. .. ... ... ..- . ... .. . • .. • . , . . , . ~ • A - . ..•., . . ... ~ .• • .. .•.•, . , VOL.' 3: ll'fican aunty . Monocrat. uIIiaSIUDLYERY THURSDAY MORNING; By .T. B. OVIATT, SMETIIPORT, M'KEAN. COUNTY, PA OFFICE, 8. E. COBNEII OF PUBLIC SQUARE TERMS: - - $l6O in Adiance Rates of Advertising. • 1 i. 4 .. - • ars months...:—.-.... _.... ... ono square of ig linos or leap, 3 insertidna,:. glob, yobaequent insertion, ........,.......-. .:: nosiness Vara, trill! paper , :.. ' . .. Rule or figure wori will 'be double the above ratee. TWelve Brevier . type,or . eight lines nonpareil, is rated a square. . • . These Terms will be strictly adluired -.------- Bustitcos iDtrertorv. DENTISTRY . . Dn. M; A. SPRAGUE :would 'respectfully 'announee to the •-• citizens orßmethport and yicinity, that be - has fitted' up an office, and is prepared to attead to, all-business • in his' profession. Artificial teeth inserted upon sek entitle principle's, and so as to preserve the natural ex ::pression of the face 'All operations Ia Dente] Surgery. - done in a'skiliful 'thanuer. • ' . .10tf A. BLAKE, w,ould.respectfully inform the inhabitant? •:./ of Olean and. surrounding: country that:he bogie cated himself permanently inOlcan, for the practice of his, prefessloni where he will be. prepared . to wait on all who choose to giveldre a call. Office over 0, 11. Things. Dry.(loods Store.. " :• . ; • • • • • : Olean, mv . 12,1860.. ' . ' . 3-4 .01,F,AV HOUSE, . . . . A. F. Bann, Proprietor. Olean, N. Y: . Omnihus runs • to an 4 from the New York and Erie Rail Road, Etiges " for Suiethport and Cores. • • HYDE HOIISE, S. J :Osodon'Proprietor. Ridgway, Pa. This Itstel is .now and f nraislied in niodrn stylo, has ample accom .modationsi„ and is, in•all reSpobta, a First Class ROW:: * Ridgway; Elk Co. Pa. May:24, ISM ' . • • • •• . .. • • . . ELDRED' HOTEL', , . Juthi Wets, Proprietor This house is situated hiilc ,'way betwedn Ecnothport and Olean. 'A •convcniont . an commodiona hone I, attentive and obliging attend ants, . and low pricas. .4111red,-May 17 , 1860....... •. . ~ ~.: ,'.- • • .. • ' • . • . A. D. DAIIII4IC • . . • Surveyor, • Draftsman Conveyancer,' and 'Re . al Estate ..!kgant., Saugthport, 111 , Reati county; Pa. ' • :•• ' A.R. TAYLOR, • Dealer in Dry' Gocidii Groceries, Pork, .Floir, F.ial Rowdy-ldado Clothing, Boots and Shoes. Sinothporl, WILLIAM .WILICIN, •• Practical Mechanic, .11riilgo-huilder, Port•Allogheny, M'Kcau county, I'a, • . . • J. L. ,BRO7III, . . . 81111VEYOli, DEAFTBRIAN, CONVEYANCER and Real. - Estate Agent; 'Office, :Williamewille, Elk.co.,' l'enn'a ' • . . -- , R6PERRNO69- .. 'Chapin& Boyle, Esq's., Hon. Thomas Stratttersi '.'ty. ,E. Browqell, Esq.,. -•ll4iri. A. 1. Wilcox, . . . ... • • . • - • •• CARVER HOUSE, .•• ': • -. • Juiix 11. uuta, Proprietor. corner Or Water'arai Hickory. ....Streets, Warren, Pa. .General Stagp °Mao . . • • - , FOBES HOUSE, . . Fronting the "Public Square, Olean', N. Y,.. 7AM:4 ill; I.i.rni..PrOpriotor. The Pobes Ilouseds entirely new and built of brlck, and. is furnished in' modern style. TlM,fpronrietor...llatters himself that his accommoda tions are not surpassed by at& hotel in .Western New `York, 'Carriage's' run toned from the New York And Trio Rail Road.. BYRON, D. RABILIN, ATTORNEY ET LAW; Snietltport, M , lican County. , Pa., . •• Agent for Mosses. 'KeatinA Latidri 'Attends espeoially.tolbo Collodion 'of Exanditation of Land TitleA; Payment of. Taxes. 'amt.all busineas f rela-• • Nog to Real Estate, . Office In liandinillook. ' " • •' • GREEN H 6 HOTEL:. A.•WFunirr, Propriiiitinnt .I{lnztla, •Warren.county Pa.. : 'His Table will 6r, nuppliell. with the country allurdsond Itiispare . ,no accumiluting E. BQIIGETION. ELDRED, Attorney and :Counsellor at Levi, Smothport, WHean County,. Dust:toss entrusted to ads care for the counties of APlCeun, Potterand Elk frill be promptly. attended to Office intim Court !louse, • second 1106 r. DR. L. R. WISNER, . Physician and Surgeon, Eimethport, ra, wilEatteml .to all•professional calls 'promptness. Office in Sart well IllOck second floor, • ' • • • • • MILLtR, . . .. . . . . . . , Wholasale anolliotal'Doalara in Staple and Fancy. Dry tioods ' Carpeting; lioatry.ldado Clothing, and (loporal FurniahingGooda, - Boots and Shone - , Wall and Window ragor, lopkind.Glasson &o: ' M Olean: N. Y. : • ' lipiliETT 'HOUSE, . . Smotliport, ld'korin Co.;.Pa. ' D. I{ .Dusaarr, Proprio • tot—opposito the Court muse. A new, : large, coin modious and Neell.furniahed house. • ..• JORN 0. BA 51037 11 115 10 Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Eimetlip i,7f an Co l'a Will attend to all business table pr •'n iu tho counties of rit Wean, Potter and Elk. °Mei.. 'Cr U K. Sartwell & Brothers , Sidra. • HACKNEY HOUSE; .' , .• klornernt &nand and Merit , !areas, Warren, Pa.. 11 • A. ISiianon , Proprietor. •Travoiera will find good ac conintodationa and Inalienable charger'. . • .., • . . . • .. E. S. MASON, . ' Boalor lei Stoves, i'in Ware, a'appaned War°, & e.,'west ' sile•ot tho Public, Square, Smothnort Pa; : Custom ' work done to ardor on the ehottest notice, and In 'the most substantial manner. • . . . .. . • . . . .' LARABEEO HOTEL, .. .. • it, Lan.taws. Propriotor,—Aliegliony Bridge, M'l can • Co , Pa. ~ This boueo is situated about nine miles from Smothport on the. road to plean, and will be 'found a convenient stopping-place '•. .. • FARMERS' . VALLEY HOTEL; Ity T ooDWI,i. 1 . 13iE111011 . 1913 RI tuiltea about • from Smotbport on lino road to Olean: Plenaure partio and otlio:ngan bo accommodated on the shortest Notice ..• • W. S. BROW4ELL, . lioalOr in . Dry' Goode, 'Grocorles;.orookori, Dhoti', Shoos. filto; Cops, Glass, -}last side of .tho Public BQuaro, Smotliport; EMPORIUM If,OITSE, . , • Sltlppon, it'Kenn - Co., Pa. •N: C. DYKE; ,Proprietor A connnodkins andl woll-furuishod loin Se.. Strangers • and taniolers will find good ncoininnodatliis. PORT. ALLEOARY ROME; E N do t i 11.3)0:Ltgr, :Proprietor, atrorf.'Allegahy, Tle ..Keau llounty, Thle llotel lexitnatad at the pine, tion of the Bntethport AnttApegkinpßlver•toadmi nino • miles east • of Elmothport. •-• • . • . • ASTOR HOUSE, ',VIETIIP9RT,'III'KEAN cp.;. rti w VASKELL :: : Propiietor. , ._ . . Thin !tore i well. ealeuiatod for the ecoonnneJlalleti of the 'Ef,tvelling Public; hating, recenpy been 'tepalreil and reennlabid. Gond Darns nil Stllbli3B. Charges .iea , ,4611A1,10. Sta-ax for Olean, Shipp en and Ridgway. , Oinethpert ,) uly '2 ISO, - , , , . ~ , , And - so this littleflower of ours muSt be Shorn of some of its'superfluous . be . auties. ro ses anirgeraniumsmust be pruned , sometimes, and these nnent.silketprings, 'with the . geldee . . . sunshine of three summers entangled' in their meshes;thiust make the sconnintane . e'of scissors' Grandpapa says so, and adds that if it is not done shortly: he low plum boughs will 'make. another Absalom ,of. Robbie,' sometime when . the blue . -eyed gander is intlipursuit..: • Theie is no denying that the-curls need ti imy ming; they are trio many and too 'thick, and they make the little head droOP uneasily to one . side like a.half-blown moss rose-bUd under the weight of its. Own moss, and straggle sometimes into.the mouth and eyes. Yes,. they must . be cnt,.but it sees such a pity!. 'Little curls we have 'twined around our fingers' when all, wet from the morning bath; curls that our tears have fallen upon - when'the- baby eyes were shut' Cn'sleep—.ah! only mothers know how dear such urls-are to mother's'hearts.. :'.Here are, the:scissors.' Robbie must sit very still, now,while his hair is being cut.. • Why,' sir, why do yousmile and look at me so. beam ingly with your blue eyes? . How •dia you know I that larn not going'to cut off that- saucy head, of yours, with these great, sharp, cruel scissors? p, holy faith of childhood!!. •If. we' Could only trust eur God so irriplicilly !as:.babes :do their mothers! "Except 'ye become as little children,. ye shall not enter the kiqgdom of 'Heaven.".. Be. very still; now, while eomb out these threads of shirting floss; The mother .iS . the first barber to her boy; ~'no other fingers'. can I performthe siveet office- so :gentlY! hut. when.' fifteenor . twenty years have.. floWn, rougher hands will comb .these locke, all bronzed by sun and, winds. The. white-aproned; clean handed barber will then arrange then . ] in latest - style of trimming, pomading, perfu'—; thy boy will not be a dandy!. by. these strong limbs and the sturdy look' of those eyes—no. ' • B,uttO think the.down of manhood will gad); er on the. cherry upper lip 'and ..on chin 'and cheek,,dirnpled as•thotigh by.. the touch Of an angel's finger! To think that this round neck,. all alabaster, will be choked bp, with. ; a man's necktie, and these lilp-bud, feet wilrwear, high heeled hoots, and—. :Faired' 11. will not think of it.' I cannot realize. that this. fair baby of nainebut three summers out of Paradise, and still, smiling in his,. 'sleep, remembering' what the angels said, there.-shall ever' lie so. meta' . And yet the•boy's babyhood is rapidly fleet-. ing, and the severing.of. these ringlets seems like cutting the : golden - thread that links his in, fancy to his childhood.•- .oh, Robbie! I' can eakyou baby' little longer. .YOu blue-eyed elf, you are already rebelling against being' treated as one.'. Youhad rather run,.now, alter your painted tvgon,' than lie in.your rose-eurtained crib, and hear. me sing of the..bahy whose cra die Was in the tree-top, and:whose nurse was 'the wind. Youwill not wear your corals, .be cause grandpapa says they. are, for 'babies,,not, for ?nen; you had rather hunt hen's nests than to play.bo-peep; and when I holdout my arms, to' you,'es you stand in the .doorway, twirling your hat.. you turn your head on one side 'like a half-tathed bird, apercluori one's ffnger, while your 'dancing eyes seem to say, "You'll see, you'll see, Pll soon take flight." Pretty soon you'll not believe - in': the wolf' . that; talked, to Red-Riditig . -Hood,And will lose faith in Santa , • I•cannot keep the bud in its Sheath; I cannot stay the ..litle • harque that, slips so hurriedly down thesrapid stream Of life. .Socin .the rill will broaden into:a river, and the rearm of ro-, rsei and Sunny skies will be passed, ..And`'the ' gold of these ringlets.shall be dimtned bj time, 'and the .roses perchance Arop froin those pretty cheeks, and sorroW, and Sin, it may lie, cloud the clear blue heaven of those innocent eyes. :.• There! I ain . Crying.. grandpa would +low laugh if his caught me, and say . it was 'because Wanted the curls to 'stay and make a . girl of• his boy!. Sec! there are tears . . glistening in these sunny clusters of hair like' dew • among the golden-blOssomed jessimine vines, and'3 our 'eyes•are.looking at me With wide-opened won, 'der, and your'red lip beginning to .quiver with ready sympathy. Oh, Robbie! even if. the £3500 p.. , 20 00 .1200 20 oo /2 00 .1 60 . 25 5 00 Ridgway, Pa Warrant Pa ••'•-•-•--- il _,Smethaorti Pa ueua Vista, Pa Worst should come, and. 1 .- should have to lay 'this:bright head .with its locks tinder n'coffin lid, and see the grass grow betiyeen my ;darling and the bosom he•orice. slept . Upon, I should stilt thank God for - having crowned my life With the holy blessing•orrnotheihood; for it is • such lit-. tie 'arms as these around our melts.; Robbie,. that make us feel Strong..to . do, and to suffer; • it's drawing:such little heads ne' theie dose to our , breasts that Iceep the benne •of some of us mothers from breaking.. . , • . There! that •is grantlpapa'..s step .upon the stair, intl•the.,taskisjuSt completed—the little larebl4 shorn. LOOk 'at.. this. bright heap of glistening silk 'such as Peisian.lOom ne'er wove into richest fabric.. Here is thep,,a . olden flecce”. for yououch as never the loye 91 Medea sought: You •dicfnot know - that such - a glittering wealth grew on your little head----did you, blue-eyed . baby? •. No, you must not cluteh, it with those de-: structive fingers. .oh—grandpapa- is Calling you—let him see his little man; but leave. me these—Thefirst curls.cut from my baby's head: I will put them away, to. remind:me, :in other Jai's, of his.SWeet lost infancy. • • . `The Albany EtrWtig' . ' says: • A bd- El-Katler, whose exploits are historic, but who, during_ ate years, has been alinost lost sight of, is probably about to' return, to'aetive:life, under the guidance-af Emperor Napoleon. Alid•Tf- Katler was the chief who for fifteen'yearS, froth. 1832 to:IS:11, maintained ri struggle against the Fiend' 'at Algeria. He .and his. Moors were only overcome (Whist by an alliance .be, tween Luis Philippe and. the Emperor . of .Mo rocco. Defeated and taken prisoner, was . held captive in 'France as long as' the French Kingdom lasted.. Napoleon, after • his 'acces sionto the Imperial throne, 'liberated ~.Abri=El Kailer, treated him , with, kindness,. sent him to the East. It is.now 'announced ;in the Paris journals, that the Einperor has sent -hind: the grand . cordon - the Legion of 11-Onar, recompense for his: conduct' in favor of the. Christians in • Syria, and that •Abd:El-Kailec 'manifests-his gratitude by proffering his servi (Tr, for the suppression, of the atrocities. in Alotint Lebanon,- asking only a force''of three thousand triscips,- with w h ich he engages to le.: sty re (Viler ja a very sliar,t •lijile. j. • • • SM.ETHPORT M'KESN COUNTY,PA THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 1860. Cutting Little Robbie's Hair Who is A:bd.El-gadeil Intcrventioa in Syria . . . . The great Powers of Europe haVe 'agreed in the affairs. of Syria, for the purpose of putting an'end to the civil war which:wee' there be tween the Rruses and:the Christian population: .The paities•to thp ihterverition ree of the French,: the 'Enrpeier of Austria, the Emperor of Russia, the Prince. Regent of Prus sia, end the QUeen of Great _Britain .and Ire land.: The Plan of intervention . has been assented to by the Sultan, with thellistinct ervation that all the inoy,emente I - restora' ; 'oi•-• derapd .maintain pence. in Syria, shell be con-' ((tiered in the name of his government. ; According to the of agreement} the expeditiOnary force hilo'number notmore than twelve :thousand men. Of this number .the' Enirieror-of the PrOncletis, to: furnish 'one-half, and 'it lestipulated that hp' shall - despatch his ,quota withbut delay. ShoOld alarger, force. be necessary, the other, PoWers shall; in: a ...diplo matic way, ariange 'among t h em selves whic h . shall, after consulting With' -the,Sultaii, furnish the additional aid necessary:to' restore tranquil ity in thedistuthed districts. The Commender . of the .expedfl innarY: forces is' directed to enfet eomniunicet.ion, With the Extraordinary. Comniunication6f the Porte, 'for- the 'purpose of Combining ,the...meaSureS. .reqtiired, by the . circumstances of the Case,'and. for' taking such Positions as, may be necessßry to carry Opt *the object for which the Great PoWers have arrived at a common understanding. ' • , We' are thueparticular in placing before our readers the cenditiOns.upod which the: •leading 'European Powers have agreed 'to intervention in Syria, because we that the results of that intervention: .will be the. engendering , of jealousies Which ultitnately lead to a • fear fulstruggle for' supremacy in the East. The great hattleof Armageddon is yet' to be (Ought; .and selecting as' e do all the plausibletheeries of' biblical citieS,We hive an.intellectual .con-viction that, within our own' tithe, .there Elea desici ye:struggle between the : hosts. of Christendom and - . the follewers Of.' the false .i ' Tim BEST WEALTII..—The greatest struggle With-civilized men indliis.world is for wealth. ThiS is caned dhe prime good, the one dhipg needful, the.great desideratum of life.:.' So men . _ . . toil for it; 'sacrifice ease; .comfort health,• de eive;cheat, defraud for it; give time, strength, and too often good character for it. The truth is, The.estimate put upon wealth is.te high. its value, its good is over-rated. It is not the great. good. It. is not . the - .pearl of great price. It. does not confer, peace of mind, nor purity' of heart; heartfelt .hapniness nor contentment; nor hems joy ° nor social blessedness,.nor any; • of the solidandentlaring enjoyments. Wealthy homes are not often happier then those of the poor and comfortable livers: • Poverty is always an but a fair. supply of the necessaries comfoyts of life is quite as apt. to confer real peace, as. great'Wealth; It is not gold nor goods; therefore, that makes men, really weal thy. The best wealth is of the heart,•an etr lightened mind, a loyal,consclence, pure affec.... tions. ..He is Wealthiest . who bait thelargest stock of wiidom,.vit tita and love.:-.whose heart. beats With warm synipathies for his• felloW men. The generous man who pities the unfor tunate the pure man who resists temptation; the loving . man Who clings . clasety to his family and friericls;itlfe ptudious,man.who seeks instruction in ,all thinp, are truly Wealthy men.' . . . . . ALLEGED . ANCIENT Rums IN VIE UNITED STATES.--A new stiinnlous,is likely, to be' giv-. :en to American arehMolog,y by a discrWery al leged to harp -been recently made some ninety miles northeait of Fort §tanton, a Jong account of Which has just appeared in the Fort Smith (Ark.) Tirncs. We condense. The plain upon which lie the .MaSsive relics of :gorgeous tern pies and magnificent liulls, slopes gradually 'to . ; warff' the 'river T ccor, .and is' very fertile.; • • crossed' by a gurgling stream Of purest water, that not only sustainS'iich'vegetation, per-. haps, furniihed. 'With . this. necessary' element the thousands .who once,: inhabited. the present, Wilderness. ,The city we's rierpaps.bUilt by a warlike 'race, as it :is .quadrangular,. and. ar ranged with skill, to afford. the - highest protec. title against an exterior foe, many of the build, inns on Me outer line being pierced Witk•loop holes, as though , calculated for the use of weep • . . Several. buildings are of Vast size, of missive blocks 4,4 dark granite roc* which Could only have beee.wrought to their present condition by a vast amount.' Of.- labor. There are the ruins of three , netile.etlifices; each pre s.enting afront of three . hundred 'feet, made of ponderous. blocks of stone, and' the deltipidated walls, are 'even.. now thirty five••ftel:. There 'are no partitions .in the area orthe mid tile (supposed) temple, so that the room must have been Vast; and there are also carvings' in bas.relief and fresco work. Appearances justi fy:that these ssilent ruins could once boast halls as gorgeously decciraied by the 'artist's hands as those of Thebes - and Palmyra. .The build= Ines are all loopholed on 'each 'side . much re e. semblin that found in the old feudal castles of Europe, besigned for theuse of archers. The blocks of which these edifices are ceamosed.are cemented together by a species of Mortar * of. a bituminous character,- which has such -a tenaci •tytha(vast masses of Wall have fallen doWn without the bloeks being detached-bythe shock: CENT Tit; HEAT OF•tlin EA . .rate of heat is equal to one.degree of.•.oahrenheit for• every forty five of descent. . Looking to the resnlrof sflc ,lrn rate of increase, it cask to ,see . that nt'sei , en thousand 't..Wo..hundred and ninety feet from the surface.the heat . will.reae.ll two himdred OffdlWelve , .flegrees, the - . honing point of.water. At twenty five thousand. five hundreirleet it will melt lead; at seven. miteg . • . it Will' maintain.a"gloWing 'red heat; atl, twenty one miles Melt gold; at seventy four miles cast iron; at ninety seven Miles . softerfkon;:and. at one hundred miles fiern the surface,all will lie fluid as water = a . mass 'of seething boiling rock in a .perpe,tuallyMoltewitate, doomed possibly never to - be cooled or.:crystrillied, :'.The : haat here will exceed'any with .Which, mankind is acquainted;'.i: will exceed the heat of the elec tric'apark, or the'effect Of a continued voltaic current: The•heafwhich.nielts pliable as if.it *ere wax la:as ice to it. Could. the. visually observe . its.6fflic,to, our' intellect Would'.afiurd. no means of measuring its intensity. :Here Ts the region of perpetual the, the source o'f earth figake. end volcanie - pow , .‘r.- . --Bre; St.t:ritce,. SOUTHERN. SOCIETY. • • • • FrOm' a letter written by a young lady •• .4) •Birston anil•deted Chinlepton', S. C., May 491 weineke the following extract:. •• . • lc We have' been strongly invited to•rrialce• • its: to the Varions, fine Plentatiois,, but lid'Ve Only hatl•timelo go. to (hatof:Mr. Ilull,',whose house,- Called 'Ashley Hall, is. 496 years old, and whesieState consists of, 'some eleven hue died acres. ' He Was 'very•palite - , and' took • tii through-ids fitie.gattlen,_ on the banks-Of the AshlekriVer, Which runs within ten or .fifteen' rods of the baCk 'of the house. Here great. live oaks unit magnolias, red codars:.'aud cypressesitall . pine trees and doovoodHWhich hefe - grovCs . ,to . the..sis.:'e of an apple•tree; and covered with large White blossoms—are inter-. mingled with the Most beauteftil floWers, Which We.can *only .cultivate in' greenThouses. . Wo went into the •negroes'. quarters, cot.sisting• of some twenty white-washed" cottages, contain= log generally.lint. ono - icon but of geod ,sVzo; and On .the doorstep :of One of thern,:sat a • ner gress hundred and-twenty-five years old. She looked well, • but : seemed 'to • have lost whstever sense she origin'ally . had,•ind; as.lllr.• •Bull ' haafor fi fty years done • .nothing t• bu sit in the sun ,as•is*fOund - her.?!.' • .•'' • • •. . • .. . . rrAs the.ehildren's quarters, .a confused serambling..toOk'place; and some ten or twelve little 'negroes vanished under one of the .bouses,,which',are raised On . ' posts. some three feet from, the ground. '• Ode of . the older ones was cooking the dinner of rice and veget, abler' in the open air.. ' •;. • •• . • “Everywhere, :within the, high - • fence; enclo sing considerable Space, are the cottages be longing to the negroes, and they can .sell Abe produce of .their. gardensor poultry yards to any ode,' they choose. - Nowhere .have:l . Seen . any indication of .-that . cruel. treatment; which. is charged 'against slaveholders. :• Od the con trary, they . show.' degree of indulgence to wards the' idleness and obstinacy of their ser vanta which plfr' northern fanatics could not .intimate with'the first joint . of their little fin!, . . “Nat.only are the laws severe Against the mal-treatment of negreqs, but- public opinion. which has here:a chivalric warnithunknownin our cold-climate, stands ever on the alert to chastise any-'lnstance of cruelty.' or Wrong in any 'share'against those simple beings who by' nature,•as well as social relatiOns, are so peCit liarly dependent upon their' care and protec ! '. :tion. .I. always take peins.to correct,. vvlien .OVer I have an opportunity, the idea which ex- ists herp.of the uniiersality of the sbblition-. ism at the Nort h; and assure them that it only flourished in a - 'small bodY. of 'fanatics, :Whose corriipt.bererts are at 'once the -cause and 'ex•: cuss; if therels any, for the sour fernientation of - their brains. Not however that people can not mention politics, in social .gatherings, or that they.ever allow- . their. 'general - oninion of, the. North to :influence their reception invid ualsi they are, kind' and hospitable to a degree that, makes one feel as if acquainted for years With them." • • A SER.GEANT, with about twenty-five soldiers, had been *sent out some miles-fiern Fort lleft• acne, New Mexko, to.guard, same stock - which were sent out. tograze, when • uheipectedly they found that the:party were Surrounded by sationt • 40Q - hostile Indians. - The brave :end skillful sergeant took. position on.ari 'eminence, and by a yolley from the long,shootiog rifles of his party at first drove off . the •saveges, who, howeverk soon - rallied and Were preparing to Storm the small party-on both - sides. The.sef geant in. taxing his braid for, an .expedient- by' which to convey intelligence of the desperate peril - in which' his party, was plated, took single dog' Which had actompanied the . party,' fastening to his ,collar a nate. written - - with:-a' penfil, inforining the coinmender at the tort of his situation; took rCtin cup .- ,in • he put Some. 'pebbles, Which was confined, With - a piece of cloth over the top,. fastened it with a s 1 ring to the dog's tail and - started the dog loose, khoWing . that he yould,,in his affright, ruti to •the fort. dashed wi,..11 :greatest -speed to . Fort.Defiance; the nate was discovered' end Straightway ;party was seat to the resent.'arnlarrived just in time -to save , the lives of the' whole party.' This Sergeant jtis,tly merits'ecommisSion, which we' hope,- will be awarded him by the,,President • A. Gen. Ogle, Of;Pennsylvania, illiternte hut strong minded, took a notion once to. write Mr: Madison, then President - ofthe United States; on. the manner in - which he shank! conduct pub lie affairS. Haying: 'prepared •t he document With as much:care, as it ,Col. I'. lire-. pared his sPeech, the General shoved: it to Si- . mon: Snider, tben Governor of that State, Not being used to writing the . General, whenever he• Spoke of himself, used a small Instead 'of a . capital .one. The Governor pointed out the 'feet, and careful of the Gekeral's feelings, 'told hirrithat the style ef • writing had changed since .they were.boys; mid that in writing-now-a-days peopte used capital l's lristead of the smaller ones.. : For e . .mement the 'general .was non puSsed,.but soon. he remarketh"That are a fact . , Gov'ner,. but, ye 'see,'when writesto a great Manlike the President, I make icy I's as. small ns.pcissibie; . because he is a - greater 'twin than writeteyou any .other man; no• better than am myself, !se common. sized ones; and when I.writes common folks 'not half so good as I and, by thunder buses. I's two, inches long, for .1 Wants* them G. know their distance." • • • r • • . wend] er.wise". are, you? We all iikti to be4hought,?gpiodanthority?' en the subject, and the following hints•may beyalnable: 7 -The. colors of the.Sky'at partictilar- times aflard wonderfully:geed guidance: Ic . ot.orily : ,,does a rosy' sunset prUsage . weallier;and a ruddy sunrise . bail weather, but: there are . other lints. .which ,sPeak with equal clearness and accuracy. A brig'h't yellow in•ihe evening, ithlieates.wind; a, pate yellow, : weti: a neutral: gray:eolor'con; stitutes a fayorahle: sign in the evening, an un favorable one in the' morning. : . the Ootnls again are : full of :meaning. in themselves . . ' If, their-form's are soft, undefined and feathery,'the 'weather will be finet . it the edge's are hard , sharp, definite, it Will be foul. 'Generally speaking, any deep, unnattizal.'htles betoken wind'or rain; While the quiet and del?, irate tints bespeak' fair:tiTather.'; ;Simple as 'these inaxiM4 ura,. the British FlOardOf Trade has thought fit to them 'for the itte "of sea Id ring' men. • , . . , . . . - - - • • • . • Wo want no better rividence.of the alai rn, pre trading the'Repuhlican ranks.inthie,State at Oct prospect that the, union of the DeMocrtitiriparty. 'wilt seeure'the"electinaOf Itanil. luster; than.ibe.'.eitacks made 'upon that gentleman Since the Meeting of the Democratic Committee at Cresson. .All at once the ' Republican ..preei has - opened its batteries of - denunciation 'and de- . traction against our candidate for Ccivernor; and Mr. Curtin has tieen Spurred Into activity, by theelarrning progress that , General . roster, making, in the iffectiens of. the ,peitiple.; It., is tno late,.gentlernen ; Republicansl. You :cannot 'stem the•tide Which . Carrying General'Foster .into the Gubernationatchair—and:teast Or all can you ' stay Its progress .hy the , . disreputable' means you.have adopted.. If there - ii a man tin the. State whose character .shoirld shield ,him from the reckless 'assault's..of .politicitine, that is . :Henry Foster.".., His life is, unstained by a single act discreditable. ten public man. Where . he.'is best knoWn he is regarded with unexann pled esteem and affection.. 'We doubt whether there ever was a.,, man' - Pennsylvania 'Who' attached to him; more. deyoted friends 'than Mr. Foster... The Whole •Weeterri '.cOuntrys is .ringing with his praise..:Vithout,ence 'having done an'act to emir!, public applause;.withont Using any of, the arts' or the politician Or: the the demagegite, he has wori , suhstantial regard . by his many high'and endeting' qnalities.' No man ever dared to accuse him of an ungenerous . or a : chain:meat action. It is 'well ',known that his scrupulous lionestv , andthe generosity Of his , nature has 'absorbed the earnings of a profession in which he' hits. no . , superior; and yet,Strange to say; the leannessof his purse is the Principle. accusation:which his .:enemies bring against .Certain charges, haVe.be.en trumped. up, tlirougli thus instrumentality of John' Covorle, who,. instigated .by the enmity 'which little men feel for—great' minds,,,attpmpted..to , torture, certain testimony taken before the covotlecorn 7 rnitteeto,Gen.yoster's discredit; monranioUnts to `nothing, except , so far as., it disproves the insinuations that 'Mr.. Foster ceived aid from Mr..-Witte to 'enable ,htm to , carry on the Congressional campaign. 'in •1858. egainst Covocle.• has.been 'assistcdl4. his political friends we do not see that:it would tend to hie discredit, considering' thrit. - he was running against a man who': could Spend hi thousands Withciut depetting his well Glle purse lithe-enemies of Mr.' Foster' expett to in .. jureldm before the public they niust. use ilealt: ier artilery than this. Ilia•ch4racOr is too:well' established to gaffer from sucli , -*stiults.. You must use some other weapon than a popgun to kill an eagle. The. people have already taken the Measure of : Gen: Foster; and pronounced .. it uP•to the ,gubernational 'standard. 'Thai :are alsOlolerably familiar with. the'career of . Cof. Curtin: They have•nave riot : forgotten his ion nection .with . the 'Pollock administration, and not feW persons have a . livid reccollec •tion dome of his operations as • Secietary of the Cornmonwealth. "lie was: nominated by . a legislatiie cabal composed of men who uitder stoods tbeir.oWn interests, and who never were known to come out loseri at the end of the ses skin, An 'atmosphere .of distrust surrounds him, which all. his' oratory cannot' dispel; His political position is confusing and ' confounding. having abandoned the American pati.y,' of • which be was 'a prominent leader,. he -is obliged . to ;swallow Lincoln and the fourteenth pliink..of the Chicago platform with the bust grace that_ he . can. In so doing be be has •disguatted and repalleilmday of his former' friends, who are now his opponents. Theae eireumitanees hive all conspired to weaken himbefoie the people. to such a degree that we hazaard'hothing in spying; that thousands of the Opposition in this State Will:cast their votes in October next for Henry' D. Foster, whose assailants may: as. well re sign themselves to the fact—which. every day .is Makin more .apparent--that he' will be electedd ' oilernor of Penrsylyania.—llsrrishnii KISSINCI CincinuMi Atlas .relates tare folltiWing tick' inchlent:t.t.We a friend—a .. bachefor:friOifL-v'ery fond of. the. society of theladtes, but eittremety modest and diffident withal.. ;A few evenings ; since he weetto Make 'a :call.upon an acqoaintatice . who, had recently taken , to himself a wrife, : yonng and beautiful,' and as a. matter of cc . kurse,.ovcr-• flowing with a ff ection for her huAband: - .. Now:, this lovely wife °IA week,'like all . dther young wives, could searegyaurvive the brief absence of herfiusband for the - discharge 'of nese; ; and always upon his returii met . liiin . up-- on the threshold and amothered With kisses. So.hapPened when our triond called that - the. husband .waS'alisent, was:4nonieutarily peeled by the ',fond and anxious :she heard' his foot fall.upop step, and appro. s'n; itto be - her builiand, rushed fort!! tai meet him; and he had • .scarcely laid. his - the bell poi, before the„door lleW Open, and his, neck was encircled by a pair of white' arms, and burning kisses fell thick and fast upon his tins and 'cheeks—while a, full and :throbbing breast wals strained CO his! !fere was a try ing situation for adillident man; and. our frond came near fainting.on the spot; but fiariunately the lady • discovered her mistake in season to prevent such w.melancholly event, 'and he • GS- . caned Iroin . the liciuse'rnore dead than The last we saw of him . ,he was leaning against a iree r fanning•hinnself with . his sombrero, • in Order 'to recover strength to, regain his lodg, DEADENING WALLS t s PEILIN3.4ICII of.inge. neity; lend yonr, ears.: There is rid greater nui sance in :modern nouSes thin that of 'the trans mission Of sound Through thelta'rti-Walk.: Any practical, inexpensive and efficient ineans - ,of deadening ;sound will be a giNt .bonn..• Solid. walls and solid-floors transmit sound in 'the .higliestdegree.- The Metropolitan building act provides that'all partitiions shall ho Solid and of a certain thickness hoproportion to the •height and length. flow fsthe evil to be - Overcome? ' 4, For eight year's,'" writes a, Si adieu* friend to us, "P Imeorcunied. a • house in London: and . during, the whole of this time there. have been neighbors hash]; young 'families.. 'Th'ey are musical, and 1 must confessilahor moetlndust riouslpat the . scalee.. Morning, pooh anti night one or the• other of the ichildren. howls I y and strums, dpnitrently without making ' pro; cress." There is no adiject ion'toieig, " hbOrs'chil: dren learningto,sirl;:6rgititeddie reversei,hut it it mnst n y hjectlonable that the wall s should - so ;iptd!y• tr:attEtnit souiitls and render the QN; . FOSTER. efforts so widely known. Soma persons , alvjaye . take a corner house ' so as to be free: from.. sue& nuliancea on cind side 'lO, leaitcri :there ge. rem. edy?. Tho late Mr. Cobbitt had some trouble et Batmen! with certain flame, and yeaietribered in faking down an old'palocirlloot a great ens•- 'ny years .hefore, vast • (Nana tiek Of cockle . = shells fell out (*rani betVreen the . joints. Them . had been-used in. plugging.. The idea was at. ted 6poti. cockles were dredged end brogght, cleaned and , dried,' and used, with a, eflect. .The spacial Ibis produied absorbed sotind.' Scne:highly collator texture' maybe applied to 1414119, ceilings and flOors, , which shall resist 'fire or'ordin'ary decay, ultimw. of finish; and yet deaden sound.'AVho' is to' is vent and introduce Such materials'? They May patent the invention. and 'Make. a fortune—if they willonlY ebate the existing nuisance; and enable us.to have solid parti-rvalls and fire ' proof ' floors, withotit being. columned 'to bear What is going one up. stairs .and .in the next house.—.Buildor. Generni . Walker's ;mit .111eveniest, A telegraphic !lespatch from New Orleans, irr Vestoitlajl's Sun,'co'n6ineil the announcement that Gen. Walker had landed with bis forces at Truxillo, attacked.the town, cod' Captured it iiiter a feeble resistance •on the part of =the government troops. ' All whci read the despatik must have wondered whit this last movement' of Walker's means. It was already knOwn that Ise had organized anew expedition' to operate in . Central Actierica, but it was stippCiseti that ho and his followers intended to make their descent upon. the Nicarktian territory. :Wiry, he tins clipsenjfieuhiraitui the seat of hid last filibuster 'movement, is a - question involved et present in tome mystery. Our own opinion is, that his plai is fo elfreet evolution in Honduras, sehere he had 'some' riende, and. after establisynk his authority' here to , miler the Nicaraguan territory ,and teinpt the . ' overthrow of the ..Government tru Kill°, where Walker . !ended, is the Prilkird' poet . of Honduras; nn the Atlantic sidb. Its. .pcipuliition.nOmbers some fourte live thoueind: persons; and the harbor' iv.defeniled . Irp several' forts.- With such rpeine . oldeftinee it is. r atvange that 'party • mt with !' scarc ely any resistance.: • Either their.ihruiing 'wits. Som= . plefecurPritte, nr . thero was treason 'intone the oiliceis in command of the •Hondireas. troops: That .Walker. will be tible:•tiv . .maintaitf.bisi peeitent movement we do nnt,ltelieVei,:.an4 ifu not improbable that.the . naval, forces. of 6CiriSt Britafni iii the qu'ititer; will interfere in :bail!, Of Honduras. * • ''• • 'Honduras offers an inviting ,field for, filibuster enterprise. It has on area of nearly 65,000 square miles; and a population unmbering over 300,000. "The ' climate, especially in .the interior; is salubrious; and its mineral' , wealth, comprising, gold,. silver, lead,,coPper and' scimo precious stone, in very considerable. fin coten-, sive forests furnish some of. the finest tinker,' such is mahogany and cedar, for export. ft also contains fertile valleyn, , and,ohounds in eattle wich are slaughtered by the inhabitants for .. . , The government : of. Honduras it fitepublicim. It has a Legislative Chamber and a Sind*, tbe members'of which are elected by the` people: The two chambers elect the Preaident. There is, so , far es we kriew, no . disecintent with : the gevernment among the people, and! Hilly are enjoying a• greater degree of comfort, Hiatt the inhabitants of any others Central • AMercen State. •Wo cannot, ~therellore, • believe that General Walker, who has sorecklessly diatudied the peace, und whose aim would seem to tie plunder, will:find many partiiami `among the - Jlendurans. Indeed, we hope Chat he Will new meet the fate of abandit, and never rem* again to disgrace the' country of his birth. . . . ye heard some.prayera whieh'yrere de signed .to effect the hearetrather . than to . reach Heaven: The 'following ehouraeteristie 'thee; dote of John dlentlolph.isa keen rebuke 'of • the practice. -.4 one of his spells Of yepentatteli and sickness, he was visiterrhya ritinietert; who, at his request, pveyod ter, and:with,lSTm. : The minister bcigati in this wise; , • • • 'Lord, - our friend' is , -sick., " Thou kneurest low' generous he is, to the pent and what emi nent services he his rendered' to his 'Country, and how !leis among tile r ' lionored and great men•of the earth=" :-•• • • •' •°, 4 - ..Stot, stop!" said .the impatient Randolph, c‘no more of such stuff, arse the LiWil will demo us bUt . • . • . • . W.II.AT WIC A IRE ?itADE o r: following nrfrom an. article by OliverW. HOlmesi.• • If the :read-. er of this 'paper lives *another year, .his self 'conciaus principle Will have inigrated.froni hie prevent` tenement to another, tlikiewinateriali .even of which arc not yet put together: A portion of that •birly of 'which is to his,, wilt..ii pen 'in - the .cern of his next ,barrest. , Another portion of hii (Unite petson. he pitielbsikit, 'or Others will Purchase. for him, headed:Ali' in the form of:, certain harieli of tiatetrien.-'4l . third fraction •itt yet - to r eathereil ihe Southern rii!e;dield.• Thedinetts. with whkh,he is then to walk .W.llllhe eimywißitlestr , borrow ed from the teriailti 3 O( 'mary stalks lied pia- . tures, now • unconrions of their 'doom: The very organs of sjussch withAvlaiehlie is to talk 50 wisely , Omuta() eloMtentli; fir *seek effect-.; ivsly, must first serve his houthle brothren bleat, to bellow anti for all the varied utterance ,of bristled Or - (fathered ,luirstyard lite, .The . bones themaolvelare, - to' 'a greet , ettli:nt, peso, and net .esre.• A bag of phorPhle 01 ; whish;he has . ordered from Prof. Attars, for his groundi, .contains'a large pirt Of What is to If. his skeleton:, Ana morrilhan all this, and by tar the greater part of. his bistlY; is' nothing. it all'but water; the main' mibstance of his kit ! ' term; members . is' to be looked for in the' reser- 'voir, in the running streams at the bottnis of; the' svell, in the cloud.; that :float over ; his head, -; or diffused among then; all." "; • • ; NO; 16.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers