4 ive,rsidj,ilo , r-. ,:rt..,•,' 1 . ~ t be •existvoce. ()C. th , 7 Iliillotl .' --:-01 , :• , .• iilld ...lillll.l I pill aic.s liay,!•bli..4ll.l.l',..with gt.;:ot I i•eklo.sir;.--s; he:ll , n.vOlo L1,'•;..ir,1 to g•.'t l ' he . Con..,ti! i . I I 101 l 4! i'..r , .1.4 i jvii. big' ail 4 e , '. tiny bid lt , t - - ed . Ilta { % . 1•1 ,-, 1 P. '.y.i, th :I et:,!:i ril!.(1 tb , natoin i.a . .. , .. toad v toja . dt.ipt 1 Ili.tt rn.l:l sclo•fnesiand,tli'eoit , to tie basil, ot a• 11 , iw it.iiv..ernp.ie.n I. "'1:11e. lite o f ,t - henitiiiiii ii the Con,titottott; the...cistetic, et the eat krill; lo the r,;ip‘titntioti, , t be! e'is nu II bei 13 ont:l .. Fr , of the r:ensii•tition,ontl.no's , re. ty ...I , ..wltcriiior any Arne, iron :e.tt 17. , n. •.TlCrs :sla truth' Wbk;ll to•day'i, ttdt ‘vith :vast pol or an.l , :ith teertbl , ~ a to- e kt;nt•ss. ' The.tirmyof, 0,, I: n i ck:l .: l s in the field • l'or I iii' Vonst'itutton, and icstitud.......fit'lli . jor it. .14: i, net an ar . iny. ',. t ni'dml by anOvi'd t;lnati;•al.iileas'ot light, it IS ',otv.gage in a c 2 n.:ade fora cau<e" that is de•, .pp u ,lenl: on Ole' ideas ot -, ~”1 tato . ontliniactic rda,l;.:s.i,it tt is IV til.tpy ot tito.A .rn;rican. tip; .inn; 1 211 , ing forth , . Gover:wn. , ,tht 6,11}1 ..! Ernii , ii stale c : mut determiiird to-day to- f: . ugiain' . 'the CoUstitution aft.. in , rall',lop4.' Its leader , : nit. 1 l o ve.is'of tbi , '•llon•ititnito l l, '11.1 , 11 ,1 P1'. ,. of t!. , . l'ilipij.. • Th,rlii . .3 cau ! .:o • for devout ;.! . .s;',ltifica: - tionin 11.v.e'rp A uPiriroti heart: 't,hat sncli riles a.= 1141leelCitri1. NlXlellan,:. rum , and tinwa . veriro , piitiio l lts,..having - no Rirties to serve, ;no ;then., ! ties to uphold, no ma 1 schegnis,tor.arry.olt.toirp u 't . Cue lie.6i tir. tile groat army before tip• cid-. tai. Ti n !) , are cell:m.lls of '111 . c.• . goyi-rninrnii thcir•gre ;Jest:Nide , to•day . i..s'i a that ~, . .rvicp._ They ife mot a 111011 any suppoci,r voice litii t lip p,;,, p l e ,'' - no) ; . 1011,14nmclird. orator ;or foolkh I liew:Pawr plole.,:sittg tO speak for 1 ty.!n Cy, 11111- 1,,,,, 5.0 { the p u blic.'" •Tho word of.. countlA lid, w . hich . they ‘vait . com"6. In thorn from the Goi:.- eroittennint'.‘if the..f.frite•l ,Stated, the Conqi totiitn of the United Stitt.es, represented in the perseri of theTreitfent, .. -'• '-• , -• • Mr. Lincoln is the' Chief Maiistrate,'nntinn him the natigniti hope depcmi3.. lie *rtiti l it.lie 1 the• voice oft gOverncrietit, the lExiirtitiec of law.. It there are obstoclett iii• the ttation't , , path he dlone must sweep 'them away.:. II( therernre.re l sport!.ibilities•to be taken, he malt take thirn.. The arcrty' stands readr• to' cave the Union, if orMies,can tattfe•it, l and•t.ne gei t e• ' orals a're - rt - atly to lead them, but on Mr. Lincoln . fieVlibi eS I h'e grand duties of tfle hour; to r.,prc q,•nt ill 'hirnwll (he maj , ;sty ntl'llk , Con.: ite I iuit dirncti . 43ff....the canrs,'nf the'enverriitient. . , . . , . . . . 140 i . a . 11 0,...0 a and 411 ~.. I leart, he tarr e d new to the only .aie:ty. of 111 , poople. ' 'l'll' , lt ~i Wiy . 4.'oosi ,, ts in wilt tn ;rid. 10y.r,1 stipport of O w go . , o`rWil , 'lll. .1) . ...111 , 1. 7 111 , 0 , 1 5 . ::114 . 2. Tll. 1 ertipt.t 'n o! , ' n 'l.,ll4 a ppAint,..l pli:kialiq to, berate and ,1i ti ..,,...:md allte; th,:ndinintratitin io.i.li•, in . I i;ne. ,, !ii,: , tilt; pr;ts , ot,. to ii!tiwk , :. on,. t hr..goy, i.too.ot, it ~ tl.• ' , li , ilk,livill vtr.trt of , 111 ,, lits! „ ~,: h 4v - ,,, t ,:pd.o to nt•tl:e eerie t.11.`11 .foddo , at thoactit-ditut . ional . sit ttvdnr.; 01 . our . g.r.' , 111 to ,•nt,- , They-have .seettid to Noire 1111' .. il'iitri , whetfil , t ,t , l'oct , t it lit ion world 1,, , y, mi allniled ii th., , ditle and the al toy • all: .titsliik; plotwn , tlotu, iit'it 014 , 1- erow4l. lot! by ..ra k ii,,,l w ,.. i , ~i . vpu l ,4,r0” viorto•.r.•fiolt known as "iln , 10. 'or fhe iill.tion,":nr , ration." ~I .,i)yarty to the governroi.nt 11001 n but I;itiity:it twit Ip'vi taiirtlit that it •rtienitt ''l'lolllly to 0:1 nee es , rilr.4 Lto for titw tori;. or noy faith and dodo Ili tot' A mi.ricattgovortiittotti , !Price' bticly exisC who deei Ily hitt in an itaic'estain: v favor- nf 1 'l' ,• 1. - , t •! , -.^ ' ' t. tIY, V • , A 44,1 - . t , f,f • ,•• , 7 , . ' ~ ...4 •,.„ -. ~ .. 1••? , • . ~. • • •,. . ~!`.. ....,.'„ '-y...1'. ' ',' t.., ' --' • . ~' ' . ' .".L., Y.. '•;' . . , l'''- . , k , ' ',..''',) '•., ' ~.'' . , 14 , i ...'' ~; ~,' ••• ~ ~f ~ ~. , ,„..-, . . - - .... „ , -/.. , •,, ' 4,• 'A? ' -,-- ~•,, '.• , *1 . , . , ' 6,-. , `.:', .) • , A . . i.t Irviret int] .inlopting nt raiiie al ions ns ilir. 1 , 115 , :i5• of n 114'w. rov 'rrutnwit•.eouhl he n, ln~al net; anil.n very•tlii ferent :thing fPolin'the .Sintlthern• rcltrlliun.. In Ilerl.ty : I tawlli6ll 111 ', lnv of 'of. Brous t'~bellio;i and iif 'OM! :iS hellion in favor of , . • . . .„. . • 'orptisit ion to. the Constitution' Qf the litilted Brute's is ilisloyitlfy; • Everji 'pro: 19'stil to ` ocrrtFi our . I h:• - governinont- at thn 1101- led St it t tita4 ; .010.111tt in days.lil;e>.ilirail,•-. Slang flu; goviiiiiniollt..Siiirnyby thi;l'rOs idetit rrinrc;.soii'tetive of the t.t . ovcitinient tio‘ver.- ‘l'll . riler you like huri, Whether you lielii';ve in lii. • polley.or it; % . 110111 , 1 - the .ir pl+ui yotidik i or It plan? yort I.t . not .yijor I,.yalty 1) , !. f .{ 4 l i l .1..1 ,1 0 • Theft .. y .tottNiile - t hie Coo; trliet-e 'bore svio 6.er hour tirhen the it No with such devotion aii•to•ilay., "IVii have yn' it.iitt-urk et, nod tt'rchriish it. • 'Velui ve hnnirl it ridiriilo.l and . vre gather under it for : piut . Petion: -IVr, hone no uftorl ituire; no .other i, , ,,;; ; t; and have.;—thank Orid ;tut' •i tiiiistitiition a pitst trhose , 41ory, p, ti r+trrtns' an't teelie.; yet liehliN 'St-al by • ye: lyt.d . v6:olilit hrr••nllrt 1.1 , as li - 6;rl A'tovrirun citizens. THE INVXSION OF'3IAntLAND Ny.A , 4 JjAizNEsfk)WN, L , Sept. 7, I. tiavy. ‘vity . ' to lo• limit of 'out I do lint think it. advir,-. iii in !lOW I:liave.nscordioneo ilio• l ,:rsiti4hi and Of one for 1,1v,...1i•at . h ion I" ol)l.l . ylliil,',whic I - bend . . Jiti .frrgri lutrf;, cs'il.:t;tl;.il-wr. ,, 4!e. , :tpti" at. II)' ualifr 1,"-;;,11 ',-..11).tt,t.:c;t1 td;iy , ;it ('Lctit;l.l',..F.q y, , , 'tipi.“.i• Cloy] lile tiv'pr bring very 111n:.' , . . . (.)o.1; . 1C111fir-11 ty infinity pickets nl 11:1. ebi-f 'al II; v . ., <upport,,lll);*. foor pieces;ol .it f"y; rluil ay , xl r»uru.., ,•H t l tic reirel 1:a volt yitko e IP I. ail vd.ree.l to., l'oniu , (fie, 11;ouf. - fi , 'e Or from the. 'iive!r• -at. Ed resry. •. ft a small, 701.141• out !mid ,v i[,; 'about, a; fr , rtt: 11%1 , 11iforioo.• It it Su ilhr 110 . ;211borhou;i1 of Gen.' nog 1.1)0 last ,yrn'r, Anil bras ibe bead,quorter; cl (;eii. S tony tent .iin't bomut 4k . i, br 11,0 . ptb!”- iii e flCe ,chmman;led 'I be i*our of bola in ;1.9111 r;moiiig Mount a)tf Around Pooh.'sv is a bea-utjul.rOpiory. i !th ....tit tin tf;e Ira l 4,11it , ..,.. 1 09 1 1:4,10.11.•.! boron tludo was rey.ovoil with ,•xmltaitt',lrtri onst:rat'(;nrol.fuvOr, th- . popttlatioo tor ilit4 pot 10 •Wi'lenipe: 1t.j.4-•:noliced that ilr nn ihno roost s or'omiiteiit ion 01 Hero iiinuttiber of •citi•• zofis'wlo,ba,l•lrer . etoiore prolossed •st roog lie toO.s•oit Oftplits,• • • . *. ••••• •• • . . ii . . . . ...ri.,..i‘y e,0}.....,1tth htdart I.l.ladvanefi' , .f.s , ll. . . . art ly.lS:n nljcipate.,l I; t lie, 'Frail ors-:#ho.livt,t! to tlti! yiklYge Iht ing. Gen. Ira td,:s' otelio'atiqik 'of Ott. r . c.v:lon t 100, in!levtl;' ever inct! Ilk!' w . a . r. c om,ip.need. l'oole , iilly-: h., 1)( , ,m little more Cmin a Taw' general . postolll‘.o. lt was e:orl. ..t., nt r ... ?we,ripiell Iv e ! , b,l 7 , 1!155, aril' ire•qiietit II; 1.1 . r'.". tn,61,-; w,;i.c earl ie , l across Ole riv.O . .p!141 .sent ip t 9 Vir. , zinia.• ::. . . . ;:' •.. ".• The Ltripers horeAbont,.who have beetr, leg thoir ciOjis,.and whose liarve'At , :' and terms sOldiorsi IlOrk'ed to•P‘tol ,, iivilli; wit inA fluor.. of v 0 c , r 4., ; 11 0 !! .r . oslave.satid Worl,:ing men Carry, inx fora;:to, loOd,Olothinz, art lideE ? ofnee , ;s , ity and toxni),' fOr' beast, uftoring. i,heal'to I ijf. , • fietnt.dl.Staart . cro . nimatni until lost ...nint,l;.whon he was re1i,.,1 . .by G , '111.1 a 1 FitiAlUgh Lla: Sfoart.,. 'of •ho rep ati towdid:Predvtiv . k, and input body o'i''tho..relri.l alloy 'noW'jlivrO tinder conthood rut ('General 11111. Goierid Lev' c'ofmnani.h , tWe ~rorees a fnlj theencampod.onother side bf,the river; Lott Wee fi,Nees hurg, F.divard's Ferry;- iind, Con- Fad's Ferry.' • • . . 'l. alp tabl. by. an ollic'er of. the Nfacsachtiset (::1111.16111 . .0j1i11,. who had ~pii, , sod down t hO•rod hint. r.tvening, baying been t ebms• np parole Gerh . St ,tard,,t min fi s t: Oninetwe, beyond P a alest.ilie:alarge portion of the 'rebel, army c i m b e •seea opt the'. bt her; side ul the rivo, rk . terodingdow.iid4 'Leesburg.: My; infortn t inr coo forrri tin tiled of their foto.' bets, as the ,bsdattro.wds d,reptive, nod itiN. Doi n . b4eredtion lkarried :and iinparfect - , . • . Tliertr,w,fs no'nnOsid'tl di.rnonst ra ;inn nn the Rut of 'the rebels iyhen they.. occupied Trioles• 'They calhe • tinietly.:.alting„ seetning to regard thednvasinn of Maryliind as it necessary rrstrlt of thirir rereot • - -- Iney brought no bc.ttite with them, and they :rent tlet ,, rinineit to live upon the country in vi-hich. they arei,Jocaletl, ',tar air • have been . able lei observe, it is r.oh and' fer.ile..— Mary , of the•h-iriestsdrw 'gathered away, and, for a few WeVICB at IPaftl, these famished trait. ; ors will be livkg on milk and honey. • 'rho invasion of Nlaryland, does not partalte of 1 Ito naturt , of a laid.. They hap. tlotvittliti,4l . 4111.:r.t0 stay, or I I..tttlkt air Uivirrnter'- .Ev,•ty anti of Ihr aenire it rep.r . e-ret,t: altd tilletT • :1win,!,...1-t , te , ittlly . not look ii if111 , ..y • iniynd, , ,.l io fi.ern,s the .% volt, 01 the co I p of y 'by 1.1 irt; ..k!k• , il ,4} 111) , 01 110 h .Tory ittoiu!, this fo.lll o!siv,l.Li v.. :11 1•'!11111111 nil lhvil vv4)"io -/'hr/r, • THOUGHTS FOR THE HOUR , ! ervli; 1 , 1101 . Tiv ! '5W11,531115 . uf.ln4ttl iO,ll/11 and Mug for thelarure, happily, 90 - y s'inet 1 w ith diaestets beyond , too,e thal a t r eiOly befallen. HMIs.; A.s the're for mominly tepining at- the p,ist, so !Lore is rub rier.rsion .iorlespoitiletiey as . to the - ' i f b o ly the i overeinem arid the people, 41 14 11 ;OM Vs`, themselves to the nolito; ry tas.l:l 01- the hutir. let there he t a t tree to the po!itieal ilitcus• -ions respee:tioe the states., of th'e enslave,/ pow mote that) almost berrot . . ••• • • 1 " • the Taa.cll or that il,phitiinilanny".v4iht e h i .l,y th rt ., it hps rdprlo, 'wapiti 0.91;464,6.i it lips, thrown in the u•ny. - iltiring • the prngr6'its war., haq - 11nli , o 9r rniniti. in , i•riititt , tinning tile of' (nit to ....inni!:•nt'llte, r i of f;; -- ;4,..o•Adin-li . .llnfi.idi:- ion •61't Ereti,t, mils.. of Clio Inyni -of"the" trorptt . : in . nchml"sc'l vice: .. • . ... • . ••• • • Lrt 11,6 1 *. 1n aiLefill akn of lite vain-glolimot and,tatnl . OciTtiolll.llol/01h4Vi.,been pra , oii te it •tiltnn • 1111.1n 7 gOvit ig . norailt.'gliide's: of publictipiniion. jilgtiry their spirit o[' ottipfhLt. at flre."lloaitt" pl brit ve'commatitlers'. freo.t;iititilkoit%fy itiid habitually tlitipatt!apil • the niiritrtiral foreitivol trkittekial titpointariettts• of . . . . . • bopitnge' that, in-presence of..tke•events whieh 1100. :i'neent they are • loiv• who I have thetnirnthood to dintY:tlie rirobninPy . Chit(( , •n. t wnqyalled tn:eneounter.superi. or ii nilirrs; und'this thorn:ll his ool• •swoll!.ri by large neee.ssions froth the veteran . h e aps f: ()en. ATeclellan.: Yet 1104 I urrny'• Inferior. in njnolrerA 'to (tint I erenpy : (.9mtimnded ".by.Cren. •11:i: been loctshiy e.;nsoretl for not navan ring against this antrie loreebehind . its intreneh ttirnts,nt ' • ' We may hone,.too,•:t fiat there . for the li}es.•nl tit least, be a period .to the seekii lotnstitute inVidions rout. p:1.1150 . 115l . 1).4 WP - 1.14 Gotten - 11s epiiiilly• de Voted fel the ni .ffentildic; if !lOC egbal,in'ntriti iyhieh they have • establiShed upon the con fidetiCe.cif the public, Least of all . s.hould lona . . be tnaile.to' the Gent . ralg: . whoSe : riferini bltoull be tested'hy their.confothiity . :to military prin.' :cliths out! not, by their adhesion .ttithedogmar, tti. any. pith! . teal • • The people should- . learo. als . o•in' this 'hoar' bf rip! hilltops] lo• .the C.:nye/no-tent • 118 .Well fis roe to heitoielyes: tiiiiorri bf Pulls thtit evet . .y fleople, speaking in the gen.: eral, has ihe,Gov'erilinent which it deserves, (or .is . the - reflex action of the ruins and tit•.lulerl.thnt the former •arc flifTio6l irivarlaldy ill , eoFsllfy , XptiliPni of thtilattei.'• 'Especially the disc :ittstitittions ..111ce :Oars. If the , ..C;overottietit lots committed grave errors ih the contliictrifthe oar, it has been as much' the .ro oit of th.u.peaple urn of those chorced with . the athoitti.tratintr offaira. We• know it is Illethfty*.or tke - 09VerntnOnt to disregard' pont& eclttritorS ntl•ipmnratt t that democratic - GoVt;innient has ever been. s . tinerior fo anvil dist urbitig',:itifriiencesr 'And in rutele'rn whilithe• (nice orpithlicApin na his become suclin potential - element:in ilestiotic Government . even,. however toil ightened in its head, 'ha's lhotti nl. - mot tit tide, • • I 1 is tri he hoped that. the GovernMent wlh bn i•drctigtirenctianii purified in itn purpose • hy the ordeal tbroligti Which it troW • Panniar, _and • that .thus it may beenahled t•o.rise to the livight: of its.grerit ;yid ddlictift irdssiOn. • • : Rot . if the. Govericment : riemaritts .confirrence at th hautete(tithe people„ it. must give. their its con fidenve iu retorn„nilt . by premature- IV • divalging the pltins•of its mil it a ry . operations which nobody 'expecte or Links,' fiat byeortF tnunica t„ ie. , to the people. the . .results of those • • oproat ions 'when theirnutlrrntit . wolk no' harm: We are' folly: persuaded „that a 'large:part of '.llle.elvciternent nod anxirity which Irre'i•nil in curtain griartern. Spring fiom the micro utility 'in which the peoPle areleft with re gard to the act Mil. military situation in Virgin= : in, nod:esprit:hilly withregard in the lessen sOltirig from recent iirvernes. ::We. have every reason tOdrelieve that these losien are greatly, exaggerated•by' the impressions are ways left: to find place where, in•theabserice . o( lams, the iningiantions of men find full play 'in' conceiving rll:pos : 804041nd irtipOsSible culami tiny• We doubt not that if the • real extent of our ' . recent revel nes' • (mold he. • autheritiCally known, it would , Inive the effect to caltrimany. excited 111114Peill'ICSi01 . 0; and to'iMoSe , that con fidence which' in not- only art ele,toen(i.bat i to ojarge.rtegree, a condition 'of auccesu: 'tory afLrits, which • depeori fOr• their ultimate isme.tipori t .I,rith Irbil hope. of the people. . . • I , lntr nrgro of tile Aholitionist'is am ideal character, a t'gfaleir crea tion of brain," us' different frriM the real daik as "chalk is from, cheese.".. The Weed negto it; fellow who' IMitles.the'condition : ofstit.rdon 'end •longs for. an opportrmity to fittht for . liberty in the Union ranks. .•The id • ;;!,:, ct-,; exaluvsivc . property, the Abolittituists., They hold Piassessiotor.them not, by right of purchase, but by right 'of ills covaty 'lire ina/ darky, however. is 'awalk icoosti'artimal.that we ail have met : He trtes • ri? make litti - rWlf comfortabl e. iyherever :nt is cast...ln the:herb he .makes the most of the little firedr.;i:l'he.entrty., which is, after all.. a condition' very lowest and 'rneaneSt. .sersttiode. . The•Senth is his real paradise, Slaverit . the condition he most delights In. To' !Mil the chains he wears, are.thrends met tinted with . rainbow hues, and .his life) with :titre' excrptinris, is one Uninterrupted hap pines., • 1.10 Yah ! staled over th labors of .the field, the shop or the I.lisitL-he sings' a' Wry 01 111 , !al at -the . .sonn'd of thli . er banjo Makes more comic grirmwes and : rut< mate grotesque titittes . thitn Ida half brpth er tholealra.M. lie loves his.,mascri, his lois : . 'rrers, the family and the.aiuily matisimi planta- Ills treitsnres arri all centereddlterst, arid hie heart. treasures: This is the real nogra'as-.we Inert seen him in.the•oitth-, and if rimed, this ner..roiwithyeiy rare•exettp.- • tions, •statild Ins - fought at 011.—fire his mast ex' an.l his hoine, hot miristrat;thein.—Pat• , . .. • Thq rebels pretend that. .they set lire to land. blew up.' the A rkunsgf , tht.,thseljes.. Aecortliug . to theiroa'a 'areottsr, ill , !. hay.enow . saCrilfiestl. [terse ratns'as. burnt qtrt . triiitg - ,4 % .....t0 their:god• of Stic'' ,~, ~ : , ; :,.:I, : v lOW
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers