a vr -- - • ,/• • • ,r, • • • • I VOL. 4. kriottittn o:inocrat I.ivEny .sAi,uituAv . By a: B•.',OVIATT,•*' • • • • ,NOCEAN CC).(111'Y; OF FIC 4, :C.ORNEft 0 VA' liide sql.; ARE - - $1 50 in' Advance TERMS Rates: Adverttsing, one all riuths • One tiquari of 12 lln!'s'Gr.ll.B3, 3 . insrtiott4. 4ultsegrient 930sinftfm Oartls, 'Rele.oe.iign re steely ivil I ho iltieble tits ttii,ive.:•ratsf,„ ;,'wales Beeiler type, hr eightlineA nsppareil; io rfit Wt aq•Sittari. r • r** • • • • * • • • • • • ••• .These Te erns teitl'ito . strietly sditerel to...cji • 131ti,:iiii(ot - ;i:.3Jitectiiii . li,. • . COtiNER..MAIZNI . t t.ra DR.. L. R. W I S NER, • . . .. , . . . .. . . . I" hysiciau ;stud. Sur eon,. FguelltpUrt , Pa, will atfe n d ' f all'profel=stanal.calls Frith promptuems. 'Quiet! iu .7 , ar t, well Block , seennq Hoar, . •.. • . ' .'. - LARAiEE'S. 'Prnprintax,:—AlJeOinny Brldur:.lll'Konn Ch. PLik Th'iP houto about nine wilndfron Sinelltport on the..r.ond to (noun; and will be . founds convuldnut s . topplow-plaCe . • '" • . • • • . . . . . . . /.,..4••Osanon Prnprietur,... It.n)4n•ny, P.C.T.io, not,' I tioi..rfUriiishod. in nindorn Atylo4 In . kg,inii . .ly acctnn '. tno‘l,ll..inns,•mid 14: in nll•rnvent,4: n Fir 4 C.i,;, H o wl.. • Itid.rway Elk_en, Pa. 3,1;o: . .2 I . ILljil .• • ' . • 'ELDRED HOTEL, 70a:1 Prorrietql .• TWO , . 11011,1,1 A 11a1 ristylbeiweeii . timetliport (liman. • A collVeni.lll ap uttunti ye and übligi ng •at . :4•MI duty and tutu pricuv; 1.11,1nid,•3111.3' 1T:1,560. . • •• , . • • FARMERS' VALLEY. 'HOTEL, By I`.(lan•iplvis;.. This ,61,1‘1 I rpm Sniethip;ri.nb ttio roA4 to ...1 , ,t0 P tstite',KE,..i,lt Lc.adeouuuuda 041 lo , s; 1.14 EMPORIUM HpUSE, . . • N.. 1 , ..1.‘"Nr.. - tvionnu.libti+ .11.4 rIl-liirpi.litd Luis rtrai~i;o I • . . 'PORT ALLEGANY •if ~COCit li. . 001.1.1iY, I . 1 . 4;11 herb uMmitT PA. 'l9nn lint I thinoP the Z• iSethrn et • '2111e,,.11; Icliee uul eA, emit, RV . . BEntEiT HOLLIE, - ,'lllatliport;M•K ”3". P.: E • '—npwirite (lie I 6•• st . I oupiau.l (veil .. • .•.• °SWAY() ',HOUSE,, .... . ~ - • , . , li, J. TlAltiiltit l'ritprieli'tr,(l,lo;l Pa. ..Thig Iliiii::eii , tittorl . up lir t iiili,i:Liaial wod.ciillifortalil, -:, - l.•:iii:i i', oily bl telitioll will liii'liabl by die priiiirieili• 1.1" ti,i• 4: , i101 , , an.l t tale or his gilei,tii. .liloo 3, Pmal . . A. D. IiADILIN, .Survuyor. iltratlimm) Pon, ey.tl , .4.pr. ;lint • A.g.int. Satetlipori, • F. lIAPKEIT. • • . . . . Altorttox ant Chu ,senor at Lau% •• , 11ipp . ,..0. 1 . .t.i oil; at : tow! the ,Courtg of Potter, , li•Ko la. an I in. I,,untiti Prompt •Mt.t. , llflon paid.to Curl,ECUti•,_ Oir,O, E., :oat F.411-Itlock- 7 -9ouptui Paolo. ' ... . ... To, Those Interested in Alining, and' • • Mineral Lands: .. . . . . . ...T.. r . , 1.1 , ',on' . r '• l ' ' . ' teee .4 . ir .444. ex.444414.A 'IV 4, 11 4 ;9 11 4 A 41 . ' n it :C 1i t14 4tra.114 . 4t44.1. 4 iii Ar114, , ,t4C.4.4.4 . 1:14 4.4.49 i, .:tii,i, wild will . itie,:14.1.4 "pinion :14. to f. 144. A • Al.l.lli 111 , 'AIINF,3, .Cr, • trioso94;;Atillig . hii: ,ervi4.424.:Hili trrleiy,4i +til dece.A.try,ati44l.reli4ble iiiturinatiww: ,'lte,i Vett • te ti.t the Bunker trill. Mine,.... • , •• •- '' ' , ' , t • • 3orAeant.,lll.lll:4tan Gm:, Jane 0. 1,.. , 49. ...• •. . - W. H. BAKER . , . /TIC WIC,Li.NIt; Itst2Bhle'of the rubric i.'qu tra, Second Door ' North of tho•Dermicnt Onlicotionotliport , l'n'-, lovnfor In Watohntt olontts...anl-tetyvtiory. lt.-I . ,.tri.*.t uentto lc Esncutext and • Warranetti:j . . . • . . . . . . A. J. NOURSE 'Dealer In Stavea,'Tin Ware, Jappaned 'Ware, &a., .•• end of the Public Square, Sinet!wort,: l'a Coo tool - , ivork . done to onler.onthe.shurte,t Motice,'n 1.1 the must substantial manner: • W, 8. BROWNELL, Dealer in Drj , Goods, ioceries, Crockery, Ilarili9r o :, Boots', S hoes, Ilitr Caps, Glass, kr. east aide 01 the Putilib'Square, Sioutlipprt, Pa. : ' THING & MILLER, .WtioleAste.anft Retnl 'Dealers in S'lltple ntnl Taney Dry Goode, Unrpeting,ltendynwle cluthine, null Alen - ere; Furnie ning (lends ROMA,. end Stuten,'Well• aM w minde Pnper, Looking Glaenes e. At Olean. V. ' DYRON. D. 'HAINSIA . . , . . . ArrOft:iii Al' LAW; . BO/etilpOrt..lll'Keen - County. ,I'll, - ; ..'Agebt for Melearn. Retain.; & ito , e Lands Attetete *Ospocielly.to the Collection of Claims; Ctateiteitiiin et ; Land titian; l'a,intitit of :ftiteti and all litteinetes reitt:• ,-. tlog to. gest Itatato.... Otlice in iLtillOki Itikk.. • . . . . . . S. C. HYDE, • . . ATTOWiliTtp-liAlf, Sinooll.lo, .31 , 1iq3n; co.. Rt. Collectlyos promptly intended to. 1,61.,f14, ' '• : WILLIAM WILKIN . ' Practical htechanki n Millwright s liridgc-builder ,' Bc., . Port Allegheny, At'Keen pounty, • Pa. A. K.'JOHNSON, CommissioromFoit,Tug• BTAT OF 1`; to tekn proof., and Acknowledgments of Dee.tn mot other inatiatnente to be ulterl and recorded itt Nola Mime.' and to atintini.ter oath., or attlettietione puree.nt in' tile Lige of said State, Conveyancer, &c. Ottlce in Lantl'Of fide of D • Ktrigabury, Itradord, McKean Co ; Pa. - March 14; 1861'-6m. FOBS ROUSE, Fronting the' Public' Square,' 'Olean, N. Y. 'Jsmitii M. Proprietor. !rho Faber Mush is entirely new. 'And built of brick, and is furnished in - modern style. The proprietor nutters himself that his nccommoda• lions are not 'surpassed by, any hotel in Western N ew York.. Carriages run to and. trotu the New York and Erie Reatßoitd. ' , DENTISTRY . , Pn. Id. A. SPRAdrall wouitt'ecapectfully announce to the citizens et Smethport and vicinity, that he : ha ,, 'titled op au Office, and le prepared to attend to nll Oueineia; •in 614 profession. A Wilma! teeth I line rted upon, N ei. entitle rfrineiples, and an 1111. to prOgi!ry 6 the not a ral o,• preseien of Alia face' All operations in frontal S, ti r I;,•rs, • done In a akiltful. manner. ' ' hit- A. B. A4MSTRON6, . . . 'll.lll. Ph:Ad K. - Arvi t irtey'an&'. r.- AI Attnrtisy ul Do'ullAs In r artie, ular - Rtion do Iglv4ltt• to (Jollttetinig... Otlioirmile 1).6 i..1;a8t.,,1 Um, nAtt.lhts!t, Pa. . '• • YQ13 . .'p1.:;. - 1, - Nrl .l l.Nl'G',. OF HVEIt V DEMIRI I'l'l ON, NEATLY;' CPEA.PLY AND .EXPEDITIOUSLY ExTotrrith 1:11,N. DEMOCRAT, Op'F' '.'' SPERII. OF 110 N: .110 . 1iATIO .8E1110UP'; '1,1064 'uo;v- VENTION AT. ALBANY :spei r nonr rp, • , 01., I1ti(:LIV111(1 . T.lOl . TO '6QVERSOIt - illr. President,..having uniformly . nnil, expressed my un‘ . villingneis* : tO . :holl . l 114 461 fXIIIIIA. would be'hrought before this Oiltiveii tiou.,, The" nimiiitOtiou . yoit have Made fitbjext. map be• !iie;res'idt of this election. I came to 1111 oit 'vehtioO expecting. to told in pi tt ii at the.hethl of the ticlcetthenatile of -one.:ikborri I feel to: be .more tit: thou myself 'tot: , thdthomiritlile pq sition. But sir , iithOtetrOr may he the my eel, I' cannot , iefuse P-kturpination - maile Manner. thut: ttioeh4 tray hart, nitil flue me kith I.s[i!l strotiger . , sense orrny lit this preat pit t riatie. party. tuiditioti to 14. cleht of gratitude -tO• am.im• : . - pelle!I by the conditioh.of.out eMtetrY:to my personal wishes nd • interests to its on . Qom) .. Oil _CI UO • 110 ' llave \way 'siii6e Con ventjall,'re.tilatizable,'6l our peopie.. :tr..trkis, it ,iitiploreti , of 'the • political party whiehliati tribaitiliiiti . a recent election tti s sullititttAi l'Ilf!il ra- of caticll-. trttn'civil trek•• list ..atid: 11(4i . tirs oi• domestic blooilsheq, th.u.ke %vhirn it . 16 ju t ! 1)./qcruptc,i' am! 1011 1 ; alai jir 1 tvo!11,1, ti0,.40/;.Stiiillt.rbo•nlhnttrd hi, pr,co; , c.. Iln t :,.• and : ii+ct:• s oi;?t, t,n ,vJh all tl. fntl'—nod a ~ )i.,M.l.lllil}' sod Mkt' tint; It i0!-11 1 - 14.1 hat• ;all-li:•d w0 . 1i,J,1 ttn•tit.tt :%%ould itot..ll.lll' Itc ki.tu4tl , .t (tis cp - rSiinfrop,i:loll. 61 fite , t:"ln I 1.1111'1 , ;.;!','Illii , . , 1:1(?ya ttioll at'itt , • • u,+ 11,,71• ..wt; I:1 1 7 1110:1 7 t1111,11:!ls1110 I .I . T . :1; , ) lii 1; q , ,t11111 ' ..1 t.. 01 ;averr.r.romt,'asoj 161 \v , A %V foi ' •. 10. al uiii:ul of . 111, 1111)01.1 '.l:ton- Ti!,!11101 , , That for ifte~ ( ~ 01. 1 . , 1110110i1i1l 11,41)14 VV,ki :Vlll6'ol'l . , • ' C03i . 141C.1 i u;:i.•atinn, n to . r,fa e unit defeat ( If f 111 , ' time' tey;(r: tl ( i= it 0,1 ion ph.sent'dei)lor k kixle .0v !Pen 1 - 01. , ' , 'd 'two!' eQUOIry DiflioloO 4ts.ot the :iotitlittrn In mi . ;t . gaioqt, hC CortstitutiOn4lGovernment,:,. roOtict ihe.•Capitni ; Tloit tilt roort4'.lle-y con;:res,. n;:-.hitia ,hll 1t:olotg , ot pilinloll or resenttorbt,..wlll rk , orplect only Is .lily' to .1 he whole . eopotry ; That. this 'wor s,not,%yaized,. on I heir. par f, 111. any 'spi!it of Oil. resii(')ll . ot, for any fmrpbsq 'of cooriti"sto.r.s.iil, inga.iion, piirsose 'of overthrowing or inter : Cerinr, ‘rsith right,' or e . stabliShed inFtitti 7 , ti oi , s of thos'e %Stato ; ;;; A:111( to defend enrl Twain:. tain the wpremacy ()I title Constitaltnii p'reserVe the, riliow, with alt the ilignity,•eqsid. ity and rights of the seyyral Stale:. unimp,ur•d; and Jlial is soon as [he,' 'objects. aro deciim plisheil the war ought to ,cease:" Ag'itin the people he Uninn.: , 139 t 'no 50011irr were their iee.is al aye(' than they began anew .the . ..rieltiml , im rigues:=theviolOir•clise'ilssiani and uneens'i tntithial legislation which ever firings' defeat . and . di,Sfyreupod nati o ns : In .vnin were they warned of the consequences of their lollies . . • lii Pre - sitteiit reot• .t itn I s • p O t, tearano an d oileration; No act Was Omitted which woifla Dive ehergy "to• tile . socoltsionists'; or vlitett would humiliate. i ankmortify the loyal Men 61 the.Soith. Every topic calculatedi to ilicido andiliStract.ihe North was iirairto bit; orca: ttctt 1e5., Proclamations of eniancipa- lion • were. urged. uponhe' President, whiub cOuld'onl,i cant , - Fr:4e the property Zen's at ahe South; for non others' 'could reached .by' by the powet government - . The confiscation net had'alseiidt fOrfeited the legal rights of all who Wereeogaged 'in or who. aided and upheld the rebellion, These were' excitrd, to, desperate energy .. .bylaws which made 'their.. lives,. theft fortunes, the sufeiy:of their families 'and : homes' •depesiii tipoh the. suc cess of their.scliemeS. FroM 'the droon's teeth iOl5l broadcast by• Congress; haim sprung the armies whieh'havedrivett back' our foreesund' Which, now• hideague•tilic CaPita•l rif -our 'try'. ,:ehoclet. of Legisittute have l iven pli.a.6r . e to tii•Aboiitii-Mist S. i',l'etidies to 11 . f. seemccforiisis. , ,•l3(ll ndtilol tiedsori.rrjojCi4 'woo 111 . 0 fh of. y SiY.:ittotii\:s'iwo could see, vorlte of: cpu) . and St rite pervaded its two-ph I I o'tvit in'thrr:+inp of .nn _<oldiNr~. .Imid I ho'llard•lps ekliatistimz rou paign, iirni.l • •. :i . ulterisq;s:tioat y'xituu.trv.attil tall!--amiti those . . • •-• 1: .. ".: . ~. , - 1,:,.,. ......to-,,. r ~ p . .1. --v,,-...,. T ... .. . . . . . • .i , ,.,. , ir... . ~ t . ~ J.. t.. ~ 1, , . • ..,,,..., .: SIIIETIMOV7;, M'KT.I.A.N. cOVINTY;:.•PA..,...S . AryCROAY : ;.-S.EPT: 27; • 1.2., langitishing:upotipi' siu.kßess.., or - Aimee ....• . 'ati•uelttiOwh by the'.eacCti - Ities of I heard Mccl'samionLit.clUeotiOtt CUrcsiiticiiO . ll;.ancl loee 'for otif.Cotintr)'s ' Ecieh , eye ened pc it loottcurupott. the • NtitioUttl, Stiiitchtfd with`. its . lortous, emblazonry' of a . t>d Stripea.' I.f rem this' scene of pat r',ot iestleimt I , ivc , nt•-*lnto . ocirN . aticUcul its` 02.e1l upon trcllic: of poltahect..Marble; I adye uptiti its eeitine.s silt that W'f:slo, in 'i;isbly PotCrect . out,- du' to 'make_ thorn soggeet of Our count t y's• ti tis &let had:exliatfstect itself in nain.ting and *senliittiks..,tp:mal!:4ovt , :rr na p e t. stitczesti•cie . . of'hi an t noblc ,thnnght and purPeae....• Foli .of the: ' clasOdictintla wbieltclustei 1110111111 tils c•vhi.elcc',lcould he th;dit..ttet to pa: euterc;-O'ftle 7 , r' isluLie Halls; Him I.vtilcled g:pil.toron4 turedid:uot: eoutrast . nince..stcuttc.f o ry I rnde . s.ththoss pf martitl-fire.thciii:ctid.tUcc pictreseeicie. and t lisqlueritt.. tie a aeit a.ceritiee of. oar, scUticit:T?,i(loccticters:l 1 'listened to ,debates Yell of hit tcruesa saw in the camp -ii heartfelt hornage• 10 our .of •.; hose *who (fared ~ to :touch sacren . foklAith hostile' I . heard in the Capitol thiliats.of lation nfits striltiiii; down the States,.'lit t.nl lle who wohlil rend mim. Nation al standard by tlivii(inh'onr Utiinwiq fie who would Pitt not utu, .ytittrrin star (root its . azure . fielil; Thai tot, too: • „ • T ft r caNDurtoN. OF MO: COI' Xi 1: . . . . . .. ‘. 1.,.t.0s tiotv'coill'ioot 11o.:1 - steisof •our.lcoioli. t.ion,-Eilol they ? }WI he 4tttl rutt' in .11 } e .la o i 4ooge 0 1 11,0, -- tvlto brOu.gtit this affroirii4iation. into .pOwfr,...oioi .%\ in many Ale - poitlici - 111.y pppo:&otl 1 0 tit,• oo , lobots of thi'sl'ons'etiti!.ttr. 'Alin thi , I exp,tfttot,r of orarly ono tbooi.trol millions of ,1011,,t4; Or) the :s.l!:rifictf of - HMI 0 1110 not' 11 , iiitlr ,, i 1.1 0 6.';1M,/ INOI (11 , 111 IIVVS, igl• the 'tall. 1 - .41yot tv.. of flof Eiy.,o',/17. l',,f: .. -.'. " ~ '. , . • . Ill'll ik li. ..1/,`ri. the r0 . .p11? . - Qiir,iiinii.% oi '0 1 ',,. \i'o,., ilo': noli l le.'rictois of ROri Drool-u 0 [ 1111 ,1';.:1 . , WI, It li;11.'•!1',..foo thy i,•,,, to , t)f: to I t. 1 .11,:t..,..1....a tottoltotl milt, io .t,lotir re.t.r . , - i Ili t - -tt' - r•ltt'oo 1 flo - cilit , -; o( '('oito- ,, , , ,• .- Auto! E.....otticky'. ,tiol 1-Vi!ll• 3i . dvaD.Nro4 tol.,iril on; of llto iniT.;•i.pal Irorron , ' , r..l4ll ol'i•Q oi 011 : Fr....,. .ti' at...;:;'..''110:,.;• ic:•oo I:.'t,lt ..1...111),. nn: 111J11 . 1...1)L . 11111111 ..0 1. iqill.l.. . rt:111[1,' . 1;11 111,11 FAY etilii , lt :; . !I ,nl . ..ripl, linthe 1 : 101 ,,n .r, ii.!ri tvqll.l v.: Nrolo+ T 0 1:.-it lc,. Itobi hotl tli:f,l, , AT. Ito , ~ .volo. 'low. ,)or of . .tto.E;.•i, !swo t ;limy l'o.tro'-'.. , .ri1i.,(t00 1'i ,4 ..p. , ': lily „is tfl:11 and f•41;51.- ' . p . ,1 and il‘t 1 iilltry I, ,, .—iplittrtl, At'S.,r i I ,:Vl,lll. !-- iVW eni , it it 1 1 - '9 Ito r•nnl ir. hits 1,,, , i, dtiv,:n..l-a..1; i to•iis•orti..iilitl po.:ili. - irJpii th. t rof t .inai,d,,..',;i ti . } . I . iituarAil.i:ti op tn10..f...1 alt 'I oolot:fr;tro.,1 ti) 0L.11;...., ,i, i 4111_!, vie.0f.00.4 looxt.'•oivot to . ioivancO, 'Arid it iiiids - 'i .. . • ' • , ' . . l ' s Ko , .t . it •.js thelo. , 'S" s id,ut orir e'yu , • to I fact that t ladui u, -dis.grar;ehd, Cutr. and • ' • jodrutt,.dle arct milted • organ rfl 111:• t.) , A r4•l] 11.9,+ truti s s':tdl'eu derided. arid lie.. nodu'red .as absurd ;nl( , The has: Itern sierri • thapeonle 'of the Layal Sta ths. Have . I rlat . -they i lir.avef hqiniflY ha r ? ! ) :, equal Is: quirk, witted, eritiallt' eini Q tved with martial Finalities With 'otirsefees..,• We, have. tea - reed' that. a re.:ierriltly lifeainftsf. in • i•ffarts iii ncliteyelt heir end f. . • The New •York ll'eibade declares that • The 'cc...try is. in Teri) . .. V.ftived from .the steed point of the public estimate of, ‘tite t• tion,l, it . is in extreme Th e: riebeis 79 - be pu.shing 10TlVilr . ,1 their. finites' all. f i l a iia brirder litieirain the A tlatitie,to• They are threattining. the Potomac e 'Ohio. • They • Vtisitiliii•ton, Chi , phis siimitlaiterais intwetnetit is hoth alai•mittg and. eneouraging., It is 01ertaint; because., thrtni4ll the titriidj; y; ite , p,inidetiey,or nt•• the etiornl (;:,verd rnedt, it arty lq!CO111e lempnrriilr g f t •ln i! to Tice lee a -I.o.lgtfient” in sortie pinion of the Free State.S whitth May. rerinirti, tve.•:ks to break up: • Bit? it is did mit rid by 'those.who were Qppkise.l to its, debt and di•leat are not lite IteaviaiNl it'tis dowtt.: A virtuinis . people' anti .ti pure: povorniri,nt can boar' tip : ognitit any amount :of out tveril itressare or pkysical i:a!amity; bat tehen rottenness and .t.:. icy tet alive halt 'or.exe:- etitiviiilepit'llinent the heart of the patrio'' faints and his rin wjthers. .Tile organ of • the : seCretary of Stateaihnitt: , • • . • "There have - been in iptaues. .There Lave been ,pecala Hons. ~ Weal; rnen have : dicgraceil, and bad non have betrayed the • PoYertiment. Cnntraciois haVo fat tetted•on fat jOhis. Adven turers the war a snorer of pi watt! gain. : itlinial• desperadoes.have•llooked abnitt the'N,iiional,Capttal am) lain in wait for prey. The. scum of the land has gathered about. the SOUlt . ri . ti of poiver and them . br its 'tank and offensive odor. Tnere. lies . been misnian a;ternent2„:in the' ,ilopitt . menttltnilmin tgernenr • Wherever great laftor haa lieen , performed and ereat resimaidlitlities devolving. Men—hven Preslilents and Chbinet o.ffiecre. and Command-. int; Generals, have erre:il because they - could not grasp the fall -signilleance t -f the drama, and because they Were . .Joinpelled to 'strike'ou't mintendtliin ,rearfad• • - h ear the voice of. a leading' Republican Ora- k6f it urn my responsibilit as a the Unitind StAtes,•".s.d.l John P. [lake; , ! t 1..0; or this . country are in ttlean:r dander tnol.ly ,r,orn the ettertirnioni,and Irtnti . the pudlte.tr.y pructised" in the various depactrtintitt; of the - Cl.overtnnent 't hail they are . Irony the opwt etiinpv . il...the field." • 111 , ..N , tv• Vol I; Wu , irty 1.i.0. Di) of reilloi•ii , ; • It i 5 wiJis(ltzttitty ;1.1;c1 mistlealiaiste who }neve .supporfed the ailniinistralion Ram the.heginolt4N.oliservc!'its (those pf:ine power. nt ;!.rtett.' -. .*Tltetit is nm.soch either or extohustiniz 'its .eoitilioct this particular. Evn;ry pritlenple.cif Ameiirnnti lih etty, every regard Inv •t he loyal cau3e, every pentiliient n( jostiern; e.very•immilse of manhood erienn.ont Ingo inst- t. The 'man who Hunks 44 u?I is :41)+4o1 ti (els things . ..olff 4 , e. - . , Thrn:Y . nneem• litre rfreenn:-- Onneeu tancy . that ..Alephisfo'philes lihir•• • trlf had 'got •inecess into.thc conner.hls . of the Government, .nri ~by 'sortie deviee, trash. from Ili., pin, hat( diverted its 'rnorgies tram the. or -rebellion. to the.seppriassioin of liberty. ' , • .. I The . New York ' Tirnr.. demi ed nia change in 'eh& i 3 O the cOeiluot 61 I hat:elites eareielly set hire t Ite'tletilitrations. - and' named 'the withosSeitto• this awful itirliet• tient, a,itiii t our rulers, loi..‘ve l ti : watt.ici pro• , cord with all the care anti ekittler:„ .affil 'sole m 1111) of • • It i he-rt. I point to thejip pktiltes, net rit a ten' by jeurnals.of Or; inoeratic party, Cod knoWs tr tortrip. tort' hi tint p.l triot rt . rga Hi ati66, ttp.ati earl eitiiPti, I svoiihir.g . i;l;ily dace , thetit• if 1 ; . ° 111 a• • :1'?'11 1 , 111 . P4i gdourided upon Irui_t!is that I:ftpiki)i.be . g.tinsaitl... Omio more; then, oar Repoltlietni feltritry.e.itiztrtis,in.lltis day of our cetnirtee'llerniliation. aud. ilitrgra re, we ,implore yell, as respiettelly. as in I tie''' . hour; of Our petit i . ral otirs'atz.teS : t tries. 'lle not romp willy•ieprotuthe;t:,bitt with etit the fiathrvays ma rh• erl 'out the ,t Conit and-we, shall be ettt rierit et' f rem oat pertlout pusilion., 'Ott the r. 'ether-betel,' it, yott• with, Still be . rtn:rernetlity 1 t he , . who' bro.niht•l).3 into our yre - seat :,•ott iritrivartt too tato that , 111.;re see: yet .10ititer depth:s •o : (4. 1 4 ret,ht tioit . 'befor..? tw,.nnul gierrter in.is , ri'es'to be home than `tlies;2 which new oppretslts'. IN ay 'more„ the Presitkilt,o/ SutrastL;e United appeals to us 01, corn'• the , loyal Tim of the 'Brinier when lie says lit.'s pressed to etela tit liis ditty, his oath at office', and theCenstitu liun of ' the ,latith-itresstel h 9 rots -artily and heat dints nun, Heintz' . Nit . a way , from . the .i.rtries LNtet,it, itp it the NVI.a IT 'coin:it'd, arta) the I,loo'd .Ir,ilstiis,.ry or tholiqiil; and Ili•iu ;in tleut frtii•l-a(lovernusolit • tiny Icy e:olitniets : • of b? $ -oiit ha have slis•ti' lif; I i,llitlgt* aii•4 hafts lieuiatisnt tittkr the. divid,..d ,/, : oinli; t s;pf rf-ruin. •.l lortnued :in i tit 1,411) . 4) qi111.11,1 'havenni; inflictedlll/11 . 1;11/,'11) 1.V.)11111:1111ti a three..it 11: . ntthey tiieg to uphold. Idy the 'lie)) el t+rl awl the,. yill thai ' " '" s:ocr... ,, :tv 4 , ):: rlir; ry .autl:t:OZ.i•TioN.,F • An at teolat is wade lit P.104.e tbe.ears 111 our IITI:m10ic13 fa 'ma:ad : a:to . oar ajaftral.a, bti'catts•, tge :act as , n faolitleal rae,inizet ion., Cain we do :••Woaald not' :lie idisperAion o.ldhiaa aioeie - ait; party, iloia - iiftli.aal• : ras . : ..;•a;wth, greats anal. 'glory:or . wn•. L unl, he looked 111)1111 e eat la trait ya oti (tents rut a stiadow tall upon irtir country vlieit it tea; torn:•apdrt. at Charleston ;-: afar! do 00 1. i.t i...11 al):ltirt ies.point . to its lia.artiptina•n rind ri l' Jhe eall•a - , I I this..unnaaturailWai? 10 it tiod . j•l4l. ow Slit)11111 il:Asr;')3 in-( I R .: st,,t, , 1 1111/National gcaYeforto . atif proliortioitratfto . our "eontribut'alions to our . , aranieS and, nra y I I' , . , t'tt„ -, .) , !i , 1 otir-ticket at this 110Y10' 11 . 0. 1170 re (1),511 qpr 110''111 'shale tat ).lodatic4l Power.: It my' lae. sa,all.. a wa inert . witta.raly•Tegaral :to .politreal oa••aallizati.aZus, . 1 .11 aie . O . roy...tire:6l , jaaet•oT . alch'oral•aniz.itionti.: They i N • ot ald e'etase to he protHdionar agatirtittioa4l O I 1111151 , 10, of 'ei,rriiption. Lei. tlir I IVO great Orries Abe 11 . 01101 old 61)61 - able. . • . enough v) meet an.tai.r..ll9adoNkall , ens•man.watta I al.lanedpi.ociphs and pafieiaaaa, , will' serve &air r4I,III(ry its •v;'aal I rtit of power us - ill r.vayer...., The vi ilance, lsl I [lllOl tiy Nal 'contest: gpards . n:taili , t . ..- - ," •-•':: • '7"• n os wa r t ahrnhaessii•ditostdic.e'ded ivbrn unusual expealalCit'it!9 of. rnay.,ey irreSrint . ulauSll l tempts- 1 taoa3. to lite corrupt and . • • For taiittfier - reasoitve , cannot nor itr,ariratiOrl. Thu Union flynis of t laoa de 1 .• and inch! Sqtallatarn•States;'tvithoitt: dist 1 1 : 1 e1 of paaty, litirrlore at; not: 't . o. do sb.• They fel l tis a triumph oflOtir party Iowa; 'woold Ire wort li• I inore• than..Yietories inaoll the brittle 11111. •It would re.a.3slite tho.tr t'r y‘•oalai we . aatteit, their opponer4S, • , .Eeery advanrize gatartard-ovqr tOnlitiqiiisin 'ruts, down the 11'•laile• th e y nod we : ,%oow tliere are eraaaay just. and patriotic men i,r the 'Republican pnr'ty,'it.in still trtw that tts succe , sl. power and matt-, once toille a•iolent and•fobaiical, arid. Oat their rtarly 10111 n, ainapc garrai. br , yoni!, [heti . Itur.ry if;iory fair man: a lrnirc flote . :is way of e f ,y r ocling.stiiiseslUit by a clrutße of ,political leaders: .The il . i.publican party demitinditil whet: they cha . tged ulinses• onnit,bernocratic adminisiralions:" should . concede the . principle novv. • • • E,xperii•r;ce..'sliciiks that 'frauds proccised by political friends are It..tit punisho by inen : in Poii'•er. - :It is 6ohcoded that gross frauds have lven' colmnittvll : in ditlarent tlertikrtmeitts' of Litiverpnient ; (hal tl,..y.h.tve •Ltotigh‘ttii.tres. upon our defeat upon our apir a. 11,1 disgrace. - upon' nor' people':tit • not otte'lllnn has t)g(;11 yt;itimliP(i,•ortpades tri feel . ' he pciwerof that gictilt prerogative tvhir..h is Oinintell to, be, ain :irci‘ledt Of. We r.rOrrOptiern; that' fitts'iloite ...• • omre• destroy tin I‘:atirfeal.pOWer than ttied rettelliort,.tdisgott, attsOitt bed svi ;who 'slept, upon, 11:11'.11; , rst,.ltairiteen snp(eile(:it to death—tineitfli:‘:Val losed irs I to It itiils tvidelol:est toyed arrrttYF t 19 riote4lretroivell, by nod' the odrire rrf theSreale; ond fepre : -. sentsthel4ational o'l'64:ter at the.: capital a friendly, potver • • •Citizemis''ith loyal. States whobecante ti ,objects, sioisicir;il.l,f or s titaligria Ot. itssa ts, Itai[e been' seized a hoinriti, dragged tit d iSta .prisoos W;ithotit trial arid.-,wi thriot • eaell eOttv ir , ted• :plunderer !ro s e] v and 'boldly , people he has. robbed filo) Mal-adadit. istirttlowdetnarids.chunge-ol atlininiSt A t.,:t tins terrify issue should he and diotrtly made.. It, is tro tlishotior tolw mixt butt it, is'.disgrne.eittl,noi•to Le rot (spoken . . Le t , this our ionst 1+0 . 111,! qaes;igns. 91 A few itiontits will tbeitirtwito -right. sod . .wlio is Wr f tog. now,. as she p.rSr t wo:yeurs.fia storm' • Wlt . o. were:right ' stol Were 'wrong, horotolore. 'We. anr.:iir fa rnr.Ot 'the't4tlits of ithr; Slate, as: . well'• ,all the. General: GOvern• men l';:..wealre iny favor of loettl ttlfigrivOtizrneot tts.: welt its Notional:, birisdietiort. .wit hitt its liroper'sptinre. • • NVhiki wn thus meet ns a political organila:- . ;ion; it : is 'not for • iiarrienn plirpotes. IV)i ciui best Nt!TV . i!)iur,..coutitry in this rvlatiOnsbiji.-- .Tbe Presidont-of the United States will. briar hrtsnnt been' prvssnillor van bar rass,nl by. us. il7r, have itiy . llly reigintided to every can' made on us' by constittired•niithor ily. We bave obeyed all orders to. yeitiforee ;Itir .. ,iirnib)s.: •'When :We . `vord powVer )I, , notisiceil 'the' higher Ile eiple ihat map might NO lip.their wills 'aguitii thr Itattites:of the dciiounced %Olen HI terctil by islorthOti 'Mani Wit aro combatting •it now whet,l is' asserted by the . ,rebelliuus South, We fepudfute' siarrnittitigiu every den - 01011 Governmeilt made within thiilirnits: of riglilfal This Ohedier,re been' consirainerf but cheer , fully iiiiider,e4t, even in supporfpf n parif,urni -policy to tvhich we ire,oppos;hl; SV - e, stitt4glett to sott . 6 . itt !tor only' tt?:::euer but tliii.sPirit of our laws. We'feel that we have, set 'ail exnrh ile of teyalty:that'l6ll not he Irist ujGm those loiiposeil it? -us.; our , itity,we.tloll4.l. our right's, and •WV 'shall at this set-in calm unil:fearleis.'iin4iinitrit ripniidile.conifuetof our rulers. Our; shall not' be file iangilage:ofdiNvutil a nil We nod •vlnitictive assaults upan,•thoeie hold trig cieilo is); t bove 'all, sit protest in •bebalf of our country's 'hono:r • awl dignity against threirinsuborillnate and die respectful lorigirar.,ro towards the President of these L'ilited •Stich language wrecks,. the'irtitliorit,v- of Ow:eminent unit tends - to - an.: sod public tlisord . or. • b"or another reason, we ~r ennui disband our o'dlier : ,p4rty, • can .riave. Ibis cnourry. 'lt 'elfin.; purposes ;trot well seltl , rd pri.nripfes. • It. hes been well said , iiiour'CougresSiodal address, tint undnr . its, . . ; . . . . . - From .fi've•,milltonS the polittla lion. Inc reeled tod hilly milhiirns. . The 11evolutionnry debt ~ ,,,e,f;xtingnishod.:' • T vitt; doreign wn re , Were 50,ii..036i011y 'prose(' trte4; with 'a Inotlerate.otttltty and small' army 'mot itittey,...nod without the sus-, pefol inn. 'l,l Ike • ha,:'.without one 'ostirp4tion 'of liower; without ; suppressing a nsio2de etrttOr;... Wi.tiunti dhoti - to :the freelloto. of the p re ,, v , or 'Ol A•int.i.ell 'in . to on t. of Coigri , s, :1,.t41, , 0•nf ;of. botl,,'Attol wititttt nrrevt,t-tl thon'gh , thellAttiotd C00ve1.11'911 . 111,. dosing ontl'Of the riO flue 011,/ , r• Se:intro.:4 the eit . etriy . .dt , dlreedottr yoitinteers 1.4 . 11)1 111Oolly . hawk and iettlt • ithe . dietn - to 11,o,..pitabde purtnit tal Ulf: time erealth _ine:re'a.sect, ties: of 'all 1,:ilOs rosporit'y FmilcJ oale , ,;et wageit weie hiL , ,ll; The r rth' a nti the. Smtth 'tarnished a mar.. ket , for ouch other's proanots . nt intal tilme ,•, i tukate rights units , , . Im - heti; eroty matt S 111$ castle; the. Courts vrer, , orm.tottili no puslatrte tor t raVfir no secrat' poltce, tar stties,:. no informers, 'nrr bdst des.; 'the tight to tissernq , ?:l:Nterrtilly; the Tiabt•to petit iort: free - di - tin ot':rehizian, friwciOrn of silleectt, it free ballot; thug a free .press:: all this•tiatt , :.lliti Constitution. maintaineit unit the Union of the St itti!s-preser • wily Till: Itt:HUIALIAN hAVEIf?. .0n the oth , 4 hand, the very character of the Republican organiy.atinn, makes it incapable . of conilncling dhe all'airs'.'of the GUye'innient.'•-- For a series of years, 'Chas 'practised a system of enalitions, with men d'ill'aring in prinvip'e; 'tintil it havencidistincti.velb . dicy. • lit such chaotic masses,t he Violent have nti;slcontrol. They liaye been fullowerA j o t - , yearv, through thelisess'':not niiy . Which did•not accord- with •• flow I can they dernandsulonission frorn-whOe rorn munities,'While they eordettiel that imlividtials May oppose laws oPposed to their.consciences'l , They are higherlatc men . . They insist that' the contest, in 'Which we are engaged; is an ir• repressible one, .hod that therefore the South could not'avoid it, utilesa they %vein' willing at, The outset to surrender all that abolitiOnists 'demanded. 'l'o declare that this ,contest is ir repro,ssilde; declares that our father's formetYn government syliibh could not stand. • Aril such men the plilfier gnat:diens of this govet . , ..,.; . . llay . p• kspeeches. and acie. .4. • 'strength !di heretAlldni and. hairdthpy..ndt4aleo ;ynatlffrzti its letitirmilo prove. id. deluded . .• 4 • tfitit.th roots at irreprisaltale 01157 _- • • • . ... 8111 ?I/I;h' 1.e.11111.111. only . useerted that this-eohtest wo , ; - Irre'presokible; ; iinteseihe SOuth w ou ld ; give. op what eirtreme li4;tddjetine *de mand;"(rheir loc4l institutione,), hut theta in power have done much to:justify'tbie rebelkion ih tine eyes of the sliorld:. • • The•giriff of . riebei, hion)e'deterniino the character of .the•gov, einineni• ugairirt which it ie . 'errs' The right of revolution, the Naomi" it Presi, is•n• suried right : vitenexerted agaihst a had Gov•ernment. , • We elitwg:o thitt rehellitni is , must I Wicked because it is . against -the host •itovernthent , that ever •. existeth , --.• It is . the 't‘xcellmer . of our, koyetn:*ent that inakes t'tisistehett Itebellien is not necessatilyWrotig: ft maYict , of :the, highest i:iriliffe— it 'Oily tie Oe 'orthe deepest depraiqty. . The' rebellion'of our rathin is. our proudest boast-..th'e rebellion : of Our brOther . S, is the hutoiliiitiOnol.oui nation, is our national' disgrace. To resist a bad government: le pat-. riOtisin- r to resist a gorid•one is the n itreateet guilt. -Thefirst is patriotierri,the.last'is . .tkett. Legal tribunals:can only reiniti resist : . anon crime, but in the forum I Of. public sentiment tite r character', of the g ov.ern.- mew. will decide if the net is treason or pact; , . . , Our goveroment arid its, edministratiint ditlerent:titiags; hOt IO the eyestif the civilized world .aintses,. weakriees Orfolly•in the conduct of affairs go far'to, 'histity . ..resistencei I .fiaver. read you the testimony ofi Messrs.. Preeleyr Weed, Bryant, Raymond and Niarble;cherging freed;:verrePtion,outrage and incompetency opc,n, lhosp in • :po'Wei: * Those who stand tip, .to testify J 17. ., the ineeropeterrey. these i.eproseniati yes of n'• discordant party to' rundurrthe aff;tirs oFeur'Geverement ire 'po.. litie:ally opposed to wt. - . Bear in mind' that the .einbarrasimentilot President Lincoln grow out of the contlietiin; stews of. his' Politieit trends, and their habitl : and prnripleiOCinsubordinal . tine." hends'Would lie-etiengthened by a peMocratie victory; 'and if ,his private prayers uric answe red, We 'will .relieve him from. the PreFtinte of : pirtjariihropists Who: . thirst for hloott;•and Who eel( fertile extirminetlon of the men,. women and.elilldreoof theßritith:l, The uta:f aOd . hfoOdy• langua . ge of partisen.editors until pntiticai Preaeliera haVO lost .US the'sympa- . of the. .ivilized• world iO'^e contest:where . :all mankind should have been alton'one,side. • .• Turning.: to the. legislative' departmente. of our Government,' what do welted In : the his. tory of the.: decline : and tali of hatters, .there .. are no more .sfril(ing;displaYs .. of madness and. folly. ' l'hU-assetnitlago'of - Congress throws. gluon') neer the nation; its ionfinuariceln•ses... sionts .titare!tisast rens than : defeat•ripon' the battle held: li'rjettesaletin anddisguat: : • The . .pablieare disasliointed in' the resole s the war`. 'is owimf:to the differing objects of t4e..•PenPle. opr hand, and ;lanatieal agitators in and out (11: Callgtt.ll9 ottAlieother:,' In tbr; alrni the Union men of . the North and : : Solithbattle side,. under one flag, to.put..deWn rehellinn anduphOltt the Unionanit eanstieution: In Conereisra faiiatrral Majority Make *sr on the lJnict . it men nt ,the South an strengthen . tbs. bends of, thesecessionist s by words ,and acts • whi•elrenible - .lbetn.fo keep alive the flames of . eivil war.; .What is tlone•on,t he battle by the libthi) and treasure of the.pitopie, Ull. done by 'Si4ailars.: .the time Spent: in, factious tneasu'res designed. to.. destroy. all ci tkldencir in the government at' the , snntb; and:, the rent: in annoying our army';' in. metblllhg. '(.(. it It its tip4a t ions; eutba rrass g ()M. gineials: and .'in pnbliabing.• undigeatrti - and' ii Antfotinited.. s c n d,il,. • ()fie party Sef!kklig• f . 11:bout peace, sent the other fo keep. alive hatred rind • • . bitb;rite” : by ihjyrk.obc:. - They•prove the ivEsdom of Solomon, when he 'seidf—litie • >: : ,irne, - etir every. obi . . This ,wa r cannot be brought ton successful . . . , cottclusion or our countryi . resioreil to" Fin honcir7 . able peace tinder .the: Repui)ficah:‘,leadSrit: for another reason.. Our liiSQ9lf'lll,.lir9Maiflirdtle. 'to t they bave not dured to tell.the . truth to 'the community. A. systm'or tellVesentation I.its..l).en. practised so, long and so snece,sqlully that' yrhrti tho..v..er.btsrst upon ileth'ey . feared', to F;eopin know its 441 pt input[ i o nC..l.they ilevasted in ' assuring their frieod.it Ina paFeing excitement. T he y' lit l ,csse'rted the'Snoth was . , unable to. mains:de and early 'nil. ‘Fey.'•,They deniitineed. a Naito?' every Man 'Who tried to 'tell trol„anil to icarn ouir'people of the magnitude of. the eoutest. rny.,lleptiblican.fri . ends; Vitt knovit" that the tniAoppielien'siints:of the Yorlh.witb regard; in tho has ito tichi d the land tas this ignoraytOa accidental? j.opioiti, to j,o,,..llCplll,l4clingi,it for ,y(mrs. - pnit;.,ihroogiltho. puss viii in pi bliOntitips".w.hich ha;vibc;n"iirgifl: upon' yottr attention .by . th'e 'yrir . ' patty, you .hav# not been tan'obt po w ey . atiti resources n't th.OSoutht I a An Ton Itt'ita f • this tea . rhinE bfOtt of 11t • machinery by %which. roverr.b#l , i ,wined? I ripPetil .6 you to 11413wer if itriett to P . ro.tOlt tfotbs' now itlinitletl .. *tro,... , iat4: vitt' NO. 25,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers